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1 :... (19959). (Diagnosis Related Groups ) (paym ent unit ).,,,, DRG ().. (m anaged competition )(client - centered approach )..,,,,.....,,

2 .., ,,. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health care Organization s (JCAHO) Health Care F inancing Administration (HCF A )Medicare. Kaiser - Perm anante Medical Center (T he F amily Centered Perinat al Care Program ),,,,,,,,, APGAR,,,, Coomb s ',, (Carr,1989). William scooper (1993). ; / 36%, 19%, 16% 21%, : 10%, 9%, 9%, 7% T 24%, 15%. 21%, 10%, 15%, 14%. Carr (1989),,,,,,,,,,,.. William scooper (1993),,,,.,,,,, ( & W assenberg, 1980). Norm a (1995),,, (protocol).

3 Harrison (1990) (comprehen siv e assessm ent ), (hom e follow - up ), (indivisualized teaching )3.,, 4872., ,,,,,,.. (F eedback ) one day. check list.. 4. W ork s h op : T rl.,, (Jones, 1978). 24, 3, 140/ 90mmHg, 38, 38, 90/ / 90mmHg,, kg, 3842, AP GAR 1 7, /, /, T hurstondundas1985 Coomb s ' test Hem atocrit 4065%,,. 37,, 10.0g/ L, RhoGAM, 3

4 8,,,, 4,,. 2.5kg, Coomb s ' test (- ),,,,, 6, 48.,, w ork shop. (Jones, 1978). (Jan sson, 1985)..

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10 / : T = D=E = C= S =

11 : : : G P L D A ABO Rh VDRL : Breech Ex traction F orcep s V acuum : : : Apg ar S core : 1 5 : cm kg cm cm cm : (,, ) (,, ) : : (, ) ( ) ( ) 1 : (, ) : : /

12 ..,..,,,, (feedback ).... 1),, 2) 3) 4) 5) 6).. 1), 2) 3) 4) (,, ) 5),,,,, (Jan ssoin, 1985) 6).. (Brucker et al, 1985).. 1)..

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15 h as a deliv ery, cesarean deliv eries, cataract surg ery, t on sillectom y or an appendect om y, and apply th e DRG sy stem of paym ent for hospital car e for th ese patient s. T h e purpose of this study w a s to est ablish a recording sy st em t o giv e effectiv e h om e h ealth care t o postpartum w om en an d th eir n ew born s. Recently the gov ernm ent announced a DRG system to apply to postpartum w omen for pilot purposes starting n ex t y ear. T his giv es im petu s t o the n eed t o dev elop hom e care records that w ill allow for sy st em atic recording an d provide continuity an d con sisten cy in care across all h ealth professionals an d w ith in - depth com m unication b etw een the profession s t o assure high qu ality care. T h ere has been a rise in m edical cost s and a short ag e of patient bed space in h ospit als, particularly since th e introduction of national m edical in surance. T he stu dy focu sed on dev eloping client selection criteria, a prim ary as sessm ent t ool, progres s n ot es and nursin g diagnoses applicable t o postpartum and new born client s. S election crit eria for hom e health care, as ses sm ent tool cont ent, nur ses progress n ot es and diagn oses w ere dev eloped through a review of the lit erature, advice from professionals w ho are ex pert in hom e health care an d actual practice in th e u se of recordin g t ools through w ork shop s. T h e recom m en dation s based on the research result s are as follow s : 1) Replication and application of these t ools is n eeded to test the v alidity of the t ools 2) In order t o hav e sy st em atic nur sing records st andardization of records ha s t o be done after nur ses have had experience u sing them. 3) R eliability an d v alidity of th e t ools has t o be est ablished through applicability t o actual care situ ation.


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