목차... 3 DVR 과개체 ID... 4 카메라 과개체 ID... 6 NVR 과개체 ID 엔코더 과개체 ID Traps SNMP 커맨드 SNMP version 별커맨드예시 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 SNMP

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1 Hanwha Techwin SNMP MIB 가이드 V Copyright 2018 Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Restriction Do not copy, distribute, or reproduce any part of this document without written approval from Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. Disclaimer Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. has made every effort to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document, but makes no guarantees regarding the information contained herein. All responsibility for proper and safe use of the information in this document lies with users. Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. may revise or update this document without prior notice. Contact Information Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd. Hanwha Techwin R&D Center, 6, Pangyo-ro 319 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Hanwha Techwin America 500 Frank W.Burr Blvd. Suite 32 Teaneck, NJ Hanwha Techwin Europe Heriot House, Heriot Road, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 9DT. UK Hanwha Techwin China No.11 Weiliu Rd., Micro-electronic Industrial Park, Jingang Road Tianjin , China

2 목차... 3 DVR 과개체 ID... 4 카메라 과개체 ID... 6 NVR 과개체 ID 엔코더 과개체 ID Traps SNMP 커맨드 SNMP version 별커맨드예시 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 SNMP Query SNMP Result SNMP 테스트 snmpwalk Command snmpget Command snmpset Command

3 한화테크윈에서제공하는 OID (Object ID) 는다음과같습니다. enterprise(1) 하부에 한화테크윈 (htw, 36849) 이위치하고, 한화테크윈하부에위치한 시큐리티사업부 (securitysolution) 는 1 로할당되어있습니다. securitysolution 하부에제품군 (Product Family) 별로분류되며, 이중네트워크카메라 (nwcam, 2) 와엔코더 (encoder, 4) 에해당하는제품군은모델별 OID를사용하고있습니다. 모델별 OID를확인하려면 SNMP 제품 ID (HTW_SNMP_Product_ID_ko.pdf) 문서를참조하십시오. iso (1) org (3) dod (6) internet (1) private (4) enterprise (1) stw (36849) securitysolution (1) DVR (1) nwcam (2) NVR (3) Encoder (4) Decoder (5) Access Control (6) Sensor (7) PC S/W (8) 3

4 제품군 (ProductFamily) 별 과개체 ID 는다음과같습니다. DVR 과개체 ID 개체이름값읽기 / 쓰기 1 ModelName "SRD-1670" 2 SystemInfo 1 SystemSubInfo 1 FwVersionInfo "v1.xx_xxxxxxxxxxxx" 2 DateTimeInfo "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 3 TimeZoneInfo "GMT+hh:mm" 4 DSTInfo "mm:ww:dd:hh to mm:ww:dd:hh" 5 RebootInfo 0 or 1 RW 6 FactoryResetInfo 0 or 1 7 SnmpVersion "V1.0" 2 AVInfo 1 VideoType "NTSC" or "PAL" 2 AudioType "PCM" 3 netinfo 1 net1 1 NetMacInfo "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" 2 NetIPInfo "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 3 GWInfo "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 4 MaskInfo "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 5 DNSInfo "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 3 SystemNotification 1 PowerNotifcation 1 ColdPowerOnDate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 2 WarmPowerOnDate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 3 ShutDownDate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 4 AbnormalStartDate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 2 VideoStatus 1 Ch1VideoStatus 2 Ch2VideoStatus "On" or "Vloss" or "Disable" or "On" or "Vloss" or "Disable" or 4

5 3 Ch3VideoStatus 4 Ch4VideoStatus 16 Ch16VideoStatus 3 OtherStatus "On" or "Vloss" or "Disable" or "On" or "Vloss" or "Disable" or "On" or "Vloss" or "Disable" or 1 RecordStatus "On" or "Off" or "Fail" 2 FanStatus "OK" or "Fail" 3 BatteryStatus "OK" or "Fail" 4 BeepStatus "On" or "Off" 4 EventStatus 1 AlarmInput 1 AlarmInput1 1 AlarmInputStatus1 2 AlarmInput2 1 AlarmInputStatus2 16 AlarmInput16 1 AlarmInputStatus16 2 AlarmOutput 1 AlarmOutput1 1 AlarmOutputStatus1 2 AlarmOutput2 1 AlarmOutputStatus2 16 AlarmOutput16 1 AlarmOutputStatus16 3 MotionDetection 1 MotionDetection1 1 MotionDetectionStatus1 2 MotionDetection2 1 MotionDetectionStatus2 16 MotionDetection16 "Open" or "Close" or "Disable" or "Open" or "Close" or "Disable" or "Open" or "Close" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or 5

