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1 Weed Turf. Sci. 2(4):408~412, 2013 DOI:dx.doi.org/ /WTS Print ISSN , Online ISSN Research Note Open Access Weed & Turfgrass Science The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea 혼용된 2 종의살균제살포농도및간격에따른잔디동전마름병방제효과 장석원 1 * 정석우 1 김세훈 1 박종현 1 이지영 2 1 한국골프대학골프코스매니지먼트과, 2 파크밸리골프클럽코스관리부 Control Effect on Dollar Spot Disease Caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa under Different Application Rates and Intervals with Two Mixed Fungicides Seog-Won Chang 1 *, Suk-Woo Jung 1, Sehun Kim 1, Jong-Hyun Park 1, and Ji-Young Lee 2 1 Department of Golf Course Management, Korea Golf University, Hoengseong, , Korea 2 Division of Golf Course Management, Park Vally Golf Course, Wonju, , Korea (Received on October 09, 2013; Revised on November 11, 2013; Accepted on December 02, 2013) ABSTRACT. Dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Benn. is a common and economically important turfgrass disease in South Korea. Fungicides mixture (propiconazole 25% + boscalid 47%) treatments, showing synergistic interaction, with three application rates (low: 50.3 ml 10a -1 and 97.5 g 10a -1, intermediate: 67.0 ml 10a -1 and g 10a -1, and high: ml 10a -1 and g 10a -1 ) and two application intervals (10 and 15 days) were evaluated for control of dollar spot in creeping bentgrass golf course putting green. In both nontreated plots of field A and B, the disease has severed as 48.3 and 60.0% after the pathogen inoculation. Two fungicide mixture treatments showed significantly higher the disease control effect than a single fungicide treatment (propiconazole). Field A which showed more the disease severity but the fungicide still showed acceptable level of the disease efficacy (89.0%), significant differences in control value were not detected among treatments. The results suggest that the lower application rate of two fungicides mixture treatments may reduce the dollar spot disease severity in creeping bentgrass golf course putting green. Key words: Control value, Dollar spot, Interval, Fungicide mixture, Rate, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett 에의한동전마름병은우리나라를포함한전세계온대성기후대의한지형잔디식재골프장그린과페어웨이에서가장일반적이며경제적으로문제가되는병중하나이다 (Smith et al., 1989; Shim et al., 2000; Chang et al., 2011). 우리나라골프장에서동전마름병발생은봄부터시작하여조건이양호할경우늦은가을까지지속된다. 발병에좋은환경조건은 18~30 o C 정도의온도와상대습도 85% 이상으로알려져있다 (Smith et al., 1989). 잔디에서동전마름병증상은엽신에작은반점으로병반이나타나기시작하며진전됨에따라전형적으로갈색또는적갈색의경 *Corresponding author: Phone) , Fax) ) changsw802@hanmail.net 계부위를보인다. 보통병원균은감염잎으로부터주변부와닿아있는잎으로균사접촉을통해전염한다. 골프장퍼팅그린에서병징은주변이독특한연갈색으로 1달러크기내외이며가운데는표백패치크기로진전되며심할경우병반이합쳐지기도한다. 병이심해지면잔디를고사시킬뿐만아니라퍼팅의질을저하시키고미관을떨어뜨린다 (Couch, 1995). 동전마름병의방제는우리나라를포함해전세계적으로살균제살포에의한것이일반적이다 (Couch, 2002; Latin, 2006; Chang et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2010). 하지만지속적인살균제살포는약제에대한병원균의선발압을높이기때문에약제저항성이문제를초래할수있다 (Jo et al., 2008). 살균제에대한 S. homoeocarpa의약제저항성은 1960년대후반에발견된이후현재까지다양한농약에서문제되어왔다 (Cole et al., 1968; Detweiler et al., 1983; 408

