Sungshin Women's University Korean Language Course Application Guideline for SUNGSHIN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SUNGSHIN INSTITUT

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2 성신여자대학교 한국어과정 모집요강 한국 교육부 지정 교육국제화역량 인증제 1936년 4월 28일에 설립된 성신여자대학교는 지난 85년간 전문적이고 창의적인 리더를 양성해왔으며 대한민국 4년제 여자 대학 상위권 에 자리 매김했습니다. 유치 관리 인증기관 선정 성신은 13개 대학과 50개 이상의 전공과 다양한 학문 분야의 학교로 구성되어 있습니다. 성신의 특징 중 하나는 대한민국의 수도인 서울 중심에 두 개의 캠퍼스가 있는 국내 몇 안 되는 대학 중 하나라는 점입니다. 수정캠퍼스는 성북구에 위치한 메인 캠퍼스이며, 두 번째 캠퍼 스인 운정 그린 캠퍼스는 강북구에 위치하며, 수정캠퍼스와 불과 5km 떨어져 있습니다. 성신은 국제 협력과 공동 프로그램을 확대하여 고등 교육의 질을 높이고 있습니다. 13년부터 중국 교육부로부터 인가받아 중국 하북과 학기술대학교, 산동청년정치대학교와 K-패션 및 K-뷰티 분야의 한중 공동 이중 학위 프로그램을 운영해오고 있습니다. 성신은 또한 한국과 한국 문화를 세계에 알리는 데 적극적으로 기여하고 있습니다. 15년 중국 스자좡에 세종학당을 개원하여 중국 하 북성 지역에 한국어와 문화를 알리고 한중 학생 교류를 활성화하였습니다. 년 11월, 국제적으로 시행되고 있는 한국학 연구를 장려 하고 지원하기 위해 성신-임명섭 한국학연구소가 설립되었습니다. 앞으로도 성신은 글로벌 네트워크를 강화하고 국제 프로그램을 다양화하여, 국내외 학생들에게 양질의 교육과 소중한 경험을 제공할 것 입니다. Korean Language Course Application Guideline for United Kingdom Ireland Canada U.S.A. China Korea Japan Vietnam Australia New Zealand 돈암수정캠퍼스 미아운정그린캠퍼스

3 한국어과정개요 구분 정규과정 학기 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 급수 1 ~ 6급 반별정원 10 ~ 15명 수업시간 월 ~ 금오전 09:00 ~ 13:00 또는오후 13:00 ~ 17:00 ( 총 0시간 ) 교재 서울대한국어, 부교재 문화체험 학기별 1~2회 수강료 학기당 1,500,000원 ( 교재비, 민간보험료포함 ) 신청비 80,000원 (* 최종합격후수강료와함께납부 ) 비고 D-4 비자최초신청자는최소 2개학기이상등록필수 법무부외국인유학생사증발급및체류관리지침에의거한장관고시 21개국국적자및중점관리대상 5개국국적자는최초 2개학기이상등록및기숙사 6개월거주필수 ( 국가별상이 ) 제출서류 목록 연번 서류목록 비고 * 법무부장관고시 21 개국 5 개중점관리국 제출서류 1 신청서반드시온라인신청 ( 신청서작성법별도파일참고 ) 원본 2 자기소개서및학업계획서자유양식 (A4 1 장분량 ) 원본 3 여권사본 - 사본 4 최종학력졸업 ( 예정 ) 증명서 * 고등학교이상 원본 5 성적증명서고등학교이상 번역본 6 은행잔고증명서 10,000USD 이상 원본 7 부모재직증명서개인사업자의경우사업자등록증 - 원본 8 부모수입증명서 수입 ( 재정 ) 증명서 기타국가 ( 납세 or 공적연금 or 주거래은행등 3 개월이상실적 ) - 원본 급여명세서 (1 년간, 재직시 ) 형식 주요일정 학기 수업기간 봄 ~ 여름 ~ 가을 ~ 겨울 ~ 봄 ~ 여름 ~ 가을 ~ 겨울 ~ 온라인접수및서류제출 ( 원본포함 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 위일정은학교사정에따라변경될수있습니다. 신청기간 1 차 2 차 서류검토및면접 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 합격자발표및인보이스발송 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 국내 ( 한국 ) 체류중인외국인의신청일정은별도문의 ( 이메일 ) 하시기바랍니다. 온라인접수및서류제출 ( 원본포함 ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 지원자격고등학교졸업이상또는동등학력을소지한남녀외국인, 재외동포 ( 해외거주한국인 ) 신청방법 (1) 온라인신청 : 이메일계정또는휴대전화번호로본인인증필요 한국어과정신청을위한개인정보수집이용동의필요 (2) 서류제출 : 사본이메일제출후원본우편제출 사본서류이메일제출처 : 원본서류우편접수처 : 서울성북구보문로 34 다길 2, 성신여자대학교국제교육원 서류검토및면접 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 합격자발표및인보이스발송 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10.. 입학절차 9 가족관계증명서및 출생증명서 본인및부모신분증사본 - - 사본 * 최종학력졸업증명서는아래중택일하여원본을제출해야함 1 아포스티유 (Apostille) 확인을받은학위 ( 학력 ) 등입증서류 2 출신학교가속한국가주재한국영사또는주한공관영사확인을받은학위등입증서류 3 중국의경우, 중국교육부운영학력 학위인증센터발행학위등인증보고서 ( 중국내학력 학위취득자에한함 ) 법무부장관고시 21 개국가 : 가나, 나이지리아, 네팔, 몽골, 미얀마, 방글라데시, 베트남, 스리랑카, 우즈베키스탄, 우크라이나, 이란, 이집트, 인도, 인도네시아, 중국, 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄, 태국, 파키스탄, 페루, 필리핀 중점관리대상 5 개국가 : 기니, 말리, 에티오피아, 우간다, 카메룬 한국어, 영어, 중국어를제외한현지어로작성된모든서류는한국어또는영어로번역공증필요 심사과정에서필요에따라일부서류가생략, 대체, 추가될수있으며, 제출된모든서류는반환되지않습니다. 서류접수 서류심사 서류전형합격자공지 * 경우에따라면접전형이생략될수있습니다. 화상면접또는대면면접 면접심사 최종합격자통보 비용납부구분금액내용납부계좌정보 수강료신청비 80,000 원최종합격후수강료와함께 수강료 1,500,000 원 (1 학기 ) 1 회납부 고시 21 개국출신및중점관리 5 개국국적자는 최소 2 개학기이상등록필요 등록금납부 번역 공증본 표준입학허가서발급 은행명 Kookmin Bank ( 국민은행 ) 계좌번호 예금주 Sungshin Women's University ( 성신여자대학교 ) 기숙사비보증금 100,000 원신청시납부, 퇴사시반환은행명 Kookmin Bank ( 국민은행 ) 관리비 50,000 원신청시 1 회납부계좌번호 기숙사비 2,280,000 원 (6 개월 ) 2 인실, 380,000 원 /1 학기, 신청시 6 개월치일괄납부 본원의사정에따라학비및기숙사비가인상될경우, 차액을납부해야합니다. 수강료와기숙사비계좌를구분하여별도로납부해야함 예금주 Sungshin Women's University ( 성신여자대학교 ) 4 5

