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1 75 popular Menu selections in NEW YORK 뉴욕의한식당인기메뉴 75 E ENGLISH K KOREAN E appetizers K 전채 E main courses K 주요리 E separate dish K 단품요리 E soups K 국물요리 E side dishes K 반찬 E desserts K 후식 E others K 그밖에 A agwi jjim / 아귀찜 B baechu kimchi / 배추김치 baek kimchi / 백김치 bibim bap / 비빔밥 bibim naengmyeon / 비빔냉면 bossam / 보쌈 budae jjigae / 부대찌개 D dak maeun jjim / 닭매운찜 doen jang / 된장 doenjang jjigae / 된장찌개 dolsot bibim bap / 돌솥비빔밥 dongchimi / 동치미 dotori muk / 도토리묵 dubu jeongol / 두부전골 dubu jorim / 두부조림 dubu kimchi / 두부김치 dwaeji galbi gui / 돼지갈비구이 e eundaegu jorim / 은대구조림 g galbi jjim / 갈비찜 galbi tang / 갈비탕 gamja tang / 감자탕 gan jang / 간장 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:31 AM

2 ganjang ge jang / 간장게장 gim bap / 김밥 gochu jang / 고추장 godeungeo gui / 고등어구이 godeungeo jorim / 고등어조림 gopchang gui / 곱창구이 gopchang jeongol / 곱창전골 gujeolpan / 구절판 gyeranmari / 계란말이 h haemul jjim / 해물찜 haemul pajeon / 해물파전 haemul tang / 해물탕 hanjeongsik / 한정식 hongeo hwe muchim / 홍어회무침 hwangtae gui / 황태구이 j jangajji / 장아찌 japchae / 잡채 jeyuk bokkeum / 제육볶음 jokbal / 족발 k kalguksu / 칼국수 kimchi bokkeum bap / 김치볶음밥 kimchi jjigae / 김치찌개 kkakdugi / 깍두기 kong guksu / 콩국수 M mandu / 만두 mandut guk / 만둣국 modeum jeon / 모둠전 mul naengmyeon / 물냉면 n nakji bokkeum / 낙지볶음 nokdu jeon / 녹두전 o ojingeo deopbap / 오징어덮밥 s saengseon hwe / 생선회 samgyeopsal / 삼겹살구이 samgyetang / 삼계탕 samsaek namul / 삼색나물 sanchae bibim bap / 산채비빔밥 seolleong tang / 설렁탕 sikhye / 식혜 sinseollo / 신선로 so galbi gui / 소갈비구이 ssam bap / 쌈밥 sujebi / 수제비 sujeonggwa / 수정과 sundae / 순대 sundubu jjigae / 순두부찌개 t topokki / 떡볶이 tteok galbi / 떡갈비 tteok guk / 떡국 ttukbaegi bulgogi / 뚝배기불고기 y yeongyang dolsot bap / 영양돌솥밥 yuja cha / 유자차 yukgaejang / 육개장 yuk hwe / 육회 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:31 AM

3 E ENGLISH K KOREAN a agwi jjim [ 아귀찜 ] E Monkfish braised in a spicy seasoned sauce with soybean sprouts, Korean parsley, and green onion. Chewy monkfish and crispy vegetables are smothered in the thick spicy sauce. K 아귀에콩나물과미나리등채소를넣고매운양념장을넣어걸쭉하게익힌음식으로, 아귀의쫄깃한육질과아삭한채소맛이어우러진별미다. b baechu kimchi [ 배추김치 ] E Salted napa cabbage stuffed with a mixture of white radish, red chili powder, minced garlic and salted fish. Along with rice, kimchi is an indispensible dish in the Korean meal. K 배추를소금에절인다음잎사이사이에무채, 고춧가루, 다진마늘, 젓갈등을 버무린소를넣어담근김치다. 밥과함께밥상에오르는대표적인반찬이다. baek kimchi [ 백김치 ] E Salted napa cabbage stuffed with a mixture of white radish, Asian pear, Korean parsley, chestnuts and salted fish. Extra water is poured onto the kimchi. The absence of red chili pepper gives this kimchi a mild and refreshing taste. K 배추를소금에절인다음잎사이사이에무채, 배, 미나리, 밤등을버무린소를넣고국물이자작하게담근김치다. 고춧가루를넣지않아맵지않고청량한맛이다. bibim bap [ 비빔밥 ] E Steamed rice topped with sautéed beef and a variety of colorful vegetables. Mixed at the table with spicy gochu jang sauce and sesame oil. K 쌀밥에고기볶음, 갖은나물등반찬과고명을올리고고추장에비벼먹는음식 이다. 다양한제철재료와참기름을첨가하면더욱맛있다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:33 AM

