o 주요연락처 구분회사명담당 주요연락처및추진일정 연락처 ( 전화 / 핸드폰 ) 행사총괄 at 해외마케팅팀양진현대리 항공호텔씨티항공여행사김성현부장 운송통관업체, 장치업체는선정후연

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1 목 차 2012 두바이식품박람회설명회 Ⅰ. 박람회개요 1 가. 행사개요 1 나. 연도별참가현황 1 Ⅱ. 한국관참가계획 2 가. 참가목적 2 나. 전년추진실적및주요성과 2 다 참가계획 3 라. 중점추진전략 3 Ⅲ. 한국관세부사항 4 가. 한국관구성 4 나. 운영및참가업체지원 4 다. 한국관디자인 5 라. 한국관레이아웃 6 마. 한국관부스위치 Ⅳ. 참가업체준수사항 8 Ⅴ. 통역고용및전시비품임차 9 Ⅵ. 참가업체출장계획 12 < 참고자료 > 15

2 o 주요연락처 구분회사명담당 주요연락처및추진일정 연락처 ( 전화 / 핸드폰 ) 행사총괄 at 해외마케팅팀양진현대리 항공호텔씨티항공여행사김성현부장 운송통관업체, 장치업체는선정후연락처개별통보예정 o 추진일정 팩스번호 / jinhyun@at.or.kr cave21m@hanmail.net 구분내용비고 참가업체설명회해외마케팅팀 출장자명단및비품 통역신청서제출해외마케팅팀 항공및호텔이용신청서제출여행사 추후안내전시품운송서류제출 ( 해상, 항공 ) 운송사 참가업체디렉토리작성 ( 업체개별입력 ) 에이전트 참가업체출입증신청 ( 업체개별입력 ) 에이전트 사전수출마케팅활동실적제출해외마케팅팀 참가업체출국 전시품인수, 상품진열, 상담준비등 ~22 전시, 상담및홍보 참가업체귀국 m2-1 -

3 전시장전경 판촉물증정행사 한국관전경 한국관전경


5 2.5m 1m 2.5m 6m 자유시식대및 인포메이션 6m 진주 시청 상담실 3m 다원식품 남해섬 흑마늘 3m 3m 세비아 대동 고려삼 3m 3m 금강 B&F 이롬 3m 3m 대상 NH 한삼인 3m 3m 퓨어 플러스 창 고 갓바위 3m 3m 가야씨허브 3m 3m 희창유업움트리 3m 3m 삼양식품도울 F&B 3m 3m 코아콩상해태제과 3m 3m CJ 세미기업 3m 2.5m 1m 2.5m


7 출장자명단및비품 통역신청서 사전수출마케팅활동실적 o 수신 : 해외마케팅팀사원양진현 (T / . jinhyun@at.or.kr) o 발신 : 업체명 : 담당자 : (T. / F. / . ) o 출장자명단 ( 출장인원파악용 ) o 수신 : 해외마케팅팀사원양진현 (T / F / . jinhyun@at.or.kr) o 발신 : 업체명 : 담당자 : (T. / F. / . ) 구분회사명성명직함이메일 국문 영문 국문 영문 국문 영문 구분내역모델명수량 비품 전기 (1Kw 기본지원 ) 냉장고 냉온수기 생수 주스디스펜서 팜플렛꽂이 기 타 콘센트추가 ( 기본 2 구제공 ) 전기추가 통역 200US$/ 일 개별사용비품 24 시간신청 ( ) 미신청 ( ) 대 대 통 대 개 구 Kw 남 ( 명 ) 여 ( 명 ) 구분 전시예정세부품목 바이어유치활동 홍보물준비 현장홍보행사준비 상담준비 기 타 우리회사의준비상황

8 가. 항공예약상황 2012 두바이식품박람회여행안내 출발 (11:40 인천공항여객청사 3층 A카운터만남의장소씨티항공여행사표시 ) 출발일자출발지도착지편명출발시간도착시간항공요금 2 / 16 인천두바이 KE : : 20 1,185,400원 2 / 23 두바이인천 KE : 55 11:55+1 상기항공요금은유류할증및환율에따라다소변경될수있습니다. 상기항공요금은단체기준이며 ( 동시출발, 동시귀국 ), 개인요금은 2011년 12월현재 1,763,500원 (E CLASS 기준 ) 입니다. 수하물은 1인당 20KG이며초과시 1KG당 20,000원입니다. 나. 호텔예약상황 1 호텔명 : AL MANAR HOTEL 2 전화번호 : 팩스번호 : 주소 : 24 th Hor Al Anz East Abuhail Manzar Dubai 5 호텔요금 : 70usd / 1박당 / 1인당 (2인1실기준, 조식포함 ) 120usd / 1박당 / 1실당 (1인1실기준, 조식포함 ) 다. 기타사항 1 여권유효기간이두바이입국일기준 6개월이상남아있어야합니다. 2 호텔체크인후개별일정입니다. 라. 기타문의및연락처 ( 수속진행여행사 ) 여행사명 : ( 주 ) 씨티항공여행사 주소 : 서울중구서소문동 유원빌딩 14층 담당자 : 김성현 전화번호 : (02) , 팩스번호 : (02) cave21m@hanmail.net 2012 두바이식품박람회출장예정자및 항공 호텔이용신청서 수신 : 씨티항공여행사김성현부장 (TEL : / FAX : ) cave21m@hanmail.net 업체명 출장업무담당자 출장자인원 ( ) 명 출장자성명 생년월일 여 권 항공스케즐 숙박 성명 : 전화 : 직위 : FAX : 출장자 1 출장자 2 한글 : 영문 : 휴대폰번호 : 1. 여권소지 - 여권번호 : - 유효기간 : * 2 월 16 일출국일현재 6 개월이상남아있어야입국이가능함 2. 미소지 1. 일행과동일 2. 개별일정으로요청출국 : 입국 : 3. 자체적으로구입예정 1. 2 인 1 실사용 2. 1 인 1 실사용 3. 개별적숙박 1. 비용분담탑승현지버스임차 2. 현지교통편이별도로준비됨 ( 공항 / 호텔왕복 ) 3. 기타 : 기타 한글 : 영문 : 휴대폰번호 : 1. 여권소지 - 여권번호 : - 유효기간 : * 2 월 16 일출국일현재 6 개월이상남아있어야입국이가능함 2. 미소지 1. 일행과동일 2. 개별일정으로요청출국 : 입국 : 3. 자체적으로구입예정 1. 2 인 1 실사용 2. 1 인 1 실사용 3. 개별적숙박 1. 비용분담탑승 2. 현지교통편이별도로준비됨 3. 기타 : 1. 위해당란을기재하여 12 월 30 일까지여권사본을첨부, FAX 및 발송 2. 출장업무를참가업체자체적으로진행하더라도전체참가업체의출장자명단집계위하여위양식으로송부

