<property name="configlocation" value="classpath:/egovframework/sqlmap/example/sql-map-config.xml"/> <property name="datasource" ref="datasource2"/> *

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Download "<property name="configlocation" value="classpath:/egovframework/sqlmap/example/sql-map-config.xml"/> <property name="datasource" ref="datasource2"/> *"


1 표준프레임워크로구성된컨텐츠를솔루션에적용 1. sample( 게시판 ) 프로젝트생성 - egovframe Web Project next generate example finish 2. 프로젝트추가 - 프로젝트 Import 3. 프로젝트에 sample 프로젝트의컨텐츠를추가, 기능동작확인 ⓵ sample 프로젝트에서 프로젝트로복사 sample > egovframework > example > egovframework ⓶ EgovSampleController 의 return 경로수정 (JSP) - return egovframework/example/aa/aa ; resources ⓵ sample 프로젝트에서 프로젝트로복사 sample resources > db resources > egovframework > message > message-common_en.properties resources > egovframework > message > message-common_ko.properties resources > egovframework > message > message-common.properties resources > egovframework > sqlmap > example resources resources > egovframework > message > com resources > egovframework > message > com resources > egovframework > message > com resources > egovframework > sqlmap ⓶ 소스수정 (resources > egovframework > spring) * context-datasource.xml 소스추가 <jdbc:embedded-database id="datasource2" type="hsql"> <jdbc:script location= "classpath:/db/sampledb.sql"/> </jdbc:embedded-database> * context-idgen.xml 소스추가 <bean name="egovidgnrservice" class="egovframework.rte.fdl.idgnr.impl.egovtableidgnrserviceimpl" destroy-method="destroy"> <property name="datasource" ref="datasource2" /> <property name="strategy" ref="mixprefixsample" /> <property name="blocksize" value="10"/> <property name="table" value="ids"/> <property name="tablename" value="sample"/> <bean name="mixprefixsample" class="egovframework.rte.fdl.idgnr.impl.strategy.egovidgnrstrategyimpl"> <property name="prefix" value="sample-" /> <property name="cipers" value="5" /> <property name="fillchar" value="0" /> * context-sqlmap.xml 소스추가 <bean id="sqlmapclient" class="egovframework.rte.psl.orm.ibatis.sqlmapclientfactorybean"> - 1 -

2 <property name="configlocation" value="classpath:/egovframework/sqlmap/example/sql-map-config.xml"/> <property name="datasource" ref="datasource2"/> * context-validator.xml 소스수정 <bean id="validatorfactory" class="org.springmodules.validation.commons.defaultvalidatorfactory"> <property name="validationconfiglocations"> <list> <!-- 경량환경템플릿밸리데이터설정 --> <!-- <value>classpath:/egovframework/validator/validator-rules-let.xml</value> <value>classpath:/egovframework/validator/let/**/*.xml</value> --> <value>/web-inf/config/egovframework/validator/validator-rules.xml</value> <value>/web-inf/config/egovframework/validator/validator.xml</value> </list> </property> ⓵ sample 프로젝트에서 프로젝트로복사 sample > css > egovframework > images > egovframework > WEB-INF > jsp > egovframework > WEB-INF > config > egovframework > validator > css > images > WEB-INF > jsp > WEB-INF > config > egovframework ⓶ 소스수정 ( > WEB-INF > config > egovframework > springmvc) * nforu-servlet.xml 소스내용추가 / 수정 <mvc:interceptors> <mvc:mapping path="/**/*.do" /> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/*sample*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cmmn/*.do"/> <bean class="egovframework.nfu.com.interceptor.systembaseinterceptor" /> <mvc:mapping path="/apple/**/*.do" /> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/*sample*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cmmn/*.do"/> <bean class="egovframework.nfu.com.interceptor.authenticinterceptor" /> </mvc:interceptors> <mvc:view-controller path="/cmmn/validator.do" view-name="cmm/validator"/> - 2 -

