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1 Page 1 of 9 Licensed to Providence College PC-Montclair-URI - 11/8/2008 Results HY-TEK's Meet Manager Event 1 Women 200 Yard Medley Relay School Finals 1 University of Rhode Island 'A' 1: ) Ziolkowski, Martha 21 2) Veccia, Samantha 19 3) Flynn, Melissa 19 4) Lalli, Alex 19 2 University of Rhode Island 'B' 1: ) Mangano, Katherne 18 2) Courtmanche, Erica 21 3) Falconer, Lilli 19 4) Zaneski, Maura 20 3 University of Rhode Island 'C' 1: ) Lopez, Jennifer 2) McGeehan, Kaitlin 18 3) Kreho, Kimberly 21 4) Cannon, Tracey 21 4 Providence College-NE 'A' 1: ) Glynn, Meg E 19 2) Sepe, Lauren E 20 3) Lamb, Carrie E 19 4) Flynn, Blair E 20 5 University of Rhode Island 'D' x1: ) Buchta, Anna 20 2) McGlauflin, Jennifer 21 3) Waldron, Jenna 19 4) LeBarge, Andrea 21 6 Montclair State University 'A' 1: ) Van Avery, Nicole 2) Spadoni, Laura 3) Flynn, Laura 4) Erwin, Raquel 7 Providence College-NE 'B' 2: ) Osmolak, Trish C 19 2) Riley, Sarah V 17 3) Bonagura, Christine M 19 4) Devine, Erica M 18 8 Montclair State University 'B' 2: ) Quinones, Gabby 2) Abner, Kelly 3) Reichardt, Jillian 4) Crossin, Christina Event 2 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay School Finals 1 University of Rhode Island 'A' 1: ) Deering, Robert 19 2) MacDonald, Alex 19 3) Denard, Evan 19 4) Burak, Matt 20 2 Providence College-NE 'A' 1: ) Cello, Greg J 19 2) Casciano, Collin S 18 3) Rich, Justin P 20 4) Clark, Ryan L 20 3 Montclair State University 'A' 1: ) Adams, John 2) Lee, Chris 3) Chambrovich, Tim 4) Lacca, Blaise 4 University of Rhode Island 'B' 1: ) Bald, Brian 18 2) Otterbein, John 18 3) Clark, Charles 19 4) Denard, Derek 22 5 Providence College-NE 'B' 1: ) Zapf, Steve G 18 2) Ray, Chris L 21 3) Trilla, Nick M 20 4) Green, Matt F 18 6 Montclair State University 'B' 1: ) Cappilla, Matt 2) Kurtz, Jon 3) French, Sean 4) McTernan, Jeff 7 University of Rhode Island 'C' 1: ) Beagan, Thomas 18 2) Stanton, Francis 20 3) Passa, John 18 4) Ennis, Mickey 20 Event 3 Women 1000 Yard Freestyle
2 Page 2 of 9 1 Larcom, Courtney H 18 PC-NE 11: Rohner, Rachel C 20 PC-NE 11: Heimburg, Lindsay 19 Rhode Island 11: McSweeney, Rebecca 19 Rhode Island 11: Patalano, Jessica Red Hawks 12: Wuko, Amy Red Hawks 12:17.90 Event 4 Men 1000 Yard Freestyle 1 Zrada, Matt 20 Rhode Island 10: Card, Mathew C 19 PC-NE 10: Ianiro, Paul 18 Rhode Island 10: Gordon, Dan Red Hawks 11: Hyde, Matt Red Hawks 11:39.56 Event 5 Women 200 Yard Freestyle 1 Tarbell, Kinsey 19 Rhode Island 1: Foy, Kelsey 21 Rhode Island 1: Caliri, Caroline E 17 PC-NE 2: Ziolkowski, Martha 21 Rhode Island x2: Zaneski, Maura 20 Rhode Island x2: Loutchouk, Galina Red Hawks 2: Muchler, Kaitlin Red Hawks 2: Kelly, Lizzie A 18 PC-NE 2: McKeon, Katie 19 Rhode Island X2: Waldeisen, Tory 19 Rhode Island X2:11.78 Event 6 Men 200 Yard Freestyle 1 MacDonald, Alex 19 Rhode Island 1: Zrada, Matt 20 Rhode Island 1: Loftis, Mike J 19 PC-NE 1: Casciano, Collin S 18 PC-NE 1: Green, Matt F 18 PC-NE x1: Henrichsen, Derek Red Hawks 1: McTernan, Jeff Red Hawks 1: Silva, Brian A 18 PC-NE x1: Molina, Felipe Rhode Island x2:13.89 Event 7 Women 100 Yard Backstroke 1 Mangano, Katherne 18 Rhode Island 1: Lopez, Jennifer Rhode Island 1: Flynn, Blair E 20 PC-NE 1: Glynn, Meg E 19 PC-NE 1: Uckar, Lauren Red Hawks 1: Buchta, Anna 20 Rhode Island x1: Kreho, Kimberly 21 Rhode Island x1:06.32
3 Page 3 of 9 8 Golden, Alli Red Hawks 1: Quinones, Gabby Red Hawks x1: Oresman, Kiersten 20 Rhode Island X1: Ennis, Rosmin 19 Rhode Island X1:13.59 Event 8 Men 100 Yard Backstroke 1 Deering, Robert 19 Rhode Island Adams, John Red Hawks Clark, Ryan L 20 PC-NE Cappilla, Matt Red Hawks Cello, Greg J 19 PC-NE Bald, Brian 18 Rhode Island 1: Zapf, Steve G 18 PC-NE x1: Beagan, Thomas 18 Rhode Island x1: Goodyear, Ben Red Hawks x1:08.69 Event 9 Women 100 Yard Breaststroke 1 Veccia, Samantha 19 Rhode Island 1: Sepe, Lauren E 20 PC-NE 1: Courtmanche, Erica 21 Rhode Island 1: Spadoni, Laura Red Hawks 1: Smith, Devin 19 Rhode Island x1: Riley, Sarah V 17 PC-NE 1: McGlauflin, Jennifer 21 Rhode Island x1: Wuko, Amy Red Hawks 1: Sacerdote, Dana 20 Rhode Island X1:18.05 Event 10 Men 100 Yard Breaststroke 1 Card, Mathew C 19 PC-NE 1: Kurtz, Jon Red Hawks 1: Lee, Chris Red Hawks 1: Ray, Chris L 21 PC-NE 1: Otterbein, John 18 Rhode Island 1: Stanton, Francis 20 Rhode Island 1: Ennis, Mickey 20 Rhode Island x1:16.28 Event 11 Women 200 Yard Butterfly 1 Falconer, Lilli 19 Rhode Island 2: Vachon, Lauren 18 Rhode Island 2: Flynn, Laura Red Hawks 2: Larcom, Courtney H 18 PC-NE 2: Reichardt, Jillian Red Hawks 2:53.90 Event 12 Men 200 Yard Butterfly 1 Sagginairo, Joe 19 Rhode Island 2:03.34
