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1 第十九課外出하기가怯납니다 病院에있다보면別別患者들이다찾아온다. 서너달前에는어떤女子가찾아와서이런이야기를했다. 살이쪄서苦悶인데어떻게살을빼는方法이없을까요? 그래서나는弄談삼아, 살을빼는비결같은것은원래없는걸요. 그런데女子는살이쪄서입고싶은옷도마음대로입을수없고나이도더들어보인다며男便이랑같이外出하기도怯이난다고계속不平을했다. 나는알고있는方法을이것저것말해주었다. 그렇지만그女子는다른方法은없느냐고물었다. 내가말한方法은벌써써보았지만하나마나였다는것이었다. 나는弄談처럼前에어디선가읽은적이있는우스갯소리를했다. 冷藏庫안에水泳服을입고있는날씬한女子의寫眞을붙여놓아살을빼는方法이었다. 冷藏庫門을열때마다그寫眞을보게될것이고, 그寫眞을보면먹고싶은것을참게될거라는이야기였다. 그患者가돌아가고나서나는그일을까마득하게잊었다. 그런데오늘, 患者도없고해서點心이나먹으러가야겠다고생각하고막診察室을나가려는데날씬한아가씨하나가들어왔다. 저를記憶하시겠어요? 누구시더라. 罪悚합니다, 記憶이안나는데요. 지난번에살빼는方法을물으러왔던사람이에요. 그말을듣고보니생각이났다. 그女子는正말몰라볼程度로날씬해져있었다. 先生님, 그方法은正말效果가있었어요. 어때요, 놀라셨지요? 내가感歎을하며神奇해하니까그女子는새로생긴苦悶을이야기했다. 男便몸무게가 10kg 이나늘었는데어떻게뺄方法이없을까요? From the Example Sentences: 1.3. A: 비단內衣를샀다면서? Is it true you bought some silk underwear? B: 응. 돈은多少過用한面이있기는하지만어쨌든感이좋거든? Yep. I sort of went overboard a bit with the money, but anyhow, they feel great, so A: 어제패션展示會를들러봤어? Did you stop in at the fashion exhibition yesterday? B: 들러보기는했는데오래관람할餘裕가없었지. I did, but I didn t have much spare time to take it in for long 그病院은 20 世기초에開院을한이래世界的으로有名한病院이되었지만閉院의危機에여러번處하기도했다. Ever since opening at the beginning of the twentieth century that hospital has been a world-famous one, but it has also faced closure crises several times, too A: 철호하고相議해보아야겠어. I ll have to consult with Ch ŏrho. B: 철호이야기는들으나마나니까다른사람하고相議해. It s pointless listening to what Ch ŏrho says; get your advice from somebody else 남의일에神經쓰지말고네일이나잘해. Don t worry about other people s business, and just mind your own. 231

2 4.39. A: 數學試驗點數가잘나왔어? Did you get a good grade on your math exam? B: 음, 몇點나왔더라? Hmm, what was my score again? 뭘많이만든것같은데상을차려놓고보니量이적네. I thought I had prepared a lot, but now that I set the table, I see there s too little A: 저할머니가 60 세밖에안보이는데알고보니 70 세넘으셨다고하네. That old lady doesn t look older than sixty, but I just learned that apparently she is over seventy. B: 머리를染色을하는걸요. I ll bet you she dyes her hair A: 親切運動 하는사람들은親切하기만하면老人問題, 교通問題等當面한社會問題를한꺼번에해決할수있다는데... The people involved in the kindness movement claim that if only we are kind, we can solve in one fell swoop the pressing social problems of the day like aging, traffic, etc. B: 다헛소리인걸. Ah, it s all a bunch of hot air (contrary to what they say) A: 나 SUV 하나살까봐. I think I ll buy an SUV. B: 小形車가더經제的일걸. Don t you think a small-size car would be more economical? NEW VOCABULARY Vocabulary from the Main Text 별별 NOUN all kinds of NOUN, all sorts of NOUN (implying that some of them are strange) 환자 ( 患者 ) patient; sick person 찾아오 come calling; pay a visit on 서너 three or four; a few 살 ( 이 ) 찌 get fat 고민 ( 苦悶 ) a worry; sth that vexes you 살 ( 을 ) 빼 lose weight 방법 ( 方法 ) a method, way, means 농담 ( 弄談 ) joke 농담삼아 as a joke; jokingly ( 으 ) ㄴ걸요, 는걸 contrary to what you might think 요, ( 으 ) ㄹ걸요 or expect (see Advanced Korean, Pattern 6) 비결 ( 秘訣 ) a secret (way to do sth), trick 원래 ( 元來 ) originally; to start with; actually 마음대로 as one pleases; as one likes (lit.: in accordance with one mind ) 나이 ( 가 ) 드 ㄹ be old (lit.: age enters ), e.g., 나이들었어요. Is old. 외출 ( 外出 )( 을 ) 하 go out 겁 ( 怯 ) fear 겁 ( 이 ) 나 be afraid (NB: processive) 어디선가 somewhere or other 우스갯소리 joke; anecdote; funny story (cf. 웃다 ) 냉장고 fridge 수영복 ( 水泳服 ) swimming suit 날씬하 be slim 붙이 stick sth to; make sth stick to 참 bear; suffer; put up with 까마득하게잊 forget sth completely 기억 ( 記憶 ) memory 기억 ( 이 ) 나 remember (sth) 기억력 ( 記憶力 ) one s (power of) memory 기억력 ( 이 ) 좋 have a good memory 환자도없고해서 because there were no patients or anything ( 고해서, 고그래서 ) 막... 는데 just as I was about to; just as I was in the process of... 진찰실 ( 診察室 ) examining room (NOUN의) 생각 ( 이 ) think of (sth); recall (sth) 나 몰라보 not recognize sb 알아보 recognize sb 효과 ( 效果 ) [ 꽈 ] effect 놀라 be surprised, startled (Nb: processive) 감탄 ( 感歎 )( 을 ) 하 exclaim; express one s surprise 신기 ( 神奇 ) 하 be strange, amazing, wondrous 무게 weight 몸무게 one s body weight Vocabulary from the Example Sentences 패션展示會 ( 전시회 ) fashion show 들르 drop by; stop by 오래 for a long time 관람 ( 觀覽 )( 을 ) 하 take in; view; inspect 232

3 餘裕 ( 여유 ) leeway; (extra) time money, space, etc. 비단 ( 緋緞 ) silk 內衣 ( 내의 ) underwear 多少 ( 다소 ) more or less; a bit; somewhat 過用 ( 과용 )( 을 ) 하 overspend; spend too much; overuse 面 ( 면 ) aspect 어쨌든 anyhow; anyway 感 ( 감 ) feeling; sense 病院 ( 병원 ) hospital 20세기 ( 世紀 ) 초 ( 初 ) beginning of the twentieth century 開院 ( 개원 ) open a hospital (or anything ending in 원 ) 이래 ( 以來 ) ever since 개원 ( 開院 ) 한이래 ever since opening (the hospital) 世界的 ( 세계적 ) 으로 be world-famous 有名 ( 유명 ) 하 閉院 ( 폐원 )( 을 ) 하 close a hospital (or anything ending in 원 ) 危機 ( 위기 ) 에 face a crisis 處 ( 처 ) 하 相議 ( 상의 )( 를 ) 하 consult with; seek advice from 남의일 others business; others affairs 神經 ( 신경 )( 을 ) 쓰 concern oneself 數學試驗 ( 수학시험 ) math exam 點數 ( 점수 ) [ 쑤 ] points, score, mark (e.g., on an exam) 點 ( 점 ) point; dot 상 ( 床 )( 을 ) 차리 set the table 量 ( 양 ) amount 60세 ( 歲 ) sixty years of age 넘 exceed; go over 染色 ( 염색 )( 을 ) 하 dye 親切運動 ( 친절운동 ) kindness movement 老人 ( 노인 ) elderly person; senior citizen 問題 ( 문제 ) problem 等 ( 등 ) etc.; and the like 當面 ( 당면 ) 하 face; be pressing/imminent 社會 ( 사회 ) society 한꺼번에 in one fell swoop; all at once 해결 ( 解決 )( 을 ) 하 solve; resolve 헛소리 nonsense; hot air 小形車 ( 소형차 ) small-size car 경제적 ( 經濟的 ) economical 새漢字 別 ( 별 ) 訓音 : 다를별뜻 : special; distinguish 총획수 : 7 劃部首 : 刂 ( 선칼도방 standing knife: 2 劃 ) = 7 劃 罪 ( 죄 ) 訓音 : 허물죄뜻 : crime; sin; guilt 총획수 : 13 劃部首 : 罒 ( 그물망머리 net: 5 劃 ) [Full form is 网.] = 13 劃 患 ( 환 ) 訓音 : 근심환뜻 : suffering; trouble 총획수 : 11 劃部首 : 心 ( 마음심 heart: 4 劃 ) = 11 劃 悚 ( 송 ) 訓音 : 두려워할송뜻 : fear; regret 총획수 : 10 劃部首 : 忄 ( 심방변 heart: 3 劃 ) = 10 劃 怯 ( 겁 ) 弄 ( 농 / 롱 ) 訓音 : 겁낼겁뜻 : cowardice; fear 총획수 : 8 劃部首 : 忄 ( 심방변 heart: 3 劃 ) 訓音 : 희롱할롱 ( 농 / 롱 ) 뜻 : mock; play with 총획수 : 7 劃部首 : 廾 ( 스물입발 twenty: 3 劃 ) 去 ( 법 ~ 겁 ) = 8 劃 注意 : 농 / 롱 = 7 劃 程 ( 정 ) 度 ( 도 ) 訓音 : 한도 / 단위정뜻 : extent 총획수 : 12 劃部首 : 禾 ( 벼화 rice: 5 劃 ) 訓音 : 법도 / 헤아릴탁뜻 : law; system/calculate; estimate 총획수 : 9 劃部首 : 广 ( 엄호 house: 3 劃 ) 呈 ( 정 ) = 12 劃 度 ( 도 ) = 9 劃 診 ( 진 ) 訓音 : 볼진뜻 : medical examination 총획수 : 12 劃部首 : 言 ( 말씀언 speech: 7 劃 ) 㐱 ( 진 ) = 12 劃 效 ( 효 ) 訓音 : 본받을효뜻 : effect 총획수 : 10 劃部首 : 攵 ( 등글월문 back graph: 4 劃 ) [Full form is 攴.] 交 ( 교 ~ 효 ) = 11 劃 233

