ㅠ Yoon s BEFL Note 15 Yoon s Fresh English Book 11 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 11 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 be 동사 일반동사의과거형의문문을익히고대화에활용할수있다. 날짜 Part Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Fresh English Book 11 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test ~ 에타다 ride 1A 자전거머무르다영화부모삼촌주말씻다, 닦다어제끝내다 bicycle stay movie parents uncle weekend wash yesterday finish ~ 전에 ago 1B 살다 정원 고된, 힘든 돕다 이사하다 아늑한, 편안한 아파트 그리워하다 침실 live garden hard help move cozy apartment miss bedroom 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 방문하다 싱가포르 나라, 지방 visit Singapore country 아시아 Asia 2A 상징 습한, 축축한 symbol humid 2B 즐기다 수상스키를타다 항해하다 야외의 중국 넓은, 큰 베이징 놀랄만한 비단길 서쪽 남쪽 판다 중요한 만리장성 enjoy water-ski sail outdoor China large Beijing wonderful Silk Road west south panda important Great Wall 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 불쌍한, 가난한 걷다 poor walk 숲 forest 원하다 want 3A 음식 보다 food look 주의깊게 carefully 기다리다 wait 토끼 rabbit 빵 bread 바로, 방금 just 사슴 deer 뒤쫓다 chase 3B 그래서 멀리, 떨어져서 아무것도 ~ 않다 so away nothing ~ 과같은 like 눈사람 snowman 문제 matter 성 castle 5
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 여전히 still 머리 head 몸 body 년, 해 year 4A 벽 사자 wall lion 소리치다 shout 그때 then 달, 월 month 이곳으로 here 때때로 sometimes 항상 always 대개, 흔히 usually 자주, 종종 often 4B 정육면체 밀다 cube push 딸 daughter 망토 cape 가을 autumn 튜브 tube 6
Book 11 Part 1 What Did You Do Last Weekend? 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 ride ~ 에타다 11 어제 yesterday 2 bicycle 자전거 12 영화 movie 3 stay 머무르다 13 삼촌 uncle 4 movie 영화 14 주말 weekend 5 parents 부모 15 씻다, 닦다 wash 6 uncle 삼촌 16 끝내다 finish 7 weekend 주말 17 머무르다 stay 8 wash 씻다, 닦다 18 ~ 에타다 ride 9 yesterday 어제 19 자전거 bicycle 10 finish 끝내다 20 부모 parents 20 개중 개정답 7
Key Points < 과거의경험말하기 > ~ 때에무엇을했나요? 하고과거의경험에대해물을때는 What did + 주어 + do + 시간을나타내는말 ~? 의표현을써요. 대답은 Yes, No 없이 주어 + 동사의과거형 ~. 을써서해요. A: What did you do last weekend? ( 당신은지난주말에무엇을했나요?) B: I rode my bicycle on Saturday. ( 나는토요일에자전거를탔어요.) Let s Practice Kate 의달력을보고빈칸에알맞은말을써넣어대화를완성하세요 March Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 take ballet lesson a play soccer eat dinner with cousins see a movie with friends go shopping 1. A: What did Kate do on March 4? B: She took a ballet lesson on March 4. 2. A: What did Kate do on March 6? B: She ate dinner with cousins on March 6. 3. A: What did Kate do last weekend? B: She went shopping on Saturday. 4. A: What did Kate do on Friday? B: She saw a movie with friends on Friday. 8
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 당신은일요일에무엇을했나요? (what / do / on) What did you do on Sunday? 2. 나는집에있었어요. (stayed) I stayed home. 3. 당신은무엇을했나요? (you / do) What did you do? 4. 나는부모님과함께영화보러갔었어요. (movie / with / parents) I went to a movie with my parents. 5. 당신은숙제를다했나요? (finish / homework) Did you finish your homework? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. What did you do last weekend? 2. I rode my bicycle on Saturday. 3. Did you go out Saturday night? 4. How was the movie? 5. She played tennis. 9 선생님확인