9 참고자료 < 참고 1> 참가업체현황 구분 1 참가업체현황 순서 구분 김치 업체명 CJ 제일제당 대표자담당자 김철하대표장철민과장 주소및연락처 ( ) 서울특별시중구쌍림동 292 CJ 제일제당센터 T / F C michael_jang@cj.net 품목 김치, 김, 맛밤, 조미료, 소스류, 소재식품, 건강식품 2 중동지역바이어리스트 이롬 남궁현대표 천희열과장 ( ) 경기성남시분당구삼평동 625 판교세븐벤처벨리 2 동 7 층 T / F C hychun@erom.co.kr 생식 3 KOMPASS 바이어 DB 활용법 4 현지시장여건분석 5 냉장비품세부사항 인삼 남해섬흑마늘 NH한삼인대동고려삼 여동훈대표 여창훈과장 이준태대표이효재주임 최성근대표박민경사원 ( ) 경남남해군남해읍아산리 T / F C pi077@naver.com ( ) 충북증평군증평읍초중리 T / F C drmastah@naver.com ( ) 충남금산군군북면천을리 152 T / F C tinapark84@gmail.com 흑마늘흑마늘진액수세미차 인삼및홍삼조제품 홍삼 금강비앤에프 한평식대표한송이대리 ( ) 충북충주시이류면영평리 T / F C info@keumkangbnf.com 코코넛음료, 액상커피, 알로에주스, 녹차, 유자차 차 / 음료류 다원식품 이철재대표조정애이사 ( ) 서울서초구서초동 T / F C cja@kita.net 커피 세비아인터내셔널 차이헌대표 차상은부장 ( ) 서울강남구역삼동 한신인터밸리 24 동관 1611 T /F C savia@saviaintl.com 알로에음료, 유자차

10 구분 업체명 대표자담당자 주소및연락처 품목 구분 업체명 대표자담당자 주소및연락처 품목 퓨어플러스가야희창유업대상주식회사 박헌식대표남택운상무 이삼직대표 조인우대리 박창현대표 박보현사원 박성칠대표 우제광매니저 ( ) 경남함양군수동면화산리 1250 번 T / F C ( ) 서울강남구역삼동 세방빌딩 12 층 T / F C ( ) 경남양산시북정동 T / F C chibee@heechang.co.kr ( ) 서울동대문구신설동 대상빌딩 T / F C dspaul@daesang.com 알로에음료, 코코넛음료, 유기농쥬스, 인삼음료등 채소음료 ( 토마토, 딸기, 선인장등 ) 커피크리머, 대용분유인스턴트커피, 홍차, 코코아, 과실음료 홍초음료 코아통상해태제과식품세미기업 고광택대표 고민정실장 윤영달대표 황은정사원 김재동대표 김영구이사 ( ) 서울종로구내수동파크팰리스 111 T / F C gogojeannie@naver.com ( ) 서울용산구남영동해태제과 T / F C all4uhappy@ht.co.kr ( ) 서울서초구서초동 지하 1 층 T / F C ygkim@samicorp.co.kr 라면, 스낵 과자, 추잉검 스무디믹스, 고구마라떼 수산물 씨허브 갓바위식품 오충헌대표 김기민직원 이계옥대표김영진이사 ( ) 부산해운대구재송동 1210 벽산 e- 센텀클래스원 719 호 T / F C fucoidan@yahoo.com ( ) 충남보령시명천동 T / F C neokr25@yahoo.co.kr 건조미역 조미김 움트리 김우택대표김지선대리 ( ) 경기포천시창수면오가리 523 T / F C bestserve@naver.com 장류, 튀김가루, 와사비 기타 삼양식품 전인장대표김공욱과장 ( ) 서울성북구하월곡동 82-9 T / F C gongwook@hotmail.com 라면, 스낵 도울 F&B 정진옥대표김웅전무 ( ) 전남구례군광의면방광리 T / F C mizbear@paran.com 유기농스낵, 건강과자

