A Disciples Affirmation of Faith AS MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, We confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him

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1 David Kagiwada & NAPAD Sunday 데이빗가기와다및아시안사역주일 September 10, 2017 NAPAD Ministry Week 아시안목회주간 September 10-16, 2017 North American Pacific/Asian Disciples of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Rev. Dr. Timothy Lee, Moderator Rev. Chung Seong Kim, Interim Executive Pastor Website: napad.net Kagiwada Sunday, Moderator s Message Yellow Disprivilege In Charlottesville, Virginia, on Friday, August 11, 2017, before they clashed with counterdemonstrators, white supremacists marched on the grounds of the University of Virginia, shouting, Blood and Soil! Jews will not replace us! You will not replace us! In doing so, they expressed their hatred and their fear of losing privileges associated with being white. The marchers didn t care that the white privilege they enjoyed came at cost: the disprivilege suffered by Jews and non-whites. Disprivilege suffered by Jews and non-whites such as Native Americans, African Americans, and Hispanics are well known. Not as well known, perhaps, is that suffered by Asian Americans. Most Americans, for example, do not know that the Naturalization Act of 1790 disprivileged Asians by excluding them from becoming naturalized citizens. Initially, this Act granted the right of naturalization to whites only; after the Civil War, however, the right was also extended to people of African descent and Native Americans but not to Asians. Then the Immigration Act of 1924 disprivileged Asians outright by barring them from immigrating to the U.S., on the grounds that immigration would be allowed only to those who could become naturalized in America. In 1943, during World War II, when China was fighting as an American ally, Congress made an exception to the law, for 105 Chinese each year. Later in the 1940s, similar exceptions were made for Indians and Filipinos. Then the Immigration Act of 1952 finally annulled race as a factor in determining the eligibility of naturalization and immigration. Even so, because of a quota system based on national origins, the number of Asians that could immigrate was extremely limited. It was only with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which repealed the national origins system, that the disprivileges inflicted on Asians, with respect to immigration, began to be dismantled was only 52 years ago not a long time ago in the larger scheme of things and I didn t even mention Yellow Peril or the Chinese Exclusion Acts or the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Who perpetrated these unjust deeds, to privilege whom, to displace whom? The national laws targeting Asians inevitably disprivileged Asians in churches, as well, including those in the Disciples, causing, for example, the Chinese Christian Church in Portland, Oregon, to close its doors in It was in the late 1970s that American Asian Disciples (the antecedent of NAPAD) came into being, certainly not to replace white Disciples, but to ensure that Pacific-Islander/Asian Disciples would no longer be subjected to disprivileges, to ensure that they would enjoy and partake in the same kind of rights and responsibilities as all other Disciples. It was to secure those rights and responsibilities that our founding leaders strived so tirelessly: Harold Johnson ( ), David Kagiwada ( ), and Soongook Choi ( ). Blessings Tim Lee Moderator of North American Pacific/ Asian Disciples 1

2 A Disciples Affirmation of Faith AS MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, We confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ s name and by his grace we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. We rejoice in God, maker of heaven and earth, and in the covenant of love which binds us to God and one another. Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God. In the communion of the Holy Spirit we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ. At the table of the Lord we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ. Within the universal church we receive the gift of ministry and the light of scripture. In the bonds of Christian faith we yield ourselves to God that we may serve the One whose kingdom has no end Blessing, glory and honor be to God forever. Amen. 2 제자교회신앙선언 크리스천교회 ( 제자회 ) 신도로서, 우리는예수님이그리스도시요, 살아계신하나님의아들이심을고백하며, 그가세상의주님과구주이심을선포합니다. 그리스도의이름과그의은혜로우리는모든사람들에게증인됨과섬김의사명이있음을인정합니다. 하늘과땅을지으신하나님을인하여, 또한우리를하나님께와서로에게결속시키는사랑의언약을인하여우리는기쁨을누립니다. 그리스도와하나되는세례를통하여우리는새생명을얻으며하나님의온백성과하나가됩니다. 성령께서이루시는친교로서우리는그리스도의제자됨과주님께순복하는일에합심합니다. 주님의성만찬상에서우리는그리스도의구원역사와그의임재를감사하며경축합니다. 만국교회안에서우리는복음사역의은사와성경의빛을받습니다. 그리스도교신앙의유대안에서우리는영원한나라의주님을섬기고자하나님께헌신합니다.

