12. 다음글의 아들 이말한오류와비슷한것은? 네살먹은아들에게화훼축제를구경시켜주기로약속했었다. 화훼축제에데려가자아들은눈이휘둥그레졌다. 축제에서는수많은종류의꽃들이각자의아름다움을뽐내고있었다. 장미가제일많았고, 열대식물의꽃이나우리나라의야생화들도있었다. 아들에게물었다. 꽃들참예

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1 국어 7. 어법상가장자연스러운것은? 1 전혀미안한점도없지않다. 문항별배점 : <1~10> 1점 / <11~20> 1.5점 / <21~30> 2.5점 <1~10> 다음문제를읽고물음에답하시오.( 각 1점 ) 1. 짙다 : 옅다 와의미관계가가장비슷한것은? 1 산 : 바다 2 높다 : 깊다 3 덥다 : 춥다 4 사다 : 팔다 5 아버지 : 딸 2. 낱말에쓰인 불 의의미가가장다른것은? 1 불곰 2 불개미 3 불여우 4 불호령 5 불호박 3. 한낱말을이루는두요소의구성방식이가장다른것은? 1 군말 2 덧신 3 맨손 4 밥상 5 선잠 4. 밑줄친 -음 의쓰임새가다른것은? 1 팔자걸음 2 갓길없음 3 북청사자놀음 4 얼음이차갑다 5 깊은믿음으로견디다 5. 밑줄친 -라도 의쓰임새가다른것은? 1 이문제는천재라도풀수없어. 2 현금이없으면카드라도주세요. 3 그렇게라도소리를지르니좀낫지? 4 성의를생각해서한번먹어라도보세요. 5 집에만있지말고친구랑극장에라도가렴. 6. 어법에맞지않게쓰인것은? 1 있다가단둘이있을때얘기하자. 2 그는아버지의유언을좇기로했다. 3 시대의변화에뒤처져서는안된다. 4 내로라하는재계의인사들이한곳에모였다. 5 뒤뜰돌담너머붉은지붕건물이우리집이야. 2 힘이없다고더이상조용하진말아라. 3 냉장고의야채가물러서못먹게되었다. 4 더위때문에기분나쁘지않으려고애썼다. 5 이건축물의정교한조각들이여기저기새겼다. 8. 밑줄친부분의표기가잘못된것은? 1 남자의얼굴은흉칙하게변해있었다. 2 실망하지말고오뚝이처럼다시일어서! 3 편지에는김치담그는방법이자세하게쓰여있었다. 4 그는여자에게자리를양보하고멀찌감치물러앉았다. 5 병사들의정신이해이해져있으니무슨훈련을하겠어? 9. 밑줄친두부분의관계가가장다른것은? 1 먹던밥은다먹어야지. 2 그건내가준연필이야. 3 다읽은책은반납해야해. 4 어제본영화는재미있었어. 5 새끼낳은암소는예민한법이야. 10. 다음글의밑줄친부분에해당하는말은? 그런데땅은왜꺼지지않지? 땅은흙이쌓인것뿐이라네. 그래서사방빈곳을메우고있어흙이없는곳이없네. 우리가뛰고밟고걷는것도늘땅위에서하고있는데땅이왜무너지겠는가? 그러니쓸데없는걱정은하지말게나. 1 계륵 2 기우 3 물의 4 미혹 5 사족 <11~20> 다음문제를읽고물음에답하시오.( 각 1.5점 ) 11. 다음속담에서괄호안에공통으로들어갈말은? ( ) 주고뺨맞는다. ( ) 본김에제사지낸다. ( ) 도먹어본사람이먹는다. 1 감 2 떡 3 고기 4 나물 5 이밥 10-1 < 뒷면에계속 >

2 12. 다음글의 아들 이말한오류와비슷한것은? 네살먹은아들에게화훼축제를구경시켜주기로약속했었다. 화훼축제에데려가자아들은눈이휘둥그레졌다. 축제에서는수많은종류의꽃들이각자의아름다움을뽐내고있었다. 장미가제일많았고, 열대식물의꽃이나우리나라의야생화들도있었다. 아들에게물었다. 꽃들참예쁘지? 아들이대답했다. 응, 그런데화훼는어디있어? 1 연필만사고학용품은못샀어. 2 모든게일장춘몽에다가백일몽이었지. 3 병따개는병을따라고발명됐으니병따개로병을따야지. 4 새우젓없는어물전은없으니, 어물전없으면새우젓도없다. 5 요즘은겨울에도꽃을피우니봄은더이상꽃피는계절이아니야. 13. 다음글의괄호안에들어갈한자성어는? 더구나, 소문을들으면, 뭐청계천을덮어버린단말이있지않어? 위생에나쁘다던가 그러니, 정말그렇게나되구본댐야, 인젠 ( ) 두참정말어려울지경이니 흥! 말두말어. ( 중략 ) 그렇게됐다간, 참말굶어죽을노릇아냐? 쉬무슨도릴채리긴해야할텐데. 그래다소간에돈이있으니장사를허나, 기술이있어장인노릇을허나, 참말이지큰일났수. -박태원, < 천변풍경 > 1 고육지책 ( 苦肉之策 ) 2 삼순구식 ( 三旬九食 ) 3 식음전폐 ( 食飮全廢 ) 4 연목구어 ( 緣木求魚 ) 5 진퇴양난 ( 進退兩難 ) [14~15] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. 내가비판하려는것은판단에불가피하게수반되는편견이있음에도불구하고이를무조건배격하는태도이다. 나의이러한도전은서로구분되는두개의판단개념에근거하고있다. 첫째는비관여적판단개념이다. 이개념에따르면최고의판단은우리가아직그타당성을우리스스로명시적으로확증하지않은모든권위와영향력에의존하지않을때가능하다고본다. 이러한판단을비관여적이라고부르는이유는이것이모든그같은영향력에서벗어나고자하는판단이기때문이다. 두번째는정황적판단개념이다. 이개념에따르면완전한비관여적판단이란잘못된사고방식에서나온것이다. 올바른숙고와판단은언제나우리가처한구체적삶의환경으로부터나오는것이기때문이다. 정황적판단개념에따르면우리가처한삶의환경은합리적사유에대한방해물이아니라합리적사유에정보를제공하여판단을가능하게해주는기능을가지고있다. 나는이러한정황적판단개념이더옹호할만하다고생각한다. 또한, 편견문제에있어서비관여적개념과정황적개념의대비가왜중요한지를보여주고자한다. 정황적개념이더이치에맞는다는나의주장이옳다면편견에반대하는칸트의주장이나베이컨과데카르트의주장을의심해볼만하다. 만약판단이란것이불가피하게정황적인것이라면, 우리마음에서편견을완전히제거하려는시도자체가잘못되었다고할수있다. 그렇다면이른바베이컨이말하는 정신의우상 은우리가완전히폐기해야하는대상이아닐수도있다. 14. 이글을쓴저자의취지에부합하지않는것은? 1 우리가판단을내릴때완전히비관여적일수는없다. 2 우리삶의환경은합리적사유에구체적인내용을더해준다. 3 칸트는편견을비관여적태도의핵심으로보는입장을갖고있다. 4 베이컨이말하는우상은비관여적판단개념에비추어보면폐기해야한다. 5 비관여적판단개념과정황적판단개념중이치에더맞는것은후자이다. 15. 이글의저자의입장에서다음 < 사례 > 에대해판단한것으로적절한것은? < 사례 > 1990년대신시내티미술관과그전시기획자가, 논란이되었던로버트메이플소프의작품을전시한이유로외설소송사건에휘말렸다. 판사는배심원단중여성한사람을거부했는데, 그것은그여성이논란이되었던사진뿐아니라그전시회를이미관람했다는이유에서였다. 그녀는배심원단에서미술관에자주가는유일한사람이었다. 선발된배심원가운데는미술관에한번도가지않은사람도있었다. 해당사건의판사는이미그전시회를관람한사람이나자주미술관을찾는사람은해당사건에대해편견을가질수있으며이는불공정한판단으로이어질소지가있다고생각했을것이다. 판사는편견을 100퍼센트피하려는의도에서미술관에대한, 혹은외설관련법률에대한경험이없는사람들로배심원단을채우려고했다. 1 이재판은외설문제에대한선입견이없는판사가담당해야한다. 2 판사가배심원가운데미술관에자주가는사람을배제한것은타당하다. 3 메이플소프의작품은외설적이므로여성이배심원이되는것은적절치않다. 4 문제가된전시회를이미관람한배심원은불공정한평결을내릴가능성이높다. 5 이사건에대해올바른판단을내리기위해서는미술작품에대한경험도필요하다 < 다음면에계속 >

3 16. 다음글을볼때, 카오스이론을잘못설명한것은? 복잡계의한이론인카오스이론은예측가능한예측불가 능성을말한다. 따라서이것을결정론적혼돈이라고한다. 혼돈은다시질서의원천이된다. 그래서혼돈은잠재적질 서로, 우연은필연성의원천으로인식되었다. 현상계의다 양성속에서보편적법칙성을찾으려는카오스이론은그시 작부터결정론으로해석되는질서구조의존재를인정한다. 과거의고전물리학은이러한복잡계를과학탐구의영역에 서배제했다. 그래서바람과구름, 그리고물이흘러가는 모습은과학의대상이아니라, 시인의마음안에서만그가 치를인정받아왔다. 그러나 19 세기말유체역학이등장하면 서, 더군다나 1960 년대부터카오스이론이등장한이후복잡 성의과학은일반인사이에서도큰관심의대상이되었다. 1 예측불가능성자체도예측불가능한상태로남는다. 2 카오스이론은고전물리학적관점에서는배제되었다. 3 혼돈의상태자체가결정론적으로인정이될수있다. 4 복잡성의과학을일반인의관심의대상이되도록했다. 5 보편적법칙성을현상계의다양성속에서발견하려고 했다. [17~18] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. 급한고비는넘겼으나, 이제는길게끌리라는예고를할 제부터벌써의사는이이상더할수는없으니데려내가라는말눈치였던것이다. 어차피내일한약을지어온뒤에야병인이순순히퇴원하겠고, 또오늘내일새로어떨리는 없으리라는의사의말에안심이되어서퇴원은내일로미루기로하였다. 그러나뒤미처주사침을손수들고들어온의사가ᄀ정맥 주사를한참고생을하여놓고나더니명호에게눈짓을하며나간다. 명호는불길한예감에마음이설레이면서눈치빠른병자의눈을피하느라고머뭇거리다가넌지시따라나 갔다. 될수있으면오늘해전으로나가시는게좋을것같은데요. 지금보시다시피약을빨아들일힘이없는것을보니 이제는심장이완전히주사의힘으로만부지를하는건데요. 하고의사가도리어서두른다. 아닌게아니라지금주사 기에피가자꾸만흘러나와서주사약은분홍빛으로물이들고, 의사는몇차례를쉬어가며간신히억지로넣고나온길이었다. 