Part III L i s t e n i n g
25 Let's be a Master! A B C however but D 1 2 124 1 A. C. D. harmful chemicals, developing asthma symptoms, cause cancer 1. Do you enjoy at home? 2. But if you plan to air fresheners indoors, you have to think again. 3. Another study proved that some artificial air fresheners that can cause cancer when used in small, poorly ventilated rooms. Master's Tip : A. B. enjoy a variety of fragrances at home C. But 1. a variety of fragrances 2. put some artificial 3. emitted chemicals 2 A. C. D. speed is not the only factor, throw a ball flat, at too steep an angle, at a proper angle 1. In some sports, athletes are required to. 2. However, speed is not to get the maximum distance. 3. The key point is that you must throw a ball up. Master's Tip : A. B. talk about sports science, make long throws C. However 1. make long throws 2. the only factor 3. at a proper angle 125
25 3 4 126 3 A. C. D. toxic chemicals when burned, heavy metals, serious health problems 1. Let me talk about the of electronic goods. 2. The average lifespan of electronic goods is generally. 3. The plastic frame of the electronic devices produces. Master's Tip : A. B. the negative aspect of electronic goods C. 1. negative aspect 2. shorter than that of furniture 3. toxic chemicals when burned 4 A. C. D. guidebooks are not always the most up-to-date source of advice, filled up with tourists who consulted the same websites, your friend s opinion might be subjective 1. What do you consult to when you make a travel plan? 2. However, guidebooks are not always the. 3. However, that strategy doesn t always,. Master's Tip : A. B. What do you consult to get lodging information C. 1. get lodging information 2. most up-to-date source of advice 3. work out either 127
25 5 6 128 5 A. C. D. professional books are usually in hardcover, travel books are often in paperback, their covers are in full color and their sizes differ greatly 1. Go to a bookstore or a library and the bookshelves. 2. Generally they are so that they can slip into a pocket. 3. As you can see from these examples, is determined by what the book is used for. Master's Tip : A. B. Today, I d like to talk about books. C. 1. look on 2. tall and narrow 3. the design of a book 6 A. C. D. practicing martial arts sharpens your mind, feel peace in your spirit 1. Some of you might want to. 2. Or, some of you might learn martial arts. 3. And it will lead you to in the long run. Master's Tip : A. B. Have you ever learned martial arts, what led you to the world of martial arts? C. 1. lose weight 2. for self-defense 3. feel peace in your spirit 129
26 Let's be a Master! A B C D 1 $200 $210 $360 $600 $630 2 $19 $21 $24 $26 $29 130 1 A. B. C. D. 590 40 3 3 210 1. I can take if you really want it. 2. And I d also like to buy for this camera. 3. Yes, you can use the. Master's Tip : A. B. 590 10 40 C. 3 1. ten dollars off 2. an extra battery 3. three-month installment plan 2 A. B. C. D. 5 2 3 3 2 3 24 1. I d like to have. 2. You can next Monday. 3. Could you see if you can? Master's Tip : A. B. 5 3 2 C. 3 1. these pants and shirts cleaned 2. pick them up 3. remove them 131
26 3 120 130 170 180 220 4 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 132 3 A. B. C. D. 10 7 100 170 1. It looks like the work of. 2. First of all, we have to in our neighboring schools. 3. How about printing out 100 posters for our school? Master's Tip : A. B. 7 10 70 50 C. 100 1. a professional artist 2. put them up 3. just in case 4 A. B. C. D. 1 50 10 1 5 1 5 5 30 1. Tomorrow is our. 2. All roses are one dollar each. 3. Come to think of it, it ll be better to three kinds of roses. Master's Tip : A. B. 1 1 1 50 C. 5 1. 10th wedding anniversary 2. except the yellow ones 3. make a bouquet of 133
26 5 $0.20 $1.00 $1.80 $2.60 $3.40 6 50 50 100 150 150 200 450 350 550 500 134 5 A. B. C. D. 5 40 2 2 80 2 1 1 80 1. May I have your name or, please? 2. Isn t the five days? 3. For comic books, the is 40 cents a day, and for novels, 80 cents a day. Master's Tip : A. B. 40 80 C. 5 2 2 1 1. membership number 2. lending period 3. late fee 6 A. B. C. D. 600 500 50 150 600 450 50 200 1. We need to for our restaurant, Michael. 2. The number of plates is the banquet of 300 people next Saturday. 3. You know we usually prepare twice. Master's Tip : A. 600 600 500 450 C. 50 1. order some plates 2. not enough for 3. as many plates as guests 135
27 Let's be a Master! A B C D 1 2 136 1 A. C. D. 1. that you barely know it is there? 2. Our website has a unique system that can search and suggest the best type of hotel that you choose. 3. Visit us online and make your stay. Master's Tip : A. B. C. the best hotel for you, the best type of hotel 1. Service so subtle 2. satisfies the options 3. comfortable and satisfying 2 A. C. D. 1. Second, send out. 2. can help save paper. 3. so guests can separate trash easily. Master's Tip : A. B. C. 1. invitations online 2. This simple act 3. Set up labeled bins 137