4 果 ( 과 ) 訓音 : 과실과뜻 : fruit; result 총획수 : 8 劃部首 : 木 ( 나무목 tree: 4 劃 ) 果 ( 과 ) = 8 劃 閉 ( 폐 ) 訓音 : 닫을폐뜻 : close 총劃數 : 11 劃部首 : 門 ( 문문 gate: 8 劃 ) = 11 劃 展 ( 전 ) 訓音 : 펼전뜻 : spread out; open 총획수 : 10 劃部首 : 尸 ( 주검시엄 corpse: 3 劃 ) 展 ( 전 ) = 10 劃 當 ( 당 ) 訓音 : 마땅할당뜻 : fair 총劃數 : 13 劃部首 : 田 ( 밭전 fi eld: 5 劃 ) 尚 ( 당 ~ 상 ) = 13 劃 餘 ( 여 ) 訓音 : 남을여뜻 : surplus 총획수 : 16 劃部首 : 食 ( 밥식 food: 9 劃 ) 余 ( 여 ) = 16 劃 面 ( 면 ) 訓音 : 낯면뜻 : face; surface; front; township 총劃數 : 9 劃部首 : 面 ( 제部首 ) 面 ( 면 ) = 9 劃 裕 ( 유 ) 訓音 : 넉넉할유뜻 : abundant; wealthy 총획수 : 12 劃部首 : 衤 ( 옷의변 clothes: 5 劃 ) = 12 劃 過 ( 과 ) 訓音 : 지날과뜻 : pass; cross over 총劃數 : 13 劃部首 : 辶 ( 책반침 bookrest: 4 劃 ) 咼 ( 과 ~ 화 ) = 13 劃 相 ( 상 ) 訓音 : 서로상뜻 : mutual; each other 총획수 : 9 劃部首 : 目 ( 눈목 eye: 5 劃 ) 相 ( 상 ) = 9 劃 用 ( 용 ) 訓音 : 쓸용뜻 : use 총劃數 : 5 劃部首 : 用 ( 제部首 ) 用 ( 통 ~ 송 ~ 용 ) = 5 劃 數 ( 수 ) 量 ( 양 / 량 ) 訓音 : 셀수뜻 : a number; count; frequently 총劃數 : 15 劃部首 : ( 등글월문 back graph: 4 劃 ) [Full form is 攴.] 訓音 : 헤아릴량 ( 양 / 량 ) 뜻 : measure; limit; amount 총劃數 : 12 劃部首 : 里 ( 마을리 village: 7 劃 ) = 15 劃 注意 : 양 / 량 量 ( 량 ) = 12 劃 多 ( 다 ) 少 ( 소 ) 訓音 : 많을다뜻 : many; a lot of 총劃數 : 6 劃部首 : 夕 ( 저녁석 night: 3 劃 ) 訓音 : 적을소뜻 : little 총劃數 : 4 劃部首 : 小 ( 작을소 little: 3 劃 ) = 6 劃 小 ( 소 ~ 초 ) = 4 劃 經 ( 경 ) 訓音 : 지날경뜻 : pass through; govern; scripture 총劃數 : 13 劃部首 : 糸 ( 실사 thread: 6 劃 ) 巠 ( 경 ) = 13 劃 色 ( 색 ) 訓音 : 빛색뜻 : color; beauty; appearance; lust; sex; sort; kind; quality 총劃數 : 6 劃部首 : 色 ( 제部首 ) = 6 劃 開 ( 개 ) 訓音 : 열개뜻 : open 총劃數 : 12 劃部首 : 門 ( 문문 gate: 8 劃 ) = 12 劃 234

5 새部首 訓音 : 스물입발廾뜻 : twenty 총劃數 : 3 劃部首 : 廾 ( 제部首 ) = 3 劃 用 ( 용 ) 訓音 : 쓸용뜻 : use 총劃數 : 5 劃部首 : 用 ( 제部首 ) 用 ( 통 ~ 송 ~ 용 ) = 5 劃 罒 ( 망 ) 訓音 : 그물망머리뜻 : net 총劃數 : 5 劃部首 : 罒 ( 제部首 ) = 5 劃 小 ( 소 ) 訓音 : 작을소뜻 : small/little 총劃數 : 3 劃部首 : 小 ( 제部首 ) 小 ( 소 ~ 초 ) = 3 劃 网 ( 망 ) 訓音 : 그물망뜻 : net 총劃數 : 6 劃部首 : 网 ( 제部首 ) = 6 劃 面 ( 면 ) 訓音 : 낯면뜻 : face; surface; front; township 총劃數 : 9 劃部首 : 面 ( 제部首 ) 面 ( 면 ) = 9 劃 訓音 : 옷의변衤뜻 : clothes 총劃數 : 5 劃部首 : 衤 ( 제部首 ) = 5 劃 色 ( 색 ) 訓音 : 빛색뜻 : color; beauty; appearance; lust; sex; sort; kind; quality 총劃數 : 6 劃部首 : 色 ( 제部首 ) = 6 劃 衣 ( 의 ) 訓音 : 옷의뜻 : clothes 총劃數 : 6 劃部首 : 衣 ( 제部首 ) 衣 ( 의 ) = 6 劃 第十九課 BUILDING WORD POWER WITH 漢字 다를別 ( 별 ) separate; apart; distinguish; other; another 部首 : 刂 ( 선칼도방 standing knife) + 5 劃別 ( 별 ) 나 be peculiar; be eccentric 有別 ( 유별 ) 나 be distinctive; be peculiar 別 ( 별 ) 다르 be of a particular kind 別 ( 별 ) 다른일 sth in particular 別 ( 별 ) 일 [ 별릴 ] particular thing 別 ( 별 ) 일없으면 if you don t have anything particular to do 別 ( 별 ) 도리없다. There is no alternative. 別 ( 별 ) 꼴 obnoxious thing/person; eyesore 別故 ( 별고 )( 가 ) 없 be well 別館 ( 별관 ) annex 別名 ( 별명 ) alias; pseudonym; nickname 別食 ( 별식 ) rare dish 性別 ( 성별 ) distinction of sex 有別 ( 유별 ) 나 be distinctive; be peculiar 離別 ( 이별 ) parting; separation 作別 ( 작별 ) leave-taking; good-bye 作別人事 ( 작별인사 ) farewell expression 特別 ( 특별 ) 하 be special; be particular 特別市 ( 특별시 ) special city (Seoul) 근심患 ( 환 ) anxiety; suffering; trouble 部首 : 心 ( 마음심 heart) + 7 劃患部 ( 환부 ) affected part 患者 ( 환자 ) a patient 後患 ( 후환 ) future trouble; evil consequence 後患 ( 을 ) 두려워하 fear future troubles 病患 ( 병환 ) sickness (hon.) 有備無患 ( 유비무환 ) Preparing is preventing. 우환 ( 憂患 ) anxiety; grief; sorrow 겁낼怯 ( 겁 ) cowardice; fear 部首 : 忄 ( 심방변 heart) + 5 劃怯 ( 겁 )( 이 ) 많 be cowardly 怯 ( 겁 ) 쟁이 coward 怯 ( 겁 )( 을 ) 먹 be scared; lose one s nerve 怯 ( 겁 )( 을 ) 주 scare (a person) 怯 ( 겁 )( 이 ) 없 be fearless; be bold 多怯 ( 다겁 ) 하 be timid, fearful, cowardly 235

