The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Vol. 01 Mongolia 전통지식생물자원자료집제 1 편몽골 발행일 l 2015년 11월 30일엮은이 l Urgamal Magsar, 권오석, Bayar

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1 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia 몽골 Urgamal Magsar. Ohseok Kwon 엮음 Bayartogtokh Badamdorj, Kherlenchimeg Nyamsuren, Tuvshintogtokh Indree, Batkhuu Nyam-Osor, Munkh-Erdene Tovuudorj, Solongo Khadbaatar, Oyuntsetseg Batlai, Youngho Cho, Jae Hong Pak, Myeoung Cheol Kim, Seoungho Choi, Hyunjun Kang, Khureltsetseg Lkhagvadorj

2 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Vol. 01 Mongolia 전통지식생물자원자료집제 1 편몽골 발행일 l 2015년 11월 30일엮은이 l Urgamal Magsar, 권오석, Bayartogtokh Badamdorj, Kherlenchimeg Nyamsuren, Tuvshintogtokh Indree, Batkhuu Nyam-Osor, Munkh-Erdene Tovuudorj, Solongo Khadbaatar, Oyuntsetseg Batlai, 조영호, 박재홍, 김명철, 최승호, 강현준, Khureltsetseg Lkhagvadorj 번역. 감수 l 유민경, 구형근, 최윤영프로젝트기획. 관리 l 오경희, 강재신, 변혜우, 이재호디자인. 기획제작 l 서형출판사발행인 l 김상배발행기관 l 국립생물자원관연구기관 l 경북대학교산학협력단발행처주소 l 인천광역시서구환경로 42( 경서동종합환경연구단지 ) Tel 국립생물자원관 ISBN (93470) 발간등록번호 Date of Issue l , 2015 Editor l Urgamal Magsar, Ohseok Kwon, Bayartogtokh Badamdorj, Kherlenchimeg Nyamsuren, Tuvshintogtokh Indree, Batkhuu Nyam-Osor, Munkh-Erdene Tovuudorj, Solongo Khadbaatar, Oyuntsetseg Batlai, Youngho Cho, Jae Hong Pak, Myeoung Cheol Kim, Seoungho Choi, Hyunjun Kang, Khureltsetseg Lkhagvadorj Translation. Supervision l Min Kyoung You, Hyung-Keun Ku, Yoonyoung Choi Project Staff l Kyung-hee Oh, Jae-Shin Kang, Hye-Woo Byun, Jaeho Lee Design & Printing l Seo Hyeong Publishing eo, Jin-Han Kim Publisher Kim, Sang-Bae Publishing Agent Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Biological Resources Research Institute Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Kyungpook National University Address of Publishing Agent 42, Hwangyeong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon Tel National Institute of Biological Resources

3 Preface The quality of life of people has been dramatically improved thanks to rapid industrialization and economic growth. However, new and more complicated viruses and diseases have appeared, introducing new challenges to us day by day. People are dependant on biological resources when producing most of the medicines. Wisdom of our ancestors are very critical when it comes to discovering biological resources to respond to diseases. This is why continuous efforts have been made around the globe to discover and study traditional knowledge. In this context, I believe it is very timely and meaningful for the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) and Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) to publish The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Ⅰ Mongolia. I would like to extend my gratitude to the staff and experts of the MAS and Institute of General and Experimental Biology (IGEB) for exerting their utmost efforts to publish this handbook in a short time. Mongolia is a country of spacious land and glorious history. The nomads of Mongolia have accumulated their own unique folk medicines by utilizing biological resources they can find from nature as they moved around the country. The wisdom of the nomads which enabled them to withstand and survive the poor environment has been handed down orally from one generation to the next. The folk medicines are still widely used in the country. However, the traditional knowledge and folk medicine have not been systematically documented as they are passed down based on oral tradition. Without documentation, it is highly likely that we can lose the knowledge and experiences of the Mongolian ancestors due to the uncertainty of the oral tradition. Addressing this uncertainty is the very reason that the NIBR and MAS published this handbook. The handbook includes information on traditional knowledge of 300 species of Mongolian biological resources. I believe the pictures, species information and relevant traditional knowledge and patent information will be used effectively. Taking this publication as an opportunity, I expect biodiversity and utility research of both countries to gain momentum. Also, based on our joint research, I hope research on commercialization of the useful resources can be accelerated, laying the foundation for further economic development and contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of humans. In conclusion, I would like to once again express my deep appreciation to the staff and experts of the NIBR, MAS and IGEB for working hard to publish this handbook. Thank you Sang-bae Kim President National Institute of Biological Resources