27 3 4 138 3 A. C. D. 1. Or simply answer by saying your child s name in a. 2. The question that your child is asking you may seem. 3. To your child, however, this particular request that only you can solve. Master's Tip : A. B. C. answer, response 1. loving and respectful way 2. somewhat insignificant 3. may be a crisis 4 A. C. D. 1. Pull your and look at its gums. 2. Yellow gums. 3. Normally, it two seconds. Master's Tip : A. B. C. look at its gums, ~ gums indicate disease 1. dog s lip up 2. suggest liver problems 3. takes less than 139
27 5 6 140 5 A. C. D. 1. I was really surprised your gift this morning! 2. I m calling to let you know that I will be later this afternoon. 3. This is a bit of, so I hope you understand. Master's Tip : A. B. C. your gift, returning, sensitive 1. when I received 2. returning your gift 3. a sensitive matter 6 A. C. D. 1. I would like to regarding the work schedule. 2. For this reason, we ve decided to. 3. Overtime hours on a first-come-first-served basis. Master's Tip : A. B. C. work schedule, overtime hours 1. make an announcement 2. implement overtime hours 3. will be distributed 141
28 Let's be a Master! A B C D 1 Palau No Fishing Zones 2020 460 2 Butterfly Coloring Contest 15 3 142 1 A. C. D. 1. You should! 2. He added that this policy until the year 2020. 3. Banning fishing in a certain area a good thing for fishermen. Master's Tip : A. Palau No Fishing Zones B. C. 1. ban fishing 2. would be maintained 3. has actually been 2 A. C. D. 1. Create and color a butterfly scene on a letter-size piece of paper; up to are allowed. 2. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. 3. There is no fee to enter the contest and the entries. Master's Tip: A. Butterfly Coloring Contest B. C. 1. three entries per person 2. in each category 3. may be folded for mailing 143
28 3 Dawson Pizza 1 500 4 Cornwall Palace 2 10 14 3 144 3 A. C. D. 500 1. Successful applicants are required to have a of pizza recipes. 2. They must have as a cook. 3. The wage will increase. Master's Tip : A. Dawson Pizza B. C. 1. thorough understanding 2. at least one-year experience 3. every 500 hours worked 4 A. C. D. 1. The palace was built in the 18th century for the king and his family. 2. the royal bedrooms, containing 18th-century furniture. 3. There is of $5 for adults and $3 for children under 14. Master's Tip : A. Cornwall Palace B. C. 1. as a holiday home 2. Upstairs are 3. an entrance charge 145
28 5 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2012 100 10 6 Jacques Cousteau 101 1973 146 5 A. C. D. 1. If you are as a part of the festival, please listen carefully. 2. Overseas artists can also participate, but they by the festival director to take part in the festival. 3. Visit our website and to get the latest information. Master's Tip : A. 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival B. C. 1. interested in performing 2. must be approved 3. sign up to our e-news 6 A. C. D. 1. He improved the free-swimming to stay longer in the sea. 2. He also made a small submarine and to a depth of 500 meters. 3. Jacques Cousteau was also about environmental issues. Master's Tip : A. Jacques Cousteau B. 101 C. 1. underwater breathing sets 2. reached down 3. known for speaking out 147
29 Let's be a Master! A B C Yes No D 1 Woman: You can t have everything. Set your priorities. My dream is to be a world-famous journalist. I highly recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter. Doing what you love is the best way to realize your dream. I regret not becoming a student reporter for the newspaper. 2 Man: Yes, it s a good place to jog with you. I m so sorry to hear that you can t join me. I m living proof. Now I don t feel tired at all. Definitely, it was a shortcut to being a scholar. Not really. You d better ask a trainer how to stay fit. 148 1 A. C. D. My dream is to be a world-famous journalist. 1. Where did you? 2. Yes, I it since middle school. 3. I just like working and being. Master's Tip : A. B. dream, newspaper, priorities C. 1. get the idea from 2. have been reading 3. involved in that field 2 A. C. D. Yes, it s a good place to jog with you. Yes 1. It can actually help you. 2. Well, the news said that get better academic results than those who don t. 3. But you ll become more energetic as you get. Master's Tip : A. B. jog stay fit trainer C. Yes No 1. concentrate better 2. people who exercise regularly 3. used to it 149
29 3 Woman: Well, I already joined an Internet robotics club. I don t think making a new club is a good idea. Can you recommend someone who has experience in robots? Our school s robotics club recently won an international competition. Yes, why don t we put up lots of posters all around the school campus? 4 Man: You shouldn t have sent your email to me. Okay, I will. You are a great problem-solver. Sure, I ll make my resume more persuasive. Can you meet the deadline by submitting it in person? How about trying to get a repairman to come and fix it? 150 3 A. C. D. Our school s robotics club recently won an international competition. 1. Hey, Rosa. Have you decided? 2. That would be nice. Do you have any ideas on? 3. We should find a teacher in robotics technology to help us. Master's Tip : A. B. robotics club, new club, posters C. Yes No 1. which club to join 2. how to create it 3. who has some experience 4 A. C. D. Can you meet the deadline by submitting it in person? 1. I ve got to get my resume to the GD company. 2. Can you think of? 3. Then, why don t you to them? Master's Tip : A. B. email, resume, deadline C. 1. within an hour 2. a way I can do this 3. scan it and email it 151
