Information Sheet on Network Sites

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Hwaseong Wetlands ( 화성습지 ) Republic of Korea EAAF NETWORK SITE CODE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: E A A F 1 4 2 Site Information Sheet on East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites (SIS) 2017 version 철새이동경로네트워크서식지정보양식 Available for download from ( 양식다운로드 ) 1 of 27

Categories approved by Second Meeting of the Partners of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership in Beijing, China 13-14 November 2007 - Report (Minutes) Agenda Item 3.13 이하범주는 2007 년 11 월 13-14 일제 2 차베이징 EAAFP 파트너총회회의안건 3.13 에의거승인된 것입니다. Notes for compilers: 1. The management body intending to nominate a site for inclusion in the East Asian - Australasian Flyway Site Network is requested to complete a Site Information Sheet. The Site Information Sheet will provide the basic information of the site and detail how the site meets the criteria for inclusion in the Flyway Site Network. When there is a new nomination or an SIS update, the following sections with an asterisk (*), from Questions 1-14 and Question 30, must be filled or updated at least so that it can justify the international importance of the habitat for migratory waterbirds. 2. The Site Information Sheet is based on the Ramsar Information Sheet. If the site proposed for the Flyway Site Network is an existing Ramsar site then the documentation process can be simplified. 3. Once completed, the Site Information Sheet (and accompanying map(s)) should be submitted to the Secretariat. Compilers should provide an electronic (MS Word) copy of the Information Sheet and, where possible, digital versions (e.g. shapefile) of all maps. 작성자를위한정보 : 1. 한서식지를 동아시아-대양주철새이동경로서식지네트워크 (East Asian - Australasian Flyway Site Network) 에등재하고자하는관리기관은 서식지정보양식 (SIS) 을작성해야합니다. 서식지정보양식은해당서식지에대한기본정보와함께그서식지가철새이동경로서식지네트워크의평가기준에어떻게부합하는지에대한자세한정보를포함하고있습니다. 새로운서식지등록이나기존서식지정보에대한업데이트가있을경우해당서식지의이동성물새서식지로서의국제적중요성을입증하기위하여별표가 (*) 붙은 1 번-14 번과 30 번항목을새로기입해주시거나업데이트해주시기바랍니다. 2. 서식지정보양식은 람사르정보양식 (Ramsar Information Sheet) 을기본으로합니다. 만일철새이동경로서식지네트워크로등재하고자하는지역이이미람사르지역에해당한다면, 이문서를약식으로작성할수있습니다. 3. 서식지정보양식 ( 및관련지도 ) 이완성되면, 정부파트너는이를사무국으로접수할수있습니다. 이때서식지정보양식및지도는전자문서 (MS Word 파일 ) 의형태로제출해야합니다. 1. Name and contact details of the compiler of this form ( 정보양식작성자의이름과연락처 )*: 2

Compiler 1 ( 작성자 1) Full name( 성명 ): Se Won Oh Institution/agency( 소속 ): Hwaseong city Office Postal Address( 주소 ): 159 City Hall, Namyang-eup, Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Telephone( 전화 ): +82-(0)31-369-6762 Fax( 팩스 ): +82-(0)31-369-1812 E-mail( 이메일 ): (e.g. Compiler 2 ( 작성자 2) Full name( 성명 ): Nial Christopher MOORES Institution/agency( 소속 ): Birds Korea Postal Address( 주소 ): 10-1902 Ho, Hyundai I-PARK, Tongmyong Ro 26, Namgu, Busan, Republic of Korea Telephone( 전화 ): +82-(0)51-627-3163 Fax( 팩스 ): E-mail( 이메일 ): (e.g. Compiler 3 ( 작성자 3) Full name( 성명 ): Hanchul JUNG Institution/agency( 소속 ): Hwaseong KFEM(Korea Federation for Environmental Movement) Postal Address( 주소 ): 3F 1321-8 Samcheonbyeongma-ro, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Telephone( 전화 ): +82-(0)31-354-3459 Fax( 팩스 ): +82-(0)31-227-9587 3

E-mail( 이메일 ): (e.g. Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites Hwaseong Wetlands [EAAF142] 2. Date this sheet was completed ( 작성날짜 ) *: DD/MM/YYYY ( 일 / 월 / 년 ) 22/10/2018 3. Country ( 국가 ) *: Republic of Korea ( 대한민국 ) 4. Name of the Flyway Network site ( 철새이동경로네트워크서식지의명칭 ) *: Accepted English transcription of the Site s name. 서식지의영문명칭 Hwaseong Wetlands ( 화성습지 ) 5. Map of site ( 해당서식지의지도 ) *: The most up-to-date available and suitable map of the wetland should also be appended to the SIS (only in digital format and shape file). The map must clearly show the boundary of the site. Please refer to the Digitising Site Boundaries in Google Earth file linked here. 해당습지에가장적절하고최신의지도 ( 전자지도 / 사진 / 그림 ) 또한 SIS 에삽입해야합니다. 지도에는해당서식지의경계가분명히표시되어야합니다. 서식지디지털화방법참조 here. 4

6. Geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude, in decimal degrees) ( 지리적좌표 : 위도 / 경도 ) *: Provide the coordinates of the approximate centre of the site and/or the limits of the site. If the site is composed of more than one separate area, provide coordinates for each of these areas. 해당서식지또는범위의중앙부위의좌표를제공합니다. 서식지가한곳이상으로분리되어있을경우에는 각지역별로좌표를작성합니다. 37 3'58.45"N 126 43'58.22"E 7. Elevation ( 고도 ) *: (in metres: average and/or maximum & minimum 평균및최고, 최저해발고도를 m 단위로작성합니다.) Mean Sea level: about 4.83m / max. +10m, min. -0.5m 8. Area ( 면적 ) *: The total area of the site, in hectares. If the areas of discrete site units are known, please also list each of these together with the names (or labels) used to identify and differentiate these units. 해당서식지의면적을 ha 단위로표시합니다. 서식지가서로별도로분리된지역일경우에는, 이들을각각별도로구분하기위해서, 각지역별로이름 ( 표기 ) 을붙인다음목록과면적을작성합니다. 7,301ha (73.5km 2 ) 9. General overview of the site ( 해당서식지의개관 ) *: A brief (two sentences) summary of the site, mentioning principal physical and ecological functions, and its importance for migratory waterbirds. 해당서식지의개황, 특히물리적 / 생태적기능과이동성물새에게의중요성에대해 2 문장이내로간단히 요약합니다. The Hwaseong Wetlands comprised of tidal flats, a reclamation lake, hinterland and rice paddy are supporting tens of thousands of migratory waterbird. They are important sites for stopover of shorebird and gulls species in internationally important concentrations; also for habitat of Black-faced spoonbill and Chinese Egret; also for wintering ground of Oriental Stork and Hooded Crane and Anatidae and so on. 화성습지는조간대간석지와간척호수, 그리고배후습지와농경지로구성된곳으로수만 마리의이동성물새를부양함. 도요물떼새류, 갈매기류의중간기착지이자저어새, 노랑부리백로의서식지, 황새와흑두루미및오리과의월동지로중요한장소임. 5