Book 11 Part 2 My Old House 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 ago ~ 전에 11 돕다 help 2 live 살다 12 고된, 힘든 hard 3 garden 정원 13 이사하다 move 4 hard 고된, 힘든 14 침실 bedroom 5 help 돕다 15 정원 garden 6 move 이사하다 16 그리워하다 miss 7 cozy 아늑한, 편안한 17 살다 live 8 apartment 아파트 18 ~ 전에 ago 9 miss 그리워하다 19 아늑한, 편안한 cozy 10 bedroom 침실 20 아파트 apartment 20 개중 개정답 10
Key Points <There was[were] ~.> There was + 단수주어 + 장소를나타내는말 ~. : 에 ~ 이있었다. There were + 복수주어 + 장소를나타내는말 ~.: 에 ~ 들이있었다. There was a picture on the wall. ( 벽에그림이있었어요.) There were flowers on the table. ( 탁자위에꽃들이있었어요.) Let s Practice A. 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. There ( was / were ) many trees in front of my house then. 2. There ( is / was ) a river near the park two years ago. 3. There were ( an old castle / old castles ) over the hill hundred years ago. B. 빈칸에 There was 또는 There were 를써넣으세요. 1. There was an accident last night. 2. There were three pigs on the farm last month. 3. There were some roses in the vase yesterday. 11
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 그것은큰집이었어요. (it / big) It was a big house. 2. 우리는정원을갖고있었어요. (we / garden) We had a garden. 3. 그정원에는꽃들과나무들이있었어요. (there / trees / in) There were flowers and trees in the garden. 4. 아버지가도와드렸지만, 그녀는여전히바빴어요. (father / still) Father helped, but she was still busy. 5. 그도시에동물원이있었어요. (there / in) There was a zoo in the city. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Three years ago I lived in a house. 2. But winter was very hard for Mother. 3. There was too much work for Mother. 4. So one day we moved to this apartment. 5. My new home is warm and cozy, but I miss my old house. 12 선생님확인
Book 11 Part 3 Singapore, a Young Country 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 visit 방문하다 11 상징 symbol 2 Singapore 싱가포르 12 아시아 Asia 3 country 나라, 지방 13 즐기다 enjoy 4 Asia 아시아 14 항해하다 sail 5 symbol 상징 15 수상스키를타다 water-ski 6 humid 습한, 축축한 16 나라, 지방 country 7 enjoy 즐기다 17 습한, 축축한 humid 8 water-ski 수상스키를타다 18 야외의 outdoor 9 sail 항해하다 19 방문하다 visit 10 outdoor 야외의 20 싱가포르 Singapore 13 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < 거리묻기 > ~ 까지얼마나먼가요? 라고거리에대해물을때는 How far is + 장소를나타내는말 ~? 의표현을써요. 대답할때는 It takes + 시간 + 교통수단을나타내는말. 로하는데 ~ 을타고시간이 걸려요. 라는뜻이에요. A: How far is the airport from here? ( 여기에서공항까지얼마나걸리나요?) B: It takes 30 minutes by bus. ( 버스를타고 30분걸려요.) Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성하세요. Expression A: How far is the airport from here? B: It takes 30 minutes by bus. New Word 1. A: How far is the park from here? B: It takes an hour on foot. the park / an hour 2. A: How far is the hospital from here? B: It takes twenty minutes by car. the hospital / 20 minutes 3. A: How far is the gym from here? B: It takes ten minutes by bike. the gym / 10 minutes 4. A: How far is the train station from here? B: It takes forty minutes by subway. the train station / 40 minutes 5. A: How far is the stadium from here? B: It takes fifteen minutes by bus. the stadium / 15 minutes 14
