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3 C O N T E N T S 제1장서론 5 1. 추진배경및목적 7 2. 필요성및주요내용 9 3. 시사점및결론 11 제2장한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 매뉴얼상세보기가이드 수술상품 무릎관절치환술 (Total Knee Replacement Surgery): ( 영어, 한글) 19 부록 : Hip and Knee Questionnaire 36 Patients History Sheet 43 Total Knee Replacements CP(Critical Pathway) 47 병원서비스이용옵션체크리스트 ( 영어, 일어, 러시아어 ) 48 진료예약확인서 ( 영어, 일어, 러시아어, 아랍어 ) 57 입국목적사실확인서 ( 영어, 러시아어, 아랍어 ) 66 해외에이전시상품패키지예시 고관절치환술 (Total Hip Replacement Surgery) 코골이수술 (Snoring Correction) 시력교정 (Vision Correction Procedure: Lasik Package) 백내장수술 (Cataract Surgery) 111

4 C O N T E N T S 3. 성형피부상품 가슴성형: 유방확대 / 유방축소 (Breast Augmentation & Breast reduction) 눈성형: 쌍꺼풀수술/ 눈밑지방제거 (Double Eyelid Surgery & Blepharoplasty) 코성형: (Rhinoplasty) 몸매성형 : 지방흡입 (Liposuction) 얼굴성형 : 안면성형 / 주름제거 (Facial Contouring & Face Lift & Botox/Filler) 레이저시술 (Laser Resurfacing) 메디컬스킨케어 (Medical Skincare) 건강진단상품 심장정밀건강검진 (Health Screening: Heart) 암정밀건강검진 (Health Screening: Cancer) 뇌정밀건강검진 (Health Screening: Brain) 한방상품 해독 (Detox) 아토피 (Atopic Dermatitis) 비만 (Obesity) 치과상품 임플란트 (Dental Implant) 치아미백 (Dental Whitening) 참고문헌및참고웹사이트 용역수행기관 280

5 제1장서론 추진배경및목적 필요성및주요내용 시사점및결론


7 1 추진배경및목적 현대사회는생명공학과보건의료기술의발달로인하여한국, 일본은물론서구선진국들은이미고령화사회로 진입하였고, 글로벌경제성장, 정보통신산업의발달과다양한경제요인등으로인하여소득증대의결과를가 져왔다. 이러한환경변화는의료서비스를하나의산업으로바라보는인식의변화를가져왔다. 한국정부또한 경제성장과더불어의료서비스를규제와관리를통한공공적성격의서비스에서효율성과수익성제고를통해 성장하여야하는산업으로인식하여육성전략을제시하고있다.( 윤형호, 2007). 또한, 미래학자존나이스빗 (John Naisbitt) 이관광산업을자동차산업, 석유산업과더불어 21세기세계 3대산 업으로언급한바와같이관광산업은글로벌경제의무한성장산업으로서각광을받고있다. 관광산업이단순 한 1 차원적서비스산업차원에서타산업과의접목, 각분야와의협력네트워크를형성하여상생하는고도의 3 차산업으로산업간경쟁을초월한비즈니스모델로경쟁력을갖추어가고있는점이이를증명하고있다. 또 한, 각국은관광산업의육성을위해관광산업과타산업과의융복합을통한 New Tourism 정책과전략과제를 발굴하여관광역량을집중하고있다. 이런점에서, 의료관광은융복합관광의대표분야로서국제관광과의료 서비스의결합은해외여행과해외여행목적지국가의의료서비스가결합하는형태로해외현지에서양질의 의료서비스를적정한가격에신속하고편리하게제공함으로써새로운의료관광객이동을창출하고있다. 이미미국, 헝가리, 태국, 필리핀, 싱가포르, 인도, 일본등에서도부가가치가높은관광산업을의료산업과연 계하여의료관광산업으로육성시키고있으며, 싱가포르등의료선진국은큰효과를거두고있다. 특히, 의료 관광은선진국수준의의료서비스와휴양시설을갖춘싱가포르, 태국, 인도, 말레이시아등아시아지역을중 심으로급속히성장하고있다. 이배경에는저가항공 (LCC) 출현등으로해외이동이편리해지고선택이다양 해졌으며, 글로벌의료기술의발전과해외의료서비스에대한기대상승등도원인으로들수있다. 무엇보다 중요한것은각국의의료서비스수준과의료안전법이비교적표준화되어의료사고나부작용에대한불안감 이해소되었다는점이다. 또한아로마테라피나마사지요법을받고육체적, 정신적여유를찾는웰빙 (well-being) 을위함과동시에다른나라의전통의료를체험하기위해관광을결정하는경우가늘어나고있는 추세다 ( 홍현아, 2007). 우리나라역시의료관광을 21 세기새로운고부가가치산업으로인식하고, 의료법개정, 의료기관국가인증제 도입, 외국인환자의료분쟁해결시스템마련, u-health 활성화종합계획수립등신성장동력으로써의료관광 추진전략을정부차원에서수립, 추진중에있다. 보건복지부는의료서비스분야에있어병의원의해외환자유 치수용여건마련을, 문화체육관광부와한국관광공사는의료관광해외홍보마케팅업무추진을, 외교통상부와 법무부는의료관광비자도입등정부부처간역할분담을통한의료관광지원체제를전략적으로추진중에있 다. 이와같이국가차원의의료관광산업활성화노력은수요측면, 공급측면, 국가측면등 3가지측면에서그이 7

8 01 서론 유를찾을수있다. 먼저, 수요측면에서는고령화사회와소득증대로인한관광수요증가와국가간이동이 용이해지면서의료서비스에대한접근성이향상되었기때문이다. 또한의료비용이나의료서비스질측면에서 예민해진소비자인식의변화가영향을주었다. 두번째로공급측면에서는첨단의료기술의발전과 JCI 등 국제수준의인증및품질확보를통해외국인에게의료서비스를제공할수있는능력을각국이확보하였다. 또한해외협력병원과의국제적네트워크와정보기술의발전, 그에따른의료기관및의료관광알선회사들의 새로운비즈니스추진등이영향을주었다. 또한의료관광의특징상장기간숙박가능성, 2차관광객의유입 등은공급자들로하여금의료관광산업을매력적으로인식하게된요인이기도하다. 세번째로국가적인측면 에서도신규고용창출, 연관산업의발전, 국내의료기관의해외자금유입, 국가이미지및브랜드가치상 승등의기대효과로우리나라도정부차원에서의료관광산업을신성장동력사업으로정하고정책적노력을 기울이고있다. 그러나, 국내의료관광서비스는싱가포르나태국등의료관광선진국들에비해국제적인지도가낮은게현실 이다. 또한의료관광서비스를제공하는의료기관측에서도의료관광의초기단계이기때문에해외환자를대 상으로한명확한서비스시스템구축및전달체계를구축하지못하고있다. 이러한면에서국내의료관광산 업은태국, 싱가포르, 인도등과같은아시아경쟁국들에비하면아직은경쟁력이낮다고할수있다. 그러나최근국내의료기관의끊임없는의료관광객유치노력, 정부및관련기관의정책적뒷받침과의료서 비스국제화와의료관광유치방안에대한연구, 의료관광현장의연구결과접목등을통해일부의료기관에 서의료관광유치효과가점차나타나고있으며, 이제는싱가포르등경쟁국의집중적견제를받고있는상황 이다. 그러나아직도일부의료기관을제외하고는의료서비스를통한병의원의부가가치창출의중요한요인이되 는상품개발및상품의홍보마케팅준비가절대적으로부족한게현실이다. 특히, 병의원의글로벌인지도 제고와함께글로벌경쟁력을갖춘체계적인의료서비스상품과타깃국가의의료문화에근거한상품구성등 의미비로인해직접적인해외홍보마케팅활동과국내외의료관광유치업체와해외에이전시를대상으로 치밀한비즈니스활동이원활하게이루어지지못하고있다. 또한의료관광유치업체및에이전트역시의료 서비스에대한전문성부족으로적절한성과를내지못하고있는것이현실이다. 따라서본 에서는의료관광서비스를제공하는의료기관의 차별화되고전문화된의료서비스를중심으로바람직한의료서비스전달체계를제안하고, 의료관광유치업체는 의료기관의체계성이부족한상품경쟁력을극대화할수있는선진화된상품구성을통해전문성을확보한 후다양한홍보, 마케팅을전개하여상호공생과시너지효과를창출해야한다는거시적차원의해결방안을 모색하고자한다. 이를통해국내의료관광활성화를위한선결과제에대한시사점제공과의료관광선진국 과의상품경쟁력확보를통해한국의료관광의새로운도약을기대한다. 8

9 2 필요성및주요내용 위에서언급한바와같이본연구의목적은한국의료관광주요상품발굴및상품개발가이드라인제시를통 해, 한국의료관광산업의한단계진전과의료기관과유치업체의상호협조와공생을도모하기위한새로운 형태의의료관광서비스모델을구축하는데있다. 이를위해서는먼저해외환자등고객이필요로하는치료 중심의의료서비스에대해주관적요소를철저히배제하고객관적타당성을바탕으로한, 경쟁력이구체화되 고표출되어있는결과물즉, 의료관광상품을명확히도출해야하며, 두번째는 국내의료서비스로의용이한 접근성과의료관광경쟁국가와의의료수가, 의료문화, 관광등파생상품의경쟁력, 글로벌보험적용내용이 상품에포함되어야한다. 또한해외환자의입국에서귀국까지의다양한서비스를포괄한의료관광상품의패 키지화가이루어져야한다. 글로벌의료관광상품의패키지화는과학적인접근으로경쟁력을제시할필요성이있다. 즉, 이는의료관광 추진과정의각단계별병목현상을제거하기위해그동안노력했던의료기관과유치업체등이앞장설수밖 에없으나, 개별기관이파악하기어려운문제인타깃국가와경쟁국가의생활습관과의료문화, 의료환경, 의료수가, 시장동향, 의료관광상품의구성과종류, 의료관광상품의장 단점을면밀히분석하는등의전문 적자료가필요하였다. 이에, 이번상품개발에서는먼저, 의료관광산업과관련된국내외관련자료를취합, 분석한문헌자료연구를 토대로인터넷, 국내외관련기관및병의원등의각종자료와한국관광공사에서그동안연구해왔던해외시 장분석자료및해외진료과목수가조사비교자료등을통해현재한국의료관광의상품경쟁력을파악하였 고, 두번째로의료관광경쟁국의의료관광상품종류와구성조건등을조사하여한국의료관광상품과비교 분석함으로써장 단점및비교우위경쟁력을찾아새로운상품을제시하였다. 세번째로이번의료관광대 표상품개발은해외각국의주요의료관광상품을비교조사하여장점은부각하고단점을보완하여한국의 료관광이글로벌경쟁력을갖고판매될수있는의료관광상품의가이드를제공하고자하였다. 따라서이한국의료관광주요상품개발은위에서언급한바와같이주관적요소를모두배제한객관성을바 탕으로한국만의경쟁력있는요인과상세한내용을찾아의료서비스등시술을상품패키지화하였다. 이과 정은다음과같은방식으로만들어졌다. 세계의료관광상품을취합하여고객의관점에서장 단점분석 의료기관의의료서비스상품과의료관광전문에이전트의상품을각각취합하여장 단점비교분석 각시술가격과조건, 시술내역등비교 국가별시술방법과문화적요소비교 시술방법과필요성에대한설명과내용분석 병원및주요의사경력소개및경쟁요인분석 주요시술시필수요소의경쟁력요인분석 9

10 01 서론 국가별경쟁적요소신규발굴(Tax 등) Cashless, 여행자보험, 국제보험등의안내 의료서비스외적요인의분석 보호자에대한권리및안내에대한내용삽입여부 사전질병진행정도에대한문진표와같은서식류제공여부 시술에필요한체크리스트및각종상세안내요인분석 기타시술과체류기간중관광을포함한상세정보 패키지를통한의료서비스상품의완성도분석 10

11 3 시사점및결론 대표적인융복합산업인의료관광산업은병의원과해외환자간의유통구조속에서다양한이해관계자와함께 여러형태의중개자들이존재한다. 즉, 의료관광에이전시, 의료관광전문여행사, 의료관광코디네이터, 의료관광 전문마케터, 보험회사와병원, 의사, 마사지사, 물리치료사, 약사, 간호사, 화장품판매사등다양한중개자들 이존재한다. 그러나의료관광상품은다양한매개체와중개자를통해생산자로부터소비자에게물리적인형 태로전달되지는않는다. 의료관광상품은다른서비스상품처럼구매해서직접소비하기전에는테스트해보 거나경험해볼수없는(intangible) 무형성과현장성적인특성을갖고있기때문이다. 예를들면미국환자가 서울에있는한병원에서수술을받으려면직접한국을방문해야한다. 일본에있는임산부가국내병원에서 출산을하려면그병원을직접찾아가야한다. 이처럼의료관광상품은생산과소비가동시에일어나는전형 적인고도의서비스상품이다. 그런데의료관광상품판매의주체인의료관광중개자들의해외환자유치를통한매출증대라는절박한욕구 에대해아무도그해답을줄수없었던게현실이다. 또한의료관광산업의또다른주체인의료기관은그 동안한국의료환경의국내지향적, 쇄국적울타리안에서경쟁없는온실속성장을거듭하였고아직도국내 환자에의한안정적수요로인해해외환자유치에전문유치업체, 의료관광에이전시에비해절실함을느끼고 있지못하고있는게현실이다. 그리고그동안의료관광해외홍보마케팅등의료관광산업의초보단계인국내의료관광은위와같은의료 서비스상품으로서의특성이자연스럽게받아들여졌고해외환자유치를위한병의원의해외홍보마케팅활동 역시구전홍보등소극적인경향이있었다. 그러나해외홍보마케팅, 해외인지도등종합적으로빠르게경 쟁력을확보해가고있는한국의료관광산업은이제이와같은구전홍보방식에서의료관광이해관계자모두 에게도움이되는 과학적인의료관광상품에근거한과학적인홍보, 마케팅이요구되고있다. 아울러, 의료관광에이전트역시아직까지는일천한의료관광추진경험과의료서비스분야에대한전문성이부 족하여해외환자유치상 ( 갑의 ) 위치임에도불구하고항상 ( 을이 ) 될수밖에없는한국의료관광산업의현실 에서갑갑함과절심함을느낄수밖에없게되었다. 이러한상황에서더욱이동일마켓에서의료기관과전문 에이전트들이출혈성경쟁을가속함에따라상호신뢰와불신이팽배해지고해외에이전시의불신에대한해 결방안마련이시급한현황으로다가오고있다. 따라서의료관광의료기관과유치업체간의상생을위한근본적해결방법을찾아야하고상호동등한관계에 서의료서비스에대한전문성을유지하여동반상생의시너지를창출해야만한다. 이번 은이러한의료기관과의료관광유치업의상생을위한 비즈니스기반을마련하는데기여할것으로기대하며, 세계적의료관광산업의흐름속에서한국만의경쟁력을 11

12 01 서론 확보하기위해과학적이고, 객관적인요소들을모두첨부, 분석함으로써, 명실상부한국의료관광주요상품과 상품개발가이드라인을국내최초로제시했다는데그의의가있다. 특히, 의료기관에서는차별화되고전문화된의료서비스로글로벌경쟁력을강화하고유치업체는의료기관의 부족한상품경쟁력을극대화할수있는선진화된상품구성 (Package) 을통해전문성을확보한다양한홍보, 마케팅을전개하여상호공생및시너지효과창출기반을마련할수있다고본다. 12

13 제2장한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 매뉴얼상세보기가이드수술상품성형피부상품건강진단상품한방상품치과상품


15 1 매뉴얼상세보기가이드 구분 세부내용 가격표기(USD 및 KRW) 동시표기 - 태국, 싱가포르, 일본등의의료기관대부분자국화폐기준 -국제적에이전트는 US화폐로표기함 - 사용자에용도에맞게표기요망 세금포함가격강조 - All Tax Included -한국의료기관의비영리기관특성강조 -경쟁국가와의가격경쟁력우회설명 Cost 패키지가격범위(range) 로구성 - 최소금액과최대금액을범위로표기, 고객관점 (00 는 $00 이하, 00 $00 이상) - 시술및재료방법에따라가격변동사항발생을의미 - 단, 패키지상품의특성에따라확정금액이필요할수도있음. 상황에맞게 조정권장 주요보형물및포함내역에대한설명고시 - 기타의료서비스등의포함된내용설명 가격은기존한국관광공사에서연구발표한싱가포르, 태국, 일본 3개국의 수가조사자료와이번에조사한각국패키지가격을분석하여차별화된 서비스와경쟁력을갖출수있는가이드가격을도출함. 각패키지상품의가격은참고용으로책정되었음. 따라서상세한가격은병원 및에이전시사정에따라적정한금액으로조정하기를권장함. 상담전알림사항 ( 의료진및에이전시에게 ) 수술및시술과관련설명부분 - 과거주요질병 / 시술및치료내용 - 특이체질및복용중인약에대한사전안내 ( 흉터, 합병증, 회복기간등고려요소) 환자에게발생할수있는문제에대한주의를당부함으로써잠재위험요인 관리 (Risk Management) 고객의관점에서좀더체계화된시스템으로관리하고있다는표현을통해 신뢰감확보 15

16 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 구분 세부내용 패키지포함내용설명 -경쟁국가와의경쟁적요소를고려하여제작되었음 -해당의료기관및유치업체는상황에맞게조율권장 패키지 (Package Content & Includes) 기간공지 체류기간 -경쟁국가의상품들은병원00 일, 호텔00일으로되었거나입원기간이한국에 비해짧게되어있음, 따라서별도의설명이필요함 ( 입원기간, 및외래치료 기간, 회복기간) 병원숙박 or 호텔숙박: 상황에맞게조율권장 수술전검사포함사항 수술법, 시술법, 보형물및각종수술재료포함내용 수술후검사및재활서비스( 한방포함여부: 경쟁적요인) 의료통역, 도우미, 제공서비스( 편의시설)- 병원/ 호텔시설 제공음식( 예: 조중석, 뷔페, 한식, 일식, 양식, 보양식) - 특별서비스 웰컴티, 과일바구니, 환영카드, 컴퓨터대여, 폰( 스마트폰) 등 기타패키지포함부대서비스항목 패키지외옵션상품안내 - 추가검사, 별도시술, 재료( 보형물) 선택: 상품에따라적용 추가비용 (Additional Fees) : 환자상태에따른추가진료비용안내 ( 부작용, 입원기간연장, 재수술/ 재시술, 특정약등) 병실및숙소업그레이드여부 보호자숙소및식사에대한별도금액청구여부 친권자에대한법적고지및국제서류인증에대한안내 관광프로그램제공여부 추가비용발생가능성에따른여행자보험가입안내 예상치못한고객의추가비용발생방지방안 대상자 (Candidates) 환자증상 - 시술적용대상자에대한안내 16

17 구분 세부내용 상세수술및시술 (Surgery description) 검사및수술/ 시술을과정에따라상세설명 각과정의소요시간( 검사시간, 수술/ 시술시간) 회복프로그램에대한상세안내 CP(Critical Pathway) 작성및배포 - 고객의수술전에서부터퇴원까지의모든상황을표로작성 수술전, 후비교를통한이해도향상 부작용 (Side Effect) 치료중발생할수있는부작용안내 - 향후리스크발생에대한사전예방 회복기간 (Time to Recover) 및귀국시기 (When you return Home) 회복기간안내재활치료안내치료후증세및통증완화정도등기준을마련하여고객스스로회복및호전상태를이해하게함귀국후수술및시술부위관리법안내귀국후사용가능약안내 의료진정보 (Doctor s Information) 의료진정보학력위주안내탈피 - 전문분야위주설명 - 국가간의사양성시스템차이로인해의사에대한사회적위상인지정도가 달라한국의료진양성과정과기간을포함하여설명 경력위주설명( 객관적판단이가능한) 근무경력, 수술케이스등 병원정보 (Hospital Information) 병원일반사항( 위치, 규모, 의료진, 장비, 편의시설등) 병원의장점 - 주변환경및기타부대시설에대한상세안내 - 관광적요소( 쇼핑, 먹거리등) 에대한안내 17

18 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 구분 세부내용 숙박시설, 레저, 관광정보 (Nearby Facilities) 숙박시설안내( 호텔, 모텔, 패션등) 레저및관광정보제공 - 병원및에이전시판매관광상품안내 - 일반관광지안내 - 쇼핑, 문화, 여가, 취미, 음식등즐길거리소개 - 대중교통가격이저렴하다( 예: 지하철, 택시, 대중교통 요금포함) 교통비가 저렴한것을강조 -기타경쟁력있는상품에대한소개( 전복, 초코파이, 소니가전제품, 1+1 제품등) 상품비교 (Package Comparison) 상품, 가격, 수술및시술에관한비교가능한사이트안내 - 상품비교를통해본패키지상품의경쟁력을인지시키고, 합리적선택을유도. 연락처 (Contact Information) 병원주소및대표연락처( 전화, 팩스) - 고객과접촉이가능한모든수단을안내 상담코디네이터연락처( 전화, 팩스, 메신저, 이메일) 상담가능시간안내( 부재시이메일및팩스유도안내) 의료용어 설명 부득이전문의료용어사용시주석및단어설명등으로전문의료용어해설 상기내용은모두해당의료기관및유치업체의참고자료로실제상품출시시당사자간사전 협의를통해각상황에맞게모든요소들을재구성해야된다. 패키지상품안에첨부한이미지는저작권에저촉될수있으므로, 각기관에서활용할시에는 저작권이확보된이미지를활용해야된다. 패키지상품의영문표기는, 각기관에서활용또는상품개발정확한의미전달위하여감수과 정을거칠것을추천한다. 18

19 23개상품패키지중무릎관절패키지는이패키지를도출한과정을보여주기위해서환자의 사전문진표와환자가병원에입원하여시행하게되는일련의과정을정리한 CP(Critical Pathway), 환자를유치하는단계에서필요한서식류, 해외에이전시상품패키지의예시를함께 실었다. 나머지상품패키지역시이와동일한방법과절차를거쳐만들어진패키지로써도출 하는과정에심혈을기울였다. 그러나, 일부각기관에맞지않는정보도들어가있음을밝히 는바활용시꼼꼼한주의를요한다. 2 수술적상품 2.1 무릎관절치환술(Total Knee Replacement Surgery) Surgery Title Cost (all taxes included) Package includes Total Knee Replacement Surgery at Cheongshim $ 11,500~ 14, USD (13,, ~ 16,, Korean won) 15 days inpatient care. Package includes Custom Prosthesis, Physical Therapy, Dietary Consultation, Walking Aids, Auxiliary Oriental Medical Treatment, Translation Services. Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center 14night hospital stay including all patient meals :Our physician guarantees this time frame for optimum recovery with physical therapy. It will be in your best interest to stay within the hospital and work on regaining your physical motion ability in accordance with the physical therapy schedule. Private in-house accommodations for patient plus one guest. Patient room is equipped with 23"-33" flat screen LCD TV with free cable, Digital Multi Player, computer with internet (multilingual keyboards available), private bathroom with shower, fridge, hair dryer, electric kettle. Complimentary tea and coffee, toiletries, fresh towels, sheets and video game player are available on request. Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (Knee & Chest), Urinalysis, EKG, Bone 19

20 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Mineral Density test, Blood test(hepatitis B/C, AIDs, HIV, VDRL, Total Blood Cell Count, BST,ESR, CRP, electrolytes) Surgery costs (including Computer Navigation Technique if required) Custom Prosthesis : Prosthesis types -Ceramic / Metal -Cemented / Cementless -Western / Asian body type Manufacturers -Stryker -DePuy -Zimmer -Biomet -Johnson & Johnson -Smith & Nephew etc. Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Post-operation doctor's outpatient appointments (2 visits) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Mastercard, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Additional services 14 rehabilitation sessions with a professional physical therapist during your stay: From 3 days after your surgery, you will start exercising knee and its adjoining muscles at our rehabilitation center enabling you to walk with a walker or crutches by the time of your discharge. Rehabilitation consists of Range of Motion exercises Gentle bending and straightening of the knee Exercises for strength and flexibility Develop upper thigh muscle Assisted short walk using crutches or a walker Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine sessions Water rehabilitation or alternative personalized physical therapies Physical therapy will be conducted once or twice a day Walking aids 20

21 Mini photo album of before, during and after surgery pictures along with pictures taken with nurses and friends in the ward. 2 Oriental Medicine sessions (cupping / acupuncture / moxibustion) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Available at extra charge Introduction to Total Knee Replacement -Additional nights at the hospital -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticketing -Knee revision surgery -Bilateral Knee replacement surgery -MRI / 64ch-CT screening (usually an X-ray is sufficient for diagnosing the status of knee arthritis) -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Extraneous treatments of underlying diseases or complications such as infection, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Oriental Medicine (herbal extracts or powders) -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -You will be notified of any additional costs arise If your knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, it may be hard for you to perform simple activities such as walking or climbing stairs. You may even begin to feel pain while you are sitting or lying down. If medications, changing your activity level, and using walking supports are no longer helpful, you may want to consider total knee replacement surgery. By resurfacing the damaged and worn surfaces of the knee can relieve pain, correct leg deformity and help resume normal activities. You may expect years of service from your artificial knee. If you think you are a possible candidate for Knee Replacement, please contact us for more information. 21

22 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Another example of an introduction Ex) Total Knee Replacement If knee pain has robbed you of some of life's simple pleasures - taking a walk, playing with your children or grandchildren, working in the garden - don't give up hope. With knee replacement surgery, you can lead an active and satisfying life again. Improve your overall quality of life. With less pain and greater mobility, you'll be able to perform daily tasks and low-impact activities more easily and lead a more comfortable, more independent life. Dramatically reduce knee pain. More than 90% of total knee replacement patients experience a dramatic reduction of knee pain. Improve your range of motion. While your artificial knee won't be as good as your real knee was in its prime, its range of motion should increase noticeably. A total knee replacement involves replacing the damaged bone and cartilage of the knee joint, which provides articulating surfaces. Surgery description You will have a general or spinal anesthetic. An incision is made about 8 inches (19.2 cm) long down the front of your knee. The damaged surfaces of the lower end of your thigh bone and the upper end of your shin bone are removed. These are replaced with an artificial joint. The artificial knee is made from metal, ceramic and plastic. There are many different types of artificial knees. Some are held in with special bone cement, some are not. The surgeon will explain the type he intends to use and the reasons for his choice. The skin is then closed up with stitches or clips. The stitches will be removed around 14 days after your surgery. AComputer Navigation System may also be used at the time of surgery to locate the angle that needs to be severed accurately. The total procedure takes approximately anhour to an hour and a half to perform and recovery time varies between patients. You will be in the hospital for 14 days following your operation in order to regain full usage of your knee. You may stay longer in the hospital upon 22

23 request or relocate to a nearby hotel from where you can commute to the hospital for physical therapy. You may go home when you can walk safely with crutches or a cane. As this is a major surgery, we strongly recommend that a loved one accompany you on your trip, as you will need help during your initial recovery. Once discharged from hospital, you will continue to recover at your hotel or guest house. If you still need nursing help or physical therapy, these services will be provided to you where you are staying. You will need to take it easy for about 3 weeksbefore you will be able to fly home. We will assist with making sure that you receive the care that you require from the airline on your flight home. Below are pictures of a patient with degenerative arthritis who fell and broke his femur bone. <Before surgery> <After surgery> Complications There are possible risks and complications associated with anesthesia, including respiratory or cardiac malfunction. Other complications include the possibility of: -Infection requiring antibiotics and in some cases hospitalization -Infection occurring around the joint years after the surgery -Blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), which can dislodge and move to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) -Injury to nerves or blood vessels -Loosening or dislocation of the prosthetic devices -Joint stiffness Risks can be reduced by following the surgeon's instructions before and after surgery. 23

24 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 We do not have long waiting lists in South Koreafor this type of surgery, as most of our surgeons work in private hospitals. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and your surgeon. The surgeon would need to see current x-rays before making a decision regarding your surgery and we will gladly help in facilitating this. Before any final decisions are made, you will have had ample opportunity to discuss your options with the surgeon. The surgeon will also discuss the risks of surgery with you. A well-documented risk of knee replacement surgery is the development of a DVT (blood clot in the calf). This risk can be further increased after any long-haul air travel. For these reasons, the surgeon will require you to arrive in South Korea at least 3 daysprior to your surgery. You will also receive daily drug treatment post-operatively to prevent the development of a DVT. Easy steps Please attain traveler s insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Traveler s insurance will cover all injuries and illnesses acquired after setting foot in Korea (e.g. common cold, traffic accident, etc.) 1. Contact Cheongshim s coordinator by yoshikocarp@yahoo.com Include : Name, Date of Birth, height, weight, symptoms, copies of X-rays of knees, time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to doctor 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical symptoms 4. Send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for traveler s insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery and physical therapy schedule) 9. Surgery 10. Physical Therapy 11. Discharge after 2 weeks (unless a longer stay is requested or required) 24

25 12. Commute to hospital for daily physical therapy 13. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor s Information Dr. (Orthopedic Specialist) Orthopedic Specialist at Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Member of the Korean Orthopaedic Association Orthopedic Specialist at Cheongshim International Medical Center -Spinal surgeries, hip and knee replacement, -Shoulder, knee, wrist and ankle arthroscopy -Microsurgery -Treatment for osteoporosis and arthritis Dr. Chang has performed over 1, successful knee surgeries Hospital Information 256 beds The Cheongshim International Medical Center islocated in the beautiful mountainous countryside of South Korea. 90% of the hospital rooms look over the breathtaking Cheong Pyeong reservoir. You will find this peaceful hospital just 20 minutes away from the busy city of Seoul. Patients come from near and far to receive treatment from outstanding physicians, including total health screening and rehabilitation therapy within our first rate facilities. The collaboration of Eastern and Western Medicine, has been shown to hasten recovery time by up to 30%. Cheongshim leads the Korean medical tourism industry as the host of the 25

