모집부서 LIST 아래 List 중지망부서를선택하여부서번호와부서명을인턴십신청서에기재하세요. 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 1-1 외국인다문화담당관 - 유학생등외국인주민사업지원 - 영어통 번역및교정등 - 한국어, 영어능통자 중구세종대로 110, 서울시청신청사 9

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1 모집부서 LIST 아래 List 중지망부서를선택하여부서번호와부서명을인턴십신청서에기재하세요. 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 - 외국인다문화담당관 - 유학생등외국인주민사업지원 - 영어통 번역및교정등 - 한국어, 영어능통자 중구세종대로 0, 서울시청신청사 9 층 인원 ( 명 ) - 외국인다문화담당관 ( 서울글로벌센터 ) - 외국인생활안내책자제작지원 - 외국인지원정책등조사 - 장기거주한자및석사과정학생우대 ( 필수는아님 ) 종로구종로 38, 서울글로벌센터 4 층 통계데이터담당관 - 서울시빅데이터기존사업홍보및해외담당업무지원 - 영어 ( 최우선 ) 또는중국어, 스페인어가능자 - 전공무방 - 국적무방 ( 영어권 / 중남미지역우선 ) - 직원과한국어로기본의사소통이가능해야함 중구덕수궁길 5, 서소문별관 3 동 3 층 3 교통정보과 - 교통관련견학방문안내및통역 - 한국어, 영어, 독일어, 베트남어 중구세종대로 0, 서울시청신청사지하 3 층서울안전통합센터 4 한양도성도감과 - 유네스코세계유산관련중국유산에대한정보검색 - 유산관련정보중 한번역 - 중 한번역가능한중국인 - 한국어가능자 - 가능한경우문화재분야관련자 중구덕수궁길 5, 서소문별관 동 5 층 5 세무과 - 서울시세무시스템수출을위한환경조사및번역 - 국적 : 필리핀, 캄보디아 - 전공 : 세무, 행정학, 국제개발, 전자, 회계전공자우대 - 자격 : TOPIK 한국어능력시험 3 급이상우대 중구덕수궁길 5, 서소문별관 동 9 층 6 공공개발센터 - 서울시내현안부지개발업무관련조사 분석지원 - 한강협력계획 4 대핵심사업국제설계공모전지원 - 한국어 & 영어가능자 ( 필수 ) - 도시계획, 건축, 부동산관련분야 ( 우대 ) 중구세종대로 0, 서울시청신청사 층 7 시설계획과 ( 캠퍼스타운조성단 ) - 국제컨퍼런스지원업무 - 캠퍼스타운해외유관기관사례조사 - 영어권국가출신 ( 한국어사용능통한자 ) 중구덕수궁길 5, 서소문별관 동 층 8- 서울소방재난본부현장대응단 ( 화재조사팀 ) - 외국의소방통계및정보파악및문서해석 - 미국, 캐나다, 유럽, 호주등영어권국가출신, 한국어의사소통가능자 ( 성별무관 ) 중구퇴계로 6 길 5 4 층 8- 서울소방재난본부현장대응단 ( 시민안전팀 ) - 시민안전파수꾼정책외국인홍보및관련해외기관연락업무 - 미국, 캐나다, 유럽, 호주등영어권국가출신, 한국어의사소통가능자 ( 여성 ) 중구퇴계로 6 길 5 4 층, 현장대응단시민안전팀 8-3 소방재난본부안전지원과 ( 보라매안전체험관 ) - 외국인재난체험시통역 - 체험관외국어자료번역및검수 - 안전교육중적절한표현교육 - 원어민필요 ( 영어 명, 중국어 명 ) - 한국어가능자 (KBS 한국어능력시험 3- 급또는 TOPIK 4 급이상 ) 동작구여의대방로 0 길 33, 보라매안전체험관 9- 상수도사업본부경영관리부인재육성과 - 직원교육프로그램운영및참여 - 영어 ( 한국어기본회화가능 ) 서대문구서소문로 5

