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1 한국식생활문화학회지 28(3): , 2013 KOREAN J. FOOD CULTURE 28(3): , 2013 본논문의저작권은한국식생활문화학회에있음. Copyright The Korean Society of Food Culture ISSN 결혼이주여성전통식문화인식및교육방안 강윤주 정희선 * 숙명여자대학교전통문화예술대학원식생활문화전공 A Study on the Awareness of Traditional Korean Food Culture among Immigrant Housewives to Design al Plans Yoon-joo Kang, Hee Sun Jeong* Major in Traditional Dietary Life Food, Graduate School of Professional Studies Traditional Culture and Arts, Sookmyung Women s University Abstract This study examines the awareness of traditional Korean food culture among immigrant housewives in multicultural families, with the aim of introducing educational plans suitably designed for them. Our survey shows that Korean traditional holidays most well-known to the immigrant housewives are New Year s Day and Chusuk. Sambok and Chusuk are at the top in terms of preference. Samgyetang, Ddukguk, and Ogokbab are among the best known festive food to immigrant housewives for holidays such as New Year s Day, Jeongwol Daeboreum, Sambok, Chusuk, and Dongji; Samgyetang is the most preferred food, followed by Ddukguk and Patjuk. In addition, a vast majority of immigrant housewives who have ever attended Korean traditional cuisine education programs found the need for such an experience, with the score of 4.16 out of 5. In addition, the survey shows the order in which the immigrant housewives want to learn: the recipe of Korean food (53.5%), followed by table setting and manners (16.5%) and then nutrition (15%). The recipe of interest for most respondents is the one concerning daily food (69.5%). And more than half of the respondents prefer cooking practice as a desirable educational method. The difficulties that they have when attending such an educational course are usually inability to understand the language, difficulty in identifying the ingredients (seasonal), and lack of cultural understanding. The most preferred educational method is direct lecture (71.5%), followed by written materials such as books and newspaper (10.5%) and the Internet (9.5%). Finally, strategies for promoting traditional food culture are suggested as following: developing educational re (31.5%), making various educational programs more available (25%), narrowing the cultural gap (22%), and improving the educational environment (21.5%). Therefore, this study proposes that there is a need to develop and diffuse Korean traditional food culture first, and then provide many immigrant housewives with a variety of educational programs. It is expected that these efforts will solve the problems caused by cultural differences in the early stage of international marriages and eventually contribute to the harmony in multicultural families. Key Words: Immigrant housewives, Korean food culture, Korean traditional food culture education I. 서론 최근우리사회구성원중에는다문화가정의중추적역할을하는결혼이주여성이점진적으로증가하고있다. 정부는한국에시집온이주여성들을위해 2006년 결혼이민자가족지원센터 를여성부산하전국 21개지역에설치한것을시작으로다문화가족을위한관련법률인 결혼중개업관리에관한법률, 다문화가족지원법, 재한외국인처우기본법, 국적법, 출입국관리법 을제정 시행하였으 며, 세부대책으로체류불안대책, 생활안정대책및사회통합대책과사회참여촉진정책등을관련부처주관으로추진하고있다 ( 김 2010). 이러한지원정책에도불구하고결혼이주여성이우리전통식문화에대한교육을수강하거나체계적인교육지원을받는정책은미비한실정이다. 오랜기간동안조상대대로내려온식습관이식문화를형성하기때문에다른문화에서성장한결혼이주여성들이우리의전통식문화를짧은기간에이해하기란결코쉬운일은아니다 (Kim & Kwak 2010). *Corresponding author: Hee Sun Jeong,,Major in Traditional Dietary Life Food, Graduate School of Professional Studies Traditional Culture and Arts, Sookmyung Women s University, 52 Hyochangwon-gil, Youngsan-gu, Seoul, , Korea Tel: Fax: sunnyj@sm.ac.kr

2 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 247 지금까지다문화이주여성과관련된선행연구로는다문화가정여성의올바른한국식생활적응을위한조리교육필요에관한연구 (Kim & Lee 2009; Kim 등 2009), 식생활지도및영양교육지도등의대책연구 (Cho 2010; Han 2010; Woo 2010), 다문화화 (Multiculturalize) 의식문화관점에서다양한음식문화와조화롭게발전할수있는계기및결혼이주여성의지원방안연구 (Yu 2007; Yun 2009; Kang 2010; Park 등 2010) 등다양한연구가있으나전통식문화교육수혜자가요구하는희망교육방법이나교육내용에대해서는아직까지연구가이루어지지않은실정이다. 이에본연구는가정을책임져야하는결혼이주여성을대상으로전통행사와전통음식에대한식태도및교육경험, 희망교육방법등을조사하여우리전통식문화의올바른이해를돕기위한기초자료를제시하고자하였고, 더나아가전통식문화를올바르게이해할수있는교육방안을마련하여문화적이질감으로어려움을겪는결혼이주여성에게도움을주고자하는데목적이있다. II. 연구내용및방법 본연구는서울 경기지역에거주하는결혼이주여성을대상으로 4개언어 ( 한국어, 영어, 중국어, 베트남어 ) 로작성된설문지를 1:1 또는그룹으로설명하여 2011년 8월 6일부터 9월10일까지조사하였으며, 총250부를배부하여자료로서의가치가있는 200부를통계분석에이용하였다. 설문에참여한결혼이주여성은 YWCA와다문화센터를통해각종교육을받고있는교육생을위주로하였다. 본조사에사용된설문지는선행연구 ( 김 2008; Jung & Lee 2008; Kim 등 2009; Kim & Kwak 2010; Han 2010; Park 등 2010) 와문헌 ( 강 2003; Kim 2005) 을참고하여본연구의목적에맞게연구자가수정 보완하여작성하였다. 구성내용은조사대상자의일반적특성, 우리나라전통행사및음식에대한인식및선호도를조사하는문항과한국전통행사식문화교육경험에따라교육받았을때도움정도, 교육내용, 향후교육받길희망하는분야, 교육방법, 선호매체에대한문항으로구성하였고, 식문화교육이미지에대한질문을통하여한국전통행사교육의개선점을찾아보고자하였다. 본연구를위해수집된설문자료의통계처리는 SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 13.0) 를이용하여분석하였다. 연구대상자인결혼이주여성의일반적특성을알아보기위하여빈도분석을실시하였고, 일반적특성에따라우리나라전통행사에대한인식도와선호도, 전통행사에대한교육견해차이를알아보기위해교차분석 (χ 2 -test) 과 t 검정및일원변량분석 (ANOVA) 을실시하였다. 일원변량분석후유의적인차이가있는경우집단간차이규명을위해 Duncan의사후검정을실시하였다. 1. 조사대상자의일반적사항 III. 결과및고찰 조사대상자의일반적사항은 <Table 1> 과같다. 본조사에참여한결혼이주여성의결혼전국적은베트남과중국이각각 40.5%, 30.5% 로 71% 이상을차지했다. 그밖에태국 (9.5%), 필리핀 (8.5%), 일본 (5.0%), 기타 (6.0%) 순으로조사되었다. 연령별로살펴보면 20대 (46.0%) 와 30대 (40.0%) 가많았고, 40대이상은 14.0% 로조사되었다. 결혼기간은 1년이상-3년미만이 29.0%, 5년이상 27.0%, 1년미만 24.0%, 3 년이상-5년미만 20.0% 로고르게조사되었다. 학력은고졸이 44.5% 로가장많았으며, 대졸이상은 28.5%, 중졸이하 <Table 1> General Features of Immigrant Housewives Nationality Marriage period Korean Language Proficiency Reading Writing Listening Income Category China 61(30.5) Vietnam 81(40.5) Thailand 19( 9.5) Philippines 17( 8.5) Japan 10( 5.0) Others (Cambodia, etc) 12( 6.0) Under 20s 92(46.0) 30s 80(40.0) Over 40s 28(14.0) Less than 1 year 48(24.0) Between 1-3 years 58(29.0) Between 3-5 years 40(20.0) More than 5 years 54(27.0) Middle school 54(27.0) High school 89(44.5) College or higher 57(28.5) Beginner 24(12.0) Intermediate 132(66.0) Advanced 44(22.0) Beginner 35(17.5) Intermediate 126(63.0) Advanced 39(19.5) Beginner 32(16.0) Intermediate 127(63.5) Advanced 41(20.5) Beginner 29(14.5) Intermediate 112(56.0) Advanced 59(29.5) Production 1) 20(10.0) Professional management 2) 155(77.5) Self Employed 3) 25(12.5) Total 200(100.0) 1) Farming, Butchering, Fishing etc. 2) Social secretaries, Office workers, Professionals etc. 3) Self-employed, Trading, Restaurateur etc.

