박영진가회계장부 14 책 16 권연혁 유래 특징 한국학자료탐구

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2 박영진가회계장부 14 책 16 권연혁 유래 특징 한국학자료탐구

3 藏書閣31 박영진가회계장부 14 책 16 권연혁 유래 특징 전성호한국학중앙연구원한국학대학원사회과학부교수 주제어중세식복식부기, 현대식복식부기, 현대원가회계, 자본계정, 재공품계정 투고일자 2014 년 2 월 27 일심사일자 2014 년 3 월 12~24 일게재확정일자 2014 년 3 월 27 일 300

4 박영진가회계장부현황은歲丁亥八月日上吉辰日記第一외총 14 책으로제책된장부와낱장지편이말려있는지편뭉치장부 16권이다. 지금까지박영진가회계자료는정확한조사가이루어지지않은채그일부가복사물형태로국내학계에알려졌으며필자는 2007 년에총 14 책의복사물을접하게되었다. 이복사물은 2007 년한국학중앙연구원장서각마이크로필름실에서촬영한바있다. 복사물자료는한국회계학회부회장을지낸계명대정기숙명예교수와함께 2007 년부터연구팀을조직하여 14 책전량의탈초를진행하고그결과를 2011 년 한국전통회계와내부통제시스템 Ⅰ Ⅱ 라는제목으로출판한바있고 2012 년영국 독일 중국 일본등역사학자와회계사학자들이모여 Kaesŏng Double Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) in a Global Perspective: Comparison with Europe, China and Japan Ⅰ 으로그세계사적의의를조명한바있다. 그동안박영진가회계자료의문화재적가치가매우높은상태임에도불구하고문화재등록과같이공식적으로접근하지못한이유는원본을확보하지못한상태에서진본여부가밝혀지지않았기때문이다. 원본이공개된것은 동아일보 2013 년 10 월 30일제1 면에서 Kaesŏng Double Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) in a Global Perspective: Comparison with Europe, China and Japan Ⅱ 의학술대회를보도하면서공개한사진이처음이다. 이보도이후한국정부의문화재보호원칙에따라 2013 년 12월문화재청의문화재등록을위한기초조사가이루어진바있고 2013 년 12월 18일문화재청공고제 호로문화재보호법시행규칙제34 조제4항에따라문화재등록을예고하고 2014 년 2월 26일자로별첨자료로문화재등록을고시한바있다. 조사현장에서펼쳐본자료는제책된 14 책과유기적연관을갖는기록으로회계학에서정의내리는회계장부로서의성격즉 1매의낱장기록이라도그것이자산및자본의변동에관한기록 계산된상태인이상회계장부로규정하고있기때문에박영진가회계장부현황은 총 14 책으로제책된장부와낱장지편이말려있는지편뭉치 16권 이라고요약할수있다. 서지학계나고문서학계에서다루는고서나고문서의통념과달리회계학에서정의내리는 製冊 과두루마리형식으로된지편뭉치는모두 會計帳簿 이다. 회계학에서장부란매일매일발생하는모든거래에대해질서정연한원칙을갖춘기록으로자산 자본을구성하는각요소와항목이공통의계산단위인화폐단위로금액이기록되어있고해당국가에서지정한도량형표준의수량대로기록해서재무제표작성의 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징301

5 藏書閣31 기초자료를제공하는기록을지칭한다. 이러한이유로사회통념상낱장의기록을編綴한형식의제책된기록만을冊이라하지만회계학에서는製冊되지않고낱장으로보관되어있어도회계장부이다. 따라서박영진가회계장부는모두 14 책과 16권으로구성되어있다고보고할수있다. 기록을회계기록으로분류하기위해서는특히복식부기회계기록인가아닌가로분류하기위해서는먼저기록의주체가영리추구조직인가비영리조직인가, 정부기록인가민간기록인가로분류하고복식부기회계기록은오늘날기업조직인영리조직의회계기록을기준으로삼고있다. 복식부기회계기록은다시기록의목적에따라주요부와보조부로그종류를구별한다. 회계기록의목적은외부투자가공시용보고서인결산보고의목적을추구하는기록인가아니면내부관리를목적으로하는기록인가로나눌수있다. 복식부기회계기록의분류기준대로박영진가회계장부의성격을분류하면박영진가회계장부 14 책과 16권은복식부기회계기록물로서모두영리를추구하는조직의회계기록물이며외부투자가공시용결산보고의목적과내부관리를목적으로하는회계기록물이라고그성격을규정할수있다. 미국공인회계사회 (AICPA) 에서 1941 년에내린회계에대한정의에서는재무적성질을지닌거래와사건을기록분류요약하는실무적기술 (Practical Art) 이라는점을강조하였으며 1970 년재정립된정의에서는경제적의사결정곧기회비용을인식하는경제적선택에유용한재무적성격의양적정보를제공하는현대적성격을강조하고있다. 박영진가회계장부는日記帳 ( 分介帳 ) 의기록, 元帳 ( 外上 / 他給長冊 ) 의분류장부로主要簿를구성하고周會計冊 ( 捧次帳 ( 資産帳 ) 給次帳 ( 負債帳 ), 會計斟酌抄 ) 의요약하는실무적기술을갖추어미국공인회계사회 1941 년회계에대한정의와 1970 년정의에모두부합하는장부구조를갖추고있다. 특히인삼재배에투입된원가를비밀에부치지않고회계보고서로작성한 建陽二年丁酉三月日上吉辰各人會計冊, 大韓光武四年庚子九月日上吉辰各人會計冊 의보조장부가주목된다. 이보고서는종삼구입에서최종완제품출시에이르기까지오늘날제조공정에해당되는제조활동에소요된비용을차변에기입하고그판매액을대변에기입하는구조를갖추고있다. 결국미국공인회계사회에서 1970 년대와서야공식적으로천명한경제적의사결정곧기회비용을인식하는경제적선택에유용한재무적성격의양적정보를제공하는회계의관리적기능을실무적으로확인할수있는자료가 各人會計冊 인것이다. 302