26 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 largest number of international patients in South Korea since We employ 65 international employees to enhance the delivery of various international services. Medical Departments Internal Medicine / ENT / Family Medicine / Neurology / Psychiatry / General Surgery / Orthopedic Surgery / Obstetrics and Gynecology / Rehabilitation Center / Center of Total Health Screening / Oriental Medicine Department / Dental Department Medical Equipment MRI / 64 slice CT, PACs system (Picture Archive Communication System) / Endoscopy Convenience Facilities Bank / ATM / Convenience store / Coffee Shop / Beauty & Massage Clinic / Karaoke Rooms /Parking Lot / Computers with Internet / Public Telephones / Coin Laundry Room / Table Tennis / Television / Boat Tour / Miniature Golf Silver Town - $100 per night - Meals 10, won per meal - 10 minutes from hospital by car or bus There is a shuttle bus that goes to the hospital Nearby Facilities Cheongshim International Youth Training Center Car rental service Cheongpyeong Sejong Rentacar Kwangmyeong Rentacar Entertainment (within 30 minute distance) Boat Tour to Nami Island / Boat Rides / Yumyeongsan Park / Morning Calm Park / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Homyeong Lake (mountaintop lake) / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming Pool Park / Indoor Basketball / Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory 26

27 Restaurants Duck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse, Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Seoul is only 30 minutes away. You may find all the shopping destinations you want there. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. Package comparison -Thailand Samitivej Hospital 12,156 USD 7 nights in hospital 2 nights in hotel -Bangkok Hospital Pattaya 10,715 USD 4 nights in hospital 2 nights in hotel -Vejthani hospital 11,891 USD 4 nights in hospital -Costa Rica Hospital Clinica Biblica 13,700 USD 16 nights (2 nights in hospital 14 nights in hotel) -Russia St. Petersburg Health vacations 8, USD 8 nights in hospital -Las Vegas noinsuranceorthopedics 35, USD 4 days -Japan Sonodakai Jinkokansetsu Center 600, yen for patients with Japanese National Insurance 21days 28, USD for non Japanese citizens without insurance -Japan Chiba pref. Funabashi seikeigeka byouin 14, USD 13 days in Hospital 27

28 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Coordinator Contact Information Jane Nishi Trilingual : English, Japanese, Korean yoshikocarp@yahoo.com Tel : International Liaison Team Cheongshim International Medical Center Gyeonggi-do Gapyeong-gun Seorak-myeon Songsang-ri 460 수술명슬관절치환술(C 병원) 비용 ( 세금포함) $ 11,500~ 14, US 달러기준 (1,300 만원~ 1,600 만원한화) 15 일간입원치료. 맞춤형인공슬관절, 물리치료, 식이요법상담, 보행보조기, 한방협진진료, 통역서비스등을포함한패키지. 패키지포함내역은다음과같습니다. 공항- 병원간픽업서비스 14일간입원하는동안환자의모든식사와병원숙박비 14일간의입원기간은청심의료진이외국인환자의제반사항을고려했을때추천하는최적의기간입니다. 수술후물리치료를받고스스로목발이나지팡이를이용하여운동이가능한환자의상태를고려한기간입니다. 패키지포함 병실서비스: 환자및보호자을위한전용병실에는 23"~33" 인치평면 LCD TV 완비, 디지털멀티플레이어, 인터넷과컴퓨터( 다국어키보드가능), 샤워전용욕실, 냉장고, 헤어드라이어, 전기주전자를갖추고있습니다. 고객요청에따라무료차와 커피, 세면도구, 타월, 침대시트와비디오게임기를사용하실수있습니다. 의사진찰료, 입원시정규복용약 체류기간간호 수술전검사: X-Ray( 무릎및흉부), 소변검사, 심전도, 골밀도검사, 혈액검사 수술비용 맞춤형인공슬관절 : 28

29 인공슬관절유형 -Ceramic / Metal -Cemented / Cementless -Western / Asian body type 제조업체 -Stryker -DePuy -Zimmer -Biomet -Johnson & Johnson -Smith & Nephew etc. 퇴원후정기적약물처방( 일반적으로항생제와진통제)* 수술후외래치료(2 회) 퇴원전진단서발급 비자와여행관련서류대행서비스 보험금신청을위한서류발급서비스* 환전 대부분의해외신용카드로지불이가능합니다. (Mastercard, Visa, BC, 바랍니다.) 그외소지하신카드의사용가능여부는병원으로문의하시기 추가서비스 14 일재활물리치료 수술후 3일째부터퇴원시까지재활센터에서목발및걸음보조기를활용하여 수술부위재활물리치료를시작합니다. 재활치료는다음과같이구성되어있습니다. 무릎의정상적인움직임을돕는치료 무릎굽히기와펴기운동이유연해지도록돕는치료 힘과유연성을향상시키는운동 위쪽허벅지근력향상을위한치료 목발이나보행기를사용한단거리도보운동 관절운동치료기를사용하는치료 수치료또는개개인에맞는물리치료는하루에한두번실시됩니다 보행보조기구제공 수술전후그리고수술기간동안간호사및환우들과 미니포토앨범제작 29

30 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 한방진료와한방치료 ( 침/ 부황/ 뜸) 2회 24 시간연락가능한코디네이터의통역서비스 저렴한국제전화 시즌별선물제공 ( 여행가방용벨트, 무릎담요기타등등.) 추가비용 - 병원에서입원이연장되는경우입원료추가 - 퇴원후또는보호자가호텔 / 콘도미니엄을이용하여숙박하는경우 - 비행기티켓 - 무릎재수술 - 양측무릎치환수술 ( 패키지가격은한쪽무릎기준가격임) -MRI / 64채널-CT 검사: 대부분 X-ray 검사로충분하지만, MRI / 64채널-CT검사를 하는경우에는별도비용 - 개인용품및서비스: 마사지, 전화, 간식, 우편 - 감염, 정맥혈전증, 폐색전증등과같은합병증으로인한추가치료 - 패키지외추가치료 - 한방치료시기본치료외의한약은비용추가 - 동반자를위한식사및치료 - 우편서비스 ( 화물, 약, 소포) - 간병인 ( 수술후일상적인간호이외의간병을받고싶다면, 의사소통이가능한 간병인고용가능: 일 50, ~ 100, 원) - 저희병원에서는기본패키지외의비용이발생하는경우에는환자분께상세하게 알려드리고있습니다. 슬관절치환술 소개 심각한관절염이나부상에의해손상된무릎관절은산책을하거나계단을 오르내리는등의일상생활에서도심한통증을느낄수있습니다. 치료를위해약을 복용하면서활동양을줄이고, 보조기구를사용함에도통증이줄어들지않는다면 슬관절치환술수술을고려하는것이좋습니다. 무릎뼈가손상되거나마모가일어난부분을치환술을통해교정시키게되면, 통증이완화되고다리의변형을정상화시켜서다시정상적인생활을시작할수 있도록해줄것입니다. 수술을받은인공관절은 12~ 15년정도효과를기대할수 있습니다. 의료진으로부터인공관절수술이필요하다고진단받으셨다면, 저희에게문의하시기 바랍니다. 30

31 슬관절치환술은손상된뼈및연골을 인공관절로대체시켜주는시술입니다. 수술시전신마취또는척추마취를해야합니다. 절개는앞무릎의 8 인치(19.2 cm) 에걸쳐이루어집니다. 넓적다리뼈하단부위와정강이뼈위쪽끝의하단의손상된표면을제거하고, 인공관절로대체하게됩니다. 인공관절은금속, 세라믹및플라스틱으로 이루어집니다. 인공무릎에는다양한종류가있고, 개인별로가장알맞은 인공관절을선택하여수술하게됩니다. 피부는클립이나수술용실로봉합하고, 수술후 14일이지나면수술용실을 제거합니다. 좀더정확한수술을위해컴퓨터내비게이션시스템을이용하기도 합니다. 수술시간은약 1 시간 ~ 1시간 30 분정도걸립니다. 수술후회복시간은 환자마다개인차가있습니다. 수술설명 무릎수술후에는 14 일정도입원하게되는데, 경과에따라병원에더입원하거나 근처숙박시설로옮겨물리치료를받게됩니다. 퇴원은목발이나지팡이를이용해 환자스스로걸을수있게되면가능하게됩니다. 무릎관절수술은회복하는동안환자스스로일상생활을하는데불편한점이많기때문에가까운동반자가함께하시는것이좋습니다. 병원에서퇴원한후호텔이나근처숙박시설로옮기더라도환자분의회복을위한서비스를제공하며, 항상주의를기울이고있습니다. 본국으로돌아가는항공기내에서도불편함이없도록서비스를다하겠습니다. 아래의사진은퇴행성관절염을앓는환자의대퇴골절에대한수술전후사진입니다. <Before surgery> <After surgery> 31

32 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 합병증 슬관절치환술수술후생길수있는합병증의발생빈도는매우낮습니다. 마취로 인한호흡장애와심장장애가발생할수있으며, 기타합병증으로는감염과정맥 혈전입니다. 이를방지하기위해의사들은수술후여러가지처방을하게되는데, 규칙적으로다리올려놓기, 순환을위한종아리운동,, 혈전방지 스타킹( 탄력스타킹) 을신게됩니다. 또, 혈전이생기지않도록혈전방지약물을 복용하게합니다. 한국에서는슬관절치환술을받기위해오랫동안기다릴필요가없습니다. 환자분이원하는시기에수술일정을조절할수있습니다. 궁금한사항을아래내용대로작성하여보내주시면저희코디네이터가즉시연락을드리겠습니다. 신속한상담 1. 청심국제병원코디네이터에게이메일로문의하세요: 첨부할사항: 이름, 생년월일, 키, 몸무게, 증상, 무릎관절 X-ray 사본, 수술받을 수있는일정 2. 코디네이터가위정보를의사에게전달하여수술가능여부를상담하게됩니다. 3. 수술일정을계획하고증상에관한질문지를작성합니다. 4. 비자업무에필요한서류를송부합니다. 5. 입국일정에대해코디네이터에게알려주고, 공항에서만나게됩니다. 6. 한국에입국하기전에 * 여행자보험을신청합니다. 7. 의사와진료상담을시작합니다. 8. 입원수속 ( 환자를병실로인도하고병원시설사용및수술, 물리치료일정에 대한구체적인설명을듣습니다 ) 수술 물리치료 주후퇴원 ( 필요혹은요청시퇴원연기가능) 12. 통원물리치료 13. 본국으로출국 ( 공항까지모셔다드립니다.) # 의료진권장사항 슬관절치환술에서가장잘생기는합병증은심부정맥혈전증(DVT_ 장딴지에생기는 혈전) 인데, 장거리비행은정맥혈전을더잘생기게하므로수술하기 3일전에 한국에와서휴식을취하는것과함께혈전방지약을복용하는것이좋다고 권장합니다. 여행자보험: 환자및동반입국하는여행자들은입국전여행자보험가입을추천하며, 여행자보험은한국에도착하는순간부터발생되는모든손 해에대해보장받을수있는상품에가입하셔야합니다. ( 일반적감기, 교통사고등) 32

33 700,명의고등학교졸업생중상위 1% 수준의학생들이의대에진학합니다. 한국의의사는 6 년간의대학교육을필수로이수해야합니다. 이후 1년의인턴과 4년의레지던트과정을거치면서전문의가되기위해서는총 11 년이걸립니다. 한국에서의사들의평균월급은 $15,USD 수준입니다. 따라서한국에서전문의 자격을취득한경우는국제기준으로보았을때, 최고수준으로간주할수있습니다. 의료진정보 # ( 정형외과전문의) 강남성심병원정형외과전공의 대한정형외과학회정회원 청심국제병원정형외과과장 진료내용 - 척추( 디스크절제술, 압박골절의풍선성형술, 후방고정술등) - 고관절및슬관절인공관절치환술 - 어깨및무릎관절경 - 손목및발목관절경 - 골다공증치료및관절염 장우석전문의는 1, 건이넘는무릎과고관절수술을수행한경력이있습니다. 병원정보 256 병상규모의청심국제병원은 교외의아름다운자연경관속에 위치하고있습니다. 병실의 90% 는경치좋은청평저수지를 바라볼수있습니다. 저희병원은 서울로부터 30분가량떨어진 아늑한위치에자리하고있습니다. 최고수준의건강검진과 재활치료시설을보유하고있으며 뛰어난의료진들에게진료를받을 수있어서가까운혹은먼지역에서도환자들이찾아오시고있습니다. 한의학과 양의학을병행함으로회복시간을 30% 까지단축하고있습니다. 청심국제병원은 한국의료관광산업의리더로서 2003년이후로한국에서가장많은국제환자가 내원한병원이며, 국제환자에게다양하고국제화된서비스를제공할수있는 65 명의스탭(international employee) 들이근무하고있습니다. 진료부서 (Medical Departments) 내과/ 이비인후과/ 가정의학과/ 신경과/ 정신과/ 일반외과/ 안과/ 산부인과/ 재활의학센터/ 종 33

34 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 합건강검진센터/ 동양의학과/ 치과 의료장비 MRI/ 64 slice CT, PACs 시스템 (Picture Archive Communication System; 의료영상저장전송시스템 ) / Endoscopy( 내시경) 편의시설 은행/ATM/ 편의점/ 커피숍/ 뷰티& 마사지클리닉/ 노래방/ 주차장/PC 실/ 공중전화/ 세탁실/ 탁구장/TV/ 보트장/ 미니골프 # 청심빌리지 -$100/1 박 -10, 원/1인식 -병원에서차량으로 10 분거리에위치. 병원으로운행하는셔틀버스가있음. # 청심국제청소년수련원 근처시설 # 렌터카서비스 청평세종렌터카 광명렌터카 # 즐길거리 (30 분거리이내) 남이섬보트투어 / 보트체험 / 유명산공원 / 아침고요수목원 / 스파& 사우나 / 호명호수( 천지) / 낚시 / 골프장 / 스키장 / 워터파크 / 실내농구장 / 온천 / 사원 / 전망대 # 레스토랑 오리고기, 소고기, 돼지고기, 닭고기, 한국식바비큐( 갈비), 냉면, 칼국수, 떡볶이, 스테이크, 피자, 스파게티, 중화요리 서울에서겨우 30 분거리이며, 서울에는모든쇼핑장소가밀집되어있습니다. 대중교통은비교적저렴한편입니다. 택시비는기본 2달러부터이며버스와지하철 요금은 1~2 달러, 고속버스는대략 4~10 달러수준입니다. 34

35 -Thailand Samitivej Hospital 12,156 USD / ( 병원에서 7 박 / 호텔에서 2 박) -Bangkok Hospital Pattaya 10,715 USD / ( 병원에서 4 박 / 호텔에서 2 박) -Vejthani hospital 11,891 USD / 병원에서 4박 타병원 패키지 비교 -Costa Rica Hospital Clinica Biblica 13,700 USD / 16 일( 병원에서 2 박 / 호텔에서 14 박) -Russia St. Petersburg Health vacations 8, USD / 병원에서 8박 -Las Vegas noinsuranceorthopedics 35, USD / 4 일 -Japan Sonodakai Jinkokansetsu Center 600, yen / 일본국민보험적용 21일 28, USD / 보험적용이되지않는일본인의경우 -Japan Chiba pref. Funabashi seikeigeka byouin 14, USD / 병원에서 13일 코디네이터 연락정보 Jane Nishi Trinlingual : English, Japanese, Korean yoshikocarp@yahoo.com Tel : International Liaison Team Cheongshim International Medical Center Gyeonggi-do Gapyeong-gun Seorak-myeon Songsang-ri

36 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 부록 1 - Hip and Knee Questionnaire Hip and Knee Questionnaire Today s Date / / Thank you for completing this questionnaire! This questionnaire will help us to better understand your general health and any problems related to bone and muscle conditions. Your completion of this questionnaire is completely voluntary and your responses will be held in the strictest confidence. Please answer every question. Some questions may look like others, but each one is different. There are no right or wrong answers. If you are not sure how to answer a question, just give the best answer you can. You can make comments in the margin. We do read all your comments, so feel free to make as many as you wish. Your Birth Date / / Your Passport Number Hip and Knee Questionnaire 36

37 Instructions Please answer the following questions for the hip/knee being treated or followed up. If it is BOTH hips/knees, please answer the questions for your worse side. All questions are about how you have felt, on average, during the past week. If you are being treated for an injury that happened less than one week ago, please answer for the period since your injury. 1. During the past week, how stiff was your hip/knee? (Circle one response.) 1 Not at all 2 Mildly 3 Moderately 4 Very 5 Extremely 2. During the past week, how swollen was your hip/knee? (Circle one response.) 1 Not at all 2 Mildly 3 Moderately 4 Very 5 Extremely The following instructions are for questions 3-5. During the past week, please tell us about how painful your hips/knees were during the following activities. (Circle ONE response on each line that best describes your average ability for each joint.) Not Mildly Moderately Very Extremely Could not do Could not do painful painful painful painful painful because of for other painful painful painful painful hip/knee pain reasons 3. Walking on flat surfaces? Right Hip Left Hip Right Knee Left Knee Not Mildly Moderately Very Extremely Could not do Could not do painful painful painful painful painful because of for other painful painful painful painful hip/knee pain reasons 4. Going up or down stairs? Right Hip Left Hip

38 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Right Knee Left Knee Not Mildly Moderately Very Extremely Could not do Could not do painful painful painful painful painful because of for other painful painful painful painful hip/knee pain reasons 5. Lying in bed at night? Right Hip Left Hip Right Knee Left Knee Which of the following statements best describes your ability to get around most of the time during the past week? (Circle one response.) 1 I did not need support or assistance at all. 2 I mostly walked without support or assistance. 3 I mostly used one cane or crutch to help me get around 4 I mostly used two canes, two crutches or a walker to help me get around. 5 I used a wheelchair. 6 I mostly used other supports or someone else had to help me get around. 7 I was unable to get around at all. 7. How difficult was it for you to put on or take off socks/stockings during the past week? (Circle one response.) 1 Not at all difficult 2 Slightly difficult 3 Moderately difficult 4 Very difficult 5 Extremely difficult 6 Cannot do it at all 38

39 Patient Past Medical History Date: Name: Patient#: Height: (ft.in / cm) Average Weight: (lbs / kg) Present Medications: (include dose and frequency) Allergies: Previous Hospitalizations and/or surgeries: Date Hospital Reason Have you ever had: (check all that apply) Rheumatic Fever Scarlet Fever Diphtheria Typhoid Malaria Pneumonia Cancer Other Major Illnesses: REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (Check any of the following which you have experienced in the past or are currently experiencing. Use the space provided to explain checked items.) 39

40 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 General: Headaches Dizziness Weight gain or Loss of more than 10 lbs (4kg) Difficulty Sleeping: Fatigue Nervousness Skin: Rashes Itching Hives Change in Pigmentation Central Nervous System: Fainting Convulsions Paralysis Tremors Uncoordination Numbness Involuntary Movements Poor memory Speech problems Balance or Coordination Problems Depression Anxiety Excessive Fearfulness Emotional Difficulty Changes in Personality Previous Psychiatric Care Eyes: Change in Vision Pain Blurred or Double Vision Bright Lights Floaters 40

41 Name: Personal & Social History Occupation: Patient History Sheet Date: Date of birth(y,m,d): Marital Status: Children: Habits: Sleep hours/night Tea/Coffee cups/day Tobacco: packs/day for years Alcohol: weekday weekend Family History Birth defects Diabetes Heart Attack or Bypass Surgery High Blood Pressure Hearing Loss Mental Illness Kidney Failure/Malfunction Tuberculosis Seizures Asthma Others: Cancer Anemia/Bleeding Disorder 1. When (roughly what date) did your present pain start? Are you still working? Last day on the job 2. How did your pain start?(example: suddenly, gradually, lifting etc.) 3. How long have you had this pain? years months weeks How long have you had similar pain? years months weeks 4. Do you have any medical conditions such as: Stomach Problems Epilepsy Cancer Gout Other Circulation Diabetes Arthritis Lungs High Blood Pressure Bowel or Bladder Problems Heart Failure/Attacks Mental Health 41

42 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 5. Previous Surgeries: 6. List Medications you are currently taking (include the dosage and frequency) 7. Do you take antacids? Yes No 8. Do you have allergies to medications? Yes No Please List 9. Do you have any additional information that would be helpful in understanding your problem? 42

43 부록 2- Patient Past Medical History Patient Past Medical History Date: Name: Patient#: Height: (ft.in / cm) Average Weight: (lbs / kg) Present Medications: (include dose and frequency) Allergies: Previous Hospitalizations and/or surgeries: Date Hospital Reason Have you ever had: (check all that apply) Rheumatic Fever Scarlet Fever Diphtheria Typhoid Malaria Pneumonia Cancer Other Major Illnesses: 43

44 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 (Check any of REVIEW OF SYSTEMS the following which you have experienced in the past or are currently experiencing. Use the space provided to explain checked items.) General: Headaches Dizziness Weight gain or Loss of more than 10 lbs (4kg) Difficulty Sleeping: Fatigue Nervousness Skin: Rashes Itching Hives Change in Pigmentation Central Nervous System: Fainting Convulsions Paralysis Tremors Uncoordination Numbness Involuntary Movements Poor memory Speech problems Balance or Coordination Problems Depression Anxiety Excessive Fearfulness Emotional Difficulty Changes in Personality Previous Psychiatric Care Eyes: Change in Vision Pain Blurred or Double Vision Bright Lights Floaters 44

45 Name: Personal & Social History Occupation: Patient History Sheet Date of birth(y,m,d): Marital Status: Children: Habits: Sleep hours/night Tea/Coffee cups/day Tobacco: packs/day for years Alcohol: weekday weekend Family History Birth defects Diabetes Heart Attack or Bypass Surgery High Blood Pressure Hearing Loss Mental Illness Kidney Failure/Malfunction Tuberculosis Seizures Asthma Others: Cancer Anemia/Bleeding Disorder 1. When (roughly what date) did your present pain start? Are you still working? Last day on the job 2. How did your pain start?(example: suddenly, gradually, lifting etc.) 3. How long have you had this pain? years months weeks How long have you had similar pain? years months weeks 4. Do you have any medical conditions such as: Stomach Problems Epilepsy Cancer Gout Other 5. Previous Surgeries: Circulation Diabetes Arthritis Lungs High Blood Pressure Bowel or Bladder Problems Heart Failure/Attacks Mental Health 45

46 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 6. List Medications you are currently taking (include the dosage and frequency) 7. Do you take antacids? Yes No 8. Do you have allergies to medications? Yes No Please List 9. Do you have any additional information that would be helpful in understanding your problem? 46

47 부록 3 -Total Knee Replacement Surgery CP(Critical Pathway) 슬관절치환술 TKR CP 47

48 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 부록4- 병원이용선택사항체크리스트: 영어 Hospital Option Check List Reservation Number: Patient's Name: Nationality: Month/Date/Year: Medical Department: Physician in Charge: Price Items CHECK (10, Picture Remarks won) Deluxe Room Bed for Guardian Hospital set A provided Private room (1 person) Bed for Guardian Hospital set B provided 2 people room Large room (5 people) Hospital Imperial Palace Hotel Room (Meals ( ): Seoul (Breakfast included) Price for 2 people not included) Cheongshim Village (Condominium) Price for 2 people 1 Room: Gapyeong Cheongshim Village (Condominium) Price for 4 people 1 Room: Gapyeong Pine Ridge Resort 2 Room: Sokcho Price for 4 people Korean style patient meal Korean style normal meal Japanese meal Meals (Observe the menu) Western Meal (Observe the menu) Special meal (Adjust to your country) 48

49 Items CHECK Price (10, won) Picture Remarks Hospital Set A: (Slippers/Soap/Toothbrush/ Toothpaste/Razor/Shampo o/conditioner/dining set) Hospital Set B: ( S o a p / T o o t h b r u s h / Toothpaste/Razor/Shampo o/conditioner/dining set) Plane Flight Ticketing Service Asiana Airlines O Hospital-Airport Pickup Service One-way Fare Hospital Jeep(4 people) Hospital Car(4 people) Hospital Minivan(11 people) Limousine Service(4 People) Starcraft(7 people) Loop around Nami Island Options (Approximately 2 hours) Boat Tour *12 people/1 boat *If 2 or more teams apply the fee may be shared O Beauty Therapy A Course B Course Hospital Attendant Service Consult the time hours Massage Service Full body 1 hour Internet Service 24 hours, Free of charge in thedeluxe Room Laptop Rental PC installed in the Deluxe Room Fax Service Apply rates of each country Postal Service Apply rates of each country Money Exchange within the Hospital) Free of charge 49

50 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 NOTE 1. You may stay in the room you desire unless the doctor decides otherwise. 2. Korean meals are the basic meal, but if you prefer meals suiting your taste please observe the menu beforehand and make a request. 3. You may select any of the other options any time during your hospitalization. Contact the Information desk on the first floor or the Nurse station of each floor for information on prices and details. 460, Songsan-ri, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea Tel.: , Fax: khl@cheongshim.com, alexander@cheongshim.com 50

51 부록4- 병원이용선택사항체크리스트: 일어 51

52 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 52

53 460, Songsan-ri, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea Tel.: , Fax:

54 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 부록4- 병원이용선택사항체크리스트: 러시아어 Номерзаявки: ФИОпациента... : Гражданство : Датамесяцигодрождения, : Медицинскоеотделение: Лечащийврач: Контрольныйсписокбольничныхуслугповыборупациента Размеще ниепита ( ниенев ключено) Питание Палаталюкс - Одноместнаяпалата Двухместнаяпалата Пятиместнаяпалата ОтельИмпериалПалас (, ), Сеулзавтраквключен ( ) Чхонсимвиллидж ( Пансионатквартирноготипа ) 1 комнатакапхёнгун, - Чхонсимвиллидж ( Пансионатквартирноготипа ) 1 комнатакапхёнгун, - ПайнРиджРезорт 2 комнатысокчхо, Вкорейскомстиле ( безостройпищи ) Вкорейскомстиле ( состройпищей ) Вяпонскомстилесмменю (. ) Взападномстилесмменю (. ) Особоеменюсучетоминдиви ( дуальныхпожеланий) Отметка Стоимость ( тысвон. ) Фотография Примечания Впалатеимеетсякроватьд лясопровождающеголицап. редлагаетсябесплатнона бортуалетныхпринадлежн остейа. Впалатеимеетсякровать для сопровождающего лица. Предлагаетсябесплатнон абортуалетныхпринадлеж ностейб Номернадвоих Номернадвоих Номерначетверых Номерначетверых 54

55 Повыбору Отметка Стоимость ( тысвон. ) Фотография Примечания Больничныйнабор A: ( тапочким / ылозубнаящетказубнаяпаста / / / бритва / шампунь / ополаскиват ельстоловыеприборы / ) Больничныйнабор A: ( тапочким / ылозубнаящетказубнаяпаста / / / бритва / шампунь / ополаскиват ельстоловыеприборы / ) Бронированиеавиабилетов АвиакомпанияАзиана Стоимостьзапоездкувод ТрансферАэропортбольница - инконец Больничныйджип (4 пассажира ) Больничныйлегковойавтомоб иль (4 пассажира ) Больничныймикроавтобус (11 пассажиров ) Лимузинсервис ( 4 пассажира ) МикроавтобусСтаркрафт ( 7 пассажиров ) ПрогулкавокругостроваНами ( около 2 часов ) Прогулканакатере *12 пассажиров * расходымогутбытьподеле нымеждупассажирами Клиникакрасоты КомплексА 2. КомплексБ Оплатапочасоваяподогов Услугисанитара оренности Масаж Всетело 1час Неограниченныйдоступвп, Интернет алателюксбесплатно Впалателюксиспользован Прокатноутбука иекомпьютерабесплатно Взимаетсястоимостьзвон кавзависимостиотстран Факс ыпопрейскурантутелефон нойкомпании Взимаетсяплатавзависим Почтовыеуслуги остиотстраныпопрейску рантупочтовойслужбы Обменвалютыбанкнаходится ( бесплатно взданиибольницы) 55

56 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Примечания 1. Больничнаяпалатапредоставляетсяповыборупациентазаисключениемслучаевкогдавыборпалатыо,, пределяетсядокторомвсвязисмедицинскимисоображенияминапркогдапациентутребуетсякарантин (. ). 2. ПоумолчаниюпредлагаетсяедавкорейскомстилеПожеланиюпациентаможноскорректироватьменючт., обыонобольшесоответствовалоегоеенациональнойкухнесоставменюнеобходимозаранееобсудить ( ). спациентомидиетологомбольницы. 3. ПациентможетзапроситьдругиедополнительныеуслугивовремястационарноголеченияДеталиисто. имостьуслугможноуточнитьумедсестерилиадминистраторанапервомэтаже. 460, Songsan-ri, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea Tel.: , Fax: khl@cheongshim.com, alexander@cheongshim.com 56