10. Justification of Flyway Site Network criteria ( 철새이동경로서식지네트워크평가기준의 정당성 ) *: Please provide waterbird count information (with year of latest count) that demonstrates that the site meets the criteria of the Flyway Site Network (Annex 1). That is: it regularly supports > 20 000 migratory waterbirds; or, it regularly supports > 1 % of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of migratory waterbird; or, it supports appreciable numbers of an endangered or vulnerable population of migratory waterbird it is a staging site supporting > 5 000 waterbirds, or > 0.25% of a population stage at the site. A listing of the populations of migratory waterbirds covered by the East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership and the 1% thresholds is attached (Annex 3). The staging site criterion is particularly difficult to apply and application of this should be discussed with the Secretariat. Also note that some species have several populations that are very difficult to distinguish in the field. 철새이동경로서식지네트워크의평가기준 ( 부록 1) 에부합하는물새류조사정보를제공합니다. 이런기준으로는 : 20 000 마리이상의이동성물새류를정기적으로부양하는지역, 또는 이동성물새의한종도는아종개체군의 1% 이상의개체를정기적으로부양하는지역, 또는 멸종위기또는멸종에취약한이동성물새개체군의상당수를부양하는지역, 또는 5 000 마리이상의이동성물새나한개체군의 0.25% 이상이이동중이용하는중간기착지 동아시아 - 대양주철새이동경로파트너십이다루고있는이동성물새개체군목록과그개체군의 1% 기준은 부록 3 에제시되어있습니다. Hwaseong Wetlands meets: 1. Ramsar Criterion 1 (Sites containing representative, rare or unique wetland types ) representative wetland, because it contains a large area of intertidal wetland and relict saltmarsh; And based on counts made by the Korea Shorebird Network (KSN 2010-2015), MOE Winter Census (MOE 2010-2017), Hwaseong KFEM (HKFEM monitoring data from 2013, 2016), and Birds Korea (surveys in 2009, 2017, 2018), the site also meets 2. Ramsar Criterion 2, in that it regularly supports an assemblage of globally threatened waterbirds. These include at least four threatened waterbird species regularly in internationally important concentrations: Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis [EN] and Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris [EN]; Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor [EN] (max. count 252; Sep 2018); and Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes [VU] (max. count 132; HKFEM Oct 2015); and one species, Saunders s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi [VU], which is probably regular in internationally important concentrations (e.g. 204 in 2009, Birds Korea). There are multiple records of 6

Oriental Stork Ciconia boyciana [EN], and also of staging Hooded Crane Grus monacha [VU], with 564 of the latter counted here in 2017 by HKFEM. 3. Criterion 5, in that >40,000 shorebirds stage at the site annually. Probably >20,000 Anatids use the site annually. 4. Criterion 6, in that 9-11 shorebird species are regularly supported by the site in internationally important concentrations of >1% of population (Wetlands International Waterbird Population Estimates, with maxima / % of Flyway population as follow: (1) Far Eastern Oystercatcher Haematopus (ostralegus) osculans [NT]: 473 (KSN, 2013) (>6%) (2) Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola: 1,800 (KSN, 2010); 1,800 (HKFEM, 2016) (>1%) (3) Lesser Sand / Mongolian Plover Charadrius mongolus: 880 (KSN, 2010 autumn); 371 (KSN, 2015 spring) (>2%) (4) Far Eastern Curlew [EN]: 956 (KSN, 2015); 1,050 (HKFEM, 2016) (>3%) (5) Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata [NT]: 1,264 (KSN, 2012); 3,700 (HKFEM, 2016) (>3%) (6) Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica [NT]: 4,443 (KSN, 2011) (1-3%) (7) Great Knot [EN]: 25,000 (HKFEM, 2013); 34,980 (Birds Korea, 2018) (12%) (8) Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus: 1,960 (HKFEM, 2013) (~4%) (9) Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia: 1,100 (KSN, 2010); 1,023 (KSN 2013) (1%) Recent peak counts which potentially exceed the 1% threshold also include: (10) Dunlin Calidris alpina: 8,600 (KSN, 2015); 17,000 (HKFEM, 2013) (1-3%) (11) Nordmann s Greenshank Tringa guttifer [EN]: 6 (KSN, 2014) (1%) There are also near-annual records of Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmea [CR]. Hwaseong Wetland also regularly supports internationally important concentrations of Anatids. Exceptional counts of additional waterbird species since 2010 have included 11, 974 Tundra Bean Goose Anser serrirostris (MOE, 2015) and 75,952 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (MOE, 2015). 화성갯벌은다음을충족한다 : 1. 람사르기준 1 ( 전형적또는특이한습지에관한기준 ) : 넓은조간대갯벌및잔존염습지로이루어진전형적인습지라는점에서. 한국도요물떼새네트워크전국도요물떼새서식지조사 (KSN 2010-2015), 환경부겨울철조류동시센서스 (2010-2017), 화성환경운동연합화성갯벌시민모니터링조사 (2013, 2016), 새와생명의터조사 (2009, 2017, 2018) 결과데이터에기반함. 이사이트는또한다음을충족한다. 2. 람사르기준 2 ( 희귀취약또는생존력이약하여멸종위험이있는동식물종또는아종이집단으로서식하거나이들종의개체수가상당수서식하고있는습지 ): 세계적멸종위기종물새류의집합체가정기적으로도래한다는점에서. 여기에는국제적으로중요한멸종위기물새 4종이포함된다 : 알락꼬리마도요 [EN]; 붉은어깨도요 [EN]; 저어새 [EN]( 최대 252개체관찰, 2018 년 9월 ); 노랑부리백로 [VU] ( 최대 132개체관찰화성환경운동연합 2015년 10월 ). 그리고또한종인검은머리갈매기 [VU] 역시아마도국제적으로중요한농도로정기적으로도래한다 ( 예 : 2009년 204마리, 새와생명의터 ). 황새 [EN] 와흑두루미 [VU] 집결기록이많이있으며, 특히흑두루미는화성환경운동연합에서 2017년 564마리를관찰했다. 3. 람사르기준 5 (20,000마리이상의물새가정기적으로서식하는습지 ) : 매년 40,000마리이 7