4 Page 4 of 9 2 Reilly, Tim C 18 PC-NE 2: Chambrovich, Tim Red Hawks 2: Trilla, Nick M 20 PC-NE 2: Clark, Charles 19 Rhode Island 2: Passa, John 18 Rhode Island x2: Growney, Kevin Red Hawks 2:25.62 Event 13 Women 50 Yard Freestyle 1 Tarbell, Kinsey 19 Rhode Island Erwin, Raquel Red Hawks Flynn, Melissa 19 Rhode Island Lamb, Carrie E 19 PC-NE Van Avery, Nicole Red Hawks LeBarge, Andrea 21 Rhode Island x Fatigati, Alexis R 18 PC-NE McGeehan, Kaitlin 18 Rhode Island x Devine, Erica M 18 PC-NE x Crossin, Christina Red Hawks x Slinkard, Sarah-Beth 19 Rhode Island x Kelly, Lizzie A 18 PC-NE x O'Brien, Megan 19 Rhode Island X Waldron, Jenna 19 Rhode Island X Uckar, Lauren Red Hawks X27.48 Event 14 Men 50 Yard Freestyle 1 Burak, Matt 20 Rhode Island Denard, Derek 22 Rhode Island Denard, Evan 19 Rhode Island x Wilson, Dave S 19 PC-NE Lacca, Blaise Red Hawks Hughes, Owen E 20 PC-NE Rich, Justin P 20 PC-NE x Silva, Brian A 18 PC-NE x French, Sean Red Hawks Adams, John Red Hawks x McTernan, Jeff Red Hawks X24.37 Event 15 Women 1 mtr Diving 1 Mohr, Kelly 21 Rhode Island White, Sasha 18 Rhode Island Johnson, Haley 20 Rhode Island x Dillon, Ryann J 19 PC-NE Baylor, Samantha 19 Rhode Island x Dubois, Mel M 17 PC-NE Hess, Laura Red Hawks Event 16 Men 1 mtr Diving 1 Walsh, Conor 18 Rhode Island
5 Page 5 of 9 2 Schneider, Jeremy 18 Rhode Island Cebulski, Jimmy M 19 PC-NE Emerick, Jordan T 18 PC-NE Levesque, Kyle 21 Rhode Island x Fullam, Scott 18 Rhode Island x Mastronardi, Jon 19 Rhode Island x Lynch, Steve L 19 PC-NE x DuMuro, Chris Red Hawks Perreault, Dan 19 Rhode Island x Cacella, Anthony Red Hawks Event 17 Women 100 Yard Freestyle 1 Falconer, Lilli 19 Rhode Island Flynn, Blair E 20 PC-NE Lalli, Alex 19 Rhode Island Lamb, Carrie E 19 PC-NE Zaneski, Maura 20 Rhode Island x Van Avery, Nicole Red Hawks Erwin, Raquel Red Hawks Crossin, Christina Red Hawks x1: Kelly, Lizzie A 18 PC-NE x1: Devine, Erica M 18 PC-NE x1: Slinkard, Sarah-Beth 19 Rhode Island x1: LeBarge, Andrea 21 Rhode Island X Abner, Kelly Red Hawks X1: Patalano, Jessica Red Hawks X1:03.22 Event 18 Men 100 Yard Freestyle 1 Denard, Derek 22 Rhode Island Green, Matt F 18 PC-NE Loftis, Mike J 19 PC-NE Lacca, Blaise Red Hawks Silva, Brian A 18 PC-NE x Hughes, Owen E 20 PC-NE x French, Sean Red Hawks Henrichsen, Derek Red Hawks x Bald, Brian 18 Rhode Island Molina, Felipe Rhode Island x McTernan, Jeff Red Hawks X53.12 Event 19 Women 200 Yard Backstroke 1 Ziolkowski, Martha 21 Rhode Island 2: Mangano, Katherne 18 Rhode Island 2: Buchta, Anna 20 Rhode Island x2: Uckar, Lauren Red Hawks 2: Glynn, Meg E 19 PC-NE 2: McKeon, Katie 19 Rhode Island x2: Sepe, Lauren E 20 PC-NE 2: Quinones, Gabby Red Hawks 2: Golden, Alli Red Hawks x2: Ennis, Rosmin 19 Rhode Island X2:40.72
6 Page 6 of 9 Event 20 Men 200 Yard Backstroke 1 Deering, Robert 19 Rhode Island 2: Reilly, Tim C 18 PC-NE 2: Adams, John Red Hawks 2: Cappilla, Matt Red Hawks 2: Cello, Greg J 19 PC-NE 2: Beagan, Thomas 18 Rhode Island 2: McBride, Sean W 17 PC-NE x2: Goodyear, Ben Red Hawks x2:27.82 Event 21 Women 200 Yard Breaststroke 1 Veccia, Samantha 19 Rhode Island 2: Foy, Kelsey 21 Rhode Island 2: McGeehan, Kaitlin 18 Rhode Island x2: Spadoni, Laura Red Hawks 2: Riley, Sarah V 17 PC-NE 2: McGlauflin, Jennifer 21 Rhode Island x2: Flynn, Laura Red Hawks 2: Abner, Kelly Red Hawks x2: Vergel, Ashley Red Hawks x3:42.97 Event 22 Men 200 Yard Breaststroke 1 MacDonald, Alex 19 Rhode Island 2: Otterbein, John 18 Rhode Island 2: Casciano, Collin S 18 PC-NE 2: Ray, Chris L 21 PC-NE 2: Kurtz, Jon Red Hawks 2: Lee, Chris Red Hawks 2: Stanton, Francis 20 Rhode Island x2:37.82 Event 23 Women 500 Yard Freestyle 1 Tarbell, Kinsey 19 Rhode Island 5: Fatigati, Alexis R 18 PC-NE 5: Lopez, Jennifer Rhode Island 5: Caliri, Caroline E 17 PC-NE 5: Cannon, Tracey 21 Rhode Island x5: Loutchouk, Galina Red Hawks 5: Heimburg, Lindsay 19 Rhode Island x5: Patalano, Jessica Red Hawks 5: McSweeney, Rebecca 19 Rhode Island X5: Waldeisen, Tory 19 Rhode Island X5:53.40 Event 24 Men 500 Yard Freestyle 1 Zrada, Matt 20 Rhode Island 4:56.34
7 Page 7 of 9 2 Sagginairo, Joe 19 Rhode Island 5: Trilla, Nick M 20 PC-NE 5: Loftis, Mike J 19 PC-NE 5: Ianiro, Paul 18 Rhode Island x5: Wilson, Dave S 19 PC-NE x5: Gordon, Dan Red Hawks 5: Ennis, Mickey 20 Rhode Island x5: Hyde, Matt Red Hawks 5: Iacono, Brian Red Hawks x5:43.45 Event 25 Women 100 Yard Butterfly 1 Flynn, Melissa 19 Rhode Island 1: Waldron, Jenna 19 Rhode Island 1: Kreho, Kimberly 21 Rhode Island x1: Vachon, Lauren 18 Rhode Island x1: Flynn, Laura Red Hawks 1: Rohner, Rachel C 20 PC-NE 1: Muchler, Kaitlin Red Hawks 1: Lalli, Alex 19 Rhode Island X1:01.74 Event 26 Men 100 Yard Butterfly 1 Card, Mathew C 19 PC-NE Chambrovich, Tim Red Hawks Clark, Charles 19 Rhode Island Denard, Evan 19 Rhode Island Clark, Ryan L 20 PC-NE Passa, John 18 Rhode Island x Zapf, Steve G 18 PC-NE x French, Sean Red Hawks Growney, Kevin Red Hawks x1:02.14 Event 27 Women 1 mtr Diving 1 Mohr, Kelly 21 Rhode Island Johnson, Haley 20 Rhode Island Baylor, Samantha 19 Rhode Island x White, Sasha 18 Rhode Island x Hess, Laura Red Hawks Dubois, Mel M 17 PC-NE Dillon, Ryann J 19 PC-NE Event 28 Men 1 mtr Diving 1 Levesque, Kyle 21 Rhode Island Walsh, Conor 18 Rhode Island Cebulski, Jimmy M 19 PC-NE Perreault, Dan 19 Rhode Island x Schneider, Jeremy 18 Rhode Island x Fullam, Scott 18 Rhode Island x Emerick, Jordan T 18 PC-NE
