9/25/2017 효과적인국제의학학술지투고전략실패하지않는투고전략및방법론 Presented by: 김순 2017 년 9 월 19 일해운대백병원 Agenda 논문출판과정의이해 논문작성하기전준비사항 논문에맞는저널선정요령 투고성공률을높이는논문의내용구성 투고가 reject 되지

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1 효과적인국제의학학술지투고전략실패하지않는투고전략및방법론 Presented by: 김순 2017 년 9 월 19 일해운대백병원 Agenda 논문출판과정의이해 논문작성하기전준비사항 논문에맞는저널선정요령 투고성공률을높이는논문의내용구성 투고가 reject 되지않게최소화하는방법 에디터나리뷰어들의리뷰의견에대한응답방법 출판윤리와표절 효과적인논문작성소프트웨어사용기법 The Peer Review Process not a black hole! Author Editor Reviewer START 논문출판과정이해하기 Submit a paper Basic requirements met? [Yes] [No] Assign reviewers Collect reviewers recommendations Review and give recommendation Revise the paper REJECT [Reject] [Revision required] [Accept] Make a decision Michael Derntl. Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing. ACCEPT 1

2 What is a strong manuscript? 저널의의사결정과정 Has a novel, clear, useful, and exciting message Presented and constructed in a logical manner 저자원고제출 저널편집자원고심사 피어리뷰어원고심사 저널편집자와편집위원회가간행결정 저자개제결정통보 Reviewers and editors can grasp the scientific significance easily 일부원고는논문심사이전에거부됨 Editors and reviewers are all busy scientists make things easy to save their time 최초의선별작업 (initial screening) : 편집자는리뷰어에게원고심사의뢰여부결정 첫심사에서평균투고된논문의 21% 가거절됨 Author Guideline 에있는저널포맷및스타일준수필수 Source : Elsevier Rejection without External Review Peer Review types 편집장이리뷰어가수준낮은원고를평가하고피드백을작성하는시간을빼앗지않기위해리뷰절차를거치지않고바로거절하는경우 장점 : 원고가저널의범위를벗어나있다면, 빠른거부를통해저자가다른저널에신속하게투고할수있게해줌 저널의발행범위와목표를벗어난경우 논문내용이새로운것이없고, 독창성이부족한경우 연구디자인이잘못되어있는경우 과학적타당성이명백하게뒷받침되지않을경우 (poor statistical power..) 영어표현방식이교정이불가능한상태 명백한출판윤리위반인경우 Source : 저자익명 : rejection rate 증가 저자이름공개 : 긍정적인심사증가 Source : 2

3 Post-publication peer review F1000 Research uses post-publication review Also requires publication of dataset 논문심사과정 리뷰어는거부보다수용을더권하는경향 논문심사의목적 : 원고를출판할지여부를결정하기보다는저자가원고를개선하는데도움을주어야함 저널편집자가출판가치에따른자신의견해에따라거부 저널편집자는저널독자들이관심있어하고앞으로인용이많이될수있을수있는주제선호 => 저널 Impact Factor 의증가 => 최종결정은편집자의몫 Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager Elsevier 심사가이드라인 Elsevier 심사가이드라인 Originality 논문이새롭고흥미로워출판할만한가 새지식을제공하는가 논문이학술지의기준에맞는가 연구주제가중요한가 주제분야에서상위 25% 에해당하는수준인가 논문의구조는명확하게작성하였나 논문의구조 초록, 서론, 방법, 결과, 고찰 ( 결론 ) 이있는가 Title : 제호가논문이어떤내용이라는것을명확하게기술하는가 Abstract: 논문의주제를잘반영하였는가 Introduction 과거연구결과에비추어이연구가왜가치있는지 어떤가설을세우고목적이무엇인지기술하였는가 Method 자료수집, 연구디자인, 충분한자료정보로재현성, 방법, 표본추출, 장비와재료, 측정방법등을기술하였는가 Results 발견한새사실을논리적으로기술하고통계가정확한지검증하였는가 필요하면통계전문가가점검 Discussion/Conclusion 연구결과가합리적인지근거를제시하고, 기존업적이나예상하는내용과결과가어떻게관계를갖는지설명하였는가 과거이론을반박할수있거나아니면지지하는지기술하였는가 이결과가어떻게과학지식의진전을가져오는지설명하였는가 Language : 영문이읽을만한가 Figures and Tables 주요발견사항을함축해서시각자료로잘표현했는가 하나의 Figure/Table 에는한가지주제만을명확하게담아내었는가 저널규정에맞게작성되었는가 Previous Research 과거문헌을적절히인용하고정확하게인용표시하였는가 중요선행연구임에도누락된것은없는가 References 가정확한가 Ethical Issues 표절이나데이터조작이의심되지는않는가 심사위원보다주로편집위에서다룸 Source : 학술지의심사규정소개, 장재화, 2017 년과편협 Preconference workshop Source : 학술지의심사규정소개, 장재화, 2017 년과편협 Preconference workshop 3

4 Reviewer s checklist First Decision: Major or Minor Revision 변경없이받아들임 ( 게재 ) : 투고된형태그대로논문출판 => 매우드문케이스 약간수정후받아들임 ( 게재 ) : 저자에게약간의변경을요구후논문출판 => 저자가희망하는가장좋은케이스 대폭수정후받아들임 ( 조건부게재 ) : 만약저자가피어리뷰어및편집자가제안한변경사항을맞춘다면논문출판 개정하고다시제출함 ( 조건부거절 ) : 저자가내용을대폭수정한후편집자가다시한번기꺼이그논문을재고 논문을거절함 ( 전적인거절 ) : 저자가대폭수정한다고하더라도, 저널은논문을출판하거나재고하지않음 => 일단저널이논문을완전히거절하면, 저자는동일한저널에다시제출하지않는것이좋음. 저널간행기준 / 관심과불일치 Source : Manuscript Revision The Response Letter Prepare a detailed Response Letter Copy-paste each reviewer comment, and type your response below it State specifically which changes you have made to the manuscript Include page/line numbers No general statements like Comment accepted, and Discussion changed accordingly. Provide a scientific response to comments to accept, or a convincing, solid and polite rebuttal when you feel the reviewer was wrong. Write in such a manner, that your response can be forwarded to the reviewer without prior editing Do not do yourself a disfavour, but cherish your work You spent weeks and months in the lab or the library to do the research It took you weeks to write the manuscript... Source : Elsevier...Why then run the risk of avoidable rejection by not taking manuscript revision seriously? 4