3 DAVID TAMOTSU KAGIWADA A Compassionate Healer Responding to a request from a newly established church of Japanese immigrants in Los Angeles, the Disciples-sponsored Margaret K. Long School (Joshi Sei Gakuin) in Tokyo sent one of its graduates to become director of Christian education. After a few years, she married one of the church founders. Their first son, David, was born on September 9, When David was in junior high school, World War II broke out and anti- Japanese hostility exploded. David, along with his parents, was taken by force to a concentration camp in Arizona where people of Japanese heritage were confined without due process. Young David felt the grave injustice of such treatment by the government. After all, he had been born in the United States and he was an American citizen. However, even in this hostile place, surrounded by barbed wire fences and armed guard towers, he found meaning in the church activities which were developed by the Christians interned there. After leaving the concentration camp, David became increasingly conscious of the wider implications of the wrong which had been directed at Japanese Americans. He sought ways to commit his life toward fighting injustice, not only for people of Japanese heritage, but for all peoples. During his college years, David associated with peoples of many different races and nationalities. He made a commitment to be a reconciler of antagonistic people, whoever they might be. He first thought he could do this as a social worker, but after considerable soul searching, he came to the realization that he wanted his Christian faith to be a central part of his life's. work and decided to go to seminary. David graduated from the University of Chicago School of Divinity and was ordained in what is now the Illinois- Wisconsin Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In his ordination statement, he said, "I want to bear witness to the goodness which finds its source in the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a ministry which involves judgment as well as healing. It is to this task that I commit my energies, talents, vision, and life." By drawing upon his own ethnic experiences, David effectively communicated the need for Christians to work actively toward justice for all peoples. He encouraged compassionate action and better understanding among all communities of people, but a special mission for him was to persuade Asians who were historically antagonistic to come together in the name of Christ the Reconciler. He also labored to help the Disciples denomination recognize and appreciate the gifts that Asian Americans offered to the church. He organized and became the first convener of the American Asian Disciples (AAD, now. NAPAD - North American Pacific/Asian Disciples). Another important aspect of David's ministry was his support and advocacy for women. With his active support, at least ten women entered the ordained ministry during his six years at Crestview Christian Church in Indianapolis. David died on July 10, 1985 while serving as senior pastor of Crestview Christian Church. For David, there can be no better fitting memorial than the scholarship fund established to assist in preparing North American Pacific/Asian Disciples for pastoral leadership.

4 David Kagiwada & NAPAD Sunday 데이빗가기와다및아시안사역주일 ORDER OF SERVICE SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 A TIME OF FELLOWSHIP AS WE GATHER TOGETHER Prelude ( 전주 ) Greetings ( 인사및소개 ) Today, we remember the ministry and life of Rev. David Kagiwada. As a second generation Disciple of Christ, he helped to inspire people to ministry and leadership in the greater church. He was a strong advocate for unity and reconciliation among cultures and communities. We recognize his contributions and his everlasting spirit of peace, unity and justice. 오늘은가기와다목사님의생애와사역을기념하는주일입니다. 그분은일본인 2 세로서제자회목사가되어수많은사람들을주님의사역자들로길러냈습니다. 다민족, 다문화가운데서일치와화해를이루는일의선구자였습니다. 우리는그분의화평과일치와정의실현의정신을기리며본받아야할것입니다. Call to Worship ( 예배로부름 ) O God of wonder and of light, We enter into a time of sacredness and communion with you. We bring our sorrows, our brokenness, our celebrations, our lives. We come, O God, into your presence to make a joyful noise and to know peace that is everlasting. Grant us mercy, fill us with your hope and create in us a new song! Amen. Invocation ( 기도 ) Disciples affirmation of faith ( 제자회신앙선언 ) (see P.2) Opening Hymn( 찬송 ) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Chalice Hymnal #2) 기뻐하며경배하세 ( 찬송 13 장 ) COMMEMORATION OF THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF REV. DAVID KAGIWADA ( 가기와다목사님의생애를기념하며 ) Leader We remember, on this day, the life and spirit of Rev. Kagiwada. The witness and welcome that he brought to all those that he encountered reflected a God of peace, justice, hospitality and grace. 인도자오늘우리는가기와다목사님의모범된삶을추모합니다. 그분이주위사람들에게보여준증거와환영은하나님의평화, 정의, 자애그리고은혜를보여주었습니다. People O God, we give our thanks and praise. 회중 오하나님, 주님께감사와찬양을드립니다. Leader We acknowledge the hard realities of our world today. There is hunger, war, sickness, pain and suffering. May we work to be the makers of peace and continue in the vision of Rev. Kagiwada towards of wholeness, humility and love. 인도자 우리는이세상의어려운사정을잘알고있습니다. 기근, 전쟁, 질병, 고통과재난이계속되고있습니다. 우리가 가기와다목사님의유지를받들어치유와겸비와사랑을이루어가게하옵소서. 4