6 희롱할弄 ( 농 / - 롱 ) do; make; act; play with; handle 部首 : 廾 ( 스물입발 twenty) + 4 劃弄談 ( 농담 )( 을 ) 하 joke 살필診 ( 진 ) medical examination 部首 : 言 ( 말씀언 speech) + 5 劃診察 ( 진찰 ) medical examination 허물罪 ( 죄 ) crime; sin; transgression; misdeed; offense 部首 : 罒 (= 网 ) ( 그물망머리 net) + 8 劃罪 ( 죄 )( 를 ) 지 ( ㅅ ) ( 짓다, 지어요 ) commit a crime 罪 ( 죄 )( 를 ) 받 suffer punishment 罪悚 ( 죄송 ) 하 be/feel sorry, regrettable 罪過 ( 죄과 ) a crime, sin, wrong 罪名 ( 죄명 ) name of a crime or offense; charge 罪目 ( 죄목 ) crimes; offenses 罪狀 ( 죄상 ) the circumstances of a crime 죄상 ( 을 ) 조사 ( 調査 ) 하 inquire into a person s guilt 罪業 ( 죄업 ) (in Buddhism) acts that will lead to sin 罪人 ( 죄인 ) criminal; sinner; I, me (as used by a son mourning his father) 罪責 ( 죄책 ) liability for a crime 罪責 ( 죄책 ) 을묻 charge with a crime/offense 罪責感 ( 죄책감 ) guilty conscience 無罪 ( 무죄 ) not guilty 有罪 ( 유죄 ) guilty 범죄 ( 犯罪 ) crime; offense 범죄자 ( 犯罪者 ) an offender, criminal, convict 두려워할悚 ( 송 ) fear; regret 部首 : 忄 ( 심방변 heart) + 7 劃罪悚 ( 죄송 ) 하 be/feel sorry, regrettable 죄송하지만 I am sorry, but... 한도程 ( 정 ) road; journey; career; grade; standard; pattern; amount 部首 : 禾 ( 벼화 rice) + 7 劃程度 ( 정도 ) extent; degree; amount; level; grade; limit 過程 ( 과정 ) task; course; process 程里 ( 정리 ) mileage; distance 課程 ( 과정 ) course of study; curriculum 音程 ( 음정 ) musical interval; tone 日程 ( 일정 ) daily activities; day s schedule 법도度 ( 도 ) rule; law; limit; degree 해아릴度 ( 탁 ) calculate; estimate 部首 : 广 ( 엄호 house) + 6 劃程度 ( 정도 ) extent; degree; amount; level; grade; limit 度量 ( 도량 ) magnanimity; liberality; generosity; ability; resourcefulness 度數 ( 도수 ) [ 쑤 ] frequency; number of times; percent alcohol in liquor 密度 ( 밀도 ) density 人口密度 ( 인구밀도 ) density of population 百八十度 ( 백팔십도 ) 180 degrees 年度 ( 연도 ) year 會計年度 ( 회계연도 ) fiscal year 進度 ( 진도 ) rate of progress (of classwork) 學課진도 ( 학과 ~) progress of classwork 度地 ( 탁지 )( 를 ) 하 survey the land 본받을效 ( 효 ) be like; imitate; efficacious; endeavor 部首 : 攵 ( 등글월문 back graph) + 6 劃効果 ( 효과 ) [ 꽈 ] effect 效果的 ( 효과적 ) effective 效力 ( 효력 ) effect; validity 效力 ( 효력 )( 이 ) 있 be effective 無效 ( 무효 ) invalidity 特效 ( 특효 ) special efficacy 有效 ( 유효 ) 하 be valid; be effective 과실果 ( 과 ) fruit; results 部首 : 木 ( 나무목 tree) + 4 劃効果 ( 효과 ) [ 꽈 ] effect 效果的 ( 효과적 ) effective 果然 ( 과연 ) as expected; sure enough 結果 ( 결과 ) result 多肉果 ( 다육과 ) a drupaceous (pulpy) fruit; a drupe 成果 ( 성과 ) [ 꽈 ] result; outcome 펼展 ( 전 ) spread out; open; unroll 部首 : 尸 ( 주검시엄 corpse) + 7 劃展開 ( 전개 )( 를 ) 하 unfold; develop (a story) 展示 ( 전시 ) exhibition; display 展示會 ( 전시회 ) exhibition (show) 國展 ( 국전 ) 국립전시회 ( 國立展示會 ) the National Art Exhibition 發展 ( 발전 )( 을 ) 하 develop; grow; prosper 진전 ( 進展 ) development; progress 남을餘 ( 여 ) remainder; balance; excess; over; plus; the last 部首 : 食 ( 밥식 food) + 7 劃餘裕 ( 여유 ) extra (time, money, space, etc.); composure...( 으 ) ㄹ시간의여유가없다 have no time to spare to do......( 으 ) ㄹ마음의여유가없다 have no room in one s mind to spare to do... 餘暇 ( 여가 ) spare time; leisure...( 으 ) ㄹ여가가없다 have no (leisure) time to do... 餘念 ( 여념 ) distraction; irrelevant thoughts... 에여념이없다 be absorbed in... 餘分 ( 여분 ) remainder; excess; leftover 餘生 ( 여생 ) the rest of one s life 餘地 ( 여지 ) room; margin 의심할여지가없다. There is no room for doubt. 넉넉할裕 ( 유 ) abundant; wealthy; generous; in good circumstances 部首 : 衤 ( 옷의변 clothes) + 7 劃餘裕 ( 여유 ) extra (time, money, space, etc.); composure 236

7 裕福 ( 유복 ) 하 be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-todo 富裕 ( 부유 ) 하 be wealthy 富裕層 ( 부유층 ) the wealthy class 서로相 ( 상 ) mutual; reciprocal; each other; direction towards; assist; face; appearance; likeness; portrait; prime minister 部首 : 目 ( 눈목 eye) + 4 劃相當 ( 상당 ) 하 be considerable; be suitable for 相面 ( 상면 )( 을 ) 하 see each other; meet with; have an interview 面相 ( 면상 ) physiognomy; face; looks 相見 ( 상견 )( 을 ) 하 interview; meet with 相關 ( 상관 ) relationship, connection; meddling; concern 相談 ( 상담 ) consultation; counsel 相談所 ( 상담소 ) information bureau; consulting office 相對 ( 상대 ) partner; rival; relativity 相對 ( 상대 )( 를 ) 하 keep company with; contend with 相對方 ( 상대방 ) the other person; one s interlocutor (conversation partner) 相對性 ( 상대성 ) relativity 相對便 ( 상대편 ) the opposite party 相對的 ( 상대적 ) relative 相等 ( 상등 ) 하 be equal/equivalent to, as good as 相議 ( 상의 )( 를 ) 하 ask advice; consult 相傳 ( 상전 )( 을 ) 하 inherit; transmit; hand down 相通 ( 상통 )( 을 ) 하 understand each other; accommodate each other; be in touch with each other 有無 ( 유무 ) 를 ~ 하 minister to each other s wants 首相 ( 수상 ) prime minister; premier 樣相 ( 양상 ) aspect; phase 眞相 ( 진상 ) real facts of a case; true picture 상련 ( 相連 )( 을 ) 하 be contiguous with, linked with 셀數 ( 수 ) a number; count; frequently; some; fate; destiny 部首 : 攵 ( 등글월문 back graph) + 11 劃數量 ( 수량 ) quantity; volume 多數 ( 다수 ) large number 多數決 ( 다수결 ) majority vote 度數 ( 도수 ) [ 쑤 ] frequency; number of times; percent alcohol in liquor 少數 ( 소수 ) minority 小數 ( 소수 ) decimal (fraction) 小數點 (~ 점 ) [ 쩜 ] decimal point 數百 ( 수백 ) hundred of 數字 ( 수자 ) [ 짜 ] numeral; figure (also spelled 숫자 ) 數千 ( 수천 ) thousands of 數學 ( 수학 ) mathematics 斤數 ( 근수 ) poundage; weight 大多數 ( 대다수 ) majority 等數 ( 등수 ) [ 쑤 ] ratings; a grade 無數 ( 무수 ) 하 be innumerable 分數 ( 분수 ) discretion; one s place; one s means; fraction 십분 ( 十分 ) 의一 ( 일 ) one tenth 手數料 ( 수수료 ) commission; fee; service charge 身數 ( 신수 ) one s luck, fortune 신수가펴 luck turns one s way; one s luck comes in 運數 ( 운수 ) fortune; luck 點數 ( 점수 ) [ 쑤 ] marks (grade); score 正數 ( 정수 ) [ 쑤 ] a whole number 劃數 ( 劃수 ) number of strokes; stroke count 헤아릴量 ( 양 / - 량 ) measure; limit; amount 部首 : 里 ( 마을리 village) + 5 劃數量 ( 수량 ) quantity; volume 多量 ( 다량 ) large quantity 度量 ( 도량 ) magnanimity; liberality; generosity; ability; resourcefulness 少量 ( 소량 ) small quantity 用量 ( 용량 ) dosage 量 ( 양 ) 껏 as much as one can (eat) 假量 ( 가량 ) approximately 20 살가량의男子 ( 남자 ) a man around twenty years of age 斤量 ( 근량 ) weight 大量 ( 대량 ) large quantity; magnanimity 斗量 ( 두량 ) measuring by pecks (mal) 分量 ( 분량 ) amount 水量 ( 수량 ) water volume 食量 ( 식량 ) provisions; foodstuff 熱量 ( 열량 ) calorie 雨量 ( 우량 ) rainfall; amount of rainfall 音量 ( 음량 ) volume (of voice or sound) 重量 ( 중량 ) weight 지날經 ( 경 ) classic books; Buddhist sutras; pass through; govern; manage 部首 : 糸 ( 실사 thread) + 7 劃經過 ( 경과 ) passage; progress 시간이 ~ 함에따라 as time goes by 經費 ( 경비 ) expenses; expenditures 經路 ( 경로 ) course; channel; route 經理 ( 경리 ) accounting 經理課 (~ 과 ) [ 꽈 ] payroll department 經驗 ( 경험 ) experience 無經驗 ( 무경험 ) no experience 神經 ( 신경 ) nerve 신경전 ( 神經戰 ) psychological warfare; war of nerves 神經質 ( 신경질 ) nervousness; hysteria 열開 ( 개 ) open; explain; begin 部首 : 門 ( 문문 gate) + 4 劃展開 ( 전개 )( 를 ) 하 unfold; develop 開館 ( 개관 ) opening of a hall, museum 開校 ( 개교 ) the opening of a school 開口 ( 개구 )( 를 ) 하 open one s mouth; begin to speak 開國 ( 개국 ) founding of a country 237