3 248 韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) 27.0% 로각각나타났다. 한국어능력은모든영역에서보통정도한다는응답이가장많았다. 다문화가정의주요소득원으로는공무원, 회사원, 전문직등 ( 이하전문관리직 ) 이 77.5% 로가장높은비율을보였고, 자영업, 상업, 음식업등 ( 이하자영업 ) 은 12.5%, 농업, 축산업, 수산업등 ( 이하생산직 ) 은 10.0% 비율을차지하였다. 2. 우리나라전통행사에대한인식도및선호도결혼이주여성대상일반적사항에따른우리나라전통행사인식도에대한결과는 <Table 2> 와같다. 인식정도에따라 들어본적이없다 는 1점, 들어본적있지만경험해본적없다 2점, 들어본적있고경험해본적있다 3점으로점수화하였다. 그결과전통행사가운데설이 3점만점에 2.82점으로인식도가가장높았다. 다음으로추석이 2.75점으로높았고, 이어돌, 정월대보름, 삼복 ( 각 2.57점 ), 백일 (2.44점 ), 동지 (1.99점 ) 순이었다. 한국사회에서최대명절로꼽히는설, 추석이다문화가정여성들에게도인식도가높게자리잡고있음을알수있었다. 일반적특성에따라살펴보면, 연령과결혼기간, 한국어쓰기, 말하기능력에따라유의적인차이를보였다 (p<.05). 일반적으로연령이많고, 결혼기간이길며, 한국어쓰기와말하기능력이높을수록우리나라전통행사에대해높은인식도를보였다. 중국연변조선족의고향별한국전통명절음식의선호도와섭취빈도에대한 Park 등 (2007) 의연구에의하면연변조선족들은한국의전통명절중설날, 추석, 한식, 동지가다수가기념하는명절이라고응답하였는데이는추석과설에대한인지도가높게나타난본연구와유사한경향을보이고있었다. 일반적사항에따른우리나라전통행사별선호도에대한결과는 <Table 3> 과같다. 향후지내고싶은명절을순서대로살펴보면, 삼복 (2.57점 ) 과추석 (2.56점 ) 이높은선호도를보였고, 돌 (2.40점 ), 설 (2.38점 ), 백일 (2.32점), 정월대보름 (2.21점 ), 동지 (1.92점 ) 순으로나타났다. 인식도가가장높은설이선호도는다소낮은특징을보였고, 삼복이선호도가높게나타난것은삼복에먹는삼계탕의인지도가높기때문이라고생각된다. 동지는인식도와선호도가모두낮았다. 일반적특성에따른명절선호도를살펴보면, 연령에따라 30대연령층에서설, 동지에대한선호도가타연령층에비해높게나타났다 (p<.05). 학력에따라중졸이하집단에서명절에대한선호도가전반적으로낮았고, 학력이높을수록선호도는증가하는경향을보였다 (p<.05). 주요소득에따라생산직과자영업이전문관리직에비해선호도가유의적으로높게조사되었다 (p<.05). 서울거주중국인들의한국전통음식에대한인지도와기호도를조사한 Kweon 등 (2006) 의연구에서김치, 불고기, 삼계탕, 비빔밥순으로높은인지도를보였는데, 본연구에서도삼복이높은선호도를보인것은삼계탕의인지도가높기때문이라사료된다. 3. 전통음식인식도및선호도한국의전통행사와그에따른전통음식의인식도에대한결과는 <Table 4> 과같다. 들어보지못했다 1점, 들어본적은있으나먹어보지못했다 2점, 들어본적도있고, 먹어도보았다 3점으로처리하여분석한결과인식도가가장높은전통음식은삼복의삼계탕 (2.86점 ) 으로나타났다. 다음으로설날의떡국 (2.75점 ), 정월대보름의오곡밥 (2.57점 ) 순으로높게인식하고있었으나, 추석에먹는토란탕 (2.10점 ) 은인식도가상대적으로낮았다. 일반적특성별로연령과결혼기간, 한국어쓰기, 말하기능력에따라전통음식인식에유의적인차이를보였다. 20대연령층은 30대와 40대이상연령층에비해모든음식에서인식도가낮은양상을보였고, 결혼기간이 1년미만인집단과한국어쓰기, 말하기가하급수준인집단도타집단에비해인식도가낮았다. 즉연령이낮고결혼기간이짧으며한국어능력수준이낮은집단에서상대적으로전통음식에대한인식도가낮았다. 학력별로도고졸, 대졸이상집단보다는중졸이하에서인식도가낮았다. 중국유학생의한식메뉴선호도및기숙사급식만족도에대한 Jung 등 (2011) 의연구에의하면통과의례음식에대한인지도가어리고거주기간이짧은대상자들의경우상당히낮게나타났는데이는연령이낮은집단에서전통음식인지도가낮게나타난본연구의결과와일치한다. 전통음식을대표하는통과의례음식은연령이낮고경험이부족한사람들이알기에는어려운내용임을알수있었다. 전통음식별선호도에대한결과는 <Table 5> 와같다. 삼복의삼계탕이 2.67점으로가장높은선호도를보였으며, 다음으로설날의떡국 (2.37점 ), 동지팥죽 (2.30점 ), 정월대보름오곡밥, 추석송편 ( 각 2.25점 ) 의순으로나타났다. 반면삼복의개장탕 (1.99점 ) 과추석토란탕 (2.08점 ) 은선호도가낮았다. 삼계탕은인식도와선호도가모두가장높은음식으로나타났고, 토란탕은인식도와선호도가모두낮은음식으로조사되었다. 일반적특성별로살펴보면, 20대이하에서타연령대에비해전반적으로전통음식의선호도가낮은것으로나타났다. 중국조선족의한국전통음식인식유형의변화추이와명절음식선호도를조사한 Park 등 (2006) 의연구에서, 설에는전형적인설음식인떡국과만두를선호하였고, 정월대보름에는오곡밥, 한식에는약주와과일, 동지에는팥죽을선호하는것으로나타나본연구와유사한경향을보였다. 4. 한국전통행사의교육 1) 전통식문화교육경험여부한국전통행사의전통식문화관련교육경험에대한결과는 <Table 6> 과같다. 교육경험이있다는응답이 64.5% 로없다는응답 35.5% 보다높게나타났다. 일반적특성별로결혼기간 5년이상집단에서교육경험은

4 249 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) <Table 2> The Awareness of Korean traditional celebrated holidays Mean±SD Category Baekil Dol Sul Jungwoldae boruem Sambok Chusok Dongji Under 20s ±0.71 a1,2) 2.41±0.68 a 2.68±0.61 a 2.49± ±0.82 a 2.57±0.68 a 1.64±0.75 a 30s 2.54±0.67 b 2.68±0.52 b 2.93±0.31 b 2.63± ±0.68 b 2.88±0.40 b 2.30±0.88 b Over 40s 2.79±0.57 b 2.75±0.59 b 2.96±0.19 b 2.64± ±0.45 b 3.00±0.00 b 2.25±0.89 b Marriage Period F-value(p) 8.143(.000)** 5.458(.005)** 7.316(.001)** 1.033(.358) 8.124(.000)*** (.000)*** (.000)** Less than 1 year 1.90±0.52 a 2.21±0.65 a 2.60±0.64 a 2.35± ±0.87 a 2.38±0.73 a 1.63±0.70 a Between 1-3 years 2.36±0.79 b 2.50±0.66 b 2.86±0.44 b 2.59± ±0.72 b 2.79±0.52 b 2.02±0.91 b Between 3-5 years 2.65±0.53 c 2.68±0.53 b 2.83±0.50 b 2.60± ±0.75 b 2.90±0.38 b 1.88±0.85 b More than 5 years 2.85±0.49 c 2.87±0.44 c 2.96±0.19 b 2.70± ±0.57 b 2.93±0.33 b 2.37±0.88 c F-value(p) (.000)*** (.000)*** 5.347(.001)** 2.309(.078) 4.249(.006)** (.000)*** 6.937(.000)*** Middle school 2.37± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.85 High School 2.43± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.86 College or higher 2.53± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.84 F-value(p) 0.716(.490) 0.837(.435) 1.089(.339) 0.750(.474) 1.344(.263) 0.754(.472) 7.624(.001) Beginner 2.20±0.68 a 2.40±0.65 a 2.71± ± ± ± ±0.81 a Intermediate 2.44±0.70 b 2.54±0.64 a 2.82± ± ± ± ±0.87 a Advanced 2.67±0.66 b 2.79±0.47 b 2.92± ± ± ± ±0.85 b F-value(p) 4.247(.016)* 4.116(.018)* 1.776(.172) 2.718(.068) 1.930(.148) 0.804(.449) 6.235(.002)** Beginner 2.00±0.67 a 2.19±0.69 a 2.72± ±0.84 a 2.31±0.86 a 2.59± ±0.78 a Intermediate 2.46±0.69 b 2.56±0.63 b 2.80± ±0.67 b 2.57±0.75 b 2.76± ±0.87 a Advanced 2.73±0.59 c 2.88±0.33 c 2.95± ±0.51 b 2.76±0.58 b 2.85± ±0.78 b F-value(p) (.000)*** (.000)*** 2.371(.096) 6.083(.003)** 3.238(.041)* 2.004(.138) (.000)*** Production 2.45±0.60 a 2.55± ± ± ± ± ±0.83 a Professional management 2.39±0.72 a 2.54± ± ± ± ± ±0.89 a Self-employed 2.76±0.52 b 2.72± ± ± ± ± ±0.75 a F-value(p) 3.130(.046)* 0.886(.414) 0.263(.769) 0.216(.806) 1.750(.176) 0.148(.863) 3.036(.050)* Total 2.44± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.88 1) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. 2) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