6 개성상인의회계기술이현재전세계에서공유하는복식부기방식이라는사실이처음으로알려진계기는玄丙周라는출판인이 1916 년덕흥서림에서출간한출판물 實用自修四介松都治簿法 에기인한다. 이저서의출간이후개성상인의회계기술에대한연구가수없이많이진행되어왔지만결정적인한계는완벽한복식부기임을실증하는상인들의실무회계장부가뒷받침되지않았기때문에증거자료가미비하였다. 현재전세계에서공인하는세계최초의복식부기회계를제시한증거물은이탈리아의 1494 년루카파치올리 (Luca Pacioli) 의저서이다 ( Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita( 산술, 기하, 비및비례총람 ). 이책의복식부기관련부분에대한최초영역본은 1914 년게이츠벡 (John B. Geijsbeck) 이번역한 Ancient double-entry bookkeeping 이며미국회계사협회에서 1924 년 An Original Translation of the Treatise on DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK- KEEPING, Translated for the Institute of Book-keepers Limited by Pietro Crivelli F.C.R.A 로번역된바있다. 한국에서玄丙周의 實用自修四介松都治簿法 이출간된 1916 년은루카파치올리의저서영역본출간년도인 1914 년보다 2년뒤의일이지만일본고베대학에서히라이야스타로가루카파치올리의저서를일본어로출간한 1918 년보다는 2년먼저출간되었다. 이시기출간된영역본과일본어본출간사이에한국의고유복식부기기술인 實用自修四介松都治簿法 이출판된것은매우흥미로운것이다. 왜냐하면일본고베대학의회계사학자히라이야스타로는 1918 년부터 1925 년까지 8년간개성상인의복식부기를연구하고 1925 년독일에서그결과를발표한바있기때문이다 (Hirai Yasutaro und Alfred Isaac, Quellenbuch der Betriebwirtschaftslehre, Speath & Linde, Berlin, 1925). 이번공개에서 1974 년大耕出版社에서간행한 務安朴氏開府波世譜 全족보도함께제시되어박영진가문이언제부터개성에서정착하여경제활동을수행하여왔는지를알수있게되었다. 족보에의하면이가문은務安朴氏이다. 務安朴氏中始祖朴進昇은신라제54 대경명왕의여섯째아들인完山大君朴彦華의 4 代孫으로고려시대에文科에급제하여國子祭酒를지냈으며공을세워務安을食邑으로하사받았다. 족보에務安朴氏開府波의朴氏上系系統圖를보면上始祖로朴赫居世, 34세손이며고려의대제학인高麗國子祭酒朴進昇을中祖로하는후손이라밝히고있다. 현재무안박씨시조祠宇는全羅道務安郡務安面高節里柄山에소재하고있다. 무안박씨는 1600 년경개성에정착하였으며족보상박영진가문을살펴보면曾祖父朴東 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징303