5 People O God, we lift our hearts and minds to you. 회중하나님, 우리의마음을주님께엽니다. Leader We remember the lives and legacies of all the saints that have passed on. We are embraced and inspired by this cloud of witnesses that have gone on before us. 인도자우리는이시간앞서간선배성도들을기억합니다. 구름같이허다한증인들 이우리를감싸고있음을감사합니다. 3 People O God, we rejoice in your holy name. 회중하나님, 주님의거룩한이름으로우리는기쁨을누립니다. Leader On this special Kagiwada Sunday, we renew our commitment to loving in peace and proclaiming the Gospel Message. May we be mindful of our connections to one another and live out lives, as did Rev. Kagiwada, for the glory of God s holy kingdom. 인도자가기와다기념주일에우리는평화와복음전파의사명을다시확인합니다. 우리모두하나되어하나님의거룩한나라의영광을위해살았던가기와다목사님을본받도록하옵소서. People Amen. 회중아멘 Prayer for the People & Lord s Prayer ( 인류를위한기도와주기도문 ) Passing of Christ s Peace ( 그리스도의화평전하기 ) As the risen Christ greeted his beloved disciples with the greeting, Peace be with you, let us now turn and greet one another in mutual love. 부활주님께서사랑하는제자들에게보여주신대로우리도앞뒤, 옆사람들에게 평안을기원합니다 로서인사하십시다. Hymn( 찬송 ) God made all people (Chalice Hymnal #685) 인류는하나되게 ( 찬송 272 장 ) Scripture Reading( 성경봉독 ) John ( 요한복음 ) 17:20-21a Sermon Message ( 설교 ): One 하나됨 * As a resource, please refer to general assembly worship sermons, which is available in ( 오늘의설교는총회설교자들의자료를참고하십시요 ) Call to Discipleship( 결단 ) Hymn( 찬송 ) What Does the Lord Require of You? (Chalice Hymnal #660) 우리가지금은 ( 찬송 270 장 ) Special Offering for the leadership of NAPAD ( 아시안사역을위한특별헌금 ) We invite you to be in mindful reflection and prayer for the NAPAD community. There are over 100 NAPAD congregations with a large Asian/Pacific cultural community, those are part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The special offering from today will go directly to two special Scholarship Funds (Kagiwada & Choi) that help support NAPAD seminarians during their time of study and training for ministerial leadership. Please give generously. Thank you. 아시안사역을위해기도하며특별장학헌금을드리기를간청합니다. 현재 100 개이상의교회가 NAPAD 소속입니다. 미국내에 1300 만이넘는아시안그리고태평양계사람들에게복음을전해야할큰사명을감당하려면잘훈련된

6 사역자들이많이필요합니다. 오늘드리는특별헌금은이목적을위한기금 ( 가기와다및최순국장학금 ) 으로사용될것입니다. 정성어린헌금으로적극후원해주시면대단히감사하겠습니다. Offertory Prayer( 봉헌기도 ) Invitation to Communion( 성만찬으로초대 ) Invitational Hymn( 초대찬송 ) Seed, Scattered and sown (Chalice Hymnal #395) 주예수해변서 ( 찬송 284 장 ) Prayers at the Table( 축사 ) Leader ( 인도자 ): The Lord be with you. 주님께서여러분과함께하십니다. People ( 회중 ): And also with you. 당신과도함께하십니다. Leader ( 인도자 ): Lift up your hearts: 마음을여십시다. People ( 회중 ): We lift them up to the Lord. 우리마음을주님께엽니다. Leader ( 인도자 ): Let us give our thanks to the Lord. 주님께감사드립시다. People ( 회중 ): It is right to give God thanks and praise. 하나님께감사와찬양을드림이마땅합니다. Prayer over the Bread ( 떡을위한축사 ), Prayer of the Cup ( 잔을위한축사 ) Partaking of Communion ( 만찬나눔 ) Closing Prayer ( 공동기도 ) Refreshed and renewed, O God, we emerge with new life and hopeful spirit into the world. May we be instruments of your peace and voices of change for your glory. We are whole once again and we praise you for the transformation. Holy, holy, holy, our Lord God almighty. Amen. 우리하나님, 회복되고새로워진마음으로희망찬새날을향하여세상으로나아갑니다. 우리가주님의영광을위한평화의도구가되게하소서. 우리를다시하나되게번화시켜주심을감사드립니다. 거룩, 거룩, 거룩, 전능하신하나님이시여. 아멘 Closing Hymn ( 폐회찬송 ) Let There be Peace on Earth (Chalice Hymnal #677) 온세상위하여 ( 찬송 268 장 ) Benediction ( 축도 ) This is a guide for your worship service. Please adapt the service to the needs of your congregation. We encourage you to invite members of the congregation from all ages and genders to share in reading the scriptures, leading in singing and prayers, and sharing their own stories of witness. 이것은기념예배예문입니다. 교회실정에맞게수정 / 보충하여사용하십시오. 예배의모든순서에나이와성별을 망라하여여러사람이참여할수있도록배려하시기바랍니다 *POSTLUDE 6

