SSW 18 LTX 600 SSW 18 LTX 400 BL ko de 지침 Originalbetriebsanleitung 원본 5 5 en Original instructions 8 fr Notice d'utilisation originale 11 nl Oorspron

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Download "SSW 18 LTX 600 SSW 18 LTX 400 BL ko de 지침 Originalbetriebsanleitung 원본 5 5 en Original instructions 8 fr Notice d'utilisation originale 11 nl Oorspron"


1 SSW 18 LTX 600 SSW 18 LTX 400 BL ko de 지침 Originalbetriebsanleitung 원본 5 5 en Original instructions 8 fr Notice d'utilisation originale 11 nl Oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing 15 it Istruzioni per l'uso originali 19 es Manual original 23 pt Manual original 27 sv Bruksanvisning i original 31 fi Alkuperäinen käyttöopas 34 no Original bruksanvisning 37 da Original brugsanvisning 40 pl Instrukcja oryginalna 43 el Πρωτότυπες οδηγίες λειτουργίας 47 hu Eredeti használati utasítás 51 ru Оригинальное руководство по эксплуатации 54

2 SSW 18 LTX 400 BL 1 SSW 18 LTX

3 11. SSW 18 LTX 600 SSW 18 LTX 400 BL *1) Serial Number: *1) Serial Number: U V n 0 /min, rpm S /min, bpm H - 1/2 (12,7 mm) 1/2 (12,7 mm) m kg (lbs) 3,1 (6.9) 1,9 (4.2) M max. Nm (in-lbs) 600 (5310) 400 (3540) a h / K h m/s 2 5,9 / 1,5 12,0 / 1,5 L pa / K pa db(a) 96 / / 3 L WA / K WA db(a) 107 / / 3 *2) 2014/30/EU, 2006/42/EC, 2011/65/EU *3) EN :2009+A11:2010, EN :2010, EN 50581: , Bernd Fleischmann Direktor Produktentstehung & Qualität (Vice President Product Engineering & Quality) *4) Metabowerke GmbH - Metabo-Allee Nuertingen, Germany 3

4 A ASC 15, ASC 30, ASC 30-36, SC 60 Plus, ASC Ultra, etc. B 18 V 3,0 Ah V 4,0 Ah V 5,2 Ah etc. C 1/2 1/ D

5 지침원본 1. 적합성선언 제품에대한전적인책임을지고있는당사는형식과일련번호 *1) 로식별되는본무선임팩트드라이버가지침안 *2) 과표준 *3) 의모든관련요건을충족함을선언합니다. *4) 에대한기술문서 - 3 페이지참조. 2. 지정용도 임팩트스크류드라이버는스크류체결및분리에적합합니다. 부적합한사용으로인한손상은전적으로사용자의책임입니다. 일반적으로통용되는사고방지규정과동봉된안정정보를준수해야합니다. 3. 일반안전지침 신체를보호하고전동공구를보호하기위해이기호가표시된모든설명에주의하시기바랍니다! 경고 조작설명서를읽으면부상의위험을줄일수있습니다. 경고모든안전경고와지침을읽으십시오. 모든안전경고와지침을따르지않을경우감전, 화재및 / 또는심각한부상을초래할수있습니다. 나중에참조할수있도록모든안전지침과정보를보관해두십시오. 전동공구를타인에게양도할경우본문서를함께제공하십시오. 4. 특수안전지침 절삭패스너가숨겨진배선에접촉할수있는작업을수행하는경우절연된그립표면으로전동공구를잡으십시오. " 전기가흐르는 " 전선에패스너가접촉하면전동공구의노출된금속부분에 " 전기가흘러 " 작업자가감전될, 수있습니다. 조정또는유지보수작업을수행하기전에장비에서배터리팩을분리하십시오. 배터리팩을설치하기전에장비의전원이꺼져있는지확인하십시오. 작업하려는위치에전력케이블, 가스배관또는수도관이지나가지않는지확인하십시오 ( 예 : 금속탐지기사용 ). 물과습기가있는곳에배터리팩을두지마십시오! 배터리팩이나화에노출되지않도록하십시오! 결함이있거나변형된배터리팩을사용하지마십시오! 배터리팩을열지마십시오! 배터리팩을만지거나단락시키지마십시오! KOREAN kr 리튬이온배터리팩에결함이있는경우미산성의가연성액체가누출될수있습니다! 배터리누액이피부에닿은경우즉시물로충분히씻어내십시오. 배터리누액이눈에닿은경우깨끗한물로씻어내고즉시의사의진찰을받으십시오. 임팩트스크류드라이버에적합한스크류드라이버비트만사용해야합니다. 긴스크류를체결할경우미끄러질위험이있으니주의하십시오. 장비전원이꺼져있을때에만스크류에장비를장착하십시오. 장시간작업할때는청력보호용구를착용하십시오. 장시간시끄러운소음에노출되면청력이손상될수있습니다. 조정, 전환또는정비작업을수행하기전에장비에서배터리팩을분리하십시오. LED 조명 (4): 광학기기로 LED 방사광을직접관측하지마십시오. 분진노출최소화 : 경고 - 파워샌딩, 쏘잉, 그라인딩, 드릴링및기타건설활동에서생성된분진중일부에는암, 선천성결함또는기타생식유해성을유발하는것으로알려진화학물질이포함되어있습니다. 이러한화학물질의몇가지예는다음과같습니다. - 납계열페인트의납 - 벽돌과시멘트및기타벽돌쌓기제품에포함된결정성실리카 - 화학처리된목재의비소및크롬이러한노출로인한위험은해당유형의작업수행빈도에따라다릅니다. 이러한화학물질에대한노출을줄이려면, 환기가잘되는장소에서작업하고미세입자필터링기능이있는방진마스크등의보호장구를착용하십시오. 이는일부목재유형 ( 떡갈나무또는너도밤나무분진등 ), 금속, 석면과같은다른물질의분진에도적용됩니다. 다른알려진질병으로는알레르기반응, 호흡기질환등이있습니다. 분진이신체내에유입되지않도록주의하십시오. 해당재료, 직원, 사용분야및사용위치에관련된지침및국가규정을따르십시오 ( 예 : 직업건강및안전규정, 폐기 ). 발생하는입자를즉시수거하고주변에쌓이지않도록하십시오. 특수작업에적합한부속품을사용하십시오. 이방법으로, 해당환경에무절제하게유입되는입자를줄일수있습니다. 적합한탈거장치를사용하십시오. 5