상의도요물떼새가서식한다는점에서. 아마도 20,000개체가넘는오리과가이곳을매해이용한다. 4. 람사르기준 6 ( 어느물새의종또는아종의전체가전세계서식수의 1% 이상이정기적으로서식하고있는습지 ) : 국제적인멸종위기종으로보호받는 9~11종의도요물떼새의전세계서식개체수의 1% 이상이정기적으로도래한다 ( 국제기구 Wetlands International의 < 물새개체수추산 > 에따르면, 이동경로인구의최대 % 는다음과같다 : (1) 검은머리물떼새 [NT] : 473 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2013) (> 6%) (2) 개꿩 : 1,800 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2010); 1,800 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2016) (> 1%) (3) 왕눈물떼새 : 880 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2010 가을 ); 371 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2015 봄 ) (> 2%) (4) 알락꼬리마도요 [EN] : 956 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2015); 1,050 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2016) (> 3%) (5) 마도요 [NT] : 1,264 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2012); 3,700 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2016) (> 3%) (6) 큰뒷부리도요 (NT) : 4,443 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2011) (1-3%) (7) 붉은어깨도요 [EN] : 25,000 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2013); 34,980 (Birds Korea, 2018) (12%) (8) 뒷부리도요 : 1,960 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2013) (~ 4%) (9) 청다리도요 : 1,100 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2010); 1,023 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크 2013) (1%) 1% 임계값을잠재적으로초과하는최근최대관찰결과에는다음이포함된다. (10) 민물도요 : 8,600 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2015); 17,000 ( 화성환경운동연합, 2013) (1-3%) (11) 청다리도요사촌 [EN] : 6 ( 한국도요물떼새네트워크, 2014) (1%) 넓적부리도요 [CR] 도준연례기록이있다. 화성갯벌은또한국제적으로중요한오리과도도래 한다. 2010 년이래로추가된물새류의이례적인도래개체수는 11,797 건의큰기러기 ( 환경부, 2015) 와 75,952 마리의청둥오리 ( 환경부, 2015) 를포함한다. 11. Wetland Types ( 습지유형 ) *: List the wetland types present (see Annex 2). List the wetland types in order of their area in the Flyway Network site, starting with the wetland type with the largest area. 해당하는습지유형을열거합니다 ( 부록 2 참고 ). 철새이동경로네트워크서식지내에존재하는여러가지습지 유형중에서가장넓은면적의유형부터차례로습지유형을나열합니다. G: Intertidal mudflats 3: Irrigated land 6: Water Storage Area (1,730ha of Hwaseong Lake) 8

F: Estuarine Waters H: Intertidal marshes D: Rocky Marine shores, including islets 9. Canals, Ditches E: Sandy shore 2: Ponds G: 조간대갯벌 3: 관개지 6: 물저장구역 ( 화성간척호 1,730ha) F: 하구물 H: 조간대습지 D: 섬을포함한바위로된해양해안 9 운하및배수로, 도랑 E: 모래해변 2: 연못 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites Hwaseong Wetlands [EAAF142] 12. Jurisdiction ( 법정관할권 ) *: Include territorial, e.g. state/region, and functional/sectoral, e.g. Ministry of Agriculture/Dept. of Environment, etc. 예를들어농림부 / 환경부인지, 또는도 / 시 / 군의기능적행정적관리근거를기술합니다. 예 ) 행정관할 : 서산시, 홍성군기능관할 : 농어촌공사, 수자원공사 Hwaseong city ( 화성시 ) 13. Management authority ( 관리주체 ) *: Provide the name and address of the local office(s) of the agency(ies) or organisation(s) directly responsible for managing the wetland and the title and/or name and email address/phone number of the person or persons in this office with direct responsibility for managing the wetland. 해당습지관리를직접담당하는기관또는기구의지방사무소의명칭과주소를제공합니다. 가능한범위 내에서해당습지를관리하는담당자 ( 들 ) 의이름과직위, 이메일주소, 핸드폰번호등도함께기술합니다. Department of Water quality management, Hwaseong City ( 화성시수질관리과 ) 470 Hyangnamro, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si ( 화성시향남읍향남로 470) +82-(0)31-369-6750 Hwaan Project Office, Korea Rural Community Corporation ( 한국농어촌공사화안사업단 ) 17 Jeokgeum-ro 1gil, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si ( 안산시단원구적금로 1 길 17) 9

+82-(0)31-412-1400 14. Bibliographical references ( 참고문헌 ) *: A list of key technical references relevant to the wetland, including management plans, major scientific reports, and bibliographies, if such exist. Please list Web site addresses dedicated to the site or which prominently feature the site, and include the date that the Web site was most recently updated. When a large body of published material is available about the site, only the most important references need be cited, with priority being given to recent literature containing extensive bibliographies. 관리계획, 주요학술보고, 참고문헌등해당습지에실질적으로핵심문헌의목록이있다면, 나열합니다. 해당서식지나그서식지의뚜렷한특징을보여주는홈페이지가있다면가장최근에갱신된시각을포함하여 작성할수있습니다. 이지역에대해참고할수있는출판물이너무많을경우에는가장중요한자료만 작성해주시기바라며, 많은참고문헌목록이포함된최신문헌이가장우선적으로표기될수있습니다. Count data from the site are presented in several publications, dating from 1988, when the site was known as Namyang Bay. In addition to recent reports detailing monitoring of the site by Hwaseong KFEM, selected publications supporting identification of Hwaseong Wetlands as an internationally important site for waterbirds include: Barter, M. 2002. Shorebirds of the Yellow Sea: importance, threats and conservation status, wetlands International Global series. Vol. 9; International Wader Studies vol. 12; Canberra, Australia. Kim, J-H., Park, J-Y. & Yi, J-Y. 1997. Spring and autumn avifauna of western coastal mudflat in Korea. Journal of Korea biota 2: 183-295. Lee, S-W. 2018. Value of the Hwaseong tidal-mud flat. Powerpoint presentation, pp. 155-168 in the Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Great Flight of the Shorebirds: Hwaseong Tidal Flat. Hwaseong City, Sep. 2018. Long, A., Poole, C., Eldridge, M., Won, P.-O., and Lee, K.-S. 1988. A survey of coastal wetlands and shorebirds in South Korea, Spring 1988. Asian Wetland Bureau, Kuala Lumpur. MOE (Ministry of Environment). 1998. Spring and Fall Counts of waterbirds migrating to the major wetlands on the west coast of Korea. Ministry of Environment, Seoul, Korea. MOE (Ministry of Environment). 1999-2017. Annual Reports of the Winter Bird Census (in Korean). Moores, N. 1999. A Survey of the Distribution and Abundance of Shorebirds in South Korea during 1998-1999: Interim Summary. Stilt 34: 18-29. Moores, N. 2006. South Korea s shorebirds: a review of abundance, distribution, threats and conservation status, Stilt 50: 62-72. Moores, N. 2012. The distribution, abundance and conservation of biodiversity in Yellow Sea habitats in the Republic of Korea. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Moores, N. 2018. Hwaseong s International Importance for Waterbird Conservation. Pp. 213-216 in the Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Great Flight of the Shorebirds: Hwaseong Tidal Flat. Hwaseong City, Sep. 2018. 10

