가. 시험의성격 영어영역의시험은고등학교영어과교육과정성취기준의달성정도와대학에서수학하는데 필요한영어사용능력을평가한다. 나. 평가목표 영어영역의평가목표는간접말하기를포함한듣기이해능력과간접쓰기를포함한읽기이해 능력을기본으로하며, 구체적인하위평가요소는다음과같다. 중심내용파악 중심내용파악능력이란대화 담화를듣거나글을읽고전체적인내용을이해 추론할수있는능력으로서, 대화 담화또는글의주제, 요지, 제목등을이해하고추론할수있는능력을의미한다. 세부내용파악 세부내용파악능력이란대화 담화나글에제시된특정정보를사실적이고정확하게이해하는능력으로서, 대화 담화나글의내용일치 / 불일치, 그림 도표등의시각자료와의일치 / 불일치, 화자의할 / 한일, 부탁할 / 한일, 숫자정보나기타세부내용을파악할수있는능력을의미한다. 논리적관계파악 논리적관계파악능력이란대화 담화를듣거나글을읽고내용의논리적인관계 ( 예를들어, 원인과결과관계 ) 를파악하는능력으로서, 대화 담화의 5W1H( 누가, 언제, 어디서, 무엇을, 왜, 어떻게 ), 대화자의관계, 장소등을파악하는능력, 글에서빠진정보 ( 단어, 구, 절, 문장, 연결어 ) 를글의내용에의거하여추론할수있는능력을의미한다. 맥락파악 맥락파악능력이란대화 담화를듣거나글을읽고말하는이나글쓴이의의도나목적등을파악하는능력으로서말하는이나글쓴이의목적, 의견, 주장그리고글의분위기나등장인물의심경등을파악할수있는능력을의미한다. 간접말하기 간접말하기능력이란가상의의사소통상황에대한대화나담화를듣고전체적인맥락과의사소통상황을고려하여가장적절한응답을표현할수있는능력을의미한다. 간접쓰기 간접쓰기능력이란글의전체적인맥락과문장간의논리적흐름을파악하여가상의글쓰기에적용할수있는능력으로서, 읽기자료를통해흐름에무관한문장이나주어진문장의적합한위치파악, 글의순서파악, 그리고문단을요약할수있는능력을의미한다. 문법 어휘 문법 어휘능력이란글의전체적인의미나문장간의의미적관련성을통하여어법의적합성이나어휘의적합성을파악하는능력으로서, 문맥에따른어법, 어휘의정확성파악및지칭추론등을할수있는능력을의미한다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 65
다. 학습방법 수능에서좋은결과를얻기위해서는현재공부하고있는교과서는물론교육과정을기반으로제작된 교과서의다양한대화 담화와읽기자료를 문항유형 과연계하여학습하는것이매우중요하다. 1) 중심내용파악유형중심내용파악능력은대화 담화를듣거나글을읽고전체적인내용을이해하고추론하는능력이다. 중심내용파악유형에는대화 담화나글의주제, 요지, 제목등을추론하는문항등이있다. 일상생활관련소재는물론인문, 사회, 예술, 과학과같은다양한분야의대화 담화를듣거나글을읽으며전체적인맥락을이해하여핵심내용을유추하고, 대화 담화나글에대한사실적이해를바탕으로직접적으로제시되지않은사항을추론하여파악해보는연습이필요하다. 담화의주제찾기 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? M: Hello, class. Last time we learned about insects, their life cycles and what they eat. As you know, many insects get food from flowers, but they aren t the only creatures that do. Today, we ll learn about a variety of animals that use flowers as a food source. First are hummingbirds. These birds use their long narrow beaks to get the flower s sweet liquid called nectar. Mysteriously, they only feed from upside down flowers. We still don t know why. Next are bats. Although most bats eat insects, some get their food from flowers. These bats have a strong sense of smell and sight compared to insect-eating bats. There are also lizards that drink nectar. These lizards are found on tropical islands that have few natural enemies. Finally, there is a type of squirrel that feeds from flowers. Most nectar-drinking animals help flowers grow in numbers, but these squirrels often harm the plant. When drinking nectar, they bite through the flower, which causes damage. Interesting, huh? What other animals use flowers in their diet? Take a minute to think, and then we ll talk about it. 1 several ways flowers attract animals 2 popular professions related to animals 3 various animals that feed from flowers 4 major factors that pose a threat to animals 5 endangered animals living on tropical islands (2017 학년도수능영어 16 번 ) 66 한국교육과정평가원
담화를듣고담화의주제를파악해야하는문항이다. 담화의주제를파악하려면담화전체에일관되게나타나는담화의중심내용을파악하는것이중요하다. 듣기에서중심내용을파악하는능력을기르기위해서는평소교과서의대화나담화와같은듣기자료를들으며전체적인흐름과핵심내용을유추하고, 말하는사람이전달하고자하는메시지가무엇인지파악하는연습이필요하다. 글의요지찾기 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? One of the most demanding, and at the same time inspiring, aspects of translating for children is the potential for such creativity that arises from what Peter Hollindale has called the childness of children s texts: the quality of being a child dynamic, imaginative, experimental, interactive and unstable. The unstable qualities of childhood that Hollindale cites require a writer or translator to have an understanding of the freshness of language to the child s eye and ear, the child s affective concerns and the linguistic and dramatic play of early childhood. Translating sound, for example, whether in the read-aloud qualities of books for the younger child, in animal noises, children s poetry or in nonsense rhymes, demands imaginative solutions as indeed does working with visual material. Such multi-faceted creativity has, at times, placed children s literature at the forefront of imaginative experimentation. * multi-faceted: 다면의 1 아동문학번역에서는아동의특성에기반을둔창의성이요구된다. 2 아동문학속다양한의성어는아동의창의성발달에도움이된다. 3 아동문학번역가는아동의태도를긍정적으로변화시키는데기여한다. 4 아동문학가는아동의성장과정을구체적으로표현할수있어야한다. 5 아동문학은아동언어발달에도움이되는다양한요소들을담고있다. (2017 학년도수능 9 월모의평가영어 21 번 ) 이문항은 아동문학 이라는다소생소한내용의글의요지를파악해야하는문항이다. 평소인문, 사회, 과학, 예술등다양한분야를다룬읽기자료를읽으면서전체적인맥락을파악해보는연습이 필요하다. 즉단어하나하나의뜻을해독하여의미를이해하기보다는글의전체를훑어읽어가며 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 67
필자가글을통해전달하고자하는핵심적인내용을유추하는방식의학습이효과적이다. 다양한 소재와종류의영어지문을읽으면서글이일반적으로어떻게구성되며, 논지가어떻게전개되는지 정리해보는것도글의요지파악에도움이된다. 2) 세부내용파악유형세부내용파악능력은말이나글에제시된특정정보를사실적으로이해하는능력이다. 듣기의세부내용파악유형에는말하는이의할 / 한일, 부탁할 / 한일, 숫자정보, 도표나그림등의시각자료를활용한대화내용의일치 / 불일치, 대화 담화내용의일치 / 불일치, 언급유무를묻는문항등이있다. 읽기의세부내용파악유형에는내용일치 / 불일치와실용자료내용일치 / 불일치및도표내용일치 / 불일치를묻는문항등이있다. 세부내용파악은일상생활과관련된소재를비롯하여인문, 사회, 예술, 과학과같은다양한분야의대화 담화나글의내용을구체적인사항에초점을맞추어이해하고, 직접적으로제시된정보를정확하게파악하는연습을필요로한다. 대화를듣고, 말하는이가할일찾기 대화를듣고, 여자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Honey, look at this picture of Tony from his first birthday party. M: Can you believe how fast our son is growing up? W: Yeah, the time is just flying by. It s hard to believe that his first school performance is this afternoon. M: I know. Have you prepared everything that we need to record his play? W: Well, I ve packed the video camera in that bag over there. M: Great. How about an extra memory card? W: Oh, right. We ll probably need another one to record the whole play. M: Better safe than sorry. W: That s right. I ll go find one. Did you pick up Tony s costume yet? M: I ll go pick it up from the dry cleaner while you look for the memory card. W: Okay, sounds good. 1 공연연습도와주기 3 카메라가방구매하기 5 아이의무대의상가져오기 2 생일케이크만들기 4 여분의메모리카드찾기 (2017 학년도수능영어 7 번 ) 68 한국교육과정평가원
