출장결과보고 1. 출장개요 출장목적 - 금번세계도시포럼은 도시 2030, 모두를위한도시 : 신도시의제의이행 을주제로개최예정이며, 한국의국가도시정책경험을국제사회와공유하고한국정부의신도시의제이행방안을모색할수있는기회 - 정부대표단일원으로참여하여한국정부의신도시의제이행전략등에대해

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1 출장결과보고 1. 출장개요 출장목적 - 금번세계도시포럼은 도시 2030, 모두를위한도시 : 신도시의제의이행 을주제로개최예정이며, 한국의국가도시정책경험을국제사회와공유하고한국정부의신도시의제이행방안을모색할수있는기회 - 정부대표단일원으로참여하여한국정부의신도시의제이행전략등에대해발표, 토론, 협의예정 ( 국토부대표단과동행 ) 출장지 : 말레이시아쿠알라룸푸르 출장자 : 박세훈연구위원 출장기간 : ( 수 ) ~ 2.13( 화 ) (5박 7일 ) < 제 9 차세계도시포럼개요 >

2 2. 출장일정

3 3. 주요활동 (1) 개막식 ( , 15:00) 개요 ㅇ새로이선출된 Maimunah Mohd Sharif 유엔해비타트사무총장과 Najib Razak 말레이시아총리를비롯한주요인사의연설이있었음 주요내용ㅇ (Maimunah Mohd Sharif 유엔해비타트사무총장 ) 여성으로서는최초로해비타트사무총장으로선출된것에대한포부를밝히며, 자국에서개최된금번 9차세계도시포럼이도시문제에대한시각과의견, 경험을공유할수있는기회가되기를희망한다고밝힘 - 오랜논의끝에해비타트 3 회의에서채택된의제 (New Urban Agenda) 와지속가능한성장목표 (SDG) 가도시문제를해결하고, 안전하고복원력이강하며지속가능한도시를조성하기위한효과적인수단이될수있으므로이에대한회원국의지지요청 - 또한다양성과포용성에우선순위를두고성별, 인종, 계층등에관계없이소외되는자없는도시와주택환경의중요성강조ㅇ (Naj ib Razak 말레이시아총리 ) 말레이시아출신의새로운해비타트사무총장의선출과 2002년세계도시포럼최초개최이후두번째로아시아에서개최하게된것에대해축하 - 세계경제위기를극복한이후빠른성장을하고있는말레이시아의경제적성과와지속가능한발전을추구하기위한국가적노력소개 - 이외에도 MRT 등대중교통의확대, 강수질개선프로젝트, 열대우림보호프로젝트, 민간기업과의협력을통해젊은이들에게저렴한주택과교통, 놀거리를제공할수있는 Youth City 프로젝트등소개ㅇ (Corina Cretu EU 지역정책위원장 ) 도시와비도시간의연계를강조하며,

4 유럽차원의도시의제채택, 데이터및통계측면에서 EU의노력에대해설명ㅇ개막식은말레이시아전통춤공연과말레이대학생들의미래의지속가능한도시조성을희망하는합창으로마무리 < 제 9 차세계도시포럼개막식전경 > (2) Dialogue : 국가도시정책 ( :00) 개요 일시및장소 : 2018년 2월 9일오전 9-12시. KLCC Malaysia 참석자 : 김경환전차관 ( 기조발제 ), Kimberley Leonard (moderator), 박세훈국토연구원연구위원 (discussant) 등 7명의패널리스트와 3명의토론자 주요내용 김경환차관님기조발제요지 - NUP는 NUA 이행을위한핵심적인도구임. NUP는중앙정부의주도하에, 지방정부, 시민사회, 관련이해당사자가함께참여하여수립하는도시정