그러나퇴원을한다고법석을하다가겨우준 비가되고병인도 XX 재단이되면ᄂ이사가되리라는뜬소문일망정기분이좋은터에새판으로ᄃ퇴원하자고소동을할수도없었다. ( 중략 ) 의사말이, 훨씬차도가있으니오늘내일주사를좀더넉넉히맞으시구내일오후에퇴원하시라는군요. 명호는잠자코만있기가더괴로워서안나오는웃음을지어보기까지하였다. 응? 병인은바르르떨리던, 잔뜩당겨진신경이일순간확풀리는듯하며귀가번쩍해하다가, 정말그럴까? 하고의아한눈치로맥없이한마디하고서는, 그런말쯤이야내게직접말못할것은무언구? 하며코웃음을친다. 그러나그코웃음과는반대로좀더자세한의사의말의실증을붙들어보겠다는듯이일단늦추어졌던정신력과주의력을눈으로힘껏모아서명호의얼굴빛과입술을겨누어 보며, 별안간어떻게차도가있다는거야? 하고마치명호의말한마디가자기의운명을마지막결정이나한다는듯커다 란희망을가지고애원하듯이매달려오는기색을보인다. 명호는마음이무거워지며괴로웠다. 조금전까지도이제는운이트이나보다고좋아하던이안타까운병인에게꾸며선 들무어라고대꾸를해주어야이어려운처지를모면할지선뜻말이아니나왔다. 형님이원체기력이좋으니까이제ᄅ한약을제곬을찾 아서잘쓰기만하면염려없다는말이죠. 딴소리. 아까 C 청년이왔을때부터너무나긴장이계속된끝이라 뒷말을더하려고입을쫑긋쫑긋하다가기운이빠져서맥이풀려가는눈만멀거니뜨고천정을바라보고반듯이누웠다. 그러나ᄆ 딴소리 라고핀잔주듯이힘있게부인한것은 명호가거기달아서딴소리가아니라고무슨변명이라도하고덤비기를바랐던것인데, 아무대꾸가없이, 명호가담배를붙이고마는것을보자, 병인의눈에는절망의빛이 차차짙어갔다. 17. ᄀ ~ ᄆ을해석한것으로적절하지않은것은? 1 ᄀ : 병인의몸이더이상회복되지않을것임을드 러내는소재 2 ᄂ : 병인의살고싶은욕망을강화시켜주는일 3 ᄃ : 가족들은원하지만병인은원하지않는일 4 ᄅ : 병인의건강을염려하는가족의마음을드러내 는소재 5 ᄆ : 명호의다른말을듣기위한병인의마음이담 긴표현 18. 이글에나타난서술상의특징으로맞는것은? 1 주인공이자신의이야기를직접서술하고있다. 2 한인물의시각으로인물과사건이서술되고있다. 3 주변적인물이주인공에대하여서술하는방식을취 하고있다. 4 등장인물이서술자가되어사건과인물에대하여서 술하고있다. 5 작품밖의서술자가명호와병인의내면을동시에서 술하고있다. 19. 다음글의내용에부합하지않는것은? - 염상섭, < 임종 > 통일 1 세대인동독청소년의의식구조에대한연구는 통일독일사회의현실을진단하고미래를예측케해준다 는점에서시사하는바가크다. 이연구에서우리는동독 의청소년세대는기성세대와마찬가지로동독지역민으 로서의집단적정체성을지니고있음을확인할수있었 다. 이사실은비교적성공적으로평가되는동 서독의체 제통합과는달리미완의상태에머물러있는사회문화적 통합의현실을여실히보여준다. 동 서독사회는외형적 인통일에도불구하고점차높아만가는 머릿속의장벽 10-3 < 뒷면에계속 >

4 으로인해내적인분열에시달리고있는것이다. 이연구를통해우리는동 서독사회의진정한통일은동 서독주민간의상호이해와신뢰의바탕위에정서적, 심리적분단을극복하여사회문화적통합을이루어낼때비로소완성되는것이라는교훈에도달할수있었다. 동독지역청소년의의식구조에관한이연구가장차한반도통일공간에서발생할수있는남 북한의청소년문제를해결하는데조금이나마이바지할수있기를기대해본다. 1 머릿속의장벽은동독청소년의의식구조에대한연구를통해확인된다. 2 통일이후에동독청소년들은부모의문화의식을적지않게유지하고있다. 3 분단국가의체제의통합을위해서는심리적인분단의극복이선행되어야한다. 4 남 북한청소년의미래를생각할때남 북한상호신뢰의토대를쌓을필요가있다. 5 통일독일에서청소년에게나타난현상이통일된한반도의청소년에게도나타날수있다. 고무줄처럼늘렸다줄였다하면서연신소금물을일렁인다소금이모자랄땐제눈물을말려먹는다는소금벌레, 소금물에고분고분숨을죽인채짧은다리분주하게움직여흩어진소금을쉬지않고끌어모은다땀샘밖으로솟아오른ᄃ땀방울이하얀ᄅ소금꽃터트리며마른다소금밭이아닌길을걸은적없다일생동안소금만갉아먹다생을마감할소금벌레땡볕에몸이녹아내리는줄도모르고흥얼흥얼, ᄆ고무래로소금을긁어모으는비금도대산염전의늙은소금벌레여자, 짠물에절여진세월이쪼글쪼글하다 -박성우, < 소금벌레 > 21. < 가 > 와 < 나 > 의공통점으로가장적절한것은? 1 인간이자연에동화되는상상력을강조하고있다. 20. 다음중결론에이르는과정이타당한것은? 1 젊은이들중에는종종고뇌가많은이가있다. 남주는젊다. 따라서남주는고뇌가많다. 2 이책상은나무로만들어졌다. 저책상도나무로만들어졌다. 따라서책상은나무로만만든다. 3 이연필은애초에시험을치르려고샀다. 시험은끝났다. 따라서이연필은더이상필요가없다. 4 한류스타들의쇼는재미가있다. 김별양은한류스타는아니다. 따라서김별양의쇼는재미가없다. 5 한가지라도취미를가진사람들은행복하다. 철수는여러가지취미를가졌다. 따라서철수는행복하다. 2 단어와시행의반복을통하여잃어버린꿈을노래하고있다. 3 물에나타난원형적이미지를통해삶의불안을드러내고있다. 4 비유의방법을사용하여포기할수없는삶의희망에대하여말하고있다. 5 공감각적이미지를통하여고통을이겨나가는삶의아름다움을예찬하고있다. 22. a의함축적의미와가장유사한것은? 1 ᄀ 2 ᄂ 3 ᄃ 4 ᄅ 5 ᄆ [23~25] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. <21~30> 다음문제를읽고물음에답하시오.( 각 2.5점 ) [21~22] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. < 가 > 한결수심이깊어져서이젠입다물고사는날이많아진강하구쪽저녁바람에나직이흔들리는갈대들이오늘따라유정한손짓을보내지만어부는다시힘겹게 a강을거슬러오른다맛있는저녁식사를꿈꾸며 -이상호, < 어부 > < 나 > 소금을파먹고사는ᄀ벌레가있다머리에흰털수북한벌레한마리가ᄂ염전위를기어간다몸을 내가작년에첩을잃고, 마땅한사람이없어서지금까지그저있네. 자네딸을내게줄것같으면, 자네딸도호강을할것이요, 자네도작은고을수령으로만다니겠나. 감사, 아니참판, 판서는못할라구. 애초에김진사가서울에왔을때에는천금같은딸을위해좋은사위를얻어낙을보려는마음이먼저였다. 그런데ᄀ평안도사람이벼슬하기가하늘에오르는것처럼어려운이시절에, 천만뜻밖으로줄을잘잡아벼슬자리를얻고, 또이같이허판서의농간에놀아나다보니헛된영예에불같은욕심이나는지라. 혼자생각하길, 채봉의됨됨이가녹록치아니하여팔자가세니재상의첩이나시켜호강하게하고, 나는부원군부럽지않게벼슬이나실컷얻으리라. 하고기쁘게허락한다. ( 중략 ) ᄂ벼슬없이늙던내가허판서의주선으로벼슬길에나서게됐지, 또내일모레면과천현감을하지, 이제채봉이가그리들어가살면평생호강하거니와, 내가감사도 10-4 < 다음면에계속 >

5 되고참판도되고판서도될것인즉, 부인이야정경부인 은따놓은당상이니이런경사가어디있소. 두말말고 데리고올라갑시다. ᄃ첩이란말에펄펄뛰던이부인도그말에솔깃하여, 영감이기어코하려드시면난들어찌하겠소마는, 채봉 이가말을들을지모르겠소. 이때초당에앉아글을읽고있던채봉은부친의목소리 를듣고취향을데리고안방으로건너오다가자신의혼사 이야기가나오자걸음을멈추고서서듣고있었다. 이윽 고말소리가그치자채봉이방에들어가부친앞에서날 아갈듯맵시있게절을한다. 아버님, 먼길안녕히다녀오셨습니까? 김진사가딸을보고귀한생각이한층더나서등을어 루만지며, 오냐, 잘있었느냐. 그래그동안글공부도더 하고, 바느질도많이익혔느냐? 하더니, 부인을쳐다보고벙글벙글웃으며, 부인! 참이제는바느질을배워도쓸데가없겠구려. 침 모가있어서다해서바칠터이니. 채봉은이말을듣고눈살을찌푸리며얼굴을숙인다. 김진사가다시채봉을보고, 아가, 너는재상의첩이좋으냐, 여염집의부인이좋으 냐? 아비, 어미있는데부끄러울게뭐냐. 네생각을말해 보아라. 채봉이예사여염집처녀같았으면부모의말이라뭐라 고대꾸하지않았을터이지만, 장필성과의일을잠시도 잊지않은데다부모가하는얘기를다들은터라조금도 서슴지않고얼굴을바로하고대답한다. ᄅ차라리닭의입이될지언정소의꼬리되기는바라는 바가아닙니다. 허허, 그녀석, 네가첩구경을못해서그런소리를하 는구나! 재상의첩이야세상에그같은호강이또없느니 라. 부인이말을가로막고김진사를쳐다보며, 영감은자식에게별말씀을다하시는구려. ᄆ계집애자 식이란것은으레부모가하는대로좇아가는법이랍니 다. 아가! 너는네방으로가있어라. 채봉을내보낸두내외는서울올라갈의논을하고, 그 날로집안세간을팔아서울갈짐을꾸린다. 한편채봉은초당으로나와장필성과의약속을생각하고 홀로탄식한다. 23. ᄀ ~ ᄆ중에서작품의시대적배경을유추해볼수있 는구절이아닌것은? 1 ᄀ 2 ᄂ 3 ᄃ 4 ᄅ 5 ᄆ 24. 이글에나타난인물에대한설명으로적절하지않은것은? 1 채봉은마음속의이야기를감추지않는사람이다. 2 김진사는자신의출세를가장중요시하는사람이다. 3 채봉은현실적이익보다는신의를중시하는사람이다. 4 이부인은한번내린결정은쉽게되돌리지않는사 람이다. 5 허판서는자신의욕망을이루기위해수단과방법을 가리지않는사람이다. - 작자미상, < 채봉감별곡 > 25. 이작품의주제는사회적인습이나권력에대항하여자신의사랑을지켜낸다는측면에서고전소설 < 춘향전 > 과유사하다. < 춘향전 > 에등장하는인물과이작품에등장하는인물의짝으로가장적당한것은? 1 춘향-채봉, 이몽룡-장필성, 향단-김진사 2 춘향-채봉, 이몽룡-허판서, 향단-이부인 3 춘향-채봉, 이몽룡-장필성, 변학도-허판서 4 향단-채봉, 이몽룡-장필성, 변학도-김진사 5 향단-채봉, 이몽룡-허판서, 변학도-장필성 [26~27] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. 