대화를듣고, 구체적인정보 ( 여자가할일 ) 를파악해야하는문항이다. 듣기자료의핵심적인내용과전개방식에비추어제시된정보를신속하게파악하며, 요구되는정보가무엇인지찾아본다. 이때, 대화나담화에제시되는표현에주의를기울이면서 한일, 할일, 부탁한일, 부탁할일 등의구체적인정보가무엇인지파악한다. 평소사실적정보를담고있는듣기자료를많이듣고, 들은내용을메모해보는연습도도움이된다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 69
실용자료내용일치 Fashion Career Discovery Day 에관한다음안내문의내용과일치하는것은? 1 전문디자이너들과의인터뷰는포함되어있지않다. 2 11월 5일부터이틀간진행된다. 3 티켓가격에점심과기념품이포함된다. 4 10명부터단체할인이적용된다. 5 예약하지않아도참가할수있다. (2017 학년도수능 9 월모의평가영어 27 번 ) 안내문이나광고문과같이일상생활에서쉽게접할수있는글을읽고, 글에제시된정보와답지의일치여부를파악해야하는문항이다. 따라서글에제시된세부사항을정확하게파악하는연습이필요하다. 추론에의해내용을유추하는것이아니라, 글에명시적으로제시된정보에대한사실적이해에근거하여답지와의일치여부를판단해야한다는점에유의한다. 70 한국교육과정평가원
3) 논리적관계파악유형논리적관계파악능력은말이나글내용의논리적인관계 ( 예를들어, 원인과결과관계 ) 를파악하는능력이다. 듣기의논리적관계파악유형에는 5W1H( 누가, 언제, 어디서, 무엇을, 왜, 어떻게 ) 를묻거나, 대화자의관계, 장소등을묻는문항등이있다. 읽기의논리적관계파악유형에는글에서빈칸 ( 단어, 구, 절, 문장, 연결어 ) 을추론하는문항이있다. 논리적관계를파악하기위해서는다양한소재의대화 담화를듣거나글을읽으면서중심내용과전체적인맥락, 글의흐름을이해하고내용의논리적관계를유추해보는연습이필요하다. 대화를듣고이유파악하기 (5W1H) 대화를듣고, 여자가하이킹을할수없는이유를고르시오. [Cell phone rings.] M: Hello. W: Hi, Steve. Sorry I couldn t answer the phone earlier. M: No problem, Kelly. Thanks for calling me back so quickly. I hope I didn t interrupt anything. W: Oh, no. I was just in a meeting about our new advertising plan. So, what were you calling about, Steve? M: I was calling to see if you wanted to go hiking this Sunday with Chris, Julie, and me. Can you come? W: I d love to, but I can t. I have to visit my grandmother. M: Your grandmother? I thought that you saw her last weekend. W: I was going to, but my car broke down. So, I m going to go see her this Sunday. M: I see. Hopefully, you can come next time. W: Thanks for the invitation, anyway. Have fun. 1 휴대전화를수리해야해서 2 할머니를찾아뵈어야해서 3 회사회의에참석해야해서 5 친구들과영화를보러가야해서 4 신상품광고를준비해야해서 (2017 학년도수능영어 8 번 ) 대화를듣고전체적인맥락을통해이유를파악해야하는문항이다. 이유와같은논리적관계를 파악하기위해서는대화에서제시되는특정사건에대한원인과결과를파악해야한다. 듣기에서 논리적관계를파악하는능력을기르기위해서는교과서에제시된다양한대화와담화의듣기자료 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 71
를들으면서전체적인맥락과흐름을이해하고내용의논리적관계를유추해보는연습이필요하다. 말하는이가대화나담화에서제시하는 5W1H( 누가, 언제, 어디서, 무엇을, 왜, 어떻게 ) 나대화에서 명시적으로제시되지않은말하는이들의관계나대화장소를추론해보는연습도도움이된다. 빈칸에들어갈말 ( 단어, 구, 절, 문장, 연결어 ) 추론하기 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. When two cultures come into contact, they do not exchange every cultural item. If that were the case, there would be no cultural differences in the world today. Instead, only a small number of cultural elements ever spread from one culture to another. Which cultural item is accepted depends largely on the item s use and compatibility with already existing cultural traits. For example, it is not likely that men s hair dyes designed to get out the gray will spread into parts of rural Africa where a person s status is elevated with advancing years. Even when a(n) is consistent with a society s needs, there is still no guarantee that it will be accepted. For example, most people in the United States using US customary units (e.g., inch, foot, yard, mile, etc.) have resisted adopting the metric system even though making such a change would enable US citizens to interface with the rest of the world more efficiently. [3점] * metric system: 미터법 1 categorization 2 innovation 3 investigation 4 observation 5 specification (2016 학년도수능영어 31 번 ) 글을읽고, 빈칸에들어갈단어를추론해야하는문항이다. 글의핵심적인내용 ( 주제문이나주요세부내용 ) 과글의논리적흐름을이해하여문맥상빈칸에들어갈가장적절한단어를선택한다. 다양한소재의글을대상으로전체글을빠르게읽어가면서글의중심내용과전체적흐름을정확하게파악하는연습이필요하다. 빈칸에적절한단어를대입하여앞뒤문맥이자연스러운지검토해보는연습도효과적이다. 72 한국교육과정평가원
4) 맥락파악유형맥락파악능력은대화 담화를듣거나글을읽고말하는이나글쓴이의의도나목적을파악하는능력이다. 듣기의맥락파악유형에는말을하는목적, 말하는이의의견이나주장등을파악하는문항이있다. 읽기의맥락파악유형에는글은쓴목적, 글쓴이의주장, 글의분위기나등장인물의심경등을파악하는문항이있다. 맥락파악은평소다양한소재의대화 담화나글을듣거나읽으면서전체적인내용을파악하고, 말하는이나글쓴이가전달하고자하는메시지, 의도, 목적등을추론해보는연습이필요하다. 대화나담화를듣고, 말하는이의의도나목적추론하기 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Hi, Health and Leisure Radio listeners! This is Stacy from Green Fields Farm. I d like to invite you to try one of our farm experience programs. Our walking program takes you on a relaxing tour through the fields of our farm. On the tour, you can feed our animals. Do you want to bring some fresh fruit home with you? Then, try our fruit-picking program. We even have a cheese-making program for you. These are just a few of the programs we offer for your family or company event. To find out more, call us at 213-568-1234 or go to www.greenfieldsfarm.com. We re excited to see you here at our farm experience programs. We know you ll love it here! 1 농장체험프로그램을홍보하려고 2 유산소운동의장점을소개하려고 3 가족여행준비물을안내하려고 4 유제품보관방법을설명하려고 5 저지방식단의중요성을강조하려고 (2017 학년도수능영어 3 번 ) 담화를듣고, 화자가말을하는목적이무엇인지를파악해야하는문항이다. 대화나담화의도입부를통해대화 담화가일어나는상황이나장소그리고대화자의관계를유추해보고전체적맥락과흐름을파악하여화자의의도나대화 담화의목적을추론해본다. 대화 담화에서반복되거나강조되어나타나는핵심단어와표현에유의하여듣는연습도도움이된다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 73
