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3 Table of Contents Opening Address of President of the Organizing Committee 4 Welcome Remarks by President of the Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 6 Welcome Address by President of the Hokkaido Academic Society of Tourism, Japan 8 Welcome Remarks by President, CETA University College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Spain 10 Congratulatory Remarks, President of Youngsan University, Busan, Korea 12 Congratulatory Remarks by Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, Korea 14 Keynote Speech 16 : by Mayor of Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea Minister, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea Welcome Address by President of Philippine Society for Culture and Tourism, the Philippines General Conference Information : Aim of the Conference Program at a Glance Daily Program Schedule Speakers, Commentators, Moderators and Paper Presenters Bilateral Agreements of Academic Relationship with the Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism World Cultural Tourism Association Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism Call for Papers : The 9th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference : The Journals : International Journal of Culture and Tourism Research (World Cultural Tourism Association) : Journal of Culture and Tourism Research (Korean Academic Society of Cultural and Tourism) - 3 -

4 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== The Korean Academic Society of Culture & Tourism and World Cultural Tourism Association are pleased to announce the 8th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference This event has been scheduled to take place at the BEXCO, Youngsan University, BEXCO CENTUM HOTEL, Busan, Korea. We are pleased to invite you at this conference. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for international educators, scholars, researchers, industry professionals, policy-makers and graduate students with opportunity to explore and discuss issues in the topics on cultural tourism. Over the few days, we will share ideas and suggestions on how to manage cultural tourism. The obtained information will be useful for managerial implications. We will be the driving force for growth in these industries during the new millennium. Our leading world cultural tourism conference featured about 130 papers from 40 countries such as China, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, Chile, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand, Japan. Spain, Iran, Malaysia, Bangladesh, USA, UK, Hongkong, Thailand, Turkey, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Australia, Russia, Taiwan, China, Ghana, South Africa, Nepal, Jamaica, Macau, Uzbekistan, India, Russia, Albania, Korea, Austria, Serbia, Canada, South Africa, Rwanda, Sriranka, the Philippines, New Zealand, Uzbekistan, and Serbia. On behalf of our organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome all of you to this conference. We welcome you all of VIP guests, educators, policy-makers and students to this conference Chairman Prof. Jung, Sung-chae, Ph.D. The 8th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 President The Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism World Cultural Tourism Association Co-Chairman Dean, Lim, Sang-gyu College of Hotel and Tourism, Youngsan University, Korea - 4 -

5 2007 년제 8 차국제공동주최세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산영산대학호텔관광대학부산벡스코부산벡스코센텀호텔 ============================================== 존경하는국내외교수님, 정책입안자, 국내외관광전문인그리고관광관련관계자여러분. 금번우리한국문화관광학회와세계문화관광학회가문화관광부, 한국학술진흥재단, 부산영산대학교, 부산직할시, 일본국홋카이도관광학회, 중국절강관광대학, 필리핀문화관광학회, 스페인관광호텔대학교, 미국하와이대학교가공동으로주최하는문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광의문제점과해결방안을모색하여 2000 년대한국문화관광발전의이정표를제시하고자합니다. 금번학술대회는세계 40 여개국의문화관광대가들이참가하는명실상부한세계대회로서여러분과같이하고자합니다. 우리한국문화관광학회와세계문화관광학회는 21 세기의한국은물론세계문화관광의발전과진흥의역할을다하고자노력하고있습니다 년 11 월 16 일부터 18 일까지열리는본학술대회에는일본, 호주, 태국, 우간다, 홍콩, 가나, 말레이시아, 탄자니아, 인도, 남아프리카, 오스트리아, 러시아, 영국, 세르비아, 호주, 터키, 미국, 말레이시아, 네팔, 나이지리아, 이란, 자메이카, 타이완, 중국, 일본, 한국, 우즈베키스탄, 캐나다, 미국, 스페인, 필리핀, 방글라데쉬등 40 개국에서 280 여명의교수및관광관련전문가참여하며그외 20 여명의정부대표, 학자및전문가그리고 300 여명의국내관광관련학자및정책입안자와 150 여명의대학원및연구원, 학생그리고 150 여명의정책및관광관련관심자들이본대회에참여할예정입니다. 본학술대회가한국문화관광발전의기회로되고여러분과같이하는자리가될수있기를기대합니다 학술대회위원장한국문화관광학회회장세계문화관광학회회장정성채 공동위원장부산영산대학교호텔관광대학학장임상규

6 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen As one of the sponsors of the 8 th International World Cultural Tourism Conference, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to experts and scholars from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Spain, the United States and China. And I would also like to express my hearty thanks to Professor Jung Sung-chae, President of the Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism and the organizing staff for the great efforts they have made to the conference. The 21 st Century has seen the ever-changing development of tourism in China, tourism has become the new growth in Chinese economy. With varieties of tourism products and improving facilities, China tourism keep a sustained growing trend. In 2020, the objective of China tourism is that the entry overnight tourists totaled 64 million and the tourism foreign exchange income reach $42.6 predicted by the World Tourism Organization, in 2015, China tourism will reach the senior stage----outbound tourism stage. The outbound tourists will amount to 1 billion. China is being a potential source country. The rapid tourism development needs a great number of professionals. Tourism College of Zhejiang is an institution of higher learning specializing in fostering international professionals in tourism. She locates in the beautiful city----hangzhou. It boasts 6000 students and a teaching staff of 350. Featured by its international tourism education, it has established friendly and cooperative relations with 15 universities and colleges in South Korea, the United States, Japan, France, Austria, Switzerland and Ukraine. It has made notable achievements in the international education exchanges and cooperative programs. As a fashionable society action, we not only encounter with different cultures and meet with different people but also further mutual understanding by tourism. I believe that after the conference, we can enhance our friendship, get a deeper understanding of each other, increase the exchanges and cooperation and therefore further promote the development of the world tourism industry. Finally, I sincerely wish the conference success! Thank you 院长 : 王昆欣院中国浙江旅游职业学

7 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================= 尊敬的女士们 先生们 : 作为本次国际文化旅游大会的主办者之一, 我对来自韩国 世界文化觀光關聯! 同时, 也向 为为办本次大会辛勤工作的韩国文化旅游学会会长长学彩教授和有关工作人员表示衷心的感 谢! 进入 21 世纪以来, 中国旅游业蓬勃发展, 旅游产业已经成为中国国民经经新的增长点 随 着旅游景点的不断开发 相关旅游设施的建设和完善以及服务意识 营营水平的提高, 旅游业呈 持续增长长长 2010 年中国旅游业发展的目标是 : 接待入境过夜游人数 6400 万人次, 入境旅游 收入 426 亿美元 据世界旅游组组 (WTO) 预预 :2015 年, 中国的旅游业将进入旅游业发展的 高级级段 出境旅游级段, 届时出国旅游的中国人也将高达 1 亿人次, 出境旅游的蓬勃发展使 中国正在成为一个新兴的客源国 随着旅游业的迅猛发展, 必然需要一大批专业化的旅游人才 浙江旅游职业学院就是这这一所致力于培养国际化旅游专业人才的高等院校 她坐落于素有 人 间天堂 之美誉的杭州, 现有 6000 余名学生和 350 余名教师 学院以国际化旅游教育为特色, 与韩国 美国 日本 法国 奥地利 瑞士 乌克兰等全世界 19 所院校建立 a 友好合作关系, 国际教育和合作交流活动动繁, 成绩卓越 今年又适逢 中韩合作交流年, 这也必将进一步促 进中韩两国的交流合作 旅游作为一种时尚的社会活动, 通过它我们不仅可以 a 解不同的文化 不同的人民, 更让 我们加深 a 对彼此的 a 解 我相信通过本次大会, 大家可以增进友谊 加深 a 解, 促进交流与合 作, 从而进一步推动世界文化旅游事业的发展 预祝 2007 年第八届世界文化旅游大会取得圆圆成功! 谢谢大家! 中国浙江旅游职业学院 院长 : 王昆欣 - 7 -

8 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== この度 韓國文化觀光學會と北海道觀光學會との間で學術文化交流の提携書が調印され 本格的な韓日の觀光をめぐる兩國間の交流を目指し 硏究者 學生さらには觀光關連企業の方々の硏究發表並びにシンポジウムが開催される運びとなりました これを機會に兩國間の觀光客の增加を目指し それぞれの國の受け入れ態勢の確立 觀光を通じた兩國間の異文化理解の推進を図り 韓日兩國の経濟發展に寄与できる組織づくりを進めたいと考えています 近年韓國から北海道への觀光客數はやや減ってきましたが 依然として台湾に次ぐ第 2 位を保っており 今後も北海道觀光にとって貴國はきわめて重要な觀光客誘導對象國であります 北海道に地盤を置く 北海道觀光學會は 貴國からの北海道への觀光がより一般的になり 恒常的な觀光對象地域となると同時に北海道から韓國への觀光客の誘致にも寄与できるように努力してまいります 兩學會が共に發展することを願い ご挨拶と致します 奧平忠志會長北海道觀光學會 - 8 -

9 국제공동주최 2007 년제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산벡스코센텀호텔벡스코부산영산대학교 ============================================== 이번한국문화관광학회와홋카이도관광학회간의학술문화교류협정서가체결되어실질적인한일관광에관한양국간의교류를목표로연구자, 학생, 기업관련분들의연구발표및심포지움을개최하게되었습니다. 이를계기로양국간의관광객증가를목표로각국의수용도모하고한일양국의경제발전에기여할수있는협력기구조성을강구하고자합니다. 최근한국에서홋카이도를방문하는관광객수는조금감소경향이지만여전히대만에이어두번째나라이며앞으로도홋카이도관광에있어한국은상당히중요한관광객유치대상국입니다. 홋카이도에거점을두고있는홋카이도관광학회는한국에서홋카이도관광이보다일반화되어누구나손쉽게방문하는관광대상지역이되고아울러홋카이도에서한국으로의관광객유치에도기여할수있도록노력하고자합니다. 양국학회의발전을기원하면서인사드립니다. 오쿠다이라타다시 회 장 일본홋카이도관광학회 - 9 -

10 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference in Korea. Without a doubt, Buzan will provide a most colorful and cultural backdrop to the conference, now a prestigious annual event. From November 16 th -18 th, academics, cultural tourism professionals, experts and students will meet in this beautiful city to exchange knowledge, experience and know-how with the common objective of contributing to the continued development of cultural tourism. Today s cultural tourists, sophisticated and increasingly demanding, look more and more for an authentic and culturally rich experience when traveling. This growing trend must be properly evaluated, studied and carefully addressed if we are to meet with its demands and implement new management and business strategies which will continue to forge the path of sustainable world tourism. From Barcelona, Spain, CETA University College of Tourism thanks the organizers and collaborators for their support, dedication and commitment and we welcome and congratulate participants and presenters alike, encouraging all to make the most of a very relevant and promising conference. Dr. Luis de Borja Solé President CETA University College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Spain

11 국제공동주최 2007 년제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산벡스코센텀호텔벡스코부산영산대학교 ============================================== 2007 년국제공동주최문화관광세계학술대회는학술적의미는물론관광관련전문인, 정책입안자그리고관광관련학생등에게중요한의미를갖는데의심의여지가없습니다. 본학술대회에서는관광의현재, 과거, 미래를조명하고최근의기후적, 정치적환경적황폐에도불구하고지구의유일무이의약속받은희망인관광의비전을제시하는기회로될것입니다. 특히국제적규모의국내외다양한관련기관의다양한의견은학문적실용적측면의중요한이정표를제시하는장으로될것입니다. 전세계를통한관광의현주소를알고새로운패러다임을제시하는본행사를주관하는모든기관, 그리고각종후원기관에게충심으로축하의말씀을전하고자합니다. Dr. Luis de Borja Solé President CETA University College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Spain

12 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== Welcome to the 8th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 in Busan, Korea. I would like to thank World Cultural Tourism Association, the Korean Academic Society for inviting me to speak here today. Today, we are here to discuss a very important topic in cultural tourism and its linkages with local communities. The Conference is aimed at exploring the challenges and potential of cultural tourism for local communities, and specifically the contribution it can make to poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation in the developing world is one of the foremost issues of our time, an issue which has commanded the full focus of not only world leaders and their governments, but also civil society. Indeed, cultural tourism can contribute significantly to poverty alleviation, through its proven ability to create jobs, greater socio-economic opportunities and an enhanced quality of life in local communities. Cultural Tourism is coming to the forefront in most cities, towns, and regions across Korea as a growing component of economic development and a driver behind many cultural investments. More and more visitors are choosing their holiday destinations based on the variety and quality of the cultural product. As the range of culture-based offerings expands to cater to the growing numbers of cultural tourists, cultural tourists are also growing increasingly experienced and sophisticated. In the planning and development of a community's cultural tourism potential, careful attention to authenticity and strategic partnerships are imperative. Therefore, I am confident that the conference will be able to advise on models for developing practical partnerships between the public and private sectors for community development through cultural tourism. You will find it helpful in sharing information on your research and building a wide social and professional network. Finally, I wish World Cultural Tourism Association, the Korean Academic Society of Culture, and Sponsors full success and you all a very interesting and rewarding Conference. Thank you Boo, Koo-Wok President, Youngsan University, Busan, Korea