57 부록5- 진료예약확인서: 영어 외국인진료예약확인서 Confirmation of Treatment Reservation Made by International Patient 예약번호 Reservation Number 국적 Nationality 여권번호 Passport Number 보호자성명 Name of the Accompanying Person* 국적 Nationality 여권번호 Passport Number 주소 Home Address 전화번호 Home Telephone Number 진료과목1 Medical Department 1 선택의사 1 Physician in Charge 1 진단명 Diagnosis 환자성명 Patient's Name* 생년월일 Year, Month and Date of Birth 여권만료일 Passport Expiration Date 환자와의관계 Relation to the Patient 생년월일 Year, Month and Date of Birth 여권만료일 Passport Expiration Date 핸드폰번호 Mobile Phone Number 진료과목2 Medical Department 2 선택의사 2 Physician in Charge 2 * 성명은여권에나오는대로영문으로작성하셔야합니다. *Names should be written with Latin letters according to the spelling given in passport. 위와같이대한민국 병원에진료예약이완료되었음을확인합니다. * 진료예약확인서는대한민국에서의료관광활성화를위해치료목적의환자와동반배우자, 자녀또는직 계가족에게방문편의를제공하고자발급되는확인서입니다. 57

58 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 This document confirms that Medical Centerhas received a reservation for treatment details of which are described above. * In accordance with Korean medical tourism development program this confirmation is issued to facilitate the entry in the Republic of Korea of the patient and accompanying person. 200 년월일 병원장 Medical Center 참고사항 1. 환자또는그보호자는사전에제출한진단내용과틀리거나추가진료가필요하다는담당의사의 소견이있을경우진료과목의변경이나추가비용이발생할수도있습니다. 2. 환자또는그보호자가요청시진료과목과의사는변경할수있습니다. 3. 만일진료과실에의한의료사고발생시엄정한한국의료법에준하여보상처리하여드립니다. Additional Information 1. If in the process of medical treatment physicians in charge find an incorrectness in the preliminary diagnosis provided to the hospital by the patient, or come to a conclusion about the necessity of additional treatment, the program of treatment may be altered. This in turn may lead to additional expenses on the part of the patient. 2. Patient and his/her guardian have a right to request an alteration the treatment program and/orchange of the physician in charge. 3. According to the Law on Medicine of the Republicof Korea, in cases when a mistake on the part of medical personnel of the hospital proves to be harmful to the patient s health, the hospital provides a patient with damage compensation. < 병원로고> < 병원연락처> 58

59 부록5- 진료예약확인서: 일어 외국인진료예약확인서 예약번호 환자성명 국적 생년월일 여권번호 여권만료일 보호자성명 환자와의관계 국적 생년월일 여권번호 여권만료일 주 소 전화번호 핸드폰번호 진료과목 1 진료과목 2 선택의사 1 선택의사 2 진단명 * 성명은여권에나오는대로영문으로작성하셔야합니다. * 59

60 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 위와같이대한민국 C 병원에진료예약이완료되었음을확인합니다. * 진료예약확인서는대한민국에서의료관광활성화를위해치료목적의환자와동반배우자, 자녀또는직 계가족에게방문편의를제공하고자발급되는확인서입니다. 200 年月日 OOO 병원장 참고사항 1. 환자또는그보호자는사전에제출한진단내용과틀리거나추가진료가필요하다는담당의사의 소견이있을경우진료과목의변경이나추가비용이발생할수도있습니다. 2. 환자또는그보호자가요청시진료과목과의사는변경할수있습니다. 3. 만일진료과실에의한의료사고발생시엄정한한국의료법에준하여보상처리하여드립니다. < 병원로고> < 병원연락처> 60

61 부록5- 진료예약확인서: 러시아어 외국인진료예약확인서 Подтверждениезаказаналечениеиностранногопациента 예약번호 заказа 국적 Гражданство 여권번호 заграничногопаспорта 보호자성명 ФИОсопровождающеголица* 국적 Гражданство 여권번호 заграничногопаспорта 환자성명 ФИОпациента* 생년월일 Годмесяцидата, рождения 여권만료일 Действителендо ( год, месяцидата) 환자와의관계 Степеньродствас пациентом 생년월일 Годмесяцидата, рождения 여권만료일 Действителендо 주 Адрес 소 전화번호 Домашнийтелефон 진료과목 1 Лечебноеотделение1 선택의사 1 Лечащийврач1 핸드폰번호 Мобильныйтелефон 진료과목 2 Лечебноеотделение2 선택의사 2 Лечащийврач2 진단명 Диагноз * 성명은여권에나오는대로영문으로작성하셔야합니다. * Пишитеимялатинскимибуквамивсоответствииснаписаниемвзаграничномпаспорте. 61

62 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 위와같이대한민국 OOO 병원에진료예약이완료되었음을확인합니다. * 진료예약확인서는대한민국에서의료관광활성화를위해치료목적의환자와동반배우자, 직계가족에게방문편의를제공하고자발급되는확인서입니다. 자녀또는 * ВсоответствииспрограммойразвитиямедицинскоготуризмавРеспубликеКореяданноеподтверждение выданодляоблегчениявъездавреспубликукореясцельюлеченияпациентаисопровождающихегородс твенников 년월일 참고사항 1. 환자또는그보호자는사전에제출한진단내용과틀리거나추가진료가필요하다는담당의사의 소견이있을경우진료과목의변경이나추가비용이발생할수도있습니다. 2. 환자또는그보호자가요청시진료과목과의사는변경할수있습니다. 3. 만일진료과실에의한의료사고발생시엄정한한국의료법에준하여보상처리하여드립니다. Дополнительнаяинформация 1. Вслучаеобнаружениянеточностейвпредварительномдиагнозепредоставленномпациентомгоспиталю,, илизаключениялечащеговрачаонеобходимостидополнительноголечениявпрограммелечениямогут, возникнутьизменениячтовсвоюочередьможетпривестикдополнительнымрасходамсостороныпацие, нта. 2. Пациентилисопровождающеееголицоимеютправовнестиизменениявпрограммулеченияилипотребов ( ) атьзаменылечащеговрача. 3. Вслучаепричинениявредаздоровьяпациентуврезультатеошибкидопущенноймедицинскимперсонало, мгоспиталяпациентимеетправонакомпенсациюущербапредусмотреннуюзакономомедицинереспубли,, кикорея. < 병원로고> < 병원연락처> 62

63 부록5- 진료예약확인서: 아랍어 예약번호 Reservation Number رقم الحجز 외국인진료예약확인서 Confirmation of Treatment Reservation Made by International Patient تا كيد حجز الع لاج للمرضى ا لا جانب 환자성명 Patient's Name* اسم المريض 국적 Nationality الجنسية 여권번호 Passport Number رقم جواز السفر 보호자성명 Name of the Accompanying Person* اسم الشخص المرافق 국적 Nationality الجنسية 여권번호 Passport Number رقم جواز السفر 주소 عنوان الا قامة Home Address 전화번호 Home Telephone Number رقم هاتف المنزل 진료과목 1 Medical Department 1 1 القسم الطبي 선택의사 1 Physician in Charge 1 1 الطبيب المسو ول 진단명 التشخيص Diagnosis 생년월일 Year, Month and Date of Birth تاريخ الميلاد : السنة الشهر اليوم 여권만료일 Passport Expiration Date تاريخ انتهاء ص لاحية جواز السفر 환자와의관계 Relation to the Patient صلة القربى مع المريض 생년월일 Year, Month and Date of Birth تاريخ الميلاد : السنة الشهر اليوم 여권만료일 Passport Expiration Date تاريخ انتهاء ص لاحية الجواز 핸드폰번호 Mobile Phone Number رقم الهاتف المحمول 진료과목 2 Medical Department 2 2 القسم الطبي 선택의사 2 Physician in Charge 2 2 الطبيب المسو ول 63

64 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 * 성명은여권에나오는대로영문으로작성하셔야합니다. *Names should be written with Latin letters according to the spelling given in passport..يجب ا ن ي كتب ا لاسم با لاحرف ال لاتينية وكما هو مكتوب بجواز السفر 위와같이대한민국 병원에진료예약이완료되었음을확인합니다. * 진료예약확인서는대한민국에서의료관광활성화를위해치료목적의환자와동반배우자, 자녀또는직 계가족에게방문편의를제공하고자발급되는확인서입니다. This document confirms that Medical Center has received a reservation for treatment details of which are described above. *In accordance with Korean medical tourism development program this confirmation is issued to facilitate the entry in the Republic of Korea of the patient and accompanying person..المركز الطبي استلم طلب حجز لتلقي الع لاج الموضح في ا لا على هذه الوثيقة تو كد على ا ن يتم ا صدار هذه الوثيقةلتسهيل دخول المريض وشخص مرافق له ا لى كوريا الجنوبية وذلك بموجب ما نص.عليه برنامج تطوير السياحة الطبية الكوري 200 년월일 병원장 Medical Center المركز الطبي 참고사항 1. 환자또는그보호자는사전에제출한진단내용과틀리거나추가진료가필요하다는담당의사의 소견이있을경우진료과목의변경이나추가비용이발생할수도있습니다. 2. 환자또는그보호자가요청시진료과목과의사는변경할수있습니다. 3. 만일진료과실에의한의료사고발생시엄정한한국의료법에준하여보상처리하여드립니다. Additional Information 1. If in the process of medical treatment physicians in charge find an incorrectness in the preliminary diagnosis provided to the hospital by the patient, or come to a conclusion about the necessity of additional treatment, the program of treatment may be altered. This in turn may lead to additional expenses on the part of the patient. 64

65 2. Patient and his/her guardian have a right to request an alteration the treatment program and/or change of the physician in charge. 3. According to the Law on Medicine of the Republic of Korea, in cases when a mistake on the part of medical personnel of the hospital proves to be harmful to the patient s health, the hospital provides a patient with damage compensation. :معلومات ا ضافية ا ن وجد ا لا طباء المسو ولون عن المريض في ا ثناء ا جراء الع لاج خطا في التشخيص ا لا ولي الذي قدمه المريض.1 للمستشفى ا و توصلوا ا لى استنتاج حول ضرورة ا جراء ع لاج ا ضافي فمن الوارد ا ن يتم تعديل برنامج الع لاج تبعا.لذلك. وقد يو دي ذلك ا لى مصاريف ا ضافية على عاتق المريض. للمريض ومرافقه الحق في طلب تعديل برنامج العلاج و / ا و طلب تغيير الطبيب المسو ول.2 تبعا لقانون الطب في جمهورية كوريا الجنوبية في حال حصول خطا ناتج عن الشخص المسو ول عن الع لاج في.3.المستشفى وتبين ا نه ضار بصحة المريض فستقدم المستشفى تعويضا عن ا لا ضرار للمريض < 병원로고> < 병원연락처> 65

66 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 부록6- 입국목적사실확인서: 영어 입국목적사실확인서 국적 (Nationality) 미국 환자성명 (Name in Full) 0 0 여권번호 (Passport No.) 00 0 생년월일 (Date of Birth) 0/00/00 보호자/ 동행인 (Name of Guardian) 상기인은한국의우수한의료관광을목적으로방문하신분으로신체적, 정신적으로또는언어소통에어 려움이계실수있는분입니다. 따라서원활한입국심사및통관절차를위해세심한배려와협조를당 부드리며입국목적에대해다음과같이확인합니다. - 다음 - 가. 입국예정일 (Expected Date of Entry): 나. 예약병원 : 병원( 서울강남구 ) 다. 담당자연락처: 02) -, ( 홍길동) * 위확인서는환자및보호자의입국심사편의를위한것으로, 비자취득과는무관합니다. This certificate is only to help for entry, so this is not concerned with visa. 병원명( 직인) 66

67 부록6- 입국목적사실확인서: 러시아어 입국목적사실확인서 Подтверждениецеливъезда -дляпредъявлениянапаспортномконтроле 국적 Гражданство 러시아 환자성명 ФИОпациента* 0 0 여권번호 заграничногопаспорта 00 0 생년월일 Годмесяцидатарождения, 0/00/00 보호자/ 동행인 상기인은한국의우수한의료관광을목적으로방문하신분으로신체적, 정신적으로또는언어소통에어 려움이계실수있는분입니다. 따라서원활한입국심사및통관절차를위해세심한배려와협조를당 부드리며입국목적에대해다음과같이확인합니다. - 다음 가. 입국예정일 : годмесяцидатавъездавкорею, 나. 예약병원 : 병원( 서울강남구 ) 다. 담당자연락처: 02) -, ( 홍길동) 병원명( 직인) 67

68 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 부록6- 입국목적사실확인서: 아랍어 입국목적사실확인서 국적 (Nationality) (الجنسية) 미국 환자성명 (Name in Full) (ا لاسم بالكامل) 0 0 여권번호 (Passport No.) (رقم جواز السفر) 00 0 생년월일 (Date of Birth) (تاريخ المي لاد) 0/00/00 보호자/ 동행인 (Name of Guardian) (اسم المرافق ا و ولي ا لا مر) 상기인은한국의우수한의료관광을목적으로방문하신분으로신체적, 정신적으로또는언어소통에어 려움이계실수있는분입니다. 따라서원활한입국심사및통관절차를위해세심한배려와협조를당 부드리며입국목적에대해다음과같이확인합니다. - 다음 - :(اليوم المتوقع لدخول كوريا Entry/ 가. 입국예정일 (Expected Date of 나. 예약병원 : 병원( 서울강남구 ) 다. 담당자연락처: 02) -, ( 홍길동) * 위확인서는환자및보호자의입국심사편의를위한것으로, 비자취득과는무관합니다. This certificate is only to help for entry, so this is not concerned with visa..تستخدم هذه الوثيقة للمساعدة على ا جراءات الدخول و لا تتعلق با جراءات تا شيرة الدخول 병원명( 직인) 68

69 부록7- 해외에이전시상품패키지예시(PATTAYA) 69

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73 부록7- 해외에이전시상품패키지예시(SAMITIVEJ) 73

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77 부록7- 해외에이전시상품패키지예시(Yanhee) 77

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81 2.2 고관절치환술(Total Hip Replacemnt Surgery) Surgery Title Total Hip Replacement Surgery Cost (All taxes included) $ 13,500 USD (15,, Korean won) 15 days inpatient care. Package includes Custom Prosthesis, Physical Therapy, Dietary Consultation, Walking Aids, Auxiliary Oriental Medical Treatment, and Translation Services. Package includes Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center 14 night hospital stay including all patient meals Private in-house accommodations for patient plus one guest. Patient room is equipped with 23"-33" flat screen LCD TV with free cable, Digital Multi Player, computer with internet (multilingual keyboards available), private bathroom with shower, fridge, hair dryer, electric kettle. Complimentary tea and coffee, toiletries, fresh towels, sheets and video game player are available on request. Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (Hip & Chest), Urinalysis, EKG, Bone Mineral Density test, Blood test (Hepatitis B/C, AIDs, HIV, VDRL, Total Blood Cell Count, BST,ESR, CRP, electrolytes) Surgery costs ( including Computer Navigation Technique if required) Custom Prosthesis: Prosthesis types -Ceramic / Metal -Cemented / Cementless -Western / Asian body type Manufacturers -Stryker -DePuy -Zimmer -Biomet -Johnson & Johnson -Smith & Nephew etc. 81

82 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Regular post-discharge medication(usually antibiotics and pain medication) Post-operation doctor's outpatient appointments (2 visits) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospitalabout the credit card you plan to use) Additional services 14 rehabilitation sessions with a professional physical therapist during your stay: From 3 days after your surgery, you will start exercising knee and its adjoining muscles at our rehabilitation center enabling you to walk with a walker or crutches by the time of your discharge. Rehabilitation consists of Range of Motion exercises Gentle bending and straightening of the hip Exercises for strength and flexibility Developupper thigh muscle Assisted short walk using crutches or a walker Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine sessions Water rehabilitation or alternative personalized physical therapies Physical therapy will be conducted once or twice a day Walking aids Mini photo album of before, during and after surgery pictures along with pictures taken with nurses and friends in the ward. 2 Oriental Medicine sessions(cupping / acupuncture / moxibustion) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheapinternational calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Available at extra charge -Additional nights at the hospital -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticketing 82

83 -MRI / 64ch-CT screening (usually an X-ray is sufficient for diagnosing the status of hip arthritis) -Bilateral hip replacement surgery -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Extraneous treatments of underlying diseases or complications such as infection, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Oriental Medicine (herbal extracts or powders) -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -You will be notified of any additional costs arise Reason for Surgery Relief from pain is the greatest benefit and the major reason for hip replacement surgery. Reasons for replacing all or part of the hip joint include: -severe pain from arthritis or injury in the hip that limits an individual s ability to do the things they want to do, -fractures in the neck of the femur, -hip joint tumors. If this is the case, we recommend Cheongshim s hip Joint Replacement. Advantages Surgery description The most important advantage of surgery is the effective and long lasting relief from joint pain. You may expect years of service from your artificial hip. Total Hip Replacement (Hip Arthroplasty) is a long-established procedure for the treatment of Hip Arthritis. In Total Hip Replacement, thedamaged and worn parts of the hip joint- the hip socket (acetabulum) and the ball (femoral head) are removed and replaced with smooth, artificial implants called prostheses, which help make the hip strong, stable, and flexible again. Hip resurfacing is a good choice for younger people needing a hip replacement. Much of the bone is left and only the top of the femoral head is resurfaced. When the resurfaced area 83

84 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 becomes worn out later on in life, a total knee replacement can be done at that time. In the operating theatre, you will first be turned onto your 'good' side (onto the side that does not need surgery) and supports will be placed in front and back to maintain this position during the surgery. The leg to be operatedupon will be cleaned with antiseptic and sterile drapes placed around your hip. The surgery is then carried out by the surgeon and one or two assistants. A scrub nurse who handles all the required instruments for the operation is also an essential member of the team. In addition, a circulating nurse is present in theatre to help. Surgery Details Incision A cut about 6-8 inches long is made through the skin on the outer aspect of the hip and upper thigh. Soft tissue The fat, muscles and deeper tissues are then carefully separated moving them forwards and backwards to expose the bones of the hip. Bone work The hip joint is then dislocated, i.e., the ball of the thigh bone is slipped out from the socket of the pelvis. The natural ball end of the bone is removed. The socket is then prepared for inserting the artificial socket by removing a thin layer of bone. The artificial socket is then implanted in one of two ways. Either your specialist will use bone cement to fix a special plastic socket into the boneof the pelvis or use a metal socket without cement. In the latter case, the socket is held in place by jamming a slightly oversized component into the bone with additional screws if necessary. A plastic liner is then inserted into the metal shell. In both these instances, the bearing surface of the socket is of plastic. The next step in the operation is to replace the natural worn out ball also called the femoral head, with an artificial one. The femoral head is removed by cutting through with a saw and then the upper end of the thigh bone is shaped to conform to the stem of the artificial ball. A trial implant is then temporarily placed in the femur bone and the function of the hip checked. If all is satisfactory, an exact replica of the trial implant for permanent fixation is then inserted into the thigh bone. Usually bone cement is used to anchor the artificial ball into the thigh but sometimes it may be necessary to use 84

85 an implant that can be inserted without cement. Once this is completed, the ball is replaced into the socket and that completes the bone work. Finishing The soft tissue coverings of the hip joint are then stitched layer by layer. Usually two plastic tubes are placed into the hip joint and brought out through the skin and connected to plastic drainage bottles. Bulky dressings are applied to the wound after which the patient is woken up and transferred to the bed and taken to the Recovery area. Once awake, the patient is taken to the ward. The operation takes about 2 hours to perform. When it is finished, a bulky dressing is applied to the wound and a foam wedge (abduction pillow) placed between your legs. The wedge reduces the risk of dislocation (slippage of the ball out of the socket in the hip joint) of the hip. You will then be taken to your room. Rehabilitation You will stay in your room for the first couple of days and slowly start to bend your knees again and sit up. During this time it is important that you have a companion together with you to help you move around. When you cansit in a wheel chair, usually the third day after the surgery, you will go the rehabilitation center for physical therapy with professional therapists who will help you slowly improve your range of motion and help you walk again. In 2 weeks time you will most likely be able to walk with walking aids and be able to board your plane back home. Never the less we advise that you stay in or near the hospital for at least 3 weeks. Complications There are possible risks and complications associated with anesthesia, including respiratory or cardiac malfunction. Other complications include the possibility of: -Infection requiring antibiotics and in some cases hospitalization -Infection occurring around the joint years after the surgery -Blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), which can dislodge and move to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) -Injury to nerves or blood vessels -Loosening or dislocation of the prosthetic devices -Joint stiffness -Retention of urine and bladder infection Risks can be reduced by following the surgeon's instructions before and after surgery. 85

86 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process, please contact our coordinator fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and your surgeon. The surgeon willneed to see current x-rays before making a decision regarding your surgery and we will gladly help in facilitating this. Before any final decisions are made, you will have had ample opportunity to discuss your options with the surgeon. The surgeon will also discuss the risks of surgery with you. A well-documented risk of hip replacement surgery is the development of a DVT (blood clot in the calf). This risk can be further increased after any long-haul air travel. For these reasons, the surgeon will require you to arrive in South Korea at least 3 daysprior to your surgery. You will also receive daily drug treatment post-operatively to prevent the development of a DVT. Easy steps Please attain traveler s insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Travelers insurance will cover all injuries and illnesses acquired after setting foot in Korea (e.g. common cold, traffic accident,etc.) 1. Contact Cheongshim s coordinator by yoshikocarp@yahoo.com Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery Copies of X-rays of hips, Fill out questionnaireabout medical symptoms 2. Coordinator will communicate information to doctor 3. Schedule appointment 4. We will send documents for visa and travel assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for traveler s insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and yoursurgery and physical therapy schedule) 9. Surgery 10. Physical Therapy 11. Discharge after 2 weeks (unless a longer stay is requested or required) 86

87 12. Commute to hospital for daily physical therapy 13. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) Among the 700, high school graduateseach year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, includinga 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor s Information Dr. Woo Seok Chang (Orthopedic Specialist) Orthopedic Specialist at Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Member of the Korean Orthopaedic Association Orthopedic Specialist at Cheongshim International Medical Center - Spinal surgeries, hip and knee replacement, - Shoulder, knee, wrist and ankle arthroscopy - Microsurgery -Treatment for osteoporosis and arthritis Dr. Chang has performed over 100 successful hip surgeries Hospital Information 256 beds The Cheongshim International Medical Center is located in the beautiful mountainous countryside of South Korea. 90% of the hospital rooms look over the breathtaking Cheong Pyeong reservoir. You will find this peaceful hospital just 20 minutes away from the busy city of Seoul. Patients come from near and far to receive treatment from outstanding physicians, including total health screening and rehabilitation therapy within our first rate facilities. The collaboration of Eastern and Western Medicine, has been shown to hasten recovery time by up to 30%. Cheongshim leads the Korean medical tourism industry as the host of the largest number of international patients in South Korea since We employ 65 foreign employees to enhance the delivery of various 87

88 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 international services. Medical Departments Internal Medicine / ENT / Family Medicine / Neurology / Psychiatry / General Surgery / Orthopedic Surgery / Obstetrics and Gynecology / Rehabilitation Center / Center of Total Health Screening / Oriental Medicine Department / Dental Department Medical Equipment MRI / 64 slice CT, PACs system (Picture Archive Communication System) / Endoscopy Convenience Facilities Bank / ATM / Convenience store / Coffee Shop / Beauty & Massage Clinic / Karaoke Rooms /Parking Lot / Computers with Internet / Public Telephones / Coin Laundry Room / Table Tennis / Television / Boat Tour / Miniature Golf Silver Town -$50 per night -Meals 5, won per meal -10 minutes from hospital by car or bus There is a shuttle bus that goes to the hospital Cheongshim International Youth Training Center Nearby Facilities Car rental service Cheongpyeong Sejong Rentacar Kwangmyeong Rentacar Entertainment (within 30 minute distance) Boat Tour to Nami Island / Boat Rides / Yumyeongsan Park / Morning Calm Park / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Homyeong Lake (mountaintop lake) / Fishing /Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming Pool Park / Indoor Basketball / Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory Restaurants Duck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue 88

89 Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse, Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Seoul is only 30 minutes away. You may find all the shopping destinations you want there. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. Package comparison -MEDTRAVEL Ecuador 13,330 USD 8 nights in hospital, post surgery follow up 10 days. -Stenumspine hospital 22, USD 22 days (=1 preop + 7 postop + 14 rehab) Optional; 14 day expert post-op Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Program, $4,. -Thailand: mediseekers.com $ 13, ~ 14,USD 5 nights in hospital, -Thailand: Bumrungrad Hospital $ 10, ~ 12,860 USD 7 nights in hospital, prosthesis cost -Thailand: Bangkok Hospital $ 10, USD 5 nights in hospital, Rehabilitation & physical therapy during admission -Thailand: Samitivej hospital Start at $ 8,502 USD 7 nights in hospital, Rehabilitation & physical therapy during admission -Singapore $17, ~ $23, -Japan $11, ~ $30, Coordinator Contact Information Jane Nishi Trilingual : English, Japanese, Korean yoshikocarp@yahoo.com Tel : International Liaison Team Cheongshim International Medical Center Gyeonggi-do Gapyeong-gun Seorak-myeon Songsang-ri

90 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 2.3 코골이수술(Snoring Correction) Surgery Title Snoring Correction Cost $1, ~ 3, USD (Korean won) Days in Hospital 3 nights in private room Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center 3 night hospital stay including all patient meals (meals for companion extra charge) Private in-house accommodations for patient plus one guest. Patient room is equipped with 23"-33" flat screen LCD TV with free cable, Digital Multi Player, computer with internet (multilingual keyboards available), private bathroom with shower, fridge, hair dryer, electric kettle. Complimentary tea and coffee, toiletries, fresh towels, sheets and video game player are available on request. Doctor team fees, nurse fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Package contents (services) Pre-operative exams (X-ray (face), urine analysis, blood tests(hepatitis B/C, AIDs, HIV, VDRL, Total Blood Cell Count, BST, ESR, CRP, electrolytes), EKG, sleep test and an evaluation by an internist) Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) 2 Oriental Medicine treatment sessions (consultation, acupuncture cupping) Post-operation doctor's consultation - wound dressing / remove stitches A comprehensive written medical report before discharge. Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Currency exchange 90

91 We accept International credit cards (Master, Visa, BC, American Express, etc. Please notify the hospital the type of credit card you wish to use) Additional fees -Additional nights at the hospital or hotel -Items of a personal nature e.g. massage, telephone calls, snacks, sending mail -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be informed if additional costs arise Reason for Surgery Snoring may seem like a trivial problem but it can have a serious impact on your life. By interrupting the sleeping patterns of the snorer and the people around them, it can result in tiredness, stress and relationship problems. It can even be a safety risk, as tiredness can result in a lack of care and attention while performing everyday tasks, such as driving. Snoring can also be the sign of deeper medical problems, such as sleep apnea, which must be addressed with urgency. Cheongshim IMC can help you discover the cause of your snoring and how to improve your condition. Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internshipand 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor s Information Dr. Education 00 License 00 Work experience 91

92 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Treatment - Surgery of nose and throat, tonsillectomy, early diagnosis of laryngeal cancer, snoring correction - Treatment of chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, vocal nodules, mouth Examinations X-Ray (face, chest), Sleep test, ECG, Angiogram, Urine test, Blood test, Hepatitis B/C, AIDs, HIV, VDRL, Total Blood Cell Count, BST, ESR Snoring Surgery description Somnoplasty A somnoplasty is a stiffening procedure used to help snorers with a floppy soft palate. It uses radio frequency energy to cause scars in the soft palate and these act like a scaffold, supporting the rest of the tissue. When the patient breathes in and out, because the soft palate is stiffer, it vibrates less and makes less noise. The treatment is done in an outpatient clinic under a local anesthetic, similar to going to the dentist. When the anesthetic is injected into the soft palate, it feels quite uncomfortable for a few seconds, after that the treatment is painless. After the treatment, the soft palate is swollen for a few days and a bit sore. It is usually not necessary to take anything strongerthan simple painkillers. If the uvula is particularly swollen, it may be necessary to sleep propped up for a couple of days as lying flat will be uncomfortable. Very occasionally, the pain from this procedure is quite severe and may need strong painkillers and antibiotics to be prescribed. This treatment is not suitable for snorers who are excessively overweight or have significant sleep apnea. It has a 50% chance of significantly improving snoring and in some cases the snoring is abolished completely. It may be that two or more treatments are necessary. The Pillar Procedure The Pillar Procedure is a minimally invasive, first-line treatment option for mild to moderate palatal sleep apnea and snoring. The procedure places three tiny inserts in the patient s soft palate, causing the palate to stiffen. The stiffening helps to prevent or lessen blockages of the 92

93 airway effectively treating sleep apnea and substantially reducing the severity of snoring in most individuals. Pillar inserts are 18 mm in length and made from a woven soft polyester material that has been used for many years in implantable medical products. The Pillar Procedure is conducted in a single, short, in-office setting using local anesthetic and is completely reversible. Palatoplasty Tonsillectomy This is an operation on the soft palate to reshape it and make it stiffer. It may be needed if the palate is particularly long or bulky or in cases where a somnoplasty has not been effective. It is usually done under a general anesthetic. It can be performed with a laser or other instruments, the effect is the same. In the initial stages, the success rate is very high, usually in excess of 90% (in correctly selected patients). The effects can wear off over time and in the long term success is about 60-70% after 2 years. It is usually painful afterwards for up to two weeks. The possible complications of the procedure are that there may be bleeding, infection, the throatmay become very sensitive, and food and drink can escape into the back of the nose. These complications are usually not severe and tend to get better with time. If the tonsils are enlarged, they will need to be removed at the same time. The tonsils are part of the immune system. They sit in the back of the throat either side of the uvula. Their job is to collect bacteria as they are breathed in; this allows the white blood cells to recognize them and to create special immune proteins to fight infection. After early childhood most of the common bacteria have already been encountered so the white blood cells know how to recognize them. There are also other tissues that have the same function as the tonsils. This means that if the tonsils are causing trouble they can 93