5 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 250 <Table 3> Preference of Korean traditional celebrated holidays Mean±SD Category Baekil Dol Sul Jungwoldae boruem Sambok Chusok Dongji Under 20s 02.25±0.44 1) 2.32± ±0.44 a2) 2.16± ± ± ±0.78 a 30s 2.36± ± ±0.53 b 2.24± ± ± ±0.83 b Over 40s 2.39± ± ±0.49 a 2.25± ± ± ±0.65 a Marriage Period F-value(p) 1.503(.225) 2.285(.104) 5.804(.004)** 0.381(.683) 1.894(.153) 2.456(.088) 4.779(.009)** Less than 1 year 2.17±0.48 a 2.35± ± ± ± ± ±0.86 Between 1-3 years 2.40±0.49 b 2.43± ± ± ± ± ±0.84 Between 3-5 years 2.20±0.46 a 2.35± ± ± ± ± ±0.77 More than 5 years 2.44±0.50 b 2.43± ± ± ± ± ±0.73 F-value(p) 4.060(.008)** 0.380(.767) 1.548(.203) 0.345(.792) 1.421(.238) 2.140(.097) 0.782(.505) Middle school 2.24± ± ±0.41 a 1.98±0.57 a 2.52±0.77 a 2.54± ±0.72 a High School 2.35± ± ±0.52 b 2.31±0.61 b 2.51±0.79 a 2.58± ±0.80 b College or higher 2.33± ± ±0.50 b 2.25±0.66 b 2.70±0.65 b 2.53± ±0.83 b F-value(p) 0.840(.433) 0.952(.388) 5.158(.007)** 5.089(.007)** 7.677(.001)** 0.260(.771) 3.326(.038)* Beginner 2.17± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.79 Intermediate 2.36± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.82 Advanced 2.31± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.72 F-value(p) 1.936(.147) 0.498(.608) 1.380(.254) 2.205(.113) 2.596(.077) 0.888(.413) 1.341(.264) Beginner 2.25± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.87 Intermediate 2.32± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.81 Advanced 2.34± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.71 F-value(p) 0.345(.708) 0.010(.990) 0.450(.638) 2.091(.126) 1.725(.181) 0.726(.485) 0.679(.508) Production 2.25± ±0.51 a 2.50±0.51 a 2.35± ± ± ±0.88 Professional management 2.29± ±0.49 b 2.33±0.48 b 2.17± ± ± ±0.79 Self-employed 2.52± ±0.50 a 2.56±0.51 a 2.32± ± ± ±0.79 F-value(p) 2.527(.082) 3.287(.039)* 3.109(.047)* 1.226(.296) 0.912(.404) 1.471(.232) 1.482(.230) Total 2.32± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.80 1) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). 2) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. *p<.05, **p<.01

6 251 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) <Table 4> The awareness of traditional food Mean±SD Marriage period Variables Ddukguk Jun 3 coloured namul Ogokbab Mukeun namul Samgyetang Gaejang tang Songpyon Torantang Patjuk Under 20s ±0.66 a1,2) 2.23±0.81 a 2.04±0.80 a 2.36±0.78 a 2.37±0.74 a 2.77±0.56 a 2.27± ±0.79 a 1.97±0.78 a 2.42± s 2.85±0.45 b 2.64±0.70 b 2.64±0.68 b 2.75±0.61 b 2.69±0.63 b 2.90±0.41 b 2.50± ±0.70 b 2.13±0.83 a 2.64±0.64 Over 40s 2.89±0.31 b 2.79±0.50 b 2.79±0.50 b 2.75±0.59 b 2.64±0.68 b 3.00±0.00 b 2.43± ±0.45 b 2.43±0.79 b 2.61±0.74 F-value(p) 5.367(.005)** 9.729(.000)*** (.000)*** 8.021(.000)*** 4.980(.008)** 3.303(.039)* 2.374(.096) 9.527(.000)*** 3.648(.028)* 2.056(.131) Less than 1 year 2.42±0.74 a 1.92±0.79 a 1.77±0.83 a 2.15±0.87 a 2.17±0.86 a 2.54±0.74 a 2.00±0.80 a 1.94±0.81 a 1.71±0.74 a 2.10±0.83 a Between 1-3 years 2.69±0.63 b 2.47±0.75 b 2.43±0.68 b 2.67±0.63 b 2.55±0.63 b 2.95±0.29 b 2.34±0.64 b 2.50±0.76 b 1.97±0.79 a 2.59±0.65 b Between 3-5 years 2.93±0.27 c 2.73±0.60 c 2.50±0.68 b 2.63±0.59 b 2.68±0.53 b 2.90±0.38 b 2.65±0.48 c 2.70±0.61 c 2.28±0.75 b 2.73±0.60 b More than 5 years 2.96±0.19 c 2.78±0.57 c 2.80±0.56 c 2.80±0.56 b 2.74±0.62 b 3.00±0.00 b 2.57±0.66 c 2.89±0.37 c 2.44±0.77 b 2.72±0.63 b F-value(p) (.000)***15.678(.000)***19.498(.000)*** 8.916(.000)*** 7.113(.000)*** (.000)*** 9.140(.000)*** (.000)*** 9.100(.000)*** 8.867(.000)*** Middle school 2.70± ±0.84 a 2.11±0.82 a 2.31±0.86 a 2.37± ±0.73 a 2.28± ± ± ±0.77 High School 2.76± ±0.72 b 2.43±0.77 b 2.71±0.57 b 2.60± ±0.23 b 2.43± ± ± ±0.72 College or higher 2.75± ±0.70 b 2.58±0.71 b 2.60±0.70 b 2.60± ±0.32 b 2.42± ± ± ±0.67 F-value(p) 0.206(.814) 4.125(.018)* 5.440(.005)** 5.398(.005)** 2.062(.130) 9.499(.000)*** 0.869(.421) 1.840(.162) 0.088(.916) 0.978(.378) Beginner 2.57± ±0.79 a 1.97±0.89 a 2.26±0.89 a 2.20±0.83 a 2.54±0.78 a 2.14±0.81 a 