3 표준프레임워크프로젝트와솔루션연동 1. Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트생성 ( 프로젝트명 : sht) 2. DB통합 - 솔루션의 DB에맞춰 Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트 DB 설정변경및 DB정보생성 - 기본적용된 hsqldb와함께솔루션 DB 이중구성설정 3. 솔루션을 Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트에적용하여상호기능동작확인 4. Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트와솔루션의권한처리공유 (sht 계정 : admin / 1) - Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트에로그인하여솔루션의로그인후권한이적용되도록수정 - 솔루션에로그인하여 Simple Homepage Template 프로젝트의로그인후권한이적용되도록수정 ( 로그아웃도동일하게적용되도록수정 ) DB 설정 ⓵ 소스수정 * global.properties (resources > egovframework > egovprops) 소스내용추가 # 웹루트절대경로 (WINDOWS, UNIX) Globals.WebRoot = 경로 Globals.DbType2 = oracle Globals.UserName2= 계정 Globals.Password2= 암호 Globals.DriverClassName2=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Globals.Url2=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ :1521:test # 파일업로드관련설정 # 파일업로드 MAX SIZE Globals.maxUploadSize = Globals.maxInMemorySize = 1048 # 파일업로드가능파일 Globals.fileAllowExt = gul xls xlsx doc docx hwp pdf ppt pptx jpg gif bmp jpeg psd pdf png zip txt Globals.imgAllowExt = jpg gif bmp jpeg png Globals.flashAllowExt = swf Globals.docAllowExt = gul doc docx hwp pdf ppt pptx jpg gif bmp jpeg psd pdf png dwg dxf dwt dwf iges step kosdic stl cals Globals.fileAllowExt.msg = 이미지와문서파일만업로드가능합니다 Globals.imgAllowExt.msg = 이미지파일만업로드가능합니다 # 파일업로드경로 ( 경로설정은반드시절대경로를사용해야함, 경로뒤에 / 를붙여주어야함.) Globals.fileStorePath = Globals.WebRoot 경로 /upload Globals.docFileStorePath = Globals.WebRoot 경로 /doc # 웹에디터파일업로드경로 ( 경로설정은반드시절대경로를사용해야함, 경로뒤에 / 를붙여주어야함.) Globals.webeditorfileStorePath = Globals.WebRoot 경로 /webeditor # 파일동기화컴포넌트에서사용할파일업로드경로 ( 경로설정은반드시절대경로를사용해야함, 경로뒤에 / 를붙여주어야함.) Globals.SynchrnServerPath = Globals.WebRoot 경로 /temp # 파일업로드관련설정 // # Aes 암 / 복호화 Key 설정 Globals.AesSecretKey = v3aessecret - 3 -

4 # 파일확장자별타입 Globals.imgFileType = jpg gif bmp jpeg png Globals.docFileType = doc docx hwp pdf ppt pptx xls xlsx txt Globals.vodFileType = avi mp4 mpeg wmv asf # SSL 로만접속되도록설정 ( Y: SSL 로접속, A: HTTP/SSL 모두사용, N: HTTP 만사용 ) Globals.sslConn = N * context-datasource.xml (resources > egovframework > spring > com) 소스내용수정 <!-- Oracle --> <bean id="datasource-oracle" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverclassname" value="${globals.driverclassname2"/> <property name="url" value="${globals.url2" /> <property name="username" value="${globals.username2"/> <property name="password" value="${globals.password2"/> * context-sqlmap.xml (resources > egovframework > spring > com) 소스내용추가 <bean id="sqlsession" class="org.mybatis.spring.sqlsessionfactorybean" lazy-init="true"> <property name="configlocation"> <value>classpath:/egovframework/sqlmap/config/${globals.dbtype2/sql-map-config-${globals.dbtype2-nfu.xml</value> </property> <property name="mapperlocations"> <value>classpath:/egovframework/sqlmap/mapper/${globals.dbtype2/**/*_${globals.dbtype2.xml</value> </property> <property name="datasource" ref="datasource-${globals.dbtype2"/> * context-common.xml (resources > egovframework > spring > com) 소스내용추가 <!-- 추가 globalspropertiest --> <bean id="globalsproperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.propertiesfactorybean"> <property name="location" value="classpath:/egovframework/egovprops/globals.properties"/> * egov-com-servlet.xml ( > WEB-INF > config > egovframework > springmvc) 소스내용추가, 수정 <mvc:mapping path="/**/*.do" /> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/validator.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/egovpagelink.*"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cmm/*/*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cop/**/*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/*/cmm/*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cop/com/*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/cop/bbs/*master*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/uat/uia/*.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/uat/uia/actionlogin.do"/> <mvc:exclude-mapping path="/uat/uia/egovloginusr.do"/> <bean class="egovframework.nfu.com.interceptor.systembaseinterceptor" /> <mvc:mapping path="/apple/**/*.do" /> <bean class="egovframework.nfu.com.interceptor.authenticinterceptor" /> <!-- Annotation 을사용하지않는경우에대한 MVC 처리설정 --> <mvc:view-controller path="/cmmn/validator.do" view-name="cmm/validator"/> - 4 -