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 작년에나는싱가포르를방문했어요. (year / Singapore) Last year I visited Singapore. 2. 싱가포르는아시아에있는신생국가예요. (young / Asia) Singapore is a young country in Asia. 3. 그것은사자의머리와물고기의몸을갖고있어요. (head / body / of) It has the head of a lion and the body of a fish. 4. 모든공원들은푸르고매우아름다워요. (all / green / and) All the parks are green and very beautiful. 5. 나는요리하는것을매우즐겨요. (enjoy / very much) I enjoy cooking very much. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I will tell you about Singapore. 2. It s very small, but a lot of people live there. 3. The symbol of Singapore is the Merlion. 4. The weather in Singapore is hot and humid all year round. 5. People enjoy swimming, water-skiing, and sailing. 15 선생님확인
Book 11 Part 4 China, a Large Country 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 China 중국 11 서쪽 west 2 large 넓은, 큰 12 만리장성 Great Wall 3 Beijing 베이징 13 판다 panda 4 wonderful 놀랄만한 14 남쪽 south 5 Silk Road 비단길 15 중요한 important 6 west 서쪽 16 베이징 Beijing 7 south 남쪽 17 놀랄만한 wonderful 8 panda 판다 18 비단길 Silk Road 9 important 중요한 19 넓은, 큰 large 10 Great Wall 만리장성 20 중국 China 16 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < 위치묻기 > ~ 은어디에있나요? 라고위치를물을때는 Where is + 주어 ~? 의표현을써요. 대답은 It is + 위치를나타내는말. 로하면됩니다. 방향을나타내는말 south( 남 ), north( 북 ), west( 서 ), east( 동 ) 등의표현과이런말앞에는관사 the를쓴다는것도함께알아두세요. A: Where is the Great Wall of China? ( 중국의만리장성은어디에있나요?) B: It is in the north. ( 그것은북쪽에있어요.) Let s Practice 그림을보고빈칸에알맞은말을써넣어대화를완성하세요. 1. A: Where is your school? B: It is in the south. 2. A: Where is the hospital? north B: It is in the west. west east 3. A: Where is the zoo? south B: It is in the north. 4. A: Where is the airport? B: It is in the east. 17
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 중국은매우넓은나라예요. (China / large) China is a very large country. 2. 나는어제거기에있었어요. (yesterday) I was there yesterday. 3. 남쪽에는매우높은산들이있어요. (there / high / in) There are very high mountains in the south. 4. 여러분은판다를좋아하나요? (do / pandas) Do you like pandas? 5. 중국은아시아에서중요한나라예요. (China / important / in) China is an important country in Asia. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. It has a lot of old buildings. 2. Do you know the Great Wall of China? 3. The Silk Road is in the west. 4. But there are not so many pandas in China today. 5. What do you think of Korea? 18 선생님확인
Book 11 Part 5 A Poor Lion (1) 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 poor 불쌍한, 가난한 11 음식 food 2 walk 걷다 12 원하다 want 3 forest 숲 13 주의깊게 carefully 4 want 원하다 14 토끼 rabbit 5 food 음식 15 숲 forest 6 look 보다 16 빵 bread 7 carefully 주의깊게 17 불쌍한, 가난한 poor 8 wait 기다리다 18 보다 look 9 rabbit 토끼 19 기다리다 wait 10 bread 빵 20 걷다 walk 20 개중 개정답 19
Key Points <some[something] / any[anything]> 1) some + 명사ㆍsomething: 주로긍정문에쓰임. He wants some food. ( 그는약간의음식을원해요.) There is something on the table. ( 테이블위에무언가가있어요.) 2) any + 명사ㆍanything: 주로부정문과의문문에쓰임. Are there any eggs in the basket? ( 바구니안에계란이좀있나요?) There isn t anything in the basket. ( 바구니에는아무것도없어요.) Let s Practice A. 괄호안에서알맞은말을골라동그라미하세요. 1. There is ( something / some ) on the wall. 2. Are there ( anything / any ) cold in the freezer? 3. There isn t ( anything / any ) students in the classroom. 4. I need ( something / some ) vegetables for salad. B. 아래에서알맞은말을골라써넣어문장을완성하세요. 1. She doesn t put anything in her coffee. 2. There is some milk in the bottle. 3. I don t need any help with my English homework. 4. He has something in his hand. some something any anything 20
