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216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할

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Commander of Korea-United States Combined Forces Command General Sharp and Mrs. Sharp, Deputy Commander of ROK-US CFC General Jeong, Seung Jo and Mrs. Jeong, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Shin Kak Soo and Mrs. Shin, Deputy Mission Chief, American Embassy in Korea Mr. Tokola and Mrs. Tokola, all the awardees of Korea-America Friendship Award, USFK exemplary service members, supporters of patriotism, members of Korea-America Friendship Society, distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much coming to tonight's event. We have organized this Korea-America Friendship event tonight to strengthen ROK-US alliance and to encourage and appreciate the services rendered by USFK exemplary service members who are giving their finest efforts to ensure safety and democracy on the Korean peninsula far from their homes. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a big round of applause for these outstanding USFK service members. Our participants tonight are sitting together at each table just as we are serving within Korea side by side. Please take advantage of this opportunity through fine conversation and enhance our mutual friendship. Distinguished guests and U.S. warriors, a few short days ago marked the 60th anniversary of the Korean War - an event that bestows further significance upon this evening's ceremony. As a

LASTING FRIENDS Korean War veteran myself, 60 years ago I witnessed USFK service members fought bravely to defend freedom and democracy against the invasion of north Korean Communist Army, and I confidently say that today's Republic of Korea stands as it is because of their invaluable sacrifice and suffering. The freedom, democracy and prosperity that our citizens currently enjoy is in no small way the result of their sacrifice and I deeply thank for their bravery and contribution. As everlasting friends, the people of the Republic of Korea will never forget them nor those who have come before them. The Republic of Korea survived through the devastating War and became the first country in the world to successfully develop from a destitute nation to one that provides aid to others. The fact that I can mention this historical success to you makes me very proud. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the ROK- US friendship has been remarkably enhanced by numerous successful summit conferences between President Lee Myung Bak and President Obama. In particular the friendship and active support posture which the United States has shown during the Cheonan incident last March provided a great impression to the people of the Republic of Korea. This support and cooperation has shown the alliance to be as strong and solid as ever. And I am very glad that President Lee Myung Bak and President Obama agreed last Saturday to postpone the US Transfer of Wartime Operational Control to the Republic of Korea until December 2015. It is critical that we continue to ensure unity of effort to further enhance and broaden our alliance to the next level. Again, to all USFK service members, as well as all participants, please accept my sincerest gratitude for your participation tonight. This event is in honor of you - I wish all to have a wonderful time this evening. Thank you very much.

REMARKS FOR KAFS JUNE FESTIVAL 2010 AND FRIENDSHIP NIGHT (Seoul, Grand Hyatt Hotel - 29 June, 2010) General and Mrs. Han; Dr. and Mrs. Park; Vice Minister Shin; Chairman Sohn; Distinguished members of the Korea- America Friendship Society; Fellow General and Flag Officers; USFK Service Members & Honored Guests; Thank you for inviting me and all the U.S. Forces Korea Servicemembers, Civilians, and Families to be a part of this night where we strengthen the alliance through recognition and celebration. For 19 years the Korean-American Friendship Society has brought citizens of both our nations together to encourage friendship and understanding. The many Korea-America Friendship Society friendship building events each year are important for strengthening the ROK-U.S. Alliance. KAFS hosts concerts, seminars on Korean- American relations, social events like the KAFS Christmas Party, and brings in guest speakers to discuss how we can improve GENERAL ROK-U.S. relations. I cannot COMMANDER WALTER L. SHARP UNC / CFC / USFK stress enough the importance of these events as they help make the ROK-U.S. alliance the strongest in the world. As a tribute to the great KAFS programs and their leadership under both General Han and Dr. Park before him, KAFS was selected as the USFK organizational Good Neighbor Award winner in 2006, one of just a few organizations to win that award.