4 외국인 유학생 건강보험 입학허가를 받은 모든 외국인 학생은 반드시 학교에서 지정하는 외국인 유학생 건강보험에 가입해야 합니다. 장학금 성적우수장학금 : 각 반별 성적이 가장 우수한 외국인 어학연수생이 다음 학기 등록 시 만원 지급 외국인 기숙사 보험료는 나이와 성별에 따라 상이하며, 입국일로부터 보험료가 부과됩니다. 입국 6개월 도과 후에는 국민건강보험에 당연가입될 예정입니다. 최초 입국 후 1년이내 등록학기 민간보험료는 학교에서 지원하며, 국민건강보험료는 학생 본인이 납부합니다. 학교주변 교통수단 r y ity) ete rs e m n i ve C al s U o n n' (Do ati ome Ui an Park 19th N g W s t il on ye an ag kh lba pr se Bu So A (Dok Hw i or Ga Samyang Samyang Sageori Solsaem Bukhansan Bogungmun (Seokyeong Univ.) Jeongneung (Kookmin Univ.) o se 기타 국제교육원장이 장학금 지급이 필요하다고 인정한 학생 대상 장학금 지급 ns a) Sungshin Women's Univ. (Donam) Hansung Univ. (Samseongyo) Hyehwa Dongdaemun 학교 정문에서 도보 5분 이내 거리에 외국인 전용 기숙사 5개 동을 운영하고 있습니다. 시설 비고 2~3인실 4인실 Changdong Miasageori Suyu Ssangmun (Gangbuk-gu Office) Bomun Nowon Danggogae Sanggye Sinseol-dong Chungmuro Myeongdong Hoehyeon (Namdaemun Market) 380,000원 Seoul Station 330,000원 Sookmyung Women's Univ. (Galwol) Samgakji Sinyongsan Ichon (National Museum of Korea) Dongjak (Seoul National Cemetery) Chongshin Univ. (Isu) Sadang Namtaeryeong 무선인터넷(Wi-Fi), 책상, 옷장, 침대, 에어컨, 냉장고, 전자레인지, 세탁기 등 관리비 50,000원 (환불 없음) 보증금 100,000원 (퇴실 시 초과 공과금 공제 후 환불) 기숙사 건물 및 호실은 운영상황에 맞추어 기숙사 전담 직원이 임의 배정함 * 본원의 사정에 따라 기숙사비가 조정될 수 있습니다. Mia Dongdaemun History Culture Park 기숙사 전담 직원이 안전하고 깨끗한 기숙사 생활을 지원하고 있습니다. 비용 Gireum 문의 성신여자대학교 국제교육원 / SUNGSHIN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION 주소 : 서울특별시 성북구 보문로34다길 2, 성신여자대학교 (우: 02844) 홈페이지 : 전화번호 : , 7402 이메일 : 6 7

5 Application Guideline for 22~23 Founded on April 28th 1936, is a comprehensive, private women s university that has been cultivating professional and creative leaders for over 85 years. It is among the top four-year women's universities in Korea. Korean Language Course Sungshin is comprised of 13 colleges with over 50 departments and schools across a diverse range of academic fields. One of the distinguishing points of Sungshin is that it is one of the few universities in Korea with two campuses located within the heart of Seoul, the capital city of the Republic of Korea. The colleges and related departments are divided among the two different campuses: Soojung campus, which is the main campus located in the Seongbuk district and the second campus, called the Woonjung Green campus is just five kilometers away in the Gangbuk district. The Woonjung Green campus was established in 11 and, as shown in its name, is an environmentally-friendly campus that utilizes geothermal energy as the main heating source. Sungshin has been improving quality higher education by expanding its international cooperation and joint programs. Since Korea13, Sungshin s curriculum has been selected by the Chinese Ministry of Education to implement the Korea-China Joint Dual Degree Program in K-Fashion and K-Beauty with Hebei University of Science and Technology and Shandong Youth University of Political Science. Sungshin is also actively contributing to the promotion of Korea and Korean culture in the world. In 15, Sungshin opened the King Sejong Institute in Shijiazhang, China, to promote Korean language and culture to the Hebei community and activate student exchange between Korea and China. In November, the Sungshin-Lim Myungsub Institute for Korean Studies was established to encourage and support Korean Studies research being done worldwide. Academic Schedule Currently we have established partnerships with 256 universities and institutions from 52 different countries focusing on academic cooperation, student and faculty exchange. Every year, we are sending around 500 Sungshin students abroad (5% of entire student population) and accepting 300 international students to Sungshin undergraduate, graduate, exchange, Korean Language and short-term programs. Sungshin will continue to strengthen global networks and diversify international programs to provide quality education and valuable experience for all students. Classification Regular Course Semester Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Level Level 1 ~ 6 Prescribed number of students by Class 10~15 students Class hours Mon-Fri 09:00~13:00 or 13:00~17:00 (Total 0 hours) Text Korean Textbook published by Seoul National University [Provided by university] Cultural experience 1-2 times per semester Tuition 1,500,000KRW per semester (Textbooks, private insurance included) Application Fee 80,000KRW for admission (Paid after admission results announced) Remarks Those applying for a D-4 Visa for the first time must register at least 2 semesters. It is essential for applicants with citizenship of the 21 countries and applicants with citizenship of the 5 countries that are subjected to priority control announced by the Minister of Justice in Korea in accordance with the Guidelines on the issuance of visa and management of stay of foreign applicants studying in Korea to register for a minimum of the first 2 semesters and reside in a dormitory for 6 months. (Varies by country) Application Period st Semester 22 INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Sungshin Women s University received the accreditation International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) by the Korean Ministry of Education for its ongoing efforts in promoting global programs and improving the education and benefits for international students. 