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1 제 16 권 2 호 (2008): Medieval European Studies in Korea Today Dongchoon Lee (Taegu University) Sonjae An (Sogang University) 1. The Middle Ages in the Korean university Starting on a negative note, in the great majority of Korean universities medieval topics are thought to be too challenging for the undergraduate students. As a result, there are few or no courses in specifically pre-modern topics offered in them. In the English Departments of a certain number of universities, the literature of the medieval period as a whole, or Chaucer alone, is introduced during general survey courses: Introduction to Literature, Readings in Literature, or History of English Literature. This depends on the interest of the professor teaching the course. However a small number of universities, perhaps five or six, offer a much more positive picture. Seoul National University offers the most fully developed coverage of medieval topics by the largest number of specialists. The English

2 266 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Language and Literature Department currently has two medieval specialists among its faculty, one mainly focussing on Chaucer, among other topics, the other on Malory and the romances, especially. Others, while specializing in early modern literature, also have an interest in things medieval. One or more medieval English literature topic is usually offered each semester. Old English is taught within the framework of History of English courses. At least one member of the History Department of SNU specializes in Western European medieval history. Members of the French and German Departments sometimes teach medieval literature and at least parts of their courses involve the study of original texts. Medieval philosophy is taught in the Philosophy Department there, and there are regular courses for students from such departments wishing to learn Latin. In the absence of full-time faculty, qualified specialists teach medieval-related courses as part-time lecturers. In all these departments, doctoral dissertations on medieval topics are produced at least occasionally. In addition to regular courses, graduates teaching in a number of universities and current doctoral candidates meet regularly to conduct informal study of aspects of medieval literature in theoretical and interdisciplinary ways. 1) Among the other universities, Yonsei University has a significant number of medieval specialists. Its English Language and Literature Department also has two professors whose main area of interest is the Middle Ages; one specializing more in Old English and Chaucer, the other especially in Langland and the romances, etc. Both introduce students to the earliest works in their original Old English language. The medieval period seems not to receive specialist coverage in Yonsei's History Department, but a professor in its Philosophy Department, now retired, long specialized in medieval philosophy, especially Aquinas. He 1) Information provided some years ago by Professor Jongsook Lee, English Department, SNU.

3 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 267 has encouraged his students to share his interest, producing a number of graduates who have written doctoral dissertations on medieval topics and this has led to the establishment of a nascent study center in medieval philosophy, although it has yet to undertake regular activities. The other universities which have developed a serious coverage of the early periods include Korea University and Sogang University, the English Departments of both of which have specialists (actual or retired) in medieval or early modern literature who teach regular undergraduate as well as graduate courses in Medieval English Literature or Chaucer, using the original texts. Dissertations on medieval works can be expected occasionally from all these and, more exceptionally, some other universities. A number of other universities, in Seoul and in the provinces, have professors whose major area of research is the middles ages, although in some cases they rarely have a chance to teach a course entirely in a medieval topic, or direct a graduate-school thesis/ dissertation in the area. After literature, the most dynamic single area of study, research and translation is probably to be found in the area of philosophy. Medieval philosophy came late to Korea, where the traditional view of the Middle Ages as a Dark Age was inherited through the rationalism inherited by way of Japan. Until quite recently, the history of philosophy taught in philosophy or general humanities departments skipped from ancient Greece and Rome to Descartes. In 1961, the first Catholic priest to have specialized in medieval philosophy in studies in Rome, Msgr. Jeong Ui-Chae, became professor at the Catholic Seminary in Seoul and from then until now (he is over 80) he has played the leading role in writing introductory books (his History of Medieval Philosophy is in its 10 th edition) and articles, translating fundamental texts including Boethius' Consolation, Aquinas' De ente et essentia, and a number of volumes