LASTING FRIENDS This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War. During these past 60 years, the ROK-U.S. Alliance has thrived and been a cornerstone of peace in Northeast Asia. And in light of the sinking of the Cheonan, it is more important than ever to strengthen the bonds of our two nations. We call on north Korea to cease all acts of provocation and to live up to the terms of the past agreements, including the armistice. The alliance remains ready to deter and defeat north Korean aggression whenever and wherever it presents itself. During these trying times, the mutual understanding and cooperation between the ROK and U.S. is ever present. This is clearly demonstrated by the recent decision to delay OPCON transition to 2015. Delaying OPCON transition allows our two nations to better synchronize ROK - U.S. transformation initiatives, resulting in a stronger more ready and capable alliance. The United States and the Republic of Korea have and will continue to work together to ensure understanding, develop strong bonds, and deter and defeat aggression on the Korean Peninsula. Tonight we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing some outstanding community members who have embodied both the values of the Korean-American Friendship Society and our two nations. I want to say thank you to the 5 outstanding Service-members, DoD Civilians, and all of those you lead and represent who are being recognized here tonight. These 5 awardees and their organizations have worked hard to improve the lives of their Korean neighbors. From LT Propes and Master-at-Arms Second Class Martinez working hard for Korean children, to SSgt Serrano s efforts to feed the homeless, to SSgt Flowers and Mr. Damour s language and culture programs, these awardees represent the best of USFK and are outstanding community members. To the awardees; you are all good neighbors and I am honored to be here with you, and it is your efforts toward cooperation and friendship that help make the Republic of Korea-U.S. Alliance the strongest in the world. Together we have accomplished much, and together we will ensure that friendship and peace will carry on into the future. I would again like to thank the Korea- America Friendship Society for inviting us

here tonight. Your friendship and kindness increases every year, and your efforts are essential to maintaining the strongest alliance in the world. Katchi Kapshida!


REMARKS FOR KAFS JUNE FESTIVAL 2010 AND FRIENDSHIP NIGHT President Han Chul-Soo, Chairman Sohn, Kyung-Shik, General Sharp, Men and women of USFK and family members, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Let me start by expressing my deep appreciation to President Han Chul-Soo and the Korea America Friendship Society for this wonderful gathering, and for their tireless work in helping to enhance the Korea-US relations over the past two decades. Tonight, we honor five brave men and women of USFK, whose distinguished service in further strengthening the alliance deserves our special recognition and praise. We also appreciate the dedication of countless other members of USFK under General Sharp's outstanding leadership. What makes this year's June Festival all the more meaningful is that we are commemorating the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. All of us remember how freedom and democracy were severely put to the test in the crucible of the War. Not only did Korea and the US successfully meet that Shin, Kak-soo Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade test together with other UN members, they also built a robust alliance that has successfully undergirded peace and prosperity in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia over the last six decades. We will always remain grateful for the selfless sacrifice of those who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met. Ladies and gentlemen, North Korean attack

LASTING FRIENDS against the corvette Cheonan offers yet another testimony to our rock-solid partnership. From the salvage operation to the investigation, and at the UN Security Council, our two countries have demonstrated seamless unity. We are deeply grateful for America's unwavering show of support. Together, we will act with resolve against any provocation from Pyongyang. This message was underlined by President Lee and President Obama last weekend in Toronto, where they held their fourth summit meeting in just over a year. Indeed, our alliance stands stronger than ever. Never before have we seen so much confidence between Seoul and Washington about the state of our alliance and its future. It is such confidence and partnership that has enabled our two presidents to agree to reschedule the transition of wartime OPCON in Toronto. Our two leaders also appraised the successful achievements of the alliance, and pledged to work more closely together to continue strengthening our robust combined defense posture. They also reaffirmed their commitment to the Joint Vision statement of June 2009 that will advance our 21st century strategic alliance of bilateral, regional, and global ramifications. Ladies and gentlemen, Sixty years ago, no one could have imagined that Korea and the US would come to enjoy the remarkable partnership that they are doing today. To look back on those six decades of achievements and look forward to many decades more, we will hold the first ever ROK-US foreign and defense ministers' meeting in Seoul next month. Yet, the alliance's success is not due solely to the work of governments in Seoul and Washington. It would not have been possible without the personal dedication of the men and women serving on the frontlines of freedom. Nor would it have come to pass in the absence of unsparing support by friends of the alliance such as the Korea America Friendship Society. In closing, as we mark the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, I wish to thank again all members of USFK and the Society for their great work. I am confident that with your valuable support, the Korea-US alliance will continue to thrive. Thank you.