과학자들은 DNA가담고있는유전정보가생체내에서어떻게전달되는지를분자수준에서밝히고자했다. 이와관련된중심적인원리가바로 센트럴도그마 (central dogma) 이다. 이원리에따르면, 생명체의생명활동에관한수많은정보가 DNA 속에들어있는데, DNA는복제과정을통해세포분열을할때마다자기스스로를복제한다. 그리고 DNA에담겨져있는유전정보는필요할때마다전사과정을통해 RNA 형태로복사되어세포내단백질생산공장이라고알려진리보솜으로전달되고, 리보솜은이를받아서번역과정을통해생명체의몸을구성하는단백질을합성한다. 센트럴도그마의첫번째단계는세포가분열할때 DNA에서 DNA로정보가전달되는 복제 이다. 이중나선구조로되어있는 DNA는, DNA 정보를바탕으로만들어지는 RNA나 RNA 정보로만들어지는단백질과달리자기스스로를똑같이복제한다. DNA 복제에작용하는여러효소중에특징적인역할을수행하는것은헬리카제와 DNA 중합효소이다. 헬리카제는 DNA의꼬여있는이중나선구조를풀어주는역할을하는데, 이중나선구조가풀리면 DNA 중합효소가각가닥에달라붙어 DNA를복제한다. DNA에는유전자손상을막기위해더이상의복제를못하게하는장치가있다. DNA 양쪽끝부분에있는텔로미어는복제를반복할수록짧아져서어느순간이되면세포가분열을멈추고자연스럽게죽음을맞이하게함으로써그ᄀ위험을방지한다. 연구결과인간의세포는 70~100번정도세포분열이가능하다고한다. 두번째단계는 DNA에서 RNA로정보가전달되는 전사 이다. RNA는 DNA와비슷한구조의핵산인데, 전사에관여하는 RNA를 mrna라한다. 전사는 DNA의정보들중필요한일부정보를 mrna에베끼는것이다. DNA 정보를베낀 mrna는세포핵밖으로빠져나와리보솜으로이동한다. 세번째단계는 번역 이다. 이과정에서는리보솜에서 mrna의정보에따라아미노산이순서대로결합해단백질이만들어진다. DNA에서전사된 mrna의정보가리보솜에이르면, 리보솜에서는이 mrna의정보를기준으로아미노산들이배열되어단백질이만들어지는것이다. 원칙적으로이반대방향으로는유전정보가전달되지않는다. 그러나레트로바이러스는 RNA에서 DNA를합성한뒤이 DNA 조각을숙주세포의 DNA 속에은근슬쩍끼워넣어숙주세포가바이러스의 DNA를복제하도록만든다. RNA에서 DNA로정보가흐르는것이다. 그리고광우병의원인으로알려진변형된프리온은단백질인데정상적인단백질과결합해이를변형시킨다. 단백질에서단백질로정보가흐르는것이다 < 뒷면에계속 >

6 26. 밑줄친ᄀ의 위험 에대해가장잘설명한것은? 1 DNA 정보가손상됨 2 세포분열이불가능하게됨 3 이중나선구조가풀리지않을가능성 4 RNA에서 DNA로유전자정보가전달될가능성 5 헬리카제가더이상작동하지못할정도로소모됨 27. 이글의내용으로추측할수없는것은? 1 센트럴도그마의과정을연구하면유전자재조합관련정보를얻을수있을것이다. 2 mrna를레트로바이러스처럼복제방향을거꾸로하면본래의 DNA가복원될것이다. 3 헬리카제가먼저 DNA에작동하지않으면 DNA의정보가 RNA에전달되기어려울것이다. 4 DNA 양쪽끝부분에있는텔로미어가빨리짧아지게되면, 세포도빨리죽게될것이다. 5 만일어떤생명체의세포에레트로바이러스나변형된프리온이침투하여작동하면, 그생명체의세포가변형될수있을것이다. [28~29] 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. 이탈리아의천문학자인조반니스키아파렐리는당시로서는최신의완벽하고도큰구경의망원경을이용해화성을관측했다. 그는갑자기그행성의표면에서다량의복잡하고미세한선모양의세부모습이나타나는것을보았다. 이후의어느관찰자는이를가리켜미세한철제에칭에그려진선과도비슷하다고묘사한바있다. 스키아파렐리는곧바로이선들을카날리라고불렀는데, 이는이탈리아어로관이나홈이란뜻이었다. 이단어가영어로운하라고옮겨진것은자연스러운일처럼보였지만, 운하라는말에는설계, 지성, 또는거대한토목공사라는뜻이함축되어있었다. 미국의천문학자퍼시벌로웰은화성에카날리가있다는생각을적극수용한사람중에하나였다. 로웰은사비를털어애리조나주플래그스태프근처에커다란천문대- 이후에로웰천문대로알려짐-를설립하고이화성의무늬를연구했다. 로웰은스키아파렐리가맞았다고생각했다. 그리고이것은단일또는이중의직선들이상호교차하는일종의그물망으로덮여있으며, 이선들은매우먼거리에펼쳐져있는데, 이것을설명할수있는것은아주거대한규모의토목공사뿐이라고확신했다. 다른관찰자들역시그운하를발견했다. 그들은그모습을그림으로그려내기까지했다. 운하를발견한천문학자는로웰과스키아파렐리만이아니었다. 전세계각국의많은천문학자들이그운하를목격하고, 그림을그리고, 지도로작성하고, 이름을붙였다. 그리하여말그대로수백개나되는각각의운하에이름이붙여졌다. 하지만이후확실한관측과탐사를통해화성에는운하가없다는사실을확인했다. 그모두가잘못된것이었다. 인간의손과눈과두뇌의합작이낳은실수였다. 이런실수를범한사람들은망원경저편에나타나는현상을지적생명체의작품으로생각했지만, 사실은지적생명체는망원경저편이아니라이편에있었다. 그들은매우진보한존재들이바로옆행성에살고있다는것을믿고싶은소 망을갖고있었고, 그소망이연구과정에반드시있어야할엄정함조차도압도해버렸던것이다. 28. 이글의주제는? 1 조반니스키아파렐리의화성연구의위대성 2 자신의돈으로학문에기여한로웰의위대성 3 과학연구에서확실한관측과탐사가갖는기능 4 과학연구와지적생명체의존재를연계하는상상력의중요성 5 연구자의믿음이과학의엄정성을덮어버릴때발생하는오류의문제 29. 이글의내용으로볼때, 맞지않는것은? 1 화성에는운하와관련된지적생명체가존재하지않았다. 2 화성에서목격된수백개의운하에이름이실제로붙여졌다. 3 화성운하사례는과학기술의발전보다신념의수정이더중요함을보여준다. 4 화성에운하가있다면그것은거대한토목공사에의한것이라고생각할수있다. 5 화성에운하가있다고생각한것은망원경을통해본그물모양의선들때문이었다. 30. 다음은어떤동네의 30~50대성인남녀가주택을구입할때에우선적으로고려하는요소를조사한결과이다. 이를통해알수있는내용이아닌것은? 주택의디자인주변편의시설직장과의거리합 30대남성 명 30대여성 명 40대남성 명 40대여성 명 50대남성 명 50대여성 명합 115명 100명 85명 300명 1 세요소중에주택의디자인을중시하는사람이가장많다. 2 50대여성은다른부류보다주변편의시설을더중시한다. 3 50대는 30대와 40대에비해서주변편의시설을더중시한다. 4 전체적으로볼때, 이들은직장과의거리를상대적으로덜중시한다. 5 50대남성은 30대여성에비해주변편의시설보다는주택의디자인을상대적으로더중시한다 < 다음면에계속 >

7 영어 문항별배점 : [31-40] 1 점 / [41-50] 1.5 점 / [51-60] 2.5 점 [31-35] Choose the expression that has the closest meaning to the underlined part. ( 문항당 1점 ) [31] In 1900 the turn of a new century was celebrated in Paris with a Grand Exhibition devoted to progress, and the newspaper Le Figaro, barely able to contain itself, wrote: How fortunate we are to be living on this first day of the 20th century! 1 admired 2 dedicated 3 included 4 praised 5 separated [32] When negotiations begin, the negotiator is faced with a perplexing problem. What should the opening offer be? Will the offer be seen as too low or too high by the other negotiator and be contemptuously rejected? 1 difficult 2 major 3 puzzling 4 real 5 serious [33] Forty million to 50 million years ago, two giant pieces of land--india, then an island, and the sprawling mass known as Eurasia--collided, driving up the awesome peaks of the Himalayas. 