8 開明國 ( 개명국 ) a civilized country 開發 ( 개발 ) development 開示 ( 개시 ) first sale (of the day) 開始 ( 개시 )( 를 ) 하 start; inaugurate; begin 開業 ( 개업 ) opening of a business 開院 ( 개원 ) the opening of the Assembly (or anything ending in 원 ) 開店 ( 개점 ) opening of a store 開通 ( 개통 ) opening to traffic 開票 ( 개표 ) ballot counting 開學 ( 개학 )( 을 ) 하 start school 開會 ( 개회 ) open a meeting, session 公開 ( 공개 )( 를 ) 하 open to the public 非公開 ( 비공개 ) closed to the public 未開 ( 미개 ) 하 be uncivilized 未開人 ( 미개인 ) primitive people 切開 ( 절개 ) incision; section 닫을閉 ( 폐 ) close; shut; obstruct 部首 : 門 ( 문문 gate) + 3 劃閉館 ( 폐관 ) closing of a building (a building) 閉門 ( 폐문 ) door closed 閉院 ( 폐원 ) the closing (recess) of the Assembly (or anything ending in 원 ) 閉場 ( 폐장 ) closing of a place 閉店 ( 폐점 ) closing (down) a store 閉會 ( 폐회 ) closing a meeting 密閉 ( 밀폐 ) shutting tightly; sealing up 마땅할當 ( 당 ) suitable; correct; ought; you (to an equal or inferior) 部首 : 田 ( 밭전 fi e l d ) + 8 劃當面 ( 당면 )( 을 ) 하 face; confront 當面問題 ( 당면문제 ) the present (pressing) question; the question that confronts us 相當 ( 상당 ) 하 be proportionate; be considerable 當 ( 당 ) 치않 be unreasonable 當 ( 당 ) 하 have (sth undesirable) done; experience (sth undesirable) 當故 ( 당고 ) losing one s parents 當局 ( 당국 ) authorities concerned; responsible officials 當局者 ( 당국자 ) a person in authority 軍當局 ( 군당국 ) military authorities 學校當局 ( 학교당국 ) school authorities 當今 ( 당금 ) at present; these days 當代 ( 당대 ) one s lifetime; the present age; those days 當代의대음악가 a great musician of the day 當到 ( 당도 )( 를 ) 하 arrive at; come upon; present itself 機會 ( 기회 ) 가 ~ 하 a chance presents itself 當付 ( 당부 ) request; entreaty 當分間 ( 당분간 ) for the time being 當事者 ( 당사자 ) the person concerned 當選 ( 당선 )( 이 ) 되 be/get elected 當時 ( 당시 ) at that time; in those days 그때當時에는 back in those days... 當身 ( 당신 ) you (to equal or inferior); thou, thee 當然 ( 당연 ) 하 be natural; be a matter of course 當日 ( 당일 ) the day (in question) 當場 ( 당장 ) right away; on the spot; immediately 當婚 ( 당혼 )( 을 ) 하 reach a marriageable age 不當 ( 부당 ) 하 be unjust, unfair 手當 ( 수당 ) allowance; compensation 日當 ( 일당 ) daily allowance 一人當 ( 일인당 ) per person 正當 ( 정당 ) 하 be just, right, proper; be legitimate 不正當 ( 부정당 ) 하 be improper, wrong, unrighteous 正當化 ( 정당화 ) justification 至當 ( 지당 ) 하 be quite right; be reasonable 合當 ( 합당 ) 하 be suitable, appropriate 당번 ( 當番 ) person on duty 낯面 ( 면 ) face; surface; front; township 部首 : 面 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃多面 ( 다면 ) many sides; many faces/phases 多面的 ( 다면적 ) many-sided; versatile 多面的問題 ( 다면적문제 ) a many-sided subject/problem 多面體 ( 다면체 ) a polyhedron 當面 ( 당면 )( 을 ) 하 face; confront 當面問題 ( 당면문제 ) the present (pressing) question; the question that confronts us 相面 ( 상면 )( 을 ) 하 see each other; meet with; have an interview 面 ( 면 ) surface; face; one s face ; a plane, level; a face guard, mask; an aspect, phase, side 앞면 front side 뒷면 reverse side 겉면 surface side 面 ( 면 ) 하 face (towards); look out (on) 面談 ( 면담 )( 을 ) 하 meet and talk with; talk personally with 面對 ( 면대 )( 를 ) 하 face; sit opposite and meet 面刀 ( 면도 ) a razor; shaving 면도칼 a razor 면도날 razor blade 面目 ( 면목 ) aspects; feature; face; countenance; honor ~( 을 ) 세우 save one s face/honor ~( 을 ) 더럽히 stain one s honor ~( 이 ) 없 be ashamed; have no face to show 面部 ( 면부 ) the face 面分 ( 면분 ) casual acquaintance; knowing by sight 面分 ( 면분 )( 이 ) 있 know by sight 面謝 ( 면사 )( 를 ) 하 thank personally; apologize in person 面相 ( 면상 ) physiognomy; face; looks 面書記 ( 면서기 ) clerk in the township ( 면 ) office 面熟 ( 면숙 ) 하 be familiar/acquainted with (a person) 面議會 ( 면의회 ) a township ( 면 ) council/assembly 面長 ( 면장 ) chief magistrate of a township 面前 ( 면전 ) in the presence of / before a person 面傳 ( 면전 )( 을 ) 하 report directly; deliver directly 面情 ( 면정 ) friendship; amity 面質 ( 면질 )( 을 ) 하 confront; question face to face 238