글을읽고필자 ( 글쓴이 ) 의주장파악하기 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? My barely-five-year-old son couldn t go to bed one night until he wrote I love you Mom on a piece of paper. Pajamas on, red crayon in hand, he was very determined. A few mixed-up letters, a couple of crumpled papers, and some help from Daddy later, he handed me his heart on the page. Then, finally, he relaxed enough to fall asleep. Sometimes, saying how you feel just isn t enough. Spoken words are invisible and untouchable. Write it down, however, and you can see it, feel it, hold it, keep it forever. Although we may think it, we can t really give someone our heart. But by writing, we can give someone our heart on a page. A love note is a piece of paper that is a little piece of your heart. Teach your child how to write love notes, and I promise you will have many, many happy returns. * crumpled: 구겨진 1 자녀의활동에동참하여유대감을강화하라. 2 자녀가글을통해마음을표현하도록가르치라. 3 자녀가부모의사랑을느낄수있도록행동하라. 4 자녀에게대화를통해자연스럽게감정을표현하라. 5 자녀의인지능력향상을위해글쓰기교육을하라. (2017 학년도수능 9 월모의평가영어 20 번 ) 글을읽고, 글쓴이의주장을파악해야하는문항이다. 글의목적이나글쓴이의주장을파악하기위해서는글에서일관되게진술되고있는내용을이해해야한다. 읽기에서일관되게진술되고있는내용을파악하는능력을기르기위해서는글의배경등글전체의맥락과흐름을파악하여글쓴이의의도나글의목적을추론해보는연습이필요하다. 이에더하여글쓴이가반복하거나강조하는핵심단어와표현에유의하여읽는연습도글쓴이의의도나글의목적을파악하는데도움이된다. 74 한국교육과정평가원
5) 간접말하기유형간접말하기능력은가상의의사소통상황에대한대화나담화를듣고전체적인맥락과의사소통상황을고려하여가장적절한응답을표현할수있는능력이다. 간접말하기유형에는짧은대화응답과대화응답그리고담화응답문항등이포함된다. 교과서에나오는다양한대화 담화를듣고전체적인흐름과의사소통상황을파악하는연습이필요하다. 교육과정이나교과서의단원목표에서제시하고있는의사소통기능의중요한표현들을학습한다. 대화를듣고, 대화의마지막말에대한적절한응답찾기 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: What s up, John? I just finished my chemistry report. Have you done yours? M: Oh, no! I totally forgot to do it! I ve been so busy lately. When is it due? W: The day after tomorrow. I think you should hurry up. M: 1 Okay. I ll never be late for class again. 2 Right. You ve got lots of time to finish. 3 Really? I d better get started right away. 4 What? I ve already written up the report. 5 I see. I hope you can finish yours by tomorrow. (2017 학년도수능 6 월모의평가영어 2 번 ) 대화를듣고, 해당대화상황에서가장적절한응답이무엇인지파악해야하는문항이다. 이때대화의전체적인맥락과의사소통상황을파악하는것이중요하다. 이를위해교육과정이나교과서단원목표에서제시하고있는의사소통기능의중요한표현들을학습하는것이도움이된다. 대화를들으면서이어지는응답이무엇일지를생각해보고, 어떻게표현하는것이자연스러운지직접표현해보는연습도효과적이다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 75
6) 간접쓰기유형간접쓰기능력은글의전체적인맥락과문장과문장의논리적흐름을파악하여가상의글쓰기에적용할수있는능력이다. 간접쓰기유형으로는글의전체흐름과무관한문장찾기, 주어진문장의적절한위치찾기, 글의순서찾기, 다소긴글을문장으로요약하기등이있다. 인문, 사회, 과학, 예술, 문학, 시사문제등의다양한글을읽으며글의중심내용과전개방식을파악해본다. 글의전체적인흐름과문장과문장간의논리적관계를파악하여글이자연스럽게연결되는지, 글의핵심적인내용이하나의문장으로잘표현되었는지판단해보는연습이효과적이다. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서를찾기 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것을고르시오. Some people make few intentional changes in life. Sure, over time they may get fatter, gather lines, and go gray. (A) They train for marathons, quit smoking, switch fields, write plays, take up the guitar, or learn to tango even if they never danced before in their lives. What is the difference between these two groups of people? (B) But they wear their hair the same way, buy the same brand of shoes, eat the same breakfast, and stick to routines for no reason other than the ease of a comfortable, predictable life. Yet as both research and real life show, many others do make important changes. (C) It s their perspective. People who change do not question whether change is possible or look for reasons they cannot change. They simply decide on a change they want and do what is necessary to accomplish it. Changing, which always stems from a firm decision, becomes job number one. 1 (A) - (C) - (B) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) 3 (B) - (C) - (A) 4 (C) - (A) - (B) 5 (C) - (B) - (A) (2016 학년도수능영어 35 번 ) 글의전체적인맥락을이해하여주어진문장다음에이어질문장들의순서로가장적절한것을찾아야하는문항이다. 이문항에서는문장간문법적연결관계나내용적연결관계를파악하여, 글이전체적으로일관성을가지며, 논리적으로연결될수있도록주어진문장들의순서를정한다. 이를위해글의중심내용을파악한후에, 이어지는문장들에서논리적흐름에따른문장간의연계성을유추하는것이효과적이다. 명시적단서인연결사, 지시어, 대명사등의쓰임뿐아니라내용상의연결을고려하여문제를풀어보는연습을한다. 글의중심내용과논리적전개를이해하는것이중요하기때문에평소에다양한종류의글을읽으면서글의중심내용과전개방식을파악해본다. 76 한국교육과정평가원
7) 문법 어휘유형문법능력은암기를통한문법지식의습득뿐아니라문단의전체적의미나문장간의의미적관련성을고려한문법성판단등과같은적용능력을의미하는것으로알맞은문법형태를주어진보기중에서선택하거나 ( 박스형 ) 잘못사용된문법적표현을찾아내는 ( 밑줄형 ) 유형이있다. 평소에문장을구성하는기본적인문법지식을익히고, 글을구성하는다양한문장구조의특성을학습하는것이효과적이다. 어휘능력은문맥에알맞은어휘를사용하는능력으로문법과마찬가지로박스형과밑줄형유형이있다. 다양한소재의글을읽으며, 글의전체적흐름을빠르게파악하여어휘의의미를유추하되어휘의 1차적, 2차적, 3차적의미까지고려해서문맥에가장적절한의미를생각해보는연습이효과적이다. 이외에대명사와같은지칭어가가리키거나의미하는바를문맥을통해파악하는지칭추론문항도문법 어휘유형에서출제되므로, 이러한유형에대비한학습도필요하다. 