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1 2023 학년도대학수학능력시험 6 월모의평가문제지 1 제 3 교시 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 15번까지는한번만들려주고, 16번부터 17번까지는두번들려줍니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 1. 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 저작권위반사례를소개하려고 2 홈페이지점검시간을공지하려고 3 보안시스템업그레이드를권장하려고 4 웹사이트제작프로그램을홍보하려고 5 조립식컴퓨터구매방법을설명하려고 7. 대화를듣고, 남자가과학보고서대회에서상을받지못한이유를고르시오. 1 실험사진을포함시키지않아서 2 마감기한을지키지못해서 3 주제가창의적이지않아서 4 부정확한정보를사용해서 5 제시된분량을초과해서. 대화를듣고, 2022 Technology Fair에관해언급되지않은것을고르시오. 1 주제 2 참여업체 3 장소 4 입장료 5 종료일 2. 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 매일다양한색의채소를섭취해야한다. 2 채소의종류에따라세척방법이달라야한다. 3 채소는수확시기에따라맛이달라질수있다. 4 채소는냉장보관하면비타민파괴를늦출수있다. 5 익혀서조리하는것이건강에더좋은채소가있다. 3. 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 공연기획자 - 연극배우 2 패션디자이너 - 사진작가 3 예술가 - 전시회관람객 4 건축가 - 인테리어업체직원 5 보안요원 - 기념품판매원 4. 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 9. Junior Money Smart Course에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지 않는것을고르시오. 1 강사는경제학교수이다. 2 고등학생만을대상으로한다. 3 월요일부터금요일까지진행될것이다. 4 7월에등록이시작된다. 5 등록자전원에게선물을제공할것이다. 10. 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가구입할책상용태블릿 거치대를고르시오. Tablet Stands for Desks Model Price Material Foldable Color 1 A $11 Plastic White 2 B $12 Plastic Silver 3 C $14 Wood Black 4 D $16 Aluminum Silver 5 E $21 Aluminum Black 11. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 No problem. I ll put it in the refrigerator. 2 Of course. I ll check tomorrow s weather. 3 Okay. We can buy it at the store after work. 4 Great. Let s order from a seafood restaurant. 5 Never mind. I don t care if it s delivered late. 5. 대화를듣고, 남자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 배드민턴레슨등록하기 2 신입회원에게행사공지하기 3 홍보포스터제작하기 4 소셜미디어계정만들기 5 안내문게시하기 6. 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르시오.[3점] 1 $40 2 $45 3 $50 4 $55 5 $ 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Absolutely. I m proud of my son. 2 Fantastic. He ll really enjoy the ride. 3 Too bad. He should have come earlier. 4 It s all right. The line is getting shorter. 5 I m sorry. Then he s not allowed to ride. 1

2 2 13. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장 적절한것을고르시오.[3 점 ] Man: 1 Don t worry. I ll check the date for you. 2 Oh, no. We don t have time to print it out. 3 I see. I ll put the bread back in the package. 4 I agree. We need to buy more cream cheese. 5 Good. I ll bring some bread to the neighbors. 14. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장 적절한것을고르시오. Woman: 1 No, thanks. We already have enough eco-bags. 2 That s a relief. Then we can prepare more presents. 3 That s true. Last year s festival was a great success. 4 I appreciate that. That s why I ve won the quiz event. 5 Right. The book you recommended was so interesting. 15. 다음상황설명을듣고, Tom 이 Alice 에게할말로가장적절한 것을고르시오.[3 점 ] Tom: 1 You should take advantage of negative reviews for your business. 2 You d better take an online class to get a degree in marketing. 3 Don t forget the negative effects of enlarging your business. 4 Why don t you put up an advertisement for your products? 5 How about starting a new online business together? [16~17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 16. 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 1 how birds cooperate to collect nesting materials 2 why birds use certain materials in nest building 3 natural substances that are harmful to bird nests 4 shortage of birds nesting materials in urban areas 5 industrial building materials inspired by bird nests 17. 언급된재료가아닌것은? 1 feathers 2 mud 3 spiderwebs 4 leaves 5 stones 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 1번부터는문제지의지시에따라답을하시기바랍니다. 1. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? Dear Hylean Miller, Hello, I m Nelson Perkins, a teacher and swimming coach at Broomstone High School. Last week, I made a reservation for one of your company s swimming pools for our summer swim camp. However, due to its popularity, thirty more students are coming to the camp than we expected, so we need one more swimming pool for them. The rental section on your website says that there are two other swimming pools during the summer season: the Splash Pool and the Rainbow Pool. Please let me know if an additional rental would be possible. Thank you in advance. Best Wishes, Nelson Perkins 1 수영캠프참가날짜를변경하려고 2 수영장수용가능인원을확인하려고 3 수영캠프등록방법에대해알아보려고 4 수영장추가대여가능여부를문의하려고 5 수영장대여취소에따른환불을요청하려고 19. 다음글에나타난 Jessica 의심경변화로가장적절한것은? The island tour bus Jessica was riding on was moving slowly toward the ocean cliffs. Outside, the sky was getting dark. Jessica sighed with concern, I m going to miss the sunset because of the traffic. The bus arrived at the cliffs parking lot. While the other passengers were gathering their bags, Jessica quickly got off the bus and she ran up the cliff that was famous for its ocean views. She was about to give up when she got to the top. Just then she saw the setting sun and it still shone brightly in the sky. Jessica said to herself, The glow of the sun is so beautiful. It s even better than I expected. 