9 面託 ( 면탁 )( 을 ) 하 request/ask a favor in person 面會 ( 면회 ) an interview, meeting 面會時間 ( 면회시간 ) visiting hours 面會日 ( 면회일 ) a visitors day 面會人 ( 면회인 ) a visitor, caller 假面 ( 가면 ) mask 舊面 ( 구면 ) old acquaintance 內面 ( 내면 ) the inside 對面 ( 대면 )( 을 ) 하 meet; interview; face 方面 ( 방면 ) direction; field 多方面 ( 다방면 ) many-sidedness 多方面 ( 다방면 ) 에活動 ( 활동 ) 하 be active in various fields 顔面 ( 안면 ) face; acquaintance 顔面 ( 안면 )( 이 ) 있 be acquainted with (a person) 外面 ( 외면 )( 을 ) 하 turn one s face away; look away 場面 ( 장면 ) scene; place; setting 全面 ( 전면 ) the whole surface 正面 ( 정면 ) front side; facade 體面 ( 체면 ) one s face ; honor; prestige 體面上 ( 체면상 ) for honor s sake 體面問題 ( 체면문제 ) a matter of face 七面鳥 ( 칠면조 ) turkey 平面 ( 평면 ) a plane; a level 平面圖 ( 평면도 ) a plane figure, ground plan 畵面 ( 화면 ) screen 지날過 ( 과 ) pass; cross over 部首 : 辶 ( 책받침 bookrest) + 9 劃過用 ( 과용 )( 을 ) 하 spend too much money 過程 ( 과정 ) process; course 經過 ( 경과 ) passage; progress 罪過 ( 죄과 ) a crime, sin, wrong 過 ( 과 ) 하 be too much 過 ( 과 ) 히 too much; overly 過히좋아하지않 doesn t like so much 過勞 ( 과로 )( 를 ) 하 overwork; engage in excessive working 過分 ( 과분 ) 하 be more than one deserves 過食 ( 과식 )( 을 ) 하 overeat; engage in excessive eating 過飮 ( 과음 )( 을 ) 하 overdrink; engage in excessive drinking 過言 ( 과언 ) saying too much... ( 이 ) 라고해도過言이아니다 It is not too much to say that... 過重 ( 과중 ) 하 (burden) be too heavy 不過 ( 불과 ) no more than; only 不過일주일밖에안되었다. It s been only a week. 所聞 ( 소문 ) 에不過하다. It s just a rumor. 謝過 ( 사과 )( 를 ) 하 / 드리 apologize 通過 ( 통과 )( 를 ) 하 pass; get through 과신 ( 過信 ) overconfidence 범과 ( 犯過 )( 를 ) 하 do a wrong; commit a fault 쓸用 ( 용 ) use; employ; consume; apply; practical 部首 : 用 ( 쓸용 use) + 0 劃 用量 ( 용량 ) dosage 過用 ( 과용 )( 을 ) 하 spend too much money 多用 ( 다용 )( 을 ) 하 spend lavishly; use much 用件 ( 용건 ) [ 껀 ] important matter; matter of business 用 ( 용 ) 돈 [ 똔 ] spending money; pocket money 用力 ( 용력 )( 을 ) 하 exert oneself; labor 用水 ( 용수 ) water for use (rainwater, well water) 用心 ( 용심 ) concentration of the mind; wariness; malice; spite ~ 꾸러기 a malicious, spiteful person ~ 쟁이 a malicious, spiteful person ~( 을 ) 부리 take out one s grudge on 用語 ( 용어 ) terminology; words 用言 ( 용언 ) verb; inflected word 用人 ( 용인 )( 을 ) 하 employ a person 用字窓 ( 용자창 ) [ 짜 ] a window with lattice work shaped like the character 用 用紙 ( 용지 ) forms; stationery 用品 ( 용품 ) necessities; supplies; an article for the use of... 學 ( 校 ) 用品 ( 학 [ 교 ]~) school supplies 軍用 ( 군용 ) for military use 軍用犬 ( 군용견 ) a military dog 軍用金 ( 군용금 ) war funds 軍用品 ( 군용품 ) military equipment/supplies 代用 ( 대용 ) substitution 代用品 ( 대용품 ) a substitute article 服用 ( 복용 )( 을 ) 하 take (medicine) 費用 ( 비용 ) expense; cost 所用 ( 소용 ) use; usefulness 소용있 / 없 be useful/useless 旅行用 ( 여행용 ) for travel 有用 ( 유용 ) 하 be useful 利用 ( 이용 )( 을 ) 하 use; take advantage of 作用 ( 작용 ) action; function; effect 着用 ( 착용 ) putting on; wearing 活用 ( 활용 )( 을 ) 하 utilize; make the most of 용무 ( 用務 ) business; matters to be taken care of 범용 ( 犯用 )( 을 ) 하 misappropriate (funds); use illegally 신용 ( 信用 ) trust; credit 많을多 ( 다 ) many; much; mostly 部首 : 夕 ( 저녁석 night) + 3 劃多怯 ( 다겁 ) 하 be timid, fearful, cowardly 多量 ( 다량 ) large quantity 多面 ( 다면 ) many sides; many faces/phases 多面體 ( 다면체 ) a polyhedron 多面的 ( 다면적 ) many-sided; versatile 多面的問題 (~ 적문제 ) a many-sided subject/ problem 多少 ( 다소 ) more or less; many and few; some; quantity; amount 多數 ( 다수 ) large number 多數決 ( 다수결 ) majority votes 多樣 ( 다양 ) 하 be varied, diverse 多用 ( 다용 )( 을 ) 하 spend lavishly; use much 多感 ( 다감 ) 하 be sensitive, sentimental, susceptible 239

10 多感性 (~ 성 ) [ 썽 ] sentimentalism; sensibility 多年間 ( 다년간 ) for many years; for a number of years 多年生 ( 다년생 ) perennation 多年生 ( 다년생 ) 식물 a perennial plant 多能 ( 다능 ) 하 be versatile, many-sided 多大 ( 다대 ) 하 be numerous, great, huge, considerable 多大 ( 다대 ) 한이익 a considerable profit 多大 ( 다대 ) 한손해 a heavy loss 多方面 ( 다방면 ) many quarters; various fields ~ 에활동하 be active in various fields ~ 의취미 many-sided interests 多病 ( 다병 ) 하 be sickly, fragile, prone to sickness 多福 ( 다복 ) 하 be lucky, blessed with good luck 多分 ( 다분 ) 히 quite a lot; quite many; mostly 多事 ( 다사 ) 하 be busy; have much to do; be eventful; be meddlesome, nosy 多事 ( 다사 ) 스러 w be meddlesome, nosy 多食 ( 다식 )( 을 ) 하 eat much; make a pig of oneself 多心 ( 다심 ) overcautiousness; being fussy 多心 ( 다심 ) 스러 w be overcautious, meticulous, fussy 多言 ( 다언 ) loquacity; many words 多言者 ( 다언자 ) a talkative person 거기대해서는多言할필요없다. No need to dwell on that. 多肉果 ( 다육과 ) a drupaceous (pulpy) fruit; a drupe 多日 ( 다일 ) many days; a period of days 多作 ( 다작 )( 을 ) 하 produce abundantly; be prolific 多情 ( 다정 ) 하 be kind, gentle, tender, humane 多足類 ( 다족류 ) (insect) millipedes, myriapods 多幸 ( 다행 ) 하 be fortunate, lucky 大多數 ( 대다수 ) majority 허다 ( 許多 ) 하 be numerous, common 적을少 ( 소 ) young; small; scarce; seldom; briefly 部首 : 小 ( 작을소 small/little) + 1 劃少量 ( 소량 ) small amount; small quantity 少數 ( 소수 ) small number; minority 多少 ( 다소 ) more or less 男女老少 ( 남녀노소 ) male and female, old and young 老少 ( 노소 ) the old and the young 少女 ( 소녀 ) a girl 少年 ( 소년 ) youth; a youth; a boy 少年文學 ( 소년문학 ) juvenile literature 少年輩 ( 소년배 ) (young) boys; young people 年少者 ( 연소자 ) minors; underage people 소년범 ( 少年犯 ) a juvenile offender 빛色 ( 색 ) color; beauty; appearance; lust; sex; sort; kind; quality 部首 : 色 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃色다르 be of a different bast; be unique 色鉛筆 ( 색연필 ) colored pencil 內色 ( 내색 ) 하 let one s face show one s thoughts 無色 ( 무색 ) colorlessness 物色 ( 물색 ) 을 ) 하 search for; hunt 米色 ( 미색 ) cream color 生色 ( 생색 ) 내 pose as a benefactor; emphasize a favor done for sb 顔色 ( 안색 ) countenance 顔色 ( 안색 ) 이좋 / 나쁘 look well/unwell 染色 ( 염색 )( 을 ) 하 dye 玉色 ( 옥색 ) jade green 音色 ( 음색 ) tone color; timbre 正色 ( 정색 )( 을 ) 하 put on / wear a serious look 天然色 ( 천연색 ) natural color(s); technicolor 特色 ( 특색 ) specific character; characteristic 추색 ( 秋色 ) a sign/hint of autumn 춘색 ( 春色 ) spring scenery/finery; hints of spring 새部首에대하여 스물입발廾 (twenty) 部首 : 廾 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This exists as a radical only and gets its name from its similarity to the character 스물입卄 twenty, which is made up of two instances of 열십十 ten standing next to each other. 그물망머리罒 (net) 部首 : 罒 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This radical corresponds to the independent character 그물网 ( 망 ), an older form of 그물網 ( 망 ), both meaning net, and has yet another alternate shape as radical: 罓. 옷의변衤 (clothes) 部首 : 衤 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This shape functions only as a radical; the full character is 옷衣 ( 의 ) clothes, detailed below. 옷衣 ( 의 ) clothing 部首 : 衣 ( 제부수 ) + 0 劃衣類 ( 의류 ) garments; clothing 衣服 ( 의복 ) clothing; a set of clothes 內衣 ( 내의 ) underwear 白衣 ( 백의 ) white clothing 쓸用 ( 용 ) use; employ; consume; apply; practical 部首 : 用 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This character functions both as a radical and as an independent character. (See above for examples.) 작을小 ( 소 ) small; mean; concubine 部首 : 小 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This character functions both as a radical and as an independent character. 小隊 ( 소대 ) a platoon, troop 小數 ( 소수 ) decimal (fraction) 240