5 Should You Contact the Journal Editor? Should you Disagree with a Reviewers? Yes. Absolutely. Have the conversation before you submit the manuscript! especially, if you have never submitted a paper to the journal before. Reasons: You will save time if the format or subject matter of the paper is out of the scope of the journal When the manuscript is received, the Journal Editor will already have a positive perception You will no longer be simply a name on a piece of paper Should You Contact the Journal Editor? => Do not fear contacting the Journal Editor! Yes, it is okay to disagree with a Peer Reviewer s comment(s), and even the Journal Editor s comment(s) Make sure that it is a battle worth fighting and that you have firm ground on which to base your position Your response needs to be polite, and with a logical rebuttal. The rebuttal should always be reinforced with cited literature. Address each point in isolation, and then collectively in overview Responding to peer review comments (especially when you disagree) may be difficult. It is best to seek advice from colleagues and possibly outside editorial assistance. Why write papers? 논문작성하기전준비사항 No To describe what you have done To describe something new To describe the WizWoz system Get agreement on : Authorship Outline/key message Timetable(deadline) Target journal To convey a useful and re-usable idea Yes Outline before the 1 st draft: 핵심요지 (Key message) 독자층 (Target audience) 투고하고자하는저널 (Target journal / 2 nd choice) 출간계획표 (Timetable) Source : How to write a great research paper by Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research, Cambridge Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 5

6 저널의논문종류별 Impact Factor 비교 논문의주요문장사례 무엇이문제인가? => Introduction 왜이연구를하였는가 (Why did you do?) => Introduction 연구질문이나가설이무엇이었는가 (What did you do?) => Methods 무엇을발견하였는가 ( 주요메시지 ) (What did you find?) => Results 이연구가의미하는바가무엇인가 (What does that mean?) => Discussion SOURCE: Amin, M & Mabe, M Impact Factors: Use and Abuse, Perspectives in Publishing Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 주요문장사례 주요문장사례 Question? Problem Key message Why needed? Implications 6

7 개인도서관관리 (Mendeley) 논문요약한독서카드기능 (Mendeley) PDF file 을바로오픈가능 Star : 즐겨찾기 읽은논문과안읽은논문 본인만의카테고리폴더추가 논문의파일형식표시 (.pdf,.ppt,.docx, excel, etc.) Source : Where to find the information 내논문에꼭맞는투고저널선정요령 Speed of decision Speed of publication? Journal website / info for authors Instructions (e.g. length) Accessibility Journal Format? Chance of acceptance Cost Reputation Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager 7

8 JAMA 출판소요기간 2013 Median time to reject 6 days Median time to accept 27 days Median lead time 32 days (acceptance to publication) Median publication time 77 days (submission to publication) Total MS received 6937 % sent for external review 30% Acceptance rate (overall) 9% Acceptance rate (research) 4% 발행목표와범위 투고원고형태 (reviews, primary data) 독자층 편집진구성현황 출판비용 최근관심주제 최근발행된저널이슈의목차확인 심사기간? 투고성공율? 논문투고후보저널조사 JAMA 2014;311:681 Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager 출판사웹사이트 원고거절의이유 원고가저널의목표에부합하지않음 (Mismatch with the journal) 독창성부족 (Lack of originality, novelty, or significance) 연구설계의결함 (Flaws in study design) 빈약한영어작문과논문구조 (Poor writing and organization) 부적절한원고준비 (Inadequate preparation of the manuscript) 원고와직접적인연관이없는이유 ( 예, space constraints) 8

9 투고저널선택기준 : Aims & Scope 논문이거부되는가장흔한원인중하나 논문과저널의주제가일치하는지확인 저널이관심을두는연구의종류고려예 ) 저널이이론 ( 예, Acta Biotheoretica) 쪽인지아니면응용 ( 예, Annals of Applied Biology) 쪽인지? 저널이다루는원고범위가광범위한지? 협소한지? 같은주제분야내에서도, 특정한측면에만관심을두고있는저널인지확인예 ) Histopathology: 조직병리학자의실용적가치에초점 The Journal of Pathology : 질병의병리생리학과병인론 ( 病因論 ) 투고하고자하는원고유형을저널이받고있는지확인예 ) 논문이사례연구라면, 저널이사례보고서를출판하는지확인 투고저널선택기준 publication process 저널의연간발행횟수 ( 주간, 월간, 격월, 계간, 연간 ) - 월간저널이연간저널보다논문을빨리심사할가능성이높음 - 일부저널은투고날짜와게재날짜목록을수록 : 작업기간계산가능 온라인버전이있는경우출판될것이라고통과된원고가즉시온라인에게재하는지확인 ( 출판논문으로간주 ) Source : Editage Insights - SCI 논문 / 투고할저널을선택하는방법 Source : Editage Insights - SCI 논문 / 투고할저널을선택하는방법 Impact Factor(IF) : 저널영향력지수 JCR 검색화면 (SCIE Surgery) 1 년에 1 번씩 Journal Citation Reports(JCR) 데이터베이스를통해제공 저널의상대적중요성을비교. 분석하거나도서관에서구독하는저널을선정하기위한인용빈도파악, 연구자가논문을투고할저널을선정하는데유용 해당연도를제외한최근 2 년간학술지수록논문의평균피인용횟수 사용시주의점 서로다른논문출판과인용행태에따라다른주제분야끼리 IF 비교불가능 과학분야가아닌주제분야에서는 2 년의기간이적당하지않음 특정주제분야는데이터베이스에속해있는저널수가너무부족 저널내특정 hot 한 article 이나 Review 논문이인용지수좌우 9

10 다양한 Metrics 다양한 Metrics Eigenfactor(eigenfactor.org) 구글의웹사이트랭크방식과유사 최근 5 년치인용고려 자기인용배제 SJR(SCImago Journal Rank) 구글의 PageRank 알고리즘기반 저널의주제, 질, 명성의차이를고려 ( 예, 인용지수가낮은저널보다 Nature, Science 와같은유명저널에서인용하는것을더높게평가 ) Scopus 에서제공, 3 년치인용고려 SNIP(Source Normalized Impact per Paper) Scopus 에서제공, 3 년치인용고려 평균 1 로정규화하여 1 보다높은면해당주제분야에서평균이상 각주제분야마다인용행태가다른것을고려한지수산출방법으로다른주제분야저널끼리도비교가능 SJR/SNIP 는무료로이용가능 ( FWCI(Field Weighted Citation Impact, 주제특성을고려한상대적피인용지수 ) 출판연도, 주제분야, 논문형태에따라인용측정 다른주제분야와객관적비교를위해정규화한인용지수 전세계평균은 1 을기준으로하여, 1 보다크면평균이상, 1 이하면평균이하 ( 예, FWCI 지수가 1.34 이면평균대비 34% 더인용되었다고해석 ) Source: 문헌정보활용을통한연구정보수집및분석가이드, UNIST Library, 2012 Scopus 저널평가지수 타저널과비교분석 40 10

