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1 농약과학회지 (Korean J. Pestic. Sci.) Vol. 21, No. 4, pp (2017) Open Access Online ISSN Print ISSN ORIGINAL ARTICLES 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 박연기 * 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭국립농업과학원농산물안전성부농자재평가과 Acute Toxicity of Pesticides to Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Changes of Toxicity to the Exposure Time Yeon-Ki Park*, Jin-A Oh, Are-Sun You, Soo-Jin Park, You-Mi Jo, Je-Bong Lee and Chan-Sup Kim Division of Agro-material Safety evaluation, Department of Agro-food Safety, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Received on October 27, Revised on November 22, Accepted on November 27, 2017) Abstract The 48 hr-lc 50 and 96 hr-lc 50 of 1,483 pesticides to carp (Cyprinus carpio) were classified into three grades and compared. And the values of 48 hr-lc 50 divided by 96 hr-lc 50 were calculated to detect changes in toxicity due to differences in exposure time. Based on Korea s criterion, the acute toxicity for fish were classified using 48hr-LC 50. As a result, 237 pesticides were grade I (LC 50 < 0.5 mg/l), 203 pesticides were grade II (0.5 LC 50 < 2 mg/l ) and 1,043 pesticides were grade III (LC 50 2 mg/l) among the 1,483 pesticides. As toxicity classification by crop type, 83 (12.9%) pesticides were grade II and 560 (87.1%) pesticides were grade III among 643 paddy field pesticides, and for 840 gardening pesticides, 237 (28.2%), 116 (13.8%) and 487 (58.0%) pesticides were classified as grade I, II and III. By dividing 48 hr-lc 50 into 96 hr-lc 50 to detect changes in toxicity due to differences in exposure time, in case of 831 pesticides (56%), there were no toxic variation over time since toxic expressions were completed within 48 hours. However the ratio of LC 50 values of 48 h and 96 h for 612 pesticides (41.3%) were 1.01~1.99 times and 40 pesticides (2.7%) were more than 2 times due to the continued toxic expressions as the exposure time increases. Key words pesticide, acute toxicity, fish, carp (Cyprinus carpio). exposure time 서 론 농약은병 해충 잡초를방제하는약제로서정도의차이는있으나독성을지니고있으므로사용과취급에는각별한주의가요구된다. 즉, 농약의독성정도에따라독성을구분하여취급제한기준을정하고포장지 ( 병 ) 나사용설명서에경고문구나주의사항또는그림문자를표시하여사용자나취급자의안전과수생생태계를보호할필요가있다. 논이나밭, 과수원같은농경지에살포된농약은비산이나유출등을통해비표적환경생물 ( 육상및수생 ) 에나쁜영향을미칠수있다. 따라서농약등록을위해서환경생물에대한위해성평가는필수적이다. 특히, 논에농약사용은 *Corresponding author freshfish@korea.kr 농약의유효성분이논물에녹아관개수와직접연결된하천이나호수에유입될수있으므로우리나라와같이벼재배용농약사용량이많은경우에는수생생물에대한위해성평가는매우중요하다. 우리나라농약관리법에서는농약등록신청서류검토후해당농약이다량으로사용될경우수서생물에해를줄우려가있을때또는공공수역의수질이오염되어수생생태계를파괴할우려가있거나그물을이용하는사람과가축에해를줄우려가있을때는등록신청서류를반려하거나보완을요구하게되어있다 (PCA 2017). 그러나실제로는제출된등록신청농약의급성독성과등록신청농약의사용으로수생생물이노출될수있는환경중추정농도를산출하여비교함으로써위해성평가를수행하게된다. 농약등록시제출해야할수생생물에대한위해성평가관련시험성적서는등록신청자가제출토록하고있다. 제출된시험성적서는 453

