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1 Non-Metallic Ball Valves designed and made like metal valves anti-corrosion solutions Thermoplastic Valve Solutions 100% positive shut-off TA-Luft approved 1/4 turn operation Easily identified valve position (open / closed) Full bore / full flow 1/2 to 6 Surely, I have a delightful inheritance! ( 주 ) 에프에이멘

2 Flanged Ball Valve 02 SAFI 밸브는화학공정, 화학물질, 저장및배분공정, 제약산업, 광물및금속처리, 상수도및폐수처리, 매립, 발전, 농화학, 염소, 알칼리및특수화학물질에사용되는특화제품입니다. Quality Assured Integral Flanged Ball Valves 1. 50년역사를가진 SAFI의일체형플랜지볼밸브는강산및알칼리와같은부식성화학물질과함께사용하기위한탁월한견고성및높은신뢰성밸브제품군을형성합니다. 2. SAFI는동일조건의환경하에서스텐레스볼밸브, 금속다이아프램밸브및라이닝플러그밸브의단점개선이가능한제품입니다. 3. 일부분야에서 SAFI 밸브들은성능이 Alloy 20, 크롬주물감, 티타늄등과같은특수금속들을사용한밸브들보다우월합니다. 4. 특히 SAFI 밸브의내마모성은탁월하며일반적으로슬러리분야에서는 PTTE라이닝다이아프램밸브보다우수한성능을보입니다. 5. SAFI는 TA-Luff 및 ISO15848인증을받았습니다. 식품등급및 ATEX( ) 의적합한등급도적용합니다. PED 97/23 DIN, ANSI, BS 및 JIS 표준에적합한플랜지들을사용합니다. SAFI 는기존현장의다이아프램밸브를대체할수있는제품입니다. Logistics Intermediate Bulk Containers, Flexible tanks. Water Treatment & Environment City waters, waste waters, sewers, sea cooling water, landfill gas, gas scrubbing. DN15 - DN50 (1/2" - 2") DN80 - DN100 (3 and 4") Chemical Industries Base chemicals, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Steel rolling mills, Minerals and non-ferrous metals. Agriculture Automated sprayers DN150 (6")

