Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller 공통 무선 클라이언트 연결 문제

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1 Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller 공통무선클라이언트연결문제 목차 소개사전요구사항요구사항사용되는구성요소로그수집시나리오웹인증자격증명이작동하지않음정책프로필에정의된유효한 VLAN 이없으므로클라이언트를연결할수없습니다 잘못된암호로인해클라이언트를연결할수없습니다 RADIUS 에서보낸 ACL 이 9800 WLC 에없으므로클라이언트를연결할수없습니다 RADIUS 에서보낸 VLAN 이 9800 WLC 에없기때문에클라이언트가연결할수없습니다 WLAN 또는정책프로파일변경으로인해클라이언트연결이끊김네트워크에서수동으로제거된클라이언트 EAP 시간초과로인해클라이언트연결끊김 AP 무선리셋으로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 웹인증시간초과로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 세션시간초과로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 유휴시간제한으로인해클라이언트연결이끊김 SSID 간에클라이언트이동 소개 이문서에서는가장일반적인무선클라이언트연결문제시나리오와 Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller 에서문제를해결하는방법에대해설명합니다 사전요구사항 요구사항 다음주제에대한지식을보유하고있으면유용합니다 Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller 무선컨트롤러에대한 CLI(Command Line Interface) 액세스 사용되는구성요소 IOS-XE Gibraltar 1610 이상이문서의정보는특정랩환경의디바이스를토대로작성되었습니다 이문서에사용된모든디바이스는초기화된 ( 기본 ) 컨피그레이션으로시작되었습니다 현재네트워크가작동중인경우, 모든

2 명령어의잠재적인영향을미리숙지하시기바랍니다 로그수집 WLC 9800 은 ALWAYS-ON 추적기능을제공합니다 이렇게하면모든클라이언트연결관련오류, 경고및알림수준메시지가지속적으로로깅되며, 발생후장애또는장애상태에대한로그를볼수있습니다 참고 : 생성되는로그볼륨에따라몇시간에서며칠로돌아갈수있습니다 기본적으로수집된 9800 WLC 의추적을보려면 SSH/ 텔넷을통해 9800 WLC 에연결하고다음단계를수행하십시오 ( 텍스트파일에세션을로깅하는지확인 ) 1 단계 컨트롤러의현재시간을확인하여문제가발생한시점으로돌아가로그를추적할수있습니다 # show clock 2 단계 시스템컨피그레이션에따라컨트롤러의버퍼또는외부 syslog 에서 syslog 를수집합니다 시스템상태및오류 ( 있는경우 ) 를빠르게볼수있습니다 # show logging 3 단계 디버그조건이활성화되었는지확인합니다 # show debugging IOSXE Conditional Debug Configs: Conditional Debug Global State: Stop IOSXE Packet Tracing Configs: Packet Infra debugs: Ip Address Port 참고 : 나열된조건이있는경우, 활성화된조건 (mac 주소, ip 주소등 ) 이발생하는모든프로세스의디버그레벨로추적이로깅되고있음을의미합니다 이렇게하면로그볼륨이증가합니다 따라서능동적으로디버깅하지않을때는모든조건을지우는것이좋습니다 4 단계 테스트중인 mac 주소가 3 단계에서조건으로나열되지않았다고가정하면특정 mac 주소에대한상시알림레벨추적을수집합니다 # show logging profile wireless filter { mac ip } { <aaaabbbbcccc> <abcd> } to-file always-on-<filenametxt> 세션의내용을표시하거나파일을외부 TFTP 서버에복사할수있습니다