4 bibim naengmyeon [ 비빔냉면 ] E Chilled buckwheat noodles garnished with cold slices of beef, fresh skate fish, radish or cucumber served with a spicy gochu jang sauce for mixing. K 메밀로만든면을삶아찬물에헹궈물기를뺀다음쇠고기나홍어회무침, 무, 오 이, 삶은달걀등을얹고고추장양념장에비벼차갑게먹는음식이다. bossam [ 보쌈 ] E Boiled pork wrapped in cabbage leaves with a spicy relish made of sliced radish. The meat may also be dipped in salted shrimp sauce and wrapped in cabbage or bossam kimchi leaves. K 삶은돼지고기를얇게썰어매콤하게무친무와절인배추에함께싸먹는음식 이다. 새우젓을찍어배추김치나보쌈김치등에싸먹기도한다. budae jjigae [ 부대찌개 ] E A fusion dish made with ham, sausage, kimchi, pork, and tofu. Everything is combined and cooked in a spicy broth. Oftentimes, ramen noodles are added to the simmering stew. K 햄과소시지를주재료로하여김치, 돼지고기, 두부등을한데넣고육수를부어 얼큰하게끓인음식이다. 라면을넣어먹기도한다. D dak maeun jjim [ 닭매운찜 ] E Chicken and potatoes cut and braised in spicy red chili sauce until just enough liquid is left to cover the ingredients. Also called dakmaeun tang. K 닭과감자를토막내냄비에넣고매운양념장에버무려물을붓고끓인음식이 다. 국물이자작자작한조림형태의음식으로닭매운탕이라고도한다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:35 AM

5 doenjang [ 된장 ] E After removing the liquid from the meju and brine mixture, the residual solid is aged to make doenjang. It is a salty condiment with a nutty taste used for seasoning soups and stews, and to make ssamjang. K 콩을삶아만든메주를발효시켜간장을담갔다가, 장물을떠내고남은건더기를숙성시킨장이다. 구수하고짭짤한맛으로국, 찌개, 쌈장등을만들때쓴다. doenjang jjigae [ 된장찌개 ] E Doen jang-seasoned stew made with anchovy broth, fish/clams, and summer squash. The broth is thick and flavorful. Good for mixing with rice. K 육수에된장을풀고고기나조개류, 두부, 애호박등을넣어끓인음식이다. 국물이걸쭉하고여러가지재료가어우러져밥을비벼먹기에좋다. dolsot bibim bap [ 돌솥비빔밥 ] E Bibim bap served in a sizzling hot stone pot. The crisped rice at the bottom, mixed with the toppings and gochu jang sauce, remains piping hot until the end of the meal. K 뜨거운돌솥에밥을담고갖은나물과고기볶음을얹은뒤고추장에비벼먹는음식이다. 돌솥의열기로밥을다먹을때까지온도가따뜻하게유지된다. dongchimi [ 동치미 ] E A wintertime kimchi made of salted whole radishes immersed in salt brine. A good accompaniment to juk or tteok. K 소금에절인통무에짜지않게소금물을식혀가득붓고담근김치. 주로겨울철에담그며죽이나떡을먹을때곁들이면시원한맛이좋다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:36 AM