문맥을활용하여어휘의의미파악하기 (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? You can t have a democracy if you can t talk with your neighbors about matters of mutual interest or concern. Thomas Jefferson, who had an enduring interest in democracy, came to a similar conclusion. He was prescient in understanding the dangers of (A) concentrated / limited power, whether in corporations or in political leaders or exclusionary political institutions. Direct involvement of citizens was what had made the American Revolution possible and given the new republic vitality and hope for the future. Without that involvement, the republic would die. Eventually, he saw a need for the nation to be (B) blended / subdivided into wards political units so small that everyone living there could participate directly in the political process. The representatives for each ward in the capital would have to be (C) resistant / responsive to citizens organized in this way. A vibrant democracy conducted locally would then provide the active basic unit for the democratic life of the republic. With that kind of involvement, the republic might survive and prosper. (A) (B) (C) 1 concentrated blended resistant 2 concentrated subdivided responsive 3 concentrated subdivided resistant 4 limited subdivided resistant 5 limited blended responsive * prescient: 선견지명이있는 ** vibrant: 활력이넘치는 (2017 학년도수능 9 월모의평가영어 29 번 ) 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 77
박스안의어휘중에서문맥을고려할때잘못사용된어휘를찾는문항이다. 글의요지나주제를 빨리파악하여글의흐름상어색한어휘를찾는다. 어휘의의미를많이암기하는것에그치지말고, 글의중심내용과전체적흐름을고려하여문맥에적절한어휘의의미를유추하는연습이필요하다. 라. 수능 - EBS 연계방식및유형 학습자의학습부담경감을위해도입된 수능-EBS 연계출제정책 에따라영어영역에서는 3가지유형의연계방법을활용하여연계문항들을개발하고있다. 각유형별특징에대해적절하게이해하고학습할때, 수능영어영역에대한효율적인대비가가능할것이다. 이하에서는각유형별특징과사례를제시한다. 1) 지문활용유형 지문활용유형은수능 -EBS 연계교재에수록된다양한분야의지문을직접사용하여문항을 개발하는유형이다. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오. The creativity that children possess needs to be cultivated throughout their development. Research suggests that overstructuring the child s environment may actually limit creative and academic development. This is a central problem with much of science instruction. The exercises or activities are devised to eliminate different options and to focus on predetermined results. The answers are structured to fit the course assessments, and the wonder of science is lost along with cognitive intrigue. We define cognitive intrigue as the wonder that stimulates and intrinsically motivates an individual to voluntarily engage in an activity. The loss of cognitive intrigue may be initiated by the sole use of play items with predetermined conclusions and reinforced by rote instruction in school. This is exemplified by toys, games, and lessons that are a(n) in and of themselves and require little of the individual other than to master the planned objective. [3점] * rote : 기계적인암기 1 end 2 input 3 puzzle 4 interest 5 alternative (2017 학년도수능영어 31 번 ) 78 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 문맥상낱말의쓰임이적절하지않은것은? The creativity that children possess needs to be cultivated throughout their development. Research suggests that overstructuring the child s environment may actually 1 limit creative and academic development. This is a central problem with much of science instruction. The exercises or activities are devised to 2 eliminate different options and to focus on predetermined results. The answers are structured to fit the course assessments, and the wonder of science is 3 appreciated along with cognitive intrigue. We define cognitive intrigue as the wonder that stimulates and intrinsically motivates an individual to voluntarily engage in an activity. The loss of cognitive intrigue may be initiated by the sole use of play items with predetermined conclusions and 4 reinforced by rote instruction in school. This is exemplified by toys, games, and lessons that are an end in and of themselves and require 5 little of the individual other than to master the planned objective. *predetermine 미리정하다 **rote 암기 (2017 학년도수능완성영어 30 쪽 2 번 ) 2017 학년도수능영어 31번은 2017 학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능완성영어 의 30쪽에수록된 2번지문을활용하여빈칸추론문항으로개발한것이다. 수능완성영어 에수록된지문에서는지나치게구조화된학습환경이오히려아이들의창의력을저해한다는내용을다루고있다. 빈칸추론문항은정해진결론에집중하는것자체가목적이되어서는안된다는지문의핵심내용의예시에해당하는부분이다. 따라서이러한유형에대비하기위해서는 EBS 연계교재지문의핵심내용과그러한핵심내용을뒷받침하는사항들을명확하게이해하는학습을할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 79
2) 핵심제제 논지활용유형 핵심제재 논지활용유형은수능 - EBS 연계교재의지문과주제, 요지, 소재가유사한지문을 활용하여문항을개발하는방법이다. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것을고르시오. The film director, as compared to the theater director, has as his material, the finished, recorded celluloid. This material from which his final work is composed consists not of living men or real landscapes, not of real, actual stage-sets, but only of their images, recorded on separate strips that can be shortened, altered, and assembled according to his will. The elements of reality are fixed on these pieces; by combining them in his selected sequence, shortening and lengthening them according to his desire, the director builds up his own filmic time and filmic space. He does not adapt reality, but uses it for the creation of a new reality, and the most characteristic and important aspect of this process is that, in it, laws of space and time invariable and inescapable in work with actuality become obedient. The film assembles from them a new reality proper only to itself. 