8 Page 8 of 9 8 Lynch, Steve L 19 PC-NE x Mastronardi, Jon 19 Rhode Island x Cacella, Anthony Red Hawks DuMuro, Chris Red Hawks Event 29 Women 200 Yard IM 1 Fatigati, Alexis R 18 PC-NE 2: Smith, Devin 19 Rhode Island 2: Larcom, Courtney H 18 PC-NE 2: McKeon, Katie 19 Rhode Island 2: Veccia, Samantha 19 Rhode Island x2: Oresman, Kiersten 20 Rhode Island x2: Loutchouk, Galina Red Hawks 2: Uckar, Lauren Red Hawks 2: Golden, Alli Red Hawks x2: Sacerdote, Dana 20 Rhode Island X2: Reichardt, Jillian Red Hawks X2:47.91 Event 30 Men 200 Yard IM 1 MacDonald, Alex 19 Rhode Island 2: Chambrovich, Tim Red Hawks 2: Deering, Robert 19 Rhode Island 2: Reilly, Tim C 18 PC-NE 2: Casciano, Collin S 18 PC-NE 2: Trilla, Nick M 20 PC-NE x2: Lee, Chris Red Hawks 2: Otterbein, John 18 Rhode Island x2: Beagan, Thomas 18 Rhode Island x2:22.67 Event 31 Women 400 Yard Freestyle Relay School Finals 1 Providence College-NE 'A' 3: ) Lamb, Carrie E 19 2) Caliri, Caroline E 17 3) Sepe, Lauren E 20 4) Flynn, Blair E 20 2 Montclair State University 'A' 3: ) Van Avery, Nicole 2) Crossin, Christina 3) Muchler, Kaitlin 4) Erwin, Raquel 3 Providence College-NE 'B' 4: ) Osmolak, Trish C 19 2) Kelly, Lizzie A 18 3) Devine, Erica M 18 4) Bonagura, Christine M 19 4 Montclair State University 'B' 4: ) Vergel, Ashley 2) Golden, Alli 3) Patalano, Jessica 4) Wuko, Amy -- University of Rhode Island 'B' X3: ) Foy, Kelsey 21 2) Lopez, Jennifer 3) Cannon, Tracey 21 4) Falconer, Lilli University of Rhode Island 'A' X3: ) Tarbell, Kinsey 19 2) Mangano, Katherne 18 3) Zaneski, Maura 20 4) Lalli, Alex University of Rhode Island 'C' X3: ) LeBarge, Andrea 21 2) Ziolkowski, Martha 21 3) Smith, Devin 19 4) O'Brien, Megan 19
9 Page 9 of 9 -- University of Rhode Island 'D' X4: ) Vachon, Lauren 18 2) Slinkard, Sarah-Beth 19 3) Heimburg, Lindsay 19 4) Ennis, Rosmin 19 Event 32 Men 400 Yard Freestyle Relay School Finals 1 Providence College-NE 'A' 3: ) Green, Matt F 18 2) Clark, Ryan L 20 3) Loftis, Mike J 19 4) Card, Mathew C 19 2 Providence College-NE 'B' 3: ) Wilson, Dave S 19 2) Rich, Justin P 20 3) Hughes, Owen E 20 4) Silva, Brian A 18 3 Montclair State University 'A' 3: ) Cappilla, Matt 2) Lacca, Blaise 3) Henrichsen, Derek 4) Hyde, Matt 4 Montclair State University 'B' 3: ) Iacono, Brian 2) Growney, Kevin 3) Gordon, Dan 4) Goodyear, Ben -- University of Rhode Island 'A' X3: ) Denard, Derek 22 2) Burak, Matt 20 3) Denard, Evan 19 4) Zrada, Matt University of Rhode Island 'B' X3: ) Bald, Brian 18 2) Sagginairo, Joe 19 3) Ianiro, Paul 18 4) Clark, Charles University of Rhode Island 'C' X3: ) Passa, John 18 2) Ennis, Mickey 20 3) Perreault, Dan 19 4) Stanton, Francis 20
Boston College Eagles VS Bryant University Bulldogs Friday, October 12, 2012 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Event 2 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay 1 Bryant U
Boston College Eagles VS Bryant University Bulldogs Friday, October 12, 2012 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Event 2 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay 1 Bryant University-NE 'A' 1:36.30 1) Kosenski, Alex 22 2) Hong,
Villanova University HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER :34 PM 1/10/2015 Page 1 Vilanova vs NC State - 1/10/2015 Results - Session 1 Event 1 Women 200 Yard M
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Henderson State University HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-5:17 PM 10/5/2018 Page 1 HSU v UTPB v OKC - 10/5/2018 Results Event 1 Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
Henderson State University HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-5:17 PM 10/5/2018 Page 1 Event 1 Women 200 Yard Medley Relay Team Relay Seed Time Finals Time 1 Henderson State University-AR A 1:46.30 1:51.75 1) Brandenburg,
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Boston College Eagles vs Tufts University Jumbos January 21, 2014 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Event 1 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay 1 Boston College-MA '
Boston College Eagles vs Tufts University Jumbos January 21, 2014 Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Event 1 Men 200 Yard Medley Relay 1 Boston College-MA 'A' 1:34.27 11 1) Williams, Josh 18 2) Stranick, Andrew
Virginia High School - VA HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-9:16 AM 9/20/2016 Page BASA Fall Challenge - 9/24/2016 to 9/25/2016 Psych Sheet #1 Girls 8
Virginia High School - VA HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-9: AM 9// Page 1 #1 Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard reaststroke 4 Ayres, Jolie E 5 Morse, Meghan J 6 Dellinger, Evelyn K 31.51 1:02.36 #2 oys 8 & Under 25 Yard
Emmanuel College - GA HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-8:36 AM 10/8/2018 Page 1 Emmanuel Oct 6th - 10/6/2018 Results Event 1 Women 200 Yard Medley Relay Team