13 국제공동주최 2007 년제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산벡스코센텀호텔벡스코부산영산대학교 ============================================== 존경하는세계문화관광학회와한국문화관광학회정성채회장님, 국내외관광관련학자와전문가여러분. 오늘이렇게국내외귀빈들을모신가운데 제 8 차문화관광세계학술대회 를개최하게된것을매우뜻깊게생각합니다. 현대사회에서관광산업은외화획득, 고용증진, 국제수지개선등의경제적인측면이외에도인적교류를통한국제간의이해증진과문화적접촉을가능케함으로써국가발전에막대한파급효과를가져오고있습니다. 이에따라세계각국들은관광산업의진흥을위한다양한비전과목표를설정하고그를실현하기위한노력을경주하고있습니다. 때마침이번학술대회의주제는 문화를통한, 그리고문화산업기반확충을통한지역관광활성화 인것으로압니다. 21 세기를흔히문화의세기라고합니다. 21 세기는또한국제화시대이며지방자치단체가행정의주축이되는지방화시대라는점에서지역의문화관광산업진흥을위한정책과산업적노력을주제로한이번국제학술대회의의미가대단히크다고생각합니다. 전통문화를관광자원으로활용하여낙후된지역경제를활성화시키는것은지역발전과그를통한균형적국가발전이라는측면에서도매우필요한노력이기때문입니다. 국제문화와지역관광의관점에서국제문화관광산업의진흥을위한진지한토론이이어질것으로기대하며, 이번학술대회를통해연구되고토론되어진결과들이관광산업의정책방향을설정하고추진전략과계획을수립하는데큰도움이될것으로확신합니다. 이러한뜻깊은행사를우리대학에서개최하게된것을다시한번큰영광으로생각하며, 본행사를주관하는관계기관과후원단체, 참석자여러분모두의발전과행운을기원합니다. 감사합니다 영산대학교총장부구욱

14 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the opening of the 8th international joint world Cultural tourism Conference, I am extremely pleased that a large international conference like this, in which over a thousand scholars, educators and policy-makers participate, is held here in the great city of Busan, to explore and discuss the future of cultural tourism. Over the past years, the international World Cultural Tourism Conference has provided guidance to tourism at large, discussing many major issues, including the relationship between tourism and culture and the proper ways of dealing with it in terms of policy-marking. This year's conference is an extension of our continuing efforts to discover better ways of promoting cultural tourism and sharing information and knowledge about tourism marketing and management, I sincerely hope that this conference will accomplish its intended goal and set another milestone in the development of the cultural tourism industry. Many countries and cities across the world nowadays are all fully aware of the importance of cultural tourism and therefore spare no efforts to make themselves the center of tourism through the enactment of new legislation and policies. The city of Busan is a good example. Since 1996, we have successfully held the Busan International Film Festival, and based on our success and experiences, we are now planning to make Busan a hub of the film and culture industry in Northeast Asia, Furthermore, using the various natural and cultural resources, we intend to develop maritime tourism to a world-famous level. In closing, I wish you and the World Cultural Tourism Association much success and progress. I hope you all enjoy the conference while you stay in our city. I also thank the members of the organizing committee for their work on this conference Hur, Nam-sik Mayor Busan Metropolotan City

15 국제공동주최 2007 년제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산벡스코센텀호텔벡스코부산영산대학교 ============================================== 제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회개최를진심으로축하드리며, 관광마케팅과경영기술의새로운지표제시를목표로 33 개국 1,000 여명이참석하여다양한실행모델에대한토의를갖는대형국제행사를우리부산에서개최하게된것을매우뜻깊게생각합니다. 세계문화관광학술대회는지금까지 7 회에걸쳐국제학술대회를개최하면서관광과문화와의관계규명과이에대한정책적테크닉의이정표를제시해왔습니다. 이러한가운데이번에우리부산에서개최되는이번 8 차대회가세계문화관광의실천적모델을중심으로의견을교환하고전문적인식견을모아문화관광마케팅및경영의지표를제공하는좋은계기가되기를기대합니다. 또한, 우리부산뿐아니라한국, 더나아가세계의문화관광산업발전의이정표가되기를진심으로기대합니다. 현재세계각나라와도시는국제화의경향으로문화관광의중요성을인식하고많은노력을경주하고있습니다. 우리시에서도이러한추세를감안하여부산을동북아의관광문화산업중심도시로발전시키기위해많은시책을적극추진해나가고있습니다. 세계적인문화관광도시에걸맞은문화관광인프라확충을위해국제영화제의성공적인개최를계기로부산을아시아최고의 영화영상문화산업중심도시 로조성하고있으며, 천혜의자연경관과다양한문화자원, 동북아관문으로입지적여건등을활용하여세계적수준의해양관광산업기반을조성하는등우리시를미래지향적인공간으로재창조해나가고있습니다. 아무쪼록각국의유명한문화관광전문가들이참석하는이번대회가성공적으로개최되어한국뿐아니라세계문화관광산업이한층더발전하는계기가되기를바랍니다. 끝으로, 이번대규모국제행사의성공개최를위해많은노력을하여주신관계자여러분께진심으로감사드리며, 세계문화관광학회의무궁한발전을기원합니다 감사합니다 부산광역시장허남식

16 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== We congratulate that the 8th Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference will be held here in Haeundae, one of the most beautiful Korean travel destinations with its beautiful coast. With the warm heart of 420,000 citizens, we sincerely welcome Professor Jung, Sung-Chae, the president of World Cultural Tourism Association, and prestigious professors and scholars from all over the world. It is a great honor for us that we could have a great opportunity to share information about the current trend and future plan of cultural tourism by hosting the 8th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference. As you know, Haeundae is the city where 2005 APEC and the 88 Olympic yacht games were held. Haeundae is also a city of festivals. We would highly appreciate your endeavor to develop and enlarge cultural tourism industry. As a host city, we are very proud of this great event. Luise Rinser, the famous German writer, praised that Haeundae is one of the most beautiful travel destination in the world. I would say that Haeundae is the Korea's representative travel destination. You could see the beautiful Haeundae beach, Camellia Island, moon welcoming hill, and Songjung beach. We hope you can enjoy your stay here in Haeundae and your trip could stay with you us as a wonderful happy memory. Thank you very much! Bae, Duk-Kwang Mayor Haeundae-gu

17 국제공동주최 2007 년제 8 차세계문화관광학술대회 문화관광 : 국제문화와지역관광 2007 년 11 월 16 일 - 18 일부산벡스코센텀호텔벡스코부산영산대학교 ======================================= 우리나라제일의관광도시이며, 아름다운해변과대한팔경중의하나인해운대에서개최되는제 8 차국제공동주최문화관광세계학술대회개최를진심으로환영드립니다. 국제컨벤션 영상 레저 관광도시해운대를상징하는부산벡스코에서열리는제 8 차국제공동주최문화관광세계학술대회를준비해오신정성채한국문화관광학회, 세계문화관광학회회장님을비롯하여세계 33 개국교수님과참가학자님과문화관광관계자여러분! 42 만해운대구민과더불어진심으로환영합니다. 특히이번에개최되는제 8 차국제공동주최문화관광세계학술대회에서세계문화관광의정보를나누고발전방향을탐색하는뜻깊은학술대회가 88 올림픽요트경기가개최되고 2005 APEC 정상회의가개최된이곳아름다운해양관광도시해운대에서열리게된것을무척영광스럽게생각합니다. 매력있는세계일류도시를지향하는한국제일의관광도시해운대는 1 년내내축제가끊이지않는문화도시조성을표방하고, 사계절관광지로거듭날수있도록해운대관광산업발전방향에대한많은조언을해주시면더욱고맙겠습니다. 아무쪼록머무시는동안해운대해수욕장달맞이언덕등아름다운해운대를두루돌아보시고소중한추억을만드시길기원합니다. 21 세기의세계관광산업의오늘을반추해보고미래를설계하는국제학술대회가국가간돈독한파트너십을다지고, 관광산업발전의중추적역할을수행하는학술대회가되기를바랍니다. 끝으로, 문화관광을통해인간의마음속에 행복의씨앗 을심기위해노력해온한국문화관광학회와세계문화관광학회의무궁한발전을기원하며, 대회에참가하시는여러분모두에게행운과축복이함께하길빌면서해운대에서좋은추억의시간이되시길바랍니다. 감사합니다 부산광역시해운대구청장배덕광

18 The 8 th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism 16 November - 18 November, 2007 BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea ============================================== In behalf of my colleagues, I would like to extend our congratulations to the Hokkaido Academic Society of Culture and Tourism (HASCT), World Cultural Tourism Association, the Tourism College of Zhejiang, China, Philippine Society of Culture and Tourism, The Philippines, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea, Tourism University, CETA College university of Tourism and Hotel management, University, of Hawaii, USA and youngsan University, the Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism (KASCT) for organizing the 8 th International joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007." Moreover, we are thankful to both groups for inviting the Philippines take part, not only in this conference, but also in the effort to expand cultural tourism research in the region. For the Philippines, this is significant because we envision tourism to be one of the most important industries for our globalizing economy. In addition, we see East Asia China, Japan and Korea -- as perhaps our most important source market for the present as well as the future. Thus, any initiative that contributes to an improved understanding of our current and future visitors would be most useful to our travel, tourism and hospitality industries. It is noteworthy that culture is a key theme of this conference. We in Southeast Asia have basically the same kinds of natural resources to offer to tourists: beaches, coral reefs, mountains, rivers and lakes. However, it is our various cultural offerings that make us different from each other. It is also the diversity of cultural sights and sounds that make us complimentary to each other. Thus, it is critical that through research, we are able to recognize, enhance and protect the value of our cultural heritage for tourism. One of the main tourism themes of our national government is to build a "culture of tourism" among our people. In this vein, we feel that, as academics, we have a responsibility to ensure that culture and history are incorporated truthfully, responsibly and respectfully in the tourism initiatives. Tourism revenues can be used to fund efforts conserves our people's cultural and historical heritage. However, we can also work to ensure that these cultural assets, as well as the community's way of life, are not sacrificed in the process. Finally, we see tourism as a bridge to promote understanding between people of different cultures. Through this conference, we look forward to building such a bridge with our like-minded colleagues from all of the world. We are excited to participate, not only in the upcoming conference in November, but in future tourism exchange programs with all our new partners. Thank you very much Ramon A. Alampay, Ph.D. Founding President Philippine Society for Culture and Tourism, the Philippines

19 The 8th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference 2007 Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism Organized by YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY, KOREA TOURISM COLLEGE OF ZHEJIANG, CHINA PHILIPPINE SOCIETY FOR CULTIRE AND TOURISM, THE PHLIPPINES THE HOKKAIDO ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF TOURISM, JAPAN CETA UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE OF TOURISM AND HOTEL MANAGENMENT, SPAIN UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, USA THE KOREAN ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, KOREA WORLD CULTURAL TOURISM ASSOCIATION Sponsored by MINISTRY OF CULTURE & TOURISM, KOREA KOREA RESEARCH FOUNDATION BUSAN METROPOLITAN CITY CONFERENCE VENUE Date : November, 2007 Venue : BEXCO BEXCO Centum Hotel Youngsan University, Busan, Korea World Cultural Tourism Association, the Korean Academic Society of Culture & Tourism, the Hokkaido Academic Society of Tourism, Japan, the Tourism College of Zhejiang, China, CETA University, College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Spain, Philippine Academic Society of Culture and Tourism, the Philippines, University, of Hawaii, USA, Korea Research Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea and youngsan University are pleased to announce the 8 th International joint World Cultural Tourism Conference This event has been scheduled to take place at BEXCO, BEXCO Centum Hotel and Youngsan University, Busan, Korea AIM OF THE CONFERENCE The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for international educators, scholars, researchers, industry professionals, policy-makers and graduate students with opportunity to explore and discuss issues in the topics on cultural tourism promotion. We are sure that it is clear the findings of this conference can be effective and insightful directions for cultural tourism industry