Park, J-Y. 2002. Current status and distribution of birds in Korea. Department of Biology, Ph.D. thesis, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (in Korean). Shorebird Network Korea. 2013. Shorebird population count report of Korea (2011 2012). Shorebird Network Korea Secretariat, Shinan County, Republic of Korea. [In Korean] Shorebird Network Korea. 2014. Shorebird population count report of Korea (2013). Shorebird Network Korea Secretariat, Shinan County, Republic of Korea. [In Korean] Shorebird Network Korea. 2016. Shorebird population count report of Korea (2014). Shorebird Network Korea Secretariat, Shinan County, Republic of Korea. [In Korean] Yi, J.-Y. 2004. Status and habitat characteristics of migratory shorebirds in Korea. In Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Migratory Birds, Gunsan, Korea. pp. 87 103. (Ornithological Society of Korea: Seoul, Republic of Korea). [In Korean] MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries). 2015. the countrywide shorebird research on 30 impo rtant coastal wetlands of west and south of Korea (In Korean) Hwaseong-si. 2014-2016. Maehyang-ri Tidal-flat Wetlands Survey 2014~2016. (In Korean) 15. Physical features of the site ( 서식지의물리적환경특징 ): Describe, as appropriate, the geology, geomorphology; origins - natural or artificial; hydrology; soil type; water quality; water depth, water permanence; fluctuations in water level; tidal variations; downstream area; general climate, etc. 지질, 지형, ( 자연적또는인공적으로형성되었는지에대한 ) 기원, 수문, 토양유형, 수질, 수심, 수계의영속성, 수위변동, 조석변화, 하류지역, 기후일반등의물리적환경을적절히기술하시기바랍니다. Hwaseong Wetlands is currently comprised of three major component parts: intertidal wetland; an impounded reclamation lake ( Hwaseong Ho ) with very weak tidal influence; and reclaimed land, comprised of rice-fields, ponds, drainage ditches and reedy fallow areas. Prior to construction of a 9.81km long seawall (closed in 2002), the whole site was part of the intertidal Namyang Bay. This tidal system, with extensive saltmarsh, was historically part of a near contiguous area of intertidal wetland that formed the inner part of Gyeonggi Bay, stretching for almost 300km from Asan Bay, Gyeonggi Province (ROK) to Haeju Bay in Hwanghaenam Province (DPRK). Following a series of reclamation projects, the majority of intertidal wetland in the ROK part of this Gyeonggi Bay system has now been reclaimed, including much of the adjacent Asan Bay (previously linked ecologically to Namyang Bay by daily tide-related movements of shorebirds. On highest spring tides, the tidal range in the intertidal area exceeds 9m. The original aim of the Reclamation Lake was to provide freshwater for agricultural or industrial use, with freshwater entering the lake through rainfall and two small rivers (formerly streamfed creeks in the inner bay of the estuary). However, because of aggravated water quality problems first noted in 2000, there is still some tidal movement of probably <50cm in the lower, western part of the lake, with tidal water entering through the near-closed sluice gate. This means that water in the Reclamation Lake is brackish rather than fresh. Most of the water in the rice-field area appears to be derived from precipitation In 2017, the general manager of Hwaseong Lake will be close to the standard 1 for agricultural water with an average of 0.095. 11

The average number of Jiaan stream flowing into Hwaseong Lake reached 14.37 in 2017. 화성습지는현재 3 개의주요구성요소로구성되어있다 : (1) 조간대습지, (2) 조석의 영향이매우약한담수간척호수 ( 화성호 ), (3) 매립농지, 연못, 배수로및휴경지로 구성된간척지. 길이가 9.81km 인방파제 (2002 년물막이완공 ) 건설전에는, 전체부지가조간대 남양만의일부였다. 광활한염습지가있는이조수생태계는역사적으로경기도의 아산만에서황해도해주만까지거의 300km 펼쳐져있는경기만의안쪽을형성하는 조간대습지대인접지역이었다. 일련의간척사업에따라, 이경기만의한국지역에있는조간대습지대부분은인접한 아산만을포함하여지금은매립되었다. ( 아산만은과거밀물썰물에관련해이동하는 도요물떼새에의해남양만과생태적으로밀접하게연관되어있었다.) 가장높은한사리때에는, 조간대의조수범위가 9m 를초과한다. 매립지호수의본래 목적은강우또는두개의작은하천 ( 이전에는하구의안쪽만에서개울이흐르던작은 만이었던 ) 을통해들어오는민물을모아농업또는산업용수를제공하는것이었다. 그러나 200 년에처음으로수질문제가발생하였고, 아직도호수의서쪽저층에아마도 50cm 미만의조수움직임이있는것으로보아거의닫힌배수갑문을통해바닷물이 들어가고있다. 이것은매립호수의물이완전한민물이라기보다는기수임을의미한다. 간척농지지역에있는물대부분은강수에서기원한것으로보인다. 화성호총인은 2017 년평균 0.095 로농업용수기준 1 에근접한다. 화성호로유입되는하천중자안천의 2017 년평균 14.37 로농업용수기준 9 를초과한다. 16. Physical features of the catchment area ( 서식지와관련된유역전체의물리적환경특징 ): Describe the surface area, general geology and geomorphological features, general soil types, and climate (including climate type). 지표면적, 지질학적 / 지형적일반특징, 일반적인토양유형, 기후 ( 기후형포함 ) 를기술합니다. Hwaseong Wetlands flow into the Hwaseong Lake (1,730ha) through the Namyang Stream, Jaan Stream and Eoeun Stream, which start from Hwaseong City. The rivers that flow into the Hwaseong Lake reach the sea through the seawall gate. Hwaseong wetlands consist of Maehyangri tidal flats and Hwaseong Lake wetlands. 화성갯벌은화성시에부터시작되는남양천, 자안천, 어은천이화성호 (1,730ha) 로흘러간다. 화성호로유입한하천들은방조제갑문을지나바다에도달한다. 화성갯벌은매향리갯벌과 화성호습지로구성되어있다. 17. Hydrological values ( 수문학적가치 ) : Describe the functions and values of the wetland in groundwater recharge, flood control, sediment trapping, shoreline stabilization, etc. 12

지하수보충, 홍수방지, 토양유실방지, 해안선안정화등습지의수문학적기능과가치를기술합니다. Hwaseong Reclamation Lake s intended end-use is asas an agricultural reservoir Hwaseong Reclamation Lake s is currently allowing some water exchange with the sea in order to maintain water quality. 화성간척호수는농업용저수지로쓰이고있다. 화성간척호수는수질유지를위해해수유통을 하고있다. 18. General ecological features ( 일반적인생태적특징 ): Provide further description, as appropriate, of the main habitats, vegetation types, plant and animal communities present in the Flyway Network site, and the ecosystem services of the site and the benefits derived from them. 철새이동경로네트워크서식지의주요서식지, 식생, 식물및동물군집에대한정보를적절히제공하고, 해당 서식지의생태학적기능과그혜택에대해기술합니다. Provisioning services are provided by the tidal flat and by the rice fields, supporting x fisher-folk / fishing communities and y farmers. The tidal flat (especially areas which are vegetated) are likely to prove important in their storage of carbon.japanese ghost crab and polychaete worm, the food sources of waterbirds are abundant. And Salt plant and reed colonies spread out to provide an optimized environment for the breeding and relaxation of waterbirds 갯벌과논은식량을제공하고, 어업및농사를지원한다. 갯벌 ( 특히식물이자라는지역 ) 은 탄소저장에중요한역할을한다. 조간대갯벌과기수습지에는물새의먹이원인칠게와갯지렁이 등저서생물이풍부하며, 염생식물및갈대군락이펼쳐져물새의번식및휴식지로서최적화된 환경을제공한다. 19. Noteworthy flora ( 주목할만한식물상 ): Provide additional information on particular species and why they are noteworthy indicating, e.g., which species/communities are unique, rare, endangered or biogeographically important, etc. Do not include here taxonomic lists of species present these may be supplied as supplementary information to the SIS. (Please add here the species which do not come under sec no 14) 특별한종에대한추가정보와함께왜그들이중요한지, 예를들어어떤종 / 군집이독특하거나희귀하거나 멸종위기에처했거나또는생물지리학적으로중요한지등을기술합니다. 그러나해당지역에출현하는종 목록을요구하는것이아니므로, 목록을이곳에포함시키지않도록합니다. 그런종목록은서식지정보양식 끝에부록으로첨부될수있습니다. (sec no 14 에해당하지않는종을추가합니다.) There are few areas with diverse tidal flat flora remaining in the ROK. Twenty species of halophytes and dune plants were recorded in the intertidal area and 17 halophyte and dune pant species were recorded in the Reclamation Lake of Hwaseong Wetlands during short survey between Oct 2017 and July 2018 (Lee, 2018). 13

