2021 학년도생활관생 ( 대학원생및외국인생 ) 추가모집안내 * 본공고는 2021 학년도 1 학기대학원및외국인생활관생추가모집을위한공고입니다. 지원자는아래공지내용을참고하여 지정된절차에따라접수하시기바랍니다. 공고문을숙지하지못하여발생하는사항에대한책임은본인에게있음을 유의하시기

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1 2021 학년도생활관생 ( 대학원생및외국인생 ) 추가모집안내 * 본공고는 2021 학년도 1 학기대학원및외국인생활관생추가모집을위한공고입니다. 지원자는아래공지내용을참고하여 지정된절차에따라접수하시기바랍니다. 공고문을숙지하지못하여발생하는사항에대한책임은본인에게있음을 유의하시기바랍니다. * 해외에서입국하는경우, 생활관에서자가격리를할수없습니다. 외부에서자가격리후자가격리해제통지서를제출해야만생활관에입주할수있음을알려드립니다. 1. 모집대상가. 신청자격 : 2021 학년도 1 학기경북대학교대구캠퍼스에재학중인대학원생및외국인생나. 자격제한 1) 한국인학부생 2) 전염성질환이환자및보균자 ( 입주시흉부 X-ray 소견서로결핵이상유무확인함 ) 3) 2021 학년도 1 학기에재학생신분이아닌자 4) 생활관에서징계를받은적이있는자 (2020 학년도 7 점이상고벌점자포함 ) 5) 기타관장이부적당하다고판단하는자 6) 2021 학년도 1 학기생활관에이미선발된자 2. 신청기간및방법가. 신청기간 : ( 월 ) 10:00 ~ ( 화 ) 18:00 나. 신청방법 : YES 통합정보시스템 ( 에서인터넷접수 대학원수료 ( 예정 ) 생일경우신청기간내지도교수님으로부터추천서 * 를받아진리관행정실로제출해야함 * 추천서양식 : 생활관홈페이지 (dorm.knu.ac.kr) 생활관생 신청양식 추천서 3. 선발방법 : 원서제출자는선착순으로후보순위가결정되고결원발생시후보순으로개별연락 생활관추가모집은 우선선발 과관련없음 4. 입주대상자발표 : 선발완료시개별연락예정 5. 생활관비납부안내 가. 관리비 구 분 재정생활관 1 차 BTL 생활관 2 차 BTL 생활관 성실관, 봉사관, 화목관 (2 인실 ) 첨성관 (2 인실 ) 명의관 (2 인실 ) 명의관 (1 인실 ) 누리관 (2 인실 ) 관리비 526, , ,100 1,189, ,600 공공요금관리비내포함 120,000 개관관련안내 - 최대 2 인실로운영되며, 배정된관은언제든지변경될수있음 학기개관일수 : 114 일기준 / 명의관개관일수 : 135 일기준 / 방학기간별도부담 - 대학원생 : 성실관 ( 남 ), 봉사관 ( 여 ), 첨성관 ( 남, 여 ), 명의관 ( 남, 여 ), 누리관 ( 남, 여 ) - 외국인생 : 화목관 ( 남, 여 ), 첨성관 ( 남, 여 ), 명의관 ( 남, 여 ) - 명의관은의 치과대학원생만신청가능함 2 차 BTL 생활관 ( 누리관 ) 공공요금안내 - 누리관은공공요금선납금을포함하여고지되며, 퇴관후익월말까지누리관운영사에서정산예정 ( 단, 실사용료가선납금초과시추가납부하여야하고, 잔액발생시환불 ) - 공공요금관련문의 : 누리관운영사 (053) 학사일정및물가변동에따라변동될수있으므로 2021 학년도 1 학기생활관비는 2021 학년도 1 학기선발자납부공고 를참고 나. 식비 1) 문화관식당 : 식당운영없음 2) BTL( 첨성관, 누리관 ) 식당 ( 단위 : 원, 2021 학년도 1 학기기준 ) 총식수 114 식 (1 일 1 식 ) 170 식 (1 일 1.5 식 ) 226 식 (1 일 2 식 ) 282 식 (1 일 2.5 식 ) 338 식 (1 일 3 식 ) 매식 ( 장당 ) 비고 단가 3,540 3,330 3,020 2,810 2,400 4,200 - 운영기간 : ( 금 ) 석식 ~ ( 토 ) 조식 합계 403, , , , , 선택식시행 - 유의! 총식수는생활관비납부후절대변경이불가하므로신중히선택바람 - 첨성관식당 : 첨성관생이용 / 누리관식당 : 누리관생이용 / 명의관식당없음 - 선택한식수는해당학기만사용가능 - 식권자판기에서개별구매한식권은 2021 학년도 (2022 년 2 월말까지 ) 에만사용가능하며남은식권은사용불가 ( 환불불가 )

2 6. 생활관입주절차안내 코로나 -19 상황에따라입주절차 ( 입주서류등 ) 변경가능. 추후개관안내공고에서최종확인요망 가. 입주기간 : ( 금 ) 12:00~18:00, ( 토 )~2. 28.( 일 ) 09:00~18:00(3 일간 ) 코로나 -19 대응을위해지정된입주기간내반드시입주하여야하며, 입주기간이후입주자는 지연입주신청서 를 ( 수 ) 까지 생활관메일 (housing@knu.ac.kr) 로반드시제출하여야함. 관련서식은생활관홈페이지 (dorm.knu.ac.kr) 내 신청양식 란참조 나. 입주서류준비 : 입주당일미제출자예외없이절대입주불가 입주서류관련자세한내용은 생활관홈페이지 (dorm.knu.ac.kr)- 커뮤니티 - 공지사항 ( 재정 )- 생활관입주시제출서류안내 에서확인 1) 흉부 X 선결핵검진소견 ( 결과 ) 서원본 1 부 - 입주예정일로부터 2 개월이내검사결과만유효 - 원본을제출하여야함 단, 2020 학년도동계방학신규입주자중 2021 학년도잔류자는제출필요없음 2) 건강상태문진표 ( 입주일기준 ), 입주동의서 ( 입주일기준 ) 관련서식은생활관홈페이지 (dorm.knu.ac.kr) 내 신청서식 란에서최신판을내려받아작성후입주시제출 3) 코로나 -19 검사음성결과확인서 1 부. 잔류생은제출해당없음 - 일부지역학생은반드시음성검사결과확인서를제출해야입주가능. 검사는해당지역보건소북구보건소에서무료로진행하며해당보 건소에서발급받은음성결과확인서를입주창구에제출. 검사후해당보건소에서확인서발급 ( 사전에반드시검사예약필요 ) 북구보건소검사예약문의 : 대구북구보건소콜센터 ( /2760), 일요일검사가능 4) 여권혹은출입국증명서 - 해외에서입국한경우, 자가격리해제통지서를제출해야하며 15 일이지나지않은사람은입주할수없음. 5) 기타사항 : 코로나 -19 상황이유동적임에따라추후추가서류제출을요구할수있으므로반드시통합정보시스템내본인연락처최신화및 생활관홈페이지수시확인할것 다. 입주절차 : 마스크미착용시입주불가하며, 짐이동은본인만허용 ( 생활관생외절대출입불가 - 직계가족도예외없음 ) 코로나 -19 상황에따라입주절차가변동될수있으며, 변동시생활관홈페이지에안내되므로유의할것 1) 성실 봉사 화목관 : 해당관입구입주창구에서진행 - 체온측정 건강상태확인 ( 건강상태문진표 ) 입주동의 ( 입주동의서 ) 입주서류제출 손혈관등록 2) 첨성관 : 첨성관지하식당입주창구혹은 1 동 2 층입주창구에서진행 체온측정 건강상태확인 ( 건강상태문진표 ) 입주동의 ( 입주동의서 ) 입주서류제출 관실키수령 3) 누리관 : 누리관 1 층로비입주창구에서진행 체온측정 건강상태확인 ( 건강상태문진표 ) 입주동의 ( 입주동의서 ) 입주서류제출 관실키수령 4) 명의관 : 명의관지하 1 층관리실입주창구에서진행 라. 입주취소 - 체온측정 건강상태확인 ( 건강상태문진표 ) 입주동의 ( 입주동의서 ) 입주서류제출 관실키수령 1) 개관전 : 개관일 1 일전까지통합정보시스템에서 입주취소 신청하면전액환불 2) 개관후 : 개관일이후는통합정보시스템에서 퇴관신청 하면학기중환불규정에따라환불 유의!! 학생본인명의의계좌로만환불가능 7. 기타안내및유의사항가. 일부관실에는학부생, 외국인생과함께배정될수있음나. 일부건물은방학동안공사및연수생입주등기타사정으로관이동및호실이동이있을수있음다 학년도동계방학입주생도 2021 학년도 1 학기입주희망자 는입주원서및선발시관련서류를제출하여야함 (2020 학년도동계방학신규입주자의경우흉부 X-ray 소견서는제출하지않아도됨 ) 라. 입주자격허위기재나입학후학적변동사유가발생하면즉시자진퇴관해야하며적발시강제퇴관조치됨마. 선택한식수는해당학기만사용가능하며식권자판기에서구매한식권은 2021 학년도동안사용이가능 (2021 년 2 월까지 ) 하고남은식권은사용불가 ( 환불불가 ) 바. 생활관안내사항이문자로자주안내되오니 YES 통합정보시스템의본인휴대전화번호를정확하게입력하여주시기바람사. 위내용은생활관사정에따라일부변경될수있음 8. 문의 : 생활관행정실 ( 진리관 1 층 ) ~2, 첨성관행정실 ( 첨성관 1 동 2 층 ) , 누리관행정실 ( 누리관 1 층 ) 경북대학교생활관장