1 worried delighted 3 relieved annoyed 5 regretful depressed 2 bored confident 4 joyful indifferent 20. 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? Consider two athletes who both want to play in college. One says she has to work very hard and the other uses goal setting to create a plan to stay on track and work on specific skills where she is lacking. Both are working hard but only the latter is working smart. It can be frustrating for athletes to work extremely hard but not make the progress they wanted. What can make the difference is drive utilizing the mental gear to maximize gains made in the technical and physical areas. Drive provides direction (goals), sustains effort (motivation), and creates a training mindset that goes beyond simply working hard. Drive applies direct force on your physical and technical gears, strengthening and polishing them so they can spin with vigor and purpose. While desire might make you spin those gears faster and harder as you work out or practice, drive is what built them in the first place. * vigor: 활력, 활기 1 선수들의훈련방식은장점을극대화하는방향으로이루어져야한다. 2 선수들은최고의성과를얻기위해정신적추진력을잘활용해야한다. 3 선수들은단기적훈련성과보다장기적목표달성에힘써야한다. 4 선수들은육체적훈련과정신적훈련을균형있게병행해야한다. 5 선수들은수립한계획을실행하면서꾸준히수정하여야한다. 2

3 3 21. 밑줄친 view from nowhere 가다음글에서의미하는바로 가장적절한것은?[3 점 ] Our view of the world is not given to us from the outside in a pure, objective form; it is shaped by our mental abilities, our shared cultural perspectives and our unique values and beliefs. This is not to say that there is no reality outside our minds or that the world is just an illusion. It is to say that our version of reality is precisely that: our version, not the version. There is no single, universal or authoritative version that makes sense, other than as a theoretical construct. We can see the world only as it appears to us, not as it truly is, because there is no as it truly is without a perspective to give it form. Philosopher Thomas Nagel argued that there is no view from nowhere, since we cannot see the world except from a particular perspective, and that perspective influences what we see. We can experience the world only through the human lenses that make it intelligible to us. 1 perception of reality affected by subjective views 2 valuable perspective most people have in mind 3 particular view adopted by very few people 4 critical insight that defeats our prejudices 5 unbiased and objective view of the world * illusion: 환영 23. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? [3 점 ] Considerable work by cultural psychologists and anthropologists has shown that there are indeed large and sometimes surprising differences in the words and concepts that different cultures have for describing emotions, as well as in the social circumstances that draw out the expression of particular emotions. However, those data do not actually show that different cultures have different emotions, if we think of emotions as central, neurally implemented states. As for, say, color vision, they just say that, despite the same internal processing architecture, how we interpret, categorize, and name emotions varies according to culture and that we learn in a particular culture the social context in which it is appropriate to express emotions. However, the emotional states themselves are likely to be quite invariant across cultures. In a sense, we can think of a basic, culturally universal emotion set that is shaped by evolution and implemented in the brain, but the links between such emotional states and stimuli, behavior, and other cognitive states are plastic and can be modified by learning in a specific cultural context. * anthropologist: 인류학자 ** stimuli: 자극 *** cognitive: 인지적인 1 essential links between emotions and behaviors 2 culturally constructed representation of emotions 3 falsely described emotions through global languages 4 universally defined emotions across academic disciplines 5 wider influence of cognition on learning cultural contexts 22. 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? Often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the consumer who plays a large role in the notion of the privacy paradox. Consumer engagement levels in all manner of digital experiences and communities have simply exploded and they show little or no signs of slowing. There is an awareness among consumers, not only that their personal data helps to drive the rich experiences that these companies provide, but also that sharing this data is the price you pay for these experiences, in whole or in part. Without a better understanding of the what, when, and why of data collection and use, the consumer is often left feeling vulnerable and conflicted. I love this restaurant-finder app on my phone, but what happens to my data if I press ok when asked if that app can use my current location? Armed with tools that can provide them options, the consumer moves from passive bystander to active participant. * stakeholder: 이해관계자 ** vulnerable: 상처를입기쉬운 1 개인정보제공의속성을심층적으로이해하면주체적소비자가된다. 