4 268 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An of Aquinas' Summa, organizing younger scholars into the Korean Medieval Philosophy Society and in many ways making Korea the potential main centre in Asia for the advanced study of medieval Catholic philosophy. This is in part possible, he explains, because Korea has its own very active philosophical traditions of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism while its Catholic (and Protestant) believers are numerous enough to produce significant numbers of Christian intellectuals and scholars. The scholars he has helped train are now teaching and translating; he reckons that maybe as many as full-time professors in Korea are medieval philosophy specialists in universities or theological seminaries. Some are priests, but most are not. Interest in medieval mysticism is growing, two M.A. theses were recently written in Sogang University on Hildegard von Bingen, another on Meister Eckhart's anthropology, another on Julian of Norwich. A number of volumes of patristic texts have been translated, and a separate Patristic Studies Association exists, composed mainly of priests. Augustine's City of God and other texts by Augustine have also been translated in recent years. There are now signs of interest in the medieval period as also in the earlier Patristic period at Protestant seminaries, where previously strong anti-catholic prejudices prevented sympathetic consideration of the pre-reformation period. A small number of graduates from such institutions have completed or are currently preparing doctorates in Europe or the U.S. focussing on such topics as Aquinas, Meister Eckhart, the German women mystics, etc. One has a doctorate in Carolingian theology. 2) Many English departments include a number of professors whose major interest is theoretical linguistics, because they studied in the United States, but 2) Information provided by Msgr. Cho ng Ui-Chae and Professor Lee Sang-So p, Philosophy Department, Sogang University.

5 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 269 in addition there is a long tradition of teaching and studying historical English linguistics. Many university curricula include a regular course on the history of the English language and this has led a number of graduate school students to specialize in that area, including some who are mainly focussing on the middle ages. An aspect of medieval culture that figures prominently in Korea is the final spin-off of romance found in computer games using medieval-style fortresses and methods of warfare. Given the immense interest of Korean young people in such games, it is to be hoped that they may provoke a wider interest in the period among the younger generations. This, like the medieval setting sometimes adopted for horror movies, and popular gothic romances, has engendered a new area of cultural studies, known as Medievalism, which is enjoying considerable popularity in many parts of the world, including Korea. In this, the reinventions of the Middle Ages in the centuries following are explored and analysed. 3) 2. The Middle Ages in Korean academic associations Most Korean university professors with a Ph.D. degree in some medieval topic depend on regular meetings of more broadly-based academic associations and publication in the journals of these associations for possibilities to present and publish their ongoing research in the area of their major interest. There are general, umbrella associations for English language and literature, and for western history, which provide an initial haven for lonely medievalists, but in recent years there has been a move to establish more specialized associations. 3) See Michael Alexander, Medievalism: The Middle Ages in Modern England. Yale University Press

6 270 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An 1. 한국중세르네상스영문학회 The Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea ( The Medieval English Studies Association of Korea (as it was initially known) was formally launched on June 13, 1992, when Kim Jin-man, Korea's first medieval English literature scholar, was elected as president. From its inception, the Association has held regular meetings twice a year in spring and fall, at which members have read papers related to medieval English literature. Since 1993 these and other papers have been published in a review: Medieval English Studies. In addition, the Association is affiliated with the English Language and Literature Association of Korea and organizes sessions at the Conferences organized by ELLAK. Each year for the past 7-8 years, up to 6-8 members of the Association have presented papers at sponsored sessions at the Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo. In return, the Medieval Institute at Kalamazoo sends one scholar each year to speak at the Association's Fall Conference in Korea. A number of other American medievalists have begun to make the journey to this conference at their own expense. In 2003 the Association widened its scope to include the Renaissance, in recognition of the fact that members usually teach and do research in both "periods," and changed its name to The Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea. Its journal has likewise changed its name to Medieval and Early Modern English Studies. In the last few years its journal has published two numbers a year and its quality has been recognized by the Korea Research Foundation that evaluates academic publications and activities. The Association has about 60 full members, as well as several dozen graduate-school members and affiliated foreign scholars. Not all of the Korean members are medieval specialists but all are interested in the literature and culture of that and the early modern period.

