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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,




1.13 (cont.) Time (시간) today (오늘) yesterday (어제) tomorrow (내일) breakfast (아침밥) lunch (점심) dinner (저녁밥) week (주) month (달) year (해/년) clock (시계) before



서론 34 2


#1_초급 본문


3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien





April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을



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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활


UNIT 1 Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself? Answer Strategy


Unit 의문문 I


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보


Unit Five: Conversation Three.



get up Section 2 UNIT 01 My Life have breakfast brush one s teeth take a shower get dressed go to school do one s homework clean one s room have dinner go to bed play soccer draw a picture take a photo update one s blog do exercise watch TV play the guitar listen to music play a computer game go to a movie Language Focus p.34 pp. 33~40 1 is 2 am 3 are 4 is 5 are 6 am 7 is POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 live 2 brush 3 take 4 read 5 like 6 run 7 play Tips for Writing p.35 HEK-UP 1 This is my new computer. 2 I clean my room every day. 3 I take a shower twice a week. 4 My dad cooks dinner every day. 5 She sings a song on the way home. Writing Practice p.36 1 Julia, ten years old 2 My name is en. I am eleven years old. 3 My name is Sue. I am fourteen years old. 4 My name is Ken. I am thirteen years old. 5 My name is my. I am eleven years old. 6 My name is Steve. I am thirteen years old. 1 I like English. 2 I like milk. 3 I read a book every day. 4 I wear a baseball cap every day. 5 I play soccer every day. POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 I live in Incheon. 2 Jenny gets up at 7 o clock. 3 My father is an English teacher. 4 ujoon is thirteen years old. 5 laire plays a computer game every day. 6 Victoria brushes her teeth after every meal. POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 (1) afternoon (2) do my homework (3) play basketball 2 (1) In the evening, I do exercise. (2) Then I take a shower. 3 (1) In the morning, I brush my teeth. (2) Then I get dressed. 2

1 Mia, twelve years old, animals, play with my cat every day 2 My name is hris. I am thirteen years old. I like my blog. I update it every day. 3 My name is ruce. I am fourteen years old. I like music. I listen to music every day. In the morning, I have breakfast. Then I get dressed. In the afternoon, I play a computer game. In the evening, I have dinner. Then I watch TV. Unit Test p.39 1 I brush my teeth. 2 I play the guitar. brush one s teeth play the guitar 1 go to school 2 I study English. 3 I play basketball with my friends. 4 I have dinner at home. Hi lex! My name is Minhee. I am fourteen years old. I go to Soyang Middle School. I like music. I listen to music every day. Nice to meet you, too. Minhee UNIT 02 My Family prepare a meal wash the dishes clear the table clean the room make the bed do the laundry iron clothes wash the window sweep the floor empty the trash bin mother father older younger sister older younger brother grandmother grandfather aunt pp. 41~48 3

uncle cousin on over under by in Language Focus p.42 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 drinks 2 eats 3 walks 4 reads 5 washes 6 sets 7 watches POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 I am doing my homework. 2 ongho is getting on the bus. 3 Yuna is playing with her dog. 4 ritney is cleaning her room. 5 They are cooking lunch for their parents. 6 He is singing a song in the living room. 7 Jacob is washing his face in the bathroom. POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 There is a lamp on the table. 2 There is an apple on the table. 3 There are boxes under the bed. 4 There is a TV in the living room. 5 There are four hats in the closet. 6 There are clothes on the hanger. 7 There is an oven in the kitchen. 8 There is a toothbrush in the bathroom. Tips for Writing p.43 HEK-UP 1 I am talking on the phone. 2 My sister is brushing her hair. 3 My brother is making his bed. 4 There is a picture on the wall. 5 There are two bottles on the floor. 6 My dad eats breakfast in the kitchen. Writing Practice p.44 1 is cleaning the living room 2 is doing the laundry 3 is cleaning the window 4 is clearing the table 5 is making the bed 1 a bookshelf next to the teddy bear 2 There are three boxes on the bookshelf. 3 There is a mirror on the wall. 4 There are two balls under the mirror. 5 There is a pen on the desk. 1 enjoys taking photos, She likes collecting dishes, too. 2 enjoys relaxing at home, She likes watching movies, too. 3 My uncle enjoys going fishing. He likes singing songs, too. 4 My grandmother enjoys traveling. She likes knitting, too. 1 my mother, is forty two years old, climbing mountains 2 This is my brother. He is nineteen years old. He likes playing basketball. 3 This is my younger sister. She is ten years old. She likes listening to music. Unit Test p.47 1 There is a computer on the desk. 4

