Ch. 1
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1 Temperature Scales and Classification of Thermometers Ch. 1
2 Contents Temperature Historical Background Thermodynamic Temperature Scale International Temperature Scale Classification of Thermometers
3 Historical Backgrounds of Temperature
4 Temperature 뜨겁거나차가운고체를만지거나가까이갈때의경험을통해생겨난개념 온도는 thermal energy 를측정하기위한척도 heat flow 를일으키는 force
5 The first thermometer 1592~1603, 갈릴레오에의해만들어짐 온도에따른기체부피의변화를이용 1) tube 안기체를데움 2) 기체가식으면서부피가줄어들어 liquid 를빨아올림
6 History 임의로 temperature scale 을나타냄 1669, H. Fabri 눈의온도, 가장더운여름날의온도 1693, Rinaldi and Padua 눈의녹는점 12 division 물의끓는점 1693, E.Halley 최초로 mercury 를 thermometric liquid 로사용 17 세기말 ~18 세기초, Romer 가장추운날씨의온도 0 사람의체온 24 물의끓는점 50~55 Fahrenheit scale 의기초 대부분기상목적을위한온도측정 고온에대한고려를하지않음
7 History 1724, Fahrenheit 당시가장추운날 0ºF 추운날의온도를음수로표현하지않기위해가장낮은기온을 0ºF 로잡고자했던것으로추정 가장더운날 100ºF 물의어는점 32ºF 사람체온 96ºF
8 History 1742, Celsius 물의어는점 100ºC 100 division 물의끓는점 0ºC Celsius 가죽고나서동료가 0ºC 과 100ºC 을뒤집음 고온가열기술의개발 1828, Prinsep Air thermometer using gold bulb 1000ºC 까지의온도를측정 1836, Pouillet Platinum bulb 를이용한고온측정온도계
9 Thermodynamic Temperature Scale ( 열역학적온도눈금 )
10 Temperature Scale Temperature fixed points e.g., 물의어는점, 끓는점, etc for defining interpolation between fixed points thermometric working substance e.g., mercury, alcohol, etc. Properties e.g., volume, weight, resistance, length, etc. correlating functions
11 표준온도눈금의필요성 각기다른온도의눈금 Problem! = 50ºC 50.7ºC
12 이상기체방정식 Thermometric working substance Ideal gas 계를구성하는입자의부피가거의 0 입자간상호작용이거의없어분자간위치에너지가중요하지않으며 분자간충돌이완전탄성충돌인가상의기체 Properties 온도에따른압력, 부피 Function P: pressure V: volume n: number of moles of gas k: Boltzman s constant, J/K PV=nkT
13 절대온도눈금 (K, thermodynamic temperature) 이상기체를기반으로모델링 OK 에서기체의부피가 , Kelvin 열에너지에대한정량적계산이가능 negative value 가없다. 열역학제 2 법칙, Carnot Engine 적용 1K TTTTTT ppppp oo wwwww
14 International Temperature Scale
15 For Temperature Scale Thermometric working substance Properties Correlating functions
16 History NHS ITS-27 ITS-48 IPTS-68 EPT-76 ITS-90, 현국제온도눈금
17 ITS-90
18 Classification of Thermometers
19 Temperature Chains Self-sustaining cross-converter extract energy during thermal energy different energy form Modulator requires external power source support the acquisition and flow of the temperature information
20 Classification of temperature sensors
21 Classification of temperature sensors
22 Classification of temperature sensors
23 Measuring ranges of temperature sensors
24 Non-electric Thermometers Ch. 2
25 Contents Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Solid-Expansion Thermometers Manometer Thermometers Temperature Indicators
26 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer
27 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer GAS l θ = V = Vβ a θ β a = β l β g V πd 2 θ/4 = 4V bβ l β g πd 2 θ = β a n(θ i θ m ) V: vvvvvv vvvvvvvvv V b : bulk volume β a : aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa ccccccccccc oo ccccc ttttttt eeeeeeeee oo ttt tttttttttttt llllll β l : ccccccccccc fff llllll β g : ccccccccccc fff ggggg θ: mmmmmmmm ttttttttttt vvvvvvvvv θ i : the indicated temperature θ m : the average temperature of the emergent liquid column d: diameter of the inner capillary n : the length of the emergent liquid column
28 Other thermometers 메탈로보호