20 1. 목적 1-1. 개최목적 세계는국제화의경향이고문화는관광관련분야의화두로인식되고있으며각국정부와세계는문화관광의중요성을세삼실감하고있는실정이다. 이러한상황에세계문화관광의실천적모델을중심으로의견을교환하고전문적식견을모아한국문화관광정책및개발의지표로삼을기회를제공하고자한다. 특히문화관광의중요성을이미숙지하고실행해오고있는나라의실행모델을배움으로그의미가크다고할수있다. 금년도열리는 2007 년문화관광세계학술대회는 40 여개국에서 120 여편의논문이발표되며, 그들의다양한실행모델을전문가들로부터들은후그것을중심으로모델을개발하는데목적이있다. 도출된문제점과제안을중심으로하여문화관광사업을촉진하고문화관광발전의이정표를제시하고자한다 세계학술대회필요성 문화관광은단순한상품개발이나거기에상관된자료를모으는것이아니고전문적모텔을개발함으로그실천이가능하고효과를얻을수있다. 이러한점에서문화관광선진사례를이해하고이를우리에게맞는모델로개발하고자하는것이본학술대회가세계학술대회로되어야한다는데있다. 우리학회는문화관광의중요성을인식하고한국에서문화관광사업의이정표를제시하고사회적책임을다하고자 2000 년부터꾸준한실천노력을경주하고있다. 그간의학문적실용적패러다임을프레임워크하였다면올해부터는이를실천하는노력을경주하고자한다. 본학회의꾸준한노력은최근몇년간의재단의배려와정부그리고문화관광부, 한국학술진흥재단등의관련기관과의공동노력으로본사업의내실을기하고자최선을다해왔다. 이에본학회는 2000 년부터, 중장기계획을세워 한국관광시장에서한국고유문화의문화관광의중요성이인식되는상황에서세계각대륙의대표로부터문화관광사업의실천적모델의이해를통해문화관광의비전, 문화관광의촉진과진흥방향및미래에대한문화관광의확충방안을모색하고, 문화관광을최우선정책과제로삼고있는국가들의문화관광마케팅및경영사례를듣고, 문화관광진흥사례를살펴문화관광의중요성인식과문화관광발전및진흥화계기로삼기위하고자하며, 세계각국의유수학자들과문화관광정책관련인사들을초대하여한국문화관광에대한우수성을홍보하고, 한국문화관광에대한관심을도모하려는데서필요성을갖는다

21 16 Nov. 2. Program at a glance Date: November 2007 Venue: Bexco Centum Hotel, Youngsan University, Bexco Time Subjects Place 18:00-20:00 18:00 18: 30 18:40-19:00 19:00-10:00-17:50 12:00-13:00 Registration Opens: 4 TH Floor, Hall International Conference Part 1: Meetings of Organizing Committee International Conference Part 2 : Keynote Speech Moderator : Seong-Seop Kim, Sejong University, Korea Speaker: Prof. Chan Ngai WENG, University Sains, Malaysia International Conference Part 3: Welcoming Dinner: Hosted by President, BEXCO CENTUM HOTEL 4th Floor Hall, BEXCO CENTUM HOTEL, Busan, Korea Reception Opens 1th Floor, Biuilding C International Conference Part 4 Moderator: Prof. Oh, Chang-ho, Ph. D. Prof. Jang, Tae-sun, Ph. D. International Conference Part 5 13:00 - Traditional Cultural Performance 14:30 International Conference Part 6 Lunch: Hosted by Mayor, Busan Metropolitan City Community Convention Halll (CCC), 2th Floor, Building C, College of Horel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea 14:30 14:40 Coffee Break College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Yougnsan University, Korea 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 14:40 15:10 15:10 15:20 15:20 17:00 17:00 10:15 - International Conference Part 7: Keynote Speech Moderator: Prof. Jung, Sung-Chae, Ph.D. (President, World Culture Tourism Association) Speaker: Prof. Yung-Kan CHEN, Tzu-Yin WU, Tsui-Fang HSIEH, Chia-You CHEN Prof.National Cheng Kung University, Prof.ChungChou Institute of Technology, Prof.Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College, Prof. National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Coffee Break International Conference Part 8: Concurrent Session International Conference Part 9 General Free Discussion and Dinner, hosted by President, Youngsan University International Conference Part 10 Tour around Busan Metropolitan City Community Convention Halll (CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea Community Convention Halll(CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea Community Convention Halll(CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea Departure: Bexco

22 2. 행사개요날짜 : 2007 년 11 월 일장소 : 부산영산대학교, 부산벡스코, 부산벡스코센텀호텔형태시간내용 일시 : 2007년 11월 16일 ( 금요일 ) 등록 18:00-20:00 부산벡스코센텀호텔 국제학술대회 1 부 : 조직위원회미팅 18:00-18:30 부산벡스코센텀호텔미팅룸 국제학술대회 2 부 : 주제발표 18:40 19:00 부산벡스코센텀호텔 : 4 층홀 국제학술대회 3 부 : 환영리셉션 19:00- 부산벡스코센텀호텔 : 4 층홀 일시 : 2007 년 11 월 17 일 ( 토요일 ) 등록 10:00-17:50 부산영산대학교호텔경영대본관 (A 동 ) 부산영산대학교호텔경영대국제학술대회 4부 : 세레모니 12:00 13:00 빌딩 C : 2Floor : CCC Room 국제학술대회 5, 6부 : 사회자 : 장태선교수 ( 영어 ) 13:00-14:30 오찬및전문문화한마당오창호교수 ( 한국어 ) 14:30 14:40 휴식 국제학술대회 7부 : 주제발표 14:40-15:10 사회자 : 정성채교수 ( 세계문화관광학회회장 ) 15:10-15:20 휴식 국제학술대회 8 부 : 종합동시세션 15:20 17:00 국제학술대회 9부 : 종합세션및 17:00- 영산대총장님주최만찬 일시 : 2007년 11월 18일 ( 금요일 ) 국제학술대회 10부 : 부산중심문화관광지관광 10:15- 벡스코출발 부산영산대학교호텔경영대본관및강의동 제 1 발표장 : Building A 1208 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 2 발표장 : Building A 1209 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 3 발표장 : Building A 1212 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 4 발표장 : Building A 1213 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 5 발표장 : Building A 1302 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 6 발표장 : Building A 1303 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 7 발표장 : Building A 1304 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 8 발표장 : Building A 1305 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 9 발표장 : Building A 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 10 발표장 : Building A 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 11 발표장 : Building A 1419 호 ( 한국어세션 ) 제 12 발표장 : Building A 1420 호 ( 영어세션제 13 발표장 : Building A 1501 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 14 발표장 : Building A 2103 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 15 발표장 : Building A 1201 호 ( 중국어세션 ) 제 16 발표장 : Building A 1205 호 ( 중국어세션 ) 제 17 발표장 : Building B 1206 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 18 발표장 : Building A 1207 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 19 발표장 : Building A 1301 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 20 발표장 : Building A 1401 호 ( 영어세션 ) 부산영산대학교호텔경영대빌딩 C : 2Floor : CCC Room

23 3. Daily Program Schedule 3-1. International Conference : Part 1-10 Time Subjects Place 18:00-20:00 Registration Opens 18:00 18: 30 International Conference Part 1: Meetings of Organizing Committee International Conference Part 2 : Keynote Speech Moderator : Seong-Seop Kim, Sejong University, Korea Tltle: Developing Clan Jetties as Heritage Buildings for Conservation and Tourism in Penang, Malaysia: Issues 4 th Floor Hall, 18:40-19:00 and Challenges, Speaker: Prof. Chan Ngai WENG Professor, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia BEXCO CENTUM HOTEL, Busan, Korea Commentator : Song Suk-gyu 16 Nov. 19: 00-12:00-13:00 Department of Hotel Management, Youngsan University, Korea. International Conference Part 3: Welcoming Dinner: Hosted by President, BEXCO CENTUM HOTEL International Conference Part 4: Ceremony Moderator: Prof. Oh, Chang-ho, Ph. D. Prof. Jang, Tae-sun, Ph. D. 1. Ceremony 2. Ceremony Address : Chairman, Organizing Committee (Dean, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Busan, Korea) : President, World Cultural Tourism Association The Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism, Korea) : President, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 3. Welcome Remarks : President, Youngsan University : Mayor, Busan Metropolitan City Community Convention Halll (CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea

24 Time Subjects Place 4. Keynote Speech : Minister, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea : Mayor, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea 5. Awarding: Awarding: the Best Prize of Tourism Management: (Busan Metropolitan City) 6. Congratulatory Performance: 13:00-14:30 International Conference Part 5 Korean Traditional Cultural Performance International Conference Part 6 Hosted by Mayor, Busan Metropolitan City Community Convention Halll ( CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea 17 Nov. International Conference Part 7 Moderator: Prof. Jung, Sung-chae, Ph.D. (President, World Cultural Tourism Association The Korean Academic Society of Culture and Tourism) 14:40-15:10 Theme Proposal: Cultural Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism Theme 1: Evaluation of the Economic Value of World Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Example of the Great Wall of China Speaker: Prof. Yung-Kan CHEN(National Cheng Kung University), Prof. Tzu-Yin WU(ChungChou Institute of Technology), Prof. Tsui-Fang HSIEH(Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College,) Prof. Chia-You CHEN(Prof. National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) Commentator: Han, Young-ju (Prof. Youngsan University) Community Convention Halll (CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea 15:10 15:20 Coffee Break College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea

25 17 Nov. Time Subjects Place 15:20-17:00 17: :15 - Nov. International Conference Part 8: Concurrent Session International Conference Part 9 General Free Discussion and Dinner, hosted by President, Youngsan University International Conference Part 10 Tour around Busan Metropolitan City Building A and.b, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea Venue 1 : Building A 1208 (English Session) Venue 2 : Building A 1209 (English Session) Venue 3 : Building A 1212 (English Session) Venue 4 : Building A 1213 (English Session) Venue 5 : Building A 1302 (English Session) Venue 6 : Building A 1303 (English Session) Venue 7 : Building A 1304 (English Session) Venue 8 : Building A 1305 (English Session) Venue 9 : Building A 1306 (English Session) Venue 10 : Building A 1307 (English Session) Venue 11 : Building A 1419 (Korean Session) Venue 12 : Building A 1420 (English Session) Venue 13 : Building A 1501 (English Session) Venue 14 : Building B 2103 (English Session) Venue 15 : Building A 1201 (Chinese Session) Venue 16 : Building A 1205 (Chinese Session) Venue 17 : Building A 1206 (English Session) Venue 18 : Building A 1207 (English Session) Venue 19 : Building A 1301 (English Session) Venue 20 : Building A 1401 (English Session) Community Convention Halll (CCC), 2th Floor Building C, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Korea Departure: Bexco

26 3. 세부프로그램 3-1. 세계학술대회 1-10부 시 간 내 용 장 소 18:00 - 등 록 : 환영만찬 20:00 18:00 국제학술대회 1부 : 학술대회조직위원회 16일 18:30 벡스코센텀호텔 18:40 국제학술대회 2부 : 주제발표 19:00 19:00 국제학술대회 3부 : 환영만찬 ( 벡스코센텀호텔사장님주최 ) 17 일 10:00-17:50 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:30 14:30-40 등 록 국제학술대회 4, 5 부 : 세레모니및축하공연사회 : 오창호교수 ( 부산영산대학교 ) 장태선교수 ( 부산영산대학교 ) 1. 개회식 2. 개식사 : 학술대회조직위원장 ( 임상규교수, 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학학장 ) 3. 개회사 : 세계문화관광학회, 한국문화관광학회회장중국절강여유대학학장 4. 환영사 : 부산영산대학교부구욱총장허남식부산광역시장 5. 기조연설 : 한국문화관광정책방향 ( 문화관광부장관 ) 배덕광해운대구청장 ( 해운대문화관광진흥방향 ) 6. 시상식 : 문화관광대상수상및감사패증정 ( 부산광역시 ) 7. 축하쇼 : 한국전통문화공연한마당 1. 국제학술대회 6 부 : 부산광역시장님주최오찬대장금약선요리 2. 전통악기연주 : 가야금과대금연주 3. 한국전통문화공연보기 - 상고놀이 - 선무도 휴 식 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학컨벤션홀빌딩 A, 2 층 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학컨벤션홀빌딩, C, 2 층 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학컨벤션홀빌딩 C, 2 층 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학 14:40-15:10 국제학술대회 7 부 : 주제발표사회 : 정성채교수 ( 세계문화관광학회, 한국문화관광학회장 ) 주제제안 : 문화관광 : 세계문화와지역관광제안 : 정성채교수 ( 학술대회위원장 ) 주제 : 세계문화유산의경제적가치평가 : 중국만리장성의예발표 : Yung-Kan CHEN 교수 (National Cheng Kung University), Tzu-Yin WU(ChungChou Institute of Technology), Tsui-Fang HISTEH 교수 (Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College), Chia-You CHEN 교수 (National Cheng Kung University), Taiwan 토론 : 한영주 ( 부산영산대학교교수 ) 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학컨벤션홀빌딩 C, 2 층 15:10-20 휴 식 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학