2 454 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 단계적검토방법으로검토하되제1단계에서제출된시험성적으로검토하여안전성이인정되면검토를종료한다. 그러나제1단계에서안전성이인정되지않으면제2단계, 제3단계검토를수행하고, 검토에필요한자료는등록신청자가추가로제출하게되어있다. 제1단계검토시필수적으로제출해야할시험성적서는어류에대한급성독성시험성적서이다. 어류에대한급성독성시험성적은등록신청농약의다음단계평가결정과독성구분에중요하다. 어류에대한급성독성시험은농약에따라어류의감수성이달라지므로농약계통에따라적합한어종을선택해야한다는보고 (Luciano and Giovanna 1991, Lorraine et al. 2005, Bae et al. 2012) 와같이농약별시험어종에따라독성값차이가있을수있으므로 (Jonhson and Finley 1980) 국가별등록시험어종을추천하고있다. 우리나라에서는잉어또는송사리등온수어종에대한시험성적을요구하고있으나미국, 유럽등에서는냉수어와온수어에대한성적을요구하고있다. 실제자연환경에서는농약이수계로유입되더라도낮은농도로장시간이동없이존재하는것이보통이다 (Connell and Yu 2008, Connell et al. 2016). 이런노출시간에따라독성이달라지는문제를해결하기위해미국, 유럽등에서는급성위해성평가에 96시간 LC 50 를이용하고있다 (EPA OECD 1992). 그러나우리나라에서는 48시간 LC 50 값을어류에대한위해성평가에이용하고어독성도구분하고있다 (PCA. 2017). 어독성구분은 48시간 LC 50 이 0.5 mg/l 미만이면어독성 I급, 0.5 mg/l 이상 2mg/L 미만이면어독성 II급, 2 mg/l 이상이면어독성 III급으로한다. 특히, 벼재배용농약으로서어독성 I급으로분류되는농약은사용량, 제제의형태, 사용방법, 이화학적특성등을고려하여평가한결과안전성이인정되지않으면등록을보류할수있도록규정하고있다 (PCA. 2017). 이에본연구에서는농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화를알아보기위하여우리나라에등록되어있는 1,483품목에대해잉어에대한 48시간과 96시간 LC 50 값에따라각각독성등급을구분하였다. 그리고 48시간 LC 50 값과 96시간 LC 50 값을비교하여노출시간의차이에따른독성변화를알아보았다. 재료및방법 농약및원제의등록기준 ( 농촌진흥청고시 ) 의담수어류급성독성시험기준과방법에따라수행한농촌진흥청농약품목고시시험사업보고서 ( 93~ 96) 와국립농업과학원농약안전성전문위원회심의자료 ( 97~ 16) 를모아정리한국립농업과학원농자재평가과위해성평가실의환경생물독성데이터베이스를이용하였다. 우리나라에등록된 1,917품목 (KCPA 2016, 2017) 중에서 48시간 LC 50 값만있고 96시간 LC 50 값이없는농약을제외한 1,483품목에대해잉어에대한 48시간과 96시간 LC 50 값으로 I, II 그리고 III급으로어독성을구분하였고, 48시간 LC 50 을 96시간 LC 50 으로나눈값으로노출시간경과에따른독성의변화를알아보았다. 결과및고찰 농약 1,483품목의잉어에대한 48시간과 96시간 LC 50 값은 Table 1과같다. 1,483품목에서벼재배용은 643품목 (43.4%) 이었고원예용은 840품목 (56.6%) 를차지하였다. 대상병 해충잡초별로는살균제는 480품목, 살충 살균제는 81품목, 살충제는 418 품목, 제초제는 467품목, 생장조정제는 31품목기타 6품목이었다. 살균제 480품목중벼재배용은 113품목 (23.5%) 원예용은 367품목 (76.5%) 를차지하였고, 살충제 418품목중벼재배용은 90품목 (21.5%) 이었고원예용은 328품목 (78.5%) 으로살균제와살충제는원예용이벼재배용보다많았다. 그러나살균 살충제 81품목중벼재배용은 66품목 (81.5%), 원예용은 15품목 (18.5%) 이었고. 제초제 467품목중벼재배용은 375품목 (80.3%) 원예용은 92품목 (19.7%) 로살균 살충제와제초제는벼재배용이원예용보다더많았다. 생장조정제 31품목중벼재배용은 2품목 (6.5%) 원예용은 29품목 (93.5%) 으로원예용이벼재배용보다많았다. 우리나라어독성분류기준인 48시간 LC 50 값으로어독성을구분한결과, 1,483품목중어독성I급 (LC 50 <0.5 mg/l) 은 237품목 (16.0%) II급 (0.5 LC 50 <2 mg/l) 은 203품목 (13.7%), 그리고 III급 (LC 50 2mg/l) 은 1,043품목 (70.3%) 이었다. 적용작물별로독성등급을구분하면벼재배용농약 643 품목중 I급은없고 II급은 83품목 (12.9%), 그리고 III급은 560품목 (87.1%) 이었다. 원예용농약 840품목중 I급이 237 품목 (28.2%) II급이 116품목 (13.8%), 그리고 III급이 487품목 (58.0%) 이었다. 대상병 해충, 잡초별로독성등급을구분하면, 살균제 480품목중 I급은 96품목, II급은 80품목, 그리고 III급은 304품목이었고, 살충제 418품목중 I급은 131 품목 II급은 61품목그리고 III급은 226품목이었다. 살충 살균제 81품목중 I급은 6품목 II급은 20품목그리고 III급은 55품목이었다. 제초제 467품목중 I급은 3품목 II급은 37품목그리고 III급은 427품목이었다. 생장조정제 31품목중 II 급은 4품목그리고 III급은 27품목이었다. 기타 6품목은 I급은 1품목 II급은 1품목그리고 III급은 4품목이었다. 독성등급별로순위를보면어독성 I급은살충제 (131품목)> 살균제 (96품목)> 살충 살균제 (6품목)> 제초제 (3품목)> 기타 (1품목) 순이었고, 어독성 II급은살균제 (80품목)> 살충제 (61품목)> 제초제 (37품목)> 살균 살충제 (20품목)> 생장조정제 (4품목)> 기타 (1품목) 순이었다. 그리고어독성 III급은제초제 (427품

3 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 455 Table 1. LC 50 of 48 hour and 96 hour for pesticide products to carp (Cyprinus carpio) Abamectin DC Orange, Abamectin EC Apple, Abamectin Melon, Abamectin ME Red pepper, Abamectin SC Melon, Abamectin Acetamiprid ME Orange, Abamectin Chlorantraniliprole SC Apple, Abamectin Chlorfenapyr SC Persimmon, Abamectin Cyflumetofen DC Orange, Abamectin Fenazaquin SC Apple, Abamectin Spinetoram SC Red pepper, Cucumber Abamectin Spirodiclofen SC Melon, Abamectin Spirodiclofen SC Orange, Abamectin Sulfoxaflor SC Red pepper, Abamectin Thiamethoxam SC Pear Acephate CG Pine, 97 >10 >10 Acephate WP Rice, Chinese cabbage, 50 >10 >10 Acephate Diazinon DP Potato Acequinocyl SC Orange, 15 >10 >10 Acetamiprid AL Rose, >9.923 >9.923 Acetamiprid DC Peach, Acetamiprid Red pepper, 1.5 >10 >10 Acetamiprid ME Pine Acetamiprid SG Grape, 8 >10 >10 Acetamiprid SL Red pepper, 5 >10 >10 Acetamiprid SL Pine, Acetamiprid SP Orange, 8 >10 >10 Acetamiprid WG Eggplant, Acetamiprid WP Rice, Apple, 8 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Bifenthrin WG Persimmon, Acetamiprid Buprofezin EC Orange, Acetamiprid Buprofezin SC Persimmon, 25 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Buprofezin SC Persimmon, 19 > Acetamiprid Buprofezin WP Orange, 24 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Chlorfenapyr WP Water melon, Acetamiprid Diflubenzuron WP Apple, Pear 9 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Diflubenzuron WP Orange, Acetamiprid Emamectin benzoate SL Persimmon, Acetamiprid Emamectin benzoate WG Red pepper, Acetamiprid Etofenprox EP Grape Acetamiprid Etofenprox WP Rice, Apple, 10.5 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Flubendiamide WG Rice, Red pepper, 13 >10 >10

4 456 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Acetamiprid Flufenoxuron WP Red pepper, 13 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Indoxacarb SC Orange, Acetamiprid Indoxacarb WP Red pepper, Acetamiprid Lufenuron SC Orange, 13 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Lufenuron WG Red pepper, 13 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Lufenuron WP Red pepper, 13 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Metaflumizone SC Peach, Apple Acetamiprid Methoxyfenozide WG Strawberry, 13 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Pyrifluquinazon WG Orange, 12 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Spinetoram SC Acetamiprid Sulfoxaflor WG Red pepper, 10.2 >9.30 >9.30 Acetamiprid Tebufenozide SC Rice 12 > > Acetamiprid Tebufenozide WP Insecticde Rice 12 >10 >10 Acetamiprid Novaluron EC Orange, 16 >10 >10 Acibenzolar-S-methyl Chlorotalonil SC Fungicide Apple, Acibenzolar-S-methyl Mancozeb WP Fungicide Red pepper, Acibenzolar-S-methyl Thiamethoxam Insecti-Fungicide Rice Acrinathrin Spiromesifen SC Strawberry, Alachlor EC Herbicide Bean, Alachlor Herbicide Bean, Alpha-cypermethrin EC Persimmon, Alpha-cypermethrin WG Red pepper, Alpha-cypermethrin Chlorfenapyr EC Alpha-cypermethrin Flufenoxuron EC Leek, Alpha-cypermethrin Tebufenozide SC Red pepper, Apple Ametoctradin Dimethomorph SC Fungicide Red pepper, Amisulbrom SC Fungicide Red pepper, Amisulbrom WG Fungicide Amisulbrom Chlorothalonil SC Fungicide Red pepper, Amisulbrom Cymoxanil WG Fungicide Red pepper, 35 >10 >10 Amitraz Buprofezin EC Orange, Asulam sodium SG Herbicide Lawn 87.6 >10 >10 Asulam sodium SL Herbicide Lawn 37 >10 >10 Azadirachtin Rice, Garlic, 0.15 >20 >20 Azimsulfuron Benfuresate Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Benfuresate Carfentrazone-ethyl Herbicide Rice 1.8 >8.9 >8.9 Azimsulfuron Benfuresate Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 2.55 >9.7 >9.7 Azimsulfuron Bensulfuron-methyl Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 0.91 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Bensulfuron-methyl Indanofan Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 3.61 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Bensulfuron-methyl Pretilachlor Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Bensulfuron-methyl Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice

5 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 457 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon WG Herbicide Rice 54 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 1.75 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide UG Herbicide Rice 17.1 >8.63 >8.63 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Ipfencarbazone GG Herbicide Rice 9.3 > > Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Metamifop Herbicide Rice 1.05 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Metamifop Pretialchl or Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Oxaziclomefone Herbicide Rice 1.02 >9.49 >9.49 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Oxaziclomefone UG Herbicide Rice 9.7 >7.454 >7.454 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice 4.8 >9.6 >9.6 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.83 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Benzobicyclon Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 2.55 >8.5 >8.5 Azimsulfuron Bromobutide Fenoxsulam Herbicide Rice 2.62 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Bromobutide Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 9.83 >5.896 >5.896 Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Herbicide Rice 0.2 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 1.3 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Flucetosulfuron Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.38 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Pyriminobacmethyl Herbicide Rice 0.28 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Carfentrazone-ethyl Pyriminobacmethyl UG Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Fentrazamide UG Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Flucetosulfuron DT Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Flucetosulfuron Mesotrione DT Herbicide Rice 2.52 >9.927 >9.927 Azimsulfuron Indanofan Herbicide Rice 0.45 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 3.05 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Mefenacet UG Herbicide Rice 21.3 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Mefenacet Mesotrione Herbicide Rice 3.85 >8.724 >8.724 Azimsulfuron Mefenacet Simetryn Herbicide Rice 4.05 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Metamifop Herbicide Rice Azimsulfuron Oxaziclomefone Herbicide Rice 0.25 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.12 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Penoxsulam WG Herbicide Rice 6.6 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Penoxsulam WP Herbicide Rice 13 >10 >10 Azimsulfuron Penoxsulam Simetryn Herbicide Rice 0.42 >10 >10 Azocyclotin SC Orange, Azocyclotin WP Apple, Azocyclotin Bifenthrin SC Pear, Azocyclotin Chlorfenapyr SC Peach, Azocyclotin Etoxazole SC Orange, Azocyclotin Pyridaben WP Orange, Apple Azoxystrobin ME Apple, Azoxystrobin SC Fungicide Cucumber,

6 458 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Azoxystrobin WP Fungicide Rice, Apple, Azosystrobin Chlorotalonil SC Fungicide Red pepper, Azosystrobin Chlorotalonil SC Fungicide Lawn Azoxystrobin Cyproconazole SC Fungicide Lawn Azoxystrobin Difenoconazole SC Fungicide Persimmon, Azoxystrobin Difenoconazole WG Fungicide Persimmon, Azoxystrobin Dimethomorph SC Fungicide Potato, Azoxystrobin Dimethomorph WG Fungicide Red pepper, Azoxystrobin Ferimzone SC Fungicide Rice Azoxystrobin Fipronil FG Insecti-Fungicide Rice Azoxystrobin Fipronil Insecti-Fungicide Rice Azoxystrobin Fluazinam SC Fungicide Potato, Azoxystrobin Fludioxonil SC Fungicide Orange, Azoxystrobin Fludioxonil WP Fungicide Red pepper Azoxystrobin Hexaconazole SC Fungicide Rice, Cucumber, Azoxystrobin Isoprothiolane EC Fungicide Rice Azosystrobin Isopyrazam SC Fungicide Rose, Azoxystrobin Metalaxyl-M SE Fungicide Rose, Azoxystrobin Propiconazole EC Fungicide Rice, Rose, Azoxystrobin Propiconazole SE Fungicide Rice, Soybean Azosystrobin Tebuconazole SC Fungicide Persimmon, Azosystrobin Tebuconazole SC Fungicide Red pepper, Pear Azoxystrobin Tetraconazole SE Fungicide Red pepper, Cucumber Azoxystrobin Thiophanate-methyl SC Fungicide Persimmon, Azoxystrobin Tricyclazole SC Fungicide Rice Azoxystrobin Validamycin-A SC Fungicide Rice Azoxystrobin Validamycin-A Etofenprox SE Insecti-Fungicide Rice Benalaxyl-M Fungicide Red pepper, Benalaxyl-M Ethaboxam SC Fungicide Red pepper, Benfluralin Isoxaben WP Herbicide Rice 54.5 >10 >10 Benfuracarb WG Apple, Benfuracarb Buprofezin WG Orange, Benfuracarb Fosthiazate Watermelon, Benfuresate Bensulfuron-methyl Herbicide Rice 1.6 >10 >10 Benfuresate Bensulfuron-methyl Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 2.47 >10 >10 Benfuresate Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide SE Herbicide Rice Benfuresate Bifenox Herbicide Rice 6.5 >10 >10 Benfuresate Bromobutide Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 6.87 >5.588 >5.588 Benfuresate Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 1.83 >8.184 >8.184 Benfuresate Cyclosulfamuron Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 2.47 >10 >10 Benfuresate Fentrazamide Halosulfuron-methyl Herbicide Rice 2.48 >10 >10 Benfuresate Fentrazamide Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 2.37 >10 >10 Benfuresate Halosulfuron-methyl Indanofan Herbicide Rice 1.88 >10 >10 Benfuresate Imazosulfuron Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 4.23 >10 >10