7 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 271 Publications: A fine translation into Korean of the Canterbury Tales by Kim Jin-man was published some 30 years ago. In 2007, a new Korean translation of the Canterbury Tales was published, made by 2 younger members of the Association. Other MEMESAK members have recently published Korean translations of Beowulf and Troilus and Criseyde. In 2002 two members published an edition of the Middle English text of some of the most popular parts of The Canterbury Tales, with introductions and notes in Korean, at Seoul National University Press. The translator of Troilus has recently published a general study of Chaucer entitled The Literary World of Geoffrey Chaucer offering for the first time in Korean an overall guide to the English, Latin, French and Italian backgrounds to Chaucer's work, and another volume serving as an introduction to the Canterbury Tales. The Association's Fall Conference is now usually an International Conference, sometimes with government funding, with presentations by a number of scholars from other countries, including Taiwan, with which the association also has an exchange relationship. In recent years, members of the MEMESAK have been invited each year to read papers at the medieval and early modern conferences held alternately at Fujen University in Taipei or at the Sun Yat Sen National University in Kaohsiung. 2. 한국중세철학회 Societas Philosophiae Mediaevalis Coreana, The Korean Society of Medieval Philosophy ( The Korean Medieval Philosophy Society has perhaps 60 members, meets 2 or 3 times a year and has published a journal 중세철학논문집 (Papers in Medieval Philosophy) for the past 10 or so years, written entirely in Korean though with abstracts in English. Aquinas, Scotus and Bonaventura, together with Okham and Abelard, are the main topics of interest.

8 272 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An 3. 한국서양중세사학회 The Korean Society for Western Medieval History ( Founded in May 1996, this Association has over a hundred members, including graduate-school students and affiliated foreign scholars. It holds regular meetings at which papers are presented, usually four time each year, but 5 times in It has published a journal, 서양중세사연구 (Studies in Medieval Western History), twice a year since 1997, and has now published 12 volumes. It seems to have no relationship with any scholarly association outside of Korea, and has so far never invited a foreign scholar to address any of its meetings. 4. 한국영어학학회 The English Linguistics Society of Korea ( The Society for the History of the English Language was founded in 1993 as a forum for this interest. In 2002 it changed its name to the English Linguistics Society of Korea and among its 150-or-so members are a number whose main research interests are in medieval English. It too publishes a journal 영어학연구 (Studies in English Linguistics), and organizes two conferences each year; a number of its senior members are active internationally in related associations. In addition, papers on topics related to medieval literature are sometimes presented at the conferences and published in the journals of the following associations: 한국영어영문학회 The English Language and Literature Association of Korea ( 한국밀턴과근세영문학회 Milton

9 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 273 and Early Modern English Studies ( 고전르네상스영문학회 The Classic and English Renaissance Literature Association of Korea ( and 한국문학과종교학회 The Korean Society for Literature and Religion ( 5. Published translations In addition to the translations of medieval literature mentioned previously, it should be noted that a very considerable number of translations of studies of medieval theology, philosophy, literature, history, art and culture, mainly originally published in Europe, have appeared in commercial presses in recent years. The lists below are far from complete, but they suggest that the Middle Ages provoke a higher level of interest in Korea than the small number of courses taught in the universities might suggest. It would be desirable to work further on these lists in order to establish a full Bibliography of Korean texts on medieval topics. The author would be very grateful for information on missing titles. : 중세연구, 한국어번역, 중세주의

10 274 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An A. Medieval texts translated and published in Korea in recent years 1. Theology / Philosophy Saint Augustine. Confessions. 고백록 : 젊은날의방황과아름다운구원. 정은주풀어씀. 서울 : 풀빛, Confessions. 고백록. 김병호역. 서울 : 집문당, Confessions. 성어거스틴의고백록. 성한용옮김. 서울 : 대한기독교서회, Confessions. 아우구스티누스고백록. 김평옥옮김. 파주 : 범우, 2008 (reprint). City of God. 신국론. 성염역주. 경상북도 : 분도, (3 vols) City of God. 신국론. 조호연 ; 김종흡공역. 서울 : 현대지성사, City of God. 신국론요약신앙핸드북. 심이석역. 서울 : 크리스챤다이제스트, Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae. 철학의위안. 정의채옮김. (11 th edition). 서울 : 열린, Saint Thomas Aquinas Compendium theologiae. 신학요강. 박승찬옮김. 파주 : 나남, De rationibus fidei. 신앙의근거들. 김율옮김. 서울 : 철학과현실사, 2005 De ente et essentia. 존재자와본질에대하여 : 有와本質에대하여. 정의채옮김. 서울 : 바오로딸, De Principiis naturae ad fratrem sylvestrum. 자연의원리들. 김율옮김. 서울 : 철학과현실사, Summa theologiae. ( 토마스아퀴나스 ) 神學大全 ; 鄭義采역. 바오로딸, 권부터라틴-한글대역판으로출간.