27 시간내용장소 17 일 15:20 17:00 17:00 18 일 10:15 국제학술대회 8 부 : 동시종합세션 국제학술대회 9 부 : 종합세션및영산대총장주최만찬 국제학술대회 10 부 : 부산중심문화관광지방문및문화행사참여 부산영산대학교호텔경영대본관및강의동제 1 발표장 : Building A, 1208 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 2 발표장 : Building A, 1209 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 3 발표장 : Building A 1212 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 4 발표장 : Building A 1213 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 5 발표장 : Building A 1302 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 6 발표장 : Building A 1303 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 7 발표장 : Building A 1304 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 8 발표장 : Building A, 1305 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 9 발표장 : Building A, 1306 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 10 발표장 : Building A, 1307 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 11 발표장 : Building A, 1419 호한국어세션 ) 제 12 발표장 : Building A, 1420 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 13 발표장 : Building A, 1501 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 14 발표장 : Building A, 2103 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 15 발표장 : Building A, 1201 호 ( 중국어세션 ) 제 16 발표장 : Building A, 1205 호 ( 중국어세션 ) 제 17 발표장 : Building B, 1206 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 18 발표장 : Building A, 1207 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 19 발표장 : Building A, 1301 호 ( 영어세션 ) 제 20 발표장 : Building A, 1401 호 ( 영어세션 ) 부산영산대학교호텔관광대학컨벤션홀빌딩 C, 2 층 벡스코출발

28 3-2. Presentation Schedule International Conference Part 7 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 1 : Building A Room 1208, Projector-Room Speaker Theme Chair Jumba Faridah Head of Intern Department, World Tours and Cultural Sites Association,Kampala, Uganga Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand Marketing and Promotion of Tourism 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Navee CHIADAMRONG Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand Pisal YENRADEE Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand Ruengsak KAWTUMMACHAI Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand Ernest SASU Institue of Ghana, Ghana Oladipo SAMSON Architect, Finco-Engineers, Nigeria The Study on the Effectiveness of Thailand Tourism Strategy during : The Measurement Through Key Performance Indicators Youth Culture and Democratic Participation South African Tourism Wows Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing with Six South African Tour Option Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand Jumba Faridah Head of Intern Department, World Tours and Cultural Tourism Promotion Using the World Wide Web Sites Association,Kampala, Uganga Mark EWEN Dept. of Marketing and Tourism, University of Hertfordshire, U.K. Tourism and Cultural Change Indigenous Empowerment in 'Glocal' Contexts

29 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 2 : Building A Room 1209, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Katalin CSER Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Hokkaido University, Japan Yukihiko Oyanagi Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Hokkaido University, Japan Azuma OHUCHI Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Hokkaido University, Japan Dirk REISER School of Management, University of Tasmania, Australia Yasin BOYLU Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mugla University, Turkey 15:20 Adem TUNCER 17 Ph.D, Ministry of Industry and Nov. 17:00 Commerce, Turkey Adem TUNCER Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mugla University, Turkey Orasa KONGTHONG Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Chatchai RATANACHAI Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Somayyeh AGHAJANI Science and Research Campus of Islamic Azad University, Iran Yukihiko Oyanagi Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan Azuma Ohuchi Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan Comparison of Hotel Classification in Japan and Korea : A Study of Hotels in Hokkaido Globalisation, Localisation and Tourism: A Case Study of the Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, New Zealand Relationship between Ownership and Internet Marketing in Hotels in Turkey A Model For Assessing Tourism Sites in Songkhla Lake Basin Sustainable Cultural Tourism Using Analytic Hierarchy Process in Priority Sequence of Hotel Selling Points Dirk REISER School of Management, University of Tasmania, Australia

30 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 3 : Building A Room 1212, Project-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Chutima TORCHAREON Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Esther SAGNIUMKUL Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Human Resources Development in Information Technology for Cultural tourism: Krabi Phang-nga and Phuket Provinces Jinda SWADITAWEE Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Melubo KOKEL Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism, Iringa University, Tanzania Youngmi Kim Sejong University, Seoul, Korea Seongseop Kim Sejong University, Seoul, Korea Ecotourism and Livelihoods among Livestock Keepers of the Ngorongoro Conservation area, Tanzania Chutima TORCHAREON Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Jungwoong Park Sejong University, Seoul, Korea An Investigation into the Procedures Involved in Creating the Hampyeong Butterfly Festival as an Ecotourism Resource, Successful Factors, and Evaluation Jeroma Agrusa Hawaii Pacific University, Hawaii, USA Hyejung Park Suwon Science College, Korea Melubo KOKEL Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism, Iringa University, Tanzania Alleviating Poverty Through Ecotourism Programmes in Ngorongoro Conservation Area - Tanzania: Prospects and Challenges

31 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 4: Building A Room 1213, Project-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Zhang YUEHONG School of Foreign Languages, South China Agriculture University, China Cheuk Edward School of Tourism Management Sun Yat-sen University, China Study On Reform of Chinese Tourism Educational System Seong-Seop Kim Sejong University, Korea Chung-Woong Park Sejong University, Korea An Study on Birdwatching Experts' Value Using the Soft Laddering Methods 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Hag-Chin Han Hanseong Digital University M.Taghi Rahnemai Professor, Dept. of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Iran Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines A. Dittmann Ph.D. Candidate of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Iran Carrying Capacity of Destination with Respect to Host Attitude and Perception (Case Study: the City of Kolardasht) Mostafa Ghadami Department of Geography University of Tehran, Iran Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines Cultural Aspective Tourism Development Chan Ngai WENG Professor, Geography Section, University Sains, Malaysia Developing Ecotourism Potentials in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia: Issues and Challenges

32 Time 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 5: Building A Room 1302, Project-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Chong Ting TING Master Student, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Roseni ARIFFIN Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Roseline Anak KOK Master Student, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Kullada PHETVAROON Faculty of Service Industries, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand Maxine CHANG Tourism and Leisure Management, Tung Fang Institute of Technology, Australia S.Ali.BADRI Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran Mohammad SALMANI Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran Naser Aligholizadeh Firozjaie Ph.D. Candidate on Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Iran Akmal AHMEDJONOV Dept. of Foreign Languages, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Samarkand Branch, Samarkand, Uzbekistan Aziz AKHMEDJONOV Dept. of Foreign Languages, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Samarkand Branch, Samarkand, Uzbekistan An Evaluation on Effectiveness of the Undergraduates' Tourism Programme: Perception and Expectations International Tourists' Motivation to Phuket, Thailand after Major Disasters Tourists' Food Experiences in Australia Host Perception of Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism in Rural Areas. The Case: Rural Area of Noshahr's Central District Tourism Development in Uzbekistan Chong Ting TING Master Student, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Zamani-Farahani HAMIRA Astiaj, iranian Tourism Consultancy & ICHITO, Iran A comparative Study on the Socio-cultural Attitudes of People on Tourism in Two Areas of Iran

33 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 6 : Building A Room 1303, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Prateep Wetprasit Faculty of Service IndustriesPrince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand Reynaldo Gacho SEGUMPAN Associate Professor and Deputy director, Executive Development Center, University Utara, Malaysia Tourism Destination Appraisal: A Case Study of Khao Lak, Phang-nga Tourism among Malaysian Families: Who Makes the Decision? Kyu-sung HWANG Prof. Busan Kyungsang College, Korea 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Yu-kyung BAIK Adjunct Prof. Sejong Cyber University, Korea Hye-young MOON Senior Researcher, Tourism Industry Institute in Sejong University, Korea Victor RAY Alternative Tour, Bangladesh Ersan OCAK Faculty of Communication, Baskent University, Turkey A Study on the Establishment of Destination Image through Mass Media Economy, Culture and Peace Through Tourism in Small State Hostility Formation in Hospitality Development in Cultural Tourism: Cases Studies from Turkey Prateep Wetprasit Faculty of Service IndustriesPrince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand / Park, Keun-ss, Paichai University, Korea Jaruwan PAENGBUPPHA Lecturer, Dept. of Business Management, The Faculty of Management and Information Science, Naresuan University, Thailand Mongsathowai Marma Buddhist school in Thai Medium, At Wat pakpho Temple, Wat pakpho, Amphur pakpho, Tambol pakpho, Ratcha Buri, Thailand K. Sri Dhammanand Buddhist Maha Vihara, 123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Cultural Heritage Production in the Experience Economy: conceptualizing Visitor Experience Management Principles and Practices The Buddhist Way of develop and live peaceful

34 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 7: Building A Room 1304, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Chandra Bangsha Bhikku BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, CHIANG MAI CAMPUS, WAT SUAN DOK, THAILAND AJIT KUMAR BARUA BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, CHIANG MAI CAMPUS, WAT SUAN DOK, THAILAND THE BUDDHIST CULTURE AND TRADITION IN BANGLADESH 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 W.Packiaraja Robinson Faculty of Management, School of Finance and Banking 1514, Mburabutoro, Rwanda Natta John Bhushanam Faculty of Management, School of Finance and Banking 1514, Mburabutoro, Rwanda T. Keiser TANAHASHI Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan Mohd. Rosli MOHAMAD Lecturer, Dept. of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Malaysia Azhar Harun Lecturer, Dept. of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Malaysia Urban Residents' Attitudes and Perceptions towards Tourism Development: A Case Study of Rwanda Globalization and Emerging Role of Tourism The Determinants of Domestic and International Tourism Development: Some Evidence from Thailand T. Keiser TANAHASHI Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan Fusun CURAOGLU Ass. Prof. Interior Design Department, Fine Arts Faculty, Anadolu University, Turkey A Nondescript Space: Turkish Cuisine Siloma Mathew ELIAKIMU Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism 3rd year Student, Tumaini University Iringa University College, Tanzania The Social-Cultural and Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, A Multiple Land Use of Pastoral Community in Tanzania

35 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 8 : Building A Room 1305, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Sarinya La-ong-in Academic Advisor, Hotel and Tourism Management Major Bangkok University International College, Bangkok The Effects of Different Learning Achievements on the Practicum Training Performances of Students Majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management, Bangkok University International College Gunter SPREITZHOFER Dept. of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Austria Muzaffar HARNZAH Labuan School of Informatics Science Universiti Malaysia Saba Between Khao San and Lonely Planet: Post-modern Backpacking Impact and Identity in Southeast Asia 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Alfisyahrina Molis Labuan School of Informatics Science Universiti Malaysia Saba Dinna@Ninna Mohd. Nizam Lubuan School of International Business and Finance Universiti Malaysia Sabah Lee Hock Ann Lubuan School of International Business and Finance Universiti Malaysia Sabah Jon Griffin DONLON Faculty Member, Tokai University, Sport and Leisure Management, Japan Jocelyn H. Donlon Faculty Member, Tokai University, Sport and Leisure Management, Japan Ozcan YAGCI Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, Baskent University, Turkey Sarinya La-ong-in Academic Advisor, Hotel and Tourism Management Major Bangkok University International College, Bangkok Factors Affect The Successful Usage of Internet Technology in Tourism Services Disaster Leisure and Cultural Tourism: Learning from Katrina The Right Economic Policy Choice for Tourism Industry of Turkey: Cultural Tourism The Relationship between the Learning Achievements and the Practicum Training of the Students Majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management, Bangkok University International College Sarinya La-ong-in Academic Advisor, Hotel and Tourism Management Major Bangkok University International College, Bangkok