3 # more bootflash:always-on-<filenametxt> or # copy bootflash:always-on-<filenametxt> tftp://abcd/path/always-on-<filenametxt> 조건부디버깅및무선활성추적 Always-On 추적이조사중인문제의트리거를확인할수있는충분한정보를제공하지않는경우조건부디버깅을활성화하고 RA(Radio Active) 추적을캡처할수있습니다 그러면지정된조건과상호작용하는모든프로세스 ( 이경우클라이언트 MAC 주소 ) 에대한디버그수준추적을제공할수있습니다 조건부디버깅을활성화하려면다음단계를수행합니다 5 단계 활성화된디버그조건이없는지확인합니다 # clear platform condition all 6 단계 모니터링할무선클라이언트 MAC 주소에대한디버그조건을활성화합니다 이명령은제공된 mac 주소를 30 분 (1800 초 ) 동안모니터링하기시작합니다 선택적으로이시간을최대 초로늘릴수있습니다 # debug wireless mac <aaaabbbbcccc> {monitor-time <seconds>} 참고 : 한번에두개이상의클라이언트를모니터링하려면 mac 주소당디버그무선 mac <aaaabbbbcccc> 명령을실행합니다 참고 : 모든항목이내부적으로버퍼링되어나중에볼수있으므로터미널세션에서클라이언트활동의출력이표시되지않습니다 7 단계 모니터링할문제또는동작을재현합니다 8 단계 기본또는구성된모니터시간이시작되기전에문제가재현되는경우디버그를중지합니다 # no debug wireless mac <aaaabbbbcccc> 모니터시간이경과하거나디버그무선이중지되면 9800 WLC 는이름이다음과같은로컬파일을생성합니다 ra_trace_mac_aaabbcccc_hhmssxxx_timezone_dayweek_month_day_yearlog 9 단계 mac 주소활동의파일을수집합니다 ra trace log 를외부서버에복사하거나화면에직접출력을표시할수있습니다 RA 추적파일의이름확인 # dir bootflash: inc ra_trace 파일을외부서버에복사합니다

4 # copy bootflash:ra_trace_mac_aaaabbbbcccc_hhmmssxxx_timezone_dayweek_month_day_yearlog tftp://abcd/ra-filenametxt 내용표시 : # more bootflash:ra_trace_mac_aaaabbbbcccc_hhmmssxxx_timezone_dayweek_month_day_yearlog 10 단계 근본원인이아직명확하지않은경우디버그수준로그를보다자세히볼수있는내부로그를수집합니다 이미수집및내부적으로저장된디버그로그만자세히살펴보기때문에클라이언트를다시디버깅할필요가없습니다 # show logging profile wireless internal filter { mac ip } { <aaaabbbbcccc> <abcd> } to-file ra-internal-<filename>txt 참고 : 이명령출력은모든프로세스의모든로깅레벨에대한추적을반환하며상당한양의데이터를제공합니다 Cisco TAC 에문의하여이러한추적을분석하십시오 ra-internal-filenametxt 를외부서버에복사하거나화면에직접출력을표시할수있습니다 파일을외부서버에복사합니다 # copy bootflash:ra-internal-<filename>txt tftp://abcd/ra-internal-<filename>txt 내용표시 : # more bootflash:ra-internal-<filename>txt 11 단계 디버그조건을제거합니다 # clear platform condition all 참고 : 문제해결세션후에항상디버그조건을제거해야합니다 시나리오 웹인증자격증명이작동하지않음 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [27915]: UUID: b, ra: 15, (info): [e4b ff:capwap_ ] Authc failure from WebAuth, Auth event fail 클라이언트가유효한자격증명을사용하고있지않습니다 9800 WLC에정의된기본권한부여네트워크가없습니다 가능한솔루션 클라이언트가유효한자격증명을사용하고있는지확인

5 기본권한부여네트워크방법추가 Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Security( 보안 ) > AAA > AAA Method List(AAA 방법목록 ) > Authorization( 권한부여 ) > + Add( 추가 ) 로이동하여이러한매개변수를사용하여새권한부여방법을생성합니다 # config t # aaa authorization network default local 정책프로필에정의된유효한 VLAN 이없으므로클라이언트를연결할수없습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [epm] [25054]: UUID: , ra: 15, (ERR): EPM_PLUGIN_VLAN_ERR: [HDL = 0x0] Unable to get active_feature_ctx for vlan group name YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [sanet-shim-miscellaneous] [25054]: UUID: , ra: 15, (ERR): MAC: Error in fetching vlans YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [sanet-shim-miscellaneous] [25054]: UUID: , ra: 15, (ERR): MAC: building Mobile Announce Vlanid payload failed WLAN 에할당된정책프로필에유효한 VLAN 이정의되지않았습니다 솔루션 1 클라이언트에서어떤정책프로파일을사용하는지확인합니다 Monitoring( 모니터링 ) > Wireless( 무선 ) > Clients( 클라이언트 ) > Client row( 클라이언트행 ) > Client