1 bumped 2 divided 3 fell down 4 touched 5 were separated [34] In 19th century America, make-up was often sold under the counter because it was considered improper for ordinary women to wear make-up. 1 publicly 2 secretly 3 free of charge 4 without counting 5 to adult customers [35] The label Made in China doesn t suggest high-end design. Masha Ma is determined to change that. 1 amateur 2 fancy 3 permanent 4 tall-building 5 urban [36-40] Choose the most appropriate word for each blank. ( 문항당 1점 ) [36] Steve Jobs was a man of. He identified deeply with the counterculture but spent his life in corporate boardrooms amassing billions; he made beautiful products that enabled individual creativity but in their architecture expressed a deep-seated need for central control. 1 ambitions 2 anger 3 brilliance 4 contradictions 5 pride [37] A major international airline company is close to bankruptcy. The fear of terrorism, a number of new budget-fare airlines, and rising costs for fuel have all put the airline under massive economic. 1 advantage 2 boom 3 plan 4 pressure 5 security [38] People who conduct business in countries other than their own encounter not only different languages but different cultural norms and practices as well. They may find that business practices reflect ethical standards that are dictated by cultural norms that are dissimilar to their own. 1 active 2 cultural 3 ethical 4 illegal 5 local [39] The thousands of Fourth of July fireworks celebrations across the United States bring a toxic brew of air pollution to the atmosphere. The exploding fireworks unleash tiny particles that can affect health because they travel deep into a person s tract, entering the lungs. 1 artery 2 auditory 3 digestive 4 respiratory 5 urinary [40] When it s not powered on, the robot can t stand up by itself, so it spends most of its time from a harness about a foot off the floor, with the sheepish air of a skydiver whose parachute has gotten caught in a tree. 1 dangling 2 hopping 3 hovering 4 loitering 5 staggering [41-42] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 1.5 점 ) Highly educated professional women drink at dangerous levels, a study has found. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), among the biggest binge drinkers in 15 developed countries are wealthier, better-educated women. For men, the poorer, less-educated group led the way. More years spent in education, improved labor market prospects, increased opportunities for socializing, delayed pregnancies and family ties are all part of women s changing lifestyles, in which alcohol drinking, sometimes including heavy drinking, has easily found a place, the report Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use said. The increase in binge drinking among those women might be due to more stress from higher responsibilities in their better-paid jobs, the report said. It might also be because drinking among women has become more accepted. Hazardous drinking was also growing among children, the study found. The proportion of 15-year-olds who have drunk alcohol increased from 30 percent in 2002 to 40 percent in The proportion of 15-year-old girls and boys who have never drunk was down 29 and 10 percent, respectively, during the period. Over the past 20 years, alcohol consumption in OECD countries has fallen 2.5 percent on average. In 2012, the average per-head consumption was 9.1 liters of pure alcohol, equivalent of 100 bottles of wine. France, Austria and Estonia had the highest rates of consumption--12 liters or above per head. Those below the average include Korea, the United States and Canada. Israel and Turkey had the lowest consumption. [41] Which of the following is NOT true? 1 The wealthier a woman is, the more heavily she drinks. 2 The better-educated a man is, the less heavily he drinks. 3 The higher responsibilities a woman has in her job, the more likely she drinks heavily. 4 The younger a female is, the more heavily she drinks. 5 The better-educated a woman is, the more heavily she drinks. [42] In which of the following countries do people drink more than average? 1 Estonia 2 Israel 3 Korea 4 Turkey 5 the United States 10-7 < 뒷면에계속 >