11 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 275 Saint Bonaventure Vitis mystica. 신비의포도나무. 권숙애역. 서울 : 시글, 1997 Lignum vitae. 생명의나무. 장은명역. 서울 : 시글, De perfectione vitae ad sorores. 완전한삶. 권숙애역. 서울 : 시글, De triplici via alias incendium amoris. 세가지길. 권숙애역. 서울 : 시글, Philoteus Boehner, ed. Ockham: Philosophical Writings. 오캄철학선집. 이경희옮김. 서울 : 간디서원, Julian of Norwich. Revelations of Divine Love. 하나님사랑의계시. 엄성옥옮김. 서울 : 은성, Literature Beowulf. 베오울프. 이동일역. 서울 : 문학과지성사, 1998 Boccaccio, Giovanni, De mulieribus claris. 유명한여자들. 임옥희옮김. 서울 : 나무와숲, Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron. 데카메론 : 유쾌하고대담한르네상스인간예찬. 장지연엮어옮김. 파주 : 서해문집, La Chanson de Roland. 롤랑전. 이형식옮김. 서울 : 궁리, Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales. 켄터베리이야기. 이동일 ; 이동춘옮김. 한국외국어대학교출판부 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troilus and Criseyde. 트로일루스와크리세이드. 김재환역. 서울 : 까치, Dante, Alighieri. La divina commedia. 신곡. 한형곤옮김. 파주 : 서해문집, 2007.

12 276 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Greban, Arnoul. Le Myste re de la Passion. 수난성사극. 김애련편역. 서울 : 시와진실, Ruteboeuf etc. Visitatio sepulchri. (Le) Jeu d'adam. Miracle de Theophile. Jeu de Saint Nicolas. Courtois d'arras. 아담극. 김애련편역. 서울 : 시와진실, 김찬자, 편역. 프랑스중세소극집. 김찬자편역. 서울 : 연극과인간, 이형식, 편역. 중세의연가 (Lais du moyen age). 서울 : 궁리, B. Studies on medieval topics written and published in Korea recently 김미옥. 중세음악 : 역사, 이론. 서울 : 심설당, 김영모. 중세프랑스어연구. 서울 : 만남, 김완수외, 서양고. 중세철학과그유구한문제들. 서울 : 철학과현실사, 2002 김용숙. 중세불어의이해. 서울 : 이화여자대학교출판부, 1996 김재환. 제프리초서의문학세계. 서울 : 小花, 김재환. 켄터베리이야기연구. 서울 : 소화, 2004 문계석. 서양의중세철학. 대전 : 이화, 민용태. 중세서반아문학의맛과멋 : 역시작은여자가좋다. 서울 : 빛샘, 박우석. 중세철학의유혹. 서울 : 철학과현실사, 박은구. 서양중세정치사상연구 : 마르실리우스와오캄을중심으로. 서울 : 혜안, 송병구. 하나님을어떻게알수있는가 : St. Augustinus의존재론적인식론. 서울 : 한들, 2004 안선재 ; 이동춘. 초서의 캔터베리이야기 에대한텍스트비평. 서울 : 서울대학교출판부, 2002 이경구. 중세의정치이데올로기. 서울 : 느티나무, 2000.