7 藏書閣31 輔 (1830~1907) 의子健炯 (1853~1908) 이朴東淳 ( ) 의系子로기재되어있다. 朴健炯의長子가朴在燾 (1883~1942) 이며그의長子가恒鐘 (1910~1965) 이고그의長子가이번에공개된회계장부소장자인朴永璡 (1935~) 으로기재되어있다. 회계장부첫번째日記가 歲丁亥八月 (1887) 로시작되므로朴東輔 (1830~1907) 의子健炯 (1853~1908) 과그의장자朴在燾 (1883~1942) 2대에걸쳐경영한기업의회계장부로사료된다. 務安朴氏開府波世譜 에등장하는타성인물사위, 며느리, 친우 ( 墓碣銘撰 ) 중주목되는인물이세사람이다. 먼저滄江金澤榮 (1850~1927) 이다. 務安朴氏開府波世譜 서문에健炯 (1853~1908) 의墓碣銘의문장을韶護堂金澤榮이지은것으로소개되어있다. 滄江金澤榮 (1850~1927) 의당호는韶濩堂으로그의많은저서 韓國小史, 韓史綮, 校正三國史記, 滄江稿, 韶濩堂集 중박영진가회계장부와유기적연관을갖는부분이 韶濩堂集 8 卷 < 紅蔘誌 > 이다. 이 < 紅蔘誌 > 는개성상인이삼포경영을하게된유래와현황을정리요약한글이다. 앞서언급한바있듯이별첨자료사진에보이는 建陽二年丁酉三月日上吉辰各人會計冊, 大韓光武四年庚子九月日上吉辰各人會計冊 은박영진가에서경영한삼포회계결산서로서구체적인경영자료가회계처리된보조부이다. 金澤榮은健炯보다 3년먼저태어났지만 20년을더오래살면서박영진가기업경영을소상히관찰할수있었던사료된다. 金澤榮의 韶護堂集 8권 < 紅蔘誌 > 의내용과박영진가삼포경영은상호밀접한연관이존재하며그구체적인연관성은추후연구를통해밝혀질것을기대한다. 두번째로족보상에등장하는주요인물은孔聖學 (1879~1957) 이다. 務安朴氏開府波世譜 3~87 쪽에朴東憲 (1825~1895) 의장자舜炯 (1851~) 의사위로기재되어있다. 그는金澤榮으로부터한학을배워시문에능통하였고성균관부제학을역임하였다. 孫鳳祥등과인삼품종개량, 경작방법개선등삼포경영방법의혁신을주도한것으로 1938 년開城商會를창립하여널리알려진인물이다 ( 조기준, 한국기업가사, 박영사, 1983). 원본조사과정에서새롭게나타난사실은제책의裝幀이비단으로추정되는매우고급소재와여성적디자인으로이루어진것과자본소유주로확인되는鉢谷宅의鉢谷이란택호명이박영진가제위전소재지지명이라는것이다. 오늘날회계학은분류학으로서계정과목을가지며 1. 자산 2. 부채 3. 자본 4. 수익 5. 비용 6. 잉여금조정으로계정과목을분류한다. 이중 3. 자본계정 (Proprietorship a/c) 은기업주본인이 304

8 투자한자기자본의증감을처리하는계정으로원시투자자본혹은증자액을대변으로감소를차변으로각기분개하여기입한다. 박영진가회계장부중타급장책 ( 자기자본과타인자본을합체한장부 ) 의첫대변투자의주체가바로鉢谷宅이다. 지금까지이발곡택의성격이밝혀지지않았는데지편뭉치속에서鉢谷은박영진가祭位소재지라는사실을확인할수있었다. 결국박영진가제사를담당하는발곡택은박씨가의안방마님이자동시에자본소유주라는사실을확인할수있었던것이다. 현대회계에서자본계정은회사조직인경우경영활동의결과로서산출된순이익혹은순손실을자본금계정에직접계상하는가아니면적립금이나배당금으로계상하여개인기업조직과다르게처리한다. 박영진가의회계장부상의발곡택계정을추적하여박영진가의기업경영조직이개인회사인가오늘날주식회사조직인가를판단할수있는근거를확보할수있다고사료된다. 요약하자면총 14 권으로제책된박영진가개성복식부기장부는이미학계에알려진 1786~1947 년북한사회과학원소장회계장부, 1854~1918 년일본고베대학소장회계장부와달리일기장에서최종손익계산서까지경제거래의전과정을추적할수있는완벽히접합된회계장부세트이다. 현재일본고베대학에소장된 1854~1918 년기간의회계장부와 1962 년북한학자홍희유가역사과학지에소개한 1786 년현존하는최초의개성복식부기회계장부로알려진타급장책과비교하여볼때세회계장부는모두동일한장부의구조와형식, 그리고회계관련전문용어를구사한것을확인할수있다. 박영진가개성복식부기장부 (Kaesŏng Double Entry Bookkeeping: KDEB) 는기존연구의결과와전혀상반된결론으로이끈다. 개성상인회계장부를처음수집하고연구한사람은일본인히라이야스타로 ( 平井泰太郞 ) 고베대학교수이다. 그가일기장과타급장책, 외상장책그리고결산서와의유기적연관성을찾지못한상태에서내린연구결론즉 개성상인의회계기록은현대적의미의복식부기기록이아니다 라는회의적인결론과상반된연구결과를기대할수있다. 북한자료도 2,027 쪽에달하는거대한분량이지만한집안에서보존되어온자료가아니라서분개장과총계정원장대차대조표와손익계산서의당기순이익항목의유기적연관성을추적할수없는한계가있다. 그러나이번박영진가개성복식부기장부의발견으로현존하는최초의회계장부와장부구조와형식그리고분개용어와원장으로의전기등관련전문용어와코드가일치하여 합리적자본주의 의실존을증명하는복식부기실증장부 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징305

