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1 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 19, No. 2 pp , ISSN / eissn 이상학 1, 황용 2, 이학승 1* 1 원광대학교의과대학신경과학교실, 2 원광대학교의과대학응급의학교실 Posterior Cerebral Artery Territorial Hemorrhage Including Thalamus After Carotid Artery Stenting : A Case Report SangHak Yi 1, Yong Hwang 2, Hak Seung Lee 1* 1 Department of Neurology, Wonkwang University, School of Medicine 2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Wonkwang University, School of Medicine 요약목동맥스텐트삽입술은목동맥내막절제술에적합하지않은환자에게시행할수있는목동맥협착증의대체치료법으로알려져있다. 목동맥내막절제술, 혈관성형술또는스텐트삽입술후에드문부작용으로뇌내출혈이발생할수있고, 이러한출혈이발생하는원인은대부분의경우재관류손상과관련이있는것으로추정하고있다. 이전의연구에서는내막절제술과비교하여목동맥스텐트삽입술후뇌내출혈의빈도가더높다고보고한바있다. 본연구에서는뇌경색으로내원한 80세남자환자를대상으로증례보고를통해동일분야연구에활용하고자자료분석을하였다. 80세남자가갑자기발생한오른팔의근력저하를주소로방문하였다. 왼쪽속목동맥의 90% 협착이발견되어목동맥스텐트삽입술을시행하였고, 시술후실시한뇌 CT에서시상을포함하는후대뇌동맥영역의뇌출혈이뇌실내출혈까지진행되어있음을관찰하였다. 이러한출혈은스텐트삽입술이시행된동맥에서공급될가능성이낮은혈관영역에서발생했기때문에, 이경우에내막절제술시행후과다혈류에의한출혈과다른양상을확인하였다. Abstract Carotid artery stenting (CAS) has emerged as an alternative treatment for carotid stenosis in patients poorly suited for endarterectomy. Intracerebral hemorrhage following carotid revascularization (endarterectomy, angioplasty, artery stenting) is rare and thought to be related to reperfusion injury in most cases. Early experience suggests an increased incidence of hemorrhage following CAS as compared to endarterectomy. In this study, data were obtained through a case report on an 80-year-old male patient with cerebral infarction. The 80-year-old hypertensive man developed sudden monoparesis in the left arm. He underwent CAS for 90% stenosis of the left proximal internal carotid artery. Brain CT after procedure showed acute hematoma with left posterior cerebral artery territorial hemorrhage, including the upper thalamus with extended intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). Since this hemorrhage occurred in vascular territory unlikely to have been supplied by the treated artery, this case suggests that the mechanism of intracerebral hemorrhage following CAS may in some cases be different from hyperperfusion hemorrhage classically described following endarterectomy. Keywords : Carotid Artery Stenting (CAS), Complication, Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Thalamus 본논문은 2016학년도원광대학교의교비지원에의해수행되었음. * Corresponding Author : Hak Seung Lee(Wonkwang Univ.) Tel: nmgom@wku.ac.kr Received January 12, 2018 Revised February 1, 2018 Accepted February 2, 2018 Published February 28,

