Ⅱ. 노동조합에대한태도

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Korean Workers Attitude towards Union by Employment Type and Union Membership after Global Financial Crisis in 2008. Young-Myon Lee, Dongguk University-Seoul In-Gang Na, Incheon National University Park, Jae-Hee, Dongguk University Attitudes towards union have been researched for a long time. However, it is still very important topic to us because it helps to predict the future of union density rate or industrial relations in general. The global financial crisis in 2008 impacted the working condition of Korean workers but the union density did not change significantly although the employment types diversified further. Employment type diversification typically reduce the solidarity of workers while the impact of global crisis may increase the solidarity of workers to protect their common working conditions. This paper aims to analyze the net result of these two contradicting forces to the attitudes toward union. After the global financial crisis in 2008, the attitudes toward union of general citizen including both wage earning and non-wage earning workers, became more favorable to union in Korea. The absolute level of the attitude were higher for permanent workers than temporary workers and higher for union members than nonmembers. However, the employment type does not make difference to the attitude although the union membership increase the attitude. This means outside impact, from global financial crisis, to employment insecurity more severely affected the attitude toward union than employment type.