계가조금증가한것을경험하였습니다. 수많은다른과학적인연구가망고스틴과 XANGO 주스에대해진행되었고또진행되고있습니다. 실제로세계적으로명성이나있는 Mayo Clinic 에서는수년간독립적으로망고스틴에서얻을수있는장기간이익을측정하는연구를 XANGO 주스를통해하고있습니다. Scien

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1 PRODUCT PROFILE: XANGO JUICE XANGO 창립자는세계최초로세계적인 망고스틴을제품화시켜 XANGO 주스를 출시하였습니다. 웰빙산업에새로운기준을세운 XANGO 가새로운부류를창조한 획기적인제품과기록적인회사를탄생시켰고이것은망고스틴파워아래세워졌습 니다. 아시아에서는수백년동안정통적인국소도포부터의약용차준비물로망고스틴을사용하였습니다. 그효력이강력해서망고스틴에대해경의를표하며적합하게과일의여왕이라명칭하였고현대과학자들은가르시니아망고스타나라고도참조합니다. XANGO 주스는망고스틴과일의파워를이용하여탑재되어진특유의크산톤과식물성생리활성물질을최대한맛있고쉽게흡수되도록포장했습니다. 지금수많은사람들이세계적으로 XANGO 주스가제공하는넘치는이익을즐거워하고있습니다. 타협할수없는질과깊이있는과학과선풍적인맛그리고권위적인브랜드의존재 가 XANGO 주스를유일한망고스틴영양소라는결과를만들었습니다. 그리고앞으 로도거의수십년동안 XANGO 는이분야에서윤곽을분명히나타낼것입니다. 망고스틴의놀라운전체과일특징을이용한 XANGO 주스는생물학적으로활성적인복합체와식물성생리활성을 - 크산톤, 카테킨, 플라보노이드그리고프로안토시아니틴을포함 - 제공함으로호흡기관, 면역력, 장내기관그리고관절건강들을보조해줍니다. 심혈관건강보조 연골과관절기능보조 장내기관건강유지 활성적인건강한계절별호흡기관 활성적인건강한신지대사 면연력보조 유해산소무효화 과학의깊이 8 주간의임상실험을통해 XANGO 주스가 CPR, 심혈관건강지표, 단계를감소하 는능력이있다는것을입증하였고반면에위약으로실험에참가한그룹은 CPR 단

2 계가조금증가한것을경험하였습니다. 수많은다른과학적인연구가망고스틴과 XANGO 주스에대해진행되었고또진행되고있습니다. 실제로세계적으로명성이나있는 Mayo Clinic 에서는수년간독립적으로망고스틴에서얻을수있는장기간이익을측정하는연구를 XANGO 주스를통해하고있습니다. Science 과학 Xanthones are beneficial organic compounds found naturally in certain plants and fruit. The antioxidant properties of the xanthone work in tandem with other vitamins and minerals found within the mangosteen fruit, including Catechins, Stilbene, Polysaccharides and Quinones. The detoxifying blend used on a daily basis contributes to healthy function of the body s immune, intestinal and respiratory systems among others. 크산톤은특정한식물이나과일에서자연적으로발견되어지는유익한유기농합성체입니다. 크산톤에서발 견되어지는항산화제물질은망고스틴과일에서발견되는카테긴, 스틸벤, 다당류그리고퀴논을포함한다 른비타민들과그리고미네랄들과함께 2 인용자전거처럼같이일을합니다. 해독작용을하는혼합물을매 일사용하는것은몸의면연력, 장내기관그리고호흡기관들이다른것들과함께건강하게기능을할수 있도록기여합니다. At XANGO we want to help people feel better, be healthier, and live longer. Our industry leading products provide the vehicle for this vision to be fulfilled. Partnering with world-renowned researchers and scientists, XANGO products are the perfect convergence of traditional-use, natural botanicals, and modern science and technology. Using the most current research, we develop breakthrough products with new and innovative formulas. Our products are not only unique, but they deliver wellness results you can feel, measure, and want to tell your friends about. XANGO 에서저희는사람들을기분좋고, 건강하게그리고장수할수있도록도와주고싶습니다. 저희의 산업을이끄는제품은이비전이성취될수있는수단을제공하였습니다. 세계적으로유명한연구원들과그 리고과학자들과함께파트너쉽을한 XANGO 제품은정통적인사용법과자연적인식물학그리고현대과 학과기술의완벽한집합점입니다. 현재의가장최신연구를통해저희는새롭고혁신적인제조법을눈부시 게발견을했습니다. 저희제품은특출할뿐아니라주변지인들에게도소개하고싶은만큼건강해지는것을 느끼고판달할수있는결과를가져다줍니다. The premium standard of XANGO s wellness products is guaranteed. We re committed to excellence, integrity, and credibility as our XANGO science philosophy stems from a rigorous 3-leg approach to research: XANGO 의프리미엄기준의 건강제품들은품질보장됩니다. 저희는뛰어남과진실성그리고신뢰성에 헌신적으로임하면서저희 XANGO 과학의철학줄기가철저하게 3 가지연구에전념합니다 : 1)XANGO s first priority is always human safety. Our products undergo extensive testing with a zero-risk approach to ensure that we commit no harm to our bodies and our health. 1) XANGO 가첫째로우선시하는것은사람의안전입니다. 저희제품은광범위한실험경험을절대적안 정성을추구하며반드시저희가저희몸이나건강에해를끼치지않도록전념하는것입니다.