2.40± ±0.77 a 2.23±0.84 a Intermediate 2.79± ±0.76 b 2.42±0.74 b 2.62±0.66 b 2.55±0.68 b 2.90±0.38 b 2.34±0.68 a 2.47± ±0.80 a 2.56±0.72 b Advanced 2.74± ±0.71 b 2.64±0.67 b 2.69±0.66 b 2.79±0.52 b 3.00±0.00 b 2.74±0.50 b 2.74± ±0.76 b 2.74±0.50 b F-value(p) 2.197(.114) 3.638(.028)* 7.610(.001)** 4.392(.014)* 7.111(.001)** (.000)** 7.994(.000)*** 2.546(.081) 6.707(.002)** 5.025(.007)** Beginner 2.47±0.76 a 1.97±0.82 a 1.97±0.82 a 2.09±0.93 a 2.16±0.85 a 2.50±0.76 a 1.91±0.69 a 2.31±0.78 a 1.59±0.67 a 2.25±0.84 a Intermediate 2.79±0.48 b 2.51±0.74 b 2.38±0.78 b 2.62±0.65 b 2.54±0.68 b 2.90±0.40 b 2.37±0.69 b 2.46±0.78 a 2.02±0.80 b 2.51±0.73 a Advanced 2.83±0.54 b 2.73±0.59 b 2.73±0.59 c 2.78±0.52 b 2.80±0.51 b 3.00±0.00 b 2.80±0.46 c 2.83±0.44 b 2.71±0.56 c 2.83±0.44 b F-value(p) 4.941(.008)** (.000)*** 9.310(.000)*** (.000)*** 8.286(.000)*** (.000)***17.365(.000)*** 5.472(.005)** (.000)*** 6.279(.002)** Production 2.70± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.68 Professional management 2.74± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.73 Self-employed 2.80± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.66 F-value(p) 0.187(.829) 0.035(.966) 0.218(.804) 0.120(.887) 0.820(.442) 0.179(.836) 2.599(.077) 1.125(.327) 0.526(.592) 1.601(.204) Total 2.75± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.72 1) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. 2) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

7 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 252 <Table 5> Preference of traditional food Mean±SD Category Ddukguk Jun Marriage Period - Writing 3 coloured namul Ogokbab Mukeun namul Samgye tang Gaejang tang Songpyon Torantang Patjuk Under 20s 02.38±0.61 1) 01.99±0.64 a2) 2.03±0.60 a 2.10±0.66 a 2.08± ± ±0.66 a 2.12±0.59 a 2.04± ± s 2.36± ±0.70 b 2.38±0.74 b 2.43±0.61 b 2.24± ± ±0.75 b 2.40±0.67 b 2.11± ±0.65 Over 40s 2.36± ±0.53 b 2.29±0.60 b 2.25±0.65 a 2.00± ± ±0.74 a 2.21±0.63 a 2.07± ±0.77 F-value(p) 0.022(.978) 8.795(.000)*** 6.033(.003)** 5.576(.004)** 1.764(.174) 0.500(.607) 3.900(.022)* 4.311(.015)* 0.326(.722) 2.291(.104) Less than 1 year 2.35± ± ±0.70 a 2.23± ± ± ±0.70 a 2.15± ± ±0.68 Between 1-3 years 2.40± ± ±0.63 a 2.26± ± ± ±0.73 a 2.28± ± ±0.71 Between 3-5 years 2.40± ± ±0.74 b 2.13± ± ± ±0.70 b 2.28± ± ±0.69 More than 5 years 2.33± ± ±0.60 b 2.35± ± ± ±0.70 b 2.28± ± ±0.68 F-value(p) 0.122(.947) 1.668(.175) 3.423(.018)* 0.938(.423) 0.922(.431) 0.276(.843) 2.804(.041)* 0.505(.679) 1.902(.131) 0.128(.943) Middle school 2.48± ± ±0.62 a 2.24± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.59 High School 2.28± ± ±0.70 a 2.22± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.71 College or higher 2.40± ± ±0.65 b 2.30± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.73 F-value(p) 1.667(.191) 2.655(.073) 3.650(.028)* 0.224(.799) 0.805(.449) 0.001(.999) 0.469(.626) 2.919(.056) 0.812(.446) 1.712(.183) Beginner 2.17± ± ± ± ± ±0.69 a 1.86± ± ± ±0.63 Intermediate 2.44± ± ± ± ± ±0.51 b 1.99± ± ± ±0.69 Advanced 2.31± ± ± ± ± ±0.55 b 2.08± ± ± ±0.72 F-value(p) 2.603(.077) 1.283(.280) 2.086(.127) 2.013(.136) 1.776(.172) 6.268(.002)** 0.876(.418) 0.622(.538) 0.997(.317) 2.074(.128) Beginner 2.34± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.63 a 2.16± ± ±0.64 Intermediate 2.40± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.77 a 2.28± ± ±0.70 Advanced 2.29± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.57 b 2.22± ± ±0.69 F-value(p) 0.450(.638) 2.203(.113) 0.927(.398) 0.363(.696) 0.763(.468) 1.025(.361) 3.056(.049)* 0.486(.616) 1.210(.300) 0.345(.702) Production 2.10±0.55 a 2.30± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.60 Professional management 2.35±0.68 a 2.17± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.70 Self-employed 2.68±0.48 b 2.24± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.58 F-value(p) 4.639(.011)* 0.366(.694) 0.865(.423) 1.185(.3088) 1.153(.318) 2.961(.054) 0.183(.833) 0.863(.424) 0.605(.547) 2.938(.055) Total 2.37± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.69 1) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). 2) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