7 KAGIWADA SUNDAY and NAPAD MINISTRY WEEK SEPTEMBER 10 16, 2017 ( 아시안목회주간 ) The following activities are suggestions that can be done with your church, family members, and community. We encourage you to be creative and add on to these activities. Theme: One 여기에제안된행사들은교회적으로, 가족적으로, 또는공동체적으로할수있는일들입니다. 그러나형편에맞게조정하여사용하시기바랍니다. 아시안목회주간의주제 : 그리스도안에서하나됨 SUNDAY (9/10) 1. For Sunday school classes and small groups, the following topics may be discussed. ( 주일성경공부반이나소구룹모임에서다음의주제들을놓고토의할수있음 ) a. Race relations in North America: Christian responsibility for racial integration and conflict (racially motivated hate crime, anti-immigration hostility, etc.) 북미주의인종관계 : 인종화합과인종불화에대한성도들의책임은무엇인가? 특히인종차별, 인종증오, 반이민감정등에어떻게대처해야하나? b. Biblical understanding of diversity, inter-racial integrity, and multi-culturalism. 다양성, 인종화합, 다문화사회를위한성경적이해를생각해보자. Scripture selections ( 참조할성경 ): Genesis( 창 ) 12:1-9; Micah ( 미가 )4:3-8; 6:6-8: Isaiah ( 사 ) 11:6-9, 58:6-11. Luke ( 눅 ) 4:14-22; Matthew ( 마 )8:5-12, 25:31-46; 1 Corinthians ( 고전 ) 12:12-27; Ephesus ( 엡 ) 2:11-22 <Matthew ( 마태 ) 7:15-20, John ( 요한 ) 15:1-11> c. Talk about how to support, promote, and participate in NAPAD ministries (new church start, leadership development, scholarships, etc.) NAPAD 목회에적극참여하며, 후원하며, 장려할수있는길 ( 개척교회, 인재양성, 장학금후원등 ) 을검토하고추진하도록한다. d. Understanding of God s plan (providence) for our church that three of the four founding fathers of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are adult immigrants. (Thomas and Alexander Campbell, and Walter Scott) 교단 ( 창립 ) 을위한하나님의특별계획 ( 섭리 ) 이무엇일까? ( 특히창립의주역 4 명중 3 명이이민자들이라는사실이무엇을말해주는가?) 2. Other activities suggested (especially for non-napad congregations and groups) 아시안교회가아닌회중이나구룹을위한제안. a. Pulpit exchange with NAPAD ministers b. Invite NAPAD members to your church (Sunday school classes & worship services) and listen to them about their life experiences in America. c. Preach on topics, such as multi-cultural society, the gifts from the East, anti-racist and prereconciling church, 2020 Vision of Disciples. d. Have a moment of prayer for NAPAD ministries. e. Promote scholarship funds (D. Kagiwada and S. Choi) MONDAY (9/11)

