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3 MU:CON 2021 welcomes you as always! 음악, 기술, 비즈니스가만나는 MU:CON 2021 에오신걸환영합니다! 올해 10 주년을맞이하는 MU:CON 2021 은대한민국을대표하는음악비즈니스 행사로작년에이어온라인으로개최됩니다. 'K-POP 의 10 년과미래 ' 를주제로 MU:CON 개최 10 주년을축하하는특별공연과 MU:CON 만의유니크한쇼케이스, 콘퍼런스, 24 시간비즈니스매칭프로그램이 진행됩니다. 특히올해는 MU:CON 10주년을맞이하여음악관련기술스타트업의글로벌투자유치를위한 MUSIC TECH 프로그램을신설합니다. MU:CON 2021에서음악산업의글로벌혁신사례와전문가의통찰력을나누시기바랍니다. Welcome to MU:CON 2021 where music, tech and business meet! From September 30th to October 2nd, MU:CON 2021 will be held online with the whole new excitement and insights! Beginning with the 10th anniversary performance, the showcase will feature a three-day lineup of K-pop and international musicians. The conference, which will be divided into MU:CON X TREND and MU:CON X FUTURE tracks, will take place over two days, and the business matching program will be available 24 hours a day, regardless of time zone differences. Additionally, the MUSIC TECH session, which will be launched this year, is a stand-alone program that will facilitate the pitching of music-related technology companies and investor networking.

4 행사일정 DAY 1 9/30 목 쇼케이스 콘퍼런스 비즈니스 / 뮤직테크 19:00-20:30 < 오프닝 > 10 주년기념공연 - 비즈니스 ( 상시 ) 20:30-23:30 쇼케이스 1 일차 DAY 2 10/01 금 쇼케이스 콘퍼런스 비즈니스 / 뮤직테크 14:00-16:30 콘퍼런스 1 일차 비즈니스 ( 상시 ) - 17:00-18:00 뮤직테크피칭 19:00-22:20 쇼케이스 2일차비즈니스 ( 상시 ) - YouTube Twitter (@ContentKorea)

5 DAY 3 10/02 토 쇼케이스 콘퍼런스 비즈니스 / 뮤직테크 14:00-16:30 - 콘퍼런스 2 일차 17:00-20:20 쇼케이스 3 일차 비즈니스 ( 상시 ) 23:00-23:50 < 클로징 > 10 주년쇼케이스축하공연하이라이트 SBS MTV - 행사종료 10/03 일 쇼케이스 콘퍼런스 비즈니스 / 뮤직테크 24:00 - 쇼케이스하이라이트 SBS MTV - - TV

6 CONTENTS Conference 10th Anniversary DAY 1 MU:CON X TREND 8 MU:CON X 36 The Celebration 뮤콘 10주년기념공연 DAY 2 MU:CON X FUTURE 24

7 Showcase Music Tech X KNock (Content Pitching Platform) Special Performance 축하공연 42 MU:CON Business 뮤콘비즈매칭 132 MU:CON Showcase 46 뮤직테크 X 콘텐츠피칭플랫폼 KNOCK 170

8 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021

9 CONFERENCE DAY 1 MU:CON X TREND 8 DAY 2 MU:CON X FUTURE 24 MU:CON 2021 콘퍼런스는크게두가지주제로진행됩니다. 글로 벌음악산업트렌드와기술혁신이가져오는음악생태계의변화를 다루는세션으로구성됩니다. MU:CON conference will focus on two primary topics this year. MU:CON X TREND focuses on global music industry trends and MU:CON X FUTURE examines the changes occurring in the music ecosystem as a result of technological advancements.

10 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 Conference DAY 1 Oct 1 (FRI), :00 KST 유통플랫폼이급변하며, 음악소비행태도하루가다르게변하고있다. 최신유통트렌드를리뷰해본다. With the rapidly changing distribution platform, music consumption behavior is also changing everyday. We will review the latest distribution trend. DAY 2 Oct 2 (SAT), :00 KST 2021년을살고있는뮤지션이알아야하는새로운기술과정보에대해집중조망한다. Have an Intensive View on New Technology and Information that Musicians who live in 2021 should know. 8

11 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 MC - MBC 라디오전효성의 꿈꾸는라디오 ( ~) - SBS 라디오 김영철의파워FM (2019.3~) - 유튜브천재이승국. 션, 정형돈, 이소라등출연 Int( 국내 ). 김희애, 양동근, 송중기, 유해진, 진선규외 Int( 국외 ). 드웨인존슨, 존시나, 제인슨블룸외 - 삼성전자갤럭시S21 언팩라이브 2021 MC - 디즈니인터뷰, 팬미팅-정해인, SF9 - MBC Radio Jeon Hyosung's "Dreaming Radio" ( ) - SBS Radio "Kim Youngchul's Power FM" (2019.3~) - YouTube genius Lee SeungKuk. Appeared by Sean, Jeong Hyeongdon, Lee Sora, etc. Int (domestic). Kim Heeae, Yang Donggeun, Song Joongki, Yoo Haejin, Jin Sunkyu etc. Int (foreign). Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, Jason Bloom etc. - Int (domestic). Kim Heeae, Yang Donggeun, Song Joongki, Yoo Haejin 이승국 Lee Seung Kuk 유튜버 : 천재이승국 MC 및방송다수진행 YouTube: GeniusSKLee MC and host a lot of shows 9

12 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 애니타엘베즈 (Anita Elberse) 는하버드경영대학원의링컨필렌경영학교수이다. 수상이력이있는교수이자학자인엘베즈는엔터테인먼트, 미디어그리고스포츠산업을아우르는 MBA 과정를가르치고있으며해당과정은학교교과과정중가장수강생이많은과정이며그녀는또한 "Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports" 라고도불리는교육프로그램을담당하며전문운동선수들을대상으로한학기동안진행되는 "Crossover Into Business" 멘토링프로그램을주관한다. 엘베즈교수는주로엔터테인먼트, 미디어, 스포츠, 그리고다른크리에이티브산업의성공요소와기업이이러한분야에서효과적으로제품과인재들을관리하는방법을연구했다. 엘베즈교수는수십개의엔터테인먼트회사, 인물및기타단체에대한사례연구를수행했다. 이들중몇가지는그녀의저서인 'Blockbusters: Hit-making, Rist-taking, and the Big Business of Entertainment." 에기술되어있다. 애니타엘베즈 Anita Elbserse 하버드경영대학원경영학교수 Harvard Business School Professor of Business Administration Anita Elberse is the Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. An award-winning teacher and scholar, Elberse teaches an MBA course covering the :Businesses of Entertainment, Media, and Sports," which ranks amont the most soughtafter courses in the School's curriculum, and chairs an executive education program, also named "The Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports." she chairs a semesterlong mentoring program, "Crossover Into Business", specifically designed for professional athletes. In her research, Elberse primarily aims to understand what drives the success of products in the entertainment, media, sports, and other creative industries, and how firms can effectively manage products and talent in such sectors. Elberse has conducted case studies on dozens of entertainment companies, personalities, and other entities. Several of these are described in her book, Blockbusters: Hit-making, Risk-taking, and the Big Business of Entertainment. 10

13 Keynote 글로벌슈퍼스타들의부상 - 그것에서우리가배울점 The Rising Power of Global Superstars - And What We Can Learn from It 본강의는엔터테인먼트, 미디어, 스포츠세계에있는슈퍼스타들에대한심도있는사례분석을기반으로이끌어간다. 엘베즈교수는글로벌슈퍼스타들을새롭게부상하시키고자뒤에서그들을선도하는인물들에대한분석과성공요인에대한교훈을이야기한다. In this presentation, drawing on a variety of in-depth case studies of superstars in the world of entertainment, media and sports, professor Elberse will give her view on the drivers behind the rising power of global superstars, highlighting success factors, and analyzing what lessons emerge for others. 11

14 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스

15 Interview 빌보드칼럼니스트제프벤자민의파워인터뷰 : 제나앤드류스 Power Interview with Jenna Andrews by Billboard Columnist Jeff Benjamin 빌보드칼럼니스트제프벤자민은빌보드핫 100 차트에서연속 1위곡을기록한방탄소년단의보컬프로듀서이자작곡가인제나앤드류스와함께, 음악산업과세계에서가장주목받는아티스트와팀을이루는것이어떤것인지에대해미국독점인터뷰를진행한다. 미국과한국에서각기작업하며흥미진진했던창작협업과정과세계에서가장큰밴드와함께팀을이루는것에대해말하고자한다. After BTS scored back-to-back Number One songs in on the Billboard Hot 100 chart collaboration with vocal producer and songwriter Jenna Andrews, Billboard columnist Jeff Benjamin talks in an exclusive interview in America about her creative process, working in both the U.S. and Korean music industries and what it's like teaming with the biggest band in the world. 13

16 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 제프벤자민은 2013년부터빌보드의 K-pop 칼럼니스트이자 10년이넘는시간동안미국미디어에서이분야의주요권위자였다. 뉴욕에기반을둔그는뉴욕타임즈, 롤링스톤, 포브스등에 K-pop에대한글을기고했으며전문지식을기반으로 CNN, 굿모닝아메리카, 더월스트리트저널, BBC 등에서논평을이어갔다. 뉴욕타임즈는그를 "K-pop에관해미국최고의권위자 " 라고불렀고 CNN은그가 "K-pop에대해이야기하기에완벽한사람 " 이라고말했다. 제프벤자민 Jeff Benjamin 빌보드칼럼니스트 Billboard Columnist Jeff Benjamin has been Billboard's K-Pop Columnist since 2013 and a leading authority on the subject in American media for over a decade. Based in New York City, he has written about K-pop for the New York Times, Rolling Stone, Forbes and more while his expertise has led him to commentate on CNN, Good Morning Ameriaca, The Wall Street Journal, BBC and beyond. The New York Times has called Jeff "the leading American authority on K-pop" while CNN said he is "the perfect person to talk about K-pop." 14

17 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 캘거리출신인제나는 Drake, Jennifer Lopez, BTS, Little Mix, Tori Kelly, Jessie J 및 Benee 와같은히트메이커, 그리고 Noah 40 Shebib, Diplo, DJ Mustard, Max Martin, Illangelo 그리고 Stargate 와협업했다. 가장최근에는팝싱어송라이터 Noah Cyrus 와함께싱글 "July" 를 A&R 하고현재까지 3 억 5 천만개이상의스트리밍을기록한 Leon Bridges 가피처링한리믹스곡을만들었다. 제나는또한뉴질랜드태생의싱어송라이터 Benee 와공동작곡한곡을히트에성공시켰다. 그히트곡은 "Supalonely" 로 Tik-Tok 에서기록적으로사용되었다. 해당곡은천만명이넘는사용자가만든비디오에사용되었으며현재까지 5 억번이상스트리밍되었다. Andrews 는 Benee 와함께두곡 ("Plain" 그리고 "Winter") 을더공동작곡했다. 두곡모두뉴질랜드출신의데뷔앨범 "Hey u x" 의컷으로사용되었다 년 8 월, 제나앤드류스는방탄소년단의첫번째국제적히트곡이자그래미상후보에오른 "Dynamite" 의보컬프로듀싱을담당했다. "Dynamite" 가발매된후앤드류스는다시한번 K-pop 슈퍼스타들과연결하여 Jason Derulo 와 Jawsh 685 의 "Savage Love" 리믹스를보컬프로듀싱했다. 제나앤드류스는최근 BTS 의대히트곡 "Butter" 를작곡했다. "Butter" 는핫 100 에서 10 주간 1 위를기록했으며, 방탄소년단의후속싱글 ' 퍼미션투댄스 ' 또한 1 위를차지했다. 제나는또한 Galantis, David Guetta 및영국라디오 1 위인 Little Mix 의 "Heartbreak Anthem" 의공동작곡에도참여했다. The Calgary native has collaborated with some of the most renowned names in the market today, including heavy hitters such as Drake, Jennifer Lopez, BTS, Little Mix, Tori Kelly, Jessie J and Benee, as well as producers Noah 40 Shebib, Diplo, DJ Mustard, Max Martin, Illangelo and Stargate. Most recently, she has taken pop singer-songwriter Noah Cyrus under her wing, A&Ring her single July and writing the remix featuring Leon Bridges, which has garnered more than 350 million streams to date. She is also celebrating the stellar success of the hit she co-wrote with New Zealand-born singer/songwriter Benee. That hit being Supalonely, the record that took Tik-Tok by storm, being used in over 10 million user created videos, and streaming over 500 million times to date. Andrews went on to co-write two more tracks with Benee ( Plain and Winter ). Both made it as cuts on the New Zealander s debut album Hey u x. In August of 2020, BTS released their first ever english language smash hit and now Grammy nominated record Dynamite, vocal produced by Jenna herself. Following the release of Dynamite, Andrews linked up with the K-pop superstars once again to vocal produce their remix of Savage Love by Jason Derulo and Jawsh 685.Jenna Andrews recently wrote BTS s smash hit Butter which has been #1 on the Hot 100 for 10 weeks, as well as BTS #1 follow up single Permission to Dance. Jenna also co wrote Heartbreak Anthem by Galantis, David Guetta, and Little Mix which is #1 on UK Radio. 제나앤드류스 Jenna Andrews 보컬프로듀서 / 싱어송라이터 / 가수 Vocal Producer/ Singer-songwriter/Singer 15

18 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 김연정 YeonJeong Kim 트위터글로벌 K 팝 & 콘텐츠파트너십총괄상무 Twitter, Head of Global K-Pop&K-Content Partnerships 김연정상무, 트위터글로벌 K팝 & K콘텐츠파트너십총괄현재트위터에서엔터테인먼트 (K팝, K무비, K드라마 ), 뉴스, 스포츠등한국콘텐츠에대한글로벌파트너십을리딩하고있다. 한국마이크로소프트리테일마케팅부장, 아디다스코리아브랜드커뮤니케이션팀장, 야후! 오버추어코리아 TA팀장등다양한글로벌기업을거치며마케팅 & 비즈니스분야에서 23년간재직중이다. 트위터에서 #KpopTwitter World Map 프로젝트, 글로벌 K팝아티스트및한국의유명인사들과함께하는 트위터블루룸 (#TwitterBlueroom LIVE) 프로그램, 2017 대통령선거, 2018 평창올림픽, 남북정상회담및북미회담 등과관련한다양한콘텐츠파트너십을총괄했으며, 마이크로소프트재직당시 Surface, Windows, Office, XBOX 등과관련한리테일마케팅을리딩했고, 아디다스재직당시 2010 FIFA 월드컵 ' 관련한파트너십과브랜드마케팅을성공적으로이끈바있다. 정부부처및기업브랜드대상 SNS 교육, 부산국제광고제, #AllThatMatters (APAC), InnovFest Unbound (APAC), GSMA (APAC) 등다양한마케팅컨퍼런스에연사로서참여한바있다. 저서로는 난육아를회사에서배웠다 가있다. YeonJeong Kim, Head of Global Kpop Partnerships, Twitter YeonJeong Kim (@TheNolja) is the Head of Global Kpop & K-content Partnerships at Twitter, where she is responsible for driving #KpopTwitter globally via partnerships with leading Kpop artists/management companies, and Korean broadcasters around the world. She is also leading K-content across the culture categories like K-movie, K-drama, Korea related News (Presidential Elections, Inter-Korean Summit), and Sports (Olympics, World Cup) based in Korea. YeonJeong spent about 23 years in Marketing & Business. Before joining Twitter in 2015, she was most recently Retail Marketing Lead at Microsoft Korea and Head of Brand Communications at Adidas Korea, where she led brand marketing and partnerships during the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Prior to that, she also held senior roles at Yahoo! and an advertising agency in Korea. YeonJeong is also the author of the 2015 book, 난육아를회사에서배웠다 (I learned parenting from the company). 16

19 #BeyondKPOP : K-pop 뮤직에서영화, 드라마, 웹툰에이르기까지 K-culture 의세계화 #BeyondKPOP : Globalization of K-culture from K-pop music to movie, drama, webtoon and beyond K-pop은좁은의미로 한국에서시작된아이돌뮤직 으로정의되곤하지만, 음악뿐아니라여러다양한분야의문화적요소들과결합된형태여서 뮤직장르 에국한하여규정하기어려운면이있고, 실제로 K팝에대한다양한해석과정의가존재한다. 본강의를통해현시대에맞게 K팝을 한국에서출발한대중문화장르 로규정하고, 음악으로서의 K-POP을넘어영화, 드라마, 웹툰, 패션, 게임, 문화기술 (Tech) 까지연계된하나의문화장르로서의 K-팝을고찰해본다. K-Pop is often defined as "Idol music that originated in Korea," but it is a form that combines music, movies, dramas, webtoons, fashion, games, and more. K-Pop will be redefined as a "Korea-Oriented Cultural Genre". This presentation look beyond K-pop music and analyze tweet volume data focusing on various cultural content, such as artists BTS, movie "Parasite," and webtoon/drama "Itaewon Class". 17

20 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 현재스포티파이코리아의첫번째런칭멤버로뮤직에디터로재직중이다. 스포티파이의국내가요, 글로벌케이팝의모든플레이리스트를기획및관리하고있다. 구글코리아유튜브뮤직에서도첫번째뮤직스페셜리스트로들어가플레이리스트, 추천, 메인구성등을기획하며서비스런칭을함께했다. 버클리음대 Music Business & Global Entertainment 대학원을졸업하였으며뮤직에디터로서음악산업계커리어를이어오고있다. 영국에위치한 Miles The Agency, Mash Strategy Studio 사의한국마켓조사및분석, 컨설팅을진행한경험이있으며버클리음대의음악컨퍼런스 INO CON 2021에서연사를맡아 음악큐레이션의미래 란주제로발표했다. 홍일택 Iltaek Hong 스포티파이코리아뮤직에디터 Spotify Korea, Music Editor He is launching member of Spotify Korea and currently working as a music editor. He plans and manages all playlists of korean music and global K-pop on Spotify. He started his career by in Google Korea YouTube Music as a music expert, planned playlists, recommended songs, and main composition, and started the service. He graduated the Berklee College of Music, Music Management and Global Entertainment, and has continued his career in music industry as a music editor. He has experience in Korean market research, analysis and consulting at Miles Agency and Mash Strategy Studio based in the UK and he was invited to INO CON 2021 music conference as a speaker at Berkeley College of Music and made a speech of 'the future of music curation'. 18

21 Ⅰ. 구매에서청취로 : 효과적인플레이리스트마케팅기법 Ⅰ. From Buying to Listening : Playlist Marketing Strategies 이강의는스포티파이가플레이리스트를사용하며국내아티스트를어떻게해외에알리고있는지와더불어그성과를소개한다. 대표플레이리스트의종류, 구조를소개하고특정아티스트의사례를통해어떠한국가에서어떠한성장을이뤘는지를알아본다. 또한스포티파이의강렬한툴인 스포티파이포아티스트 를통해플레이리스팅을위한피칭방법과아티스트의음악이글로벌에서어떻게활용될지효과적으로진단 & 계획하는방법을소개한다. In this session, we will learn how Spotify promotes Korean artists along with their global achievements through playlists. It will introduce types and structures of representative playlists and find out what kind of growth had an artist made and in which countries through specific examples. In addition, we will introduce pitching methods through Spotify s powerful tool, Spotify for Artist, and methods to diagnose and plan an artist s music. 19

22 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 현재스포티파이에서 K-POP 아티스트및레이블의커뮤니케이션및국내, 외프로모션관련업무를맡고있다. 빅히트엔터테인먼트 ( 현하이브 ) 에서글로벌비즈니스및음반원사업파트장, Electronic Music 인디레이블등을거치며해외음악사업및프로모션분야에서 9년간재직중이다. 스포티파이에는 2020년말에조인하여 Radar Korea Fresh Finds Korea 등한국음악의다양한장르를해외에알리는활동을하고있으며, 빅히트엔터테인먼트에서는 BTS, TXT의 ( 플랫폼, 라디오등 ) 해외프로모션및머천다이즈사업등을리딩하였다. 배성호 Sungho Bae Currently taking a role in Korea based artists and labels communication and promotion. More than 9 years of experience in the global music business and marketing field at Bighit Entertainment (HYBE) and indie labels. Joining Spotify late 2020 and introducing Korean Music (more than K-pop) to the global market through several projects. Back in Bighit Entertainment, led teams for BTS and TXT to have successful promotions and to win in the global market especially in the US. Merchandise and partnership business for both BTS and TXT was also one of the key roles. 스포티파이코리아아티스트 & 레이블파트너십 Spotify Korea, Artist&Label partnership manager 20