11 Sort Name P.I.C. Address & Items Kimchi Jinseng/ Healthy Tea/Bev e-rage 2012 GULFOOD KOREAN PAVILION DIRECTORY CJ Cheiljedang Erom Co.,Ltd NHS Food INC. NH Hansamin Co.,Ltd Daedong Korea Ginseng Co.,Ltd KEUMKANG B&F Michael Jang CJ Cheiljedang Center, 292 Ssangrim-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : Fax : Manager michael_jang@cj.net Homepage : Hee Youl Aaron Chun 7F, 2-dong, Pangyo 7 Venture Valley, 625, Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, GyeongGi-do , Korea Tel : Fax : Sales hychun@erom.co.kr Manager Homepage : , Asan-ri, Namhae-eup, Yeo Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do Chang , Korea Hoon Tel : Fax : Manager pi077@naver.com Homepage : , Chojung-ri, Jeungpyeong-eup, Hyo Jae Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Lee , Korea Tel : Asst. Fax : Manager drmastah@naver.com Homepage : Minkyung PARK Staff 152, Cheoneul-ri, Gunbuk-myeon, Geumsan-gun, Chungnam-do , KOREA Tel : Fax : tinapark84@gmail.com Homepage : , Yeongpyeong-ri, Iryu-myeon, HAN Chungju, Chungcheongbuk-do SONG Korea YI Tel : Fax : Manager info@keumkangbnf.com Homepage : Kimchi, Laver(Seaweed), Chestnut, Seasonings, Marinades Natural Raw Meal Black Garlic/ Black Garlic Extract/ Susemi Tea Plain/Red Ginseng goods Red Ginseng Extract, Red Ginseng Liquid Coconut Drink, Liquid coffee, Aloe drink, Tea(Green tea, Citron tea) Sort Name P.I.C. Address & Items Fisheries DAONE FOODS INC. Savia International Co.,Ltd. PUREPLUS Co.,Ltd. GAYA CO,LTD DAESANG Corporation HEE CHANG Dairy & Food Co.,Ltd SeaHerb Co., LTD. CHO JUNG AE Director Glara Cha director Nam Taek Woon Senior Director , Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul Korea Tel : Fax : cja@kita.net Homepage : East#1611 HansinInterValley24, , Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : Fax : savia@saviaintl.com Homepage : , Hwasan-ri, Sudong-myeon, Hamyang -gun, Gyeongsangnam-do , Korea Tel : Fax : pureplus@pureplus.co.kr Homepage : Sebang Building 12F, 708-8, In Woo, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Cho , Korea Tel : Team- Fax : Manager choin677@naver.com Homepage : Woo Je Gwang Manger Bonnie Park Assistant manager Kim Ki Min Daesang Building, 96-48, Sinseol-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : Fax : dspaul@daesang.com Homepage : , Bukjung-Dong, Yangsan-city, Kyung-nam , Korea Tel : Fax : chibee@heechang.co.kr Homepage : 719, Bucksan e-centum Class one, 1210 Jaesong-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan , Korea Tel : Fax : Manager fucoidan@yahoo.com Homepage : Coffee Aloe Vera Drink, Citron Tea, Jujube Tea, Aloe tea, Lemon Tea etc Aloe Drinks, Coconut Drinks, Organic Juice, Ginseng Drinks, etc Vegetable/Frui t Juices(Tomato es, Strawberries, Cactus etc.) Red Vinegar Drink Coffee whitener, Vegetable Milk powder, Tea powder, Fruit juice Dried Sea weed

12 Sort Name P.I.C. Address & Items ETC Godbawee Food Co., Ltd. Woomtree Corporation Samyangfoods co.,ltd DOWUL FOOD&BIO CO.,LTD. KO-A Trading Co., Ltd HAITAI CONFECTION ERY FOOD CO.,LTD. SAMI CORPORATIO N LTD Kim Young Jin Director Kim,Ji- Sun A.manag er 557-1, Myeongcheong-dong, Boryeong, Chungcheongnam-do , Korea Tel : Fax : neokr25@yahoo.co.kr Homepage : 523, Oga-ri, Changsu-myeon, Pocheon, GyeongGi-do , Korea Tel : Fax : bestserve@naver.com Homepage : , Hawolgok-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Roy Seoul , Korea Kim Tel : Fax : Manager gongwook@hotmail.com Homepage : Kim Ung Director Eunjung Koh Director Eunjung HWANG Yeong Goo Kim Director Seosoned lavers Hot pepper paste, Wasabi, Tempura powder Ramen(Instant noodles) 715-2, BangGwang-ri, Gwangeui-myeon, Gurye-gun, Jeollanam-do , Korea Tel : Organic/Healthy Snack Fax : mizbear@paran.com Homepage : #111, Park Palace, Naesu-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : Fax : gogojeannie@hotmail.com 131-1, Namyeong-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul , KOREA Tel : Fax : all4uhappy@ht.co.kr Homepage : , Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul , Korea Tel : Fax : ygkim@samicorp.co.kr Homepage : Instant noodles, Snacks PIE, CRACKER, GUM, BISCUIT Smoothie Mix Fruitea, Sweet Potato Latte < 참고 2> KOMPASS 바이어 DB 활용방법