8 [43-44] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 1.5 점 ) French physicist Ludwik Leibler won the European Patent Office s 2015 Inventor Award for discovering a new type of polymer, named vitrimers, that has both glass-like properties and the power to heal itself infinite times. In other words, we might be on our way to getting self-healing phone screens. Leibler discovered this technology when he combined two different materials into one supramolecular substance, whose molecular bonds are neither rigid nor permanent, but in dynamic equilibrium. It is for this reason that vitrimers are sturdy yet moldable at the same time, which allows the plastic to change from a solid to a pliable consistency--in other words, self-repair--when the temperature changes. With this new easy-to-repair plastic, it is entirely likely that cracked phone and tablet screens will become a thing of the past--but probably not anytime soon. It remains unclear when vitrimers will hit consumer products. We think that the first applications will be in transport, in cars, in planes, Leibler told CNN in an exclusive interview. This is not the first instance of experimental science being able to save our devices from ourselves. In December 2014, Apple obtained a patent for a technology that can sense when a device is falling mid-air and work with the device s internal components to shift the center of mass to minimize as much damage as possible. Apple also won a patent in July 2014 for a glass that would neither break nor scratch even when scraped with sharp objects. [43] Which of the following is true about Leibler? 1 He invented a self-healing phone screen. 2 He obtained a patent for a non-breakable tablet screen. 3 He will soon start manufacturing consumer products with a new material. 4 He has been awarded many prizes for finding new materials for electronic devices. 5 He succeeded in combining two different materials into a new type of polymer. [44] Which of the following best identifies vitrimers? 1 a type of vitamin 2 a field of science 3 a self-healing phone screen 4 a glass-like but plastic polymer 5 a device sensitive to scratches [45-46] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 1.5 점 ) How do giant pandas get by on a diet that consists almost entirely of bamboo? They manage to expend only 38% of the energy typical of animals their size, new research shows. Scientists in China made detailed measurements of the energy used by five pandas in captivity and three more living in the wild. These tests found that the pandas used an average of 4.6 megajoules of energy per day--an amount equivalent to burning about 1,100 kilocalories. For animals that weighed an average of 201 pounds, that s definitely low, the researchers reported in the journal Science. The wild pandas were tracked with GPS-enabled radio collars, allowing researchers to see just how much they were moving. They weren t moving much. In the wild, the pandas were physically active only 49% of the time. When they were moving, their average speed was a mere 26.9 meters per hour. The pandas in captivity were even more sedentary, moving only 33% of the time, according to the report. The researchers noted that an animal s internal organs play a big role in determining its metabolism--and some of the panda s key organs are on the small side. For instance, the panda brain is 17% smaller than would be expected based on comparisons with other placental mammals, according to the study. Panda kidneys are 25% smaller, and the panda liver is 37% smaller. [45] Which of the following is true about pandas? 1 They move actively during day time. 2 Their key organs are larger in size than those of other mammals. 3 Pandas in the wild are physically more active than those in captivity. 4 They consume less than 1,000 kilocalories every day. 5 The more bamboo they eat, the more actively they move around. [46] How much of the energy do pandas use when compared to other animals their size? 1 17% 2 25% 3 33% 4 38% 5 49% [47-48] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 1.5 점 ) Incoming students at UCLA, UC Irvine and other University of California campuses across the state will be required to be immunized against measles and other diseases beginning in 2017, the university announced today. The system s existing policy requires only vaccination against hepatitis B although some individual campuses have additional requirements. The new policy will require incoming students to be screened for tuberculosis and be vaccinated for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, diphtheria and whooping cough. I m really excited that there s support and momentum for this new immunization plan, Dr. Gina Fleming, medical director for the UC Student