13 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 277 이경재. 중세는정말암흑기였나. 서울 : 살림, 이원근. 상징물과중세유럽사회. 서울 : 중문, 장욱. 중세철학의정신 : 존재와영원. 서울 : 동과서, 정달용. 중세독일신비사상. 칠곡군 : 분도, 차용구. 로마제국사라지고마르탱게르귀향하다 : 영화로읽는서양중세이야기. 서울 : 푸른역사, 최은정. 동물괴물지엠블럼 : 중세의지식과상징. 서울 : 휴머니스트, 2005 허창운. 독일민네장. 서울 : 서울대학교출판부, 2003 홍성표. 중세영국사회와범죄. 서울 : 느티나무, 홍성표. 서양중세사회와여성. 서울 : 느티나무, C. Books on medieval topics translated from other languages and published in Korea in recent years 아베긴야. 中世を旅する人びと : ヨ一ロッパ庶民生活点描. 중세를여행하는사람들. 오정환옮김. 파주 : 한길사, 아베긴야. 甦える中世ヨ-ロッパ. 중세유럽산책. 양억관옮김. 파주 : 한길사, Bachini, Andrea. Il Medioevo. 중세의역사 : 조용한듯요란한중세이야기. 남경태옮김. 파주 : 사계절, Bakhtin, M. M. Rabelais and his World. 프랑수아라블레의작품과중세및르네상스의민중문화. 이덕형 ; 최건영공역. 서울 : 아카넷, 2001 Baldwin, John W. The Scholastic Culture of the Middle Ages, 중세문화이야기. 박은구 ; 이영재옮김. 서울 : 혜안, Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. 중세의전설. 이길

14 278 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An 상역. 서울 : 현대지성사, Bolton, Brenda. The Medieval Reformation. 중세의종교개혁. 洪成杓역. 서울 : 느티나무, Bouchard, Constance Brittain. Strong of Body, Brave and Noble: chivalry and society in medieval France. ( 중세프랑스의 ) 귀족과기사도. 강일휴옮김. 서울 : 신서원, 2005 Burge, James, Heloise and Abelard. ( 엘로이즈 & 아벨라르 ) 내사랑의역사. 유원기옮김. 서울 : 대한교과서 : 북폴리오, Camille, Michael. The Medieval Art of Love: objects and subjects of desire, mirrors of enchantment. 중세의사랑과미술. 김수경역. 서울 : 예경, Cantor, Norman F., Medieval Lives: eight charismatic men and women of the Middle Ages. 중세이야기 : 위대한 8인의꿈. 이종경외공역. 서울 : 새물결, 2001 Ceppari Ridolfi, Maria A., Il mulino delle vanita. 중세허영의역사 : 중세시에나의사치와예식, 풍속감찰관의법령집 (1343). 김정하역. 서울 : 혜안, Chadwick, Henry. Augustinus. 아우구스티누스 : 라틴교부철학의위대한사상가. 김승철옮김. 서울 : 시공사, Champfleury. Histoire de la caricature. 풍자예술의역사 : 고대와중세의패러디이미지. 정진국역. 서울 : 까치, Copleston, Frederick Charles. A History of Philosophy (v.2: Medieval philosophy). 중세철학 : 그리스도교철학. 박영도역. 대구 : 이문, Del Sasso, G.; Coggi, R. eds., Compendio della Somma Teologica. 성토마스아퀴나스의신학대전요약. 이재룡외공역. 서울 : 가톨릭대학교출판부, Delort, Robert. La vie au Moyen Age. 西洋中世의삶과생활. 김동섭역. 서

15 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 279 울 : 새미, Duby, Georges. Art et socie te au Moyen Age. 중세의예술과사회. 김웅권옮김. 서울 : 동문선, Duby, Georges. Le chevalier, la femme et le prtre. 중세의결혼 : 기사, 여성, 성직자. 최애리역. 서울 : 새물결, Durand, Jannic. L'art au moyen age. 중세미술. 조성애옮김. 서울 : 생각의나무, Eco, Umberto. Arte e bellezza nell'estetica medievale. 중세의미와예술. 손효주역. 서울 : 열린책들, Ennen, Edith. Die europaeische Stadt des Mittelalters. 도시로본중세유럽. 안상준역. 서울 : 한울아카데미, Flasch, Kurt. Einfuehrung in die Philosophie des Mittelalters. 중세철학이야기. 신창석역. 서울 : 서광사, Frugoni, Chiara. Medioevo sul naso. 코앞에서본중세 : 책, 안경, 단추, 그밖의중세발명품들. 곽차섭옮김. 서울 : 길, Fuhrmann, Horst. Einladung ins Mittelalter. 중세로의초대. 안인희옮김. 서울 : 이마고, Gibson, Walter S., Hieronymus Bosch. 중세말의환상과엽기 : 히에로니무스보스. 김숙역. 서울 : 시공사, 2001 Gilson, Etienne Henry. History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages. 중세철학사. 김기찬역. 서울 : 현대지성사, Gilson, Etienne Henry. Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages. 중세철학입문. 강영계譯. 서울 : 서광사, Goodrich, Norma Lorre. Medieval Myths. 중세의신화 : < 베오울프 > 에서 < 시드 > 까지위대한중세신화의놀라운재현. 윤후남역. 서울 : 현대지성사, Gracia, Jorge J. E., ed., Individuation in Scholasticism. 스콜라철학에서의개체화. 이재룡 ; 이재경옮김. 서울 : 가톨릭, 2003.