2 혼용된 2 종의살균제살포농도및간격에따른잔디동전마름병방제효과 409 Smith et al., 1989; Jo et al., 2008). 한국식물보호협회 ( 에따르면국내에서동전마름병방제약제는단용 8종, 합제 5종이등록되어있다. 방제약제로등록된살균제대부분 ( 단제 8종중 5종 ) 이트리아졸계이기때문에동일계통농약에대한교차저항성도문제되고있어, 이에대한대비가요구되고있다 (Shim et al., 2001; Putman et al., 2010). 우리나라대부분의골프장에서동전마름병은봄부터늦은가을까지지속적으로발생한다. 방제를위해살균제의잦은살포는약제저항성균의출현을야기하고그에따라동반되는약효의저하는골프장관리비용의증가, 생태계교란, 대체농약개발비용증가등많은부작용을일으킨다 (Warren et al., 1977; Smith et al., 1989; Shim et al., 2001; Koch et al., 2009). 이에대한대안으로작용기작이다른농약의혼용은살포약량의감소, 복수의병동시방제나상승작용에따른약효제고를목적으로실시되어왔다 (Couch and Smith, 1991; Gisi, 1996). 이때보통작용기작 (mode of action) 이다른 2~3종의약제가혼용되며약효의상승은조합에따라다르게나타난다 (De Ward, 1996; Gisi, 1996; Kosman & Cohen, 1996; Burpee & Latin, 2008). 계통이다른농약의혼용은병원균집단의약제저항성유발이지연될수있다는장점을가지고있다 (Gisi, 1996). Chang et al., (2012) 에따르면트리아졸계인 propiconazole 과몇종류의다른계통농약과의혼용은동전마름병방제에상승효과를보이는것으로나타났다. 특히 propiconazole + boscalid 조합은동전마름병방제에있어서다른조합에비해높은상승효과를보이며병발생정도에관계없이탁월한효과를나타냈다. 하지만이조합은농약사용지침서의기준량으로평가하여방제효과가높다하더라도두개의약제를함께사용하였기때문에두배의농약사용량과농도로현장에서사용시비용과환경에대한부담을유발할수있다. 따라서주요병에대하여방제효과와관 리비용을절감할수있는적정살포량과간격을찾는것은중요하다. 동전마름병에대한살균제상승효과조합의살포방법본연구에서는 propiconazole + boscalid 조합을이용하여동전마름병방제시약제의사용을줄임으로해서병원균의약제에대한선발압을낮추고방제에드는비용과노력을절감하기위하여살포농도와간격을조절하여평가하였다. 본연구의처리내용은 Table 1과같다. Chang et al. (2012) 의보고에서와같이동전마름병방제에서상승효과가나타났던 propiconazole과 boscalid 조합을이용하여농약사용지침서에나타나있는각약제의기준량 (10 a 당각각 ml와 g) 을대조구로기준량의 2/3, 1/ 2량을각각 10, 15일간격으로처리하였다. 시험장소는강원도원주시소재골프장으로크리핑벤트그래스 (Agrostis stolonifera L.) ( 품종명 : Penncross) 로조성된두곳의그린에서실시하였다. 두곳의그린은표고차이가크게나고약 500 m의간격을두고위치해있다. 각처리는 9월중순부터 10일또는 15일간격으로 3회처리하였다. 시험구배치는난괴법 3반복으로, 반복별 1m 1m 면적으로배치하였다. 포장에서병발생은 Chang et al. (2012) 의방법과동일하게인공접종으로실시하였다. 접종원은본연구팀이강원도평창소재골프장에서분리한 YW-11F-1 균주를이용하였다. 접종용균주는약제평가시약제저항성에의한약효오류를줄이기위하여 Koch et al. (2009) 의방법에따라주요약제에대한배지내약제저항성을평가하여 propiconazole과 boscalid에저항성이없는균주를선발하여사용하였다 (Chang et al., 2012). 접종원제조및포장접종은 Burpee and Latin (2008) 의방법을약간변형하여실시하였다. YW-11F-1 균주를 PDA 배지에서배양한다음살균한캔터키블루그래스 (Poa pratensis L.) ( 품종명 : midnight) 종자에접종한후 1개월간 25 o C에 Table 1. Propiconazole, and propiconazole + boscalid tank mixed treatments tested in this study. Fungicide or treatment Chemical class Active ingredient (%) Application interval (days) Application rate (10 a -1 ) Propiconazole Triazole ml Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Propiconazole + boscalid Triazole + Carboximide ml g Nontreated control