94 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 safely be removed. If the tonsils are large they cause blockage of the back of the throat. This leads to turbulent airflow and vibration of the tonsils and palate causing a snoring noise. If the blockage is very severe breathing may stop altogether for short periods of time during sleep. This is known as sleep apnea. The tonsils are removed through the mouth. The blood vessels are sealed as the tissue is removed. Two little pockets are left behind where the tonsils used to sit; during the healing process they contain white debris. The main risk of this operation is bleeding. In a recent nationwide study it was found that 0.5% of people had significant bleeding after tonsillectomy. If there is a lot of bleeding another operation may be needed to sort it out. There is usually a lot of pain afterwards which lasts for days. You will be given a combination of painkillers and sometimes antibiotics to treat this. Adenoidectomy The adenoids are at the back of the nose; they are part of the immune system and are made of the same tissue as the tonsils. They also perform the same function as the tonsils. If the adenoids are enlarged they can block the nose and lead to a snoring noise. It used to be thought that only children suffered with enlarged adenoids. However, now we are able to look at the back of the nose easily with the nasendoscope, we have found that many adults also have enlarged adenoids. The adenoids are removed through the mouth. Using a mirror the adenoids are visualized and with a special diathermy tool the adenoids are removed. The back of the nose/throat tends to be sore for a few days but is not usually very painful. The main risk of the operation is bleeding, this is rarely severe. 94

95 Turbinate reduction The turbinates are fleshy swellings inside the nose. Their purpose is to warm and moisten the air as you breathe in through the nose. When they become enlarged they can block the airway and cause nasal congestion. Sometimes they are enlarged due to allergy which can be treated with medication. When the turbinates get very large it can be difficult to use the medication and something needs to be done to make them smaller. The methods used to do this vary from local anesthetic procedures to complete removal. Septoplasty This is an operation to straighten the partition between the two nostrils (the septum). In many people this is bent and this causes obstruction to breathing through the nose. This has 2 effects; one is that the airflow though the nose becomes more turbulent and the second is it makes it more likely that you will have to breathe through your mouth. This can lead to vibrations in the nose and throat and therefore cause a snoring noise. The operation is done through the nostrils so there is no scarring on the outside. The bent bits are either removed or put into the correct position in the middle of the nose. The skin covering is then stitched back into place with dissolving stitches. The operation is not usually very painful afterwards. The possible complications of the procedure are bleeding, change in shape of the nose and septal perforation (a hole in the partition). The success rate is very good for relieving blocked nose 90+% but not so good for relieving snoring, 50-60%. Having the septum straightened may make it easier to use other snoring treatments such as a Jaw positioning device or CPAP. This means that even though the operation may not cure the problem it may still be worthwhile. 95

96 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Sinus surgery The sinuses are air chambers either side of the nose and between the eyes. There are four pairs of sinuses the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid. The lining is designed to produce mucus which helps to keep the nose and throat healthy and moist. If the drainage channels of the sinuses become blocked the mucus can build up and become infected. This leads to congestion of the nose and in some cases increasing blockage and mucus production. Mostly this only happens briefly, for example with a cold. If the symptoms continue for many weeks it may be due to chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis is one of the many causes of snoring. In some patients there are nasal polyps as well as sinusitis. In the first instance it is usual to try treatment with medications such as nose drops and antibiotics. If this is not successful an operation may be required. When the patient is anaesthetized the nose is examined with an operating telescope. The areas of blockage are then carefully removed using micro instruments. If there are polyps these are removed at the same time. It is not usually a very painful operation. The possible complications are bleeding, infection, bruising around the eye and CSF leak. Serious complications are very rare as a result of this surgery. Jaw positioning device This is a splint that is worn in the mouthat night to hold the lower jaw forward. This has the effect of pulling the back of the tongue further away from the back of the throat. In a lot of people with loud snoring, the vibration of the tongue against the throat is what makes the noise. This is commonly more of a problem in people who are overweight. There are a number of different types of splint available. With the cheaper versions you mould the splint yourself and for some people this is all they need. For other people the splint works very well but is not comfortable, and in 96

97 these cases a custom fitted splint is usually recommended. These vary in price and may need to be fitted by a dentist. Sometimes the splint is used while the patient looses weight and when the desired weight is achieved, the splint is no longer needed. CPAP This is a machine that blows pressurized air into the nose and or mouth through a mask which is worn strapped to the face. This holds the soft parts of the airway apart and stops the vibration that causes the snoring noise. It is also a very effective treatment for sleep apnea and this is usually why it is recommended. The downside of the treatment is that it has to be used every night to be effective. For people with severe symptoms, the treatment makes them feel so much better that they are prepared to put up with the inconvenience. In some patients with a blocked nose, using the CPAP is very uncomfortable due to dryness of the mouth. They may need surgery on the nose to make it easier to use the machine Hospital Information 256 beds The Cheongshim International Medical Center is located in the beautiful mountainous countryside of South Korea. 90% of the hospital rooms look over the breathtaking Cheong Pyeong reservoir. You will find this peaceful hospital just 20 minutes away from the busy city of Seoul. Patients come from near and far to receive treatment from outstanding physicians, including total health screening and rehabilitation therapy within our first rate facilities. The collaboration of Eastern and Western Medicine, has been shown to hasten recovery time by up to 30%. Cheongshim leads the Korean medical tourism industry as the host of the largest number of international patients in South Korea since We employ 65 foreign employees to enhance the delivery ofvarious international services. 97

98 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Medical Departments Internal Medicine / ENT / Family Medicine / Neurology / Psychiatry / General Surgery / Orthopedic Surgery / Obstetrics and Gynecology / Rehabilitation Center / Center of Total Health Screening / Oriental Medicine Department / Dental Department Medical Equipment MRI / 64 slice CT, PACs system (Picture Archive Communication System) / Endoscopy Convenience Facilities Bank / ATM / Convenience store / Coffee Shop / Beauty & Massage Clinic / Karaoke Rooms /Parking Lot / Computers with Internet / Public Telephones / Coin Laundry Room / Table Tennis / Television / Boat Tour / Miniature Golf Silver Town -$50 per night -Meals 5, won per meal -10 minutes from hospital by car or bus There is a shuttle bus that goes to the hospital Cheongshim International Youth Training Center Nearby Facilities Car rental service Cheongpyeong Sejong Rentacar Kwangmyeong Rentacar Entertainment (within 30 minute distance) Boat Tour to Nami Island / Boat Rides / Yumyeongsan Park / Morning Calm Park / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Homyeong Lake (mountaintop lake) / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming Pool Park / Indoor Basketball / Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory Restaurants Duck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse, Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food 98

99 Seoul is only 30 minutes away. You may find all the shopping destinations you want there. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. Package comparison - Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: Snoring@ent.com messenger: Snoring@hotmail.com 99

100 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Snoring Questionnaire If you snore, you are very familiar with the impact lack of sleep has on your quality of life. Snoring not only disrupts sleep, it may also be a sign of a serious condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). To find out if you should be concerned about your snoring, choose a number from the scale below that best describes your snoring in each situation. 0 = Never 1 = Infrequently (1 night per week) 2 = Frequently (2-3 nights per week) 3 = Most of the time (4 or more nights perweek) SITUATION YOUR SCORE My snoring affects my relationship with my partner My snoring causes my partner to be irritable or tired My snoring requires us to sleep in separate rooms My snoring is loud My snoring affects other people when I am sleeping away from home (hotel, camping, etc.) TOTAL SCORE If you scored a 5 or greater, please show these results to your physician. Your physician can discuss available treatment options. 100

101 2.4 시력교정(Vision Correction Procedure-lasik package) Surgery Title Vision correction procedure: Lasik package Cost (taxes included) Wavefront Optimised LASIK (2 eyes) USD $ 1,500 ~ 2,300 Wavefront Optimised Epi-LASIK (2 eyes) USD $2,300 Wavefront Optimised No-Touch All Laser Epi-LASIK (2 eyes) USD $2,300 Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Initial Screening and Consultation Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Complete Pre-Operative Dilated Eye Exam Surgery costs (TWO eyes) Regular post-discharge medication (eyedrops, antibiotics and pain medication) Dark glasses Eye shield Post Operative Follow up Care (next day, 1week, 3months and 6months) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Necessary Enhancements (during 1st year) On-call 24 hours service & Translation services Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -You will be informed if additional costs arise Candidates Pre Operation Care -Dislike being dependent on glasses or contact lenses for clear vision -Wearing corrective lenses restricts my participation in sports and other activities -My overall appearance is improved without glasses -I worry about losing my corrective lenses (or breaking my glasses) Without them I fear that I would be totally disabled. Patients with the following conditions are considered to be complex or high risk cases and will not qualify for the package: 101

102 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 -Uncontrolled bleeding -Uncontrolled Glaucoma -Patients with underlying diseases such as uncontrolled Diabetes, Hypertension, Renal/Vital organ Failure, HIV infection, under immuno-suppressive treatment Soft contact lenses or toric soft lenses,you should stop wearing them for 3 days before your initial evaluation Hard lenses or rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, you should stop wearing them for at least 14 days before your initial evaluation => If you wear contact lenses, it is a good idea to stop wearing them before your baseline evaluation andswitch to wearing your glasses full-time. Contact lenses change the shape of your cornea for up to several weeks after you have stopped using them depending on the type of contact lenses you wear. Not leaving your contact lenses out long enough for your cornea to assume its natural shape before surgery can have negative consequences. These consequences may lead to inaccurate measurements and a sub-optimal surgical plan, resulting in poor vision after surgery. These measurements, which determine how much corneal tissue to remove, may need to be repeated at least a week after your initial evaluation and before surgery to make sure they have not changed, especially if you wear RGP or hard lenses. Duration of procedure: 30 minutes Hospitalization :Outpatient Remove eyeshield: Approximately 1 day Stay in Korea: 5~7 days Resume active sports: 4 weeks Stabilizing period: 3-6 months Surgery description LASIK, which stands for Laser In Situ Keratomileusis, is a refractive surgical procedure that corrects refractive errors like myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia. Lasikhas gained tremendous popularity and is currently the most commonly performed refractive procedure because of its high success rate, rapid visual recovery and low risk. LASIK corrects the refractive error of the eye by reshaping the cornea. 102

103 Consisting of 2 stages, the first stage is the creation of a corneal flap. This can be done with a motorizedblade system, called a microkeratome, which can accurately and precisely create a thin corneal flap. A newer method for creating a flap makes use of a laser called the femtosecond laser. This allows the corneal flap to be created without the use of a blade (bladeless surgery). The second stage involves partially lifting the corneal flap and using an extremely precise excimer laser to reshape the cornea tissue underneath the flap. The flap is returned to its original position and the entire surgery is completed in approximately 5 minutes per eye. The whole procedure is essentially painless. Because the treatment is done underneath the flap and the uppermost layer of the cornea is not disturbed, there is little discomfort following the procedure and the visual recovery is fast, which allows patients to return to work within 1-2 days after surgery. Immediately after the procedure, your eye may burn, itch, or feel like there is something in it. You may experience some discomfort, or in some cases, mild painand your doctor may suggest you take a mild pain reliever. Both your eyes may tear or water. Your vision will probably be hazy or blurry. You will instinctively want to rub your eye, but don't! Rubbing your eye can dislodge the flap, requiring further treatment. Post operation Care In addition, you may experience sensitivity to light, glare, starbursts or haloes around lights, or the whites of your eye may look red or bloodshot. These symptoms should improve considerably within the first few days after surgery. Plan on taking a few days off from work until these symptoms subside. If you experience severe pain, or if your vision or other symptoms get worse instead of better, contact your doctor immediately. See your doctor within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery and at regular intervals after that for at least the first six months. At the first postoperative visit, your doctor will remove the eye shieldput to protect your eye, test your vision, and examine your eye. Your doctor may give you one or more types of eye drops to take at home to help prevent infection and/or inflammation. You may also be advised to use artificial tears to help lubricate the eye. Do not resume wearing a contact lens in the operated eye, even if your vision is blurry. 103

104 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Wait one to three days following surgery before beginning any non-contact sports, depending on the amount of activity required, how you feel,and your doctor's instructions. To help prevent infection, you may need to wait for up to two weeks after surgery or until your doctor advises you otherwise before using lotions, creams, or make-up around the eye. Your doctor may advise you to continue washing your eyelashes for a period of time after surgery. You should also avoid swimming and using hot tubs or whirlpools for 1-2 months. Strenuous contact sports such as boxing, football, karate, etc. should not be attempted for at least four weeks after surgery. It is important to protect your eyes from anything that might get in them and from being hit or bumped. During the first few months after surgery, your vision may fluctuate. It may take up to three to six months for your vision to stabilize after surgery. Glare, haloes, difficulty driving at night, and other visual symptoms may also persist during this stabilization period. If further correction or enhancement is necessary, you should wait until your eye measurements are consistent for two consecutive visits at least 3 months apart before re-operation. Contact your eye doctor immediately, if you develop any new, unusual 104

105 or worsening symptoms at any point after surgery. Such symptoms could signal a problem that if not treated early enough may lead to loss of vision. Complications Symptoms Treatments Complications Incomplete corrections (undercorrection, overcorrection, residual astigmatism) or regression of effect Decentered ablations Oversize pupils (pupils wider than treatment zone) Haze Irregular flap (folds, wrinkles, striae) Dry eye Diffuse lamellar keratitis (eye inflammation) Epithelial ingrowth Infection Blurry, less-than-perfect vision Visual aberrations* Visual aberrations* Visual aberrations* Visual aberrations* Dry, itchy or scratchy eyes, often with redness and sense of foreign object in eye, and sometimes pain Visual aberrations* Visual aberrations* Redness, oozing of eyes, sometimes pain Glasses or contact lenses; eyedrops; re-treatment with laser Eyedrops; re-treatment with laser Eyedrops; re-treatment with laser Eyedrops; re-treatment with laser Surgical correction; second laser procedure Prescription dry eye medication; artificial tears; punctal occlusion (blockage of tear ducts in order to retain tear film on eye), oral flaxseed oil Eyedrops; surgical rinsing of cells Surgical removal of epithelium Eyedrops; oral medications Visual aberrations include symptoms such as glare, double vision, ghosting, halos, starbursts, loss of contrast sensitivity, and problems with low-light or night vision. Not all patients experience all symptoms, and some patients with these complications experience no symptoms and require no treatment Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school 105

106 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Ophthamology Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information Nearby Facilities Our Advanced Technology with Personal Care 0 Ophthalmology Clinic invests in the latest laser, surgical, and pre-op testing equipment available.our physicians are always up-to-date on the newest treatments and technologies, all delivered with the personal care our patients have come to expect. A LOTTE HOTEL representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed 106

107 There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour to Nami Island / Boat rides / Yumyeongsan park / Morning calm Park / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Homyeong Lake (Lake ontopof a mountain) / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes 107

108 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food You may find all the shopping destinations you want there. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Pre-LASIK evaluation consultationusd $70 1) VISX Custom LASIK (Microkeratome)USD $1,539 2) VISX Wavefront-guided LASIK (Microkeratome) USD $2,301 3) VISX Custom LASIK (IntraLase)USD $2,070 4) VISX Wavefront-guided LASIK (IntraLase)USD $2,994 5) Epi-LASIK USD $2,909 Sugery for 2 eyes, 3post-op review Medication of $44 is not included from Treatment Packages 1 to 4 Medication is included in Treatment Package 5 Additional review $20 ~ $40 Medical report $ 62 Package comparison All prices quoted are before GST(7%) =========================================================== Lasik package(2 eyes) : USD $1,381 (included GST) -surgery for 2 eyes, 3 post-op review -Medication is included in Treatment -3 Years Enhancement Surgery -Eyes plugs when prescribed =========================================================== Wavefront Optimised LASIK (2 eyes) $2,156 Wavefront Optimised Epi-LASIK (2 eyes) $2,310 Wavefront Optimised No-Touch All Laser Epi-LASIK (2 eyes) $2,310 Wavefront Optimised Bladeless LASIK (2 eyes) $2,464 Customized Wavefront LASIK (2 eyes) $2,464 Customized Wavefront Epi-LASIK (2 eyes) $2,618 Customized Wavefront Bladeless LASIK (2 eyes) $2,772 LASIK pricing is inclusive of Pre-LASIK assessment and 3yrs of warranty enhancement. 108

109 <Thailand> -USD $ 2,700 (VISX-STAR S4 technology, TWO EYES) :No charge for repeating the LASIK procedure for a period of six (6) months to correct vision which is +/ diopter off the target diopter. -USD $ 1,800 (TWO EYES) -USD $ 2,437 (Optimum Lasik Package) at TRSC International LASIK Center Contact our coordinator to make an appointment. Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: lasik@lasikclinic.com messenger: lasikl@hotmail.com Is it safe? LASIK is a well-established, world-class method for refractive correction. Complications are rare and will be discussed by your doctor. Additional safety is assured by performing the surgery in a sterile operating theater environment. Does it hurt? There are no sutures or injections and only anesthetic eye drops are required. Typically, you may experience mild irritation for the first 24 hours after surgery. FAQs What is the success rate? Statistically, patients experience a 95% vision correction. How long does it take? LASIK is an outpatient procedure that takes about minutes per eye. Most patients go home without eye gauze, but a transparent eye-shield is provided for maximum safety. The majority of patients can see well within 24 hours, with the full benefits being realized within 1 to 2 weeks. You will need to be in Korea and for 5-7 day. Will I be awake as the procedure is being performed? Yes. Your doctor will ask you to look at a blinking light within the laser during the procedure. This will ensure that the laser treatment will be 109

110 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 centered properly over the center of your vision during the treatment. When can I wear eye makeup after procedure? It is a good idea to buy new mascara after procedure to avoid infection and it is best to wait 1 week before using eye makeup How soon after my procedure can I drive? You can resume driving as soon as you feel comfortable with your new vision. Mostpatients are able to drive on their own within two days following LASIK. When can I exercise after procedure? You may resume exercises as you wish. Don t get sweat in your eyes. Try to keep your hands clean and away from your eyes. Swimming, however, should also be avoided for at least two weeks. 110

111 2.5 백내장수술(Cataract Surgery) Surgery Title Cataract package Cost (taxes ncluded) USD $ 900 ~ 1,100 Duration of operation: 30 minutes Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia or general Hospital stay: Not necessary Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Initial Screening and Consultation Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Complete Pre-Operative Dilated Eye Exam Cataract Surgery costs (single eye) Post-discharge medication (Eye drops, antibiotics) Special dark glasses and eye shields On-call 24 hours service & Translation Services. Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Caretaker (You will need help after your surgery. If you did not come with a companion to help you, you may hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -You will be informed if additional costs arise 111

112 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Candidates Pre Operation Care You may want to be tested for cataracts if you suffer from: Difficulties with seeing clearly, such as reading the newspaper or street signs Vision looks foggy or everything seems to have a film over it Colors seem washed out or faded Night vision problems Halos around headlights or headlights seem very bright You find you need frequent changes in your eye glass or contact lends prescription -Patients with the following conditions are considered to be complex or high risk cases and will not qualify for the package: Uncontrolled bleeding Uncontrolled Glaucoma Patients with underlying diseases such as un controlled Diabetes, Hypertension, Renal/Vital organ Failure, HIV infection, under immuno-suppressive treatment Preoperative treatment consists of the application of anti-inflammatory eye drops, which are used once or twice a day for at least several weeks before surgery. Four days before surgery, drops are increased to 4 times daily. After surgery, oral medications (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication) are given twice daily, and eye drops are administered 4 times daily, for another 2 weeks. Eye drops are then continued, 1-3 times daily, for 4-6 months after surgery. The protective Elizabethan (cone) collar must be worn by the patient for about 2-3 weeks after surgery. Cataract surgery is recommended only when vision loss interferes with normal activities such as reading or driving, or if the cataract is preventing the treatment of another problem. Surgery description The decision to perform surgery should be based on the patient'sown assessment of functional impairment combined with the results of the eye examination and measurement of visual acuity using the Snellen test. When visual acuity is 20/40 or better, the potential for benefiting from the surgery decreases and the risk relative to potential benefit rises. In general, the better the visual acuity is, the greater is the need for verification of functional disability before performing surgery. Two types of cataract surgery most often performed are equally effective in restoring vision. These are: 112

113 Extracapsular surgery, in which the lens is removed and the back half of the capsule behind the lens (the posterior capsule) remains in the eye Photoemulsification, a type of extracapsular surgery in which the lens is softened with sound waves and removed through a needle. The posterior capsule remains. Intracapsular surgeryis a third, rarely used type of surgery, in which the surgeon removes the entire lens, including the capsule. Usually the lens is replaced by an Intraocular lens, which becomes a permanent part of the eye. If a condition or disease prevents the use of an Intraocular lens, a soft contact lens may be prescribed instead. Cataracts usually develop in both eyes, but surgery should not be done on both eyes until the results of the first eye surgery are known, so that the benefits and risks can be weighed. The indications for cataract surgery in the second eye are the same as for the first eye. The period of postoperative care extends from surgery until the goal of surgery is achieved and the patient has stable, improved vision. If complications arise - such as increased pressure, bleeding or infection in the eye; damage or dislocation of the intraocular lens; or swelling or clouding of the cornea - prompt care is crucial. Optical correction (contact lenses or glasses) usually can be prescribed 6 to 12 weeks after surgery. The timing and frequency of refraction depend on patient needs, astigmatism and consistency of measurement. Today, cataract surgery usually takes less than an hour, thanks to advances in microsurgery and suturing. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis in virtually all instances; the patient arrives in the morning and goes home in the early afternoon. The procedure itself involves a small incision directly into the eye. The clouded lens is removed, a plastic one is inserted and the surgical opening is closed. The surgery requires anesthesiaaround the eye and some patients may receive a mild sedative to help them relax. Although some patients can drive without difficulty after cataract surgery, it's a good idea to have someone else available to do the driving. The patient wears a patch for a day. Some people notice a mild, scratchy irritation, but most report no discomfort. Most patients can resume normal activities within a day to a 113

114 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 week, but strenuousactivity, especially heavy lifting, should be avoided from four to six weeks. Occasionally, improvement in vision occurs almost immediately after cataract surgery, but more often, the improvement occurs gradually over several months. It's important to note that a lens implant does not guarantee perfect vision. In fact, most people will continue to need glasses to correct either distance or near vision. Small Incision Cataract Surgery In a newer surgical method, called small-incision (no-stitch) cataractsurgery, the nucleus is broken up (emulsified) by an ultrasound probe. No-stitch surgery requires only a single, 1/8-inch incision. A small incision means faster healing. Redness and inflammation of the eye disappear in two to three weeks with small-incision surgery, vs. six to eight weeks with extracapsular extraction. A special advantage of small-incision surgery is that it is less likely to cause astigmatism. This is blurred vision that results when tension on the stitches distorts the cornea. Small-incision surgery involves an incision not on the cornea, but on the less sensitive sclera (the white of the eye). Because of its advantages, many eye surgeons have adopted the no-stitch technique. Others feel strongly that extracapsular surgery is just as good. But after the eye heals completely, there is generally little difference between the results from extracapsular and small-incision surgery. A patient may not be a candidate for the no-stitch method, in that advanced cataracts tend to be too hard to emulsify easily. In such cases, extracapsular surgery may be the better choice. In the past, people who underwent cataract surgery had to wear thick "Coke bottle" eyeglasses. Now, immediately after the removal of the cataract, the surgeon implants a plastic lens directly into the space left by the removal of the clouded lens. This intraocular implant helps the cornea focus light onto the retina to give a clear image. There are many different implants on the market and they fall into two general categories, based on their location in the eye: Posterior chamber implants, the more popular type, are placed behind the iris, occupying the exact position of the original lens. There are now 114

115 smaller oval and foldable lenses that can be used with small-incision surgery. Anterior chamber implants are inserted into the fluid-filled space between the iris and the cornea. Some experts estimate that about 88 of every 100 persons receiving IOLs (intraocular lenses) will achieve 20/40 vision or better. (An individual with 20/40 vision can read letters on an eye chart from 20 feet away. While a person with normal 20/20 vision can read the chart from 40 feet away, 20/40 vision is good enough to get a driver's license in most states.) Among those who do not have other eye diseases, about 94 of 100 will achieve 20/40 vision. What are the precautions to be taken after surgery? Post operation Care Use the eye drops and medicines as prescribed Avoid rubbing or squeezing your eye Protection : As advised by your doctor, you may wear the protective eye shield at night for first week. Dark eyeglasses may be worn during the daytime, especially outdoors, to avoid any discomfort that you may have from bright light and also to prevent any injury to eye. Face wash : For the first few days, avoid splashing water directly into the eye. You may use a clean, soft, wet towel to wipe your face. Shaving : Shaving of the beard is permitted after the operation. Bathing : Body bath (below the neck) may be resumed after the first day, but avoid taking a shower or a bath in the bathtub for the first week after surgery. Head bath : One may wash the hair with the head tilted backwards to avoid any water splashing into the eye. Activity : Normal daily activities including walking, reading and watching television may be resumed soon after the operation. However avoid strenuous activities like jogging, lifting weights, swimming, gardening, aerobics, contact sports etc. for 1-2 months. Sex : You can resume your sex life a week or two after the operation after consulting your doctor. Makeup : Avoid eye makeup for 6 weeks. Diet : There are no dietary restrictions and you may take your routine diet. However, the restrictions as per you pre-existing medical problems, if any, are to continue. Avoid constipation by taking high fiber diet and plenty of fluids. 115

116 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Driving : Avoid driving unless the surgeon permits you. Job : You may get back to your job in 1-4 weeks after surgery depending on your profession. Ask your surgeon about this. Normal symptoms : The following symptoms are normal and are not a cause for alarm. These are slight redness, mild watering, mild irritation, glare and slight drooping of upper eyelid. These will remain to some extent for 6-8 weeks. Alarming symptoms : In case of any pain, injury, decrease in vision or flashes of light in the operated eye, contact your surgeon immediately. How to apply eye drops? Wash hands Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling Gently pull the lower eyelid down until it forms a small pocket, or pouch. Squeeze the bottle or thedropper to release a single drop into the eye. Take care not to touch the eye or eyelid with the nozzle of the bottle. Release the lower lid and close eyelid for 30 seconds. Dab excess with tissue. Special precautions: In order to keep the eyedrops clean: o do not allow the nozzle to touch the eye or anything else o do not allow other people to use your eyedrops o replace the cap of the eyedrops immediately after use o discard the eyedrops four weeks after first opening If you are using more than one kind of eyedrop in the same eye, wait five minutes between drops. If you are using both drops & ointment in the same eye, always use the drops first and wait five minutes before applying the ointment. If you wear contact lenses, you should stop wearing them for the duration of your treatment unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, 116

117 one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea, can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Ophthamology Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information Advanced Technology with Personal Care EyeClinic invests in the latest laser, surgical, and pre-op testing equipment available. Our physicians are always up-to-date on the newest treatments and technologies, all delivered with the personal care our patients have come to expect. Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest 117

118 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory 118

119 RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food etc Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Cataract Surgery Package (single eye) surgery for 1 eye by senior eye surgeon, 2 post-op reviews Initial Standard Medication up to 1st review, Surgeon's professional fees, Hospitalization costs Bausch&Lomb Akreos, AMO PhacoFlex, Package comparison Tecnis Z9 or equivalent high-spec intra-ocular lens implant. 1) local anaesthesia, no anaesthetist stanby USD $ 2,372 2) local anaesthesia, anaesthetist stanby USD $ 2,620 3) general anaesthesia USD $ 2,784 <Thailand> Cataract surgery/rle With multifocal lens 75, Baht per eye* US$ 2,350 (20, Baht deposit per eye) Cataract surgery With Toric lens 65, Baht per eye* US$ 2,190 (15, Baht deposit per eye) Simple Cataract surgery With monofocal lens 42, 45, Baht per eye* US$ 1,416 ~ 1,518 (6, Baht deposit per eye) Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: cataract@ophthmology.com messenger: cataract@hotmail.com 119

120 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Q: What is a cataract? A: A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes. It cannot spread from one eye to the other. Q: What is the lens? A: The lens is a clear part of the eye that helps to focus light, or an image, on the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. In a normal eye, light passes through the transparent lens to the retina. Once it reaches the retina, light is changed into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. The lens must be clear for the retina to receive a sharp image. If the lens is cloudy from a cataract, the image you see will be blurred. FAQs Q: How do cataracts develop? A: Age-related cataracts develop in two ways: 1. Clumps of protein reduce the sharpness of the image reaching the retina. The lens consists mostly of water and protein. When the protein clumps up, it clouds the lens and reduces the light that reaches the retina. The clouding may become severe enough to cause blurred vision. Most age-related cataracts develop from protein clumpings. When a cataract is small, the cloudiness affects only a small part of the lens. You may not notice any changes in your vision. Cataracts tend to "grow" slowly, so vision gets worse gradually. Over time, the cloudy area in the lens may get larger, and the cataract may increase in size. Seeing may become more difficult. Your vision may get duller or blurrier. 2. The clear lens slowly changes to a yellowish/brownish color, adding a brownish tint to vision. As the clear lens slowly colors with age, your vision gradually mayacquire a brownish shade. At first, the amount of tinting may be small and may not cause a vision problem. Over time, increased tinting may make it more difficult to read and perform other routine activities. This gradual change in the amount of tinting does not affect the sharpness of the image transmitted to the retina. If you have advanced lens discoloration, you may not be able to 120