7 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 459 Benfuresate MCPA Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 2.4 >10 >10 Benfuresate Mesotrione Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 1.68 >10 >10 Benfuresate Pyrimisulfan Herbicide Rice 1.72 >10 >10 Benomyl Chlorothalonil WP Fungicide Red pepper, Watermelon Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 1.87 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide UG Herbicide Rice 18.3 >7.873 >7.873 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Metamifop SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice >4.851 >4.851 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam GG Herbicide Rice 5.68 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 5.52 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Benzobicyclon Pyriminobacmethyl SC Herbicide Rice 5.8 >9.4 >9.4 Bensulfuron-methyl Bromobutide Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice >8.2 >8.2 Bensulfuron-methyl Bromobutide Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Bromobutide Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 19.5 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Carfentrazone-ethyl Metamifop Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam GG Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Carfentrazone-ethyl Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Fentrazamide SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Ferntrazamide Mesotrione Herbicide Rice 1.5 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl MCPA Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice 28 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Metamifop SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Oxadiargyl SC Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Pretilachlor SE Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Mesotrione Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.55 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Mesotrione Pretilachlor Pyriftalid Herbicide Rice Bensulfuron-methyl Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 1.5 >10 >10 Bensulfuron-methyl Pretilachlor Pyriftalid SC Herbicide Rice Bentazone SL Herbicide Rice, Barley, 40 >10 >10 Bentazone Cyhalofop-butyl ME Herbicide Rice Bentazone Flucetosulfuron Simetryn Herbicide Rice 7.8 >10 >10 Bentazone MCPA Herbicide Rice 12.2 >20 >20 Bentazone MCPA WG Herbicide Lawn 35.6 >10.39 >10.39 Bentazone MCPA Propanil ME Herbicide Rice Bentazone MCPB ME Herbicide Rice 24.5 >10 >10

8 460 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Bentazone Metamifop ME Herbicide Rice Bentazone Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice >8.563 >8.563 Bentazone Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice Bentazone Propanil ME Herbicide Rice Bentazone-sodium Herbicide Rice 10 >94.5 >94.5 Bentazone-sodium Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl ME Herbicide Rice 31 >10 >10 Bentazone-sodium Glufosinate-ammonium SL Herbicide Orange, Bentazone-sodium Glyphosate-isopropylamine SL Herbicide Noncropland 30 > > Bentazone Tefuryltrione Herbicide Rice >99.6 >99.6 Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl WG Fungicide Tomato, 15 >9.266 >9.266 Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl Chlorothalonil WG Fungicide Red pepper, Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl Copper oxychloride WP Fungicide Grape, 38.5 >10 >10 Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl Propineb WP Fungicide Onion, Benzobicyclon SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Cafenstrole Pyrazosulfurn-ethyl Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Carfentrazone-ethyl Flusetosulfuron Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 1.05 >8.3 >8.3 Benzobicyclon Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam ZC Herbicide Rice 5.98 >11.1 >11.1 Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Fentrazamide SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Flucetosulfuron GG Herbicide Rice 5.62 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice 26.2 >8.4 >8.4 Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.85 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Cyclosulfamuron Pyriminobacmethyl DT Herbicide Rice 5.62 >5.65 >5.65 Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice 1.95 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Imazosulfuron SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice 15.4 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Fentrazamide Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl UG Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Flucetosulfuron DT Herbicide Rice 3.92 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Flucetosulfuron Halosulfuron-methyl DT Herbicide Rice 4.48 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Flucetosulfuron Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 2.42 >9.9 >9.9 Benzobicyclon Halosulfuron-methyl Pyriminobacmethyl WG Herbicide Rice 56.8 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Ipfencarbazone SC Herbicide Rice 10.5 >10.21 >10.21 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Metamifop SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice 24.5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Oxaziclomefone SC Herbicide Rice 7.1 >8.26 >8.26 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice 12 >5.944 >5.944 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam GG Herbicide Rice 5.98 >10 >10

9 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 461 Benzobicyclon Imazoxulfuron Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 5.42 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Imazosulfuron Pyriminobac-methyl SC Herbicide Rice 6.1 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Mefenacet Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice 21.5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Mefenacet Propyrisulfuron SC Herbicide Rice 26.5 >9.733 >9.733 Benzobicyclon Mefenacet Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl GG Herbicide Rice 29.5 >9.823 >9.823 Benzobicyclon Mefenacet Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Metamifop Pretilachlor Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Metamifop Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 1.07 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Metazosulfuron DT Herbicide Rice 5.5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Orthosulfamuron Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice 5.48 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Orthosulfamuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.98 >9.2 >9.2 Benzobicyclon Oxaziclomefone SC Herbicide Rice 3.5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pendimethalin SE Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam DT Herbicide Rice 4.48 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.68 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pretilachlor SE Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pyraclonil SC Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pyrazolate Herbicide Rice 3.68 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl DT Herbicide Rice 10.2 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 0.85 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Penoxsulam Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl SC Herbicide Rice 4.9 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pretilachlor SE Herbicide Rice Benzobicyclon Propyrisulfuron SC Herbicide Rice 5.5 >9.8 >9.8 Benzobicyclon Pyraclonil Herbicide Rice 1 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobac-methyl GG Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobac-methyl SC Herbicide Rice 5.02 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pyriminobac-methyl WG Herbicide Rice 50.2 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Pyrimisulfan Herbicide Rice 0.92 >9.2 >9.2 Benzobicyclon Pyrimisulfan SC Herbicide Rice 4.5 >10 >10 Benzobicyclon Thiobencarb SE Herbicide Rice Benzyl aminopurine SL 6-Benzyl aminopurine SL Bean sprouts 0.3 >10 >10 Orange, Chrysanthemum 3 >10 >10 Beta-cyfluthrin DP Beta-cyfluthrin EC Orange, Bifenazate Chlorfenapyr SC Pear, Bifenazate Etoxazole SC Orange, Apple Bifenazate Fenbutatin-oxide SC Strawberry, Pear Bifenazate Flufenoxuron WG Apple Bifenazate Pyridaben SC Apple, Bifenox Flucetosulfuron WG Herbicide Lawn 30 >10 >10

10 462 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Bifenox Glyphosate-isopropylamine ME Herbicide Noncropland Bifenthrin DP Red pepper, Bifenthrin EC Bifenthrin EW Persimmon, Bifenthrin Potato, Bifenthrin SC Apple, Bifenthrin SC Red pepper, Lawn Bifenthrin WP Apple, Bifenthrin Chlorfenapyr FW Red pepper, Bifenthrin Chlorfenapyr WP Leek, Bifenthrin Chromafenozide EC Peach Bifenthrin Clothianidin SC Strawberry, Bifenthrin Diflubenzuron SE Peach, Apple Bifenthrin Etoxazole ME Peach, Bifenthrin Imidacloprid DC Red pepper, Apple Bifenthrin Imidacloprid Potato, Bifenthrin Imidacloprid WP Orange, Bifenthrin Methoxyfenozide SC Persimmon, Bifenthrin Phoxim Potato, Bifenthrin Pyridaben SC Orange Bifenthrin Sulfoxaflor SC Orange, Bifenthrin Terbufos Potato, Bispyribac-sodium SL Herbicide Rice, Lawn, Bistrifluron EC Bistrifluron Chlorfenapyr SC Red pepper, etc, Bistrifluron Emamectin-benzoate WG Red pepper, Bistrifluron Etofenprox SE Apple, Bistrifluron Flubendiamide SC Red pepper, 23 >10 >10 Bistrifluron Flufenoxuron SC 7 >10 >10 Bitertanol WP Fungicide Pear, Blad SL Fungicide Strawberry, Grape 20 >10 >10 Blend of alkylaryl polyethoxylate and sodium salt of alkyl sulfonated alkylate SL Others Rice 60 >2 >2 Boscalid WT Fungicide Orange, 47 >3.14 >3.14 Boscalid Fludioxonil SC Fungicide Grape, Boscalid Metrafenone SC Fungicide Red pepper, 30 >10 >10 Boscalid Metrafenone WG Fungicide Cucumber, 30 >7.29 >7.29 Boscalid Pyraclostrobin Fungicide Garlic, Boscalid Pyraclostrobin SC Fungicide Pear, Boscalid Pyraclostrobin WG Fungicide Apple, Boscalid Pyriofenone SC Fungicide Melon, Boscalid Triflumizole WP Fungicide Cucumber, Bromobutide Cafenstrole Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 4.99 >10 >10 Bromobutide Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 7 >9.685 >9.685