3 410 장석원 정석우 김세훈 박종현 이지영 서배양하였고, 충분히말린다음 m 2 당 200 g씩골고루접종하였다. 접종은 1차약제처리와동일한날에식물체내약제침투를고려하고접종균주에대한치료효과를피하기위하여약제살포 7시간후실시하였다. 접종후원활한병발생을위해다음날부터약제살포일을제외하고매일오후 6시, 시험포장에약 5분간관수를실시하였다. 기타관수, 예초등주요관리는연구결과에영향을끼칠수있기때문에약제살포나병평가와동일한날짜를피하여실시하였다. 병발생정도는병원균접종 5일후부터 5일간격으로병반면적률로평가하였다. 최종병반면적률은모든약제를 10일간격으로 3회처리후 10일차에조사하였다. 각처리구의약효 (control value) 는다음과같이병반면적률을방제가로환산하여표시하였다. 방제가 (%) = [( 농약무처리구병반면적률 농약처리구병반면적률 )/ 농약처리구병반면적률 ] 100 모든데이터는 SAS 프로그램 (SAS7.1, SAS Institute Inc., 1999) 을이용하여분석하였다. Fig. 1. Progression of dollar spot severity in nontreated plots of creeping bentgrass (cultivar: Penncross) putting green at Wonju, Gangwon in Values followed by the same letter in a field are not significantly different at P = 0.05 according to the Fisher's protected least significant difference (LSD) test. (Field A: LSD 0.05 value: 15.8; Field B: LSD 0.05 value: 12.7) 살균제조합의살포농도및간격에따른동전마름병방제효과본연구에서동전마름병방제를위해현장에서의비용감소와환경에대한부담을줄이기위해 propiconazole + boscalid 조합의살포희석배수와살포간격에따른평가결과는 Table 2, 3과같다. 필자들의보고 (Chang et al., 2012) 에따르면 propiconazole + boscalid 조합은동전마름병방제에있어서상승효과를나타낼뿐만아니라병발생정도에상관없이높은효과를갖는것으로나타났다. 본연구에서도평가가이루어진두곳의포장모두살균제무처리구에서각각평균 48.3%, 60.0% 의발병도를보여살균제의약효를평가하기에충분한발생을보였다 (Fig. 1과 Table 1). 포장 A에서는대조약제인 propiconazole의방제가 41.4% 를제외하고모든 propiconazole + boscalid 조합처리구에서평균 89% 이상의높은약효를나타냈다 (Table 2). 처리약제의기준량과 2/3 량에서는처리간격에관계없이 96% 이상의방제효과를보였으며처리간에통계적인유의성은없었다. 기준량의반량으로처리한조합에서는 10 일간격으로처리하였을때는방제가가평균 97.9% 였으나, 15일간격으로처리하였을때 89% 의약효를보였다. 포장 B에서는대조약제인 propiconazole이방제가 61.1% Table 2. Effect of fungicide (propiconazole and boscalid mixture) application rates and intervals on dollar spot disease control at field A in Treatment Application amount (10 a -1 ) Application interval (days) Disease severity (%) a Control value (%) b Propiconazole ml b c 41.4 Propiconazole + boscalid ml g c 96.6 Propiconazole + boscalid ml g c 95.9 Propiconazole + boscalid 67.0 ml g c Propiconazole + boscalid 67.0 ml g c 97.9 Propiconazole + boscalid 50.3 ml g c 97.9 Propiconazole + boscalid 50.3 ml g c 89.0 Nontreated control a - a Disease severity was based on percent area diseased. b Application date: 15 September, 24 September, and 4 October c Determined from the formula E = X + [Y(100 X)] / 100, where X = the percent control in plots treated with one component of a tank mixture and Y = the percent control in plots treated with a second component of the same tank-mixture. Within a column, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05 according to the Fisher's protected least significant difference (LSD) test.