29 Solid-Expansion Thermometers Dilatation thermometers Bimetallic thermometers
30 Dilatation thermometers
31 Dilatation thermometers l = l 1 + α 1 θ l(1 + α 2 θ) = l(α 1 -α 2 ) θ α x : ttt ccccccccccc oo llllll ttttttt eeeeeeeee oo ttt mmmmmmmm x
32 Bimetallic thermometers
33 Bimetallic thermometers
34 Bimetallic thermometers
35 Manometer Thermometers Liquid-filled thermometers Vapour-pressure thermometers Gas thermometers
36 Liquid-filled thermometer
37 Liquid-filled thermometer
38 Vapor-pressure thermometers based on the temperature dependence of the saturated vapor pressure of the thermometric liquid Gas thermometers vapor-pressure thermometer structure with larger bulb using gas-pressure as a function of temperature
39 Temperature Indicators Pyrometric cones Thermochromic paints Temperature indicating crayons Self-adhesive indicators Liquid crystals
40 Pyrometric cones 요업관계의온도관리용으로만들어진온도센서 상응한온도에서연화하여쓰러짐 반응온도 : 600~2000, 10~30 간격
41 Thermochromic paints irreversible/reversible a function of the temperature a function of heating time
42 Temperature indicating crayons 표면온도를확인하기위해사용 Plate 및자재의예열및층간온도확인용 빠른온도측정이가능 within 1 or 2 seconds 65 ~ 670
43 Self-adhesive indicators 접착식 indicator the application of the thermochromic paints enable to apply to very small components e.g., transistors, integrated circuits, etc.
44 Liquid crystals 온도에따라다양한색으로변화 micro liquid crystals + 염료 paint the reflection wavelength is changed depends on the temperature high temp. the gap b/w the crystals is closer blue color low temp. the gap b/w the crystals is longer red color
45 Q&A
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1 1.1 열역학의사용 열역학 (thermodynamics)? 에너지와그에너지변환을연구하는학문 에너지와엔트로피를다루는과학 Albert Einstein 이론이라는것은가정이간단할수록, 그이론과관련된것들은다양할수록, 그리고그이론의응용범위가넓을수록더욱인상적인것이된다. 따라서나는고전열역학에깊은감명을받았다 공업열역학 (engineering thermodynamics)?
1. Features IR-Compact non-contact infrared thermometer measures the infrared wavelength emitted from the target spot and converts it to standard curr
Non-Contact Infrared Temperature I R - Compact Sensor / Transmitter GASDNA co.,ltd C-910C, Bupyeong Woolim Lion s Valley, #425, Cheongcheon-Dong, Bupyeong-Gu, Incheon, Korea TEL: +82-32-623-7507 FAX: +82-32-623-7510
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
(c) Process Pressure Measurement 1 Process Pressure Measurement Flow, Level, Temperature Flow, Level, Temperature, 2, 1) ( ),, A F F/A 2), 3 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 1 (a) (ABSOLUTE PRESSURE), 10 kg/cm 2 abs
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e hwp
TITLE 'Dew Pressure Calculation for the Condenser Pressure' IN-UNITS ENG DEF-STREAMS CONVEN ALL DESCRIPTION " General Simulation with English Units : F, psi, lb/hr, lbmol/hr, Btu/hr, cuft/hr. Property
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2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 ( ) m -1 s, Wm -2 K -1 Wsm -3 K -1, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 Jm -3 K -1 Wm -2 K -1 Jm -2 K -1 sm -1 Jkg -1 K -1
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(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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Contents 3 2016 4 2016 5 2016 6 2016 7 2016 8 2016 9 2016 10 2016 11 2016 12 2016 13 2016 14 2016 15 2016 16 2016 17 2016 18 2016 19 2016 20 2016 21 2016 22 2016 23 2016 24 2016 25 2016 26 2016 27 2016