11 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 463 Bromobutide Fentrazamide Flucetosulfuron Herbicide Rice 4.07 >10 >10 Bromobutide Fentrazamide Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice 4.25 >10 >10 Bromobutide Fentrazamide Imazosulfuron SC Herbicide Rice 25.5 >10 >10 Bromobutide Fentrazamide Halosulfuron-methyl Herbicide Rice 4.18 >9.460 >9.460 Bromobutide Flucetosulfuron Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice 3.35 >10 >10 Bromobutide Halosulfuron-methyl Oxaziclomefone Herbicide Rice 3.45 >10 >10 Bromobutide Halosulfuron-methyl Pyriminobac-methyl GG Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 6.25 >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Metamifop SC Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam GG Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 3.33 >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam UG Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Pyraclonil GG Herbicide Rice 23.1 > > Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Pyraclonil Herbicide Rice 3.85 >8.7 >8.7 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 3.35 >10 >10 Bromobutide Imazosulfuron Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Bromobutide MCPA Orthosulfufamuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 3.83 >9.299 >9.299 Bromobutide Oxadiargyl SC Herbicide Rice 9.4 >10 >10 Bromobutide Oxaziclomefone Pyrazosulfuronethyl Herbicide Rice >4.09 >4.092 Bromobutide Penoxsulam SC Herbicide Rice >9.40 >9.40 Bromobutide Penoxsulam Pyraclonil SC Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Pretilachlor Simetryn EC Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Propyrisulfuron Herbicide Rice 3.25 >10 >10 Bromobutide Propyrisulfuron SC Herbicide Rice 19.5 > > Bromobutide Propyrisulfuron Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Pyraclonil SC Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Pyraclonil Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 3.4 >3.467 >3.467 Bromobutide Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobacmethyl GG Herbicide Rice >10 >10 Bromobutide Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobacmethyl Herbicide Rice 3.17 >10 >10 Bromobutide Thiobencarb SC Herbicide Rice Bromobutide Thiobencarb SE Herbicide Rice Buprofezin SC Pine 40 >10 >10 Buprofezin WP Pear, Buprofezin Chromafenozide SC insecticide Rice, Pear, Buprofezin Clothianidin SC Orange, 13 >10 >10 Buprofezin Dinotefuran WP Persimmon, Buprofezin Etofenprox WG Pear, Buprofezin Etofenprox WP Rice

12 464 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Buprofezin Flubendiamide SC Rice Buprofezin Imidecloprid Rice, Red pepper, 2 >10 >10 Buprofezin Imidacloprid SC Orange, Buprofezin Imidacloprid WG Chrysanthemum 19 >8.762 >8.762 Buprofezin Imidacloprid WP Apple, Watermelon 10 >10 >10 Buprofezin Isoprocarb WP insecticide Rice 25 >2 >2 Buprofezin Lambda-cyhalothrin EC Orange, Buprofezin Methoxyfenozide WP Rice, Cucumber, Buprofezin Pyridaben SC Cucumber, Buprofezin Pyrifluquinazon SC Persimmon, Buprofezin Spinetoram SC Red pepper, Buprofezin Sulfoxaflor SC Orange, Buprofezin Tebufenozide WP Rice, Tomato, Buprofezin Thiacloprid SC Rice, Pear, 25 >10 >10 Buprofezin Thiamethoxam SC Persimmon, Butachlor CS Herbicide Rice Butachlor Carfentrazone-ethyl Herbicide Rice Butachlor Cyclosulfamuron Herbicide Rice Butachlor Dichlobenil Herbicide Lawn Butachlor Ethoxysulfuron Herbicide Rice Butralin EC Tobacco Butralin Decyl alcohol EC Tobacco Cadusafos Watermelon, Cafenstrole SC Herbicide Lawn Cafenstrole Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice Cafenstrole Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice Captan WG Fungicide Apple Captan WP Fungicide Apple, Captan WT Fungicide Strawberry, Tomato Captan Polyoxin-B WP Fungicide Apple Carbaryl WP Potato, Carbendazim SC Fungicide Apple 41.5 >10 >10 Carbendazim WP Fungicide Apple, Carbendazim Chlorothalonil DP Fungicide Chinese cabbage Carbendazim Chlorothalonil SC Fungicide Red pepper, Carbendazim Diethofencarb WP Fungicide Red pepper, 50 >10 >10 Carbendazim Difenoconazole WG Fungicide Persimmon, Carbendazim Hexaconazole WP Fungicide Red pepper, Carbendazim Iprodione SC Fungicide Rice 25 >10 >10 Carbendazim Kasugamycin WP Fungicide Red pepper, >10 >10 Carbendazim Kresoxim-methyl WP Fungicide Orange, Carbendazim Mepanipyrim SC Fungicide Red pepper, Carbendazim Metalaxyl WP Fungicide Rice, Sesame, 62.5 >2 >2

13 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 465 Carbendazim Metalaxyl-M WP Fungicide Rice, Sesame, 54 >10 >10 Carbendazim Polyoxin-D WP Fungicide Red pepper, 51.5 >10 >10 Carbendazim Sulfur SC Fungicide Cucumber, Rose 40 >10 >10 Carbendazim Tebuconazole SC Fungicide Red pepper, 25 >10 >10 Carbendazim Tebuconazole WP Fungicide Apple, Carbendazim Trifloxystrobin WG Fungicide Persimmon, Carbofuran Rice, Carrot, Carbosulfan Rice, Cucumber, 3 >2 >2 Carbosulfan Rice, Garlic 5 >10 >10 Carbosulfan WP Rice, Grape, Carbosulfan Halosulfuron-methyl Mefenacet Insecti- Herbicide Rice Carbosulfan Tefluthrin Potato, Carboxin WS Fungicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl EW Herbicide Lawn Carfentrazone-ethyl Cyclosulfamuron Fentrazamide Herbicide Rice 1.45 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Cyclosulfamuron Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 3.92 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Cyclosulfamuron Pyriftalid Herbicide Rice 0.92 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Cyclosulfamuron Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 0.52 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Fentrazamide Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice 1.5 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Fentrazamide Pyrazosulfuronethyl Herbicide Rice 1.32 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Fentrazamide Pyrazosulfuronethyl UG Herbicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl Flucetosulfuron Imazosulfuron Herbicide Rice, Lawn 0.57 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Glyphosate-isopropylamine ME Herbicide Apple, Carfentrazone-ethyl Halosulfuron-methyl Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 0.53 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Imazosulfuron Mefenacet SE Herbicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl Imazosulfuron Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.43 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Imazosulfuron Pyriminobacmethyl DT Herbicide Rice 7.2 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Imazosulfuron Pyriminobacmethyl Herbicide Rice 0.6 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Mefenacet Pyrazosulfuronethyl Herbicide Rice 3.65 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Herbicide Rice 0.33 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Penoxsulam Pyrazosulfuronethyl Herbicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl Pretilachlor Pyrazosulfuronethyl Herbicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriftalide Herbicide Rice 0.82 >10 >10