6 Properties( 클라이언트속성 ) 로이동합니다 (MAC 주소를사용하여특정클라이언트에대한선택적검색 ) # show wireless client mac-address <aaaabbbbcccc> detail inc Policy Profile Policy Profile : default-policy-profile 2 해당정책프로파일에어떤 VLAN 이할당되었는지확인합니다 Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Tags & Profiles( 태그및프로파일 ) > Policy( 정책 ) > Policy Profile( 정책프로파일 ) 행 > Access Policies( 액세스정책 ) 로이동합니다 # show wireless profile policy detailed default-policy-profile inc VLAN VLAN : VLAN VLAN 매개변수에 VLAN 이름또는 VLAN ID가유효하고활성상태인지확인합니다 Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Layer2 > VLAN > VLAN 으로이동합니다

7 # show vlan brief VLAN Name Status Ports default active Te0/0/2, Te0/0/3 210 VLAN0210 active 1002 fddi-default act/unsup 1003 token-ring-default act/unsup 1004 fddinet-default act/unsup 1005 trnet-default act/unsup VLAN Name Status Ports VLAN2600 active 2601 VLAN2601 active 2602 VLAN2602 active 2686 VLAN2686 active 참고 : VLAN 이름을사용하는경우대 / 소문자를구분하므로 show vlan briefcase 명령에표시된것과정확히동일해야합니다 4 필요에따라 VLAN 을수정합니다 Configuration( 구성 ) > Tags & Profiles( 태그및프로파일 ) > Policy( 정책 ) > Policy Profile( 정책프로파일 ) 행 > Access Policies( 액세스정책 ) 로다시이동하여 VLAN 을수정합니다 # config t # wireless profile policy default-policy-profile # shutdown # vlan <vlan-# or vlan-name> # no shutdown 잘못된암호로인해클라이언트를연결할수없습니다

8 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [27782]: UUID: , ra: 15, (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Keymgmt: Failed to validate eapol mic MIC mismatch YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [27782]: UUID: , ra: 15, (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Keymgmt: Failed to validate eapol key m2 MIC validation failed 클라이언트가잘못된암호를입력하고있습니다 가능한솔루션 엔드포인트디바이스에서비밀번호수정 SSID의비밀번호수정 Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Wireless( 무선 ) > WLANs(WLANs) > WLAN name(wlan 이름 ) > Security( 보안 ) > Layer2( 레이어 2) 로이동하고비밀번호를수정합니다

9 # config t # wlan <wlan-name> # shut # security wpa psk set-key ascii 0 <clear-text-password> # no shut RADIUS 에서보낸 ACL 이 9800 WLC 에없으므로클라이언트를연결할수없습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [epm-acl] [8104]: (ERR): ACL acl-sent-by-ise is missing in configuration for mac e4b3187c3058 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [epm-acl] [8104]: (ERR): Unable to parse EPM attributes YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_PLUGIN_CONF YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [epm] [8104]: (ERR): Error in activating feature (EPM ACL PLUG-IN) EPM Data Base: Number of Authz_info: 2 Authz info 1 details Number of feat info: 2, State: Success, Priority: 254 EPM Vlan PLUG-IN Status: Success VLAN Group: VLAN2602 VLAN-ID: 2602 SM Reauth PLUG-IN Status: Success Authz info 2 details Number of feat info: 4, State: Fail, Priority: 100 EPM MISC PLUG-IN Status: Success Anchor Vlan: 0 EPM ACL PLUG-IN Status: Activate Failure SM ACCOUNTING PLUG-IN Status: Success linksec Status: Success YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-infra-evq-lib] [8104]: (note): already started radioactive trace on key:[e4b3187c3058] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SVM_APPLY_UP_FAIL YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8104]: (ERR): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] SM unable to apply User Profile for 0x1A 'Subsystem(4)' detected the 'fatal' condition 'Code(47)' YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8104]: (ERR): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] Unable to process authc result for 0x1A success handling failed YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet eventq: AUTH_MGR_MQ, message:3 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [8104]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 client authz result: FAILURE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-exclusion] [8104]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Add client to exclusionlist, sending ipc to add client to client exclusion table, reason: ACL failure, timeout: 60, AP: MAC: f07f06eef590 RADIUS 서버에서보낸 ACL 이 9800 WLC 에존재하지않습니다

