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1 <JSTORM> Writing Enterprise Applications with Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition - part7 JSTORM
2 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> Document Information Document title: Writing Enterprise Applications with Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition - part7 Document file name: Revision number: <10> Issued by: Issue Date: <2001/04/29> Status: Writing_Enterprise_Applications_7_JunoYoon < > junoyoon@orgionet final Content Information Audience Abstract Reference Benchmark information BMP Writing Enterprise Applications with JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition By Monica Pawlan ( Training/J2EE/Intro/) JSTORM <2/2>
3 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> Table of Contents Lesson 7 - JDBC technology BMP(Bean Managed Persistence)4 Bean 4 BonusBean 6 CalcBean JBonusBean JSTORM <3/3>
4 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> SQL Cloudscape, Bean CMP(Container Managed Persistence), CMP (override) BMP(Bean Managed Pers istence) BMP CMP SQL SQL Bean BMP Bean 1 BMP J2EE Bean Bean BonusBean Container Managed Bean BonusBean getbonus, getsocsec, bonus socsec Bean ejbcreate BMP JDBC SQL Bean CalcBean calcbean getrecord 2 JSTORM <4/4>
5 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> BonusBean getbonus getsocsec 2 CalcBean BonusBean B ean setentitycontext:, EntityContext Bean EntityContext Bean, Context Bean setentitycontext setse ssioncontext ejbcreate: Bean Create Create (signature) ejbcreate ejbpostcreate: ejbcreate ejbcreate ejbpostcreate ejbpostcreate ejbpostcreate Bean Bean ejbremove: Bean J2EE unsetentitycontext: ejbremove Bean, unsetentitycontext Bean Bean unsetsessioncontext ejbfindbyprimarykey: Bean findbyprimaryk ey, Bean (Signature) ejbfind <type> ejbload ejbstore: set Bean (set) (get), ejbstore, ejbload finder ejbload Bean ejbactivate ejbpassivate:, Bean A ctivation( ) Passvate( ) Swap Bean Swapping JSTORM <5/5>
6 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> ejbpassiv ate Bean Connection Close ejbactivate Open BonusBean Bean Management Persistence BonusBean Persistence Import InitialContext, DataSource Connection PreparedStatement SQL Request ResultSet query FinderException SQLException, package Beans; import javarmiremoteexception; import javaxejbcreateexception; import javaxejbentitybean; import javaxejbentitycontext; import javaxnaminginitialcontext; import javaxsqldatasource; import javasqlconnection; import javasqlpreparedstatement; import javasqlresultset; import javaxejbfinderexception; import javasqlsqlexception; java:comp/env/jdbc/bonusdb (resourse reference), Deploy Bean J2EE Cloudscape (CloudscapeDB) (alias) CloudscapeDB BONUS, jdbc/bonusd B jdbc/cloudscapedb public class BonusBean implements EntityBean { private EntityContext context; JSTORM <6/6>
7 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> private Connection con; private String dbname = "java:comp/env/jdbc/bonusdb"; private InitialContext ic = null; private PreparedStatement ps = null; private double bonus; private String socsec; Systemoutprintln Systemoutprintln public double getbonus() { Systemoutprintln("getBonus"); return thisbonus; public String getsocsec() { Systemoutprintln("getSocSec"); return thissocsec; Systemoutprintln, ejbcreate ejbcreate Signature CreateException Remote- Exception SQLException ejbcreate SQL (SQL ) SQLException, RemoteException Primary key String Bonus Primary Key Bonus public String ejbcreate(double bonus, String socsec) throws RemoteException, CreateException, SQLException { thissocsec=socsec; JSTORM <7/7>