36 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 9: Building A Room 1306, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Jong-Hyeong, Kim Indiana University, USA Influences on Travel Motivations of Asian International Students in U.S.: Comparing Chinese Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Thammasat University, Thailand Navee CHIADAMRONG Thammasat University, Thailand Pisal YENRADEE Thammasat University, Thailand Ruengsak KAWTUMMACHAI Thammasat University, Thailand 15:20 17 Olomo Jerome ABIOLA Nov. Dept. of Hospitality and 17:00 Tourism Management, Federal Polytechnic Ede Osun State, Nigeria Cheng, Soo May Professor, Institute For Tourism Studies, Macau SAR Yang L College of Tourism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Macau Dong, Lin Professor, College of Tourism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Macau T.RAMAYAH School of Management, University Sains, Malaysia Lai Khian YAN School of Management, University Sains, Malaysia T.RAMAYAH School of Management, University Sains, Malaysia The Study on the Effectiveness of Thailand Tourism Strategy during : The Measurement Through Key Performance Indicators The Impact of Information Technology on Customers Satisfaction in the Nigeria Hospitality Industry (A Case Study of 25 Selected Hotel Establishments in Nigeria) Community Participation in and Benefits of Tourism Development in the Turpan Valley, Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China Hotel Service Quality and Satisfaction: The Case of Penang Island, Malaysia Culture as a Sustainable Tourist Attraction: Some Evidence from a Multicultural Society Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Thammasat University, Thailand

37 Time 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 10 : Building A Room 1307, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair MSc Tatjana PIVAC Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Serbia Dusan KOVACEVIC Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad, Serbia Vuk GARACA Faculty of Science, Dept of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Serbia Klodiana GORICA Lecturer, Dept. of Marketing and Tourism, University of Tirana, Albania Jimson MHAGAMA Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology & tourism, Tumaini University at Iringa, Tanzania W. Mukono GASPER Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology & tourism, Tumaini University at Iringa, Tanzania Tini Maizura Mohtar School of Business and Economics Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Kamarul Mizal Marzuki School of Business and Economics Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Noor Fzlinda Fabeil School of Business and Economics Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Janie Liew-Tsonis Tourism Management Program School of Business and Economics University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Gasper MUKONO Dept. of Tourism, University of Tanzania, Tanzania The Role of the Music Festival Exit on the Social and Cultural Life in the Balkan Region in the Post-war Period The New Way of Tourism Management in Albanian Communities Role of Tourism, Culture and Sports in Reconciliation and Healing the Worlds of Conflicts The Significance of Bajau Laut Community As A Cultural Tourism Product In Semporna, Sabah: The Prospectives and Concerns Ecotourism and its Economic Linkages to Community Development Marketing and Promotion of Tourism in the Southern Circuit of Tanzania Tatjana PIVAC Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Serbia

38 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (Korean Session) Venue 11: Building A Room 1419, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Sang-jeong, Bae Professor, Jeonbuk Science College A study on customer's satisfaction of golf course in Korea Koowon, Park College of Economics & Business Administration, Chungju University Analysis of the Composition and Tourist Gathering of Local Tourist Information Centers -Focused on michinoeki in Japan- Do-Yung, Kim Professor, Dept. of Hotel & Tourism, Dining, Daelim College, A Study of the Model of Marketing Strategy for the Medical Tourism 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Changh-o, Oh College of Hotel & Tourism Management, Youngsan University, Busan, Korea. Han-soo, Kim Professor, Jeonbug Scientific College Impact on Service Provider's Psychological Supports in Recovering Service Failure and Building Long-term Relationship: Applied on Dyadic Approach Process on Japanese Regional Development in the aspect of Cultural Tourism Do-yung, Kim Dept. Of Tourism, Daelim College, Korea Tae-seon, Jang Professor, College of Hotel & Tourism Management Youngsan University, Busan, Korea. A Study on the factors influence on the customer satisfaction of bakery Keun-soo, Park Professor, Department of Tourism & Event Management, PaiChai University Yong-jae, Seo Graduate Student, Department of Tourism Management, PaiChai University The Impact of Tourism Souvenirs on the Regional Brand Image

39 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 12 : Building A Room 1420, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair LUYUN The Cheju National University. China Moon-So, Cho The Cheju National University. Korea Interactive Development Between The Cultural Industry and The Tourism Economy 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Shiunn-Der Kuo National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Chia-Yon Chen National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Ho-Hsien Chen National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Chia-Jung Shieh National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Smanov Ileskan Smanovich Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, International Kazakh-Turkish univversity after H.A. Yassavi, Kazakhstan Joldasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakovich Doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of "International tourism and service" department, Kazakhstan Joldasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakovich Chief of the Faculty "International tourism and service", SKSU by M.M.Auezov, Shymkent. Kazakhstan Efimova I. E Master of Economy, SKSU by M.M.Auezov, Shymkent. Kazakhstan Young-Jun YOO School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Alexander GRUNEWALD School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Asli EKICI Student, Master Degree, Ankara University, Research Assistant, Selcuk University, Turkey Sustainable Development Strategy for Casino Industry of Hualien Area Effective Way of Ethnocultural and Aresthetic Education on the Sample of School Olympiad in The Republic of Kazakhstan Contents and Tendencies of Professional Training of Specialistes in the Sphere of Tourism in Kazakhstan Republic Congruence Between Actual/Social Self-Images and Brand Images of Preferred Hotels: The Case of Top Class Hotels in Seoul, Korea From Literature to Cinema: "The Woman of French Lieutenant" Shiunn-Der Kuo Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan

40 Time Subjects 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 13 : Building A Room 1201, OHP-Room Speaker Theme Chair Nikitina Olga ALEXANDROVNA The Deputy Director of Scientifically-methodical Work and International Activity, The Branch of the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Engineering in Cheboksary, Russia Adegbolagun Adebanjo PEREZ Chief Executive Officer, African Students' Tourism Organization [Perez Tours], Nigeria Snezana Besermenji Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Novi Sad, Serbia Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Kamarul Mizal Marzuki School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Lavernita Allysa Pedro Bingku School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Nik Kamarish Nik Mat University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Amin Idris University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Azizah Daut University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia The Peculiarities of Recreational Potential of Various Tourists Zones of Russia Students: A Formidable Force in Developing Africa's ICT Industry via Tourism Faithful Tourism as an Important Segment of Religious Tourism Ecotourism and Local Community Participation in The Wetlands Examining the Predictors of Destination Choice: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Turgut Var Department of Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Tijen Ersoy Harcar Department of Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Selling The Myth: Case of Mordogan

41 Time 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 14: Building B Room 2103, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Abhijit GHOSH Director of Academic Studies, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia Terence L McVEIGH Senior Lecturer, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia Nutren CEKAL Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics and Administration Programmes, Denizli Vocational School of Higher Education, Pamukkale University, Turkey Seong-seop Kim Professor, Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Sejong University Hees-eung Lee Department of Tourism Management, Honam University Mi-ju Kim PhD student, Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Sejong University Jung-woong Park Graduate student, Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Sejong University Avadhaanula Vijaya Kumaar Babu Professor, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Osmania University, India Yukihiko Oyanagi Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan Azuma Ohuchi Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan Franklin Alexander Nkwamah Tumaini University Iringa University Colleage Bachelor of Caltural Anthrology and Tourism, UK Nailah Ismael Tumaini University Iringa University Colleage Bachelor of Caltural Anthrology and Tourism, UK Learn From The Small Medical Tourism Operators in India - How To Do It Right? The Culture of the Turkish Cuisine and Its Place and Importance in Tourism An Investigation of Cave Tourists' Characteristics and Their Segmentation Base on Motivations to Visit Cultural Tourism of Andhra Pradesh, India--Buddhist Centres--A Select Study Using Analytic Hierarchy Process in Priority Sequence of Hotel Selling Points Tourism and Rural Development Lee, Hee-seung, Department of Tourism Management, Honam University, Korea

42 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (Chinese Session) Venue 15 : Building A Room 1501, Project-Room Speaker Theme Chair Xie Zheng Vice-president, Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Modern Value of Chinese Traditional Leisure Culture Zhao Ming Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Study on the Influence of Confucianism for Internal Construction and External Operation in Chinese Private Tourism Enterprises 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Lv Zhaojun Korean Teacher, Assistant, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Shen Jianlong Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China A Primary Study on Virtual Reality Traveling Study on Problems in Hospitality Training Course Xie Zheng Vice-president, Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Huang Baohui Master, Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Strategy Research on the Tour Guide Management of Travel Agency under the background of the Social Prestige Drop with Tourist profession Liu Wenjuan Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Analyzing the Features of Tourism English and Teaching Methods by Theory of ESP

43 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (Chinese Session) Venue 16 : Building A Room 1205, OHP-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Wang Xiaomin Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Comparison of Regimen between China-Korea Food He Hong Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Marketing Strategies of Korea Cooking in Hangzhou Zuo Hongli Master, Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Analysis of Aesthetic Level on Tourism Literature Zhang Jian Master, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Research on Tourism Development about The Sites of The Provisional Government of South Korea in Hangzhou, China 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Hong Limin Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Sarimah Ismail Technical and Engineering Education Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Muhammad Sukri Saud Technical and Engineering Education Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Nor Fadila Mohd Amin Technical and Engineering Education Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Mohd Rizal Mohd Said Technical and Engineering Education Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Environmental Marketing-Sustainable Enviromental Choices of Sustainable Development in Chinese Hospitality Industry Customer Satisfaction Model of Malaysian Malay Restaurants He Hong Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Iwenya, Grant Nigerian Percision Engravers Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria; Tourism and Culture

44 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 17 : Building A Room 1206, OHP-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Nikolay V. SOKOLOV Professor, Saint Tikhon Orthodox University, Russia Religion Urban Tourism in Russia Jamese Seymour Tourism KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Developing the Cruise Tourism Potential of the East Coast of Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands Carolyn Melissa Payus School of Science & Technology University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Carolyn Melissa Payus School of Science & Technology University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Dogan KUTUKIZ Departments and Affiliations Fethiye Ali Sitki Mefharet Kocman Vocational School/School of Foreign Languages, University of Mugla, Turkey Cengiz GOK Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, University of Mulga, Turkey Malaysian Environmental Law for Tourism Development The Effects of Business English or Company's Success and A Case Study Abhijit GHOSH Director of Academic Studies, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia Cengiz GOK Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, University of Mulga, Turkey Future Aspects of Teaching Tourism Business English Ching-Chi LAM (Cindia Lam) Institute For Tourism Studies, China Tze-Ngai VONG Institute For Tourism Studies, China Profiling Tourists' Roles and Motives in Macao: Why did they come during the shoulder seasons?

45 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 18: Building A Room 1207, OHP-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Umejei Emeka Lucky University of Nigeria, Nigeria Defining The Heritage and Tourism Relationship: The Nigerian Perspective Sevcan YILDIZ Akdeniz University, Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey Yusuf YILMAZ Akdeniz University, Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey Ancient Towns of Antalya in the Scope of Culturel Tourism 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Keith G.BROWN Vice President, Development, Associate Professor, Marketing, Cape Breton University, Canada Ravinder N.Batta Additional Secretary Tourism, Goverment of Himachal Pradesh, India Cape Breton Celtic Music: Cultural Tourism niche Marketing Public Private Partnership in Sustainable Tourism Management - The Case of Tourism SMEs of Himachal Pradesh Sabah BALTA Professor, Yasar University, Dept. Managing the Nature-Based & Rural Tourism of Tourism and Hotel Management, Areas. The Case of Izmir City, Turkey Turkey Sabah BALTA Professor, Yasar University, Dept. of Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey OFFEH PHILIP KWAKU RICHBONE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION, Ghana JAMES ATRAMA RICHBONE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION, Ghana Sustainable Tourism Development in Ghana Deborah Woods Adminstrative Assistant to the Vice President Development, Cape Breton University, Sydeny, Australia Relationship between Tourism and Culture

46 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 19: Building A Room 1301, OHP-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Bharat Raj Rawat Curator, National Museum of NEPAL, Museum Road Chhauni KATMANDU, Nepal Inter-relationship Between Museum, and Cultural or Heritage Tourism-A Study in Contest of Nepalese Chandra Bangsha Bhikku BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, AJIT KUMAR BARUA BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, THAILAND THE BUDDHIST CULTURE AND TRADITION IN BANGLADESH 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Him Lal Ghimire Central Department of Statistics Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu Nepal Nur Undey Kalpaklioglu Istanbul Aydin University, Public Relations and Advertising Department Head, Turkey Shuyi Wang Ph.D. Program of Design and Planning, University of Colorado, USA Destination Management: Propects and Challenge of Lumbini The Importance of Public Relations Efforts in Istanbul City Hotels 'Culture for sale' or cultural regeneration - heritage tourism in the Ancient City of Pingyao Bharat Raj Rawat Curator, National Museum of NEPAL, Museum Road Chhauni KATMANDU, Nepal Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines Cultural Aspective Tourism Development S.C. Bagri Sanjay Mahar. I. KATHIRVEL Centre for Mountain Tourism and Hospitality Studies, NHB Garhwal University, India Jitendra Mohan Misra Centre for Tourism Studies, Pondicherry University, India Tourism Development in the Himalaya: Assessing Tourists and Local Community Perception and Level of Satisfaction at Selected Pilgrimage Destinations in Garhwal Region