10 가능한솔루션 올바른 ACL 이름을전송하도록 RADIUS 서버컨피그레이션을수정합니다 누락된 ACL을 9800 WLC에추가 RADIUS 에서보낸 VLAN 이 9800 WLC 에없기때문에클라이언트가연결할수없습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [epm] [8104]: (ERR): Error in activating feature (EPM Vlan PLUG-IN) YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_START_CALL YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-infra-evq] [8104]: (ERR): EPM Data Base: Number of Authz_info: 2 Authz info 1 details Number of feat info: 2, State: Success, Priority: 254 EPM Vlan PLUG-IN Status: Conflict SM Reauth PLUG-IN Status: Success Authz info 2 details Number of feat info: 4, State: Activate, Priority: 100 EPM MISC PLUG-IN Status: Success Anchor Vlan: 0 SM ACCOUNTING PLUG-IN Status: Success EPM Vlan PLUG-IN Status: Activate Failure VLAN Group: vlan-sent-by-ise VLAN-ID: 0 linksec Status: Success YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SVM_APPLY_UP_FAIL YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8104]: (ERR): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] SM unable to apply User Profile for 0x0E 'Subsystem(4)' detected the 'fatal' condition 'Code(47)' YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8104]: (ERR): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] Unable to process authc result for 0x0E success handling failed YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8104]: (info): Sanet eventq: AUTH_MGR_MQ, message:3 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [8104]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 client authz result: FAILURE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-exclusion] [8104]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Add client to exclusionlist, sending ipc to add client to client exclusion table, reason: VLAN failure, timeout: 60, AP: MAC: f07f06eef590 RADIUS 서버에서보낸 VLAN 이 9800 WLC 에존재하지않습니다 가능한솔루션 올바른 VLAN 이름 /ID를전송하도록 RADIUS 서버컨피그레이션을수정합니다 누락된 VLAN을 9800 WLC에추가 WLAN 또는정책프로파일변경으로인해클라이언트연결이끊김

11 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-infra-evq] [8522]: (note): Mcast: Sent L2 MGID 2602 DEL to AP vap_id 2 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [apmgr-bssid] [8522]: (ERR): 00c88b26d790 Radio:0 BSSID:1 - Bssid ifid is not created so no need to push data to fman YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Deleting the client, reason: 5, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN, Client state S_CO_RUN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [8522]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [multicast-main] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 No Flex/Fabric main record exists for client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE -> S_IPLEARN_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {mobilityd_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [19496]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMFSM transition: S_MC_RUN -> S_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD_TR on E_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD from WNCD[0] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dpath_svc] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_LOCAL -> S_MA_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [8522]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8522]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8522]: (info): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] Disconnect request from SANET-SHIM (12) for e4b3187c3058 / 0xfb term: service-unavailable, abort: Unknown, disc: session disconnect YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8522]: (info): [ Applied attribute :bsn-vlan-interface-name 0 "VLAN2602" ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8522]: (info): [ Applied attribute : timeout (0x708) ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_DONE -> S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dot11] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Sent deauth to client, deauth reason: 252, CLIENT_DEAUTH_REASON_ADMIN_RESET delete reason: 5, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dot11] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED GUI 에서변경사항이적용되었거나 SSID 또는정책프로파일이수동으로비활성화되었습니다 솔루션 이는정상적인동작이므로프로덕션시간에 SSID 또는정책프로필을변경하지마십시오 네트워크에서수동으로제거된클라이언트 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Deleting the client, reason: 12, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_ADMIN_RESET, Client state S_CO_RUN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {mobilityd_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [19496]: (info): MAC:

