간호학과 Department of Nursing Science 학과교육목표 대학원학위과정의교육목적은과학적탐구를통하여간호분야의전문적지식과기술을갖춘간호실무전문가, 간호지도자, 간호연구자를양성하는데있다. 세부전공분야 석사 / 박사학위과정 : 간호학 학과교수소개 성명 정금희

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1 간호학과 Department of Nursing Science 학과교육목표 대학원학위과정의교육목적은과학적탐구를통하여간호분야의전문적지식과기술을갖춘간호실무전문가, 간호지도자, 간호연구자를양성하는데있다. 세부전공분야 석사 / 박사학위과정 : 간호학 학과교수소개 성명 정금희 김춘길 장희정 김신정 여성건강간호학 ( 여성건강, 성건강, 문화간호 ) 간호학 ( 성인, 노인간호학 ) 중년건강, 성인간호학 아동간호학. 아동건강증진, 건강교육프로그램, 사고예방, 성교육 연구분야 Women Health Nursing (Women Health, Sexual Health, Transcultural Nursing) Nursing (Adult and gerontological nursing) Middle-aged health, Adult Nursing, Health promotion, Chronic illness Child health nursing, child health promotion, health educational programs, injury prevention, sexual education 권명순지역사회간호 Community Health nursing 강경화 간호관리 ( 조직성과, 인적자원관리 ) Nursing management (Organizational performance, Human resource management) 남경아정신간호 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 신동수노인간호학 Gerontological Nursing 곽찬영성인간호학, 임상전문간호학 Adult nursing and clinical professional nursing 김현정 김은정 오연재 간호학 ( 성인간호학 ) 간호학 ( 성인간호학 ) 정신간호학 & 생명윤리학 ( 의사소통, 삶의질, 생명윤리 ) Nursing (Fundamental nursing, Adult health nursing) Nursing (Fundamental nursing, Adult health nursing) Psychiatric Nursing & Bioethics (Communication, Nursing Ethics and Bioethics, Quality of Life) 이은희간호관리학 Nursing Management 김수희지역사회간호 Community Health Nursing 간호대학 Homepage :

2 내규 제 1 조 ( 목적 ) 이내규는대학원학칙, 대학원학칙시행세칙및제반규정이정한범위내에서간호학과가필요한규정 을정하는데그목적이있다. 제 2 조 ( 전공분야 ) 본학과에는석사학위과정과박사학위과정의간호학전공을둔다. 제 3 조 ( 입학지원자격 ) 다음각호에해당하는자 1) 석사학위과정 : 간호학사학위를취득한자혹은취득예정자 2) 박사학위과정 : 간호사면허소지자로서석사학위를취득한자혹은취득예정자 제 4 조 ( 입학전형 ) 서류전형및구술시험에의하여입학을전형하되대학원입학전형등급별배점표의점수를참조 하여선발한다. 제 5 조 ( 공통과목 ) 석사학위과정과박사학위과정학생은지정된공통과목을반드시이수하여야한다. 1) 석사학위과정 : 간호연구방법론, 양적연구방법론, 간호학이론, 간호실무세미나 2) 박사학위과정 : 간호연구방법론,, 양적연구방법론, 질적연구방법론, 측정도구개발및평가, 고급간호통계, 간호학이론, 간호실무세미나 제 6 조 ( 선수과목 ) 필요한경우선수과목을지정할수있다. 제 7 조 ( 연계과목 ) 대학원학칙및제규정에따른다 제 8 조 ( 타학과및타전공인정과목 ) 대학원학칙및제규정에따른다 제 9 조 ( 외국어시험 ) 석 박사학위청구논문제출을위한외국어시험은영어로한다. 단, 외국인의경우모국어를제 외한외국어를대학원내규에명시된과목중 1 개를선택할수있다. 제 10 조 ( 종합시험 ) 석사학위과정종합시험과목은 3 과목, 박사학위과정종합시험과목은 4 과목으로한다. 1) 석사학위과정 :, ( ) 1 2) 박사학위과정 :,, 1 제 11 조 ( 논문제출자격 ) 대학원학칙및제규정에따라학위논문을제출하되, 박사학위과정학생은박사학위논문계 획서를제출시입학후게재 ( 예정 ) 한 KCI 등재이상학술지논문 1 편이상을갖추어야한다. 제 12 조 ( 학위논문제출및심사 ) 대학원학칙및제규정에규정된내용에따라학위논문의제출과심사를실시한 다. 이개정내규는 2009 년 9 월 1 일부터시행한다. 이개정내규는 2017 년 1 월 1 일부터시행한다. 이개정내규는 2018 년 6 월 1 일부터시행한다. 이개정내규는 2018 년 8 월 1 일부터시행한다. 이개정내규는 2019 년 9 월 1 일부터시행한다. 부칙 - 2 -

3 교과과정 코드번호 교 과 목 명 학점 수강대상 G90936 간호과학이론분석 Theory analysis in Nursing Science 박사 G01005 간호연구방법론 Nursing Research 석 박사 G90937 간호실무세미나 Seminar in advanced nursing practice 석 박사 G90678 양적연구방법론 Quantitative Nursing Research Methodology 석 박사 G90679 질적연구방법론 Qualitative Nursing Research Methodology 박사 G90680 측정도구개발및평가 Development and Evaluation of Measuring Instrument 박사 G90681 고급간호통계 Advanced Nursing Statistics 박사 G01004 간호학이론 Nursing Theory 석 박사 코드번호 교 과 목 명 학점 수강대상 G01020 간호전문직론 Nursing Professionalism 석사 G04198 간호통계학 Statistics in Nursing 석 박사 G01007 성인건강간호세미나 Seminar in Adult Health Nursing 석 박사 G03349 여성건강간호세미나 Seminar in Maternity & Women's Health Care 석 박사 G03350 아동건강간호세미나 Seminar in Child Health Nursing 석 박사 G01012 정신간호세미나 Seminar in Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing 석 박사 G01014 지역사회간호세미나 Seminar in Community Health Nursing 석 박사 G03351 