14 466 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 A.I. (%) LC 50, mg/l * 48 hr 96 hr Carfentrazone-ethlyl Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 0.42 >10 >10 Carfentrazone-ethyl Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Carfentrazone-ethyl Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Carpropamid SC Fungicide Rice 15 >10 >10 Carpropamid SC Fungicide Rice 30 >10 >10 Carpropamid Fludioxonil Imidacloprid WS Insecti-Fungicide Rice 63 >10 >10 Carpropamid Iminoctadine triacetate SC Fungicide Rice Carpropamid Prochloraz-manganese Imidacloprid WS Insecti-Fungicide Rice 62.5 >10 >10 Carpropamid Thiacloprid Insecti-Fungicide Rice 3 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole Rice 0.4 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole SC Rice Chlorantraniliprole WG Rice, Apple, 5 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole WP Rice, Orange, Chlorantraniliprole WT Rice 20 >4.5 >4.5 Chlorantraniliprole Clothianidin Rice 0.65 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole Clothianidin SC Rice 4.7 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole Flonicamid WG Orange 10 >8.5 >8.5 Chlorantraniliprole Indoxacarb WG Rice, Apple, Chlorantraniliprole Lambda-cyhalothrin SC Apple, Chlorantraniliprole Thiacloprid SC Rice 10.7 >10 >10 Chlorantraniliprole Thiametoxam SC Rice, Chinese cabbage, 24.5 >10 >10 Chlorfenapyr SC Pear, Chlorfenapyr Clothianidin EC Red pepper, Chlorfenapyr Clothianidin SC Red pepper, Chlorfenapyr Cyenopyrafen SC Orange, Chlorfenapyr Cyflumetofen DC Orange, Chlorfenapyr Etofenprox SE Pear, Apple Chlorfenapyr Flufenoxuron DC Apple Chlorfenapyr Imidacloprid SC Red pepper, Chlorfenapyr Metaflumizone EC Red pepper, Chlorfenapyr Pyridaben SC Apple, Chlorfenapyr Thiamethoxam SC Red pepper, Chlorfluazuron SC Apple, 10 >10 >10 Chlorfluazuron Indoxacarb SC Persimmon, Chlorothalonil SC Fungicide Peach, Chlorothalonil WG Fungicide Apple, Chlorothalonil WP Fungicide Apple, Chlorothalonil Cymoxanil WP Fungicide Grape, Chlorothalonil Difenoconazole WG Fungicide Red pepper, Chlorothalonil Dithianon SC Fungicide Persimmon,

15 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 467 A.I. (%) LC 50, mg/l * 48 hr 96 hr Chlorothalonil Kasugamycin SC Fungicide Red pepper, Watemelon Chlorothalonil Mandipropamid SC Fungicide Potato, Chlorothalonil Metalaxyl-M SC Fungicide Potato, Chlorothalonil Oxine-copper WP Fungicide Apple Chlorothalonil Propamocarb hydrochloride SC Fungicide Potato, Chlorothalonil Pyrimethanil SC Fungicide Eggplant, Chlorothalonil Tebuconazole WP Fungicide Persimmon, Chlorothalonil Thiram SC Fungicide Orange Chlorothalonil Trifloxystrobin SC Fungicide Red pepper, Chlorpropham EC Potato 45.8 >2 >2 Chlorpyrifos EC Apple, Chlorpyrifos Tobacco, Chlorpyrifos ME Orange Chlorpyrifos WP Apple, Chlorpyrifos Cypermethrin EC Apple Chromafenozide EC Rice, Red pepper, Chromafenozide SC Apple, Chromafenozide Clothianidin EC Rice Chromafenozide Etofenprox EC Rice, Persimmon, Chromafenozide Fenitrothion EC Rice Clomazone Herbicide Bean 2 >10 >10 Clomazone Pentoxazone EC Herbicide Rice Clomazone Fentrazamide EC Herbicide Rice Clomazone Pretilachlor EC Herbicide Rice Clomazone Pretilachlor EW Herbicide Rice Clothianidin Rice 0.5 >10 >10 Clothianidin Red pepper, 1.8 >10 >10 Clothianidin SC Rice, Orange, 8 >10 >10 Clothianidin SG Persimmon, 8 >10 >10 Clothianidin SL Rice, Rose, 20 >10 >10 Clothianidin UG Rice 1.5 >10 >10 Clothianidin WP Apple, Clothianidin WS Rice 21 >10 >10 Clothianidin Diflubenzuron SC Red pepper, 20 >10 >10 Clothianidin Fenitrothion Potato, Clothianidin Flubendiamide SC Rice 6 >10 >10 Clothianidin Flufenoxuron SC Strawberry, Melon 10 >10 >10 Clothianidin Indoxacarb WP Rice Clothianidin Methoxyfenozide SC Rice, Orange, 15 >10 >10 Clothianidin Priproxyfen SE Cucummber, Tomato