5 책의미래방향을의미 - NUP의성공적인수립과집행을위해서는관련주체들의포괄적인참여가필수적임. 국제기구, 지방정부, 시민사회뿐만아니라민간기업이함께참여할수있는포용적거버넌스구축이요구됨 - NUP가 NUA 이행을위해적절히기능할수있도록향후유엔에서는이행을점검하고모니터링할수있는체계를마련할필요가있음. 적절한모니터링지표의개발, 리뷰보고서의발간등필요 - NUP가수립되지않은국가에대한지원도필요함. 이런의미에서해비타트와 OECD, Cities Alliance가함께주관하는 NUPP(National Urban Policy Programme) 은의미가큼. 향후이러한네트워크를통해 NUP가지속가능한발전을위한더욱효과적인도구가되기를희망함. 박세훈국토연연구위원토론요지 - NUA의이행을위해서 NUP의중요성이부각되고있음. 이와아울러보다명확한 NUA 이행을위한가이드라인이필요함 - NUP는 NUA 이행에있어중앙정부의책임을강조하고있음. 물론관련주체들의포괄적인참여가필요하지만동시에중앙정부의책임성도강조되어야함 - 한국의국가도시정책 ( 국토종합계획 ) 의경험은경제발전및공간발전에있어서중앙정부의역할변화를보여줌. 한국은경제개발시기국가가중심이되어국토종합계획을수립하고집행하였으나, 최근분권화및새로운사회적과제 ( 불평등증가, 고령화등 ) 에대응하기위해중앙정부의역할변화가요구되고있음. 이제중앙정부는지자체및시민사회와의협력을위한기반을제공할필요가있음 - 그런의미에서유엔에서중앙정부의역할을제시할필요가있음. 특히 NUA의이행과관련된이행체계의수립, 이행지표의설정, 이행보고서의작성, 제출등에대한유엔차원의가이드라인제시필요 기타발표및토론사항

6 - 각국의 NUP 사례공유 : 각국의여건에비추어 NUP가어떻게수립되고있으며, 그것이어떻게 NUA 및 SDGs의이행에기여할수있는지논의 ( 아르헨티나, 쿠웨이트, 말레이시아, 남아프리카공화국, 나이지리아, OECD 등 ) - NUP 수립과집행에있어서부문간, 주체간의통합적, 조정적인접근이필요함. NUP의핵심적역할은서로다른주체의이해관계를조정하는것. NUP를통해경제, 사회, 문화, 복지등부문간의이해가조정될필요가있음. 이를위해서는기존의물리적계획중심의, 하향적계획패러다임을벗어나야함 - NUP의수립과이행에앞선경험을가진국가들이아직경험이없는국가들을지원할필요가있음. 국제기구의활동등을통해경험의공유와지원활동이필요함. - NUP는결과가아니라과정으로여겨져야함. 수립자체가중요한것이아니라그것이이행되고, 모니터링되고, 피드백되는전과정이중요. 상당국가는이미이러한방식으로 NUP를수립하고있음 - 역량강화는 NUP와관련된중요한쟁점사항임. 향후 NUP와관련된전문가의육성, 관련주체들의역량강화활동이강화될필요가있음. 국제기구, 학계, 연구기관등이함께협력할필요가있음 < 다이알로그전경 >

7 (3) 유엔해비타트사무총장면담 개요 일정 / 장소 : :45, 사무총장사무실 면담대상 : Maimunah Mohd Sharif 유엔해비타트사무총장 < 유엔사무총장면담전경 > 주요내용 ( 축하인사 ) 한국측은여성최초로유엔해비타트사무총장으로선출된것과세계도시포럼의성공적개최에대해축하를표하며, 해비타트와국토부간의협력관계가지속 강화되기를희망 * 국토부는지난해비타트 3 회의기간동안해비타트와의 MOU체결을통해개도국의국가도시정책수립을지원하는프로젝트에 30억원을지원중 ( 한국정책소개 ) 한국측은정부가중점적으로추진하고있는스마트시티와도시재생뉴딜정책을소개하며, 양정책이도시의제 (NUA) 를이행하는수단이될수있을것이라고강조 ( 월드스마트시티위크초청 ) 한국은사무총장에금년 9월에한국에서열리는월드스마트시티위크에초청의사밝힘

8 (MOU 교환 ) 그간 LH공사와해비타트간의협력을통해추진해온 스마트안전도시글로벌챌린지 상을제정하기위한 MOU 교환 * 스마트안전도시글로벌챌린지 : 공모를통해안전한스마트시티를조성한도시에대해해비타트주관으로상을수여하며시상은한국의제3 차월드스마트시티위크 (2019) 에서하게될예정 (4) 해비타트실무진면담 개요 일시및장소 : 2018년 2월 12일오후2시. WUF UN Habitat 부스 참석자 - ( 대표단 ) 정의경과장, 유혜령서기관, 서주은자문관, 양승길주무관, 박세훈국토연연구위원 - (UN Habitat) Remy Sietchiping (Chief, Regional and Metropolitan Planning Unit, Urban Planning & Design Branch), Jane Reid(Consultant, United Nations Human Settlements Programme), 해비타트담당변호사 주요회의내용 국토부대표단 - 제9회세계도시포럼의성공적인개최를축하함. 한국정부는그동안의협력관계를한층더발전시키기를원함 - 김성호과장의후임인사에대해유엔해비타트에서내부절차가진행되고있는것으로알고있음. 조속히마무리되기를희망함 - 한국정부의예산편성문제로약속했던공여계획의변경이필요함. 공여금액의총액은유지한채기간을 3년에서 5년으로연장하기를원함. - 기타한국정부와의다양한협력프로젝트에대해서는국토부후임인사가마무리되는데로구체적인협의를진행하기를원함