121 identify blues and purples. You may be wearing what you believe to be a pair of black socks, only to find out from friends that you are wearing purple socks. Q: Who is at risk for cataract? A: The risk of cataract increases as you get older. Other risk factors for cataract include: 1. Certain diseases (for example, diabetes). 2. Personal behavior (smoking, alcohol use). 3. The environment (prolonged exposure to ultraviolet sunlight). Q: What are the symptoms of a cataract? A: The most common symptoms of a cataract are: Cloudy or blurry vision.colors seem faded.glare. Headlights, lamps, or sunlight may appear too bright.a halo may appear around lights.poor night vision.double vision or multiple images in one eye. (This symptom may clear as the cataract gets larger.)frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses. These symptoms also can be a sign of other eye problems. If you have any of these symptoms, check with your eye doctor. 121

122 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 2 성형피부상품 7개 2.1 가슴성형-유방확대- 유방축소(Breast Augmentation & Breast Reduction (1) 유방확대 (Breast Augmentation) Surgery Title Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants) Cost All taxes included $7, ~9, (USD) Hospital Admission: 1 night Duration of operation: Two to three hours Anesthetic: General anesthesia Recovery: 2 weeks Package Content Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital 1 night hospital stay including all meals (meals for companion for additional fee) Stay in an air conditioned room. One companion can also stay with the patient in this room, which is equipped with LCDTV connected to cable 23"~33", Digital Multi Player, computer with internet, computer keyboard for each language, internet surfing facility, attached washroom, fridge, hair dryer, electric hot water pot, complimentary tea and coffee, complimentary toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh towels, sheets and game player on request Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (chest), Urine test, EKG, Blood test Surgery costs Breast implants All pre and post consultations 122

123 Regular post-discharge medication medication) (usually antibiotics and pain Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Nursing assistance throughout stay Additional Services Visa and travel document assistance (Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery) Translation service A companion may stay together with you in hospital for no extra charge Support Bra for after the surgery Computer in hospital room with internet service Welcome beverages and snacks in hospital room Welcome fruit and flowers in room Currency exchange. We accept most credit cards (Visa, Master, BC,...) A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) 10kgs extra luggage carry-on Additional nights at the hospital or hotel Additional Fees Stay in Korea: 7 night (nearby facilities), => extra charge -Plane ticket -Items of a personal nature e.g. massage, telephone calls, snacks, sending mail -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -Shopping guide for full day -Smart phone rental with free internet connection 123

124 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 (you may use the camera or realtime function to show friends and family how you are doing daily) English Newspaper delivered to your room everyday -You will be notified if additional costs arise for your surgery The best candidates for breast augmentation surgery are: Women who feel their breast size is too small Women who want a balanced pair of breasts Women who are physically healthy and emotionally stable with realistic expectations as to what the surgery can and cannot do Candidates However, these conditions must be met: -Above 18 years old -No autoimmune disease such as lupus -No history of radiotherapy -Not pregnant or nursing -Not suffering from Breast cancer malignant Over time, age, genetics, pregnancy, weight changes, sun exposure, and gravity can cause the size and shape of breaststo change. Breast augmentation can help women who are dissatisfied with the size of their breasts, or who have experienced changes in the appearance of their breasts. Surgery description (Introduction) Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed today, however you should carefully consider whether breast augmentation is suitable for you before deciding to go ahead. You may ask your surgeon any questions that you may have and he or she will give you guidance and advice to make sure that your choice is fully-informed. <Before Image> <After Image> 124

125 <Before Image> <After Image> <Before Image> <After Image> Incision sites Breast implants for augmentation may be placed via various types of incisions Incision sites Transaxillary - an incision is placed in the armpit and the dissection tunnels medially. This approach allows implants to be placed with no visible scars on the breast and is more likely to consistently achieve symmetry of the inferior implant position. Periareolar - an incision is placed along the areola border. The incision is placed around the inferior half, or the medial half of the 125

126 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 areola's circumference. Silicone gel implants can be difficult to place via this incision due to the length of incision required (~ 5cm) for access. As the scars from this method occur on the edge of the areola, they are comparatively less visible than the other methods. Inframammary - an incision is placed below the breast within the breast fold (infra-mammary fold). This incision is the most common approach and affords maximum access for precise dissection and placement of an implant. This method can leave slightly more visible scars in smaller breasts which don't drape over the IMF. Transumbilical - a technique where an incision is placed in the navel and dissection tunnels superiorly. This approach enables implants to be placed with no visible scars on the breast, but makes appropriate dissection and implant placement more difficult. Trans-umbilical procedures are performed with an endoscope (tiny lighted camera) to assist dissection. This technique is not appropriate for placing silicone gel implants due to potential damage of the implant shell during blunt insertion. -Incisions vary based on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your particular anatomy, and patient-surgeon preference. -Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation. When assessing the size and placement of the implant, the aim is to augment your breasts in proportion with your body and to maintain a natural look. The size and placement of the implant chosen depends on many factors, such as your current cup size, your desired cup size, breast anatomy, skin elasticity and body type. Types of implants 1. Cohesive gel filled implant Cohesive gel implants are filled with an elastic silicone gel. The gel feels and moves much like natural breast tissue. What distinguishes cohesive implants is that the silicone gel is firmer, essentially a soft solid. If a cohesive implant is cut in half, there is no gross movement of gel, and the implant maintains its shape. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell. 126

127 <FAQ about cohesive gel implant> Q. Are cohesive gel implants safe? A. The cohesive gel filled breast implant is one of the most extensively studied medical devices. Cohesive gel implant has clinically tested during ten years in USA, before approval of FDA. In Korea, KFDA (Korea Food & Drug Administration) has approved cohesive gel for breast implant in The results of studies are-they don't increase possibility of breast cancer-they don't affect on breast feeding-they are not associated with any other diseases. Numerous scientific studies over the years have shown that cohesive gel filled implants are both safe and effective for breast augmentation and reconstruction. Q. What is the surgical method of breast augmentation using cohesive gel implants? A. Since cohesive gel is a firm stable filler, it is difficult to insert through navel or areola. So axillary incision or infra-mammary fold incision will be made for placement of implants. 2. Saline filled implant Saline implants are the most frequently used implants. The shell of the implant is strong silicone, and it is filled with sterile saline solution at the time of surgery. Should these implants ruptured, the body will absorb the saline naturally expelled by the body. Points to inform surgeon -Details about the desired outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking (hypertension, intake of warfarin, etc) -Allergies to medication and food Preparing for surgery Avoid aspirin and blood thinning medication such as brufen for two weeks prior to the surgery to eliminate the chance of post operation bleeding. You should not smoke for 2 weeks prior to the surgery as this may affect your reaction to the anesthetic and prolong the healing process. Post operative care All dressings and bandages are removed on the second or third day following the procedure. Afterwards, you are free to bath and shower as usual. You will be directed by your nurse on the correct procedure and the reasons for breast massage which should be conducted twice a day or as directed by your surgeon. You will also be recommended to wear a special support bra for 2-3 weeks. 127

128 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Avoid any form of lifting for several weeks after the surgery and avoid any physical contact (direct stimulation) for a few weeks as the breasts will still be sore. You will probably be able to resumeexercise and normal physical activities within a month or two, after the residual soreness has subsided. Women that choose silicone implants should have an annual mammogram to ensure that their implants are not leaking, as silicone leaks out slowly unlike saline which is easier to rupture and will deflate fairly quickly. If there is a leakage or break in the implant, it should be replaced. Complications Since 2, statistics show that a low number of silicone or saline implant recipients have experienced complications. Capsular contracture occurs if the capsule, or shell, around the implant begins to tighten and thicken. This will cause the breast to feel hard and appear unnatural. Preventing this can be best achieved by regular self-massage. Your surgeon will advise you on just how to do this. Should a problem arise, there are a number of ways to correct the issue. Sometimes removal of the capsule is required, or perhaps the implant may need to be replaced, however this is uncommon if you follow your surgeon's directions. If a breast does become infected or deflated, the implant must be removed immediately. You will need to wait several months before repeating the operation. Despite bleeding generally being minimal during the operation, there is a possibility that continual bleeding after surgery may result in a blood clot - which would need to be removed. This is uncommon and it is suggested you remain in Thailand for approximately 2 weeks for your surgeon to monitor your improvement after surgery. Infection is uncommon, but possible. Your surgeon should provide you with antibiotics prior to surgery to eliminate this possibility. A reputable accredited surgeon will perform these procedures to eliminate risk. Detecting breast cancer may be more difficult. Easy Steps We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea for this type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. 128

129 Please attain traveler's insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler's insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 1. Contact Our hospital's coordinator by Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Symptoms, Clear pictures of breasts (from the front and the side), Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery) 9. Surgery 10. Stay in hospital for 2 nights (Remove bandages and wear post surgery support bra) 11. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least one week so that we may monitor your recovery) 12. Post surgery doctor's appointment (2 times) 13. Depart back to home country (we will assist you to the airport) Breast Augmentation Recovery Back to normal lifestyle: 3-5 days More strenuous activity: 3-4 weeks Fading of scars: several months to a year or more Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. 129

130 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Specialties Plastic Surgery Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 130

131 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace/ Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food 131

132 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Shop away in Seoul.We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Thailand> plastic-surgery/breast-augmentation-type.aspx <USA> Package comparison <JAPAN> <Argentina> n-argentina-from-%243850/ <Europe> y-solis-turkey/ n-argentina-from-%243850/ Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com FAQs Q1 : What are the advantages and disadvantages of silicone and saline implants? A1 : Silicone has a more natural feel and look. In the occurrence of leakage, saline is much less injurious to the surrounding tissues. 132

133 Q2 : What are some points to consider about placing implants over or under the muscle? A2 : Implant movement when pectorals are flexed is more obvious with implants below the muscle. Women with scant natural breast tissue will have less obvious augmented look if implants are placed below the muscle. Mammograms are reportedly slightly less accurate if implants are above the muscle. Q3 : Will I be asleep during surgery? A3 : You will be asleep under general anesthesia. Q4 : How long will I stay in the hospital? A4 : You will be admitted for 1-2 nights, after which you may go back to your hotel. You may do some shopping and sightseeing while waiting for your follow up schedule, but take care not to do any lifting, swimming and other strenuous activities. Q5 : How many days after the operation can I leave Korea? A5 : You need to return for a check-up 7-10 days after surgery, after which you can travel or return to work. Q6 : How long is the recovery period? A6 : Most patients can walk around slowly the day after surgery, and steadily improve over the next few days. There will be swelling and bruising, most of which will resolve in about 2 weeks. Limitation of physical activity and contact with breasts must be observed for about 4 weeks. Full wound maturation and final results will gradually occur over 6-12 months. Q7 : How do I care for myself after the operation? A7 : Your surgeon will teach you a special breast massage technique and prescribe a support bra for a few months. Q8 : What could go wrong? A8 : Some risks of surgery include bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, asymmetry, nerve injury, numb areolae and nipples, contractures or raised growth of scar tissue at incision site, contracture around the implant, rippling of skin over some parts of the implant, leakage, and need for revision surgery. Q9 : How do I prepare for surgery? 133

134 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 A9 : To avoid complications and reduce risk factors you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines (other than those that your doctor allows you continue), at least two weeks before your schedule. People with diseases need surgical clearance from their medical specialist. Q10 : Do I need any kind of Insurance? A10 : Plastic surgery is not usually covered by insurance. But we highly recommend that you and your companions apply for travelers insurance to cover sudden illnesses or accidents that may occur during your stay in Korea. Please note that this brochure should be used only as a guide for your treatment. All specifics will be discussed with your Physician during your consultation 134

135 (2) 유방축소(Breast reduction) Surgery Title Breast Reduction Cost All tax included $7, ~ $13, (USD) Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Duration of operation : Two to four hours Anaesthetic : General anaesthesia Hospital Admission : 2 night Package Content Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital 2 night hospital stay including all meals (meals for companion are extra) Stay in an air conditioned room. One companion can also stay with the patient in this room, which is equipped with LCDTV connected to cable 23"~33", Digital Multi Player, computer with internet, computer keyboard for each language, internet surfing facility, attached washroom, fridge, hair dryer, electric hot water pot, complimentary tea and coffee, complimentary toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh towels, sheets and game player on request Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (chest), Mammogram,Urine test, EKG, Blood test (CBC, PT & PTT, Anti HIV) Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Post surgical support bra Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance 135

136 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls from our office Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -You will be notified of any additional costs arise Women who are troubled by very large, sagging breasts that restrict activities and cause physical discomfort. In most cases, breast reduction isn't performed until the patient's breasts are fully developed. The procedure can be done earlier however if large breasts are causing serious physical discomfort. Candidates Ideal candidates for breast lift surgery include: Women over the age of 18. Women who have drooping breasts (breasts with stretched skin and less volume than in the past). Women in good physically healthy and emotionally stable. Women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding Women who do not have plans to lose excessive amounts of weight. Patients with the following health problems and who may create high risk in surgery will not be eligible for participation in the Breast Reduction surgery program: -Blood Clots -Patients who are suffering from choral disease, diabetes or HIV 136

137 During surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin and tightens the remaining skin. The surgeon starts by assessing the required lift and fullness needed to achieve the desired result. This is done by marking a new nipple position. Using a scalpel, the surgeon then makes an incision along the pre-marked lines and separates the skin from the tissues below. The excess breast fat is then removed, the nipple relocated to its new position and finally the new breast shape is reconstructed. The incision is usually made around the nipple and under the surface of the breast, like an upside down T, however a different technique may be used depending on the degree to which your breasts sag. Surgery description Commonly, a breast liftis performed in conjunction with breast reduction to achieve a more youthful breast appearance. <Before Image> <After Image> Advantages Breast reduction is very successful at reducing the weight of very heavy breasts, making it easier to enjoy an active lifestyle and a wider range of clothes which flatter your figure. Women find that this surgery often relieves chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. The main benefit of the reduction is functional, but you also get a breast lift which will enhance your appearance. Discuss with your doctor -Details about the outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking (prescription and nonprescription) -Allergies to medication and food 137

138 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Back to normal lifestyle: 3 to 4 weeks Strenuous activity: about 6 weeks Fading of scars: several months to a year or more Breast Reduction Recovery Following the surgery drainage tubes may be positioned to drain extra blood or secretions. You may feel pain with sharp moves or coughing. You will receive painkillers to relieve any pain. Bandages will be removed a 1-2 days after the operation. Wear a support bra for 4-6 weeks until the lesions heal completely. Tingling sensations or currents may last for a few months or even a year. If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains, or unusual heart beats, seek medical attention immediately. Should any of these complications occur, you may require hospitalization and additional treatment. Side Effects Permanent scars Possibility of slightly mismatched breasts, unevenly positioned nipples All surgery is associated with bruising, so you should expect this for 7-10 days after your operation. You may start to see the results quickly but you will not see the final benefits of your surgery for many months. Complications As with any surgery, there is always a possibility of complications, including bleeding, infection, or reaction to anesthesia. Some patients can develop small sores around their nipples after surgery. These can be treated with antibiotic creams. You can reduce your risks by closely following the instructions we provide you before and after the surgery. Easy steps We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea for this type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. Please attain traveler s insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler s insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 138

139 1. Contact Our hospital s coordinator by yahoo.com Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Symptoms, Clear pictures of breasts (from the front and the side), Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery) 9. Surgery 10. Stay in hospital for 2 nights (Remove bandages and wear post surgery support bra) 11. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least one week so that we may monitor your recovery) 12. Post surgery doctor s appointment (2 times) 13. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) This is a complicated and difficult surgery among breast surgeries which has the possibility of big scars remaining or the loss of nursing capacity. Therefore it is important to choose a surgeon with much experience in this field. Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery Language 139

140 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 140

141 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk withstationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Package comparison <Thailand> /plastic-surgery/breast-reduction-type.aspx t-lift-surgery-mastopexy-cosmetic-procedure-209.html <India> <USA> Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com 141

142 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Q1: Will I be asleep during surgery? A1: You will be asleep under general anesthesia. Q2: How long will I be in the hospital? A2: The operation will last 1-2 hours. Afterward, you will be monitored closely in the hospital for 2 nights. Q3: How long will I stay in the hospital? A3: You will be admitted for 2 nights, after which you may go back to your hotel. You may do some shopping and sightseeing while waiting for your follow-up schedule, but take care not to do any lifting, swimming and other strenuous activities. Q4: How many days after operation can I leave Korea? A4: You need to come for check-up 7-10 days after surgery, after which you can travel or return to work. FAQs Q5: How long is the recovery period? A5: Most patients can walk around slowly the day after surgery, and steadily improve over the next few days. There will be swelling and bruising, most of which will resolve in about 2 weeks. Limitation of physical activity and contact with breasts must be observed for about 4 weeks. Full wound maturation and final results will gradually occur over 6-12 months. Q6: How do I care for myself after the operation? A6: You need to wear a support bra for a few months. Avoid under-wire bras during this recovery time. Q7: Is the lifted result permanent? A7: The effects of aging will continue after you have had surgery, so over the years, the breasts could slowly sag again. It is important to note that pregnancy, lactation, and significant fluctuations in weight will cause the breasts to sag faster. Q8: Aside from the improved appearance of my breasts, will there be other changes? A8: Breast Reductioncan interfere with results of a mammogram. Because of tissue removal, it may also be detrimental to breastfeeding. Q9: What could go wrong? 142

143 A9: Some risks of surgery include bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, asymmetry, nerve injury, numb areolas and nipples, contractures or raised growth of scar tissue at incision site and need for revision surgery. Q10: How do I prepare for surgery? A10: To avoid complications and reduce risk factors you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines (other than those that your doctor allows you continue), at least two weeks before your schedule. People with diseases need surgical clearance from their medical specialist Q11: Do I need any kind of Insurance? A11: Plastic surgery is not usually covered by insurance. But we highly recommend that you and your companions apply for travelers insurance to cover sudden illnesses or accidents that may occur during your stay in Korea. 143

144 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 3.2. 눈성형-쌍커플수술- 눈밑지방제거(Double Eyelid & Blepharoplasty) (1) 쌍커플수술(Double eyelid Surgery) Surgery Title Double eyelid Surgery Cost All taxes included Non incisional double eyelid op: $1, ~ $1,200 (USD) Partial incisional double eyelid op: $1,200 ~ $1,500 (USD) Incisional double eyelid op:$1,200 ~ $1,700(USD) Duration of operation: Non incision : 20 min Partial incision: 40 min Full incision: 40 min Anesthetic: Local anesthesia Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Package Content Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange Nursing assistance throughout stay Additional Services Visa and travel document assistance Translation services Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day 144

145 International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Items of a personal nature e.g. massage, telephone calls, snacks, sending mail -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Shopping guide for full day -Smart phone rental with free internet connection (you may use the camera or realtime function to show friends and family how you are doing daily) English Newspaper delivered to your room everyday -You will be notified if additional costs arise for your surgery Non incision -Those who have thin unsagging eyelids, who can open and close their eyes fully -Fix an existing double eyelid line (lines) Partial incision Candidates -For those who have fatty eyelids but the skin is not baggy Full incision -For those who have sagging or thick eyelids -People whose previous double eyelid procedure has come undone (with the non-incision method or partial incision methods) -People whose eyelid strength is week resulting in a tired sleepy look Surgery description Double eyelid surgery has been reported to be the most common aesthetic procedure in Asia. This procedure may seem simple, but it is actually one of the most complicated cosmetic surgeries out there, for there are a number of anatomic differences in the upper eyelids. Several methods can be used to create double eyelids; including full-incision, partial incision, and non incision methods. Each method has 145

146 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 it s advantages, but it does largely depend on the patient s anatomy and aesthetic desires. Full incision The full Incision technique is recommended for eyelids with an ample amount of fat, thick skin, and/or severely lowered eyelids. In comparison to the non-incision technique, the full incision method causes prolonged swelling. However, this procedure is the best technique for the thinning and slimming of the eyelid skin. The full-incision method permits the greatest ability to contour and modify the eyelid, according to the shape which you desire. The results from this method, provides a permanent double eyelid in almost all cases. Non incision For the young patients with thin skinned eyelids, double eyelid surgery can be accomplished with no incisions or cutting. Sutures are passed inside the eyelid to create a new crease. This method is relatively simple, and is a worry-free procedure for creating double eyelids in Asian patients. It is also virtually scar free, since there are no incisions involved, and the swelling is very minimal compared to the other techniques. However, not all patients have the favorable physiological adaptability for this procedure. Partial incision The partial incision technique is used to create double eyelids by removing adipose tissue (fat tissue) with a 2 to 3-mm incision. It is performed on those patients with an abundant amount of adipose tissue above their eyes. This procedure is for those who want double eyelids with a simple incision. The level of swelling is similar to that of the non-incision blepharoplasty. Full Incision <Before Image> <After Image> 146

147 Partial Incision <Before Image> <After Image> Points to inform Surgeon -Details about the desired outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking (hypertension, intake of warfarin etc) -Allergies to medication and food Recovery Period You may go home after the stitches are removed (2~5 days after the surgery) Make up: You may wear eye makeup 5~7 days after the surgery Recovery period: The swelling will withdraw after 1~2 weeks Side Effects Tightness of lids Burning, itching of eyes Excessive tearing and light sensitivity Easy Steps We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea for this type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate thecontact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. Please attain traveler's insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler's insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 147

148 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 1. Contact Our hospital's coordinator by Include : Name, Date of Birth, height, weight, symptoms, clear pictures of eyes and time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2.Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery and physical therapy schedule) 9. Surgery 10. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least 5 days so that we may monitor your recovery) 11. Post surgery doctor's appointment (2 times) 12. Depart back to home country (we will assist you to the airport) Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internshipand 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor's Information Specialties Plastic Surgery Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education 148

149 Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service 149

150 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food etc Shop to your heart s delight in Seoul. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> $2,500 ~ $3, (USD) Package comparison <Thailand> $700 ~ $1200 (USD) <Japan> $ 800 ~$2200 (USD) 150

151 Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: messenger: Q1: Will I be asleep during the surgery? A1: Local anesthesia with sedation will be used to eliminate pain and reduce anxiety. However, you will not be put to sleep because the surgeon will need you to move your eyes from time to time while the surgery is going on. Q2: How many days should I stay in the hospital? A2: You may go back to your hotel after the surgery, but your doctor will ask you to return for follow up in about 1 week. Q3: Will the scars be visible? A3: Incisions will be carefully placed in the natural skin creases to make them as inconspicuous as possible. FAQs Q4: What is the length of time for recovery? A4: Your lids may be swollen and discolored, and you may haveeye irritation with tearing after surgery but this will gradually improve every day. Your eyes should appear near normal by the end of two weeks. Final results can be expected as the scar tissue fully matures over 6-12 months. Q5: What could go wrong? A5: Some risks of surgery include bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, nerve injury, asymmetry, unfavorable scarring, and need for revision surgery. Q6: How do I prepare for surgery? A6: To avoid complications and reduce risk factors, your eyes, lids and lashes must be free from infection. Two weeks before your schedule, you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines other than those that your doctor allows you continue. 151

152 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 (2) 눈밑지방제거(Blepharoplasty) Surgery Title Blepharoplasty Cost All taxes included Upper Blepharoplasty US$1,200 ~ US$2, Lower Blepharoplasty US$1,200 ~ US$2, Our fully inclusive packages include the following services Duration of operation: 1~3 hours Anesthetic: Local anesthesia or general Package Content Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange Nursing assistance throughout stay Additional Services Visa and travel document assistance Translation services Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement A phonewith a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Items of a personal nature e.g. massage, telephone calls, snacks, sending mail -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure 152

153 -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -Shopping guide for full day -Smart phone rental with free internet connection (you may use the camera or realtime function to show friends and family how you are doing daily) English Newspaper delivered to your room everyday - You will be notified if additional costs arise for your surgery Candidates -Men and women over the age of 35 -Candidates who are physically and psychologically healthy andhave realistic expectations from the procedure -Candidates with droopy eyes running in the family -Candidates without medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and Graves' disease -dry eye or lack of sufficient tearing -high blood pressure or other circulatory disorders -cardiovascular disease -diabetes -A detached retina or glaucoma, in which case the surgery can be done only if approved by an ophthalmologist Lower blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure done to correct eye bags and weakened skin under the eyes formed by excess fat accumulation and dislocation that occurs with increasing age, by birth or disease resulting in aged or tired appearance or lesser peripheral vision. Surgery description Upper blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure done to correct drooping upper eyelids which occur with increasing age, by birth or disease causing an aged or tired appearance or lesser peripheral vision. 1) The patient is made to sit upright after which the surgeon marks on the skin the areas where the incisions are to be made. 2) A sedative is given through an intravenous line to relax the patient. 3) A local anaesthetic is injected to numb the area of before surgery. 4) Incisions Lower Blepharoplasty 153

154 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 An incision is made just below the eyelashes of the lower eyelid from where excess tissue is removed. Upper Blepharoplasty Incisions are made in the natural creases or folds of the upper eyelids and the extra fat tissue is removed. 5) The sagging skin and muscle are trimmed after which the incision is closed using either dissolving or permanent sutures. 6) To remove the eye bags, incision is made inside the lower eyelid and the excess fat is removed or moved back to its original place after which the incision is closed using either dissolving or permanent sutures The procedure takes around 1-3 hours to complete. Upper Blepharoplasty <Before Image> <After Image> Lower Blepharoplasty <Before Image> <After Image> 154

155 Points to inform surgeon -Details about the desired outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking (hypertension, intake of warfarin, etc) -Allergies to medication and food Recovery Period You may go home after the stitchesare removed (2~5 days after the surgery) Make up: You may wear eye makeup 5~7 days after the surgery Recovery period: The swelling will withdraw after 1~2 weeks Side effect Tightness of lids Burning, itching of eyes Excessive tearing and light sensitivity We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea forthis type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. Easy Steps Please attain traveler's insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler's insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 1. Contact Our hospital's coordinator by Include : Name, Date of Birth, height, weight, symptoms, clear pictures of eyes and time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 155

156 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery and physical therapy schedule) 9. Surgery 10. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least 5 days so that we may monitor your recovery) 11. Post surgery doctor's appointment (2 times) 12. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery Doctor's Information Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses 156

157 Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with 157

158 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Shop away in Seoul. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> $3, ~ $5, USD Package comparison <Thailand> Upper Blepharoplasty US$600 Lower Blepharoplasty US$600 <Japan> $ 4, ~$5, (USD) Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com Q1: Will I be asleep during the surgery? A1: Local anesthesia with sedation will be used to eliminate pain and 158

159 reduce anxiety. However, you will not be put to sleep because the surgeon will need you to move your eyes from time to time while the surgery is going on. Q2: How many days should I stay in the hospital? A2: You may go back to your hotel after the surgery, but your doctor will ask you to return for follow up in about 1 week. Q3: Will the scars be visible? A3: Incisions will be carefully placed in the natural skin creases to make them as inconspicuous as possible. FAQs Q4: What is the length of time for recovery? A4: Your lids may be swollen and discolored, and you may have eye irritation with tearing after surgery but this will gradually improve every day. Your eyes should appear near normal by the end of two weeks. Final results can be expected as the scar tissue fully matures over 6-12 months. Q5: What could go wrong? A5: Some risks of surgery include bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, nerve injury, asymmetry, unfavorable scarring, and need for revision surgery. Q6: How do I prepare for surgery? A6: To avoidcomplications and reduce risk factors, your eyes, lids and lashes must be free from infection. Two weeks before your schedule, you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines other than those that your doctor allows you continue. 159

160 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 3.3 코성형(Rhinoplasty surgery) Surgery Title Rhinoplasty Cost All taxes included Primary Rhinoplasty : USD $ 3, ~ 8, Revision Rhinoplasty : USD $ 10, ~ 15, Ethnic Rhinoplasty : USD $ 5,900 Silicone implant +tip plasty +ear cartilage +nasal bone surgery : US $ 3, ~ 5, Nostril base reduction : US $1,500 ~ 3, Paranasal augmentation -silicone : US $ 1,500 ~ 2, Paranasal augmentation -Goretex : US $ 2, ~ 2,300 Nasal Bridge Correction Surgery (total nose job) : $3, ~ $5, Translation service and Airport pickup included Duration of operation: 2~3 hours Anesthetic: Local anesthesia or general Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital Package Content Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange Nursing assistance throughout stay Additional Services Visa and travel document assistance Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day 160

161 International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -You will be notified of any additional costs Candidates A good candidate for nose-reshaping cosmetic surgery may: Have a nose that he or she feels is too large or too small in comparison with other facial features Have a bump on the bridge of the nose Have a wide nose Have a nasal tip that droops, protrudes, or is enlarged Have a bulbous tip Have nostrils that are excessively flared or pinched Have a nose that is crooked or off-center Have been injured so that the nose is asymmetrical Have problems breathing due to irregularities with internal nose structure Surgery description This is a surgical procedure that can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. It may also correct a birth defect or injury, or help relieve some breathing problems. Types of Nose Surgery Anesthesia: General or Sedation Location: Hospital, surgical center or office Surgery time: 1-4 hours Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures plastic surgeons perform and also one of the most difficult as the surgeon performs it 161