8 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> thisbonus=bonus; Systemoutprintln("Create Method"); try { //Establish database connection ic = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) iclookup(dbname); con = dsgetconnection(); //Use PreparedStatement to form SQL INSERT statement //to insert into BONUS table ps = conpreparestatement( "INSERT INTO BONUS VALUES (?,? ) "); //Set 1st PreparedStatement value marked by?, with //socsec and the 2nd value marked by? ) with bonus pssetstring(1, socsec); pssetdouble(2, bonus); psexecuteupdate(); catch (javaxnamingnamingexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); finally { //Close database connection psclose(); conclose(); //Return primary key return socsec; ejbpostcreate ejbcreate Signature public void ejbpostcreate(double bonus, String socsec) throws RemoteException, CreateException, SQLException { Systemoutprintln("Post Create"); ejbfindbyprimarykey BonusBean CMP ejbfindbyprimarykey CMP Primary Key, Pri mary Key BonusBean BMP, JSTORM <8/8>
9 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> SQLException CMP RemoteException FinderExcepti on Find Operation ejbfindbyprimarykey Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key ejbload bonus socsec BonusBean Primary Key Type String Bonus, Primart Key Bonus public String ejbfindbyprimarykey(string primarykey) throws RemoteException, FinderException, SQLException { Systemoutprintln("Find by primary key"); try { //Establish database connection ic = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) iclookup(dbname); con = dsgetconnection(); //Use PreparedStatement to form SQL SELECT statement //to select from BONUS table ps = conpreparestatement( "SELECT socsec FROM BONUS WHERE socsec =? "); pssetstring(1, primarykey); //Use ResultSet to capture SELECT statement results ResultSet rs = psexecutequery(); //If ResultSet has a value, the find was successful, //and so initialize and return key if(rsnext()) { key = primarykey; else { Systemoutprintln("Find Error"); catch (javaxnamingnamingexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); finally { //Close database connection psclose(); conclose(); //Return primary key return key; ejbload JSTORM <9/9>
10 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> ejbfindbyprimarykey Bean public void ejbload() { Systemoutprintln("Load method"); try { //Establish database connection ic = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) iclookup(dbname); con = dsgetconnection(); //Use PreparedStatement to form SQL SELECT statement //to select from BONUS table ps = conpreparestatement( "SELECT * FROM BONUS WHERE SOCSEC =? "); pssetstring(1, thissocsec); //Use ResultSet to capture SELECT statement results ResultSet rs = psexecutequery(); //If ResultSet has a value, the find was successful if(rsnext()){ thisbonus = rsgetdouble(2); else { Systemoutprintln("Load Error"); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); catch (javaxnamingnamingexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); finally { try { //Close database connection psclose(); conclose(); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); ejbstore Bean (set) (get) Bean public void ejbstore() { systemoutprintln("store method"); try { JSTORM <10/10>
11 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> //Establish database connection DataSource ds = (DataSource) iclookup(dbname); con = dsgetconnection(); //Use PreparedStatement to form SQL UPDATE statement //to update BONUS table ps = conpreparestatement( "UPDATE BONUS SET BONUS =? WHERE SOCSEC =? "); //Set 1st PreparedStatement value marked by? with //bonus and the 2nd value marked by? ) with socsec pssetdouble(1, bonus); pssetstring(2, socsec); int rowcount = psexecuteupdate(); catch (javaxnamingnamingexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); finally { try { //Close database connection psclose(); conclose(); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); ejbremove Bean JavaBean BonusBean ejbremove ejbremoveejbremove socsec Primary Key (socsec), Bean public void ejbremove() throws RemoteException { Systemoutprintln("Remove method"); try { DataSource ds = (DataSource) iclookup(dbname); con = dsgetconnection(); ps = conpreparestatement( "DELETE FROM BONUS WHERE SOCSEC =? "); pssetstring(1, socsec); psexecuteupdate(); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { JSTORM <11/11>