Health Insurance Plan, said. We know that these preventive measures are effective. Under the plan, incoming students this fall will be notified of recommended vaccines and the plan to make them mandatory. In fall 2016, students will be expected to have required vaccines, but the requirement will not be enforced until the following year. When the policy takes effect in 2017, students who do not have proof of vaccinations will have their registration put on hold. The policy, however, will allow exemptions for medical or religious purposes. UC officials said they will be working in the coming months to develop guidelines for handling such requests. We need to be mindful of the population we re serving, Fleming said. Nearly 100 cases of measles have been confirmed across California in an outbreak that began in December. More than one-third of the patients visited Disneyland in December. [47] Which of the following is NOT true? 1 Students should get necessary vaccines before entering University of California campuses by Students will go through a screening for tuberculosis to enter University of California campuses. 3 Students with medical excuses will be exempted from submitting proof of vaccinations. 4 Students are currently required to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. 5 Students will be immediately expelled from school if not fully vaccinated. [48] Why do University of California campuses 10-8 < 다음면에계속 >

9 enforce the new immunization policy? 1 Because they are vulnerable to epidemic diseases due to their locations. 2 Because they cannot afford to provide vaccines to new students. 3 Because they don t want international students to apply. 4 Because their students like to visit Disneyland at any time. 5 Because the whole world suffers from more epidemics year by year. [49-50] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 1.5 점 ) When English poet John Milton wrote of Time, the subtle thief of youth in the 17th century, he probably wasn t thinking of a high school reunion. But if you ve ever been to such an event, Milton s words may have crossed your mind as you walked around the room shaking hands with classmates who had become bald and fat before their time and those who looked like they hadn t aged a day since you last saw them. A team of researchers led by Daniel Belsky believes that some of the secrets to the aging process may lie in understanding the phenomenon of why people grow old at such differing rates. He said, By slowing down the aging process we could prevent not just one disease but many simultaneously. The researchers looked at volunteers at age 26, 32 and 38, and found that while most of them aged at a normal pace--one year s worth of physiological changes for each chronological year--some of them aged surprisingly slower or faster. Moreover, those who were aging fast also showed evidence of cognitive decline. Their IQ scores, which according to previous studies have been shown to remain relatively constant throughout a person s life, were lower by age 38. One particularly interesting finding of the study was that the people who were physiologically older looked older, at least according to Duke undergraduates who were asked to guess their ages from their pictures. [49] Which of the following is true about the aging process? 1 It is an independent process from any physiological degeneration. 2 Its speed depends totally on the cognitive condition of people. 3 Slowing down the aging process will help people keep healthy. 4 The faster the physiological aging process is, the younger you look. 5 Its speed is generally the same for everyone with the same age. [50] Which of the following is the subject of the aging process study? 