8 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 253 <Table 6> The experience of Korean traditional food culture education Marriage period *p<.05, **p<.01 Category Have experienced Have not experienced χ 2 (p) under 20s 55(59.8) 37(40.2) 30s 57(71.3) 23(28.8) Over 40s 17(60.7) 11(39.3) Less than 1 year 21(43.8) 27(56.3) Between 1-3 years 38(65.5) 20(34.5) Between 3-5 years 28(70.0) 12(30.0) More than 5 years 42(77.8) 12(22.2) Middle school 30(55.6) 24(44.4) High School 54(60.7) 35(39.3) College or higher 45(78.9) 12(21.1) Beginner 17(48.6) 18(51.4) Intermediate 83(65.9) 43(34.1) Advanced 29(74.4) 10(25.6) Beginner 15(46.9) 17(53.1) Intermediate 85(66.9) 42(33.1) Advanced 29(70.7) 12(29.3) Production 18(90.0) 02(10.0) Professional management 94(60.6) 61(39.4) Self-employed 17(68.0) 08(32.0) Total 129(64.5)0 71(35.5) (.264) ** (.003) 7.652* (.022) (.060) (.068) 6.819* (.033) 77.8% 로평균보다높게나타났지만, 1년미만은 43.8% 평균보다낮게나타나통계적으로유의적인차이를보였다 (p<.05). 또한대졸이상에서는 78.9% 가교육경험이있지만, 중졸이하는 55.6% 가경험이있는것으로나타났고, 주요소득원이생산업인경우, 응답자 20명중 18명이전통식문화교육을받은경험이있는것으로나타났다. 또한통계적으로유의한차이를보이지않았으나, 한국어능력이높을수록교육경험도많은양상을보였다. 최근수년간정부와지자체, 사회복지단체, 민간단체등에서결혼이민자주부들을대상으로한국어교육, 한국음식교육, 한국문화교육등한국적응교육을실시하는경우가늘어나면서한국음식교육을받는결혼이민자주부비율도높은수준으로나타난것으로사료된다. 중국유학생의한국음식에대한인지도를연구한 Ha(2010) 에의하면한국음식조리법에대해교육받은경험이있는학생이 57.6%, 교육경험이없는학생이 42.4% 로나타나결혼이주여성의교육경험유무비율과비슷한경향을보였다. 2) 전통식문화교육도움여부한국전통식문화교육경험이있는응답자를대상으로어느정도도움이되었는지 5점척도로질문하였고, 그결과를 <Table 7> 와같이정리하였다. 전통식문화교육의도움정도평가는 5점만점에 4.16점으로매우높은수준으로나타났다. 즉대부분의교육경험자는교육이한국의식문화를이해하는데매우도움이되었거나, 도움이되었다는긍정적인 반응을보였다. 한국어쓰기, 말하기능력이하급인집단에서도움을느끼는정도가특히낮았는데이는통계적으로유의적인차이를보였다 (p<.05). 3) 전통식문화교육희망프로그램과희망음식향후한국전통식문화교육을받고자할경우가장받고싶은교육내용에대한결과는 <Table 8> 과같다. 향후가장받고싶은전통식문화교육프로그램으로가장많은응답자가전통음식조리법 (53.5%) 을꼽았다. 다음으로상차림과예절 (16.5%), 전통음식영양 (15.0%), 유래와의미 (11.0%) 순으로나타났다. 교육받고싶은한국전통음식에대한조사결과는 <Table 9> 와같다. 생활가정음식이 69.5% 로가장높은선호도를보였고, 다음으로발효음식 12.0%, 명절음식 9.5%, 제사음식 5.5% 순으로나타났다. 일반적특성별로배우고싶은음식에서차이를보였는데, 결혼기간이 1년미만이나 1년이상 -3년미만집단은발효음식에유의적으로다소높은응답률을보였다 (p<.05). 여성결혼이민자의한국식생활적응요인및식행동연구 (Han 2010) 에의하면한국음식에대한학습요구도는매우높아전체 95.5% 가한국요리를배우고싶다고응답하였고, 배우고자하는요리의종류로중국여성은 전골및찌개요리 (33.3%), 베트남여성은 김치류 (37.1%), 우즈벡여성은 나물및무침류 (50.0%) 를가장배우고싶어하는것으로나타났는데, 이는생활가정음식을가장배우고싶어한다고응답한본연구의결과와유사하다고하겠다. Kim

9 254 韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) <Table 7> The usefulness of traditional food culture education Mean±SD Marriage period - Category Usefulness under 20s 04.04±1.04 1) 30s 4.25±0.91 Over 40s 4.24±1.09 F-value(p) 0.689(.504) Less than 1 year 4.00±0.95 Between 1-3 years 4.11±0.86 Between 3-5 years 4.43±0.84 More than 5 years 4.10±1.19 F-value(p) 0.971(.409) Middle school 3.87±1.20 High School 4.26±0.85 College or higher 4.22±0.97 F-value(p) 1.701(.187) Beginner 03.94±1.09 a2) Intermediate 4.06±1.02 a Advanced 4.55±0.74 b F-value(p) 3.228(.043)* Beginner 3.40±1.40 a Intermediate 4.24±0.83 b Advanced 4.31±1.04 b F-value(p) 5.363(.006)** Production 4.22±1.06 Professional management 4.20±0.93 Self-employed 3.82±1.19 F-value(p) 1.108(.334) Total 4.16±0.99 1) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). 2) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. *p<.05, **p<.01 등 (2009) 의대구지역다문화가정이주여성식생활실태분석에서도 배우고싶은한국음식 으로배추김치 (15.7%) 가가장높게나타나생활가정음식과발효음식배우는것을선호했던본연구결과와비슷한경향을보였다. 4) 한국전통음식교육시적절한교육방법한국전통식문화교육시적절한교육방법에대한조사결과는 <Table 10> 와같다. 강의와조리실습이섞인형태를선호하는응답이 48.0% 로가장높았고, 다음으로조리실습위주 34.5% 로조사되었다. 시청각자료이용 (12.0%) 이나이론적강의 (5.5%) 는선호도가상대적으로낮았다. 결혼기간별로선호하는교육방법에유의적인차이를보였는데, 결혼기간 1 년이상 -3년미만 (43.1%) 이나 3년이상-5년미만 (45.0%) 집단은조리실습위주형태를선호하는비율이 5년이상 (18.5%), 1년미만 (33.3%) 보다매우높게나타났다. 한국어능력별로유의적인차이는없었으나한국어능력이낮은집 단에서강의와조리실습을병행하는교육방법을선호하는경향이있었다. 미국거주한인들의전통음식인식조사 (Byun 2001) 에의하면전통음식의조리법을전수하는사람으로주로친정어머니와시어머니라는응답이많았는데실제미국거주한인들은음식을배우는수단으로 1:1의직접강의를선호하고있었다. 새로이우리전통음식을습득해야하는결혼이주여성의경우도음식을전수받는방법에있어서참고해야할부분이라고할수있다. 5) 전통식문화교육에서어려운점한국의전통식문화를받은경험이있거나받을경우어려운점에대한조사결과, <Table 11> 과같이나타났다. 매우부정적인응답을 1점, 보통은 3점, 매우긍정적인응답은 5 점으로처리하여분석하였다. 가장어려운점으로언어의어려움 (3.36점 ) 이다음으로는제철식품및재료구분의어려움 (3.28점 ), 전통문화에대한이해부족 (3.24점 ), 조리방법의어려움 (3.22점 ) 순으로조사되었다. 전통식문화교육시우선적으로한국어교육이선행되어야하고, 전문용어를사용하기보다는다문화가정여성들이이해하기쉬운일상용어를사용해야할것으로생각된다. 일반적특성별로살펴보면, 20대연령층은 30대나 40대이상연령층보다전반적으로모든항목에서어려움이더큰것으로나타났고, 특히조리방법의어려움 (p<.05), 교육프로그램이해의어려움 (p<.05) 이유의적으로높게나타났다. 한편결혼기간 5년이상여성들은결혼기간이짧은여성에비해어려움을느끼는정도가상대적으로낮았고, 특히언어의어려움 (p<.001), 교육프로그램이해의어려움 ((p<.001), 조리방법의어려움 (p<.05) 은유의적으로낮은수준을보였다. 또한한국어쓰기, 말하기능력이낮을수록어려움을느끼는정도가전반적으로높게나타났다. 전통식문화교육의어려운정도는집단별로차이를보였는데, 일반적으로연령이낮은계층이어려움을느끼는정도가컸고, 결혼기간이긴집단은어려움을느끼는정도가상대적으로낮았다. 조리방법의어려움 을응답한대상자들을위해표준화된조리방법을제공하는것이전통식문화교육에도움이될수있음을알수있었다. 대구지역다문화가정이주여성의식생활실태분석을연구한 Kim 등 (2009) 에의하면 한국식생활에서의어려운점 으로언어, 장보기, 재료준비에대한어려움을많이선택하여본연구와유사한경향을보였다. 6) 가장선호하는교육매체가장선호하는교육매체에대한조사결과는 <Table 12> 와같다. 직접강의가 71.5% 로압도적으로높았고, 다음으로책, 신문, 잡지류 10.5%, 인터넷 9.5%, 시청각자료 8.5% 순이었다. 40대이상은책, 신문, 잡지류를선호하는비율이 28.6% 로 20대이하 (6.5%), 30대 (8.8%) 보다높게나타나유의적인차이를보였다 (p<.05).