한국에다양한갯벌식물이남아있는지역은거의없다. 화성갯벌의조간대 ( 바다와육지의경계선 ) 에는 20 종의염생식물과사구식물이기록되었으며, 2017 년 10 월부터 2018 년 7 월까지화성호내간척호수에는 17 종의염생식물과사구식물이기록되었다 (Lee, 2018). 20. Noteworthy fauna ( 주목할만한동물상 ): Provide additional information on particular species and why they are noteworthy (expanding as necessary on information provided in 10). Do not include here taxonomic lists of species present these may be supplied as supplementary information to the SIS. (Please add here the species which do not come under sec no 14) 특별한종에대한정보와왜그들이중요한지에대한이유등을기술합니다 (10 항에서기술한정보에대해 부가설명을할수있습니다.) 그러나해당지역에출현하는종목록을요구하는것이아니므로, 목록을이곳에 포함시키지않도록합니다. 그런종목록은서식지정보양식끝에부록으로첨부될수있습니다. (sec no 14 에해당하지않는종을추가합니다.) A total of 169 species of macrobenthos were recorded during short survey between Oct 2017 and Jul 2018 (Lee, 2018). Two threatened amphibian species (frogs) have been recorded at the site in the rice-field areas: Pelophylax chosenicus andkaloula borealis a (Dr Amael Borzee, Ehwa University, in lit. 2018) 2017 년 10 월부터 2018 년 7 월까지조사에서 169 종의대형저서동물이기록되었다. 논에서는멸종위기에처한양서류 3 종금개구리, 맹꽁이, 수원청개구리가기록되었다. 21. Social, economic and cultural values ( 사회적 / 문화적가치 ): a) Describe if the site has any general social, economic and/or cultural values e.g., fisheries production, forestry, religious importance, archaeological sites, social relations with the wetland, etc. Distinguish between historical/archaeological/religious significance and current socio-economic values: a) 해당서식지가어업생산, 임업, 종교적중요성, 고고학적인주요지점, 습지와의사회적관계등어떤 사회적 / 문화적가치가있다면이를기술합니다. 단, 역사적 / 고고학적 / 종교적중요성과현재의사회 - 경제적 가치를구분하시기바랍니다. Currently Hwaseong Wetlands arelocated in what used to be Namyang bay. Namyang Bay was used for spawning invertebrate animals and as a stopover for migratory birds. Among the Hwaseong Wetlands, the Maehyangri Tidal Flat was used as a US military shooting range from 1951 to 2005. Local residents suffered a lot from the use of US military shooting ranges. Currently, local residents want to earn their income through fishing activities and protect mudflats. 현재화성갯벌은예전남양만에위치한곳이다. 남양만은옛날부터해안저서무척추동물의서식 장소, 산란처및철새들의중간기착지로이용된다. 화성갯벌중매향리갯벌은 1951 년부터 2005 년까지미군사격장으로이용되었다. 지역주민들은미군사격장이용으로인해많은피해를 보았다. 현재는지역주민들이어업활동등을통해수입을얻고갯벌을보호하길원한다. 14

b) Is the site considered of international importance for holding, in addition to relevant ecological values, examples of significant cultural values, whether material or non-material, linked to its origin, conservation and/or ecological functioning? (Double-click the checkbox to check and choose Checked under Default Value from Check Box Form Field Options window) b) 해당서식지가그지역의생태적가치뿐만아니라, 해당서식지의기원, 보전, 생태적기능과유형적 / 무형적으로연계되어있는국제적으로중요한문화적가치를포함하는지역인지를평가합니다. 해당되는항목의체크박스에표시하고아래기준에서하나이상의중요성을기술합니다. ( 체크박스더블클릭후 기본값 항목밑에 선택한상태 를선택합니다.) If yes, tick the box and describe this importance under one or more of the following categories: 해당되는항목의체크박스에표시하고아래기준에서하나이상의중요성을기술합니다. ( 체크박스더블클릭 후 기본값 항목밑에 선택한상태 를선택합니다.) I. Sites which provide a model of wetland wise use, demonstrating the application of traditional knowledge and methods of management and use that maintain the ecological character of the wetland: ( 습지의생태적특징을유지하는전통적인지식과관리, 이용방법을적용함으로써습지의현명한이용의모델을제공하는서식지 ) II. Sites which have exceptional cultural traditions or records of former civilizations that have influenced the ecological character of the wetland: ( 습지의생태적특징에영향을끼쳐온독특한과거의문화전통이나문명기록이있는서식지 ) III. Sites where the ecological character of the wetland depends on the interaction with local communities or indigenous peoples: ( 지역사회와지역주민과의상호작용에의존하는습지의생태적특징을보여주는서식지 ) IV. Sites where relevant non-material values such as sacred sites are present and their existence is strongly linked with the maintenance of the ecological character of the wetland: ( 습지의생태적특징을유지하는데깊숙히관련된종교적인영지등의무형적가치가있는서식지 ) 22. Land tenure/ownership ( 토지소유 ): a) Within the Flyway Network site: a) 철새이동경로네트워크서식지내부 Public water surface ( 공유수면 ), Reclaimed land ( 간척지 ) b) In the surrounding area: b) 주변지역 Reclaimed land ( 간척지 ), Private land ( 사유지 ) 15

23. Current land (including water) use ( 현재의토지 / 수역이용 ): a) Within the Flyway Network site: a) 철새이동경로네트워크서식지내부 Fishing activities ( 어로행위 ) in Public water surface ( 공유수면 ) b) In the surroundings/catchment: b) 주변지역 / 유역 Agricultural areas ( 농업 ), On-going reclamation project ( 간척사업중 ), Industrial area ( 공업지역 ) 24. Factors (past, present or potential) adversely affecting the site s ecological character, including changes in land (including water) use and development projects( 토지및수역이용의 변화와개발계획등해당서식지의생태적특징에부정적인영향을주었거나주고있거나잠재적으로줄수 있는요소 ): a) Within the Flyway Network site: a) 철새이동경로네트워크서식지내부 On-going landfill/reclamation 간척공사 b) In the surrounding area: b) 주변지역 / 유역 The riversides of tributaries joining Hwaseong lake are continuously under development. 하천주변이지속적으로개발되고있는점 25. Conservation measures taken ( 적용된보전대책 ): a) List national and/or international category and legal status of protected areas, including boundary relationships with the Flyway Network site: In particular, if the site is partly or wholly a World Heritage Site and/or a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, please give the names of the site under these designations. a) 철새이동경로네트워크서식지와관련이있는국내 / 국제보호지역의법적수준과등급을열거합니다. 특히해당서식지의일부또는전체가세계유산또는유네스코생물관보호지역이라면, 이에등재된명칭을이용하기바랍니다. None b) If appropriate, list the IUCN (1994) protected areas category/ies which apply to the site (tick the box or boxes as appropriate, see Annex 3): b) 해당될경우, 서식지에적용된 IUCN (1994) 보호구역등급을표기하십시요. ( 해당상자에표기 ) Ia ; Ib ; II ; III ; IV ; V ; VI ; N/A 16