23 Ⅱ. 구매에서청취로 : 효과적인플레이리스트마케팅기법 Ⅱ. From Buying to Listening:Playlist Marketing Strategies 이강의는스포티파이가플레이리스트를사용하며국내아티스트를어떻게해외에알리고있는지와더불어그성과를소개한다. 대표플레이리스트의종류, 구조를소개하고특정아티스트의사례를통해어떠한국가에서어떠한성장을이뤘는지를알아본다. 또한스포티파이의강렬한툴인 스포티파이포아티스트 를통해플레이리스팅을위한피칭방법과아티스트의음악이글로벌에서어떻게활용될지효과적으로진단 & 계획하는방법을소개한다. In this session, we will learn how Spotify promotes Korean artists along with their global achievements through playlists. It will introduce types and structures of representative playlists and find out what kind of growth had an artist made and in which countries through specific examples. In addition, we will introduce pitching methods through Spotify s powerful tool, Spotify for Artist, and methods to diagnose and plan an artist s music. 21

24 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 키란파텔 Kiran Patel A&G Sync 대표이사 A&G Sync/Power-Haus Creative, Head of Sync 키란은 2014 년부터 A&Gsync Creative 팀의대표로재직중이다. 그는음원발매와싱크라이센싱산업에서 10 년이상의경력을지 녔으며, 고사양의싱크를제공하며많은수상을했고국제적인음 원라이센싱에이전트로활약하고있다. A&G 는영국런던에본사 를두고있으며, 다양하고도독자적인출판사, 매니지먼트기업그 리고 Dirty Hit, Lucky Number, Luaka Bop and Supernature 와같은독자적인레이블들과협업하고있다. 최근활동사항으로 는 Nine Perfect Strangers (Hulu), Stillwater (Focus Features) and The Little Things (Warner Bros) 그리고 Generation (HBO Max), Atypical (Netflix), To All The Boys I ve Love Before (Netflix), Grey s Anatomy (abc) promos for Prime Video, AppleTV+ 그 리고 Netflix 와같은 TV 쇼, 그리고 adidas, ebay, Apple, Esteé Lauder, Revlon and Nissan 과같은일류기업과협업하고있다. 키 란은 PR 로엔터테인먼트에서의경력을시작했으며, 2010 년, 음원 출판사이자싱크작업을하는 West One Music Group 이국제적으 로성장하는데일조했다. Music Service 팀에서팀장으로 4 년을보 내면서세계적으로명망있는작곡가들이 Lionsgate Films, eone, 그리고 MOmentum Pictures 와같은마케팅캠페인에음원라이센 싱을진행했다. Kiran has headed up the creative team at A&GSync since 2014, with 10 years+ experience in the music publishing and synchronization licensing industry, seeking high profile sync deals as an award-winning and international music licensing agent. A&G work with a broad range of independent publishers, management companies and independent labels such as Dirty Hit, Lucky Number, Luaka Bop and Supernature, with headquarters in London, UK. Recent work has included trailers for Nine Perfect Strangers (Hulu), Stillwater (Focus Features) and The Little Things (Warner Bros) and TV shows such as Generation (HBO Max), Atypical (Netflix), To All The Boys I ve Love Before (Netflix), Grey s Anatomy (abc) promos for Prime Video, AppleTV+ and Netflix as well as brand campaigns for adidas, ebay, Apple, Esteé Lauder, Revlon and Nissan. Kiran s career began in entertainment PR and in 2010, Kiran moved into music publishing and sync working for West One Music Group helping it to expand globally. Over 4 years as a senior member of the music services team, licensing music from world renowned composers to marketing campaigns for Lionsgate Films, eone, and Momentum Pictures among others. 22

25 영화, TV/VOD 드라마, 광고음원제작과싱크의세계 The Field of Music Production and Sync for Feature Film Marketing, Television/VOD Dramas, and Advertisements 독자적인싱크에이전시가어떻게재능있는사람들과교류하고음악을마케팅하고크리에이터및미디어전문가에게피치를제공하여다양한클라이언트기반에싱크배치를구축하는지알아본다. 또한업계현황을살펴보고포스트코로나시대의미디어환경, 계속진행중인흐름 ( 장단점 ) 을살펴볼예정이다. 뉴미디어에서의예고편음악비즈니스와 VOD 플랫폼의출현및새로운라이선스확장기회또한알아본다. Kiran will run through how an independent sync agency engages with talent and helps market music and pitch to creatives and media professionals to land sync placements across a varied client base. We will also explore the state of the industry and look to a post-covid media landscape, continuing remote workflow (pros and cons) and expand upon the trailer music business and the advent of VOD platforms and new licensing opportunities in new media. 23

26 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 드미트리비엣제 Dmitri Vietze Rock Paper Scissors 대표이사 Music Tectonics 창립 Rock Paper Scissors CEO/ Music Tectonics Founder 내슈빌에서태어난드미트리비엣제는십대에뉴욕으로이동한후 "Fame 고등학교 " 에서음악예술을배우며지하철에서공연을펼치곤했다. 경영학학사를취득한후기업가적인기질이있음을알았고 1999년 PR 기업인 Rock Paper Scissor를창설했다. 그의비전은최첨단기술들을하나로묶고고객들로하여금체계적으로구성된스토리텔링을통해그들의목표를이룰수있도록돕는것, 그리고혁신적으로성장할수있도록하는것이다. 블루밍턴, 인디아나의대학가에서그의회사가성공하지못할것이라는얘기를들었을때도, 그는그것을도전이라고여기며근면함과, 애정과배려를가지고협동적인기업을만들었다. 2019년, 드미트리는 LA에서 Music Tectonics Conference를개최했으며 Music Tectonics 팟캐스트를시작했다. 또한그는 SXSW부터 Music Biz까지다양한분야에서연사로나서며대중성, 혁신성, 탁월성에다가서고있다. Born in Nashville, Dmitri moved to NYC as a teen where he performed in the subways while studying music at the Fame High School for Music and the Arts. After earning his business degree, he leaned into his entrepreneurial bent and launched PR firm Rock Paper Scissors in His vision was to combine cutting edge technology and deep organic storytelling to help clients crystallize their missions in compelling ways and amplify them in innovative ways. When others told him that the company he envisioned would not succeed in college town Bloomington, Indiana, he took that as a challenge and has built a collaborative team that leans into the Midwestern ethic of hard work, warmth, and caring. In 2019, Dmitri launched the Music Tectonics Conference in Los Angeles, and started the Music Tectonics podcast. He can also be found speaking on stage at conferences ranging from SXSW to Music Biz on new approaches to publicity, innovation, and resourcefulness. 24

27 Keynote 기술이이끄는음악산업의지각변동 The Technology-driven Seismic Shifts in Music Industry 뮤직스트리밍의시대가도달하며새로운음악산업이발생했고모든것이변화할것으로예측된다. 우리는성공적으로 CD를스트리밍으로변화시켰다. 라디오홍보는플레이리스트로, 가사집은리릭비디오로, A&R은 SNS 대시보드로변화하였다. 그러나음악적창의력의급증이나현재활발한레코딩규모에대한로드맵이없는상황이다. 현재우리가딛고서있는음악적기반에지각변동을일으키는돌풍에대해서함께알아보자. Right as we finally grasp the era of music streaming, everything is about to change again. We succeeded at translating many parts of the music business of physical products like CDs to the streaming world. But there is no road map for the tidal wave of musical creativity nor the volume of recordings that is on its way. Join Dmitri Vietze on this whirlwind tour of the seismic shifts that are transforming the musical ground beneath our feet. 25

28 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 자켈아만코나홀튼 Jacquelle Amankonah Horton FAVE 대표이사 FAVE CEO 26 자켈아만코나홀튼은열성팬들에게힘을실어주는새로운소셜플 랫폼이자마켓플레이스인 Fave 의설립자이자 CEO 이다. Fave 에대 한그녀의열정적인비전과실행계획을통해 2020 " 올해의스타트 업 " 상을수상했으며론칭되기도전에세계에서가장큰팬덤을등 에업으며음악계에서영향력이강한음악회사와최고의벤처기업 으로부터 2 백만달러이상의자금을모금받았다. Fave 이전에자켈 은 Google 에서 7 년동안근무했으며 YouTube 에서 5 년동안제작 자및아티스트를위한제품개발을주도했으며가장인기가높은 제작자의수익창출및분석기능의형성을담당했다. 그녀는불과 3 년만에 10 억명이상의사용자로성장한제품에대한비전과성장 을주도했습니다. Google 에합류하기전, 자켈은 Viacom 에수상경 력에빛나는음악및엔터테인먼트앱을출시했고, 레이블에서의음 악배포를혁신적으로변화시켰으며, 음악레이블신생기업에서기 존기업에이르기까지팀의운영을이끌었다. 20 세에 USC 에서석 사학위를받은자켈은 " 세계 100 대젊은기업가 ", " 유럽여성제품 관리자탑 50" 중한명으로선정되었으며 2020 년에는 " 포브스선 정 30 세이하탑 30" 에선정되기도했다. Jacquelle Amankonah Horton is the Founder & CEO of Fave, a new social platform & marketplace dedicated to empowering superfans. Her passionate vision and execution plan for Fave won her 2020 "Startup of the Year" and led her to raise over $2M in funding prior to its launch from top VCs and the industry s most powerful music companies that are behind the largest fandoms in the world. Before Fave, Jacquelle worked at Google for 7 years, with 5 years at YouTube driving product development for YouTube creators and artists, responsible for shaping some of the most beloved creator monetization and analytics features. She spearheaded the vision and growth for products that she grew to over 1 billion users in just the last 3 years alone. Previous to Google, Jacquelle launched award-winning music and entertainment apps at Viacom, innovated music distribution at labels, and headed operations for teams spanning music label startups to established corporations. Receiving her Master's degree from USC at just 20 years old, Jacquelle has been named one of the "Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs in the World", "Top 50 Women Product Managers in Europe", and in 2020 made the esteemed "Forbes 30 Under 30" list.

29 새로운글로벌팬덤문화를열다 Creating a New Global Fandom Culture 자켈아만코나홀튼은팬이좋아하는아티스트와제작자를중심으로함께상품을만들고, 연결하고, 경쟁하고, 구매 / 판매할수있도록하여열성팬들로하여금영향을발휘하도록하는새로운소셜플랫폼에대해이야기할것이다. 스타트업을운영하며팬덤공간의리더로서배운점, 플랫폼에대한비전, 그리고그녀가비즈니스를운영하며글로벌전략적파트너십을추구하기위해한국음악씬에서받은영감을나누는시간을가질것이다. Jacquelle Amankonah Horton will talk us through her vision behind Fave, a new social platform dedicated to empowering superfans, allowing fans to create, connect, compete, and buy/sell goods together all around their favorite artists and creators. Jacquelle shares what she s learned so far being a leader in the fandom space with her startup, the vision ahead for the platform, and how she s been inspired by the Korean music scene to pursue global strategic partnerships for her business. 27

30 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 이교구교수는 1996년서울대학교전기공학부를졸업하고 2002년뉴욕대학교에서 Music Technology 석사학위를, 그리고스탠포드대학교에서전기공학석사와컴퓨터음악및음향학박사학위를각각 2007 년과 2008년에받았다. 2007년부터 2009년까지미국 Gracenote의미디어기술연구소의선임연구원으로재직후 2009년에서울대학교에부임하여지능정보융합학과교수로재직중이며음악오디오연구실을이끌고있다. 2020년 3월연구실스핀오프형태로 ( 주 ) 수퍼톤을설립하여창작을위한인공지능오디오솔루션을개발 / 공급하고있다. 이교구 Kyogu Lee 수퍼톤대표이사 / 서울대학교교수 Supertone Inc. CEO/ Seoul National University Professor Kyogu Lee received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1996, the M.M. degree in Music Technology from New York University, New York, in 2002, and the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Computer-based Music Theory and Acoustics from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. He worked as a Senior Researcher in the Media Technology Lab at Gracenote from 2007 to He is now a professor at the Department of Intelligence and Information at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, and is leading the Music and Audio Research Group (MARG). In March 2020, he founded a startup called Supertone as a spinoff from his research group, and is developing and providing AI audio solutions for content creators. 28

31 콘텐츠제작에활용되는인공지능오디오 AI Audio Applied to Content Production 최근급격히발달된인공지능기술은산업전분야에서활발히활용되고있으며콘텐츠시장도그예외는아니다. 전통적인콘텐츠시장과더불어근래에새롭게등장하고있는메타버스시장에서는인공지능이핵심기술로서큰역할을하고있다. 본강의에서는인공지능오디오기술이콘텐츠제작에활용되어기존에는불가능했던것들을가능하게함으로써, 콘텐츠창작의진입장벽을낮추고창작자와제작자의상상력의폭을확대하여새로운콘텐츠의창작 / 제작이가능함을이야기한다. Rapidly developing AI technology is being applied in all industries, the content market is no exception. AI is playing a major role as core technology in the newly emerging metaverse market, as well as in the more traditional content markets such as movies, music, animation, and games. In this talk, I will be introducing AI-based audio solutions used to help content creators/producers expand their imagination to create content, which was previously impossible. 29

32 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 로보틱스 ( 학사 ), 산업공학 ( 석사 ), 인지과학 ( 박사 ), 교육공학 ( 교환교수시절 ) 을공부다. 재미를활용한동기부여기법과게이미피케이션을교육, 기업경영, 마케팅등에활용하는방법을연구하고있다. 메타버스안에서사용자들을어떻게몰입시키고, 움직이게할것인가를연구한다. 이주제를놓고, 삼성, LG, GS, 현대, 국가공무원인재개발원, 중앙교육연수원, 식약처, 한국과학창의재단, 한국콘텐츠진흥원등의국내기업, 기관및국외교육, 제조기업의프로젝트에참여했다. 김상균 Sangkyun Kim 강원대학교교수 Kangwon National University, Professor He has studied Robotics (BA), Industrial Engineering (Master s), Cognitive Science (PhD), and Educational Technology (as a visiting professor). Currently, He is studying ways to apply gamification and entertainment-based motivational techniques to education, business management, and marketing. To put this another way, He is studying how to immerse and influence users in the metaverse. He has participated in projects on this topic with companies, organizations, overseas educational institutions, and manufacturers including Samsung, LG, GS, Hyundai, National Human Resource Development Institute, the National Training Institute of Education, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, and the Korea Creative Content Agency 30

33 아티스트가알아둬야할메타버스의세계 The Metaverse World that Artists Must Know 새로운콘텐츠창작의대상, 콘텐츠창작의도구, 협력의플랫폼, 확산 / 교류의채널이메타버스를통해열리고있다. 이강연은사람들이메타버스에왜열광하는지, 메타버스에서무엇을즐기고자하는지를알아보며, 아티스트는어떤콘텐츠를어떻게창작하고표현할수있을까를소개한다. 양방향매체, 공동창작의터전, 시간과공간의장벽을넘어서는새로운세상으로아티스트여러분을초대한다. Objects for new content creation, content creation tools, collaboration platforms, and channels of diffusion/exchange are being opened up through the metaverse. This presentation introduces why people love the metaverse, what they want to enjoy in the metaverse, and what kind of content artists can create and express. We invite artists to a new world that is interactive, base of cooperation and transcends the barriers of time and space. 31

34 MU:CON Conference 2021 뮤콘콘퍼런스 2021 김용환 Yonghwan Kim 비트썸원대표이사 Beatsomeone Corp. CEO 32 현재뮤직테크스타트업비트썸원에서대표이사로서 K-Pop 작곡가, 비트메이커등음악창작자 ( 크리에이터 ) 의음악콘텐츠를국내외로 서비스하고있다. 큐브엔터테인먼트사업기획실팀장, 아이에이치 큐싸이더스 HQ 신규사업팀팀장, YG 엔터테인먼트 e-business 팀 등엔터테인먼트신규사업 & 마케팅분야에서 13 년간재직중이다. 비트썸원에서블록체인 NFT 기반의플랫폼비트썸원을통해성공적 으로글로벌서비스를진행중이며, 우먼스톡재직당시국내최초비 디오커머스서비스로시리즈 A~B 투자유치에성공적으로참여하였 고삼성전자삼성페이파트너십을총괄했으며, 큐브엔터테인먼트 재직당시비스트, 비투비, 현아의공연기획과굿즈제작을리딩하 였다. 싸이더스 HQ 재직당시카페베네, 듀쏠뷰티, 몽키 3 뮤직등브 랜드마케팅을성공적으로이끈바있다. YG 엔터테인먼트재직시 YG 이샵을론칭하며온라인사업을이끌었으며빅뱅의캐릭터뱅스 (BANGS) 론칭에참여하며큰성과를이뤘다. 중소벤처기업진흥공 단청년창업사관학교 10 기 (20 년 )/11 기 (21 년 ) 에선정되었으며대 한무역투자진흥공사 (KOTRA), 대학교다수에서브랜드마케팅연사 로서참여한바있다. KIM YongHwan is a CEO of Beatsomeone, a music technology Start-up that service music contents of music creators like K-POP composers, beatmakers and etc. He has been for 13years in the new business & Marketing field of the Entertainment business such as CUBE Entertainment Business Planning Team Leader, ihq sidushq New Business Team Leader, and YG Entertainment e-business team member. He is successfully operating Beatsomeone, a global service platform based on Blockchain NFT. During his tenure at womanstalk, he participated in the series A~B investment attraction with video commerce service for the first time in Korea and took charge of partnership with Samsung pay of Samsung Electronics. At CUBE Entertainment, he led the performance planning and the goods production of BEAST, BTOB, Hyun A. At sidushq, he was successful in accomplishing the brand marketing for Cafebene, DuSol Beauty, Monkey3Music. At YG Entertainment, He led the online business by launching YG E-shop, and participated in the launch of BIGBANG character BANGS, achieving great results. He was selected for the 10th(2020)/11th(2021) of the Youth Startup Academy by Korea SMEs and Startup Agency, and participated as a brand marketing speaker at the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency and many universities.

35 반짝이는당신의비트를거래하라 : NFT 기술기반, 음원판매플랫폼 Let s Trade Your Gleaming Beat : Digital Music Distribution Platform with NFT Technology NFT는전세계적으로핫이슈가되고있는블록체인기술의대체불가능한토큰 (NFT : Non-Fungible Token) 이라는뜻으로, 희소성을갖는디지털자산을말한다. 우리는이음악산업의변화를어떻게받아들이고무엇을준비해야하는가? 장점과단점을알아보고사례를통해조금더쉽게이해해보자. Non-Fungible Token (NFT) of blockchain technology, which has become a hot issue worldwide, refers to digital assets with scarcity. How do we accept and prepare in the music industry? Let's find out the advantages and disadvantages and understand them more easily through the examples. 33

36 10th Anniversary

37 10th Anniversary MU:CON X The Celebration 36 글로벌확장세를넓히고있는 K-POP 아이돌부터다양한장르의 뮤지션의축하공연! MU:CON 10 주년기념공연에서만나보세요. Beginning with the 10th anniversary performance, The showcase will feature a three-day lineup of K-pop and international musicians.

38 MU:CON 10th Anniversary THU 19:00 KST NCT DREAM SM 엔터테인먼트 SM Entertainment Online Twitter TV 원호 WONHO 하이라인엔터테인먼트 HIGHLINE ENTERTAINMENT 36

39 펜타곤 PENTAGON 큐브엔터테인먼트 CUBE Entertainment 몽니 MONNI 모던보이엔터테인먼트 MODERNBOY Entertainment 윤하 YOUNHA C9 엔터테인먼트 C9 ENTERTAINMENT 서사무엘 Samuel Seo 스튜디오오피씨 STUDIO OPC 37

40 MU:CON 10th Anniversary THU 19:00 KST 브레이브걸스 Brave Girls 브레이브엔터테인먼트 BRAVE Entertainment Online Twitter TV 헤이즈 Heize 피네이션 P NATION 38

41 소란 SORAN 해피로봇레코드 HAPPY ROBOT RECORDS 잠비나이 JAMBINAI 더텔테일하트, BELLA UNION The Tell-Tale Heart, BELLA UNION CIX C9 엔터테인먼트 C9 ENTERTAINMENT 이하이 LeeHi 에이오엠지 AMOG 39

42 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021

43 SHOWCASE MU:CON Showcase 42 글로벌확장세를넓히고있는 K-POP 아이돌부터해외진출잠재력을보유한다양한장르의대한민국뮤지션을선보입니다. 쇼케이스시작을알리는화려한 MU:CON 10주년기념공연과함께, 1,000시간이넘는특별한스테이지가여러분을기다립니다. Beginning with the 10th anniversary performance, The showcase will feature a three-day lineup of K-pop and international musicians. From global K-POP idols to indie and world music genres, Over 1,000 hours of diverse global talent await you on a magnificent stage.