16 468 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Clothianidin Pyridalyl SC Orange, 24 >10 >10 Clothianidin Spinetoram SC Cucummber, Clothianidin Tebufenozide SC Rice 9 >10 >10 Copper hydroxide WG Fungicide Red pepper, Copper hydroxide WP Fungicide Tomato, Copper hydroxide Oxadixyl WP Fungicide Sesame, 70 >2 >2 Copper hydroxide Streptomycin WP Fungicide Orange, Copper oxychloride Dithianon WP Fungicide Orange, 55 >2 >2 Copper oxychloride Kasugamycin WP Fungicide Orange, >10 >10 Copper oxychloride Metalaxyl Fungicide Ginger 6.7 >10 >10 Copper oxychloride Metalaxyl-M Fungicide Ginger, 5.7 >10 >10 Copper oxychloride Metalaxyl-M WP Fungicide Chinese, cabbage, 42.5 >10 >10 Copper sulfate basic WP Fungicide Orange, 58 >10 >10 4-CPA SL Tomato, CPA Gibberellic SP Melon 3.75 >10 >10 Cuprous oxide Streptomycin WP Fungicide Orange, Cyantraniliprole DC Red pepper, Cyantraniliprole EC Red pepper, Cyantraniliprole OD Red pepper, Cyantraniliprole SC >8.3 >8.3 Cyantraniliprole Pymetrozine WG Rice, Radish, 60 >60 >60 Cyantraniliprole Thiamethoxam WG Red pepper, 40 >40 >40 Cyazofamid SC Fungicide Potato, 10 >10 >10 Cyazofamid Fluopicolide SC Fungicide Potato, Cyazofamid Valifenalate SC Fungicide Onion, 8 >9.659 >9.659 Cyclaniliprole SL Apple, Cyclosulfamuron WP Herbicide Lawn 10 >10 >10 Cyclosulfamuron Fentrazamide SC Herbicide Rice Cyclosulfamuron Mefenacet Herbicide Rice 3.17 >10 >10 Cyclosulfamuron Mefenacet SC Herbicide Rice 22.2 >10 >10 Cyclosufamuron Penoxuram SC Herbicide Lawn Cyclosulfamuron Pyriminobac-methyl Herbicide Rice 0.27 >10 >10 Cyclosulfamuron Pyriminobac-methyl DT Herbicide Rice Cyenopyrafen SC Apple, 25 >10 >10 Cyenopyrafen Etoxazole SC Red pepper, 23 >7.73 >7.73 Cyenopyrafen Flufenoxuron SC Orange, Cyenopyrafen Pyridaben SC Pear, Cyflufenamid Difenaconazole SC Fungicide Apple, Cyflufenamid Simeconazole SE Fungicide Persimmon, Cyflufenamid Triflumizole EC Fungicide Pear, Cyflumetofen DC Apple,

17 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 469 Cyflumetofen SC Orange, Cyflumetofen Fenpyfoximate SC Persimmon, Cyfluthrin EC Apple, Cyfluthrin Tebupyrimfos Potato, 2.1 >10 >10 Cyhalofop-butyl Imazosulfuron Pretilachlor SE Herbicide Rice Cyhalofop-butyl Propanil EC Herbicide Rice Cymoxanil Ethaboxam WP Fungicide Tomato, Cymoxanil Famoxadone SC Fungicide Cucumber, Cymoxanil Famoxadone WG Fungicide Grape, Cymoxanil Mancozeb WP Fungicide Cucumber, 56 >10 >10 Cymoxanil Mandipropamid SC Fungicide Potato, 20 >10 >10 Cymoxanil Zoxamide WP Fungicide Red pepper, 22 >10 >10 Cypermethrin EC Apple, Cyproconazole SL Fungicide Apple, 4.5 >2 >2 Cyproconazole WG Fungicide Lawn 40 >10 >10 Cyprodinil WG Fungicide Ginseng, Cyprodinil Difenoconazole EW Fungicide Pear, Cyprodinil Fludioxonil WG Fungicide Strawberry, ,4-D SL Herbicide Rice 40 >2 >2 2,4-D ethylester WP Herbicide Rice 18 >2 >2 Daimuron Mefenacet Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 5.07 >10 >10 Daimuron Imazosulfuron Oxaziclomefone SC Herbicide Rice, Lawn 11.5 >10 >10 Daminozide WP Poinsettia 85 >10 >10 Dazomet Fungicide Red pepper, DBEDC AL Fungicide Rose, DBEDC EC Fungicide Tobacco, Decyl alcohol EC Tobacco Deltamethrin EC Apple, Deltamethrin EW Persimmon, Deltamethrin Lambda-cyhalothrin WP Persimmon Deltamethrin Methoxyfenozide SC Pear, Apple Deltamethrin Profenofos EC Red pepper, Deltamethrin Tebupirimfos Potato, Deltamethrin Thiacloprid SC Persimmon, Deltamethrin Thiodicarb SC Peach, Diafenthiuron SC Cucumber Diazinon CS Lawn 25 >10 >10 Diazinon DP Chinese cabbage Diazinon EC Diazinon Diazinon Etofenprox WP Lawn

18 470 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Diazinon Imidacloprid Red pepper Diazinon Phorate Potato, Garlic 5 > Diazinon Phoxim DP Potato Diazinon Terbufos Potato, Chinese cabbage Diazinon Thiamethoxam Red pepper, Dicamba SL Herbicide Lawn, 48.2 >10 >10 Dichlobenil Herbicide Pear, 2.65 > > Dichlobenil Imazaquin Herbicide Lawn, 4.5 >10 >10 Dichloprop triethanol amine SL Apple 5 >2 >2 Dichlorvos Etofenprox EC Leek Dichlorvos Lambda-cyhalothrin DC Persimmon, Diethofencarb Thiophanate-methyl WP Fungicide Red pepper, Difenoconazole DC Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole EC Fungicide Melon, Difenoconazole EC Fungicide Watermelon, Difenoconazole EW Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole ME Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole SC Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole WP Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole Diniconazole SC Fungicide Pear Difenonconazole Dithianon WG Fungicide Red pepper, Difenoconazole Fludioxonil WP Fungicide Eggplant, Difenoconazole Fluxapyroxad SC Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Iminoctadin-triacetate ME Fungicide Apple, Difenoconazole Kresoxim-methyl SC Fungicide Pear, Difenoconazole Metrafenone SC Fungicide Strawberry, Difenoconazole Polyoxin B WP Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Polyoxin D WP Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Pyraclostrobin SC Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Pyribencarb SC Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Pyriofenone SC Fungicide Red pepper, Difenoconazole Tebuconazole DC Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Tebuconazole SC Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Thiophanate-methyl SC Fungicide Persimmon, 24 >10 >10 Difenoconazole Thiophanate-methyl WP Fungicide Persimmon, Difenoconazole Triflumizole ME Fungicide Watermelon, Diflubenzuron SC Apple, 14 >10 >10 Diflubenzuron WG Peach, 50 >10 >10 Diflubenzuron WP Apple, 25 >10 >10 Diflubenzuron Etofenprox SE Persimmon, Diflubenzuron Imidacloprid WP Strawberry, Rose 15 >10 >10 Diflubenzuron Lambda-cyhalothrin WP Orange, Apple