2 There are two dogs under the table. on under There is There are 1 is clearing the table 2 is making the bed clear the table make the bed Mom, there is a box under the desk in my room. There are two notebooks on the box. I need them for my class today. Please bring them to me. Thank you! ^^ There is are be is are There are three people in my family. My father likes watching soccer games. My mother enjoys singing songs. I love my family! heavy thin slim tall short beautiful pretty cute lovely handsome ugly happy glad angry sad lonely surprised bored excited pleased moved shocked UNIT 03 My Friends pp. 49~56 shy cool humorous nice interesting boring quiet noisy smart stupid kind unkind friendly unfriendly honest dishonest polite impolite 5

Language Focus p.50 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 Kevin is a good cook. 2 This pizza is really big. 3 This question is difficult. 4 He is very famous in Korea. 5 My mom has beautiful eyes. 6 We are excited about the trip. 7 I want to buy a new computer. POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 was 2 were 3 talked 4 saw 5 came 6 played 7 met POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 I was sick and stayed at home. 2 My sister is cute and lovely. 3 arl likes baseball and I like soccer. 4 I bought a skirt and a shirt. 5 We helped an old lady and she was pleased. 5 He is tall and handsome. / He is thin and handsome. 1 bored 2 I was angry 3 I was lonely 4 I was surprised 5 were excited 1 I went to a movie with my friends last Sunday. 2 I played a computer game with my friend yesterday. 3 I studied English with my friends last night. 4 I listened to music with my friend last week. 1 (1) Min (2) tall and pretty (3) very interesting and I like her 2 (1) My friend s name is Nick. (2) He is tall and heavy. (3) He is very nice and I like him. Tips for Writing p.51 HEK-UP 1 We made a cake. It was delicious. / We made a cake and it was delicious. 2 This is my friend. Her name is Julie. / This is my friend and her name is Julie. 3 I work at the hospital. I like my job. / I work at the hospital and I like my job. 4 Jack opened the door. He left the room. / Jack opened the door and he left the room. E 1 2 ear Katie, Thank you for the birthday party. I was really surprised. I liked the music and the food. I enjoyed the party very much! Harry ear Sue, Thank you for the nice dinner. I was really pleased. I liked the soup and the cake. I enjoyed the dinner very much! Ken Writing Practice p.52 1 is short and heavy 2 She is tall and thin. 3 She is short and pretty. 4 He is short and thin. Unit Test p.55 1 He is short and heavy. 2 She is tall and thin. 6

short heavy tall thin 1 is eating a cake 2 is opening a gift box 3 are using a computer eat open use July 2nd Today, I played soccer with my friends. Our team won the game. I was really happy and excited. My best friend s name is Hoon. He is handsome and he has very short hair. He is smart and polite. I like him very much! and math science Korean English social studies history music art P E physical education solve math problems do science experiments read Korean literature write speak English learn world history learn to sing a song take an online class hip hop dance club drama club school band broadcasting club volunteering club reading club cooking club badminton club Language Focus p.58 UNIT 04 My School Life pp. 57~64 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 I can cook Italian food. 2 Sujin can not dance samba. 3 I can write poems in English. 4 Steven can fix an MP3 player. 5 Jihyun can not speak hinese well. 6 Melisa can eat three hamburgers at once. POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 Nari likes playing the flute. 2 eing a doctor is my dream. 7