4 혼용된 2 종의살균제살포농도및간격에따른잔디동전마름병방제효과 411 Table 3. Effect of fungicide (propiconazole and boscalid mixture) application rates and intervals on dollar spot disease control at field B in Treatment Application Amount (10 a -1 ) Application interval (days) Disease severity (%) a Control value (%) b Propiconazole ml b c 61.1 Propiconazole + boscalid ml g d Propiconazole + boscalid ml g d 99.4 Propiconazole + boscalid 67.0 ml g d Propiconazole + boscalid 67.0 ml g d 98.9 Propiconazole + boscalid 50.3 ml g d 98.3 Propiconazole + boscalid 50.3 ml g c 95.0 Nontreated control a - a Disease severity was based on percent area diseased. b Application date: 15 September, 24 September, and 4 October c Determined from the formula E = X + [Y(100 X)] / 100, where X = the percent control in plots treated with one component of a tank mixture and Y = the percent control in plots treated with a second component of the same tank-mixture. Within a column, values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05 according to the Fisher s protected least significant difference (LSD) test. 를제외하고모든처리구에서반복별평균 95% 이상의높은약효를나타냈다 (Table 3). 처리조합의기준량과 2/3, 1/2 량에서는처리간격에관계없이 95% 이상의방제효과를보였다. 1/2량으로 15일간격처리를제외하고처리간에통계적인유의성은보이지않았다. 두포장모두단독및혼용약제처리구에서약해는나타나지않았다 ( 데이터미제시 ). 본연구에서약제의처리간격이길수록낮은방제가를보인것으로나타났다. 그러한결과는잔디식물체내잔디의잔류량과무관하지않은것으로보인다. Frederick et al. (1996) 의보고에따르면 vinclozolin은크리핑벤트그래스에살포후약 21일간존재한다고하였다. Latin (2006) 도크리핑벤트그래스체내에서침투성살균제의병방제유효농도가약 2주정도존재한다고보고하였다. 포장 A와 B에서수행한결과, 동전마름병에대하여 95% 이상의높은방제효과를얻기위해서는기준량의 1/2일경우 10일간격, 2/3량은 15일간격이가능한것으로나타났다. 하지만잔디체내 외조건 ( 강우, 광, 휘발정도, 식물및미생물의활동, 예초등 ) 에따라살균제의분해정도는매우다를수있기때문에 (Hewitt, 1998) 살포간격이너무길면다른결과를초래할수있을것으로생각된다. 위의결과는골프장등현장에서동전마름병을방제할때매우실용적일것으로기대된다. 낮은농도와긴살포간격으로높은방제효과를기대할수있고, 서로다른작용점을지닌조합이기때문에상대적으로약제저항성 (Jo et al., 2008) 으로부터좀더안전할수있다. 특히, 본연구가진행된포장에서의높은병발생 (48.3% 및 60.0%) 에도불구하고우수하고안정적인약효를보인것은위의 처리구가동전마름병의높은선발압에효과적임을시사하는것이다. 요약 Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett에의한동전마름병은우리나라골프장에서지역에관계없이일반적이며경제적으로가장중요한잔디병중하나이다. 크리핑벤트그래스로조성된골프장그린에서 propiconazole과 boscalid 를혼합제로하여방제효과를평가하였다. 혼합제의약량은기준량과기준량의 1/2량, 2/3량으로하였고, 살포간격은각각 10일과 15일간격으로 3회처리하였다. 동전마름병은 2개포장의무처리구에서각각반복별평균 48.3, 60.0% 의발생을보였다. 각처리구는 1개의처리구 ( 기준량의 1/2 처리구로 15일간격살포 ) 를제외하고처리별통계적유의성은없었다. 따라서현장에서농약회사에서추천하는기준량의농도보다낮은농도 ( 기준량의 2/3 및 1/ 2 농도 ) 로 15일간격으로살포하게될경우기준량에준하는약효를얻을수있으므로살포농약량, 인력, 병원균의약제저항성등을낮추는효과를보일것으로예상된다. 주요어 : 방제효과, 동전마름병, 살포간격, 살균제혼용, 약량, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Acknowledgement This work was supported by National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-

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