3 2021 Additional Residency Application * This announcement is for the additional recruitment of graduate and foreign students for the springt semester of the Please refer to the notice below and apply according to the designated procedure. * If you enter from abroad, you cannot self quarantine at dormitory. You can only move into the dormitory only if you submit a notice that your self-quarantine is over. * Please note that you are responsible for the matters caused by not being familiar with the notice. 1. Qualifications for Application A. Qualifications: Graduate students and International students who study on KNU Daegu campus during the spring semester of 2021 B. Restriction for Application 1) Korean undergraduate students 2) Carriers of contagious diseases(those not vaccinated for tuberculosis, measles, etc.) 3) Students who do not enrolled student on KNU 4) Those who have acquired over 7 penalty points(restriction of residency application) in KNU Dormitory 5) Other who are judged to be unqualified by Director General KNU of Dormitory 6) Those who have already been selected for dormitory in spring semester of the Application A. Application Period: (Mon.) 10:00 ~ (Tue.) 18:00 B. How to Apply: YES 통합정보시스템 ( ( Use only Internet Explorer) Graduate students who finished(will finish) the course must submit the 추천서 (Recommendation Letter Form) during the application period. 3. How to select : Candidates will be ranked on a first-come-first-served basis and contacted individually in order when vacancies occur. 4. Selection : Announcement: As soon as the remaining seats are available, we will contact you individually. So please correct the information in YES 통합정보시스템 with the correct information you can contact. And check your frequently. 5. Dormitory Fee A. Room fee Section Sungsil, bongsa, Hwamok-gwan 2 People in a Room Single Cheomsung-gwan Nuri-gwan Myungyui-gwan Myungyui-gwan Room 526, , , ,100 1,189,700 Utility Fee , ,000 Information on the opening - Up to two rooms are operated, and assigned coffins are subject to change at any time - Opening days of the spring semester of 2021: 114 days / Opening days of the Myeonggwanl: 135 days / Vacation period shall be paid separately. - Graduate students: Sungsilg-wan(male), Bongsa-gwan(female), Cheomseong-gwan(male, female), Myungyui-gwan(male, female), Nuri-gwan(male, female) - Foreign students: Hwamok-gwan(male, female), Cheomseong-gwan(male, female), Myungyui-gwan(male, female) - Only graduate medical and dental students can apply for a Myungyui-gwan. Nuri-gwan Utility Fee - Nuri-gwan shall be notified including the advance payment of public utility charges, and the settlement will be settled by the Nuri Hall operator by the end of the following month after the exit (provided that the actual usage fee is the advance payment); Additional payment shall be made if exceeded, and refund if balance occurs) - Inquiry about utility charges: Nuri-gwan operator (053) B. Meals