47 Time Subjects International Conference Part 7: Concurrent Session (English Session) Venue 20: Building A Room 1401, OHP-Room (15 Minutes Speech, 10 Minutes Comment) Speaker Theme Chair Jennifer KimLian Chan Tourism and Hotel Management Program, School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia A Study of Experiental Nature of Ecolodge accommodation Jeannot Abdul Karim Kolej University Teknologi dan Pengurusan Malaysia (KUTPM), Shah Alam, Malaysia Nor Othman Kolej University Teknologi dan Pengurusan Malaysia (KUTPM), Shah Alam, Malaysia Measuring Malay Values and its relationship to Information Search Behavior and Family Group Activity Orientation during Domestic Vacations in Malaysia 15:20 17 Nov. 17:00 Mohd Rasid Hussin PROFESSOR, PhD, Risk Managemet, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), MALAYSIA Vivienne Pitter PhD, West Indies, Mona, Jamaica Risk Management and Tourism Risk Exposures in relation to Non-Conventional Threats Cultural Tourism in Jamaica Anizah Zainuddin Faculty of Business Management, University Teknologi MARA MALAYSIA Mohan Thapa Executive Director, CSDA, Nepal Cultural Tourism Policy and Marketing in Nepal Um, Bahadur Tamang Prof. Asian Center for Peace and Development Center, Post Box Number 11843, Lazipat Khathmandu, Nepal Tourism in Cultural Tolerence Anizah Zainuddin Faculty of Business Management, University Teknologi MARA MALAYSIA Service Quality in Homestays Industry

48 3-4. Presentation Schedule International Conference Part 9-10 Culture and Tourism: International Culture and Regional Tourism Moderator: Prof. Abhijit GHOSH Director of Academic Studies, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia/ Prof. Park, Keun-soo, Pachai University, Korea 17 Nov. 17:00- General Free Discussion and Dinner, hosted by President, Youngsan University Commentator: Ruengsak KAWTUMMACHAI Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand Commentator: Dirk REISER School of Management, University of Tasmania, Australia Commentator: Chutima TORCHAREON Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Commentator: Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines Commentator: Kullada PHETVAROON Faculty of Service Industries, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand Commentator: Prateep Wetprasit Faculty of Service IndustriesPrince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand Community Commentator: AJIT KUMAR BARUA Convention Halll BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, CHIANG MAI CAMPUS, WAT SUAN (CCC), 2th Floor DOK, THAILAND Building C, Commentator: J Gunter SPREITZHOFER College of Horel and Dept. of Geography and Regional Research, University of Tourism Management, Vienna, Austria Youngsan University, Commentator: Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Korea Thammasat University, Thailand) Commentator: Tatjana PIVAC Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Commentator: Do-young, Kim Dept. Of Tourism, Daelim Commentator: Shiunn-Der Kuo Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Commentator: Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Commentator: Seong-seop Kim Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management Sejong University, Seoul, Korea Commentator: Xie Zheng Vice-president, Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Commentator: He Hong Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Commentator: Sabah BALTA Professor, Yasar University, Dept. of Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey Commentator: Nur Undey Kalpaklioglu Istanbul Aydin University, Public Relations and Advertising Department Head, Turkey

49 17 Nov. International Conference Part 10 Dinner: Hosted by the President, Youngsan university, Busan, Korea Total Attendees (1000) Foreign professors and experts (280) (China, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, Chile, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Spain, Albania, Hongkong. USA, Bangladesh, Mexico, India, Russia, Iran, Japan, Macao, Austria, Australia, Taiwan, Ghana, Rwanda, South Africa, Bangladesh, Spain, Nigeria, Uganda, Kazhahstan, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Nepal, Jamaica, Kuwait, UK, New Zealand, Korea, Etc. Professors (250) Government Officials (50) Graduate Students and Researchers (130) Others (200)

50 3-4 세부프로그램세계학술대회 9 부 문화관광 : 세계문화와지역관광 ( 종합토론 ) 사회 : Abhijit GHOSH Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia 박근수 : 배재대학교교수 17:30 - 국제학술대회 9 부종합토론 토론 : Ruengsak KAWTUMMACHAI Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand 토론 : Dirk REISER School of Management, University of Tasmania, Australia 토론 : Chutima TORCHAREON Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand 토론 : Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines 토론 : Kullada PHETVAROON Faculty of Service Industries, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand 토론 : Prateep Wetprasit Faculty of Service IndustriesPrince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand 토론 : AJIT KUMAR BARUA BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, CHIANG MAI CAMPUS, WASUAN DOK, THAILAND 토론 : J Gunter SPREITZHOFER Dept. of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Austria 토론 : Pronpimol CHONGPHAISAL Thammasat University, Thailand) 토론 : MSc Tatjana PIVAC Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, 토론 : Do-young, Kim Dept. Of Tourism, Daelim 토론 : Shiunn-Der Kuo Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan 토론 : Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia 토론 : Seongseop Kim Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management Sejong University, Seoul, Korea 토론 : Xie Zheng Vice-president, Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 토론 : He Hong Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 부산영산대학교호텔경영대빌딩 C, 2Floor: CCC Room

51 17:30 - 국제학술대회 9 부종합토론 토론 : Sabah BALTA Professor, Yasar University, Dept. of Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey 토론 : Nur Undey Kalpaklioglu Istanbul Aydin University, Public Relations and Advertising Department Head, Turkey 토론 : Contra Fees-Our/Our University of Philippines, the Philippines 토론 : Waranyaphorn Srisawan Dvelopment, Maejo 부산영산대학교호텔경영대빌딩 C, 2Floor: CCC Room 17:30- 국제학술대회 10 부만찬 : 영산대학교총장주최 참여예상인원 ( 총 40 개국 1000 명 ) 외국인학자 : 280명 ( 중국, 일본, 필리핀, 말레이시아, 캐나다, 우간다, 인도, 터키, 싱가폴, 태국, 러시아, 르완다, 마카우, 홍콩, 우즈벡, 스페인, 미국, 이집트, 남아프리카공화국, 쿠웨이트, 오스트리아, 가나, 나아지리아, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 카나다, 카자흐스탄, 세르비아, 영국, 알바니아, 대만, 방글라데시, 이란, 마케도니아, 네팔, 자메이카, 알바니아, 탄자니아, 타이완, 한국등 ) 국내학자 : 250명국내정책입안자 : 50명대학원생및연구원 : 130 명 기타 : 200 명

52 4. Keynote Speakers, Commentators, Moderators and Paper Presenters No Name Paper Title Affiliation 1 Ernest SASU Youth Culture and Democratic Participation Institute of Ghana, Ghana 2 Nikolay V. SOKOLOV Religion Urban Tourism in Russia Professor, Saint Tikhon Orthodox University, Russia 3 Oladipo SAMSON South African Tourism Wows Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing with Six South African Tour Option Architect, Finco-Engineers, 31,ADEKITAN STREET OFF PALM AVENUE, MUSHIN, LAGOS-NIGERIA, Nigeria 4 Dirk REISER Globalisation, Localisation and Tourism: A Case Study of the Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, New Zealand School of Management, University of Tasmania, Australia 5 Somayyeh AGHAJANI 6 Yasin BOYLU 7 Adem TUNCER 8 Asli D. A.Tasci Sustainable Cultural Tourism Relationship between Ownership and Internet Marketing in Hotels in Turkey Science and Research Campus of Islamic Azad University, Iran Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mugla University, Turkey Ph.D, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Turkey Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mugla University, Turkey 9 Jong-Hyeong, Kim Influences on Travel Motivations of Asian International Students in U.S.: Comparing Chinese Indiana University USA 10 Melubo KOKEL Alleviating Poverty Through Ecotourism Programmes in Ngorongoro Conservation Area - Tanzania: Prospects and Challenges Assistant Lecturer, Department of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism, Iringa University, Tanzania

53 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Dept. of Marketing and Logistics Management/Dept. of 11 Resource engineering Yung-Kan ChungChou Institute CHEN of Technology/National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 12 Tzu-Yin WU 13 Tsui-Fang HSIEH 14 Chia-You CHEN Reynaldo Gacho SEGUMPAN Orasa KONGTHONG Chatchai RATANACHAI 18 Nutren CEKAL Akmal AHMEDJONOV Aziz AKHMEDJONOV Evaluation of the Economic Value of World Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Example of the Great Wall of China Tourism among Malaysian Families: Who Makes the Decision? A MODEL FOR ASSESSING TOURISM SITES IN SONGKHLA LAKE BASIN The Culture of the Turkish Cuisine and Its Place and Importance in Tourism Tourism Development in Uzbekistan Dept. of Business Administration, ChungChou Institute of Technology, Taiwan Dept. of Hotel Management, Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College, Taiwan Dept. of Resource Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Associate Professor and Deputy director, Executive Development Center, University Utara, Malaysia Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics and Administration Programmes, Denizli Vocational School of Higher Education, Pamukkale University, Turkey Dept. of Foreign Languages, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Samarkand Branch, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

54 No Name Paper Title Affiliation A comparative Study on the Astiaj, iranian Tourism Zamani-Faraha 21 Socio-cultural Attitudes of People on Consultancy & ni HAMIRA Tourism in Two Areas of Iran ICHITO, Iran 22 Ersan OCAK Hostility Formation in Hospitality Development in Cultural Tourism: Cases Studies from Turkey Faculty of Communication, Baskent University, Turkey 23 Katalin CSER 24 Yukihiko Oyanagi 25 Azuma OHUCHI 26 Ozcan YAGCI 27 Mark EWEN Comparison of Hotel Classification in Japan and Korea: A Study of Hotels in Hokkaido The Right Economic Policy Choice for Tourism Industry of Turkey: Cultural Tourism Tourism and Cultural Change Indigenous Empowerment in 'Glocal' Contexts 28 Maxine CHANG Tourists' Food Experiences in Australia Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Hokkaido University, Japan Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication, Baskent University, Turkey Dept. of Marketing and Tourism, University of Hertfordshire, U.K. Tourism and Leisure Management, Tung Fang Institute of Technology, Australia cserkati@harmo.complex.en cserkati@harmo.complex.en 29 Jaruwan PAENGBUPPHA Cultural Heritage Production in the Experience Economy: conceptualizing Visitor Experience Management Principles and Practices Lecturer, Dept. of Business Management, The Faculty of Management and Information Science, Naresuan University, Thailand, 30 Sarinya LA-ONG-IN The Relationship between the Learning Achievements and the Practicum Training of the Students Majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management, Bangkok University International College Academic Advisor, Hotel and Tourism Management, Bangkok University International college, Thailand

55 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 31 S.C. Bagri Sanjay Mahar. I. KATHIRVEL Centre for Mountain Tourism and Hospitality Studies, NHB Garhwal University, India Jitendra Mohan Misra Zhang YUEHONG 34 Cheuk Edward Pronpimol CHONGPHAISA L Navee CHIADAMRONG Pisal YENRADEE Ruengsak KAWTUMMACH AI M.Taghi Rahnemai 40 A. Dittmann Tourism Development in the Himalaya: Assessing Tourists and Local Community Perception and Level of Satisfaction at Selected Pilgrimage Destinations in Garhwal Region Study On Reform of Chinese Tourism Educational System The Study on the Effectiveness of Thailand Tourism Strategy during : The Measurement Through Key Performance Indicators Carrying Capacity of Destination with Respect to Host Attitude and Perception (Case Study: the City of Kolardasht) Centre for Tourism Studies, Pondicherry University, India School of Foreign Languages, South China Agriculture University, China School of Tourism Management Sun Yat-sen University, China Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand Professor, Dept. of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Iran Ph.D. Candidate of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Iran, n, 41 Mostafa Ghadami Department of Geography University of Tehran

56 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 42 S.Ali.BADRI Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran 43 Faculty of Geography, Mohammad University of Tehran, SALMANI Iran 44 Naser Aligholizadeh Firozjaie Host Perception of Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism in Rural Areas. The Case: Rural Area of Noshahr's Central District Ph.D. Candidate on Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Iran 45 Kyu-sung HWANG Prof. Busan Kyungsang College, Korea 46 Yu-kyung BAIK A Study on the Establishment of Destination Image through Mass Media Adjunct Prof. Sejong Cyber University, Korea 47 Hye-young MOON Senior Researcher, Tourism Industry Institute in Sejong University, Korea 48 T.RAMAYAH School of Hotel Service Quality and Satisfaction: Management, The Case of Penang Island, Malaysia University Sains, 49 Lai Khian YAN Malaysia 50 T.RAMAYAH Culture as a Sustainable Tourist Attraction: Some Evidence from a Multicultural Society School of Management, University Sains, Malaysia 51 Fusun CURAOGLU A Nondescript Space: Turkish Cuisine Ass. Prof. Interior Design Department, Fine Arts Faculty, Anadolu University, Turkey