1 John Milton 2 high school classmates 3 Duke graduates 4 Daniel Belsky 5 people in their 20s and 30s [51-52] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 2.5점 ) New technologies like smartphones with various applications are bringing about sweeping social change. While much of that change is beneficial, here are some ( A ) effects. Recent advances in computer technology have made it increasingly easy for business firms, government agencies, and even criminals to retrieve and store information about everything from our buying habits to our web-surfing patterns. In public places, at work, and on the Internet, surveillance devices now track our every move, be it a keystroke or an ATM withdrawal. At the same time that these innovations have increased others power to monitor our behavior, they have raised fears that they might be misused for criminal or undemocratic purposes. In short, new technologies threaten not just our privacy, but our freedom from crime. In recent years, concern about the criminal misuses of personal information has been underscored by the accidental loss of some huge databases. In 2006, for example, the theft of a laptop computer from the home of an employee of a government agency exposed the names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth of up to 26.5 million people. Unfortunately, technologies that facilitate the sharing of information have also created new types of crime. [51] Which of the following best fits in (A)? 1 dramatic 2 main 3 negative 4 similar 5 special [52] Which of the following is NOT true? 1 Technologies threaten our freedom from crime. 2 Our web-surfing patterns are exposed to criminals. 3 Our private daily activities are easily monitored by others. 4 Technology makes it easy for business firms to use our private data. 5 Laptop computers are more vulnerable to crime than smartphones. [53-54] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 2.5 점 ) Human ecology is an area of study that is concerned with the interrelationships between people and their environment. As the environmentalist Barry Commoner put it, Everything is ( A ) everything else. Human ecologists focus on how the physical environment shapes people s lives and on how people influence the surrounding environment. There is no shortage of illustrations of the interconnectedness of people and their environment. For example, scientific research has linked pollutants in the physical environment to people s health and behavior. The increasing prevalence of asthma, lead poisoning, and cancer have all been tied to human alterations to the environment. Similarly, the rise in melanoma skin cancer diagnoses has been linked to global warming. And ecological changes in our food and diet have been related to early obesity and diabetes. With its view that Everything is ( B ) everything else, human ecology stresses the trade-offs inherent in every decision that alters the environment. In facing the environmental challenges of the 21st century, government policy makers and environmentalists must determine how they can fulfill human s pressing needs for food, clothing, and shelter while preserving the environment. [53] Which of the following best fits in (A) and (B)? 1 for 2 like 3 connected to 4 interested in 5 made by [54] Which of the following is NOT true? 1 There are few cases that show the interrelationship between people and their environment. 2 Human ecology emphasizes the importance of both development and preservation < 뒷면에계속 >

10 3 Ecological changes in our food and diet are related to early obesity and diabetes. 4 Asthma has increased because humans changed the environment. 5 Melanoma skin cancer rises because of global warming. [55-56] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 2.5 점 ) China, the world s biggest greenhouse gas polluter, pledged on Tuesday to wean its economy away from reliance on fossil fuels as it grows, and to try to bring the rise in its carbon emissions to an earlier end. The Chinese government offered the goals as building blocks for a new international agreement on countering global warming, which governments hope to reach at a conference in Paris late this year. How quickly and how much China s emissions will grow is crucial to the arithmetic of global ( A ), which is driven by rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. China s motor vehicles, factories, power plants and boilers released 29 percent of the world s carbon dioxide emissions in twice the amount released by the United States, the world s largest economy and second-largest carbon polluter. The proposals reflect China s biggest effort to respond to ( B ), and embody its thoroughgoing participation in global governance, Prime Minister Li Keqiang of China said on Tuesday in Paris, according to the Chinese government s website. He described the proposals in a meeting with President François Hollande of France, whose government will host the international conference. China s latest proposals will be closely scrutinized by policy makers in other capitals, especially in Washington, where China looms large in political debates over ( C ). [55] Which of the following best fits in (A), (B) and (C)? 