5 <!-- <mvc:annotation-driven/> --> <mvc:annotation-driven> <mvc:argument-resolvers> <bean class="egovframework.nfu.utl.customargumentresolver"> </mvc:argument-resolvers> </mvc:annotation-driven> ⓵ 프로젝트에서 sht 프로젝트로복사 sht > MybatisUtils. > poicombosample. > egovframework > nfu > egovframework resources ⓵ 프로젝트에서 sht 프로젝트로복사 resources > egovframework > sqlmap > config > oracle > sql-map-config-oracle-nfu.xml resources > egovframework > sqlmap > mapper sht resources > egovframework > sqlmap > config > oracle resources > egovframework > sqlmap ⓵ 프로젝트에서 sht 프로젝트로복사 sht > css ( 덮어쓰기 ) > font > editor > images ( 덮어쓰기 ) > js ( 덮어쓰기 ) > upload ( 생성 ) > WEB-INF > lib > WEB-INF > jsp > nfu > WEB-INF > WEB-INF > jsp ⓶ Java Build Path Web App Libraries 추가 (sht) - 5 -

6 권한적용 ( 소스수정 ) ⓵ lologincontroller public void String sysid,httpservletrequest request, HttpServletResponse response,commonmap commonmap, ModelMap model) {... if(confmyn.equals("y")){ // 가입승인... //URL 가져오기 String conect_url = request.getrequesturl().tostring(); commonmap.put("conect_url",conect_url); commonmap.put("conect_ty", "ID/PW"); commonmap.putall(mberinfo); commonservice.insertquery("insertmberaccesinfo", commonmap.getmap()); /* sht 로그인 */ LoginVO resultvo = new LoginVO(); resultvo.setid(mberinfo.get("mberid").tostring()); resultvo.setname(mberinfo.get("mbernm").tostring()); resultvo.setuniqid("usrcnfrm_ "); resultvo.setuserse("usr"); request.getsession().setattribute("loginvo", resultvo); public String String sysid,httpservletrequest request, HttpServletResponse response,commonmap commonmap, ModelMap model) {... //URL 가져오기 String conect_url = request.getrequesturl().tostring(); commonmap.put("conect_url",conect_url); commonmap.put("conect_ty", "Logout"); commonmap.putall(mberinfo); /* sht 로그아웃 */ RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes().removeAttribute("LoginVO", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION); try { commonservice.insertquery("insertmberaccesinfo", commonmap.getmap()); catch (IOException e) { log.debug(" lologincontroller[logout] IOException : " + e.getmessage()); catch (SQLException e) { log.debug(" lologincontroller[logout] SQLException : " + e.getmessage()); session.invalidate();// 세션종료 model.addattribute("logoutsysid", sysid); return "nfu/co/lo/logout"; ⓶ EgovLoginController public String actionlogin(@modelattribute("loginvo") LoginVO loginvo, HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) throws Exception { // 1. 일반로그인처리 LoginVO resultvo = loginservice.actionlogin(loginvo); boolean loginpolicyyn = true; if (resultvo!= null && resultvo.getid()!= null &&!resultvo.getid().equals("") && loginpolicyyn) { request.getsession().setattribute("loginvo", resultvo); /* 로그인처리 */ Map<String, Object> mberinfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mberinfo.put("mberid", resultvo.getid()); mberinfo.put("mbernm", resultvo.getname()); mberinfo.put("insttcode", " A "); mberinfo.put("insttnm", " 인천교직원수련원 "); - 6 -

7 Map<String, Object> authinfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); authinfo.put("sysid", "apple"); authinfo.put("authorcode", "1"); List<Map<String, Object>> authlist = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); authlist.add(0, authinfo); mberinfo.put("authlist", authlist); HttpSession session = request.getsession(); session.setattribute(session.getid()+"_ssmberinfo_sample", mberinfo); session.setattribute(session.getid()+"_ssmberinfo_apple", mberinfo); /*// 로그인처리 */ else { return "forward:/cmm/main/mainpage.do"; model.addattribute("message", egovmessagesource.getmessage("fail.common.login")); return "cmm/uat/uia/egovloginusr"; public String actionlogout(httpservletrequest request, ModelMap model) throws Exception { RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes().removeAttribute("LoginVO", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION); /* 솔루션로그아웃 */ HttpSession session = request.getsession(); session.invalidate(); return "forward:/cmm/main/mainpage.do"; - 7 -

표준프레임워크로 구성된 컨텐츠를 솔루션에 적용하는 것에 문제가 없는지 확인

표준프레임워크로 구성된 컨텐츠를 솔루션에 적용하는 것에 문제가 없는지 확인 표준프레임워크로구성된컨텐츠를솔루션에적용하는것에문제가없는지확인 ( S next -> generate example -> finish). 2. 표준프레임워크개발환경에솔루션프로젝트추가. ( File -> Import -> Existring Projects into

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