11 Rejection rates 저널의발행철학이해 Readership Journal Rejection Rate General Lancet, NEJM, Nature >90% Specialist Sub-specialty Circulation Heart Jnl of Interventional Cardiology 85% 75% 50-60% BMJ Impact Factor: 17.4 Acceptance Rate: 7% 심사기간투고성공율 Super-specialty Jnl of Vascular Access <60% Open access journals (Publish most manuscripts) BioMedCentral 10-15% BMJ Open Impact Factor: Acceptance Rate: 53% Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 More and more mega -journals PLOS One (IF 3.0) Nature Scientific Reports (IF 5.2) BMJ Open (IF 2.2) PeerJ (IF 2.1) Elsevier Heliyon (started 2015) PLOS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine PLOS ONE will rigorously peer-review your submissions and publish all papers that are judged to be technically sound. Judgments about the importance of any particular paper are then made after publication by the readership (who are the most qualified to determine what is of interest to them) Thorough peer review with a focus on scientific validity rather than significance or impact. Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager 11

12 Open Access vs. Traditional Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Open Access(OA) Traditional 저자가저작권소유 저자가출판비부담 누구나배포, 복사, 번역, 재출판가능 ( 원소스명기 ) 누구나무료이용 (Increase visibility) 종류 Full OA Optional OA Delayed OA OA for some parts of journal 출판사에저작권양도 다른사람이재사용할때는허락을얻어야함 ( Reprints 에대한추가비용부담발생 저널구독자만이용가능 온라인디렉터리 Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 수준높은오픈액세스피어리뷰저널들이정리되어있으며링크도제공 상세검색을이용하시면본인분야의우수저널목록을확인가능 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 Article processing charges Beware predatory OA journals! Journal Charge/article PLoS Medicine $ 2,900 PLoS One $ 1,350 BMJ Open 1,350 Nature Communications $ 5,200 BMC Medicine $ 2,420 OUP option Oxford Open 1,000 ~ 2,500 논문게재료만노리는약탈적 OA 해적출판사주의 - 체크포인트 - 본인의주제분야에얼마나많이출판된논문이있는지확인 - 출판시작년도확인 - Medline, JCR 등데이터베이스에색인되었는지확인 - 편집위원의구성현황파악 - 학회소속저널인지파악 Springer Open $ 3,000 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 12

13 Some Opportunities Are Too Good to be True! Invitation to Publish OA Journal 의안좋은사례 From: Editor - Journal of Immunology & Clinical Research [mailto:immunology@jscimedcentral.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 10, :06 PM To: {cut} Subject: Reg: Letter of Invitation - Journal of Clinical Oncology and Research Dear Dr. {cut} Greetings from JSciMed Central! In view of your scientific reputation and trustworthiness in your field, we would like to invite you to submit a short communication/perspective/research/review on your research area for publication in our upcoming issue. Journal of Clinical Oncology and Research is ardent to promote erudite, pragmatic, and contemporaneous research in the fields of Clinical Oncology and Research through open Access platform. This open access journal facilitates rapid publication with unlimited dissemination of knowledge to readers. If you are interested, kindly let us know your possible date of submission (OR) Please submit your manuscript to submissions@j-scimedcentral.com (OR) oncology@j-scimedcentral.com Anticipating your kind positive response Thanks & Regards Not Real IF Inhap Ardani Editorial office Journal of Clinical Oncology and Research 2952 Market Street, Suite 140, San Diego, California 92102, USA Tel: ; Fax: ; Toll free number: oncology@j-scimedcentral.com (OR) oncology@jscimedcentral.com For more info, please visit our website: This is not a spam message, and has been sent to you because of your eminence in the field. If you do not want to receive any in future from this journal, please reply with remove/unsubscribe. 투고성공률을높일수있는저널선택! 저널의발행철학이해 저널의발행목표및범위확인 저자들을위한안내가이드꼼꼼히확인 저널독자층을염두에둔논문작성 최근에어떤종류의논문이출판되고있는지확인 Þ Agree key message / target audience / target journal before you start to write Þ Honestly evaluate your findings : How big an advance are your findings? Þ Realistic journal choice(ie not getting rejected) also affects speed 51 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 52 13

14 Study design and methods 영어논문구조의이해및효과적인영어논문작성법 Results 1/2 Results 1/2 14

15 Results 2/2 저널편집자의관심사 저널편집자는일반적으로연간수백개의원고를검토 편집자가보는첫번째항목 Cover Letter 충분히관심을끄는연구라고생각되지않는경우더이상읽지않음 내연구의중요성과강점을강조하는커버레터를공들여만드는것뿐만아니라왜이원고가저널에적절한가하는이유를설명 원고의질이저널기준에충족하는지확인하기위해초록을읽고또한서론, 도표및다른단원을검토 Source: Editage Insights Cover letter Common errors 단순요약 일반적인정보만수록예 ) We believe this study is suitable for the journal. Tips - 투고하고자하는저널에적합한이유를설명 - 왜이연구가흥미롭고중요한지어필 - 저자간의공헌도나윤리문제해결 - 필요하면리뷰어추천 Cover letter 구성요소 논문제목, 저자의세부사항기재 연구결과의과학적중요성을간단히설명 이저널에투고하게된이유 저자가이드라인을충실히이행했으며이해상충이없다고서약 모든저자가저널투고에동의했으며, 이원고는다른저널에투고했거나투고한적이없다는사실명기 선호리뷰어와비선호리뷰어이름언급 ( 연락처정보포함 ) 경쟁연구자가비슷한연구를하고있으며좀더빠른리뷰요청 15

