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1 Res. Plant Dis. 16(2) : (2010) Research in Plant Disease The Korean Society of Plant Pathology w y yáù 1 Á w 1 Á z 1 Á 1 Á 1 Á z 2 Áw 1 Á y 1 *, 1 w, 2 w Survey of Major Disease Incidence of Rice in Korea during Yong Hwan Lee, Dong-Soo Ra 1, Wan-Hae Yeh 1, Hyo-Won Choi 1, Inn-Shik Myung 1, Se-Won Lee 1, Yeong-Hoon Lee 2, Sung-Suk Han 1 and Hong-Sik Shim 1 * Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Korea 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Milyang , Korea (Received on July 19, 2010; Accepted on July 25, 2010) During the period from 1999 to 2008, we surveyed the major diseases incidence of rice in Korea. Leaf blast showed 0.85% of the diseased leaf area in 2000 and then consistently decreased to 0.02% by However, panicle blast irregularly appeared by the years depending on weather conditions for disease development from heading to milk stage of rice. Diseased lesion height of sheath blight had the lowest (10.1%) incidence in 2001 and the highest (21.4%) incidence in A negative corelation (r= 0.88 * ) was measured between diseased lesion height of sheat blight and sunshine hours from mid- to late August. In Chunbuk, Gyeongbuk, and Gyeongnam provinces, brown spot occurrence declined since 2001, however, in Chungnam, Jeonbuk, and Jeonnam provinces, it increased since False smut drastically decreased after showing the highest incidence of 7.59% in panicles in The correlation coefficient between diseased panicles of false smut and rainfall during the late August was calculated as 0.94 **. Bacterial leaf blight severely increased in the chronically infested fields in Jeonnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongnam, and Chungnam province since Keywords : Disease incidence, Korea, Rice ù w ƒ w ¾ w 120 ha 2009 x 100 ha ã w.»z y w w» ù o C w š, 1920 w š, Á 20 ¼ (», 2008).»z y»ƒ ywš š w ywš. 7 ƒ ƒ w, 8 l š ³ *Corresponding author Phone) , Fax) ) hsshim@rda.go.kr w 7 l ùkù» w y»¾ ƒ x š š (Noh, 2007) x ù š w 50 (w wz, 2009), w t. w w»z y w» w w 1999 l 2008 ¾ 10» w,,, Á,, ³ w, w w ƒ w y» mw w.

2 184 yáù Á wá z Á Á Á záw Á y w. w 8 ƒ 3-5 Á (Table 1), ƒ Á 3 Á Á v w w.» w 7 w š, 9, š, Á v,, v, ³ w. v 20 w w w š(, 2008), š w w. w w.».»»,,, û,, û Ÿ,, û»» w š, ƒ» w. ƒ w»» w ƒ» s³ SAS v w w. š % z w ùkü % w ùkü. p û,,, û 2008 x w (Table 2). w w» w» 6 w l 7 ¾» w. ƒ w š r= w ³ e ** š 2-3 z ƒw Table 1. Surveyed cities and counties for rice diseases incidence in Korea s Surveyed cities or counties Gyeonggi Gimpo, Pyeongtaek, Icheon, Yeoju Gangwon Cheorwon, Wonju, Chuncheon, Gangneung Chungbuk Cheongwon, Cheongju, Boeun, Chungju Chungnam Asan, Dangjin, Seosan, Hongseong, Nonsan, Jeonbuk Iksan, Gimjae, Jeongeup, Jinan, Namwon Jeonnam Jangseong, Naju, Haenam, Jangheung, Suncheon Gyeongbuk Andong, Gumi, Sangju Gyeongnam Miryang, Jinju, Sacheon, Gimhae, Geochang Fig. 1. Regional leaf blast occurrence in Korea and rainfall during the last 10 days of June and the first 10 days of July in Correlation coefficients (r) during the last 10 days of June and the first 10 days of July were 0.79 ** and 0.45 ns, respectively. Table 2. Severity of rice leaf blast in the middle of July from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased leaf area (%) a Gyeonggi <0.01 <0.01 Gangwon <0.01 Chungbuk < Chungnam < Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam < Average a Diseased area was calculated from diseased lesion area of the whole plant.