6 dotori muk [ 도토리묵 ] E A smooth gelatin made of acorn starch sliced and tossed with carrots, crown daisy, cucumber, and green chili pepper in a seasoned soy-sesame sauce. K 도토리녹말을물에풀어끓인다음굳힌음식이다. 당근, 쑥갓, 오이, 풋고추등을 넣고양념장에버무려먹는다. dubu jeongol [ 두부전골 ] E Sliced tofu, onion, carrots, Korean parsley, and beef, artfully arranged and cooked in a hot pot. Loved by many for its mild and clean taste. K 두부와양파, 당근, 미나리, 쇠고기등을보기좋게둘러담고육수를자작하게 부어끓여가며먹는음식이다. 맛이순하고담백하다. dubu jorim [ 두부조림 ] E Lightly pan-fried tofu simmered in soy sauce with red chili pepper, sugar, green onions and garlic. Served as banchan. K 두부를기름에살짝지진다음간장과고춧가루, 설탕, 파, 마늘등을넣고조린 반찬이다. dubu kimchi [ 두부김치 ] E Well-aged sour kimchi stir-fried with thinly sliced pork shoulder or belly and served with warm tofu. K 잘익은김치에돼지고기목살이나삼겹살을얇게썰어넣고볶은뒤따뜻하게 데운두부를곁들여먹는음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:37 AM

7 dwaeji galbi gui [ 돼지갈비구이 ] E Pork spareribs butterflied or accordion cut, marinated in a sweet soy sauce mixture and chargrilled. Red chili powder or gochu jang may be added for a spicier taste. K 돼지갈비의살을얇게펴서손질한뒤간장양념장에재웠다가숯불에구워먹는음식. 고춧가루나고추장을넣어맵게양념하기도한다. e eundaegu jorim [ 은대구조림 ] E Fresh black cod lightly seared and braised in a sweet soy sauce glaze with white radish. Black cod has a creamy texture and mild taste. K 은대구를살짝구운뒤무와함께달콤한간장양념장에조린음식이다. 부드럽고담백한맛을즐길수있다. g galbi jjim [ 갈비찜 ] E Beef short ribs, trimmed of fat, seasoned in sweet soy sauce, and braised until tender with carrots, chestnuts, ginkgo nuts, and other vegetables. K 소나돼지갈비의지방을제거하고당근과밤, 은행등을섞어갖은양념을한다음간장으로간을하여푹찐음식이다. galbi tang [ 갈비탕 ] E Beef ribs and white radish chunks simmered together until tender. The clear stock is rich and savory, as well as the tender meat that falls off the bone. K 소갈비를토막내어무와함께푹삶은음식으로맑은국물이구수하고갈비를뜯어먹는맛이쏠쏠하다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:42 AM

8 gamja tang [ 감자탕 ] E A thick soup made of pork backbones, potatoes, green cabbage leaves (ugeoji ), crushed perilla seeds, perilla leaves, spring onions and garlic. A spicy dish with a deep and robust flavor. K 돼지등뼈와감자, 우거지, 들깨가루, 깻잎, 파, 마늘등을넣고얼큰하게끓인탕 으로깊고구수한맛을낸다. ganjang [ 간장 ] E Boiled and fermented soybean cured in brine yields a dark liquid. This liquid is brewed to make ganjang. It is a salty seasoning and has a unique flavor. K 콩을삶아만든메주를발효시켜소금물에담가우려낸뒤그국물을달여서만 든액체상태의장이다. 음식의간을맞추는양념으로짠맛이나며특유의향을지니고있다. ganjang ge jang [ 간장게장 ] E Fresh live crabs pickled in a brine of soy sauce, ginger and garlic. The brine is strained, boiled and poured over the crabs several times. The best tasting ganjang-ge-jang is made with egg-bearing female crabs filled with roe. K 살아있는싱싱한게에끓인양념간장을식혀붓기를여러번반복한다음저장 해두고먹는음식이다. 알을배고있는암케로담가야제맛이다. gim bap [ 김밥 ] E Rice seasoned with salt and sesame oil and rolled up in a sheet of roasted gim (dried laver) with spinach, carrots, and pickled white radish. The long roll is sliced and served as bite-size pieces. K 흰밥을소금과참기름으로밑간한뒤살짝구운김위에얇게펼쳐놓고시금치, 당근, 단무지, 고기볶음등을넣어둘둘말아알맞은크기로썰어먹는음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:45 AM