10 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 255 Marriage period Category <Table 8> The most desired Korean traditional food educational program Table setting and manner History and significance Cooking recipe Nutritional value Others under 20s 16(17.4) 8(8.7) 45(48.9) 15(16.3) 8(8.7) 30s 12(15.0) 10(12.5) 45(56.3) 13(16.3) 0(0.0) Over 40s 5(17.9) 4(14.3) 17(60.7) 2(7.1) 0(0.0) Less than 1 year 7(14.6) 4(8.3) 31(64.6) 3(6.3) 3(6.3) Between 1-3 years 10(17.2) 5(8.6) 31(53.4) 9(15.5) 3(5.2) Between 3-5 years 8(20.0) 2(5.0) 19(47.5) 10(25.0) 1(2.5) More than 5 years 8(14.8) 11(20.4) 26(48.1) 8(14.8) 1(1.9) Middle school 11(20.4) 3(5.6) 24(44.4) 11(20.4) 5(9.3) High School 12(13.5) 13(14.6) 50(56.2) 13(14.6) 1(1.1) College or higher 10(17.5) 6(10.5) 33(57.9) 6(10.5) 2(3.5) Beginner 8(22.9) 4(11.4) 16(45.7) 5(14.3) 2(5.7) Intermediate 19(15.1) 15(11.9) 65(51.6) 22(17.5) 5(4.0) Advanced 6(15.4) 3(7.7) 26(66.7) 3(7.7) 1(2.6) Beginner 9(28.1) 2(6.3) 15(46.9) 3(9.4) 3(9.4) Intermediate 18(14.2) 16(12.6) 65(51.2) 24(18.9) 4(3.1) Advanced 6(14.6) 4(9.8) 27(65.9) 3(7.3) 1(2.4) Production 3(15.0) 4(20.0) 9(45.0) 2(10.0) 2(10.0)0 Professional management 26(16.8) 14(9.0) 85(54.8) 24(15.5) 6(3.9) Self-employed 4(16.0) 4(16.0) 13(52.0) 4(16.0) 0(0.0) Total 33(16.5) 22(11.0) 107(53.5) 30(15.0) 8(4.0) <Table 9> Korean food recipe which are most preferred to learn χ 2 (p) (.128) (.231) (.146) (.687) (.149) (.632) Marriage period *p<.05 Category Daily Food Fermented Food Holiday Food Sacrifice Food Others χ 2 (p) under 20s 63(68.5) 8(8.7) 12(13.0) 4(4.3) 5(5.4) s 54(67.5) 13(16.3) 6(7.5) 6(7.5) 1(1.3) (.415) Over 40s 22(78.6) 3(10.7) 1(3.6) 1(3.6) 1(3.6) Less than 1 year 32(66.7) 8(16.7) 4(8.3) 0(0.0) 4(8.3) Between 1-3 years 34(58.6) 10(17.2) 9(15.5) 5(8.6) 0(0.0) Between 3-5 years 30(75.0) 3(7.5) 5(12.5) 2(5.0) 0(0.0) More than 5 years 43(79.6) 3(5.6) 1(1.9) 4(7.4) 3(5.6) Middle school 39(72.2) 6(11.1) 3(5.6) 2(3.7) 4(7.4) High School 59(66.3) 14(15.7) 9(10.1) 6(6.7) 1(1.1) College or higher 41(71.9) 4(7.0) 7(12.3) 3(5.3) 2(3.5) Beginner 24(68.6) 4(11.4) 4(11.4) 1(2.9) 2(5.7) Intermediate 85(67.5) 18(14.3) 12(9.5) 7(5.6) 4(3.2) Advanced 30(76.9) 2(5.1) 3(7.7) 3(7.7) 1(2.6) Beginner 23(71.9) 3(9.4) 2(6.3) 1(3.1) 3(9.4) Intermediate 84(66.1) 17(13.4) 16(12.6) 7(5.5) 3(2.4) Advanced 32(78.0) 4(9.8) 1(2.4) 3(7.3) 1(2.4) Production 12(60.0) 2(10.0) 2(10.0) 1(5.0) 3(15.0) Professional management 110(71.0) 19(12.3) 15(9.7) 9(5.8) 2(1.3) Self-employed 17(68.0) 3(12.0) 2(8.0) 1(4.0) 2(8.0) Total 139(69.5) 24(12.0) 19(9.5) 11(5.5) 7(3.5) * (.020) (.411) (.842) (.314) (.162) 중국연변조선족의한국전통일상음식에대한선호도와섭취빈도에대한 Park(2006) 의연구에의하면한국전통음식을배운경로에서연변조선족주부들에게가장영향을많 이준사람은친정어머니이며, 그다음이시댁어머니와할머니인것으로파악되었다. 책을통해인식하거나배운경우는 10% 정도였고그외매스컴이나학교, 학원에서듣고배운주

11 256 韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) Marriage period *p<.05 Category <Table 10> Most suitable teaching method of Korean traditional food Theory-focused Hands-on focused Combination of theory and hands on Using various visual/audio materials under 20s 5(5.4) 40(43.5) 39(42.4) 8(8.7) 30s 5(6.3) 24(30.0) 41(51.3) 10(12.5) Over 40s 1(3.6) 5(17.9) 16(57.1) 6(21.4) Less than 1 year 1(2.1) 16(33.3) 28(58.3) 3(6.3) Between 1-3 years 3(5.2) 25(43.1) 21(36.2) 9(15.5) Between 3-5 years 1(2.5) 18(45.0) 18(45.0) 3(7.5) More than 5 years 6(11.1) 10(18.5) 29(53.7) 9(16.7) Middle school 0(0.0) 22(40.7) 27(50.0) 5(9.3) High School 9(10.1) 26(29.2) 44(49.4) 10(11.2) College or higher 2(3.5) 21(36.8) 25(43.9) 9(15.8) Beginner 1(2.9) 11(31.4) 21(60.0) 2(5.7) Intermediate 6(4.8) 47(37.3) 59(46.8) 14(11.1) Advanced 4(10.3) 11(28.2) 16(41.0) 8(20.5) Beginner 0(0.0) 9(28.1) 18(56.3) 5(15.6) Intermediate 7(5.5) 50(39.4) 60(47.2) 10(7.9) Advanced 4(9.8) 10(24.4) 18(43.9) 9(22.0) Production 2(10.0) 6(30.0) 10(50.0) 2(10.0) Professional management 7(4.5) 58(37.4) 74(47.7) 16(10.3) Self-employed 2(8.0) 5(20.0) 12(48.0) 6(24.0) Total 11(5.5) 69(34.5) 96(48.0) 24(12.0) χ 2 (p) (.156) * (.034) (.143) (.233) (.068) (.343) 부가 5% 정도로나타나가장선호하는교육매체로직접강의를선호하는본연구와유사한결과를나타냈다. 여성결혼이민자의한국식생활적응요인및식행동에대한 Han (2010) 의연구에의하면한국음식적응에도움을준매체는 남편 이 50.0% 로가장많았고, 다음은시어머니, 친구나이웃주민, 요리강습, 인터넷, TV 신문 잡지, 음식점메뉴순으로실제식문화와관련된교육을받았던경로가직접대면에의한경우가대부분인것으로나타나본연구의결과와일치하는것을알수있었다. 대구지역다문화가정이주여성의식생활실태분석을연구한 Kim 등 (2009) 에서연령대별한국음식정보취득경로를조사한결과전연령대에서시댁식구와남편이높은비율을차지하고있어본연구와유사한경향을볼수있었다. 7) 전통식문화교육활성화를위한방안전통식문화교육활성화를위해필요한방안을조사한결과는 <Table 13> 과같다. 전통식문화교육활성화를위해서다양한교육자료의개발이필요하다는응답이 31.5% 로가장높았고, 다음으로교육접근의용이성 25.0%, 문화간이질감해소 22.0%, 교육환경개선 21.5% 순으로응답하였다. 일반적특성에따른활성화방안에서한국어말하기능력을제외하고는유의적인차이가없었으나, 연령별 20대와학력별중학생이하집단에서는각항목에대한응답비율이비슷한경향을보였다. 한국어말하기능력별로초급은다양한 교육자료의개발 (40.6%), 중급은교육접근의용이성 (32.3%), 고급은문화간이질감해소 (34.1%) 가필요하다고응답하여그룹간유의적인차이를보였다 (p<.05). Han(2010) 의연구에서언어능력이높을수록매체활용능력이뛰어나고의사소통이원활했다는결과와유사하게본연구에서도언어능력이높은그룹은교육자체보다는의사소통에대한문제를더중요하게생각하고있음을알수있었다. IV. 요약및결론 본연구는결혼이주여성의전통식문화이해를돕기위해필요한교육방안을마련하고자다문화가정을이루고있는결혼이주여성의설문을통해전통행사및전통음식에대한인식과선호, 전통식문화교육경험과교육방안에대한조사를하였다. 우리나라전통행사가운데인식도에서는설 (2.82점 ), 추석 (2.75점 ) 순으로나타났고, 선호도에서는삼복 (2.57점), 추석 (2.56점 ) 순으로나타났다. 설날, 정월대보름, 삼복, 추석, 동지에먹는대표적인절기음식에대한인식도는삼계탕 (2.86 점 ), 떡국 (2.75점 ), 오곡밥 (2.57점 ) 순이었으며, 선호도는삼계탕 (2.67점 ), 떡국 (2.37점 ), 팥죽 (2.30점 ) 순으로나타났다. 한국전통식문화교육경험여부는 20대에서 40.2%, 결혼기간 1년미만에서 56.3% 가교육경험이없는것으로나타나결혼초기식문화에대한교육지원은아주미흡한것으로추