12 e4b3187c3058 MMFSM transition: S_MC_RUN -> S_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD_TR on E_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD from WNCD[0] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_ADMIN_RESET YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [8522]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [multicast-main] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 No Flex/Fabric main record exists for client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE -> S_IPLEARN_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dpath_svc] [8522]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_LOCAL -> S_MA_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [8522]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [wncd_0] [8522]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8522]: (info): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] Disconnect request from SANET-SHIM (12) for e4b3187c3058 / 0x term: admin-reset, abort: Unknown, disc: session disconnect YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8522]: (info): [ Applied attribute :bsn-vlan-interface-name 0 "VLAN2602" ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8522]: (info): [ Applied attribute : timeout (0x708) ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_DONE -> S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dot11] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Sent deauth to client, deauth reason: 252, CLIENT_DEAUTH_REASON_ADMIN_RESET delete reason: 12, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_ADMIN_RESET YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dot11] [8522]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED CLI 에서클라이언트를네트워크에서수동으로제거했습니다 # wireless client mac-address aaaabbbbcccc deauthenticate 또는 GUI 에서 솔루션 없음, 사용자가시작한일반동작

13 EAP 시간초과로인해클라이언트연결끊김 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [errmsg] [8681]: (note): %DOT1X-5-FAIL: Authentication failed for client ( ) with reason (Timeout) on Interface capwap_ AuditSessionID 34AD580A D7F YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Authc failure from Dot1X, Auth event timeout YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] (Re)try failed method Dot1X YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Retrying (count 3) method dot1x YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8681]: (info): MAC: Deleting the client, reason: 7, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, Client state S_CO_L2_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client state transition: S_CO_L2_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [mm-transition] [8681]: (info): MAC: MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_INIT -> S_MA_LOCAL_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [mm-client] [8681]: (ERR): MAC: Client not present in DB Responding to CO with Delete Ack YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Disconnect request from SANET-SHIM (12) for / 0x term: supplicant-restart, abort: Unknown, disc: authorization failure YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (info): MAC: Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_DOT1XAUTH_PENDING -> S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [dot11] [8681]: (info): MAC: Sent deauth to client, deauth reason: 252, CLIENT_DEAUTH_REASON_ADMIN_RESET delete reason: 7, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [dot11] [8681]: (info): MAC: DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (info): MAC: Client auth-interface state transition: S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -> S_AUTHIF_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet eventq: EAP_CORE_MQ, message:2 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client state transition: S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETED 클라이언트가 EAP-Request Timeout 간격또는 EAP-Request Max Retries 시간내에 9800 WLC 에서보낸 EAP 패킷에응답하지않습니다 가능한솔루션 무선클라이언트드라이버를최신드라이버로업데이트

14 무선클라이언트신뢰 RADIUS 인증서확인 EAP-Request Timeout(EAP 요청시간제한 ) 및 / 또는 EAP-Request Max Retries(EAP 요청최대재시도횟수 ) 증가 # config t # wireless security dot1x request retries <0-20> # wireless security dot1x timeout <1-120 seconds> Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Security( 보안 ) > Advanced EAP( 고급 EAP) 로이동하고필요한설정을사용자지정합니다 AP 무선리셋으로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [apmgr-capwap-config] [8621]: (info): f07f06eef590 Radio: 1 is Operationally DOWN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [apmgr-db] [8621]: (note): MAC: f07f06eef590 Radio 1 is disabled, on receiving change state event message from AP YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [radio-history-reset] [8621]: (info): Radio reset of the AP f07f06eef590 Slot:1 Band:80211a due to Cause:0, Detailed Cause : 56 - Interface UP for Channel Change YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {mobilityd_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [19496]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMFSM transition: S_MC_RUN -> S_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD_TR on E_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD from WNCD[1] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Deleting the client, reason: 5, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN, Client state S_CO_RUN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dpath_svc] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [mm-transition] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_LOCAL -> S_MA_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [mm-client] [8621]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [wncd_1] [8621]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8621]: (info): [e4b3187c3058:capwap_ ] Disconnect request from SANET-SHIM (12) for e4b3187c3058 / 0xf term: service-unavailable, abort: Unknown, disc: session disconnect YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-auth] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_DONE -> S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dot11] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Sent deauth to client, deauth reason: 252, CLIENT_DEAUTH_REASON_ADMIN_RESET delete reason: 5, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_BSSID_DOWN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dot11] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED 클라이언트가변경된채널또는전원에연결된 AP 로인해무선리셋이발생했습니다