162 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 mainly by feel. Rhinoplasty may be performed in order to increase the patient's ability to breath, improve the nose by reducing or reshaping it and/or, straightening an injured nose. Techniques: There are two main options for the incisions that your plastic surgeon can use: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty involves incision confined to the inside of your nose. Swelling improves soon and recovery is fast. However, your surgeon may have a limited ability to achieve some changes in your nose because of her or his inability to see parts of the inside of the nose. Open rhinoplasty involves a small incision across the columella, between the nostrils, in addition to incisions on the inside of your nose. Open surgery is usually preferred in more complicated cases. Some surgeons prefer the open rhinoplasty because it allows them greater visibility of the nose. Swelling and bruising lasts longer with open rhinoplasty. Either way, if you sleep with your head elevated for the week following your nose surgery, the swelling will be minimized and will subside much faster. When deciding on open vs. closed rhinoplasty, you should follow the advice of your plastic surgeon. The Operation: Nasal surgery can change your nose by recontouring the underlying cartilage and bone. Your surgeon can make your nose larger, shorter, smaller, straighter, or thinner. Most of the incisions for reshaping the nose are made internally and scars will not be visible. How thick or thin your skin is plays a big role in the results of the operation. Thick skin will not "drape out" as well over the new underlying structure as thin skin. But, thick skin will hide small irregularities of the cartilage and bone better than thin skin. The operation normally lasts about 1-2 hours. The surgery will either be performed under local anesthesia with heavy sedation, or under general anesthesia. Common changes made: -Tip of the nose: corrected by adding or excising cartilage at the tip and 162

163 stitches the cartilage together. A low tip of the nose can be raised by adding cartilage to support the tip, removing excess cartilage in the septum, or repositioning the cartilage. -Dorsal bone: the hump of the bridge can be corrected by removing (with a chisel or rasp) excess cartilage and bone, then brings the nasal bones together. -Wide bony portion of nose: corrected by breaking the bones of the nose and -repositioning them inward. -Wide base of the nose: corrected by removing tissue at the base of the nose and the nostrils moved closer together. -Nostrils too wide: corrected by removing small wedges of skin from their base and bringing them closer together. -Angle between nose and lip: corrected by trimming the septum. Before and After Primary Rhinoplasty: <Before Images> <After Images> Send in your pictures and we will make a 3D image of yourself now and what the surgery can do for you. Pre-Operative Care -Avoid your menstruation period if possible, but in an inevitable case, please inform us in advance for the preventative measures for menstrual bleeding. -Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamin E supplements about a week before surgery as they can cause increased bleeding. -Avoid taking certain medications such as over-the-counter Korean herbal medicines or steroid drugs about a week before surgery as they can affect and disturb wound healing. -Stop smoking and drinking a week in advance of surgery. -Schedule the date of surgery considering the time needed for healing. In general, men bleed more and need more time to relieve swelling than women do. -The amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly according to the type of procedure and its healing process. Decide the right procedure of 163

164 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 nose surgery which you can afford in terms of time and cost. -Fast for 6 hours before the surgery to make the stomach empty in preparation for painless intravenous sedation. -Remove nail polish as fingernails are monitored to check the patient's condition during the operation. -Remove any metallic accessories or ornaments, for they may cause the malfunction of surgical instruments and probable burns. Post-Operative Care It takes one or two hours for nose surgery in general. When the surgery is completed, you will be taken to the recovery room for about an hour and apply an ice pack to the incised area for the reduction of swelling. When you become stable and feel less discomfort, you will be allowed to go to your hotel. Cold compresses or ice packs are helpful to relieve the swelling for the first 3 to 4 days after surgery and then a hot pack is recommendable. The patient may experience minor bleeding for the first 2 days. Just wipe it away, but do not intentionally peel off the dried-up blood scab by force. Clinic visit for follow-up care and return to normal life You will visit the clinic for follow-up care the next day of surgery, and every other day after the surgery for around 3 times. It will be possible to return to normal life 5 to 7 days after surgery, but swelling and bruising will last for around 2 weeks. Most normal activities can be resumed after 2 weeks, but some exercises where you would need to lower your head like swimming should be avoided. If you usually wear glasses, we ask that you wear contact lenses for 3 weeks. Please have a check up with a doctor when you go back to your own country to make sure your nose is healing properly. Post-Operative Scarring In general, scars are invisible as incisions are made inside of the nose. In case of open rhinoplasty, a small V-shaped suture mark is left on the columella but becomes very inconspicuous with the passage of time. Side effects Temporary discomfort, Bruising around the eyes and nose Some bleeding and stuffiness 164

165 We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea for this type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. Please attain traveler's insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler's insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc Easy Steps 1. Contact Our hospital's coordinator by gmail.com Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Symptoms Clear pictures of nose (from the front and the side) Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery) 9. Surgery 10. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least one week so that we may monitor your recovery) 11. Post surgery doctor's appointment (3 timesto dress the wounds) 12. Depart back to home country (we will assist you to the airport) Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. 165

166 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered from facelifts to liposuction, makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 166

167 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki 167

168 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Rhinoplasty USD $ 3,500~ 4,500 Package comparison <Philippines> Nasal Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty USD $ 2,850 <Thailand> Nose Augmentation USD $ 1,500 <Japan> Rhinoplasty USD $ 3, ~ 8, Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com FAQs Q1. What is rhinoplasty? A1. Rhinoplasty is cosmetic surgery of the nose.it is also known as nasal refinement and a nose job. With rhinoplasty, 'defects' from either birth or trauma can be corrected by infracturing or breaking the bones of the nose and re-setting them in the desired shape, often narrow and straight. A hump may be removed to give a more pleasing, symmetrical look. The cartilages of the nose can be molded and trimmed to create a more compact or pleasing shape.rhinoplasty can soften an otherwise beautiful face by refining one's features. Q2. How old should I be to get my nose fixed? A2. Generally it is best to wait until the cartilage and bone of the nose 168

169 has stopped growing. In many patients this is around the age of 16 but will vary depending on the individual patient. At the other extreme more and more these days patients in their 60 s and even 70 s are undergoing some form of constructive nasal surgery. Q3. Will insurance cover the procedure? A3. Most insurance companies will not cover the costs of purely cosmetic surgical procedures. However if your surgery has a functional element, for example a deviated nasal septum with a blocked nose, then the costs related to this portion of your surgery will often be covered. In many cases this will cover half to two thirds of the overall cost of surgery. If surgery to the external portion of the nose is necessary to correct the nasal airway as well as undergoing septoplasty then the entire cost of the procedure may be covered. Q4. Will I have visible scars? A4. Most of the incisions for rhinoplasty surgery are performed inside the nose and are hidden from view. Patients undergoing external rhinoplasty will have a very fine line across the base of their nose, which is almost invisible and is inconspicuously placed on the underside of the nose across the columella (link to glossary). Q5. Can I wear glasses after surgery? A5. It is preferable to avoid wearing glasses for at least 2-3 weeks following surgery as this may have an impact on the final position of the nasal bones. Q6. Will I be able to blow my nose? A6. Generally nose blowing is avoided on the day of surgery but from the first postoperative day I am usually quite happy for patients to blow their nose gently to clear blood and discharge from the nose. Q7. Will I have packing in my nose? A7. In most cases, packing is not used these days. However on occasion I sandwich the septum between two sheets of teflon to minimize postoperative swelling and to hold the septum in place. This will make the nose feel quite blocked until these are removed 5-7 days after surgery. Q8. How much will the operation cost? A8. The cost of rhinoplasty surgery varies depending on the length of 169

170 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 surgery, which may last from 1-3 hours according to the complexity of the problem. Typical total costs vary between $9-11 in the USA. In Korea you can get a total nose job for $3,-$5, USD. Q8. Am I being vain having this operation? A8. Most people undergoing rhinoplasty surgery do not fit into our preconceived notions of plastic surgical patients. They are neither vainnor obsessed with surgery. They are frequently embarrassed by an obvious nasal deformity and quite rightly wish to have this corrected. Q9. What drugs should I avoid taking before surgery? A9. Any medication that has an anticoagulant effect, e.g. Aspirin or Warfarin, should be avoided. Your surgeon will advise on this before surgery. Note should be made that many herbal medicines have an anticoagulant effect and you should advise your surgeon if you are taking these. Q10. Does it hurt after surgery? A10. Surprisingly rhinoplasty surgery is not generally painful with patients main complaint often being a feeling of blockage and stuffiness for the week after surgery. Associated with this, it is usual to have some minor bleeding in the first few hours after surgery and some continued blood stained discharge from the nose for a week or two. In most cases simple pain relief is all that is required. Q11. What happens if I do not like the result? A11. The results seen in the initial postoperative period can be quite different to thatnoted 6-12 months after surgery. The swelling and bruising (usually minor) will obscure the final result. Studies indicate that even in the most experienced hands 5-10% of patients undergoing rhinoplasty surgery will require revision surgery. You should discuss any concerns that you have with your surgeon postoperatively but remember to be patient for a number of weeks before a final valid assessment can be made. Q12. Do I have stitches? A12. Internally multiple dissolving sutures are placed which do not require removal. If an external rhinoplasty approach has been performed there will be 4 or 5 tiny sutures across the columella, which will require removal 5-6 days postoperatively. 170

171 3.4 몸매성형- 지방흡입(Liposuction) Surgery Title Liposuction Liposuction is the removal of deposits of excess fat by suction with specialized surgical equipment. Cost All taxes included Liposuction- calf : US $ 3, ~ 3,200 Liposuction- arm : US $ 2,500 ~ 3,200 Liposuction- flank : US $ 3,500 ~ 3,800 Liposuction- thigh : US $ 4,500 ~ 6, Liposuction- hip : US $ 3,500 ~ 3,800 Liposuction- abdomen(part) : US $ 3, ~ 3,200 Liposuction- abdomen(whole):us $ 4, ~ 6,500 Liposuction- neck, cheek, chin, and jowls: US $ 2,500 ~ 5, Liposuction- ankle: US $ 4, ~ 8, Send in your pictures and contact our coordinator for a plan just for you! Duration of operation: 2~3 hours Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia or general Hospital admission: 1-2 night stay Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital Package Content Hospital stay including all meals (meals for companion are extra) Stay in an air conditioned room. One companion can also stay with the patient in this room, which is equipped with LCDTV connected to cable 23"~33", Digital Multi Player, computer with internet, computer keyboard for each language, internet surfing facility, attached washroom, fridge, hair dryer, electric hot water pot, complimentary tea and coffee, complimentary toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh towels, sheets and game player on request Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (chest), Urine test, EKG, Blood test (CBC, PT & PTT, Anti HIV) Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) 171

172 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Post surgical support corset / garments Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls from our office Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Caretaker (If you need help moving around for the first few days after your surgery, you may opt to hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -You will be notified of any additional costs Candidates -Adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone -Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing -Non-smokers (Stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to the surgery and discontinue to smoke for 1 month after the surgery. Smoking can cause problems with the incisions to heal) -Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring 172

173 Prior to surgery Send in your pictures and we will make a 3D image of yourself now and what the surgery can do for you. During Surgery Treatment time will vary depending on the size of the area and the amount of fat being removed.liposuction may be performed under a local anesthesia which numbs the affected areas, usually combined with intravenous sedation. For more extensive procedures a general anesthesia may be used.during the procedure the surgeon will insert a narrow tube called a cannula through a tiny incision.the cannula is pushed and pulled through the fat layer breaking up the fat cells and suctioning them out.after surgery, you will be required to wear a supportive corset or pressure bandages around the treated areas. Surgery description Traditional liposuction is surgical suctioning of excess fat deposits The tumescent or super-wet technique requires an infusion of saline solution with adrenaline and anesthetic prior to removal of excess fat. Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy excess fat prior to surgical suctioning After Surgery You will be able to adjust back to your normal lifestyle in 10 to 14 days. Strenuous activity after2 weeks or more. Bruising will last1-2 weeks to several months Limit exposure to sun for several months. 173

174 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Complications specific to liposuction are infrequent and usually minor. However, as with any surgery, there are risks, including the possibility of: Side effects -Scars.In most cases scarring is minimal, though some people may form lumpy red scars -Bleeding under the skin (hematoma) after surgery -Infection may occur and require antibiotic treatment -Irregularities in skin contour and depressions in the skin -With wet liposuction, pulmonary edema (fluid buildup in the lungs) can occur as a result of the fluid that is injected and needs immediate treatment. The fluid used can also cause allergic reactions for some patients. -Reaction to the anesthesia -General complications of surgery include blood loss and possible transfusion, blood clots in the legs (Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT) and chest (Pulmonary Embolism), chest infection and reactions to anesthesia. It is impossible to guarantee symmetrical body appearance and completely smooth skin after liposuction surgery.some numbness can occur and there may be significant bruising and swelling which may take several months to settle completely. Risks can be reduced by following the surgeon's instructions before and after surgery. Please receive a periodic checkup in your own country to make sure there are no problems. Discuss with your doctor -Details about the outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking (prescription and nonprescription) -Allergies to medication and food Easy Steps We do not have long waiting lists in South Korea for this type of surgery. We would thus be able to schedule your surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. 174

175 Please attain traveler s insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler s insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 1. Contact Our hospital s coordinator by gmail.com Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Symptoms, Clear pictures of torso (from the front, side and back), Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery) 9. Surgery 10. Stay in hospital for 1-2 nights (Remove bandages and wear post surgery support garments) 11. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least one week so that we may monitor your recovery) 12. Post surgery doctor s appointment (2 times) 13. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery 175

176 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 176

177 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace/ Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$

178 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 <Singapore> Liposuction (Circumferential Thighs & Buttock)US $ 6, ~ 7, Liposuction (Circumferential Abdomen) US $ 6, Liposuction (Circumferential Arms)US $ 3, Liposuction (Face and Neck) US $ 3, Package comparison <Thailand> Liposuction (Circumferential Thighs & Buttock) US $2,540 Liposuction (Circumferential Abdomen) US $ 2,500 Liposuction (Circumferential Arms)US $ 2,100 Liposuction (Face and Neck) US $ 1,640 <Japan> Liposuction (Circumferential Thighs & Buttock) US $ 5, Liposuction (Circumferential Abdomen) US $ 8, Liposuction (Circumferential Arms)US $ 2, Liposuction (Face and Neck) US $ 2, Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com FAQs Q1: How many techniques are there for liposuction? A1: 1. There is the Tumescent technique which is widely used by doctors every where.with the tumescent technique, if the surgeon does not over inject the area with too much Lidocaine solution, this technique is proving best.upon a time they just shoved the hose in there and sucked away.with the tumescent technique, they engorge the tissues with a saline/lidocaine solution and suction the fat cells which are not engorged with the solution.this technique also hinders suctioning out tissues that are not targeted for removal and has less bleeding.however, if a surgeon injects too much of the solution the patient can get Lidocaine toxicity which can cause sickness, complications and sometimes death. Lidocaine toxicity occurs occasionally duringbody sculpturing where a large amount of solution is injected in the body or when the operation may require a long period of anesthesia. 2. The Super-wet technique which is basically like the Tumescent but with not as much solution injected. About the same amount of solution 178

179 isinjected as the amount of fat removed. 3. The Ultra Sonic technique (UAL) High frequency waves excite the water particles (or any fluid containing) and causes them to boil beneath the skin. This liquidated fat is then suctioned out. 4. The Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL or MicroAire Technique)is a newer technique where the cannula eases through the fatty tissue (even fibrous) with less trauma than traditional techniques and with no burn risks as with the UAL technique. This new machine uses a special high-speed "linear reciprocating" suction cannula. With the newer cannula,surgeons are able to perform more effective high-volume liposuction in a shorter time, without trauma, especially in more fibrous areas. Fibrous tissue has always been a problem in the buttocks, saddlebags (upper sides of thighs in women), back and the male breast (gynecomastia).the PAL system moves through these areas faster, with less trauma resulting in less work and strain for the surgeon and less pain and a faster recovery in patients. Q2. Is liposuction permanent? A2. To a certain degree, yes.the fat will return if you overeat and gain weight.the remaining fat cells have an extraordinary ability to expand considerably to compensate for any fat cells removed from liposuction.liposuction, in any application, is not to be used for weight loss.patients have died from suctioning out too much of their body's fluids. Your body needs fat and fluid to function. If you do gain weight you will re-gain the fat stores in your neck and face and the fat cells will compensate and engorge themselves. Q3. What does a typical liposuction consultation entail? A3. Your doctor will discuss your goals with you and he will explain what can be achieved realistically.a surgeon will take your body structure into account and recognize where your fat is needed.which is pretty much everywhere - just not in excess.there is no "one size fits all" technique when it comes to this procedure.each individual is unique. Q4. How is liposuction performed? A4. Small incisions are made and the excess fat is suctioned out through these small incisions.the tumescent technique is used where a saline solution (delivery and tumescent agent), Lidocaine (pain reliever) and epinephrine are injected into the targeted area.this technique's purpose is to engorge the tissues withsolution for a firmer working area and the fat cells (which are softer) are suctioned out.the epinephrine prohibits 179

180 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 bleeding during theoperation and less blood is lost during the procedure. There is a technique which involves ultrasonic waves.these ultrasonic waves excite the tissues water molecules (fat molecules being the target) and literally melt the fat into a liquid for ease of removal by suction.different patient's molecules may react differently. Be cautious of unskilled surgeons handling the equipment for you may get a severe burn. Sutures are sometimes used in the closure of incisions, a bit of surgical tape or Steri-Strips are placed over the incision and a support garment is worn for proper, compact healing. Q5. Where are the incisions made? A5. The incisions are made within the natural folds of the body which are usually near the pubic area, the inner knees several places along the thighs, etc. There are no folds there normally.unnecessary scarring is generally avoided in all techniques.discuss with your doctor his or incision placement of choice and why? Q6. What should I expect post-operatively? A6. You maya little sore but excessive pain is very rare withpain relievers prescribed by your doctor should alleviate any uncomfortable soreness. You will be asked to wear a support garment postoperatively for the first few days and then only at night for afew weeks if there was excessive removal of facial fat. This will insure proper healing in the surrounding tissues for a more compact appearance. Q7. Is it quite painful? Is there much bruising? A7. It takes about a week and a half for most of the swelling to subside. Bruising is minimal with average cases, although some people are prone to bruising more than others.you should take your prescribed pain medication to alleviate any pain or discomfort that you may experience. Q8. When will I be able to return to work? A8. Patients usually return to work within 2 weeks. Although some patients have returned just after 5 days. The swelling is more than likely the main reason people tend to take off work. The bruising, if any, can be camouflaged with cosmetics. Still, you should not bend over or exercise until more than 3 weeks after your surgery. 180

181 Q9. When will I be able to see the results? A9. After the swelling subsides you will begin to notice a difference in the compact appearance of your tissues.ake before and after photos to fully appreciate the results asgradual decrease in swelling will give your mind time to get accustomed to the changes. Q10. What are the risks of liposuction? A10. If the fat becomes necrotic(dead)from lack of blood supply, the fat tends to turn orange-ish clear and drain from the incision.you must have the tissue removed before a major infection develops, possibly causing gangrene. -Patientshave been known to receive actual burns from the ultrasonic technique.fat is actually melted within the body by 'exciting' the fat molecules with high frequency radio waves and is suctioned out. -There may be asymmetry, hyper-pigmentation (permanent dark spots) from the bruising. -Major blood loss, hematoma and infection. Do not think of Liposuction as a way to lose weight. -Another risk of liposuction is pulmonary embolism.an embolus is a blood clot and this blood clot can break free and travel to the lungs resulting in pulmonary embolism.this can put a patient into adult breathing distress and subsequently into cardiac arrest or coma - leading to the patient becoming 'brain dead' shortly thereafter or in a vegetative state from loss of oxygen to the brain.pulmonary embolism can happen within three weeks of the surgery but will most likely show symptoms of shortness of breath and fatigue within the first 72 hours.however, pulmonary embolism can occur suddenly, without warning.most patients with P.E. collapse and begin rapid deterioration after attempting to climb a flight of stairs. -Facial liposuction risks are far less than body liposuction due to the amount of fat that is suctioned and disrupted. 181

182 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 3.5 얼굴성형-안면성형- 주름제거(Facial Contouring & Face Lift & Botox-Filler (1) 안면성형(Facial Contouring) Surgery Title Facial contouring chin augmentation, chin reduction, genioplasty, chin implant, cheek implants, cheek bone implants, cheek bone augmentation Cost All Taxes Included Jaw reduction (mandible reduction) US $4,500 ~ 6,500 Cheek bone reduction (zygoma reduction) US $4,500 ~6,500 V line (Osteotomy) US $4,500 ~ 10, Chin advancement (genioplasty) US $3,500 ~5,50 Chin augmentation (zygoma augmentation) US $3,500 ~5,500 Chin correction (prognathism correction) US $15, ~ 22, Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Duration of operation: 2~3 hours Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia or general This is a routine Facial contour Procedure Package with 1 night length of stay in hospital Package Content Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital 1 night hospital stay including all meals (meals for companion are extra) Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Nursing assistance throughout stay Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (jaw), Urine test, Blood test (CBC, PT & PTT, Anti HIV) Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Visa and travel document assistance Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Translation services 182

183 A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day Additional nights at the hospital Hotel / Condominium accommodations Additional Fees -Site seeing -Plane ticket -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be notified if additional costs arises Candidates Candidates who are physically and psychologically healthy and have realistic expectations from the procedure Facial implants for the cheeks and/or chin can bring facial features into greater harmony and enhance their definition and youthfulness. Both types of implants can strengthen the features and profile of the face. Each involves placing synthetic materials deep under the subcutaneous tissue and onto the underlying bone. There are several types of facial implants made of different materials. The surgeon will choose an implant based on prior experience and what is best for the patient. Surgery description Cheek and chin implants are distinctive from other cosmetic surgeries in several ways: multiple options; minimal surgical access can often be used to place the implants; and results are often dramatic. Most people are pleased with their decision to have facial contour procedures. Adjusting to a new appearance is a consideration in making a decision. Usually, chin and cheekbone implant surgery is performed through incisions made inside the mouth. In some cases, surgery will be performed through a small incision under the chin. The surgeon will explain which procedure is best. The implants are placed into a pocket or space created under the skin. They may be secured there with small surgical screws or permanent sutures. In a few cases reducing cheekbones or the jawbone may be the best option. This is done by contouring the underlying bone or removing excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. 183

184 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Chin alterations Cosmetic surgery of the chin enhances a person's profile by creating a proportional balance with other facial features such as the neck, lips, nose and forehead. A receding chin, for example, can make an average nose seem large. A large chin can be reduced with surgery. The surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth and beneath the lower lip and reduces the bone using bone-contouring instruments. Once the incision is closed, special tape may be placed over the chin during the initial healing period. This surgery can be performed alone or in combination with other facial cosmetic surgery, such as rhinoplasty or a facelift. A small chin can be augmented with a variety of implants, which are inserted through an incision beneath the chin or inside the mouth behind the lower lip. A pocket is created at the tip of the chin and an implant is positioned inside it. The oral approach avoids a visible scar. Once the incision is closed, the chin may be supported by tape for several days to decrease swelling and prevent fluid accumulation. Another option is to move a portion of the bone at the tip of the chin forward (a sliding advancement genioplasty). This makes the chin more prominent and can also address any needed vertical changes as well. The surgery is performed through an incision inside the mouth in the area of the lower lip. The bone is cut above the lower border of the chin and below the lower front teeth. The chin is carefully detached, moved forward and stabilized with wires, or plates and screws. Cheek alterations A number of procedures are available to enhance the cheekbone (malar). These procedures are typically performed through small incisions inside the mouth in the upper jaw area. A pocket is created and the implant positioned and secured. Special situations In some cases patients may benefit from a custom implant. Special imaging is used to create a model that is used to fabricate a custom implant for the specific need. 184

185 Points to discuss with surgeon -Details about the outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking(prescription and nonprescription) -Allergies to medication and food Side effect Possible Complications Bleeding and prolonged swelling : Infection : Asymmetry or Over resection : A careful preoperative assessment and a complete bone reshaping instruments can prevent such problems. Injury to facial nerves: The facial nerve to forehead can be injured. The simplest way to avoid facial nerve injury is not to operate along the pathway of the nerve. By approaching to anterior zygoma through intraoral incision and posterior zygoma through preauricular incision, I can avoid the risk of facial nerve injury which pass through middle zygoma When You Return Home Back to normal lifestyle: 10 to 14 days. Strenuous activity: 2 weeks or more. Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Must limit exposure to sun for several months. Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery Language Korean, English 185

186 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered facelift, from tummy-tuck to liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty from breast augmentation to LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities 186

187 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk withstationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella <Singapore> mandible reduction (jaw reduction) US $10, ~ Package comparison <Thailand> Cheek Implants US$1,200 Reduction of Malar Projection (Malar Osteotomy) US$3,200 with 2 nights stay Genioplsty Extra-oral IncisionUS$2,200 with 2 nights stay Intra-oral IncisionUS$2,800 with 2 nights stay <Japan> mandible reduction (jaw reduction) US $15, ~ 18, Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com 187

188 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Q1: Will I be asleep during surgery? A1: You will be asleep under general anesthesia and unable to feel pain during surgery. Q2: What adjustments do I have to face after surgery? A2: It will hurt to open your mouth so you will be on a soft diet for a few days. Facial expressions will be limited temporarily for the same reason. As your incisions heal, regular food will slowly be allowed under your doctor s supervision and you will be able to smile or frown with less pain. Q3: How many days should I stay near Korea? A3: Allow 7-10 days for your surgery and follow up appointments. FAQs Q4: How long will it take for me to appreciate my new look? A4: Your face will gradually lose its swollen and puffy appearance, and by the end of the second week you will have an idea of your enhanced look. However, wound healing will take about 6-12 months to mature and show the final results. Q5: What are the risks? A5: As with other surgeries, the risks of reduction malarplasty are bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, nerve injury with weakness and numbness, asymmetry, suboptimal aesthetic result, and the need for revision surgery. Q6: How do I prepare for surgery? A6: You need to have realistic expectations about the surgery. To avoid complications and reduce risk factors, you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines other than those that your doctor allows you to continue, at least two weeks before operation. People with chronic illnesses need surgical clearance from their medical specialist. 188

189 (2) 주름제거(Face Lift) Surgery Title Face lift Cost Face lift (face & forehead) US$12, ~ US$16, Face lift (neck lift) US$3, ~ US$3,800 Duration of operation: 2~3 hours Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia or general Hospital stay: 1 night Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Greeting with sign picket at the airport arrivals gate and transportation to the hospital 1 night hospital stay including all meals (meals for companion are extra) Package Content Stay in an air conditioned room. One companion can also stay with the patient in this room, which is equipped with LCD TV connected to cable 23 ~33, Digital Multi Player, computer with internet, computer keyboard for each language, internet surfing facility, attached washroom, fridge, hair dryer, electric hot water pot, complimentary tea and coffee, complimentary toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh towels, sheets and game player on request Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Pre-operative exams : X-Ray (face), Urine test, EKG, Blood test (CBC, PT & PTT, Anti HIV) Surgery costs All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Currency exchange Nursing assistance throughout stay Additional Services Visa and travel document assistance Documents to assist you through immigration after your surgery Document assistance for insurance reimbursement 189

190 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Translation services A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Additional nights at the hospital -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -Caretaker (You will need help after your surgery. If you did not come with a companion to help you, you may hire a full time caretaker for 50, won~100, won a day, who speaks the language of choice.) -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks -Postal Service (Luggage, Medicine, Parcels) -You will be notified if any additional costs arise for the procedure Also known as rhytidectomy, Facelifts are most effective for patients who want to correct: Midface sagging Deep creases under the eyes Deep creases between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds) Jowls due to loss of muscle tone Sagging areas of fat Loose skin and fat under the chin and jaw Candidates The best candidates for rhytidectomy Wish to improve one or more of the signs of aging indicated above Are men or women whose faces have begun to sag, but whose skin still has some elasticity (Usually past their late thirties) Are generally healthy Do not smoke Have realistic expectations Are considering a facelift for personal reasons, not because someone else is pressuring them to do so 190

191 Face lift or Rhytidectomy, is intended to restore a more younger-looking appearance by smoothing out and tightening major wrinkles and sagging skin of the face, neck and jaw line. The muscles of the face and neck are elevated and secured together with the removal of any excess skin. This helps in maintaining the improvement of the contours of the face and neck. The goal of Face Lift is to give you a natural revitalized appearance. Surgery description Magic Lift There is a less invasive procedure available which can lift, contour and suspend the sagging tissues of the face and neck. The Magic Lift procedure can provide quick and relatively bloodless lifting for patients who may need only little to moderate rejuvenation. The Magic Lift is also been called the Feather Lift which uses monofilament, polypropylene threads with cogs or barbs, called also Aptos threads to lift the underlying tissue and contour the face. The results are improved over time as your collagen encapsulates and "bunches" around the threads causing an even further lifting effect. This procedure is considered much less invasive than traditional mid-face, face and brow lifts, requiring less operating room time and less downtime. The Magic Lift is also becoming popular with younger persons wishing for subtle changes or to possibly delay the signs of aging such as facial drooping. <Before Images> <After Images> Points to inform your doctor -Details about the outcome you desire -Concerns about scars -History of all medical conditions and medication you are taking(prescription and nonprescription) -Allergies to medication and food Side effects Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin Tightness around face Dry skin 191