16 Cover Letter Your chance to speak to the editor directly Submitted along with your manuscript Mention what would make your manuscript special to the journal Note special requirements (suggest reviewers, conflicts of interest) Final approval from all authors Explanation of importance of research Suggest potential reviewers 에디터가좀더효과적으로심사단계를진행할수있게도움 참고문헌에서인용을많이한논문의저자를리뷰어로추천하고, 논문에나와있는저자의이메일주소명기 최소두대륙 ( 아시아, 유럽, 아메리카..) 에서추천 가까운친구나지도교수는안됨 Scopus 원고의키워드로검색 저자의 h-index 와관련논문검색 Guide to Authors 에근거하여 3-6 명리뷰어추천 Suggested reviewers Source : Elsevier Source : Elsevier 최근국제학계에서 셀프심사 가적발돼논문이철회되는일이잇따르는상황에서의학분야최고권위를자랑하는학술지가한국을논문셀프심사의 원조 로지목했다. 이논문은 3 년전한국의모연구자가스스로 동료평가 를할수있도록가짜이메일을만들었다고자백한이후 250 개가넘는논문이 가짜동료평가 를이유로철회됐다 고밝혔다. 연구자가쓴논문이학술지에실리려면에디터 ( 편집인 ) 의승인을얻어야한다. 그러나에디터가전문적인영역의수많은논문을일일이확인하기어렵기때문에 동료평가 (Peer review) 를거친다. 이과정에서논문게재를신청한연구자는자신의논문을평가해줄 동료평가자 들의이메일주소를첨부하고, 에디터는이이메일주소를이용해해당논문의가치를평가해달라고요청한다. 물론논문을평가하는 동료 는논문저자와직접적인연관이없어야한다. 공정한평가를위해서다. 그러나 NEJM 이언급한국내지방모대학의 A 교수는논문게재를신청할때자신이직접만든이메일주소를첨부했다. 에디터를속여자신의논문에스스로좋은평가를하는 셀프심사 가가능하게끔한것이다. 의학권위지 NEJM 논문 ' 셀프심사 ' 원조는한국 Reviewer s benefits Contribute to the review process especially if you publish in same journal Try becoming loyal to a journal you like This will help you ascend to be on the editorial board Volunteer! Send the editors in chief a not with your CV. Great reviewers are recognized and rewarded in this process Publication history with the journal(# rejected/accepted) Reviewer history : How many times was the author invited and accepted/declined Poor reviewers are also recognized and. Reviewers who accept a manuscript, then never complete the review 당시셀프심사의혹이일자 A 교수는학술지출판사측에개인이메일계정사실을일부시인했고, 출판사측은 A 교수의논문을철회했다. Source : 연합뉴스 2015 년 11 월 4 일자 Source : 16

17 논문구조 제목 / 초록 / 키워드 Title Abstract Keywords Main text (IMRAD) Introduction Methods Results And Discussions Conclusion Acknowledgement References Supplementary Data 색인과검색이최대한쉽게될수있도록! (informative, attractive, effective) 저널공간은한정 독자의시간부족 최대한논문을간결하게작성하는것이관건 - 생각보다어려운작업! 대부분의검색엔진, 데이터베이스, 저널웹사이트는제목과초록의키워드목록을사용하여검색결과를순위화하여제시 제목 / 초록 : 논문중유일하게온라인상에서자유롭게열람할수있는부분 독자는제목과초록부분을읽어보고나서, 논문의전체를계속읽을것인지결정 초록을읽은독자중 10%, 논문제목을읽은독자중 1% 만이본문을읽음 초록 : 저널에디터와리뷰어가제일처음읽게되는부분 바쁜저널에디터는초록만보고논문을심사할지곧바로거절할지결정 리뷰어는초록을읽고논문에대한첫인상을가짐 Source : Elsevier Source : Editage Insights - 효과적인제목 / 초록작성과적절한키워드선택하는법 조선일보 QS 아시아대학평가 논문제목 Common errors 비핵심적인정보포함 (includes non-essential information) 불필요한단어포함 (Notes, approach, aspect, novel, effect, study of, investigates..) 질문형이나문장형은 editorial 에서만허용하는저널증가 제목이저널의 Aim & Scope 와맞지않음 Examples Halothane Anesthesia Impairs Pulmonary Function in Newborn Lambs (à for anesthesiologists) Impaired Pulmonary Function in Newborn Lambs Anesthetized With Halothane (à for neonatologists) 17

18 논문제목논문제목 ( 예시 ) Tips 새롭고중요한내용강조 유용한키워드수록 최대한간단하게, 불필요한단어배제 Serial number, Commercial brand name, 약어는사용하지않음 Answer the questions : 연구목적이뚜렷하고간결 ( 연구목적이가능하면 1 개혹은 2 개이하가유리 ) 연구방법에대상과실험디자인언급 (RCT, Prospective Study, Multicenter, Multinational study 는조금더유리 ) 연구대상자나대상이무엇인가? 결과는어떠했나? 효과적인제목작성단계 키워드 Common errors - 관련키워드를찾는데충분한시간을갖지않음 - 키워드가너무광범위하거나너무특정화 (too generic or too specific) - Avoid making them - too general ( drug delivery, mouse, disease, etc.) - too narrow (so that nobody will ever search for it) Source : Editage Insights - 효과적인제목 / 초록작성과적절한키워드선택하는법 18

19 키워드 Google 의 PageRank 알고리즘 Tips 검색엔진이나데이터베이스는키워드를이용해논문을분류 색인이바르게될수있도록정확한키워드사용 본문에주요용어를반복해서사용 동의어를다양하게표현 (Include variants of a term/phrase(e.g., kidney and renal), drug names, procedure, etc.) Note : 키워드를직접입력해서비슷한검색결과가나오는지확인 PubMed 의 MeSH Term 사용 Source : KISTI 지식리포트 SEO 검색순위올리기전략, Introduction to SEO, KTH 권정혁 SEO 를고려한학술논문작성시유의사항 SEO 를고려한학술논문작성시유의사항 논문제목이나초록에키워드사용 논문의각세션별부제목 (subheadings) 에키워드를반복적으로사용 사진, 이미지, 그래프, 표를설명하는캡션에키워드를사용 Source : Elsevier Source : Elsevier 19