12 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> exprintstacktrace(); catch (Exception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); try { psclose(); conclose(); catch (javasqlsqlexception ex) { exprintstacktrace(); ejbactivate Bean, Bean Bean Temporary Bean, Bean EntityContext getprimarykey Bean Primary Key, Primary Key Bean public void ejbactivate() { Systemoutprintln("Activate method"); socsec = (String) contextgetprimarykey(); ejbpassivate Bean, Bean Bean Temporary Bean, Bean Bean Primary Key null public void ejbpassivate() { Systemoutprintln("Passivate method"); socsec = null; setentitycontext Bean Context ejbactivate Context getprimarykey Bean public void setentitycontext( javaxejbentitycontext ctx){ Systemoutprintln("setEntityContext me thod"); JSTORM <12/12>
13 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> thiscontext = ctx; unsetentitycontext Bean ejbremove Context null unsetentitycontext Bean public void unsetentitycontext(){ Systemoutprintln("unsetEntityContext method"); ctx = null; CalcBean JBonusBean BonusBean SQL BonusBean CalcBeancalcbonus javasqlsqlexception public class CalcBean implements SessionBean { BonusHome homebonus; public Bonus calcbonus(int multiplier, double bonus, String socsec) throws RemoteException, SQLException, CreateException { Bonus thebonus = null; double calc = (multiplier*bonus); try { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Object objref = ctxlookup("bonus"); homebonus = (BonusHome) PortableRemoteObjectnarrow( objref, BonusHomeclass); catch (Exception NamingException) { NamingExceptionprintStackTrace(); //Store data in entity Bean thebonus=homebonuscreate(calc, socsec); return thebonus; JSTORM <13/13>
14 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> JBonusBean CalcBean SQLException DuplicateKeyExcpetion CreateException catch (javaxejbcreateexception e) public double getbonusamt() { if(strmult! = null){ Integer integermult = new Integer(strMult); int multiplier = integermultintvalue(); try { double bonus = 10000; thecalculation = homecalccreate(); Bonus thebonus = thecalculationcalcbonus( multiplier, bonus, socsec); Bonus record = thecalculationgetrecord( socsec); bonusamt = recordgetbonus(); socsec = recordgetsocsec(); catch (javasqlsqlexception e) { thisbonusamt = 00; thissocsec = "000"; thismessage = egetmessage(); catch (javaxejbcreateexception e) { thisbonusamt = 00; thissocsec = "000"; thismessage = egetmessage(); catch (javarmiremoteexception e) { thisbonusamt = 00; thissocsec = "000"; thismessage = egetmessage(); genxml(); return thisbonusamt; else { thisbonusamt = 0; thismessage = "None "; return thisbonusamt; BMP, CloudscapeDB BONUS CMP, createtablesql cloudtablesh (Unix) JSTORM <14/14>
15 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> cloudtablebat (Windows/NT) 2, createtablesql ~/J2EE/Beans cloudtablesh (Unix) cloudtablebat (Windows/NT) ~/J2EE, Beans, Unix: /cloudtablesh Windows/NT: \cloudtablebat createtablesql drop table bonus; create table bonus (socsec varchar(9) constraint pk_bonus primary key, bonus decimal(10,2)); exit; cloudtablebat rem cloudtablebat rem Creates BONUS table in CloudscapeDB rem rem Place this script in ~\J2EE rem To run: cd ~\J2EE\cloudTablesh rem rem Change this next line to point to *your* rem j2sdkee1 21 installation rem set J2EE_HOME=\home \monicap\j2ee\j2sdkee1 21 rem rem Everything below goes on one line java -DijconnectionCloudscapeDB= jdbc:rmi://localhost:1099/jdbc:cloudscape: CloudscapeDB\;create=true -Dcloudscapesystemhome= JSTORM <15/15>
