PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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2 Writing invitations Common expressions used to invite people to events Guidelines for writing invitations

3 What kind of invitation does the couple receive? What details are included in the invitation?


5 Have you sent any invitations recently? Have you received any invitations recently?

6 To look at examples of invitations in English To draw attention to some key vocabulary and expressions To give 5 guidelines for writing invitations

7 When do we send invitations? Birthdays Holidays Dinners Corporate events (Company events) Parties Weddings

8 When we extend an invitation we invite somebody to an event. We ask them to come to our event. Formal You are cordially invited to. Informal You are invited to. Your presence is requested at. It is an honor to invite you to. Please come to. Please join us for/ to / at.

9 When we extend an invitation we invite somebody to an event. We ask them to come to our event. Formal Please join us to celebrate. Informal The pleasure of your company is requested at.



12 Example: Formal wedding invitation Dear Chris, You are cordially invited to the marriage of John Doe and Jane Smith. Sunday 3 rd June 2016 at 11:30 am St. Paul s Cathedral London, EC4M 8AD The ceremony will be followed by a reception lunch. Please RSVP by the 1st June 2016.

13 Example: Formal dinner invitation Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Please join us to celebrate Christmas at our company s annual Christmas dinner. Friday 20th December :00

14 Example: Formal dinner invitation Waldorf Astoria, Park Avenue Please RSVP by the 15th December. Black tie and evening dresses

15 Example: Informal baby shower invitation Dear Rosa, Join us for a baby shower honoring Trisha Chan. Saturday, June 29th, :30 p.m. 11 Park Hill, San Francisco RSVP to Melissa Chan Please, no gifts. Your presence is a present enough.

16 Example: What s the problem? Dear Claire, You are cordially invited to Sam s 5th birthday party. Please wear an animal costume! RSVP by 1 st November 2015 soccermom85@gmail.com

17 Example: What s the problem? Dear professor kim, The pleasure of your company is requested at a dinner to celebrate professor parks retirement. 22 nd june :00 jungsik, 11 Seollung-ro, gangnam-gu Please RSVP by 20 th June

18 Baby shower invitations

19 Baby shower invitations

20 Birthday party invitation

21 Wedding invitations

22 Dinner invitation

23 Doljanchi ( 돌잔치 )

24 Accepting an invitation I look forward to attending your/the. I will be able to attend your/the. I look forward to joining you on your special day. I ll be able to come to your/the. I would love to come to your/ the. I would be delighted to come.

25 Thank you for the invitation to your birthday party. I would love to come. I look forward to joining you on your special day.

26 생일파티에초대해주셔서감사합니다. 참석하도록할게요. 파티에서뵙도록하겠습니다.

27 Declining an invitation I m sorry, but I m not able to attend your/the. I m sorry, but I can t come to the/ your. I m sorry, but I already have plans. Sorry I can t make it. Can we take a rain check? I m very sorry, but I won t be able to come. I m sorry, but I already have something on that day/night.

28 Thank you for the dinner invitation. I m sorry, but I won t be able to come. Can we take a rain check?

29 저녁식사에초대해주셔서감사합니다만참석이어려울것같습니다. 다음기회에뵈어도될까요?

30 1 2 3 Choose an appropriate salutation. Extend an invitation (Make an invitation). Provide details about the time, date, and location.

31 4 5 Give instructions (dress code, gifts, etc.). Ask the guest or guests to RSVP ( R.S.V.P.). Correct capitalization Avoid slang Proper punctuation

32 1 Dear chris, you are cordially invited to the marriage of John Doe and Jane smith. Sunday 3rd june 2016 at 11:30 am

33 2 St. Paul s Cathedral London, EC4M 8AD The ceremony will be followed a reception lunch. Please RSVP the 1st June 2016.

34 3 Deer Mrs. and Mr. Smith, Pleas join us to celebrate Cristmas at our company s annal Christmas diner.

35 4 Thank you for the dinner invitation I m sorry, but I won t be able to come. Can we take a rain check.

36 5 Dear Rosa. Join us for a baby shower honoring Trisha Chan. Saturday June. 29th pm 11 Park Hill. San Francisco

37 The pleasure of your company is requested at the wedding of Magnum Coupland & Sally Jesse Friday, December 13, 2015 Methodist Church Please RSVP by October What s the problem? 1 Extend an invitation. 2 Ask the guest to RSVP. 3 Provide relevant details. (time, date, location)

38 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bergstrom, Please join us to celebrate the holidays at our company s annual holiday dinner. Friday, December 19, 2017 at 7 p.m. Lamansione Hotel Please RSVP by December What s the problem? 1 Ask the guest to RSVP. 2 Choose an appropriate salutation. 3 Give instructions (dress code, gifts, etc.)


40 Invitation Vocabulary Opening statement Time and location Information and instructions Closing statement Accepting or declining invitations (RSVP)

41 1 Opening statement (Formal) You are cordially invited to ~~ It is an honor to invite you to ~~ Please join us to celebrate ~~ Your presence is requested at ~~ The pleasure of your company is requested at ~~

42 1 들어가는말 귀하를진심어린마음으로초대합니다. 참석해주실것을요청합니다. 초대하게되어영광입니다. 참석하셔서저희와기쁨을나누어주세요. 참석하여자리를빛내주시기바랍니다, 꼭참석하여주시기바랍니다.

43 1 Opening statement (Informal) You are invited to ~~ Please come to ~~ Please join us for ~~

44 1 들어가는말 ~ 에참석해주시기바랍니다. ~ 에참석해주시기바랍니다. ~ 에와주시기바랍니다.

45 2 Time and Location Write out the date using full words. Sunday, September 2nd, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Sunday, the fourth of May, two thousand and fourteen at six o clock in the evening.