13 < 참고 3> 중동지역바이어리스트 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 인삼 Fruit and berries Fruit, tropical and subtropical Fruit and vegetables, processed Fruit and vegetables, dried No. Company Name Country Region Telephone number Web site 1 Prabhat Udyog India Andhra Pradesh info@prabhatudyog.net 2 Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi impex@ambextrctsphytoextracts.com 3 Max International India Delhi max93@sify.com 4 Algen Healthcare Ltd. India Delhi algenhealthcare@rediffmail.com 5 Atlas Laboratories & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Delhi corporate@atlaspharma.in 6 Tosc International Pvt Ltd India Delhi toscinternational@hotmail.com 7 Indfrag Limited India Karnataka info@indfrag.com 8 Wockhardt Ltd. India Maharashtra ocassubhoy@wockhardt.com 9 Saf Yeast Co. Pvt. Ltd. India Maharashtra sycl@vsnl.com 10 Vikram Industries India Maharashtra vikraminds@hotmail.com 11 Indage Group Of Companies India Maharashtra info@indagegroup.com 12 Enrich Impex India Tamil Nadu enquiry@enrichimpex.com 13 Kryolan Cosmetics India Pvt Ltd India Tamil Nadu nsampath@vsnl.com 14 Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd. India Uttar Pradesh export@baidyanath.org 15 Hindustan Tea Exporters India West Bengal hle@cal2.vsnl.net.in 16 Meykhosh Yazd P.J.S Iran Yazd info@maykhosheyazd.com ( 품목 ) 건강식품 한국콤파스 (Juices, fruit and vegetable, dietetic), 서울시성동구성수동 2가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2차 904호 (Drink concentrates, dietetic), (Foods, dietetic, for nourishment therapies), (Organic food products (trade)), (Health and diet foods (trade)), (Health and diet food, retail chains), (Foods and nutrients, pharmaceutical), (Dietary supplements, mineral or vitamin based), No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Tiba Trade & Distribution Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH info@juhayna.com 2 Karimar Group Interational Egypt Alexandria AGAMI ALEXANDRIA karimar2008@yahoo.com 3 Mariam Alex Export & Import Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN ebrahimsehata@hotmail.com 4 Zakher Marine & Oil Services Establishment Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN zmi@zakher.com.eg 5 Hadico Egypt Alexandria EL WARDIAN ALEXAND hadico@yahoo.com 6 Dr.Ahmed Nassar Corporation Egypt Alexandria MOHARRAM BEY ALEXA nassar_corporate@yahoo.com 7 Dorgham Export Import & Trade Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA dhorgham@yahoo.com 8 Khalil for Trading & Distribution Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA info.almansour@gmail.com 9 Yaccout Ismail Center for Trading & Development Egypt Alexandria SIDI BISHR ALEXANDRIA yasso0007@yahoo.com 10 National Alex-Adel Ahmed Abd El-Baky Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDR adelboss2010@yahoo.com 11 Radian Trade-Eveline Ghaly Attia Egypt Alexandria SMOUHA ALEXANDRIA radian_trade@yahoo.com 12 Nagi Wadie & Co. Egypt Assiut ASSIUT ASSIUT nagiwadie@yahoo.com 13 El-Kobba Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO hhham@menanet.net 14 Motaheda Group Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO hhham@menanet.net 15 Nutra Fit Int'l Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO nutra@nutra-fit-int.com 16 Food Supplying & Pharmaceuticals Agency Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO msharaf@idsc.gov.eg 17 Summit for Import, Export & Commercial Agencies Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO info@summittrade.net 18 Elfayrouz Trade Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO elfayrouz_eg@yahoo.com 19 Nile Import & Export Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO nor-gr@hotmail.com 20 OCTA Egypt Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO info@aromarket.com 21 Rhino Pharm Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO nmankaryos@rhinopharm.com 22 Alfa Trading & Services Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO customer_service@alfa.com.eg 23 Business Added Values Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO bav62008@yahoo.com 24 Inte Palace Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO ibrahim-atta@tedata.net.eg 25 Raouf & Ossama Azoz Import, Export & Commercial AEgypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO azozo10@hotmail.com

14 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 과일 Fruit and berries Fruit, tropical and subtropical Fruit and vegetables, processed Fruit and vegetables, dried No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Egypt for Agricultural Crops Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH hammam_heirs@yahoo.com 2 Fathi Hamed Sons for Trade & Contracting Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN fshcompany@hotmail.com 3 Hipco Import & Export Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN hipco@safwait.com 4 Nana For Import & Export-Ahmed Abd Alla Nana Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN info@nana-rall.com 5 Mansour for Trading & Marketing Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA candygp@link.net 6 N.I.Ibrahim Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA ibrahimflavogpt@dataxprs.com.eg 7 Integral Group Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDR integral-group2@yahoo.com 8 Dina Agricultural Investment Egypt Cairo CAIRO ALEX ROAD CAI dinafarms@dinafarms.com 9 Multi Fruit Egypt Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD multi.fruit.egypt@gmail.com 10 Shammaa Foreign Trade Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD elshammaa@yahoo.com 11 Basmala for Trade & Chemicals Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO export@basmalatrade.com 12 Nimos Engineering & Agricultural Development Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO nimos.com@link.net 13 Multi Food for Trading & Packing of Foodstuff Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO multifood11@hotmail.com 14 Technogreen Group Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO info@technogreen.com 15 Cargill Trading Egypt Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO info@cargill.com 16 Int'l Development & Projects Center Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO eng-alirashadmohamed@hotmail.co 17 United Brothers-Tamer Mahmoud Sabry & Co. Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO unitedbrothers_egy@hotmail.com 18 Agricultural Projects Egypt Cairo NASR CITY CAIRO etp@link.net 19 El-Hoda for Import & Export Egypt Cairo NASR CITY CAIRO alhoda@alhoda.com.eg 20 Expogreen Egypt Egypt Cairo NASR CITY CAIRO egmedication@yahoo.com 21 Omaraa Group Agricultural & Real Estate Investment Egypt Cairo NASR CITY CAIRO f.hashem@omaraagroup.com 22 Egyptian for Int'l Trade Egypt Cairo ZAMALEK CAIRO belco@link.net 23 Industrial Technical Center Egypt Cairo ZAMALEK CAIRO centech@internetegypt.com 24 Pico Agri. Services Egypt Cairo ZAMALEK CAIRO adiab@picocorporate.com 25 Barakat Agricultural Development Office Egypt Giza GIZA GIZA mhsamni@hotmail.com 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 차류 (Tea), (Herbal and fruit teas) No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number Fax 1 Seba Trading Egypt 6 th of October 6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH ahmedshady@yahoo.com 2 Anany for Foodstuff Egypt 6 th of October BADRASHEIN 6TH OF O ananyco@access.com.eg 3 Luxury Foodstuff Products Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN hosna.rachid@unilever.com 4 Fine Tea Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN hosna.rachid@unilever.com 5 Mashreq for Tea Production Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN hosna.rachid@unilever.com 6 Al-Mansour for Trading & Distribution Egypt Alexandria SIDI BISHR ALEXANDRIA safaa.soliman@mansourgroup.com 7 Sokary Brothers Freezing & Drying Egypt Assiut ABU TIG ASSIUT contacts@sokarygroup.com 8 Elgawhara for Int'l Industries Egypt Beheira BEHEIRA BEHEIRA haitham@elgwhara-group.com 9 Avional Food Industries Egypt Beheira DAMANHOUR BEHEIRA avionalgende@yahoo.com 10 Gawhara Tea Egypt Beheira HOSH EISSA BEHEIRA info@eljawharagroup.com 11 El-Manar for Food Industries Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD nasser_hamam22@yahoo.com 12 Fatah for Food Industries Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD info@elarosatea.com 13 Nahal Trading Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO nahal@mist-net.com 14 Al-Rabwa Importing Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO alrabwa.co@gmail.com 15 S & K Group Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO info@skgroup-int.com 16 Ottoman for Trading & Manufaturing Egypt Giza GIZA GIZA info@royalforherbs.com 17 Al-Shahd Import & Export Egypt Giza MOHANDESSIN GIZA alshahdlin@hotmail.com 18 Ceylan & Commodity Marketing Ltd. Egypt Giza MOHANDESSIN GIZA ccmcairo@internetegypt.com 19 Medom for Food Production Egypt Helwan BADR CITY HELWAN medom@shehabgroup.net 20 Misr Cafe Egypt Sharkeya 10TH OF RAMADAN SH misrcafe@link.net 21 Mohamed Khalil Badawy & Sons Egypt Sharkeya 10TH OF RAMADAN SH info@elfarasha.com 22 Andalos Industry & Printing of Cardboard Bottes Egypt Sharkeya SHARKEYA SHARKEYA emadandalos@yahoo.com 23 Southern Citrus Products Pvt Ltd India Andhra Pradesh GUDUR scitrus@yahoo.com 24 Jayalakshmi Group India Andhra Pradesh GUNTUR gtr_sjltcltd@sancharnet.in 25 Prabhat Udyog India Andhra Pradesh HYDERABAD info@prabhatudyog.net