4 발간사 산업화와경제발전을통해서인류의삶의질은급격하게향상되었지만, 새로운바이러스와질병의등장으로인해인류는끊임없이새로운도전에직면하고있습니다. 인류는대부분의의약품을생물자원에의존하고있습니다. 질병에대응할수있는생물자원을발굴하는데우리선조들의전통지식은매우중요합니다. 그렇기때문에최근전세계적으로전통지식을발굴하고연구하기위한움직임이계속되고있습니다. 이런시점에국립생물자원관과몽골과학아카데미가공동으로몽골의전통지식생물자원자료집을발간하게된것은아주시의적절하고뜻깊은일이라고생각합니다. 짧은기간에이런훌륭한자료집이나올수있도록성심성의껏노력해주신몽골과학아카데미와일반실험생물학연구소 (Institute of General and Experimental Biology) 에감사의말을전합니다. 몽골은광활한대지와찬란한역사를지닌나라입니다. 몽골의유목민들은예로부터척박한환경에서살아남기위해이동을하며주변자연환경에서얻은생물자원을이용해자신들만의독특한민간요법을축적해왔습니다. 척박한환경에서도살아남을수있게해준몽골인들의지혜는구전되어내려왔고이런민간요법은몽골에서여전히널리활용되고있습니다. 하지만구전이라는특성상이런민간요법과전통지식은체계적으로정리되어있지않습니다. 이런전통지식과민간요법을문서화하지않는다면구전이라는불확실성에의해우리는조상들의소중한경험과지혜를잃게될수도있습니다. 그렇기때문에국립생물자원관은몽골과학아카데미와함께이번자료집을발간하게된것입니다. 이번자료집은몽골의전통생물자원 300종에대한정보를담고있습니다. 자료집에서다루고있는사진, 종에대한설명그리고관련전통지식및특허정보는유용하게사용될것이라고생각합니다. 이번자료집의발간을통해한국과몽골간생물다양성연구와유용자원연구가더욱활성화되길기대합니다. 또한몽골의생물자원연구결과가양국의경제발전과인류삶의질향상으로도이어지길바랍니다. 다시한번이번자료집을발간하기위해애써주신한국과몽골의많은연구진들께감사드립니다 국립생물자원관장김상배

5 Preface According to Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute of Biological Resources, the Ministry of Environment, the Republic of Korea and Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia on cooperation concerning biological resources and information, and Nagoya protocol on Conservation on Biological Diversity, are making joint study of biological resources of Mongolia. Mongolian and Korean researchers were organized field research on biological resource in Mongolia in summer 2015, and were presented this book like results of their joint study. This book included description, distribution, habitat, parts used, traditional usage, reference and photos of 250 species of vascular plants, 30 species of mushrooms, 20 species of insects. I don t doubt that this book will be insert mite in the knowledge of biological resources. Mongolian and Korean joint study on biological resources will be play role in getting knowledge for sustainable utilization biological resources of Mongolia in the future Adiya Yansanjav Director, Doctor (Sc.D) Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences

6 ӨМНӨХ ҮГ Монголын Шинжлэх ухааны Академи ба Бүгд Найрамдах Солонгос улсын Байгаль орчны Яамны Биологийн нөөцийн үндэсний хүрээлэнгийн хооронд 2015 оны 6 дугаар сарын 19-ны өдөр байгуулсан Биологийн нөөц ба мэдээлэл талаар хамтран ажиллах санамж бичиг болон биологийн төрөл зүйлийг хамгаалах Нагоягийн протоколын дагуу Монголын биологийн нөөц -ийн судалгаа явуулж байна. Энэхүү судалгааны хүрээнд 2015 онд Монгол орны нутаг дэвсгэрт монгол, солонгосын судлаачид хээрийн хамтарсан судалгаа явуулж, судалгааныхаа материалыг боловсруулсны дүнд та бүхэнд энэхүү номыг өргөн барьж байна. Энэхүү номонд Монгол орны 250 зүйлийн гуурст дээд ургамал, 30 зүйлийн мөөг, 20 зүйлийн шавьжны бичиглэл, тархалт, ургах болон амьдрах орчин, ашиглагдах хэсэг, уламжлалт хэрэглээний мэдээллүүд болон зургуудыг багтаасан болно. Монгол орны биологийн нөөц, түүний нарийвчилсан судалгааг солонгосын судлаачидтай хамтран явуулснаараа энэ талаарх мэдлэг, мэдээллийг зузаатгах, дэвшилтэт техник технологи ашиглан ашигт чанарыг тодотгох зэрэг давуу талтай юм. Монгол улс биологийн нөөцөө зүй зохистой, тогтвортой, урт хугацаанд ашиглахад энэхүү ном болон бидний хамтын ажиллагаа зохих тус нэмрээ оруулна гэдэгт эргэлзэхгүй байна Adiya Yansanjav Director, Doctor (Sc.D) Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences

7 Introduction Global community is setting up the international order on the biological resources in 21th century. Nagoya Protocol is such international regime, which is enacted at CBD COP 12 in Korea in National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) has been supporting the research on the overseas biological resources, and this book is the result of the research activity. Mongolia is situated in North-West region from Korean peninsula, and ranked at 19th in land size in the world. It has 7 distinctive bio-regions of ecological environment having diverse vegetations, and is known to have numerous medicinal plants inhabiting because of extreme daily temperature differences in summer. In this book, the informations on 300 species of biological resources were gathered and presented, which is traditionally used in Mongolia. It is hoped that the bilateral cooperation on research, development and further industrialization on these biological resources would be progressed due to the information on this book Ohseok Kwon Professor, Doctor(Ph.D) Kyungpook National University

8 머리말 전세계는 21세기에들어서서생물자원에대한국제질서를수립하고있다. 2014년대한민국에서개최된제 12차생물다양성협약당사국회의 (CBD COP12) 에서발효된나고야의정서는이를명문화한국제규범이다. 국립생물자원관에서는이에부응하여수년전부터해외생물자원의발굴연구를수행하고있으며, 본자료집은연구수행의결과물이다. 몽골은지리적으로한반도의북서쪽에위치하고있으며세계 19위의국토면적을자랑하고있다. 7개생물권역으로뚜렷하게구분되는생태환경을갖고있어다양한식물종이분포하고있으며, 특히여름에는일교차가심한관계로다양한약용식물이자생하는것으로알려져있다. 이번자료집에서는이러한몽골에서전통적으로활용되어온생물자원 300여종에대한정보를수록하였다. 향후이러한몽골생물자원에대한정보를바탕으로양국간의생물자원공동연구및개발, 그리고더나아가산업화에이르기까지본자료집이많은도움이되길바란다 경북대학교교수권오석

9 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Contents 목차 발간사 Preface 003 머리말 Introduction 008 목차 Contents 011 식물 Plants 013 버섯 Mushrooms 519 곤충 Insects 583 참고문헌 References 627 < 부록 > 특허정보 633

10 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia 몽골 Plants 1

11 1 Plants Contents 001 Achillea asiatica Aconitum barbatum Aconitum turczaninowii Actaea cimicifuga Aegopodium alpestre Allium polyrhizum Allium prostratum Allium splendens Alnus viridis subsp. fruticosa Alyssum canescens Androsace maxima Anemone crinita Anemone sibirica Aquilegia sibirica Arctous alpine Arenaria formosa Artemisia adamsii Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia frigida Artemisia glauca Artemisia intricata Artemisia mongolica Artemisia rutifolia Asparagus dauricus Aster alpinus Aster altaicus Astragalus adsurgens Astragalus alpinus Astragalus austrosibiricus Astragalus melilotoides Astragalus mongolicus Atragene sibirica Atriplex fera Bassia dasyphylla Batrachium trichophyllum Berberis sibirica Betula platyphylla Bupleurum bicaule Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Calamagrostis macrolepis Calligonum mongolicum Campanula glomerata Campanula turczaninovii Capsella bursa-pastoris Caragana microphylla Carex rupestris Cerastium arvense Cerastium cerastoides Cerastium pauciflorum Chamerion angustifolium Chelidonium majus Chenopodium acuminatum Chenopodium album Chenopodium aristatum Chesneya mongolica Chrysanthemum zawadskii Chrysosplenium sedakowii Clematis alpina var. sibirica Coluria geoides Comarum salesovianum Convolvulus ammanii Convolvulus gortschakovii Corydalis impatiens Corydalis sibirica Cotoneaster melanocarpus Cotoneaster mongolicus Crepidifolium akagii Crepis bungei Crepis crocea Crepis flexuosa Crepis praemorsa Cypripedium guttatum Delphinium elatum Delphinium grandiflorum Delphinium inconspicuum Dianthus superbus Dianthus versicolor Dontostemon integrifolius Dracocephalum grandiflorum Dracocephalum ruyschiana 176