1 A Reality in the Film Director s Hands 2 The Director s Reality Never Changes 3 Innovative Technology in Film Editing 4 A Filmic World: Lost in Time and Space 5 Film Making: Exploration into the Unknown (2017 학년도수능영어 23 번 ) 80 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? A brief experiment filmed by Soviet director Lev Kuleshov demonstrates a film editing effect. It was a scene consisting of five shots, each taken separately in a different location. When assembled in a particular sequence, they created a of space that had no existence in reality. The film showed a boy approaching a girl, their meeting, the boy pointing to a building in the distance, the two starting off toward the building, and finally both climbing up flights of steps together. The first three shots were photographed in different sections of Moscow. The fourth was a picture of the White House taken from an old American movie. The fifth shot was photographed at the steps of a church in Leningrad. When the shots were joined, places which in actuality are thousands of miles apart were brought together and made to look as though they were concentrated in a small area that could be covered in a few paces by the actors. 1 lack 2 unity 3 surplus 4 division 5 hierarchy (2017 학년도수능특강영어 71 쪽 3 번 ) 2017학년도수능영어 23번은 2017학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강영어 의 71쪽 3번지문과유사한소재의지문을활용하여제목추론문항으로개발한것이다. 수능특강영어 에수록된지문은 영화의편집이공간인식에미치는효과 를기술하고있다. 한편, 2017 학년도수능영어 23번은 영화감독이편집을통하여현실적인시공간을넘어새로운영화적시공간을창조한다 는내용이다. 두개의지문은 영화적시공간을창조하는영화편집 이라는공통의소재와주제를담고있다. 따라서이러한유형에대비하기위해서는 EBS 연계교재지문의주제, 요지, 소재와유사한다양한글을읽고이해하는학습을할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 81
3) 개념 원리활용유형 개념 원리활용유형은영어과교육과정에제시된문장구조나어휘에대한이해와적용능력을 측정하기위해수능 -EBS 연계교재의지문을활용하는방법이다. 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? If an animal is innately programmed for some type of behaviour, then there 1 are likely to be biological clues. It is no accident that fish have bodies which are streamlined and 2 smooth, with fins and a powerful tail. Their bodies are structurally adapted for moving fast through the water. Similarly, if you found a dead bird or mosquito, you could guess by looking at 3 its wings that flying was its normal mode of transport. However, we must not be over-optimistic. Biological clues are not essential. The extent to which they are 4 finding varies from animal to animal and from activity to activity. For example, it is impossible to guess from their bodies that birds make nests, and, sometimes, animals behave in a way quite contrary to 5 what might be expected from their physical form: ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short threads. To a human observer, their legs seem a great hindrance as they spin and move about the web. (2017 학년도수능 6 월모의평가영어 28 번 ) 82 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한 것은? If an animal is innately programmed for some type of behavior, then there are likely to be biological clues. It is no accident that fish have bodies which are streamlined and smooth, with fins and a powerful tail. Their bodies are structurally adapted for moving fast through the water. Similarly, if you found a dead bird or mosquito, you could guess by looking at its wings that flying was its normal mode of transport. However, we must not be over-optimistic. Biological clues are not essential. The extent to which they are found varies from animal to animal and from activity to activity. For example, it is impossible to guess from their bodies that birds make nests, and, sometimes, animals behave in a way quite contrary to what might be expected from their physical form: ghost spiders have tremendously long legs, yet they weave webs out of very short strands. To a human observer, their legs seem a great hindrance as they spin and move about the web. ê It is said that animals (A) indicate(s) their innate behaviors, but such a generalization is too hasty because sometimes their actual behaviors and physical forms show (B). (A) (B) 1 feeding habits consistency 2 geographical distribution mismatch 3 geographical distribution consistency 4 biological features mismatch 5 biological features harmony (2017 학년도수능특강영어독해연습 134 쪽 10 번 ) 2017학년도수능 6월모의평가영어 28번은 2017학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강영어독해연습 의 134쪽 10번지문을활용하여어법문항으로개발한것이다. 수능특강영어독해연습 에수록된지문은 동물의신체형태와행동의관계 라는핵심내용을요약하는문항이다. 2017학년도수능 6월모의평가영어 28번은기존의요약문항을 주어서술어의수일치, be 동사의보어, 대명사의수, 능동-수동, 관계사 등의문법사항을묻고있다. 이러한유형에대비하기위해서는문장을구성하는기본적인영어문법지식과글을구성하는다양한문장구조의특성을학습한뒤주어진글의맥락을고려하여문법성을판단하는연습을할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 83
