Z DB 6 -X V * Sandwich plate = Z Further details in clear text With pressure valve cartridges = No code = Without locating pin hole (only applies to v
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1 RK 5 75/0.0 압력 릴리프 밸브 파일럿 작동식 타입 ZDB와 ZDB 공칭 사이즈 6 시리즈 X 최대 작동 압력 5 bar 최대 유량 60 L/min H556 0 타입 Type ZDB 6 VP-X/... 개요 특징 목차 페이지 특징 주문코드 우선 공급 가능 사양 기호 기능, 단면도 기술자료 특성곡선 유니트 치수 샌드위치 플레이트 밸브 DIN 0 형식 A에 따른 취부형태, 고정핀 홀 無(표준) ISO 0과 CETOP_RP H에 따른 취부 형태, 고정핀 홀 (주문코드 /60 밸브 타입 코드의 끝부분) 단 압력 5 작동방향 선택사양 개 또는 개의 압력 밸브 카트리지 가지 압력 조정 장치 회전식 조정 핸들 육각머리 조정나사 및 보호마개 잠금 가능한 눈금형 회전식 조정핸들 눈금형 회전식 조정핸들 by Bosch Rexroth AG, Industrial Hydraulics, D-978 Lohr am Main 모든 저작권 및 판권은 Bosch Rexroth AG가 소유한다. 따라서 본 문서의 어떤 부분도 Bosch Rexroth AG의 사전 서면동의 없이 재 생산 되거나, 전자 문서로 저장, 가공 혹은 복사, 배포 될 수 없다. 이를 위반했을 시에는 상응하는 손해보상의 의무를 져야 한다. 본 문서는 세심하게 제작 되었으며, 내용의 정확성도 모두 검증 되었으나 오류가 있을 수 있으며 그에 따른 책임은 당사가 지지 않는다. 기재내용은 계속적인 제품의 개선 및 개발로 인해 변경될 수 있다. ZDB 6; ZDB 6 /8 RK 5 75/0.0
2 Z DB 6 -X V * Sandwich plate = Z Further details in clear text With pressure valve cartridges = No code = Without locating pin hole (only applies to versions VC and VD ) /60 ) = With locating pin hole Pressure relief valve = DB V = FKM seals (other Nominal size seals on request) 6 = 6 Attention! Relief function from to: The compatibility of the seals and A T = VA pressure fluid has to be taken into account! P T = VP 50 = Settable pressure up to 50 bar B T = VB 00 = Settable pressure up to 00 bar A T and B T = VC 00 = Settable pressure up to 00 bar A T and B A = VD 5 = Settable pressure up to 5 bar Adjustment element X = Series 0 to 9 Rotary knob = (0 to 9: unchanged installation and connection dimensions) Sleeve with hexagon and protective cap = Lockable rotary knob with scale = ) Rotary knob with scale =7 ) H-key with Material No is included within the scope of supply ) Locating pin x 8 DIN EN ISO 875, Material No (separate order) Preferred types and standard components are highlighted in the RPS (Standard Price list). Preferred types (readily available) Type Material No. Type Material No. ZDB 6 VA-X/00V ZDB 6 VP-X/5V ZDB 6 VA-X/00V ZDB 6 VP-X/50V ZDB 6 VA-X/5V ZDB 6 VC-X/00V 00 ZDB 6 VB-X/00V ZDB 6 VC-X/5V 008 ZDB 6 VB-X/5V ZDB 6 VD-X/00V 007 ZDB 6 VP-X/00V ZDB 6 VD-X/00V 00 ZDB 6 VP-X/00V ZDB 6 VD-X/5V 0057 RK 5 75/0.0 /8 ZDB 6; ZDB 6
3 Type ZDB 6 VA... Type ZDB 6 VB... P A B T P A B T Type ZDB 6 VP... P A B T 0 Type ZDB 6 VC... Type ZDB 6 VD... P A B T P A B T Function, section Pressure relief valves types ZDB und ZDB are pilot operated and are of sandwich plate design. They are used to limit the pressure within a hydraulic system. They basically consist of the housing (7), together with one or two pressure relief valve cartridges. The system pressure is set by means of adjustment element (). At rest, the valve is closed. Pressure in port A acts on the spool (). At the same time pressure passes through orifice () on to the spring loaded side of spool () and via orifice () to the pilot poppet (6). If the pressure in port A rises above the value set on spring (5), the pilot poppet (6) opens. Fluid can now flow from the spring loaded side of the spool (), then via orifice (), and channel (8) into port T. The resulting pressure drop then moves the spool () thereby opening the connection A to T, while maintaining the pressure set at spring (5). Pilot oil return from the two spring chambers is taken externally via port T. Type ZDB 6 VA A T P B A T P B ZDB 6; ZDB 6 /8 RK 5 75/0.0
4 General Weight Type ZDB 6 kg Approx. Type ZDB 6 kg Approx.. Hydraulic Pressure fluid Mineral oil (HL, HLP) to DIN 5 5; Fast bio-degradable pressure fluids to VDMA 568 (also see RE 90 ); HETG (rape seed oil); HEPG (polyglycols); HEES (synthetic ester); other pressure fluids on request Pressure fluid temperature range C Viscosity range mm /s Degree of contamination Maximum permissible degree of contamination of the pressure fluid is to NAS β 68 class 9. We therefore recommend a filter with a minimum retention rate of ß Maximum operating pressure bar 5 Maximum settable pressure bar 50; 00; 00; 5 Maximum flow L/min 60 Characteristic ϑ curves (measured with HLP6 and ϑ oil = 0 C ± 5 C) p E q V characteristic curves p E min q V characteristic curves Settable pressure in bar Minimum settable pressure in bar Flow in L/min Flow in L/min VD (A to B) VA VB, VC VP, VD The characteristic curves are valid for an outlet pressure = zero over the entire flow range! RK 5 75/0.0 /8 ZDB 6; ZDB 6
5 ,5 6,5 Ø ,5 0,5 8 T 5 A B,5,5 P 9 8,5 x Ø 5, 6 Name plate Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" 5 Adjustment element "7" 6 Space required to remove the key 7 Valve fixing screw holes 8 Locknut A/F 9 Hexagon 0A/F 0 R rings 9.8 x.5 x.78 for ports A, B, P, T Hexagon A/F tightening torque M A = 50 Nm Porting pattern to ISO 0 and CETOP RP H, with Valve fixing screws M5 DIN 9-0.9, Tightening torque M A = 8.9 Nm, must be ordered separately. 0,0/00mm R max Required surface finish of mating piece ZDB 6; ZDB 6 5/8 RK 5 75/0.0
6 ,5, Ø ,5,5,5 T 8,5 A B,5 5 P x Ø 5, 56 9 Name plate Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" 5 Adjustment element "7" 6 Space required to remove the key 7 Valve fixing screw holes 8 Locknut A/F 9 Hexagon 0A/F 0 R rings 9.8 x.5 x.78 for ports A, B, P, T Hexagon A/F tightening torque M A = 50 Nm Porting pattern to ISO 0 and CETOP RP H, with locating pin hole, Ø x 5 mm deep for locating pin Ø x 8 mm DIN EN ISO 875, Material No (separate order) Porting pattern to ISO 0 and CETOP RP H, with locating pin hole, Ø x mm deep Valve fixing screws M5 DIN 9-0.9, Tightening torque M A = 8.9 Nm, must be ordered separately. 0,0/00mm R max Required surface finish of mating piece RK 5 75/0.0 6/8 ZDB 6; ZDB 6
