Course Descriptions 과목설명서 Workshops 워크샾 (6 hours) PDWS8201 Program Overview and Research Writing Workshop 프로그램개관및논문작성법 워크샾 (2 hours) Tolbert, Lee This workshop is an overview of the Professional Doctoral Programs and an introduction to research writing. It is designed to guide students into intentionally planning their entire program and to orient them to research/writing skills in preparation for their remaining seminar work and the project in ministry. This workshop must be taken during a student s first trimester on campus. 본워크샾은목회학박사과정의개관이며연구보고서작성에대한소개이다. 이과정은 학생들이자신들의전체프로그램을의도적으로계획하고세미나보고서및졸업논문을 준비함에있어서작문기술을함양시키기위한목적으로계획되었다. 이워크샾은학생의첫 번째학기중에수강해야한다. PDWS8202 Mid-Career Assessment Workshop 중간평가워크샾 (2 hours) Kendrick, Tolbert, Lee This workshop provides an assessment of the minister s leadership style, personality, interpersonal relationship skills, spiritual vitality, family relationships, and character utilizing psychometric tools and classroom activities for the purpose of affirming strengths and improving weaknesses. 본워크샾은장점들을긍정하고약점들을보강하기위한목적으로심리측정도구및학급 활동을활용하여사역자의지도력스타일, 인성, 대인관계기술, 영적활력도, 가족관계및성격 등을분석하기위해계획되었다. ( 본워크샾은 3 개의세미나를성공적으로완수한후에수강할 수있다.) PDWS8203 Project in Ministry Design Workshop 졸업논문계획워크샾 (2 hours) Tolbert, Lee This workshop offers the student guidance in designing a defensible preliminary proposal for a worthy professional doctoral project. This workshop is offered each trimester and is concerned principally with conceptualizing and designing the project, discovering resources, and determining methods and evaluative procedures. Because of the significant work involved in writing a project proposal, students cannot take more than one on-campus seminar in addition to this workshop in the same trimester. Each student must take this workshop at the New Orleans campus and should remain on campus throughout the week the workshop meets in order to fulfill requirements, utilize the library, and receive personal guidance from the course professors and his or her Faculty Mentor. 본워크샾은가치있는목회학박사과정의프로젝트를위한예비제안서를작성함에있어서 학생들을안내하기위해계획되었다. 이워크샾은원론적으로프로젝트를개념화하고계획하며, 1
자료를발견하고, 방법론과평가과정등을결정하는워크샾이다. 프로젝트제안서와연관된작업의중요성때문에학생들은동일한학기내에이워크샾과함께다른세미나를수강할수없다. 각학생들은본워크샾이진행되는동안요구사항을충족하고, 도서관자료를활용하며, 담당교수진과개인교수멘토로부터개인적인안내를받기위하여캠퍼스주변에머물러야한다. Seminars 세미나 (18 hours) BSOT8301 Expository Preaching from the Old Testament 구약성경강해설교 (3 hours) England, Mosley, Lee, Ro This seminar centers on preparing expository sermons and deriving homiletical values from selected portions of the Old Testament. The work is aimed at providing a model upon which students can establish an effective life-discipline of study and sermon preparation. The exegetical part is normally taught by an Old Testament professor and the expository section by a preaching professor. This course may be repeated as long as a different Old Testament text is being studied. 본세미나는구약성경의책을선택하여설교적측면들을이끌어내어강해설교를준비하는일에 초점을지닌다. 이세미나는모델을제공하여학생들이연구와설교준비의효과적인 평생훈련을확립하기위한목적을가진다. 주해부분은대개구약성서전공교수에의해, 그리고강해설교부분은설교학교수에의해가르쳐진다. 본과목은다른구약성경의책이 연구되는한반복될수있다. PMCP8303 Developing a Missional Church: Applying Acts 1:8 to New and Existing Churches 선교적교회론 (3 hours) Pinckard, Taylor, Tolbert, Lee The purpose of this seminar is to explore and examine how to create a biblically based intentional missions focus in a church which includes evangelism, missions, and reproduction through church planting. The mission concepts in Acts 1:8 and other biblical passages will be explored including the importance of witness empowered by the Holy Spirit, the meaning of being Christ s witnesses, and intentional sharing of the gospel in the local, regional, and international context. These concepts will be applied to new church planting efforts and existing congregations. 본세미나의목적은전도, 선교, 그리고교회개척을통한재생산을포함하는성경을기초로한 의도적인교회사역을개발하는방법을살펴보는것이다. 성령의능력을통한증거의중요성, 그리스도의증인의의미, 그리고지역및국가그리고국제적상황속에서의의도적인복음의 나눔을포함하며, 사도행전 1:8 절과다른성경의부분들이탐구될것이다. 이러한 개념들이새로운교회개척노력과현존하는교회들에적용될것이다. 2
