Care of a Foley Catheter - Korean

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1 Care of a Foley Catheter A Foley catheter is a tube that is put into the bladder to drain urine out of the body. A Foley catheter can stay in the bladder for hours or weeks. Having the catheter put in 1. You will be asked to lie down. 2. The nurse will clean the skin around the opening where urine comes out of your body. 3. The catheter is put into the opening and gently pushed into your bladder. 4. When the catheter reaches the bladder, a small balloon at the tip is filled with sterile water. The balloon holds the catheter in place to keep it from coming out of the bladder. 5. The catheter is connected to a bag that will collect your urine. 6. The bag is attached to your bed or clothing. Care while you have the catheter Wash your hands with soap and water before and after caring for your catheter. Clean the skin around the catheter each day and after every bowel movement. Always wash away from where the catheter enters the body. Females should always wash from their front to the back. Males should always wash from the tip of the penis down and to their backside. Keep the urine bag below waist level to prevent urine from flowing back into your bladder from the tubing and urine bag. Backflow of urine can cause an infection. 1

2 폴리도뇨관관리 폴리도뇨관은방광에삽입하여몸밖으로소변을빼는튜브입니다. 폴리도뇨관은방광에삽입후몇시간내지몇주간그대로놔둬도됩니다. 폴리도뇨관삽입방법 1. 환자가드러눕는다. 2. 몸에서소변이나오는입구부위를간호사가청결하게닦는다. 3. 도뇨관은그입구속으로천천히삽입되며방광까지연결된다. 4. 도뇨관이방광에닿으면, 맨끝에작은풍선이소독된물로채워진다. 이풍선이도뇨관이방광에서빠져나오는것을방지해준다. 5. 도뇨관은주머니와연결되어소변을채취한다. 6. 이주머니는침대나옷에부착된다. 도뇨관관리방법 도뇨관을만진다음에는비누와물로손을깨끗이닦는다. 도뇨관주위의피부를매일그리고대변을본후매번깨끗이닦는다. 씻을때항상도뇨관이몸안으로들어가는입구에물이닿지않도록한다. 여성은항상앞에서항문방향으로씻는다. 남성은항상성기끝에서부터아래쪽으로그리고항문방향으로씻는다. 배뇨주머니는항상허리아래쪽으로차고다님으로써소변이도뇨관에서그리고배뇨주머니에서다시방광으로흘러들어가지않도록한다. 소변이역류하여들어가면감염우려가있다. Care of a Foley Catheter. Korean. 1

3 Wear cotton underwear to allow for air flow and drying in your genital area. Boxer shorts are often more comfortable to wear for both men and women. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or other liquids each day. Avoid drinks with caeine, such as tea, coee and colas. Do not pull on the tubing. Do not step on the tubing when walking. You may want to clip or pin the tubing to your clothing. Make sure the safety pin goes around the catheter and not through it. Be sure to keep the bag below waist level. When getting into bed, hang the urine bag beside the bed or on the frame of the bed. Keep the tubing free of kinks or loops. Only take the catheter and tubing apart to change the urine bag. Foley Catheter Foley Catheter Tape Tape Drainage Collection Bag Drainage Collection Bag 2

4 순면속내의를입어성기부근에바람이잘통하고습기가차지않도록한다. 남성과여성모두삼각팬티보다사각팬티가더욱편안하다. 하루에물을최소한 8 컵이상을마신다. 커피, 차, 콜라같이카페인이들어간음료는피한다. 도뇨관을잡아당기지않는다. 걸을때도뇨관을밟지않도록한다. 도뇨관을옷에클립하거나핀으로부착해도된다. 핀을사용할때안전핀이도뇨관을관통하지않도록한다. 배뇨주머니는항상허리밑으로차고다니도록한다. 잠에들때배뇨주머니를침대옆이나침대프레임에매달아둔다. 튜브가꺽이거나둥글게말리지않도록한다. 배뇨주머니를바꿀때만도뇨관과튜브를분리한다. 폴리도뇨관 폴리도뇨관 테이프 테이프 소변채취주머니 소변채취주머니 Care of a Foley Catheter. Korean. 2