8 Spend time as a family talking about American-Asian and Pacific Islanders history in the United States. What do you know about this history? What are your biggest questions? What would you like to learn more about? 가족이함께모여미국에사는아시아인들의 ( 이민 ) 역사를이야기한다. 이민역사를얼마나알고있는가? 가장큰의문은무엇인가? 더알고싶은것은무엇인가? Take some time to reflect on the scripture, Romans 2:9-11: Tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God. As you reflect, consider this passage in relation to the life of Asian and Pacific Islanders in America. 로마서 2:9-11 을읽고명상한후느낀바를서로나눈다 : 악을행하는각사람의영에게환난과곤고가있으리니첫째는유대인에게요또한헬라인에게며선을행하는각사람에게는영광과존귀와평강이있으리니첫째는유대인에게요또한헬라인에게라. 이는하나님께서외모로사람을취하지아니하심이니라. 이성경말씀에비추어미국에이민와서살고있는아시안그리고 태평양계사람들이격는인종관계의어려움을생각해본다. TUESDAY (9/12) With a group of friends/or as family, set aside some time to write a letter to someone who lives in Asia or in the Pacific Islands. What do you want to know about their lives? What similarities are there between the U.S. and places in Asia or the Pacific Islands? What more would you like to learn? 친구들끼리또는가족끼리모여, 아시아나태평양군도에살고있는친지들에게편지를쓴다. 그들의생활에대해알고싶은것이무엇인가? 그들과미국에있는우리가유사한점이무엇일까? 더배우고싶은것은무엇인가? Share Asian and Pacific Islanders cultural foods with family/or friends. Begin discussions around what you are eating and the thoughts or memories that the food brings. 다른민족인들과아시안 / 태평양식음식을나누도록한다. 식사하는동안식탁을돌아가면서지금먹고있는음식이무엇이며, 그음식과연관된추억들을서로교환하도록한다. WEDNESDAY (9/13) Choose a country in Asia or the Pacific Islands and reflect on its people and current status in the world. What can you pray for? What areas do these communities need support? 아시아나태평양군도에있는나라하나를택하여거기사는사람들에관해생각해보고현재그들이처해있는 ( 정치 / 경제적 ) 상황을알아본다. 그들을위해기도해야할일들이무엇일까? 그들이필요로하는것들은무엇일까? Take some time to reflect on the scripture, Romans 12:5. So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. As you reflect, consider this passage in relation to cultural unity and reconciliation. How can we strive to be one body in Christ? 로마서 12:5 를읽고음미해보자 : " 이와같이우리많은사람이그리스도안에서한몸이되어서로지체가되었느니라." 이성경말씀을문화적단합과화해에관련하여생각해볼것. 우리가어떻게 " 그리스도안에서한몸됨 " 을이룰수있을까? THURSDAY (9/14) Form a Chain of Prayer in your church community to pray for NAPAD ministries. 교회안에 " 기도고리 " 를조직하여일주간동안쉬지않고 NAPAD 교회들과목회를위하여기도할것 Use this day to celebrate the ministries of NAPAD in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Research more about NAPAD on the website at 크리스천교회 ( 제자회 ) 내에서가지는우리 NAPAD 사역을기념축하하며 NAPAD website 를열어보고더깊은이해를갖도록하자 : 8

9 Find out if there is a NAPAD church in your community. Contact a leader in that church and discuss possible activities the two congregations can share in the future. Discuss possible plans to help each other in congregational vitality, community service, and evangelism. What stories are there that you can share about your church? Ask about the history and stories of the NAPAD congregation. 우리주위에는어떤 NAPAD 교회가있는지알아보자. 주위의 NAPAD 교회들이연합하여할수있는행사들을교회지도자들과상의해보자. 인근 NAPAD 교회들이합동으로교회성장, 사회봉사, 전도활동을펴나갈수있는길을함께모색해본다. 소속교회의자랑스러운점들은무엇인가? NAPAD 교회들의역사와전통들을들어보자. FRIDAY (9/15) With a group of friends/or family, discuss the differences in Asian/and Pacific Island cultures compared to American culture. Discuss how we can use these differences to strengthen our community, congregation, and relationships. How do these differences relate to your church? If a guest visited your church and did not fit in, how would the congregation react? Discuss what it means to Bear Fruit in this context. 친구들이나가족끼리모여아시안 / 태평양민족들의다양한문화를생각해보고그것과미국문화를비교해보자. 이런다양성을어떻게우리사회와교회와대인관계에적용할수있을까토의해보자. 우리교회에 ( 문화 / 인종적으로 ) 낯선사람이방문했을때, 우리교인들은어떻게대우하는지조사해보자. 이러한상황에서 열매맺는삶 이란무엇인지생각해보자. SATURDAY (9/16) Remembering the gifts of this week, what changes can we make in our congregation, spiritual life, and actions to become a more open, inclusive, and affirming culture? This week, we focused on Asian/Pacific Island cultures. How can we incorporate these same changes to be Bearing Fruits in out lives? 이번주간의행사들을통하여얻은지혜를가지고어떻게우리교회와신앙과봉사활동에있어좀더열린, 포용적인, 그리고차별이없는풍토를이루어나갈것인가? 우리는한주간동안아시안 / 태평양군도의문화를생각해보았다. 여기서그칠것이아니고우리의매일생활속에서어떻게하면 열매맺는삶 의정신을실현시킬것인가를기도하며결심하도록하자. Send your words of support to ( 우리의대표자들에게격려편지를보내자 ): Send your words of support to ( 우리의대표자들에게격려편지를보내자 ): Rev. Timothy Lee Rev. Chung Seong Kim Moderator Interim Executive Pastor t.lee@tcu.edu ckim@napad.disciples.org