4 Section 114 meals (1meal/day) 170 meals (1.5meal/day) 226 meals (2meal/day) 282meals (2.5meals/day) 338meals (3meals/day) 1 meal ticket 비고 Unit price 3,540 3,330 3,020 2,810 2,400 4, (Fri.) Dinner ~ (Sat.) Breakfast Total 403, , , , , You can t change the meal plan after payment. - Cheomsung-gwan cafeteria: Cheomsung-gwan resident/nuri-gwan cafeteria: Nuri-gwan resident/no other restaurant - Selected meal plan is only available for the semester - Individually purchased meal tickets from the food ticket vending machine can only be used in 2021 (until the end of February 2022) and remaining meal tickets cannot be used (non-refundable) 6. Move in Procedure Depending on the situation of COVID-19, moving-in procedures (such as moving-in documents) can be changed. Please check the final result in the announcement of the opening announcement later. A. Move in periode: (Fri.) 12:00~18:00, (Sat.)~2. 28.(Sun.) 09:00~18:00(3days) In order to respond to COVID-19, the residents must move in within the designated move-in period. After the occupancy period, the residents shall apply for delayed occupancy by sending (housing@knu.ac.2.24(wed.) Living@knu.Must be submitted to ac.kr). Refer to the "Application Form" in the website (dorm.knu.ac.kr) for related forms; B. Preparation of documents for occupancy : No one can move in without exceptions from non-submitted persons on the day of occupancy 1) Original copy of the chest X-ray tuberculosis examination (result); - Only inspection results are valid within 2 months from the expected date of occupancy - Original must be submitted However, among new occupants of the 2020 Winter vacation, those who remain in the 2021 school year do not need to submit it. 2) Health status questionnaire (based on occupancy), consent to move in (based on occupancy) The relevant form shall be downloaded from the "Application Form" section of the Living Center website (dorm.knu.ac.kr) and submitted when moving in. 3) COVID-19 test negative result confirmation part 1. Residual students are not eligible for submission - Students in some regions must submit a confirmation of the results of the COVID-19 test to move in. The inspection will be conducted free of charge at the Buk-gu Health Center of the local health center, and a confirmation of the voice results issued by the relevant health center will be submitted to the tenant window.issuance of a confirmation letter at the relevant health center after inspection (requires pre-order for examination) Inquiry about appointment for inspection at Buk-gu Health Center: Daegu Buk-gu Health Center call center ( /2760), Sunday inspection is available 4) Passport or immigration certificate - If you enter from abroad, you must submit a notice of self-quarantine cancellation and those who have not moved in for more than 15 days are not allowed to move in. 5) Other matters: As the COVID-19 situation is flexible, additional documents may be requested in the future, so be sure to update your contact information in the integrated information system and check the website of the living room. C. Move-in procedure : Unable to move in when not wearing a mask, and residents only allowed to move luggage The moving-in procedure may change depending on the Corona-19 situation, and if it changes, it will be posted on the website of the living room. 1) Sungsil, Bongsa, Hwamok-gwan: Conducted at the entrance window of the relevant building - Body temperature measurement Health status check (Health status questionnaire) Consent of occupancy (Residence agreement) Submission of occupancy documents Hand-vascular registration 2) Cheomseong-gwan: Conducted at the underground restaurant window of