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Jefferson Swim League 1 HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-8:10 AM 6/17/2014 Page 1 LMST vs LG /11/2014 Louisa Gators Swim Team Results - Wednesday, June
Jefferson Swim League 1 HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0-8:10 AM 6/17/2014 Page 1 Event 1P Mixed 6 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay Team Relay Seed Time Finals Time 1 Louisa Gators-VA A 2:42.05 1) Hiter, Madison
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Bainbridge Island Aquatic Center - Site License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0-1:03 PM 9/16/2019 Page 1 Event 1 Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay Pool: 1:49.91 # 9/13/2019 Bainbridge Girls Swim Dive M Hayes, E Solseng,
Race Date November 04, Running of the Bulldogs 5K Age Group Results 5K Run Female Overall Winners Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall
Female Overall Winners Winners 1 Kendra Lachcik 17 8011 4 22:03.4 7:07/M Male Overall Winners Winners 1 Mitchell Baum 24 7916 1 17:33.9 5:40/M 1 11/04/2018 01:01:15 Female 14 and Under 1 Courtney Beatty
Lesson 4 It was a great game, wasn t it? 부가의문문 p 8 내일 비가 올거야, 그렇지 않니? Ellen은 스키 타는 것을 좋아하죠, 그렇지 않나요? Mark와 Tina는 오늘밤 우릴 보러 올거야, 그렇지 않니? 매우 긴 여행이었어, 그렇지 않니? 응, 그래 피곤해 운전할 수 있지요, 그렇지 않나요? 아니요, 못해요 운전 면허증이
Frank Landrey Invitational Dates: 10/05-10/06, 2009 Round: 3 FINAL RESULTS * Individual Par-Yardage: Fin. Top 20 Teams Scores 1 Richmond, Univ
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Microsoft Word - Jasper Invitational- Results.doc
Men's Weight Throw NCAA Auto: N 21.50m USATF: 19.81m NCAA Prov: @ 19.50m Mets: * 14.00m IC4A: & 16.80m (Top 7 advance to final) Flight 1 1. Claude Davis Delhi 9.33m 2. Jeff Hotaling Delhi 7.35m 3. Brandon
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Top 25 Finishes in Bronco Boy s Swimming History (Updated 2017) 200 Medley Relay 1. Travis Chezick, Joe Paulbeck, Brandon Ellison, Brant Taylor (1997) 1:44.16 2. Mark Morff, Mark Hoffman, Rick Kostrow,
Race Date August 03, 2019 State Street Mile Age Group Results Heat 1 - Masters Female First Place M/F Winners Place Name Team Age Bib No Overall Time
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Race Date July 04, Topeka 4th of July 5K Run Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 ANN
Female Open Winners 1 ANNA ALDRICH 22 3301 16 18:25.7 5:56/M 2 KAYLA MCCULLOCH 16 3352 22 19:08.3 6:10/M 3 LAUREN POTTSCHMIDT 20 3362 23 19:15.0 6:13/M Male Open Winners 1 Conner Sandt 20 3189 1 16:01.8
HAWKS RIDGE GUN CLUB 1000 YARD 3/30/2019 Match 1 FACTORY GUN Relay 1 Name Bench Group Score X Del Denny Brent Milton 2 4 -on Avery Thompso
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11 Kevin Burkey M 27 Large 7:00 w1 12 Michael Manley M 29 Medium 7:00 w1 13 Jeff Schmidt M 49 Medium 7:00 w1 14 Scott Coiner M 31 Medium 7:00 w1 15 Al Stephenson M 60 Large 7:00 w1 16 Jeff Lovgren M 31
Race Date April 18, 2015 Wheatfield Spring Fling 5K Age Group Results Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Johanna Crawf
Female Open Winners 1 Johanna Crawford 45 3414 1 20:18.8 6:33/M 2 Michele Carey 57 3292 5 21:09.6 6:49/M 3 Melissa Smith 35 3427 11 24:12.2 7:48/M Male Open Winners 1 Ron Krause 51 3356 2 20:51.7 6:44/M
Glenbrook North Boys Swimming - Top 50 All-Time 200 Free Year Time 200 I.M. Year Time 1 John Montgomery : Tommy Gilbert : Je
200 Free Year Time 200 I.M. Year Time 1 John Montgomery 2008 1:45.26 1 Tommy Gilbert 2008 1:58.74 2 Jeff White 1987 1:45.43 2 Nick Carroll 2005 2:00.81 3 Matt Sample 1992 1:45.46 3 Mike Uyder 1992 2:00.98
Centennial Conference Championship 2013 Paul Bewak (Johns Hopkins) P. Bewak 125 BYE 41 Anthony Geiger (Stevens Institute Of Technolog) 3 Janik Santana
Paul Bewak (Johns Hopkins) P. Bewak 125 41 Anthony Geiger (Stevens Institute Of Technolog) 3 Janik Santana-Quintana (New York University) Christopher Donaldson (URSINUS) 4 97 Constantine Rerras (Merchant
Female Open Winners Place Name Age Overall Gun Time Pace 1 Emily Zimmerman :14.0 6:22/M Female Master Winners Place Name Age Overall Gun Time P
Female Open Winners 1 Emily Zimmerman 27 8 59:14.0 6:22/M Female Master Winners 1 Julie Mercado 44 21 1:04:20.1 6:55/M Female Grand Winners 1 Christine Tieman 53 44 1:10:32.8 7:35/M Female Senior Winners
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Overall Results for 1 Taylor Page Brandon Grzywacz Pennfair 34 29 63-9 $1,150.00 T4 T4 T4 T7 T7 T9 T9 T9 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tim Falkner Mark Drabik Kirk Stauffer Josh Stauffer Jon Hoecker Kevin Lewis Rob Horak
Hawks Ridge Match 3 Hawks Ridge Match 3 Relay 1 5/20/2017 LIGHT Relay 1B 5/20/2017 LIGHT Bench Name Group Score ctx IBS PTS. Bench Name Group Score ct
Relay 1 5/20/2017 LIGHT Relay 1B 5/20/2017 LIGHT 1 Jerry Harris 12.940 39.00 1 Jerry Harris 8.829 47.00 2.000 2 Bob Steelman 9.397 46.00 2 Bob Steelman 6.393 49.00 3.000 0.275 3 Gregg Johnson 4.290 50.00
Microsoft Word - Document2