3 XANGO commits to develop products based on quality, long-term research validated through thirdparty, peer-reviewed and published studies. Basing our products on quality research means that our products do what we claim they do. We take pride in our positive reputation in the industry and as a company that can be trusted. 2) XANGO 는제품의우수성과제 3 자로부터입증된장기간연구와공동심의과정그리고공개발표된연구바탕으로개발하도록전념하고있습니다. 우수한질의연구를바탕으로한다고하는것은저희제품이저희가주장하는대로한다는것입니다. 저희는이산업에서긍정적인평판과믿을수있는기업이라는것에대해자부심을갖고있습니다. 3) XANGO uses valid testing methods on every production batch to ensure consistent levels and potency of the same ingredients and the same activities. No variance means quality, predictable results every time with a formula that is tried and proven. 3) XANGO 는일관성있는단계와동일한재료와동일한활동을보장하기위해생산하는모든것에근거 있는실험방법을사용하고있습니다. 할수있고입증할수있다는것입니다. 변동사항이없다는것은우수성을뜻합니다. 언제든지결과를예측 Originating in Southeast Asia, the whole mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana) has been revered for centuries for both its distinct flavor as well as its health promoting properties. Historically, the mangosteen was ingested or applied topically. This was commonly done by either grinding the rind down and applying it directly to the skin or steeping it in water and drinking the resulting mangosteen tea. The whole mangosteen fruit especially the pericarp or rind has been used traditionally to treat a variety of health conditions. 동남아시아를비롯해, 망고스틴의전체과일 ( 가르시아나망고스타나 ) 은세기동안그빼어난풍미와건강 촉진성질로써숭배되어왔습니다. 역사적으로망고스틴은염증이나상처치료약으로서먹거나피부에발랐 습니다. 보편적으로껍질을빻아서피부에직접바르거나아니면물에담가서마시는것이망고스틴차를 탄생시켰습니다. 용되었습니다. 전통적으로망고스틴의전체과실, 특히과피나껍질은다양한건강상태치료법으로사 Modern science is only now beginning to understand and explain why the rind of the mangosteen fruit has been so revered for centuries. In the late 1800 s, studies were conducted comparing the whole fruit to single compound extracts taken from the rind. Caius and Mhaskar reported that consumption of the whole fruit was more effective in supporting intestinal health than consumption of chemical extracts from the same rind. 현대과학은지금막왜망고스틴과실이전세기동안칭송되어졌는지이해하고설명하기시작했습니다 년말에는전체과실부터단하나의복합체의비교분석을위해추출물을껍질에서빼서실행하였습 니다. 카이우스와마스카는전체과실을소비하는것이같은껍질에서추출한화확물질을소비하는것보 다장내기관건강을지원하는데더큰영향을미친다고보고했습니다. As the mangosteen grew in popularity worldwide, hundreds of studies were conducted to help understand all of the health benefits the fruit possesses. Ongoing research continues to find valuable properties of the mangosteen, and several active phytonutrients have already been identified in the fruit. 세계적으로망고스틴의인기가커짐으로수백만의연구가전체과실이소유한모든건강이득를이해하려 고진행되어지고있습니다. 현재진행중인연구는망고스틴에있는귀중한물질을계속발견하려고하며 이미활성중인여러개의생리활성물질을열매에서찾았습니다.