Cheomseonggwan or at the second floor of 1-dong - Body temperature measurement Health status check (Health status questionnaire) Residence consent (Residence agreement) Submission of occupancy documents Receiving government key 3) Nuri-gwan: Proceeded at the lobby window on the 1st floor of Nuri Hall - Body temperature measurement Health status check (Health status questionnaire) Residence consent (Residence agreement) Submission of occupancy documents Receiving government key 4) Myungyui-gwan: Proceeded at the management office on B1 of the name building - Body temperature measurement Health status check (Health status questionnaire) Consent to move in (Consent to move in) Submission of move-in documents Receipt of government key D. Cancellation of occupancy

5 1) Before the opening: If you apply for "cancellation of occupancy" in the integrated information system one day before the opening date, a full refund is made. 2) After opening: If you "apply to leave" the integrated information system after the opening date, you will be refunded in accordance with the refund policy during the semester. Pay attention!! Refunds can only be made to Korean account in the student's name 7. Other guidance and precautions A. Some government offices may be assigned with undergraduates and foreign students. B. Some buildings may have to move to the government office or house due to other circumstances, such as construction work and trainees, during the vacation. C. Students who wish to move into the first semester of 2021 should submit an application for occupancy and related documents when selecting (in case of new occupants of the 2019 winter vacation, chest X-ray findings are not required to be submitted). D. If there is a false qualification for occupancy or a reason for academic changes after admission, he/she shall voluntarily leave the building immediately and be forced to leave the building upon detection. E. The selected drinking water is available only for the semester, and the meal tickets purchased from the food vending machine can be used during the 2021 school year (unrefundable) and the remaining meal tickets cannot be used (unrefundable) F. Information on living quarters is frequently provided by text message, so please enter your mobile phone number of the YES integrated information system accurately. G. The above information may be changed in part depending on the circumstances of the lifestyle. 8. Inquiry A. The Administrative Office of Dormitory(Jinli-gwan 1st Floor) , B. Cheomseong-gwan Administrative Office(Chumseong-gwan 1st Building 2nd Floor) C. Nuri-gwan Administrative Office(Nuri-gwan 1st Floor) Note A. Some residents can move the dormitory or room due to sudden maintenance work B. Provision of false information regarding residency qualifications(student status) will result in automatic cancellation of residency. If this is discovered after move-in, the resident will be expelled and forbidden form dormitory residency C. After move-in, if student status changes (leave of absence/completion of coursework/graduation), the resident must move-out voluntarily. If the dormitory finds out, the resident will be expelled immediately. D. Check the notice on the website of Dormitory regularly. [ E. Write down the correct information in the YES program for sending you various notice by SMS or . F. Inquiry: Dormitory Admin. Office Jinri-gwan (053) ~2, Cheomsung-gwan (053) Nuri-gwan (053) Director General KNU of Dormitory

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