11 小數點 ( 소수점 ) [ 쩜 ] decimal point 小計 ( 소계 ) subtotal 小國 ( 소국 ) small (minor) country; weak nation 小女 ( 소녀 ) a small girl 小農 ( 소농 ) a small (petty) farmer 小路 ( 소로 ) a narrow path; an alley 小利 ( 소리 ) a small profit, little gain 小賣 ( 소매 ) retail sale 小便 ( 소변 ) urine 小說 ( 소설 ) a novel; work of fiction 長篇小說 ( 장편소설 ) book-length novel 中篇小說 ( 중편소설 ) novella 小市民 ( 소시민 ) a petit bourgeois 小食 ( 소식 )( 을 ) 하 eat little 小心 ( 소심 ) 하 be timid 小人 ( 소인 ) minor; child; pygmy; dwarf; a small-minded person; (humble) I, me 小作 ( 소작 ) tenant farming; sharecropping 小作農 ( 소작농 ) tenant farming; tenant farmer 小作人 ( 소작인 ) tenant farmer 小形 ( 소형 ) small size; compact model 小形車 ( 소형차 ) small vehicle(s) 最小 ( 최소 ) the smallest; minimum 낯面 ( 면 ) face; surface; front; township 部首 : 面 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This character functions both as a radical and as an independent character. (See above for examples.) 빛色 ( 색 ) color; beauty; appearance; lust; sex; sort; kind; quality 部首 : 色 ( 제部首 ) + 0 劃 This character functions both as a radical and as an independent character. (See above for examples.) ABOUT THE NEW PHONETICS 㐱 ( 진 ) Observe the phonetic element 㐱 ( 진 ) in the following commonly used Chinese characters, all pronounced 진 : 珍診軫疹殄袗 呈 ( 정 ) Observe the phonetic element 呈 ( 정 ) in the following Chinese characters, all pronounced 정 : 呈程桯珵 度 ( 도 ) Observe the phonetic element 度 ( 도 ) in the following Chinese characters, all pronounced 도 : 度渡鍍 展 ( 전 ) Observe the phonetic element 展 ( 전 ) in the following commonly used Chinese characters, all pronounced 전 : 展殿澱輾 余 ( 여 ) Observe the phonetic element 余 ( 여 ) in the following Chinese characters, all pronounced 여 : 余餘艅 量 ( 량 ) The phonetic element 量 ( 량 ) appears in the following two commonly used Chinese characters, both pronounced 량 : 量糧 巠 ( 경 ) Observe the phonetic element 巠 ( 경 ) in the following commonly used Chinese characters, all pronounced 경 : 經輕逕徑莖頸痙勁涇脛俓 面 ( 면 ) Observe the phonetic element 面 ( 면 ) in the following commonly used Chinese characters, all pronounced 면 : 面麵緬 咼 ( 과 ~ 화 ) The phonetic element 咼 indicates a pronunciation of 과 or 화. In the following Chinese characters, it is read 과 : 過鍋堝撾 The phonetic 咼 can also indicate a reading of 화 : 禍 小 ( 소 ~ 초 ) The phonetic element 小 indicates a pronunciation of 소 or 초. In these commonly used Chinese characters, it is pronounced 소 : 小少消逍宵銷 But in these characters, 小 indicates the reading of 초 : 秒抄炒肖硝哨梢稍 衣 ( 의 ) Observe the phonetic element 衣 ( 의 ) in the following two Chinese characters, both pronounced 의 : 衣依 241

12 NEW 漢字 COMBINATIONS 特別 ( 특별 ) 하 別名 ( 별명 ) 作別 ( 작별 ) 作別人事 ( 작별인사 ) 別故 ( 별고 )( 가 ) 없 性別 ( 성별 ) 別食 ( 별식 ) 別 ( 별 ) 나 有別 ( 유별 ) 나 別 ( 별 ) 다르 別 ( 별 ) 다른일別 ( 별 ) 일 [ 별릴 ] 別 ( 별 ) 일없으면別 ( 별 ) 도리없다. 別 ( 별 ) 꼴病患 ( 병환 ) 患者 ( 환자 ) 患部 ( 환부 ) 後患 ( 을 ) 두려워하 有備無患 ( 유비무환 ) 怯 ( 겁 )( 이 ) 많 弄談 ( 농담 )( 을 ) 하 診察 ( 진찰 ) 罪悚 ( 죄송 ) 하 罪 ( 죄 )( 를 ) 지 ( ㅅ ) ( 짓다, 지어요 ) 罪 ( 죄 )( 를 ) 받 無罪 ( 무죄 ) 有罪 ( 유죄 ) 罪名 ( 죄명 ) 罪目 ( 죄목 ) 罪業 ( 죄업 ) 罪人 ( 죄인 ) 罪責 ( 죄책 ) 罪責 ( 죄책 ) 을묻 罪責感 ( 죄책감 ) 罪 ( 죄 ) 와벌 ( 罰 ) 程度 ( 정도 ) 程里 ( 정리 ) 日程 ( 일정 ) 過程 ( 과정 ) 課程 ( 과정 ) 音程 ( 음정 ) 度地 ( 탁지 )( 를 ) 하 特效 ( 특효 ) 効果 ( 효과 ) [ 꽈 ] 效果的 ( 효과적 ) 效力 ( 효력 ) 效力 ( 효력 )( 이 ) 있 有效 ( 유효 ) 하 無效 ( 무효 ) be special; be particular alias; pseudonym; nickname leave-taking; good-bye farewell expression be well distinction of sex rare dish be peculiar; be eccentric be distinctive; be peculiar be of a particular kind sth in particular particular thing if you don t have anything particular to do There is no alternative. obnoxious thing/person; eyesore sickness (hon.) a patient affected part fear future troubles Preparing is preventing. be cowardly joke medical examination be/feel sorry, regrettable commit a crime suffer punishment not guilty guilty name of a crime or offense; charge crimes; offenses (in Buddhism) acts that will lead to sin criminal; sinner; I, me (as used by a son mourning his father) liability for a crime charge with a crime/offense guilty conscience Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) extent; degree; amount; level; grade; limit mileage; distance daily activities; day s schedule task; course; process course of study; curriculum musical interval; tone survey the land special efficacy effect effective effect; validity be effective be valid; be effective invalidity 242 結果 ( 결과 ) result 果然 ( 과연 ) as expected; sure enough 成果 ( 성과 ) [ 꽈 ] result; outcome 展示 ( 전시 ) exhibition; display 展示會 ( 전시회 ) exhibition (show) 國展 ( 국전 ) the National Art Exhibition 展開 ( 전개 )( 를 ) 하 unfold; develop (a story) 發展 ( 발전 )( 을 ) 하 develop; grow; prosper 餘分 ( 여분 ) remainder; excess; leftover 餘裕 ( 여유 ) extra (time, money, space, etc.); composure 의심할餘地 ( 여지 ) 가 There is no room for doubt. 없다. 餘生 ( 여생 ) the rest of one s life 餘念 ( 여념 )( 이 ) 없 be absorbed (in) 裕福 ( 유복 ) 하 be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-todo 富裕 ( 부유 ) 하 be wealthy 富裕層 ( 부유층 ) the wealthy class 相見 ( 상견 )( 을 ) 하 interview; meet with 相關 ( 상관 ) relationship; connection; meddling; concern 相談 ( 상담 ) consultation; counsel 相談所 ( 상담소 ) information bureau; consulting office 相通 ( 상통 )( 을 ) 하 understand each other; accommodate each other; be in touch with each other 有無 ( 유무 ) 를相通하 minister to each other s wants 相當 ( 상당 ) 하 be considerable; be suitable for; be proportionate 相對 ( 상대 ) partner; rival; relativity 相對 ( 상대 )( 를 ) 하 keep company with; contend with 相對性 ( 상대성 ) relativity 相對的 ( 상대적 ) relative 相對方 ( 상대방 ) the other person; one s interlocutor/conversation partner 相等 ( 상등 ) 하 be equal/equivalent to, as good as 相面 ( 상면 )( 을 ) 하 see each other; meet with; have an interview 相議 ( 상의 )( 를 ) 하 ask advice; consult 相傳 ( 상전 )( 을 ) 하 inherit; transmit; hand down 樣相 ( 양상 ) aspect; phase 眞相 ( 진상 ) real facts of a case; true picture 首相 ( 수상 ) prime minister; premier 數量 ( 수량 ) quantity; volume 數學 ( 수학 ) mathematics 運數 ( 운수 ) fortune; luck 多數 ( 다수 ) large number 大多數 ( 대다수 ) majority 少數 ( 소수 ) minority 數字 ( 숫자 )/( 수자 ) [ 짜 ] numeral; figure 分數 ( 분수 ) discretion; one s place; one s means; fraction 無數 ( 무수 ) 하 be innumerable 點數 ( 점수 ) [ 쑤 ] marks (grade); score 等數 ( 등수 ) [ 쑤 ] ratings; a grade