10 Chronology of the North American Pacific/Asian Disciples Early Asian Disciples and their scattered presence in the denomination 1891: Chinese mission starts in Portland, Oregon, at First Christian Church of Portland by Christian Woman s Mission Board. 1907: Chinese Christian Institute in San Francisco established. 1908: Japanese Christian Institute organized in Los Angeles 1924: Chinese missions closed by the United Christian Missionary Society 1933: Filipino Christian Church founded. 1942: Japanese Christians sent to internment camps; the control of the building is assumed by the United Christian Missionary Society, which converts it into All People s Church (later All People s Center). 1948: Returnees of former Japanese Christian Church found West Adams Christian Church (DOC). Towards a corporate identity 1972: Under the leadership of Harold Johnson, Dir. of Evangelism, the DHM begins an informal consultation with Asians dispersed in the denomination, to form a community of Asian Disciples. 1978: First consultation of Asian Disciples is held in Indianapolis, to foster consciousness among Asian Disciples and form a critical mass of people needed to build an Asian Disciples community. The gathered group names itself the Fellowship of Asian American Disciples (FAAD). Corporate identity officially recognized 1979: Second consultation of Asian Disciples held. The group s name is changed to American Asian Disciples (AAD). Harold Johnson is named as the liaison between AAD and DHM. At the General Assembly in St. Louis, October 26 31, AAD is officially recognized as a denominational constituency. 1980: First AAD Convocation held in Indianapolis. David Kagiwada is elected first convener. The convocation is to be held biennially, alternating with the years of the General Assembly. 1985: AAD s booth set up for the first time at the General Assembly 10

11 1989: DHM convenes a consultation (Chicago) on Asian ministries, participated by executive council members and others from AAD. The consultation resolves to establish a staff position for Asian ministries in DHM. Koreans targeted. Corporate identity formally supported by the church 1991: The General Assembly (Tulsa, OK, October 25 30) resolves to create a directorship for Asian ministry as part of DHM. 1992: Geunhee Yu appointed as DHM associate in charge of the American-Asian ministries. (Dr. Yu s current title: Executive Pastor for North American Pacific/Asian Ministries). NAPAD congregations number eight. 1993: Kagiwada Sunday and AAD Ministry Week are established as official dates of observances on the church calendar. 1996: In a convocation held at Chapman University, Orange, CA, AAD becomes North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD) to be more inclusive. 2000: Korean Disciples Convocation (KDC) formed. Soongook Choi elected as Moderator. Reenvisioning the corporate identity 2000: NAPAD Visioning Conference held at Indianapolis, participated by representatives from NAPAD, General Units, and regions (March 29-32). A 5-point Covenant created by the participants, authorizing a process leading to the restructure of NAPAD. The Covenant is endorsed by the NAPAD Convocation held at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, July NAPAD Executive Council assumes the role of the Transition Team, consisting of three Task Committees and five Decision Committees, one of which is the Structure Committee. 2002: NAPAD Task Force and the Standing Committee on Renewal and Structural Reform of the Christian Church (DOC) submit a restructure proposal to the General Board. The proposal is vetoed by the Administrative Committee, which proffers an alternative that creates an American Asian Ministries Commission. NAPAD declines the proposal. 2003: Patricia (Cisa) Payuyo is elected First Vice-Moderator of the General Assembly 2005: Carolyn Ho is elected First Vice-Moderator of the General Assembly 2008: The General Board in April forms the Mission Alignment Coordinating Council (MACC). 2009: MACC, in April, submits a nine-point proposal to the General Board, including GB , which proposes The NAPAD Executive Pastor will be accountable to a NAPAD executive board and the ministry as a whole will have a covenantal relationship to the General Board. The proposal is adopted. NAPAD congregations number over one hundred. NAPAD s restructured ministry is to take effect January 1, Distinct Body of General Ministries 2010: NAPAD, at 16 th Convocation on Aug. 4-7, 2010 in Seattle, WA, passed amended Bylaws and elected a Board of Directors, to authenticate itself a distinct body of General Ministries.