12 081 Echinops latifolius Elymus confusus Elymus repens Ephedra equisetina Ephedra sinica Equisetum fluviatile Equisetum palustre Equisetum pretense Eremogone capillaris Eriophorum polystachyon Euphorbia discolor Filifolium sibiricum Filipendula palmata Fragaria orientalis Galium boreale Galium verum Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta Gentiana decumbens Geranium pratense Geranium pseudosibiricum Geranium transbaicalicum Geranium wlassovianum Glycyrrhiza uralensis Halenia corniculata Halerpestes salsuginosa Halerpestes sarmentosa Halimodendron halodendron Haloxylon ammodendron Haplophyllum dauricum Hedysarum neglectum Hedysarum pumilum Heracleum dissectum Hieracium umbellatum Hyoscyamus niger Inula britannica Iris ruthenica Iris sanguinea Ixeridium gramineum Juniperus sabina Kalidium gracile Koeleria macrantha Lactuca sibirica Lagopsis eriostachya Lamium album Ledum palustre Leontopodium leontopodioides Leontopodium ochroleucum Leonurus sibiricus Libanotis condensata Ligularia sibirica Lilium martagon Lilium pumilum Limonium aureum Limonium bicolor Linaria buriatica Linum baicalense Maianthemum bifolium Medicago ruthenica Mertensia davurica Myosotis caespitosa Odontites vulgaris Orostachys malacophylla Orostachys spinosa Oxytropis aciphylla Oxytropis glandulosa Oxytropis oxyphylla Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa Oxytropis tragacanthoides Oxytropis trichophysa Paeonia anomala Papaver nudicaule Parasenecio hastatus Paris quadrifolia Parnassia palustris Pedicularis flava Pedicularis rubens Pedicularis tristis Peganum nigellastrum Phlomis tuberosa Plantago cornuti Plantago depressa Plantago major Plantago salsa Pleurospermum uralense Polemonium chinense Polygala sibirica 348

13 167 Polygonatum odoratum Polygonum angustifolium Polygonum aviculare Polygonum divaricatum Polygonum sibiricum Polygonum viviparum Polypogon monspeliensis Potamogeton heterophyllus Potamogeton perfoliatus Potentilla acaulis Potentilla anserina Potentilla bifurca Potentilla conferta Potentilla fruticosa Potentilla leucophylla Potentilla longifolia Potentilla tanacetifolia Psathyrostachys fragilis Pseudolysimachion dahuricum Pulsatilla ambigua Pulsatilla bungeana Pulsatilla patens subsp. flavescens Pyrola asarifolia subsp. incarnata Pyrola dahurica Pyrola rotundifolia Ranunculus acris Ranunculus borealis Ranunculus japonicus Ranunculus pedatifidus Rhaponticum uniflorum Rheum compactum Rheum undulatum Rhodiola quadrifida Ribes nigrum Ribes rubrum Rosa acicularis Rubia cordifolia Rubus saxatilis Salix bebbiana Salix glauca Salsola collina Sambucus manshurica Sanguisorba officinalis Saussurea amara Saxifraga sibirica Schizonepeta multifida Scorzonera pseudodivaricata Sedum aizoon Senecio nemoralis Senecio nemorensis Senecio vulgaris Serratula centauroides Silene jenisseensis Silene repens Silene uralensis subsp. uralensis Sphallerocarpus gracilis Spiraea hypericifolia Spiraea media Stellaria dichotoma Stellera chamaejasme Taraxacum lambinonii Thalictrum foetidum Thalictrum minus Thalictrum simplex Thermopsis dahurica Thermopsis lanceolata Thymus baicalensis Thymus dahuricus Tragopogon trachycarpus Tribulus terrestris Trientalis europaea Triglochin palustris Trollius asiaticus Urtica angustifolia Vaccinium vitis-idaea Valeriana officinalis Veronica ciliata Veronica incana Vincetoxicum sibiricum Viola biflora Viola uniflora Waldheimia tradactylites Zygophyllum potaninii Zygophyllum xanthoxylon 516