c) Does an officially approved management plan exist; and is it being implemented?: c) 현재공식적으로인정된관리계획이있습니까, 또한실행되고있습니까? NO If yes, is it being implemented?: If no, is one being planned? 만약없다면계획중입니까? Designation of a wetland protected area 습지보호지역지정추진예정 d) Describe any other current management practices: d) 기타현재적용중인관리행위가있는지를기술하기바랍니다. NO 26. Conservation measures proposed but not yet implemented( 관리대책이제안되었지만, 아직 적용되지않은대책 ): e.g. management plan in preparation; official proposal as a legally protected area, etc. 예 ) 준비중인관리계획, 법정보호구역으로공식신청된경우등 None 27. Current scientific research and facilities ( 진행중인학술연구와기관 ): e.g., details of current research projects, including biodiversity monitoring; existence of a field research station, etc. 예 ) 생물다양성모니터링과같이진행중인연구프로젝트, 야외연구센터여부등에대한상세정보 1999~2018 : A Study on the Migrant Bird in Namyang Lake and Namyang Bay (National Institu te of Biological Resources), 남양호, 남양만철새연구 ( 국립생물자원관 ) 2018.06.20.~ 2018.10.17. : Ecological environment monitoring around Hwaseong Lake - Korea Institute of Environmental Ecology ( 화성호주변생태환경모니터링 -( 주 ) 한국환경생태연구소 ) 2014.4.~2017.1. : Monitoring of Maehyang-ri tidal flat wetland - Hwaseong KFEM ( 매향리갯벌습지모니터링 - 화성환경운동연합 ) 2010~2018 : Maehyang-ri, Goryeom District tidal flat Citizens Ecological Monitoring - Hwaseong KFEM ( 매향리, 고렴지구시민생태조사 - 화성환경운동연합 ) 28. Current communications, education and public awareness (CEPA) activities related to or benefiting the site ( 서식지에도움이되는현재진행중인의사소통 / 교육 / 대중인식증진활동 ): e.g. visitors centre, observation hides and nature trails, information booklets, facilities for school visits, etc. 예 ) 방문자센터, 관찰오두막이나자연탐방로, 정보소책자, 학생방문을위한시설등환경교육 Environment education about Hwaseong Wetlands for students and citizens 시민생태조사 Citizen Monitoring for Hwaseong Wetlands 17

시민철새탐조 Citizen Birding Programme for Hwaseong Wetlands 화성호바이오블리츠 Bio-Blitz for Hwaseong Lake 화성호캠프 Camp at Hwaseong Lake 생태관광 ecotourism for citizen or visitor 시티투어 City tour 29. Current recreation and tourism ( 휴양및탐방현황 ): State if the wetland is used for recreation/tourism; indicate type(s) and their frequency/intensity. 해당습지가휴양 / 탐방목적으로활용될경우그빈도와강도등을기술합니다. Hwaseong wetland is close to the metropolitan area, so recreation and visitors will increase in the near future. 화성갯벌은수도권에서가까워휴양및탐방객이증가할것임. 30. Threats ( 위협요소 ) *: Which of the following threats is present historically when the threat stopped but the effects are still there (H), currently (C) or potentially (P)? 다음중해당되는위협요소를표시합니다. (H) 과거-위협요소는없지만그영향이남아있음, (C) 현재, (P) 잠정적 Historically Currently Potentially Residential and commercial development 과거 현재 잠정적 주거및상업단지개발 housing and urban areas 주택지또는도심지개발 commercial and industrial areas 상업또는산업지역개발 tourism and recreation areas 관광또는휴양지역개발 Agriculture and aquaculture 농경및수경 annual and perennial non-timber crops 한해또는다년생비목재작물재배 wood and pulp plantations 목재또는과일 / 채소농장 livestock farming and ranching 가축농장 marine and freshwater aquaculture 수산물또는민물양식 Energy production and mining 에너지생산및광산업 oil and gas drilling 기름또는가스시추 18

mining and quarrying 광산업또는채석업 renewable energy 신재생에너지 Transportation and service corridors 교통또는서비스요소 roads and railroads 찻길또는기찻길 utility and service lines 전력선또는전화전 shipping lanes 해양항로 flight paths 비행항로 Biological resource use 생물자원채집 hunting and collecting terrestrial animals 사냥또는육상동물수집 gathering terrestrial plants 육상식물수집 logging and wood harvesting Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites Hwaseong Wetlands [EAAF142] 벌목또는목재채취 fishing and harvesting aquatic resources 낚시또는수자원채취 Human intrusions and disturbance 인위적방해요소 recreational activities 휴양활동 war, civil unrest and military exercises 전쟁, 사회적소란또는군사훈련 work and other activities 일또는기타활동 Natural system modifications 자연환경변화 fire and fire suppression 화재또는화재진압 dams and water management/use 댐, 물관리 / 사용 other ecosystem modifications 기타생태환경변화 Invasive and other problematic species and genes 외래및기타위협종또는유전물질 invasive non-native/alien species 외래종 problematic native species 위협종 introduced genetic material 도입된유전물질 19

Pollution 오염 household sewage and urban waste water 생활하수, 도심폐수 industrial and military effluents 산업또는군용 ( 軍 ) 폐수 agricultural and forestry effluents 농업또는삼림폐수 garbage and solid waste 쓰레기또는고형폐기물 air-borne pollutants 공수오염물질 excess energy 과잉에너지 Geological events 지질학적현상 volcanoes 화산 earthquakes/tsunamis 지진 / 쓰나미 avalanches/landslides ( 눈 / 산 ) 사태 Climate change and severe weather 기후변화및악천후 habitat shifting and alteration 서식지변화또는변경 droughts 가뭄 temperature extremes 기온극단현상 storms and flooding 폭풍또는홍수 Information Sheet on EAA Flyway Network Sites Hwaseong Wetlands [EAAF142] Please write here any additional threats and comments/queries you have on the threats. 추가적위협요소나코멘트 / 의문사항은여기에기재하십시오. - When transferring to the Suwon Air Force Airfield, the habitat of migratory birds is reduced, etc.( 수원공군비행장이전할경우철새서식지감소등 ) - Reduction of wetlands when desalination of the Hwasong lake ( 화성호담수화할경우습지감소 ) 20