2 소비자는디지털시대에유용한앱을적극활용하는자세가필요하다. 3 현명한소비자가되려면다양한디지털데이터를활용해야한다. 4 기업의디지털서비스를이용하면상응하는대가가뒤따른다. 5 타인과의정보공유로인해개인정보가유출되기도한다. 24. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? The approach, joint cognitive systems, treats a robot as part of a human-machine team where the intelligence is synergistic, arising from the contributions of each agent. The team consists of at least one robot and one human and is often called a mixed team because it is a mixture of human and robot agents. Self-driving cars, where a person turns on and off the driving, is an example of a joint cognitive system. Entertainment robots are examples of mixed teams as are robots for telecommuting. The design process concentrates on how the agents will cooperate and coordinate with each other to accomplish the team goals. Rather than treating robots as peer agents with their own completely independent agenda, joint cognitive systems approaches treat robots as helpers such as service animals or sheep dogs. In joint cognitive system designs, artificial intelligence is used along with human-robot interaction principles to create robots that can be intelligent enough to be good team members. 1 Better Together: Human and Machine Collaboration 2 Can Robots Join Forces to Outperform Human Teams? 3 Loss of Humanity in the Human and Machine Conflict 4 Power Off: When and How to Say No to Robot Partners 5 Shifting from Service Animals to Robot Assistants of Humans 3

4 4 25. 다음표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Resident Patent Applications per Million Population for the Top 6 Origins, in 2009 and in Rank Origin Resident patent applications per million population Rank Origin 1 Republic of Republic of 2,52 1 Korea Korea 2 Japan 2,306 3 Switzerland Germany 91 5 U.S Finland 609 Resident patent applications per million population 3,319 2 Japan 1,943 3 Switzerland 1,122 4 China 90 5 Germany 4 6 U.S. 69 Note: The top 6 origins were included if they had a population greater than 5 million and if they had more than 100 resident patent applications. The above tables show the resident patent applications per million population for the top 6 origins in 2009 and in The Republic of Korea, Japan, and Switzerland, the top three origins in 2009, maintained their rankings in Germany, which sat fourth on the 2009 list with 91 resident patent applications per million population, fell to fifth place on the 2019 list with 4 resident patent applications per million population. 3 The U.S. fell from fifth place on the 2009 list to sixth place on the 2019 list, showing a decrease in the number of resident patent applications per million population. 4 Among the top 6 origins which made the list in 2009, Finland was the only origin which did not make it again in On the other hand, China, which did not make the list of the top 6 origins in 2009, sat fourth on the 2019 list with 90 resident patent applications per million population. 26. William Buckland 에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? William Buckland ( ) was well known as one of the greatest geologists in his time. His birthplace, Axminster in Britain, was rich with fossils, and as a child, he naturally became interested in fossils while collecting them. In 101, Buckland won a scholarship and was admitted to Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He developed his scientific knowledge there while attending John Kidd s lectures on mineralogy and chemistry. After Kidd resigned his position, Buckland was appointed his successor at the college. Buckland used representative samples and large-scale geological maps in his lectures, which made his lectures more lively. In 124, he announced the discovery of the bones of a giant creature, and he named it Megalosaurus, or great lizard. He won the prize from the Geological Society due to his achievements in geology. 1 태어난곳은화석이풍부하였다. 2 John Kidd의강의를들으며자신의과학지식을발전시켰다. 3 John Kidd의사임전에그의후임자로임명되었다. 4 자신의강의에서대축척지질학지도를사용하였다 년에거대생물뼈의발견을발표하였다 Sunbay High School Benefit Concert에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하지않는것은? 2022 Sunbay High School Benefit Concert Sunbay High School students will be holding their benefit concert for charity. All profits will be donated to the local children s hospital. Come and enjoy your family and friends performances. Date & Time: Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 6 p.m. Place: Sunbay High School s Vision Hall Events singing, dancing, drumming, and other musical performances special performance by singer Jonas Collins, who graduated from Sunbay High School Tickets $3 per person available to buy from 5 p.m. at the front desk of Vision Hall Other Attractions club students artwork on display, but not for purchase free face-painting For more information about the concert, feel free to contact us at concert@sunbayhighs.edu. 1 수익금전액은지역아동병원에기부될것이다. 