2 1. 서론경동맥혈관성형술을시작후스텐트와카테터등지속적인개발로혈관중재술이크게발전하면서스텐트삽입술후뇌경색발생률은유의하게감소하였다 [1]. 하지만스텐트삽입술로인한두개내출혈과뇌과관류증후군 (cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome) 이중요한부작용이나타났다 [2]. 목동맥내막절제술, 혈관성형술후에드문부작용으로뇌내출혈이발생할수있다 [3]. 최근자료에따르면목동맥혈관성형술및스텐트삽입술후뇌출혈발생률은 4-5 % 로알려져있다 [4]. 삽입술후출혈의원인은일반적으로재관류손상 (reperfusion injury) 으로추정되고있고, 내막절제술과비교하여스텐트삽입술후에출혈의빈도가높은것은아직명확하게기전이밝혀지지않았지만 [5], 최근연구에서는출혈의빈도가비슷하다는연구도발표되었다 [6]. 또한스텐스삽입술후출혈위험이연수막측부순환 (Leptomeningeal Collateral Circulation) 과관련이있다는연구도있다 [7]. 국내에도스텐트삽입술후뇌출혈및뇌과관류증후군발생한여러증례가있다 [8,9]. 본연구는스텐트삽입술후치료한목동맥에의해혈액이공급되지않는시상을포함한후대뇌동맥영역에서발생한치명적인뇌내출혈의예를경험하였기에보고하고자한다. 하를주소로왔다. 과거병력에서고혈압으로인하여 15 년간약물을복용중이었고, 수술이력은없었다. 신체각계조사에서는특이사항없었고, 사회력에서 40년이상의음주력이있었으며흡연은하지않았다. 가족력도특이사항이없었다. 신경계진찰에서의식과지남력은정상이었고, 약간의구음장애가관찰되었다. 근력은오른쪽팔에서 medical research council (MRC) grade 4였고, 나머지부위에서는 MRC grade 5에해당하였다. 일차감각기능과깊은힘줄반사는정상이었으며병적반사도없었다. 뇌자기공명영상검사에서반난형백질중심부와전두엽피질에경계구역경색이관찰되었고, 경도에서중등도의확산관류결손이목동맥영역에서보였으며자기공명혈관조영에서는왼쪽근위부속목동맥의심한협착이관찰되었다 (Fig. 1). 오른쪽목동맥이나후순환으로부터왼쪽목동맥으로부수적인혈액공급은없었다. clopidogrel과고용량의 statin 치료후다음날실시한뇌혈관조영술에서왼쪽근위부속목동맥의 90% 협착과동반된죽상경 2. 연구대상및방법 2.1 연구대상뇌경색으로내원하고왼쪽근위부속목동맥의 90% 협착을가진 80세남자환자를대상으로하였다. 2.2 연구방법증례분석을통해동일분야연구에활용하고자자료분석을하였다. 3. 증례및연구결과 80세남자가 1일전부터발생한오른쪽팔의근력저 Fig. 1. Brain MRI and MRA in a 80-year-old man. (A) Diffusion weighted image showed multiple acute border zone infarctions(arrow) in left centrum semiovale & frontal cortex. (B) Perfusion time to peak image showed mild to moderate diffuse perfusion deficit(arrow) at left internal carotid artery (ICA) territory. (C) Brain MRA showed Severe stenosis(arrow) of left proximal cervical ICA with Mild stenosis of right proximal cervical ICA. 457

3 한국산학기술학회논문지제 19 권제 2 호, 2018 화증궤양이보였고, 결과적으로병변쪽의중대뇌동맥의혈관분포는감소되어있었다. 환자는또한오른쪽속목동맥에서다초점의경한협착이발견되었다. 임상적으로속목동맥의협착에의하여뇌경색이악화가능성이있어스텐스시술을진행하였다. 스텐트시술직전환자의혈압은 143/83 mmhg였다. 원위부속목동맥에필터를위치시킨후심하게협착된근위부속목동맥부위에대하여 2 mm 풍선 (balloon) 으로혈관성형술을시행하였다. 이후왼쪽속목동맥협착부를중심으로하여스텐트 (Acculink 8/6x40mm) 를설치하였다. 그후에남아있는협착부에대하여 5 mm 풍선으로나머지혈관성형술을실시하였다 (Fig. 2). 시술동안에합병증은없었고시술직후혈압은 134/72 mmhg였다. 진행하였고, 환자의의식은혼미상태로악화되었다 (Fig. 3). 이후지속적인보존적치료와재활치료를실시하였고, 환자의오른쪽근력은 MRC grade 4로회복되었으나구음장애가남은상태로뇌출혈이발생한 3개월후퇴원하였다. Fig. 3. Follow-up Brain CT in a 80-year-old man. (A) Follow-up Brain CT after carotid artery stenting demonstrated acute large hematoma(arrow) in lateral thalamus with (B) more extended hematoma in left posterior cerebral artery and IVH (Arrow). 4. 고찰 Fig. 2. Digital subtraction image (DSA) in a 80-year-old man. (A) DSA before carotid artery stenting revealed severe stenosis(arrow) of left ICA with large deep ulcer. (B) DSA after carotid artery stenting revealed Almost normal dilatation of the severely stenotic left proximal cervical ICA after carotid artery stenting.(arrow) 시술한시간후경도의의식저하와함께감각실어증이관찰되었다. 근력은오른쪽상하지에서 MRC grade 3 이었다. 뇌 CT에서왼쪽시상상부의뇌출혈이뇌실내출혈로진행되어있었다. mannitol 주사를사용한뇌압조절과함께혈압조절을시작하였다. 다음날실시한뇌 CT 에서시상상부의뇌출혈은후대뇌동맥영역으로더 목동맥풍선성형술및스텐트삽입술은내막절제술에적합하지않은환자에서목동맥협착증에대한대체치료방법으로부상한후널리사용되고있다 [10,11]. 내막절제술에비해스텐트삽입술은전신마취의부작용과피부의절개가없으며, 높게위치한목동맥의병변을치료할수있는장점이있으나합병증으로뇌경색및일과성허혈발작, 발작, 과관류증후군및뇌출혈등이올수있다 [12,13]. 본증례는스텐트삽입술후뇌내출혈의기전이일부경우에있어내막절제술후발생한이전의출혈과다를수있음을시사한다. 스텐트가삽입된목동맥에의해혈액이공급되는뇌영역에서뇌내출혈이발생했던이전의보고와달리본증례에서는치료한목동맥에의해공급되지않는후대뇌동맥영역에서출혈이발생했다는차이점이있다 [14,15]. 그러므로저자들은과관류손상이외의원인이본증례의뇌내출혈의기전이될수있다고생각한다. Mori 등은스텐트삽입술 4시간후발생한뇌실내출혈의증례를보고한바있다 [16]. 이증례는출혈의초기발생, 수술후고혈압의부재및치명적인결과라는점에 458

