- 유신 목
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16 명 칭 개발사 특징 비고 웹페이지갱신없이고속으로화면전환 가능. Ajax ASP.NET 웹페이지의일부분을갱신하는데필요한 데이터만을수신할수있음. 서버와의비동기적통신지원함. Macromedia 애니메이션, 비디오등의저작도구로개발 Flash 되었으며, 웹페이지를동적으로꾸미는데도사용될수있음. Flash Platform 상에서동작하는본격적인 Flex Adobe RIA 도구임. 이클립스기반의 IDE 를지원함. Flash와호환되는 ActionScript 기반의프 로그래밍환경을지원함. Silverlight 닷넷프레임워크의개발언어를지원함 Visual Studio 2008 플랫폼임. MS. 1) 아이콘을다른아이콘위에포개어놓음으로써처리내용을지정하는조작개념 - 2 -
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24 5) 한국정보문화진흥원정보통신보조기기체험관사이트 :
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31 13) Editor's Draft, 2009년 1월 14일
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33 14) 년 12월 24일 W3C 표준 15) Editor's Draft, 2009년 1월 14일
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37 액세스가능성 name description name description
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40 . < - 3> 16) -2d5e1db91038&DisplayLang=en 17)
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53 getelementbyid 20) 는가를기준으로구현한스크립트언어임때론 JavaScript Netscape ECMA-262. ECMAScript 라고도함
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59 <noscript> <script type= text/javascript > var width = 600; document.write( <div id= sublayer style= width: + width + > ); document.write( <p><a href= help.html > 도움말</a></p> ); document.write( </div> ); </script> <noscript> <p><a href= help.html > 도움말</a></p> </noscript>
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61 <div id= sublayer > </div> <p><a href= > 도움말</a></p> <script type= text/javascript > var width = 600; document.getelementbyid( sublayer ).style.width = width + px ; </script>
62 onmouseover <script type="text/javascript"> function changeimage(img) { </script> <p> img.src = img.src.replace(".gif", "_on.gif"); <a href="about.html"> </p> <img src="introduction.gif" onmouseover="changeimage(this)" alt=" 소개"></a>
63 changeimage.js <script type="text/javascript" src="changeimage.js"></script> <p><a href="about.html"><img src="introduction.gif" id="about-image" alt=" 소개"></a></p> changeimage.js 는 window.onload = function () { document.getelementbyid("about-image").onmouseover= function changeimage() { this.src = this.src.replace(".gif", "_on.gif");
64 접근성 지침 인터넷웹콘텐츠 인터넷웹콘텐츠접근성지침
65 new_image.jpg old_image.jpg new_image.jpg " 우는얼굴"
66 <html> <head> <title>... </title> <script type="text/javascript"> var bool=0; function replaceimage() { if (bool == 0) { bool = 1; document.getelementbyid("image").src="new_image.jpg"; document.getelementbyid("image").alt = " 우는얼굴"; else { </script> </head> <body> bool = 0; document.getelementbyid("image").src="old_image.jpg"; document.getelementbyid("image").alt = " 웃는얼굴"; <div style="margin-top:100px; text-align:center"> <img id = "image" src=old_image.jpg" alt=" 웃는얼굴" </div> </body> </html> style="cursor:pointer" onclick="replaceimage(bool);" />
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69 onmouseover onfocus () onmouseout onblur () onmousedown onkeydown () onmouseup onkeyup () onclick onkeypress () onmouseover onmouseout onfocus onblur onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onclick
70 onclick onkeypress onchange
71 <input type="button" value=" 도움말 /> onclick="window.open( onkeypress="verifykey(this,event);" // With onkeypress event, this verifies? key function verifykey(oelement,oevent){ if(oevent.keycode==63 && oelement.onclick){ //? = 63 oelement.onclick();
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73 title onclick <!-- This is NOT OK with popup blocking setting --> href="example.htm" onclick="window.open (...); return false;" <!-- This is OK with popup blocking setting --> href="example.htm" onclick="return pop(this)"; true pop() pop() false
74 window.open onclick popup.html <img src="openwindow.gif" onclick="window.open('popup.html','', 'width=300,height=200')"> <a href="#"> <img src="openwindow.gif" onclick="window.open('popup.html', '', 'width=300,height=200')"> </a>
75 # this.href "popup.html" <a href="popup.html" onclick="window.open(this.href,'popupname', 'width=300,height=200'); return false;"> <img src="openwindow.gif"> </a> <a> href JavaScript: myfunction( ) JavaScript: href
76 href href href
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78 <form> <form>