6 1 MotionDetectionStatus16 4 TamperingDetection 1 TamperingDetection1 1 TamperingDetectionStatus1 2 TamepringDetection2 1 TamepringDetectionStatus2 16 TamepringDetection16 1 TamepringDetectionStatus16 5 HDDStatus 1 HDD1Status "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or "On" or "Off" or "Disable" or 1 HDD1Check "Not Installed" or "Installed" 2 HDD1TotalSize "xxxgb" 3 HDD1FullStatus "Not Full" or "Full" 4 HDD1FailStatus "Normal" or "Fail" 2 HDD2Status 1 HDD2Check "Not Installed" or "Installed" 2 HDD2TotalSize "xxxgb" 2 HDD2FullStatus "Not Full" or "Full" 3 HDD2FailStatus "Normal" or "Fail" 8 HDD8Status 1 HDD8Check "Not Installed" or "Installed" 2 HDD8TotalSize "xxxgb" 2 HDD8FullStatus "Not Full" or "Full" 3 HDD8FailStatus "Normal" or "Fail" 카메라 과개체 ID DetectionStatus 항목의 Low 또는 High 는해당이벤트가발생하면 High 로출력되고, 이벤트가발생되지않을때는 Low 로출력된다는의미입니다. 네트워크카메라의경우모델별 OID가상이하니해당모델에맞게사용하시기바랍니다. 제품별 OID 번호는 SNMP 제품 ID(HTW_SNMP_Product_ID_ko.pdf)' 문서를참조하십시오 개체이름값읽기 / 쓰기 6

7 1 snb modelname SNB systeminfo 1 systemsubinfo 1 fwversion ex) "v1.00_110731" 2 datetime yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 3 reboot OK RW 4 factoryreset Soft or Hard RW 2 avinfo 1 videotype "NTSC" or "PAL" RW 3 netinfo 1 mac ex) "00:09:18:30:0F:E0" 2 ip ex) RW 3 gw ex) RW 4 mask ex) RW 3 eventstatus 1 alarminput 1 alarminput1 1 alarminputstatus1 Low or High 2 alarminputdate1 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 alarminput2 1 alarminputstatus2 Low or High 2 alarminputdate2 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 alarminput3 1 alarminputstatus3 Low or High 2 alarminputdate3 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 alarminput4 1 alarminputstatus4 Low or High 2 alarminputdate4 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 relayoutput 1 relayoutput1 1 relayoutputstatus1 Low or High RW 2 relayoutputdate1 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 2 relayoutput2 1 relayoutputstatus2 Low or High RW 2 relayoutputdate2 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 3 relayoutput3 7

8 1 relayoutputstatus3 Low or High RW 2 relayoutputdate3 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 4 relayoutput4 1 relayoutputstatus4 Low or High RW 2 relayoutputdate4 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 3 motiondetection 1 motiondetectionstatus Low or High 2 motiondetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 videoanalytics 1 videoanalyticsstatus Low or High 2 videoanalyticsdate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 5 facedetection 1 facedetectionstatus Low or High 2 facedetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 6 networkdisconnection 1 networkdisconnectionstatus Low or High 2 networkdisconnectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 7 tampering 1 tamperingstatus Low or High 2 tamperingdate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 8 audiodetection 1 audiodetectionstatus Low or High 2 audiodetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 9 auxoutput 1 auxstatus1 Write: "ON" or "OFF" Read: Low or High RW 2 auxdate1 yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 10 defocus 1 defocusstatus Low or High 2 defocusdate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 11 fogdetection 1 fogdetectionstatus Low or High 2 fogdetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 12 soundclassification 1 soundclassificationstatus Low or High 2 soundclassificationdate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 13 shockdetection 8