1 climate change 2 cooperation 3 economic issues 4 policy makers 5 warming [56] Which of the following is a correct description of China? 1 the world s largest economy 2 the world s top greenhouse gas polluter 3 the world s second-largest carbon polluter 4 the world s leading state to protect the environment 5 the organizing state of an international conference on global warming [57-58] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 2.5 점 ) We ve come a long way from our prehistoric heritage. The human species has produced such achievements as the novels of Leo Tolstoy, the art of Pablo Picasso, and the films of Ang Lee. A decade into the new millennium, we can transmit an entire book around the world via the Internet, clone cells, and prolong lives through organ transplant. We can peer into the outermost reaches of the universe or analyze our innermost feelings. We will examine two of the social processes that make these remarkable achievements possible: innovation and the diffusion of culture through globalization and technology. The process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture is known as innovation. Innovation interests sociologists because of the social consequences of introducing something new. There are two forms of innovation: discovery and invention. Discovery involves making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. The finding of the structure of the DNA molecule and the identification of a new moon of Saturn are both acts of discovery. A significant factor in the process of discovery is the sharing of newfound knowledge with others. In contrast, an invention results when existing cultural items are combined into a form that did not exist before. The bow and arrow, the automobile, and the television are all examples of inventions, as are Protestantism and democracy. [57] Which of the following is NOT true? 1 Innovation results from social changes. 2 Democracy is an example of inventions. 3 Our knowledge of DNA is a result of discovery. 4 Cultural development requires innovation and diffusion. 5 Sharing of new information is an important process in discovery. [58] Which of the following topics would come right after this passage? 1 prehistoric heritage and human species 2 the structure of the DNA molecule 3 cultural traditions of Russia 4 examples of innovation 5 diffusion of culture [59-60] Read the following passage and answer the questions. ( 문항당 2.5 점 ) Can you drink too much water? Absolutely, and if you do, you can develop a dangerous condition called hyponatremia, or water intoxication. Under normal conditions, the body maintains its fluid balance. Lose fluids through sweating, for instance, and your body responds with the feeling of thirst. You drink. If you swallow more liquid than needed just then, your body typically responds by excreting the excess through urination. But should you consume so much fluid that your body can t easily rid itself of the surplus, you dilute sodium levels in your blood. Osmosis then draws water from the blood into body cells to equalize sodium levels, and those cells swell. At that point, you have hyponatremia. If the cellular bloating occurs in the brain, it can be fatal. Until about 20 years ago, hyponatremia was extremely uncommon among healthy people. But then several marathon runners died from hyponatremia. In general, they had been middle- or back-of-the-pack, slower runners. They did not sweat much. But they drank plenty of water, trying to ensure that they would be well hydrated. Listen to your body s signals. ( A ) is a very reliable indicator of whether and how much to drink. [59] Which of the following best fits in (A)? 1 Your brain 2 Thirst 3 Running 4 A sodium level 5 The temperature [60] Which of the following situations is dangerous? 1 You feel thirsty. 2 Your body cells swell. 3 You do not sweat much. 4 You are a slow marathon runner. 5 Your body maintains fluid balance. - The End < 끝 >

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