2 Sunbay 고등학교의 Vision Hall 에서열린다. 3 Sunbay 고등학교를졸업한가수의특별공연이있다. 4 티켓은오후 5 시부터살수있다. 5 동아리학생들의전시작품은구입이가능하다. 2. Shooting Star Viewing Event에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? Shooting Star Viewing Event Would you like to watch the rare shooting star, coming on Sunday, July 24? The Downtown Central Science Museum is the perfect spot to catch the vivid view! Registration Online only From July l to July 14 The number of participants will be limited to 50. Schedule on July 24 :00 p.m.: Participants will gather at the hall and then move to the rooftop. :30 p.m.: Guides will explain how to observe the shooting star. 9:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.: We will share the experience of the shooting star. Notes If the event is cancelled due to the weather conditions, notice will be given via text message. Outside food and drinks are not allowed. 1 현장등록이가능하다. 2 참가인원에제한이없다. 3 참가자들은오후 9 시에홀에서모여옥상으로이동할것이다. 4 기상상황으로인한행사취소시문자메시지로공지될것이다. 5 외부음식과음료는허용된다. 4

5 5 29. 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? [3 점 ] Ecosystems differ in composition and extent. They can be defined as ranging from the communities and interactions of organisms in your mouth or 1 those in the canopy of a rain forest to all those in Earth s oceans. The processes 2 governing them differ in complexity and speed. There are systems that turn over in minutes, and there are others 3 which rhythmic time extends to hundreds of years. Some ecosystems are extensive ( biomes, such as the African savanna); some cover regions (river basins); many involve clusters of villages (micro-watersheds); others are confined to the level of a single village (the village pond). In each example there is an element of indivisibility. Divide an ecosystem into parts by creating barriers, and the sum of the productivity of the parts will typically be found to be lower than the productivity of the whole, other things 4 being equal. The mobility of biological populations is a reason. Safe passages, for example, enable migratory species 5 to survive. * canopy: 덮개 ** basin: 유역 [31~34] 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. 31. Young contemporary artists who employ digital technologies in their practice rarely make reference to computers. For example, Wade Guyton, an abstractionist who uses a word processing program and inkjet printers, does not call himself a computer artist. Moreover, some critics, who admire his work, are little concerned about his extensive use of computers in the art-making process. This is a marked contrast from three decades ago when artists who utilized computers were labeled by critics often disapprovingly as computer artists. For the present generation of artists, the computer, or more appropriately, the laptop, is one in a collection of integrated, portable digital technologies that link their social and working life. With tablets and cell phones surpassing personal computers in Internet usage, and as slim digital devices resemble nothing like the room-sized mainframes and bulky desktop computers of previous decades, it now appears that the computer artist is finally. 1 awake 3 distinct 5 extinct 2 influential 4 troublesome 30. 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? In recent years urban transport professionals globally have largely acquiesced to the view that automobile demand in cities needs to be managed rather than accommodated. Rising incomes inevitably lead to increases in motorization. Even without the imperative of climate change, the physical constraints of densely inhabited cities and the corresponding demands of accessibility, mobility, safety, air pollution, and urban livability all 1 limit the option of expanding road networks purely to accommodate this rising demand. As a result, as cities develop and their residents become more prosperous, 2 persuading people to choose not to use cars becomes an increasingly key focus of city managers and planners. Improving the quality of 3 alternative options, such as walking, cycling, and public transport, is a central element of this strategy. However, the most direct approach to 4 accommodating automobile demand is making motorized travel more expensive or restricting it with administrative rules. The contribution of motorized travel to climate change 5 reinforces this imperative. * acquiesce: 따르다 ** imperative: 불가피한것 *** constraint: 압박 32. The critic who wants to write about literature from a formalist perspective must first be a close and careful reader who examines all the elements of a text individually and questions how they come together to create a work of art. Such a reader, who respects the autonomy of a work, achieves an understanding of it by. Instead of examining historical periods, author biographies, or literary styles, for example, he or she will approach a text with the assumption that it is a self-contained entity and that he or she is looking for the governing principles that allow the text to reveal itself. For example, the correspondences between the characters in James Joyce s short story Araby and the people he knew personally may be interesting, but for the formalist they are less relevant to understanding how the story creates meaning than are other kinds of information that the story contains within itself. * entity: 실체 1 putting himself or herself both inside and outside it 2 finding a middle ground between it and the world 3 searching for historical realities revealed within it 4 looking inside it, not outside it or beyond it 5 exploring its characters cultural relevance 5