Annex 1: Criteria for the inclusion of sites in the Flyway Site Network (From the Partnership Text) To be considered for inclusion in the Flyway Site Network, this Partnership adopts the following criteria: a. Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) criteria for internationally important sites for migratory waterbirds. That is: Criterion 2: A wetland should be considered internationally important if it supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered species or threatened ecological communities. Criterion 5: A wetland should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports 20,000 or more waterbirds. Criterion 6: A wetland should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of waterbird. b. The staging criteria as applied under the Asia - Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy. That is: i. A staging site should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports 0.25% of individuals in a population of one species or subspecies of waterbirds on migration. ii. A staging site should be considered internationally important if it regularly supports 5,000 or more waterbirds at one time during migration. c. Under exceptional circumstances a site can be nominated if it supports migratory waterbirds at a level or stage of their life cycle important to the maintenance of flyway populations. Justification of such nominations will be considered by the Partnership on a case by case basis. 부록 1: 철새이동경로서식지네트워크등재기준 ( 파트너십원문발췌 ) 철새이동경로서식지네트워크등재기준 a. 이동성물새의서식지, 특히국제적으로중요한습지에대한국제협약 ( 람사르협약 ) 의기준기준 2: 습지가취약종 (UV), 멸종위기종 (EN), 심각한멸종위기종 (CR), 또는위협받고있는생태적군집의생존을지원하는경우 (IUCN 적색목록기준 ) 기준 5: 습지가통상적으로 2 만개체이상의물새를부양하는경우기준 6: 습지가통상적으로물새류의한종또는한아종의총개체군의 1% 이상을부양하는경우 b. 아시아 - 태평양이동성무래보전전략 (APMWCS) 하에서적용된중간기착지기준 l. 기착지역이이동성물새류한종또는한아종의총개체군의 0.25% 이상을정기적으로부양하는경우 ll. 기착지역이이동기간동안통상적으로한번에 5 천개체이상의물새를부양하는경우 21

c. 예외적인경우로, 어떤지역이이동성물새개체군의특정생활사단계에서그개체군을부양하여종과개체군의 유지에중요하다고판단되는경우, 해당지역을지명한후, 해당지역을등재한다. 이경우등재여부는각사례에따라 심사한다. Annex 2: Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type The codes are based upon the Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type as approved by Recommendation 4.7 and amended by Resolutions VI.5 and VII.11 of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. The categories listed herein are intended to provide only a very broad framework to aid rapid identification of the main wetland habitats represented at each site. To assist in identification of the correct Wetland Types to list in section 19 of the RIS, the Secretariat has provided below tabulations for Marine/Coastal Wetlands and Inland Wetlands of some of the characteristics of each Wetland Type. Marine/Coastal Wetlands A -- Permanent shallow marine waters in most cases less than six metres deep at low tide; includes sea bays and straits. B -- C -- D -- E -- Marine subtidal aquatic beds; includes kelp beds, sea-grass beds, tropical marine meadows. Coral reefs. Rocky marine shores; includes rocky offshore islands, sea cliffs. Sand, shingle or pebble shores; includes sand bars, spits and sandy islets; includes dune systems and humid dune slacks. F -- G -- H -- Estuarine waters; permanent water of estuaries and estuarine systems of deltas. Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats. Intertidal marshes; includes salt marshes, salt meadows, saltings, raised salt marshes; includes tidal brackish and freshwater marshes. I -- Intertidal forested wetlands; includes mangrove swamps, nipah swamps and tidal freshwater swamp forests. J -- Coastal brackish/saline lagoons; brackish to saline lagoons with at least one relatively narrow connection to the sea. K -- Zk(a) Coastal freshwater lagoons; includes freshwater delta lagoons. Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, marine/coastal Inland Wetlands 22

L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- Sp -- Ss -- Tp -- Permanent inland deltas. Permanent rivers/streams/creeks; includes waterfalls. Seasonal/intermittent/irregular rivers/streams/creeks. Permanent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha); includes large oxbow lakes. Seasonal/intermittent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha); includes floodplain lakes. Permanent saline/brackish/alkaline lakes. Seasonal/intermittent saline/brackish/alkaline lakes and flats. Permanent saline/brackish/alkaline marshes/pools. Seasonal/intermittent saline/brackish/alkaline marshes/pools. Permanent freshwater marshes/pools; ponds (below 8 ha), marshes and swamps on inorganic soils; with emergent vegetation water-logged for at least most of the growing season. Ts -- Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools on inorganic soils; includes sloughs, potholes, seasonally flooded meadows, sedge marshes. U -- Va -- Vt -- W -- Non-forested peatlands; includes shrub or open bogs, swamps, fens. Alpine wetlands; includes alpine meadows, temporary waters from snowmelt. Tundra wetlands; includes tundra pools, temporary waters from snowmelt. Shrub-dominated wetlands; shrub swamps, shrub-dominated freshwater marshes, shrub carr, alder thicket on inorganic soils. Xf -- Freshwater, tree-dominated wetlands; includes freshwater swamp forests, seasonally flooded forests, wooded swamps on inorganic soils. Xp -- Y -- Zg -- Zk(b) Forested peatlands; peatswamp forests. Freshwater springs; oases. Geothermal wetlands Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, inland Note: floodplain is a broad term used to refer to one or more wetland types, which may include examples from the R, Ss, Ts, W, Xf, Xp, or other wetland types. Some examples of floodplain wetlands are seasonally inundated grassland (including natural wet meadows), shrublands, woodlands and forests. Floodplain wetlands are not listed as a specific wetland type herein. Human-made wetlands 1 -- Aquaculture (e.g., fish/shrimp) ponds 2 -- Ponds; includes farm ponds, stock ponds, small tanks; (generally below 8 ha). 3 -- Irrigated land; includes irrigation channels and rice fields. 4 -- Seasonally flooded agricultural land (including intensively managed or grazed wet meadow or pasture). 5 -- Salt exploitation sites; salt pans, salines, etc. 6 -- Water storage areas; reservoirs/barrages/dams/impoundments (generally over 8 ha). 23

7 -- Excavations; gravel/brick/clay pits; borrow pits, mining pools. 8 -- Wastewater treatment areas; sewage farms, settling ponds, oxidation basins, etc. 9 -- Canals and drainage channels, ditches. Zk(c) -- Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, human-made 부록 2: 습지유형에관한람사르분류체계 코드는당사국총회권고안 4.7 에서승인되고, 결의안 VI.5 및 VII.11 에서개정된습지유형에관한람사르분류체계를기준으로정해졌다. 열거된항목들은각습지의대표적습지서식처를신속하게분류하기위해광범위한기본틀을제공하고있다. RIS 섹션 19 에올바른습지유형의분류를위해사무국에서각습지유형의특징에맞는해안 / 연안습지그리고내륙습지 목록을제공하였다. 해안 / 연안습지 A -- 영구저수심해안. 간조시대부분 6 미터이하의경우가해당됨 ( 해협및만포함 ) B 해안조하대 ; 갈조류장, 잘피밭, 열대해안습지포함 C 산호초 D 암석해안 ; 연안바위섬, 해안절벽포함 E 모래및자갈해안 ; 사주, 사취, 모래섬과사구및습한사구습지포함 F 하구수역 ; 영구적인하구수역및삼각주하구체계 G 뻘 / 모래 / 소금갯벌 H 조간대초본소택지 ; 염습지, 염초지, 염장, 솟아오른염습지와조간대기수및담수초본소택지포항 I 조간대삼림습지 ; 맹그로브소택지, 니파소택지및조간대담수소택지삼림포함 J 연안기수 / 염수석호 ; 바다와연결된비교적좁은수로가한개이상인기수및염수석호 K 연안담수석호 ; 담수삼각주석호포함 Zk(a) 카르스트및기타지하수계, 해안 / 연안 내륙습지 L 영구내륙삼각주 M 영구하천 ; 폭포포함 N 계절적 / 간헐적 / 불규칙하천 O 영구담수호 (8 ha 이상 ); 대형우각호포함 P 계절적 / 간헐적담수호 (8ha 이상 ); 범람원호소포함 Q 영구염수 / 기수 / 알카리성호소 R 계절적 / 간헐적염수 / 기수 / 알카리성호수및평지 Sp 영구염수 / 기수 / 알칼리성늪지대 / 웅덩이 Ss 계절적 / 간헐적염수 / 기수 / 알칼리성소택지 24