9 1 shockdetectionstatus Low or High 2 shockdetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 14 temperaturedetection 1 temperaturedetectionstatus Low or High 2 temperaturedetectiondate yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 sdstatus 1 sdcheck Not Install or Install 2 sdfullstatus Not Full or Full 3 sdfailstatus Normal or Fail 4 sdformat OK RW 카메라중 Multi-directional 카메라의경우하기와같은개체 ID 를갖습니다 개체이름값읽기 / 쓰기 1 MDC 1 ModelName PNM-9080VQ 2 SystemInfo 1 SystemSubInfo 1 FwVersionInfo ex)"v1.00_110731" 2 DateTimeInfo yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 3 Reboot OK WO 4 FactoryReset Soft or Hard WO 2 AVInfo 1 VideoType "NTSC" or "PAL" RW 3 NetInfo 1 MACAddress ex) "00:09:18:30:0F:E0" 2 IPAddress ex) RW 3 Gateway ex) RW 4 SubnetMask ex) RW 3 EventStatus 1 AlarmInput 1 AlarmInput01 1 AlarmInputStatus01 Low or High 2 AlarmInputDate01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 AlarmOutput 1 AlarmOutput01 9

10 1 AlarmOutputStatus01 Low or High RW 2 AlarmOutputDate01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 MotionDetection 1 MotionDetectionAtCH01 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 MotionDetectionAtCH02 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 MotionDetectionAtCH03 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH03 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 MotionDetectionAtCH04 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH04 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 VideoAnalytics 1 VideoAnalyticsAtCH01 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 VideoAnalyticsAtCH02 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 VideoAnalyticsAtCH03 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH03 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 VideoAnalyticsAtCH04 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH04 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 5 FaceDetection 1 FaceDetectionAtCH01 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 FaceDetectionAtCH02 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 10

11 3 FaceDetectionAtCH03 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH03 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 FaceDetectionAtCH04 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH04 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 6 TamperingDetection 1 TamperingDetectionAtCH01 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 TamperingDetectionAtCH02 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 TamperingDetectionAtCH03 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH03 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 TamperingDetectionAtCH04 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH04 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 7 DefocusDetection 1 DefocusDetectionAtCH01 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 DefocusDetectionAtCH02 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 DefocusDetectionAtCH03 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH03 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 DefocusDetectionAtCH04 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH04 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 8 FogDetection 1 FogDetectionAtCH01 11

12 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 FogDetectionAtCH02 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 FogDetectionAtCH03 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH03 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 FogDetectionAtCH04 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH04 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 SDCard 1 SDCard01 1 SDCardCheck01 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat01 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus01 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus01 Normal or Fail 2 SDCard02 1 SDCardCheck02 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat02 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus02 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus02 Normal or Fail 3 SDCard03 1 SDCardCheck03 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat03 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus03 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus03 Normal or Fail 4 SDCard04 1 SDCardCheck04 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat04 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus04 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus04 Normal or Fail 12

13 NVR 과개체 ID 개체이름 값 읽기 / 쓰기 1 modelname "SRN-4000" 2 systeminfo 1 systemsubinfo 1 fwversioninfo "v1.xx_xxxxxxxxxxxx" 2 datetimeinfo "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" RW 3 timezoneinfo "GMT+hh:mm" RW 4 DSTInfo "MxxWxxDxxHxx-MxxWxxDxxHxx" RW 5 reboot "Ok" or "No" RW 6 factoryreset "Ok" or "No" RW 7 snmpversion "v1.x" 2 avinfo 1 videotype "NOT SUPPORTED" 2 audiotype "NOT SUPPORTED" 3 netinfo 1 net1 1 mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 2 ip xx.xx.xx.xx RW 3 gw xx.xx.xx.xx RW 4 mask xx.xx.xx.xx RW 5 dns xx.xx.xx.xx RW 4 net4 1 mac xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 2 ip xx.xx.xx.xx RW 3 gw xx.xx.xx.xx RW 4 mask xx.xx.xx.xx RW 5 dns xx.xx.xx.xx RW 3 systemnotification 1 powernotifcation 1 coldpowerondate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 2 warmpowerondate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 3 shutdowndate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 4 abnomalstartdate "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss" 2 videostatus 13