2 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 인원 ( 명 ) 9- 상수도사업본부서울물연구원미래전략연구센터 - 영미권상수도정책사례조사 - 환경정보조사 - 구사언어 : 영어, 한국어 - 국적 : 영국또는미국 - 전공 : 경영, 환경, 복지 광진구천호대로 76-0, 서울물연구원 0 서울시립대학교 ( 국제교육원 ) - 외국인입시모집요강책자번역 ( 국문 영문 ) - 영어, 한국어능통자 동대문구서울시립대로 63, 서울시립대학교국제교육원, 창공관 404 호 서울시립과학관 - 외국인관람객응대및외국어해설 - 외국어해설서및가이드북작성 - 교육프로그램교안영어로번역 - 외국인학생교육참여시통역 - 교육프로그램영문소개서작성 - 언어 : 영어 - 국적 : 영어를모국어로사용하는나라 - 전공 : 과학을전공하는이공계등 - 한국어 : 의사소통가능자 노원구하계동한글비석로 60 - 서울메트로정보통신처 - CCTV 관련업무보조 해외우수지하철 CCTV 통합모니터링시스템구축사례조사 서울교통공사 CCTV 통합모니터링시스템의최적운영방안도출업무보조 - 유창한영어능력 - 의사소통이가능한수준의한국어능력 - IT 시스템및기술에대한관심과경험이많은자 성동구천호대로 78 길 5-48, 서울교통공사 5 층 - 서울메트로당산서비스센터문래역 - 외국인승객, 다문화가정등교통, 관광안내 - 중국어, 영어, 한국어가능자 영등포구당산로지하 8, 문래역 -3 서울메트로옥수서비스센터고속터미널역 - 지하철역을이용하는외국인에게지하철노선, 요금등이용안내 - 영어가능한학생 서초구신반포로 88,, 고속터미널역 -4 서울메트로한성대서비스센터회현역 - 외국인고객안내 - 영어가능한학생 중구퇴계로 54, 회현역 -5 서울메트로한성대서비스센터명동역 중구퇴계로 6, 명동역 -6 서울메트로한성대서비스센터충무로역 - 외국인고객안내 중구퇴계로 9, 충무로역 -7 서울메트로한성대서비스센터동대문 (4) 역 종로구율곡로지하 308, 동대문역 -8 서울메트로동대문서비스센터동대문역사문화공원 () 역 중구을지로지하 79, 동대문역사문화공원역 -9 서울메트로동대문서비스센터왕십리역 성동구행당동왕십리로지하 300, 왕십리역 3 서울도시철도공사광화문서비스지원사업소 - 외국인승객안내 - 영어필수 - 한국어가능 - 용모단정 - 매너있는말투 종로구세종대로지하 7, 광화문역 4 서울시설공단기획조정실 - 공단사업장내안내표지판의영문표기적정성검토 - 안내표지판의잘못된영어표기수정 - 외국어 ( 영문 ) 가병기되어있지않은표지판에대한영문안내작성등 - 영어구사, 한국어능력필요 ( 한국어안내문구를영문으로작성할수있는능력필요 ) 성동구마장동청계천로 540, 7 층