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 그는약간의먹이를원했어요. (some) He wanted some food. 2. 그는오랫동안기다렸어요. (for / time) He waited for a long time. 3. 당신주스좀마실래요? (do / some) Do you want some juice? 4. 당신은여기서뭐하고있었나요? (what / here) What are you doing here? 5. 얼마나오랫동안기다렸나요? (long / wait) How long did you wait? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. One day a lion walked in the forest. 2. He looked around carefully. 3. A rabbit came in front of him. 4. The lion jumped at the rabbit. 5. He wanted some juice. 21 선생님확인
Book 11 Part 6 A Poor Lion (2) 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 just 바로, 방금 11 2 deer 사슴 12 아무것도 ~ 않다 멀리, 떨어져서 nothing away 3 chase 뒤쫓다 13 문제 matter 4 so 그래서 14 사슴 deer 5 away 멀리, 떨어져서 15 바로, 방금 just 6 nothing 아무것도 ~ 않다 16 그래서 so 7 like ~ 과같은 17 눈사람 snowman 8 snowman 눈사람 18 성 castle 9 matter 문제 19 ~ 과같은 like 10 castle 성 20 뒤쫓다 chase 20 개중 개정답 22
Key Points < 빈도를나타내는말 > 빈도부사 : sometimes( 때때로 ), usually( 대개, 흔히 ), always( 항상 ), often( 자주, 종종 ), never ( 결코 ~ 아니다 ) 등의빈도를나타내는부사 빈도부사의위치 : be동사ㆍ조동사의뒤, 일반동사앞 He is always busy. ( 그는항상바빠요.) He always takes a walk in the morning. ( 그는항상아침에산책을해요.) Let s Practice A. 괄호안에주어진단어를알맞은위치에넣어문장을다시쓰세요. 1. Jane goes on a picnic on Sunday. ( sometimes ) Jane sometimes goes on a picnic on Sunday. 2. He is late for school. ( never ) He is never late for school. 3. You should come to class early. ( always ) You should always come to class early. B. 아래문장에서틀린부분을고쳐문장을다시쓰세요. 1. He often is absent from school. He is often absent from school. 2. They go always to bed at ten. They always go to bed at ten. 23
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 그래서그는사슴을뒤쫓았어요. (so / deer) So he chased the deer. 2. 사슴은달아났어요. (deer / away) The deer ran away. 3. 그래서사자는아무것도얻지못했어요. (so / had) So the lion had nothing. 4. 책상아래를보세요. (look) Look under the desk. 5. 당신은얼마나많은돈을가지고있나요? (much / have) How much money do you have? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Just then, a deer came out from behind the tree. 2. The lion wanted a big dinner. 3. The rabbit ran away, too. 4. Sometimes we are like this lion. 5. What s the matter? 24 선생님확인
Book 11 4A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 still 여전히 11 이곳으로 here 2 head 머리 12 년, 해 year 3 body 몸 13 사자 lion 4 year 년, 해 14 그때 then 5 wall 벽 15 머리 head 6 lion 사자 16 몸 body 7 shout 소리치다 17 시간 time 8 then 그때 18 소리치다 shout 9 here 이곳으로 19 여전히 still 10 time 시간 20 벽 wall 20 개중 개정답 25
Key Points < 과거의문문 > 1) be동사 : Was[Were] + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 대답은긍정이면 Yes, 주어 + was[were]., 부정이면 No, 주어 + wasn t[weren t]. 로해요. A: Were you happy? ( 행복했나요?) B: Yes, I was. ( 네, 그랬어요.) / No, I wasn t. ( 아니요, 그러지못했어요.) 2) 일반동사 : Did + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 대답은긍정이면 Yes, 주어 + did., 부정이면 No, 주어 + didn t. 로해요. A: Did you have a good time? ( 즐거운시간을보냈나요?) B: Yes, I did. ( 네, 그랬어요.) / No, I didn t. ( 아니요, 그러지못했어요.) Let s Practice A. 아래문장을의문문으로바꿔쓰세요. 1. They were at home 30 minutes ago. Were they at home 30 minutes ago? 2. She went out for dinner last night. Did she go out for dinner last night? 3. He was happy to see his friends. Was he happy to see his friends? B. 빈칸에알맞은말을써넣어대화를완성하세요. 1. A: Did she draw this picture? B: Yes, she did. 2. A: Were they at the theater last night? B: No, they weren t. 3. A: Did you see this movie before? B: No, I didn t. 26