12 257 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) <Table 11> Difficulties in learning Korean traditional food Mean±SD Marriage Period Major income Category Difficult to comprehend One-off classes Limited time and Space Lack of cultural understanding Difficult to cook Linguistic difficulties Difficult to identify ingredients (seasonal) Difficult to set the table Under 20s ±0.97 b1,2) 3.23± ± ± ±1.10 b 3.53± ± ± s 3.08±1.04 a 3.08± ± ± ±1.10 b 3.29± ± ±1.25 Over 40s 2.86±0.76 a 3.00± ± ± ±0.93 a 2.96± ± ±1.21 F-value(p) 3.563(.030)* 0.674(.511) 0.408(.665) 1.739(.178) 4.259(.015)* 2.876(.059) 1.343(.263) 0.238(.788) Less than 1 year 3.02±1.00 a 3.00± ± ± ±1.20 b 3.65±1.00 b 3.54± ±1.25 Between 1-3 years 3.50±1.00 b 3.38± ± ± ±1.11 b 3.69±1.25 b 3.38± ±1.29 Between 3-5 years 3.40±0.81 b 3.23± ± ± ±1.02 b 3.35±1.10 b 3.20± ±1.21 More than 5 years 2.80±0.94 a 2.93± ± ± ±0.97 a 2.74±0.99 a 3.00± ±1.25 F-value(p) 6.330(.000)*** 2.009(.114) 2.318(.077) 1.849(.140) 3.249(.023)* 8.604(.000)*** 2.311(.077) 1.750(.158) Middle school 3.15± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.39 High School 3.09± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.23 College or higher 3.33± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.18 F-value(p) 1.091(.338) 0.025(.975) 1.766(.174) 0.411(.664) 0.194(.824) 0.403(.669) 0.030(.970) 1.288(.278) Beginner 3.46±0.89 b 3.03±1.07 b 3.31± ±1.15 b 3.69±1.08 b 3.71±1.05 b 3.60±1.06 b 3.37±1.06 b Intermediate 3.24±0.97 b 3.28±1.08 b 3.17± ±1.13 b 3.29±1.07 b 3.48±1.12 b 3.40±1.07 b 3.03±1.30 b Advanced 2.72±1.00 a 2.77±1.06 a 2.67± ±0.98 a 2.56±0.91 a 2.62±1.09 a 2.62±1.02 a 2.62±1.23 a F-value(p) 6.208(.002)** 3.548(.031)* 4.266(.015) 6.925(.001)** (.000)*** (.000)*** (.000)*** 3.432(.034)* Beginner 3.25± ±1.09 a 3.06± ±1.01 b 3.63±0.94 b 3.72±0.92 b 3.56±1.11 b 3.16±1.08 Intermediate 3.26± ±1.06 b 3.20± ±1.12 b 3.28±1.08 b 3.54±1.07 b 3.40±1.05 b 3.07±1.27 Advanced 2.85± ±1.07 a 2.80± ±1.20 a 2.71±1.10 a 2.49±1.16 a 2.68±1.11 a 2.71±1.35 F-value(p) 2.798(.063) 4.460(.013)* 2.174(.116) 4.349(.014)* 7.345(.001)** (.000)*** 8.328(.000)*** 1.545(.216) Production 3.40± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.83 Professional management 3.19± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.26 Self-employed 2.92± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.51 F-value(p) 1.378(.255) 1.257(.287) 2.914(.057) 1.625(.199) 1.392(.251) 0.796(.453) 0.264(.768) 2.321(.101) Total 3.18± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±1.26 1) Means in the column with different superscripts are significantly different from Duncan s multiple range test. 2) Each value represents the means and standard deviation (SD) of ratio using 5-point scale (1: very negative, 5: very positive). *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

13 258 韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓韓 Vol. 28, No. 3 (2013) <Table 12> The most preferred educational method Marriage period *p<.05 Category Internet Audio/video Book, newspaper, magazines Direct classes under 20s 12(13.0) 6(6.5) 6(6.5) 68(73.9) 30s 6(7.5) 8(10.0) 7(8.8) 59(73.8) Over 40s 1(3.6) 3(10.7) 8(28.6) 16(57.1) Less than 1 year 6(12.5) 5(10.4) 3(6.3) 34(70.8) Between 1-3 years 9(15.5) 4(6.9) 8(13.8) 37(63.8) Between 3-5 years 1(2.5) 1(2.5) 3(7.5) 35(87.5) More than 5 years 3(5.6) 7(13.0) 7(13.0) 37(68.5) Middle school 4(7.4) 4(7.4) 3(5.6) 43(79.6) High School 10(11.2) 10(11.2) 9(10.1) 60(67.4) College or higher 5(8.8) 3(5.3) 9(15.8) 40(70.2) Beginner 4(11.4) 3(8.6) 2(5.7) 26(74.3) Intermediate 10(7.9) 14(11.1) 17(13.5) 85(67.5) Advanced 5(12.8) 0(0.0) 2(5.1) 32(82.1) Beginner 5(15.6) 4(12.5) 3(9.4) 20(62.5) Intermediate 10(7.9) 11(8.7) 16(12.6) 90(70.9) Advanced 4(9.8) 2(4.9) 2(4.9) 33(80.5) Production 2(10.0) 2(10.0) 1(5.0) 15(75.0) Professional management 12(7.7) 10(6.5) 17(11.0) 116(74.8) Self-employed 5(20.0) 5(20.0) 3(12.0) 12(48.0) Total 19(9.5) 17(8.5) 21(10.5) 143(71.5) χ 2 (p) * (.023) (.162) (.465) (.169) (.482) (.089) <Table 13> al plans for Korean traditional food culture Marriage period *p<.05 Category Better Access