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2 FUSION LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME BUILDING OUR VISION 2025 WHY? Programme Objectives WHO? Leaders & Faculty WHAT? Structure, Content WHEN? Launch Date WHERE? Venues, Scope & Network HOW? Costings & Pricing 2 Leadership Development Programme

3 PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES To ensure the competitive advantage of our Czech BSS in next 5-10 years. Develop a robust network of Visionary leaders to shape the future of our sector. Encourage and build benchmarking and knowledge sharing practices across the sector. Support, challenge, teach and empower our young leaders to meet their full potential. Clearly brand our business services sector as a great career for the best talents. Support retention of our best leaders and build their global views of BS. Leverage our ABSL network of experts, advisors and members to help develop future leadership talent. Leadership Development Programme 3

4 THE FACULTY Senior Leadership From ABSL Board member firms. Experienced / Qualified Professional coaches and facilitators. Leaders and Experts From ABSL Strategic Partners. Selected VIP speakers From Czech / Global business. Experts and Advisors In the business services sector. Experts In corporate education and adult learning. 4 Leadership Development Programme

5 YOUR LEADERS Centre heads for small/medium size centres < 500 heads Division/sector/project leaders for larger centres. > 500 heads HR leaders and key future talents. > 5 years experience in Business service environment and senior roles. Good English language and communication skills. Clear talent potential for future roles in the sector. Willingness to learn and combine a busy learning programme with leadership role. Full support from company and leadership for programme involvement. Leadership Development Programme 5

6 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE ABSL Leadership learning board Shared online network and tools to support learning and boost your business value. Vision 2025 Expert sessions Future Scope Workforce Business Environment Technology & Automation ABSL Network / Events Leveraging the ABSL calendar to build your leadership skills. Project Based Learning groups Bringing innovation and value to your business. Leadership Coaching Supporting your personal leadership journey. 6 Leadership Development Programme

7 DISTINCT AND DIVERSE COMPONENT TIMING HOSTING LAUNCH: January 2020 Vision 2025 Sessions Quarterly - 4 in Total Hosted at Key ABSL member firms Project based learning groups 5 per year, with expert facilitation Hosted by delegate companies Leadership personal coaching 6 sessions per year with prof coach Hosted by delegates ABSL Calendar Events Clubs, Webinar, Conference Select up to 4 sessions per year from FULL ABSL calendar Hosted by ABSL Members / Partners ABSL learning platform Access for leader group only Hosted by ABSL Hosting by member companies ensures that we maximise benchmarking/networking AND provide great value. All leader delegates are expected to host min. 1 meeting during the year for their project group (up to 5). Leadership Development Programme 7

8 LAUNCH AND TIMINGS DURATION: 1 calendar year LAUNCH: January 2020 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT Vision 2025 Leader Project Learning Groups Personal Leader Coaching ABSL Events Calendar ABSL Learning Board Total programme time over 1 year is 10 days per delegate or 5% working year. Meetings/coaching etc are managed by delegates around work schedules. ALL sessions are practical work based, value adding sessions. 8 Leadership Development Programme OCT NOV DEC

9 PROGRAMME COSTING 65,000 CZK Programme Cost per Delegate 20 Delegates Per programme places will be taken on a first come, first served basis Cost includes all materials, venues, coaching, expenses and support of ABSL Faculty and Academy team. Get your place now. SIGN UP BY SEPTEMBER 1. Leadership Development Programme 9

10 DISTINCT AND DIVERSE Unique and distinct programme The only one of its kind in our CEE region. ONLY open to our Czech ABSL member network. Fantastic value for members by leveraging our network. Open to all kinds of leaders from small to large centres reflecting our diverse sector. Diverse mix Female and international talents are encouraged to join. Programme open to Prague, Brno, Ostrava and leaders from any other Czech locations. 10 Leadership Development Programme

11 CONTACTS Association of Business Service Leaders in the Czech Republic Jugoslávská 29, Prague 2 ABSL Czech Republic absl@absl.cz Send your signed application and your CV to absl@absl.cz by September 1. Leadership Development Programme 11



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