6 Kr KOREAN 다음과같은방법으로분진노출을줄이십시오. - 배출되는입자및배출공기의흐름이자신이나인접한사람또는쌓여있는분진을향하지않도록하십시오. - 탈거장치및 / 또는공기정화기를사용하십시오. - 작업장을잘환기시키고진공청소기를사용하여깨끗하게유지하십시오. 쓸거나바람을불면먼지가날립니다. - 보호복을진공청소기로청소하거나세척하십시오. 바람을불거나두드리거나털지마십시오. 5. 개요 2 페이지참조. 1 1/2" 공구용사각형부착물 2 회전셀렉터스위치 / 이동안전장치 3 트리거 4 LED 조명조명이어두운장소에서작업시사용. 장비전원이켜지면 LED 조명이켜집니다. 5 회전속도및조임토크사전선택용설정휠 * 6 배터리팩 7 배터리팩분리버튼 8 용량표시등버튼 9 용량및신호표시등 10 벨트고리 ( 그림과같이부착 ) * * 기능 / 모델에따라상이 6. 최초작동 / 설정 조정또는유지보수작업을수행하기전에장비에서배터리팩을분리하십시오. 배터리팩을설치하기전에장비의전원이꺼져있는지확인하십시오. 6.1 배터리팩 사용전에배터리팩 (5) 을충전하십시오. 성능이약한경우배터리팩을다시충전하십시오. 이상적인보관온도는 10 C ~ 30 C 입니다. "Li-Power" 리튬이온배터리팩에는용량및신호표시등이있습니다. (9) - 버튼 (8) 을누르면 LED 를통해충전량이표시됩니다. - LED 하나가깜박이면배터리팩이거의방전된것이며재충전이필요합니다. 분리 : 배터리팩분리버튼 (7) 을누르고배터리팩 (5) 을앞으로당깁니다. 삽입 : 배터리팩 (5) 이맞물릴때까지안으로밉니다. 6.2 회전방향설정, 이동안전장치사용 ( 스위치잠금장치 ) 모터가완전히정지할때까지회전셀렉터스위치를작동시키거나이동잠금장치 (2) 를잠그지마십시오! 회전셀렉터스위치를작동하고이동잠금장치 (2) 를잠그십시오. R = 우측회전설정됨 ( 스크류삽입 ) L = 좌측회전설정됨 ( 스크류분리 ) 0 = 중간위치 : 이동잠금장치설정 ( 스위치잠금장치 ) 6.3 전원켜기및끄기 전원켜기 : 트리거스위치 (3) 를누릅니다. 전원끄기 : 트리거스위치 (3) 를놓습니다. 6.4 속도 / 조임토크 속도및조임토크는직접적인관련이있습니다. 속도가낮아지면조임토크도줄어듭니다. 작업조건에따라트리거 (3) 를세게또는살짝눌러속도와조임토크를무단계로조정할수있습니다. SSW 18 LTX 400 BL 의설정휠 (5) 을사용하여회전속도와조임토크 (12 단계 ) 를조정할수있습니다. 권장사항 : 테스트로스크류를체결하여올바른설정을결정하십시오. 6.5 SSW... 스크류드라이버비트교체 스크류드라이버비트삽입 : 정지위치에도달할때까지사각형부착물 (1) 에공구를끼웁니다. 스크류드라이버비트분리 : 사각형부착물 (1) 에서공구를당겨뺍니다. 사용하는스크류드라이버비트가스크류와일치해야합니다. 손상된스크류드라이버비트는사용하면안됩니다. 7. 사용 스크류에장비를장착하고일렬로정렬되었는지확인합니다. 스크류체결과정은먼저스크류를삽입한후퍼커션메커니즘을사용하여스크류를조이는두부분으로구성됩니다. 조임토크는임팩트지속시간에따라다릅니다. 6