9 gochu jang [ 고추장 ] E A traditional condiment made of red chili powder, sweet rice, powdered meju, and salt, and fermented in earthenware jars. Bright red in color and very spicy. K 고춧가루를주재료로하여찹쌀풀과메줏가루, 소금등을섞어항아리에서발효시킨전통양념중하나. 붉은빛깔을띠며매운맛을낸다. godeungeo gui [ 고등어구이 ] E Mackerel sprinkled with coarse sea salt and grilled or pan-fried. Mackerel is sometimes salted and half dried, or heavily salted for storage. K 굵은소금을뿌린고등어를반으로갈라석쇠나팬에구운음식이다. 미리소금 을뿌려꾸덕꾸덕하게말리거나, 소금에절여구워먹기도한다. godeungeo jorim [ 고등어조림 ] E Mackerel braised in a spicy soy sauce mixture with white radish or potatoes. Green napa cabbage leaves or kimchi may also be added. K 고등어와무, 풋고추등을냄비에담고매운간장양념장을끼얹어조린음식이 다. 우거지나김치를넣기도한다. gopchang gui [ 곱창구이 ] E Beef innards either marinated and grilled, or simply grilled and served with a seasoned sauce. The innards are thoroughly cleaned to remove any residual odor. K 소의내장을냄새가나지않도록손질한뒤불에구워양념장을찍어먹거나갖 은양념해서구운음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:48 AM

10 gopchang jeongol [ 곱창전골 ] E Beef or pork innards cooked in a spicy broth with sliced carrots, onion, crown daisy and other fragrant vegetables. K 소나돼지의내장을손질해양념한다음당근, 양파, 쑥갓등여러가지채소와 함께담아육수를부어끓인음식이다. gujeolpan [ 구절판 ] E Eight kinds of colorful vegetables and meats served in an octagonal wooden box. The vegetables are wrapped in the thin wheat crepes stacked in the central compartment and dipped in a mustard-soy sauce. K 아홉칸으로나뉜그릇에채소와고기등여덟가지음식을빛깔맞춰담고가운 데담은밀전병에싸서겨자초장을찍어먹는궁중음식이다. gyeranmari [ 계란말이 ] E Eggs mixed with chopped green onions, carrots, and onions, fried and rolled up. K 달걀을깨뜨려저은뒤송송썬파와곱게다진당근, 양파등의채소를넣고소 금간하여, 기름두른팬에얇게펴서서서히익혀가며둥글게만음식이다. h haemul jjim [ 해물찜 ] E Fresh shrimp, squid, crabs, fish and clams and other seasonal catches cooked with soybean sprouts and Korean parsley in a thick spicy sauce. K 새우, 오징어, 꽃게, 조개류등싱싱한제철해물에콩나물, 미나리등을얹고매운양념장을넣어걸쭉하게익힌음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:51 AM

11 haemul pajeon [ 해물파전 ] E Tender young green onion stems folded into a flour batter with squid, clam meat, and oysters, and pan-fried. Served with gochu jang or soy vinaigrette dipping sauce. K 밀가루반죽에길쭉길쭉하게썬쪽파와오징어, 새우, 조갯살, 굴등을넣어부친음식. 초고추장또는초간장을곁들여찍어먹는다. haemul tang [ 해물탕 ] E A spicy stew made of fish, blue crab, baby octopus, shrimp, and other seafood. Seasoned with red chili powder sauce for a hot, zesty flavor. K 생선, 꽃게, 낙지, 새우등의각종해산물에매운고춧가루양념장을풀어얼큰하게끓인탕이다. 시원한국물맛이일품이다. hanjeongsik [ 한정식 ] E The traditional hanjeongsik is a set meal with an array of side dishes served with rice and soup. For a more modern dining experience, the meal is served in courses including appetizer, rice or noodles as main dish, side dishes, and dessert. K 한국의전통반상차림을서양의정찬처럼순서대로격식을갖춰차려내는현대적인상차림이다. 전통적인한식식단을바탕으로전식, 곡물위주의주식과부식및후식으로구성되어있다. hongeo hwe muchim [ 홍어회무침 ] E Fresh or vinegar-pickled skate sliced and mixed with white radish, Asian pear, and Korean parsley in a spicy gochu jang-vinegar sauce. K 홍어를식초에담가삭히거나생으로썰어서소금에절인무와오이, 굵게채썬배와미나리를한데섞어초고추장으로버무린음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:53 AM