44 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 축하공연 Special Performance THU SAT 프로미스나인 fromis_9 플레디스엔터테인먼트 PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT Online Twitter TV (@ContentKorea) 온앤오프 ONF WM 엔터테인먼트 WM Entertainment 42

45 에버글로우 EVERGLOW 위에화엔터테인먼트 YUE HUA ENTERTAINMENT 골든차일드 Golden Child 울림엔터테인먼트 Woollim Entertainment 우즈 WOODZ 위에화엔터테인먼트코리아 YUE HUA ENTERTAINMENT 에이티즈 ATEEZ KQ 엔터테인먼트 KQ ENTERTAINMENT 43

46 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 쇼케이스라인업 Showcase Line-up THU SAT DAY 1 9/30 # 텐션업 _ 워크송 20:30 알렉사 AleXa 루달스 RUDALS T1419 핫이슈 HOT ISSUE 당기시오 DANGGISIO 조정민 Jo Jung Min 트라이비 TRI.BE OSN ( 대만 ) 써드아이 3YE 불고기디스코 BULGOGIDISCO 오메가엑스 OMEGA X 다크비 DKB 사우스클럽 South Club 축하공연 프로미스나인 fromis_9 Online 비비 BIBI Twitter (@ContentKorea) 축하공연 온앤오프 ONF TV 44

47 10/01 DAY 2 # 몽환 _ 유니버스 DAY 3 10/02 # 지금 _ 가을감성 19:00 블랙스완 Blackswan 17:00 유하 YOUHA 투지 2Z 케이티 KATIE 블리처스 BLITZERS 오존 O3ohn 안예은 AHNYEEUN 고니아 Gonia 픽시 PIXY 아리아즈 ARIAZ 킹덤 KINGDOM 바비핀스 Bobby Pins 루아멜 LUAMEL 우진영 WOO JIN YOUNG 진저 g1nger 축하공연 골든차일드 Golden Child 핑크판타지 Pink Fantasy 가호 Gaho 축하공연 에버글로우 EVERGLOW 그리즐리 Grizzly 메스그램 MESSGRAM 문종업 Moon Jong Up 비아이지 B.I.G 메이플앤루이 Maple & Rye ( 스웨덴 ) 엘라스트 E'LAST 제이미 JAMIE 쏜애플 THORNAPPLE 김필 KIM FEEL 아월 OurR 새소년 SE SO NEON 축하공연 우즈 WOODZ 축하공연 에이티즈 ATEEZ 45

48 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST AleXa AleXa is an unprecedented K-pop singer and the first artist of the creative group Zanybros, label ZB LABEL. She embodies the concept of multi-universe AI and worldview through various video content such as music videos and stage performances. AleXa, who is growing into a global artist with a groundbreaking concept of AI with the release of her digital single Bomb in 2019, was awarded the Asia Artist Awards AAA Focus Award and The 4th Soribada Best K-Music Awards global artist award. Vocal & Dance Alexa ZB Label myjanggun@gmail.com 46

49 뮤콘 2021 아티스트알렉사 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 알렉사 (AleXa) 는전무후무한독보적인 K팝뮤지션이다. 알렉사는크리에이티브집단쟈니브로스의레이블지비레이블 (ZB LABEL) 의첫뮤지션으로, 멀티유니버스 A.I라는확실한콘셉트와세계관을무대는물론뮤직비디오등다양한영상콘텐츠를통해유기적으로구현해내고있다. 알렉사는 2019년디지털싱글 'Bomb' 발표와함께 ' 멀티유니버스 ( 다중우주 ) 속 A.I( 인공지능 )' 라는획기적인콘셉트와함께글로벌아티스트로성장중인알렉사는넘치는에너지와폭발적인퍼포먼스로단번에대중들의시선을사로잡으며 2020년 ' 아시아아티스트어워즈 AAA 포커스상 ' 과 ' 제4회소리바다베스트케이뮤직어워즈신한류넥스트아티스트상 ' 을수상하는등글로벌아티스트의성공가능성을보여주고있다. 보컬 & 댄스 알렉사 이메일 : myjanggun@gmail.com 지비레이블 47

50 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST RUDALS Rapper Rudals, who has already been recognized for his outstanding skills among hip-hop fans, is steadily releasing high-quality works that showcase his abilities as a rapper and his beat-making and producing skills. Rap & Vocal Rudals BRANDNEW MUSIC nohanswer.bnm@gmail.com 48

51 뮤콘 2021 아티스트루달스 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 뛰어난실력으로이미힙합팬들사이에서가능성을인정받아온 래퍼루달스는랩뿐만아니라비트메이킹과프로듀싱실력까지 겸비해완성도높은작업물을꾸준히선보이고있다. 랩 & 보컬 루달스 이메일 : nohanswer.bnm@gmail.com 브랜뉴뮤직 49

52 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST T1419 T1419 is a mega boy group composed of nine members: 5 Koreans and 4 Japanese members, debuted in January, T1419 presents stages in various ways: ones with a large scale presented by full members and ones with flexiblity and diversities performed by unit teams. Various contents created by T1419 including its performance will spread world-wide, across the nationalities : Asia, South and North America, and Europe. Leader & Rap NOA Vocal KEVIN Vocal SIAN Rap ON Rap & Dance GUNWOO Rap ZERO Rap LEO Vocal KAIRI Rap KIO MLD entertainment mld_ent@naver.com HOMEPAGE : 50

53 뮤콘 2021 아티스트 T1419 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 T1419 은한국인 5 명과일본인 4 명, 총 9 명의멤버로이루어진 대규모보이그룹으로, 2021 년 1 월데뷔했다. 대규모보이그룹만의풍성한퍼포먼스를선보이는초호화완전 체구성부터틀에박히지않는다양한유닛구성까지다채로운 매력을선보인다. 이들의퍼포먼스를비롯한각종콘텐츠는국적을초월해아시아 는물론미국, 유럽, 남미를독점할글로벌멀티콘텐츠로자리매 김할것이다. 리더 & 랩 노아보컬 케빈보컬 시안랩 온랩 & 댄스 건우랩 제로랩 레오보컬 카이리랩 키오 이메일 : mld_ent@naver.com HOMEPAGE : MLD 엔터테인먼트 51

54 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST HOT ISSUE In April 2021, HOT ISSUE, a seven7-member girl group, debuted under the general production of CEO Hong Seungseong, who has discovered numerous global K-pop artists. HOT ISSUE consists of seven members: MAYNA, HYEONGSHIN, DANA, YEWON, YEBIN, DAIN, and leader, NAHYUN. The group's name is an abbreviation of Honest, Outstanding, and Terrific and contains a bold aspiration to become influencers. Main Vocal NAHYUN Main Dancer MAYNA Main Dancer HYEONGSHIN Main Vocal DANA Main Vocal YEWON Main Dancer & Rap YEBIN Rap DAIN As well as high-level performances, HOT ISSUE has proved to be all-rounders in various ways in addition to their ability to pull off high-level performances, raising interest and high expectations for the grouphot issues around the world. S2 ENTERTAINMENT shson@s2ent.co.kr HOMEPAGE : 52

55 뮤콘 2021 아티스트핫이슈 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 년 4 월, 수많은글로벌케이팝아티스트를발굴한홍승성 회장의총괄프로듀싱하에가요계에핫한이슈를만들 7 인조걸 그룹 핫이슈 가데뷔했다. 리더나현을중심으로메이나, 형신, 다나, 예원, 예빈, 다인총 7인으로이루어진핫이슈는 Honest, Outstanding, Terrific의약자로 ' 우리만의영향력있는이슈 ' 를만들겠다는당찬포부를담고있다. 고난도의퍼포먼스는물론, 다양한방면에서올라운더의자질을증명하며전세계적으로핫이슈에대한관심과기대를높였다. 메인보컬 나현메인댄서 메이나메인댄서 형신메인보컬 다나메인보컬 예원메인댄서 & 랩 예빈랩 다인 이메일 : shson@s2ent.co.kr 홈페이지 : 에스투엔터테인먼트 53

56 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST DANGGISIO DANGGISIO is a five-member South Korean band with an alternative post-grunge sound. Woo-seok Seo (guitar and Byeong-gwan Seok (drums) met in middle school and have been active in Daegu since their formation in They are gradually expanding their activities nationwide and as well as overseas. As a young metal group formed in their twenties, there is a lot of anticipation regarding their future activities. Vocal Jin-wook Son Drums Byeong-gwan Seok Guitar Woo-seok Seo Guitar Min-yeong Yun Bass Jong-seok Park Sugar Records band_danggisio@naver.com HOMEPAGE : 54

57 뮤콘 2021 아티스트당기시오 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 당기시오 (DANGGISIO) 는 Alternative 한 Post-Grunge 사운드 를지향하는대한민국의 5 인조밴드다. 서우석 ( 기타 ) 과석병관 ( 드럼 ) 이중학교시절만나 2012 년결성 후현재까지대구를기반으로활동중이며, 차츰대한민국전역과 해외시장으로활동의폭을넓혀가고있다. 멤버전원이 20 대로결성된젊은메탈그룹이어서향후의활동 이더욱기대되는밴드다. 메인보컬 손진욱드럼 석병관기타 서우석기타 윤민영베이스 박종석 이메일 : band_danggisio@naver.com 홈페이지 : 슈가레코드 55

58 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Jo Jung Min Jo Jung Min is recognized as the hottest celebrity in the trot industry and has become the next Queen of Advertising. With her trendy music and model looks, she has obtained many fans. She majored in piano at university, where she revealed great musical talent. Legendary artists such as C est Si Bon and Johnny Brothers have already invited her to join them on stage. Vocal Jo Jung Min Jo Jung Min has also been recognized for her entertainment skills by appearing in various TV programs such as King of Mask Singer, Immortal Song, Radio Star, and Happy Together. Furthermore, starting with her role as the heroine in the web drama, The Beginning of the Beginning, she successfully moved into acting by appearing in the commercial film Yoga Academy. Currently, she is demonstrating an array of charms and abilities in all fields, including K-pop, drama, entertainment, and commercials. Luce Entertainment luceanr@naver.com HOMEPAGE : 56

59 뮤콘 2021 아티스트조정민 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 세련되고고급스러운음악과모델을넘어서는비주얼로많은팬 들을보유하고있는 조정민 은트로트계에서가장 핫 한셀럽으 로인정받으며차세대광고퀸으로발돋움하고있다. 대학시절피아노를전공한재원으로음악적인면모까지보유하여쎄시봉, 쟈니브라더스등기라성같은선배들의러브콜을받으며주요공연에게스트로참여하였고, < 복면가왕 >, < 불후의명곡 >, < 라디오스타 >, < 해피투게더 > 등다양한예능에출연하며예능감을인정받고있다. 웹드라마 < 처음의시작 > 에서여주인공역할을시작으로상업영 화 < 요가학원 > 까지출연하며연기자로서변신을성공하였다. 현재가요, 드라마, 예능, CF 등모든분야에서팔색조의매력을 펼치고있다. 보컬 조정민 이메일 : luceanr@naver.com 홈페이지 : 루체엔터테인먼트 ( 주 ) 57

60 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST TRI.BE The name TRI.BE is a combination of Triangle, the geometrically most perfect shape, and the word Being to mean The Most Perfect Existence. TRI.BE s unique music, which is influenced by Afrobeats and various other music styles, can be associated with a new genre, Girl Swag, and aims to convey the message of an image of self, to be who you are without wavering or being influenced by what others think of you. The members of TRI.BE stand together in declaring, We are perfect as we are, and they will be icons of the new era. Main Vocal SongSun Lead Vocal Kelly Lead Vocal JinHa Main Dancer & Rab HyunBin Sub vocal Jia Sub vocal SoEun Main Dancer MiRe 58 TR Entertainment Co.,Ltd peterkang@tr-ent.co.kr HOMEPAGE :

61 뮤콘 2021 아티스트트라이비 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 트라이비 (TRI.BE) 는, 완벽한도형인삼각형 Tri(Triangle) 와존재의 Be(Being) 의합성 어로 ' 세상에서가장완벽한존재 ' 라는뜻을가지고있다. 트라이비 (TRI.BE) 의음악은, Afro 비트를가미한유일무이 걸스웨그 새로운장르로어느시선에도흔들리지않는있는그대로의나의모습을보여주겠다는강한메시지를내포하고있다. 트라이비 (TRI.BE) 의멤버들은, 그세대를대변해모두에게존재그자체로완벽하다고외치며 이시대의새로운아이콘이될것이다. 메인보컬 송선리드보컬 캘리리드보컬 진하메인댄서 & 랩 현빈서브보컬 지아서브보컬 소은메인댄서 미레 이메일 : peterkang@tr-ent.co.kr 홈페이지 : 티알엔터테인먼트 59

62 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST OSN OSN was nominated for the Best New Artist Award at the Golden Melody Awards His first album #osnrap was released in 2019 and gained widespread popularity in Asia. This album incorporates elements from Pop and Hip Hop, enriched by OSN s characteristic flow and catchy lyrics. Since its release, the album has made the charts multiple times, became the most-streamed album on Spotify in 2019 among Taiwanese users, and was nominated for the Best Hip Hop Album at the 10th Golden Indie Music Awards. Rap OSN OSN won the Mnet Asian Music Award for Best New Asian Artist, the 17th Hito Award for Best Newcomer, and made it into kkbox s Top Ten Artists of the Year in Many of his popular singles made it into major music charts, including Without You, Why You Gonna Lie, and The Last Time. His most popular single Without You ranked No. 1 in kkbox s Hottest Mandarin Singles of the Day for 5 months and was nominated for the Song of the Year at GMA Today, this song has gained more than 52 million views on YouTube. Good New Days Ltd. osnkaoofficial@gmail.com 60

63 뮤콘 2021 아티스트 OSN MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 년첫번째앨범 [#osnrap] 을발매해아시아에서큰인기를얻은 OSN 은 2020년 < 골든멜로디어워드 > 에서 The Best New Artist Award 후보에올랐다. OSN 특유의플로우와캐치한가사가돋보이는이앨범은 2019년스포티파이에서대만이용자들사이에서 The most-streamed album 에올랐으며, < 제10회골든인디뮤직어워드 > 에서 The Best Hip Hop Album 후보에오르는등다양한기록을세웠다. 또한에서 Best New Asian Artist, < 제 17 회 Hito Award> 에서 Best Newcomer 를수상했으며, 2020 년에 'Top Ten Artists of the Year' 에이름을올렸다. OSN이발표한싱글앨범 'Without You', 'Why You Gonna Lie', 'The Last Time' 등은주요음원차트에올르는등대중의사랑을받았다. 이중싱글 Without You 는의 Hottest Mandarin Singles of the Day 에서 5개월동안 1위를했으며, GMA 2020에 The Song of the Year 후보에올랐다. 이곡은현재 YouTube에서 5,200만이상의조회수를기록했다. 랩 OSN 이메일 : osnkaoofficial@gmail.com 굿뉴스데이즈 61

64 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST 3YE 3YE is a girl group consisting of three members YUJI, YURIM, and HAEUN, under GH ENTERTAINMENT. They made their debut with the digital single DMT in May YE deviated from the stereotype of existing girl groups and showed their colors, with a different perspective and interpretation of the current idol scene. Vocal YUJI Vocal YURIM Vocal HAEUN With singles OOMM released in September 2019, QUEEN released in February 2020, first mini-album TRIANGLE in April 2020, and STALKER in April 2021, they gained a lot of love from K-pop fans around the world and attracted worldwide fans with their darker color and Asian beauty points. In 2019, they won the Rookie of the Year Award at KY STAR AWARDS and Sharing News Chairman s Award at 14th Korea Sharing Special Awards. GH ENTERTAINMETN INC gh_ent@naver.com

65 뮤콘 2021 아티스트써드아이 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 YE( 써드아이 ) 는유지, 유림, 하은으로이루어진 GH엔터테인먼트소속 3인조걸그룹으로, 2019년 5월디지털싱글 [DMT] 으로데뷔하였다. 기존걸그룹의전형적인틀에서벗어난 3YE( 써드아이 ) 는아이돌씬에대한색다른시선과해석으로확실한차별성을두며그들만의색을그려냈다. 2019년 9월 [OOMM], 2020년 2월 [QUEEN], 2020년 4월첫번째미니앨범 [TRIANGLE], 2021년 4월 [STALKER] 으로전세계 K-POP 팬들의많은사랑을받으며글로벌아이돌입지를다졌고, 한층더진해진써드아이만의컬러와동양적인美로전세계팬들을매료시켰다 년 KY 스타어워즈기대갑아이돌상, 제 14 회대한민국나눔 대상특별대상나눔뉴스회장상을수상하였다. 보컬 유지보컬 유림보컬 하은 이메일 : gh_ent@naver.com ( 주 ) 지에이치엔터테인먼트 63

66 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST BULGOGIDISCO BULGOGIDISCO is a unique band and is made up of members Hyunsong Lee (THE KOXX), Hyungkyun Kim (Hommage, Blocs), Donghyun Kim (achime), and sound engineer Jungwook Heo. They are well-established musicians of the Hongdae music scene, and they demonstrate solid musical skills. BULGOGIDISCO debuted in September 2019 with its first single, Autumn has come. It has released nine singles, one full-length album, and one EP so far, showing their creative energy and unrivaled passion. Main Vocal Hyunsong Lee Drum Hyunggyun Kim Guitar Donghyun Kim Engineer Jungwook Heo BULGOGIDISCO s Their music cannot be defined by a single genre. It weaves various elements of disco and reggae rhythm in a modern sense without losing the raw power of rock. If you had to describe their musical genre in one word, it would be BULGOGIDISCO. EMA dontloseumbrella@emamgmt.com 64

67 뮤콘 2021 아티스트불고기디스코 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 불고기디스코 는독특한밴드다. 이현송 ( 칵스 ), 김형균 ( 오마쥬, 블락스 ), 김동현 ( 아침 ) 세연주자와사운드엔지니어허정욱이합을맞췄다. 플레이어모두홍대에서잔뼈가굵은이들로, 탄탄한연주력을보여준다. 엔지니어허정욱은밴드멤버일원으로서이들음악에통일감을부여한다 년 9 월첫싱글 [ 가을이왔어 ] 로데뷔한밴드는누구보다정열적으로활동하고있다. 불고기디스코는지금까지 9 장의싱글과각한장의정규앨범과 EP 를내면서, 밴드의창작성과에너지를보여주고있다. 불고기디스코음악의장르는한가지로규정할수없다. 록본연의거친힘을잃지않으면서디스코와레게리듬등여러요소를모던한감각으로엮는다. 이들의음악장르를굳이한단어로표현해야한다면, 불고기디스코 라고불러야할것이다. 메인보컬 이현송드럼 김형균기타 김동현엔지니어 허정욱 이메일 : dontloseumbrella@emamgmt.com 이엠에이 65

68 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST OMEGA X OMEGA X is a, a boy group of eleven11 members, JAEHAN, HWICHAN, SEBIN, HANGYEOM, TAEDONG, XEN, JEHYUN, KEVIN, JUNGHOON, HYUK, and YECHAN. They debuted on June 30 with VAMOS. The team comprises members from survival programs such as PRODUCE101, MIX9, UNDER19 and is now growing, receiving lots of love from fans in South Korea, Japan, China, and North America. Vocal JAE HAN Vocal HWI CHAN Rap SE BIN Rap HAN GYEOM Dance TAE DONG Vocal XEN Dance JE HYUN Vocal KEVIN Dance JUNG HOON Rap HYUK Vocal YE CHAN The group team documented their preparations for their debut via their reality show, LOADING ONE MORE CHANX, and maintained close communications with their fans. OMEGA X is known as the complete boy group for their stage manners and spectacular performances that belie their status as a newly debuted group. OMEGA X has been appointed as the Jeju tourism ambassador of the JEJU TOURISM ASSOCIATION, the honorary ambassador of ASIA EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION even before their debut, and also entered into a business agreement with DDB KOREA. They were presented on large LED billboards at COEX, and their physical albums sold out. The time has come to look forward to the day that OMEGA X makes inroads onto bigger stages and receives recognition from global K-pop fans. SPIRE Entertainment avi320@spireenter.com HOMEPAGE : 66