16 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> %J2EE_HOME%\cloudscape -classpath %J2EE_HOME%_ib\cloudscape\clientjar; %J2EE_HOME%_ib\cloudscape\ toolsjar; %J2EE_HOME%_ib\cloudscape\cloudscapejar; %J2EE_HOME%_ib\cloudscape\RmiJdbcjar; %J2EE_HOME%_ib\cloudscape_icensejar; %CLASSPATH% -ms16m -mx32m COMcloudscapetoolsij createtablesql cloudtablesh #! /bin/sh # # cloudtablesh # Creates BONUS table in CloudscapeDB # # Place this script in ~\J2EE # To run: cd ~\J2EE\cloudTablesh # # Change this next line to point to *your* # j2s dkee1 21 installation # J2EE_HOME=/home/monicap/J2EE/j2sdkee1 2 # # Everything below goes on one line java -DijconnectionCloudscapeDB=jdbc:rmi: //localhost:1099/jdbc:cloudscape:cloudscapedb\; create=true -Dcloudscapesystemhome= $J2EE_HOME/cloudscape -classpath $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/clientjar: $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/toolsjar: $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/cloudscapejar: $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/RmiJdbcjar: $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/licensejar: ${CLASSPATH -ms16m -mx32m COMcloudscapetoolsij createtablesql JAR Bean Bean JAR Bean 1 JAR, 2BeansJar JAR CalcBean Bean JAR ( ) BonusBean, JSTORM <16/16>
17 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> 2 JAR Bean, BonusBean J AR JAR BonusBean JAR [EJB JAR]: [Add] ([Contents] ) Beans [Bonusclass] [Add] [BonusBeanclass] [Add] [BonusHomeclass] [Add] [Enterprise Bean JAR classes]: Beans/Bonusclass,Beans/BonusHomeclass Beans/BonusBeanclass [OK] [EJB JAR]: [Next] [General]: BeansBonusBean,BeansBonusHome, Be ansbonus BonusBean [Entity] [Next] [Entity Settings]: [Bean-managed persistence] Primary Key javalangstring Primary Key Private Primary Key [Next] JSTORM <17/17>
18 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> [Environment Entries]: [Next] Bean ( ) [Enterprise Bean References]: [Next] [Resource References]: [Add] [Coded Name] 1 jdbc/bonusdb [Type] ja vaxsqldatasource [Authentication] Container [Next] [Security]: [Next] Bean Security Role [Transaction Management]: [Container-managed transactions] ( ) create,findbyprimarykey, getbonus getsocsec requ ired Commit, Enterprise JavaBeans Developer's Guid e Chapter 6 [Next] [Review Settings]: [Finish] [Inspecting] : 2BeansApp [JNDI names] CalcBean calcs BonusBean bonus, jdbc/bonusdb jdbc/cloud scape JSTORM <18/18>
19 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> (Verifier) Verifier Bean compiler - Verify Save, Verify : 2BeansApp,[Tools] [Verifier] [OK] Verifier ,tests appweburi, Deploy WAR WAR war (extension), J2EE : [Tools] [Deploy Application] [Deploy BonusApp] J2EE [Return Client Jar], Bean JAR [Next] CalcBean JNDI calcs,bonusbean JNDI bonus, BonusDB JNDI jdbc/cloudscape JNDI Ret urn [Next] Context Root JSPRoot Return [Next] [Finish] JSTORM <19/19>
20 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> [OK] Web 8000 bonusjsp Deploy JSP [Submit] Bonusjsp HTML, J2EE Cloudscape, Cannot find principal mapping information for data source with JNDI name jdbc/cloudscape J2EE ( ) setentitycontext method Create Method Post Create setentitycontext method Find by primary key Load method getbonus Store method Load method getsocsec Store method Find by primary key Load method getsocsec Store method Load method getbonus Store method <? xml version="1 0"? > <report> JSTORM <20/20>
21 Revision: <10> <2001/04/29> <bonuscalc ssnum=" " bonusamt="300 0" /> </report> Bean BMP JSTORM <21/21>