FWRC Mercury 10K, Oct. 27, 2013, Fort Worth Results by RunTIME Racing Services, www.run-time.com 10 K Female Overall Winners 1 LAURA NELSON GRAPEVINE 2752 48 7 44:49.4 44:50.0 0:00.6 7:13/M Male Overall
Race Date April 12, Renaissance Run 5K Age Group Results Female 6 and Under Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Olivia Mallon 6 8
Female 6 and Under 1 Olivia Mallon 6 8136 20 31:48.6 10:15/M 2 Carmen Navarro 6 8161 39 38:29.5 12:25/M 3 Nina Fontaine 6 8248 57 44:31.7 14:22/M 4 Gwen Rix 0 8178 98 56:45.3 18:18/M 5 Ruby Nelson 6 8165
Minverstrong Age Group Results 2019.pdf
Female Overall Winners 1 Caitlyn Hopple 13 141 4 21:24.9 6:54/M 2 Jenna Daulbaugh 18 122 9 22:54.7 7:23/M 3 Emily Norris 14 683 10 22:58.8 7:25/M Male Overall Winners 1 Gavin Nagy 13 236 1 20:45.6 6:42/M
Total Points (Season)
7 th Grade Basketball Total Points (Season) Name Points Year 1. Michael Cory 287 1999-00 2. Devon Green 284 2018-19 3. Braun Borman 270 1983-84 4. Dan Coddington 244 1975-76 5. Jason Whipple 232 1988-89
Race Date October 27, St. Andrews Parish Running of the Bulldogs Overall Finish List 5K Run Overall Name City Bib No AG Place Time Pace 1 Ga
1 Gavin Swartz 8758 1: 15-99 19:50.1 6:24/M 2 Joel Ortiz 8715 2: 15-99 19:53.2 6:25/M 3 Justin Mitchell 8694 3: 15-99 21:56.9 7:05/M 4 David Evers 8600 4: 15-99 22:12.5 7:10/M 5 Will Shaffer 2241 1: 0-14
Samford Top 10 Outdoor Performance Best List.xlsx
100m 1 John Williams 10.51 2002 2 Justin Emerson 10.60 2011 3 Mark Hankins 10.69 1998 4 Joey Turman 10.71 1988 5 Robert Eiserloh 10.88 1996 6 Rob Stallworth 10.88 1997 7 Donald Cooper 11.03 2010 8 Rashaad
2 & 3 4:30 PM Saturday Mary Brauner (H) John, Angela,Amelia and Cathy Chodyniecki Rick Kaiser Rob Brauner Luke Hagan Sara Herbert Theresa Kaiser Jan Smith David Edwards Sandra Schneid Linda Ottersbach
Regatta 3 Results (2).xlsx
CANOEING WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC Regatta OFFICIAL PROGRAM 5-Dec-0 000 Event 1 Div 1 K1 200m 1 Steve Bird 1 3:20 2 Jesse Phillips 2 3:3 3 Daniel Bowker 3 3:3 4 Ty Stedman 4 41:02 5 Lochie Cooke 5 41:53 Michael
Race Date May 03, Spring Sprint Age Group Results Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Alison VanderWoude Hamm
Female Open Winners 1 Alison VanderWoude Hammond 34 571 12 24:03.6 7:45/M Male Open Winners 1 Seth Bleyenberg 14 4226 1 19:52.4 6:25/M 1 05/03/2014 12:55:58 Female 14 and Under 1 Libby Hillegonds 13 4237
Contractors Page 1 of 8 1 523 IBEW Local 66 681 71:16.42 Edward Scott Robert Jones Robert Quijano Cooperatives Page 2 of 8 1 506 Bandera Electric Cooperative 700 72:56.68 John Hernanez Brad Downum Mark
Race Date October 28, 2018 SafeNet Boo Run Age Group Results 5k Race Female No Age Provided Place Name Age Bib No Overall Time Pace Time Back 1 * Wend
Female No Age Provided 1 * Wendy Baden 105 123 45:36.2 14:43/M Female 11 and Under 1 * Hollie Clemente 8 131 40 28:53.3 9:19/M 2 Samantha Clemente 11 133 59 31:54.5 10:17/M 3:01.2 3 Hannah Hutzelman 4
Northern Country Region-Echuca - Organization License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:28 PM 22/11/2011 Page 1 State Multi Event Championships /11/2011
Northern Country Region-Echuca - Organization License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:28 PM 22/11/2011 Page 1 Boys 10 Year Olds Outdoor Pentathlon Under 10 Points 100 DT LJ 80H 800 -------------------------- 1
July 24, 2013 Freehold Area Running Club Summer Series 5K Week 5 Place First Name Last Name Age Sex Age Group Time Place First Name Last Name Age Sex
Time Time Overall Male Overall Female 1 Ken Kropac 39 M 30-39 18.55 8 Kristin Andrews 24 F 20-29 21.09 2 Micahel Kennedy 19 M 15-19 19.10 25 Kiera Nealon 14 F 14 < 23.52 3 Dusten Vanella 19 M 15-19 19.10
Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer - mm7results1col.rpt
Archbishop Wood High School HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0-4:29 PM 2/17/2019 Page 1 Event 2 Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay PCL: 1:30.26! 2014 Shurmur, McBryan, Brocato, Stachel Team Relay Seed Time Finals Time
1991 Dunedin Marathon
1991 Cadbury Moro City of Dunedin Marathon Marathon Sunday 15 September 1991 Women Women Vet Vet Women Class Time 1 79 Paul Allison ARIKI 1 1 M30-34 2:28:00 3.5 2 7 Bill Godsall ALEX 2 1 M35-39 2:28:34
Delaware Pharmacy 5k Run/Walk In Memory of Don Holst June 28, 2015 Smyrna, DE 5k Run Results in Finish Order # Name Bib # Age M/F Gun Time Chip Time C
Delaware Pharmacy 5k Run/Walk In Memory of Don Holst June 28, 2015 Smyrna, DE 5k Run Results in Finish Order # Name Bib # Age M/F Gun Time Chip Time Chip Diff Pace 1 Steven Wheeler 1396 31 M 19:33.1 19:29.6
Austin McDermitt10 Burgettstown Section 1AA Tournament Hunter Fry9 Fort Cherry 4-13 Ryan Glasser 10 Laurel Lbs Max Hartman 9 S
Austin McDermitt10 Burgettstown 27-4 Hunter Fry9 Fort Cherry 4-13 Ryan Glasser 10 Laurel 7-9 20 74 106 Lbs Max Hartman 9 South Park 16-9 21 Jasper Wolfe9 South Fayette 19-9 Cameron McCowin9 Ellwood City
