TOPIK 3 급이상취득자 TOPIK 3 급미취득자 2018 년 2 월 5 일 ( 월 ) 17:00 까지제출 등록금납부후휴학신청서 2018 년 2 월 26 일 ( 월 ) 까지제출 휴학하는학생도등록기간에등록금을납부해야, 수학여부를최종확인할수있습니다. 개강이후, 해당 금액

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1 Spring 2018 합격자안내사항 여러분의합격을진심으로축하합니다! 아래의내용을잘읽고입학에필요한준비를하시기바랍 니다. 1. 등록금납부가. 합격자중등록의사가있는자는지정된기간에지정된은행에반드시등록금을납부하여야합니다. (1) 등록금납부일 : 2018년 1월 10일 ( 수 ) 10:00 ~ 1월 12일 ( 금 ) 16:00 (2) 등록금고지서확인 : 2018년 1월 5일 ( 금 ) 17:00 Notice 국내체류자 개인등록금고지서의등록가상계좌로납부합니다. 납부기간안에만가상계좌를 이용할수있으므로반드시납부기간을지켜주시기바랍니다. 100% 장학금수혜자 해외체류자 국내체류자등록금이 0 원이어도등록금고지서를출력하여은행확인 ( 도장 ) 을 받습니다. 해외체류자의경우국제협력팀으로등록여부를알립니다.( 해외체류자는개인등록금고지서의등록가상계좌로납부할수없습니다. 아래의주소로해외송금합니다. Name of Bank : Shinhan Bank (Sookmyung Women's University Branch) Account No: Swift Code: SHBKKRSE Name of Beneficiary: Sookmyung Women's University Bank Address: 115 Chungpa-dong 3 Ka, Yongsan-ku, Seoul, Korea 해외송금시자국및한국은행에서수수료가발생하므로수수료를포함한금액을 송금하여야합니다. ( 해외송금수수료약 USD 100, 잔액은입학후환불됩니다.) 입금후입금일자를국제협력팀으로알립니다.( 나. 한국에있는 2 개이상의대학에합격한자는반드시하나의대학만을하여등록해야하며, 이를위 반할경우합격및입학이취소됩니다. 2. 합격자추가서류제출가. 합격자발표시조건부합격을받은학생은개강전 ( 지정일 ) 까지 TOPIK 3급이상성적표를제출하여야합니다. 영어트랙합격자의경우 TOEFL PBT 530, CBT 197, IBT 71, MATE Speaking CL/Writing MH, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 600 이상또는그에상응하는점수의국가공인영어능력평가시험점수제출하여야합니다. 나. 상기기준의한국어능력시험성적또는영어능력시험성적이없는지원자는입학시험합격자에한해반드시학기시작전지정일전까지시험점수를제출하여야하며, 시험결과가기준에미치지못하는경우, 기준에도달할때까지휴학후어학성적을취득해야합니다

2 TOPIK 3 급이상취득자 TOPIK 3 급미취득자 2018 년 2 월 5 일 ( 월 ) 17:00 까지제출 등록금납부후휴학신청서 2018 년 2 월 26 일 ( 월 ) 까지제출 휴학하는학생도등록기간에등록금을납부해야, 수학여부를최종확인할수있습니다. 개강이후, 해당 금액은 100% 환불됩니다. 다. 외국학교에서발급받은각종증명서 ( 성적, 재학, 졸업증명서등 ) 에대해서는지정된기간까지해당국가의한국영사관에서발행하는 영사확인서 를제출해야합니다. 아포스티유가입국일경우에는해당학교소재국정부지정기관에서발급하는 아포스티유확인서 를제출해도됩니다. 최종학교가중국지역일경우에는 China Credentials Verification( 또는 China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center( 에서발급하는학위인증서를제출해도됩니다. 라. 원서접수시졸업 ( 수료 ) 예정증명서를제출한자는개강전 (2월 28일 ) 까지졸업 ( 수료 ) 증명서를제출하여야합니다. 3. 학력조회동의서 ( 양식첨부 ) 가. 해외대학 ( 또는고등학교 ) 졸업자는최종학위취득학교의학력조회담당자가확인후국제협력팀으로이메일 ( 로제출합니다. 나. 최종학위취득학교가중국지역일경우 China Credentials Verification( 또는 China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center( 에서발급하는학위인증서를제출합니다. 입학지원시제출자는제출하지않습니다. 다. 국내대학 ( 또는고등학교 ) 졸업자는제출하지않습니다. 국제협력팀에서해당대학 ( 또는고등학교 ) 으로공문발송합니다. 4. 유학비자 (D2) 신청 ( 무비자, D4/D10비자소지자만해당 ) 가. 등록금을납부하고학력조회동의서및기타서류를제출한학생에한해서본교에서표준입학허가서를발행합니다. 입학허가서는해외체류자에한하여우편발송합니다. 표준입학허가서는필요서류제출후 3일 ( 공휴일제외 ) 후에수령가능합니다. 나. 유학비자발급및변경은본인이직접진행합니다. D4/D10비자소지자의경우개강전반드시 D2비자로변경하여야합니다. 다. 유학가능체류자격은출입국외국인정책본부의지침에따르며, 변경되거나개인사정에따라다를수있으므로, 출입국외국인정책본부에본인이직접확인하기바랍니다.( 5. 건강검진 입학생은건강검진표를제출해야합니다. ( 흉부 X 선검사결과가포함된결핵진단서포함 ) 이때학업수행에 지장을주는난치의질환이나신체결함등이발견되었을경우에는휴학등학교의결정에따라야합니다. 6. 의료보험가입및보험증서제출 가. 외국인입학생은반드시의료보험에가입해야합니다. 학기봄학기 (3 월 2 일개강 ) 보험가입기간 2018 년 3 월 2 일 ~2018 년 8 월 31 일 - 2 -