Tp 영구담수소택지 ; 연못 (8ha 이하 ), 성장기대부분이물에담기는정수식물군락을가진무기질토양초본습지및목본습지 Ts 무기질토양계절적 / 간헐적담수소택지 ; 진흙구덩이, 포트홀, 계절에따라범람하는초지, 사초소택지포함 * 포트홀 : 하천또는파도의침식으로생긴하상또는파식대의암반에생긴구멍 U 비삼림이탄습지 ; 관목또는개수고층습원, 목본소택지, 저층습원포함 Va 고산습지 ; 고산초지, 일시적고산융빙수습지포함 Vt 툰드라습지 ; 툰드라웅덩이, 일시적툰드라융빙수습지포함 W 관목습지 ; 관목소택지, 관목우점담수소택지, 관목카르, 무기질토양오리나무덤불 * 카르 : 불유럽의습지. 나무가무성하게자란저층습원 Xf 담수교목우점습지 ; 담수소택지삼림, 계절적범람삼림, 무기질토양목본소택지포함 Xp 삼림이탄습지 ; 이탄소택지삼림 Y 담수샘 ; 오아시스 Zg 지열습지 Zk(b) 카르스트및기타지하수계 주의 : 범람원은하나이상의습지유형을지칭하기위해사용되는광범위한용어이다. R, Ss, Ts, W, Xf, Xp 또는다른습지 유형을포함한다. 범람원습지 ( 자연습초지를포함 ) 는계절에따라범람하는초지, 관목지, 삼림을포함한다. 범람원 습지는특별한습지유형으로열거되어있지않다. 인공습지 1 양어장 ( 어류 / 새우 ) 2 연못 ; 방죽, 가축연못, 작은못포함 일반적으로 8ha 이하 3 관개지대 ; 관개수로및논포함 4 계절적침수농지 집약적으로관리되거나방목되는습초지또는목초지 5 소금산출지 ; 염전, 염천등 6 물저장소 ; 저수지 / 보 / 댐 / 관개용저수지 일반적으로 8ha 이상 7 갱 ; 자갈 / 벽돌 / 점토채취장과토사채취장, 채광지역 8 하수처리지역 ; 하수처리장, 침전지, 산화지등 9 운하및배수로, 도랑 Zk(c) 카르스트및기타지하수계, 인공 25

Annex 3: IUCN Protected Areas Categories System IUCN protected area management categories classify protected areas according to their management objectives. The categories are recognized by international bodies such as the United Nations and by many national governments as the global standard for defining and recording protected areas and as such are increasingly being incorporated into government legislation. Ia Strict Nature Reserve Category Ia are strictly protected areas set aside to protect biodiversity and also possibly geological/geomorphical features, where human visitation, use and impacts are strictly controlled and limited to ensure protection of the conservation values. Ib Wilderness Area Category Ib protected areas are usually large unmodified or slightly modified areas, retaining their natural character and influence without permanent or significant human habitation, which are protected and managed so as to preserve their natural condition. II National Park Category II protected areas are large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area, which also provide a foundation for environmentally and culturally compatible, spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational, and visitor opportunities. III Natural Monument or Feature Category III protected areas are set aside to protect a specific natural monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and often have high visitor value. IV Habitat/Species Management Area Category IV protected areas aim to protect particular species or habitats and management reflects this priority. Many Category IV protected areas will need regular, active interventions to address the requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but this is not a requirement of the category. V Protected Landscape/ Seascape A protected area where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct charcter with significant, ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value: and where safeguarding the integrity of this interaction is vital to protecting and sustaining the area and its associated nature conservation and other values. VI Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources 26

Category VI protected areas conserve ecosystems and habitats together with associated cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems. 부록 3: IUCN 보호지역카테고리시스템 IUCN 보호지역관리카테고리는관리목적에따라보호지역을구분한다. 카테고리는보호지역을정의하고등재하는 국제기준으로서 UN 및국가정부를포함하는국제단체에의해승인되며, 정부입법에점차적으로반영되어지고있다. la 엄정자연보전지 카테고리 la 는생물다양성과가능한지리 / 지형적특징을보호하기위해특별하게지정된엄정보호구역으로, 보전가치의 보호를확보하기위해서인간의방문과이용, 영향이엄정하게통제되고제한되는지역이다. lb 원시야생지역 카테고리 lb 보호지역은보통변형되지않거나약간의변형만있는넓은지역으로, 영구적이거나중대한인간의거주없이 자연특성과영향력을유지하고, 그런자연상태를보전하기위해서보호되고관리된다. II 국립공원카테고리 II 보호지역은지역의생물종과생태계특징의완성과함께큰대규모의생태적형성과정을보호하기위해따로남겨둔자연상태또는자연과가까운상태의큰지역으로, 환경적으로, 문화적으로양립할수있는영적, 과학적, 교육적, 휴양적, 탐방기회의토대를제공한다. III 자연기념물이나특징카테고리 III 보호지역은독특한자연기념물을보호하기위해따로남겨두는곳이다. 자연기념물은지형이나해산, 해저동굴, 동굴같은지리적특징이나고대의숲같은생활적특징일수있다. 이보호지역은일반적으로매우작고, 탐방객은매우많다. IV 종및서식지관리지역카테고리 IV 보호지역은특정한종이나서식지를보호하는것을목적으로하고, 관리는이우선사항을반영한다. 많은카테고리 IV 보호지역이특정한종이나서식처의필요조건은다루거나서식처를유지하기위해서정기적이고적극적인간섭을요하지만, 이것이이카테고리의필요조건은아니다. V 육상 ( 해상 ) 경관보호지역시간이흐르면서사람과자연의상호작용이중요한생태적, 생물적, 문화적, 경관적가치가있는차별적인특징지역을만들어내고, 이상호작용의온전함을보호하는것이그지역과연관된자연보전과다른가치를보호하고유지하는데절대필요한보호지역이다. VI 자연자원의지속가능한이용을위한보호지역 카테고리 VI 보호지역은연관된문화적가치와전통적자연자원관리시스템과함께생태계와서식지를보호한다. 27