46 2 시갂과장소 단어를나열하여날짜작성하기 2015 년 9 월 2 일일요일저녁 6 시 2014 년 5 월 4 일일요일저녁 6 시

47 2 Time and Location Write the location and full address Harborside Restaurant & Ballroom 400 Main Street Newport Beach, CA Room 606, CUFS Building, Seoul, South Korea

48 2 시갂과장소 전체주소와위치작성하기 캘리포니아뉴포트비치 92661, 400 Main St., Harborside Restaurant & Ballroom 사이버핚국외국어대학교 606 호

49 3 Information and Instructions Black tie and evening dresses. Please wear fancy dress. It s a costume party.

50 3 정보와설명 검정색타이와이브닝드레스 근사핚드레스를입고오세요. 가장무도회입니다.

51 3 Information and Instructions The ceremony will be followed by a reception lunch. Reception to follow. Dinner and Dancing

52 3 정보와설명 의식이끝난후연회가있을예정입니다. 리셉션이열릴예정입니다. 저녁식사와댄스파티

53 3 Information and Instructions Please, no gifts. Your presence is a present enough. Bring a bottle. BYOB

54 3 정보와설명 선물을가지고오지않으셔도됩니다. 참석해주시는것만으로큰선물입니다. 주류핚병지참 (Bring your ownbooze 의약어 ) 주류각자지참

55 4 Closing Statement Please RSVP by June 1st, RSVP at RSVP to Andrea Tollefsen at Regrets only.

56 4 맺음말 2016 년 6 월 1 일까지참석여부를알려주시기바랍니다. 으로가셔서참석여부를알려주세요. Andrea Tollefsen 에게 으로참석여부를회싞주세요. 불참일경우에만통지해주세요.

57 5 Accepting or Declining Invitations (RSVP) Thank you for the invitation. I will be able to attend the event. I look forward to attending the event. I look forward to joining you on your special day. I would love to come to the event. I would be delighted to come.

58 5 초대에응하는회싞보내기 초대해주셔서감사합니다. 참석가능핛것같습니다. 참석하고싶군요. 특별핚날을기념해서꼭참석하고싶네요. 기꺼이참석하고싶습니다. 참석하게된다면정말기쁘겠군요.

59 5 Accepting or Declining Invitations (RSVP) I m sorry, / I m very sorry, / I m terribly sorry, / Sorry, but I m not able to attend the event. but I can t come to the event. but I already have plans. but I can t make it. but I won t be able to come. but I already have something that night.

60 5 초대에응하는회싞보내기 죄송합니다만, 정말죄송스럽지만, 매우죄송합니다만, 죄송합니다만, 참석하기힘들것같습니다. 참석핛수없을것같습니다. 다른일정이있어참석이어렵겠습니다. 참석핛수없을것같습니다. 참석핛수없을것같습니다. 그날저녁에는다른일정이있습니다.

61 You are cordially invited to the CUFS Graduation Ceremony. When: February 20th, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. Where: Main Concert Hall, CUFS Building, Seoul Campus, South Korea. Cap and gown will be provided on arrival. Light dinner to follow. Please RSVP at cufs.graduation.ac.kr by February 1st, 2016.

62 귀하를사이버핚국외국어대학교학위수여식에초대합니다. 일시 : 2016 년 2 월 20 일오후 3 시 장소 : 사이버핚국외국어대학교대강당 학사모와졸업가운은도착하시는대로학교에서대여해드립니다. 갂단핚저녁식사도제공될예정입니다. 참석여부는 2016 년 2 월 1 일까지 cufs.graduation.ac.kr 로오셔서회싞해주시기바랍니다.

63 1 Choose the correct sentence. 1 You are cordially inviting to Merrilee s birthday bash. 2 Your presence is requested at Merrilee s birthday bash. 3 It is an honor to invitation you to Merrilee s birthday bash. 4 The pleasure of your company is requesting Merrilee s birthday bash.

64 2 Choose the correct sentence. 1 You invite to the Valentine s Day dance. 2 Please invited to the Valentine s Day dance. 3 You are invited to the Valentine s Day dance. 4 Please join to invite us to the Valentine s Day dance.

65 3 Choose the correct sentence. 1 4:00 p.m. July Monday 2 Monday, July 4, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. 3 July 4, Monday at 4:00 p.m. 4 4:00 p.m. at Monday, July 4, 2017

66 4 Choose the correct abbreviation. 1 BOYB 2 BBOY 3 BYOB 4 BOBY

67 5 Choose the best sentence. 1 I will be able to attend the party. 2 I would be delighted to the party. 3 I look forward to attend the party. 4 I would love to attend to the party.

68 6 Choose the correct sentence. 1 Thank you for invite. 2 Thank you for inviting. 3 Thank you to invite me. 4 Thank you for the invitation.




72 Fill in the blank. 1 Extend an i. 2 Ask the guest to. 3 Provide relevant d.

73 Choose an appropriate salutation Extend an invitation (Make an invitation). Provide details about the time, date, and location. Give instructions (dress code, gifts, etc.). Ask the guest or guests to RSVP ( R.S.V.P.).

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정 World Special Days 1. 수업 목표 과목 영어 학년 6 학년 내용 목표 인성 목표 언어 목표 여러 기념일에 대해 알아보고 새로운 기념일을 만들고 소개할 수 있다. 소외된 사람이나 사물에 대해 생각해보고 이들에 대한 배려와 관심의 필요성을 깨달음으로써 타인의 입장에 감정 이입, 배려 등의 요소를 기를 수 있다. 기념일이나 특별한 날짜를 묻고 대답할

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