3 My hobby is collecting coins. 4 He is proud of being a singer. 5 Solving a math problem is exciting. 6 One of my habits is biting my nails. 7 Miranda finished cleaning her room. 8 Nate is interested in learning taekwondo. POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 How[What] about taking 2 How[What] about jogging 3 How[What] about asking 4 How[What] about ordering 5 How[What] about studying 6 How[What] about eating 7 How[What] about taking 8 How[What] about wearing Tips for Writing p.59 HEK-UP 1 How are you doing? 2 How about taking a break? 3 What about going to see a doctor? 4 How about joining a volunteering club? 3 My school has a good cafeteria. I can have lunch in the cafeteria. 1 joining the school band, go to the club s meeting in the music room 2 How[What] about joining the badminton club? You can go to the club s meeting in the gym. 3 How[What] about joining the reading club? You can go to the club s meeting in the library. E 1 (2) I can learn to do science experiments. (3) oing science experiments is really interesting. 2 (1) a math class today (2) I can learn to solve math problems. (3) Solving math problems is really hard. 3 (1) I have an art class today. (2) I can learn to draw pictures. (3) rawing pictures is really cool. 4 (1) I have a music class today. (2) I can learn to sing songs. (3) Singing songs is really exciting. 5 (1) I have a P.E. class today. (2) I can learn to play volleyball. (3) Playing volleyball is really difficult. Writing Practice p.60 1 is checking the time 2 are chatting at a table 3 are eating hot dogs by[next to] a table Unit Test p.63 1 They are playing soccer in the P.E. class. 2 She is playing the piano in the music class. 1 In math class, I had a math quiz. 2 In P.E. class, I played volleyball. 3 In Korean class, I wrote a poem. 4 In science class, I did science experiments. 1 borrow books from the library 2 My school has a big art room. I can draw pictures in the art room. play soccer play the piano 1 I had an English class 2 I learned to speak English. 3 I had a P.E. class 4 I played badminton. 8

1 (1) How[What] about joining the cooking club? (2) You can enjoy making delicious food. 2 (1) How[What] about joining the volunteering club? (2) You can enjoy helping other people. How What about enjoy make help Hyunjin went to the snack bar during the break. She met her friend there. He gave her some snacks and she was very happy. hospital bus stop bus terminal train station subway station theater shopping center museum gym gymnasium playground in at around next to beside behind in front of across from between and Language Focus p.66 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 This isn t[is not] my book. 2 They aren t[are not] from Japan. 3 I don t[do not] play baseball every day. 4 Oliver doesn t[does not] work at the post office. 5 It wasn t[was not] sunny and warm yesterday. 6 Lucy didn t[did not] see a horror movie last night. post office fire station police station public library UNIT 05 My Neighborhood pp. 65~72 POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 on t be 2 on t tell 3 e 4 lean 5 on t forget 6 Speak POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 Helen was happy because she won the game. 2 Laura loves comic books because they are fun. 3 I ate two hamburgers because I was really hungry. 4 My father came home late because he was busy at work. 9

Tips for Writing p.67 HEK-UP 1 I am tall and thin. 2 They are not ready. 3 He is not a shy boy. 4 It is next to the big park. 5 We did not break the vase. 6 You are looking good today. Writing Practice p.68 3 (1) Visit the park in my town. (2) Find the post office and the bank. (3) The park is between them. (4) on t miss the beautiful trees and flowers. Unit Test p.71 1 is reading a book under a tree 2 is eating an ice cream on a bench 3 are playing with their dog 1 behind the library 2 It is beside the middle school. 3 It is in front of the post office. 4 It is next to the middle school. 5 It is across from the middle school. 6 It is beside the bank. 7 It is between the library and the post office. 1 huncheon, is good because there is a beautiful river 2 I live in New York. My city is not good because there are many dangerous places. 3 I live in Paris. My city is good because there are great museums. 1 is buying a ticket at the window 2 is reading a newspaper on the bench 3 is pulling her suitcase 1 (1) the famous hinese restaurant (2) next to it (3) forget the delicious soup 2 (1) Visit the old theater in my town. (2) Find the bus stop. (3) The theater is across from it. (4) on t miss the old movies. read eat play Insu, ome to my home. Get off the bus at the bus stop. It is in front of the theater. Find the school. It is beside[next to] the theater. There is a park across from the school. My home is next to[beside] the park. You can t miss it! Eunji in front of beside next to next to beside I live in Seoul. My city is really great because there are many nice restaurants. ome to my town and don t miss the delicious food. because don t 10

I like the countryside because it is friendly and safe. There are good neighbors and not many cars in the countryside. I can enjoy a quiet and peaceful life. I like the city because it is fun and exciting. There are many theaters and shopping centers in the city. I can have a great time there. because giraffe hippo polar bear cheetah monkey lion tiger hamster eagle penguin turtle crocodile snake Language Focus p.74 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 It is chilly in winter. 2 It is snowing. 3 It is a sunny day. 4 It gets humid in summer. 5 It is getting hot. 6 It is windy and stormy. UNIT 06 Weather and nimals pp. 73~80 POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 faster 2 lighter 3 warmer 4 colder 5 longer 6 cooler sunny clear fine warm hot dry humid rainy windy cloudy chilly stormy POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 I recommend taking[you to take] a rest. 2 I recommended, to take an umbrella 3 I recommended, to learn French 4 I recommend reading[you to read] this book. 5 I recommend visiting[you to visit] the new restaurant. Tips for Writing p.75 HEK-UP 1 In fall, it is dry. 2 On weekends, I exercise. 11