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JAVA GUI - 2 JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr JAVA GUI - 2 Issued by: < > Document Information Document title: JAVA GUI - 2 Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: Issue Date:
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PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 3 if, if else, if else if, switch case for, while, do while break, continue : System.in, args, JOptionPane for (,, ) @ vs. logic data method variable Data Data Flow (Type), ( ) @ Member field
Mobile Service > IAP > Android SDK [ ] IAP SDK TOAST SDK. IAP SDK. Android Studio IDE Android SDK Version (API Level 10). Name Reference V
Mobile Service > IAP > Android SDK IAP SDK TOAST SDK. IAP SDK. Android Studio IDE 2.3.3 Android SDK Version 2.3.3 (API Level 10). Name Reference Version License okhttp http://square.github.io/okhttp/ 1.5.4
Microsoft Word - Enterprise Java Beans.doc
#1 ์์ฑ์ : ๊น์ฑ๋ฐ ( ์ผ์ฑ SDS ๋ฉํฐ์บ ํผ์ค์ ์๊ฐ์ฌ ) email : urstory@nownuri.net homepage : http://sunny.sarang.net - ํด๋น๋ฌธ์๋ http://sunny.sarang.net JAVA๊ฐ์ข๋ ์์๋ฐฐํฌํฉ๋๋ค. ๋ฌธ์๋๊ณ์๋ฒ์ ์
๋ ์์์ต๋๋ค. ํ์์ํ๋ฝ์์ด์์ , ์ญ์ , ์ฌ์์ฑ, ์ด๋๋ฑ์ํ ์์์ต๋๋ค. - ์๋ชป๋๋ถ๋ถ์๋ฐ๊ฒฌํ์๊ฑฐ๋,
02 C h a p t e r Java
02 C h a p t e r Java Bioinformatics in J a va,, 2 1,,,, C++, Python, (Java),,, (http://wwwbiojavaorg),, 13, 3D GUI,,, (Java programming language) (Sun Microsystems) 1995 1990 (green project) TV 22 CHAPTER
Dialog Box ์คํํ์ผ์ Web์ ํฌํจ์ํค๋ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ
DialogBox Web 1 Dialog Box Web 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace 2 insert, ID 3 class 4 CDialogCtrl Class 5 classwizard OnCreate Create 6 ActiveX OCX 7 html 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace New
ETL ETL Data,., Data Warehouse DataData Warehouse ETL tool/system: ETL, ETL Process Data Warehouse Platform Database, Access Method Data Source Data Operational Data Near Real-Time Data Modeling Refresh/Replication
11 (String).. java.lang.stringbuffer. s String s = "abcd"; s = s + "e"; a b c d e a b c d e ,., "910359,, " "910359" " " " " (token) (token),, (delimiter). java.util.stringtokenizer String s = "910359,,
C# Programming Guide - Types
C# Programming Guide - Types ์ต๋๊ฒฝ lifeisforu@wemade.com ์ด๋ฌธ์๋ MSDN ์ Types ๋ฅผ์์ฝํ๊ณ ๋ณด์ถฉํ๊ฒ์
๋๋ค. http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/ms173104(v=vs.100).aspx Types, Variables, and Values C# ์ type ์๋ฏผ๊ฐํ์ธ์ด์ด๋ค. ๋ชจ๋
Interstage4 ์ค์น๊ฐ์ด๋
Interstage Application Server V501 Operation Guide Internet 1 1 1 FJApache FJApache (WWW (WWW server) server) - - file file - - 2 2 InfoProviderPro InfoProviderPro (WWW (WWW server) server) - - file file
Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID.
MongoDB Daum Communications NoSQL Using Java Java VM, GC Low Scalability Using C Write speed Auto Sharding High Scalability Using Erlang Read/Update MapReduce R/U MR Cassandra Good Very Good MongoDB Good
Eclipse ์ Firefox ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ Javascript ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ฐํ์ : ๋ฌธ๊ฒฝ๋ 11 ๋ 10 ์ 26 ์ผ์์์ผ
Eclipse ์ Firefox ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ Javascript ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ฐํ์ : ๋ฌธ๊ฒฝ๋ Introduce Me!!! Job Jeju National University Student Ubuntu Korean Jeju Community Owner E-Mail: ned3y2k@hanmail.net Blog: http://ned3y2k.wo.tc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gyeongdae
9 Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record 1 Record getkey(): Key * Record Key Database.? Key equals(key y): boolean Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record * Database OK 1
12 : Pro*C/C++ 1 2 Embeded SQL 3 PRO *C 31 C/C++ PRO *C NOT! NOT AND && AND OR OR EQUAL == = SQL,,, Embeded SQL SQL 32 Pro*C C SQL Pro*C C, C Pro*C, C C 321, C char : char[n] : n int, short, long : float