57 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 52 Dogan KUTUKIZ Departments and Affiliations Fethiye Ali Sitki Mefharet 53 Cengiz GOK The Effects of Business English or Company's Success and A Case Study Kocman Vocational School/School of Foreign Languages, University of Mugla, Turkey 54 T. Keiser TANAHASHI 55 Cengiz GOK Globalization and Emerging Role of Tourism Future Aspects of Teaching Tourism Business English Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, University of Mulga, Turkey 56 Chan Ngai WENG Developing Ecotourism Potentials in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia: Issues and Challenges Geography Section, University Sains Malaysia Muzaffar HARNZAH Alfisyahrina Molis Dinna@Ninna Mohd. Nizam 60 Lee Hock Ann Factors Affect The Successful Usage of Internet Technology in Tourism Services Labuan School of Informatics Science Universiti Malaysia Sabah Lubuan School of International Business and Finance Universiti Malaysia Sabah 61 Victor RAY Economy, Culture and Peace Through Tourism in Small State Alternative Tour, Bangladesh, 62 Mohd Rosli MOHAMAD 63 Azhar Harun The Determinants of Domestic and International Tourism Development: Some Evidence from Thailand Lecturer, Dept. of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, Malaysia

58 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Master Student, 64 School of Business Chong Ting and Economics, TING University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia 65 Roseni ARIFFIN Roseline Anak KOK Gasper MUKONO Siloma Mathew ELIAKIMU Gunter SPREITZHOFER 70 Asli EKICI An Evaluation on Effectiveness of the Undergraduates' Tourism Programme: Perception and Expectations Marketing and Promotion of Tourism in the Southern Circuit of Tanzania The Social-Cultural and Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, A Multiple Land Use of Pastoral Community in Tanzania Between Khao San and Lonely Planet: Post-modern Backpacking Impact and Identity in Southeast Asia From Literature to Cinema: "The Woman of French Lieutenant" Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Master Student, School of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Dept. of Tourism, University of Tanzania, Tanzania Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism 3rd year Student, Tumaini University Iringa University College, Tanzania Dept. of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Austria Student, Master Degree, Ankara University, Research Assistant, Selcuk University, Turkey, guenter.spreitzhofer@univie. 71 Kullada PHETVAROON International Tourists' Motivation to Phuket, Thailand after Major Disasters Faculty of Service Industries, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand, 72 Olomo Jerome ABIOLA The Impact of Information Technology on Customers Satisfaction in the Nigeria Hospitality Industry (A Case Study of 25 Selected Hotel Establishments in Nigeria) Dept. of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Federal Polytechnic Ede Osun State, Nigeria jabiolaolomo2001@yahoo.c om

59 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Faculty of Science, 73 Dept. of Geography, MSc Tatjana Tourism and Hotel PIVAC Management, Novi Sad, Serbia 74 Dusan KOVACEVIC 75 Vuk GARACA 76 Sabah BALTA Jon Griffin DONLON Jocelyn H. Donlon The Role of the Music Festival Exit on the Social and Cultural Life in the Balkan Region in the Post-war Period Managing the Nature-Based & Rural Tourism Areas. The Case of Izmir City, Turkey Disaster Leisure and Cultural Tourism: Learning from Katrina Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad, Serbia Faculty of Science, Dept of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, Serbia Professor, Yasar University, Dept. of Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey Faculty Member, Tokai University, Sport and Leisure Management, Japan 79 Nikitina Olga ALEXANDROVN A The Peculiarities of Recreational Potential of Various Tourists Zones of Russia The Deputy Director of Scientifically-methodi cal Work and International Activity, The Branch of the Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Engineering in Cheboksary, Russia 80 Klodiana GORICA The New Way of Tourism Management in Albanian Communities Lecturer, Dept. of Marketing and Tourism, University of Tirana, Albania, 81 Chan Ngai WENG Developing Clan Jetties as Heritage Buildings for Conservation and Tourism in Penang, Malaysia: Issues and Challenges Professor, Geography Section, University Sains, Malaysia,, Jimson MHAGAMA W. Mukono GASPER Role of Tourism, Culture and Sports in Reconciliation and Healing the Worlds of Conflicts Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology & tourism, Tumaini University at Iringa

60 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 84 Adegbolagun Adebanjo PEREZ Students: A Formidable Force in Developing Africa's ICT Industry via Tourism Chief Executive Officer, African Students' Tourism Organization [Perez Tours], Nigeria Chutima TORCHAREON Esther SAGNIUMKUL Jinda SWADITAWEE 88 Ravinder N.Batta 89 Franklin Alexander Nkwamah 90 Nailah Ismael 91 Snezana Besermenji 92 Youngmi Kim Samuel Seongseop Kim JungWoong Park 95 Jeroma Agrusa 96 Hyejung Park Human Resources Development in Information Technology for Cultural tourism: Krabi Phang-nga and Phuket Provinces Public Private Partnership in Sustainable Tourism Management-The Case of Tourism SMEs of Himachal Pradesh Tourism and Rural Development Faithful Tourism as an Important Segment of Religious Tourism An Investigation into the Procedures Involved in Creating the Hampyeong Butterfly Festival as an Ecotourism Resource, Successful Factors, and Evaluation An Investigation into the Procedures Involved in Creating the Hampyeong Butterfly Festival as an Ecotourism Resource, Successful Factors, and Evaluation Faculty of Environment and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Additional Secretary Tourism, Goverment of Himachal Pradesh, India Tumaini University Iringa University Colleage Bachelor of Caltural Anthrology and Tourism, UK Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Novi Sad, Serbia Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management Sejong University, Seoul, Korea Associate Professor M.S. Professor, Travel Industry Management Hawaii Pacific University, Honoluilu, Hawaii, USA Professor, Department of Air Travel & Tourism Suwon Science College, Korea

61 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Head of Intern Department, World 97 Jjumba Faridah Association,Kampala, Uganga Tourism Promotion Using the World Tours and Cultural Wide Web Sites W.Packiaraja Robinson Natta John Bhushanam 100 Him Lal Ghimire Janie Liew-Tsonis Tini Maizura Mohtar Kamarul Mizal Marzuki Noor Fzlinda Fabeil Nur Undey Kalpaklioglu 106 Abhijit GHOSH Terence L McVEIGH Young-Jun YOO Alexander GRUNEWALD Urban Residents' Attitudes and Perceptions towards Tourism Development: A Case Study of Rwanda Destination Management: Propects and Challenge of Lumbini Ecotourism and its Economic Linkages to Community Development The Significance of Bajau Laut Community As A Cultural Tourism Product In Semporna, Sabah: The Prospectives and Concerns The Importance of Public Relations Efforts in Istanbul City Hotels Learn From The Small Medical Tourism Operators in India - How To Do It Right? Congruence Between Actual/Social Self-Images and Brand Images of Preferred Hotels: The Case of Top Class Hotels in Seoul, Korea Faculty of Management, School of Finance and Banking 1514, Mburabutoro, Rwanda Central Department of Statistics Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu Nepal Tourism Management Program School of Business and Economics University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia School of Business and Economics Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Istanbul Aydin University, Public Relations and Advertising Department Head, Turkey Director of Academic Studies, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia Senior Lecturer, Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management, Australia School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,, nurkalpaklioglu@anadolubil.e k

62 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Tourism Developing the Cruise Tourism Jamese KwaZulu-Natal PO 110 Potential of the East Coast of Africa Seymour Box 2516 Durban, and the Indian Ocean Islands South Africa Carolyn Melissa Payus Carolyn Melissa Payus Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA) Malaysian Environmental Law for Tourism Development School of Science & Technology University, Malaysia Sabah School of Science & Technology University, Malaysia Sabah 113 LUYUN 114 Cho Moon-So Interactive Development Between The Cultural Industry and The Tourism Economy The Cheju National University. Korea Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul Kamarul Mizal Marzuki Lavernita Allysa Pedro Bingku Ecotourism and Local Community Participation in The Wetlands School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Seong-Seop Kim Chung-Woong Park 120 Hag-Chin Han 121 Seongseop Kim 122 Heeseoung Lee An Study on Birdwatching Experts' Value Using the Soft Laddering Methods An Investigation of Cave Tourists' Characteristics and Their Segmentation Base on Motivations to Visit Colleage of Hospitality & Tourism, Sejong University, Korea Department of Tourism Management, Hanseong Digital University Professor Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management Sejong University, Korea 123 Miju Kim PhD student 124 Jungwoong Park An Investigation of Cave Tourists' Characteristics and Their Segmentation Base on Motivations to Visit Graduate student

63 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 125 Umejei Emeka Lucky Defining The Heritage and Tourism Relationship: The Nigerian Perspective University of Nigeria, Nigeria 126 Sevcan YILDIZ 127 Yusuf YILMAZ Ancient Towns of Antalya in the Scope of Culturel Tourism Akdeniz University, Tourism and Hotel Management, Turkey 128 Anizah Zainuddin Service Quality in Homestays Industry Faculty of Business Management, University Teknologi MARA MALAYSIA 129 Jennifer KimLian Chan A Study of Experiental Nature of Ecolodge accommodation Tourism and Hotel Management Program, School of Business and Economics University, Malaysia 130 Jeannot Abdul Karim 131 Nor Othman Measuring Malay Values and its relationship to Information Search Behavior and Family Group Activity Orientation during Domestic Vacations in Malaysia Kolej University Teknologi dan Pengurusan Malaysia (KUTPM) Shah Alam, Malaysia 132 Avadhaanula Vijaya Kumaar Babu Cultural Tourism of Andhra Pradesh, India--Buddhist Centres--A Select Study Professor, Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Osmania University, India avadhanulavkbabu@yahoo.c, avadhanulavkbabu@yahoo.c 133 Nik Kamarish Nik Mat 134 Amin Idris Examining the Predictors of Destination Choice: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia

64 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 135 Azizah Daut Examining the Predictors of Destination Choice: A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach 136 Cheng, Soo May Professor, Institute For Tourism Studies, Macau SAR 137 Yang L 138 Dong, Lin 139 Mohd Rasid Hussin Community Participation in and Benefits of Tourism Development in the Turpan Valley, Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China Risk Management and Tourism Risk Exposures in relation to Non-Conventional Threats 140 Vivienne Pitter Cultural Tourism in Jamaica College of Tourism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Macau Professor, College of Tourism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Macau PROFESSOR, PhD, Risk Managemet, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), MALAYSIA PhD, West Indies, Mona, Jamaica 141 Mohan Thapa Cultural Tourism Policy and Marketing in Nepal Executive Director, CSDA, Nepal 142 Hansoo, Kim Process on Japanese Regional Development in the aspect of Cultural Tourism Prof. Jeonbug Scientific College 143 Um, Bahadur Tamang Tourism in Cultural Tolerence Prof. Asian Center for Peace and Development Center, Post Box Number 11843, Lazipat Khathmandu, Nepal 144 Zholdasbekov A.A., 145 Efimova I.E. Specific of Perparing Intending Specilists for Sphere of Tourism in Southern Part of Kazakhstan Prof. Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan 146 Damenova A.E

65 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Chandra BUDDHIST 147 Bangsha Bhikku UNIVERSITY, CHIANG THE BUDDHIST CULTURE AND MAI CAMPUS, WAT AJIT KUMAR TRADITION IN BANGLADESH 148 SUAN DOK, BARUA THAILAND 149 Contra Fees-Our/Our Cultural Aspective Tourism Development 150 Jjumba Faridah Marketing and Promotion of Tourism 151 Iwenya, Grant Nigeria; Tourism and Culture University of Philippines, the Philippines Head of Intern Department,World Tours and Cultural Sites Association,Kampala, Uganga Nigerian Percision Engravers Ltd.,Lagos, Nigeria 152 Deborah Woods Relationship between Tourism and Culture Adminstrative Assistant to the Vice President Development, Cape Breton University, Sydeny, Australia 153 Prateep Wetprasit Tourism Destination Appraisal: A Case Study of Khao Lak, Phang-nga Faculty of Service IndustriesPrince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand 154 Sarimah Ismail Muhammad Sukri Saud, Nor Fadila Mohd Amin Mohd Rizal Mohd Said Customer Satisfaction Model of Malaysian Malay Restaurants Technical and Engineering Education Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,, Department of 158 Turgut Var Business Selling The Myth: Case of Mordogan Administration, Izmir, Tijen Ersoy 159 University of tijen.harcar@izmirekonomi.e Harcar Economics 160 Ching-Chi LAM (Cindia Lam) 161 Tze-Ngai VONG Profiling Tourists' Roles and Motives in Macao: Why did they come during the shoulder seasons? Institute For Tourism Studies, China