3 나. 개인적으로의료보험에가입되어있는자는지정된기간까지보험증서를제출하여야합니다. 다. 의료보험미가입시유학비자발급을위한표준입학허가서발급이제한될수있습니다. 외국인유학생은재학기간에도의료보험을유지하여야하며, 재학기간동안의료보험미유지시체류기간연장을위한재학증명서발급이제한될수있습니다. 7. 기숙사신청및입사가. 합격자중기숙사입사를원하는경우온라인으로신청하며, 입사가능여부는등록기간중에개별안내합니다.( 개인이메일로결과안내 ) 나. 우리대학에서는외국인학생들에게기숙사를배정해드릴수있도록최대한노력하고있으나, 방이충분하지않아첫학기의경우방을할수없고자동배정됩니다. 여석이없을경우, 입사가어려울수있습니다. (1) 온라인신청기간 : 2018년 1월 29일 ( 월 ) ~ 1월 31일 ( 수 ) (2) 기숙사신청사이트 : Life on Campus Housing For International Students 구분내용비고 시설 - 사실내 : 침대, 책상, 의자, 옷장, 에어컨등 - 공용 : 컴퓨터실, 휴게실, 세탁실, 층별간이주방등 베개, 침대시트, 이불은본인이준비하여야 합니다. 기숙사비 180,000/ 월 ~300,000/ 월 2 인실 ~3 인실 기숙사입실기간 기숙사비납부기간 기숙사입실기간보다일찍또는늦게입국할경우기숙사에머무를수없으니입실기간을지켜주시기 바랍니다 년 2 월 22 일 ( 금 )~2 월 28( 수 ) 토, 일제외 기숙사사무실근무시간 9:00~17:30 입실시안내예정 4 개월비용을납부하여야합니다. 8. 신입생오리엔테이션및수강신청 오리엔테이션참석은입니다. 학번확인, 학생증수령방법, 수강신청방법, 학생비자관련내용을안내할 예정입니다. 해외체류자중비자발급등의이유로참석하지못하는경우이메일로 2월 22일 ( 목 ) 까지알려 주시기바랍니다. 구분 일시 장소 국내체류자 2018년 2월 20일 ( 화 ) 6시 30분 진리관 B101호 해외체류자 2018년 2월 28일 ( 수 ) 10시 글로벌라운지 - 3 -

4 [ 붙임 1] 제출서류표 (Items to be Submitted) 제출서류점검사항및서류정리순서 Required Documents & Order 학력조회동의서 (Education Verification Form) 마감일 Due Date 무비자 Non-visa holders D4/D10 비자소지자 D4/D10 visa holders F/E 비자소지자 F/E visa holders 1 중국학생의경우중국교육부학력학위인증보고서제출지원시제출자는제출할필요없음 예금잔고증명서 (Bank Deposit Certificate) 2 3 USD 20,000 이상해외체류자 : 본인명의. 본인명의가아닐경우재정보증인의재직증명서또는사업자등록증을추가제출국내체류자 : 본인명의 건강검진표 (Health Certificate) 흉부 X 선검사결과가포함된결핵진단서포함 4 보험가입증서사본 Insurance Certificate 증명사진 1 장 (1 Photo) Size : 3 4 JPG file 지원시제출자는제출할필요없음 여권사본 (Copy of passport) 지원시제출자는제출할필요없음 외국인등록증 Copy of alien registration card(with valid date) 해당자에한함 지원시제출자는제출할필요없음 8 TOPIK 성적표사본또는영어성적사본 (Copy of Valid TOPIK or English Proficiency Test) 지원시제출자는제출할필요없음 졸업증명서 (Graduation Certificate) 년 2월말졸업예정자 위의서류를우편또는이메일로마감일까지제출하여주십시오. Contact Information 강소영 / 외국인입학담당 TEL : 주소 : (04310) 서울용산구청파로 47 길 100 숙명여자대학교행정관 706 호 - 4 -