14 002 Aconitum barbatum (Ranunculaceae) Description A perennial herb that grows to cm in height. It is covered with downy directed hairs. The leaves are rounded and kidney-shaped. Habitat In meadow and forest of steppe, birch forest and its skirts, and slope of mountain Distribution Khovsgol, Khentii, Khangai, Mongolian Daurian, Khovd, Mongolian Altai, Middle Khalkha, Great Lakes Depression, Valley of Lakes, and Gobi Altai Traditional uses In Mongolian medicine the flowers, leaves and root are used. The Flowers and leaves are used for influenza, cold, enteropathy (enterodynia), gastropathy, mucosanguineus diarrheas, erysipelas, and furuncle, lymphadenitis including lymphadenoid goiter, bacterial colic, sudden pains, neck contraction, diphtheria, anthrax, gout, rheumatism, lumbago, melosalgia, serous liquor, stasis, paresis, and infected wounds. Parts used Whole plant References: Ligaa et al. 2009, Urgamal et al Plants

15 002 Aconitum barbatum ( 미나리아재비과 ) 특징다년생초본식물로 cm 까지자란다. 잎의표면에직립의작은털이솜털형태로뭉쳐산재해있는특징이있다. 잎은전체적으로둥근신장형이다. 서식지 스텝내숲과초지, 자작나무숲과주변부, 산비탈 분포홉스골, 헨티, 항가이, 다우리안대초원, 홉드, 몽골알타이, 할하중부, 동몽골, 몽골대호수분지, 노로딩훈디, 고비알타이 전통민간요법몽골에서는꽃, 잎, 뿌리가약재로사용된다. 꽃과잎은독감, 감기, 장질환 ( 장통 ), 위질환, 점액혈액성설사, 단독, 종기, 림프종성갑상선종을포함한임파선염, 세균성복통, 갑작스러운통증, 목수축증, 디프테리아, 탄저병, 통풍, 류머티즘, 요통, 하지통, 장액성질병, 울혈성질병, 마비및감염된상처등에활용되고있다. 사용부위 전초 21

16 244 Veronica incana (Scrophulariaceae) Description A perennial plant that grows to 10-20cm in height. The ascending stems are erect, with shortened fruitless runners. Habitat In slope of mountain, steppe meadow, dry larch and pine forests and their margins of steppe, and sometimes on rocks Distribution Khovsgol, Khentii, Khangai, Mongolian Daurian, Foothills of Great Khingan, Khovd, Mongolian Altai, Middle Khalkha, East Mongolia, Great Lakes Depression, Valley of Lakes, and Gobi Altai Traditional uses The fresh herb is externally employed in Mongolian medicine as an angioedema and styptic in the treatment of furuncles, and carbuncles. It is also used to treat inflammations of stomach, bowels, kidney, gout and coughs. Parts used Whole plant References: Ligaa et al. 2009, Urgamal et al Plants

17 244 Veronica incana ( 현삼과 ) 특징다년생식물로 10-20cm까지자란다. 줄기는직립으로위를향해자라고영양줄기는짧아져있다. 서식지 스텝의경사지, 목초지, 잎갈나무숲과소나무숲의주변부, 암석지대 분포홉스골, 헨티, 항가이, 다우리안대초원, 다싱안링산맥기슭, 홉드, 몽골알타이, 할하중부, 동몽골, 몽골대호수분지, 노로딩훈디, 고비알타이 전통민간요법몽골전통의학에서는생약초를종기및화농성염증치료에대한부종치료제및지혈제로서외용으로사용된다. 또한, 위염, 장염, 신장염, 통풍, 감기증상의염증을치료하기위해서도사용된다. 사용부위 전초 505