9 UN Habitat - NUP 1차회의 ( 인천, 2015) 의지원및공여금지원등의한국정부의관심과지원에대해감사함. 앞으로도지속적인협력관계가유지되기를원함 - 김성호과장후임절차는내부적으로마무리되었으며곧진행될것으로예상함 - 공여금의지급방식변경에대해서는한국정부의여건을이해함. 단지유엔해비타트의구조상공여금에따라업무의내용이결정되기때문에예산변경과업무계획의변경이필요함. 이에대해서는실무적으로협의해나갈것임 - 유엔해비타트는향후한국정부와전문인력과지식의교류를확대하기를원함. 특히개도국의스마트시티, 국가도시정책에대한수요가높아이분야의교육훈련등이요구되고있음. 이부문에있어서한국정부및전문가와의협력확대를희망함. < 유엔해비타트실무진면담전경 >

10 (5) National Urban Policy Programme Partners Meeting 개요 일시및장소 : 2018년 2월 9일오후 12시 30분-2시. Impiana KLCC 호텔 참석자 : Aziza Akhmouch (Acting Head of Division, Cities, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development, OECD), Aisa Kirabo Kacyira (Deputy Executive Director, UN-Habitat), Lamia Kamal-Chaoui(Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD) 등 10여명 주요내용 NUPP의개념및활동방향보고 파리에서의 1차회의 (2016년 5월 ) 이후의 NUPP 활동진행상황에대한보고 - OECD의 global status of NUP 보고서의내용 - GGGI와함께한베트남 NUP 계획에대한내용 - NUPP 참여를희망한기관들에대한설명 ( 현재 7개기관이공식적으로참여를알려왔으며국토연이포함됨 ) 여러주체들의 NUPP 활동에대한의견수렴과향후활동계획논의

11 4. 주요활동사진및연락처 (1) 활동사진

12 (2) 연락처

13 < 참고자료 > 2030 도시에관한쿠알라룸푸르선언 KUALA LUMPUR DECLARATION ON CITIES 2030 We, the participants of the Ninth session of the World Urban Forum - representing national, subnational and local governments, parliamentarians, civil society, older persons, women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, grassroots groups, indigenous peoples and local communities, private sector, foundations and philanthropies, international and regional organizations, academia, professionals and other relevant stakeholders - gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to localize and scale up the implementation of the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Led by a strong spirit of collaboration, creativity and innovation, we share our aspirations for the future of Cities 2030 as the Cities for all where no-one and no place is left behind. To this end, we call for the deployment of all efforts, means and resources available towards the operationalization of the concept of cities for all, ensuring that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to inhabit and produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements to foster prosperity and quality of life for all. We believe that global, regional, national and local implementation frameworks of the New Urban Agenda being formulated since its adoption should be supported by key enablers capable of unlocking positive transformation, such as: o Strengthening the role of subnational and local governments, urban governance systems that ensure continuous dialogue among different levels of government and participation of all actors, and increasing multilevel and cross-sectoralcoordination, transparency and accountability. o Encouraging sharing of creative solutions and innovative practices which enable a shift in mindset necessary to drive change. o Building inclusive partnerships and strengthening age and gender responsive environments to ensure meaningful participation and engagement at all levels. o Adopting integrated territorial development, including through appropriate urban planning and design instruments, to ensure sustainable management and use of natural resources and land, appropriate compactness and density,