69 뮤콘 2021 아티스트오메가엑스 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 오메가엑스 (OMEGA X) 는재한, 한겸, 세빈, 휘찬, 태동, 정훈, 제현, ZEN, 혁, KEVIN, 예찬으로구성된 11인조보이그룹이다. 지난 6월 30일 [VAMOS] 앨범으로데뷔하였으며, 프로듀스101, 믹스나인, 언더나인틴등의오디션프로그램출신및보이그룹으로활동했던이력으로국내팬및북미, 일본, 중국쪽에서큰관심을받으면서차근차근성장해나가고있다. 데뷔전부터자체리얼리티 ' 로딩원모어찬스 ' 를통해데뷔준비과정을공개하며팬들과의소통을꾸준하게이어나가고있는오메가엑스 (OMEGA X) 는 ' 완성형보이그룹 ' 이라고불리며신인답지않은내공과경력등으로노련한무대매너및뛰어난퍼포먼스를선보이고있다. 또한제주특별자치도관광협회제주관광명예홍보대사, 아시아교류협회홍보대사, DDB월드와이드한국지사인 DDB코리아와의업무협약, 신인아이돌최초코엑스일대대형 LED 전광판장식및앨범초도물량품절등의행보로글로벌 K팝팬들의눈도장을받으며앞으로더큰무대로진출할날을기대하고있다. 보컬 재한보컬 휘찬랩 세빈랩 한겸댄스 태동보컬 젠댄스 제현보컬 케빈댄스 정훈랩 혁보컬 예찬 이메일 : avi320@spireenter.com 홈페이지 : 스파이어엔터테인먼트 67

70 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST DKB DKB exploded onto the music scene in February It is a nine-member boy group under Brave Entertainment, and the members are Chan Lee, D1, Theo, GK, Heechan, Lune, Junseo, Yuku, and Harryjun. DKB stands for Dark Brown Eyes, and it encapsulates the burning aspirations of the brown-eyed members to reach the world through music. They are an all-rounded group capable of self-production in almost all areas, including composition and lyric writing, choreography, acrobatics, and DJing. Leader & Main Rap & Dancer E-CHAN Leader & Vocal & Dancer & Acrobatic & Producing D1 Main Vocal & Acrobatic & Producing TEO Main Rap GK Main Dancer & Vocal & Rap HEECHAN Vocal LUNE Dance & Vocal & Djing JUNSEO Dance & Vocal & Djing YUKU Dance & Vocal HARRY-JUNE Album Youth, which was released in February last year, is a prelude to a four-part series, which grants full expression to the members' passion in a variety of ways. Their second mini-album, LOVE, is a coming-of-age story where love leads to maturity. The third mini-album, GROWTH, won the Performance Restaurant title for its musicality and performance, which raised the album s profile. DKB demonstrates a broader musical spectrum in their recently released first full-length album, The Dice Is Cast. The group continues to grow, showing great promise for the future. Brave Entertainment ktw@bravesound.com HOMEPAGE : 68

71 뮤콘 2021 아티스트다크비 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 년 2 월가요계에혜성처럼등장한그룹 다크비 (DKB) 는이 찬, D1, 테오, GK, 희찬, 룬, 준서, 유쿠, 해리준으로이루어진브레 이브엔터테인먼트의 9 인조보이그룹이다. 팀명은 Dark Brown Eyes 의줄임말로검은눈동자를가진멤버들이음악을통해전세계로뻗어나가겠다는포부를담고있다. 이들은작사와작곡은물론안무창작, 아크로바틱, 디제잉등제작거의전분야에서자체제작이가능한올라운더그룹이다. 작년 2월발매한 [Youth] 는 4부작시리즈의서막을여는앨범으로, 열정가득한멤버들의모습을다채롭게표현해강렬한출사표를던졌다. 이어발매된미니 2집 [LOVE] 에서는사랑을통해성숙해져가는청춘의모습을그려냈으며미니 3집 [GROWTH] 에서는앨범명에걸맞게성장한음악적면모와퍼포먼스로 퍼포먼스맛집 이라는타이틀을거머쥐었다. 최근발매한정규 1집 [The dice is cast] 를통해한층넓어진음악적스펙트럼을보여주며끊임없는성장가능성을보여주고있는그룹인만큼앞으로의활동에귀추가주목된다. 리더 & 메인랩 & 댄스 이찬리더 & 보컬 & 댄스 & 아크로바틱 & 프로듀싱 D1 메인보컬 & 아크로바틱 & 프로듀싱 테오메인랩 GK 메인댄서 & 보컬 & 랩 희찬보컬 룬댄스 & 보컬 & 디제잉 준서댄스 & 보컬 & 디제잉 유쿠댄스 & 보컬 해리준 이메일 : ktw@bravesound.com 홈페이지 : 브레이브엔터테인먼트 69

72 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST South Club South Club is the band of artist Nam Tae-hyun, who started his career in a K-pop group. In January 2017, Nam Tae-hyun formed the group South Club to broaden his capabilities as a singer-songwriter and musician. He posted a message on social media recruiting band members, and through numerous applicationsnts, he was able to meet great musicians who were able to understand his musical spectrum. Bass Hoe Min Jung Vocal Tae Hyun Nam Guitar Min Jun Kang Drum Dong Keun Lee Two months later, Nam Tae-hyun became the leader of a band that radiates unadorned charm with rhythmic sound in its first performance as a guerrilla, imprinting his musical direction on his fans. P&B Entertainment pnbent_m@pnbent.com HOMEPAGE : 70

73 뮤콘 2021 아티스트사우스클럽 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 사우스클럽 은 K-pop 그룹으로커리어를시작한아티스트남태현의밴드이다. 2017년 1월, 남태현은싱어송라이터뮤지션으로서의역량을폭넓게발휘하기위해그룹사우스클럽을결성하였다. 그는소셜미디어텀블러 (Tumblr) 에밴드멤버를모집하는글을 올렸고수많은지원자들의응답속에서자신의음악적스펙트럼 을이해할수있는멋진뮤지션들과조우하게된다. 그로부터 2개월후, 남태현은게릴라로진행된첫공연에서리드미컬한사운드와함께꾸밈없는매력을발산하는밴드의리더로완벽히변신하며자신이추구하는음악적방향성을팬들에게각인시켰다. 베이스 정회민보컬 남태현기타 강민준드럼 이동근 이메일 : pnbent_m@pnbent.com 홈페이지 : 피엔비엔터테인먼트 71

74 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST BIBI BIBI is a singer-songwriter and actor based in South Korea. As one of the fastest-rising stars in Korea, she has already amassed over 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify and was selected as Spotify s 2020 Top 5 Most Streamed Radar Korea Artist. In addition, her single, I m Good at Goodbyes, was selected as one of Billboard s Best K-Pop Songs of 2020: Top 20. She also performed as the only Korean artist at From Milan with Love: Next Gen, a show championing emerging talents created by AC Milan and Roc Nation, hosted by DJ Khaled. She has also collaborated with numerous artists, including Twice, Zico, Crush, J.Y. Park, and Tiger JK, Yoonmirae, and Bizzy from Feel Ghood Music. Vocal BIBI Her latest EP, Life is a Bi is an experimental and truly captivating album in which BIBI beautifully blends an array of genres, including R&B, hip hop, and alt-pop, with her lyrical prowess and talent for storytelling. In addition to music, BIBI has been actively expanding across different mediums as one of the most influential artists and an emerging cultural icon among millennials and Generation Z. She is also set to make her acting debut with a highly anticipated Korean horror series called Whispering Corridors. Feelghood Music heyinahn@feelghood.com 72

75 뮤콘 2021 아티스트비비 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 한국소비자포럼에서발표한 2021 브랜드고객충성도대상 가장영향력있는인물 R&B소울아티스트 부문 1위. Spotify 2020 Top 5 Most Streamed RADAR Korea Artist. Best K-Pop Songs of 2020: Top 20 Billboard Z세대아이콘으로주목받을뿐아니라감각적인스타일과개성넘치는음색으로가요계의뮤즈로떠오른비비는국내외를무대로주목받고있다. 특히새 EP ' 인생은나쁜 X' 를통해 5개의단편소설과뮤직비디오시나리오를직접집필했으며노래와랩, 연기력까지호평을이끌어내며멀티플레이어로활약중이다. 글로벌뮤직스트리밍서비스스포티파이 (Spotify) 가발표한탑아티스트에선정되었으며 JTBC < 아는형님 >, tvn 예능 < 여고추리반 > 출연등도전을멈추지않고파격적인행보로연일화제가되고있는가운데최근엔영화 < 여고괴담-여섯번째이야기 : 모교 > 의주연을꿰차는등배우행보도이어가고있다. 보컬 비비 이메일 : heyinahn@feelghood.com 필굿뮤직 73

76 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Blackswan BLACKSWAN is a girl group that made a surprise debut with Tonight in October BLACKSWAN has been positioned to target markets around the world since its conception. It consists of four members with diverse nationalities, including Korean members Young Heun and Judy, Belgian rapper Fatou, and Brazilian member Leia. The debut song Tonight was written by Melanie Fontana, who composed BTS s 'Boy With Luv, and it was created with BLACKSWAN in mind. Main Vocal Young Heun Rap Fatou Dance & Lead Vocal Judy Sub Vocal Leia BLACKSWAN currently has about 310,000 Instagram followers and actively engages in YouTube content activities for 400,000 official YouTube channel subscribers. 74 DR MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT yyoon29@naver.com

77 뮤콘 2021 아티스트블랙스완 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 블랙스완 ' 은여성 4 인조그룹으로 2020 년 10 월 Tonight 으로 전격데뷔하였다. 기획단계부터전세계시장을목표로, 한국인멤버 영흔 과 주디, 벨기에출신래퍼 파투, 그리고브라질출신 레아 총 4명의다양한국적을가진멤버로구성하였다. 데뷔곡 Tonight 은 BTS 의 작은것들을위한시 를작곡한멜라니폰타나의곡으로오직 블랙스완 만을생각하며만든곡이라고한다. 블랙스완은현재약 31 만명의인스타그램팔로워를보유하고 있으며 40 만명의오피셜유튜브채널구독자들을위해활발하 게유튜브콘텐츠활동을진행하고있다. 메인보컬 영흔랩 파투댄스 & 리드보컬 주디서브보컬 레아 이메일 : yyoon29@naver.com 디알뮤직 75

78 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST 2Z Band 2Z is a boy band composed of five members: HOJIN (main vocalist), JISEOB (guitar & sub vocalist), JUNGHYUN (bass & Rap), BUMJUN (drums), and ZUNON (multiplayer). Debuting on January 3, 2020, all of the members have unusual careers as active fashion models. Main Vocal HOJIN Guitar & Sub Vocal JISEOB Bass & Rap JUNGHYUN Drums BUMJUN Keyboards & Percussion & Sub Vocal ZUNON From the first EP, We Tuzi, to their recently released third EP, Song 4 U, 2Z have released 18 songs through three EPs, four digital singles, and one full-length album. Having presented a mix of genres based on rock, their goal is to be recognized as leaders of the popularization of Korean band music. In addition, they also dream of increasing the status of the K-band in the global music market. 2Z, who have constantly been sharing messages of hope through their lyrics since their debut, has earned the glorious nickname Kids Singing About Hope from fans worldwide. Their modest wish is that their music will be a small consolation to young people worldwide who are suffering from the effects of COVID-19. 2Z do not count themselves as accomplished artists, but they consider each day as time granted to challenge themselves to become true artists. Until that day, 2Z will continue to strive to achieve their goal with a passion GOGO2020 Inc. gogo2020inc@gmail.com HOMEPAGE : 76

79 뮤콘 2021 아티스트투지 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 밴드 2Z( 투지 ) 는호진 ( 메인보컬 ), 지섭 ( 기타 & 서브보컬 ), 정현 ( 베이스 ), 범준 ( 드럼 ), 주논 ( 멀티플레이어 ) 으로구성된 5인조보이밴드다. 2020년 1월 3일데뷔한이들은열여덟부터스물두살까지의나이로멤버모두가현역패션모델로구성된특이한경력의소유자들이다. 2Z( 투지 ) 는첫번째 EP [We Tuzi] 를시작으로 2021년 8월 7일 3번째 EP [Song 4 U] 를발매하기까지총 3장의 EP와 4장의디지털싱글그리고한장의정규앨범을통해총 18곡의곡을발표했다. Rock을기본으로여러장르를혼합한형태의음악을선보여온이들은대한민국밴드음악의대중화에앞장서는아티스트로인정받고자하는목표와함께세계의음악시장에 K-band의위상을높이고자하는꿈을가지고있다. 데뷔이후가사를통해 희망 의메시지를끊임없이던져온 2Z는그로인해전세계의팬들로부터 희망을노래하는아이들 이라는영광스러운별명을얻었다. 코로나19로인해많은상처를받고있는세계의젊은이들에게자신들의음악이조금이나마위안이되었으면 하는것이이들의작은소망이기도하다. 메인보컬 호진기타 & 서브보컬 지섭베이스 & 랩 정현드럼 범준건반 & 퍼커션 & 서브보컬 주논 2Z 는완성된아티스트가아니다. 이들의하루하루는 진정한아 티스트 가되기위한도전의시간들이다. 언젠가다가올그위대 한시간을위해 2Z 는오늘도열정의땀을흘리고있다. 이메일 : gogo2020inc@gmail.com 홈페이지 : 고고이공이공 77

80 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST BLITZERS BLITZERS is a seven-member boy group consisting of Jinwha, Go_U, Juhan, Sya, Chris, Lutan, and Woojoo. Normally, they are personal and friendly, but on stage, we want to show off their professionalism and surprise charm. They pledge to grow through various challenges, and fans should anticipate the growth and development in the future. Rap JINHWA Vocal GO_U Vocal JUHAN Rap SYA Rap CHRIS Dance LUTAN Main Vocal WOOJU 78 WUZO Entertainment glody@wuzo.co.kr HOMEPAGE :

81 뮤콘 2021 아티스트블리처스 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 ' 블리처스 (BLITZERS)' 는진화, 고유, 주한, 샤, 크리스, 루탄, 우주로구성된 7인조보이그룹으로, 'Blitz' 라는사전적의미그대로 ' 우리의음악과춤으로세상을향해돌진하겠다 ' 라는의지를담고있다. 평소에는자연스레우리의가까이에있어친근하지만, 무대에서는프로페셔널한반전매력을보여주고자하며, 다양한도전을통해성장해나가고그로인해앞으로어떻게변해갈지가능성과기대감을보여줄예정이다. 랩 진화보컬 고유보컬 주한랩 샤랩 크리스댄스 루탄메인보컬 우주 이메일 : glody@wuzo.co.kr 홈페이지 : 우조엔터테인먼트 79

82 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST AHNYEEUN As a representative singer-songwriter of Korea, Ahn Ye Eun is gaining popularity for her distinctive style and voice. She was runner-up in the South Korean music competition show K-pop Star 5, where she debuted and released albums conveying her unique vocal style. She also won the singersongwriter category at the 2021 Customer Loyalty Awards, making her a unique artist along with the modifier "The genre is AHNYEEUN. Vocal AHNYEEUN XX ENTERTAINMENT info@xx-ent.com HOMEPAGE : 80

83 뮤콘 2021 아티스트안예은 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 안예은 은대한민국을대표하는싱어송라이터로독보적인장르 음악과창법으로큰사랑을받고있다. <K팝스타시즌 5> 의준우승으로데뷔해끊임없이자신만의색깔을담은음반을발매하고있으며, 2021 브랜드고객충성도대상싱어송라이터부문을수상하며 ' 장르가안예은 ' 이라는수식어와함께유일무이아티스트로서자리매김하고있다. 보컬 안예은 이메일 : info@xx-ent.com 홈페이지 : www. xx-ent.com 더블엑스엔터테인먼트 81

84 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST PIXY In English mythology, pixys are whimsical fairy-like creatures who have lost their wings in a divided world where good and evil coexist. With jaw-dropping charisma, hip-hop base, and intense music and performance, the members of PIXY amaze and surprise as they showcase the tension between good and evil through their music. Main Rap DIA Main Vocal ELLA Rap LOLA Rap SATBYEOL Dance DAJEONG Vocal SUA 82 ALLART Entertainment allartenter@gmail.com HOMEPAGE :

85 뮤콘 2021 아티스트픽시 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 날개잃은요정그리고선악이공존하는세계관을기반으로탄생한 PIXY( 픽시 ) 는잉글랜드신화속요청을뜻하며때로는장난꾸러기같지만, 힙합베이스의화려하고강렬한음악과퍼포먼스로보는이들을놀라게하는아티스트다. PIXY( 픽시 ) 멤버들은서로를유혹하며끊임없이선과악을넘나 드는과정을음악으로보여주고있다. 메인랩 디아메인보컬 엘라랩 로라랩 샛별댄스 다정보컬 수아 이메일 : allartenter@gmail.com 홈페이지 : 올라트엔터테인먼트 83

86 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST KINGDOM Based on the worldview of Seven Kingdoms and Seven Kings, Kingdom is a K-pop group that represents cultures worldwide through its unique colors. They are a boy group with distinct personalities and diverse characteristics, consisting of a total of seven members: DANN, ARTHUR, MUJIN, LOUIS, IVAN, JAHAN, and CHIWOO. Vocal DANN Vocal ARTHUR Vocal MUJIN Vocal LOUIS Vocal IVAN Rap & Vocal JAHAN Rap & Vocal CHIWOO Following the debut album EXCALIBUR with a unique concept, KARMA, which displays the pinnacle of modern eastern fantasy, continued the epic. It is expected that Kingdom will become artists of the year who will create a sensation both in Korea and abroad with its original music and solid performances. GF Entertainment gf_ent@daum.net HOMEPAGE : 84

87 뮤콘 2021 아티스트킹덤 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 킹덤 (KINGDOM) 은 7 개의나라의 7 개의왕의이야기를독창적인 음악과탄탄한퍼포먼스로그들만의길을걸어가는아티스트다. 이들은단, 아서, 루이, 무진, 자한, 치우, 아이반총일곱명으로구 성되어확실한개성과다채로운면모를지닌 7 인조보이그룹이다. 독보적인콘셉트의데뷔앨범 [EXCALIBUR] 에이어현대적동양풍 판타지의정점을보여주는 [KARMA] 의대서사시를이어갔다. 킹덤은독창적인음악과탄탄한퍼포먼스로국내와해외에센세 이션을일으킬올해의아티스트가될것임을기대해본다. 보컬 단보컬 아서보컬 무진보컬 루이보컬 아이반랩 & 보컬 자한랩 & 보컬 치우 이메일 : gf_ent@daum.net 홈페이지 : GF 엔터테인먼트 85

88 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST LUAMEL LUAMEL is a portmanteau of lua, the Portuguese word for moon and camel. Reminiscent of a magical night in the desert, the band s name represents their mysterious and fantastic musical style. A thick synthesizer sound, six-string bass, progressive rhythm drums, two guitars with contrasting tones, and delicate vocals organically blend to create a dreamy sound. Bass Seok Joon Choi Vocal & Synth Hwijun Son Drum Youngsoo Tak Guitar Kyoung Cheol Heo Guitar & Trombone Yonghyuk Kang In 2018, LUAMELthey made a great impression on the Hongdae indie music scene and Naver Musician s League, similar to SoundCloud, with their first EP, LIVELAPSE. They signed with Universal Music in 2020, and they are continuing their musical journey with numerous singles and EPs. LUAMEL also actively integrates 3D graphics and progressive visual art into their music. Furthermore, they are making efforts to encompasses various elements such as music, visual, and web content. Universal Music Ltd. jihoon.won@umusic.com HOMEPAGE : 86

89 뮤콘 2021 아티스트루아멜 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 루아멜 은포르투갈어로달을뜻하는 LUA 와영어로낙타를뜻 하는 CAMEL 의합성어이다. 사막에뜬달과신기루를연상시키 는밴드의이름은신비롭고환상적인루아멜의음악을나타낸다. 두터운신디사이저사운드를중심으로 6 현베이스, 프로그레시 브리듬의드럼, 상반되는톤의두기타, 공간감이느껴지는보컬 이유기적으로어우러져몽환적인사운드를만들어낸다 년, EP [LIVELAPSE] 로홍대인디씬과네이버뮤지션리그 에서좋은행보를보이던중, 유니버설뮤직과계약하며다수의싱 글과 EP 로활동을이어가고있다. 또한 3D 그래픽과진취적인비주얼아트를음악에적극적으로도 입하고있다. 나아가음악과비주얼, 웹콘텐츠등다양한요소를 아우르는아티스트이자브랜드로거듭나기위해노력하고있다. 베이스 최석준보컬 & 신스 손휘준드럼 탁영수기타 허경철기타 & 트롬본 강용혁 이메일 : jihoon.won@umusic.com 홈페이지 : 유니버설뮤직 87

90 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST g1nger R&B singer-songwriter g1nger released her debut single Ginger Is Here in In 2020, g1nger released her first EP SUNBEAMS and made her unique presence with dreamy vocals and R&B sounds known to the world. SUNBEAMS is an album that expresses g1nger s sincere affection and desire to keep her loved ones by her side for a long time. g1nger s beautiful tone and unique atmosphere are unfamiliar but sophisticated. Vocal g1nger Dense songs that deliver rich emotions without a single provocative word calmly captures g1nger s charm, which remains with the listener. In April 2021, DS my tangerine was released. g1nger will continue to release songs that contain her stories, including a new EP, and become more deeply ingrained in the public consciousness. QUAN Entertainment goodtomeetyou 88 quansw@naver.com