18 249 Zygophyllum potaninii (Zygophyllaceae) Description A perennial herb that grows to 10-25cm in height. Stems are thick, erect or spreading, basally much branched. Habitat In semidesert and desert Distribution Distributed only in Gobi region Traditional uses For medicinal Part used Whole plant and leaf References: Flora of China, Ligaa et al. 2009, Urgamal et al Plants

19 249 Zygophyllum potaninii ( 남가새과 ) 특징다년생초본식물로 10-25cm까지자란다. 줄기는굵으며직립하거나퍼져자라며, 기부에서많은가지를낸다. 서식지 반사막, 사막 분포고비지역에만분포함 전통민간요법약용 사용부위 전초, 잎 515

20 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia 몽골 Mushrooms 2

21 2 Mushrooms Contents 001 Agaricus arvensis Agaricus campestris Amanita muscaria Calbovista subsculpta Clitocybe gibba Coltricia perennis Cortinarius torvus Cystodermella cinnabarina Fomes fomentarius Gomphidius glutinosus Grifola frondosa Gymnopilus aeruginosus Lactarius torminosus Laetiporus sulphureus Leccinum aurantiacum Leccinum scabrum Macrolepiota excoriata Marasmius oreades Neolentinus lepideus Panaeolus semiovatus Panus neostrigosus Pleurotus ostreatus Protostropharia semiglobata Russula cyanoxantha Russula emetica Spathularia flavida Suillus cavipes Suillus grevillei Suillus viscidus Trichaptum biforme 580

22 001 Agaricus arvensis (Agaricaceae) Description Cap It is 5-15cm across when young hemispheric cap becomes domed and sometimesthe cap has small pit in center and white or ochre-brown sticky exoperidium, downy, curved down flab (margin) as it matures. The dingy pink young lamella turns into brown colored with whitish margins as it matures. Flesh It is white, but rust-colored ochre-yellow when is sected or broken.. Habitat In slope of mountain and hill of steppe Distribution Khovsgol, Khentii, Khangai, Mongolian Daurian, and Middle Khalkha Traditional uses The campestrin isolated from the cap showed antibacterial activity, leading to higher inhibition against Staph. aureus, Sal. paratyphi and Sal. typhimurium. When campestrin was administered to patients suffering from typhus, a positive effect was noted. The cap possesses disinfectant action. Parts used Fruit body References: Uranchimeg 2004, Ligaa et al. 2009, Kherlenchimeg et al Mushroom

23 001 Agaricus arvensis ( 주름버섯과 ) 특징갓- 가로 5-15cm 이고, 생육초기의갓은반구형이지만성숙하면서반원반자형이되며, 때때로갓중앙에작은홈들이나있고, 표피는백색이거나황토색-갈색이며끈적이는형태로부드러운솜털이나있다. 성숙하면서가장자리가아래로구부러진형태가된다. 생육초기의주름살은칙칙한분홍색이었다가성숙하면서갈색으로변하며가장자리는백색을띤다. 살- 백색이며, 부러지거나잘리면강한황토색-황색으로변한다. 서식지 스텝내산과언덕의경사지 분포홉스골, 헨티, 항가이, 다우리안대초원, 할하중부 전통민간요법갓에들어있는캄페스트린성분은항균효능을가지고있어서포도상구균, 파라티푸스균, 쥐티푸스균의성장을억제한다. 캄페스트린을발진티푸스환자에게투여했을때좋은효능을나타냈다. 갓은소독제의효능도가지고있다. 사용부위 자실체 523

24 021 Panus neostrigosus (Polyporaceae) Description Cap It is 2-10cm across, convex with a tightly inrolled margin at first, becoming depressed or vase-shaped with an even margin. Flesh It is whitish and tough Habitat In coniferous and deciduous forest Distribution Khovsgol, Khentii, Khangai, and Mongolian Daurian Traditional uses Recently undergoing clinical trials. Parts used Fruit body References: Kherlenchimeg and Burenbaatar Mushroom

25 021 Panus neostrigosus ( 구멍장이버섯과 ) 특징갓- 가로 2-10cm이고, 둥근산형으로생육초기에는가장자리가단단히안으로말려있는들어간형태이지만성숙하면서함몰되거나꽃병모양이되며매끈한가장자리를가진다. 살- 백색으로거칠다. 서식지 침엽수림및낙엽수림 분포홉스골, 헨티, 항가이, 다우리안대초원 전통민간요법최근임상시험중 사용부위 자실체 563