3 Applications in sulfuric acid SAFI 플랜지형볼밸브는대기온도에서황산을포함하는유체에적용되는스텐레스강및라이닝강철, 라이닝주철보다내산성이강합니다. 빠른유속, 유체의혼합및희석유체에도스텐레스밸브보다내구성이우수합니다. SAFI 는유체의접속부에금속부분이없기때문에어떤외부부식에도안전합니다. FPM 75 O-ring 이있는 SAFI PVDF 밸브는발연황산 (oleum) 을포함한모든농도의황산에서적용가능합니다. ( 온도가 100 를초과하지않는묽은농도는시간에상관없이적용가능합니다.) 낮은농도용액에서 GRPP body 와 EPDM O-ring 은어느정도의농도까지는보다경제적인면 DP 서유리합니다. ( 아래도표참조 ) 유체의마모성입자가존재하는유체에는 GRPP 밸브 body 에 PVDF 재질의볼을권장합니다. Flanged Ball Valve Substitution for stainless steel valves 스텐레스강, Duplex steel 및 Alloy 20 과같은고니켈금속합금속재질도내산성이있는데, 그것은얇은산화니켈또는할로겐화합물층이금속표면에있기때문입니다. 이러한자연적인 << 보호막 >> 층은금속을화합물질로부터격리시키며 (2) 부식을정지시킵니다. 다만, 금속의내성은스텐레스강이 ( 흐름없는 ) 유체에계속잠겨있을때에만사실입니다. 즉빠른유체, 와류고형입자가존재하는유체가흐를때는그림의경우 (3)(4)(5)(6) 처럼뷰식이일어나게되어밸브의고장이나설비의파손으로이어지게됩니다. SAFI 밸브는이러한문제점들을완벽하게제거합니다. SAFI 는마모성및 << 비적합성 nonstick>> 표면에대해양호한내성을발휘하여스케일이나결정체의축척을방지합니다. 이밸브들은많은산과관련하여화학적으로비활성이며, 이에따라서침식성부식은완벽하게사라지게됩니다. PVDF/FPM PPFV/FPM PPFV/EPDM Solution & Applications 1 2 PP and PVDF are abrasion resistant materials : TABER 마모시험에서 SAFI 의 PVDF 는 304 스텐레스강의 10 배, 폴리프로필렌은 304 스텐레스강의 3 배, SOLVAY4 에의해수행된마모시험에서, PVDF 는탄소강의 3 배, Duplex steel 9004L 과거의동일한성능의시험치를보입니다. 이러한시험들은물속에서수행되었으나유체에마모성이나부식성이있을경우금속에대한손상은훨씬더한데비하여폴리머는어떤차이도나타내지않았습니다. 따라서폴리머밸브는고형입자가있는묽은산성유체에서는금속합금보다더유리합니다. SAFI 볼밸브시트의설계는볼과시트사이의완벽한표면접촉을제공하여두표면간의고형물유입을방지하여칩입을방지하여시트여표면에스크래치영향을격감시킵니다. 3 Marks left by the edges of the weir The Problems PTFE 또는 FEP 라이닝다이아프램밸브들은부식성화합물질유체와고체입자들이 (slurry) 함유된유체에흐름을조정하는데에매우효과적이다. 그러나 PTFE 제질은반복적인밴딩으로인해서다이아프램라이너가찢어져누출을야기시킵니다. 또고체입자는 PTFE 라이너에가장효과적으로존재하는경우에부식성화학물질을취급하는데널리선택된다. 그러나, 실제적으로 PTFE 는탄성이없어서반복적인밴딩으로인한다이아프램라이너의찢어짐이나누출을야기시킵니다. 고체입자들은장기작동시 PTFE 라이너에악영향을끼쳐벨브덮게가장자리에주름자국을남기게됩니다.(4) 이경우는일반적으로는손잡이핸들을과도하게조여주므로써 << 누출이나손상된 >> 밸브를원상회복하곤합니다. 그러나밸브덮게 (1) 쪽으로유출된유체는 TRIM 의부식과고착 (3) 을일으켜밸브가동작불능이됩니다.(2) 위와같은이유로다이아프램밸브는잦은 spare 파트교체로유지보수비용이많이소요됩니다. The Solution 볼밸브는운전중이나정지보수를막론하고다이아프램밸브보다훨씬일반적인선정기준이됩니다. 적절한재질의결정과슬러리공정을포함한광범위한영역에서 SAFI Ball Valve 는어떤유체의누출도없고무보수개념으로의선택이됩니다. 4 = Compatible SAFI flanged ball valves are available with face-to-face dimensions compatible with most plastic and lined metal diaphragm valves on the market. A Safi PVDF valve substitutes for a lined cast iron diaphragm valve at the bottom of a 98% Sulphuric Acid storage tank.