3 w y 185 (Fig. 1). û» w, 6 w, m w. 7 (r= 0.65 * ), 0.78 ** 0.75 * ùkþ (Table 3). w m ƒw š(hemmi Abe, 1932; Kahn Libby, 1958) k k y ƒw š(kim Kim, 1990) Table 3. Correlation coefficients between average occurrences of leaf blast in Korea and weather factors during 10 days of blast infection and development periods in Chungnam from 1999 to 2008 Weather factors Correlation coefficients (r) Last June First July Rainy days Rainfall * Hours of sunshine ** Amount of solar radiation * Fig. 2. Annual leaf blast occurrence and rainfall during the last 10 days of June in Chungnam from 1999 to w, 1 7 l ù w ƒ w t š ƒw % w 6 w 10.5 mm s 1/8 (Table 2, Fig. 2). ù mm û wš w (Fig. 2) z 6 w s w w» w 2003» y 2000 št w ƒ e 9 kg/10a w» w» w ƒ ƒ j. w š ¼ (», 2008)»ƒ e y» 6 w 7 w ƒw (Koh, 1987) 3-4ƒ w w. p û % % w ƒ % ƒw š, p 2008 w wš 0.1% (Table 2). ûw ƒ»ƒ» 6 w š 6 w mm s 63.1 mm 2, 30~100 mm ( ). Table 4. Incidence of rice panicle blast in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased panicles (%) Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Average

4 186 yáù Á wá z Á Á Á záw Á y, ƒ w w 2000 s³ 2.36% ùkü (Table 4). w % ƒ w z w 2005 Fig. 3. Comparison of the annual occurrences of leaf blast and panicle blast from 1999 to 2008U Table 5. Correlation coefficients between average occurrences of panicle blast in Korea and weather factors during 10 days of blast infection and development periods in Chungnam from 1999 to 2008 Correlation coefficients (r) Weather factors August September Last First Middle Rainy days * 0.01 Rainfall 0.71* Hours of sunshine ** 0.15 Amount of solar radiation * 0.17 Average temperature Table 6. Incidence of sheath blight in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea 2.02% % w (Fig. 3). w e w» w ù» 8 w l» û w 8 w 0.71 *, * ùkü š, ( 0.81 ** ) ( 0.73 * ) (Table 5), w ùkü ( ). w w»» y» w ƒw š š, Kim Min(1991) ƒ š ewš. z w» w y w ƒ» z y w w w wœ œ w ù,»¾ z ùk ý q yw z» x y w» l v w.. w % š ƒ w š % ƒ w (Table 6) o C š 96% (Kozaka, 1965) (Endo, 1935; Yoshimura, 1955). x» 8 l 8 w ¾» Diseased lesion height (%) a Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk - b Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Average a Diseased lesion heightg(%)=lesion height/plant length 100. b Not investigated.

5 w y 187 Fig. 4. Correlation between average diseased lesion height of leaf sheath on rice and sunshine hours during the middle and the last 10 days of August in Chungbuk from 2000 to w š ƒ 0.88 ùkü» š * ew š(fig. 4) w ( ). ³ w z ƒ k w» w vw y k š(ou, 1985),» ƒ j»» w œwš w l v w q. Á. Á 2001 û,, ƒƒ 51.5%, 61.3%, 79.2% v ƒ w z. û,, û 2005 ƒƒ 60.5%, 57.5%, 47.2% v z 2008 ¾ 30-50% ü ã w w (Table 7). Á K, Ma, Mg, Si, K Ca v ù v ³ š š (Baba, 1958) ù m k w ³,,» w v š š (», 2004), Á s m z, ey e, e, z³ (, 2009) z, z y w ³ m w w. û,, û 2005 l» ƒw š,» % %, % 2006 z v ƒ ƒw š, % %, % 2007 l ƒw w, 2008 û w 20% v ùkü ù š. w g yw w w» œ w ù, 1990 z l šs ƒ j ù» w v šs š (½, 2008), w ù zy v Á ƒ w. w» w û v w q % ƒ w w 13.7% ƒ w š ƒ w (Table 8) z % š % ƒ.» w û» 8 w 0.94 š ** Table 7. Brown spot occurrence in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased paddy field (%) Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk < Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Average

6 188 yáù Á wá z Á Á Á záw Á y Table 8. False smut occurrence in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased panicles (%) Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam < Jeonbuk < Jeonnam < Gyeongbuk - a Gyeongnam Average a Not investigated. Fig. 5. Correlation between diseased panicles of falls smut on rice and rainfall during the last 10 days of August in Chungnam from 2000 to ùkü mm s 4.5 w š(fig. 5), w ùkü ( ). w ³w 1 w w» (Ou, 1985), w w s w p ƒ š. w» 1» 2 ƒ w (Raychaudhuri, 1946) z l»¾ ƒw š(, 2001) s w w w. w l sw ³ q š ù z (Ou, 1985), ey ƒ y w sƒ š x. 1 w» dw z w w v w q % v w z 2002 ¾ w ƒ 2003 l û û ƒw» w % ü v Table 9. Incidence of bacterial leaf blight in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased paddy fields (%) Gyeonggi Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Average