16 280 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Grant, Edward. Physical Science in the Middle Ages. 중세의과학. 홍성욱, 김영식공역. 서울 : 민음사, Heer, Friedrich. Mittelalter. 중세의세계 : 유럽 김기찬역. 서울 : 현대지성사, Hirschberger, Johannes. Geschichte der Philosophie. 서양철학사. 강성위옮김. (2 vols) 서울 : 이문, Horst, Eberhard. Heloisa und Abelard. 중세최대의연애사건 : 엘로이즈와아벨라르의금단의사랑. 모명숙옮김. 서울 : 생각의나무, Huizinga, Johan. The Waning of the Middle Ages. 중세의가을. 최홍숙역. 서울 : 文學과知性社, Katzenellenbogen, Adolf. Allegories of the Virtues and Vices in Mediaeval Art. ( 중세미술 ) 미덕과악덕의알레고리. 박은영옮김. 서울 : 조형교육, Lacey, Robert. The year 중세기행. 강주헌역. 서울 : 청어람, Lambton, Ann Katharine Swynford. State and government in Medieval Islam. 중세이슬람의국가와정부. 김정위역. 서울 : 민음사, Le Goff, Jacques. Le Moyen Age explique aux enfants. 중세여행. 안수연옮김. 서울 : 에코리브르, 2008 Le Goff, Jacques. A la recherche du Moyen Age. 중세를찾아서. 최애리옮김파주 : 해나무, Le Goff, Jacques. Vivre au Moyen Age. 중세에살기. 최애리역. 서울 : 동문선, Le Goff, Jacques. Les intellectuels au moyen age. 중세의지식인들. 최애리역. 서울 : 동문선, Le Goff, Jacques. La bourse et la vie. 돈과구원 : 고리대금업자에서은행가로. 김정희역. 서울 : 이학사, Le Goff, Jacques. La civilisation de l'occident me die val. 서양중세문명. 유희수역. 서울 : 文學과知性社, 1992.

17 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 281 Le Roy Ladurie. Emmanuel, Montaillou, Village Occitan de 1294 a 몽타이유 : 중세말남프랑스어느마을사람들의삶. 유희수옮김서울 : 길, 2006 Lewis, R. W. B., Dante. 단테 : 중세천년의침묵을깨는소리. 윤희기옮김. 파주 : 푸른숲, Madden, Thomas F., A New Concise History of the Crusades. 십자군 : 기사와영웅들의장대한로망스. 권영주옮김. 서울 : 루비박스, Maurer, Armand A., Medieval Philosophy. 중세철학. 조흥만옮김. 파주 : 서광사, 2007 O'Meara, Thomas F., Thomas Aquinas Theologian. 신학자토마스아퀴나스. 이재룡옮김. 서울 : 가톨릭, Ovason, David. The Secrets of Nostradamus. 노스트라다무스의비밀 : 컴퓨터시대에풀리는대예언자의중세암호. 이창희역. 서울 : 해냄, Parrish, Carl. The notation of medieval music. 중세음악기보법. 이민영역. 서울 : 교보문고, Pieper, Josef. Wahrheit der Dinge: eine Untersuchung zur Anthropologie des Hochmittelalters. 사물들의진리성 : 중세철학전성기인간학에대한연구. 김진태옮김. 서울 : 가톨릭대학교출판부, Pieper, Josef. Scholastik: Gestalten und Probleme der Mittelalterlichen Philosophie. 중세스콜라철학 : 신앙과이성사이의조화와갈등. 김진태옮김. 서울 : 가톨릭대학교출판부, Pirenne, Henri. Les villes et les institutions urbianes. 중세유럽의도시. 강일휴역. 서울 : 신서원, Postan, Michael Moissey. The medieval economy and society. 중세의경제와사회 : 중세영국의경제사. 이인규역. 서울 : 청년사, Power, Eileen Edna. Medieval People. 중세의사람들. 김우영옮김. 서울 : 이산, 2007.