13 數千 ( 수천 ) thousands of 數百 ( 수백 ) hundreds of 正數 ( 정수 ) [ 쑤 ] a whole number 劃數 ( 획수 ) number of strokes; stroke count 身數 ( 신수 ) one s luck; fortune 大量 ( 대량 ) large quantity; magnanimity 少量 ( 소량 ) small quantity 分量 ( 분량 ) amount 重量 ( 중량 ) weight 熱量 ( 열량 ) calorie 用量 ( 용량 ) dosage 量 ( 양 ) 껏 as much as one can (eat) 音量 ( 음량 ) volume (of voice or sound) 經路 ( 경로 ) course; channel; route 經驗 ( 경험 ) experience 神經 ( 신경 ) nerve 經理 ( 경리 ) accounting 經理課 ( 경리과 ) [ 꽈 ] payroll department 經費 ( 경비 ) expenses; expenditures 시간이經過 ( 경과 ) as time goes by 함에따라 開會 ( 개회 ) open a meeting, session 開發 ( 개발 ) development 開學 ( 개학 )( 을 ) 하 start school 開校 ( 개교 ) the opening of a school 開國 ( 개국 ) founding of a country 開明國 ( 개명국 ) a civilized country 開口 ( 개구 )( 를 ) 하 open one s mouth; begin to speak 公開 ( 공개 )( 를 ) 하 open to the public 非公開 ( 비공개 ) closed to the public 開店 ( 개점 ) opening of a store 開業 ( 개업 ) opening of a business 開示 ( 개시 ) first sale (of the day) 切開 ( 절개 ) incision; section 未開 ( 미개 ) 하 be uncivilized 未開人 ( 미개인 ) primitive people 開通 ( 개통 ) opening to traffic 開票 ( 개표 ) ballot counting 開館 ( 개관 ) opening of a hall, museum 開始 ( 개시 )( 를 ) 하 start; inaugurate; begin 開院 ( 개원 ) the opening of the Assembly (or anything ending in 원 ) 閉門 ( 폐문 ) door closed 閉院 ( 폐원 ) the closing (recess) of the Assembly (or anything ending in 원 ) 閉店 ( 폐점 ) closing (down) a store 閉會 ( 폐회 ) closing a meeting 閉館 ( 폐관 ) closing of (a building) 密閉 ( 밀폐 ) shutting tightly; sealing up 閉場 ( 폐장 ) closing of a place 當然 ( 당연 ) 하 be natural; be a matter of course 當日 ( 당일 ) the day (in question) 日當 ( 일당 ) daily allowance 手當 ( 수당 ) allowance; compensation 當場 ( 당장 ) right away; on the spot; immediately 當分間 ( 당분간 ) for the time being 當事者 ( 당사자 ) the person concerned 當選 ( 당선 )( 이 ) 되 be/get elected 當局 ( 당국 ) 當局者 ( 당국자 ) 軍當 ( 군당국 ) 學校當局 ( 학교당국 ) 當今 ( 당금 ) 當代 ( 당대 ) 當代의대음악가 ( 大音樂家 ) 當到 ( 당도 )( 를 ) 하 authorities concerned; responsible officials a person in authority military authorities school authorities at present; these days one s lifetime; the present age; those days a great musician of the day arrive at; come upon; present itself 機會 ( 기회 ) 가當到하 a chance presents itself 當面 ( 당면 )( 을 ) 하 face; confront 當面問題 ( 당면문제 ) the present (pressing) question; the question that confronts us 當婚 ( 당혼 )( 을 ) 하 reach a marriageable age 至當 ( 지당 ) 하 be quite right; be reasonable 一人當 ( 일인당 ) per person 그때當時 ( 당시 ) 에는 back in those days... 合當 ( 합당 ) 하 be suitable, appropriate 當付 ( 당부 ) request; entreaty 當故 ( 당고 ) losing one s parents 當 ( 당 ) 치않 be unreasonable 不當 ( 부당 ) 하 be unjust, unfair 當 ( 당 ) 하 have (sth undesirable) done; experience (sth undesirable) 正當 ( 정당 ) 하 be just, right, proper; be legitimate 正當化 ( 정당화 ) justification 面 ( 면 ) surface; face; one s face ; a plane, level; a face guard, mask; an aspect, phase, side 全面 ( 전면 ) 內面 ( 내면 ) 面 ( 면 ) 하 面會 ( 면회 ) 面會時間 ( 면회시간 ) 面會日 ( 면회일 ) 面會人 ( 면회인 ) 面質 ( 면질 )( 을 ) 하 面託 ( 면탁 )( 을 ) 하 面目 ( 면목 ) the whole surface the inside face (towards); look out (on) an interview, meeting visiting hours a visitors day a visitor, caller confront; question face to face request/ask a favor in person aspects; feature; face; countenance; honor 面目 ( 면목 )( 을 ) 세우 save one s face/honor 面目 ( 면목 )( 을 ) stain one s honor 더럽히 面目 ( 면목 )( 이 ) 없 be ashamed; have no face to show 體面 ( 체면 ) one s face ; honor; prestige 體面上 ( 체면상 ) for honor s sake 體面問題 ( 체면문제 ) a matter of face 平面 ( 평면 ) a plane; a level 平面圖 ( 평면도 ) a plane figure; ground plan 面談 ( 면담 )( 을 ) 하 meet and talk with; talk personally with 面對 ( 면대 )( 를 ) 하 face; sit opposite and meet 面傳 ( 면전 )( 을 ) 하 report directly; deliver directly 面刀 ( 면도 ) a razor; shaving 面部 ( 면부 ) the face 面分 ( 면분 ) casual acquaintance; knowing by sight 243

14 面分 ( 면분 )( 이 ) 있 know by sight 舊面 ( 구면 ) old acquaintance 面相 ( 면상 ) physiognomy; face; looks 面熟 ( 면숙 ) 하 be familiar/acquainted with (a person) 面前 ( 면전 ) in the presence of / before a person 面情 ( 면정 ) friendship; amity 對面 ( 대면 )( 을 ) 하 meet; interview; face 外面 ( 외면 )( 을 ) 하 turn one s face away; look away 假面 ( 가면 ) mask 畵面 ( 화면 ) screen 方面 ( 방면 ) direction; field 多方面 ( 다방면 ) many sidedness 面書記 ( 면서기 ) clerk in the township ( 면 ) office 面議會 ( 면의회 ) a township ( 면 ) council/ assembly 面長 ( 면장 ) chief magistrate of a township 正面 ( 정면 ) front side; facade 過用 ( 과용 )( 을 ) 하 spend too much money 過 ( 과 ) 하다 be too much 過히좋아하지않는다 doesn t like so much 經過 ( 경과 ) passage; progress 過飮 ( 과음 )( 을 ) 하 overdrink; engage in excessive drinking 過食 ( 과식 )( 을 ) 하 overeat; engage in excessive eating 過勞 ( 과로 )( 를 ) 하 overwork; engage in excessive working... ( 이 ) 라고해도 It is not too much to say that... 過言 ( 과언 ) 이아니다 過分 ( 과분 ) 하다 be more than one deserves 過重 ( 과중 ) 하다 (burden) be too heavy 不過 ( 불과 ) no more than; only 不過일주일밖에 It s been only a week. 안되었다. 所聞 ( 소문 ) 에不過하 It s just a rumor. 通過 ( 통과 )( 를 ) 하 pass; get through 所用 ( 소용 ) use; usefulness 所用 ( 소용 ) 있 / 없 be useful/useless 有用 ( 유용 ) 하 be useful 用人 ( 용인 )( 을 ) 하 employ a person 用字窓 ( 용자창 ) a window with latticework [ 짜 ] shaped like the character 用 用紙 ( 용지 ) forms; stationery 用品 ( 용품 ) necessities; supplies; an article for the use of... 學 ( 校 ) 用品 school supplies ( 학 [ 교 ] 욤품 ) 가정用品 ( 家庭용품 ) household supplies 用水 ( 용수 ) water for use (rainwater, well water) 用心 ( 용심 ) concentration of the mind; wariness; malice; spite 用心 ( 용심 ) 꾸러기 a malicious, spiteful person 用心 ( 용심 ) 쟁이 a malicious, spiteful person 用心 ( 용심 )( 을 ) 부리 take out one s grudge on 用語 ( 용어 ) terminology; words 用言 ( 용언 ) verb; inflected word 用件 ( 용건 ) [ 껀 ] important matter; matter of business 用力 ( 용력 )( 을 ) 하 exert oneself; labor 費用 ( 비용 ) expense; cost 旅行用 ( 여행용 ) for travel 利用 ( 이용 )( 을 ) 하 use; take advantage of 活用 ( 활용 )( 을 ) 하 utilize; make the most of 服用 ( 복용 )( 을 ) 하 take (medicine) 用 ( 용 ) 돈 [ 똔 ] spending money; pocket money 軍用 ( 군용 ) for military use 軍用犬 ( 군용견 ) a military dog 軍用金 ( 군용금 ) war funds 軍用品 ( 군용품 ) military equipment/supplies 多少 ( 다소 ) more or less; many and few; some; quantity; amount 多量 ( 다량 ) large quantity 多病 ( 다병 ) 하 be sickly, fragile, prone to sickness 多福 ( 다복 ) 하 be lucky, blessed with good luck 多分 ( 다분 ) 히 quite a lot; quite many; mostly 多事 ( 다사 ) 하 be busy; have much to do; be eventful; be meddlesome, nosy 多事 ( 다사 ) 스러w be meddlesome, nosy 多年間 ( 다년간 ) for many years; for a number of years 多年生 ( 다년생 ) perennation 多年生 ( 다년생 ) 식물 a perennial plant 多感 ( 다감 ) 하 be sensitive, sentimental, susceptible 多感性 ( 다감성 ) [ 썽 ] sentimentalism; sensibility 多怯 ( 다겁 ) 하 be timid, fearful, cowardly 多大 ( 다대 ) 하 be numerous, great, huge, considerable 多大 ( 다대 ) 한이익 a considerable profit 多大 ( 다대 ) 한손해 a heavy loss 多面 ( 다면 ) many sides; many faces/phases 多面體 ( 다면체 ) a polyhedron 多面的 ( 다면적 ) many-sided; versatile 多面的問題 a many-sided subject/problem ( 다면적문제 ) 多方面 ( 다방면 ) 에 be active in various fields 활동하 多方面 ( 다방면 ) 의 many-sided interests 취미 多食 ( 다식 )( 을 ) 하 eat a lot; make a pig of oneself 多心 ( 다심 ) overcautiousness; being fussy 多心 ( 다심 ) 스러w be overcautious, meticulous, fussy 多足類 ( 다족류 ) (insect) millipeds, myriapods 多作 ( 다작 )( 을 ) 하 produce abundantly; be prolific 多情 ( 다정 ) 하 be kind, gentle, tender, humane 多日 ( 다일 ) many days; a period of days 多樣 ( 다양 ) 하 be varied, diverse 거기대해서는多言 No need to dwell on that. ( 다언 ) 할필요없다. 多言者 ( 다언자 ) a talkative person 多幸 ( 다행 ) 하 be fortunate, lucky 多肉果 ( 다육과 ) a drupaceous (pulpy) fruit; a drupe 多用 ( 다용 )( 을 ) 하 spend lavishly; use much 多數決 ( 다수결 ) majority vote 少女 ( 소녀 ) a girl 少年 ( 소년 ) youth; a youth; a boy 少年文學 ( 소년문학 ) juvenile literature 244