간호관리세미나 Seminar in Nursing Management 석 박사 G01018 간호교육방법론 Education Methodology in Nursing 석 박사 G01019 건강증진론 Health Promotion 석 박사 G90151 고급노인간호학 Advanced Gerontological Nursing 석 박사 G90683 부모자녀건강 Health of Parent and Child 석 박사 G90684 건강불평등과간호 Health Inequality and Nursing 석 박사 G90685 죽음과호스피스 Death and Hospice 석 박사 G90687 간호과학과생명윤리 Nursing Science and Bioethics 석 박사 G90689 만성질환관리 Chronic Illness care 석 박사 G90690 간호정책론 Nursing Policy 석 박사 G90691 임상연구와측정지표 Clinical Research and Measurement Indicators 석 박사 G90692 국제보건 Global Health 석 박사 G90693 근거기반간호실무 Evidence Based Nursing practice 석 박사 G90694 환자안전과질관리 Patient Safety and Quality Management in Health Care System 석 박사 G90828 논문작성세미나 Dissertation Writing Seminar 석 박사 - 3 -

4 교과목해설 공통과목 ( 석사 ) 간호실무세미나 (Seminar in advanced nursing practice) 자신의실무에서대상자의간호문제및이에대한반응과관련하여현실무현장을비판적으로바라보고최신연구결과를분석, 통합하여임상에적용하는방안을모색한다. 또한급변하는임상의최신동향을파악하여간호실무향상을도모할수있는접근법을탐구하고논의한다. In this course, students are expected to critically look at the current practice in relation to nursing problems and response of the subjects in their clinical setting, and to analyze and integrate the latest research findings and apply them to clinical practice. Students will also explore and discuss approaches to improve nursing practice by identifying current trends in rapidly changing clinical practice. 공통과목 ( 석박사 ) 간호학이론 (Nursing Theory) 간호이론을정의하고, 각간호이론의개념과진술을확인하고, 간호교육과실무와의관계를분석, 평가하고적용한다. The definition of nursing theory, the concept and statement of each nursing theory are confirmed, and the relationship between nursing education and practice is analyzed, evaluated and applied. 간호연구방법론 (Nursing Research) 간호학문에서활용가능한과학적접근방법을학습하고다양한간호현상에대해비판적으로사고하고연구를수행할수있는능력을기른다. The purpose of this course is to help master students learn the scientific nursing research method, and to develop the ability to think critically about various nursing phenomena and conduct their research. 양적연구방법론 (Quantitative Nursing Research Methods) 본교과목은간호지식체생성을위한체계적사고및연구방법론을구체적으로탐색하고자신의연구주제에적용하여학습하는과목이다. 구체적으로조사또는실험연구를위한연구설계의심화학습, 문헌고찰, 관심주제별자료수집을위한기존도구의탐색및평가, 통계분석방법선택등을학습하며예비연구를시행하고적용가능성을탐색한다. This course is a course to study systematic thinking and research methodology for nursing knowledge body in detail and apply it to his research topic. In this course, students will learn how to research and design research methods, investigate literatures, search and evaluate existing tools for collecting data of interest, and select statistical analysis methods. 공통과목 ( 박사 ) 질적연구방법론 (Qualitative Nursing Research Methodology) 질적연구방법의철학적관점과이론적배경을이해하고, 간호연구에활용가능한다양한접근법의특성, 적용과정및 간호실무와의연관성을분석및검토한다. This course aims to understand the philosophical viewpoint and theoretical background of qualitative research methods, analyze and examine the characteristics of various approaches available for nursing research, the application process, and the relationship with nursing practice. 측정도구개발및평가 (Development and Evaluation of Measuring Instruments) 본교과목은간호개념의측정도구개발과정에서필요한측정이론, 문항개발및분석, 그리고개발된도구의적용과정에필요한내용을강의와발표를통해학습하고실제로도구개발을실습하여자신이관심을가진개념에대한도구를개발하는데있다. This subject is to learn from lectures and presentations about measurement theories, questions development and analysis required in the course of the development of measurement tools for nursing concepts, and the application of developed tools, and to develop tools for the concepts of interest by actually practicing tool development. 