REMARKS FOR KAFS JUNE FESTIVAL 2010 AND FRIENDSHIP NIGHT Korea America Friendship Society Chairman Sohn Kyung-shik, President Han Chul-soo, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ambassador Shin Kak-soo, Korean Veterans Association Vice Chairman Kim Hong-Yeol, General Sharp, Distinguished KAFS members, Honored members of the United States armed services and guests, I am delighted to join you at this 19th annual Korea America Friendship Night. America is fortunate to have the support of organizations such as the Korea America Friendship Society. This is my first Friendship Night, and it is wonderful to watch the KAFS present awards to our outstanding armed service members. Congratulations to the award winners! We are proud of you. Today, the U.S.-Republic of Korea alliance is stronger than ever. Events, such as this evening s, build people-to-people relationships. The thousands of personal ties between Americans and Koreans are the heart of our alliance. This year, we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Deputy Chief of Mission, Mark A. Tokola beginning of U.S. Embassy the Korean War. The events Dr. Tokola and I have had the privilege to attend over the past few months to honor the Korean, American, and allied veterans of the Korean War have been moving and inspiring. American and allied veterans - advanced in age but able to travel to Korea - have received thanks from the Korean government and people, who want to show them that their sacrifice is remembered and honored. The Korean people are also proud to show the veterans the great economic and democratic

LASTING FRIENDS successes they have achieved during the decades since the War. Today, the United States and the Republic of Korea have agreed on a Joint Vision for their global partnership in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and other parts of the world. However, defense and unfinished business on the Korean Peninsula remain at the core of our alliance. The continuing threat from North Korea was recently demonstrated when, on March 26, a North Korean submarine sank the Korean Naval Ship Cheonan in a torpedo attack. Obama in the past few days has repeated his full support for the Republic of Korea in the aftermath of the Cheonan incident. We are consulting closely with the Korean government, as well as with Japan, China, Russia and other U.N. Security Council member states to reach an agreement on next steps. There is much more I could say about the strength of the Korean-American alliance but I see on the program that General Sharp is the next speaker. One thing I have learned during my career is not to take time that belongs to a four-star general. The Joint Investigation Group, supported by experts from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Kingdom of Sweden, unanimously concluded that the evidence points overwhelmingly to North Korean responsibility for the attack. President So, let me once again thank KAFS for sponsoring this splendid evening and thank all of you for all that you do. Tahshi Hanbuhn, chinshimuroh kamsaha tirimnida.