3 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 서울주택도시공사미래전략부 서울에너지공사기획경영본부기획조정실예산재정부서울에너지공사신사업본부신재생사업처신사업부서울에너지공사신사업본부효율화사업처시민협력부 서울에너지공사에너지연구소 7 서울시복지재단 - 미래사업발굴및경영정보협의체운영을위한자료조사 - 예산관리, 자료조사, 부서업무 - 태양광, 연료전지, 전기차충전인프라관련해외사례조사및국내적용방안분석 - 재생가능에너지 ODA 자료조사 / LDC 에너지자료조사 - 국내 / 해외에너지정책및기술자료수집 (40%) - 영문요약서작성 (0%) - 영문원고 Proofreading (0%) - 행정업무 (0%) - 해외사회복지동향파악및정리, 소셜미디어관련일 - 언어 : 영어, 한국어 - 국적 : 미국, 유럽 - 전공 : 무관 - 자격 : 무관 - 영어가능 ( 한국어가능우대 ) - 한글오피스워드, MS 엑셀프로그램사용가능 인원 ( 명 ) 강남구개포로 6, 3 층 양천구목동서로 0 - 영어가능자, 한국어소통가능자양천구목동서로 0 - 영어가능자, 한국어소통가능자양천구목동서로 0 - 구사언어 : 영어 ( 한국어 ) - 전공 : 행정학, 정책학, 경제학, 에너지기술, 환경공학에너지정책및기술관련전공 - 영어 ( 한국어사용가능 ) - 홍보경험선호 ( 무경험도상관없음 ) 양천구목동서로 0 마포구백범로 3 길, 서울복지타운 8- 서울문화재단금천예술공장 - 해외예술가교환프로그램관련업무 ( 국제교류, 해외예술가지원, 커뮤니케이션 ) - 영어능통및간단한한국어의사소통에문제없는자 금천구범안로 5 길 57, 금천예술공장 8- 서울문화재단잠실창작스튜디오 - 한글문서통번역업무외 ( 장애인문화예술분야리서치 ), 페이스북및인스타그램등 SNS 홍보 - 한글, 엑셀, 파워포인트가능한자 - 영어, 중국어, 일어중 개언어구사 - 문화예술에관심있는자 송파구올림픽로 5, 종합운동장내잠실창작스튜디오운영사무실 8-3 서울문화재단서서울예술교육센터 - 해외예술교육기관과의국제교류지원 - 사업및공간홍보지원 - 언어 : 영어 ( 필수 ) - 전공 : 문화예술관련전공 ( 우대 ) - 한국어 : 일상대화가능 ( 필수 ) 양천구남부순환로 64 길 8-4 서울문화재단정책연구팀 - 세계도시문화포럼과아시아도시문화포럼준비를위한리서치, 번역등 ( 국제교류업무커뮤니케이션 ) - 영어능통및간단한한국어의사소통에문제없는자 동대문구청계천로 57 9 서울디자인재단의류산업팀 - 07 해외의류제조수주박람회참여사업지원 - 업무내용 : 프랑스현지의류제조업체협회및기관등유관기관과의사소통을위한통번역 - 프랑스어필수, 한국어또는영어능력필요 중구마장로, 유어스빌딩 4F 0 서울디지털재단미래사업팀 - 07 서울국제디지털페스티벌영문콘텐츠제작및홍보 - 디지털교육, 스마트시티및도시문제해결등해외동향사례조사 [ 필수요건 ] - 서울소재대학재학중인외국인 - 구사언어 : 영어 [ 우대요건 ] - IT, 디지털산업, 미디어콘텐츠분야전공자 - 홍보콘텐츠작성유경험자및 MS Office 활용가능자 강남구개포로 46, 개포디지털혁신파크새롬관 5 층

4 Recruiting (Depts.) LIST - Multiculturalism Division - Assist programs for international residents such as international students - Interpret, translate and proofreading, etc. - Fluent in English and Korean 9F, 0, Sejong-daero, (Seoul City Hall) - Multiculturalism Division (Seoul Global Center) - Foreigner's living in Seoul guidebook making support - Research policies for foreign residents - Long-term residents and postgraduate students are preferred, but not required 4F, Seoul Global Center 38, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu Data & Statistics Division - Promote Seoul Big Data business and support overseas activities - English speaker(or Chinese, Spanish) - All majors are OK - who can communicate in Korean 3F, Seosomun Building 3, 5 Deoksugung-gil, 3 Transportation Information Center 4 Seoul City Wall Division - Guidance and translate about Transportation - Regarding China's cultural heritage on UNESCO World Heritage List. Information search. Chinese-Korean translation - Who can speak Korean, English, and German or Vietnamese - Chinese who is able to translate Chinese into Korean language - Korean language proficiency required - Studies or experiences in cultural heritage preferred, if possible 3F (underground), Seoul Safety Center 0, Sejong-daero, (Seoul City Hall) 5F, Seosomun Building, 5 Deoksugung-gil, 5 Tax Affairs Division - Searching and Translation of Local Tax Acts for export of Seoul Local Tax Information System - Nationality : Philippines or Cambodia - Major : Taxation, Public Administration, International Development, Electronics, Accountings are preferred - Qualification : TOPIK Level3 or higher 9F, Seosomun Building, 5 Deoksugung-gil, 6 Public Development Center - Support for Investigation and Analysis of pending issue Site Development in Seoul city - Supporting 4 Core Projects of the Han River Internatioanl Design Competition - Good command of English and Korean (written and verbal) - Urban Planning, Architecture or Real Estate related major (Preference) F, 0, Sejong-daero, (Seoul City Hall) Urban Planning Department (Campus Town Planning Group) politan Fire & Disaster Headquarter (Field Operations Division) politan Fire & Disaster Headquarter (Field Operations Division) politan Fire & Disaster Headquarters (Boramea Safety Experience Center) - Position : assistant officer - Job description : Support to prepare the upcoming international conference, mainly contact universities in other countries to ask their interests. Search cases on collaboration between Universities(colleges) and local communities. - Overseas Fire Statistics Analysis and Document translation - To promote the policy, Seoul Citizen Safety Guard for the foreigners in Seoul, To contact relevant organizations abroad - Simultaneous interpretation while Safety Experience - Foreign language translation and verification - Expression education required for Safety Experience - Qualifications : prefer whom from the English-speaking countries with fluent Korean skills. - Somebody from English-speaking countries. Posible to communicate in Korean (Men or women) - Somebody from English-speaking countries, Posible to communicate in Korean (Woman) - Navtive speaker ( Chinese native speaker, English native speaker) - KBS Korean Language Proficiency Test Level 3- or higher or TOPIK Level 4 or higher F, Seosomun Building, 5 Deoksugung-gil, 5, Toegye-ro 6-gil, 5, Toegye-ro 6-gil, 33, Yeouidaebang-ro 0-gil, Dongjak-gu 9- The office of Waterworks Authority (Human Resource Management Division) - Operating Staff Training Programs - Engligh (with Korean basic conversation skill) 5 Seosomun-ro, Seodaemun-gu