7 임팩트지속시간이약 5 초일경우최대조임토크에도달합니다. 토크곡선은적용분야에따라다릅니다. 단단한재질에스크류를체결할경우 ( 금속등단단한재료에스크류체결 ) 짧은임팩트지속시간 (a) 후최대조임토크에도달합니다. 연한재질에스크류를체결할경우 ( 목재등연성재료에스크류체결 ) 더긴임팩트지속시간 (b) 이적용되어야합니다. 권장사항 : 테스트로스크류를체결하여올바른임팩트지속시간을결정하십시오. 주의! 작은스크류일경우 0.5 초미만의임팩트지속시간으로도최대토크에도달합니다. - 따라서스크류체결시시간을정확히모니터링해야합니다. - 트리거 (3) 를세게또는살짝눌러조임토크를조정하여스크류가손상되지않고스크류헤드가떨어지지않도록하십시오. 8. 부속품 Metabo 정품부속품만사용하십시오. 조작설명서에설명된요건과사양을충족하는부속품만사용하십시오. 4 페이지참조. A 충전기 B 용량이다른배터리팩. 해당전동공구에적합한전압의배터리팩만사용하십시오. C 스크류드라이버비트 D 1/2" 공구 전체부속품을보려면 또는카탈로그를참조하십시오. 9. 수리 전동공구수리는자격을갖춘전기기술자만수행해야합니다! Metabo 전동공구수리가필요한경우 Metabo 서비스센터에문의하십시오. 주소는 을참조하십시오. 예비부품목록은 에서다운로드할수있습니다. KOREAN kr 유럽연합국가에만해당 : 전동공구를가정용폐기물과함께폐기하지마십시오! 사용된전기 / 전자장비에대한유럽가이드라인 2002/96/EC 및국가법률체계에서이가이드라인의구현에따라, 사용된전동공구는별도로수거하여환경친화적재활용에적합하게처리해야합니다. 폐기전에전동공구의배터리팩을방전시키십시오. 접촉부가단락되지않도록주의하십시오 ( 예 : 접착테이프로보호 ). 11. 기술사양 3 페이지에사양에대한설명이나열되어있습니다. 기술진보로인해사양이변경될수있습니다. U = 배터리팩의전압 n 0 = 무부하시속도 s = 임팩트주파수 H = 장비공구부착물 m = 중량 ( 최소배터리팩장착시 ) M max. = 최대조임토크 EN 에따라결정된측정값. 직류 명시된기술사양에는오차가있을수있습니다 ( 관련된적용표준에따름 ). 방출값이값을사용하여이전동공구의방출값을추정하고이를다른전동공구의방출값과비교할수있습니다. 특정적용분야및공구또는전동공구의상태에따라실제값은더높거나낮을수있습니다. 값을추정할때작업중단및사용량이적은기간도포함해야합니다. 예상방출값을기준으로하여사용자보호조치 ( 예 : 배치해야하는모든조직단계 ) 를지정하십시오. EN 에따라결정된진동전체값 ( 세방향의벡터합 ): a h = 진동방출값 ( 임팩트를사용한스크류체결 ) K h = 불확실성 ( 진동 ) 일반적인 A-실효감각소음레벨 : L pa = 음압레벨 L WA = 음력레벨 K pa, K WA = 불확실성 ( 소음레벨 ) 청력보호용구를착용하십시오! 10. 환경보호 환경친화적폐기및폐기된장비, 포장및부속품의재활용에관한국가규정을따르십시오. 배터리팩은일반폐기물과함께폐기할수없습니다. 결함이있거나사용된배터리팩을 Metabo 대리점으로보내주십시오! 배터리팩에물이닿지않도록하십시오! 7