고급간호통계 (Advanced Nursing Statistics) 다양한통계방법에대해서습득하고, 간호학분야에서자주사용되는통계방법에대해서심도있게학습한다. 이를통해간호학분야에서사용되는통계방법및통계결과이해하고해석하고평가할수있으며, 나아가간호학분야의자료를활용하여자료수집, 정리, 분석함을통해자료분석능력을기르는것이목적이다. Students learn about various statistical methods and learn about statistical methods frequently used in the field of nursing. The purpose of this course is to develop the data analysis ability by collecting, organizing and analyzing the data by using the data in the field of nursing, which can understand, interpret and evaluate the statistical methods and statistics used in the field of nursing. 간호과학이론분석 (Theory analysis in Nursing Science) 본교과목은과학철학의역사와패러다임에대한탐색을기반으로간호현상에서나타나는관심개념을확인하고이론개발전략을통해간호지식체개발의과정을이해하고이론개발을위한귀납적, 연역적접근을학습함으로써다양한실무현장에서경험한개념을중심으로중범위이론구성과정을확인한다. This course aims to understand the concept of interest in nursing phenomenon based on the historical and philosophical foundation in nursing science, to understand the process of development of nursing knowledge body through theory development strategies and to learn inductive and deductive approach to develop the theory. This course identifies the process of constructing a middle range theory based on the concepts that have been experienced in various nursing field. 전공선택과목 - 4 -

5 간호전문직론 (Nursing Professionalism) 인간의총체적본질에대한이해를바탕으로간호의중심이되는인간에게영향을미치는사회, 경제, 윤리, 법등관련된문제를대상자의전인적상황을고려하여탐색하고논의한다. Based on an understanding of the overall nature of human beings, we explore and discuss related issues such as society, economy, ethics, and law that affect human beings as the center of nursing, taking into consideration the overall situation of the subject. 간호통계학 (Statistics in Nursing) 본교과목은통계학의기초이론과응용을다룬다. 간호학분야의자료수집과정리방법, 통계학적추론의제방법등을이해함으로써간호학제반분야에걸친자료분석능력을습득하게하는과정이다. This course deals with basic theories and applications of statistics. It is the process of acquiring the data analysis ability in various fields of nursing by understanding the data collection and arrangement method of the nursing field and the method of statistical reasoning. 성인건강간호세미나 (Seminar in Adult Nursing) 실제간호상황에서나타나는성인간호개념과관련된임상문제를확인하여사정, 진단, 중재, 평가함으로써현장을통한연구의기틀을다지고, 임상간호전문가로서의능력을기른다. We will identify the clinical problems related to the concept of adult nursing in real nursing situations, assess, diagnose, intervene, and evaluate them to establish the basis of research through the field and to develop the ability as a clinical nursing professional. 여성건강간호세미나 (Seminar in Maternity & Women's Health Care) 모성및여성건강간호와관련된이론과지식을실무에적용할수있는간호와문제해결방법을확인하고임상전문간호사로서활동하는데필요한기술을학습한다. Identify nursing and problem-solving methods to apply theories and knowledge related to maternal and female health care to practice and learn the skills necessary to act as clinical professional nurses. 아동건강간호세미나 (Seminar in Child Health Nursing) 아동간호와관련된이론과지식을실무에적용할수있는간호중재방법을탐색하고전문간호사역할을수행하는데필요한기술을적용하고학습한다. Students will learn nursing and problem solving methods that can apply the theories and knowledge related to maternal and female health nursing in practice, and learn the skills necessary to act as a clinical nurse. 정신간호세미나 (Seminar in Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing) 개인, 가족, 지역사회의정신건강요구와문제를사정하고다양한정신간호이론과치료적접근방법을적용하여, 정신간호 분야의간호중재방안을개발, 습득한다. To develop and acquire nursing intervention plans in the field of mental nursing by assessing the mental health needs and problems of individuals, families and communities, applying various mental nursing theories and therapeutic approaches. 