29 5 Woman: It s great to keep track of your spending. Why don t you change your dry cleaner? I don t want to share my personal experience. I m happy to hear that you have the same clothing taste as me. You should ve checked the pockets before sending them to the cleaner s. 6 Man: What a nice job! You are such a fast learner. Good choice. You ll get to know how fun it is. Sorry, you can t take the beginner s level this time. Can you give me some advice on how to get started? You might get hurt if you don t do warm-up exercises. 152 5 A. C. D. Why don t you change your dry cleaner? dry cleaner 1. Yeah, because of that. 2. You how I found it. 3. I it in my shirt pocket when I sent my clothes to the cleaner s. Master's Tip : A. B. dry cleaner, check the pockets C. 1. you were all upset 2. won t believe 3. must have had 6 A. C. D. What a nice job! You are such a fast learner. 1. I ve climbed three times. 2.. So I m not sure if I can actually climb all the way up there. 3. If you don t, you re always going to have that fear. Master's Tip : A. B. fast learner, beginner's level, how to get started? C. 1. indoor artificial rock walls 2. I m afraid of heights 3. challenge yourself 153
30 Let's be a Master! A B C D 1 Mark Jane Mark: Sorry, but I ll contact you as soon as possible. You d better check your battery before leaving. Thanks for the tip. I ll buy a new cell phone right away. How about setting a place where you can always put your things? Stop being critical. Can you give me some advice for finding them? 2 Tom Rebecca Tom: Now I know why you didn t follow my advice. Just be yourself, and everybody will like you. I think you made a smart choice in your busy schedule. You need to do your part of the job in the team project. Can you teach me how to make an effective presentation? 154 1 A. C. D. Stop being critical. Can you give me some advice for finding them? advice 1. He couldn t her all day long. 2. She couldn t find it or even remember. 3. She can t because she never puts them in the same place. Master's Tip : A. Mark Jane B. contact, cell phone, setting a place C. 1. get in touch with 2. where she had put it 3. find things easily 2 A. C. D. Can you teach me how to make an effective presentation? 1. They are working on a team project of. 2. They to work more effectively. 3. He thinks this is a team project and she should. Master's Tip : A. Tom Rebecca B. job, team project, presentation C. 1. rare job surveys 2. divided their roles 3. share the responsibility 155
30 3 Laura Andrew Laura: Sorry, but you re blocking my view. Why don t you apply for the production company? You shouldn t record the performance. It s against the law. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but not as much as I expected. You can just download it from the camera to your computer. 4 Stella Jim Stella: Can t you get it for me a week earlier? You should get a regular physical checkup. I would like to sign the contract this week. Don t worry. I ll let you know where the hospital is. I can t hand them in next week because I ll get them in two weeks. 156 3 A. C. D. Why don t you apply for the production company? 1. It would be a wonderful opportunity with his digital camera. 2. The behavior is illegal because laws. 3. It can to the production company. Master's Tip : A. Laura Andrew B. view, record, performance, camera C. 1. to film the musical 2. it s against copyright 3. cause a lot of damage 4 A. C. D. Can t you get it for me a week earlier? 1. She wants to for next year. 2. She asks the doctor when. 3. He says she has to by next week. Master's Tip : A. Stella Jim B. week earlier, physical checkup, hospital C. 1. renew the contract 2. she ll get the results 3. turn them in 157
30 5 James James James mother: You re worrying too much about safety. Accidents can still occur without warning. I don t want to ride roller coasters any more. The park is too crowded with locals and tourists. At least you ll learn many things from risk-taking. 6 Paul Jenny Paul: Jenny, it doesn t matter how old the building is. remove those things from the exit right away. I forgot to have a fire safety inspection today. emergency exit doors must be operable from the inside. you must replace the smoke alarm battery every other year. 158 5 A. C. D. You re worrying too much about safety. James James 1. He wants to enjoy more. 2. His behavior is too risky and dangerous because it could. 3. She thinks James of accidents and injuries. Master's Tip : A. James James B. safety, accidents, roller coasters C. 1. extreme adventures 2. lead to serious injuries 3. overlooks the possibility 6 A. C. D. emergency exit doors must be operable from the inside. exit paths 1. He gets a regular notice of a from the fire department. 2. Every building owner checking the building s essential safety measures like smoke alarms and emergency lights. 3. Paul finds lots of boxes and books. Master's Tip : A. Paul Jenny B. exit, fire, inspection, emergency C. 1. fire safety inspection 2. is responsible for 3. blocking an exit path 159