192 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Pain Level: Moderate discomfort. 1-3 days of pain medication Swelling and bruising: 2 weeks or more Numbness: lasts several weeks Bandages: Changed in 1-2 days (drains and sutures removed first 2-5 days) Work: Return after 1-3 weeks Exercise: Wait 2-3 weeks Sun protection: Six months with SPF 15 or higher Final result: Seen 1-4 months following most face lifts When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will be closely monitored. A bandage will be wrapped around your face to minimize swelling the first night.the tiny surgical drains placed in the hair behind your ears will be painlessly removed along with your bandages on the following morning. Recovery period Your face and eyelids will be swollen and bruised after surgery. This will be most pronounced the first few days and lasts anywhere from one to six weeks after surgery. Most bruising will disappear within two weeks. It may take months to fully heal. The speed of recovery depends upon the type of skin, age and healing ability of the patient. Most patients can resume everyday activities about two weeks after surgery. Your face may feel numb for a few weeks or even months. This is normal and usually subsides. Scars take longer to fade, but because they are hidden in hairlines, behind the ears and in natural folds, they shouldn't be very noticeable (assuming there are no complications). Your appearance improvesdramatically each day following your surgery. Typically, you will need assistance for the first couple of days, but then you can care for yourself. You probably won't feel comfortable allowing others to see you for at least a week, and you may not want to return to work for another 1 to 2 weeks after that. You may want to allow 4 to 8 weeks before attending any major social engagements. You can shower by the second or third day, but be careful to not rub the incisions. Shampoo your hair daily after your procedure with a mild shampoo. A light cover-up may be applied to the eyelids starting four days after your procedure. All lifting, straining, bending and any vigorous activity is to be avoided until all bruises have faded and such activities do not cause any discomfort. To 192

193 minimize bleeding and swelling, refrain from vigorous exercise for first 2 to 3 weeks. Pain can usually be controlled with pain medication. To prevent complications it is important to: -Keep your head elevated as much as possible to reduce swelling -Apply ice packs to minimize swelling -Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications -Do not smoke or be exposed to secondary smoke during recovery -Avoid exposure to direct sunlight -Use a sunblock (minimum 15 SPF) to protect your skin Scheduleyour surgery at a time that is convenient for you. To initiate the process you would need to fill in the questionnaire below. We will then communicate directly with you by phone or , in order to obtain more detailed information and initiate the contact between yourself and the surgeon. Send in your pictures and requests and we will show you a 3D image of what the outcomes will look like. We will gladly help you through each step. Easy steps Please attain traveler s insurance for yourself and people accompanying you before you enter Korea. Note: Traveler s insurance does not cover surgical procedures for aesthetic purposes or treatment for pre-existing conditions, yet it will cover all acquired illnesses and injuries after entering Korea. Ex) Common cold, traffic accident etc. 1. Contact Our hospital s coordinator by Include : Name, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, Symptoms, Clear pictures of your face(from the front and the side) Time frame you would like to schedule your surgery 2. Coordinator will communicate information to the physician 3. Schedule appointment and fill out questionnaire about medical history 4. We will send documents for visa and immigration assistance 5. Communicate with coordinator about your flight schedule and we will be able to greet you at the airport 6. Apply for travelers insurance before entering Korea. 7. Initial consultation with doctor 8. Admission to hospital (we will guide you to your room and give you a detailed explanation about the hospital facilities and your surgery) 9. Facelift Surgery 193

194 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 10. Stay in hospital for 1 night 11. Check into hotel (we advise you to stay in Korea for at least one week so that we may monitor your recovery) 12. Post surgery doctor s appointment (2 times, Remove stitches) 13. Site seeing (take it easy) 14. Depart back to home country ( we will assist you to the airport) Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 yearsof residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Plastic Surgery Language Korean, English Doctor's Information Credentials Board of Plastic Surgery of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience 194

195 Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered from facelifts liposuction makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service 195

196 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Face lift US$ 10, ~ 30, Package comparison <Thailand> face lift (face &neck) US$ 4, 1 Night in hospital <Japan> Face lift US$ 15, ~ (Excluded room charge) Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: surgery@ps.com messenger: surgery@hotmail.com FAQs Q1: How do I know if I m eligible for surgery A1: If you are 45 years or older, physically fit, and would like to freshen up your look, you may be a candidate for surgical facelift. Visit us or send us your pictures for a free virtual evaluation. Q2 : Will I be asleep during the surgery A2 : You will be asleep under general anesthesia. 196

197 Q3 : How long will I be in the operating room A3 : The surgery usually takes 1-2 hours for each area. Q4 : How many days should I stay near Korea A4 : Allot at least days for consultation, surgery and follow-up. Q5 : Will the scars be visible A5 : Forehead lift incision is on the coronal area so the scar will be covered with hair. People with hair loss will have to consider the benefits of forehead lift against having a visible scar across the top of the head. Mid-facelift incision is behind the hairline of the temporal area except for an inch in front of each ear. If a neck left is done simultaneously, a small incision may or may not be made under the chin. Q6 : What activities should I avoid after surgery A6 : Avoid swimming and getting to much sun for about 2 weeks, exercise and lifting loads for 2-3 weeks. Avoid applying hair dye for about 6 weeks. Q7 : What could go wrong A7 : Some risks of surgery include bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, delayed healing, nerve injury with numbness and weakness, asymmetry, correctable hair loss on the incision site, keloid formation, and need for revision surgery. Q8 : How do I prepare for surgery A8 : To avoid complications and reduce risk factors, your skin must be free from acne and infection. Two weeks before your schedule, you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines other than those that your doctor allows you to continue. People with chronic illnesses need surgical clearance from their medical specialist. 197

198 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 (3) 주름제거(Botox & Filler) Surgery Title Face Injection Package (Botox & Filler) Cost (taxes included) Botox (forehead, crow's feet, mandible, glabella) per site USD $ 300 ~ $320 Fillers(Restylane): USD$ 800 ~ $ 1,600 Send in your pictures and contact our coordinator for a plan just for you! Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Permanent Bilingual Assistant Service. Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies All medication required to perform and recover from theprocedure. Package Content Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Mastercard, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Transportation (Airport transportation is available for 100, won) -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be informed if additional costs arise You should provide your doctor Your medical history Illness you have had 198

199 Medications and Vitamins you are taking Whether you have had any problems with facialor muscles Details of your desired outcome Duration of procedure: Up to 30 minutes Hospitalization: Not required Recovery Time: You can continue with your everyday activities immediately. BOTOX Cosmetic is a therapeutic agent derived from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Also known as Botulinum Toxin Type A, BOTOX Cosmetic is produced in FDA controlled laboratory conditions and is administered in extremely small therapeutic doses. BOTOX Cosmetic is a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent that helps to remove wrinkles over a variety of areas of the face. It has been used for millions of injections for more than twenty years, and is approved by the FDA for a number of different conditions. Surgery description Botox is injected without anesthesia, since the injections are not painful. At the same time the surgeon might use an anesthetic cream on the injection site to ease the discomfort. The injection sites are cleaned and the surgeon will make small markings. Next, Botox is injected to relax the muscle that causes the wrinkle. BOTOX can give you -Reduced mid-forehead furrows and frown lines -Shapely and lifted eyebrows -Smoothed crow s feet and fine lines under the eyes -Lifted corners of the mouth -Softened lip lines as well as increased fullness of the upper lip -Reduced neck bands and lines <Before Image> <After Image> Treatment for Excessive Sweating Hyperhidrosis is a condition where the body produces excessive amounts of perspiration, and can leave the affected areas constantly damp, making 199

200 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 everyday activities difficult to carry out, and causing embarrassment to the sufferer. Common areas for treatment include Hands Chest Armpits Feet Forehead Lines Frown Furrows Lipstick Lines Acne Pits Crows Feet Dermal fillersare popular treatments for wrinkles and facial lines. A dermal filler procedure helps to 'fill out' and smooth away troublesome: Nose to Mouth Grooves Dermal fillers are also effective for increasing fullness to narrow lips, enhancing sunken cheeks and can even be used to contour the bridge of the nose. Collagen is a natural protein that is the main constituent of skin, bones, muscles and ligaments. Over time, our collagen cells which provide the structural support, resilience and shape to the skin, reduce in number which causes the skin to lose elasticity allowing fine lines and wrinkles to develop. Collagen Replacement Therapy using dermal fillers make it possible to temporarily suspend and even reverse the signs of ageing. Following treatment, wrinkles are markedly and visibly reduced and lines in the skin, repaired. The suppleness, elasticity and tone of the skin is naturally restored, with immediately visible results. Restylaneis a clear sterile gel composed of stabilized hyaluronic acid. This resembles the non-stabilized hyaluronic acid found in the body, which helps to optimize the water content of skin cells and connective tissue, guaranteeing normal skin moisture and flexibility 200

201 <Before Image> <After Image> Aftercare Gently exercise the treatment areas by frowning, smiling, squinting and lifting the eyebrows occasionally- this will optimize your result Do not rub or massage the treatment areas- this may increase the risk of complications by spreading the product Avoidalcohol, aspirin and ibuprofen for 24 hours which can increase the risk of bruising and swelling Avoid lying flat or bending down excessively Avoid very strenuous physical activity Possible side effects & Risks Side effects include: dry mouth, discomfort or pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, neck pain, and eye problems: double vision, blurred vision, decreased eyesight, drooping eyelids, swelling of your eyelids, and dry eyes. Allergic reactions include itchy rash, swelling, and shortness of breath. Tell your doctor or get medical help right away if you experience any such symptoms Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea, can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Dermatology 201

202 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital The wide range of cosmetic services offered from Botox to tummy-tucks Information -makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 202

203 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food etc Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$

204 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 <Singapore> BotoxUSD $ 450~ $ 500 Fillers(Restylane): USD$ 500 ~ $700 Package comparison <Thailand> Botox(per site) USD $ 300 ~ $ 400 Fillers(Restylane): USD$ 600 ~ $740 <Japan> BotoxUSD $200 ~ $250 Fillers(Restylane): USD$ 780 ~ 1,500 <USA> Botox (per site)usd $295 Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: botox@dermatology.com messenger: botox@hotmail.com 204

205 3.6 레이저시술(Laser Resurfacing) Surgery Title Laser Resurfacing Package Cost (taxes included) Skin tightening laser package: $1,800 Acne treatment laser package:$1,800 Whitening laser package: $1,800 Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Permanent Bilingual Assistant Service. Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies Package Content All medication required to perform and recover from the procedure. Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master card, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Transportation (Airport transportation is available for 100, won) -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be informed if additional costs arise Surgery description The laser skin resurfacing procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. During the laser peel, the patient is placed under local anesthesia and sedative medications, and the patient s eyes are covered to protect them from the laser light. The length of the procedure depends upon the size of thearea the patient wishes to have treated. A partial facial skin resurfacing can take as little as half an hour; a full resurfacing can take up to two hours. Following laser resurfacing, a sterile dressing is applied to the treatment sites for 24 hours. Thepatient then cleans the treated areas two to five times a day with saline or a dilute vinegar solution. An ointment such as 205

206 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Vaseline, Eucerin or Aquaphor is then applied. This wound care is intended to prevent any scab formation. In general, the areas heal in days, depending on the nature of the condition that was treated. After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and discomfort. Cold packs are usually recommended to reduce the swelling. If a bandage was applied after the surgery, it maybe changed in a few days, but it will be completely removed after approximately one week, at which time an ointment is applied. Some physicians use a tape that retains moisture to bandage the treated area. Because this bandage must remain dry, you will not be able to shower normally until the bandages are removed. If the treated area is not bandaged, you will need to wash your face several times daily. You will need to use caution in caring for the treated area. After each washing, you will need to apply an ointment, such as petroleum jelly, to the treated area. Scabs may form, and last for about 10 days. You must not pick at the scabs. If you experience pain, an over-the-counter pain medication can be taken. Once the areas have healed, makeup may be worn to camouflage the pink to red color that is generally seen after laser skin resurfacing. Green-based make-ups are particularly suitable for this camouflage since they neutralize the red color. Oil-free make-ups are recommended after laser resurfacing. The redness in the laser-treated sites generally fades in two to three months but may take as long as six months to completely disappear. The redness generally persists longer in blondes and redheads. Reasons for Considering Laser Skin Resurfacing: Reduce or remove facial wrinkles, creases, and lines Improve sun-damaged skin Correct pigmentation problems and spots Effectively treat scars from acne Tighten skin that has lost elasticity due to aging <Before Images> <After Images> 206

207 Tell your doctor Tell your doctor about any allergies you have (to foods, drugs, environmental elements). Tell your doctor about all medications, herbal supplements or natural supplements that you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription), including such natural remedies Be sure to tell your doctor if you smoke. Smoking can lead to complications and poor healing. Tell your doctor if you have been exposed to significant amounts of radiation, have a history of unusual or poor scarring, or cold sores like herpes or shingles. Let your doctor know if you have taken Acutane any time during the year and half before the surgery. This medication can affect your skin ability to heal after laser resurfacing. Tell your doctor if you have any serious medical conditions Carefully follow any instructions your doctor gives you regarding eating and drinking, smoking, and vitamins. Avoid aspirin and all medicines that contain aspirin for two weeks prior to the procedure. Tell your doctor if you have had previous facial surgery. Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. Possible Complications Milia, which are small white bumps, may appear in the laser-treated areas during healing. These may be removed by gentle cleansing with a washcloth. Hyperpigmentation (increased pigmentation), and more rarely hypopigmentation (decreased skin pigmentation), may result in the laser-treated areas. In general, thehyperpigmented areas may be treated with bleaching cream to speed fading of the pigment. Reappearance of a cold sore may occur, especially after laser skin resurfacing around the mouth. You can prevent this by asking your doctor for an antiviral medication, which you can begin taking before your surgery and continue taking seven to 10 days after laser resurfacing. You can also prevent bacterial infections by taking an antibiotic prior to the surgery and continuing for seven to 10 days afterwards. 207

208 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 You should expect swelling after laser skin resurfacing. Ask your doctor about steroids injected into the muscles, which can lessen this effect. Patients are encouraged to sleep on an extra pillow at night to help reduce the swelling after laser resurfacing. Ice pack application is also helpful in the first hours. Scarring after laser skin resurfacing, although very rare, may occur in laser-treated areas. Cessation of smoking is highly recommended because smoking is known to have harmful effects on the healing process. Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, oneyear of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Dermatology Doctor's Information Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses 208

209 Work Experience Hospital Information The wide range of cosmetic services offered from Skin treatment to tummy tucks -makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with 209

210 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> IPL Laser Package -1 session $ session $ 920 Titan Laser Package (skin tightening) Package comparison -1 session $ session $ 4,330 <Thailand> IPL Laser Package -1 session $ 257 AURORA Laser Package -1 session $ session $

211 <USA> Titan Laser Package (skin tightening) -Neck (3 times) $ 2, -Lower face (3 times) $2,550 -Full face (3 times) $ 2,850 Pearl Laser Package(skin tightening) -Full face (single) $995 (2 times) $ 1,495 Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: laser@dermatology.com messenger: laser@hotmail.com 211

212 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 3.7 메디컬스킨케어(Medical Skincare) Surgery Title Medical Skincare Package Cost (taxes included) 1. Naturally Clean and White Face Course : USD$ 100 per session 2. Smiling Skincare Course: USD$ 100 per session 3. Elastic Skincare Course: USD$ 100 per session 4. Celebrity Skincare Course: USD$ 200 per session Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Permanent Bilingual Assistant Service. Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies All medication required to perform and recover from theprocedure. Currency exchange Translation services We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospitalabout the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) These prices do not include lodging, food, surgery, physical therapy, airline tickets or touristic activity. Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Transportation -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be notified if additional costs arise Medical Skincare Medical skincare refers to a special skincare by an esthetician as prescribed by a physician. Our dermatologists carefully examine and prescribe an aesthetic program for each individual skin situation whitening, wrinkle care, elastic care, moisturizing, pore-refining, acne treatment, etc. Medical skincare differs from general skincare in its effectiveness applying advanced medical knowledge and treatment. 212

213 Duration of procedure: up to 1 hour Hospitalization: Outpatient Recovery Time: "3 Day Package Program"- A great way to travel and improve your skin with a reasonable price. Course 1- Naturally Clean and White Face Course 1st Day Oxygen Peeling + Helium Neon Removal of Keratin, softening, and whitening (supplying both vitamins and oxygen) improves the overall condition of your skin. 2nd Day IPL Laser Remove freckles and other waste matters from your skin clean & bright face. Also effective for anti-aging. 3rd Day Snail Viscous Fluid Treatment Effective method to moisture, sooth, and brighten your face. Surgery description Course 2 - Smiling Skincare Course (Bright & Shine Course) 1st Day Vital Velvet Care + Helium-Neon Renewal Laser Delicate electric current and supersonic vibration permeates both moisturizing and whitening substances into your skin. This is good for balance, moisture and increasing elasticity. 2nd Day IPL Laser Remove freckles and other waste matters from your skin for a clear & bright face. Also effective for anti-aging. 3rd Day Propolis Care + Helium-Neon Renewal Laser Permeate Oxygen and naturally moisturizing substances intoskin to supply moisture, boost skin immunity, and have a whitening effect. Course 3 Elastic Skincare Course 1st Day Pumpkin Peeling Peel off old keratin from your skin to brighten your face. Vitamin A contained in the pumpkin,speeds the renewing of your skin s dermis layer, which is effective for moisturizingand improving elasticity. 2nd Day Thermage NXT Laser The laser uses high-frequency energy to send a great amount of heat deep into your skin. This laser re-firms the old/weak collagen and triggers reproduction of new collagen to increase elasticity in your skin. 3rd Day M2-peptide Care A combined body of amino-acids forms collagen to increase elasticity and improve wrinkles. 213

214 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Course 4 Celebrity Skincare Course 1st Day Scaling Care + Helium-Neon Renewal Laser Melt away old keratin from your skin surface and helps to reproduce new cells tobrighten your skin tone and eliminate waste. 2nd Day Thermage NXT Laser The laser uses high-frequency energy to send a great amount of heat deep into your skin. Re-firms the old/weak collagen and triggers reproduction of new collagen to increase elasticity. 3rd Day IPL Laser + Snail Viscous Fluid Treatment + Helium-Neon Renewal Laser Removing freckles and other waste matters from your skin to make a clean & bright face. Highly effective for anti-aging, oil balancing and moisturizing. Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass adifficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea, can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Dermatology Doctor's Information Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses 214

215 Work Experience Hospital Information -The wide range of cosmetic services offered from skin care to tummy-tucks makes oooooo a 'one-stop shop' for beauty LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with 215

216 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boat tour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food etc Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Chemical Peel Package : 3 times $ Package comparison <Thailand> Chemical Peel Package : $ /skin/chemical-peel.aspx Could not find medical skin care program packages to compare Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: Mediskincare@dermatology.com messenger: mediskincare@hotmail.com 216

217 4 건강진단상품 4.1 심장정밀건강검진(Health Screening-Heart) Package Title Heart risk Screening Package Cost Heart package Male (under 49) : $ 1,500 ~ Male (over 50) : $ 1,800 ~ Heart package Female (under 49) : $ 1,700 ~ Female (over 49) : $ 2, ~ Translation service, All taxes included Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Package Content Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies All medication required to perform and recover from theprocedure. Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement These prices do not include lodging, food, surgery, physical therapy, airline tickets or touristic activity. Additional Fees Additional nights at the hospital Hotel / Condominium accommodations Plane ticketing Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure Transportation You will be informed if additional costs arise 217

218 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Program: Heart Male(under age 49) Classification Test Items Body Measurement Blood Tests Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7) Lipid Panel(4) Diabetic Evaluation(2) Syphilis, AIDS, Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailand the examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Program details Tumor Markers (4) Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostatic Cancer Blood Coagulation Blood Coagulation Test, Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool/Urine Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis Eye Exams Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis Dental Exam Digestive System Dental Exam (Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$156 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,

219 Thailand: $282 Japan: $142 Respiratory System Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Cardiovasc ular System Electrocardiography Treadmill Test (included in package price) Echocardiography, (included in package price) Singapore: $225 Thailand: $80 Carotid Ultrasonography, Vascular Function Test, Cardiac related Blood Test Endocrine System Thyroid Function Test, Insulin(serum) Nutrition Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Others Pre-medical Consultation Programs: Heart - Male(age 50 & above) Classification Test Items Heart Same content as Male under age 49 Additional Examinations ENT Exams Cardiovascular System Audiometry Electrocardiography, Treadmill Test, Echocardiography, Carotid Ultrasonography, Vascular Function Test, Cardiac related Blood Test, Coronary 3DCT 219

220 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Program: Heart - Female(under age 49) Classification Test Items Body Measurement Blood Tests Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7) Lipid Panel(4) Diabetic Evaluation(2) Syphilis, AIDS, Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailandthe examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Tumor Markers (4) Blood Coagulation Stool/Urine Eye Exams Dental Exam Digestive System Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Blood Coagulation Test, Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis Vision Test, Intraocular Pressure, Fundus Photo Dental Exam (Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$156 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $282 Japan: $

221 Respiratory System Cardiovasc ular System Endocrine System Gynecology Nutrition Others Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Electrocardiography Treadmill Test (included in package price) Singapore: $128 Thailand: $128 Echocardiography (included in package price) Singapore: $225 Thailand: $80 Carotid Ultrasonography Vascular Function Test, Cardiac related Blood Test Thyroid Function Test, Insulin(serum) Gynecological Exam, Pap Smear, Mammography, Breast Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography, Human Papilloma Virus Test Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Pre-medical Consultation Program: Heart - Female(age 50 & above) Classification Test Items Heart - Female(under age 49) Additional Examinations ENT Exams Cardiovascular System Audiometry Electrocardiography, Treadmill Test, Echocardiography, Carotid Ultrasonography, Vascular Function Test, Cardiac related Blood Test, Coronary 3DCT 221

222 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Internal medicine Language Korean, English Doctor's Information Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Why receive a Total Health Screening? The purpose of receiving a thorough health screening is to prevent and discover disease in its early stages in order for you to know what kind of treatment you need to prevent the disease from developing. For this reason we recommend that you have a thorough health screening annually. In Korea, we have a one-stop-service program for Total Health Screening. Hospitals in Korea, Japan and Singapore have developed Total Health Screening programs where you can receive all your required examinations in one place in one day without having to go from hospital to hospital. 222

223 In Korea, the Health Screening Packages are developed with regards to the patient s age, gender, health risk factors (Lifestyle habits, Family history etc.) to match the individual s situation. People in their 20s and 30s tend to not pay attention to their health, yet it would be in their best interest to receive a total health screening every 1 or 2 years to discover any abnormalitiesin their early stages. Many people in their 40s to 60s have developed uncomfortable symptoms, yet they do not tend to them due to their busy schedules. This is why Heart disease, Stroke, Liver disease, Lung disease and cancer are main reasons causing death. It is highly recommended that these people receive a health screening every 1 or 2 years. Elderly who are easily exposed to diseases and patients who already have an illness would need to receive a health screening once every 6 months or when the doctor recommends one. If you have any of the following symptoms, please make sure to receive a total health screening. Easily tired and lose weight for no special reason. One particular part of your body hurts continuously Back of your neck is stiff or you feel pain in your chest Easily run out of breath when going up the stairs Always thirsty and go to the restroom frequently Women who are susceptible to breast cancer, uterine cancer and osteoporosis Frequent stomach ache, constipation or diarrhea Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 223

224 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Package comparison <Singapore> Cardiologist HeartPackage : USD $1,160 (excluded GST) Cholesterol Profile, Blood Glucose, Blood Creatinine, Full Blood Count, Blood Grouping, Renal Panel, Liver Panel, Metabolic Disorders, Bone Disease, Cancer Markers, Venereal Disease Screening, Hepatitis Screening, ECG, Coronary CT Angiogram(including Calcium Scoring) Cardiologist Assessment (Physical and Clinical Review/Risk Profile Assessment) optional investigations(total $ 415) * treadmill ($ 128) * 2D Echocardiogram ($ 225) * MRI Stroke Screening ($ 346) * Ankle Brachial Index ($ 45) Cardiologist Heart Package + Optional investigations = $ 1,575 <Thailand> Check-Up hearts with Love Your Heart Program. Prices start at USD 224

225 The cardiovascular specialist physician, which is held or a fine program. Check the individual that you really only appropriate. Medicine medical examination by a specialist cardiac (Cardiologist). Check the integrity of the blood: CBC Measuring blood glucose: Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS). Measurements of glucose accumulate in the blood (Hb A1C). Measuring blood levels of fats in Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL - Cholesterol, LDL - Cholesterol. Check renal function(blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine) Check liver function (SGPT, SGOT). Level measurement Sodium, Potassium. Chest X-Ray Check the work of the heart with electrical waves: (EKG). * Included doctor s and OPD s fees Medical Report. Hospital Service and Nursing Service. <Japan> Heart Package USD $ 1200 (included tax) Body measurements (height, weight, BMI, abdominal girth, vision, hearing, blood pressure, Body fat ratio) Urine tests (Glucose, protein, occult blood) Fecal occult blood test Blood counts, Liver function Fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, uric acid Renal & Pancreatic Function : Creatinine, BUN, Amylase Electrolyte/ Serum: Na, K, Cl, CRP, RF Syphilis, AIDS, Thyroid gland Function test, Tumor markers: Liver, Colon,Pancreatic,Prostatic Others:Ca, P, Mg, Fe Electrocardiogram Chest X-ray upper endoscopy Abdominal ultrasound Pulmonary function tests Retinography (bilateral) Heart ultrasound Carotid ultrasound Homocysteine Blood pressure pulse-wave measurement 225

226 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: messenger: 226

227 4.2 암정밀건강검진(Health Screening-Cancer) Package Title Cancer risk Screening Package Cost Cancer package male (under 49) : $ 1,400 ~ male (over 50) : $ 1,400 + $900 Cancer package female (under 49) : $ 1,800 ~ female (over 49) : $ 1,800 + $900 Translation service, All taxes included Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies All medication required to perform and recover from theprocedure. Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement These prices do not include lodging, food, surgery, physical therapy, airline tickets or tourist activity. Additional Fees Additional nights at the hospital Hotel / Condominium accommodations Plane ticketing Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls,postage Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure Transportation You will be informed if additional costs arise Programs: Cancer-Male (under age 49) Classification Test Items Program Details Body Measurement Blood Tests Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7) 227

228 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Lipid Panel(4) Diabetic Evaluation(2) Syphilis, AIDS, Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailand the examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Tumor Markers (4) Blood Coagulation Stool/Urine Eye Exams Dental Exam Digestive System Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostatic Cancer Blood Coagulation Test, Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis Vision Test, Intraocular Pressure, Fundus Photo Dental Exam(Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$156 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $282 Japan: $142 Colonoscopy (included in package price) Singapore: $1,105 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $427 Japan: $194 Abdominal CT 228

229 Singapore: $1,105 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $427 Japan: $194 Respiratory System Cardiovasc ular System Endocrine System Nutrition Others Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Low dose Chest CT Singapore: $460 Thailand: $409 Japan: $410 Electrocardiography Thyroid Function Test, Thyroid Ultrasonography Insulin(serum) Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Pre-medical Consultation Program: Cancer - Male(age 50 & above) Classification Test Items Cancer same content as Male under age 49 Additional examinations ENT Exams Audiometry Whole Body Whole Body Fusion PET(excluding Brain) : $900 Singapore: $2,344 Thailand: $3,300 Japan: $1,

230 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Program: Cancer - Female(under age 49) Classification Test Items Body Measurement Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Blood Tests Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7) Lipid Panel(4) Diabetic Evaluation(2) Syphilis, AIDS, Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailandthe examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Tumor Markers (4) Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Blood Coagulation Blood Coagulation Test, Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool/Urine Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis Eye Exams Dental Exam Digestive System Vision Test, Intraocular Pressure, Fundus Photo Dental Exam(Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$

231 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $282 Japan: $142 Colonoscopy (included in package price) Singapore: $1,105 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $427 Japan: $194 Abdominal CT Singapore: $1,105 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $427 Japan: $194 Respiratory System Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Low dose Chest CT Singapore: $460 Thailand: $409 Japan: $410 Cardiovasc ular System Electrocardiography Endocrine System Thyroid Function Test, Thyroid Ultrasonography Insulin(serum) Gynecology Gynecological Exam, Pap Smear, Mammography, Breast Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography, Human Papilloma Virus Test Nutrition Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Others Pre-medical Consultation 231

232 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Program: Cancer - Female(age 50 & above) Classification Test Items Cancer Same as content as Female under age 49 Additional Examinations ENT Exams Audiometry Whole Body Whole Body Fusion PET(excluding Brain) : $900 Singapore: $2,344 Thailand: $3,300 Japan: $1,530 Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Koreais $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Koreacan be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor's Information Specialties Internal medicine Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training 232

233 International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience The purpose of receiving a thorough health screening is to prevent and discover disease in itsearly stages in order for you to know what kind of treatment you need to prevent the disease from developing. For this reason we recommend that you have a thorough health screening annually. In Korea, we have a one-stop-service program for Total Health Screening. Hospitals in Korea, Japan and Singapore have developed Total Health Screening programs where you can receive all your required examinations in one place in one day without having to go from hospital to hospital. In Korea, the Health Screening Packages are developed with regards to the patient s age, gender, health risk factors (Lifestyle habits, Family history etc.) to match the individual s situation. Why receive a Total Health Screening? People in their 20s and 30s tend to not pay attention to their health, yet it would be in their best interest to receive a total health screening every 1 or 2 years to discover any abnormalitiesin their early stages. Many people in their 40s to 60s have developed uncomfortable symptoms, yet they do not tend to them due to their busy schedules. This is why Heart disease, Stroke, Liver disease, Lung disease and cancer are main reasons causing death. It is highly recommended that these people receive a health screening every 1 or 2 years. Elderly who are easily exposed to diseases and patients who already have an illness would need to receive a health screening once every 6 months or when the doctor recommends one. If you have any of the following symptoms, please make sure to receive a total health screening. Easily tired and lose weight for no special reason. One particular part of your body hurts continuously Back of your neck is stiff or you feel pain in your chest Easily run out of breath when going up the stairs 233

234 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Always thirsty and go to the restroom frequently Women who are susceptible to breast cancer, uterine cancer and osteoporosis Frequent stomach ache, constipation or diarrhea LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Nearby Facilities Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth,phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella 234