4 Flanged ball valve 04 HOW TO HANDLE CORROSIVE FLUIDS IN EXPLOSION HAZARD AREAS? Q : << 폭발위험지역 >> 으로분류된지역에서산과그밖의부식성화학물질을어떻게취급할것인가? A : 금속밸브는부식하고일반플라스틱밸브는사용이금지됩니다. SAFI 플랜지형볼밸브는탄소섬유가충진된내부식성정전기방지열가소성플라스틱재질로사용이적합합니다. 재질의표면저항은표준 EN 50014에서요구되는 10 9 ohm미만이며밸브의어떤두점사이의총저항은 10 9 hm미만입니다. 유럽지침 ATEX 99/92/CE 및 ATEX 94/9/CE에따른 ATEX 구역 1 및 2에해당되는밸브사양입니다 Materials of Construction [Bodies and Balls] Glass Reinforced Polypropylene : 이것은 SAFI 플랜지형볼밸브에가장많이사용하는재질입니다. 20% 내열유리섬유로강화된물질로비교할수없는기계적강도, 가공성, 치수안정성및최대 100 까지의내열성을갖습니다. Anti-static Polypropylene : 이선택형재료는 20% 탄소섬유를포함하고있으며전도성을나타냅니다. 이것은정전기방지장치가필수적인폭발위험지역에사용됩니다. Polypropylene Homopolymer : 이는최대 2" 까지의볼에표준적으로사용됩니다. 자외선내성및내화학성은 SAFI 의유리강화폴리프로필렌과동일한방법으로염료와첨가제에의하여강화되었습니다. PVDF : SAFI 는현탁공정 (suspension process) 에의하여생산된높은결정등급 (highly crystalline grade) 의 PVDF 를사용합니다. 이등급은고온에서특히높은기계적내성과장기적안정성을나타냅니다. PVDF 는우수한내마모성을갖고있으며 PVDF 의내화학성은잘알려져있습니다. SAFI 가사용하는등급은습식염화물 (wet chlorine) 에서발포되지않습니다. PVDF 는케톤, 에스테르및아민과같은강알칼리및극성용제에는권장하지않습니다. - High mechanical strength - Long term stability - UV Resistant (outdoor service) ATEX Compliant Zone 1 and 2 - High mechanical strength - Excellent chemical resistance to strong acids and oxidizing solutions. Properties Applicable Unit GRPP PP ASPP PVDF ASTM Standard - % Fibre - % 20 (glass) Density D 792 g/cm³ Mechanical Properties - Rupture stress D 638 MPa Tensile Rupture Stress D638 Mpa - Elongation at break D638 % Flexural rupture stress D 790 Mpa Flexural modulus D 790 Mpa Resilience, IZOD impact test D 256 J/m to200 - Hardness, Rockwell R D Hardness, Shore D D to 82 Thermal Properties - Heat deflection temperature D 648 C kg/cm 2 - Vicat softening point under 5kg D 1525 C Linear expansion D / C coefficient, 0 to100 C Electrical Properties - Surface Resistance ASTM D257 ohm 10 - Resistance to tracking NFC V 270 [O Rings] Agriculture - EPDM Grade 60 : 실온에서모든농도의염산및많은수용성화학물질에적합한고품질 EPD입니다. 초강력산화제와오일에의해서만영향을받습니다. - EPOM Grade 67 : 아세트산용 EPDM의특수재질입니다. - FEP coated rubber + Kalrez : 이화합물, 즉 Kalres O-ring은밸브스템의동적밀봉 (stem dynamic seal) 에사용되는데비하여모든정적밀봉 (static seal) 은 FEP 코팅고무로만들어집니다. FEP는솔벤트를포함한거의모든산업용화학물질에의해영향을받지않으며고순도화학물질이유지되어야하는경우에사용됩니다 ( 예 : 제약산업 ).

5 Flanged ball valve Features & Benefits 05 PTFE thrust bearing washer to reduce torque provides smoother operation and increases service life. Fully encapsulated steel reinforced flanges. Removes the need for an exposed metal backing ring. Compression moulded seat with spherical sealing surfaces and perfect contact with the ball. Good resistance to crystallization. O-rings give energised seat / floating ball, ensuring sealing at low pressures, low operation torque «Piston» mounted body O-rings. Sealing avoids tension stress from the piping. DN15 to DN50 Moulded sealing rings on flanges to improve gasket sealing and eliminate gasket extrusion. 2-piece body with buttress thread. This thread is extremely robust and suited to plastics. Body locking device : Prevents the loosening of valve body under the effects of pipe stresses. The robust Solution Outstanding mechanical resistance This test illustrates the exceptional mechanical strength of the SAFI glass and steel reinforced integral flanged polypropylene ball valves. This 6 valve holds a weight of 250 kg at the end of 1m section of pipe. It will break at 961kg. Shell burst pressure test (BAR) Size PVDF Body GRPP Body ASPP Body DN15 1/2 " DN20 3/4 " DN25 1" DN40 1.1/2 " DN50 2" DN80 3" DN100 4" DN150 6" DN80 - DN100 DN150