6 6 33. Manufacturers design their innovation processes around the way they think the process works. The vast majority of manufacturers still think that product development and service development are always done by manufacturers, and that their job is always to find a need and fill it rather than to sometimes find and commercialize an innovation that. Accordingly, manufacturers have set up market-research departments to explore the needs of users in the target market, product-development groups to think up suitable products to address those needs, and so forth. The needs and prototype solutions of lead users if encountered at all are typically rejected as outliers of no interest. Indeed, when lead users innovations do enter a firm s product line and they have been shown to be the actual source of many major innovations for many firms they typically arrive with a lag and by an unusual and unsystematic route. [3점] * lag: 지연 1 lead users tended to overlook 2 lead users have already developed 3 lead users encountered in the market 4 other firms frequently put into use 5 both users and firms have valued 35. 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? The animal in a conflict between attacking a rival and fleeing may initially not have sufficient information to enable it to make a decision straight away. 1 If the rival is likely to win the fight, then the optimal decision would be to give up immediately and not risk getting injured. 2 But if the rival is weak and easily defeatable, then there could be considerable benefit in going ahead and obtaining the territory, females, food or whatever is at stake. 3 Animals under normal circumstances maintain a very constant body weight and they eat and drink enough for their needs at regular intervals. 4 By taking a little extra time to collect information about the opponent, the animal is more likely to reach a decision that maximizes its chances of winning than if it takes a decision without such information. 5 Many signals are now seen as having this information gathering or assessment function, directly contributing to the mechanism of the decision-making process by supplying vital information about the likely outcomes of the various options. [36~37] 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오 Development can get very complicated and fanciful. A fugue by Johann Sebastian Bach illustrates how far this process could go, when a single melodic line, sometimes just a handful of notes, was all that the composer needed to create a brilliant work containing lots of intricate development within a coherent structure. Ludwig van Beethoven s famous Fifth Symphony provides an exceptional example of how much mileage a classical composer can get out of a few notes and a simple rhythmic tapping. The opening da-da-da-dum that everyone has heard somewhere or another throughout not only the opening movement, but the remaining three movements, like a kind of motto or a connective thread. Just as we don t always see the intricate brushwork that goes into the creation of a painting, we may not always notice how Beethoven keeps finding fresh uses for his motto or how he develops his material into a large, cohesive statement. But a lot of the enjoyment we get from that mighty symphony stems from the inventiveness behind it, the impressive development of musical ideas. [3점] * intricate: 복잡한 ** coherent: 통일성있는 1 makes the composer s musical ideas contradictory 2 appears in an incredible variety of ways 3 provides extensive musical knowledge creatively 4 remains fairly calm within the structure 5 becomes deeply associated with one s own enjoyment 6 The fossil record provides evidence of evolution. The story the fossils tell is one of change. Creatures existed in the past that are no longer with us. Sequential changes are found in many fossils showing the change of certain features over time from a common ancestor, as in the case of the horse. (A) If multicelled organisms were indeed found to have evolved before single-celled organisms, then the theory of evolution would be rejected. A good scientific theory always allows for the possibility of rejection. The fact that we have not found such a case in countless examinations of the fossil record strengthens the case for evolutionary theory. (B) The fossil record supports this prediction multicelled organisms are found in layers of earth millions of years after the first appearance of single-celled organisms. Note that the possibility always remains that the opposite could be found. (C) Apart from demonstrating that evolution did occur, the fossil record also provides tests of the predictions made from evolutionary theory. For example, the theory predicts that single-celled organisms evolved before multicelled organisms. 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 4 (C) - (A) - (B)

