OUR VALUE VR EXPO 는 VR 생태계의다양한플레이어들이모여현재를공유하고미래를고민할수있는행사입니다. INVESTOR 정부 / 민간펀드, 기술 / 벤처투자자등 BUYER 국내외플랫폼기업, 제조사및유통사등 END USER 게임, 영상, 의료등각산업별전문기업 VR

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VR EXPO 2 017 Discover and Be Inspired MARCH 9th (THU) ~ 11th (SAT) www.vrexpo.or.kr SEOUL KOREA

OUR VALUE VR EXPO 는 VR 생태계의다양한플레이어들이모여현재를공유하고미래를고민할수있는행사입니다. INVESTOR 정부 / 민간펀드, 기술 / 벤처투자자등 BUYER 국내외플랫폼기업, 제조사및유통사등 END USER 게임, 영상, 의료등각산업별전문기업 VR EXPO EXHIBITOR 스타트업, 컨텐츠및기술개발사등 PURPOSE 01. VR&AR 관련유망기업들의실질적기술투자유치, 유통거래활성화를장려합니다. Attract technology investment, vitalize the distribution for promising enterprises related in VR&AR industry 02. 콘텐츠및기술개발사, 스타트업등개발자중심의행사지향합니다. Technology-based Event for Technical Developer ; Contents Developer, Start-up, etc 03. IT 강국에서 VR AR 강국으로, 아시아의대표적허브로서의역할을선도합니다. Leader in VR AR as well as IT, hold the lead of Asia VR AR hub JOIN YOUR PEERS FOR FOUR ACTIONS- CONTENTS Digital information provided through various wired/wireless networks ; game, theme park, entertainment, animation, film, etc PLATFORM OS based on a computer system, a specific processor modem that is the basis of computer system NETWORK Transmission media including device for terminal, line, switch and so on ; 5G network, traffic control system, etc DEVICE Hardware device such as peripheral equipment, terminal ; HMD, controller, simulator, etc

CONFERENCE Prominent Speakers from VR Industry will have Conference with various topic. VR EXPO can provide many networking opportunities through our high-quality contents and diverse Forum and s. VR 산업의저명한인사들이기술, 문화, 콘텐츠개발등의다채로운주제컨퍼런스를선보입니다. VR EXPO 는양질의콘텐츠와다양한세미나 포럼등을통해여러분에게네트워킹기회를제공합니다. EXHIBITION VR&AR SEMINAR ROOM Presentations by creatives, contents & technology developers, sponsors, analysts and academic conference will be held in Keynote Stage Central Networking Hub VR&AR EXHIBITION ZONE New VR&AR devices, contents, network and platform will be exhibited in Exhibition Zone Exhibition Zone gate gate The Organizer reserves the right to change features and specifications without notice. Floorplan is approximate only and subject to change without notice. 본부스배치이미지는참고용이며주최측사정에의해변동될수있습니다.

OVERVIEW T I T L E D A T E S V E N U E H O S T VR EXPO 2017 March 9(thu) ~ 11(sat), 2017(3days) COEX, Seoul Korea VR EXPO 2017 조직위원회 (VR EXPO 2017 Organizing Committee) WHO ATTENDS? Entrepreneurs & investors exploring virtual worlds, enterprise VR, out of home VR, health & wellness, medical &fitness, therapeutic, social VR, and others passionate about the future of virtual reality. VR Developers Content Creators VR Industry Professionals VR Game Developers Investors 360 Video Professionals Researchers Metaverse Architects VR Interaction Designers VR Filmmakers Hardware engineers 3D Modelers VR User Experience Designers and more WHY GET INVOLVED IN 2017 VR 산업최신동향 Expect to hear case studies and inspirational stories from industry leaders and many more. Industrial VR event in Asia where real world VR business cases will be the focal point. 기업에서의 VR 활용 Perfect opportunity to find out how the enterprise market is capitalizing on these technologies for training, operations, R&D and also as an immersive marketing tool to attract new customers. VR 시장에의투자 Understand the commercials of VR, explore the investment criteria and business models that will drive huge VR market growth in 2017 and position your business to capitalize as the market takes off. VR 체험 Try out incredible VR experiences and games on the show floor and learn the thought processes behind every stage of development. 네트워킹 More networking and interactive features start up zone and pitch theatre, networking session, keynote presentations, and the dinner. VR 시장의전망과연구 Manufacturer demonstrations, market case studies, forecasts, projections and in depth debates from right across the ecosystem.

MOVE NOW for VR - GLOBAL&KOREA VR Market Status and Prospect 2025 년가상현실세계시장성장전망 $80bn Global Virtual Reality Market Prospect by 2025 가상현실전문펀드 조성규모 R Y 40bn Amount of Specialized Fund for Virtual Reality V I R T U A L R E A L I T 정부 9 대국가전략프로젝트 선정 9Project Selected as Korean Government 9 National Strategy Project 가상현실선도프로젝트 예산규모 60bn Budget Amount of Virtual Reality Leading Project

HOW TO EXHIBIT Exhibition Packages Space Only KRW 2,500,000 / USD 2,800 This option offers only exhibition space, you can build your own stand. Space Only Stand Benefits Completely customisable space Represent your company culture Reflect your company s ambition Specially made areas for product demos, informal meetings, and more! Building on a Space Only footprint, you have total control over design, materials, and layout to best promote your products and services or entertain prospective clients. These spaces are completely customisable and give you total control throughout the build process. 독립부스 2,500,000 원 (VAT 별도 ) / $2,800 (Net Price) 전시면적만제공받아부스디자인, 설치, 철거를외부업체에의뢰하거나 자체적으로진행하는부스타입. Exhibition Packages Shell Scheme KRW 3,000,000 / USD 3,300 Shell Scheme Stand Include Stand construction Power supply Floor carpeting Lighting Company name board Furniture (Information Desk, chair) This ready-made turn-key stand package minimises your expense and allows your company to simply show up and start exhibiting. The Organizer reserves the right to change features and specifications without notice. Booth layout is approximate only and subject to change without notice. 조립부스 3,000,000 원 (VAT 별도 ) / $3,300 (Net Price) 주최자가조립식으로된부스를일괄적으로시공하여주는부스타입. 조립부스에는업체당안내데스크 1 개, 의자 1 개가제공됩니다. 본부스이미지는이해를돕기위한것으로주최측사정에의해변동될수있습니다. Book Your Stand After having decided to attend a trade fair you should not hesitate with your stand booking. By booking early you benefit the most. The earlier you book the better is also your chance of getting perfect location and having advantage over your competitors. RESERVE EXHIBIT SPACE Submit application form via email INITIAL PAYMENT Deposit 50% of total exhibit fee upon receipt of invoice. FINAL PAYMENT Balance payment is due January 31st. For more information and to download application form, please visit the official website. VR EXPO 2017 Organizing Committee Contact For Exhibition Tel +82 (0)2 3397 0065 Fax +82 (0)2 6455 0941 Email exh@vrexpo.or.kr For Conference Tel +82 (0)2 400 2053 Fax +82 (0)2 400 2054 Email conf@vrexpo.or.kr