6 Flanged ball valve 06 Standards options Valves with pneumatic actuators - k inetrol vane type actuators - Rack & pinion actuators - Max-Air corrosion resistant thermoplastic actuators - Limit switch boxes - Manual over-ride - Positioners 3-15 PSI or 4-20mA available Valves with electric actuators - All types of electric actuators possible - SAFI manufactured actuators for DC 12V, 24V, 48V and AC 110V, 240V - Corrosion resistant Thermoplastic casing IP65/NEMA 4 - Option 1 : SM-1 Small & Compact (1) - Option 2 : SM-2 manual override and visual indicator as standard (2) - Optional extras include : Anti-condensate heater, Extra switches, Battery back-up unit 1 2 Options for manual operations - Lockable handle (1) - Extended stem (2) - Spring return handle (3) - Handwheel Reduction Gear (4) V-port flow control valves Complete valve and actuator packages can be provided to meet your flow requirements at the same time as being corrosion and erosion resistant. CV DN DN OPENING ANGLE CV OPENING ANGLE Ball relief hole The ball of SAFI ball valves may be provided with a lateral hole on the upstream side to vent the ball cavity in the closed position. This is recommended to avoid trapped pressurized fluids and avoids accidents with chemicals which tend to decompose and produce gases such as hydrogen peroxide. 3 way Valves Three-way ball valves are available up to DN100, with L-Ball, double L or T-ball. Silicone Free All SAFI products are moulded with slicone-free mould release agents. Furthermore, an option is available for automobile paint systems. Each component is individually cleaned following a customer-approved, and the assembled product is guaranteed free of silicones and delivered in a sealed plastic bag.

7 Flanged ball valve 07 Technical Data Bill of materials No. Description Material 1 Body GRPP/PVDF/ASPP/ASPVDF 2 Flanged end GRPP/PVDF/ASPP/ASPVDF 3 Locking key GRPP 4 O ring (Seat) EPDM/FKM/FEP Encapsulated 5 Seat PTFE 6 Thrust Washer PTFE 7 O ring (stem) EPDM/FKM/FFKM 8 Ball PP/GRPP/PVDF/ASPP/ASPVDF 9 O ring (Body) EPDM/FKM/FEP Encapsulated 10 Handle GRPP/ASPP 11 Stem GRPP/PVDF with metal insert ØBH Valve size A ØC ØA Dimensions and weights E ØA B C Face Weight (kg) E H to DIN ANSI DIN ANSI BS JIS Face GRPP PVDF DN15 1/2" DN20 3/4" DN25 1" DN32 1.1/4" DN40 1.1/2" DN50 2" DN80 3" (8) 19 (4) 17.5 (4) 19 (8) DN100 4" (8) 19 (8) 17.5 (4) 19 (8) DN150 6" (8) E ØA E Recommended temperature and pressure limit ANSI : ANSI B16.5 class 150 DIN : EN /DIN2501 ISO 7005 PN10/16 Flow data DIN : Compatible with EN R1 / ISO 5752/1, PN10 DN Cv Kv Max flow rate Q (l/min) Q (m³/h) PVDF and ASPVDF GRPP and ASPP Torques for flanged bolting DN Ø Flange Bolts M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M20 Torque m. Kg to7 Handle torque ( DN GRPP Ball valve With no pressure 10 bar pressure PVDF Ball Valve With no pressure 10 bar pressure

8 anti-corrosion solutions Solutions (Provided by TECHLINK ) Non-Metal Ball (for liquied) Metalic Globe (for GAS) SMART HYBRID Heat Exchangers ( 주 ) 에프에이멘 FA 멘은무한가치의자동제어미래를향한도전과열정으로반도체장비 (FA), 석유화학, 환경 Utilty( 크린룸, 수질 ), Plant 시장을중심으로차별화된제어 Solution 을제공하는자동제어전문기업입니다. 서울시서초구언남11길 비젼빌 TEL FAX ( 공장 ) 경기도군포시산본로 48번길 16 V2건물 ( 서산 ) TEL ( 여수 ) TEL ~2 ( 구미 ) TEL Surely, I have a delightful inheritance!


나사식볼밸브.indd HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01

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