15 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 음료 (Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks), (Beverages (trade)), (Juices, fruit and vegetable) No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Classic Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octo 6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH arabdanish@link.net 2 Diaa Import & Export Egypt 6 th of Octo 6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH deyaa_bebars@hotmail.com 3 Kabaa for Import & Export Egypt Alexandria AMREYA ALEXANDRIA m.saber_kebaa@yahoo.com 4 Fantasia Food Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN il_duha@yahoo.com 5 Mariam Alex Export & Import Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN ebrahimsehata@hotmail.com 6 Alaa El-Din Export & Import Egypt Alexandria IBRAHIMIAH ALEXANDR aladinsabet@hotmail.com 7 Alex Int'l Foods Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA aufgroup2004@hotmail.com 8 N.I.Ibrahim Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA ibrahimflavogpt@dataxprs.com.eg 9 Integral Group Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDR integral-group2@yahoo.com 10 Elwakil Trading Insitution Egypt Alexandria SMOUHA ALEXANDRIA el-wakil2001@hotmail.com 11 Speed Import & Export Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO khaledloutfy@yahoo.com 12 Shawarby Trading Egypt Cairo ABDIN CAIRO khaledsourer_1973@hotmail.com 13 Gouna Beverages Distribution Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD info@alahrambeverages.com 14 Mido Int'l Trading S.A.E Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD hr@mido.com.eg 15 New Ahram Packing & Distribution Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD info@alahrambeverages.com 16 Rich for Trading & Distribution Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD info@alahrambeverages.com 17 Shammaa Foreign Trade Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD elshammaa@yahoo.com 18 Hosny Brothers Trade & Distribution Egypt Cairo DAHER CAIRO hb@hosny-brothers.com 19 Chyfa Trading Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO cer@menanet.net 20 Massad for Int'l Industry & Trade Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO ferrotrade@ritse3.com.eg 21 Quattro Int'l Import & Distribution Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO info@qautro-international.com 22 Tawfik Trade Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO att@geriou.com.eg 23 Al-Shahin Import & Distribution Egypt Cairo EL MATARIYA CAIRO hassan.shahin@alshahin.com 24 Egyptian Group for Trading & Contracting Egypt Cairo EL QALAA CAIRO mahmoud@egyptec.net 25 Arab for Trading & Supplies Egypt Cairo GARDEN CITY CAIRO info@dmsupply.com 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 스낵류 (Biscuits, crackers, crisps and savoury snacks), (Puff pastry snacks, cocktail), (Savoury snacks, packaged), (Biscuits, crackers, crisps and savoury snacks (Country Specific Products)) No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number Fax 1 Egypt Trade for Foodstuff Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH cairo-khagag@popthewayout.net 2 Int'l for Processing Grain Products Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH info@flourland-eg.com 3 Misr for Food Development Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH sfoods@intouch.com 4 6th of October Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH sofi_gb@hotmail.com 5 Bassiouny Brothers Foodstuff Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH gohary3m@yahoo.com 6 Chipsy Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH hr.egypt@intl.fritolay.com 7 Classic Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH arabdanish@link.net 8 Edita Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH joefares@edita.com.eg 9 Egyptian For Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH iceman.eg@gmail.com 10 Egypt Int'l Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH fathy@elfath-chocosweet.com 11 GBG for Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH sofi_gb@hotmail.com 12 Golden Foods Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH goldenfoods@goldenfoods.com.eg 13 Kemet for Natural Food Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH info@kemetfood.com 14 Senioritta Light Food Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH khaledzahra11@yahoo.com 15 Mansour Industry & Trade Candy Sweets Biscuits & CEgypt Alexandria ALEX CAIRO ROAD ALEXANDRIA group@almansour-group.com 16 Ocean Foods for Food Industries S.A.E Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN oceanfoods@link.net 17 River Foods for Food Industries S.A.E Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN riverfoods@gmail.com 18 Alex for Food Industrial Development Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN ammcofoods@yahoo.com 19 Alex Snacks Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN alexsnacks@yahoo.com 20 Canal Foods for Food Industries Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN oceanfoods@link.net 21 Walaa Factory for Food Industry & Chocolates Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN contact@walaa-factories.com 22 Shamadan for Food Industries S.A.E Egypt Alexandria DEKHEILA ALEXANDRIA aly@elshamadan.com 23 Alexandria Flour Mills & Bakeries Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN alex@alex-flourmills.com 24 Dahab Biscuits-Mohamed Anis Hussein & Co. Egypt Alexandria MOHARRAM BEY ALEXA sales@dahab-biscuits.com 25 Amir Biscuits & Sweets Factory Egypt Alexandria MONTAZAH ALEXANDR oceanfoods@link.net