4 서본증례와우리의경우와유사하다. 그러나, Mori 등의보고에서는혈관확장전에뇌내출혈의초기부위로보이는치료받은목동맥의동맥영역에서출혈전이미작은뇌실주위경색을보여서본증례와는차이가있다. Ejaz와 Meschia는목동맥내막절제술후병변측의시상하부출혈을보고하였는데, 이는불안정한혈압조절과관련이있고압력반사의실패로생각하였다 [17]. 그러나이들의보고에서출혈은내막절제술 4년후에발생하였고시술후초기에발생하는뇌내출혈과는다른기전으로발생했을가능성이있다. 스텐트삽입술후의뇌내출혈에관한이전의보고에의하면과관류손상으로인한광범위한기저핵출혈이있었다 [4,15]. 이보고에서최종 CT에서관찰되는출혈을근거로하여, 초기출혈의위치가스텐트삽입술을실시한목동맥에의해혈액이공급되는혈관영역의기저핵에있다고볼수있으며이는재관류손상과관련이있다고생각할수있다. 그러나본증례에서는 CT에서시상하부와이후후대뇌동맥영역에출혈이집중적으로나타났다는점에서이전의보고와는다르다고볼수있다. 스텐트삽입술후의기저핵뇌내출혈의다른보고를보면시상하부에서발생했을가능성이있지만, 출혈의정도가높기때문에정확하게국소화될수없는한계가있다. 고혈압성뇌내출혈은후대뇌동맥영역출혈의또다른원인이될수있지만시술직후의수축기혈압이 140mmHg 미만이었다는점을고려하면본증례출혈의원인으로고려하기는어렵다. 칼슘통로차단제인 nimodipine은출혈후혈압의급상승을제어하기위해뇌내출혈이진단된후에사용되었지만출혈량의확장을억제하지는못하였다. 그외에도목동맥스텐트삽입술후항응고제약물에의한경우나시술도중에발생한미세색전등에의한뇌내출혈의보고가있었으나본증례와의연관성을규명하지는못하였다 [18]. 환자는항혈소판제를복용하고있었지만시술전실시한출혈시간검사는정상이었다. 스텐트삽입술후뇌출혈보고들중공통점은높은사망률이다 [4,12,14]. 본증례의경우에도출혈초기에생존을장담할수없는위험한상황이있었다. 이는스텐트삽입술후의뇌내출혈이더심각한재관류손상에의한것이거나더많은기전이출혈의발생에영향을미친다는것을의미한다. 5. 결론 스텐트삽입술후뇌내출혈은흔하지않은현상이나사망에이를수있는치명적인합병증이다. 지금까지많은보고에서치료받은목동맥이혈액을공급하는혈관영역에서주로발생하는것으로알려져있으나본증례와같이다른혈관영역에서도발생할수있어주의가필요하다. 아직까지정확한출혈발생의기전이밝혀지지는않았으나재관류손상, 고혈압및항혈소판제사용과같이다양한원인에의해출혈이발생할수있으므로시술전에출혈발생가능성을고려하여사전예방조치가필요할것으로생각된다. 저자들은 80세남자환자에서스텐트삽입술후치료받은목동맥의혈관영역과상관없는후대뇌동맥영역의시상에서부터발생한뇌내출혈을경험하였기에관련된문헌고찰과함께증례를보고한다. References [1] Brott TG, Halperin JL, Abbara S, Bacharach JM, Barr JD, Bush RL, et al, 2011 ASA/ACCF/AHA/AANN/ AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNS/SAIP/SCAI/SIR/SNIS/SVM/SV S Guideline on the management of patients with extracranial carotid and vertebral artery disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and the American Stroke Association, American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, American College of Radiology, American Society of Neuroradiology, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society of Interventional Radiology, Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery, Society for Vascular Medicine, and Society for VascularSurgery, J Am Coll Cardiol, vol. 57, pp , DOI: [2] Abou-Chebl A, Yadav JS, Reginelli JP, Bajzer C, Bhatt D, Krieger DW, Intracranial hemorrhage and hyperperfusion syndrome following carotid artery stenting: risk factors, prevention, and treatment, J Am Coll Cardiol, vol. 43, pp , DOI: [3] Ogasawara K, Sakai N, Kuroiwa T, Hosoda K, Iihara K, Toyoda K, Sakai C, Nagata I, Ogawa A, Japanese Society for Treatment at Neck in cerebrovascular Disease Study Group. Intracranial hemorrhage associated with cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome following carotid endarterectomy and carotid artery stenting: retrospective review of 4494 patients, J Neurosurg, vol. 107, pp , DOI: 459

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