Race Date July 04, Topeka 4th of July 5K Road Run Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace
Female Open Winners 1 Laura Gillette 29 6551 15 18:51.5 6:05/M 2 Bekah Shenk 28 6624 18 18:56.7 6:06/M 3 Jennifer Williams 26 6657 30 20:22.9 6:34/M Male Open Winners 1 Andy Williams 26 6656 1 15:53.8
Race Date September 07, 2014 Heart of Oak V Age Group Results 5k Run/Walk Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Amanda Pe
Female Open Winners 1 Amanda Petzold 0 1619 1 21:51.7 7:03/M 2 Laura Spinelli 21 918 3 22:39.5 7:18/M 3 Karen Carroll 39 1731 6 24:24.1 7:52/M Male Open Winners 1 Mike Gerard 0 1649 2 22:08.0 7:08/M 2
Race Date April 27, 2013 Home Run for the Homeless 5K Age Group Results Female Overall Winners Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1
Female Overall Winners Winners 1 Jennifer Parker Avon 40 198 2 21:42.5 7:00/M 2 Megan Bogacki Highland Hts 20 79 4 21:58.4 7:05/M 1 04/27/2013 10:11:40 Female 1 to 10 1 * Emma Knick Avon Lake 10 170 17
HEWITT HENLEY TAYLOR LEE EVENT 1 YEAR 6 BOYS 400M Jordi Myles Josh Xander Tom Patrick KIran Steven EVENT 2 YEAR 6 GIRLS 400M Lauren Sofia Giordana Jem
EVENT 1 YEAR 6 BOYS 400M Jordi Myles Josh Xander Tom Patrick KIran Steven EVENT 2 YEAR 6 GIRLS 400M Lauren Sofia Giordana Jemma Mia Eloise April Ariyah EVENT 3 YEAR 5 BOYS 400M Luke Jed Matthew Callum
UVa-Wise Baseball Records Individual Season Records Highest batting avg. (min. 50 AB) Brad Robbins (56-117) Mike White (48-10
Highest batting avg. (min. 50 AB) 1..479 - Brad Robbins (56-117) - 2007 2..457 - Mike White (48-105) - 1989 3..443 - John Ryan Reed (66-149) - 2006 4..429 - Steve Tyler (70-163) - 2002 5..425 - Steve Dalton
2010 TCRR Grand Prix Final revised.xlsx
M14-U Wardle Jacob 5 5 8 4 5 5 10 4 4 3 53 Fest M14-U Mayton Tyler 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 12 Club M14-U Lemite Jordan 1 1 2 M14-U King Nathanial 3 3 5 3 14 White Bank M14-U VanLandingham Fred 1 1 M14-U Pierce
Race Date April 14, St. Mary's Titan Trot Age Group Results 5K Run Kid's Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Patrick Wajd
Kid's Winners 1 Patrick Wajda 12 1678 4 20:38.7 6:39/M 2 Mike Hurley 14 1555 8 23:10.5 7:28/M Adult Winners 1 Kathryn Morris 29 1613 7 22:08.5 7:08/M 2 Katie Cimonetti 33 1491 14 25:28.3 8:13/M Adult Winners
CLEAR LAKE ALL TIME LEADERS (CAREER DISTRICT) District Career Home Run Leaders District Career Batting Leaders District Career RBI Leaders Rank Player
District Career Home Run Leaders District Career Batting Leaders District Career RBI Leaders Rank Player HR Years (Minimum 30 AB) Rank Player RBI's Years 1 Lewis. Phil 7 3 Rank Player Avg. Years 1 Morris,
Cobra Judo Club Red Belt Rumble 26 April 2015 Ellis Guilford School, Nottingham Results Boys Years under 27kg Boys Years under 29kg Pool 1 Gold Sam PR
Cobra Judo Red Belt Rumble Ellis Guilford School, Boys Years under 7kg Boys Years under 9kg Pool Gold Sam PRICE Grimsby JC Gold Oliver FRANCE Penistone JC Silver Cody TRILLOW Nunsfield JC Silver Oliver
Race Date July 04, th Annual Brickyard Run Age Group Results 5 MILER Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Natalie
Female Open Winners 1 Natalie Krause 37 2737 17 36:09.7 7:14/M Male Open Winners 1 Steven Bugarin 32 2939 1 29:03.4 5:49/M Female Masters Winners 1 Mary Jo Russel 51 2797 22 38:07.4 7:37/M Male Masters
Sri Chinmoy Centennial Park Half-Marathon.fp5
Male Under 50 : 79 Runners : 2. Kms 05 Sean Barry :2:9 2 28 Ian Gallagher :2:24 0:05 3 5 Fredrik Persson :22:59 :40 4 57 Brian McManus :23:06 :47 5 74 Sam Agnew :23:0 :5 6 8 Shane Loughran :24:3 3:2 7
2019 Lite Scratch Tour Florida - Blackstone Open Division Rank Score Player of the Year Points 1 Lew Mitchell Matt Johnson
Open Division Rank Score Player of the Year Points 1 Lew Mitchell 75-68--143 500.00 2 Matt Johnson 74-71--145 300.00 3 Mike Riley 74-72--146 190.00 T4 Ryan Barousse 72-75--147 122.50 Tim Sanders 73-74--147
RESULTS 2007 MICHIGAN AAU DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS 11/10/07 OXFORD, MI Results By Rotpac Racing, LLC PRIMARY GIRLS 2K 1 Hannah, Friedrichs 9:27.4 2 Kylie Keyer 9:40.9 3 Sidney E Magoon 9:50.7 4 Hannah Pifer
Race Date August 22, Tour De LaPorte Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Brittany Fo
Female Open Winners 1 Brittany Fozkos 24 5205 14 21:51.5 7:03/M Male Open Winners 1 Ralph Nurse 38 5162 1 17:43.7 5:43/M Female Masters Winners 1 Vanessa Harrison 44 5207 28 24:50.8 8:01/M Male Masters
Interstate Colts Teams Matches
ROUND 1 (of 5) - Monday 21 September - Peninsula Country Golf Club, South Course Tasmania v Queensland 1 Ryan MCCARTHY & Kalem RICHARDSON 2&1 Daniel NISBET & Tim HART 2 James PYKE & Adam RING Gavin FAIRFAX
All Athletes Sprint Sussex Tri Race Position Bib Name Gender Gender Position Category Category Position Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Finish 1 91 HOUGH, Patrick
1 91 HOUGH, Patrick M 1 15-24 1 0:08:58.35 0:00:23.10 0:36:35.65 0:00:23.95 0:19:56.45 1:06:17.50 2 171 THWAITES, Ian M 2 30-34 1 0:09:16.55 0:00:48.90 0:38:58.35 0:00:28.60 0:22:28.75 1:12:01.15 3 129