2nd period 1 period 23 Class Period Online application Submission of (including original ) Screening Announcement of Online application acceptants Submission of (including issue invoice original ) Screening Announcement of acceptants issue invoice Spring ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Summer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fall ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Winter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Spring ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01.. Summer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fall ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10.. Winter The above schedule is subject to change depending on whether the school deems it necessary. Please inquire separately (through ) for the application schedule for foreigners currently staying in Korea. Qualification Male and female foreigners and Koreans residing in overseas countries who graduated from high school or higher or with equivalent academic background Document Submission (1) Online application: It is necessary to certify the identity of the applicant by means of an account or mobile phone number. You need to consent to the collection and use of the personal information in order to apply for the Korean language course. (2) Submission of : Submit copy through before sending the original through postage mail for the submission of the copy of the : Where to submit the original document: 2, Bomun-ro 34dagil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02844, KOREA 9

6 List of required Admission Procedure NO Document list Remarks 1 Online application form Online application ( please follow as guideline of how to apply) Required Documents *21 countries noticed by Minister of Justice Other and 5 countries countries subjected to priority control Form Original 2 Self-introduction study plan Any form in amount of one A4 page Original 3 Copy of passport - Copy 4 Official diplomas or certificates of (expected) graduation of highest education Above high school graduation Original 5 Official transcripts Above high school graduation Translated version 6 Certificate of bank deposit balance Over 10,000USD Original 7 Certificate of employment of parents 8 Certificate of incomes of paretns 9 10 Certificate of Family relationship Certificate of birth Copy of citizenship ID card (the applicant and both parents) Certificate of business registration should be required if they run their own business - Original Proof of income (Tax payment or Public pension or Transaction history of bank balance for last 3 months - Original Payslip (1 year, if in case) - - Translated and get notarized - - Copy * Applicants must choose one of the following as a certificate of graduation of highest education and submit the original document. 1Apostille-confirmed certificate of graduation (academic background) 2Certificate of degree that has been confirmed by the Korean consulate in your country or the consulate in Korea 3In the case of China, certification reports such as degrees issued by the Education and Degree Certification Center of the Ministry of Education (only for those who have degree or academic background in China) 21 countries noticed by Minister of Justice: Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Mongolia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Ukraina, Iran, Egypt, India, Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Pakistan, Peru and Philippines 5 countries subjected to priority control: Guinea, Mali, Ethiopia, Uganda and Cameroon Any document that is not in Korean, English or Chinese must be translated into Korean or English and notarized. Some may be omitted, replaced, or added as necessary during the screening process, and all submitted will not be returned. Submit Review Announcement of the applicants who passed document review * Interview might be omitted depending on the case. Video conference or face to face Review Final announcement of successful applicants Tuition payment Payment Division Payment amount Content Bank account information Certificate of Admission Tuition fee Application fee 80,000KRW Pay for once upon application Bank Name Kookmin Bank ( 국민은행 ) Dormitory fee Tuition fee 1,500,000KRW (1 semester) Applicants who are from noticed 21 countries and 5 countries in priority control must register for at least 2 semesters Deposit 100,000KRW Pay at the time of application, refund at the time of move-out Account No Account holder ( 성신여자대학교 ) Bank Name Kookmin Bank ( 국민은행 ) Maintenance cost 50,000KRW Pay at the time of application Account No Dormitory fee 2,280,000KRW (6 months) 2 persons room type, 380,000 KRW/ semester Pay for lump sum of 6 month upon application Account holder ( 성신여자대학교 ) Tuition fee and dormitory fee are the subject can be increased due to the circumstances of the university, the difference shall be paid by the applicant. Insurance for Foreign Students Scholarship Dormitory Accessible Transportation Contact All foreign students to be enrolled must purchase and maintain the foreign student insurance designated by the school. Insurance premium differs depending on the applicant s age and gender, and will be charged from the date of entry into Korea. After 6 months of stay, the applicant is obligated to enroll in National Health Insurance. The private insurance premium for the enrollment semester within one year is provided by the university, and the National health insurance premium is paid by the student himself/herself. Excellent Grade Scholarship: The school grants a scholarship of 0,000KRW for the student who has achieved the highest grade among groupmates registers the course in the next semester. Admission scholarship : The school grants a scholarship of 600,000KRW when the student is admitted in the undergraduate or graduate school of Sungshin University after completing two semester or more. The school will grant a scholarship to students whom dean of Sungshin Institute of International Education considers necessary to be supported through scholarship. 5 dormitories dedicated to foreign students located within 5 minutes on foot from the main gate of the university are under operation. The staff dedicated to the dormitory support a safe and clean dormitory life. Expense Facilities Remarks 2~3 bed room 380,000KRW 4 bed room 330,000KRW Wireless Internet(Wi-Fi), Table, Wardrobe, bed, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine Maintenance cost: 50,000 KRPW (non- refundable) Deposit: 100,000 KRW (refundable once move-out) Dormitory buildings and rooms are randomly assigned by dormitory manager according to the operating conditions. * The dormitory fee could be adjusted if the school deems it necessary. th National Cemetery Bukhansan Ui (Doseonsa) Solbat Park April 19 th National Cemetery (Dokseong Women's University) Gaori Hwagye Chungmuro Myeongdong Hoehyeon (Namdaemun Market) Seoul Station Sookmyung Women's Univ. (Galwol) Samgakji Sinyongsan Ichon (National Museum of Korea) Dongjak (Seoul National Cemetery) Chongshin Univ. (Isu) Sadang Namtaeryeong SUNGSHIN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Address: 2, Bomun-ro 34 da-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02844, KOREA Homepage: Tel: , 7402, 7757 (tiếng Việt) Samyang Samyang Sageori Solsaem Bukhansan Bogungmun (Seokyeong Univ.) Jeongneung (Kookmin Univ.) Sungshin Women's Univ. (Donam) Hansung Univ. (Samseongyo) Hyehwa Dongdaemun Dongdaemun History Culture Park Gireum Mia Miasageori Suyu Ssangmun (Gangbuk-gu Office) Bomun Sinseol-dong Changdong Nowon Danggogae Sanggye


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