5 9- Waterworks Research Institute (Water Strategy Research Division) - To study waterworks policies in U.S.A. - To investigate environmental information (e.g. regulations, policies, etc.) - Language : English and Korean - Nationality : English or American - Majored in Management, Environment or Welfare 76-0, Cheonhodaero, Gwangjin-gu 0 University of Seoul (Institute of International Cooperation & Education) Seoul Science Center - (Information & Communication Team) - Tranlation (Korean English) - Foreign visitor reception and commentary - Writing foreign guidebook - Translate draft of education program into English. - Provide interpretation for participating foregin students. - Prepare education program brochure in English. - Assistant secretary of CCTV business A case study on integrated CCTV monitoring system of overseas Optimal management plan for integrated CCTV monitoring system of seoul metro - Fluent level of Korean and English proficiency - language : English - Nationality : English-speaking countries - Major : natural sciences or engineering - Korean : fluent in Korean - Fluent level in English - Conversational level In Korean - Expierienced and curiousin IT system University of Seoul, 63 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu 60, Hangeulbiseok-ro, Nowon-gu 5-48, Cheonho-daero 78-gil, Seongdong-gu, - Tangshan station Servicecenter (Mullae station) - Chinese customer support - Fluent Chinese speaker Tansan Road Underground 8, Yeongdeungpo-gu, -3 Oksu station Service center (Express Bus Terminal station) - Operation guide of subway route and fare for foreign customer - Fluent English Speaker 88, Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu -4 (Hoehyeon station) - Foreign Customer Support - Fluent English Speaker 54 Toegye-ro, -5 (MyungDong station) - Chinese Customer Support - Fluent Chinese speaker 6 Toegye-ro, -6 (Chungmuro station) - Foreign Customer Support - Fluent English Speaker 9 Toegye-ro, -7 (Dongdaemun station Line no.4) - Chinese Customer Support - Fluent Chinese speaker 308 Yulgok-Ro, Jongro-gu -8 Dongdaemoon Service Center (Dongdaemoon History & Culture Station()) - Guide Chinese Guests - Students who can speak Chinese (Need to speak Korean as well) 79 Eulji-ro, -9 Dongdaemoon Service Center (Wangsimni Station) - Guide Chinese Guests - Students who can speak Chinese (Need to speak Korean as well) 300 Wangsimni-ro, Haengdang-Dong, Seongdong-gu