Microsoft PowerPoint - 18-DataSource.ppt
18 ์ฅ : JDBC DataSource DataSource JDBC 2.0์ javax.sql ํจํค์ง์ํฌํจ๋์ด๋์
๋จ DataSource ์ธํฐํ์ด์ค๋๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์ค์ปค๋ฅ์
์๋ง๋ค๊ฑฐ๋์ฌ์ฉํ๋๋ฐ์ข๋์ ์ฐํ์ํคํ
์ฒ๋ฅผ์ ๊ณตํ๊ธฐ์ํด๋์
๋จ DataSource๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ ๊ฒฝ์ฐ, ํด๋ผ์ด์ธํธ์ฝ๋๋ํ์ค๋๋ฐ๊พธ์ง์๊ณ ์๋๋ค๋ฅธ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์ค์์ ์ํ ์์๋๋กํด์ค ์ฆ DataSource ๋์ปค๋ฅ์
FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide
FileMaker 14 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Spring Data JPA Many To Many ์๋ฐฉํฅ ๊ด๊ณ ์์
Spring Data JPA Many To Many ์๋ฐฉํฅ๊ด๊ณ์์ ์ค๋ผํด์๋ฐ์ปค๋ฎค๋ํฐ (ojc.asia, ojcedu.com) ์ํฐํฐ๋งคํ (Entity Mapping) M : N ์ฐ๊ด๊ด๊ณ ์ฌ์ (Sawon), ์ทจ๋ฏธ (Hobby) ๋๋ค : ๋ค๊ด๊ณ์ด๋ค. ์ฌ์์์ฌ๋ฌ์ทจ๋ฏธ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง์์๊ณ , ํ๋์์ทจ๋ฏธ์ญ์์ฌ๋ฌ์ฌ์์ํ ๋น๋ ์์๊ธฐ๋๋ฌธ์ด๋ค. ๋ณดํต๊ด๊ณํ DB ์์๋๋ค : ๋ค๊ด๊ณ๋ 1
1 1....6 1.1...6 2. Java Architecture...7 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit)...8 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment)...9 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM)...10 2.4 JVM...11 2.5 (runtime)jvm...12 2.5.1 2.5.2
๊ฐ๋ฐ๋ฌธ์ Oracle - Clob
๊ฐ๋ฐ๋ฌธ์ ORACLE CLOB 2008.6.9 ( ์ฃผ ) ์์ด์บ๋งค๋์ง๋จผํธ ๊ฐ๋ฐํํฉ์๊ท 0. clob๊ฐ์ 1. lob๊ณผ long์๋น๊ต์ clob์ blob 2. ํ
์ด๋ธ์์ฑ์ฟผ๋ฆฌ ( ์ฐจ์ด์ -์ถ๊ฐ์ฌํญ ) 3. select ์ฟผ๋ฆฌ 4. insert ์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ฐ jdbcํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ 5. update ์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ฐ jdbcํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ (4, 5). putclobdata() ํด๋์ค 6. select
i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 3 4 ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์์คํ
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์ ๋ฏธ๋์ ์ ์ 5 ์น-๊ธฐ๋ฐ ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์์คํ
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Orcad Capture 9.x
OrCAD Capture Workbook (Ver 10.xx) 0 Capture 1 2 3 Capture for window 4.opj ( OrCAD Project file) Design file Programe link file..dsn (OrCAD Design file) Design file..olb (OrCAD Library file) file..upd
10 Chapter.,,.,, MySQL. MySQL mysqld MySQL.,. MySQL. MySQL....,.,..,,.,. UNIX, MySQL. mysqladm mysqlgrp. MySQL 608 MySQL(2/e) Chapter 10 MySQL. 10.1 (,, ). UNIX MySQL, /usr/local/mysql/var, /usr/local/mysql/data,
Microsoft PowerPoint - GUI _DB์ฐ๋.ppt [ํธํ ๋ชจ๋]
GUI ์ค๊ณ 6 ์ฃผ์ฐจ DB ์ฐ๋๊น๋ฌธ์ tops@yd.ac.kr ๊ฐ์์์๊ฐ์์ ํ๊ฒฝ JDK ์ค์น๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์ค์ ํฐ์บฃ์ค์น๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์ค์ ์ดํด๋ฆฝ์ค (JEE) ์ค์น๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์ค์ MySQL( ๋๋ผ์ด๋ฒ ) ์ค์น๋ฐ์ปค๋ฅํฐ๋๋ผ์ด๋ธ์ฐ๊ฒฐ DB ์์ฑ - ๊ณ์ ์์ฑ์ดํด๋ฆฝ์ค์์ DB์์ฐ๊ฒฐ์๋ฒ์์ฑ - ํ๋ก์ ํธ์์ฑ DB์ฐ๊ฒฐํ
์ด๋ธ์์ฑ๋ฐ๋ฑ๋ก 2 MySQL ์ค์นํ์ธ mysql - u root -p MySQL ์๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์ค์ถ๊ฐ
1. Servlets. 5 1 Servlet Model. 5 1.1 Http Method : HttpServlet abstract class. 5 1.2 Http Method. 5 1.3 Parameter, Header. 5 1.4 Response 6 1.5 Redirect 6 1.6 Three Web Scopes : Request, Session, Context
(shared) (integrated) (stored) (operational) (data) : (DBMS) :, (database) :DBMS File & Database - : - : ( : ) - : - : - :, - DB - - -DBMScatalog meta-data -DBMS -DBMS - -DBMS concurrency control E-R,
( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile nile.postech.ac..ac.kr DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
2 2000. 8. 31
IT update 00 1 / 2000.8.30 IT update Information Technology 2 2000. 8. 31 C o n t e n t s 2000. 8. 31 3 4 2000. 8. 31 2000. 8. 31 5 6 2000. 8. 31 2000. 8. 31 7 8 2000. 8. 31 2000. 8. 31 9 1 0 2000. 8.
์ ๋ชฉ์ ์ ๋ ฅํ์ธ์.