9 藏書閣31 는한국에서 18세기후반부터존재한다는사실을확실히규명할수있게되었다. 공개된자료를중심으로정리하자면박영진가소장회계장부는일기장 ( 분개장 ) 에서총계정원장대차대조표손익계산서그리고이익배분처리서까지총 1,298 쪽의분량의완벽한세트로 1887 년부터 1912 년모든영업활동을복식부기방식으로기입하여추적할수있는유일한자료이다. 박영진가자료의발굴과일부기록의현대회계방식으로의전환의성공으로북한사회과학원소장 1786 년부터 1947 년까지 162 년간기록과 1854~1918 년 65년간고베대학의회계장부는모두현대기업경영분석방식그대로재무구조의건전성과안정성수익성성장성등을분석할수있게되었으며분개에서당기순이익계산과배분까지복식부기방식으로한치의오차없이기록한완벽한현대방식의복식부기자료라는것이실증된다. 미국과유럽등세계에서복식부기에대한연구경향은차변과대변으로분개하여모든거래를두번기입하는 중세방식복식부기 연구에서오늘날기업에대한건강진단서라할수있는경영분석자료즉대차대조표와손익계산서, 이익잉여금처분계산서의작성을 현대방식의복식부기 로정의내리고현대방식의방향으로복식부기를연구하고있다. 박영진가회계장부의내용상가장큰특징은 현대방식의복식부기 를실증하고동시대유럽과미국의실증자료와비교할수있는회계원리의보편적특징을구비하고있다는점이다. 영국은 1885 년까지기업제조원가회계를체계적으로인식하지못한상태이다 (A.C. Littleton, Michael Chatfield 등미국유럽회계사학자들의공통된지적임 ). 독일은 현대방식의복식부기 에대한사회과학적인식만확산된다. 1924년좀바르트 (W. Sombart) 의근대자본주의론 (Der Moderne Kapitalismus) 과베버 (Max Weber), 슘페터 (Schumpeter) 등에의해자본주의와복식부기와의연관성에대해사회과학적의미부여만이루어지게된다. 실무차원에서 1900 년까지만해도영국과미국의공식적인원가회계실무는존재하지않고세계에서공식적으로인정하는원가관리회계는아놀드 (H.L Arnold) 의저서 The Complete Cost-Keeper 1899 (New York The Engineering Magazine Press, 1899) 매뉴얼만나오게된다. 이러한실무자료의부재에대해가너 (Garner) 가 1954 년그의저서 Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925 (University of Alabama Press) 에서내린결론은 1885 년이전에도원가이론과실무에대한관심은다소존재하였으나원가문제에주의를집중할만한가치가있다고생각한전문가는거의없 306

10 었다. 실무자료는말할것도없다. 원가관리회계는아놀드 (H.L Arnold) 의저서 The Complete Cost-Keeper 1899 가세계에서제일앞선저서이다. 그러나이저서는원가회계를작성한기업실무기록은아니다. 반면박영진가는 1897 년부터 1905 년까지작성한삼포도중회계책을통하여분개장, 총계장원장, 대차대조표, 손익계산서, 이익잉여금처분배분에이르기까지전과정을복식부기방식으로연결시켜완벽한대차균형의원리와원가회계, 그리고투자자와경영인과의이익배분계약관계까지확인시켜주는 20세기이전기록중세계유일한 현대방식의복식부기실무회계기록 이라는세계회계사적의의를갖추고있다. 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징307

11 藏書閣별첨 1_2014 년 2 월 26 일문화재청문화재등록대상세부내역 31 문화재등록개요 등록대상 등록번호문화재명수량및규격제작년대소재지비고 587 개성복식부기장부 14 책지편 ( 어음, 증서, 서간등 ) 1 식 1887~ 1912 년 경기도고양시 세부내역 번호 장부명 1 歲丁亥八月日上吉辰日記第一 2 歲甲午四月日上吉辰日記第二 3 光武二年戊戌九月日上吉辰日記第三 4 光武五年辛丑四月日上吉辰日記第四 5 光武七年癸卯十月日上吉辰日記第五 6 光武九年乙己二月日上吉辰日記第六 7 光武十年丙午十一月日上吉辰日記第七 기장기간 규격기장 ( 세로 가로 cm) 면수 비고 ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) ~ 일기장 ( 분개장 ) 8 光緖拾參年丁亥八月日上吉辰外上他給幷付第一 光緖拾參年丁亥八月日外上長冊第一上吉辰 光緖拾參年丁亥八月日他給長冊第一上吉辰 9 歲光緖十八年壬辰九月日上吉辰周會計冊 10 大韓光武二年戊戌八月日上吉辰各處田畓文記謄錄 ~ 1893 년 1843~ 1910 년 장책 ( 원장 ) 주회계 ( 결산서 ) 보조부 11 甲申九月日上吉辰各人物出入記一 1884 년 보조부 12 建陽二年丁酉三月日上吉辰各人會計冊 1897 년 보조부 13 大韓光武四年庚子九月日上吉辰各人會計冊 1900 년 보조부 14 歲癸己正月日上吉辰外上抄二 1893 년 보조부 308

12 별첨 2_2014 년 2 월 26 일문화재청문화재등록사진자료 개성복식부기장부 (Kaesŏng Double Entry Bookkeeping: KDEB) 14 책 개성복식부기장부환, 어음, 삼포경영보고서등두루마리지편뭉치 14 권 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징309