12 hwangtae gui [ 황태구이 ] E Winter air-dried pollack filleted, deboned, and brushed with a gochu jang sauce and grilled. K 황태는명태를겨울바람에말린것으로, 반으로갈라등뼈와가시를발라내고 적당히토막낸다음고추장양념장을발라구운음식이다. j jangajji [ 장아찌 ] E Radish, cucumber, garlic, garlic stems, perilla leaves and other vegetables pickled and aged in soy sauce, soy bean paste, or red chili paste. Preserved and enjoyed throughout the year. K 무, 오이, 마늘, 마늘쫑, 깻잎등의채소를소금이나간장, 된장, 고추장에절여숙 성시킨음식이다. 오래저장해두고사시사철먹는반찬이다. japchae [ 잡채 ] E Glass noodles stir-fried with beef and assorted mushrooms and vegetables. A colorful classic dish that is always served at large gatherings or special occasions. K 삶은당면과볶은채소, 버섯, 고기등을간장양념에함께버무려먹는음식이 다. 화려하면서도품격있어잔치때빠지지않고상에오르는음식이다. jeyuk bokkeum [ 제육볶음 ] E Thinly sliced pork marinated in spicy ginger-gochu jang sauce and stir-fried with onion, carrots, perilla leaves or cabbage. Ingredients vary according to taste. K 돼지고기를얇게저며생강즙을넣은고추장양념에재웠다가볶은음식이다. 기 호에따라양파, 당근, 깻잎, 양배추등을넣기도한다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:55 AM

13 jokbal [ 족발 ] E Pig trotters glazed in a ginger-garlic-soy sauce. Served off the bone thinly sliced. The high gelatin content of jokbal is good for a healthy and youthful complexion. K 돼지족에간장과생강, 마늘, 양파를넣고조려먹기좋게썰어낸음식이다. 족발에는젤라틴성분이풍부하여피부미용과노화방지에효과가있다. k kalguksu [ 칼국수 ] E Fresh knife-cut noodles cooked in anchovy stock. courgette, potatoes, and seafood may be added. K 밀가루반죽을얇게밀어칼로썬다음맑은장국에넣고끓인음식이다. 애호박, 감자를함께넣기도한다. kimchi bokkeum bap [ 김치볶음밥 ] E Rice fried with finely chopped kimchi. Beef, pork, onions, green onions, and other vegetables may be added according to taste. K 김치를잘게썰어밥과함께볶은뒤달걀프라이를얹은음식이다. 기호에따라쇠고기나돼지고기, 채소등을함께넣어볶기도한다. kimchi jjigae [ 김치찌개 ] E A spicy stew made with sour kimchi, fatty pork, shellfish, and tofu and green onion chunks. Served hot with steamed rice. K 잘익은김치에돼지고기나어패류, 두부와굵게썬파등을함께넣어얼큰하게끓인음식이다. 반찬으로즐겨먹는대표적인찌개다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:56 AM