5 Spring 2018 Information for International Students Congratulations! You have been accepted to Sookmyung Women s University(SMU) beginning the Spring 2018 semester. Enclosed are important documents, information, and instructions. Please review them carefully to ensure your successful arrival at SMU and enrollment in classes. 1. Tuition Payment A. Admitted students who are planning to register, must pay for the tuition fee during the specified period to the designated bank. Your acceptance could be cancelled if you do not complete the payment during this period. (1) Tuition Payment Period : January 10(Wed.) 10 a.m ~ January 12(Fri.) 4 p.m., 2018 (2) How to Check a tuition : January 5(Fri.), 5 p.m., Notice In Korea Full Scholarship Recipient Out of Korea You can pay the tuition and fees at any bank branches directly. Tuition and fees can be wired to the virtual bank account on your invoice. Please note that the virtual account is given to each student individually. You must complete your payment by registration deadline, otherwise the payment will not be transferred. In Korea Please visit the nearest Shinhan bank branches directly. Show your invoice to a banker and she/he will register you as a Sookmyung student. Out of Korea Please send an to Office of International Affairs(, confirm that you will study at Sookmyung or not. Tuition and fees cannot transferred to the virtual bank account on your invoice. Please transfer the bank account as below : Name of Bank : Shinhan Bank (Sookmyung Women's University Branch) Account No: Swift Code: SHBKKRSE Name of Beneficiary: Sookmyung Women's University Bank Address: 115 Chungpa-dong 3 Ka, Yongsan-ku, Seoul, Korea Overseas Balancing charges should be covered by students Please note that when you transfer the total fee from abroad(out of Korea), you need to submit the overseas transfer fee of both countries' bank (your home country, and a Korean bank) yourself. We recommend students to pay around 100 USD additionally on top of the total fee stated on the invoice.(ex. Your total fee on invoice : 1,000 USD + Oversea transfer fee 100 USD = You would be requesting the bank total 1,100 USD transfer) If the balance may occur at any chance, it will be refunded to students directly around end of first Academic month.(march or September) - 5 -

6 B. Students receiving admissions from more than two universities in Korea, must choose only one university. If the students violate this rule, their admission offer will be revoked. 2. Submission of Additional Documents for Admitted Students A. Applicants who have Korean or English language test scores for one of the following tests should submit their scores. Applicants must meet the following minimum required scores : TOPIK level 3 or higher (English test scores are only accepted for students with majors whose classes are all taught in English.) B. Accepted students who have registered and do not have any Korean or English language scores must take a Language Proficiency Exam before the semester starts. If the results are lower than the requirement, a leave of absence should be taken until an acceptable score is obtained. Students who are waiting the TOPIK result on January, 14 Please send us your copy of TOPIK result by by February 5(Mon), Students who do not have TOPIK level 3(or higher) First register at Sookmyung for the 2018 Spring semester Submit the application for leave of absence by February 26(Mon), 2018 Confirm that you will study at Sookmyung or not. After September 1st (after beginning new semester), you can get a full refund of your tuition. C. Concerning the certificates (including transcripts, diplomas, etc.) given by foreign institutions, students must submit the Confirmation documents from a foreign educational institute, or Confirmation document from consulate or embassy which are certified and verified by the Korean Embassy where the institution is located by January 12, If the students are from countries for Apostille certificates, they can submit an Apostille certificate issued by the government where the institute is located. Students who graduated high school and have obtained their bachelor s and master s degree in China MUST submit the Chinese Higher Education Academic History Fact Report issued from the Ministry of Education Academic Approval Center or D. Students who have submitted the Certificate of Prospective Diploma when registering application must submit the Certificate of Diploma to SMU by February 28, Education Verification(Form Attached) A. Please check attached Education Verification form and fill out Written by Applicant box. After being confirmed by your previous school, please submit your Education Verification by . B. Students who graduated high school and have obtained their bachelor s and master s degree in China submit the Chinese Higher Education Academic History Fact Report issued from the Ministry of Education Academic Approval Center or If you submitted it when you apply, you do NOT need to submit again. C. Students who graduated high school and have obtained their bachelor s and master s degree in Korea do NOT need to submit it