14 1 ch1videostatus 2 ch2videostatus 3 ch3videostatus 4 ch4videostatus 64 ch64videostatus 3 otherstatus ON, VLOSS, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED, NOT-REGISTERED ON, VLOSS, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED, NOT-REGISTERED ON, VLOSS, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED, NOT-REGISTERED ON, VLOSS, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED, NOT-REGISTERED ON, VLOSS, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED, NOT-REGISTERED 1 recordstatus ON, OFF, FAIL 2 fanstatus OK, FAIL 3 batterystatus OK, FAIL 4 beepstatus ON, OFF 4 eventstatus 1 alarminput 1 alarminput1 1 alarminputstatus1 CLOSE, OPEN, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 2 alarminput2 1 alarminputstatus2 CLOSE, OPEN, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 8 alarminput8 1 alarminputstatus8 CLOSE, OPEN, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 2 alarmoutput 1 alarmoutput1 1 alarmoutputstatus1 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED RW 2 alarmoutput2 1 alarmoutputstatus2 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED RW 4 alarmoutput4 1 alarmoutputstatus4 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED RW 3 motiondetection 1 motiondetection1 1 motiondetectionstatus1 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 2 motiondetection2 1 motiondetectionstatus2 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 64 motiondetection64 1 motiondetectionstatus64 OFF, ON, DISABLE, NOT SUPPORTED 5 HDDStatus 14

15 1 HDD1Status 1 HDD1Check NOT INSTALLED, INSTALLED 2 HDD1TotalSize "xxxgb" 3 HDD1FullStatus NOT FULL, FULL, UNDER-RAID 4 HDD1FailStatus NORMAL, FAIL,UNDER-RAID 2 HDD2Status 1 HDD2Check NOT INSTALLED, INSTALLED 2 HDD2TotalSize "xxxgb" 2 HDD2FullStatus NOT FULL, FULL, UNDER-RAID 3 HDD2FailStatus NORMAL, FAIL,UNDER-RAID 12 HDD12Status 1 HDD12Check NOT INSTALLED, INSTALLED 2 HDD12TotalSize "xxxgb" 2 HDD12FullStatus NOT FULL, FULL, UNDER-RAID 3 HDD12FailStatus NORMAL, FAIL,UNDER-RAID 엔코더 과개체 ID 엔코더제품별코드번호는 SNMP 제품 ID(HTW_SNMP_Product_ID_ko.pdf)' 문서를참조하십시오 개체이름값읽기 / 쓰기 1 SPE 1 ModelName ex) SPE SystemInfo 1 SystemSubInfo 1 FwVersionInfo ex)"v1.00_110731" 2 DateTimeInfo yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss RW 3 Reboot OK WO 4 FactoryReset Soft or Hard WO 2 AVInfo 1 VideoType "NTSC" or "PAL" RW 3 NetInfo 1 MACAddress ex) "00:09:18:30:0F:E0" 2 IPAddress ex) RW 3 Gateway ex) RW 15

16 4 SubnetMask ex) RW 3 EventStatus 1 AlarmInput 1 AlarmInput01 1 AlarmInputStatus01 Low or High 2 AlarmInputDate01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 AlarmInput02 1 AlarmInputStatus02 Low or High 2 AlarmInputDate02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 AlarmInput16 1 AlarmInputStatus16 Low or High 2 AlarmInputDate16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 AlarmOutput 1 AlarmOutput01 1 AlarmOutputStatus01 Low or High RW 2 AlarmOutputDate01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 AlarmOutput02 1 AlarmOutputStatus02 Low or High RW 2 AlarmOutputDate02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 AlarmOutput03 1 AlarmOutputStatus03 Low or High RW 2 AlarmOutputDate03 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 AlarmOutput04 1 AlarmOutputStatus04 Low or High RW 2 AlarmOutputDate04 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 3 MotionDetection 1 MotionDetectionAtCH01 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 MotionDetectionAtCH02 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 MotionDetectionAtCH16 1 MotionDetectionStatusAtCH16 Low or High 2 MotionDetectionDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 VideoAnalytics 16