20 저자됨 (Authorship) 저자명표시 논문의저자가누구인지를결정하는것은논란이많은주제 ICMJE( 국제의학학술지편집자위원회 ) 에서는기여자의이름을공동저자로넣을지논문의감사의말에넣을지를결정할때도움이되는가이드라인제작 1. 논문구상및계획, 데이터획득, 데이터분석과해석단계에서본질적인기여 AND 2. 논문에서지식정보를담고있는주요부분에대해초고를작성했거나비평적으로수정 AND 3. 논문의최종버전에대해게재승인 AND 4. 논문의정확성에의문이제기될때이를적절하게조사하고해결하는데책임을지기로동의 All others would qualify as Acknowledged Individuals 제 1 저자 (First Author) 연구를주도적으로진행하고연구결과를분석 / 해석 연구논문을작성하고저널에투고 교신저자 (Corresponding author) 제 1 저자이거나저자소속기관의연장자 제 1 저자가대학원생일경우소속기관의변동될가능성이높기때문에지속적으로연락가능한지도교수 저자의소속기관변경시저자리스트에는연구가진행된곳으로명기 논문하단에 * 현소속 (Current Affiliation) 기재 Abuses to be avoided 유령저자 (Ghost Authorship): 주요한연구기여자를저자에서제외 선물저자 (Gift Authorship): 연구에기여하지않은사람을저자에포함 Source ICMJE Source ICMJE ORCID( Scopus Author profile 비영리기관 연구자별고유식별번호부여 연구자스스로 ORCID 사이트에서본인의연구저작물업데이트 20

21 Web of Science 에서 Researcher ID 찾는법 Google Scholar 81 초록 구조화된초록 ( 주로의학저널에서많이사용 ) 목적이뚜렷하고간결 목적이연구방법, 결과, 결론으로내용이잘이어져야함 방법 : 연구대상언급 연구대상기술시비뚤림이의심되지않도록선정 / 배제기준기술 결과에결론으로유도하는과학적근거자료제시 결론 : 연구목적에대한답 Graphical abstracts on ScienceDirect 트윗! SNS 에서공유 영향력있는블로거에게송부 본인의논문에링크 초록의진화 피해야할사항 : 장황한배경정보, 참고문헌, 잘사용하지않는약어, 본문의문장을그대로복사해서사용, 문장을 Although 로시작, 토의사항이나한계점기술, 본문내용과다른수치기술 Source : 이선영, 제목, Abstract 작성의 tip, 제 9 회논문작성워크숍 ( 2017 년 8 월 5 일, 가톨릭의대 ) organized by KAMJE Source : (Get Noticed Promoting your article for maximum impact) 21

22 논문작성순서 초록작성단계 ütable & Figures üabstract üresults ümaterials and Methods üintroduction üdiscussion Source : Editage Insights - 효과적인제목 / 초록작성과적절한키워드선택하는법 Source : 홍성대, 학술논문작성의 10 가지 Tip, 제 9 회논문작성워크숍 ( 2017 년 8 월 5 일, 가톨릭의대 ) organized by KAMJE 서론 (Introduction) 서론 (Introduction) Explain the problem with background and references - 연구의목적, 중요성, 연구질문을명확히제시 이연구가이해하거나해결하고자하는문제의배경지식제공 ( What is known / What is not known) 왜이연구를수행했는가를서술 (Why you did the study) 이연구가어떻게전공분야에기여하는지설명 (Why the answers are important) 기존문헌, 관련연구를인용하며이주제에대한기존의지식요약 (Up to date literature, but not an extensive review) Do not describe methods, results or conclusions Source : 영어과학논문 100% 쉽게쓰기, 김형순, 2010, 서울대학교출판문화원 Source : Elsevier 22

23 Example : Introduction Expressions for a journal article s first sentence Recently, there has been a growing interest in... The possibility of... has generated wide interest in... The development of...has led to the hope that... Knowledge of... has a great importance for... The study of... has become an important aspect of... A central issue in... is... The... has been extensively studied in recent years. Many investigators have recently turned to... The relationship between... and... has been investigated by many researchers. Many recent studies have focused on... Example : Introduction Expressions that make a generalization about the current state of knowledge or practice Examples: The aetiology and pathology of... is well-known. There is now much evidence to support the hypothesis that... The... properties of... are still not completely understood. A standard procedure for assessing... has been are often criticized for... Expressions that make a generalization about phenomena, focusing on frequency or complexity: Examples:... is a common finding in patients with... An elaborate system of... is found in... There are many situations where is a rich source of... 서론 (Introduction) 연구방법 (Methods) 리뷰어체크포인트 문헌에기초한충분한배경정보를제공하는가? 최근논문들과기반이되는연구들이잘인용이되었는가? 다양한관점을제시하는문헌이균형있게인용되었는가? 목적과질문가설을명백히기술하였는가? 23

24 Common error 중요한연구절차에대한설명을배제 Tips 연구방법 (Methods) Reviewers will criticize incomplete or incorrect descriptions, and may even recommend rejection Tips 연구방법 (Methods) 아무리자세해도지나치지않다! => 누구든똑같은실험결과가나올수있게최대한자세히연구절차에대해언급 기존선행연구에나온연구방법은간단히기술하고선행연구언급 대부분수동태, 과거시제사용 모든사용한방법과, 기계에대해자세히명기 실험절차에대한이미지나흐름도도포함 질문지등데이터수집방법에대해기술 연구방법의타당성을증명할수있는선행연구언급 실험실셋팅이나환경에대해서도기술 왜이연구방법을선택했는지설명 Þ Avoid adding Results, comments and discussion Þ Consider use of Supplementary Materials Þ Documents, spreadsheets, audio, video,... Source : Elsevier 연구방법 (Methods) 리뷰어체크포인트 사용된방법론이연구질문에적합한가? 다른연구자가이연구를재현할수있도록상세한정보를제공하였는가? 연구설정이분명히되어있는가? 연구가언제어디서수행되었는가? 연구대상혹은참가자는누구인가? 필요한윤리적승인을얻었는가? 연구도구와분석법에관해설명하였는가? Supplementary Material Data of secondary importance for the main scientific thrust of the article e.g. individual curves, when a representative curve or a mean curve is given in the article itself Or data that do not fit into the main body of the article e.g. audio, video,... Not part of the printed article Will be available online with the published paper Must relate to, and support, the article Source : Elsevier 24