6 3 politan Rapid Transit (Gwanghwamun Service Support Office) - Attend to passenger's inquiries - A fluent English speaker - Available in Korean - Neat appearances - Good communication skills Gwanghwamun station, Underground 7 Sejongdaero, Jongrogu 4 Seoul Facilities (Planning and Coordination Department) - Check the correctness of English guide signs in Seoul Facilities - Modify wrong English Expressions of guide signs - Suggest English expression for guide signs that do not contain English - English speaking, Korean ability required (Ability to write Korean sentences in English) 7F, 540, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Seongdong-gu 5 Seoul Housing & Communities (Future strategy department) - Case study of foreign future projects - Search information for works (other companies) in relation to SH corporation - Language : English & Korean - Nationality : USA, Europe - Major : - - Cerification : - 3F, 6, Gaeporo, Gangnam-Gu 6- (Budget & Public Finance Team) - Budget Management, Data survey, Department affairs - English available (Prefer to Korean available) - Hangu loffice word, MS Excel Program available 0, Mokdongseo-ro -gil, 6- (New Business Team) - Survey for overseas advnaced technology on PV, Fuel-Cell and electricve hicle system - Conditon analysis for application of domestic market - Fluent in English & Korean 0, Mokdongseo-ro -gil, 6-3 (Energy Welfare & Cooperation Team) - Research for ODA of renewable energy - Research for energy data of Least Developed Countries - Fluentnss in English & Korean 0, Mokdongseo-ro -gil, 6-4 (Energy Institute) - Collecting research materials of domestic/overseas energy policy and technology (40%) - Writing brief report in English (0%) - Proofreading (0%) - Administrative works (0%) - Language proficiency : English (Korean) - Majors : Energy policy ortechnology related majors including public affairs, policy studies, Economics, energy technology, environmental engineering etc. 0, Mokdongseo-ro -gil, 7 Seoul Welfrea Foundation - Conduct management of SNS for Seoul Welfare Foundation and conduct Research on social welfare issues, policies and international trends, international organizations and conferences of Social Welfare. Other required work - English Speaker or (Korean + English) bilingual is welcomed, Knowledge on SNS and internet research ability, a Person with PR experience is prefered (but no experienced is acceptable), Baekbeom-ro 3-gil, Mapo-gu 8- Arts and Culture (Seoul Art Space Geumcheon) - International Artists Exchange Program (International Affairs, Artist Support, Communication) - Language : Fluent English and Basic Korean 57, Beoman-ro 5-gil, Geumcheon-gu 8- Arts and Culture (Seoul Art Space Jamsil) - Ability to interpret and translate Korean Languages into Foreign Languages etc. (Research about Disablearts) and promoting SNS such as Facebook and Instagram etc. - Hanguel, Excel, Powerpoint skills required - Must be fluent in one of these, or both of these languages : English, Chinese, Japanese - Candidates who are interested in Cultural Arts 5 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu 8-3 Arts and culture (West Seoul Arts Center for Learning) - Support international exchange with Arts Education Institutions at Europe - Assist promotion of Arts project and West Seoul Arts Center for Leanrning - Fluent in English (essential) - Major in culture & art or similar (prefernce) - Available daily conversation by Korean (essential), Nambusunhwan-ro 64-gil,

7 8-4 Arts and culture (Research and Development Team) - Research about arts and culture project in global cities - Ability to interpret and translate Korean Languages into Foreign Languages - Language : Fluent English and Basic Korean 57, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Dongdaemun-gu 9 Seoul Design Foundation (Garment Industry Support Team) - Business Support for participating of 07 Overseas Clothing Manufacturing Order Fair - Business information : For the Communication of translating to French garment manufacturer Association and Related Institutions - Required qualifications : French, Korean or English 4F U-us Building, Majang-ro, 0 Seoul Digital Foundation (Digital Social Effect Team) - Writing and editing contents in English and online PR for 07 Seoul International Digital Festival - News clippings and case studies related to Digital education, Smart cities and Urban issues etc - Fluency in English - Strong writing and editing skills are necessary, proficiency with MS Office programs - Applicant must be self-motivated, energetic about staying on tasks - Degress in IT, Digital, Media related field(s) in preferred 5F, Saerom building, 46, Gaepo-ro, Gangnam-gu

모집부서 LIST 아래 List 중지망부서를선택하여부서번호와부서명을인턴십신청서에기재하세요. 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 인원 ( 명 ) 1-1 외국인다문화담당관 - 유학생등외국인주민사업지원 - 영어통 번역및교정 - 한국어, 영어능통자서울시청신청사 9 층 1

모집부서 LIST 아래 List 중지망부서를선택하여부서번호와부서명을인턴십신청서에기재하세요. 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 인원 ( 명 ) 1-1 외국인다문화담당관 - 유학생등외국인주민사업지원 - 영어통 번역및교정 - 한국어, 영어능통자서울시청신청사 9 층 1 모집부서 LIST 아래 List 중지망부서를선택하여부서번호와부서명을인턴십신청서에기재하세요. 기관 / 부서명분장업무자격요건근무지주소 인원 ( 명 ) - 외국인다문화담당관 - 유학생등외국인주민사업지원 - 영어통 번역및교정 - 한국어, 영어능통자서울시청신청사 9 층 - 외국인다문화담당관 ( 서울글로벌센터 ) - 글로벌센터 4 층교육장관리 - 사무보조 - 언어번역

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