79 <input> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitform() { loginform.submit(); </script>
80 <form id="loginform" name="loginform" action=""> </form> User Id <input type="text" name="loginid"> User Password <input type="password" name="loginpassword"><br> <img src="login.gif" alt = " 로그인 onclick="submitform()"> <input> <input> <form id="loginform" name="loginform" action=""> <p> </p> <p> </p> </form> <label for="loginid">user Id</label> <input type="text" id="loginid" name="loginid" /><br /> <label for="loginpassword">user Password</label> <input type="password" id="loginpassword" name="loginpassword" /> <input type="image" src="login.gif" alt=" 로그인" />
81 <form> <script type="text/javascript"> function submitform(formel) { var errormessage = null; var objfocus = null; if (formel.loginid.value.length == 0) { errormessage = " 아이디를넣어주세요."; objfocus = formel.loginid; else if (formel.loginpassword.value.length == 0) { errormessage = " 비밀번호를넣어주세요."; objfocus = formel.loginpassword; if(errormessage!= null) { return true; alert(errormessage); objfocus.focus(); return false;
82 </script> <form id="loginform" name="loginform" action="" </form> onsubmit="return submitform(this)"> <label for="loginid"> 아이디</label> <input type="text" id="loginid" name="loginid" /> <label for="loginpassword"> 비밀번호</label> <input type="password" id="loginpassword" name="loginpassword" /><br /> <input type="image" src="login.gif" alt=" 로그인" /> onsubmit
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84 noscript noscript noscript noscript
85 charset, type, src, defer type type <script type="text/javascript"> //code </script>
86 language language <body> <head>... </head> <body>... </body> <html> </head> 태그 </html> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> //code </script> </body> </html> <!-- 이곳에는스크립트요소가위치할수없다. -->
87 <script type="text/javascript"> document.location.href ="redirection.html"; </script> <form> <form name="login_form"> <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="myid" /> <input type="hidden" name="user_pwd" value="mypassword" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value= " <input type="hidden" name="somevalue" value="blahblah" />... </form> <script type="text/javascript"> f = document.forms.login_form; f.action = " f.submit(); </script> <form method="post" name="sg_form" action=" "target="_top"></form> <script> sg_form.submit(); </script>
88 <form> <script> <body> <head> <input> <form> <html> <head> <body> <form> <a> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr" /> <title>redirect</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> /* some processes... */
89 alert('... 의이유로다시돌아갑니다.'); document.location.href="redirection.html"; </script> <p> <a href="redirection.html">... 의이유로다시돌아갑니다.</a></p> </body> </html>
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101 23) 이번평가에서는드림보이스 7.0 베타버전을사용하였음
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148 this.objul = this.objbox.getelementsbytagname("ul")[0]; this.objli = this.objul.getelementsbytagname("li"); // 배너갯수를파악하는부분 this.objlinum = this.objli.length; // 배너부분의총넓이를파악하는부분 this.totalwidth = this.datewidth * this.objlinum; this.objbox.style.width = this.totalwidth + "px"; if ( this.objlinum % this.datenum == 0 ) { this.bannerend = this.totalwidth - ( this.datewidth * this.datenum ); else { this.bannerend = this.totalwidth - this.datewidth; // 배너를쌓고있는부분의박스에 CSS를입히기 this._style(); // Javascript 작동시다음, 이전버튼을삽입하기 this._controladd(); // 다음, 이전버튼을클릭시이동해야할위치계산하기 this.bannerprevleft = this.bannerend; this.bannernextleft = this.datewidth * this.datenum ; this.prevbtnlinkimg.num = this.bannerprevleft; this.prevbtnlinkimg.onclick = function() { eval(this.fnname + "._moveframe(" + this.num + ",'prev')" ); return false;