91 뮤콘 2021 아티스트진저 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 R&B 싱어송라이터인 g1nger( 진저 ) 는 2018 년싱글 Ginger Is Here' 로데뷔했다 년에는첫 EP [SUNBEAMS] 를발표, 몽 환적인보컬과 R&B 사운드로독보적인존재감을드러냈다. 지난해발매된 g1nger의첫번째 EP [SUNBEAMS] 는사랑하는존재들을천천히오래곁에두고싶다는 g1nger의진심어린애정이담겨있는앨범이다. 독특한분위기에얹어진 g1nger의아름다운음색은낯설지만세련되었다. 자극적인단어하나없이도가득한마음을전하는밀도높은노래들은차분하게천천히스며들어깊이남는 g1nger만의매력을여실히담아낸다 년 4 월 DS [my tangerine] 을발매했으며, 하반기에는새로 운 EP 를포함하여자신만의이야기를담은곡들을꾸준히발매하 며대중들에게더깊게스며들예정이다. 보컬 진저 이메일 : quansw@naver.com 콴엔터테인먼트 ( 굿투미츄 ) 89

92 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Pink Fantasy Pink Fantasy is an eight-member girl group composed of DAEWANG, SEEA, YECHAN, HARIN, ARANG, MOMOKA, MIKU, and HEESUN. In the fall of 2018, they made their debut with their first single, IRIWA, which was inspired by the rabbit with a pocket watch from the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. This was followed by Fantasy, the second track of Alice Trilogy. "Since then, they have been working on their single albums," Playing House, Shadow Play, and Lemon Candy, inspired by fairy tales Snow White, The Wizard of Oz, and Hansel and Gretel. Mystery Member DAEWANG Lead Vocal & Main Rap SEEA Main Vocal YECHAN Sub Vocal HARIN Leader & Main Dancer ARANG Main Dancer MOMOKA Sub Dancer MIKU Sub Vocal HEESUN In June 2021, Pink Fantasy s first EP album [Alice in Wonderland] was released, completing the Alice in Wonderland Trilogy. Mydoll Ent. sohee@mydoll-ent.com HOMEPAGE : 90

93 뮤콘 2021 아티스트핑크판타지 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 핑크판타지 는대왕, 시아, 예찬, 하린, 아랑, 모모카, 미쿠, 희선으 로구성된 8 인조걸그룹이다. 2018년가을, 동화 < 이상한나라의앨리스 > 에등장하는시계토끼를모티브로한첫싱글앨범 [ 이리와 ] 를발표하며데뷔하였고, 이후 앨리스 3부작 의두번째곡인 'Fantasy' 를비롯하여동화 < 백설공주 >, < 오즈의마법사 >, < 헨젤과그레텔 > 을모티브로한싱글앨범 [ 소꿉장난 ], [ 그림자 (Shadow Play)], [ 레몬사탕 (Lemon Candy)] 로활동을해왔다 년 6 월에는첫번째 EP 앨범 [Alice in Wonderland] 를공 개하며, " 이상한나라의앨리스 " 3 부작을완성하였다. 미스터리멤버 대왕리드보컬 & 메인래퍼 시아메인보컬 예찬서브보컬 하린리더 & 메인댄서 아랑메인댄서 모모카서브댄서 미쿠서브보컬 희선 이메일 : sohee@mydoll-ent.com 홈페이지 : 마이돌엔터테인먼트 91

94 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST MESSGRAM Messgram is a Korean rock band formed in Their lineup is beautiful vocalist JiYoung Kim, intense screamo and FX-man Jahnny Shin, blazing guitarist YuShik Shin, powerful drummer Soojin Lee, and lively bassist Chanhyun Park. Messgram fuses and amalgamates thick heavy genre-bending elements and glistening drops of fem-vox into a unique sound potion of shred-tastic rhythmic sound a perfect marriage of pop and metal. Drum Soojin Guitar Yushik FX & Unclean Vocal Jahnny Clean Vocal Jiyoung Bass Chanhyun The band was founded by Jahnny, Soojin, and YuShik, who immediately developed the band s distinctive sound. With the addition of JiYoung in 2015 and Chanhyun in 2016, Messgram and their vibe is poised to be the next big thing in rock. Messgram exploded on the Korean metal scene with their signature mix of heavy and screamo laced with female vocals with their 2014 debut EP, This is a Mess, But It s Us. They also released the 2015 single Patterns, Eternal Craving EP in 2016, and their first full-length album Cheers for the Failures in 2020, which proved to be a breakout success achieving a 2021 Korean Music Award nomination. In addition, their latest six-song EP Acoustiverse was released in Cheers for the Failures peaked at #4 on the K-Indie Chart and #5 on the Japanese weekly DiscUnion Sales Chart in May It also received critical acclaim in BURRN! Magazine. Messgram s second full-length album will be released in early IONE ENT ioneent@daum.net HOMEPAGE : 92

95 뮤콘 2021 아티스트메스그램 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 메스그램 (Messgram) 은 2011년에결성된한국의록밴드다. 그들의라인업은아름다우면서호소력있는보컬 김지영, 거친매력의스크리밍과 FX를담당하는 쟈니, 폭발적인연주의기타리스트 유식, 파워풀한드러머 수진, 누구보다역동적인베이시스트 찬현 이다. 메스그램은쟈니, 수진, 유식이모이며시작되었고, 즉시밴드의독특한사운드를개발해나가기시작했다. 2015년지영, 2016년찬현이합류하며이들은차세대록스타가될준비를마쳤다. 메스그램은록, 팝, 메탈등의장르에기초를두고있으면서도어쿠스틱과 EDM 등상상가능한모든요소를적극적으로가미한매우조화로운, 한단어로정의를내리기힘든독보적인형태의음악을하고있다. 2014년데뷔 EP [This is a Mess, But It's Us] 는그들의시그니쳐인여성보컬과묵직한스크리밍이결합한사운드로한국메탈씬에서폭발적반응을일으켰다. 메스그램은 2015년싱글 [Patterns] 와 2016년두번째 EP [Eternal Craving], 2020년첫정규앨범 [Cheers for the Failures] 를발표해 2021년한국대중음악상후보에오르는성과를이뤘다. 2021년에는그들의세번째 EP이자메스그램의어쿠스틱스타일곡들로구성된 [Acoustiverse] 가발매되었다. 메스그램의 [Cheers for the Failures] 앨범은 2020년 5월 K-Indie 차트 4위, 일본주간디스크유니온판매차트 5위로정점을이루며 BURRN! 잡지에서비평가들의호평을받았다. 드럼 수진기타 유식에프엑스 & 언클린보컬 쟈니클린보컬 지영베이스 찬현 메스그램의정규 2 집은 2022 년초에발매될예정이다. 이메일 : ioneent@daum.net 홈페이지 : ( 주 ) 아이원이앤티 93

96 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST B.I.G B.I.G., which stands for Boys In Groove, is a South Korean boy band affiliated with GH Entertainment. Its members include J-Hoon, who is gifted with dance moves from poppin to krumping. Heedo boasts a rich, deep voice, which contradicts his cute appearance. Gunmin has extraordinary dance moves and irresistible charm. Last but not least, there s Jinseok, who is the jack-of-all-trades. B.I.G. debuted in July of 2014 with their first digital single, Hello, and has released a total of nine albums as of November of 2019, with the most recent album titled ILLUSION. Vocal GUNMIN Vocal J-HOON Rap HEEDO Vocal JINSEOK In 2014, B.I.G. was awarded the Rookie of the Year award at the 22nd South Korea Entertainment Award in the K-pop category. In 2015, they were awarded the New Star Award at the 10th Asian Model Awards. In 2019, B.I.G. was awarded for promoting South Korea through its dedication to 21st-century arts and culture. They also served as honorary ambassadors for many institutions, including The National Unification Advisory Council, the Korea Youth Association, Seoul Regional Office of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, and many more. GH ENTERTAINMENT INC gh_ent@naver.com

97 뮤콘 2021 아티스트비아이지 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 B.I.G( 비아이지 ) 는 GH엔터테인먼트소속의대한민국 4인조보이그룹이며그룹명의 B.I.G는 Boys In Groove의약자다. 멤버로는팝핀부터크럼핀까지다채로운댄스실력을갖춘리더 제이훈, 귀여운외모와상반되는짙고굵은목소리의소유자 희도, 탁월한춤실력과훈훈한외모로여심을사로잡는 건민, 팔방미인막내 진석 이있다 년 7 월첫번째디지털싱글 [ 안녕하세요 ] 로데뷔해 2019 년 11 월 [ILLUSION] 까지총 9 장의앨범을발표하였다. 2014년제22회대한민국문화연예대상 K-POP 부문신인상, 2015년제10회아시아모델어워즈뉴스타상가수부문상, 2019년 21세기대한민국을빛낸한국인상문화예술공로부문을수상하였으며, 민주평화통일자문회의, 한국청소년연맹, 서울지방보훈청등의홍보대사를지냈다. 보컬 건민보컬 제이훈랩 희도보컬 진석 이메일 : gh_ent@naver.com ( 주 ) 지에이치엔터테인먼트 95

98 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST E'LAST E LAST, short for everlasting, includes the idea of temporal eternity and infinity or meaning spatial eternity. Encompassing the meanings of union, immortality, and eternity, E LAST conveys the intention of the band to remain to be by their listeners side forever through their music, regardless of the limitations of time or space. Lead Dancer & Sub Vocal Choi In Visual & Sub Vocal Seung Yeop Lead Rap & Main Dancer Rano Lead Vocal Baek Gyeul Visual & Sub Vocal Romin Main Vocal Won Hyuk Main Rap Won Jun Sub Vocal Ye Jun E LAST s logo is inspired by the fact that it consists of four members born in the 1990s and four members born in the 2020s. The number four is combined twice to create the shape of a natural, a musical symbol. The natural symbol has the effect of canceling cancels the effect of a flat or a sharp. The logo symbolizes ELAST s aim to create of creating a firm baseis whileand reaching for perfection. E entertainment rai@eent.co.kr HOMEPAGE : 96

99 뮤콘 2021 아티스트엘라스트 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 엘라스트 는 에버래스팅 (Everlasting) 의줄임말로, 시간적영원 함을뜻하는 이터너티 (Eternity) 와공간적영원함을뜻하는 인 피니티 (Infinity) 를함축적으로포함한다. 결합, 불멸, 영원이라는뜻과함께시간이나공간적제약을떠나 자신들만의음악을통해영원히리스너들의곁에있겠다는의미 이다. 엘라스트의로고는 2000년대생멤버 4인과 1990년대생멤버 4인으로구성된것에서착안, 분리와결합의의미를부여해제자리표 ( ) 음표모양으로디자인하였다. 내추럴 (Natural) 이라는뜻이담긴제자리표는악보안에서의음을원음 ( 본래의음 ) 으로되돌리는효력을지니고있다. 해당로고는기본과완벽이라는엘라스트의지향점을상징한다. 리드댄서 & 서브보컬 최인비주얼 & 서브보컬 승엽리드랩 & 메인댄서 라노리드보컬 백결비주얼 & 서브보컬 로민메인보컬 원혁메인랩 원준서브보컬 예준 이메일 : rai@eent.co.kr 홈페이지 : 이엔터테인먼트 97

100 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST THORNAPPLE THORNAPPLE, a band with unique lyrics and an inimitable sound, was first formed by Yoon Sunghyun (Vocal, Guitar), and Sim Jaehyun (Bass). Their 2010 debut album sold out completely based on sheer word of mouth. Vocal & Guitar Yoon Sunghyun Bass Sim Jaehyun Drums Joseph Guitar Hong Dongkyun After releasing their second studio album Strange Weather featuring Bang Joseph (Drums), every THORNAPPLE concert was sold out in seconds. They were invited to a number of international gigs such as Japan s Summer Sonic, Thailand s Melody of Life, and the joint Asia tour, Far East Union. Guitarist Hong Dongkyun joined THORNAPPLE as a regular member for their EP, Capital Disease. The EP was released in 2016 along with their annual concert Fire Watching. Due to its popularity, Fire Watching became the band s signature concert series. In 2019, THORNAPPLE s third studio album Enlightenment once again proved their unique colors to critics and was nominated for two awards in the 17th Korean Music Awards. THORNAPPLE also became the first Korean artist nominated for Taiwan s music award Golden Indie Music Awards. Happy Robot Records melkim@mpmg.co.kr HOMEPAGE : 98

101 뮤콘 2021 아티스트쏜애플 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 흉내낼수없는독특한감성의가사와몽환적인사운드의밴드 쏜애플 은프론트맨윤성현 ( 보컬, 기타 ) 과심재현 ( 베이스 ) 을중심으로결성, 2010년데뷔앨범 [ 난자꾸말을더듬고잠드는법도잊었네 ] 가입소문만으로초판이절판되며화려하게데뷔했다. 2014년, 방요셉 ( 드럼 ) 이참여한 2집 [ 이상기후 ] 발표이후에는모든콘서트를티켓을매진시켰고, 아시아밴드연합투어 Far East Union 등해외공연까지초청받았다. 2016년, 홍동균 ( 기타 ) 이정규멤버로참여한 EP [ 서울병 ] 발표이후에는관객이밴드를둘러싼형태로진행되는대표공연장기공연 ' 불구경 을론칭했다. 2019년, 3집 [ 계몽 ] 은제17회한국대중음악상 2개부문노미네이트되며팀의색채를인정받았고, 대만의시상식 Golden Indie Music Awards 에한국아티스트최초로후보에올랐다. 현재쏜애플은새로운음반을준비하고있다. 보컬 & 기타 윤성현베이스 심재현드럼 방요셉기타 홍동균 이메일 : melkim@mpmg.co.kr 홈페이지 : 해피로봇레코드 99

102 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST OurR A subdued musical mood and melancholy lyrics define OurR, a three-piece band consisting of friends WeGom (guitar, keyboard), Park Jingyu (bass), and Hong Dahye (vocals, guitar). Right after their debut single Desert in 2018, OurR performed as the opening band for Boy Pablo, introducing themselves to the Indie scene. That same year, OurR was featured in Mint Paper s compilation bright #7 with the title track Birthday, showcasing a broader musical capability. Guitar & Programming & Keyboards WeGom Bass Park Jinkyu Guitar & Vocal Hong Dahye Finally, their 2019 breakthrough single haaakkkkkk!!! defined OurR s identity, especially for its kitschy album artwork and catchy bass lines. Soon, OurR was putting their name down on the lineups of major Korean music festivals. OurR s first EP I, released in 2019, is an autobiographical work that connects to their most recent release can t. Having participated in Germany s Reeperbahn Festival and after their vinyl completely sold out in Japan, OurR aims to break into the global music market. Happy Robot Records dreampop@mpmg.co.kr HOMEPAGE : 100

103 뮤콘 2021 아티스트아월 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 특유의침잠된무드와처연한가사가돋보이는 OurR( 아월 ) 은이 회원 ( 프로듀서, 건반 ), 박진규 ( 베이스 ), 홍다혜 ( 보컬, 기타 ) 가만나 결성한 3 인조밴드다. 2018년, 싱글 Desert 로데뷔, Boy Pablo 내한공연에오프닝무대를장식하며본격적인활동을알렸다. 같은해민트페이퍼프로젝트 [bright #7] 의타이틀곡 'Birthday', 이듬해싱글 Swing 을통해음악적확장성을선보였고, 이후과감한아트웍과중독성있는베이스라인을내세운싱글 haaakkkkkk!!! 을통해 OurR만의완연한색채를완성했다. 이후여러페스티벌라인업에이름을올리며음원에서공연으로활동영역을확대했고, 2019년자전적인이야기를담은 EP [I] 를발매후 Reeperbahn Festival에참가하는등해외활동에도박차를가했다. 최근감각적인비주얼작업과 [I] 에서이어지는서사가담긴 EP [can t] 를발매, 활발한공연활동을펼치고있다. 기타 & 프로그래밍 & 키보드 이회원베이스 박진규기타 & 보컬 홍다혜 이메일 : dreampop@mpmg.co.kr 홈페이지 : 해피로봇레코드 101

104 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST YOUHA YOUHA is a solo singer-songwriter based in Seoul, Korea. She is a topliner and vocalist who creates vibrant pop music with positive vibes. She wishes to become an artist who sings with a genuine voice so that everyone, including herself, can feel happy. She has been training for ten years with YG Entertainment, one of the most renowned South Korean record labels, and is now part of the Universal Music Group family. She is also a great dancer and performer, proving herself to be an allaround artist. Vocal & Rap & Dance YOUHA YOUHA debuted on September 20, 2020, with her first single, ISLAND, and has followed up with two more releases, Abittipsy and zzz. 102 Universal Music Korea June.Kwon@umusic.com

105 뮤콘 2021 아티스트유하 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 YOUHA( 유하 ) 는 10 년간의 YG 연습생기간을거치고솔로아티스 트로서의꿈을꾸며 2020 년 1 월유니버설뮤직오디션에참가해 같은해 5 월, 유니버설뮤직코리아의전속아티스트가되었다. 긍정적인성격과더불어청량하며파워풀한보컬이매력적인 YOUHA( 유하 ) 는 2020 년 9 월 20 일첫싱글 아일랜드 로데뷔하여, 오늘조금취해서그래, 품 등총 3 곡의싱글앨범을발매했다. 밝고솔직한에너지를내뿜는아티스트 YOUHA( 유하 ) 는진솔한메 시지를전하며스스로와모두가행복해질수있는가수를꿈꾸고 있다. 메인보컬 & 랩 & 댄스 유하 이메일 : June.Kwon@umusic.com 유니버설뮤직코리아 103

106 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST KATIE Born in Korea and raised in the United States, KATIE is a rising international R&B and pop sensation. In 2014, she rose to fame after winning the fourth season of the popular Korean TV show K-pop Star, the Korean X-Factor. KATIE then signed with YG Entertainment, home to global K-pop stars such as BLACKPINK, BIGBANG, and CL, and spent the next three years developing her sound and maturing as a musician. Vocal KATIE Her debut EP, LOG, has amassed over 50 million streams and 20 million views on YouTube. The lead single, Remember, featuring rapper Ty Dolla $ign, was #1 on the Spotify viral charts in seven different countries. In 2020, she signed with one of the world s top labels, Columbia UK, and in 2021, she signed with ICM Partners, one of the largest agencies in the United States. AXIS okay@axisccp.com HOMEPAGE : www. axis-katie.com 104

107 뮤콘 2021 아티스트케이티 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 한국에서태어나미국에서자란 케이티 는세계적으로성장중인 알앤비와팝센세이션을일으키고있다. 2014년한국의인기 TV 프로그램 <K팝스타시즌 4> 에참가해우승하며유명세를탔다. 그후블랙핑크, 빅뱅, CL 등세계적인케이팝스타들이소속된와이지엔터테인먼트와계약을맺고 3년동안뮤지션으로성장했다. 케이티가발표한리드싱글 Remember 은유명래퍼 Ty Dolla $ign이피처링하였으며, 7개국의스포티파이바이럴차트에서 1 위를차지했다. 이후발표한데뷔 EP [LOG] 는 5천만이상의스트림과 2천만이상의유튜브조회수를기록하였다 년은세계최고의레이블 Columbia UK 와계약을, 21 년에 는미국최대에이전시중하나인 ICM partners 와계약하였다. 보컬 케이티 이메일 : okay@axisccp.com 홈페이지 : www. axis-katie.com 액시즈 105

108 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST O3ohn O3ohn (pronounced Oh-john) is a Korean singer-songwriter who started as the guitarist for the band Xin Seha & The Town. He released his debut EP album, O, in Between O and his latest album co which was released in May 2021, O3ohn has brought together elements of various genres, including synth-pop, R&B, acoustic-pop, alternative rock, and more. Vocal & Guitar O3ohn O3ohn uses minimal instrumentation in his arrangements and enthralls listeners with pleasant melodies and gentle vocals. He creates a dreamy atmosphere through fine melodies balanced by the guitar and delicate lyrics, bringing back nostalgic memories of yesteryear. In addition, O3ohn has garnered much attention with K-drama soundtracks like Shine Your Star in Mr. Sunshine and Milky Way Between Us in Search: WWW. He continues to enrich his artistry by collaborating with different musicians and working on soundtracks and diverse projects. 106 DOOROODOOROO ARTIST COMPANY contact@drdr.ac HOMEPAGE :