25 Supplementary materials 활용예 Ethics Committee approval Industry tools & content: Interactive graphs Database links Supplementary data Protein Viewer Google Maps Protein Interactions Experiments on humans or animals must follow applicable ethics standards e.g. most recent version of the Helsinki Declaration and/or relevant (local, national, international) animal experimentation guidelines Approval of the local ethics committee is required, and should be specified in the manuscript Editors can make their own decisions as to whether the experiments were done in an ethically acceptable manner Sometimes local ethics approvals are way below internationally accepted standards Source : (Get Noticed Promoting your article for maximum impact) 97 Source : Elsevier 연구결과 (Results) 연구결과 (Results) Tips 통계데이터를단순기술하는것이아니라도표를이용하여한눈에연구결과를알아볼수있게표시 단순히통계데이터를언급하기보다는, 결과가의미하는바를설명 수치와도표에서연구의결과치를나타낸다면, 본문텍스트에는다시설명할필요없음 일반화된데이터가아니라실제데이터를설명 ( 예, Body weight was increased => Body weight increased 2% over 6 day period.) 25

26 연구결과 (Results) Figures and tables Effects of BMSCs in an in vivo model of perimenopause. GC apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL staining. (A) Representative images of ovarian tissues obtained from the young, BMSC, control, and estrogen groups one (top panels) and three (bottom panels) months after the intervention are shown (200 ). (B) GC apoptosis rates among the control, BMSC, estrogen, and young groups after 1 and 3 months intervention. Values are presented as mean ± SD. * indicates a significant difference from control; P < 0.05 (Two-way ANOVA: treatment effect, P < ; time effect, P = ). N = 5 for each group. Guo et al. BMC Cell Biology :18 doi: / Data but No Results Results Example In the 20 control subjects, the mean resting blood pressure was 85±5 (SD) mm Hg. In comparison, in the 30 tennis players, the mean resting blood pressure was 94±3 mm Hg. Revision: 1. The mean resting blood pressure was higher in the 30 tennis players than in the 20 control subjects [95±3 (SD) vs. 85±5 mm Hg, P < 0.02]. 2. The mean resting blood pressure was 10% higher in the 30 tennis players than in the 20 control subjects [95±3 (SD) vs. 85±5 mm Hg, P < 0.02]. Source : Scientific Editing by 박혜성, 대한진단검사의학회 2016 년춘계심포지엄 Results Example 유용한통계분석사이트 (web-r.org) The Spearman rank correlation was used in the dependence analyses of the investigated parameters and CA We observed a significantly positive correlation between M-CSF and CA 15-3 concentrations in total group of breast cancer (R = 0.41; P < 0.001). Additionally, we noticed a statistically significant positive correlation between M-CSF with and MMP-9, M-CSF with and TIMP-1, and between MMP-9 with and TIMP-1 (R = 0.19, P = 0.016; R = 0.16, P = 0.001; R = 0.25, P = 0.019, respectively) in the total analyzed group. Significantly positive correlations were also observed between MMP-9 and TIMP-1 concentrations in the benign lesion group. positive correlation 이라는표현은적합하지않음. R value 에따라미리해석기준을제시하고그에따라 weak, moderate, Strong 등으로기술 P values can never equal 0 or 1( 소수점 3 자리로통일화 ) P = à P < P = à P > Ask for professional statistical help Source : Scientific Editing by 박혜성, 대한진단검사의학회 2016 년춘계심포지엄

27 연구결과 (Results) 고찰 (Discussion) 리뷰어체크포인트 결과가방법론을반영하는가? 모든연구도구와분석법의결과물을보고하였는가? 통계적, 임상적인결과가가진중요성을입증하였는가? Source : 영어과학논문 100% 쉽게쓰기, 김형순, 2010, 서울대학교출판문화원 고찰 (Discussion) 고찰 ( 결과치가의미하는바는?) Common errors 연구결과에쓴내용을다시반복 연구데이터에의거하지않은결론 갑자기새로운개념을제시 Tips 서론에서제시한연구질문에어떻게답을할수있는가? 연구결과에대해본인만의비판적해석을했는가? 기존선행연구들과비교분석하며연구결과를해석하고그의미에대해기술 다른선행연구와비교해서유사한점은무엇이며, 다른점이있다면왜다른가? 내연구결과의새로운점과의의를지적 예기치않은소견이있으면설명 연구의한계점은무엇인가? 논리적으로의견이정리되어있는가? It is the most important section of your article. Here you get the chance to SELL your data! - Many manuscripts are rejected because the Discussion is weak Step 1 : 세운가설을뒷받침하는지언급 Step 2 : 결과치해석 ( 결과는무엇을의미하나?) Step 3 : 결과를이전연구와연관 연구의결과가이전연구를뒷받침하는가? 아니면이전결과물을벗어나는가? 연구를이전지식에연결시키는방법설명 Step 4 : 연구의한계점언급 Step 5 : 연구의의미 Source : Elsevier Limit to 1/3rd total length 27

28 고찰 : 정확한단어선택 Prove, Demonstrate, Document : 매우강한표현으로질문에대해논란의여지가없음 Show, Indicate, Find : 보다약한표현으로다소불확실한대답에적합 Suggest, Imply : 훨씬약한표현으로추론하는데적합 Speculate : 보다더추론적일때사용 조동사 Will : 약 90% 의확실성을표시, 질문에대한대답이나그의적용에대해기술할때적합 Would : 약 85% 의확실성을표시, 강한추론 (implication 또는 speculation) 을표시할때사용 Can : 약 80% 의가능성으로발생할수있는경우 Could( 약 75%), May( 약 70%), Might( 약 65%) : 보다적은확실성으로약한추론에사용 Example : Results and Discussion Study limitations Expressions for limitations of the study: It should be noted that this study has been primarily concerned with... This analysis has concentrated on... The findings of this study are restricted to... The limitations of this study are clear... Expressions for stating conclusions that should NOT be drawn: However, the findings do not imply... The results of this study cannot be taken as evidence for... Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this data... The lack of... means that we cannot be certain... Expressions for very limited studies: Notwithstanding its limitations, this study does suggest... Despite its preliminary character, the research reported here would seem to indicate... However exploratory, this study may offer some insight into... Source : 영문과학논문작성메뉴얼, 민양기, 2013, 범문에두케이션 결론 (Conclusion) 결론 (Conclusion) Common errors 데이터가뒷받침되지않는새로운제안 연구결과를과대포장 단순히논문을다시한번요약 Tips 저자가이연구를통해배운내용이나깨달은바를설명 연구질문, 연구목적과직접적으로연관되게기술 폭넓은연구의의미에대해더자세히설명 본인의연구에서미진한부분에대한향후추가연구방향제시 Do not summarize the paper => The abstract is for that purpose Source : 영어과학논문 100% 쉽게쓰기, 김형순, 2010, 서울대학교출판문화원 28