14 kkakdugi [ 깍두기 ] E Cubed bite-size radish seasoned with red chili powder, green onions, garlic, ginger and salted shrimp. K 무를한입크기로팔모썰기하여소금에절인뒤고춧가루에버무리고파, 마늘, 생강, 새우젓등으로양념하여담근김치이다. kong guksu [ 콩국수 ] E Noodles in chilled soybean soup. The soup is made of boiled and puréed soybeans and seasoned with salt. A summer staple served with floating ice and young radish (yeolmu) kimchi on the side. K 삶은콩을갈아체에거른국물에국수를말고소금으로간한뒤얼음을띄워 먹는여름철음식이다. 열무김치와함께먹는다. m mandu [ 만두 ] E Korean dumplings made of thinly rolled flour dough and a filling of ground meat and vegetables. Served boiled, steamed, deep-fried or pan-fried. K 밀가루를반죽해얇게민다음동그랗게모양을찍어고기나채소로만든소를 넣고빚어삶거나찐음식이다. 기름에튀기거나굽기도한다. mandut guk [ 만둣국 ] E Minced meat and vegetables wrapped in thin flour shells and boiled in beef broth. Oval shaped rice pasta may be added. K 밀가루반죽을얇게밀어고기나채소로만든소를넣고빚은만두를육수에넣 어끓인음식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:57 AM

15 modeum jeon [ 모둠전 ] E A colorful dish of beef, fish, and vegetable slices coated in flour or egg batter and pan-fried. The assorted jeons are tastefully arranged on a plate. K 고기, 생선, 채소등다양한재료에밀가루와달걀옷을입혀부친전을색깔맞 춰보기좋게담아낸음식이다. mul naengmyeon [ 물냉면 ] E Buckwheat noodles served in chilled soup made of dongchimi (radish kimchi ) liquid and beef broth. The noodle is garnished with white radish and Asian pear slices and seasoned with mustard and vinegar. K 메밀로만든면을삶아동치미국물과소고기육수를섞은국물에차갑게말아먹는음식이다. 무, 배, 등을얹고겨자와식초로양념한다. n nakji bokkeum [ 낙지볶음 ] E Blanched baby octopus cut into pieces and stir-fried in a spicy sauce made of red chili powder and minced garlic. Onions, carrots and other vegetables can be added. K 살짝데친낙지를적당히썰어고춧가루, 다진마늘등을섞은양념장에볶은음 식이다. 양파, 당근등의채소를함께넣는다. nokdu jeon [ 녹두전 ] E Stone ground mung beans, sliced bee for pork, mung bean sprouts, fiddleheads, and cabbage kimchi mixed into a batter and shallow-fried on a griddle. Ground rice may be added to soften the taste. K 녹두를물에불려껍질을벗긴뒤곱게갈아쇠고기나돼지고기, 숙주, 고사리, 배추김치등을넣고지진음식. 불린멥쌀을갈아섞으면맛이더부드럽다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :12:59 AM

16 ojingeo deopbap [ 오징어덮밥 ] E Squid marinated in a spicy sauce with onions and carrots, stir-fried and served over steamed rice. K 손질한오징어를먹기좋게썰어양파, 당근등의채소와함께매콤하게양념하여볶은뒤밥위에얹어먹는음식이다. s saengseon hwe [ 생선회 ] E Live whole fish skinned, deboned and thinly sliced. Dipped in soy sauce, doen jang (soybean paste) or gochu jang (red chili paste), or wrapped in vegetable leafs. K 살아있는생선의가시와껍질을발라낸다음살을얇게저며초고추장이나간 장, 된장등을찍어먹는다. 채소쌈을싸먹기도한다. samgyeopsal [ 삼겹살구이 ] E Streaky pork belly grilled and dipped in salt or ssam jang (red soy paste dip). Also eaten wrapped in lettuce leaves. K 돼지의배부위로살코기와지방이세겹으로되어있어육질이부드럽고고소하 다. 양념을하지않고구워소금이나쌈장을찍어먹고채소에쌈을싸먹기도한다. samgyetang [ 삼계탕 ] E Tender whole young chicken stuffed with ginseng, jujubes, sweet rice, and whole garlic cloves and simmered until tender. The combination of chicken and ginseng creates a complex yet harmonious flavor. A classic summertime dish that revitalizes the body and soul. K 어린닭의배속에인삼, 대추, 밤, 찹쌀, 마늘등을넣고푹고아만든음식이다. 닭고기와인삼이조화를이룬전통적인여름철보양식이다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :13:0 AM