109 뮤콘 2021 아티스트오존 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 밴드 ' 신세하앤더타운 ' 에서기타리스트로음악활동을시작한싱어송라이터 오존 은 2016년, EP [O] 로데뷔했다. 이후 2021 년 5월발매한 [co] 앨범까지, 신스팝, 알앤비, 포크, 얼터너티브록등다양한장르의특징을아울렀다. 오존의음악은미니멀한악기구성과편곡, 부드러우면서도담백하고소탈한음색으로장소, 시간, 상황에구애받지않고어느곳에서나어울리는매력을지니고있다. 또한기타를중심에둔섬세하고완성도높은멜로디와듣는이의청각적, 촉각적느낌까지세심하게고려한가사는나른하면서도생기있는분위기를자아내며각자가기억하는아름다운순간들을떠올리게한다. 오존은드라마 < 미스터션샤인 > OST의 'Shine Your Star', < 검색어를입력하세요 WWW> OST의 ' 우리사이은하수를만들어 ' 를통해많은관심을받았으며, OST 포함해여러프로젝트참여해동료뮤지션들과의협업등을통해활동의지평을활발하게넓혀가고있다. 보컬 & 기타 오존 이메일 : contact@drdr.ac 홈페이지 : 두루두루아티스트컴퍼니 107

110 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Gonia Gonia is a jazz group with a sophisticated understanding of Korean rhythms and high-level performances. The group has already proved itself on the jazz scene and is drawing attention at home and abroad through in-depth research on Korean rhythms and collaboration with traditional Korean instruments. Guitar Kim Hyungtaek Bass Kim Minsung Janggu Kim Hannah Based on the simple traditional Korean rhythms on the janggu, Gonia has created a new style of K-jazz. In November 2020, Gonia s fifth album, A Tension, was released and nominated for the Crossover Album category of the 18th Korean Popular Music Awards, where it received recognition for its value and achievements. The breath of Gutgeori, the joy of Jajinmori, and the dynamism that comes from Whimori are harmonized with improvisation, and the beauty of jazz to create Gonia s unique sound and drives the band s activity not only in Korea but also abroad. Gonia jazzy1122@hanmail.net HOMEPAGE : 108

111 뮤콘 2021 아티스트고니아 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 고니아 는정교한연주력과한국장단에대한이해도가높은그룹이다. 이미재즈씬에서검증을받은고니아는한국장단에대한깊은연구와국악기와의협업을통해국내외에서주목을받고있다. 단순하지만, 직선적이고격렬한장구의리듬을기반으로화려한재즈선율이더해진완성도높은한국특유의 Ethnic Jazz를완성하였다. 2020년 11월고니아 5집 [A Tension] 을발매하며제 18회한국대중음악상크로스오버음반부문에노미네이트되어그가치와성과를인정받았다. 굿거리의호흡과자진모리의즐거움, 그리고휘모리에서오는역동성들이재즈의묘미인즉흥연주와어우러져고니아만의음악을만들고국내뿐아니라해외에서도활발하게활동하기위하여노력하고있다. 기타 김형택베이스 김민성장구 김해나 이메일 : jazzy1122@hanmail.net 홈페이지 : 고니아 109

112 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST ARIAZ ARIAZ is where Hyo-kyung, Si-hyun, Yoon-ji, Yeo-ri, and Dawon s unique voices come together to sing and perform. They debuted as a new girl group in October 2019 under Rising Star Entertainment. Main Vocal YunJi Main Vocal DaWon Sub Vocal SiHyeon Rap & Dance YeoRi Sub Vocal & Rap HyoGyeong After up to seven years of training, their skills were verified on Korea s largest audition programs, such as Produce 101 and Mix 9, ranking highly with good results. They debuted by opening for project group IBI. Working together for over three years, ARIAZ is composed of talented members who are not only prepared to sing but also boast outstanding performances and a charming appearance. 110 RISINGSTAR Entertainment 1llinium.black@gmail.com HOMEPAGE :

113 뮤콘 2021 아티스트아리아즈 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 효경, 시현, 윤지, 여리, 다원이가진각자의독창적인매력을담은 목소리 ( 아리아 ) 가하나가되어노래와무대를꾸미는아리아즈 (ARIAZ). 라이징스타엔터테인먼트의신입여자그룹으로 19 년 10 월데뷔 했다. 연습생기간최장 7년을거치며프로듀스101, 믹스나인등국내최대의오디션프로그램에서실력을검증받고좋은성적으로순위권에진입하여프로젝트그룹아이비아이의멤버로활동하며아리아즈데뷔전부터주목받았던멤버를중심으로, 3년이상호흡을맞춘아리아즈는보컬은물론퍼포먼스, 외모까지다방면으로준비된신인이다. 메인보컬 윤지메인보컬 다원서브보컬 시현랩 & 댄스 여리서브보컬 & 랩 효경 이메일 : 1llinium.black@gmail.com 홈페이지 : ( 주 ) 라이징스타엔터테인먼트 111

114 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Bobby Pins Bobby Pins is a five-member group consisting of vocals, guitar, bass, piano, and drums. Their music is based on funk, rock, and disco and pursues unique and addictive melodies and riffs that are simple yet experimental. Their lyrics are full of unique color and visual elements that incorporate retro sensibilities, B-grade emotions, and kitsch, deepening and intensifying the Bobby Pin s charms. Vocal Lee Seung Yun Electric guitar Joo Chan Ouk Bass guitar Hwang Jin Young Synthesizer Lee Su Jin Drums Lim Il Kyu The members met at Dankook University in 2016 and spent two years preparing for their debut in 2017 with the single Just Listen and expanded their stage nationwide based on performance in Chungcheong province. In 2019, they were invited to Canada for Indie Week 2019 and introduced themselves to the international stage. The Bobby Pins hope to show more people their performances and music that can be enjoyed by both the speaker and listener fun stage directing, powerful performance, and pleasant energy. Bobby Pins seominkyoz@gmail.com 112

115 뮤콘 2021 아티스트바비핀스 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 바비핀스 는보컬, 기타, 베이스, 건반, 드럼으로이루어진 5 인조 그룹사운드다. 바비핀스의음악은 Funk, Rock, Disco를기반으로개성있고중독성있는리프와멜로디, 심플하면서도실험적인파트구성을추구하고있으며, 지역고유의색채가가득한가사들과얼핏촌스러워보이지만세련된느낌의비주얼적인요소들은레트로감성과 B급정서, 키치함을두루담아바비핀스만의매력을더욱깊고진하게만들어준다. 2016년대학교에서만나약 2년간의준비를통해 2017년싱글 [ 듣기만하세요 ] 로데뷔, 충청지역을기반으로성장하여전국으로무대를넓히고 2019년에는캐나다 Indie week 2019 에초청되어해외무대에얼굴을알렸다. 바비핀스는화자와청자가모두즐겁게공감할수있는음악, 재미있는무대연출과파워풀한퍼포먼스, 유쾌한에너지를보여주는무대로더욱많은사람들에게다가가기위해노력하고있다. 보컬 이승윤일렉기타 주찬욱베이스 황진영건반 이수진드럼 임일규 이메일 : seominkyoz@gmail.com 바비핀스 113

116 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST WOO JIN YOUNG "WOO JIN YOUNG of the group D1CE debuted as a solo artist. WOO JIN YOUNG shis first mini-album [3-2=A] is an autobiographical album. WOO JIN YOUNG is starting the third chapter of his career, having been a trainee, his debut with D1CE, and the release of his solo album. Looking back on his past, he proudly expresses his aspirations for the future. His WOO JIN YOUNG's first mini-album 3-2=A is made up of six very different tracks: Rrrr, Room, Lock, Early Evening, and Feat. Nu;Face, in addition to the title song Happy Birthday. Main Rap WOO JIN YOUNG WOO JIN YOUNG showed off his abilitiesy as an artist by writing and composing all the songs on his mini-album. On top of that, producers bayb and Nu;Face, who have been working together since D1CE, produced the song, raising the overall level to perfection. 114 D1CE ENTERTAINMENT d1ceent@hanmail.net

117 뮤콘 2021 아티스트우진영 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 그룹디원스 (D1CE) 의 우진영 이솔로로데뷔했다. 우진영의첫미니앨범 [3-2=A] 는자신의이야기를그대로녹여낸작품이다. 연습생시절과디원스데뷔, 그리고솔로앨범발매까지세번째챕터를여는우진영. 그는자신의지난날을돌아보면서미래를향한포부를당당히밝힌다. 우진영의첫미니앨범 [3-2=A] 에는타이틀곡 'Happy Birthday' 외에도 'Rrrr', 'Room', 'Lock', ' 초저녁 ', ' 굿밤 (Feat. Nu;face)' 등 다채로운개성을품은여섯트랙이알차게담겨있다. 우진영은미니앨범에수록된전곡의작사와작곡에나서아티스트로서의역량을뽐냈다. 여기에디원스부터호흡을맞춰온프로듀서 bayb와 Nu;face가프로듀싱을맡아전체적인완성도를끌어올렸다. 메인랩 우진영 이메일 : d1ceent@hanmail.net 디원스엔터테인먼트 115

118 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Gaho Gaho is a South Korean singer-songwriter under the Planetarium Records Label. Upon releasing his singles Stay Here, Preparation For a Journey, FLY, and Pink Walk, Gaho showcased his musical world made up of various genres and high-level vocal techniques. Main Vocal Gaho Before his debut, Gaho composed and wrote the lyrics to Come to Me of the SBS drama While You Were Sleeping soundtrack and I Say of SHINEE s sixth album, demonstrating his producing skills. Since then, he has become a rising star of soundtracks through singing popular drama soundtracks, including Start over of Itaewon Class, Wish of Stranger 2, and Running of Startup. This year, Gaho released lead singles, Rush Hour and RIDE, heralding his first full-length album. 116 IN NEXT TREND (PLANETARIUM RECORDS) mhpark8441@naver.com HOMEPAGE :

119 뮤콘 2021 아티스트가호 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 가호 (Gaho) 는플라네타리움레코드싱어송라이터로서싱글 ' 있어줘 ', ' 떠날준비 ', FLY 와 Pink Walk 를발매하며다양한장르와수준급의보컬테크닉으로그만의음악세계를보여주기시작했다. 데뷔전부터 SBS 드라마 < 당신이잠든사이에 > OST ' 내게와 ', 샤이니정규 6집 [The Story of Light] 의수록곡 'I Say' 를직접작사, 작곡하며프로듀싱능력까지갖춘모습을보여주었고이후 < 이태원클라쓰 >, < 시작 >, < 비밀의숲 2>, < 바람 >, < 스타트업 >, <Running> 등인기드라마 OST에합류하며신흥 OST 강자로급부상하였다. 올해 2021 년, 리드싱글 Rush Hour, RIDE 를공개하며첫정규 앨범의발매를예고했다. 메인보컬 가호 이메일 : mhpark8441@naver.com 홈페이지 : 인넥스트트렌드 ( 플라네타리움레코드 ) 117

120 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Grizzly Singer-songwriter and composer Grizzly paints his music in his unique colors. Since his debut in 2014, he has released Insomnia, Misaeng, and Bench, among other tracks, bear with have Grizzly s his signature laid-back feel. In 2019, he rose to greater public recognition with Run, a collaboration with Chung-ha. In 2020, Grizzly released his EP album Fake Red featuring Dbo Khundi Panda, and Jaedal with more trendy music and visuals. In addition, he has collaborated with various artists, including Punchnello, Sole, and Coogie, consistently performing fresh music. Vocal Grizzly Through his music, Grizzly conveys the thoughts and emotions of daily life, and he will continue to present a variety of music using his own emotions as paint. EGO Group egoetmt@gmail.com HOMEPAGE : 118

121 뮤콘 2021 아티스트그리즐리 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 그리즐리 (Grizzly) 는자기만의색깔로음악을그려내는뮤지션으로, 2014년데뷔후 ' 불면증 ', ' 미생 ', 'Bench' 등편안하면서도공감할수있는곡은물론 2019년가수 ' 청하 ' 와콜라보로진행한 'RUN' 으로대중들에게한발짝다가섰다. 이에힘입어 2020년트렌디한음악과비주얼두가지부분을더욱발전시켜 'Dbo', 'Khundi Panda', 'Jaedal' 등이참여한 EP [Fake Red] 를발표하였고, 'Punch nello', 'SOLE', ' 쿠기 ' 등다양한아티스트들과협업하며신선하고좋은음악을꾸준히선보이며일상속에서보고느낀것들을듣는이에게생생하게전달하고있다. 앞으로도그만의감성을물감삼아다양한음악을그려나갈뮤지 션이다. 보컬 그리즐리 이메일 : egoetmt@gmail.com 홈페이지 : 이고그룹 119

122 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Moon Jong Up Moon Jong Up is a solo singer from B.A.P who made his debut with the hip-hop concept debut song Warrior in 2012 as the main dancer and sub-vocalist. On February 3, 2014, B.A.P released their first full-length studio album. Upon its release, the album topped the Billboard World Albums Chart, proving its international popularity. Vocal & Dance Moon Jong Up In May 2020, Moon Jong-up returned as a solo artist with HEADACHE, and he recently released a mini-album, US. He participated in composing and writing lyrics for all the songs on the mini-album. Through this album, he demonstrates his ability as a creative artist. The title song US is a Scandi-Pop number with a minimal sound and R&B vibe vocals. BIGOCEAN ENM nemojsy@gmail.com HOMEPAGE : bigoceanenm.com 120

123 뮤콘 2021 아티스트문종업 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 문종업 (Moon Jong Up) 은 2012 년힙합콘셉트의데뷔곡 Warrior 로데뷔한 B.A.P 출신의솔로가수로, 메인댄서와서브 보컬을담당했다. 데뷔후, 신인상대부분을휩쓸었으며국내뿐만아니라해외에서 도인기를얻었다. 특히 B.A.P 의첫정규앨범은발매와동시에빌 보드월드앨범차트에서 1 위를차지하기도하였다. 이후 2020년 5월, 솔로로첫선을보인레트로콘셉트의 HEADACHE 를시작으로최근에는전곡작사, 작곡에참여한미니앨범 [US] 를발매하여크리에이티브한아티스트의면모를보여주었다. 미니앨범과동명의타이틀곡 US 는미니멀한사운드와 R&B 바이브의보컬이어우러진 Scandi-Pop 넘버다. 보컬 & 댄스 문종업 이메일 : nemojsy@gmail.com 홈페이지 : 빅오션이엔엠 121

124 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST Maple & Rye Maple & Rye is fronted by two strong lead singers and their focus is sensitive storytelling in a mix of a broad palette from blues and funk to rock and folk-pop. They have attracted attention as a strong live act with sold out concerts, had millions of streams on their self-released earlier material and recently signed with the Swedish indie label Icons Creating Evil Art. Keyboard & Guitar Gustav Rybo- Molin Guitar Leo Lönnroth Bass Milton Lönnroth Drums Henrik Bielsten The band started 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden by Gustav Rybo- Molin and Leo Lönnroth back then just a acoustic guitar duo. They wanted to develop the sound and was soon joined by Milton Lönnroth on bass and Henrik Bielsten on drums. After that, they released some singles and an EP totally independent. The single Hymns of Posidon got a viral hit on Spotify and now has over 3 million streams. The band has since then toured extensively both in Europe but also on a smaller USA tour of course over the pandemic they have also written new music but hope to start playing live again. Their debut album was recorded in the world-famous Gothenburg studio Swedish Gramophone Studio. A studio whose recording technology has been used by world artists such as David Bowie, Aretha Franklin and Johnny Cash. Many people compare their music with Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers. The band is very flattered by it, but still wants to develop their sound and in the future, you will say that other bands will sound like Maple & Rye. It s not just acoustic guitars they also experiment with horns and other instruments to get a more complex sound. Future Echoes mapleandryeoffical@gmail.com 122

125 뮤콘 2021 아티스트메이플 & 라이 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 Maple & Rye 는두리드싱어를중심으로블루스, 펑크, 록, 포크, 팝에이르기까지다양한장르의음악에스토리텔링을더하는그 룹이다. 2016년 Gustav Rybo-Molin과 Leo Lönnroth가어쿠스틱기타듀오로스웨덴예테보리에서활동을시작하였으며, 이후사운드를위해베이시스트 Milton Lönnroth와드러머 Henrik Bielsten 를영입하였다. 이들은데뷔앨범을스웨덴예테보리의 Gramophone 스튜디오에서녹음하였으며, 이곳은 David Bowie, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Cash와같은세계적인아티스트들이녹음한곳으로유명하다. 이후싱글과 EP를자체제작하여발표하였으며, 이중싱글 Hymns of Posidon 은 Spotify에서입소문을타며현재 300만건이상의스트리밍을기록하였다. 밴드활동초창기에발매한음원들은수백만회스트리밍이되었으며, 최근스웨덴인디레이블 Icons Creation Evil Art와계약하였다. 키보드 & 기타 구스타프라이보 - 몰린기타 레오뢴로스베이스 밀턴뢴로스드럼 헨리크빌스텐 Maple & Rye는라이브활동으로크게주목을받아왔으며콘서트마다매진을기록하고있다. 유럽의다양한나라에서투어를진행하였고팬데믹속에서도소규모로미국투어를진행하며음악작업에매진하고있다. 더많은팬들과라이브무대에서만날수있기를희망하고있다. 이들의음악은 Mumford& Sons, The Lumineers 와자주비교되는데멤버들은이를기쁘게생각하고있다. 미래에는다른밴드가 Maple & Rye와비슷하다 는소식을듣기를희망하며어쿠스틱기타뿐만아니라호른및다른악기들을활용하여실험적인사운드로그들만의사운드를만들어가고있다. 이메일 : mapleandryeoffical@gmail.com 퓨처에코스 123

126 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST JAMIE JAMIE is a singer, songwriter, television host, and the ultimate representation of determination and hard work. After years of industry groundwork, artistic shifts, and a semi-retreat from the spotlight, the child prodigy and winner of the audition program K-pop Star signed with Warner Music Korea in April 2020, starting a new chapter in her career. Vocal JAMIE During the course of her ten-year career, JAMIE has built an unparalleled repertoire, showcasing her diverse musical abilities and maturity in EPs like the coming-of-age album 19 to 20 and genre-hopping mini-album jiminxjamie. With buoyant charisma, mischievous charm, and inimitable vocal talent, the critically-acclaimed singer-songwriter continues to enchant her growing international fanbase. She currently boasts 1.6 million followers on Instagram and millions of streams on YouTube. JAMIE has proven her versatility and popularity with both the public and artists alike collaborating with top musicians within Korea and internationally. 124 WARNER MUSIC KOREA jamie_wmk@warnermusic.com HOMEPAGE :

127 뮤콘 2021 아티스트제이미 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 제이미 는 <K팝스타시즌1> 의우승자로스포트라이트를받았으며, 이후가요시장에서수년간의기반을쌓아왔다. 15& 를시작으로대중에게가창력과동시에다양한장르를소화하는다재다능함을보여주었으며, 스무살이됨과동시에음악적성숙함을담은앨범 [19 to 20], 여러장르를아우르는매력을보여준미니앨범 [jiminxjamie] 등으로제이미만의디스코그래피를탄탄히쌓아왔다. 2020년 4월워너뮤직코리아의입단후 Mnet 경연방송 <Good Girl> 에출연하여새로운모습을대중에게선보였고, 이후눈에보이는숫자로만평가하는사람들에게보내는메시지를그녀만의스타일로풀어낸싱글 'Numbers' 외다수의음원발매및 ph-1의 365&7, 쇼미더머니9 경연곡, 미국뮤지션 Saweetie의발매리믹스곡 Best Friend 의피처링참여등으로국내외를넘나드는뮤지션들과의콜라보로제이미만의커리어를쌓고있다. 보컬 제이미 이메일 : jamie_wmk@warnermusic.com 홈페이지 : 워너뮤직코리아 125

128 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST KIM FEEL FEEL KIM is a singer-songwriter who captivates the audience with his sharp yet clear vocals and poetic lyrics. Debuting in 2011, he rose to stardom as the runner-up of Superstar K6 in Since releasing his first mini-album Feel Free in 2015, FEEL KIM tells his own story through laidback melodies. His music has been called a perfect blend of the sensibilities of Kwangseok Kim and Seung-yeol Lee with the melodies of Jae-ha Yoo. Vocal & Guitar FEEL KIM FEEL KIM is also gaining further popularity as he participates in numerous movie/drama OSTs. He has participated in twelve OSTs so far and is said to enhance the work's emotional depth. EMA jinseok@emamgmt.com HOMEPAGE : 126