66 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 162 Xie Zheng 163 Zhao Ming 164 Lv Zhaojun 165 Shen Jianlong 166 Huang Baohui Modern Value of Chinese Traditional Leisure Culture Study on the Influence of Confucianism for Internal Construction and External Operation in Chinese Private Tourism Enterprises A Primary Study on Virtual Reality Traveling Study on Problems in Hospitality Training Course Strategy Research on the Tour Guide Management of Travel Agency under the background of the Social Prestige Drop with Tourist profession Vice-president, Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Korean Teacher, Assistant, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Master, Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China, 167 Liu Wenjuan Analyzing the Features of Tourism English and Teaching Methods by Theory of ESP Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 168 Wang Xiaomin 169 He Hong 170 Zuo Hongli Comparison of Regimen between China-Korea Food Marketing Strategies of Korea Cooking in Hangzhou Analysis of Aesthetic Level on Tourism Literature Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Associate Professor, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China Master, Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 171 Zhang Jian Research on Tourism Development about The Sites of The Provisional Government of South Korea in Hangzhou, China Master, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 172 Hong Limin Environmental Marketing-Sustainable Enviromental Choices of Sustainable Development in Chinese Hospitality Industry Lecturer, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China 173 Bharat Raj Rawat Inter-relationship Between Museum, and Cultural or Heritage Tourism-A Study in Contest of Nepalese Curator, National Museum of NEPAL, Museum Road Chhauni KATMANDU, Nepal,

67 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 174 Sarinya La-ong-in The Effects of Different Learning Achievements on the Practicum Training Performances of Students Majoring in Hotel and Tourism Management, Bangkok University International College Academic Advisor, Hotel and Tourism Management Major Bangkok University International College, Bangkok 175 Yukihiko Oyanagi 176 Azuma Ohuchi Using Analytic Hierarchy Process in Priority Sequence of Hotel Selling Points Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan 177 Shiunn-Der Kuo 178 Chia-Yon Chen 179 Ho-Hsien Chen 180 Chia-Jung Shieh Sustainable Development Strategy for Casino Industry of Hualien Area Graduate Institute of Hakka Cultural Industry, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan tw 181 Kokel Melubo Ecotourism and Livelihoods among Livestock Keepers of the Ngorongoro Conservation area, Tanzania Department of Cultural Anthropology and Tourism, Iringa University College, Tanzania Smanov Ileskan Smanovich Joldasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakovich Effective Way of Ethnocultural and Aresthetic Education on the Sample of School Olympiad in The Republic of Kazakhstan Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, International Kazakh-Turkish univversity after H.A. Yassavi, Kazakhstan Doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of "International tourism and service" department, Kazakhstan

68 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 184 Joldasbekov Abdimanap Abdrazakovich 185 Efimova I. E Contents and Tendencies of Professional Training of Specialistes in the Sphere of Tourism in Kazakhstan Republic Chief of the Faculty "International tourism and service", SKSU by M.M.Auezov, Shymkent. Kazakhstan Master of Economy, SKSU by M.M.Auezov, Shymkent. Kazakhstan 186 OFFEH PHILIP KWAKU 187 JAMES ATRAMA Sustainable Tourism Development in Ghana RICHBONE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION, Ghana 188 Taeseon, Jang A Study on the factors influence on the customer satisfaction of bakery College of Hotel & Tourism Management Youngsan University, Busan 189 Bae, Sang-jeong A study on customer's satisfaction of golf course in Korea Jeonbuk Science College 190 Park, Koowon Analysis of the Composition and Tourist Gathering of Local Tourist Information Centers -Focused on michinoeki in Japan- College of Economics & Business Administration, Chungju University 191 Sung-chae, Jung CULTURAL TOURISM: INTERNATIONAL CULTURE AND REGIONAL TOURISM Dept. of Tourism Studies, Honam University Korea 192 Do-Yung, Kim A Study of the Model of Marketing Strategy for the Medical Tourism Professor, Dept. of Hotel & Tourism, Dining, Daelim College

69 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 193 Changho, Oh Impact on Service Provider's Psychological Supports in Recovering Service Failure and Building Long-term Relationship: Applied on Dyadic Approach College of Hotel & Tourism Management Youngsan University, Busan, Korea. 194 Mongsathowai Marma The Buddhist Way of develop and live peaceful Buddhist school in Thai Medium, At Wat pakpho Temple, Wat pakpho, Amphur pakpho, Tambol pakpho, Ratcha Buri, Thailand 195 K. Sri Dhammanand Buddhist Maha Vihara, 123, jalan Berhala, Brickfields Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 196 ELMA DOMPI Commentator I701-D Dimasalaing Sampaloc Manila, Philipin 197 AMPOFO ISAAC TWUMASI Commentator RICHBONE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION, Ghana OLIVER REUBEN AVAYEVU STEPHEN NII APONSAH DEBRAH LOUIS AZAGLO ENOCH Commentator Commentator CO-ORDINATOR, MAFI-DEDUKOFE YOUTH ASSOCIATION, TESHIE-NUNGUA ESTATES, ACCRA-GHANA WEST AFRICA

70 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 202 Ven. Nu Yai Mong Marma Commentator a student of Buddhist and pali university in sri lanka 203 Suman Barua Commentator R.dhiman kanti tripura Collins Bio Donkor Zack Washington AJAYI ADEMOLA ADEOYE ABIODUN OLUWA MUTIU ALADE Commentator Commentator Commentator Commentator Secretary General SRG Welfare Society Chittagong, Bangladesh. Subadra ramaya pirivena Gangodawila, Nugegoda. Srilanka Artistic Director of the Anansema Cultural Group the Greater Accra Center for National Culture, Ghana Accra Ghana Firstt House Travels Box Tn 1149 Teshie Nungua Estate tel SPORTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION k anansemaculturalgroup@hot sportsmedicineinstitutes@ya 210 frank gyimah kwakye Commentator Accra - Ghana 211 Sharija Che Shaari Commentator Head of Postgraduate Programme, School of Business and Economics Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 212 Enoch Adu Arhin Commentator ACCRA-GHANA

71 No Name Paper Title Affiliation Klodiana lecturer of marketing 213 Commentator GORICA and tourism in the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, 214 Danica Purg Commentator Department of Marketing and Tourism, Albania 215 JOSEPH DADZIE 216 SANI NCHIMINYI Commentator GHANAIAN CULTURAL, Ghana 217 YUMSIE ANDRE MBOM 218 NKAFU JOSEPH Commentator The Foundation for RUFONDA, De velopment, China Olimjon Ergashev Shavkat Khakimov Commentator 221 JOHN MICHEAL OLUWASEYI PETER GBADEMIGA AMAO BABAWALE OLADEJO Commentator 224 liljana Elmazi Commentator 225 Sandra King Commentator THE ASSOCIATION FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT CARES, Head of Marketing & Tourism Department, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania ODEDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA 226 Shafiqul Islam Commentator Journalist of "Bangladesh National Press News", Bangladesh

72 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 227 Oben Charles Commentator CEO, VICTORIA HOPE FOUNDATION-NGO, CAMEROON 228 Hafidh Bamasoud 229 Twaha Hassan Commentator Zanzibar Commercial Institute, Tanzania 230 Bakar Mohamed Min Prasad Lamichhane Devendra Gharti Magar Commentator Managing Director, Durbar Travels & Tours, Nepal 233 Sekabira Frances Commentator African Hospitality and Tourism Federation (AHTF), Uganda Bernard Odarlai Bruce 235 Maxwell Awintima Ayaaba 236 Adams Yankini 237 Isaac Owusu Amoah 238 Patrick Mensah Commentator the National Youth Wing of New Patriotic Party (NPP), Ghana 239 Asana Abukad- Bimah 240 Emmanuel Kusi 241 Evans Owusu Baffour 242 Sumiyasuren Ayurzana Commentator Manager, Olon Gol Tours LLC

73 No Name Paper Title Affiliation OYUNCHIMEG Tugjjav SUKHBAT Enhtaivan Commentator 245 Kolawole Abdul Commentator 246 Mubarak Yusif Commentator 247 Akwasi Darko Commentator 248 Kwaku Nkansah Commentator KWAKU ACHEAMPOG ABABIO Abraham Nimako Yaw Owusu Amponsan School of Ecology and Technology Department of Ecology and eco-tourism of Mongolian State University of Agriculture Founder & Project Manager Youth For Better Tomorrow Tour Assitant, Suyani Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana Marketing Officer, Kumasi, Ashanti Field Officer, Sunyani Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana Commentator Tour Guide, Ghana Commentator Technician,Ghana Commentator 252 Salifu Haruna Commentator 253 PAUL MENSAH Commentator Field Worker, Sunyani Bring Ahafo Region, Ghana Secretary, African Origin Travel and Tour, Suyani, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Youth Co-ordinator, Explore Consult, Ghana 254 Stephan Amoako Commentator Consuliani, Suyani, Brong Ahafo, Ghana 255 MOHAMMED MUFTAWU Commentator Senior Consultant, African Otigin Travel and Tour, Ghana 256 JACKSON KOFI ASARE Commentator Tour Operator, Explore Consult 257 GYIMAH BOATENG Commentator Tour Guide, Ghana Travel and Tour, Ghana

74 No Name Paper Title Affiliation PUAL ABROKWAH ALHASSAN ALHASSAN Commentator Commentator 260 Ashraf Aljahdali Commentator Dugersuren Tumenbayar Nyamravdan Batsuuri Ganzul Ganbaatar Bolormaa Sharmaidai Muhammad Usman Ghani Commentator Commentator Commentator 266 Taniya shah Commentator 267 MUGAMBE MARK EDWARD Commentator 268 Kalyan Chakma Commentator Consultani, Explore Consult, Ghana Journalism Student, School of Professional Study, ACCRA-Central, Ghana Student from Saudi Arabia Vice president of MOUF, Mongolian Orgil Ue Federation, Mongolia Researcher student, Mongolian Orgil Ue Federation, Mongolia Tourist Coordinator, Mon- Tour LLC / Canadian fully invested Marketing Manager, Mon- Tour LLC / Canadian fully invested Lawyer / Chairman SURVIVE WELFARE ORGANIZATION Anthrpology from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan Uganda student of Mahachulalongkorraja vidyalaya University, Bangkok alhassan6th_03_1982@yaho conferenceinternational@yah mohsinnadeem_1982@yaho 269 anansah edem Commentator 270 Bay-Jay Lozano Commentator 271 STEPHEN HOWARD Commentator I701-D Dimasalaing Sampaloc Manila, Philipin FAMILY TREE ENTERTAINMENT ACCRA GHANA, WEST AFRICA

75 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 272 Piriye Jonathan Commentator 273 GEORGE BADU Commentator 274 Deen Samson Commentator ES RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE Chief Executive Officer African Origin Travels m 275 Mark Mugs Commentator 276 Taiwo adeleye Commentator 276 Keunsoo, Park 277 Youngjae, Seo 278 Lim, Sang-gyu The Impact of Tourism Souvenirs on the Regional Brand Image Chairman, Organizing Committee 279 Han Young-joo Moderator 280 Song, Suk-gu Moderator 281 Jung, Jae-rak Moderator 281 Yoo, Young-jae Moderator 282 Kim,Gwang-ge un Moderator 283 Boo, Koo-wool Opening address 284 Hur, Nam-sik Opening address Professor, Department of Tourism & Event Management, PaiChai University Graduate Student, Department of Tourism Management, PaiChai University Dept.of Hotel Management, Youngsan University, Korea Dept.of Hotel management, Youngsan University, Korea Dept. of Air and Travel, Youngsan University, Korea Dept. of Convention and Event management, Youngsan University, korea Dept. of Tourism Management, Shilla University, Korea Dept. of Tourism Management, Daegu university, Korea President, Youngsan university, Korea Mayor, Busan metropolitan Coty

76 No Name Paper Title Affiliation 285 Bae, Duk-kwang Keynote Speech 286 Kim, Jong-min Keynote Speech 287 Wang, Kunxin Welcoming Address Mayor, haeundae-gu, Busan, Korea Minister, Ministery of Culture and Tiourism, Korea President, Tourism College of Zhejiang, China

77 5. 각국 협정서

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