Winners Korea America Friendship Society Award 2010 FIRST LIEUTENANT TRAVIS PROPES _ U.S. Army Since his arrival in October 2009, First Lieutenant Propes initiated several community outreach programs at 595th Maintenance Company, which aim at improving good neighbor relations. LT Propes took on the USFK Good Neighbor Program duties as his own volition in order to augment the programs. In short eight months period, 1LT Propes organized two successful fund raising events to raise money to purchase toys for children at Seoul Children s Welfare Center. As the relationship continued with Seoul Children s Welfare Center, it was noticed that many bicycles in the center were in disrepair. LT Propes organized a bicycle repair program in which the soldiers volunteered time and, in some cases, personal assets to the repair numerous bicycles for children. During the holiday season, LT Propes organized a food drive which collected four hundred pounds of perishables. The food was donated to Feed the Hungry International Organization which distributed the food to needy Koreans in the greater Seoul area. LT Propes most recent efforts in strengthening of ROK/USFK relations was a clothing drive for Seoul s homeless. The final outcome collected nearly three hundred pounds of used and new clothing. MA2 ROSA MARTINEZ _ U.S. Navy Master-at-Arms Second Class, Rosa Martines, assigned to Commander naval Forces Korea has demonstrated her commitment to the ROK/US alliance and local Korean community through her partnership with the Chinhae girl s high school. Petty Officer Martines has fostered an atmosphere of goodwill through participating and sponsoring several events with the school to include volunteering as a member of the school s field day in which she interacted with the students during different activities and sporting events. Through her extraordinary volunteerism with the school, she is a member of the English Club and English Review Board, evaluating the syllabi and activities relating to the English curriculum. She rugularly teached English to over 144 students, interacting with the students on a social level, promoting mutual friendship with the local community. Petty Officer Martinez established the top English award and treating the six student winners and two teachers to dinner onborad CFAC. Furthermore, she conitues to support the school and will be escorting a number of students to participate in CFACs Independence Day celebration. STAFF SERGEANT MICHAEL-REY SERRANO _ U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Serrano is an active member of Peace Love Unity and Respect (PLUR); the mission of PLUR is to bring the peace, love, unity and respect through the act of volunteerism. Every week, members of PLUR participate in Feed Your Seoul and Help Your Seoul, whose primary mission is to feed the homeless and hungry in Seoul metro area. Staff Sergeant Serrano has also been heavily engaged in an English education program designed to forge lasting community bonds with Pyeongtaek city officials. He has recruited several other American Servicemembers to take on the challenge and enjoy the heartfelt Korean/American fellowship that has evolved through this worthy cause. Staff Sergeant Serrano has also dedicated his time and energy to a joint coalition program called Seoul Global Center. As a member of Seoul Global Center, Staff Sergeant Serrano provides Koreans and foreigners with opportunities to meet and exchange ideas and understanding of each other s culture. Staff Sergeant Serrano facilitated the making kimchi with 50,000 heads of cabbage and distribution to over 7,000 need households last winter. Staff Sergeant Serrano has truly immersed himself in the Korean culture, fully bridging the gap between the local communities and United States Forces Korea personnel. He has brought us all one step closer together through his heartfelt community outreach programs. STAFF SERGEANT BRIAN J. FLOWERS _ U.S. Marines Staff Sergeant Flowers volunteered his time to participate in the Command s Good Neighbor Program and involved in many programs and activities in the local Pohang area over the past year. His efforts have positively impacted the local civilian and military residents, both children and adults, assisting them to learn the English language. During this time, Staff Sergeant Flowers has significantly contributed to fostering a strong bond with the Community and Military leadership as well as the administrators, teachers, students and parents at the various locations which he has served. During his tour, Staff Sergeant Flowers initiated a conversational English class to assist his ROK Marine Corps Communication Battalion counterparts with their language program. Concurrently, he assisted Saint Paul s Kindergarten with their English program and took a group of Marines to clear the snow form the school s driveway and parking lot. Staff Sergeant Flowers took the lead and greatly expanded the Command s Toys-4Tots program quadrupling the number of children that we were able to provide toys to local Orphanages and St Mary s hospital. Staff Sergeant Flowers good natured attitude and genuine care for local residents represents the depth of his character and are in keeping with the finest traditions of the United States Marine Corps. He has greatly improved the relationship between the Marines of Camp Mujuk and their Korean hosts in the Pohang area. MR. CHRISTOPHER DAMOUR _ IMCOM Korea Mr. Damour has been in Korea for 22 months. During that time, he and his family have strived to promote a strong bond between citizens of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America. He has invited ROK Soldiers to his home for dinner, volunteered time to teach English, gave a presentation about traditional US holidays to a school group and escorts local community members onto USAG-Y during the celebration of US Holidays. Mr. Damour is tireless in his efforts to portray the many advantages of working in the ROK, enthusiastically describing the outstanding Public Transit system, the rich history of Korea and the many parks and cultural sites in an around Seoul. Mr. Damour's sincere respect for Korean culture and genuine love for the Korean people is evident in all his actions.