12 2011: Rev. Dr. Geunhee Yu retired; Board of Directors nominated Rev. Jinsuk Chun as the next Executive Pastor. 2012: The 17 th NAPAD Convocation on August 1-4, 2012 in Orange, CA elected Rev. Jinsuk Chun as the Executive Pastor. 2015: Rev. Jinsuk Chun resigns in November 2016: Rev. Dr. Geunhee Yu serves as Short-term Interim Executive Pastor January to July 2016: Rev. Rev. Chung Seong Kim installed as Interim Executive Pastor in 19 th Biennial Convocation <Compiled by Dr. Timothy Lee> 12

13 NAPAD Scholarships The David Tamotsu Kagiwada Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of the Rev. David Kagiwada. David was a native of Los Angeles and a second generation Disciple. His mother was a graduate of the Disciples-sponsored Margaret K. Long School (Joshi Sei Gakuin) in Tokyo, Japan. During World War II, David's family was interned in a concentration camp in Arizona with other Americans of Japanese ancestry. The injustice he experienced made him keenly aware of the wider implications. Therefore, he sought to commit his life to fighting injustice, not only for people of Asian heritage, but for all people. David chose to be a reconciler of antagonistic people, whoever they might be. Because he wanted his Christian faith to be a central part of his life's work, he decided to enter the ministry. He graduated from the University of Chicago Divinity School and was ordained in the Illinois-Wisconsin Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). There were some focal points in his ministry: to reconcile and heal antagonism among all people; to support and be an advocate for racial/ethnic minorities and women; and to help the church recognize and appreciate the gifts of people of Asian heritage. David faithfully served five congregations in California and Indiana. With his encouragement, at least 10 women entered ordained ministry during his six years as pastor of Crestview Christian Church in Indianapolis. He also persuaded historically antagonistic Asian people to gather together in the name of Christ, the Reconciler. David was the first Convener of the American Asian Disciples (now, North American Pacific/Asian Disciples). The Kagiwada Scholarship is available to North American Pacific/Asian Disciples ministerial students enrolled (or accepted as an entering student) in an accredited graduate theological school or seminary. The David Kagiwada Scholarship Fund: $ (Market Value as of 5/31/2017) Return to: David Tamotsu Kagiwada Memorial Scholarship Fund North American Pacific/Asian Ministries P.O. Box 1986 Indianapolis, IN Date Please accept my gift of $ for the David Tamotsu Kagiwada Memorial Scholarship Fund of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Name Address City State Zip *Your gift is tax deductible.

14 David Tamotsu Kagiwada Memorial Scholarship Recipients NAME YEAR SCHOOL Gethsemane Tagaloa Claremont School of Theology Byongho Lee San Francisco Theological Seminary Teresa Kim Pecinovsky Vanderbilt Divinity School Awit Marcelino Toronto School of Theology Hai-Jin Park Claremont School of Theology Teresa Kim Pecinovsky Vanderbilt Divinity School Tevita Faungaofe Uesi Claremont School of Theology David Lalthawn Lian Christian Theological Seminary Lynnett X. Li Christian Theological Seminary Allison Enari Vanderbilt Divinity School Allison Enari Vanderbilt Divinity School Einstein Cabalteja Vanderbilt Divinity School YoungKi Choi San Francisco Theological Seminary Hyo-Min Ahn Azusa Pacific University Young In Cho Pacific School of Religion Kyung-Min Daniel Lee Pacific School of Religion Young In Cho Pacific School of Religion Kyung-Min Daniel Lee Pacific School of Religion Seung Un Tche Brite Divinity School April Lewton University of Chicago Divinity School Vy Nguyen University of Chicago Divinity School Xie Yizong Brite Divinity School Moonsu Kang Brite/San Francisco Theological Seminary Nan Soon Kim Pacific Lutheran theological Seminary Sandhya Rani Jha University of Chicago Divinity School Nan Soon Kim Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Seung Tae Lee San Francisco Theological Seminary Kyung Lee Vanderbilt Divinity School Chang Hwa Cheong San Francisco Theological Seminary Tae Eul Choi Christian Div. School of the Pacific Si Young Koh Golden Gate Theological Tae Eul Choi Christian Div. School of the Pacific Si Young Koh Golden Gate Theological Seminary Tae Eul Choi San Francisco Theological Seminary Myong A. Om San Francisco Theological Seminary David D. Wu Lexington Theological Seminary Pauline Choi San Francisco Theological Seminary Jin H. Myung Pacific School of Religion Pauline Choi San Francisco Theological Seminary Namsoo Woo Pacific School of Religion Woonjoo Baek Claremont School of Theology Namsoo Woo Pacific School of Religion Namsoo Woo Pacific School of Religion Woonjoo Baek Claremont School of Theology Angumei Maram Lutheran School of Theology Young-Sik Chang Vanderbilt Divinity School Angumei Maram Lutheran School of Theology Young-Sik Chang Vanderbilt Divinity School Young-seop An Vanderbilt Divinity School Young-seop An Vanderbilt Divinity School Nobi Kaneko Brite Divinity School Timothy Lee University of Chicago Divinity School 14