13 藏書閣31 별첨 3_ 2014 년 2월 26일문화재청문화재등록조사시새로발굴된製冊된 14 冊중 1887 自己資本他人資本資本負債計定元帳他給長冊첫쪽資本所有主鉢谷宅과지편뭉치 14 捲에서발견된 鉢谷祭位 紙片 310

14 The Characteristics, Origins, and History of Pak Yǒng Jin s Account Ledgers Jun, Seong-ho The current state of the account ledgers of Pak Yǒng Jin is comprised of fourteen bound volumes, including the ledger Chŏnggak Year, Eighth Month Volume I (Se ChŏnggakP alwŏlilsangkiililgicheil 歲丁亥八月日上吉辰日記第一 ), and sixteen rolls of single sheaves. A survey of the Pak Yǒng Jin accounting records had not been undertaken until now when the author heard in 2007 that a portion of the records were available in copy form when their existence was made public in Korean academic circles. The copies were photographed in the Changsǒgak Microfilm Room of The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS). The records compiled by a research team organized by the author and former vice president of the Korean Accounting Association Jung Key Suk, Emeritus Professor at Keimyung University over all fourteen volumes and the results published as Korean Traditional Accounting and Internal Control Systems Vol. I, II. In 2012, history and accounting scholars from the United Kingdom, Germany, China, and Japan gathered to highlight the significance of the records in world history in the conference: Kaesong Double Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) in a Global Perspective: Comparison with Europe, China and Japan I. Despite the great cultural value of the Pak Yǒng Jin accounting records, they were not officially registered as a cultural heritage because the originals had not been procured to verify their authenticity. The originals were first publicized in photographs on the first page of the Tonga Ilbo newspaper on Octoboer 30th 2013, 1) while covering the Kaesong Double Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) in a 1) The Donga Ilbo OCTOBER 30, :20 had front page news that new documents have been discovered that show how Kaesŏng merchants in the late 18th and 19th centuries used double-entry bookkeeping, often seen as the hallmark of capitalism. The report as follow: 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징311

15 藏書閣31 Fourteen volumes of accounting books from Kaesŏng merchants, which contain financial records in a complete modern double-entry bookkeeping format for a period of 25 years from the late 19th century in the Chosŏn Dynasty, have been discovered. The prevailing theory is that people worldwide started using double-entry bookkeeping only after the onset of the 20th Century, but materials demonstrating that Kaesŏng merchants had used modern double entry bookkeeping method that encompasses balance sheet, income statement, and allocation of interest prior to that time have thus been discovered. The 14 volumes of accounting books amounting to more than 1,000 pages, which are possessed by Park Yeongjin, a descendant of a Kaesŏng merchant, contain detailed accounting records that the Kaesŏng merchant s family recorded while engaging in ginseng farming and trade, cotton and cotton textile trade, and financial business from 1887 to They include documents ranging from books of original entry (accounting books that record in details debt and credit figures sourced from daily accounting, before registering in the ledger), general ledger, balance sheet, income statement, and allocation of profits to investors. The accounting books are recorded in a modern double-entry bookkeeping method, which allows viewers to accurately figure out movement of assets, and profits and losses. Double-entry bookkeeping has been used since the Middle Age worldwide. The Middle Age style double entry bookkeeping only recorded financial data on commercial activities and financial activities in the debt and credit columns. This bookkeeping method continued to develop, and eventually evolved to the modern double entry bookkeeping system, which now includes balance sheet, and income statement designed for public disclosure in corporate activities, and cost management accounting designed for internal reporting. Nowhere in the world, practical accounting records of a company have been discovered in perfect form that recorded the entire accounting process through the modern double entry bookkeeping system before the 20th Century, said Jeon Seong-ho, a professor at the Academy of Korean Studies who has been studying accounting books from the Park family. The materials have demonstrated that Korea a used systematic, modern management accounting technique in a unique form that was not influenced by China and Japan nor by the West in the late 19th Century. Fourteen volumes of accounting books from Kaesŏng merchants, which contain financial records in a complete modern double-entry bookkeeping format for a period of 25 years from the late 19th century in the Chosŏn Dynasty, have been discovered. The prevailing theory is that people worldwide started using double-entry bookkeeping only after the onset of the 20th Century, but materials demonstrating that Kaesŏng merchants had used modern double entry bookkeeping method that encompasses balance sheet, income statement, and allocation of interest prior to that time have thus been discovered. The 14 volumes of accounting books amounting to more than 1,000 pages, which are possessed by Park Yeong-jin, a descendant of a Kaesŏng merchant, contain detailed accounting records that the Kaesŏng merchant s family recorded while engaging in ginseng farming and trade, cotton and cotton textile trade, and financial business from 1887 to They include documents ranging from books of original entry (accounting books that record in details debt and credit figures sourced from daily accounting, before registering in the ledger), general ledger, balance sheet, income statement, and allocation of profits to investors. The accounting books are recorded in a modern double-entry bookkeeping method, which allows viewers to accurately figure out movement of assets, and profits and losses. Double-entry bookkeeping has been used since the Middle Age worldwide. The Middle Age style double entry bookkeeping only recorded financial data on commercial activities and financial activities in the debt and credit columns. This bookkeeping method continued to develop, and eventually evolved to the modern double entry bookkeeping system, which now includes balance sheet, and income statement designed for public disclosure in corporate activities, and cost management accounting designed for internal reporting. Nowhere in the world, practical accounting records of a company have been discovered in perfect form that recorded the entire accounting process through the modern double entry bookkeeping system before the 20th Century, said Jeon Seong-ho, a professor at the Academy of Korean Studies who has been studying accounting books from the Park family. The materials have demonstrated that Korea a used systematic, modern management accounting technique in a unique form that was not influenced by China and Japan nor by the West in the late 19th Century. 312