26 029 Suillus viscidus (Suillaceae) Description Cap It is 4-10cm across, hemispherical when young. Flesh It is white when young later dingy white, more rarely turning faintly bluish. Habitat In larch forest Distribution Khovsgol, Khentii, Khangai, Mongolian Daurian, and Foothills of Great Khingan Traditional uses For food Parts used Fruit References: Uranchimeg 2004, Kherlenchimeg Mushroom

27 029 Suillus viscidus ( 비단그물버섯과 ) 특징갓-가로 4-10cm으로, 생육초기에는반구형이다. 살- 생육초기에는백색이지만성숙하면서칙칙한백색으로변하며드물게옅은대청색으로변하는경우도있다. 서식지 잎갈나무숲 분포홉스골, 헨티, 항가이, 다우리안대초원, 다싱안링산맥기슭 전통민간요법식용 사용부위 자실체 579

28 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia 몽골 Insects 3

29 3 Insects Contents 001 Arcyptera microptera Blaps femoralis Blaps miliaria Blaps reflexa Blaps rugosa Blaps variolosa Bombus sporadicus Bryodema tuberculatum Deracantha onos Dolichovespula sylvestris Epicauta ambusta Epicauta sibirica Gomphocerus sibiricus Lytta caraganae Meloe brevicollis Metrioptera bicolor Metrioptera brachyptera Mylabris speciosa Polistes riparius Vespula vulgaris 624

30 008 Bryodema tuberculatum ( 메뚜기과 ) 특징몸크기는크며갈색에서황갈색을띠며앞날개에는검은점이나있다. 몸길이는수컷 26-30mm, 암컷 30-40mm정도된다. 서식지 스텝, 산림주변부, 모래밭경사지및목초지 분포동몽골, 북몽골 전통민간요법식용 사용부위 전부위 601

31 009 Deracantha onos (Tettigoniidae) Description It is a large species with a massive and bulky body with a spherical head. Body length is 40-50mm in males, 47-57mm in females. Adult has parti-colored protective color that perfectly blends with thinned grass stand of wormwood steppes. Habitat In dry steppe, mountain slope, and dry bottom of basin with thinned vegetation and bush Distribution Northern, central eastern and southern Mongolia Traditional uses For food Parts used Whole body References: Chogsomjav 1972, Xiaoming et al Insect

32 009 Deracantha onos ( 여치과 ) 특징거대한몸과구형의머리를가진대형곤충으로, 몸길이는수컷 40-50mm, 암컷, 47-57mm이다. 성충은다양한보호색을가지고있어서초원지대내의가는풀과완벽하게어우러진다. 서식지 건조한스텝, 산경사지, 가는초목과덤불이자라는유역의마른바닥 분포북몽골, 중동부몽골, 남몽골 전통민간요법식용 사용부위 전부위 603

33 018 Mylabris speciosa (Meloidae) Description Body length is 12-20mm. Head and thorax are black or dark-blue, covered with many thin hairs. The larvae have parasitic way of life, and they parasitize the nests of locusts eating the host egg laying and thus affect the reduction of locusts. Habitat In valley, meadow, and forest edge, and grassland Distribution Widely distributed in Mongolia Traditional uses This insect have been used to treat tumors or cancer in ancient China and have anti-cancer function of cantharidin from cantharis. Parts used Whole body References: Bologna and Pinto 2002, Bologna 2008, Sun et al. 2000, He et al. 2005, Shi et al Insect

34 018 Mylabris speciosa ( 가뢰과 ) 특징몸길이는 mm이다. 머리와가슴은검은색이거나암청색이고수많은가는털로덮여있다. 유충은메뚜기알에기생함으로써메뚜기개체수감소에영향을미친다. 서식지 계곡, 목초지, 산림주변부및초지 분포몽골전지역에서고루분포 전통민간요법이곤충의칸타리딘은항암효능을가지고있어서고대중국에서종양이나암을치료하는데사용되어왔다. 사용부위 전부위 621

35 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia 몽골 References 참고문헌

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39 The Handbook for Traditional Knowledge on Biological Resources Mongolia

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