17 samsaek namul [ 삼색나물 ] E Bellflower roots, spinach, and fiddlehead namul served on a plate. The white, green, and brown namuls are arranged by color and sprinkled with roasted sesame seeds and red pepper threads. K 도라지, 시금치, 고사리세가지나물을한그릇에담은음식이다. 흰색, 갈색, 푸른색나물을차례로담고깨소금과실고추를뿌려낸다. sanchae bibim bap [ 산채비빔밥 ] E A version of bibimbap topped with wild mountain greens, herbs, sprouts, and roots. Mixed at the table with spicy gochu jang. A fragrant dish filled with the flavor of wild mountain vegetables. K 산에서나는각종나물을밥위에올리고고추장에비벼먹는음식이다. 각각특유의맛과향을지닌산나물들이어우러져입맛을돋운다. seolleong tang [ 설렁탕 ] E A savory soup made of ox head, feet, meat, bones, and innards. Hours, and sometimes days, of slow simmering produces the milky white broth and concentrated flavor. K 소머리, 쇠족, 쇠고기, 뼈, 내장등을함께넣고오랜시간푹고아만든탕으로국물이뽀얗고맛이진하다. sikhye [ 식혜 ] E A traditional dessert beverage made by fermenting rice in malt. Always served cold, it also is called dansul, or gamju. K 밥을엿기름으로삭힌다음설탕을넣어달콤하게만든음료로차갑게즐긴다. 단술, 감주라고도불린다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :13:1 AM

18 sinseollo [ 신선로 ] E A hot pot of seafood, meat, and vegetables cooked at the table in a brass sinseollo pot over hot charcoal burning in the central cylinder. A dish representative of the royal cuisine. K 가운데숯불을담는통이있는신선로라는탕기에고기와해산물, 채소등을둘 러담고육수를부어즉석에서끓여먹는것으로대표적인궁중음식이다. so galbi gui [ 소갈비구이 ] E Beef short ribs butterflied or accordion cut, marinated in a sweet soy sauce mixture and chargrilled. K 소갈비의살을얇게펴서손질한뒤간장양념장에재웠다가숯불에구워먹는 음식이다. ssam bap [ 쌈밥 ] E Steamed rice wrapped in leafy vegetables or seaweed with seasoned sauce. Lettuce, perilla leaves, napa cabbage, squash leaves, cabbage, dried laver, brown seaweed, and kelp may be served as wraps. K 푸성귀와해조류를깨끗이씻어넓게편다음밥과양념장을올려싸먹는음식 이다. 상추, 깻잎, 배춧잎, 호박잎, 양배추, 김, 미역, 다시마등이주요쌈재료다. sujebi [ 수제비 ] E Soft flour dough hand-torn and dropped into boiling stock. The stock is usually made with dried anchovies, but chicken or seafood stock may also be used. K 밀가루를반죽해납작하게떼어맑은장국에넣고끓인음식이다. 멸치국물을 주로사용하며기호에따라감자나김치, 미역등을넣어끓이기도한다. sujeonggwa [ 수정과 ] E A cool drink of simmered fresh ginger and cinnamon sweetened with sugar or honey. Served with softened dried persimmons and pine nuts. K 계피와생강을달인물에설탕이나꿀을섞어차게식힌음료. 불린곶감을넣고잣을띄워마신다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :13:3 AM