17 1 VideoAnalyticsAtCH01 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 VideoAnalyticsAtCH02 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 VideoAnalyticsAtCH16 1 VideoAnalyticsStatusAtCH16 Low or High 2 VideoAnalyticsDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 5 FaceDetection 1 FaceDetectionAtCH01 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 FaceDetectionAtCH02 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 FaceDetectionAtCH16 1 FaceDetectionStatusAtCH16 Low or High 2 FaceDetectionDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 6 TamperingDetection 1 TamperingDetectionAtCH01 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 TamperingDetectionAtCH02 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 TamperingDetectionAtCH16 TamperingDetectionStatusAtCH16 Low or High TamperingDetectionDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 7 DefocusDetection 1 DefocusDetectionAtCH01 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 DefocusDetectionAtCH02 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 17

18 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 DefocusDetectionAtCH16 1 DefocusDetectionStatusAtCH16 Low or High 2 DefocusDetectionDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 8 FogDetection 1 FogDetectionAtCH01 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH01 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH01 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 2 FogDetectionAtCH02 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH02 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH02 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 16 FogDetectionAtCH16 1 FogDetectionStatusAtCH16 Low or High 2 FogDetectionDateAtCH16 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 4 SDCard 1 SDCard01 1 SDCardCheck01 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat01 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus01 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus01 Normal or Fail 2 SDCard02 1 SDCardCheck02 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat02 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus02 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus02 Normal or Fail 16 SDCard16 1 SDCardCheck16 Not Install or Install 2 SDCardFormat16 Ok WO 3 SDCardFullStatus16 Not Full or Full 4 SDCardFailStatus16 Normal or Fail 18

19 TRAPS Traps SNMP trap은각제품이관리프로그램에자의적으로보내는 SNMP 메시지로, 중요한이벤트내용을전송합니다. DVR과 NVR은일반적인 SNMP trap 타입을지원하며총 5개의타입 (coldstart, warmstart, linkdown, linkup, 및 authenticationfailure) 을지원합니다. 카메라의경우, linkdown을제외한 4개의일반적인 SNMP trap 타입 (coldstart, warmstart, linkup 및 authenticationfailure) 을지원합니다. 지원하는 SNMP trap 타입은아래와같습니다. coldstart: coldstart trap 메시지는제품이다시시작하여설정이나구현이변경되었음을의미합니다. warmstart: warmstart trap 메시지는제품이다시시작하였으나설정이나구현이변경되지않았음을의미합니다. linkdown: linkdown trap 메시지는제품의설정에포함된여러통신채널중에에러가발생했음을의미합니다. linkup: linkup trap 메시지는제품의설정에포함된통신채널이발생했음을의미합니다. authenticationfailure: authenticationfailure trap 메시지는프로토콜메시지수신자가인증되지않았음을의미합니다. 19

20 SNMP 커맨드 SNMP 커맨드 한화테크윈 SNMP 커맨드는다음과같습니다. snmpget: 해당 OID의데이터만가져오는커맨드 ex) snmpget -v [version] -c public [ip address] [OID값] snmpwalk: 한번에하위트리의모든데이터를가져오는커맨드 ex) snmpwalk -v [version] -c public [ip address] [OID값] snmpset : 해당 OID의데이터값을설정하는커맨드 ex) snmpset -v [version] -c public [ip address] [OID값] [OID값 Type] SNMP version 별커맨드예시 SNMP version 1, 2c ex1) snmpwalk -v 1 -c public system ex2) snmpwalk -v 2c -c public system ex3) snmpset -v 2c -c write enterprises s OK - Option 설명 -v: snmp version to use (1 2c 3) -c: set the community string - Types of OID values i INTEGER u UNSIGNED s STRING x HEX STRING d DECIMAL STRING n NULLOBJ o OBJID t TIMETICKS a IPADDRESS b BITS 20

21 SNMP 커맨드 SNMP version 3 snmpwalk(snmpget) -v 3 -u [name] -l [level] -a [auth protocol] -A [password] [ip address] [OID 값 ] ex1) snmpwalk -v 3 -u admin -l authnopriv -a MD5 -A admin system ex2) snmpset -v 3 -u admin -l authnopriv -a MD5 -A admin enterprises s OK - Option 설명 -u: security name -l: security level (noauthnopriv authnopriv authpriv) -A: authentication protocol pass phrase. -a: authentication protocol (MD5 SHA) 21