7 Spring Student Visa(Only for Non visa, D4, D10 visa holders) A. Office of International Affairs(OIA) will be issue Certificate of Admission for students who have paid her tuition and have submitted Eduction Verification, Bank deposit Certificate, etc. Please allow to three business days to process. Admission Certificate will be send students out of Korea by post. B. Students must obtain a visa on their own. D4 and D10 holders must change your visa to D2. C. The regulation of Immigration Office can be changed without notice, sometimes not applicable for every student situation, so please confirm yourselves with the Immigration Office before working on it.( 5. Physical Check-up A. Incoming students are required to undergo a physical check-up including Tuberculosis Test with Chest radiograph. B. If a student is found to have an intractable disease or physical defect that may interfere with her academic performance, she must comply with the university s decision to take a leave of absence or to make other arrangements. 6. Obtaining Medical Insurance and Submission of Insurance Certificate A. All admitted international students must obtain medical insurance. Semester Spring Semester(start March 2nd) Coverage Period From March 2, 2018 to August 31, 2018 B. Students who already have insurance should submit the insurance certificate during the specified period. C. If the applicants do not obtain the medical insurance, issuance of the Certificate of Admission may be limited. International students have to maintain medical insurance during the period of attendance. If the students do not maintain the medical insurance during the period of attendance, issuance of proof of enrollment may be withheld. 7. Dormitory Application and Entrance A. Students who you want to live dormitories, apply online at : >Life on Campus > Housing > For International Students Availability of entrance will be individually notified during the registration period. l Dormitory Online Apply period : January 29(Mon.), 2018 ~ January 31(Wed.), 2018 B. You will not able to choose the room or dormitory at your first semester, because we do not have enough room. You will be assigned a double or triple room at one of our dormitories through an automatic process

8 Categories Details Note Facilities Room Rates Check in Start Registration Period Main facilities: Each room includes a bed, closet, desk, air-conditioner, etc. Computer room, lounge, laundry room, cafeteria, kitchen in each floor are available KRW 180,000~300,000/Month February 22(Thu.) ~ February 28(Wed) (Monday to Friday) We will inform you, when you check in There is no pillow, bed sheet and blanket for your stay. Double/Triple room Office Hour : 9 a.m.~ 5:30 p.m. You should pay 4 month amount at once. If you leave the dormitory, it will be refunded by our dormitory regulation. Please avoid arriving early or late on February 22 to 28 and sending material to the dormitory before your arrival. Dormitory rooms will not be available. 8. Orientation for International Students and Course Registration All international students must attend an orientation session. During orientation you will be given important information about SMU, maintaining your D2 student visa status, and living in Seoul. We will also help you register for classes, obtain your students I.D.card, and learn about the available services on our campus. Date & Time Venue In Korea February 20(Thu.) 6:30p.m. Veritas Building B101 Out of Korea February 28(Wed) 10a.m. Global lounge(renaissance Plaza B107) If you cannot be present at the orientation, please send to by February 22(Thu)

9 [ 붙임 1] 제출서류표 (Items to be Submitted) 제출서류점검사항및서류정리순서 Required Documents & Order 마감일 Due Date 무비자 Non-visa holders D4/D10 비자소지자 D4/D10 visa holders F/E 비자소지자 F/E visa holders 학력조회동의서 (Education Verification Form) 1 Students who graduated high school and have obtained their bachelor s and master s degree in China submit the Chinese Higher Education Academic History Fact Report issued from the Ministry of Education Academic Approval Center If you submitted it when you apply, you do NOT need to submit again. 예금잔고증명서 (Bank Deposit Certificate) 2 3 USD 20,000 If your bank deposit is not issued by your name, you need to submit the sponsor s Employment certificate or Business License and sponsor s property tax certificate If you are in Korea, it MUST be issued by your name. 건강검진표 (Health Certificate) Including Tuberculosis Test with Chest radiograph 4 보험가입증서사본 Insurance Certificate 증명사진 1 장 (1 Photo) Size : 3 4 JPG file Students who do NOT submitted when you apply 여권사본 (Copy of passport) Students who do NOT submitted when you apply 외국인등록증 Copy of alien registration card(with valid date) Students who already had Students who do NOT submitted when you apply TOPIK 성적표사본또는영어성적사본 (Copy of Valid TOPIK or English Proficiency Test) Students who do NOT submitted when you apply 졸업증명서 (Graduation Certificate) Students who will graduated ate the end of February, Please submit above documents by the due date. You can attachment files or send the hard copy to us. Contact Information Ms. Alice Kang (International Students Admission) TEL : Address : Administration Building #706 Office of International Affairs Sookmyung Women's University 100, Cheongpa-ro 47-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea (04310) - 9 -

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