129 뮤콘 2021 아티스트김필 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 김필 은날카로우면서도맑은목소리와시적가사로청중의감성 을사로잡는싱어송라이터다 년데뷔한그는, 2014 년슈 퍼스타 K6 준우승으로일약스타덤에올랐다. 그는 2015년첫미니앨범 [Feel Free] 를발매한이후로자유로운멜로디에자기만의이야기를들려주고있다. 혹자는김필의작품을유재하의멜로디위에김광석과이승열의감성을적절히섞은웰메이드음악이라고도한다. 김필은또한많은영화 / 드라마 OST 에참여하며인기를끌고있 다. 그는지금까지 12 개의 OST 에참여하여작품의감성을한층 더끌어올려주었다는평을얻고있다. 보컬 & 기타 김필 이메일 : jinseok@emamgmt.com 홈페이지 : EMA 127

130 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 2021 MU:CON 2021 ARTIST SE SO NEON SE SO NEON is a Korean band formed in Seoul in The band consists of Hwang Soyoon (vocals/guitar), Usu (drums), and Park Hyunjin (bass). They have explored their own brand of lo-fi and vintage sound ever since, with a wide spectrum of musical influences varying from blues, psychedelic rock to new wave and synth pop. Vocal & Guitar Hwang Soyoon Bass Park Hyunjin Drums Usu They released their debut single A Long Dream in June 2017, quickly followed by the 6-song EP Summer Plumage in October to critical and popular acclaim. In 2018, Se So Neon was awarded Rookie of The Year and Best Rock Song of The Year of the Korean Music Awards. The EP Nonadaptation was selected for Pitchfork's The 35 Best Rock Albums of Their single Jayu which was released in February 2021, received high reviews overseas and has been included in the YouTube Global Artist Development Program 2021 Foundry." MAGIC STRAWBERRY SOUND redmoon@magicstrawberry.co.kr HOMEPAGE :

131 뮤콘 2021 아티스트새소년 MU:CON Showcase 2021 뮤콘쇼케이스 년서울에서결성된 새소년 은황소윤 ( 보컬 / 기타 ), 유수 ( 드 럼 ), 박현진 ( 베이스 ) 으로이뤄진 3 인조밴드다. 블루스, 사이키델릭록, 뉴웨이브, 신스팝등다양한음악적영향 을받아장르의경계를넘나들며, 새로움에대한추구가모여 새 소년스러움 을만든다. 2017년 6월데뷔싱글 [ 긴꿈 ] 을발매하고, 곧바로첫번째 EP [ 여름깃 ] 을선보였다. 이와동시에평단과대중에게큰호평을받으며한국대중음악상 ' 올해의신인상 ' 과 최우수록노래 를수상했다. 두번째 EP [ 비적응 ] 은미국의음악매체 Pitchfork의 The 35 Best Rock Albums of 2020" 으로선택되었다. 2021년 2월싱글 [ 자유 ] 가발매된이후해외에서도높은평가와관심을받고있으며, 최근 YouTube 글로벌아티스트프로그램인 "2021 Foundry" 에선정이되면서글로벌아티스트로서성장해나가고있다. 보컬 & 기타 황소윤베이스 박현진드럼 유수 이메일 : redmoon@magicstrawberry.co.kr 홈페이지 : 매직스트로베리사운드 129

132 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021

133 BUSINESS 뮤콘비즈매칭 Festival Director's Lounge 132 International Talent Agency Lounge Music Sync Lounge Collaboration Lounge Mentoring Lounge MU:CON 비즈매칭프로그램은참가뮤지션의글로벌진출니즈에맞춰 5가지비즈니스매칭을 24시간지원합니다. 우수뮤지션을대상으로뮤콘초이스신청기회, K-뮤직시티페스티벌참가, 맞춤형글로벌프로모션광고지원을제공합니다. MU:CON Business Matching Program is focused on increasing interaction and communication among the Asian and global music industries. There are five segmented business meeting lounges such as collaboration, international agency, festival director, mentoring and music sync to help you find business partners online. Matching will be available via the Swap Card link on the MU:CON website 24 hours a day at mutually agreed-upon times.

134 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 뮤콘 2021 네트워크 MU:CON 2021 NETWORK - 올해뮤콘은피지컬매칭이불가능한상황에서국내외음악관계자들의소통활성화및네트워크구축을위한기능을제공합니다. - 홈페이지주소 : mucon.kr - 스왑카드를통해비즈매칭프로그램이진행됩니다. - 델리게이트등록조건 : 음악산업계현업에서활동하고있는관계자및글로벌비즈니스참가희망자 - This year's MU:CON takes place at a time when physical one to one meetings are not possible, so we will be offering communication functions to delegates via an online platform. - Official Website Address: mucon.kr - Business Program will run virtually through an online platform, Swapcard. - Terms and conditions for the registration of delegates: Delegates must be professionals from a field in the music industry and those who wish to participate in global business. 132

135 STEP 1 델리게이트등록 Delegate Sign-up 홈페이지를통한델리게이트등록 Fill in a form at [Delegate Sign-up] button at mucon.kr STEP 2 스왑카드로그인 Log-in to Swapcard - 스왑카드페이지로그인 - 개별정보 ( 마이페이지 ) 수정 - Log-in to Swapcard - Update My Page STEP 3 비즈매칭 Meeting Arrangement - 미팅신청바이어미팅수락 예약완료 - At Swapcard 1:1 Meetings Send Meeting Requests STEP 4 비즈매칭참여 Business Match-making - 데모데이 - 행사기간동안비즈매칭참여 - 비즈니스미팅결과제출 - Demoday - Participate Business Program during the event - Summary and Feedback 133

136 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT 페스티벌디렉터라운지는기존페스티벌디렉터들이가상쇼케이 스참여방법을피칭하며, 선택받은뮤지션의참여를지원합니다. The Festival Director Lounge is where existing festival directors pitch their know-how to participate in a virtual showcase and supports the participation of selected musicians. 134

137 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함음악팀장자기소개아담라이언은 Great Escape의페스티벌큐레이터이다. 그는 5년동안이역할을수행했다. Great Escape는 14년동안지속되어온유럽최대규모의새로운음악컨퍼런스이자페스티벌이다. Great Escape는 5월중 3일동안영국브라이튼에서 450명이상의아티스트를선보인다. 약 27개국, 30개의베뉴에서펼쳐진다. 매년전세계에서 4000명이상의음악산업대표자와전문가가참석한다. 아담라이언 Adam Ryan WEBSITE The Great Escape TITLE Head of Music BIOGRAPHY Adam Ryan is the Festival curator for The Great Escape. A role he has held for 5 years. The Great Escape is the largest new music conference and festival in Europe and has been running for 14 years. The Great Escape takes place in Brighton (UK) over three days in May showcasing over 450 artists. Representing around 27 countries, across 30 plus venues. Over 4000 music industry delegates and professionals attended each year from around the globe. 135

138 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함소유자, 프로그래머, 국제파트너십자기소개 Darryl Hurs(CD Baby / Indie Week) Indie Week Canada(2021 년 11월 9-13일온라인 ) 는음악산업에서 25년이상의경험이있다코로나이후 Darryl은 Music Pro Summit(9월 8일 ~11일 ), SCREENxSCREEN 및 indie101( 온라인음악비즈니스및기술컨퍼런스 ) 도시작했다. Darryl은현재 CD Baby의캐나다시장개발이사이며과거 Live Nation( 로고디자인, vipnation.com) 의그래픽디자인및이벤트브랜딩의경험이있다. 다릴허스 Darryl Hurs Indie Week Inc WEBSITE TITLE Owner / Programmer / International Partnerships BIOGRAPHY Darryl Hurs (CD Baby / Indie Week) 25+ year history in the music industry including launching Indie Week Canada (Nov 9-13, 2021 online). Since COVID, Darryl has also launched Music Pro Summit (Sept 8-11), SCREENxSCREEN, and indie101 (online music business and tech conferences). Darryl currently is also the director of market development in Canada for CD Baby. Past positions include graphic design and event branding for, Live Nation (logo design, vipnation.com). 136

139 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함국제협력팀장자기소개 Wild Mint Festival은러시아에서가장큰독립음악축제중하나로모스크바에서 100km 떨어진곳에서펼쳐지는야외축제다 년부터시작된이축제는러시아의주요음악행사중하나로자리잡았으며, 2022년에는록, 인디, 팝, 힙합, 록, 인디, 팝, 힙합, 댄스, 포크, 재즈등다양한장르를대표하는수많은뮤지션들에의해 10일간개최되며페스티벌관객에게진정한음악모험을할수있는기회를제공할것이다. 갈리나는국제프로젝트를담당하고있다. WEBSITE TITLE Head of International Relations 갈리나메텔스까야 Galina Metelskaya Wild Mint Festival BIOGRAPHY Wild Mint Festival is one of the largest independent music festivals in Russia, it's an outdoor festival held 100 km from Moscow. Established on 2008, the festival has become one of the major music events in Russia and in 2022 it will be held for 10 days to host a great number of musicians representing a wide range of genres (rock, indie, pop, hip-hop, dance, folk, jazz) and give the festival audience an opportunity to have a real music adventure. Galina is in charge of international projects. 137

140 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함대표자기소개 Justin은홍콩출신으로 20년이상음악계에종사했다. Magnetic Asia( 의공동설립자이자음악책임자로 Clockenflap( Sonar Hong Kong(www. sonarhongkong.com), 라이브쇼 ('Clockenflap Presents') 를운영하고있다. 또한티케팅서비스를포함하여 ( & 및다양한고객대상으로대행서비스를겸하고있다. 저스틴스위팅 Justin Sweeting Magnetic Asia WEBSITE TITLE Head of Music BIOGRAPHY Born and raised in HK, Justin has over 20 years music industry experience. He s the co-founder & Head of Music at Magnetic Asia ( Their operations include: Clockenflap ( Sonar Hong Kong ( regular live shows ( Clockenflap Presents ); Ticketing ( & www. totalticketing.com) and further agency services for a broad range of clients. 138

141 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함뮤직부커자기소개 10년동안 Glastonbury Festival에전문적으로참여하면서다양한역할맡았던케이트는 2017년부터새로운음악을홍보하고여성의목소리를전면에내세우는부킹역할을맡았다. 케이트는 2019년 Glastonbury의세계적으로유명한 John Peel Stage의부킹을담당했으며페스티벌의 Emerging Talent Competition에서심사하는것과함께메인무대프로그래밍의조정지원을계속할것이다. 케이트딕 Kate Dick Glastonbury Festival WEBSITE TITLE Music Booker BIOGRAPHY With a decade-long professional involvement with Glastonbury Festival, in a variety of roles, Kate settled into a booking role in 2017, her purview to promote new music and bring female voices to the fore. Kate took over the booking of Glastonbury's world-famous John Peel Stage in 2019 and will continue to assist the coordination of main stage programming, along with judging on the festival s Emerging Talent Competition. 139

142 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함프로그래밍디렉터자기소개 마이키리쉬웨인 Mikey B Rishwain M for Montreal 2007년부터 M FOR MONTREAL의프로그래밍디렉터로활동해왔으며 Santa Teresa Festival 부킹예약도겸하고있다. 유망주발견에타고난능력을보유하여 Mac Demarco, Grimes, Half Moon Run 등많은아티스트경력에도움이되었다. 영국브라이튼에서열린 YMCA 어워드우승후보에세번올랐을뿐아니라최고도시챔피언과최고의페스티벌네트워킹활동을수상했다. Mikey는몬트리올의 Coyote Records 및 Joy Ride Records를대표하고있다. WEBSITE TITLE Music Programmer BIOGRAPHY Programming Director for M FOR MONTREAL since 2007 and also books the Santa Teresa festival. His natural ability to discover the best up-and-coming acts has helped the careers of many artists including Mac Demarco, Grimes and Half Moon Run. He was nominated three times and won Best City Champion and Best Festival Networking Activity at the YMCA Awards, in Brighton UK. Aside from his booking agenda, Mikey represents Montreal s Coyote Records and Joy Ride Records. 140

143 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함매니징디렉터자기소개레베카는새로운음악을위한영국최고의독립페스티벌인사운드시티의매니징디렉터이다. 300명이상의아티스트가 40개국의 10,000명의팬과 2,000명의전문가들을대상으로공연을펼친다. 세계에서가장전설적인음악도시리버풀에서 3일동안밤낮으로진행되며영감을준다. 그밖의사운드시티이벤트로는뉴욕사운드시티, 사운드시티코리아, 오프레코드 - 맨체스터, 사운드오브더 Xity: 차이나 ( 모던스카이엔터테인먼트와제휴 ) 가있다. WEBSITE 레베카아이어스 Rebecca Ayres Liverpool Sound City TITLE Managing Director BIOGRAPHY Rebecca is Managing Director of Sound City, which is the UK's leading independent festival for new music. Over 300 artists perform to 10,000 music fans and 2,000 industry professionals from 40 countries. It takes place throughout 3 inspirational days and nights, in the world s most legendary music city: Liverpool. Other Sound City events include New York Sound City, Sound City Korea, Off the Record - Manchester, Sounds of the Xity: China (in partnership with Modern Sky Entertainment). 141

144 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 FESTIVAL DIRECTOR'S LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함수석부사장 - 쇼비즈자기소개 유타나부놈 Yuthana Boonorm Big Mountain Music Festival, GMM Grammy 유타나부놈은창의적인음악축제의창시자며콘서트기획자이자크리에이티브디렉터로음악이벤트총괄프로듀서이다. 또한 MC, TV 진행자, 라디오 DJ 음악경연대회해설자 / 심사위원으로서활동하고있다. 음반사, 잡지, 라디오프로그램을운영했을뿐아니라책도저술한바있다. 태국에서가장큰음악축제인 Big Mountain Music Festival 의총괄프로듀서로가장잘알려져있다. WEBSITE TITLE Senior Executive Vice President Showbiz BIOGRAPHY An Inspiring and creative music festival initiator, concert promoter and creative director, music event executive producer, MC, TV Host, Radio DJ Music contest commentator/ judge in Thailand. Also, he had run a music label, music magazine, radio programs and written books. He is best known for being an Executive Producer of Big Mountain Music Festival the biggest music festival in Thailand. 142

145 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 인터내셔널에이전시라운지는글로벌에이전시의 K-POP 아티스 트영입기회를마련하며국내소속사와해외에이전시간계약을 유도합니다. The International Talent Agency Lounge provides opportunities for global agencies to recruit K-POP artists and induces contracts between domestic agencies and overseas agencies. 143

146 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함 CEO 자기소개다니엘하는북미기반음악에이전시인 Kohai의설립자이자 CEO 다. Kohai는아티스트, 레이블및브랜드와협력하여콘서트를개최하고, 아티스트를담당하며, 투어관리, 쇼예약, 이벤트개최를했다. Kohai는 Jay Park, DPR, Adidas, Apple, AOMG 및 H1GHR Music 을포함한유명브랜드및아티스트와작업했다. 다니엘하 Daniel Ha Kohai WEBSITE TITLE CEO BIOGRAPHY Daniel Ha is founder and CEO of Kohai, a North America based music agency. Kohai works collaboratively with artists, labels, and brands to organize concerts, represent talent, manage tours, book shows, and produce events. Kohai has worked with notable brands and artists including Jay Park, DPR, Adidas, Apple, AOMG and H1GHR Music. 144

147 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함 CEO 자기소개 Eduardo Basagana는아르헨티나부에노스아이레스 ( 아르헨티나 ) 와미국마이애미에지사를두고남미전역에서활동중인 EB Producciones사의 CEO이다. EB Producciones은 Rock Legends Aerosmith와 Latin Super Star Karol G 등과작업했다. 2020년에 +VIVO 라이브와온디맨드스트리밍플랫폼을출시했는데전세계에서유일하게 8D 몰입형오디오를활용한생방송과 VR 360 영상을제공한다. 이플랫폼은대륙간라이브시그널을최초로연결시켜한국과아르헨티나간스트리밍콘서트개최가가능하게되었다. WEBSITE TITLE CEO 에두어라도바사가나 Eduardo Basagana +VIVO, EB Productions BIOGRAPHY CEO in EB Producciones, with Offices in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Miami (United States); and operations all over Latin America. They have worked with Rock Legends Aerosmith and Latin Super Star Karol G, among others. In 2020 launched +VIVO Live and On-Demand Streaming Platform, and the only one worldwide to broadcast live in 8D Inmersive Audio. They also offer VR 360. Is the first Platform to connect a Live TransContinental Signal between South Korea and Argentina for a Streaming Concert. 145

148 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함창립자 & 총책임자자기소개 에릭데폰테네이 Eric de Fontenay MusicDish 独立小炒 Second Hand Rose, Jolin Tsai, Joanna Wong 및 Matzuka와같은수상경력에빛나는중국의국제적인공연을개최했다. 그래미블루스의전설 Sugar Blue와같이중국에서점점더늘어나는해외공연을순회했다. NYCxDesign, China Institute 및 SXSW에서강연과전시를개최했으며전세계음악컨퍼런스에서정기적으로연사로활동하고있다. Mandarin Leader의 2016 Honoree List에선정되어 CGTN에서 China Today에이르기까지다양한미디어에소개된바있다. WEBSITE TITLE Founder & General Manager BIOGRAPHY He has arranged international performances for awardwinning Chinese acts such as Second Hand Rose, Jolin Tsai, Joanna Wong and Matzuka. He has toured a growing roster of overseas acts in China such as Grammy blues legend Sugar Blue. He has organized talks and exhibition for NYCxDesign, China Institute and SXSW, and has been a regular speaker at music conferences worldwide. Selected for Mandarin Leader's 2016 Honoree List, he's been featured in a variety of media from CGTN to China Today. 146

149 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함 CEO 자기소개 10여년간아티스트발전과홍보분야를리드해온 360 뮤직에이전시의대표이다. 호세벨라스케 Jose Velasquez WEBSITE VELTRAC Music TITLE CEO BIOGRAPHY 360 Music Agency leading on artist development and promotion for over 10 years. 147

150 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함부킹에이전트자기소개 Ryan은 Paradigm Agency에서 10년이상근무했으며 Blackpink, Lewis Capaldi 및 Clean Bandit을비롯한많은유명아티스트를담당했을뿐아니라 Sam Ryder, Tai Verdes 및 Ryan Mack와같은신진아티스트를맡고있다. 라이언펜티 Ryan Penty Paradigm Agency WEBSITE TITLE Booking Agent BIOGRAPHY Ryan has worked at Paradigm Agency for just over 10 years and represents a number of high profile artists including Blackpink, Lewis Capaldi and Clean Bandit as well as a number of exciting new artists such as Sam Ryder, Tai Verdes and Ryan Mack. 148

151 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 뮤직싱크라운지는게임광고, 영화, 드라마등에사용되는음악판권 에대한새로운판로개척의장을마련합니다. The Music Sync Lounge opens a new market for music copyrights used in game advertisements, movies, and dramas. 149

152 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT 브렛바이어드 Brett Byrd CD Baby 홈페이지 직함싱크라이선싱매니저자기소개 CD Baby에서 10년동안근무했으며그중 6년이상을 CD Baby 라이선스파트에서 4백만개이상의마스터및퍼블리싱싱크라이선스를관리했다. Brett는기묘한이야기, What We Do In The Shadows, Handmaid's Tale, Grace and Frankie, Jeep, Delta, Volkswagen, NASCAR 등수많은 TV 쇼, 영화, 광고, 예고편및프로모션에서 CD Baby 아티스트의라이선스를취득했다. WEBSITE TITLE Manager, Sync Licensing BIOGRAPHY With 10 years of experience working at CD Baby, Brett brings 6 years of experience to sync licensing, managing over 4 million master and publishing synchronization copyrights from the CD Baby catalog. Brett has licensed CD Baby artist in countless TV shows, films, advertisements, trailers and promos including Stranger things, What We Do In the Shadows, Handmaid s Tale, Grace and Frankie, Jeep, Delta, Volkswagen, NASCAR and many more. 150

153 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함 A&R, 싱크, 레이블팀장자기소개 현재폴란드에기반을두고있는자고다는 Anara Publishing 및 Horus Music에서 A&R, 동기화및레이블서비스의팀장으로일하고있습니다. 그녀는출판및싱크표현을위해전세계에서새로운음악을소싱하는일을담당하고있습니다. 그녀는또한 Anara 아티스트를위한싱크라이선스기회를찾고있습니다. 자고다는또한 Horus Music Team이유통서비스를위해새로운고객을확보하는데도움을주고있다. WEBSITE TITLE Head of A&R, Sync and Label Services 자고다자고드진스카 Jagoda Jagodzinska Anara Publishing/Horus Music BIOGRAPHY Currently based in Poland, Jagoda works as the Haad of A&R, Sync and Label Services at Anara Publishing and Horus Music. She is responsible for sourcing new music from all over the world for publishing and sync representation. She is also searching for sync licensing opportunities for the Anara artists. Jagoda is also assisting Horus Music Team in acquiring new clients for the distribution services. 151