5 How to clean around your catheter 1. Wash your hands with soap and water. 2. Clean the skin near the catheter. Take a clean washcloth and moisten with warm water and soap. Gently wash around your urinary opening. 3. Hold the end of the catheter to keep it from being pulled. Wash around the catheter to remove any blood, crust or mucus, cleaning from near the body down the catheter. Never clean the catheter towards your body because it may increase your chances of getting an infection. 4. Wash the area around your anus with a clean washcloth and warm water. 5. Rinse using another clean washcloth moistened with warm water. 6. Pat the genital area dry with a clean towel. 7. Tape the catheter to your body to prevent it from being pulled out. Make sure there is enough tubing so the catheter will not be pulled when you move your leg. Women should tape the catheter to the upper leg. Men should tape the catheter to the lower abdomen or high on the leg so the catheter does not pull the penis downward. Measuring the urine from your urine bag Empty the urine bag when it is ⅔ full or at least every 8 hours. 1. If you are to record the amount of urine, place a measuring container on the floor next to you. If you are not to keep a record of the amount, you can empty the urine into the toilet. 2. Remove the drain spout from its holder on the bottom of the urine bag without touching its tip. Open the clamp on the spout. 3. Let the urine flow out of the urine bag into the container or toilet. Do not let the drain tube touch anything. 4. When the bag is empty, clean the end of the drain spout with water and tissue. Close the clamp and put the drain spout into its holder at the bottom of the urine bag. 3

6 도뇨관주위를청결하게하는방법 1. 비누와물로손을깨끗이씻는다. 2. 도뇨관주위피부를청결히한다. 깨끗한수건을따뜻한물과비누로적신다. 요도관입구주위를조심해서닦는다. 3. 도뇨관이잡아당겨지지않도록끝부분을손으로쥔다. 도뇨관주위에피, 딱지, 점액을씻어낸다. 이때몸에서가까운곳에서도뇨관아래방향으로닦는다. 도뇨관을닦을때절대로아래방향에서몸쪽으로닦아서는안된다. 감염우려가있기때문이다. 4. 항문주위는깨끗한천과따뜻한물로씻는다. 5. 다른깨끗한천에따뜻한물을적셔서헹군다. 6. 깨끗한수건으로성기부분의물기를찍어서말린다. 7. 도뇨관이잡아당겨지지않도록테이프로몸에부착한다. 도뇨관의길이를충분히길게하여다리를움직일때당겨지지않도록한다. 여성은도뇨관을허벅지에부착한다. 남성은도뇨관을복부밑이나다리위쪽에부착하여도뇨관이성기를밑으로잡아당기지않도록한다. 배뇨주머니에소변량측정하기 주머니에소변이 3 분의 2 정도찼을때또는매 8 시간마다비운다. 1. 소변량을기록해야한다면, 측정용기를몸과가깝게바닦에놓는다. 소변량을기록할필요가없으면소변을변기에바로버린다. 2. 배수주둥이를배뇨주머니바닥집게에서뺀다. 이때꼭지에손을대지않고뺀다. 주둥이에클램프를연다. 3. 소변이배뇨주머니에게용기나변기로흘러나오게한다. 배수튜브에어떠한물건도닿지않도록한다. 4. 주머니가비워졌으면, 배수주둥이끝을물과티슈로닦아낸다. 클램프를닫고배수주둥이를배뇨주머니바닦에있는집게안에넣는다. Care of a Foley Catheter. Korean. 3