7 w y 189 ùkü š û %, % v z % k ùkü (Table 9) ûá ûw ƒ 1990 w w š(noh, 2007), 1999 l ƒw ùkü. Xa3 w w y, û, 1y t 1990 ƒ x y (Kim, 2005), ƒ w û 7 w ù 7 z kt w š ƒ j. w ùy w 2000 z»ƒ 8 7 w š» (Noh, 2007), kt ù y» j ú ƒ f š. w» w w xa5 Xa3+xa5 ƒ š 493 (Noh, 2008), w w t w w. w w w» w ù» dw sw» v w. ³. ³ % ƒ w w š % ƒ w (Table 10). ü 1998 ƒ w w š, p w w š š (Cha, 2001). š» š w w, p y» y ƒ w (Lee, 2004). p 2007 ù û 4.65% ƒ w. û» ƒ ù»ƒ š» 8 š» ƒ ( ). ûw» ùš» š»» ƒ w ƒ j. z w» w wš, z 2z sw w (Lee Yokoyama, 1988). ù ey ƒwš y s»vwš y» w w l 2008 ¾ ù w w w y w % z % w» l y»¾ w» ³e w % š ƒ š % ƒ w 8 w š ƒ 0.88 * ùkü. Á,, û 2001 w z ƒ w û,, û 2005 z ƒw % Table 10. Incidence of bacterial grain rot in the middle of September from 1999 to 2008 in Korea Diseased panicles (%) a Gyeonggi < Gangwon < Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Gyeongbuk Gyeongnam Average

8 190 yáù Á wá z Á Á Á záw Á y z w» 8 w 0.94 ** š ùk þ. û,, û, û 2003 z w w. ( y: PJ ) w w. š x Baba, I Nutritional studies on the occurrence of Helminthosporium leaf spot and akiochi of the rice plant. Bulletin of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences D7: Cha, K.-H., Lee, Y. H., Ko, S.-J., Park, S.-K. and Park, I.-J Influence of weather condition at heading period on the development of rice bacterial grain rot caused by Burkholderia glumae. Res. Plant Dis. 7: Endo, S Effect of sunlight on the infection of the rice plant by Hypochnus sasakii Shirai. Ibid. 8: » Á y w w. 3 š, pp. 82. Hemmi, T. and Abe, T Studies on the rice blast disease. II. Relation of the environment to the development of blast disease. Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Japan. 27: 204. w wz w. 5q. 853 pp. Ishaque, M. and Talukdar, M. J Studies on the effect of soil moisture on the development of leaf spot disease of rice caused by Helminthosporium oryzae. Pakistan Journal of Biological and Agricultural Sciences 5: Kann, R. P. and Libby, J. L the effect of environmental factors and plant age on the infection of rice by the blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae. Phytopathology 48: » »z y xy.»z y l t ( 30 pp. Kim, B. K., Shin, H. T., Lee, J. G., Ko, J. K., Shin, M. S., Ko, J. C., Choung, J. I., Ha, K. Y., Kim, Y. D., Nam, J. K., Kim, Y. G. and Kim, S. C A new high yielding, good quality and wet-direct seeding adaptable rice variety, Dongjin. Korean J. Breed. 37: Kim, C. H. and Kim, C. K Rice blast development under different water-management practices in fields in Korea. Korean J. Plant Pathol. 6: Kim, C. H. and Min, H. S Differences in blast develpment of Korean rice cultivars under upland and flooded conditions. Korean J. Plant Pathol. 7: ½ xšs». ù Á. 28: Koh, Y. J., Hwang, B. K. and Chung, H. S Adult-plant resistance of rice to leaf blast. Phytopathology 77: Kozaka, T Ecology of Pellicularia sheath blight of rice plant and its chemical control. Annals of Phytoph. Soc. of Jpn. 31: Lee, J. C. and Yokoyama, T Studies on control and environmental conditions of Pseudomonas glumae on rice bacterial grain rot. Res. Rept. RDA(C.P) 30: Lee, Y.-H., Ko, S.-J., Cha, K.-H., Choi, H.-G., Lee, D.-G., Noh, T. H., Lee, S. D. and Han, K.-S Micro-weather factors during rice heading period influencing the development of rice bacterial grain rot. Res. Plant Dis. 10: Noh, T. H., Lee, D. G., Park, J. C., Shim, H. K., Choi, M. Y., Kang, M. H. and Kim, J. D Effects of bacterial leaf blight occurrence on rice yield and grain qaulity in different rice growth stage. Res. Plant Dis. 13: Noh, T. H., Kim, K. Y., Lee, D. G., Shim, H. K., Kang, M. H. and Park, J. C Disease incidence, yield and quality comparisons among rice varieties with different resistance to bacterial leaf blight. Res. Plant Dis. 14: w. 297 pp. Ou, S. H Rice Diseases. 2nd ed. Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, England. Raychaudhuri, S. P Mode of infection of rice by Ustilaginoidea vires (Cke.) Tak. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 25: y,, w t. 7: w, z, ½», y, x, û» Á ³ w. 10: w, y, ½, k, û, y, ½», Á m,». 15: Yoshimura, S On The effect of the shading upon the susceptibility of the rice plant to the sheath blight Hypochnus sasakii Shirai. Ibid. 16: 113.


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