15 少年輩 ( 소년배 ) 年少者 ( 연소자 ) 男女老少 ( 남녀노소 ) 米色 ( 미색 ) 無色 ( 무색 ) 色鉛筆 ( 색연필 ) 染色 ( 염색 )( 을 ) 하 特色 ( 특색 ) 音色 ( 음색 ) 正色 ( 정색 )( 을 ) 하 衣服 ( 의복 ) 衣類 ( 의류 ) 內衣 ( 내의 ) 小計 ( 소계 ) 小國 ( 소국 ) 小女 ( 소녀 ) 小農 ( 소농 ) 小路 ( 소로 ) (young) boys; young people minors; underage people male and female, old and young cream color colorlessness colored pencil dye specific character; characteristic tone color; timbre put on / wear a serious look clothing; a set of clothes garments; clothing underwear subtotal small (minor) country; weak nation a small girl a small (petty) farmer a narrow path; an alley 小賣 ( 소매 ) 小說 ( 소설 ) 長篇小說 ( 장편소설 ) 中篇小說 ( 중편소설 ) 小市民 ( 소시민 ) 小食 ( 소식 )( 을 ) 하 小心 ( 소심 ) 하 小人 ( 소인 ) 小作 ( 소작 ) 小作農 ( 소작농 ) 小作人 ( 소작인 ) 小便 ( 소변 ) 小形 ( 소형 ) 小形車 ( 소형차 ) 最小 ( 최소 ) 小數 ( 소수 ) 小隊 ( 소대 ) 小利 ( 소리 ) retail sale a novel; work of fiction book-length novel novella a petit bourgeois eat little be timid minor; child; pygmy; dwarf tenant farming; sharecropping tenant farming; tenant farmer tenant farmer urine small size; compact model small vehicles the smallest; minimum decimal; fraction a platoon, troop a small profit, little gain 漢字문장연습 (PRACTICE SENTENCES) Translate the following sentences into English using the Supplementary Vocabulary list on the following page. 1. 그녀의前男便은性格이참으로有別난사람이었다. 2. 저는어려서부터病院에자주드나들었습니다. 3. 그患者는여태까지便所에서무엇을하고있는지알수가없네. 4. 圖書館의目的은利用者가願하는情보자料를제공하는데에있다. 5. 저사람은언제나自己혼자弄談하고自己혼자웃는다. 6. 弄談인지眞談인지구分할수가없어서웃을수가없다. 7. 診察室에들어가기前, 가운으로갈아입어주시기바랍니다. 8. 너무罪悚해서고개를들수없습니다. 9. 이번週末에全國의神童들이모이는國立展示會나가야지. 10. 하늘이노랗게보일程度로배가고프다. 11. 睡眠劑의效果가너무좋아서어젯밤은 15 時間이나잤다. 12. 이번週末에는餘裕가있으니美술館으로展示會구경을가보는것이어때? 13. 大學진學은父母님과相議를해본뒤에決定을해야겠어요. 14. 親舊의紹介로이會社에지願하게되었습니다. 15. 작은일에神經을쓰다보면큰일을그르칠수있다. 16. 마늘의精力강化效果는性力뿐아니라精神과肉體에도活力을불어넣는다. 17. 모르는漢字를玉篇에서찾을때에는먼저部首와劃數를확인해야한다. 18. 衣類는普通百貨店全體賣出에서차지하는比重이 50 퍼센트이上이다. 19. 民主정치는多數決의정치이기때문에多數의의사가확인되면小數는이에승服해야한다. 20. 그들은石유고갈에對備, 全國土의옥土化와食량自급自足에나섰다. 21. 어떤結果를표示하는데간결함과인상的인效果를주기위하여圖表에의한표示法이많이利用된다. 22. 國民의代표가되겠다고出馬를한사람이當選이되기위해自己慾心만부리는사람도있다. 245

16 SUPPLEMENTARY VOCABULARY 성격 ( 性格 ) [ 껵 ] character; personality 유별 ( 有別 ) 나 be different, distinctive 드나드 ㄹ frequent ( 드나들다 ) 여태까지 until now; up to now 정보 ( 情報 ) information 자료 ( 資料 ) materials 제공 ( 提供 )( 을 ) 하 offer; provide 구분 ( 區分 )( 을 ) 하 distinguish; classify 진찰실 ( 診察室 ) examination room (clinic/ hospital) 고개 ( 를 ) 드 ㄹ raise one s head ( 들다 ) 효과 ( 效果 ) effect 미술관 ( 美術館 ) art gallery 전시회 ( 展示會 ) exhibition 대학진학 ( 大學進學 ) matriculating at college/university 상의 ( 相議 )( 를 ) 하 consult; have consultations with; discuss with 에지원 ( 志願 )( 을 ) apply for 하 그르치 screw sth up 마늘 garlic 강화 ( 强化 ) strengthening; fortification 성력 ( 性力 ) sexual power/energy 정신 ( 精神 ) psyche; nerves 육체 ( 肉體 ) the physical body 활력 ( 活力 ) vitality 불어넣 infuse with 의류 ( 衣類 ) clothing 전체매출 ( 全體賣出 ) total sales 차지하는비중 ( 比重 ) the relative weight it occupies 이상 ( 以上 ) more than ; above 민주정치 ( 民主政治 ) democratic politics 다수결 ( 多數決 ) 의 the politics of majority vote 정치 ( 政治 ) 다수 ( 多數 ) 의의사 the will of the majority ( 意思 ) 에승복 ( 承服 )( 을 ) assent to; go along with 하 석유고갈 ( 石油枯渴 ) exhaustion / drying up of oil 전국토 ( 全國土 ) all the lands in the nation 옥토화 ( 沃土化 ) soil enrichment 식량자급자족 self-sufficiency in food provisions ( 食糧自給自足 ) 에나서 embark upon 246

17 漢字연습 (PRACTICE) 필순에맞게따라써보세요. (Write each character using the proper stroke order.) 別患怯弄診罪悚程度效別患怯弄診罪悚程度效 別患怯弄診罪悚程度效 247

18 果展餘裕相數量經開閉果展餘裕相數量經開閉 果展餘裕相數量經開閉 248

19 當面過用多少色廾罒网當面過用多少色廾罒网 當面過用多少色廾罒网 249

20 衤衣小衤衣小 衤衣小 250

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09김정식.PDF 00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>

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