1. 4 1.1. SQLGate for Oracle? 4 1.2. 4 1.3. 5 1.4. 7 2. SQLGate for Oracle 9 2.1. 9 2.2. 10 2.3. 10 2.4. 13 3. SQLGate for Oracle 15 3.1. Connection 15 Connect 15 Multi Connect 17 Disconnect 18 3.2. Query
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Cras
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Crash Unity SDK... Log & Crash Search. - Unity3D v4.0 ios
J2EE & Web Services iSeminar
9iAS :, 2002 8 21 OC4J Oracle J2EE (ECperf) JDeveloper : OLTP : Oracle : SMS (Short Message Service) Collaboration Suite Platform Email Developer Suite Portal Java BI XML Forms Reports Collaboration Suite
์๋ฐ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ
5 (kkman@mail.sangji.ac.kr) (Class), (template) (Object) public, final, abstract [modifier] class ClassName { // // (, ) Class Circle { int radius, color ; int x, y ; float getarea() { return 3.14159
ilist.add(new Integer(1))๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ด ์ฌ์ฉํ์ง ์๊ณ ilist.add(1)๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ด ์ฌ์ฉํ ๊ฒ์ ์๋ฐ 5.0์ ์ถ๊ฐ๋ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ ์๋ฃํ๊ณผ ํด๋น ๊ฐ์ฒด ์๋ฃ ํ๊ณผ์ ์คํ ๋ฐ์ฑ/์ธ๋ฐ์ฑ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ ์ฌ์ฉํ ๊ฒ์ผ๋ก ์คํ ๋ฐ์ฑ์ด๋ ์๋ฐ ์ปดํ์ผ๋ฌ๊ฐ ๊ฐ์ฒด๋ฅผ ์๊ตฌํ๋ ๊ณณ์ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ ์๋ฃํ
๋ฐ์ ์ ๋ค๋ฆญ์ค(generics)๋ฅผ ๋์
ํ๊ธฐ ์ํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋ ์ด๋ฏธ 8๋
์ ์ธ 1996๋
๋ถํฐ๋ผ๊ณ ํ๋ค. ์ค์ ๋ก ์๋ฐ์ ์ ๋ค๋ฆญ์ค๋ฅผ ๋์
ํ ๋ ๋ช ๊ฐ์ง ๋ฐฉ์๋ค์ด ๋
ผ๋ฌธ์ผ๋ก ๋์ค๊ธฐ ์์ํ ๊ฒ์ด 1998๋
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper
Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
REST in Enterprise ๋ฐ์ฐฌ์ฑ 1-1- MISSING PIECE OF ENTERPRISE Table of Contents 1. 2. REST 3. REST 4. REST 5. 2-2 - Wise chanwook.tistory.com / cwpark@itwise.co.kr / chanwook.god@gmail.com ARM WOA S&C AP ENI
MS-SQL SERVER ๋๋น ๊ธฐ๋ฅ
Business! ORACLE MS - SQL ORACLE MS - SQL Clustering A-Z A-F G-L M-R S-Z T-Z Microsoft EE : Works for benchmarks only CREATE VIEW Customers AS SELECT * FROM Server1.TableOwner.Customers_33 UNION ALL SELECT
5แแ กแผ.key
JAVA Programming 1 (inheritance) 2!,!! 4 3 4!!!! 5 public class Person {... public class Student extends Person { // Person Student... public class StudentWorker extends Student { // Student StudentWorker...!
07 แแ กแแ กแแ ด แแ กแแ ฃแผแแ กแซ แแ ณแฏแ แ ขแแ ณ.key
[ 07 ] . java.lang Object, Math, String, StringBuffer Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character. java.util Random, StringTokenizer Calendar, GregorianCalendar, Date. Collection, List,
3 S Q L A n t i p a t t e r n s Trees/intro/parent.sql CREATE TABLE Comments ( comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, comment TEXT
3 S Q L A n t i p a t t e r n s Trees/intro/parent.sql CREATE TABLE Comments ( comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, comment TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES Comments(comment_id)
Remote UI Guide
Remote UI KOR Remote UI Remote UI PDF Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Incorporated.. Canon. Remote UI GIF Adobe Systems Incorporated Photoshop. ..........................................................