(A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? When teachers work in isolation, they tend to see the world through one set of eyes their own. The fact that there might be someone somewhere in the same building or district who may be more successful at teaching this or that subject or lesson is (A) based / lost on teachers who close the door and work their way through the school calendar virtually alone. In the absence of a process that (B) allows / forbids them to benchmark those who do things better or at least differently, teachers are left with that one perspective their own. I taught various subjects under the social studies umbrella and had very little idea of how my peers who taught the same subject did what they did. The idea of meeting regularly to compare notes, plan common assessments, and share what we did well (C) mostly / never occurred to us. Rather, we spent much time in the social studies office complaining about a lack of time and playing the blame game. (A) (B) (C) 1 based allows never 2 based forbids mostly 3 lost allows mostly 4 lost allows never 5 lost forbids never (2017 학년도수능영어 29 번 ) 84 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? When teachers work in isolation, they tend to see the world through one set of eyes their own. The fact that there might be someone somewhere in the same building or district who may be more successful at teaching this or that subject or lesson is lost on teachers who close the door and work their way through the school calendar virtually alone. In the absence of a process that allows them to benchmark those who do things better or at least differently, teachers are left with that one perspective their own. I taught various subjects under the social studies umbrella and had very little idea of how my peers who taught the same subject did what they did. The idea of meeting regularly to compare notes, plan common assessments, and share what we did well never occurred to us. Rather, we spent much time in the social studies office complaining about a lack of time and playing the blame game. 1 Learn from Other Teachers 2 Learn to Apologize for Your Mistakes 3 Good Teachers Practice What They Preach 4 Try to Give Positive Signs to Your Students 5 Teachers Should Believe in Every Student s Potential (2017 학년도수능특강영어독해연습 203 쪽 2 번 ) 2017 학년도수능영어 29번은 2017 학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강영어독해연습 의 203쪽 2번지문을활용하여어휘문항으로개발한것이다. 수능특강영어독해연습 에수록된지문은 교사들간의교류의필요성 에대한글로제목을추론하는문항이다. 2017학년도수능영어 29번은 고립된상황에놓인교사는자신보다더나은교사가있다는사실을모른다, 벤치마킹할수있는과정의부재로좁은시각을갖는다, 그리고 의견이나정보의교환등을하지않았다 등의주요내용과관련된핵심어휘를묻는문항이다. 이러한유형에대비하기위해서는주어진글의전체적흐름을빠르게파악하고, 주어진어휘의다양한의미를고려하면서글의흐름에적합한어휘의의미를유추하는연습을할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 85
4) 자료활용유형 자료활용유형은수능 -EBS 연계교재에서사용된시각자료 ( 그림또는도표등 ) 를활용하여 문항을개발하는방법이다. 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. M: Hello, Ms. Miller. I m Joshua s father. W: Hi, Mr. Smith. Thanks for coming to our parent-teacher meeting. M: It s nice to meet you. This room looks great. Wow! Look at the wall. W: You know, Joshua loves the elephant between the lion and the panda. M: Does he like the mobile hanging from the ceiling, too? W: He does. The children made it together. M: They did a wonderful job. That toy dinosaur next to the bookshelf looks good. W: Oh, I put it there because the children have been learning about dinosaurs. M: That sounds fun. There are two boxes under the Christmas tree. What are they for? W: They re presents for the class. We ve got some candies for the kids. M: Aha. The Christmas tree is decorated so nicely. The star on top of the tree looks very pretty. W: Thanks. The meeting will start soon. Let s go upstairs, Mr. Smith. (2017 학년도수능영어 6 번 ) 86 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. M: Good morning. I m Joshua s father. W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Thank you for coming to the meeting today. M: Wow, the hall is decorated beautifully. That big dinosaur in the middle looks great. W: The children at our kindergarten made it together. They also made those stars hanging from the ceiling. M: Really? They look really nice. W: Do you see the painting on the wall over there? M: Yes. Did Joshua paint it together? W: Yes. He painted the elephant in the middle. Joshua s good at painting. M: Thank you. What are those cards attached to the tree? W: They are thank-you cards our children wrote to their parents. You can go and read Joshua s. M: I m curious about what he wrote. [Pause] Did the children make those paper flowers, too? I mean the ones on the table. W: Yes, they did. Oh, the meeting will start soon. Let s go upstairs, Mr. Smith. (2017 학년도수능완성영어 91 쪽 6 번 ) 2017 학년도수능영어 6 번그림일치문항은 2017 학년도수능 -EBS 연계교재중 수능완성 영어 의 91 쪽에수록된 6 번문항의그림을활용하여개발한것이다. 수능완성영어 에수록된 문항은유치원을방문한 Joshua 의아버지와유치원선생님의대화에등장하는유치원실내의모습 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 87