22 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 SNMP Query SNMP 결과를받기위한쿼리문예제입니다. #!/bin/sh target_ip= echo echo "####################" echo $target_ip echo "####################" echo echo " MIB Tree " echo "iso.org.dod.intenet.private.enterprise ( )" echo " ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNB1001 (~ )" echo " ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SND1011 (~ )" echo " ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SND1080 (~ )" echo " ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNV1080 (~ )" echo " ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNO1080R (~ )" echo " " echo echo " System Information " echo "[ 제품설명, 제품 ID, 부팅후경과시간, 제품명 ]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip sysdescr.0 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip sysobjectid.0 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip sysuptime.0 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip sysname.0 echo echo " Disk Information " echo "[Flash 메모리의전체용량, 사용중인용량, 남아있는용량, 사용비율 ]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip dsktotal.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip dskavail.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip dskused.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip dskpercent.1 echo echo " Storage Information " echo "[Ram 메모리의크기, 사용중인크기 (integer * 1K = xxxkbytes)]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragedescr.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragesize.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstorageused.1 22

23 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 echo "[/ 디렉토리의크기, 사용중인크기 (integer * 4K = xxxkbytes)]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragedescr.31 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragesize.31 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstorageused.31 echo "[/mmt/mmc(sd Card) 디렉터리크기, 사용중인크기 (integer * 4K = xxxkbytes)]" [SNB-6004, SNB-6003, SND-6084, SND-6083, SNO-6084R, SND-6084R, SNV-6084R, SNV- 6012M] snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragedescr.41 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragesize.41 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstorageused.41 [Other Models: 6004 계열이아닌모델 ] snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragedescr.36 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstoragesize.36 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip hrstorageused.36 echo echo " CPU Load Information " echo "[1 분간평균부하, 5 분간평균부하, 15 분간평균부하 ]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip laload.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip laload.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip laload.3 echo echo " Network Interface Information " echo "[ 네트워크의물리적인속도, MAC 주소, 입력트래픽 (bytes), 출력트래픽 (bytes)]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifspeed.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifphysaddress.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifinoctets.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifoutoctets.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifname.1 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifspeed.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifphysaddress.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifinoctets.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifoutoctets.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifname.2 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifspeed.3 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifphysaddress.3 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifinoctets.3 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifoutoctets.3 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifname.3 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifspeed.4 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifphysaddress.4 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifinoctets.4 23

24 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifoutoctets.4 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip ifname.4 echo echo " Memory Information " echo "[ 전체메모리, 남아있는메모리 ]" snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip memtotalreal.0 snmpget -v 1 -c public $target_ip memavailreal.0 echo echo " Test End " echo SNMP Result 네트워크카메라 SNB-1001 의 SNMP 결과는다음과같습니다. SNB-1001 SNMP Output #################### #################### 아래내용은 MIB Tree결과입니다 MIB Tree iso.org.dod.intenet.private.enterprise ( ) ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNB1001 (~ ) ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SND1011 (~ ) ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SND1080 (~ ) ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNV1080 (~ ) ~.HanwhaTechwin.SecuritySolution.NWCAM.SNO1080R (~ ) 아래내용은 System Information입니다. 제품설명, 제품 ID, 부팅후경과시간 (0:10: 분 54 초49), 제품명이표시됩니다 System Information SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Hanwha WiseNet IP Camera SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (65449) 0:10:54.49 SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: SNB-1001 아래내용은 Disk Information 입니다. Flash 메모리의전체용량 ( 약 678G), 사용가능용량 ( 약 63G), 24