3 My dog s tail is short, soft and furry. 4 There is a boy in the playground, and he is wearing a cap. 5 I saw the doctor yesterday, and she recommended taking a rest. quiet and special, and they are easy to take care of. 3 I recommend owning[you to own] a hamster. Hamsters are small and cute, and they are easy to take care of. Writing Practice p.76 1 It is hot[a hot day], and he is eating watermelon. 2 It is windy[a windy day], and she is holding her hat. 3 It is snowy[a snowy day], and he is riding a sled. 1 (1) In summer, it is hot and humid. (2) It rains a lot during this season. 2 (1) In fall, it is cool and clear. (2) Many fruits are on the trees during this season. 3 (1) In winter, it is cold and windy. (2) It snows a lot during this season. 1 is jumping into the water, has shorter legs than a monkey 2 is hanging on the tree, It has a longer tail than a dog. 3 is playing with a ball, It has a smaller body than a lion. 4 is sitting by a rock, It has a bigger head than a mouse. 1 is hotter than yesterday, eating some ice cream 2 It is warmer than yesterday. How[What] about going on a picnic? 3 It is colder than yesterday. How[What] about drinking warm tea? E 1 I recommend owning[you to own] a dog. ogs are friendly and cheerful, and they are easy to take care of. 2 I recommend owning[you to own] a turtle. Turtles are Unit Test p.79 1 is playing with a baby polar bear 2 is sitting on the rock 3 is taking a picture of her friends play sit take a picture Sunday, ecember 12th Today, I went to the Seoul Zoo. I was worried about the weather because it snowed on Friday. lso, it was cloudy on Saturday and it was colder than Friday. ut, finally, it was sunny today and it was warmer than yesterday. I had a great time at the zoo. snow cloudy colder warmer sunny 1 I recommend owning[you to own] a dog. ogs are very cheerful, and they give you friendship. 2 I recommend owning[you to own] a hamster. Hamsters are very small, and they give you joy. 3 I recommend owning[you to own] a rabbit. Rabbits are very pretty, and they give you happiness. 12

I recommend I recommend to My favorite season is fall because it is cool and clear. Many leaves become yellow and red in this season, and I can enjoy looking at them. I like fall very much! box office pamphlet popcorn and cola seating chart buy a ticket book a ticket check a seating chart Language Focus p.82 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 moving, moved 2 embarrassing, embarrassed 3 surprising, surprised 4 disappointing, disappointed 5 exciting, excited 6 interesting, interested UNIT 07 TV and Movies pp. 81~88 POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 I hope that we can meet again. 2 I knew that he didn t come to the class. 3 He remembered that it was his girlfriend s birthday. 4 Olivia thinks that she can finish her homework soon. drama reality show documentary music show game show comedy show sitcom talk show news comedy animated movie horror movie thriller movie action movie romantic movie sci-fi movie science fiction movie POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 He may be busy tonight. 2 rian may have some money. 3 You may like this movie a lot. 4 They may not come home late. 5 Julie may not go to movies alone. 6 My family may go camping this weekend. Tips for Writing p.83 HEK-UP 1 Jina is my friend. I like her. 2 I met a cute boy. He was my neighbor. 3 illy gave me flowers. They were very pretty. 4 We watched a horror movie. It was really scary. 13