4 While researchers are still working to demonstrate how these compounds work together synergistically, the phytonutrients found in the whole fruit are among the most studied, touted and beneficial in existence today. Among the many health benefits that the mangosteen possesses, the whole fruit has shown to have powerful antioxidant. Existing mangosteen research has been validated with thousands upon thousands of individual accounts throughout the world. 연구원들은계속적으로, 대부분전체과실에서발견되는식물성생리활성물질이연구되어지며, 어떻게합 성체들이함께상승효과를나타내는지현재존재하는장점과혜택을입증하기위해노력하고있습니다. 망 고스틴이소유한많은건강혜택중에전체과실이강력한항산화제를갖고있습니다. 지금존재하는망고 스틴의연구는수천만의개개인의보고서로입증되었습니다. What are phytonutrients? Phytonutrients also known as phytochemicals are natural, bioactive compounds found in plants. Fruits and vegetables rich in phytonutrients include the mangosteen, papaya, spinach, along with others. Over 900 different phytonutrients have been isolated and identified while many remain undiscovered. Phytonutrients overlap and complement one another, boasting complete benefits that include antioxidant effects and immune system support. In short, specific phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables work together with other nutrients to exert their health benefits. 식물성생리활성 (phytonutrients) 이란무엇인가? 식물성생리활성또는식물성화학물질이라고도알려져있으며자연적이고식물에서발견되는생물성복 합체입니다. 식물성생리활성이풍부한열매나채소로는망고스틴, 파파야, 시금치등과다른것들이함께 있습니다. 900 개가넘는다른식물성생리활성들이분리되고확인되는동안여전히많은식물성생리활성 들이발견되지못하고남아있습니다. 식물성생리활성은항산화효과와면역력기관을지원하며완전한 혜택을자랑하듯이다른물질과일치될수있고또한보완해줍니다. 짧게말해, 열매와채소에서발견되 는식물성생리활성들은다른영양소와함께건강의이득을이해분투합니다. Phytonutrients in XANGO Juice XANGO Juice is made from the whole mangosteen, ensuring that all of the impressive and healthful phytonutrients found in the fruit can be delivered to the body. Several active phytonutrients have already been identified in the fruit, including: XANGO 주스에있는식물성생리활성 XANGO 주스는전체적인망고스틴과실을가지고만들어지며망고스틴에서찾을수있는모든감명깊고 건강한식물성생리활성들이반드시몸으로전달될수있도록합니다. 이미여러종류의입증되어진활성 한식물성생리활성들은이것들을포함합니다 : Xanthones These powerful compounds demonstrate numerous and valuable health properties and are the most abundant phytonutrient in the mangosteen. In fact, 50 different xanthones from the mangosteen rind have been isolated and identified 크산톤 - 이것은강력한합성체로셀수없는귀중한건강물질을입증하였으며망고스틴의제일풍부한식 물성생리활성물질입니다. 실제로망고스틴껍질에서는 50 가지의다른종류의크산톤이분리되고확인되었 습니다. Catechins These compounds demonstrate antioxidant properties. The mangosteen rind has been shown to have the same level of catechins as found in green tea. 카테킨 - 이것은항산화제물질을입증하는합성체입니다. 망고스틴껍질에서발견되는카테킨이녹차에서 발견되는것과똑같은단계를가지고있다고보여주고있습니다.