7 5. If you are to measure the amount, record how much urine is in the container. Empty the measuring container into the toilet. Rinse the container with clean water. Changing and cleaning your urine bag 1. Get a new or clean urine bag with tubing. 2. Put a clamp on the catheter tubing near the end that connects to the urine bag tube. 3. Remove the catheter from the tubing to the old bag. 4. Clean the ends of the new bag tubing and catheter with alcohol before putting them back together. 5. Connect the catheter to the new bag. 6. Open the clamp on the catheter tubing. 7. Rinse the old bag with warm water. 8. Fill the bag with 2 parts white vinegar to 3 parts tap water. Leave the water and vinegar mixture in the bag for at least 20 minutes. You may use chlorine bleach instead of the vinegar. 9. Empty and rinse the bag. Hang it upside down and let it air dry. 10. When the bag is dry, store it in a clean plastic bag until you are ready to use it again. Removing your catheter Your doctor or nurse will remove your catheter when it is no longer needed. A syringe will be used to remove the water from the balloon inside your bladder. The catheter will then be gently pulled out. Problem Solving If your catheter is not draining: Check to see if the tubing is twisted or bent. 4

8 5. 소변량을측정해야하면, 용기에있는소변의양을기록한다. 측정용기안에소변을변기에버린다. 용기를깨끗한물로헹군다. 배뇨주머니교환및닦기 1. 튜브가달린새주머니나깨끗한주머니를마련한다. 2. 배뇨주머니튜브와연결되는끝부분에있는도뇨관튜브에클램프를한다. 3. 튜브에서헌주머니로연결되는도뇨관을제거한다. 4. 새주머니튜브와도뇨관을함께다시집어넣기전에끝부분을알코올로닦는다. 5. 도뇨관을새주머니에연결한다. 6. 도뇨관튜브에클램프를연다. 7. 헌주머니를따뜻한물로헹군다. 8. 주머니에식초와수돗물을 2:3 의비율로채운다. 물과식초혼합물을최소한 20 분동안주머니에그대로놔둔다. 식초대신클로린표백제를사용해도된다. 9. 주머니를비우고헹군다. 거꾸로메달아서습기를빼고공기건조시킨다. 10. 주머니가다건조되었으면, 다시사용할때까지깨끗한플라스틱백안에보관해둔다. 도뇨관제거하기 도뇨관이더이상필요없으면의사나간호사가제거한다. 주사기를사용하여방광안풍선안에물을뺀다. 물을뺀후도뇨관을천천히잡아뺀다. 문제해결 도뇨관을통해서배수가안되면 : 튜브가혹시비틀어지지않았나검사한다. Care of a Foley Catheter. Korean. 4

9 See if you are lying on the catheter or tubing. Make sure the urine bag is below waist level. If your catheter comes out or is leaking: Place a towel or waterproof pad under you. Do not try to put the catheter back in. Call your doctor or nurse right away if: Your catheter comes out or is leaking. Your urine changes to be thick or more cloudy, or there is more mucus or blood in it. Your urine has a strong, foul odor. No urine has drained from your catheter in 6 to 8 hours. You have pain or burning near the catheter or in your bladder, abdomen or lower back. You have shaking or chills or your temperature is over degrees F or 38 degrees C. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns /2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 5

10 혹시도뇨관이나튜브를깔고앉아있지않나본다. 배뇨주머니가허리아래에있도록한다. 도뇨관이빠졌거나새면 : 밑에수건이나방수패드를깐다. 도뇨관을다시끼우려고시도하지않는다. 다음과같은경우의사나간호사에게즉시연락 : 도뇨관이빠졌거나새고있다. 소변이걸쭉해지거나, 색깔이혼탁해지거나, 점액이나피가더많이보인다. 소변에서강하고역한악취가난다. 6 시간에서 8 시간이지나도도뇨관을통하여소변이나오지않는다. 도뇨관부위나방광, 복부, 또는아래허리부위에통증이있거나화끈거린다. 갑자기부들부들떨리거나, 춥거나, 체온이화씨 도또는섭씨 38 도이상으로올라간다. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오 /2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Care of a Foley Catheter. Korean. 5

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가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에 chapter 08 Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood 가 정 법 UNIT 39 가정법 과거 UNIT 40 가정법 과거완료, 혼합 가정법 UNIT 41 I wish[as if, It s time] + 가정법 UNIT 42 주의해야 할 가정법 가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해

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