16 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 사탕류 Sugar-candy (crystallised sugar) Sugar confectionery, fruit gum No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Egypt 6 th of Octo EL HAWAMIDIYAH 6TH chairman@siicegypt.com 2 El-Amir for Food Industies Egypt Alexandria ALEX CAIRO ROAD ALE el_amir_co@hotmail.com 3 Quattro Int'l Import & Distribution Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO info@qautro-international.com 4 Quality Improf Egypt Kaliubeya ABU ZAABAL KALIUBEY hussian74@hotmail.com 5 Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD webinfo@nuziveeduseeds.com 6 Prudential Sugar Corporation Ltd. India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD prudentialsugar@gmail.com 7 Sampre Nutritions Ltd. India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD gurbani@satyam.net.in 8 Remedy Health Products Pvt Ltd India Andhra Prad SECUNDERABAD rhp@remedyindia.com 9 Boom Buying Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI rakesh@boombuying.com 10 Deepam Agro Foods Pvt Ltd India Haryana SIRSA deepamsrs@gmail.com 11 GMR Industries Ltd India Karnataka BANGALORE srinivasan.venkataraman@gmrgroup.in 12 Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd. India Karnataka BELGAUM belgaum@renukasugars.com 13 Naughty Food Product India Madhya PradINDORE info@naughtyfoodproducts.com 14 The Oudh Sugar Mills Ltd India Maharashtra MUMBAI ddarji@birla-sugar.com 15 Jani Candies & Toffees Pvt. Ltd. India Maharashtra PUNE sales@janicandies.com 16 Sweetness Food & Confectionery (P) Ltd India Maharashtra THANE volaresfc@rediffmail.com 17 K C P Sugar and Industries Corporation Ltd India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI kcpsugar@vsnl.com 18 Thiru Arooran Sugars Ltd. India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI secretarial@tasugars.in 19 Continental Commercial Services India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI cont.commercial@gmail.com 20 Kothari Sugars & Chemicals Ltd India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI info@hckgroup.com 21 Kumar Impex India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI kumarimpex@hotmail.com 22 Ponni Sugars & Erode Ltd. India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI ponnisugars@eth.net 23 Rajathi Group India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI info@rajathi.com 24 Dharani Finance Ltd India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI pgp_dfl@yahoo.com 25 MM Exports India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI mutha@mmexports.com 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 김류 Seaweed Driers, seaweed (Seafood, dried (trade)), (Seaweed, edible, processed (trade)) No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Nasser for Supplies & Foodstuffs Egypt Cairo EL MATARIYA CAIRO nassernaim@yahoo.com 2 Arab Importer & Exporter-Sherif Mohamed Aziz MokhEgypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO arabgr@intouch.com 3 Grow Tech Agricultural Development Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO info@growtechegypt.com 4 Int'l Trade Promotion Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO mosilhy2000@yahoo.com 5 United for Agroservices Egypt Cairo NASR CITY CAIRO moussa_uca@yahoo.com 6 A M Foods Egypt Giza MOHANDESSIN GIZA info@amfoods.biz 7 Madhavi Exports & Imports India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD madhaviexim@reddifmail.com 8 Boom Buying Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI rakesh@boombuying.com 9 Tri Marine Foods Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI support@fertiview.com 10 Goa Sea Foods India Goa PANJIM gsfgoa@sancharnet.in 11 VNET India Gujarat ANAND tapupatel@hotmail.com 12 Bansal Marine India Gujarat BHAVNAGAR bansalmarine08@gmail.com 13 Tippers & Trailers India Pvt Ltd India Karnataka BANGALORE tippersindia@rediffmail.com 14 Williamson Overseas Trading Corporation India Kerala COCHIN wotc@sify.com 15 Abad Exim Pvt Ltd India Kerala COCHIN abadeximcnf@gmail.com 16 Atlanta Trading Company India Kerala COCHIN mail@atlantatrading.com 17 Foodex International Inc. India Kerala COCHIN seatopsdubai@eim.ae 18 Ant International Exports India Maharashtra MUMBAI nileshkelji@gmail.com 19 Saf Yeast Co. Pvt. Ltd. India Maharashtra MUMBAI sycl@vsnl.com 20 Naik Frozen Foods Pvt. Ltd. India Maharashtra MUMBAI naik9@mtnl.net.in 21 V Kumar And Sons India Maharashtra MUMBAI vkumar_andsons@hotmail.com 22 Sanchita Marine Products India Maharashtra NAVI MUMBAI marinesanchita@gmail.com 23 Aabhar International India Maharashtra NAVI MUMBAI kitchenking9@gmail.com 24 Alhaseena Exports India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI alhaseenaexports@hotmail.com 25 Devi Marine Food Exports India Tamil Nadu CHENNAI liberty2000@eth.net