29 전문가들이피하도록권하는표현 자칫오만해보일수있는표현 This is the first study to ~ This drug(or intervention) is safe and effective ~ Physicians should ~ This study increased awareness of ~ Further studies are required to~ Significant : 통계학적으로유의할때만사용 ( 예, P value 0.05 미만 ) Average 는결과에서합을나눠서계산한평균치만을나타날때사용 ( 평범함은 typical, usual, ordinary 사용 ) 결론 (Conclusion) "Here's a simple test: if somebody reads your conclusions before reading the rest of your paper, will they fully understand them? If the answer is 'yes', there's probably something wrong. A good conclusion says things that become significant after the paper has been read. A good conclusion gives perspective to sights that haven't yet been seen at the introduction. A conclusion is about the implications of what the reader has learned." Source : 이선영, 제목, Abstract 작성의 tip, 제 9 회논문작성워크숍 ( 2017 년 8 월 5 일, 가톨릭의대 ) organized by KAMJE 고찰및결론 리뷰어체크포인트 결과물이다른설정에서다른연구대상에일반화될수있는지고려하였는가? 자신의결과물이함축하고있는바를모두고려하였는가? 결과물이어떤영향을미칠것인지제시하였는가? 미래의연구방향이나미래연구에서나올수있는질문들을고려하였는가? 한계점과한계점이결론에미치는영향에대해논의하였는가? 문장시제 출판된연구결과를인용하는경우 : 현재시제 자신의연구결과 : 과거시제 표나그림을설명할때 : 현재시제 초록 : 과거 ( 검증되지않은저자의연구결과를언급 ) 또는현재 ( 현실감을주기위해 ) 서론 : 현재 ( 무엇을하려고하는가?) 연구방법 : 과거 ( 어떤방법을사용하였는가? 결과 : 과거 ( 무엇을발견하였는가?) 또는현재 ( 현실감을주기위해 ) 고찰 : 현재 ( 연구결과가무엇을의미하는가?) Source : 피어리뷰의중요성및리뷰를잘하는방법 by Wolters Kluwer, Editage Insights Source : 논문 10% 만고쳐써라, 김형순, 2005, 야스미디어 29

30 참고문헌 (References) Common errors 본문에언급되어있는문헌들이참고문헌리스트에서누락 저자명이나저널정보의오류 Tips 연구와관련이있는참고문헌만을인용 적절한수의참고문헌인용 너무많은자기인용은부적절 같은지역 ( 아시아..) 의논문만인용하는것도피함 Guide for Authors 에서제시한참고문헌스타일유지 출판윤리및표절 출처를표시했지만부적절하게표시한경우 타인의저작물을활용할때말바꿔쓰기나요약을하지않고직접인용할경우 3 줄이내로짧을경우인용부호 ( ) 길경우인용단락표시 ( 들여쓰기 ) 를하고출처표시 2 차문헌표절 이론적배경이나선행연구를리뷰할때흔히발생 저자가외국인이쓴 1 차문헌을직접보고그대로번역하거나말바꿔쓰기또는요약을하지않은경우 2 차문헌에인용된내용을그대로쓸때, 재인용표시를해야함에도그렇게하지않고직접원문을본것처럼 1 차문헌을출처표시한경우 Paraphrasing Guidelines Non-Content words must be changed Ninety percent of the respondents said that they were highly satisfied with their college experience. Nine out of 10 people surveyed described being highly satisfied with college life. Structure of the Text must be changed The recently opened presidential archives have confirmed long-suspected corruption. Researchers substantiated their suspicions of corruption when the presidential archives were unsealed. Source : 경제 인문사회연구회, 연구윤리평가기준및사례집,

31 말바꾸어쓰기사례 부적절한말바꾸어쓰기의경우 : 문장의틀은원문그대로유지되면서몇개의단어만비슷한것으로바뀌어있음. 제대로된말바꾸어쓰기의경우 : 사용된단어뿐아니라문장구조가완전히바뀜. 표절과자기표절에서의예외 이미발표된글에서문장빌려오기 연구의독자성을해하지않는범위내에서자신의연구결과물을부분적으로사용할수있다 ( 서울대학교연구윤리지침 ) 생명과학계열의학술지는대체로엄격한편이어서 1 개의문단이나 5 개이상의문장을... 재사용하는것은출처표시를하더라도적절치않다 고보는의견 materials and methods 또는 methods section 과거에발표한논문에서기술한바와동일한방법으로실험또는조사를해서데이터를얻고이를가지고논문을쓸때, methods section 에서는동일하게글을쓰더라도이경우에는자기표절에해당되지않는다고보는것이근래편집인들의공통된의견 상식에속하는내용을작성하기 출판윤리 자기표절 중복게재에해당되지않는경우 Same colour left and right Same text Source : Elsevier Source : 이인재 (2011) 연구결과발표에서의연구윤리 한국연구재단, 연구윤리이해와실천, pp