16 Global Perspective: Comparison with Europe, China and Japan I Conference. Afterwards, a basic survey of the records was undertaken in December 2013 according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act by the Cultural Heritage Administration and there was an advance notice that they would be registered as Cultural Heritage No on December 18, 2013 according to Article 34, Clause 4 of the Cultural Heritage Act. On February 26, 2014, the records were registered as Cultural Heritages as separate documents. The nature of the fourteen volumes and their related records examined at the survey site are determined to be accounting ledgers due to the definition in accounting that if even a single sheet pertains to the calculating or recording of variations in assets and capital it is an accounting ledger; thus they can be summarized currently as fourteen bound ledgers and sixteen rolls of single sheaves. In contrast to the commonly accepted notion in bibliography or archive science, bound books ( 製冊 ) and rolls of sheaves as defined by accounting are all accounting ledgers ( 會計帳簿 ). In accounting, a ledger is a record of all daily transactions written according to orderly principles with elements comprised of capital and assets with sums listed as items in units of currency and quantities in measurements standardized by the country and are a basic source of a written financial statement. For this reason, although a book is socially accepted as a record bound of single sheets, records stored as single sheets are regarded as ledgers in accounting. Therefore, all fourteen volumes and sixteen rolls comprising the Pak Yŏng Jin records can be seen as ledgers. In categorizing accounting records, in particular whether or not the records are double-entry bookkeeping records, first the subject of the records are categorized according to whether they are profit-seeking, nonprofit, or civilian organization records and double-entry bookkeeping records are categorized according to as present-day profit organization standards. Double-entry bookkeeping records are also distinguished by their primary and supplementary accounts according to the object of their records. The object of an accounting record can be divided into a public statement of accounts for outside investors or for internal administration. If we are to categorize the Pak Yŏng Jin records 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징313

17 藏書閣31 according to double-entry bookkeeping accounting standards, all fourteen volumes and sixteen rolls are the accounting records of a profit-seeking organization and with the objective of being both a public statement of accounts for outside investors and internal administration. While the 1941 definition of accounting held by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) emphasized the practical art of summarizing recorded categories of financial transactions, the reestablished 1970 definition emphasizes the modern nature of listing quantitative information of a financial nature used in economic decision making, i.e. the opportunity cost of economic choices. The accounting records of Pak Yŏng Jin are comprised of journals and asset and liability ledgers, and have the practical art of summarizing credit, debit and account calculations, therefore corresponding to the AICPA s 1941 definition of accounting. Not only that, but the capital procured through financial activities for the administration of ginseng fields such as land for farming, the acquiring of fixed assets for the development of buildings for ginseng, the ending, collection, and payment of cash, promissory notes, and taxes for operating activities in the Individual Accounts In the Second Year of Kŏnyang, Chŏngyu Year, Third Month (Kŏnyangyinyŏnchŏngyusamwŏlilsangkiilkakinhwegyech aek 建陽二年丁酉三月日上吉辰各人會計冊 ) and Individual Accounts In Fourth Year of Kwangmu In the Taehan Empire, Kyŏngja Year, Ninth Month (Taehankwangmusa nyŏnkyŏngjakuwŏlilsangkiilkakinhwegyech aek 大韓光武四年庚子九月日上吉辰各人會計冊 ) meet the requirement of the 1970 AICPA definition of financial quantitative information for making economic decisions. The first occasion when Kaesong Double-Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) was made known to the world was in 1916 with the publication of Silyongchasusagae songdoch ipubŏp( 實用自修四介松都治簿法 ) by HyŏnByŏngju ( 玄丙周 ). Although there were countless studies of the accounting methods of the Kaesŏng merchants after its publication, the lack of sources was the decisive factor for proving the perfection of the double-entry bookkeeping methods of Kaesŏng merchants. The materials recognized worldwide as presenting the first method of doubleentry bookkeeping are Italy s Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et 314