235 <Singapore> Cancer Package : basic male USD $ 350(excluded GST) basic female USD $ 504 Premium male USD $ 1,610 Premium female USD $ 1,776 Package comparison -includes screening by a cancer centre physician -offer flexible screening packages that could be customizedsuit individual risks profiles -includes genetic counseling to assess the risk of hereditary cancers -includes a whole body mole examination to assess for cancerous signs -includes post-screening review with a cancer center physician <Thailand> 비교패키지없음. <Japan> 비교패키지없음. Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: Healthcare@dermatology.com messenger: Healthcare@hotmail.com 235

236 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 4.3 뇌정밀건강검진(Health Screening-Brain) Surgery Title Brainrisk Screening Package Cost Brain package male (over 50) : $ 1,650 Brain package female (over 50) : $ 1,880 Translation service, All taxes included Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to the Medical Center Package Content Doctor fees, hospital costs and supplies All medication required to perform and recover from the Currency exchange We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement These prices do not include lodging, food, surgery, physical therapy, airline tickets or tourist activity. Additional Fees -Hotel / Condominium accommodations -Plane ticketing -Site seeing -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Transportation -You will be informed if additional costs arise Program: Brain Classification Male (age 50 & above) Test Items Program Details Body Measurement Blood Tests Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7 types) Lipid Panel(4 types) Diabetic Evaluation(2 types) Syphilis, AIDS, 236

237 Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailandthe examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Tumor Markers (4) Liver Cancer Colon Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostatic Cancer Blood Coagulation Blood Coagulation Test Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool/Urine Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test Urine Analysis Eye Exams Dental Exam Vision Test Intraocular Pressure Fundus Photo Dental Exam (Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Digestive System Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$156 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $282 Japan: $142 Respiratory System Cardiovasc ular System Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Electrocardiography 237

238 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Cerebrovas cular System Endocrine System Nutrition Others Brain MRI & MRA, Carotid Ultrasonography Thyroid Function Test, Thyroid Ultrasonography Insulin(serum) Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Pre-medical Consultation Program: Brain Classification Female (age 50 & above) Test Items Body Measurement Blood Tests Tumor Markers (4) Blood Coagulation Stool/Urine Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure Hepatitis B & C, Liver Function Test(7) Lipid Panel(4) Diabetic Evaluation(2) Syphilis, AIDS, Basic Chemistry, Complete Blood Cell Count, Helicobacter Pylori(serum) In Singapore and Thailandthe examinations listed in slanted blue are not included in the package price, but are offered as options for an extra fee. In Korea, these items are included in the package price. Liver Cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Ovarian Cancer Blood Coagulation Test, Peripheral Blood Smear Test Stool Parasite & Occult Blood Test, Urine Analysis 238

239 Eye Exams Vision Test, Intraocular Pressure, Fundus Photo Dental Exam Dental Exam (Examination and Consultation with Dental Specialist) Digestive System Abdominal Ultrasonography, (included in package price) Singapore: $115 ~ $236 (not included in package price) Thailand: $153 ~ $217 Japan: $131 ~$156 Upper Endoscopy, (included in package price) Singapore: $725 ~ $1,900 Thailand: $282 Japan: $142 Respiratory System Pulmonary Function Test, Chest Radiograph Cardiovasc ular System Electrocardiography Cerebrovas cular System Brain MRI & MRA, Carotid Ultrasonography Endocrine System Thyroid Function Test, Thyroid Ultrasonography Insulin(serum) Gynecology Nutrition Others Gynecological Exam, Pap Smear, Mammography, Breast Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography, Human Papilloma Virus Test Nutrition Assessment & Consultation Pre-medical Consultation 239

240 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Koreacan be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties Internal medicine Language Korean, English Doctor's Information Credentials Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Why Receive a Total Health Screening? he purpose of receiving a thorough health screening is to prevent and discover disease in its early stagesin order for you to know what kind of treatment you need to prevent the disease from developing. For this reasonwe recommend that you have a thorough health screening annually. In Korea, we have a one-stop-service programfor Total Health Screening. Hospitals in Korea, Japan and Singapore have developed Total Health Screening programs where you can receive all your required examinations in one place in one day without having to go from hospital to hospital. 240

241 In Korea, the Health Screening Packages are developed with regards to the patient s age, gender, health risk factors (Lifestyle habits, Family history etc.) to match the individual s situation. People in their 20s and 30s tend to not pay attention to their health, yet it would be in their best interestto receive a total health screening every 1 or 2 years to discover any abnormalities in their early stages. Many people in their 40s to 60s have developed uncomfortable symptoms, yet they do not tend to them due to their busy schedules. This is whyheart disease, Stroke, Liver disease, Lung disease and cancer are main reasons causing death.it is highly recommended that these people receive a health screening every 1 or 2 years. Elderly who are easily exposed to diseases and patients who already have an illness would need to receive a health screening once every 6 months or when the doctor recommends one. If you have any of the following symptoms, please make sure to receive a total health screening. Easily tired and lose weight for no special reason. One particular part of your body hurts continuously Back of your neck is stiff or you feel pain in your chest Easily run out of breath when going up the stairs Always thirsty and go to the restroom frequently Women who are susceptible to breast cancer, uterine cancer and osteoporosis Frequent stomach ache, constipation or diarrhea Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 241

242 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella <Singapore & Thailand> Looking through the health screening packages of hospitals and agencies of these2 countries, the packages were grouped together by gender and specific age ranges but there were not so many programs arranged for different main organs of the body especially packages for brain screening. Package Comparison <Japan> Urine tests (Glucose, protein, occult blood) Fecal occult blood test Blood counts, Liver function Fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, uric acid Renal & Pancreatic Function : Creatinine, BUN, Amylase Electrolyte/ Serum: Na, K, Cl, CRP, RF Syphilis, AIDS, Thyroid gland Function test, Tumor markers: Liver, Colon,Pancreatic,Prostatic Others:Ca, P, Mg, Fe Electrocardiogram Chest X-ray upper endoscopy Abdominal ultrasound Pulmonary function tests 242

243 Retinography (bilateral) Brain MRI/MRA Carotid ultrasound=> $520 Homocysteine Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: messenger: 243

244 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 5 한방상품 5.1 해독(Detox) Package Title Detox package DETOXIFY YOUR BODY AND SOUL :Duration : 2 hrs Price : US$ DETOX THE AGE Cost : Duration : 3 hrs Price : US$ HERBAL DETOX SPA : Duration : 180 min Price : US$ The above is a program developed and promoted by a Korean national agency. DETOXIFY YOUR BODY AND SOUL -Cure fundamental cause of body circulation obstruction. -Discharges harmful substances in the body. Process : Medical examination Circulation acupuncture Abdominal detox therapy (constipation or obesity) / DuHanJokYeol(leg swelling or pain reduction) / Back relaxation (shoulder pain or fatigue recovery) Fumigation or moxibustion Package Detail DETOX THE AGE -The best program for clients prone to diseases due to aging. -Anti-aging and detox effect. Process : Consultation In-body check Acupuncture(abdominal lypolisis+circulation) Placenta acupuncture Cosmetic Abdominal Traditional medicine pack Moxibustion/Fumigation Abdominal lypolisis control Detox herbal medicine(for 1 month intake) 244

245 HERBAL DETOX SPA -Oriental herbal extract spa water helps body waste removal. -Detoxifies body, removes body heat, and improves its circulation. Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Package Content -Airport greeting and transportation to medical center -Oriental Medicine Detox program -Oriental Medicine tailored for your condition -Diet consulting and guidance -Visa and Travel document assistance -Comprehensive Medical Report -Translation services Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment for conditions unrelated to the main procedure -Shipping and Postal service -Items of a personal nature (phone calls, vitamin supplements, slippers etc) -Caretaker -You will be notified if additional costs arise Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties ORIENTAL MEDICINE Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Oriental medicine of KOREA 245

246 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Hospital Information Quality of service is our top priority at Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Clinic. Our highly skilled practitioners can help you with a wide range of health problems. Their professional trainings and skills in both Traditional Oriental medicine and Western medicine give them a unique perspective when diagnosing and treating patients. Together with the unparalleled devotion to quality of care, your safety and wellbeing are totally ensured. Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 246

247 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Package comparison <USA> Initial Consultation:$95.00 In-depth overall health consultation.allow 2 hours for this meeting which will include: 1. A complete intake of your health history. 2. Traditional Diagnostics - which will include: pulse reading, tongue observation and possibly an abdomen palpation. 3. An Oriental Medicine Treatment (time allowing) consisting of one or more of the following: acupuncture, bodywork, E-Stim therapy, ear seeds, moxibustion, qi gong, and/or possible nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. 1 day Traditional Chinese Medicine package $ 776 Health Life Balance: "Looking after your wellbeing" Wellness Package 1hr Initial Consultation: $115 Follow up Consultation: $100 Includes: Consultation Acupuncture Cupping/Gua Sha Massage +Herbs/Pills/Powder 247

248 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 <SINGAPORE> Wellness Programme : The strength and essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the differential diagnosis of your unique physical conditions. Prescription herbal medicine and therapies are customized to your individual needs to restore internal harmony and health. In the USA TCM treatment packages are being offered at $95~$115 a session. In Singapore and Thailand, not many Traditional Medicine packages are promoted with a price and a specific program. Canada Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: ORIENTAL@OM.com messenger: ORIENTAL@hotmail.com 248

249 5.2 아토피(Atopic Dermatitis) Package Title Atopy Package (Atopic dermatitis) Cost 3 Month course : Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport greeting and transportation to medical center Package Content Oriental Medicine tailored for your condition Take home medicine (2 months) Oriental Medicine Skin Moisturizers Diet consulting and guidance Acupuncture / Cupping / Moxa treatment 7 night stay in our hospital (companion can stay in room for no extra cost) All meals (companion meals for extra cost) Nursing assistance throughout stay Visa and Travel document assistance Comprehensive Medical Report Translation services We recommend that you stay in Korea for 2 weeks to 1 month Additional Fees -Additional nights in the hospital -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment for conditions unrelated to the main procedure -Shipping and Postal service -Items of a personal nature (phone calls, vitamin supplements, slippers etc) -Caretaker -You will be notified if additional costs arise Candidates -Children-Grownups that have atopic dermatitis (eczema) -People who have itchy skin and rely on ointment to suppress the itch. Package Detail It is important to understand that Atopic dermatitis is an immune system disease, similar to allergies. The immune system must be fundamentally improved for atopic dermatitis to be cured. Treatment of the immune system is a highly sensitive area, and so it is important to keep close track 249

250 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 of the slow and gradual changes of the body. At our medical center, we focus on raising the body s immunity and restoring the original function of the skin through Hwashik (cooked vegetable) Immunotherapy. # What is Hwashik Immunotherapy? 1. Improve the body s immunity (Oriental Medicine for Immunity Improvement : our hospital prescription) This treatment helps patients restore their unbalanced immunity to normal and helps the skin regenerate itself quickly. This medicine does not have side effects even after intaking for a long time. This medicine is composed of gentle ingredients that can be taken by people of all ages, and still have a powerful effect on recovery of the body. 2. Diet treatment (Hwashik) All foods should be cooked before eating. By discovering the foods that are not suitable for your body constitution and refraining from eating them, you can help your body s immunity from falling and eliminate the elements that will hinder your recovery during the appointed treatment period. 3. Skin protection and treatment (Toxin-free, Low stimulation lotion) Using creams and lotions with no preservatives, color or scent, you will be able to treat your itchy and dry skin to be moist for a long time, alleviating the itchiness and making a protective layer for damaged skin. 5 steps of Hwashik treatment 1) Dead skin comes off 2) Wounds heal 3) New skin forms 4) Sweat 5) Recovery treatment Doctor's Information Specialties ORIENTAL MEDICINE Language Korean, English 250

251 Credentials Board of Oriental medicine of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Hospital Information Quality of service is our top priority at Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Clinic. Our highly skilled practitioners can help you with a wide range of health problems. Their professional trainings and skills in both Traditional Oriental medicine and Western medicine give them a unique perspective when diagnosing and treating patients. Together with the unparalleled devotion to quality of care, your safety and wellbeing are totally ensured. Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed 251

252 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Package comparison <Singapore> newzealand <Japan>

253 <USA> Kang s Korean Medicine Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: ORIENTAL@OM.com messenger: ORIENTAL@hotmail.com 253

254 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 5.3 비만(Obesity) Package Title Obesity Package (Slim Down & Confidence Up) Cost Oriental Medicine 1 month Acupuncture and herbal body sculpting Price : $1 USD Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport greeting and transportation to medical center Package Content Oriental Medicine tailored for your condition Diet consulting and guidance Acupuncture / Cupping / Moxa treatment (2 times a week) Hanbang body wrap once a week Visa and Travel document assistance Comprehensive Medical Report Translation services We recommend that you stay in Korea for 2 weeks to 1 month Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Treatment for conditions unrelated to the main procedure -Shipping and Postal service -Items of a personal nature (phone calls, vitamin supplements, slippers etc) -Caretaker -You will be notified if additional costs arise Package Detail How can Traditional Oriental Medicine help? Acupuncture is aimed at getting to the root of the issue by correcting internal imbalances and working with the body to lose weight and restore health With regular acupuncture treatments, balanced functioning of the organ systems can be restored, resulting in faster metabolism, increased energy, improvement of pain problems, detoxification of the body, and loss of excess water and fat. Also, the insertion of needles in acupuncture points causes the body to release certain biochemicals, such as endorphins, which can have a 254

255 profound effect on stress levels. By reducing stress levels, acupuncture can help put a stop to emotional eating and give a boost to one's willpower. Here are 7 benefits of treating obesity and weight gain naturally: ~ Loss of weight/fat ~ Muscle tone and definition returns ~ Increased energy ~ No more bloating ~ No more aches and pains ~ Better flexibility ~ Feeling of wellness returns Clinic's Natural Weight-Loss Package Our four week plan includes individualized - Diet advice - Oriental Medicine tailored for your situation for one month - Body wrap once a week (4 times) - Acupuncture 2 times a week (8 times) Korean Medicine Body Wrap Diet program with traditional medicine wrapping based on the principle of osmosis. Process : 1.Basic examination 2.Traditional medicine wrapping 3. Consultation and guidance Hospital Information Quality of service is our top priority at Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Clinic. Our highly skilled practitioners can help you with a wide range of health problems. Their professional trainings and skills in both Traditional Oriental medicine and Western medicine give them a unique perspective when diagnosing and treating patients. Together with the unparalleled devotion to quality of care, your safety and wellbeing are totally ensured. Doctor's Information Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam tobe qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, 255

256 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Specialties ORIENTAL MEDICINE Language Korean, English Credentials Board of Oriental medicine of KOREA Medical Education Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 256

257 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella <USA> Package comparison <Canada> <Australia> Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: ORIENTAL@OM.com messenger: ORIENTAL@hotmail.com 257

258 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 6 치과상품 6.1 임플란트(Dental Implant) Surgery Title Cost (taxes ncluded) Dental Implant Package Single tooth implant USD 1,300 ~ 2,500 Duration of treatment: 1~2 Hours Anaesthetic: Local anaesthesia Time required : 2-4 visits Guarantee : up to 10 years Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Doctor team fees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Treatment costs Titanium dental implant and Porcelain Crown All pre and post consultations Regular post-discharge medication (usually antibiotics and pain medication) Comprehensive medical report before discharge. Nursing assistance throughout stay Visa and travel document assistance Document assistance for insurance reimbursement Translation services A phone with a screen attachedto contact our coordinator 24 hours a day Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Bone implants (in case of insufficient amount of bone needed for implant) -Gold crown -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Meals and Medical treatment for companion -You will be notified if additional costs arise 258

259 Candidates Dental implants can be placed in patients of any age (with fully developed jawbones), provided that they have a sufficient quantity and quality of bone tissue available. Most healthy individuals that maintain a good oral hygiene program are suitable candidates for dental implants. Circumstances where implants may not be suitable, or situations that have an increased risk of implant failure, include: Heavy smoking this slows down and hinders the healing process. Excessive alcohol intake disrupts healing of the gums. Periodontal gum disease all active gum disease must be treated prior to any implant procedure to ensure the long-term success of any treatment. Periodontal disease is a major cause of bone loss, which would hinder the success of any implant procedure. Immuno-compromised individuals (steroids, auto-immune disease, patients undergoing radiation treatment). Teeth grinders (bruxism) a night-time splint can be given to treat this. Implants are artificial roots which are inserted into the bone to replace the natural roots you have lost. A strong bond is formed between the implants and the bone over several weeks or months. The implants provide a stable foundation for crowns, bridges or dentures which are placed over them. An abutment is the interface that connects the new tooth to the implant. Surgery description Due to the extreme stability of the implants, the new teeth are very firm and make eating and chewing feel as natural and comfortable as your original teeth. They can also be made to look very real too. Implants also slow down none loss. Dental implants stages: 1. A missing front tooth. 2. A hole is prepared in the jaw bone in stages. 3. An Implant is fitted and a healing cap inserted. 4. When the Implant has healed, the healing cap is exposed and an abutment inserted. 5. A crown is then fitted to the abutment. 259

260 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 The process of replacing a tooth with an artificial dental implant requires surgery. As with any surgery, your body and days following the procedure. It's important to know what's normal to experience post-op and what might warrant a call to the doc. Swelling Puffy gums and a swollen face are among the side effects your dentist is most likely to mention. The swelling is at its worst within 48 hours, and typically begins to subside after that. A puffy face may be accompanied by a stiff jaw-caused by the swelling. If the puffiness is not relieved by moist gauze or ice packs and gets worse after two days, contact your surgeon. Bruising There's a good chance you'll have purple and yellow bruises on your face and gums post-surgery. Don't be alarmed if the bruising seems to migrate from your face to your neck and shoulders. This is a normal post-op response that occurs when tissues are disturbed during surgery. Side effect Pain You may feel some pain in the area where your implant was placed.the pain may signal a problem if it seems to get worse in the 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. You may need painkillers or it could be the sign of an infection. Infection If you experience escalating pain, coupled with more swelling, a fever that runs over 101 degrees Fahrenheit, bad breath or bad taste emanating from the implant site, call your doctor. Nerve damage You may feel pain or not be able to feel anything on your lip, chin or tongue. Nerve damage occurs when a dentist nicks the nerve with a drill as he's trying to replace a tooth in the lower jaw. The numbness is usually short-lived but sometimes it doesn t go away. Jaw Fracture During a lower tooth implant, the jawbone may bedamaged during surgery. Jaw joint pain, known as TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) can also be an unwanted result. 260

261 Sinusitis The damage happens when the surgeon accidentally drills through the jawbone and into the sinuses or nasal cavity, resulting in an infection. -Implants are durable and a long lasting solution to missing teeth. Nearly 90% of implants last over 15 years. Advantages of Dental implants -Dental implants are more comfortable to maintain and use than bridges or dentures. The artificial tooth or set of teeth stay firmly in place once the treatment is completed. -Teeth restored on implants look and feel like natural and healthy teeth. It s almost impossible to tell the difference between the natural and the implant-restored tooth without an X-ray. -The process of fitting dental implants doesn t involve drilling the neighboring teeth. -Implants reduce the process of bone shrinkage which happens after the tooth has been lost. Among the 700, high school graduates each year, only the top 1% are qualified to enter Medical School. Doctors in Korea must study at a Medical University for 6 years, including a 4 year Medical Graduate school course, one year of internship and 4 years of residency. After these 11 years, the doctor must pass a difficult national exam to be qualified as a specialist. The average monthly salary of a doctor in Korea is $15, USD. Therefore, doctors that have attained a degree above specialist in Korea can be considered to have attained a first-rate global standard of proficiency. Doctor's Information Specialties Dentistry Language Korean, English Credentials Medical Education 261

262 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Specialty Training International Training & Post-Graduate Courses Work Experience Dental Clinic provides specialized care from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry. Treatment includes general dentistry for children and adults, tooth whitening, laminate veneers, all ceramics, implants, braces and more. Hospital Information Our doctors understand exactly what foreign patients expect. Our doctors' unique educational and cultural background allows them to render the most up to date medical services as well as fully explain your treatment plans and answer all your questions in detail. At our clinic, we strongly feel that our patients are entitled to receive services in safe, sterile environment. Thus, we make every endeavor to follow "standard sterilization" procedures. We strictly respect the "one instrument-to-one patient" rule and use disposable instruments when needed. High technology is used in most Korean dental offices. Panoramic x-rays and digital pictures of your teeth can be immediately uploaded on the monitor infront of your chair so that we may explain what the problem is and the necessary treatment in detail. Nearby Facilities LOTTE HOTEL A representative room of the New Wing, the spacious Deluxe Room is modern and elegant in style. It offers the most comfortable place to rest while doing business or just visiting. 50, for extra bed There is a 10% tax, and 10% service fee (Total 21%) for all listed prices 262

263 Service Complimentary use of Fitness Club (including swimming pool / 6:00am~9:30 pm Closed on last Monday of each month) 2 Complimentary bottles of water daily (Lotte Icis bottled water. 3 bottles of water will be provided for three staying guests.) High-speed wired internet access (paid service) Newspaper (Korean and English newspapers are available. We are unable to provide Japanese newspapers.) Voice answering service Turndown service Complimentary coffee, tea service Disposable items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving foam are provided in the bathroom Facilities Large LCD TV, shower booth, phone in the bathroom, bidet, work desk with stationary, mobile phone (paid service), tea pot, telephone, safe deposit box, hair dryer, emergency flashlight, slippers, Aloe Vera bathroom amenities, bath robe, shoe polish, shoe horn, yukata gown, plastic bag, umbrella Car rental service Entertainment(within 30 minute distance) Boattour on the Han River / Boat ride activities / Lotte world amusement park / KyeongBok Palace / Billiard / Spa and Sauna / Fishing / Golf / Skiing Resort / Swimming pool park / Indoor Basketball / Park Golf / Hotspring Sauna / Temple / Observatory RestaurantsDuck, Beef, Pork, Chicken Korean Barbecue Nengmyeon (Cold noodles), Kalgooksoo (warm noodles), Tokbokki (ricecakes in spicy sauce), Steakhouse,Pizza and Spaghetti, Chinese food etc 263

264 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Shop to your heart s delight. We will gladly give you tips about where to go to have an enjoyable time while here in Korea. Korean Transportation is relatively cheap. The basic fee for a taxi starts at $2. And busses and subway fares also cost $1~$2 dollars. Express bus fees cost around $4~$10. <Singapore> Basic Dental Implant Package at US $ 3,700 (Package price inclusive of GST) <Hungary> 1 tooth Alpha Bio implant package including scaling and polishing, 1 Alpha Bio implant, surgery fee (London surcharge), panoramic X-ray and medication pack*** US $1,344 Package comparison 1 tooth Replace implant package including scaling and polishing, 1 Replace implant, surgery fee (London surcharge) panoramic X-ray and medication pack*** US $3,011 <Thailand> 1 Trip Implant Single tooth dental implant + porcelain crown USD 2,180 ~ USD 2,700 2 Trips Implant Single tooth dental implant + porcelain crown USD 2,258 ~ 3, First Trip + 5 Nights hotel USD 1,129 ~ USD 1,500 Second Trip + 5 Nights hotel USD 1,129 ~ USD 1,500 <Japan> Single tooth implant +porcelain crown USD 4, ~ USD 5, Coordinator Contact Information Telephone: English hot line: dentist@dental.com messenger: dental@hotmail.com 264

265 Q1: Am I A Candidate For Dental Implants in Korea? A1: If you are generally healthy and have healthy gums and enough bone to hold the tooth implant then you may be a good candidate for dental implants in Thailand.If you do not have enough bone to hold the tooth implant you may have a bone graft first. Contact us if want a dentist from our partner hospital to evaluate whether you are likely to be a candidate for dental implantation in Korea. FAQs Q2: How long do I haveto stay in Korea for a tooth implant procedure? A2: As mentioned above a tooth implant involves two phases. The first phase of inserting the tooth implant into the gum requires approximately 2 visits to the dentist and takes about 1 week. It then takes 4-6months before the tooth implant has settled nicely into the gum. When the tooth implant has settled into gum, you are ready for the second phase, and you thus need to come back to Koreato make the tooth. This requires approximately 3 visits to the dentist and takes about 2-3 weeks. The two phases do not both need to be done in Korea. One of the phases can be done in your home country as long as the dentist inserting the implant and the dentist making the new tooth communicate. We will assistyou with this. Therefore, the length you need to stay in Korea to have dental implantation,depends on whether you are interested in both phases or only the first or second phase. Q3: How safe are dental implants? A3: Dental implants are regarded as safe and are probably the best and most advanced method to restore missing teeth. Before the treatment is carried out, dentists perform various tests to find out patients suitability. Success rate for implants insertion in best clinics is close to 100% and once inserted, they can last for 20 years and more. Q4: Is everyone suitable for implants? A4: Some patients might be rejected an implant treatment because of health reasons. If a patient has significant bone loss, a bone graft treatment might be required before any implants are placed. The Dentist will be able to assess suitability at the time of consultation. Q5: Is the treatment painful? A5: Implanttreatment (insertion) is an operation although not so invasive. Usually it is performed under local anaesthesia so thereis no pain at 265

266 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 the time of the treatment. Some patients might feel pain after the treatment and this is mainly due to having stitches in place. Q6: How many missing teeth can be replaced with implants? A6: Implants are used for single or multi teeth restoration so they can virtually be used to replace every natural tooth. Dentists canuse 6 implants to restore all teeth in a jaw (using a bridge) so there is no need to have an implant for every single missing tooth in case of serious teeth reconstruction. Q7: How to maintain implants? A7: The false teeth implants are cleaned and maintained in the same way as natural teeth. The Dentist will show you the ways to clean the areas difficult to reach with a toothbrush. 266

267 6.2 치아미백(Dental Whitening) Surgery Title Tooth Whitening Package Cost (taxes included) 1 session of Intensive Teeth Whitening for KRW 100, 4 sessions of Intensive Teeth Whitening for KRW 350, Zoom, 3 sessions an hour each, Professional Teeth Whitening KRW500, (thorough teeth cleaning, and take home whitening set included) Translation services Duration of procedure: 30 minutes Stay in Korea: 2 weeks for 4 sessions Our fully inclusive packages includes the following services Airport Greeting and Transportation to Medical Center Package Content Dentistfees, hospital costs, medications and supplies Dental Consultations Dental X-rays Scaling (Teeth whitening) Teeth molding / teeth cap (tray) Whitening solution Toothbrush set Comprehensive medical report CD of images taken Currency exchange Visa and travel document assistance Translation services We accept International Credit Cards (Master, Visa, BC, please check with the hospital about the credit card you plan to use) A phone with a screen attached to contact our coordinator 24 hours a day International clients can make cheap international calls Seasonal gift (Travel suitcase belt, Knee blanket etc.) The home whitening program includes -Dental Consultation (2 times) 267

268 02 한국의료관광주요상품모델소개 Additional Fees -Hotel / condominium accommodations -Plane ticket -Site seeing -Porcelain Veneers, Implants, Crowns, Bridges, Nerve treatment -Treatment of underlying diseases or complications such as infection etc. -Medical treatment unrelated to the main procedure -Personal items and services: massage, telephone calls, snacks, postage -Transportation -You will be informed if additional costs arise Candidates If you are having other forms of dental restoration such as veneers or have been bonded with white fillings, then you are not allowed. Why? Because the veneers or the restoration has its own color matched with the color of your teeth. So when you happened to undergo whitening, then the restoration's color may not be appropriately matched with the whitenedcolor of the teeth. If you have undergone root canal treatment, then ordinary whitening procedure is not enough. Another option ishaving internal tooth whitening or permanent restoration. If your natural teeth color is brown or gray, then don't expect an optimum result. If you happen to have a yellowish tooth, then it can give you the best whitening results. Expectant or nursing mothers are not allowed because of the possible effects of the tooth whitening materials on the baby in the womb or on the milk during lactation. Young children under 12 years old are exempt from this package If you have sensitive teeth, then tooth whitening is not a good procedure to undergo because it greatly increases the level of sensitivity of the teeth. Advantages of Whitening People typically have their teeth whitened to improve their appearance. Whiter teeth are associated with beauty and a healthier lifestyle. When people have a brighter smile, they tend to smile more often and are less self-conscious. In addition, a whiter smile tends to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles, giving way to a more youthful and energetic appearance. Finally, a whiter smile gives people to whom you are speaking a place to focus on and gives you a friendlier appearance 268

269 Tooth whitening involves using a bleaching gel on the surface of the tooth to change the shade or color. There are two types of tooth bleaching: in-office bleaching and home bleaching. In-office bleaching uses a higher concentrate solution which gives faster results. Many patients complete one session within 30 minutes with only 3 to 4 visits needed throughout the course, which can all be completed in a two week period. Home bleaching is a slightly longer process. Each patient is given the customized bleaching trays and gels, and they can choose to have either daily 2 hour wear or nightly treatment. Surgery description The whole course lasts between 2 to 3 weeks. All bleaching materials are entirely safe for both the teeth and gums. However, one of the more common side effects with this treatment is that the patient may temporarily experience hypersensitivity which can be overcome by discontinuing the daily doses of whitening and resuming the course 1 or 2 days later. Side effects Increased tooth sensitivity A sharp increase in tooth sensitivity is the most common side effect of tooth whitening. This is because the process of tooth whitening involves the usage of very strong chemicals based on peroxides. These chemicals tend to cause dehydration in the teeth. At the same time, the dental pulp gets aggravated. The result is that the teeth start feeling hot and cold which they would not have felt otherwise. 269


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