15 Kevin Young Christian Theological Seminary Timothy Lee University of Chicago Divinity School Bill Lee Brite Divinity School Dong-gook Roh University of Chicago Divinity School

16 The J. Soongook Choi Memorial Scholarship The J. Soongook Choi Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of the Rev. Dr. J. Soongook Choi. Dr. Choi was born and raised in Japan, but went to Korea with the Student Volunteer Corps during the Korean War. Out of his painful experience in the conflict of inter- and intra-racial relations among Asian nations, he became a seeker for peace and justice in a world community of different peoples. Dr. Choi's father was Confucian and his mother Buddhist, but he accepted Christ under the influence of his seventh-grade teacher. Because of his Christian faith, the teacher was persecuted - which included the removal of all his finger nails. This piqued Dr. Choi's curiosity and he was deeply moved. While his parents' religions did not give him a clue as to the hunger and thirst in him for peace and justice, Christianity did so much for him that he became a disciple of Jesus. Five years later, Dr. Choi, who was one of three who survived from the 34 student volunteers sent to the Korean War, made a commitment to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus. Upon returning to Korea, Dr. Choi joined the Campbell-Stone movement (Christian Church - Independent). In 1959, he came to the United States for advanced theological education and earned several academic degrees: Master of Arts from Lincoln Christian Seminary (1962); Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University Divinity School (1965); Doctor of Ministry from Notre Dame University Graduate Theological Foundation (1989). He was ordained in 1962 and served the Lord as local church pastor, hospital chaplain, professor and president of Seoul Christian University (in Korea), and member of the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The J. Soongook Choi Scholarship Fund: $59, (Market Value as of 5/31/2017) The life mission of Dr. Choi was: "To serve my neighbors and give them the impression to love, to have peace, to practice forgiveness, to produce reconciliation is my way of serving God." 16

17 Soongook J. Choi Memorial Scholarship Recipients NAME YEAR SCHOOL Heesook Yoo Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry Shuiying Jennie Huang Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry Chanhee Heo Vanderbilt Divinity School Shuiying Jennie Huang Brite Divinity School Heesook Yoo Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry Teresa K. Peccinovsky Vanderbilt Divinity School Hyein Park University of Chicago Divinity School Russell M. Cortez Claremont School of Theology David Lian Christian Theological Seminary Cisa Payuyo San Francisco Theological Seminary Minkook Um San Francisco Theological Seminary Sungdoh Ee San Francisco Theological Seminary Vy Nguyen University of Chicago Divinity School John Y. Choi Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

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고든 비 힝클리 대관장은 연차 대회의 마지막 모임에서 다음과 같이 말씀했다. 이 위대한 대회에 참여한 사람 모두가 선한 영향을 받았기를, 우리 개개인이 지난 이틀 간의 경험으로 인해 더 나은 남자와 여자가 되었기를 바랍니다. 우리 개개인이 주님께 더욱 가까이 다가가는 말 일 성 도 예 수 그 리 스 도 교 회 제 1 7 3 차 연 차 대 회 특 집 호 2 0 0 3 년 5 월 호 고든 비 힝클리 대관장은 연차 대회의 마지막 모임에서 다음과 같이 말씀했다. 이 위대한 대회에 참여한 사람 모두가 선한 영향을 받았기를, 우리 개개인이 지난 이틀 간의 경험으로 인해 더 나은 남자와 여자가 되었기를 바랍니다. 우리 개개인이 주님께

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