25 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 사용한용량 ( 약 579G), 사용비율 (90%) 이표시됩니다 Disk Information UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskTotal.1 = INTEGER: UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskAvail.1 = INTEGER: UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskUsed.1 = INTEGER: UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskPercent.1 = INTEGER: 90 아래내용은 Storage Information입니다 Storage Information HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.1 = STRING: Physical memory HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize.1 = INTEGER: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.1 = INTEGER: RAM 메모리크기 (96788x 1K = Bytes), 사용중인크기 (36908x 1K = Bytes) 가표시됩니다. HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.31 = STRING: / HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize.31 = INTEGER: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.31 = INTEGER: / 디렉터리의크기 ( x 4K = Kbytes), 사용중인크기 ( x 4K = Kbytes) 가표시됩니다. HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr.36 = STRING: /mnt/logdb HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize.36 = INTEGER: 1024 HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed.36 = INTEGER: 209 /mnt/mmc(sd Card) 디렉터리의크기 (1024x 4K = 4096Kbytes),, 사용중인크기 (209x 4K = 836Kbytes) 가표시됩니다. 아래내용은 CPU Load Information입니다 CPU Load Information UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.1 = STRING: 0.00 UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.2 = STRING: 0.09 UCD-SNMP-MIB::laLoad.3 = STRING: 0.06 laload.1 은 1 분간평균부하, laload.2 는 5 분간평균부하, laload.3 은 15 분간평균부하를나타냅니다.. 즉, CPU 1개당프로세스가해당시간동안평균적으로몇개가동작되고있었는지표시해줍니다. 예를들어 laload.1 이 1.50 이면 1동안평균적으로프로세스 1개가 Active 상태에있었고 0.5개의프로세스는대기상태였음을보여줍니다. 높을수록과부하상태임을의미합니다. 아래내용은 Network Interface Information입니다 Network Interface Information IF-MIB::ifSpeed.1 = Gauge32: IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1 = STRING: IF-MIB::ifInOctets.1 = Counter32: 0 25

26 SNMP 쿼리와결과예제 IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.1 = Counter32: 0 IF-MIB::ifName.1 = STRING: lo IF-MIB::ifSpeed.2 = Gauge32: IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.2 = STRING: 0:9:18:70:9b:e0 IF-MIB::ifInOctets.2 = Counter32: IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.2 = Counter32: IF-MIB::ifName.2 = STRING: eth0 IF-MIB::ifSpeed.2 = Gauge32: 은네트워크의물리적인속도 (100Mbps) 를나타내며, MAC 주소 (0:9:18:70:9b:e0), 입력트래픽 ( bytes), 출력트래픽 ( bytes) 이표시됩니다. 아래내용은 Memory Information입니다 Memory Information UCD-SNMP-MIB::memTotalReal.0 = INTEGER: kb UCD-SNMP-MIB::memAvailReal.0 = INTEGER: kb 전체메모리 (96788 kb), 남아있는메모리 (61164 kb) 가표시된다 Test End

27 SNMP 테스트 SNMP 테스트 한화테크윈 SNMP MIB를통해시스템, 이벤트, 데이터저장장치등의정보를설정할수있습니다. 한화테크윈의각디바이스별 OID 정보는 (3쪽) 을참고하십시오. SNMP 커맨드는 OID 값으로만동작하며, 개체이름으로는동작하지않습니다. 또한 SNMP 커맨드중 snmpget을요청할때는해당 OID 마지막의.0을붙여서실행합니다. snmpwalk Command SNMP v1: snmpwalk v 1 c public enterprises SNMP v2c: snmpwalk v 2c c public enterprises 참고 public은해당디바이스웹뷰어에서설정한 read community 이름입니다. SNMP v3: snmpwalk v 3 u admin l authnopriv a MD5 A admin enterprises Note SNMP version3을사용하려면디바이스웹뷰어에서접속모드를 HTTPS 보안접속모드로설정해야합니다. SNMP version3의 ID와비밀번호초기값은각 admin과 admin4321입니다. 비밀번호는디바이스웹뷰어의 SNMP 설정페이지에서설정할수있으며최소 8자이상으로지정해야합니다. snmpget Command SNMP v1: snmpget v 1 c public enterprises SNMP v2c: snmpget v 2c c public enterprises 참고 public은해당디바이스웹뷰어에서설정한 read community 이름입니다 SNMP v3: snmpget v 3 u admin l authnopriv a MD5 A admin enterprises < 결과값 > SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises = STRING: SNB

28 SNMP 테스트 snmpset Command SNMP v1: snmpset v 1 c public enterprises s :40:31 SNMP v2c : snmpset v 2c c write enterprises s :40:31 참고 public은해당디바이스웹뷰어에서설정한 read community 이름입니다. SNMP v3: snmpset v 3 u admin l authnopriv a MD5 A admin enterprises s :40:31 < 결과값 > SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises = STRING: :40:31 28


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