19 sundae [ 순대 ] E Pork intestines stuffed with glass noodles, vegetable, sweet rice, coagulated pig blood and steamed. Variations include ojingeo sundae and chapssal sundae. This Korean blood sausage also comes in regional variations such as Byeongcheon or Abai sudae. K 돼지곱창에당면, 채소, 찹쌀, 선지등을섞어양념한소를채워넣고수증기에찐음식이다. 오징어순대, 찹쌀순대, 병천순대, 아바이순대등종류가다양하다. sundubu jjigae [ 순두부찌개 ] E Soft tofu stew with beef, fish, or clams in anchovy stock. A raw egg may be cracked into the hot stew. Flavors range from extra spicy to mild. K 뚝배기에순두부, 쇠고기나조개류, 채소를넣고육수를부어끓인음식으로달걀을넣기도한다. 고춧가루를넣어얼큰하게또는맑게즐긴다. t topokki [ 떡볶이 ] E Sliced rice cake bar or thin rice cake sticks (topokki tteok) stir-fried in a spicy gochu jang sauce with vegetables and fish cakes. K 한입크기로썬가래떡이나가늘게뽑은떡볶이용떡에채소, 어묵을넣고고추장양념으로볶은음식이다. tteok galbi [ 떡갈비 ] E Minced beef rib meat seasoned with garlic and soy sauce, molded around the bone and chargrilled while brushing with a soy sauce mixture. K 갈비살을곱게다져간장, 다진마늘등으로갖은양념하여치댄뒤갈비뼈에도톰 하게붙여남은양념장을발라가며구워먹는음식이다. tteok guk [ 떡국 ] E Oval shaped rice cake cooked in broth. A traditional Lunar New Year dish. Clear beef broth is most common used, but chicken or seafood may be added. K 쌀로만든가래떡을얇게썰어육수에넣고끓인음식으로설날에즐겨먹는다. 소고기를넣고끓인육수를주로쓰고, 닭고기나해물육수를사용하기도한다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :13:5 AM

20 ttukbaegi bulgogi [ 뚝배기불고기 ] E Soy-marinated bulgogi cooked with broth in an earthenware pot. Glass noodles may be added. K 간장양념장에잰쇠고기를뚝배기에담고육수를넉넉하게부어탕처럼끓인음 식이다. 당면을함께넣어먹기도한다. y yeongyang dolsot bap [ 영양돌솥밥 ] E Rice, multi grains, chestnuts, ginkgo nuts and pine nuts cooked and served in individual stone pots. After the contents are emptied, hot water is poured on to the crusty layer of rice to make nurun bap. K 돌솥에멥쌀과잡곡을섞어담고밤, 대추, 은행, 콩등을넣어즉석에서지은밥이 다. 다먹고나면바닥에눌어붙은밥에물을부어눌은밥을만들어먹는다. yuja cha [ 유자차 ] E Tea made with yuja (Korean citrus) concentrate, which is a preserve made with sliced yuja and sugar or honey. It is a sweet and tart tea served hot in the winter and cold in the summer. K 유자를얇게저며설탕이나꿀에재운다음겨울에는뜨겁게, 여름철에는시원하 게마시는새콤달콤한맛의음료이다. yukgaejang [ 육개장 ] E A soup made of beef brisket and innards, radish, leek, taro stems, and fiddleheads. Seasoned with red chili pepper for a spicy flavor. K 소양지머리와무등을푹삶은뒤대파, 토란대, 고사리등의채소를넣고고춧가 루로매콤하게양념해끓인음식이다. yuk hwe [ 육회 ] E Thinly sliced lean cut of raw beef seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar and mixed with julienned Asian pear. Sometimes topped with an egg yolk. K 소의살코기를가늘게썰어간장을넣고다진마늘, 참기름, 설탕으로버무린다음 채썬배와함께먹는날음식이다. 달걀노른자를곁들여섞어먹기도한다 한식가이드미국편-NY-백과사전.indd :13:7 AM

14. 우동 Udon Udon noodle soup with fish cakes and vegetables 15. 김치 볶음밥 Kim-chi Fried Rice Fried rice with Kim-chi, bacon and vegetables with a fried e

14. 우동 Udon Udon noodle soup with fish cakes and vegetables 15. 김치 볶음밥 Kim-chi Fried Rice Fried rice with Kim-chi, bacon and vegetables with a fried e 식사류 Rich Dishes * 기호에 따라 매운맛을 더하거나 빼고 싶으시면 주문시 말씀해 주세요. * Let us know if you like to make your dish more or less spicy than regular. Pork Bone Soup 1. 비지 찌개 Kim-chi Pork Bean-Curd Stew A casserole of bean-curd

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3 Yes, I smoke. 현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ Name: Preliminary Medical Examination (Male) 문진표(남성) 1. Have you ever suffered from or been treated for the below diseases for more than 3 months? 과거에 다음과 같은 질병으로 3개월 이상 앓았거나 진단(치료)을 받은 적이 있습니까? 1 diabetes

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