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1 Contents 8 10 57 4 2 63 6 17 43 12 3 4 5 7 6 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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윤 영 선 _ 지음 은혜한의원 서울시 마포구 도화1동 550 삼성프라자 308호 Tel : 3272.0120, 702.0120 진료시간 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 7시 점심시간 : 오후 1시`~`2시 토 요 일 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 3시 (일, 공휴일 휴진`/`전화로 진료 예약 받습니다) 은 혜 한 의 원 은혜한의원 CONTENTS 02 04 07 5 2013~2017 Contents 07 08 10 19 20 30 33 34 38 39 40 44 45 47 49 51 52 53 53 57 63 67 Contents 72 75 76 77 77 82 88 93 95 96 97 97 103 109 115 121 123 124 125 125 129 132 137
Contents 성매매 예방교육 가이드북 Contents 제3부 성매매의 어제와 오늘 그리고 한국의 현주소 제4부 처벌 과 보호 의 성매매방지법 1. 성매매의 역사적 배경 및 추이 1. 성매매방지법 제정 배경 62 2. 성매매방지법 제정 취지 63 40 2. 성매매에 대한 국가별 개입 양상 42 3. 규범적 판단과 형사처벌을 기준으로 본 성매매 4. 외국의
contents contents 01 6 7 8 02 9 10 11 12 13 03 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 01 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 02 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 03 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 04 57 58 59 60 61
(Vacuum) Vacuum)? `Vacua` (1 ) Gas molecular/cm 3
(Vacuum) Vacuum)? `Vacua` (1 ) Gas.5.5 10 19 molecular/cm 3 & Medium high vacuum High vacuum Very high vacuum 760 5 1 10-3 10-6 10-7 10-9 Low vacuum Medium vacuum High vacuum Very high vacuum Ultra-high
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Trans. of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society(2013. 4), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 136~141 DOI: 흡기관 분사식 수소 SI기관의 희박과급 적용에 관한 연구 이광주 1 ㆍ이종구 1 ㆍ이종태 2 1 성균관대학교
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측정분야 (Measurement Field) : 501. 접촉식온도 (Contact thermometry) 권장교정주기표준교정수수료 ( 원 ) 분류번호 측정기명 교정용표준기 정밀계기이하 기본수수료 추가수수료 표준소급비 온도발생장치 ; 오븐, 전기로, 액체항온조, 빙점조
측정분야 (Measurement Field) : 0. 접촉식온도 (Contact thermometry) 온도발생장치 ; 오븐, 전기로, 액체항온조, 빙점조, 드라이블럭교정기등 00 (Temperature generators; ovens, furnaces, 2 2 isothermal liquid baths, ice-point baths, dry-block calibrators)
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19 3 (2009 9 ) J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg 2009;19(3):240~249 Numerical Study on Ventilation Method for Temperature Control of HRSG Building Chul Hwan Kim Jong Wook Lee Hoon Ki Choi Geun Jong Yoo Dept.
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:,,.,. 456, 253 ( 89, 164 ), 203 ( 44, 159 ). Cronbach α= ,.,,..,,,.,. :,, ( )
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Fig. 1 2.5%. 51.5%, 46.0%,.. /, Table 1 (U.V.; Ultraviolet 10-400 nm)/ (NIR; Near Infrared 700 nm - 5 µm) ( TiO 2, WO 3, ZnO, CeO, ATO, Sb 2O 3-ZnO, ITO.) (400 nm - 780 nm). /. Fig. 1.. 23 Table 1. / /
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DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
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2009 fall Phase Transformation of Materials 09.22.2009 Eun Soo Park Office: 33-316 Telephone: 880-7221 Email: Office hours: by an appointment 1 Contents for previous class - inary phase
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KAERI =100,000 25 20 Force, [kn/m^2] 15 10 5 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 b/a I = 1500[ AT ], a + b = 16[ mm], hr = 5.6[ mm], hδ = 11.2[ mm], δ = 0.35[