154 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함싱크대표자기소개 키란파텔 Kiran Patel A&G Sync 키란은 2014년부터 A&Gsync Creative 팀의대표로재직중이다. 그는음원발매와싱크라이센싱산업에서 10년이상의경력을지녔으며, 고사양의싱크를제공하며많은수상을했고국제적인음원라이센싱에이전트로활약하고있다. A&G는영국런던에본사를두고있으며, 다양하고도독자적인출판사, 매니지먼트기업그리고 Dirty Hit, Lucky Number, Luaka Bop and Supernature와같은독자적인레이블들과협업하고있다. WEBSITE TITLE Head of Sync BIOGRAPHY Kiran has headed up the creative team at A&GSync since 2014, with 10 years+ experience in the music publishing and synchronization licensing industry, seeking high profile sync deals as an award-winning and international music licensing agent. A&G work with a broad range of independent publishers, management companies and independent labels such as Dirty Hit, Lucky Number, Luaka Bop and Supernature, with headquarters in London, UK. 152

155 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함 CEO 자기소개 SyncSummit 이벤트시리즈의창립자이자 CEO인 Frieser는시각적, 대화형및브랜드미디어시장을위한음악에서아이디어와지식을공유하고구매자와판매자간의거래를위해매년수천명의사람들을모았다. 싱크라이선스에이전시 Disconic 는세계최대의음반사, 출판사, 아티스트및매니지먼트회사와긴밀히협력하여양방향및비주얼미디어에서사용할수있도록음악을홍보한다. 10여년간 TV, 영화, 광고및기타프로덕션에서한국음악씬과협업했고라이선스를제공해온국제적인싱크에이전트로레이블, 아티스트, 퍼블리셔및매니저와미팅을희망한다. WEBSITE TITLE CEO 마크프리저 Mark Frieser Sync Summit BIOGRAPHY As the Founder and CEO of the SyncSummit event series, Mr. Frieser brings together thousands of people annually to share ideas, knowledge, and to make deals between buyers and sellers in the music for visual, interactive and branded media market. As the Founder of sync licensing agency Disconic Mr. Frieser works closely with the world s largest music labels, publishers, artists and management companies to promote their music for usage in interactive and visual media. 153

156 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MUSIC SYNC LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함아태지역레이블책임자자기소개 Deezer 플랫폼은 4천만개이상의음악트랙에대한무제한액세스를제공하는구독서비스로휴대폰이나태블릿에서앱을통해나만의재생목록을만들수있다. 플랫폼과연계해협업하기원하는희망하는음악관계자를찾고있다. 나타샤자이널 Natasha Zainal Deezer WEBSITE TITLE Head of Label Relations, APAC BIOGRAPHY Deezer Premium is a subscription-based service that allows you to enjoy unlimited access to over 40 million music tracks. You can create your own playlists and make it mobile by downloading the Deezer app on your mobile phone or tablet. 154

157 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 콜라보레이션라운지에서는작곡, 편곡, 가사, 보이스등음악작업 전분야에걸친자유로운협업과재능을찾는논의를진행합니다. In the Collaboration Lounge, free collaboration in all fields of music work, including composition, arrangement, lyrics, and voice, is conducted, and discussions are held to seek out talent. 155

158 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함프로젝트매니저자기소개 끼아라갈레리니 Chiara Gallerani Italia Music Export Chiara Gallerani는 Italia Music Export의프로젝트관리자로유럽의모든음악수출네트워크인 EMEE, European Music Exporters Exchange의커뮤니케이션코디네이터이다. I-Days Festival을조직한 Indipendente Concerti(Live Nation Italia) 에서마케팅및홍보책임자를역임했으며 2015년부터 MI AMI Festival( 이탈리아밀라노 ) 에서아티스트연락매니저로도활동해왔다. WEBSITE TITLE Project manager BIOGRAPHY Chiara Gallerani is Italia Music Export s project manager. She s also the communication coordinator for EMEE, European Music Exporters Exchange, the network gathering all music export offices in Europe. Before working at Italia Music Export she was head of marketing and promotion at Indipendente Concerti (Live Nation Italia) which organized, among many concerts, I-Days Festival. Since 2015, she works also as artists liaison manager at MI AMI Festival (Milan, Italy). 156

159 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함프로듀서자기소개 Pet Shop Boys, Morrissey, Jimmy Nail, Cathy Dennis, U2 또는 Suede와같은다양한믹싱및엔지니어링아티스트와작업했다. 또한 Coldplay의그래미상수상앨범 "A Rush of Blood to the Head" 를믹싱하였다. Danton이프로듀서로참여한 " X&Y" 앨범은제48회그래미어워드에서베스트록앨범과베스트록송을포함한여러음악상후보에올랐을뿐만아니라전세계적으로가장많이팔린앨범이다. WEBSITE 댄튼서플 Danton Supple Definition Arts TITLE Producer BIOGRAPHY Supple's career includes mixing and engineering artists as diverse as Pet Shop Boys, Morrissey, Jimmy Nail, Cathy Dennis, U2 or Suede among many others. Having previously mixed Coldplay's breakthrough Grammy Award-winning album "A Rush of Blood to the Head", Danton also became the producer; "X&Y". The album was the worldwide best-selling album, receiving multiple music awards as well as nominations including Best Rock Album and Best Rock Song at the 48th Grammy Awards. 157

160 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함창립자겸CEO(Slate Ent.), 아태지역총괄디렉터 (CD Baby) 자기소개음악비즈니스분야에서페스티벌, 공연장프로그램 ( 관리 ), 투어, 아티스트관리및개발을아우르며 10년이상경험을쌓았다. 현재는 Slate Entertainment의 CEO를맡고있으며 CD Baby(Downtown Music Holdings) 에서아시아태평지역총괄로서 Going Global( 뉴질랜드 ), BIGSOUND( 호주 ), Face The Music( 호주 ), Fluvial( 칠레 ) 등해외시장개발을담당하고있다. 키쓰탄 Keith Tan Slate Entertainment, CD Baby WEBSITE TITLE Founder/CEO(Slate Ent.), Director(Asia Pacific, CD Baby) BIOGRAPHY Keith has over a decade of experience in the music business; spanning festival and venue programming and management, touring as well as artist management and development. He currently overseas market development in the Asia Pacific region for CD Baby (Downtown Music Holdings). He has been invited to speak on panels at conferences locally and around the world like Going Global (New Zealand), BIGSOUND (Australia), Face The Music (Australia), Fluvial (Chile) etc. 158

161 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함디렉터자기소개 MExP 디렉터및작곡가협회 ZAiKS 부회장, CIAM 집행위원으로오래활동했으며재즈, 팝및록음악작곡가, 프로듀서, 보컬리스트이자밴드멤버이다. 아티스트이자사업가로서음악산업에대한폭넓은배경을가진 Marek은 MExP에서중책을맡아폴란드음악의해외인지도와잠재력을키워왔다. 또한본인소유의레코드레이블과녹음스튜디오를운영하고있다. WEBSITE TITLE Director 마렉호즈다 Marek Hojda Music Export Poland BIOGRAPHY Director of Music Export Poland and long-time activist (including Deputy President of Authors Society ZAiKS, member of the Executive Committee of CIAM); jazz, pop and rock music composer, producer, vocalist and band member. With his extensive background in the music industry both as an artist and businessman, Marek took the role in MExPto grow the recognition and potential of Polish music abroad. Throughout his career Marek have run his record label, and his own recording studio. 159

162 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 COLLABORATION LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함음악 & 엔터테인먼트디렉터자기소개음악크리에이티브전문가로 20여년간엔터테인먼트산업계에몸담았다. MCA 뮤직필리핀 (UMG) 및워너뮤직필리핀레이블등을이끌어왔다. 닐은멀티플래티넘수상레코드프로듀서로다양한아티스트들과콜라보레이션을진행하며주목할만한작품을많이냈다. 여전히음악애호가로활동하며밴드투어활동을펼치고있다. 닐그레고리오 Neil Gregorio Widescope Entertainment WEBSITE TITLE Music and Entertainment Director BIOGRAPHY An accomplished Creative Professional in the field of Music Entertainment, that span over a period of 20 years. Formerly led the Domestic label for MCA Music Philippines (UMG) and Warner Music Philippines to name a few. A Multi-Platinum Awarded Record Producer with notable works and collaborations with various artists. A rock music aficionado by heart, and a lead guitarist which still actively tours with his band. 160

163 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 멘토링라운지는글로벌음악전문가로부터유통, 마케팅, 플랫폼, 현지화, 팬덤, 데이터관리등에관한조언을들을수있는멘토링세 션기회가주어집니다. The Mentoring Lounge offers mentoring sessions where you can receive advice from global music experts on distribution, marketing, platform, localization, fandom, data management, and more. 161

164 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함 A&R 및프로젝트관리자자기소개 Anika Mottershaw는권위있는독립레코드레이블인 Bella Union 에서 11년동안일한경험이있다. 영국에기반을레이블에는많은영국및국제적인아티스트가있으며 Anika는 A&R 및프로젝트를관리하고있다. 신인아티스트를만나는데관심있다. 아니카모터쇼 Anika Mottershaw Bella Union WEBSITE TITLE A&R and Project Manager BIOGRAPHY Anika Mottershaw has eleven years of experience working at prestigious independent record label Bella Union. Based in the UK, the label is home to many British and international artists. Anika s role is A&R and project manager. 162

165 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함아태지역비즈니스매니저자기소개 Anita는저작권수집및관리에서음악배포에이르기까지음악비즈니스에서 10년이상의경험을가지고있다. 그녀는현재 FUGA의아시아태평양지역을감독하고있다. FUGA는업계최고기술을기반으로음악유통및마케팅서비스를제공한다. 아니타자가 Anita Zagar WEBSITE FUGA TITLE Music and Entertainment Director BIOGRAPHY Anita has over a decade experience in the music business, from rights collections and management to the music distribution. She currently oversees the Asia Pacific region for FUGA. FUGA provides a flexible music distribution and marketing services, powered by FUGA industry-leading technology. 163

166 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT 홈페이지 직함지역이사 ( 동남아, 오세아니아, 한국 ) 자기소개 Antoine EL IMAN은유럽과아시아에서기업가로음악산업및관련기술분야에서 20여년의성공적인경험을가지고있다. 업계의혼란스러움이기업가정신으로해결할수있다고믿는다. 독립레이블및아티스트를위한최고의유통회사인 Believe의지역이사이다. 안토니엘이만 Antoine EL IMAN Believe WEBSITE TITLE Regional Directo (SEA, AUNZ and KOREA) BIOGRAPHY Antoine EL IMAN has 20 years of successful experience in the music and technology industries, as an entrepreneur and a corporate member, in both Europe and Asia. He's been lucky to learn from being confronted with industry disruption and entrepreneurship challenges. He's the Regional Director of Believe, the leading distribution company for independent labels and artists. 164

167 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함매니징디렉터자기소개 Dean Augustine은 Tower Records Singapore의 GM이었다. 공동창립자 Avex Trax Ken Suzuki는그를일본이외의 A&R 책임자로지정했다. MD로서그는아시아및세계 ( 일본제외 ) 지역을관리했다. 2015년 Cross Ratio Entertainment를설립했다. 아티스트매니지먼트, 유통, 퍼블리싱외에음악및비음악관련브랜드의디지털마케팅, PR 매니지먼트, 프로젝트매니지먼트, 이벤트매니지먼트등을하고있다. 딘어거스틴 Dean Augustine WEBSITE Cross Ratio Entertainment Pte Ltd TITLE Managing Director BIOGRAPHY Dean Augustine was GM at Tower Records Singapore. The co-founder Avex Trax Ken Suzuki roped him as Head of A&R outside Japan. As the MD, he managed the region Asia & World (except Japan). He founded Cross Ratio Entertainment in Other than artiste management, distribution, and publishing, the company delves into digital marketing, PR management, project management, and event management for brands that are music and non-music related. 165

168 MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT 플로전쉐카 Flowsion Shekar Koreaboo 홈페이지 직함 CEO 자기소개 Flowsion Shekar는전세계월간사용자가 8천만명이상인엔터테인먼트및디지털미디어회사인 Koreaboo의공동설립자이다. 2010년부터한류열풍에적극적으로참여해왔으며월스트리트저널, NPR, CNN 및 SXSW에서 K-Pop에대한첫패널로이주제에대해연설했다. Flowsion은현재 6개국에서매년 250,000명이상의참석자가참석하는 K-Pop 축제인 KCON의공동설립자이자프로듀서이다. 글로벌 K-Pop 시장과세계무대에서의 K-Pop 발전방향에대해멘토링을제공할예정이다. WEBSITE TITLE CEO BIOGRAPHY Flowsion Shekar is the co-founder of Koreaboo, an entertainment and digital media company that reaches 80MM+ monthly users around the world. He has been an active part of the Hallyu Wave since 2010 and has spoken on the subject in the Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNN and at SXSW for their first ever panel on K-Pop. Flowsion is also the co-founder and producer of KCON, an annual K-Pop festival now held annually in six countries with more than 250,000+ attendees. 166

169 MENTORING LOUNGE EXPERT MU:CON Business 2021 뮤콘비즈니스 2021 홈페이지 직함국제아티스트개발매니저자기소개 Jeremy는음악산업에서라이브및녹음음악, 출판, 레이블, 관리, 크리에이티브아티스트와함께일한경험이많은글로벌 A&R + 영업 + 마케팅임원이다. Sony Music, Columbia Records, Tribune Broadcasting-USA Oleh!Records, Tune In Tel Aviv- 이스라엘국제음악컨퍼런스및쇼케이스, Viva Art Presents Global EU, 3A Concerts, SIMs LATAM, Havana Rock Festival, Moog Fest 등에서활동한바있다. 제레미헐쉬 Jeremy Hulsh Exit Live WEBSITE TITLE International Artist Development Manager BIOGRAPHY Jeremy is an experienced Global A&R + Sales + Marketing Executive with a demonstrated history of working with a vast range of live and recorded music, publishing, label, management, creative artists and teams in the Music Industry. He has held executive positions at Sony Music, Columbia Records, Tribune Broadcasting- USA Oleh! Records, Tune In Tel Aviv- Israel's International Music Conference & Showcase, Viva Art Presents Global EU, 3A Concerts, SIMs LATAM, Havana Rock Festival, Moog Fest etc. 167

170 MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021

171 MUSIC TECH X KNOCK 뮤직테크 X 콘텐츠피칭플랫폼 KNOCK 170 음악관련기술개발사들의글로벌피칭과다양한개발이슈에대한아이디어공유, 글로벌투자사와의원활한네트워킹의장을마련합니다. 뮤직테크프로그램은한국콘텐츠진흥원의투자유치지원사업인콘텐츠피칭플랫폼 KNock( 케이녹 ) 과함께합니다. The Music Tech program allows music-related technology developers to share ideas on various development issues and connect to global VCs. The program is co-hosted with KNock, a content pitching platform serviced by an investment promotion support project of the Korea Creative Content Agency.

172 MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021 COMPANY 01 블록체인기반글로벌음원판매마켓 ICT 플랫폼 Blockchain-based global music sales market ICT platform 기본정보 회사명 주식회사비트썸원이메일 홈페이지 beatsomeone.com 비트썸원은뮤지션 ( 작곡가, 비트메이커등의음악창작자 ) 를위해디지털콘텐츠시대에가장전문적인크리에이티브스튜디오입니다. 엔터테인먼트, 매니지먼트, 음악, 라이프스타일등다체로운콘텐츠를통해전세계뮤지션사이에장벽이없이음악이란언어로마음을사로잡습니다. 글로벌뮤지션생태계를구축하고한국의 K-pop을시작으로각국현지문화가녹아있는특색있는장르를교류하는소통비즈니스를지향합니다. INFORMATION COMPANY NAME Beatsomeone Corp. kyh@beatsomeone.com HOMEPAGE beatsomeone.com Beatsomeone is for musicians (music creators such as composers and beatmakers). It is the most professional creative studio in the digital content era. Through diverse contents such as entertainment, management, music, and lifestyle With no barriers between musicians around the world, the language of music captivates hearts. Building a global musician ecosystem, starting with Korea s K-pop, We aim to be a communication business that exchanges unique genres that are immersed in culture. 170

173 vvvv 02 COMPANY MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021 기본정보 회사명 뉴튠이메일 홈페이지 neutune.com 뉴튠은우리모두가음악적인상상력을마음껏표현할수있는크리에이터가될수있는세상을꿈꿉니다. 음악정보추출과검색부터편집및생성까지다양한최신 AI 음악기술을기반으로모두가소통할수있는차세대음악문화를이끌어가고자합니다. AI 기반음악에셋판매플랫폼 AI-based music asset platform INFORMATION COMPANY NAME Neutune HOMEPAGE neutune.com We, the creators, can express our musical imagination with Neutune's AI technology. From music information retrieval to generation, we dream to bring the brand new musical culture worldwide. 171

174 MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021 COMPANY 03 AI 믹싱 & 마스터링가능한모바일어플리케이션 Smartphone application with A.I. powered music mixing and mastering features 기본정보 회사명 주식회사폰에어이메일 홈페이지 (1) 일반인들이기성곡을커버하여부를수있도록어플로반주와레코딩기술을제공 (2) 레코딩목소리를학습하여최적의믹싱과마스터링을자동적으로맞춰제공 (AI 믹싱 ) (3) 완성된곡을유튜브등에업로드, OSP에서비스하여수익창출할수있도록음원등록, 코드발급, 일반유통진행 INFORMATION COMPANY NAME Phonair Inc. john@phonair.net HOMEPAGE We offer (1) Instrumentals and recording technology in smartphone application to let every people can cover popsongs previously established. (2) Tailored mixing and mastering values to individuals through machine learning recorded voices. (3) Agency services that every users can generate profits by uploading songs on a certain YouTube channel and OSP. 172

175 vvvv 04 COMPANY MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021 기본정보 회사명 플레이헤드이메일 홈페이지 playhead.kr 플레이헤드는 IT기술과결합한신개념엔터테인먼트혁신을꿈꾸는복합미디어컨텐츠솔루션개발사입니다. 2018년창업이후꾸준한음악. 영상컨텐츠및 SUI 제작, 웹. 어플리케이션컨텐츠플랫폼운영개발실적을통해안정적인성장을이뤄왔으며, 이제자사의서비스 TIMBRE를통해더편리하고고도화된컨텐츠제작환경을제공하고크리에이터와유저를포함한구성원모두가메리트를얻을수있는선순환 SNS생태계를실현하고자합니다. 비대면협업창작증강현실음악동영상 SNS 플랫폼 AR/Short-Clip SNS Playform for Ontact Music Collaborations INFORMATION COMPANY NAME PLAYHEAD Inc. HOMEPAGE As a complex media content solution developer, Playhead dreams about innovation of a new concept entertainment combined with IT technology. Since our foundation in 2018, we have achieved stable growth through music/ video content production, web/app. content platform operation and development performance. Now, through our service TIMBRE, we want to provide a more convenient and advanced content production environment and create a virtuous cycle SNS ecosystem where all members, including creators. 173

176 MU:CON Music Tech 2021 뮤콘뮤직테크 2021 COMPANY 05 영 유아홈러닝 (Home- Learning) 을위한인공지능 (AI) 기술을활용한음악교육플랫폼 AI-based customized music education for infants and toddlers 기본정보 회사명 ( 주 ) 주스이메일 leonard.kim@juice.co.kr 홈페이지 juice.co.kr ( 주 ) 주스는음악관련에듀테크서비스를개발합니다. 영유아를대상으로하는서비스 ' 안녕도도 ' 는어댑티브러닝을기반으로맞춤형음악교육을제공합니다. 또한 OMR, AR 기술을활용하여아이들이만든 Worksheet에기반한실시간반응형콘텐츠를제공하고, 애니메이션과스토리텔링을통해아이들이쉽게어려운음악이론에접근할수있도록돕습니다. 안녕도도는딱딱한교육서비스가아닌 ' 나를표현할수있는음악친구 ' 로서사용자들에게다가갑니다. INFORMATION COMPANY NAME JUICE leonard.kim@juice.co.kr HOMEPAGE Juice corp. develops music-related edutech services. 'Hey, Dodo', a service for young children, provides customized music education based on adaptive learning. In addition, using OMR and AR technology, we provide real-time responsive content based on worksheets created by children, and help children easily access difficult music theories through animation and storytelling. 'Hey, Dodo' approaches users as a 'music friend who can express myself' rather than a rigid educational service. 174



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