Basic Netw rk 1. เธ เธ เธ 2. 3. เธ เธ 4. เธ 2 1. 2. 3. 4. เธ 5. เธ 6. เธ เธ 7. เธ 3 เธ เธ เธ เธ (Mainframe) เธ เธ เธ เธ (Terminal) เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ 4 เธ (Dumb Terminal) เธ เธ เธ เธ Mainframe เธ CPU เธ เธ เธ เธ 5 เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ เธ
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(Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#2 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.18 (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr 3! 1 - RAD, 2-3 - 4
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9 Chapter CHAPTER GOALS B I G J A V A 436 CHAPTER CONTENTS 9.1 436 Syntax 9.1 441 Syntax 9.2 442 Common Error 9.1 442 9.2 443 Syntax 9.3 445 Advanced Topic 9.1 445 9.3 446 9.4 448 Syntax 9.4 454 Advanced
PRO1_09E [์ฝ๊ธฐ ์ ์ฉ]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_09E1 Information and - ( ) 2 3 4 5 Monitor/Modify Variables" 6 7 8 9 10 11 CPU 12 Stop 13 (Forcing) 14 (1) 15 (2) 16 : 17 : Stop 18 : 19 : (Forcing) 20 :
- -, (insert) (delete) - - (insert) (delete) (top ) - - (insert) (rear) (delete) (front) A A B top A B C top push(a) push(b) push(c) A B top pop() top A B D push(d) top #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100 int
API STORE ํค๋ฐ๊ธ๋ฐ API ์ฌ์ฉ๊ฐ์ด๋ Document Information ๋ฌธ์๋ช : API STORE ์ธ์ด๋ณ Client ์ฌ์ฉ๊ฐ์ด๋์์ฑ์ : ์์ฑ์ผ : ์ ๋ฌด์์ญ : ๋ฒ์ : 1 st Draft. ์๋ธ์์คํ : ๋ฌธ์๋ฒํธ : ๋จ๊ณ : Docum
API STORE ํค๋ฐ๊ธ๋ฐ API ์ฌ์ฉ๊ฐ์ด๋ Document Information ๋ฌธ์๋ช
: API STORE ์ธ์ด๋ณ Client ์ฌ์ฉ๊ฐ์ด๋์์ฑ์ : ์์ฑ์ผ : 2012.11.23 ์
๋ฌด์์ญ : ๋ฒ์ : 1 st Draft. ์๋ธ์์คํ
: ๋ฌธ์๋ฒํธ : ๋จ๊ณ : Document Distribution Copy Number Name(Role, Title) Date
์ด๋ณด์๋ฅผ ์ํ ์๋ฐ 2 21์ผ ์์ฑ - ์ต์ ๊ฐ์ ํ
.,,.,. 7. Sun Microsystems.,,. Sun Bill Joy.. 15... ( ), ( )... 4600. .,,,,,., 5 Java 2 1.4. C++, Perl, Visual Basic, Delphi, Microsoft C#. WebGain Visual Cafe, Borland JBuilder, Sun ONE Studio., Sun Java
DW ๊ฐ์.PDF
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
C h a p t e r 11 java.net.,,., (TCP/IP) (UDP/IP).,. 1 ISO OSI 7 1977 (ISO, International Standards Organization) (OSI, Open Systems Interconnection). 6 1983 X.200. OSI 7 [ 11-1] 7. 1 (Physical Layer),
Microsoft PowerPoint - RMI.ppt
( ๋ถ์ฐํต์ ์ค์ต ) RMI RMI ์ตํ๊ธฐ 1. ๋ถ์ฐํ๊ฒฝ์์๋์ํ๋ message-passing์์ด์ฉํ boundedbuffer ํด๋ฒํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์์คํํด๋ณด์ธ์. ์์ค์ฝ๋ : -> os -> OSJavaSources -> ch15 -> rmi http://marvel el.incheon.ac.kr์ Information Unix
I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r
I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. : ts_cre_bonsa.sql -- 2. :
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Copyright, 2001 Multimedia Lab., CH 3. COM object (In-process server) Eun-sung Lee twoss@mmlab.net Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Seoul Seoul, Korea 0. Contents 1.
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[ ๋ชฉ์ฐจ ] 5.1 ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์คํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ๊ฐ๋ 5.2 T-SQL T-SQL ๋ฌธ๋ฒ 5.3 JAVA ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ 2
5 ์ฅ SQL ์์ฉ ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์ค์คํ์ค 1 [ ๋ชฉ์ฐจ ] 5.1 ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์คํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ๊ฐ๋
5.2 T-SQL 5.2.1 T-SQL ๋ฌธ๋ฒ 5.3 JAVA ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ 2 5.1 ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฒ ์ด์คํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ๊ฐ๋
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