15 가능한솔루션 이는정상적인동작입니다 9800 WLC가채널변경을허용할빈도를구성할수있습니다 # config t # ap dot11 { 5ghz 24ghz } rrm channel dca interval <0-24> Valid values 1,2,3,4,6,8,12 and 24 hours, 0 = 10 minutes (default) Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Radio Configurations( 무선컨피그레이션 ) > RRM > 5GHz Band/24GHz Band(5GHz 대역 ) > DCA > Increase interval( 간격증가 ) 설정으로이동합니다 웹인증시간초과로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Authc failure from WebAuth, Auth event no-response YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet eventq: AUTH_MGR_MQ, message:6 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_AUTHC_FAILED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] AUTHC_FAIL - unauthorize by default YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [9800 WLC-infra-evq] [8681]: (ERR): Authc failure for mac , username, audit session id 34AD580A E7FFA4ED8, Failure reason: No Response from Client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Signalling Authc fail for client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [errmsg] [8681]: (note): %SESSION_MGR-5-FAIL: Authorization failed or unapplied for client ( ) on Interface capwap_ AuditSessionID 34AD580A E7FFA4ED8 Failure reason: Authc fail Authc failure reason: No Response from Client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Authz failed/unapplied for 0x ( ), method: webauth Signal switch PI YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_AUTHZ_FAILED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (info): MAC: Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (ERR): MAC: L3 Authentication FAIL YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (info): MAC: Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING -> S_WAIT_FOR_CO_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [9800 WLC-infra-evq] [8681]: (ERR): WLAN profile = prof-name, Policy profile = default-policy-profile, AP name = AP YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8681]: (info): MAC: Deleting the client, reason: 0, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_NONE, Client state S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_NONE

16 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client state transition: S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [8681]: (ERR): MAC: Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [multicast-main] [8681]: (info): MAC: No Flex/Fabric main record exists for client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-iplearn] [8681]: (info): MAC: IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE -> S_IPLEARN_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [dpath_svc] [8681]: (note): MAC: Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [mm-transition] [8681]: (info): MAC: MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_LOCAL -> S_MA_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [mm-client] [8681]: (ERR): MAC: Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [wncd_2] [8681]: (info): Sanet App Event EV_SESSION_DELETE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [auth-mgr] [8681]: (info): [ :capwap_ ] Disconnect request from SANET-SHIM (12) for / 0x term: none, abort: Unknown, disc: (default) YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8681]: (info): [ Applied attribute :bsn-vlan-interface-name 0 "VLAN2602" ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [8681]: (info): [ Applied attribute : timeout (0x708) ] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [client-auth] [8681]: (info): MAC: Client auth-interface state transition: S_WAIT_FOR_CO_DELETE -> S_SANET_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {mobilityd_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [19496]: (info): MAC: MMFSM transition: S_MC_RUN -> S_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD_TR on E_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD from WNCD[2] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-2}{1}: [dot11] [8681]: (info): MAC: DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED 클라이언트가허용된시간 ( 약 120 초 ) 내에웹인증을완료하지못했습니다 솔루션 클라이언트가 120초내에웹인증을완료하는지확인 세션시간초과로인해클라이언트연결이끊어졌습니다 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-auth] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_DONE -> S_SANET_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Deleting the client, reason: 23, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_SESSION_TIMEOUT, Client state S_CO_RUN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_SESSION_TIMEOUT YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {mobilityd_r0-0}{1}: [mm-transition] [19496]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMFSM transition: S_MC_RUN -> S_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD_TR on E_MC_HANDOFF_END_RCVD from WNCD[1] YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [8621]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [multicast-main] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 No Flex/Fabric main record exists for client YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-iplearn] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE -> S_IPLEARN_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS

17 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dpath_svc] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [mm-transition] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 MMIF FSM transition: S_MA_LOCAL -> S_MA_DELETE_PROCESSED_TR on E_MA_CO_DELETE_RCVD YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [mm-client] [8621]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-auth] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client auth-interface state transition: S_SANET_DELETED -> S_AUTHIF_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dot11] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Sent deauth to client, deauth reason: 252, CLIENT_DEAUTH_REASON_ADMIN_RESET delete reason: 23, CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_SESSION_TIMEOUT YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [dot11] [8621]: (info): MAC: e4b3187c3058 DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED -> S_DOT11_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8621]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETED 클라이언트가세션시간초과에도달했습니다 가능한솔루션 이는정상적인동작입니다 SSID와연결된정책프로파일세션시간초과증가 # config t # wireless profile policy <policy-profile-name> # shutdow # session-timeout < seconds> # no shutdown Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Tags & Profiles( 태그및프로파일 ) > Policy( 정책 ) > Policy Profile Name( 정책프로파일이름 ) > Advanced( 고급 ) > WLAN Timeout(WLAN 시간초과 ) 으로이동하고필요에따라타이머를사용자지정합니다 유휴시간제한으로인해클라이언트연결이끊김 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_MN_IDLE_TIMEOUT YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [7807]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dpath_svc] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [7807]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETED 클라이언트가유휴시간제한구성간격내에트래픽 ( 또는충분한트래픽 ) 을전송하지못했습니다

18 가능한솔루션 이는정상적인동작입니다 SSID와연결된정책프로파일유휴설정을사용자지정합니다 # config t # wireless profile policy <policy-profile-name> # shutdow # idle-timeout < seconds> # idle-threshold < bytes> # no shutdown Configuration( 컨피그레이션 ) > Tags & Profiles( 태그및프로파일 ) > Policy( 정책 ) > Policy Profile Name( 정책프로파일이름 ) > Advanced( 고급 ) > WLAN Timeout(WLAN 시간제한 ) 으로이동하고필요에따라유휴설정을사용자지정합니다 참고 : 유휴임계값을구성하지않으면클라이언트는유휴시간제한기간내에어떤양의트래픽도전송해야연결이끊기지않습니다 유휴임계값을구성할경우클라이언트는연결이끊기지않도록유휴시간제한내에해당바이트양을전송해야합니다 ( 즉, 유휴임계값 10 바이트와유휴시간제한 30 초를구성하면무선클라이언트는네트워크에서연결이끊기지않도록 30 초마다최소 10 바이트의트래픽을전송해야합니다 ) SSID 간에클라이언트이동 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Association received BSSID f07f06eef59d, old BSSID f07f06eef59e, WLAN 1, Slot 1 AP f07f06eef590, YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [7807]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Failed to start dot11 processing Failed to populate client record in DB YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_RUN YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client delete initiated Reason: CO_CLIENT_DELETE_REASON_WLAN_CHANGE YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_RUN -> S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [9800 WLC-qos-client] [7807]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Fail to get qos lib ctxt while handle sip cac on client delete YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {fman_fp_f0-0}{1}: [wireless-client] [10254]: UUID: , ra: 5 (note): WLCLIENT 0xa pd_hdl 0x33 AOM delete succeeded YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [dpath_svc] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client datapath entry deleted for ifid 0xfa YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [7807]: (ERR): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Invalid transmitter ip in build client context YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [7807]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: S_CO_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_DELETED YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [8009]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Association received BSSID 00c88b26d79d, old BSSID , WLAN 1, Slot 1 AP 00c88b26d790, AP-1700-x

19 YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SSxxx {wncd_x_r0-1}{1}: [client-orch-state] [8009]: (note): MAC: e4b3187c3058 Client state transition: client_orch_sm_state none -> S_CO_ASSOCIATING 클라이언트가 SSID 에연결되어다른 SSID 로이동했습니다 가능한솔루션 정상동작 클라이언트에서두번째 SSID 제거

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