7 7 37. In economics, there is a principle known as the sunk cost fallacy. The idea is that when you are invested and have ownership in something, you overvalue that thing. (A) Sometimes, the smartest thing a person can do is quit. Although this is true, it has also become a tired and played-out argument. Sunk cost doesn t always have to be a bad thing. (B) This leads people to continue on paths or pursuits that should clearly be abandoned. For example, people often remain in terrible relationships simply because they ve invested a great deal of themselves into them. Or someone may continue pouring money into a business that is clearly a bad idea in the market. (C) Actually, you can leverage this human tendency to your benefit. Like someone invests a great deal of money in a personal trainer to ensure they follow through on their commitment, you, too, can invest a great deal up front to ensure you stay on the path you want to be on. [3 점 ] 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) * leverage: 이용하다 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) [3~39] 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳을고르시오. 3. Also, it has become difficult for companies to develop new pesticides, even those that can have major beneficial effects and few negative effects. Simply maintaining yields at current levels often requires new cultivars and management methods, since pests and diseases continue to evolve, and aspects of the chemical, physical, and social environment can change over several decades. ( 1 )In the 1960s, many people considered pesticides to be mainly beneficial to mankind. ( 2 ) Developing new, broadly effective, and persistent pesticides often was considered to be the best way to control pests on crop plants. ( 3 ) Since that time, it has become apparent that broadly effective pesticides can have harmful effects on beneficial insects, which can negate their effects in controlling pests, and that persistent pesticides can damage non-target organisms in the ecosystem, such as birds and people. ( 4 ) Very high costs are involved in following all of the procedures needed to gain government approval for new pesticides. ( 5 ) Consequently, more consideration is being given to other ways to manage pests, such as incorporating greater resistance to pests into cultivars by breeding and using other biological control methods. * pesticide: 살충제 ** cultivar: 품종 *** breed: 개량하다 39. This makes sense from the perspective of information reliability. The dynamics of collective detection have an interesting feature. Which cue(s) do individuals use as evidence of predator attack? In some cases, when an individual detects a predator, its best response is to seek shelter. ( 1 ) Departure from the group may signal danger to nonvigilant animals and cause what appears to be a coordinated flushing of prey from the area. ( 2 ) Studies on dark-eyed juncos (a type of bird) support the view that nonvigilant animals attend to departures of individual group mates but that the departure of multiple individuals causes a greater escape response in the nonvigilant individuals. ( 3 ) If one group member departs, it might have done so for a number of reasons that have little to do with predation threat. ( 4 ) If nonvigilant animals escaped each time a single member left the group, they would frequently respond when there was no predator (a false alarm). ( 5 ) On the other hand, when several individuals depart the group at the same time, a true threat is much more likely to be present. [3점] * predator: 포식자 ** vigilant: 경계하는 *** flushing: 날아오름 40. 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Mobilities in transit offer a broad field to be explored by different disciplines in all faculties, in addition to the humanities. In spite of increasing acceleration, for example in travelling through geographical or virtual space, our body becomes more and more a passive non-moving container, which is transported by artefacts or loaded up with inner feelings of being mobile in the so-called information society. Technical mobilities turn human beings into some kind of terminal creatures, who spend most of their time at rest and who need to participate in sports in order to balance their daily disproportion of motion and rest. Have we come closer to Aristotle s image of God as the immobile mover, when elites exercise their power to move money, things and people, while they themselves do not need to move at all? Others, at the bottom of this power, are victims of mobility-structured social exclusion. They cannot decide how and where to move, but are just moved around or locked out or even locked in without either the right to move or the right to stay. In a technology and information society, human beings, whose bodily movement is less (A), appear to have gained increased mobility and power, and such a mobility-related human condition raises the issue of social (B). (A) (B) (A) (B) 1 necessary inequality 2 necessary growth 3 limited consciousness 4 desirable service 5 desirable divide 7