AlphaKoreaNews www. alphakorea.org / sarang@alphakorea.org Alpha Alpha Korea News 2 Alpha Alpha Korea News Alpha korea 적권위와 축복으로 부흥하고 에 대한 하나님의 응답임을 확 마다 탄복의 웃음소리로 가득 있는 안산시흥교회의 40대 중 신할 수 있었습니다. 알파코스
Player of the Year 2018 one point for entering 1st = 5 pts 2nd = 4pts 3rd = 3pts 4th = 2pts 5th = 1pts FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV TOTAL A
Allers, Phillip 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 5 1 23 Alsdorf, Mark 1 1 1 3 Anaya,Ross 6 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 17 Anderson, Chris 1 1 Anderson, Dean 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 13 Baca, Frank 3 3 Bailey, Brian A 1 1 1 3 Ball, David 1 6
Lismore Workers Swim Team HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0-8:07 PM 19/09/2011 Page 1 Lismore Spring Sprint Carnival - 18/09/2011 Results - All Events Girls 7
Lismore Workers Swim Team HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0-8:07 PM 19/09/2011 Page 1 Girls 7 & Under 50 LC Metre Freestyle 1 Freeman, Kyeesha 7 Murwillumbah Swimming Club 51.47 49.33 2 Barnes, Eve 7 Trinity Lismore
Race Date July 04, th Annual Peru Firecracker Run 5K Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace
Female Open Winners 1 Elizabeth Smith 17 8810 9 22:56.9 7:24/M 2 Kaylee Lane 15 8671 12 23:30.9 7:35/M 3 Zoe Seward 13 8803 14 23:44.8 7:39/M Male Open Winners 1 Colin Chapman 15 8847 1 17:29.9 5:38/M
West Genesee Hockey Scoring History ( through ) Rank Player Goals Assists Points 1 Tom Alfieri Ryan McDonald J
Rank Player Goals Assists Points 1 Tom Alfieri 108 111 219 2 Ryan McDonald 94 69 163 3 Jay Considine 63 94 157 4 Erich Haney 67 88 155 5 Shawn Lynch 60 74 134 6 Dan Mathewson 56 78 134 7 Patrick McDonald
Team Season Year-by-Year Year avg gp-gs ab r h 2b 3b hr rbi tb slg% bb hbp so gdp ob% sf sh sb-att po a e fld%
Team Season Year-by-Year Year avg gp-gs ab r h 2b 3b hr rbi tb slg% bb hbp so gdp ob% sf sh sb-att po a e fld% 1971.324 24-24 866 243 281 49 8 54 175 508.587 0 0 0 0.324 0 0 64-64 505 228 38.951 1990.242
Race Date May 09, Renaissance Run 5K Age Group Results Female 6 and Under Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Mackenzie Snyder 5
Female 6 and Under 1 Mackenzie Snyder 5 5368 54 40:11.5 12:58/M 2 Amma Zangrill 6 5366 91 47:08.4 15:12/M 3 Michelle Baumann 0 5207 123 57:15.9 18:28/M 4 Amaya Hunter 0 5253 125 57:39.6 18:36/M 5 Sarah
West Genesee Hockey Scoring History ( through ) Rank Player Goals Assists Points 1 Tom Alfieri Patrick McDonald
Rank Player Goals Assists Points 1 Tom Alfieri 108 111 219 2 Patrick McDonald 59 120 179 3 Daniel Colabufo 82 84 166 4 Ryan McDonald 94 69 163 5 Jay Considine 63 94 157 6 Erich Haney 67 88 155 7 Shawn
Overall 5K Male Results Place Bib # Name Elapsed Age Gender Danny Monteau 0:16:15 48 M Ricro Mirti 0:19:14 14 M Will Burger 0:19:25
Overall 5K Male Results Place Bib # Name Elapsed Age Gender 1 819 Danny Monteau 0:16:15 48 M 2 867 Ricro Mirti 0:19:14 14 M 3 653 Will Burger 0:19:25 14 M 4 652 Ruggero Bruzzone 0:19:49 19 M 5 829 Richard
Event/Division Standings
CURRENT STANDINGS - Handicap Singles Men 1 14 Rodger Hill Jr 205 710 15 725 2 30 Robert Lowman 160 561 150 711 3 23 Chris Ridgeway 181 608 87 695 4 56 Garcell Bullocks 182 600 84 684 5 17 Drew Hall 176
Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer - tfmm6results1colcourier.rpt
- Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 9:50 AM 4/03/2019 Page 1 Results - Outdoor Pentathlon M30+ Outdoor Pentathlon Points LJ JT 200 DT 1500 ---- M30 ---- 1 Luke Crombie 4.38m 43.67m 27.02 25.33m 6:37.25
Race Date June 14, Spud Run 5K Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Justina Faulkner 875
Female Open Winners 1 Justina Faulkner 875 7 18:21.5 5:55/M Male Open Winners 1 Andy Herbert 771 1 16:44.3 5:24/M Female Masters Winners 1 Jean Storm 852 41 24:17.3 7:50/M Male Masters Winners 1 Jeff Kindelan
Race Date March 30, Run Forest, Run 5K and 10K Age Group Results 5K Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Mary
Female Open Winners 1 Mary Commins 22 1451 13 21:18.3 6:52/M Male Open Winners 1 Patrick Brady 20 1434 1 17:46.5 5:44/M 1 03/30/2019 11:50:37 Female 14 and Under 1 Elizabeth Fine 12 1476 64 28:55.1 9:20/M
Race Name Year School/ Area Primary Girls 1km 1k F Freya Howgate - PD Prim Perth Strathtay Harriers k F Teigon Munro Prim Rimbleton P
Race Name Year School/ Area Primary Girls 1km 1k F Freya Howgate - PD Prim Perth Strathtay Harriers 5.16 10 7.03 10 1k F Teigon Munro Prim Rimbleton Primary School 10.57 10 1k F Rachael MacLeod P6 Stenhouse
Shell Houston Open Masters Tournament RBC Heritage Valero Texas Open Zurich Classic of N.O. Wells Fargo Champ. Players Championship AT&T Byron Nelson
Shell Houston Open Masters Tournament RBC Heritage Valero Texas Open Zurich Classic of N.O. Wells Fargo Champ. Players Championship AT&T Byron Nelson Dean & DeLuca Invt'l. Memorial Tournament FedEx St.