8 en ENGLISH 8 Original instructions 1. Declaration of Conformity We declare under our sole responsibility: These cordless impact drivers, identified by type and serial number *1), comply with all relevant requirements of the directives *2) and standards *3). Technical file at *4) - see page Specified Use The impact screwdriver is suitable for driving in and removing screws. The user bears sole responsibility for any damage caused by improper use. Generally accepted accident prevention regulations and the enclosed safety information must be observed. 3. General safety instructions For your own protection and for the protection of your power tool, pay attention to all parts of the text that are marked with this symbol! WARNING Reading the operating instructions will reduce the risk of injury. WARNING Read all safety warnings and instructions. Failure to follow all safety warnings and instructions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. Keep all safety instructions and information for future reference. Pass on your electrical tool only together with these documents. 4. Special Safety Instructions Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, when performing an operation where the cutting fastener may contact hidden wiring. Fasteners contacting a "live" wire, may make exposed metal parts of the power tool "live" and could give the operator an electric shock. Remove the battery pack from the machine before any adjustment or maintenance is carried out. Before fitting the battery pack, make sure that the machine is switched off. Ensure that the spot where you wish to work is free of power cables, gas lines or water pipes (e.g. using a metal detector). Protect battery packs from water and moisture! Do not expose battery packs to naked flame! Do not use faulty or deformed battery packs! Do not open battery packs! Do not touch or short-circuit battery packs! Slightly acidic, flammable fluid may leak from defective li-ion battery packs! If battery fluid leaks out and comes into contact with your skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water. If battery fluid leaks out and comes into contact with your eyes, wash them with clean water and seek medical attention immediately. Only screwdriving bits suitable for the impact screwdriver must be used. Take care when driving in long screws - risk of slipping. Mount the machine on the screw only when it is switched off. Wear ear protectors when working for long periods of time. High noise levels over a prolonged period of time may affect your hearing. Remove the battery pack from the machine before any adjustments, conversions or servicing are performed. LED lights (4): Do not observe the LED radiation directly with optical instruments. Reducing dust exposure: WARNING - Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are: - Lead from lead-based paints, - Crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products, and - Arsenic and chromium from chemically treated lumber. Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles. This also applies to dust from other materials such as some timber types (like oak or beech dust), metals, asbestos. Other known diseases are e.g. allergic reactions, respiratory diseases. Do not let dust enter the body. Observe the relevant guidelines and national regulations for your material, staff, application and place of application (e.g. occupational health and safety regulations, disposal). Collect the particles generated at the source, avoid deposits in the surrounding area. Use suitable accessories for special work. In this way, fewer particles enter the environment in an uncontrolled manner. Use a suitable extraction unit.