18 282 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Reitz, Manfred. Das Leben auf der Burg. 성에살던중세인들의꿈과일상. 이현정옮김. 서울 : 플래닛미디어, 2006 Richards, Jeffrey. Sex, Dissidence and Damnation: minority groups in the Middle Ages. 중세의소외집단 : 섹스일탈저주. 유희수, 조명동공역. 서울 : 느티나무, Ryabtsev, Yu. S., Puteshestvie v drevnyuyu. 중세러시아문화. 정막래역. 대구 : 계명대학교출판부, Seibt, Ferdinand. Glanz und Elend des Mittelalters. 중세의빛과그림자. 차용구역. 서울 : 까치, Shaver-Crandell, Anne. Cambridge Introduction to the History of Art, Volume 2, The Middle Ages. 중세의미술 : 서양미술사강좌. 김수경역. 서울 : 예경, Southern, R. W., Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages. 중세교회사. 이길상역. 서울 : 크리스챤다이제스트, Southern, R. W., The Making of the Middle Ages. 중세의형성. 이길상역. 서울 : 현대지성사, Strayer, Joseph Reese. Western Europe in the Middle Ages. 중세시대의서유럽 : 서양문화의기반. 김동순역. 서울 : 성균관대학교출판부, Tierney, Brian, ed., The Middle Ages (v.2: Readings in Medival history). 서양중세사연구. 박은구외공역. 서울 : 탐구당, Ullmann, Walter. Medieval political thought. 서양중세정치사상사. 박은구 ; 이희만역. 서울 : 숭실대학교출판부, Verdon, Jean. Le plaisir au Moyen Age. 중세의쾌락 : 서양중세사람들의사랑, 성그리고삶의즐거움. 이병욱역. 서울 : 이학사, Verdon, Jean. La nuit au moyen age. 중세의밤 : 서양중세사람들은밤을어떻게보냈을까. 이병욱역. Verdon, Jean. Le Moyen Age: ombres et lumieres. 중세는살아있다 : 그어둠과

19 Medieval European Studies in Korea Today 283 빛의역사. 최애리옮김. 서울 : 길, Wasserman, James. The Templars and the Assassins: the militia of Heaven. 성전기사단과아사신단 : 매혹적이고치명적인중세의비밀결사. 서미석옮김. 서울 : 정신세계사, 2006 Weinberg, Julius Rudolf. A Short History of Medieval Philosophy. 중세철학사. 康英啓역. 서울 : 民音社, Wills, Garry. Saint Augustine. 성아우구스티누스. 안인희옮김. 파주 : 푸른숲, Ziegler, Philip. The Black Death. 흑사병 : 중세유럽문명을죽음으로몰아넣은병에관한총체적보고서. 한은경옮김. 파주 : 한길사, White, Lynn. Medieval Technology and Social Change. 중세의기술과사회변화 : 등자와쟁기가바꾼유럽역사. 강일휴옮김. 서울 : 지식의풍경, 2005.

20 284 Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Medieval European Studies in Korea Today Abstract Dongchoon Lee Sonjae An Medieval studies in Korean universities are limited by the perceived difficulty of the subject. Few universities offer courses on medieval topics, even at graduate school level. Yet there are a number of scholars whose main area of research is centered in the Middle Ages and a number of academic associations devoted partly or fully to that. Doctoral dissertations are written on medieval topics, at least occasionally. The number of books on medieval topics translated into Korea or written in Korean suggests a much wider potential interest, while the use of medieval setting in computer games indicates the enduring imaginative power of the period. Key Words Medieval studies, Korean translations, medievalism


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