19 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 471 Diflubenzuron Sulfoxaflor WG Red pepper, Apple 26.2 >10 >10 Diflufenican Glyphosate-isopropylamine SC Herbicide Noncropland 30.8 >9.8 >9.8 Dimethametryn Herbicide Rice 0.3 >9.022 >9.022 Dimethametryn Esprocarb Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice Dimethametryn Halosulfuron-methyl Penocsulram Herbicide Rice Dimethametryn Halosulfuron-methyl Pyriminobacmethyl Herbicide Rice Dimethametryn Mefenacet Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 4.07 >10 >10 Dimethametryn Metazosulfron Herbicide Rice Dimethametryn Penoxsulam Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice Dimethametryn Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Pyriminobacmethyl Herbicide Rice 0.47 >10 >10 Dimethametryn Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Thiobencarb Herbicide Rice Dimethenamid Herbicide Bean, Dimethenamid-P EC Herbicide Potato, Dimethenamid-P Pendimethalin EC Herbicide Corn, Dimethoate EC Garlic, Dimethoate Garlic 5 >8.777 >8.777 Dimethomorph SC Fungicide Cucumber, Dimethomorph WG Fungicide Red pepper, 74.2 >10 >10 Dimethomorph WP Fungicide Potato, 25 >10 >10 Dimethomorph WP Fungicide Red pepper, 18 >10 >10 Dimethomorph Ethaboxam SC Fungicide Potato, 63 >10 >10 Dimethomorph Mancozeb WP Fungicide Red pepper, 19.5 >10 >10 Dimethomorph Metalaxyl-M WP Fungicide Potato, Dimethomorph Picarbutrazox SC Fungicide Potato, Dimethomorph Propineb WP Fungicide Potato, Onion Dimethomorph Pyraclostrobin SC Fungicide Orange, Dimethomorph Pyraclostrobin WG Fungicide Potato, Dimethyl disulfide AL Insecti-Fungicide Watermelon, Dimethyl disulfide EC Insecti-Fungicide Watermelon, Dinotefuran SG Rice, Persimmon, 50 >10 >10 Dintefuran SL Rice, Red pepper, Dinotefuran WG Rice, Cucumber, Dinotefuran WP Rice, Red pepper, 10 >10 >10 Dinotefuran WS Rice 70 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Etofenprox ME Rice, Grape Dinotefuran Etofenprox WP Rice, Persimmon, 13 >10 >10 Dithianon SC Fungicide Apple, Dithianon WG Fungicide Apple,

20 472 박연기 오진아 유아선 박수진 조유미 이제봉 김찬섭 Dithianon Fluxapyroxad SC Fungicide Peach, Dithianon Kasugamycin WG Fungicide Red pepper, Dithianon Metalaxyl-M WP Fungicide Red pepper, Dithianon Metconazole WG Fungicide Orange, Dithianon Pyraclostrobin SE Fungicide Persimmon, Dithianon Pyraclostrobin WG Fungicide Red pepper, Dithianon Simeconazole WG Fungicide Watermelon Dinotefuran DP 0.7 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Red pepper, 1 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Red pepper, 2 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Etofenprox FG Potato, Ginseng Dinotefuran Methoxyfenozide WG Persimmon, 28 >10.4 >10.4 Dinotefuran Spinetoram SC Cucumber, 10 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Spinetoram WG Red pepper, 20 >9.5 >9.5 Dinotefuran Spinosad WG Orange, 25 >10 >10 Dinotefuran Zetacypermethrin DC Grape Dithiopyr EW Lawn Dithiopyr Penoxsulam WP Herbicide Lawn Emamectin benzoate EW Emamectin benzoate ME Red pepper, Emamectin benzoate SG Emamectin benzoate SL Red pepper, Emamectin benzoate WG Red pepper, Emamectin benzoate Lufenuron WG Emamectin benzoate Flonicamid WG Red pepper, Emamectin benzoate Indoxacarb WP Red pepper, Epoxyconazole SC Herbicide Garlic, Epoxyconazole Orysastrobin SC Fungicide Rice Esprocarb Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl Herbicide Rice 5.07 >10 >10 Ethaboxam DP Fungicide Chinese cabbage 0.35 >10 >10 Ethaboxam SC Fungicide Potato, Ethaboxam Famoxadone WP Fungicide Potato, Ethaboxam Propineb WP Fungicide Potato, Ethalfluralin EC Herbicide Bean, Ethalfluralin Linuron Herbicide Potato, Ethephon SL Persimmon 19.5 >10 >10 Ethephon SL Persimmon, 39 >10 >10 Ethoprophos Tobacco, Ethoprophos Terbufos Potato, Etofenprox CS Rice, Peach, 20 >10 >10

21 농약의급성어독성과노출시간에따른독성변화 473 Etofenprox EC Rice, Cucumber, Etofenprox Rice 0.5 >10 >10 Etofenprox SO Rice 4 >10 >10 Etofenprox WP Persimmon, 10 >10 >10 Etofenprox Fenobucarb EC Rice Etofenprox Flubendiamide WP Red pepper, Etofenprox Imidacloprid SE Orange Etofenprox Indoxacarb WP Rice, Apple, Etofenprox Metaflumizone SE Rice, Apple, Etofenprox Methoxyfenozide SE Rice, Chestnut, Etofenprox Methoxyfenozide WP Rice, Apple, 11.2 >10 >10 Etofenprox Pyridalyl ME Red pepper, Etofenprox Sulfoxaflor SE Persimmon, Etofenprox Tebufenozide EC Rice, Lawn, Etofenprox Terbufos Garlic, Etoxazole SC Apple, 10 >10 >10 Etridiazole ME Fungicide Lawn, Ginseng 20 >10 >10 Etridiazole WP Fungicide Lawn 35 >10 >10 Etridiazole Flutolanil EC Fungicide Lawn, Etridiazole Hexaconazole EC Fungicide Rice, Lawn, Etridiazole Polyoxin-D zinc salt WP Fungicide Lawn, >10 >10 Etridiazole Thifluzamid EC Fungicide Lawn, Famoxadone SC Fungicide Potato, Famoxadone Mancozeb WG Fungicide Potato, Cucumber Famoxadone Mandipropamid SC Fungicide Red pepper, Famoxadone Metalaxyl-M DC Fungicide Red pepper, Famoxadone Zoxamide WG Fungicide Grape, Fenamidone Fluopicolide SC Fungicide Red pepper, Cucumber Fenarimol EC Fungicide Grape, Fenarimol WP Fungicide Apple, Fenazaquin EC Orange, Fenazaquin Hexythiazox SC Orange, Fenbuconazole SC Fungicide Strawberry, Fenbuconazole WP Fungicide Persimmon, Fenbuconazol Kresoxim-methyl SC Fungicide Apple, Fenbuconazole Thianidil Benfuracarb Insecti-Fungicide Rice Fenbuconazole Thifluzamide SC Fungicide Rice, Lawn, Fenbuconazole Tiadinil Clothianidin WS Insecti-Fungicide Rice Fenhexamid SC Fungicide Strawberry, Fenhexamid WP Fungicide Tomato, Fenhexamid Iminoctadin trisalbesilate WP Fungicide Strawberry, Fenhexamid Prochloraz-manganes WP Fungicide Ginseng, Fenhexamid Tebuconazole SC Fungicide Grape, Fenitrothion EC Rice, Lawn,


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