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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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No. Item (parasite)
No. Item (parasite)
24 Major Bio-Resources Regenerative Medicine Brain Science Mouse Rat Plant Experimental Immunology, Animals Allergy Medaka Fish and Zebrafish Information Center and Plants Genome-based Location, Drug Discovery Characteristics and Genetic Information Gene Therapy on Bio-resources Cancer Cells Research C. elegans and Genes Food Production Amphibian Microorganisms Sea Squirt in Extreme Environments ES Cell Environmental Conservation Basic Research Development of New Medical Treatments and Drugs Promotion of Original Research in Japan International Cooperation and Initiatives
Clean bench 정리법 6 사용후 clean bench 내의 sprayer로소독할것 Notice * 사용후뒷정리에유념 ex) 혈흔, syringe, ep-tube etc. * Needle 등날카로운것은 needle box에 * 사용한물품중실험에직접사용된것은감염성폐기물 box * 기타 syringe 포장지, 일반 box 등은쓰레기통으로 7 Glass door 내리기 8 형광등 switch turn-off 9 Control box switch turn-off 10 반드시사용대장을작성할것
(8) 관리자관련 : 실험동물기술원 자격증 획득 (1급-1인, 2급- 3인) - 58 -
Discovery of Drug Targets in Cancer Vescovi et al. (2006) Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 425 436 vant Veer et al (2002). Nature 415, 530-536
암표적분자개발 꼬마선충모델 제브라피쉬모델 Clinical trial Preclinical trial 표적치료를위한암동물모델개발및표적인자개발 천연물 / 화합물후보물질 Before treatment After treatment Identify effective drugs 표적장기 / 유전자재조합마우스모델 / 실험동물실 항암제스크리닝시스템개발
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