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 그영화는어땠나요? (how) How was the movie? 2. 나는여러분에게싱가포르에대해말씀드릴게요. (will / about) I will tell you about Singapore. 3. 비단길은서쪽에있어요. (Silk Road / in) The Silk Road is in the west. 4. 당신은작년에학생이었나요? (were / last) Were you a student last year? 5. 그들은일요일에동물원에갔었나요? (did / zoo / Sunday) Did they go to the zoo on Sunday? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. I went to a movie with my parents. 2. There were flowers and trees in the garden. 3. It has the head of a lion and the body of a fish. 4. China is an important country in Asia. 5. So he chased the deer. 27 선생님확인
Book 11 4B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 sometimes 때때로 11 가을 autumn 2 always 항상 12 정육면체 cube 3 usually 대개, 흔히 13 딸 daughter 4 often 자주, 종종 14 튜브 tube 5 cube 정육면체 15 때때로 sometimes 6 push 밀다 16 대개, 흔히 usually 7 daughter 딸 17 항상 always 8 cape 망토 18 자주, 종종 often 9 autumn 가을 19 밀다 push 10 tube 튜브 20 망토 cape 28 20 개중 개정답
Key Points < 느낌묻기 > 당신은 ~ 에대해어떻게생각하나요? 하고느낌을물을때는 What do you think of ~? 의표현을써요. How do you like ~? 도같은표현이랍니다. 응답은긍정적일때는 wonderful, interesting, fantastic..., 부정적일때는 boring, awful, terrible 등의형용사를사용해서대답할수있어요. A: What do you think of Korea? ( 당신은한국에대해어떻게생각하나요?) B: It is a beautiful country. ( 한국은아름다운나라예요.) Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성하세요. Expression A: What do you think of Korea? B: It is a beautiful country. New Word 1. A: What do you think of this movie? B: It is a boring movie. movie / boring 2. A: What do you think of this party? B: It is a wonderful party. party / wonderful 3. A: What do you think of this painting? B: It is a fantastic painting. painting / fantastic 4. A: What do you think of fast food? B: It is a terrible food. fast food / terrible 5. A: What do you think of this book? B: It is an interesting book. book / interesting 29
Sentence Master 다음우리말을영어로옮겨보세요. 1. 벽에무엇인가있어요. (something / on) There is something on the wall. 2. 우리는가끔동물원에가요. (we / zoo) We sometimes go to the zoo. 3. 당신은얼마나오래영어를공부했나요? (how / study) How long did you study English? 4. 그것은한국의남쪽에있어요. (south / of) It is in the south of Korea. 5. 걱정마세요, 엄마. (worry) Don t worry, Mom. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를쓰세요. 1. Is there anything in the box? 2. Bill is always late for school. 3. When did you meet Yumi? 4. What do you think of Korea? 5. Do you want some juice? 30 선생님확인
NEAT Speaking 유형들려주는내용을요약하여설명하기 F: What did you do last weekend? M: I rode my bicycle on Saturday. F: What did you do on Sunday? M: I studied. 문제 F: Did you go out Saturday night? M: No, I stayed home. What did you do? F: I went to a movie with my parents. M: How was the movie? F: It was good 출처 B11, p.8 힌트 ride, study 답안 He rode his bicycle on Saturday and he studied on Sunday. 31
NEAT Writing 유형주어진그림을묘사하기출처 B11, p.23 bag 힌트 on the desk under the desk 답안 There was a bag on the desk, but now there is a bag under the desk. 32