BSNT8301 Expository Preaching from the New Testament 신약성경강해설교 (3 hours) Barlow, Ray, Choi, Lee This seminar centers on preparing expository sermons and deriving homiletical values from selected portions of the New Testament. The work is aimed at providing a model upon which 3 students can establish an effective life-discipline of study and sermon preparation. The exegetical part is normally taught by a New Testament professor and the expository section by a preaching professor. This course may be repeated as long as a different New Testament text is being studied. 본세미나는신약성경의책을선택하여설교적측면들을이끌어내어강해설교를준비하는 일에초점을지닌다. 이세미나는모델을제공하여학생들이연구와설교준비의효과적인 평생훈련을확립하기위한목적을가진다. 주해부분은대개신약성서전공교수에의해, 그리고강해설교부분은설교학교수에의해가르쳐진다. 본과목은다른신약성경의책이 연구되는한반복될수있다. PMPR8301 Expository Preaching in the 21st-Century Church 21 세기교회에서의강해설교 (3 hours) Barlow, Ogea, Lee The seminar involves students in research and reflection on various dimensions of expository preaching in the contemporary church. A two-pronged focus examines both the rationale and practice of expository preaching especially as it is applies to pastoral ministry. Students will be given the opportunity to dialogue with selected guest practitioners regarding their respective philosophies and practices of expository preaching. Students also will complete selected assignments designed to enhance their own preparation and delivery of expository messages. 본세미나는학생들을현대교회내에서의강해설교의다양한차원들에대한연구와회고에 연관시킨다. 특히두방향의초점은강해설교를목회사역에적용하면서필요한강해설교의 근거와실천을살펴보게한다. 학생들에게는강해설교의철학과실천과관련하여선택된 강해설교실천가들과대화할기회가제공될것이다. 학생들은또한자신들의강해설교 메시지의준비및전달을함양하도록마련된선택된과제물들을완수하게될것이다. CEAM8305 Strategic Church Development through Christian Education 기독교교육을통한 전략적교회개발 (3 hours) Stone This course focuses on the delivery of Christian education in a local church context to foster strategic church development. Both traditional and contemporary Christian education methods for all age groups will be studied. Specific attention will be given to both Sunday School and small cell groups as agents of Christian education. 본과정은전략적인교회성장을이루기위해각교회의상황속에서의기독교교육의효과적인 실행에초점을가진다. 모든연령그룹을위하여전통적이고혁신적인기독교교육방법론들이 3
둘다연구될것이다. 기독교교육의매체로서주일학교와작은셀그룹에특별한관심이 기울여질것이다. THTH8301 Theological Issues for Ministry in the 21st Century 21 세기사역의신학적이슈들 (3 hours) Edens, Kendrick, Lemke, Lee This seminar involves conversation and reflection on various dimensions of Christian ministry from a theological perspective. A twin-pronged focus examines contemporary theological issues in the broader faith community and issues related to the specific places of ministry served by students enrolled in the seminar. 본세미나는신학적인관점에서기독교사역의다양한차원들에대한대화와회고들을 포함한다. 두개의강조점을지닌본세미나는광범위한믿음의공동체에서의현대의신학적인 문제들과세미나에등록한학생들이섬기고있는특정한사역의장소와관련된문제들을 다룬다. PATH8301 Exploring Issues in Effective Pastoral Ministry and Leadership 효과적인목회사역과 리더십의이슈들 (3 hours) Barlow, Echols, Ogea, Tolbert, Lee The purpose of this seminar is to examine current issues in pastoral ministry and leadership in order to determine effective means of ministry practice. The course will include challenging students to examine their pastoral theology in light of biblical principles and to engage various contrasting views of pastoral ministry. Seminar participants will examine the unique role of the senior pastor of a local church in his position as leader, proclaimer, and pastoral care giver. Students will explore the implications of emphasizing the various components of pastoral ministry. Through a heuristic approach, students will confront the challenge of finding the most effective balance among the various components by assessing their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the church as a whole in the context of its setting. 본세미나의목적은효과적인사역의실천방법들을결정하기위하여목회사역과목회 리더십의현재의이슈들을살펴보기위한것이다. 본과목은학생들이성경적원리에비추어 자신들의목회신학을살펴보고목회사역의다양한견해들을실천해보도록도전하는것을 포함한다. 세미나참가자들은지도자, 선포자, 그리고목회적돌봄의제공자로서의각 교회에서의자신들의담임목사로서의독특한역할을살펴볼것이다. 학생들은목회사역의 다양한요소들을강조하는것의의미들을탐구할것이다. 학생들은발견적해결방법을통하여 사역의상황인전체교회에서뿐만아니라, 자신들의장점과약점들을평가함으로서다양한 요소들사이에가장효과적인균형을발견하는도전에직면할것이다. 4
Project in Ministry 졸업논문 (6 hours) PDPM8601 Project in Ministry I (6 Hours) Tolbert, Lee This part of the student s program involves the implementation of the project in ministry and writing the Project Report. The student will be registered for this course ONLY after receiving approval of the Final Project Proposal from the Faculty Advisor and the ProDOC. The student has one year to complete the project in ministry and report from the time of registration. All tuition fees for the project in ministry must be paid at this time. 5 학생의프로그램의이부분은사역의프로젝트를실행하고프로젝트보고서를작성하는것을 수반한다. 학생들은교수어드바이저와디민감독위원회로부터최종프로젝트제안서를승인 받은후에만이과정에등록할수있을것이다. 학생들은본과정에등록한후에사역 프로젝트를완수하고프로젝트보고서를작성하기위해 1 년의기간이주어진다. 본프로젝트를 위한모든등록금은이단계에서지불되어야한다. PDPM8002 Project in Ministry II This is the second trimester of the student s implementation of the project in ministry and/or writing of the Project Report. No fees are required for this component. 이과정은학생들이사역프로젝트를실행하거나프로젝트보고서를작성하는두번째 학기이다. 이부분을위해서등록금은요구되지않는다. PDPM8003 Project in Ministry III This is the third trimester, if necessary, of the student s implementation of the project in ministry and/or writing of the Project Report. No fees are required for this component. 이것은학생들이필요한경우, 사역프로젝트를실행하거나프로젝트보고서를작성하는세 번째학기이다. 이부분을위해등록금은요구되지않는다. 5