Heworth Golf Club Mens' Open Golf Tournament Four Ball Better Ball Stableford 18/06/2016 Time Name Handicap Club 07:00 Mr. RESERVED RESERVED Mr. RESER
Mens' Open Golf Tournament Four Ball Better Ball Stableford /0/20 0:00 0:00 0: 0: 0:30 Mr. Michael Sturt Mr. John Armstrong 0:30 Mr. Kenneth Clavery Mr. Melvyn Davison. 0:40 Mr. George Bell Mr. Darren
Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page
Hilbert College Baseball All-Time Lists
Single-Season History Individual Season Records HITTING Highest batting avg. (minimum 25 AB) 1..500 - Hoover Scott (14-28) - 1998 2..475 - Frost Keith (19-40) - 1996 3..439 - Barczykowski Brian (25-57)
Microsoft Word - WF All-time perf list.doc
Wake Forest Track and Field All- Time Performance List Men 100m Reggie Austin 10.30 2000 John Stone 10.32 2000 Kevin Marion 10.39 2006 Robert Johnson 10.48 1980 Mike Loyd 10.48w 2004 Michael Bingham 10.54
Race Date September 12, 2014 Hobo Run Coyote Howl 10k Age Group Results Male Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Blake Davenpo
Male Open Winners 1 Blake Davenport 27 61 1 38:31 6:13/M 1 09/12/2014 11:32:56 Male 14 and under 1 * Joshua Crull 13 58 5 43:26 7:00/M 2 * Edward White 12 204 23 51:02 8:14/M 3 * Paul Jalbert 13 92 42
Race Date November 25, Reason for the Season 5K Age Group Results Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Kar
Female Open Winners 1 Kara Gowens 20 6750 12 23:00.9 7:26/M 2 Halle Frieden 15 6746 17 24:00.8 7:45/M 3 Grace DeBoer 16 6738 19 24:34.9 7:57/M Male Open Winners 1 Scott Hoffman 29 6760 1 18:04.0 5:50/M
2015 Series Standings A's Twilight #1 Twilight #2 Twilight #3 Twilight #4 Twilight #5 Twilight #6 Twilight #7 Twilight #8 Franktown TT Geiger HCTT Air
A's 1 12 Christenson, David A - - 6 36 3 66 13 18 2 78 5 45 3 66 20-15 - - 15-10 15 384 2 1 Rennie, Josh A 2 78-5 45 - - 6 36 1 90 9 18 - - - - - - - 20 20 307 3 9 Bosco, Chris A 1 90 2 78 - - - 18-2 78-18
Race Date December 03, Artic Dash 5K Age Group Results 5K Run Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Amy Macieje
Female Open Winners 1 Amy Maciejewski 26 78 18 22:25.9 7:14/M Male Open Winners 1 Ralph Nurse 39 158 1 17:32.4 5:39/M Female Masters Winners 1 Linda Murkve 50 90 20 22:43.2 7:20/M Male Masters Winners
Steele County Assessor Public Sales Report with Photos High End Sales 2017 Tue, December 12, :11:24 AM PIN: PIN: PIN: 17
Kembla Joggers Winter Series 2015 Senior Pointscores Senior Handicap Pointscore Pos Name Total 1 Pasquale Coppolaro Tim East Patrick McP
Kembla Joggers Winter Series 2015 Senior Pointscores Senior Handicap Pointscore 1 Pasquale Coppolaro 2190 2 Tim East 2135 3 Patrick McPhillips 2125 4 Matthew Davenport 2015 5 Daniel Sink 2013 6 Melinda
Race Date July 04, Hebron Fireworks 5K Age Group Results Female Open Winners Place Name City Age Bib No Overall Time Pace 1 Jordan Hanaway 2
Female Open Winners 1 Jordan Hanaway 22 1159 12 20:24.4 6:35/M Male Open Winners 1 Matthew Wilson 17 1134 1 16:29.3 5:19/M 1 07/04/2015 09:57:37 No age provided 1 Cody Polovitch 0 1190 42 23:10.2 7:28/M
WCC7 Age Group - Male 2006
Jeremiah Waltz 9 0-12 M 50 50 51 50 51 50 51 353 Eric Yandl 11 0-12 M 51 53 53 52 56 53 318 Chase Brookshear 12 0-12 M 55 52 107 Jesse Yandl 12 0-12 M 51 54 105 Braedyn Cooper 8 0-12 M 52 50 102 Tate Schienbein
Will Run For Beer Smuttynose Will Run For Beer 5K Results Smuttynose Will Run For Beer 5K - Men Men 29 & Under Overall Age Group Total Last Nam
Will Run For Beer 2016 - Smuttynose Will Run For Beer 5K Results Smuttynose Will Run For Beer 5K - Men Men 29 & Under Overall Age Group Total ST. LAURENT KEVIN 28 M 1 17:33.4 3 75 25 100 LYON VINCENT 27
Microsoft Word - Document1
Granbury Freedom Run 5K Granbury, July, 009 Results By RunTIME Racing Services, www.runtimeracingservices.com Overall Female Overall Winners MEGAN WILLIAMS FORT WORTH 9 5 9:9. 9:9. :/M JEFFREY HASTINGS
2014 SP Authentic Football Checklist xls
Card # Subject Set Name #'d Ratio Auto Mem 1 Sammy Watkins Base 2 Johnny Manziel Base 3 Bishop Sankey Base 4 Eric Ebron Base 5 Teddy Bridgewater Base 6 Robert Herron Base 7 James Wilder Jr. Base 8 CJ Mosley
Current Salary Wk TE Wk8 BeastDFS.com IR VEGAS Player Matchup Adjusted GP Adjusted Fpts Injury Report $8,400 Rob Gronkowski 3 1
1 2 5 6 7 9 10 IR VEGAS Injury Report $8,400 Rob Gronkowski MIA@NE 3 14.5 0 50.5-8 $6,400 Greg Olsen IND@CAR 2 15.3 0 46.5-7 $6,300 Gary Barnidge ARI@CLE 3 18.1 0 46.0 4.5 $6,100 Jimmy Graham SEA@DAL 3
Shocker Summer Track and Field Series Results Week # 3 June 16, 2011 Event Comp # Mark Name Age Gender 2000m Steeplechase :04.3 Amber Anderson 1
Event Comp # Mark Name Age Gender 2000m Steeplechase 370 10:04.3 Amber Anderson 17 F 390 7:21.0 Cliff Kissling 19 M 362 7:16.5 Michael Huff 18 M 100m Hurdles 406 18.5 Hannah Albright 14 F 417 16.3 Karis
Card Set Number Player AUtograph Jersey 1 Troy Aikman AUtograph Jersey 2 Earl Campbell AUtograph Jersey 3 Eric Dickerson AUtograph Jersey 4 Joe Namath
Card Set Number Player AUtograph Jersey Troy Aikman AUtograph Jersey 2 Earl Campbell AUtograph Jersey 3 Eric Dickerson AUtograph Jersey 4 Joe Namath AUtograph Jersey 5 Marcus Allen AUtograph Jersey 6 Cris
Published by Ji&Son Inc. Printed in Korea Copyright 2010 by Ji&Son Inc. Authorized translation of the English edition of Beautiful Architecture 2009 O Reilly Media, Inc. This Translation is published and
Microsoft Word - Season Summary doc
TEAM AWARDS Captains Jake Madigan & Cody Weber Most Valuable Wrestler Jake Madigan Most Improved Wrestler Collin Clemens Coaches Award Tony Madigan Team Point Chart Jake Madigan 278.5 Takedown Chart Jake
2019 Blaze Meet Series 2 - Event S Event: 100M Dash Girls Heat Lane 100m: 6-8 yrs Time Place Heat Lane 1 Ella Futrel Chloe Bourassa
2019 Blaze Meet Series 2 - Event S Event: 100M Dash Girls Heat Lane 100m: 6-8 yrs Time Place Heat Lane 1 Ella Futrel 16.53 2 Chloe Bourassa 19.95 2 3 Brianna Calder 18.81 4 Gabriela Roberts 19.57 4 5 Jamielyn