14 diversity of uses, and revitalization of cultural heritage. o Deploying monitoring and reporting mechanisms, including assessment of impacts, that encourage best practices for effective policy making. We draw attention to the persistent challenges faced by our cities and human settlements, such as: o Limited opportunities and mechanisms for youth, women and grassroots organizations, as well as other civil society organizations, local, subnational and national governments, international and regional bodies to work together in planning, implementation and monitoring; o Inequitable access to the city, including to decent jobs, public space, affordable and adequate housing and security of land tenure, safe, efficient and accessible public transport and mobility systems, infrastructure and other basic services and goods that cities offer; o Insufficient protection from human rights violations, including forced evictions, and inadequate inclusion of people living in poverty, persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in urban planning, design, and legislation processes;ogender inequalities in urban economic and leaderships spheres. We recognize that today we face emerging challenges that require urgent actions, including: o Recognizing that crises are increasingly urban, which calls for inclusive urbanization tools adapted to local contexts and to the nature of natural and human made disasters and conflicts, as well as to guide humanitarian assistance, fast track recovery, and contribute to building and sustaining peace. o Managing the complexities of increased migration into cities, at all levels, leveraging positive contributions of all and using more inclusive planning approaches that facilitate social cohesion and create economic opportunities; o Understanding the impact of new technologies and potential of open and accessible data, which require governance and design models that help to ensure no one is left behind; o Addressing growing social and cultural inequalities, lack of access to economic opportunities, that are increasingly manifested in cities. o Responding to environmental degradation and climate change concerns. Actionable recommendations

15 We, the participants of the WUF9, leveraging the advantage of the Forum, which convenes thousands of decision makers, key actors, stakeholders and communities, generated a wealth of ideas. We encourage the acceleration of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda through: Frameworks 1. Encourage the formulation of implementation frameworks for the New Urban Agenda at all levels, including monitoring mechanisms, providing a coordinated space for an effective contribution from all stakeholders, aligning to the efforts and actions of the 2030 Agenda and other international, regional, national, subnational and local development frameworks. 2. Support the creation and consolidation of inclusive platforms and agendas for dialogue among all levels of government, decision makers and stakeholders such as regional, national and local Urban Forums and committees that can strengthen policy review and assessment of impacts. These can also foster exchange of experiences and cooperation, as well as scaling up voluntary commitments and actions from all partners. 3. Further develop and advocate for integrated territorial development, which includes integration of sectoral policies, institutions and investment; integration among the different spheres of government; spatial integration across the urban-rural continuum; improved coordination across actors; and enhanced alignment of national, subnational and local policies with international agendas. 4. Adapt innovative and robust mechanisms for the diversification and expansion of the means of implementation, to cater for complex and integrated approaches promoted by the New Urban Agenda. Technological innovations and improvements, research, capacity building, technical assistance and partnership development, among others, may require enhanced resourcing. Governance and partnerships 5. Adopt multiple collaborative governance mechanisms that actively engage national, subnational and local governments,all groups of society, including youth, women and grassroots organizations and particularly the excluded, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. This work in solidarity is critical to promote more buy-in and co-responsibility in the activities towards sustainable urban development, and to ensure the sustainability of the results.

16 6. Promote multi-stakeholder constituency-based coalitions to use the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to better prevent, prepare, and respond to urban crises. Innovative solutions 7. Foster a culture of creativity and innovation to be embedded in the way cities and human settlements operate. 8. Develop monitoring and data collection mechanisms, including community generated data, to enhance availability of information and disaggregated and comparable data at city, functional urban areas and community levels. This would promote informed and evidence-based decision making and policy formulation, assessing progress and impact at all levels. 9. Create an enabling environment and develop capacities for scaling up of good practices including municipal finance, sustainable private and public investments in urban development and job creation, and generating value while advancing the public good. 10. Adopt accessibility and universal design as core principles into national, subnational and local action plans for implementing the New Urban Agenda through inclusive, accessible and participatory processes and consultations. We, the participants of the Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum, recognize the value of the Forum convened by UN-Habitat as an inclusive platform to collect inputs from a broad range of stakeholders and to feed these into annual and quadrennial reporting on progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. We call to further develop the role of UN-Habitat as a focal point in the United Nations system to support all countries and mobilization of stakeholders in the implementation, follow up and review of the New Urban Agenda, including through scaled up normative support. We thank the Government of Malaysia, the City of Kuala Lumpur, and UN-Habitat for organizing the Forum, and commit to provide continuous cooperation to the next hosts, the Government of the United Arab Emirates and the city of Abu Dhabi. Kuala Lumpur, 13 February 2018


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