내용과일치하지않는그림을찾는것이다. 2017학년도수능영어 6번은 EBS 연계교재문항의그림과유사하게유치원의실내를구성한그림과대화를제시하고있다. 이러한유형에대비하기위해서는 EBS 연계교재에그림이나도표등에제시된주요사항을빠르게검토하고, 제시된대화또는담화에서묘사된사항과의일치여부를판단하는연습을할필요가있다. 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? The two pie charts above show how much of the information found using search engines is considered to be accurate or trustworthy by two groups of respondents (AP & NWP teachers and U.S. adult search users) in 2012. 1 As for AP & NWP teachers, five percent say that All / Almost all of the information found using search engines is accurate or trustworthy, while 28 percent of U.S. adult search users say the same. 2 The largest percentage of both AP & NWP teachers and U.S. adult search users answer that Most of the information is accurate or trustworthy. 3 In addition, 40 percent of AP & NWP teachers say that Some of the information is accurate or trustworthy, and more than 30 percent of U.S. adult search users respond the same. 4 U.S. adult search users saying that Very little / None of the information found using search engines is accurate or trustworthy account for less than five percent. 5 The percentage of U.S. adult search users who answer Don t know is only one percent. (2017 학년도수능영어 24 번 ) 88 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? Accuracy or Trustworthiness of the Information Found Using Search Engines The graph above shows how accurate or trustworthy respondents considered the information found using search engines in 2012. 1 As for teachers who taught advanced placement (AP) courses and were part of the National Writing Project (NWP), only five percent said all or almost all of the information they found via search engines was accurate or trustworthy. 2 The percentage of teachers who said some of the information they found via search engines was accurate or trustworthy was exactly two-fifths. 3 The largest percentage of both teachers and U.S. adult search users said that most of the information was accurate or trustworthy. 4 The percentage of U.S. adult search users who said all or almost all of the information they found via search engines was accurate or trustworthy was more than one-third. 5 The percentage of U.S. adult search users who answered very little/none was four times as large as that of U.S. adult search users who answered don t know. (2017 학년도수능완성영어 43 쪽 4 번 ) 2017학년도수능영어 24번도표일치문항은 2017학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능완성영어 의 43쪽에수록된 4번문항의도표를활용하여개발한것이다. 수능완성영어 에수록된문항은 검색엔진을사용하여찾은정보의정확성또는신뢰성 에대한인식을바차트의형식으로제시하고바차트에제시된내용을기술하고있다. 한편 2017 학년도수능영어 24번은같은내용의도표를파이차트로변형하고차트에제시된내용을기술하고있다. 이러한유형에대비하기위해서는비교, 대조등을나타내는영어구문에대한지식을익히고 EBS 연계교재에그림이나도표등에제시된주요사항이정확하게기술되어있는지를판단하는연습을할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 89
가. 시험의성격 한국사영역시험은고등학교졸업자가한국사에대해어느정도소양을갖추었는지를검증하기위해한국사기본지식의이해정도와역사적사고력을종합적으로평가하는시험이다. 한국사영역의평가는이에따라고등학교한국사교육의정상화에기여할수있도록한국사교육과정의내용과수준에맞추어학교에서학습한지식과사고력을평가한다. 나. 평가목표 한국사영역시험은역사지식의이해, 연대기적사고, 역사상황및쟁점의인식, 역사탐구의설계및수행, 역사자료의분석과해석, 역사적상상과판단등 6가지평가요소를고르게측정한다. 대학수학능력시험한국사영역에서는지식의탐색과정을묻는탐구형문항을중심으로출제하되, 탐구의전제가되는기본적인지식이나개념또는탐구의결과로산출되는지식이나개념을묻는문항도함께출제한다. 각행동영역별문항의특징을소개하면다음과같다. 역사지식의이해 역사학습에필요한기본적인사실기억하기 사실간의관계, 용어, 개념을이해하기 연대기적사고 역사의연속성과변화및발전을이해하기 역사사건이나상황의시간순서및인과관계를파악하기 역사상황및쟁점의인식 복합적인역사적사실이나역사적상황을인식하기 역사적인갈등관계속에내재된주장이나쟁점을인식하기 역사탐구의설계및수행 역사문제의해결을위한질문을선정하기 역사탐구의절차제시와적합한사료수집및방법을선택하기 절차와방법에따라역사탐구를수행하기 90 한국교육과정평가원
역사자료의분석과해석 역사자료에담겨있는핵심내용과정보를분석하기 역사자료의분석을통한역사적사실을추론하기 역사자료의시대적배경과사회적의미를해석하기 역사적상상과판단 주어진사실이나자료를토대로있을법한역사적상황을추론하기 당시의상황을고려하여역사적사실이나행위의적절성을판단하기 다. 학습방법 한국사의주요사건과개념을이해한다. - 역사학습에필요한기본적이면서도중요한사실, 개념을기억하기 - 사실간의관계, 용어, 개념을이해하기 역사학습에필요한중요한개념이해하기 조선후기상품화폐경제의발전을가져온대동법과관련된설명으로옳은것은? 1 서원의특권을폐지하였다. 2 수확량의절반을농민에게거두었다. 3 현직관리에게만토지를나누어주었다. 4 특산물대신쌀등을세금으로거두었다. 5 군역을면제받던양반에게도군포를거두었다. ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 대동법은조선후기의경제발전과사회변화를이해하는데필요한핵심용어이다. 조선정부는지역마다특산물을공물로납부하게하였다. 특산물로공물을납부하면서방납의폐단이생기게되자, 조선정부는토지를기준으로하여쌀이나베, 동전등으로납부하게하는대동법을실시하게된다. 대동법을시행하면서정부는공인을통해필요한물품을구입했으며, 그과정에서상품화폐경제가발전하였다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 91
한국사에서는주요용어에관해서관련교과목내용영역의개념들을서로관련지어이해하는 것이중요하므로학습과정에서충분한연습이이루어지도록해야한다. 역사의변화와연속성에대하여이해한다. - 역사적사건의흐름파악하기 - 역사적사건의원인과결과의연관성을파악하기 역사적사건의흐름파악하기 ( 가 ) 시기에일어난사건으로옳은것은? 1 강화도조약체결 3 갑신정변발생 5 을사조약체결 2 조 미수호통상조약체결 4 청 일전쟁발발 ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은동학농민운동의흐름과청일전쟁발발의관계를이해하는지묻고있다. 동학농민군은청과일본이개입한다는소식을듣고정부와전주화약을체결하였다. 하지만일본이청을기습공격하면서청 일전쟁이일어났으며, 동학농민군은일본을몰아내기위해다시봉기해서우금치전투를벌이게된다. 92 한국교육과정평가원
과같이중요한사건의원인과경과, 결과에대해전체적인줄거리중심으로이해한다면 굳이세부적인시점을외우지않아도문항을해결할수있다. 따라서연도나순서의단순암기가 아닌역사적자료와증거를활용한논리적이해가효과적이다. 역사적상황을인식한다. - 현재남아있는유물이나유적, 사료등을통하여당시의사회모습을인식하기 유물을통해당시의사회모습을인식하기 다음도구가제작되기시작했던시기의사회모습으로옳은것은? 1 율령이반포되었다. 2 농경생활을하였다. 3 고인돌이만들어졌다. 4 비파형동검이사용되었다. 5 동맹이라는제천행사가행해졌다. ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은선사시대의대표적유물사진을통해해당시기의모습을묻고있다. 제시된사진은모두신석기시대의대표적유물이다. 왼쪽유물은넓적한돌위에둥근돌을올려놓은, 갈판과갈돌이고, 이돌들은곡식을가는데사용되었다. 오른쪽유물은바닥이뾰족한빗살무늬토기로, 이토기는곡식을저장하거나조리하는데사용되었다. 두유물모두신석기시대농경생활과관련이있다. 역사학습에서는각시대의특성을이해하는것이중요하다. 시대마다그시대를대표하는중요한유물이있다. 그러한유물이무엇인지알고, 그유물의쓰임새와당시의사회모습을연관지어공부하는것이좋다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 93