지역사회간호세미나 (Seminar in Community Health Nursing) 지역보건과지역사회간호및건강에관련된이론을실제지역사회간호실무에적용하여연구하는태도와기능을기르며, 지역사회간호실무, 행정의쟁점및문제점을분석하고해결하는능력과지역사회실무현장의정책개발원리의적용기능을갖게한다. The purpose of this study is to develop the attitudes and functions of applying the theories related to community health and community nursing and health to actual community nursing practice and to analyze and solve problems and issues of community nursing practice and administration, It has the application function of policy development principle. 간호관리세미나 (Seminar in Nursing Management) 조직및관리이론을각관리수준의간호실무에적용하여간호를관리할수있는능력을기르고보건의료전달체계내에서간호관리자의역할을수행하기위한전문적인기술을습득한다. Apply organizational and management theory to nursing practice at each management level to develop the ability to manage nursing and acquire specialized skills to perform the role of nursing manager in the health care delivery system. 간호교육방법론 (Education Methodology in Nursing) 간호교육과정개발단계를학습하고간호실무현장에적용할수있는교육방법에대한이론학습및적용능력을함양한다. Develop theoretical learning and application skills for teaching methods that can be applied to nursing practice sites by learning the stages of developing nursing education courses. 건강증진론 (Health Promotion) 건강의정의, 건강행위의동기화, 건강증진모형을포함하여실무와방법론적측면에초점을두어다양한환경에서건강증진과예방을위한간호전략을이해하고개발하는데중점을둔다. The focus is on understanding and developing nursing strategies for health promotion and prevention in a variety of settings, focusing on practical and methodological aspects, including definitions of health, synchronization of health behaviors, and health promotion models. 고급노인간호학 (Advanced Gerontological Nursing) 노인의신체, 정서, 정신및사회적발달특성에대한이해를바탕으로노인의건강문제를분석하여연구함으로써, 노년기대상자의건강문제를해결하고새로운노인정책에반영할수있는바람직한방향및방안을모색한다. By analyzing and studying the health problems of the elderly based on their understanding of the physical, emotional, mental and social development characteristics of the elderly, we seek - 5 -

6 desirable directions and measures to solve the health problems of the aged subject and reflect them in the new elderly policy. 부모자녀건강 (Health of Parent and Child) 부모 - 자녀의관계에서발생하는건강문제나부모 - 자녀이론에맞는이론적지식체를정립하고연구를수행한다. To establish the theoretical knowledge body that meets the health problem and the parent - child theory which occur in the relation of parent - child, and carry out the research. 건강불평등과간호 (Health Inequality and Nursing) 건강불평등에대한개념을이해하고보건의료분야및지역사회에서건강불평등과관련한실제를확인함으로써건강에대한불평등의문제를해결하기위한대안을모색한다. To explore alternatives to address the problem of inequality in health by understanding the concept of health inequality and identifying the reality of health inequality in the health care sector and in the community. 죽음과호스피스 (Death and Hospice) 죽음을삶의자연스런한부분으로간주하고이개별적인죽음의과정을성장의기회로확장시킬수있도록함을교과목목표로한다. 이에따라학습자는죽음의여러종류중좋은죽음을중심으로한죽음의철학을구축한다. 또한학습자는의료인의입장에서말기환자의바람직한돌봄인호스피스에대한역사, 정의, 철학, 조직및실제를다룸으로써치료가불가능한환자의질적인여생과가족의환자죽음전후에삶의질을도모할수있는방안을이론, 실무, 연구의측면에서모색한다. The course aims to consider death as a natural part of life and to extend this individual process of death to growth opportunities. Thus, the learner builds a philosophy of death centered on good death among various kinds of death. In addition, the learner can study the history, definition, philosophy, organization and practice of hospice, a desirable care for terminally ill patients from the viewpoint of medical practitioner, so that they can improve the quality of life before and after the patient's death This course will explore the theory, practice and research. 