5 Proanthocyanidins The same antioxidant benefit touted in grapeseed extract, proanthocyanidins are found in efficacious amounts in the whole mangosteen fruit 프로안토시아니딘 - 포도씨추출물에있는항산화제로써같은혜택을내세우며효과적인양의프로안토시 아니딘이전체적인망고스틴과실에서발견되어집니다. 화학적인분류 크산톤은제한된폴리페놀식물그룹에소속되어있습니다. 폴리페놀은화학성물질식물그룹으로써존재 하는한개이상의페놀그룹으로특성을나타냅니다. 폴리페놀은어떤한식물의색깔을나타내는의무가있 고잠재적인건강혜택으로강력한항산화제로여겨지고있습니다. 크산톤들은생합성적으로플라보노이드와관련있습니다. 식물성식품의영향있는이득은잘알려진영양소대신흔히플라보노이드합성체의결과물로보며항산화제를포함한폭넓은생물학영향을나타내고있습니다 개가넘는자연적으로발생하는플라보노이드는다양한식물에서특정되었습니다. 화학적으로말할때크산톤은고리체계에서활용되는평면 6 탄수분자로구성되어졌고백본분자들과함께다양한화학적그룹들이첨부되어이루어졌습니다. 백본은두개의벤잰고리들로카르보닐그룹과산소분자와다리형태로이루어져있습니다. 각고리는도화선형성으로자유로운탄수-탄수결합회전을허용하지않으며연결되어있습니다. 특별한백본종류와화학그룹의부착되어진위치가크산톤의특정한기능을규정합니다. 생물학적이용 망고스틴의크산톤이건강혜택으로작용하려면우선음식으로통해소화되어야하며장내기관에흡수되혈액으로이동되어져야합니다. 범러퍼트는망고스틴에서크산톤이사람의장내세포체외모델을통해흡수되고이동되어지는것을발견했습니다. 추가적으로어떠한사람들은건강한사람들의망고스틴소비가혈액의크산톤과항산화제수치를증가하게하는것을발견했고망고스틴에서발견되는크산톤은생물학적으로이용할수있다고추천하고있습니다. 크산톤의건강혜택 지금연구원들은망고스틴에서발견되어지는크산톤뒤에숨겨진 강력한생물학적물질을이제막알아 내기시작했습니다. 아래것들을포함한하지만제한이없는많은건강혜택이이미발견되었습니다 : 유해산소무효화 면역력보조 연골과관절기능보조 활성적인건강한계절별호흡기관 장내기관건강유지

6 망고스틴은수백년전에처음으로장내문제들과피부염증들을치료하는국소로사용되었습니다. 지금은 망고스틴과그요소들이소유한잠재적인건강혜택을입증할수있는광범위한과학적인문헌이존재하 고있습니다. Neutralizes free radicals 활성산소의중화 The whole mangosteen fruit contains powerful antioxidants compounds that inhibit oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen and peroxides. Antioxidants are known for their ability to protect the body from the deteriorating effects of free radicals. 망고스틴전체과실에는강력한항산화제가함유되어있으며이것은합성체로산소와과산화물로촉진된 산화작용또는반응을억제합니다. 항산화제들은활성산소로영향을받아악화되어지는몸을보호할수 있는능력을갖고있습니다. A constant in our food, air and environment, free radicals invade our bodies every day. Free radicals (or compounds that seek an electron in order to become atomically balanced) attack our cells, stealing electrons from any substance they come in contact with. By removing electrons from healthy compounds, free radicals inflict damage often known as oxidation. 거듭되는식습관과공기그리고환경이매일유해산소로부터침략당하게합니다. 유해산소또는원자력 으로균형잡히고전자원를찾아다니는합성체로써우리의세포를공격하며어떠한물질이든접촉만으로 전자원를강탈합니다. 건강한합성체에서전자원을제거하므로유해산소가손상을가하며이것은흔히산화 작용이라고알려져있습니다. The good news? Antioxidants, like the phytonutrients found in mangosteen, decrease free radical damage by donating the needed electrons and balancing the substance, reducing the harmful effects of free radicals. Supports a healthy immune system 좋은소식은? 항산화제가, 망고스틴에서발견되는식물성생리활성으로, 유해산소로인해얻는손상을전 자원이필료한곳에공급해주고물질의균형을잡아주며줄이고유해산소의해로운영향을감소시켜줍니 다. 건강한면역력을지원합니다. Part of staying healthy is keeping your immune system working properly. Research demonstrates that consumption of mangosteen supports a healthy immune system. Including XANGO Juice as a part of a healthy lifestyle can keep your immune system strong and keep you feeling your best. 건강을유지하는비결중의하나가면연력기관이제대로일을할수있게하는것입니다. 연구결과는망고 스틴의소비가건강한면역력을지원한다는것입니다. XANGO 주스를건강한생활방식에포함시켜당신 의강한면역력과당신의최고의기분을유지하세요.