17 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 소금 Salt No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Trust Trade Co. Export & Import Egypt Alexandria CAMP CESAR ALEXAND s_trusttrade@hotmail.com 2 LCL Egypt Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN patricki@lclegypt.com 3 Nasr Salines Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN headoffice@nasrsalines.com 4 Egyptian lebanon Foodstuff Industries-Ali Fathy AssasEgypt Dakahleya MANZALAH DAKAHLEY info@farmassasa.com 5 Egyptian Salts & Minerals Egypt Fayoum ABSHWAY FAYOUM info@emisalegypt.com 6 Fine Salt Egypt Gharbeya TANTA GHARBEYA finesalt@hotmail.com 7 Cookina Modern Industries Egypt Giza CAIRO ALEX ROAD GIZA saadco@starnet.com.eg 8 Pharmagypt Trading Egypt Giza MOHANDESSIN GIZA pharmagypt@link.net 9 Egypt Foods Five Stars Egypt Kaliubeya SHUBRA EL KHEIMA KA foods_egypt@yahoo.com 10 Nour Grinding & Packaging Table Salt Egypt Kaliubeya SHUBRA EL KHEIMA KA info@saudisalt.co.cc 11 Egypt Salt Egypt Sharkeya 10TH OF RAMADAN SH hamdy@egyptsalt.com 12 SNJ Synthetics Ltd. India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD office@shreyapet.com 13 Sainsons India Delhi DELHI info@sainsons.com 14 Shri Bankey Behari Foods India Delhi DELHI akhilgupta42@gmail.com 15 Boom Buying Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI rakesh@boombuying.com 16 PGF Limited India Delhi NEW DELHI info@pearlsspice.com 17 Shivnath Rai Harnarain (India) Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI shivnath@shivnath.com 18 Victoria Foods Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI help@rajdhanigroup.com 19 Chowgule & Company Ltd India Goa GOA ccl@chowgule.co.in 20 S. R. Industry India Gujarat AHMEDABAD export@srindustry.com 21 Neel Chem (India) India Gujarat AHMEDABAD info@neelchem.com 22 Welbro Salt & Chemicals India Gujarat ANKLESHWAR welbro@yahoo.com 23 Friends Group of Companies India Gujarat KUTCH gfl@friendsgroupindia.com 24 Hemkant Exports India Gujarat RAJKOT hemkant_exports@hotmail.com 25 Dhanhar Masala Bhandar India Gujarat SURAT info@dhanharmasala.com 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 면류 Salt No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Egyptian Millers Mills Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH mills@intouch.com 2 Union Perfumery ; Aromatic & Cosmetics Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH upac@link.net 3 Dahab Macaroni Factory-Essam Helal Abu El-Dahab Egypt 6 th of OctobEL HAWAMIDIYAH 6TH dahabco2003@hotmail.com 4 Arc Egypt Egypt Alexandria CLEOPATRA ALEXANDR arc_egypt1@yahoo.com 5 Ahmed Mansour Sons Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN info@almansour-group.com 6 Alex Queen Trade & Distribution Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN alexqueen@alexqueen.com 7 Garas Trading Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN trade@garastrading.com 8 Macdonald Soap Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN mecca_hotel@yahoo.com 9 Int'l Horizon Import & Export Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA abdelaziz_moh@internationalhoriz 10 Union Trade for Trade Import & Export Egypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA untrade@mist-net.com 11 Integral Group Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDRI integral-group2@yahoo.com 12 Quality Foods for Trade & Industry Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDRI info@qualityfoodsco.com 13 Rashid Mills Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDRI aelsakhawy@link.net 14 Toshka Macaroni & Dried Confectionary Egypt Assiut ABU TIG ASSIUT contact@sokarygroup.com 15 Armed Forces General Service Organization Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO gso@afmic.com 16 Cairo for Oil & Soap Egypt Cairo ABDIN CAIRO robatsm13@yahoo.com 17 Tiba Customs Consultancies Egypt Cairo ABDIN CAIRO tiba@link.net 18 El-Wadi Agricultural Crops Export Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO elwadi@tedata.net.eg 19 East & West Int'l Trade Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO ewtcompany@hotmail.com 20 Egyptian Saudi Import & Export Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO maktabelmasry1@yahoo.com 21 Sadco Egypt Cairo EL MATARIYA CAIRO sadco_2006@yahoo.com 22 Alamia Import & Export Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO alimport@link.net 23 Horus Trade Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO horustrade@horustrade.net 24 Blue Star Supplies Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO maddi.office@redseaworld.net 25 Cleopatra Int'l Trading & Marketing Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO cleopatra1@link.net