32 다른종류의문건사이의중복게재 단행본학술서적, 선집 : 이차출판절차와동일 학술대회발표초록, 구두또는포스터발표 : 검증받지않은가설을동료들로부터타당성을묻는연구활동의일부이기때문에학술지에재사용가능 학술대회프로시딩 : 프로시딩에실려광범위하게웹상에서공개된데이터의경우원전을밝히고새논문이실릴편집자의승인을받으면가능 학위논문을학술지논문으로발표하는경우 : 학계에서장려되는중요한학문활동 이차출판 (Secondary publication) 영어로번역해재발표하는경우 논문을발표한국내학술지의편집자로부터자신의논문을번역하여이차출판하는것에대한허가를득한다 번역한논문을발표하고자하는국제학술지의에디터에게서이미발표한논문의번역본투고에대한허락을얻어야한다. 이번역논문이심사를통과해서출판될때, 그논문의첫페이지에 This article is based on a study first reported in Korean Journal of -- 와같이출처정보를밝혀야한다. 이차출판된논문을포함하여 2 개모두를실적물로인정해달라고제출하는것은적절치않다. Source : 이공계연구윤리및출판윤리메뉴얼 Source : 이공계연구윤리및출판윤리메뉴얼 이해관계충돌 (conflict of interests) 대처방안 동시투고 (Duplicate Submission) 예 ) 의학분야 : 제약회사에서연구자들로하여금약품이나치료의효과를과장하라고요구 연구자 : 연구가독립적으로수행되었으며과학에최선의가치를더하기위해, 저자들은필요한경우지원금출처와맺고있는금전적관계를소속기관및대중에게밝힐책임 출판사 : 저자와리뷰어의권리보호의무 저자와이해관계충돌이없는리뷰어선정 리뷰어의신원보호 피어리뷰과정에서중립적이고객관적인위치를유지 오픈피어리뷰라는움직임은이런요구조건들에대한도전이될수있음 지원금출처 : 지원기관은연구자들의자치권과독립성을존중하고연구과정자체에개입하지않을책임. 지원기관은필요시연구자의소속기관에지원금상세내역을보고하고같은정보를대중에게도공개해야할의무 연구감독관 : 연구감독관은지원기관과연구자간의이해충돌여지를정기적으로감시할책임. 감독관은지원기관및연구자에게이들의이해관계를공개하라고요청가능. 기관역시관련지침을통해이해관계로인해일어날수있는부정행위를사전방지의무 동시에두개이상의저널에동일한논문을제출하는관행 왜동시투고가문제인가? 저작권위반이나저작권분쟁의소지 동일한출판과정을처리하는데자원낭비 예외사례 : 제출기간이중복되는학술회의에동시에논문을제출하는권한을저자에게명백하게부여할때 저자주의사항 하나이상의저널에동일한원고를제출하는것은지양 만약 A 라는저널에서 심사중인 논문을 B 라는저널에제출하고싶다면 : 공동저자의서면동의서획득 논문철회요구 : A 저널에디터에게철회정식통보 ( 자진철회 : withdraw) => A 저널에디터의철회확답을 B 저널에투고할때제출 32

33 What keeps editors awake at night? 표절을판별하는방법 이중투고 중복게재 명확하지않은이해관계표시 저자표시문제 표절 Keep editors happy? Þ 한번에한저널에만투고하기 Þ 모든인용한자료는명확하게인용표기 Þ 모든이해관계를명확히표시 (conflicts of interest) Þ 저자표시를명확히 (no 선물저자, no 유령저자 ) - 출판사에서표절판별소프트웨어를이용하여표절여부검사 - 리뷰어들이의혹을갖게되는경우 1. 제출된논문의각부분마다글쓰기스타일이다양 2. 논문의각부분마다사용된영어의수준이다름 3. 리뷰어가알고있는논문이인용되었으나참고문헌에누락되었을경우 4. 미국식영어와영국식영어스펠링혼재 5. 일관되지않은용어, 약어사용 Source : Elizabeth Wager, Publication Strategy, 에디티지성균관대학교특강, 2015 년 12 월 1 일 출판사의표절검사절차 표절판별소프트웨어 자료저장 Elsevier 출간 Electronic Warehousing 논문관리및논문제출요청 제작 논문심사관리 편집및출간관리 학회 온라인투고시스템 교정, 교열표절검사 - Turnitin( 국외업체 ), Copykiller( 국내업체 ) - 현재많은대학에서표절판별소프트웨어를사용중 - 판별절차 - 승인을받기위해제출된논문이나단행본은인터넷페이지, 학생논문, 저널, 단행본, 정기간행물등의방대한데이터베이스와의대조 - 이논문이표절인지아닌지여부를밝히는보고서가작성됨 - 기존연구와유사성을갖는부분이있다면두논문사이의유사도를 % 로표시 Source : Elsevier Korea 제작트래킹시스템 33

34 Turnitin 사용예시 표절판정기준 ( 의학계 ) WAME(World Association of Medical Editors) 타인의글을그대로가져다쓸수있는한계는 1 개문장정도 ( 그것도출처표시를하는경우 ) Source I 연구자가알아야할연구출판윤리와우리나라에서흔한사례 (2016 년 4 월 29 일, 이화여자대학교 ) by 배종우 PubPeer Has been used to draw attention to suspected misconduct, especially image manipulation An article in which the authors committed plagiarism: it will not be removed from ScienceDirect ever. Everybody who downloads it will see the reason for the retraction 135 Source : Elsevier Source : Sideview Elizabeth (Liz) Wager 34

35 서지관리프로그램 효과적인논문작성소프트웨어사용기법 Endnote : 개인및기관구독필요, 가장많은저널서식제공 Refworks : 웹버전이라손쉽게이용가능 Mendeley : Elsevier 에서무료제공, 클라우드서비스방식 문헌검색 Pubmed, Web of Science, 도서관목록등외부데이터베이스를검색하여결과를저장, 관리 문헌수집및관리 논문작성에필요한 Reference 정보를수집하여한곳에서관리 PDF 원문반입및자동 Reference 생성 논문의참고문헌스타일제공 MS Word 와의연동, 투고할저널의스타일에맞는자유로운참고문헌생성및변경가능 Share Your Papers(Mendeley) Collaborate with Your Research Team 참고문헌작성 (Mendeley) 같은연구그룹동료끼리연구본문공유및주석, 하이라이트공유가능 그룹멤버들끼리서로다른색깔로하이라이트가능 Source : 35

36 구글번역구글번역 ( 더나은번역기 ) MS Word/ Endnote template 활용 논문작성보조툴

37 MS Word 기능활용 MS Word 옵션기능 오른쪽마우스클릭 스펠링체크 영어동의어찾기 번역 MS Word 검토기능 MS Word 변경내용추적 교정의실제

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

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제19권 제3호 Ⅰ. 문제제기 온라인을 활용한 뉴스 서비스 이용은 이제 더 이 상 새로운 일이 아니다. 뉴스 서비스는 이미 기존의 언론사들이 개설한 웹사이트를 통해 이루어지고 있으 며 기존의 종이신문과 방송을 제작하는 언론사들 외 에 온라인을 기반으로 하는 신생 언론사 연구논문 제19권 제3호, 2012년 가을호, pp.19~35 포털 뉴스의 연성화와 의제설정의 탐색* 조 화 순**, 장 우 영***, 오 소 현**** 인터넷 이용자들이 포털을 활용해 뉴스 콘텐츠를 소비하는 경우가 늘어나면서 포털이 뉴스의 연성화를 촉진해 요약 여론형성에 문제가 있다는 비판을 받고 있다. 이러한 비판에 대응하기 위해 일부 포털은 기존의 뉴스배치모델과

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