18 Proportionalita by Luca Pacioli in 1494, with the section on double-entry bookkeeping first translated by John B. Geijsbeck in Ancient Double-entry Bookkeeping and the 1924 publication An Original Translation of the Treatise on Double-Entry Book-Keeping by Pietro Crivelli, F.C.R.A, by the AICPA. Although Han s publication was two years after the 1914 English translations of Pacioli, it was two years before the 1918 Japanese translation by Kobe University s Hirai Yasutaro. It is quite interesting that the Silyongchasusagaesong doch ipubŏp of Korea s traditional DEB was published in between the English and Japanese translations. This is because the accounting scholar Yasutaro researched KDEB for eight years from 1918 to 1925 and presented the findings in 1925 Germany. (Hirai, Yasutaro und Alfred Isaac, Quellenbuch der Betriebwirtschaftslehre, Speath&Linde, Berlin 1925). KDEB was also presented by Taekyŏng Publishing ( 大耕出版社 ) in the Family Registry of the Kaebu Branch of the Muan Pak Clan ( 務安朴氏開府波世譜全 ) in The renewer of the Mu An Pak Clan, Pak Chin Sŭng ( 朴進昇 ), passed the civil service examination in letters as a fourth generation descendant of Wansantaegun Pak An Hwa ( 完山大君朴彦華 ), the sixth son of the fifty fourth king of Shilla, King Kyŏngmyŏng, and was rewarded with the village of Muan for his service as Kukja Cheju ( 國子祭酒 ) in Koryo. In the Family Tree of the Pak Ancestral Lineage, it shows the originator of the line as Pak HyŏkKŏ ( 朴赫居 ), with Pak Chin Sŭng being a thirty fourth generation descendant. The present day shrine of the Mu An Paks is located in Pyŏngsan of Kojŏl Village, Muan Town, Muan County, Chŏlla Province. The lineage records that they settled in Kaesŏng around 1600, with Pak YŏngChin (1935-) being the nineteenth Hwi In generational descendant (19 世諱仁 ), son of Pak Tong Sun 朴東淳 ( ), son of Pak KŏnHyŏng 朴健炯 ( ), son of Pak Tong Po 朴東輔 ( ). Pak YŏngChin 朴永璡 (1935-) is recorded as being the eldest son of Pak Hang Chong 朴恒鐘 ( ), the eldest son of Pak KŏnHyŏng, Pak Chae To, 朴在燾 ( ). The first journal of the accounting records starts with the Chŏnggak Year Eighth Month (1887) and are thought to be the accounting records of two generations of business management by Pak Tong Po and his eldest son Pak Chae To. 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징315

19 藏書閣31 Among the sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and close friends recorded in the family register in the Kaepu Branch of the Muan Pak Clan, there are three people of considerable importance. The first is Chang Gang Kim TaekYŏng ( 滄江金澤榮, ). The preface of the family register indicates that the epigraph on Pak KŏnHyŏng s tombstone is written by Kim TaekYŏng. Among the works under the pen name, So Ho Tang ( 韶濩堂 ), which include A Short History of Korea (Hanguksosa, 韓國小史 ), Hansakye ( 韓史綮 ), An Edited History of the Three Kingdoms (Kyojŏngsamguksagi, 校正三國史記 ), Chang Gang s Manuscripts (Changgangko, 滄江稿 ), and Collected Writings of So Ho Tang (Sohotangjip, 韶濩堂集 ), the one most closely linked to Pak s accounting records is the Treatise on Red Ginseng in the eighth volume of the Collected Writings (Hongsamji, 紅蔘誌 ). This work summarizes the origins and as-of-then state of the administration of ginseng fields by Kaesŏng merchants. The Individual Accounts in the Kŏnyang Second Year, Chŏngyu Year, Third Month and Individual Accounts in the Kwangmu Fourth Year of the Taehan Empire, Kyŏngja Year, Ninth Month as seen in the attached photograph are the supplementary statement of accounts of the ginseng fields managed by Pak Yŏng Jin s family. Kim was born three years before Pak KŏnHyŏng, but as he lived twenty years longer, he is thought to have been able to observe the management of the ginseng fields in greater detail. As an intimate link exists between the Treatise and the Pak s ginseng field management, we can expect a more detailed account of them through future studies. The second figure who draws attention in the family register is Kong Sŏng Hak ( 孔聖學, 1879~1957). In page three hundred and eighty seven of the family register, it lists Kong as the son-in-law of Pak Sun Hyŏng ( 朴舜炯, 1851~), the eldest son of Pak Tong Hŏn ( 朴東憲, 1825~1895). Learning Korean traditional medicine under Kim Tae Yŏng and proficient in poetry, he served in the post of Pujehak at Sungkyunkwan Academy and led a revolution in improving the agricultural methods of raising ginseng and sonbongsang ( 孫鳳祥 ) and founded the Kaesong Co. ( 開城商會 ) in 1938 (Cho Ki Jun, A History of Korean Enterprise, Pak Yŏng Publishing, 1983). Finally, the last figure is found on the basis of investigating the individual 316