7 XANGO Juice s Effect on CRP Levels XANGO 주스가심혈관 (CRP) 건강지표에끼치는영향 Study Overview A double-blind placebo-controlled human clinical to evaluate the ability of XANGO Juice to reduce CRP levels in overweight persons. 연구개요 XANGO 주스가과체중인사람들에게 CRP 을감소하는능력을평가하기위해위약으로통제하는이중맹 검휴먼임상을했습니다. CRP stands for C-reactive protein, which is one of the indicators of cardiovascular health. CRP 은 C- 반응의단백질의약자로심혈관건강을지표하는것입니다. Researchers Jay Udani, M.D., C.P.I., is the founder, CEO, and Medical Director of Medicus Research. Dr. Udani is a Boardcertified Internist who has served as the Chief Resident at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Udani also completed two fellowships in Health-Services Research and Integrative Medicine at Cedars- Sinai/UCLA. A double-blind placebo-controlled human clinical to evaluate the ability of XANGO Juice to reduce CRP levels in overweight persons. 연구원들 Jay Udani, M.D., C.P.I., 매디커스연구원의창립자, CEO., 그리고의학감독. Dr. Udani LA 에위치한 Cedars Sinai 병원에서수석레지던트를지낸면허가있는내과전문의입니다. 또한 Dr. Udani 는두개의펠로쉽을 Health Service 연구원과 Cedars Sinai 와 UCLA 에서통합의료를완료하셨습니다. XANGO 주스가과체중인사람들에게 CRP 을감소하는능력을평가하기위해위약으로통제하는이중맹 검휴먼임상을했습니다. CRP stands for C-reactive protein, which is one of the indicators of cardiovascular health. CRP 은 C- 반응의단백질의약자로심혈관건강을지표하는것입니다. Dr. Udani boasts an impressive resume and is a recipient of many prestigious awards: Named the 2008 Natural Products Association Clinician of the Year He is a Key Opinion Leader in the field of Integrative Medicine One of the first physicians to become a Certified Principal Investigator (CPI) through the APPI/ACRP Designed and performed over 60 clinical trials and published over 40 articles and textbook chapters Received the AMA National Achievement Award Completed the Harvard Medical School Pinkney Fellowship in Orthopaedic Research Voted Best Physician Specialist and Best Medical Speaker in Los Angeles by the Daily News Dr. Udani 는자신의인상적인이력을뽐내며많은명망있는상을다음과같이수령했습니다 : 2008 년에자연제품협회임상의로써이름을알렸습니다. 내과전문의의분야의핵심소견리더입니다. APPI/ACRP 을통해제일첫증명된총장수사관 (CPI)

8 60 개가넘는임상시험을디자인과실행하였으며 40 개가넘는기사와교과서들을출판하였습니다. 정형외과연구원에서 Havard 매디칼학교 Pinkney 펠로쉽을완료하였습니다. LA 에서일간신문에서최고의내과전문의와최고의의료연설가로선발되었습니다. Methods The study was an 8-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a 2-week washout period for subjects who were currently taking anti-inflammatory or antioxidant products. Participants received 6, 12, or 18 oz. of XANGO Juice or placebo juice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of multiple dosages of XANGO Juice compared with placebo in the improvement of CRP and antioxidant levels in obese patients with a confirmed history of inflammation. 방법론 연구는 8 주에걸친무작이로선정된이중맹검, 위약으로통제됐으며현재소염제나항산화제제품들을복 용하는사람들은 위약주스를받았습니다. 2 주간의씻어내는기간을거쳤습니다. 참여자들은 6, 12 또는 18 온스의 XANGO 주스나 연구의목적은다양한복용량의 XANGO 주스의효염성을 평가하기위함이였으며염증이있었던내력이 있는비만환자를대상으로 CRP 과항산화제단계향상에대해위약과비교분석했습니다. Results XANGO Juice was shown to reduce CRP levels and to improve weight and body fat in an overweight population. These results suggest that XANGO Juice may help maintain cardiovascular health.* XANGO Juice demonstrated an ability to reduce CRP levels at all 3 dosages while the placebo group actually experienced a small increase in CRP levels. CRP decreased in all 3 dosages vs. placebo over the 8 week study with the 9 oz. XANGO Juice group being statistically significant when compared to placebo. 결과 XANGO 주스가 CRP 단계를감소시키는것으로나타났으며비만인구의몸무게와 체지방이개선되어졌 습니다. 이와같은결과가 XANGO 주스가심혈관건강을유지하는데도움이될수있다고제안했습니다. XANGO 주스가 3개의복용량모두가 CRP 단계를감소시키는능력이있다는것을증명했으며그에반에위약그룹은 CRP 단계의작은증가를실제도경험했습니다. 8주동안 CRP 단계가위약과겨루어모든 3개의복용량의의해감소되었으며 9 온즈의 XANGO 주스를복용한그룹이위약그룹과비교해통계적으로뚜렷한차이가나타났습니다. XANGO 주스는제품은실험결과모든 복용량이안전하다고나타났습니다. 실 험과정에서기간동안 ( 임상, 실험실또는활력징후 ) 제품으로인한부작용은없었습니다.

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