18 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 커피 (Coffee, freeze-dried), (Coffee beans, roasted), (Coffee, Arabica), (Coffee, organic), (Coffee, ground), (Coffee powder, instant), (Coffee in tins), (Coffee, vacuum packed), No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Nestle Egypt Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH laurent.therond@eg.nestle.com 2 Giza Food Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH shaheen_cafe@link.net 3 Shaheen Cafe Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH shaheen_cafe@link.net 4 Int'l Coffe Industries Egypt 6 th of OctobEL HAWAMIDIYAH 6TH cafenajjar@cafenajjareg.com 5 El-Kobtan Export & Import Egypt Alexandria AGAMI ALEXANDRIA elkobtanmovers@gmail.com 6 Kabaa for Import & Export Egypt Alexandria AMREYA ALEXANDRIA m.saber_kebaa@yahoo.com 7 Nasco Trade-Machi Gavalas & Co. Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN info@nascotrade.com 8 Sofiano Poulo Egypt Alexandria DOWN TOWN ALEXAN eltantawy20@yahoo.com 9 Integral Group Egypt Alexandria SIDI GABER ALEXANDR integral-group2@yahoo.com 10 Egyptian Traders Egypt Alexandria SMOUHA ALEXANDRIA mbalian@egtraders.com 11 Unilever Mashreq Home Care Egypt Alexandria SMOUHA ALEXANDRIA hosna.rachid@unilever.com 12 Reda for Trading & Commercial Agencies Egypt Assiut ABU TIG ASSIUT contacts@sokarygroup.com 13 Misr for Crops & Industry Egypt Cairo ABBASSEYA CAIRO hartmann@intouch.com 14 Red Sea World Import & Export Egypt Cairo ABDIN CAIRO hotline@redseaworld.net 15 Caravan Marketing Egypt Cairo CAIRO ALEX ROAD CAI info@caravan-marketing.com 16 Wahba for Foodstuff Industries Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD info@habbahabba.com 17 Mido Int'l Trading S.A.E Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD hr@mido.com.eg 18 Rich Mix for Catering & Food Industries S.A.E Egypt Cairo CAIRO ISMAILIA ROAD rich_mix@link.net 19 El-Masria Wholesale Trade Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO el_masria_mis@yahoo.com 20 General Wholesale Trade Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO info@gomlatrade.com 21 Coffee Rosters Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO coffe-rosters@yahoo.com 22 House of Coffee Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO management@itcgroup.com 23 Sega Fredo Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO management@itcgroup.com 24 Al-Shahin Import & Distribution Egypt Cairo EL MATARIYA CAIRO hassan.shahin@alshahin.com 25 Hartmann Egypt-Ahmed El-Nawawy & Partners Egypt Cairo EL QALAA CAIRO hartmann@intouch.com 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 분유 Milk, dried, for babies Milk, powdered, malted No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Nestle Egypt Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH laurent.therond@eg.nestle.com 2 Advanced Global Industries Egypt 6 th of Octob6TH OF OCTOBER 6TH sales@agiegypt.com 3 Int'l for Food Industries S.A.E Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN info@gharabawy.com 4 Egyptian for Trade & Industry- Eng.Alaa Zahran & CoEgypt Alexandria RAMLEH ALEXANDRIA egyptian@zahrangroup.com 5 Red Sea World Import & Export Egypt Cairo ABDIN CAIRO hotline@redseaworld.net 6 Wyeth Egypt Ltd. Egypt Cairo CAIRO ALEX ROAD CAI ziens@wyeth.com 7 Sami & Co. Import, Export & Commercial Agencies Egypt Cairo DOWN TOWN CAIRO samico@soficom.com.eg 8 D.M. Trading & Supplies Egypt Cairo GARDEN CITY CAIRO info@dmsupply.com 9 Said for Trading & Industrial Egypt Cairo GARDEN CITY CAIRO ms@3ms-eg.net 10 Copad Egypt Ltd. Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO mh-hosny@internetegypt.com 11 Nilco Int'l Trading Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO nilco@menanet.net 12 Ramks for Import & Commercial Agencies Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO ramksafa@tedata.net.eg 13 Riri Baby Food Egypt Cairo MAADI CAIRO riri@riri-babyfood.com 14 Mamdouh Sittin Egypt Dakahleya MANSOURA DAKAHLEY sittin_co@yahoo.com 15 Nazco Egypt for Import & Export Egypt Giza DOKKI GIZA nazco@link.net 16 Modern Agricultural Development Egypt Menoufeya MENOUFEYA MENOUFE handco_salem@hotmail.com 17 Arab Cultivators-Tanbouli & Co. Egypt Menoufeya SERS EL LAYAN MENOU arabcult@hotmail.com 18 Lacto Misr for Baby Milk & Food Production Egypt Sharkeya 10TH OF RAMADAN SH info@lactomisr.com 19 Boom Buying Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI rakesh@boombuying.com 20 Taj Milk Foods Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI export@dairydiamond.org 21 VRS Foods Limited India Delhi NEW DELHI customercare@parasdairy.com 22 Bharat Essence India Gujarat AHMEDABAD exports@bharatessence.com 23 K & K Exim India Gujarat AHMEDABAD exports@indiafoodproduct.com 24 Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation India Gujarat ANAND gcmmf@amul.com 25 Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. India Haryana GURGAON askus@gsk.com

19 한국콤파스서울시성동구성수동 2 가 서울숲디지털코오롱 2 차 904 호 ( 품목 ) 김치류 (Vegetables, pickled), (Cabbage, red, pickled), (Gherkins and cucumbers, pickled), (Cabbage, red, canned and bottled) Sauerkraut Sauerkraut, canned and bottled No. Company Name Country Region City Telephone number 1 Dolphin for Foodstuff Industries Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN dolphin_co69@hotmail.com 2 King Marrout Healthy Food Manufacturing Egypt Alexandria BORG EL ARAB ALEXAN webmaster@yallahosting.com 3 Man Machine Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO manmachine2006@yahoo.com 4 Q Standard Egypt Cairo HELIOPOLIS CAIRO info@qstandard.com 5 Nile Agricultural Industries Egypt Dakahleya AGA DAKAHLEYA info@aga.com.eg 6 Kaha Preserved Foods Egypt Kaliubeya BENHA KALIUBEYA info@food-industries.com.eg 7 New Salheya Olive Oil Mill Egypt Sharkeya EL SALHEYA SHARKEYA mhashem@elsalheya.com 8 Ushodaya Enterprises Private Limited (Foods Div) India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD response@priyafoods.com 9 Jupally Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. India Andhra Prad HYDERABAD jupally_eou@yahoo.co.in 10 Thakur Overseas Trading & Consultants Ltd India Andhra Prad SECUNDERABAD toecin@hotmail.com 11 Balaji Agro Industries India Andhra Prad VISAKHAPATNAM gherkins@indiacolorgems.com 12 Lochheed Commercial Co. Ltd. India Delhi DELHI lccldel@hotmail.com 13 G. D. Foods (I) Pvt. Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI nseth@topsindia.com 14 Raj Mahal Basmati Rice India Delhi NEW DELHI raj@rupinternational.com 15 Dharamvir Exports Pvt Ltd India Delhi NEW DELHI export@indikagold.com 16 Shakti Bhog Foods Ltd. India Delhi NEW DELHI ashvinderkalra@shaktibhog.com 17 Shree Bhagawati Flour & Foods Pvt Ltd India Gujarat AHMEDABAD sales@bhagwatiexports.com 18 Mann Flour & Food Pvt Ltd India Gujarat AHMEDABAD info@mannexports.com 19 Oceanic Foods Pvt. Ltd India Gujarat JAMNAGAR enquiry@oceanicfoods.com 20 Karma Spices Pvt Ltd India Gujarat NAVSARI karmaspices@hotmail.com 21 Tipsy Topsy Exports India Gujarat RAJKOT info@tipsy-topsy.com 22 Modern Food Products India Gujarat VADODARA modern643455@asialab.com 23 Green Pickles Pvt Ltd India Karnataka BANGALORE gppl@greenpickles.com 24 India Agro Exports Pvt. Ltd. India Karnataka BANGALORE bharath@iae.in 25 Annapurna Organics India (P) Ltd. India Karnataka BANGALORE anna_abm@yahoo.co.in < 참고 4> 현지시장여건분석





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