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150 this.nextbtnlinkimg = document.createelement('img'); this.nextbtnlinkimg.fnname = this.fnname; this.nextbtnlinkimg.classname = "btn"; this.nextbtnlinkimg.src = "./img/btn_next.gif"; this.nextbtnlinkimg.alt = ""; // 대체텍스트를 this.newcontrol.appendchild(this.nextbtnlinkimg); null로만든다 this._style = function() { this.boxstyle = this.objbox.parentnode; this.boxstyle.classname = "BannerListStyle"; this.boxulstyle = this.objbox.getelementsbytagname("ul")[0]; this.boxulstyle.classname = "BannerUlStyle"; // 다음, 이전버튼을클릭시배너를이동시키는부분 this._moveframe = function(val,fnmove) { cleartimeout(this.goodssettime); if ( Math.abs(val - this.bannercurrent) > 5 ) { this.bannercurrent = this.bannercurrent+(val-this.bannercurrent) * this.speed; else { this.bannercurrent = val; this.objul.style.left = ( -1 * this.bannercurrent ) + "px"; if ( this.bannercurrent!= val ) { this.goodssettime = settimeout(this.fnname + "._moveframe(" + val + ",'" + fnmove + "')",10); else { this.currentpicnum = this.bannercurrent / this.datewidth;
151 this.bannerprevleft = this.bannercurrent - ( this.datewidth * this.datenum ); this.bannernextleft = this.bannercurrent + ( this.datewidth * this.datenum ); if ( this.bannercurrent == 0 ) { this.bannerprevleft = this.bannerend; else if ( this.bannercurrent == this.totalwidth - ( this.datewidth * this.datenum ) ) { this.bannernextleft = 0; this.prevbtnlinkimg.num = this.bannerprevleft; this.prevbtnlinkimg.onclick = function() { eval(this.fnname+"._moveframe("+this.num+",'prev')" ); return false; this.nextbtnlinkimg.num = this.bannernextleft; this.nextbtnlinkimg.onclick = function() { eval(this.fnname+"._moveframe("+this.num+",'next')" ); return false;
152 title //HTML Document <body> <div id="banner_box">
153 <ul> <li><a href="./ 질의응답.html"> 질의응답을신청할수있는공간</a></li> <li><a href="./ 나의질의.html"> 나의질의조회-담당자의답변을확인하실 수있는공간 </a></li> <li><a href="./faq.html"> 고객센터 FAQ - 유사질문에대한답변확인 공간 </a></li> <li><a href="./ 고객상담.html"> 고객상담안내 - 고객의상담을위한안내 공간 </a></li> <li><a href="./ 국민제안.html"> 국민제안 - 행정정책과제도에대한의견 제안공간 </a></li> <li><a href="./ 여론광장.html"> 여론광장 </a></li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var BannerName = "BannerScroll"; var BannerBox = "Banner_Box"; var BannerWidth_S = 54; var BannerWidth_B = 154; var BannerScroll = new BannerOver(); </script> </body> // JavaScript Document function BannerOver() { this.bannerwrap = document.getelementbyid(bannerbox); this.bannerlist = this.bannerwrap.getelementsbytagname("ul")[0]
154 .getelementsbytagname("li"); this.bannertotal = this.bannerlist.length; this.bannerlocation = new Array(); this.bannertarget = new Array(); this.bannertempwidth; for ( var i=0; i<this.bannertotal; i++ ) { this.bannerlocation[i] = BannerWidth_S*i; this.bannerlist.item(i).style.left = this.bannerlocation[i] + "px"; this.bannerlink = this.bannerlist.item(i).getelementsbytagname("a")[0]; this.bannerlink.num = i; this.bannerlink.onmouseover = this.bannerlink.onfocus = function() { eval(bannername+".bannermove("+this.num+")"); this.bannerrandom = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.BannerTotal); this.bannermove(this.bannerrandom); BannerOver.prototype.BannerMove = function(val) { this.bannertargetsetting(val); this.bannerlimove(val); BannerOver.prototype.BannerTargetSetting = function(val) { for ( var i=0; i<this.bannertotal; i++ ) { this.bannerliw = this.bannerlist.item(i); this.bannerimg = this.bannerliw.getelementsbytagname("a")[0];
155 if ( (val+1) == i ) { this.bannertempwidth = BannerWidth_B else { this.bannertempwidth = BannerWidth_S if ( i == 0 ) { this.bannertarget[i] = 0; else { this.bannertarget[i] = this.bannertarget[i-1]+this.bannertempwidth; if ( val == i ) { this.bannerliw.classname = "widthb"; this.bannerimg.classname = "line_" + i + "_on"; else { this.bannerliw.classname = "widths"; this.bannerimg.classname = "line_" + i + "_off"; BannerOver.prototype.BannerLiMove = function(val) { for ( var i=0; i<this.bannertotal; i++ ) { this.bannerlocation[i] += (this.bannertarget[i] - this.bannerlocation[i]) * 0.2; if (Math.abs((this.BannerTarget[i]-this.BannerLocation[i]))< 2) { this.bannertarget[i] = this.bannertarget[i]; this.bannerlist.item(i).style.left = this.bannertarget[i] + "px"; else { this.bannerlist.item(i).style.left = parseint(this.bannerlocation[i],10) + "px"; settimeout(bannername+".bannerlimove("+val+")",100);
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i - ii - iii - iv - v - vi - vii - viii - ix - x - xi - xii - 1 - 2 - 명칭 개발사 특징 비고 Ajax ASP.NET 웹페이지갱신없이고속으로화면전환가능. 웹페이지의일부분을갱신하는데필요한데이터만을수신할수있음. 서버와의비동기적통신지원함. Macro- 애니메이션, 비디오등의저작도구로개발 Flash 되었으며, 웹페이지를동적으로꾸미는데도
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