역사적시대상황을비교하여이해한다. - 다른시대의역사자료를통해두시대의사회모습을서로비교하여변화된모습을파악하기 - 역사의연속성과변화및발전이해하기 다른시대의역사자료를통해두시대의사회모습을서로비교하기 다음자료를통해알수있는 ( 가 ), ( 나 ) 시기의일반적인사회모습으로가장적절한것은? ( 가 ) 재판을맡은손변이 부모의마음은어느자식에게나다같은법이다. 어찌성장하여이미결혼한딸에게만잘해주고, 어머니도없는어린아들에게는매정하게하겠는가? 라고타일렀다. 잘못을깨달은누이와동생이서로껴안고울었다. 마침내남매에게재산을반씩나누어주었다. - 고려사 - ( 나 ) 우리집안은일찍이사위와외손자가제사를지내지않는것을원칙으로하였다. 딸은부모를모시지않고제사도지내지않으니어찌재산을아들과똑같이나눌수있겠는가? 딸은삼분의일만주어도된다. - 조선시대부안김씨고문서 - 1 ( 가 ) - 아들을딸보다우대하였다. 2 ( 가 ) - 아들과딸에게차별없이재산을분배하였다. 3 ( 나 ) - 아들과딸이부모의제사를돌아가며맡았다. 4 ( 나 ) - 딸이재산을상속받으면제사를지내야만했다. 5 ( 가 ), ( 나 ) - 남성중심의가족질서가정착되었다. ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은고려와조선의가족제도를비교하는문항이다. 고려시대는가족내의남성과여성의지위가비교적대등하였고, 자료에서볼수있듯이재산도아들과딸에게균등하게상속되었다. 그러나성리학을통치이념으로삼은조선이건국되면서가족제도에도성리학적질서가적용되었다. 그결과자료에나타난것과같이재산상속과제사가남성위주로변화하는등조선중기이후에는부계중심의가족제도가사회적으로확산되기에이른다. 역사학습에서는특정한시기에지속적으로나타나는시대상황을파악하는것이매우중요하다. 역사에서사상이나제도는일정기간지속되다가어느시점에이르러변화되곤한다. 사례를통해어떤사상이나제도가유지되는원리와그것이변화되는계기를알아보는것이좋은학습방법이다. 94 한국교육과정평가원
역사탐구에적합한방법을찾아탐구활동을수행한다. - 역사와관련된중요한질문에대한탐구방법을계획하기 - 관련된자료를찾아탐구활동을수행하기 관련된자료를찾아서탐구활동을수행하기 다음은수행평가보고서의개요이다. ( 가 ) 에들어갈내용으로가장적절한것은? 1. 탐구주제 : 전쟁의진행과결과 2. 해당시기 : 1950 1953 년 3. 수집자료 - 북한의남침을규탄하는유엔관련자료 - ( 가 ) - 군인및민간인사망자통계자료 - 한 미상호방위조약의내용 4. 자료분석결과 - 전쟁은북한의남침으로시작되었다. - 유엔군의참전으로전세가역전되었다. - 전쟁으로수많은인명피해가발생하였다. - 휴전이후미국과의동맹관계가강화되었다. 1 인천상륙작전사진 3 베트남파병관련신문기사 5 모스크바 3 국외상회의의결정사항 2 5 10 총선거포스터 4 대한민국임시정부의활동내용 ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은 대한민국의발전과현대세계의변화 단원에해당하는내용으로, 6 25 전쟁의진행과결과에대한탐구활동을묻고있다. 6 25 전쟁의진행과결과에대해탐구하기위해서는관련된자료를찾아야한다. 인천상륙작전은 6 25 전쟁의전세를바꾼중요한사실이기때문에이에대한사진은수행평가보고서의수집자료로적합하다. 탐구는알고자하는주제에대한질문을하는것으로시작한다. 질문에대한해답을얻기위해서는조사하는방법을결정하고계획과절차에따라서탐구활동을수행해야한다. 학교수행평가과제에대해계획을수립하여해결하는것도좋은학습방법이다. 역사의내용만이아니라역사를연구하는방법에대해서도관심을가지는것이좋다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 95
역사자료의핵심내용을분석한다. - 역사자료의핵심내용을파악하기 - 역사자료가나오게된시대적배경을분석하기 - 자료분석을통하여역사적사실추론하기 자료분석을통하여역사적사실추론하기 ( 가 ) 의시기에나타난경제변화의원인에대한분석으로가장적절한것은? <1 인당국민소득변화 > 1 농지개혁으로자작농이늘어났다. 2 서울올림픽이경제에긍정적인영향을끼쳤다. 3 한류의열풍으로한국제품의인기가높아졌다. 4 금모으기운동등으로외환위기를극복하였다. 5 경제개발 5개년계획에따라수출산업이육성되었다. ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은그래프에나타난국민소득변화의원인을묻고있다. 제시된그래프를보면 1970~1978 년에 1인당국민소득이이전시기에비해급속하게증가하였고, 특히 1인당국민소득이 1,000 달러를돌파하였다. 이시기에는경제개발 5개년계획으로수출산업을육성하여 1인당국민소득이 5배이상증가하는등급속한경제성장을할수있었다. 한국사영역에서는사료뿐만아니라통계, 사진, 그림등다양한자료가활용된다. 각각의자료를역사적배경이나의미와연결지어이해하는것이필요하다. 특히그래프나통계는시기별변화를파악하기에좋은자료이다. 통계자료를통해역사적상황이나사회적변화를이해해보는것도좋은학습방법이다. 96 한국교육과정평가원
역사자료를통해개연성있는상황을상상하거나역사속에나타난주장이나행위의적절성을판단한다. - 역사자료를통해당시의상황을상상하거나그상상의적절성을판단하기 - 주장의근거를역사속에서찾아보기 - 역사적상황을고려하여주장이나행위의적절성을판단하기 역사적상황을고려하여주장이나행위의적절성을판단하기 밑줄친ᄀ의주장을반박하기위한방안으로가장적절한것은? ᄀ북위 37도 9분 30초, 동경 131도 55분, 오키섬에서서북 85리에있는무인도는다른나라가점유했다고인정할만한증거가없다. 지난 1903년이래나카이라는자가이섬에서어업에종사한바, ( 중략 ) 이섬을본국소속으로하고시마네현에서관할하도록한다. -일본내각회의결정, 1905-1 백두산정계비와관련된자료를찾아서발표한다. 2 대한제국이파견한간도관리사의활동을조사한다. 3 관련사료를통해독도가우리의고유영토임을밝힌다. 4 강화도조약의내용을분석하여불평등조약임을강조한다. 5 고구려, 발해에대한자료를수집하여동북공정을비판한다. ( 문항유형으로알아보는 2017 학년도대학수학능력시험한국사학습안내 ) 이문항은일본의허구적인독도영유권주장을반박하는근거를역사속에서찾아제시할수있는지를묻고있다. 자료는 1905년에일본이독도를주인없는땅이라주장하며일본영토로편입시키고자한일본내각회의결정문이다. 일본의무주지선점주장을반박하기위해서는이미주인이있었다는증거가최선의반박논리가될것이다. 이를위해서는독도가우리나라영토로기록되어있는 삼국사기, 세종실록지리지, 신증동국여지승람 등과같은사료를검토해서구체적근거를찾아보는방안이가장적절하다. 한국사영역에서는역사학습을통해서가치판단이따르는문제에대해합리적인결정과판단을할수있는지를묻는문항이출제될수있다. 이러한문항에대해서는개별사실만보지말고여러가지사실을묶어서종합적인결론을내리거나주어진조건에서합당한결정은무엇일지생각해보는것이좋은학습방법이다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 97
라. 수능- EBS 연계방식및유형 1) 개념 원리활용유형 한국사영역에서개념 원리활용유형은수능-EBS 연계교재본문과자료에소개된개념이나원리를활용하거나, 문항을변형하되정답을찾는데필요한핵심적인개념과원리는그대로연계하여문항을개발하는유형이다. ( 가 ) 에들어갈내용으로가장적절한것은? 1 발해와당사이의외교 2 통일신라와서역의교류 3 고려에서유행한몽골의풍속 4 삼국과가야문화의일본전파 5 조선의여진에대한교린정책 (2017 학년도수능한국사 4 번 ) 98 한국교육과정평가원
EBS 연계부분 삼국 가야문화의일본전파 고구려수산리벽화와유사한다카마쓰고분벽화를통해고구려회화가일본에영향을끼쳤음을알수있다. 또한일본에한반도의금동미륵보살반가사유상과모습이흡사한고류사목조미륵보살반가사유상이남아있다. 이처럼삼국과가야는일찍부터왜에선진문화를전해주어일본고대문화의형성과발전에영향을끼쳤다. (2017 학년도수능특강한국사 17 쪽 ) 2017 학년도수능한국사 4번문항은 2017 학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강한국사 의 17쪽에수록된 삼국 가야문화의일본전파 에대한내용을활용하여개발한문항이다. 수능특강한국사 의 17쪽에수록된 삼국 가야문화의일본전파 에대한설명은한국사교육과정과 8종교과서에서기본적으로다루고있는개념에관한것이다. 따라서이러한유형에대비하기위해서는고등학교한국사교육과정, 교과서, EBS 연계교재에서설명하고있는한국사의기본적인개념과원리를깊이있게학습할필요가있다. 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 99
2) 자료 지문활용유형 한국사영역에서자료 지문활용유형은수능 -EBS 연계교재에소개된자료나지문또는문항의 자료나지문을전부또는부분인용, 축소, 확대, 추가하여자료나지문으로활용하는유형이다. 다음정강이발표된시기를연표에서옳게고른것은? [3 점 ] 1 ( 가 ) 2 ( 나 ) 3 ( 다 ) 4 ( 라 ) 5 ( 마 ) (2017 학년도수능한국사 11 번 ) EBS 연계부분 갑신정변때의 14 개조혁신정강 1. 청에잡혀간흥선대원군을곧돌아오게하고, 종래청에대하여행하던조공의허례를폐지한다. 2. 문벌을폐지하여인민평등의권리를세워능력에따라관리를임명한다. 3. 지조법을개혁하여관리의부정을막고백성을보호하며, 국가재정을넉넉하게한다. 12. 모든재정은호조에서통할한다. 13. 대신과참찬은매일합문안의의정부에모여정령을의결하고반포한다. - 김옥균, 갑신일록 - 급진개화파는청의내정간섭과청에의존하려는정부정책에반대하면서 (1 조 ) 인민 평등권제정과능력에따른인재등용 (2 조 ), 지조법개혁 (3 조 ), 호조로재정일원화 (12 조 ), 내각중심의정치실시 (13 조 ) 등을주장하였다. (2017 학년도수능특강한국사 100 쪽 ) 100 한국교육과정평가원
2017 학년도수능한국사 11번문항은 2017 학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강한국사 의 100쪽에수록된본문자료들을활용하여제시문과답지를개발한것이다. 11번문항의제시문은 EBS 본문자료인 갑신정변때의 14개조혁신정강 을변형하여제시하였다. 따라서이러한유형에대비하기위해서는 EBS 연계교재를통해익힌개념을새로운사례들에적용해보는탐구활동을수행할학습할필요가있다. 3) 문항변형유형한국사영역에서문항변형유형은문항이다루는핵심개념이나출제의도는수능-EBS 연계교재의해당문항과일치하되지문이나답지의핵심내용및표현을일부동일하거나유사하게변형하여문항을개발하는유형이다. 다음가상대화의 ( 가 ) 에들어갈내용으로옳은것은? 1 진대법 2 과전법 3 영정법 4 균역법 5 직전법 (2017 학년도수능한국사 9 번 ) 2018 학년도대학수학능력시험대비학습방법안내 101
EBS 연계부분 다음대화의내용과가장관련이깊은것은? 1 조광조의개혁 2 균역법의실시 3 권문세족의반발 4 삼정이정청의설치 5 전민변정도감의개혁추진 (2017 학년도수능특강한국사 77 쪽 4 번 ) 2017 학년도수능한국사 9번문항은 2017 학년도수능-EBS 연계교재중 수능특강한국사 의 77쪽에수록된 4번문항을변형하여개발한것이다. 수능특강한국사 지문의가상대화에서균역법의특징을제시한후균역법을찾도록하였다. 2017 학년도수능 9번문항은가상대화지문과답지를변형하여제시하였다. 따라서이러한유형에대비하기위해서는 EBS 연계교재에나오는지문을이해한후유사한내용이나주제를포함한문항의사례들을학습할필요가있다. 102 한국교육과정평가원