Developing educational methods Improving educational environment Narrowing cultural differences under 20s 25(27.2) 20(21.7) 26(28.3) 21(22.8) 30s 20(25.0) 33(41.3) 10(12.5) 17(21.3) Over 40s 5(17.9) 10(35.7) 7(25.0) 6(21.4) Less than 1 year 9(18.8) 16(33.3) 8(16.7) 15(31.3) Between 1-3 years 15(25.9) 21(36.2) 14(24.1) 8(13.8) Between 3-5 years 15(37.5) 10(25.0) 7(17.5) 8(20.0) More than 5 years 11(20.4) 16(29.6) 14(25.9) 13(24.1) Middle school 16(29.6) 11(20.4) 14(25.9) 13(24.1) High School 20(22.5) 28(31.5) 22(24.7) 19(21.3) College or higher 14(24.6) 24(42.1) 7(12.3) 12(21.1) Beginner 4(11.4) 10(28.6) 10(28.6) 11(31.4) Intermediate 38(30.2) 44(34.9) 23(18.3) 21(16.7) Advanced 8(20.5) 9(23.1) 10(25.6) 12(30.8) Beginner 1(3.1) 13(40.6) 10(31.3) 8(25.0) Intermediate 41(32.3) 40(31.5) 24(18.9) 22(17.3) Advanced 8(19.5) 10(24.4) 9(22.0) 14(34.1) Production 1(5.0) 8(40.0) 6(30.0) 5(25.0) Professional management 43(27.7) 48(31.0) 31(20.0) 33(21.3) Self-employed 6(24.0) 7(28.0) 6(24.0) 6(24.0) Total 50(25.0) 63(31.5) 43(21.5) 44(22.0) χ 2 (p) (.080) (.342) (.226) (.066) * (.010) (.504)

14 결혼이주여성전통식문화교육 259 정되었다. 과거전통식문화교육이식문화이해에도움을주었냐는질문에 5점만점에 4.16점으로교육은꼭필요한것으로조사되었다. 교육받기를원하는전통식문화분야는전통음식조리법 (53.5%), 상차림과예절 (16.5%), 전통음식영양 (15%) 순으로조사되었고, 가장배우고싶은음식으로는생활가정음식이 69.5% 로조사되어일상식에대한관심이높았으며, 적절한교육방법으로는강의 + 조리실습 (48.0%), 조리실습위주 (34.5%) 로대부분실습을통한식문화교육을희망하는것으로조사되었다. 전통식문화교육을받았거나받을경우어려운점에대한조사결과, 언어의어려움, 제철식품및재료구분의어려움, 전통문화이해부족, 조리방법의어려움순으로나타났다. 선호하는교육매체로는직접강의가 71.5% 로가장높았고, 다음은책, 신문등 10.5%, 인터넷 9.5% 순이었다. 전통식문화활성화방안으로다양한교육자료의개발이 31.5%, 교육접근의용이성 25%, 문화간이질감해소 22%, 교육환경개선이 21.5% 로조사되었다. 다문화지원센타등에서한국문화와관련된상당히다양한프로그램을통해결혼이주여성의교육을실시하고있으나시간적 공간적제약이많아교육접근성이낮게나타나는경향을볼수있었다. 따라서이해하기쉽게작성된이론교재보급및실습을위한동영상을제작하여이들이자주이용하는포털에등재시킴으로써이용확대를모색해야할것이다. 맞춤형교육방안으로, 결혼이주여성들이선호하는전통음식을우선적으로개발보급하고, 그들이이러한교육을통해서전통음식조리법을습득한다면결혼초기서로다른식문화로어려움을겪는다문화가정의화합에도일조를할수있을것이다. 이밖에본연구에서심도있게제시하지못한전통식문화에대한맞춤형교육방안은선행연구와더불어지속되어야할것으로사료된다. 참고문헌강진문 일본의세시풍속 -연중행사를중심으로-. 아태연구, 2: 김승권 한국다문화가족의사회경제적특성과정책적함의. 보건복지포럼. pp 5-18 김현주 다문화이해를위한식문화교육프로그램개발및적용. 진주교육대학교초등교육연구원. 초등교육연구제 18집. pp 보건복지부 다문화가족생애주기별맞춤형지원강화대책. p 14 보건복지부 다문화가족지원사업안내 ( 발간번호 : ). pp 6-9, 28-30, Byun JO, Han JS, Park KS The Korean Americans' Knowledge on Korean Traditional Foods (Ⅰ)(Actual State of Utilization and Improvement Measures). J. East Asian Soc. Dietary Life. 11(1):60-70 Cho YA A Study on Evaluation of Food Behavior and Nutritional Risks of Vietnamese Fimale Immigrants in Korea. Masters degree thesis. Kyunghee University. pp 2-10, Ha KH Survey of Korean Food Acknowledgement and Preference by Chinese Students in Daejeon. Korea J Food and Nutrition.( 韓國食品營養學會誌 ). 23(2): Han YH Influential factor on Korean dietary life and eating behaviour of female marriage immigrants. Masters degree thesis. Hanyang University. pp 13-24, Jung HY, Jeon ER Preference for Korean Food and Satisfaction of Dormitory Foodservice by Chinese Students Studying at Mokpo National University. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, 40(2): Jung YW An Exploratory Study on the Globalization of Korean Cuisine through the Application of Multicultural Cuisine. The Korean Journal of Culinary Research, 16(2): Jung YW, Lee SB A Study on the Application of Multicultural Cuisine to Korean Food -Focused on Western Preferences-. Korean Journal of Hospitality Administration, 17(4): Kang, HG Implications of Multi-cultural in Difficult of Adjustment with Immigrant Married Woman. Masters degree thesis. Kyungbuk National University. pp 7-20 Kim HJ, Kim KS Current Preservice Teachers' and Inservice Teachers' awareness of Multicultural. The Journal of Child, 17(4): Kim HS, Lim JR Student, Dietitian Reactions to Multicultural Food Service in Hannam School District. Korean J. Food Culture, 26(5): Kim MJ City Life and Annual Cyclical Rites. Journal of the Korean Folklore Society, 41:17-49 Kim MJ, Jeong HS Study on Dietary Habits of North Korean Refugees. Journal of East Asian Soc. Dietary Life, 21(1):1-13 Kim SH, Kim WY, Lyu JE, Chung HW, Hwang JY Dietary Intakes and Eating Behaviors of Vietnamese Female Immigrants to Korea through Marriage and Korean Spouses and Correlations of Their Diets, Korean J. Community Nutrition, 14(1): Kim JM, Lee NH Analysis of the Dietary Life of Immigrant Women from Multicultural Families in the Daegu Area. Journal of Korean Diet Assoc, 15(4): Kim JH, Kwak DW Research on the Ingestion of Food and the Habit Between Group and Birth Places of Female Immigrants : Focusing on the Busan Region. Korean J. Tourism Institute of Northeast Asia, 6(1):77-97 Kweon SI, Yoon SJ Recognition and Preference to Korean Traditional Food of Chinese at Seoul Residence. Korean

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