간호과학과생명윤리 (Nursing Science and Bioethics) 생명윤리쟁점에관한간호학및생명윤리학적분석및연구방법을규명함으로써도덕적민감도를증진시키고도덕적추론능력을함양한다. To enhance moral sensitivity and to develop moral reasoning ability by identifying nursing and bioethical analysis and research methods on bioethical issues. 만성질환관리 (Chronic Illness Care) 만성질환과관련된건강문제를분석 ž 검토하여삶의질을향상시킬수있는요인을분석하고이를증진시킬수있는다양한간호전략과연구의방향을탐색한다. Analyzing and examining the health problems related to chronic diseases, we analyze the factors that can improve the quality of life and explore various nursing strategies and research directions that can improve them. 간호정책론 (Nursing Policy) 보건및간호정책의최근경향을탐색하고, 간호전문직발전을위한보건및간호정책을수립할수있는능력을함양한다. Explore the recent trends in health and nursing policy, and develop the ability to establish health and nursing policies for nursing professional development. 임상연구와측정지표 (Clinical Research and Measurement Indicators) 임상연구와측정지표는임상에서발생하는주증상의병태생리학적기전과이로인한인체의반응을학습하는교과목이다. 이러한인체의반응을근거로측정지표선정을학습한다. Clinical research and measurement indicators In this course, students learn pathophysiology of major symptoms in clinical settings and how human beings response to illness. Students also learn selected clinical indicators for measurement based on the human responses. 국제보건 (Global Health) 국제화경향에맞추어글로벌건강문제와보건에대한지식체를개발하고이론적접근을통해국제감각에맞는연구를수행한다. To develop global knowledge on health issues and health in accordance with international trends, and conduct research in accordance with international sense through theoretical approaches. 근거기반간호실무 (Evidence Based Nursing Practice) 근거기반의간호실무를수행하는데요구되는근거기반간호의기본적인개념을이해하고, 문제규명, 근거검색, 근거의비판, 실무적용및평가의과정을학습한다. Understand the basic concepts of evidence-based nursing required to perform evidence-based nursing practice, and learn the process of problem identification, evidence search, criticism of evidence, application of practice and evaluation. 환자안전과질관리 (Patient Safety and Quality Management in Health Care System) 환자안전과질향상에관한개념을이해하고, 보건의료에서환자안전과질에영향을미치는요인을분석하고, 환자안전과질향상을위한전략을개발하는데초점을두고있다. 교과내용은환자안전과질향상과관련된개념 ( 환자중심간호, 팀웍과협력, 근거기반실무, 질행상과정, 환자안전문화, 의료오류 ), 환자안전측정방법, 환자안전과질향상을위한시스템의개발과영향, 환자안전사례분석, 환자안전과질향상을위한간호교육, 연구, 실무에서의전략방안등이포함될것이다. It focuses on understanding the concepts of patient safety and quality improvement, analyzing factors affecting patient safety and quality in health care, and developing strategies for patient safety and quality improvement. The contents of the curriculum include the concepts related to patient safety and quality improvement (patient-centered nursing, teamwork and cooperation, evidence-based practice, quality-of-service process, - 6 -

7 patient safety culture, medical errors) Development and impact, patient safety case analysis, nursing education to improve patient safety and quality, research and strategy in practice. 논문작성세미나 (Dissertation Writing Seminar) 논문작성세미나는우수한논문을강독하고분석하여논문을읽는능력을함양하는교과목이다. 또한저널설정, 투고, 출판과정을간접적으로학습한다. Dissertation writing seminar is a course that develops the ability to read and analyze excellent articles. It also indirectly learns publishing process including selecting journals, submission, revision and publication

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