Writing Practice p.84 1 are talking to each other 2 are checking their seats 3 are wearing 3 glasses 1 drama, interesting 2 a popular reality show, it is shocking 3 Meet the World is a popular documentary. I think that it is amazing. 1 (1) the M asked the viewers a question (2) called and gave the correct answer. I was delighted. 2 (1) saw a famous movie star in the theater (2) He and I took a picture together. I was really excited. 2 man and a woman are checking the seating chart on the wall. buy a ticket check the seating chart My favorite TV program is Gossip Girl. It is a teen drama about high school students in New York. I think that it is entertaining. TV that 1 (2) It is fun and interesting. (3) We can learn new things from TV. 2 (1) It is harmful to our eyes. (2) We can see violent scenes. (3) We spend less time with our family. Hi, Minsu! How are you doing? What about going to the movies this Sunday? There is a new action movie playing called Great Fighter. It is about traditional hinese fighting. We may be excited by it. Please call me. I can buy the tickets. Hyejeong E 1 Smart Guy is a comedy about two stupid men s friendship. The story is funny. You may be amused by it. 2 Watching is a horror movie about ghosts and strange things. The story is frightening. You may be shocked by it. Unit Test p.87 1 is buying a ticket at the box office Jihee wanted to watch TV. She pushed the on button on the remote control but it didn t work. She got angry. ut soon she found that there were no batteries in the remote control. She was embarrassed. 14

salt sugar soy sauce vinegar honey oil red pepper onion garlic cabbage cucumber mushroom meat chicken beef pork seafood peanut pizza hamburger spaghetti sandwich salad pickle UNIT 08 Food and ooking pp. 89~96 peel cut slice mix boil steam bake fry roast sweet sour spicy bitter salty Language Focus p.90 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 I feel happy now. 2 This soup smells good. 3 His voice sounded strange. 4 The cake tasted very sweet. 5 Harry is a famous magician. 6 Jamie became a good cook. POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 many 2 much 3 many 4 much 5 much 6 many POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 You should not drink cola. 2 You should not drive too fast. 3 You should not skip breakfast. 4 You should eat a lot of vegetables. 5 You should take an umbrella with you. 6 You should brush your teeth after meals. Tips for Writing p.91 HEK-UP 15

1 The melon tastes sweet. 2 He works at the theater. 3 Joan writes lots of stories. 4 Jimmy helps his mother a lot. 5 Sue does her homework after school. 6 My uncle teaches English at the school. 7 Her sister studies very hard every day. Writing Practice p.92 There are many red peppers and some syrup in the sauce. It tastes spicy and sweet. It is very delicious. Unit Test p.95 1 is baking a pizza in the kitchen 2 is pouring some water into a cup 3 are eating pizza and drinking cola at a table 1 red pepper tastes spicy and a banana tastes sweet. 2 Soy sauce tastes salty and vinegar tastes sour. 3 offee tastes bitter and candy tastes sweet. 1 tastes spicy, lots of[a lot of] cabbage and red peppers 2 Pickles taste sour. They are made of lots of[a lot of] cucumbers and vinegar. 3 ulgogi tastes sweet. It is made of lots of[a lot of] beef and vegetables. 1 is cutting a carrot beside the sink 2 is drinking some water in the kitchen 3 are eating cake and bananas at the table 1 salt, health 2 You should not drink cola. It has too much sugar and it is bad for your teeth. 3 You should not eat hamburgers. They have too much fat and they are bad for dieting. E 1 My favorite food is seafood spaghetti. There is a lot of tomato sauce and some seafood in it. It tastes sweet and sour. It is very delicious. 2 My favorite food is chocolate chip cookies. There is lots of[a lot of] chocolate and some peanuts in them. They taste sweet. They are very delicious. 3 My favorite food is fried chicken with hot sauce. bake pour eat drink Hi, bloggers! Today, I want to introduce a nice restaurant. It is Mia s Sandwiches. The best sandwich is the egg sandwich. There are many eggs and some special sauce in it. It tastes sweet and sour. You should try it! eggs many a lot of lots of some sauce many Minho s family went out for dinner. Minho ate a salad and found a hair in his food. He felt upset and called the waiter. He showed the waiter the hair and the waiter brought him a new salad. 16

I think that fast food is bad. First, it has too much sugar and salt. They are very unhealthy. lso, we may gain weight from eating it because there is a lot of fat in it. So we should not eat fast food. send a postcard ask for directions Language Focus p.98 POINT 01 HEK-UP 1 more difficult than English, less difficult than math 2 more crowded than Jejudo, less crowded than Seoul 3 less important than love, more important than money 4 less useful than experience, more useful than knowledge POINT 02 HEK-UP 1 the tallest 2 the most beautiful 3 stronger, any other team 4 more expensive, any other ring tower statue temple palace square fountain museum folk village beach national park UNIT 09 Travel and Tourism take a picture taste local food enjoy a festival take a tour of a city go sightseeing buy a souvenir pp. 97~104 POINT 03 HEK-UP 1 She got married in 2009. 2 I got up very late yesterday. 3 My family went skiing last winter. 4 He lived in Seoul ten years ago. 5 We had a good time last weekend. 6 They finished the project two days ago. Tips for Writing p.99 HEK-UP 1 We were late because it rained yesterday. 2 I stayed at home and watched TV last Friday. 3 He cooked the dinner and his family enjoyed it last night. 4 I used my friend s pen because l lost my pencil case a week ago. Writing Practice p.100 1 is taller than the Statue of Liberty 17