9 Reduce dust exposure with the following measures: - do not direct the escaping particles and the exhaust air stream at yourself or nearby persons or on dust deposits, - use an extraction unit and/or air purifiers, - ensure good ventilation of the workplace and keep clean using a vacuum cleaner. Sweeping or blowing stirs up dust. - Vacuum or wash the protective clothing. Do not blow, beat or brush. 5. Overview See page 2. 1 Square attachment for 1/2 tools 2 Rotation selector switch / Transporting safety device 3 Trigger 4 LED light For working on dimly lit areas. The LED lights light up when the machine is switched on. 5 Setting wheel for preselecting rotational speed and tightening torque* 6 Battery pack 7 Battery pack release button 8 Capacity indicator button 9 Capacity and signal indicator 10 Belt hook (attach as shown) * * depending on the features / model 6. Initial Operation/Setting Remove the battery pack from the machine before any adjustment or maintenance is carried out. Before fitting the battery pack, make sure that the machine is switched off. 6.1 Battery pack Charge the battery pack before use (5). If performance diminishes, recharge the battery pack. The ideal storage temperature is between 10 C and 30 C. "Li-Power" li-ion battery packs have a capacity and signal indicator: (9) - Press the button (8), the LEDs indicate the charge level. - If one LED is flashing, the battery pack is almost flat and must be recharged. Removal: Press the battery pack release (7) button and pull the battery pack (5) forwards. Inserting: Slide in the battery pack (5) until it engages. ENGLISH en 6.2 Setting the direction of rotation, engaging the transporting safety device (switch-on lock) Do not actuate the rotation selector switch or engage the transportation lock (2) unless the motor has stopped completely! Actuate the rotation selector switch / Engage the transportation lock (2) R = Right rotation set (insert screws) L = Left rotation set (remove screws) 0 = Central position: transportation lock setting (switch-on lock) 6.3 Switching on and off Switching on: press the trigger switch (3). Switching off: release the trigger switch (3). 6.4 Speed / Tightening torque The speed and tightening torque are connected directly. The lower the speed, the lower the tightening torque. The speed and tightening torque can be adjusted steplessly by pressing the trigger (3) firmly or lightly, thus adapting to working conditions. You can use the setting wheel (5) on the SSW 18 LTX 400 BL to adjust the rotational speed and tightening torque (12 stages). Recommendation: determine the correct setting by carrying out trial screwdriving. 6.5 Changing SSW... screwdriving bits Inserting screwdriving bit: Fit the tool on the square attachment (1) until the limit stop. Removing screwdriving bit: Pull the tool from the square attachment (1). The screwdriving bit used must match the screw. Damaged screwdriving bits must not be used. 7. Use Mount the machine on the screw, ensuring it is aligned straight. The screwdriving process has two elements: inserting the screw and tightening the screw with the percussion mechanism. The tightening torque depends on the impact duration. 9

10 en ENGLISH With an impact duration of approx. 5 seconds, the maximum tightening torque has been reached. The torque curve depends on the type of application: With a hard screwdriving application (screwcouplings in hard material such as metal), maximum tightening torque is already reached after a short impact duration (a). With a soft screwdriving application (screwcouplings in soft material such as wood), a longer impact duration (b) is required. Recommendation: determine the correct impact duration by carrying out trial screwdriving. Caution! With small screws, maximum torque can be reached even below an impact duration of 0.5 seconds. - This is why the duration of the screwdriving process must be monitored exactly. - Adjust the tightening torque by pressing firmly or lightly on the trigger (3), ensuring that the screw is not damaged or that the screw head does not tear off. 8. Accessories Use only genuine Metabo accessories. Use only accessories that fulfil the requirements and specifications listed in these operating instructions. See page 4. A Chargers B Battery packs with different capacity Only use battery packs with the appropriate voltage for your power tool. C Screwdriving bits D 1/2 tool For a complete range of accessories, see or the catalogue. 9. Repairs Repairs to electrical tools must be carried out by qualified electricians ONLY! If you have Metabo electrical tools that require repairs, please contact your Metabo service centre. For addresses see You can download spare parts lists from Environmental Protection Observe national regulations on environmentally compatible disposal and on the recycling of disused machines, packaging and accessories. Battery packs must not be disposed of with regular waste. Return faulty or used battery packs to your Metabo dealer! Do not allow battery packs to come into contact with water! Only for EU countries: Never dispose of power tools in your household waste! In accordance with European Guideline 2002/ 96/EC on used electronic and electric equipment and its implementation in national legal systems, used power tools must be collected separately and handed in for environmentally compatible recycling. Before disposal, discharge the battery pack in the power tool. Prevent the contacts from short-circuiting (e. g. by protecting them with adhesive tape). 11. Technical specifications Explanatory notes on the specifications on page 3. Changes due to technological progress reserved. U = Voltage of battery pack n 0 = No-load speed s = Impact frequency H = Machine tool attachment m = Weight (with smallest battery pack) M max. = max. tightening torque Measured values determined in conformity with EN Direct current The technical specifications quoted are subject to tolerances (in compliance with the relevant valid standards). Emission values Using these values, you can estimate the emissions from this power tool and compare these with the values emitted by other power tools. The actual values may be higher or lower, depending on the particular application and the condition of the tool or power tool. In estimating the values, you should also include work breaks and periods of low use. Based on the estimated emission values, specify protective measures for the user - for example, any organisational steps that must be put in place. Vibration total value (vector sum of three directions) determined in accordance with EN 60745: a h = Vibration emission value(screwdriving with impact) K h = Uncertainty (vibration) Typical A-effective perceived sound levels:: L pa = Sound pressure level L WA = Acoustic power level K pa, K WA = Uncertainty (noise level) Wear ear protectors! 10


12 Metabowerke GmbH Metabo-Allee Nuertingen Germany

사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은

사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 사용자설명서 TourBus 0 & TourBus 5 사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서

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