7 Ø x Ø 5, 5 6,5 5 A P T B, , Name plate Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" Adjustment element "" 5 Adjustment element "7" 6 Space required to remove the key 7 Valve fixing screw holes 8 Locknut A/F 9 Hexagon 0A/F 0 R rings 9.8 x.5 x.78 for ports A, B, P, T Hexagon A/F tightening torque M A = 50 Nm Porting pattern to ISO 0 and CETOP RP H, with locating pin hole, Ø x 5 mm deep for locating pin Ø x 8 mm DIN EN ISO 875, Material No ( d ) Valve fixing screws M5 DIN 9-0.9, Tightening torques M A = 8.9 Nm, must be ordered separately. 0,0/00mm R max Required surface finish of mating piece ZDB 6; ZDB 6 7/8 RK 5 75/0.0
8 Bosch Rexroth AG Industrial Hydraulics D-978 Lohr am Main Zum Eisengießer D-9786 Lohr am Main Telefon / 8-0 Telefax / 8-58 Telex documentation@boschrexroth.de Internet RK 5 75/0.0 8/8 ZDB 6; ZDB 6
RC /07.12 RC / /6 2 3 / CA-08A-2N 2 CA-10A-2N 2 CA-12A-2N 2 CA-16A-2N 2 CA-20A-2N CA-08A-3N 4 CA-10A-3N 4 CA-12A-3N
RC 18325-70/07.12 RC 18325-70/02.10 1/6 2 3 / 3 4 2 CA-08A-2N 2 CA-10A-2N 2 CA-12A-2N 2 CA-16A-2N 2 CA-20A-2N 2 2 3 CA-08A-3N 4 CA-10A-3N 4 CA-12A-3N 4 CA-16A-3N 4 CA-20A-3N 4 4 3 CA-08A-3C 3 CA-10A-3C
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
Water as a tool High-Pressure Plunger Pumps 02-Line (up to 750 bar) 252 702 1002 1502 1852 2502 Technical Data High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 252 / 702 approx. 1.8 l approx. 50 kg net 45 mm/1.77 inch
C H A P T E R 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13.1 ( ) 12 000 psi [ 13 1] 6in 10 [ 13 2] (stamping) 500 501 (pressure regulator) (oil mist) (lubricator) (air dryer) (muffler) 13.2 21 % 78 % 1 % 4
Parts List
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Fastener 독일 EJOT 社에서 만든 최고의 Plastic 전용 Screw 아세아볼트 CO., LTD. 대한민국 정식 라이센스 생산 업체 EJOT GmbH & Co. KG DELTA PT März 2003 Marketing TEL : 032-818-0234 FAX : 032-818-6355 주소 : 인천광역시 남동구 고잔동 645-8 남동공단 76B 9L
B-3 B-4 HDV B-8 B-37 B-39 3S1A B-40 3S2A B-42 3S3A B-44 3S4A B-45 B-11 B-15 S1A B-16 K2A B-20 K3A B-24 S3A B-27 S4A B-30 S5A B-33 HPV5-6, HPV5-8 B-78
- - HDV -8-7 -9 S1-0 S - S - S - -11 - S1-16 K -0 K - S -7 S -0 S - HV-6, HV-8-78 -7-9 S11, S1-60 S1, S1-61 -7-9 S11-0 K1-1 K1 - S1 - S1 - S1 - HNV000-6 -6 HMV -66 HMV -69 HLV -7 HLV -7 HFV -76 HVC -81
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75 외접기어펌프 G3, 시리즈 3X 공칭사이즈 (NS) 5 최대압력 2 bar 최대용량 5.2cm 3 03 개요 목차 페이지 기능설명, 단면도, 유압기호 2 주문코드 3 기술자료 3 특성곡선 -5 유니트치수 6-7 다중펌프 8 다중펌프에대한주문코드 9- 특징 - 고부하를위한미끄럼베어링 - 일체형블록베어링 - 유체정역학적측면틈새간격보상의새로운원리 -ISO 또는
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02 E & C MERITZ CO., LTD HISTORY of E&C MERITZ 1986.02 Established Korea Filter Corporation 1986.02 Develop and Distribute Bag Filter, Air Filter 1987.10 Contracted Alsop ENGINEERING Co / U.S.A Whole Item
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ir Cylinder: tandard/on-rotating Rod Double cting/ingle cting, ingle Rod/Double Rod eries CM ø3/4", ø7/8", ø1 1/16", ø1 1/4", ø1 1/2", ø2" 1 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 CG1 M M1 C2 C1 C76 C85 C95 CP95 CM C D- -X 20-