20 accounts of recorded transactions and comparing them to the nature of the business organizations of Kaesŏng merchants. In the process of investigating the original records, it was discovered that volumes were bound in luxurious silk of a feminine design and the name Pal Kok from Pal KokTaek (Pal Kok, 鉢谷宅 ) was mentioned as a proprietor, which was the name of Pak s lands for the costs of ancestral rites. In present-day accounting, there are six categories of accounts: assets, liabilities, proprietorship, income, costs, and reconciliation of surplus. Among those categories, proprietorship accounts are entries that journalize initial investments or accruals periodically as an increase in credit and increase in debit when business owners have increased their invested capital. The first credit investor in Pak s asset and liabilities ledgers is Pal KokTaek. Until now, the nature of the Pal KokTaek was unknown but it can be confirmed from the rolls that Pal Kok is the name of the lands that paid for the costs of Pak s ancestral rites. Hence, it was confirmed that Pal KokTaek was the madam managing the ancestral rites of the Pak House as well being one of their proprietors. In today s accounting, proprietorship accounts sum up the calculated net profits or losses from the business activities of companies in their capital accounts or their savings are disposed of as dividends in individual enterprise organizations. We can deduce from Pal KokTaek s account whether or not Pak s business management organization was an individual enterprise or a company. In sum, Pak Yŏng Jin s fourteen volumes, in contrast with the already known accounting ledgers in the North Korean Social Science Academy and those from in Kobe University, contain final profit-loss statements in their journals from which one can deduce the process of economic transactions and thus are a perfect set of accounting ledgers. When compared to the accounting ledgers at Kobe University and the 1786 Kaesŏng merchant ledgers introduced in 1962 by North Korean scholar Hong Hŭi Yu with the KDEB (Kaesong Double Entry Bookkeeping: KDEB) liability ledgers, all three are the same in form and terminology. The first person in Kobe University to collect and study Pak s KDEB ledgers was Hirai Yasutaro, who concluded that The accounting records of the Kaesŏng 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징317

21 藏書閣31 merchants are not double-entry bookkeeping records according to today s definition as a result of not finding the link between the credit, liability, and balance sheets. His skeptical conclusion is worthy of attention in light of the perfectly unified structure of the accounting records which is sure to draw contrary results. Although the North Korean sources are an enormous amount consisting of 2,027 pages, they were not a single household s records so links between the balance sheets of periodic net incomes in the journals and general ledgers cannot be drawn, but the discovery of the Pak KDEB accounting ledgers in 1962 by North Korean scholar Hong Hŭi Yu introduced the 1786 Kaesŏng merchant accounting ledgers and for the first time established for certain that rational capitalism existed in the form of DEB in latter eighteenth century Korea through the structure and form of the accounting records, their journalizing terminology, and general ledger records. If we are to summarize the publicized materials, the Pak Yŏng Jin Family s accounting records are a perfect 1,298 page set containing everything from daily journals, general ledgers, credit and debit balance sheets, and profit-sharing calculations in DEB form from 1887 to 1912, a singular source. The discovery of the content and characteristics of the Pak Family s accounting records and success of the change to modern accounting methods in them, along with records in the North Korean Social Sciences Academy and the records at Kobe University, can be analyzed according to modern day business administration analyses of their stability, profitability, and development of their financial structures and their periodic net profits calculations in their journals recorded in DEB without a single error prove that this source is written in modern day double-entry bookkeeping. The research trends in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world on DEB are on sources written in medieval age DEB where all transactions are journalized according to credit and debit and can be seen as medical reports on modern-day enterprises. That is, they define credit and debit balance sheets, income balances, and accumulated earnings balances as modern double-entry bookkeeping and carry research on them according to this definition. The 318

22 greatest characteristic of the Pak Family accounting records is its modern double-entry bookkeeping which fulfills the universal accounting principles and is comparable to that of contemporaneous American and European records. Cost accounting was not systematically recognized until 1885 in England (This is indicated by both American and European scholars A.C. Littleton and Michael Chatfield). In Germany, recognition of modern double-entry bookkeeping has only spread in the social sciences with the W. Sombart s 1924 Der Moderne Kapitalismus and Max Weber and Schumpeter s analysis of the link between capitalism and DEB in the social sciences. At the practical level, formal cost accounting practices did not even exist in the United States and United Kingdom until 1900, up till the H.L. Arnold s The Complete Cost-Keeper ( The Complete Cost-Keeper, New York: Engineering Magazine Press 1899). On the absence of such sources with these practices, Garner s 1954 publication Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925 (University of Alabama Press) concluded that before 1885 there was some interest in cost accounting theory and practices, but almost no experts thought that cost accounting was worthy enough of being a problem, not to mention any sources. Cost accounting management was thought be first presented by H.L. Arnold s The Complete Cost-Keeper (Businesses did not keep cost accounting records). On the other hand, the Pak Family ledgers on ginseng fields from its journals, general ledgers, credit and debit balance sheets, net profit balances, and its accumulated earnings distributions were all linked together by DEB and are singular as a source in their perfecting of principles for balancing debit and credit to their accumulated earning distributions between investors and managers before the 20th century and for being modern DEB cost accounting records in world accounting history. Key Words double-entry Book Keeping, Kaesŏng Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Modern Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Cost Accounting 박영진가회계장부14책16권연혁 유래 특징319

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