8 [41~42] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. Once an event is noticed, an onlooker must decide if it is truly an emergency. Emergencies are not always clearly (a) labeled as such; smoke pouring into a waiting room may be caused by fire, or it may merely indicate a leak in a steam pipe. Screams in the street may signal an attack or a family quarrel. A man lying in a doorway may be having a coronary or he may simply be sleeping off a drunk. A person trying to interpret a situation often looks at those around him to see how he should react. If everyone else is calm and indifferent, he will tend to remain so; if everyone else is reacting strongly, he is likely to become alert. This tendency is not merely blind conformity; ordinarily we derive much valuable information about new situations from how others around us behave. It s a (b) rare traveler who, in picking a roadside restaurant, chooses to stop at one where no other cars appear in the parking lot. But occasionally the reactions of others provide (c) accurate information. The studied nonchalance of patients in a dentist s waiting room is a poor indication of their inner anxiety. It is considered embarrassing to lose your cool in public. In a potentially acute situation, then, everyone present will appear more (d) unconcerned than he is in fact. A crowd can thus force (e) inaction on its members by implying, through its passivity, that an event is not an emergency. Any individual in such a crowd fears that he may appear a fool if he behaves as though it were. * coronary: 관상동맥증 ** nonchalance: 무관심, 냉담 41. 윗글의제목으로가장적절한것은? 1 Do We Judge Independently? The Effect of Crowds 2 Winning Strategy: How Not to Be Fooled by Others 3 Do Emergencies Affect the Way of Our Thinking? 4 Stepping Towards Harmony with Your Neighbors 5 Ways of Helping Others in Emergent Situations (B) As they walked through a furniture store, Steve found a pretty yellow table. Since he knew that yellow was Noah s favorite color, Steve asked (b) him what he thought about buying that table. Noah was happy about the yellow table and said it would make their room more unique. Delighted, Noah added, Well, yesterday our room was just like any other place at this school. But after today, (c) I really feel like it ll be our place. Now, they both knew that the place would provide them with energy and refreshment. (C) Noah hardly slept that night making plans for the room. After Steve woke up, they started to rearrange the furniture. All of the chairs and the sofa in their room were facing the TV. Noah mentioned to Steve that most of their visitors usually just sat and watched TV instead of chatting. In response to (d) his idea, Steve suggested, How about we put the sofa over there by the wall so it will be easier to have conversations? Noah agreed, and they moved it by the wall. (D) After changing the place of the sofa, they could see that they now had a lot of space in the middle of their room. Then, Noah remembered that his brother Sammy had a big table in his living room for playing board games and told Steve about it. Steve and Noah both really enjoyed playing board games. So, Steve replied to Noah, (e) I think putting a table in the middle of our room would be great for drinking tea as well as playing board games! Both Noah and Steve agreed and decided to go shopping for a table. 43. 주어진글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B) - (D) - (C) 3 (C) - (D) - (B) 5 (D) - (C) - (B) 2 (C) - (B) - (D) 4 (D) - (B) - (C) 42. 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 44. 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) [43~45] 다음글을읽고, 물음에답하시오. (A) It was the first day of the semester. Looking around his shared dorm room, Noah thought that it looked exactly like every other dorm room at the university, and he became disappointed. His roommate Steve noticed it and asked what was wrong. Noah answered quietly that he thought their room was totally boring. (a) He wished the space felt a bit more like their space. Steve agreed and suggested that they could start personalizing the room like Noah wanted, the next day. 45. 윗글에관한내용으로적절하지않은것은? 1 Noah는학기첫날자신의기숙사방을둘러보고실망했다. 2 Noah는노란색탁자가자신들의방을더독특하게만들것이라고말했다. 3 Noah는 Steve가잠든사이에가구를다시배치했다. 4 Noah는 Sammy의거실에커다란탁자가있던것을떠올렸다. 5 Noah와 Steve 둘다보드게임하는것을즐겼다. * 확인사항 답안지의해당란에필요한내용을정확히기입 ( 표기 ) 했는지확인하시오.

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