지금까지 고용노동부는 근로기준법이 근로시간과 연장근로, 휴일근로를 구별하고 있고, 따라서 연장근로에 휴일근로는 포함되지 않는다는 식으로 행 정해석을 해왔다. 이에 따르면 토요일과 일요일 휴일근로는 12시간 이상의 연 장근로를 금지하는 제한 규정에서 제외되고, 따라서 연
기획 I 노동시간 단축 투쟁의 쟁점과 과제 이명박 정권의 노동시간합리화 정책 비판 박준도 노동자운동연구소 기획실장 주당 52시간 초과근로 규제 방안 2011년 11월 17일, 고용노동부는 완성차업체의 근로시간 실태조사 결과를 발 표하였다. 이 발표에서 고용노동부는 완성차업체 노동자들이 주당 평균 55시 간 이상 일하고 있으며, 이는 연장근로 한도를 위반한 것이고
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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010~054 본문 2011.04.25 06:13 PM 페이지48 ApogeeX TURBO DRILL HSD 2 D 범용선반 가공시, 가공직경 ø이상은 TSD나, MXD 사용을 권장함. DRILL The drill body treated by forging was much solider and much stronger in impact. The especially
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저속 고토크 유압 모터 JS,JH, 시리즈 2K / J2K, 6k / J6K 시리즈 2005-1 B137 001-02 June 2000 JH 시리즈 특징 스풀 밸브 및 지로터가 있는 컴팩트한 디자인. 수입 고압 용량 샤프트 씰, 다 양한 범위의 마운팅 플랜지, 샤프트, 포트, 속도가 설계 유연성을 제공합 니다. 샤프트 회전 방향 및 속도는 쉽고 부드럽게 제어할
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3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R510 [Caution] Attention to red sentence. 2 2 1. Before disassembling, the AC adaptor and Battery must be separated. 2. AS mark No.1/2 put KNOB-Battery to end of each side,
3710 3720 Fisher 3710 3720 3722... 2... 2... 2... 5... 6... 6 3722... 6 3722... 7... 8... 8 25 50 585 585R 3710 3720... 13... 15... 16... 17... 17,,... 17... 19 3720... 19... 20... 22... 22... 23... 24...
846 Fisher 846 -... 2... 2... 2... 5... 6... 7... 8... 8... 10... 14... 14... 15... 15... 16 :,... 18 :,... 18 :,... 19 4 ~ 12mA... 19 12 ~ 20mA... 19 :,... 20 :,... 20 :,... 21 4 ~ 12mA... 21 12 ~ 20mA...
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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47 2 1. 1.1 1). KS B 6301. (.),, 2.1. 2) A, B, C, 0 A 0, C 48 3) Q,,,,. 4) 5) (H- Q ), p. H- Q H- Q. 2.2. 1.2 1) a).,, 3,. Ns, n : rpm Q : n Q 1/ 2 H 3/4 (2. 1) H : m /min.,, 1. 49 () Q = 14/min, H = 100m
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1 n dn dt = f v = 4 π m 2kT 3/ 2 v 2 mv exp 2kT 2 f v dfv = 0 v = 0, v = /// fv = max = 0 dv 2kT v p = m 1/ 2 vfvdv 0 2 2kT = = vav = v f dv π m
n dn dt f v 4 π m kt 3/ v mv exp kt f v dfv 0 v 0, v /// fv max 0 dv kt v p m / vfvdv 0 kt vav. 8v f dv π m k m 0 v / R0 4 T vav.45 0 cm / sec M M p v v fvdv 0 3 fvdv 0 kt m / 3kT v v. 5 m rms v p n dn
21 WDM * OADM MUX/DEMUX EDFA Er + Doped Fiber Isolator Isolator GFF WDM Coupler 1.48 um LD 1.48 um LD Transmitter Receiver MUX EDFA OADM DEMUX Switch Fiber Optics Micro Optics Waveguide Optics Isolator,
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- 1 - - 2 - 전기자동차충전기기술기준 ( 안 ) - 3 - 1 3 1-1 3 1-2 (AC) 26 1-3 (DC) 31 2 37 3 40-4 - 1 14, 10,, 2 3. 1-1 1. (scope) 600 V (IEC 60038) 500 V. (EV : Electric Vehicle) (PHEV : Plug-in Hybrid EV).. 2. (normative
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