2 is older than the Eiffel Tower 3 is higher than the Statue of Liberty 4 is less tall than the Eiffel Tower 5 is older than any other attraction 6 is taller than any other attraction 1 Gyeongju last weekend, took pictures of temples 2 I went to Tokyo last summer. I ate fresh sushi there and it was very delicious. 3 I went to Jeju Island yesterday. I went climbing on Halla mountain and it was very refreshing. 1 Hahoe Folk Village in ndong the most traditional village 2 How What about going to Haeundae in usan It is the most popular beach in Korea 3 How What about going to the Mud Festival in oryeong It is the funnest festival in Korea 1 I can t forget my trip to Shanghai. I went there two weeks ago. I ate a lot of hinese food and it was the most delicious food in hina. 2 I can t forget my trip to Paris. I went there last week. I saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum and it was the most famous painting in the world. 3 I can t forget my trip to Wando in South Jeolla. I went there last summer. I visited adohae National Park and it was the most wonderful park in Korea. 4 I can t forget my trip to Pyeongchang. I went there last winter. I visited Yongpyeong Ski Resort and enjoyed skiing. It was the most exciting experience of my life. Unit Test p.103 1 is taking a picture of a family 2 is buying an ice cream for her child 3 is playing the guitar on the street take a picture buy play the guitar Hi, Hyeji. How are you? I m having a great time in ngkor, ambodia. Today was my second day here. t 10 a.m., I went to the ayon Temple and saw the Smile of ngkor. t 12 p.m., I went to a traditional restaurant and had lunch. It was really delicious! t 2 p.m., I went downtown and took a tour of the city. It was a lot of fun! See you in Seoul soon! ongsu 1 How[What] about introducing the Great Wall of hina? It is the longest wall in the world. 2 How[What] about introducing Lake aikal in Russia? It is the deepest lake in the world. 3 How[What] about introducing urj Khalifa in the United rab Emirates? It is the tallest building in the world. How What about I recommend Jaeseok visited Time Square in New York last winter. He wanted to go to the Empire State uilding but he 18

got lost. He asked a lady for directions. She helped him and he found the Empire State uilding soon. He was relieved. and 19

Section 3 pp. 106~108 ctual Test 01 1/3 1 How about writing a letter? Your mother can keep it and read it many times. 15 I recommend writing a letter. Your mother may read it with a big smile. 14 2 How about giving flowers to your mother? She can decorate a room with them. 14 I recommend sending flowers to your mother. She may decorate home with them. 13 How about buying a cake? Your mother can enjoy a delicious cake with your family. 15 I recommend buying a cake for your mother. She can enjoy eating it. 13 1 2 3 How What about I recommend 2/3 How about going to the concert with me on the 20th? We can buy tickets online. Is that okay? I hope to hear from you soon. 26 What about going to the concert with me on the 21st? I can buy tickets for us online. What do you think? Please reply to me. 26 How What about 3/3 My favorite book is the first book of the Harry Potter series. It is about a young wizard and his adventures. I like it because the story is very interesting. 30 My favorite book is Sister Mongsil. It is about the hard life of Mongsil during and after the Korean War. I love it because the story is very touching. 29 pp. 109~111 ctual Test 02 1/3 (1) is swimming in the water 5 is swimming in the pool 5 (2) is drinking juice on a chair 6 is sitting on a chair with a drink 8 (3) is carrying a swim tube 5 is holding a swim tube 5 swim drink carry hold 2/3 surprised because there was a hole in it. He lost his 20

key. He went back to the park and found it. He was happy. 24 surprised because he found a hole in it. He lost his key, so he went back to the park. ut he could not find it. So he was sad. 29 1 2 3/3 We can ask each other difficult questions. lso, we study harder because we compete with each other. So I believe that it is good to study with friends. 28 21


